A Vehicular Networking Perspective On Estimating Vehicle Collision Probability at Intersections
A Vehicular Networking Perspective On Estimating Vehicle Collision Probability at Intersections
A Vehicular Networking Perspective On Estimating Vehicle Collision Probability at Intersections
4, MAY 2014
Abstract—Finding viable metrics to assess the effectiveness of but the first application type, i.e., safety, adds further demands
intelligent transportation systems (ITSs) in terms of safety is one such as extremely low transmission latencies combined with
of the major challenges in vehicular networking research. We high communication reliability [6], [7].
aim to provide a metric, i.e., an estimation of the vehicle colli-
sion probability at intersections, that can be used for evaluating With the development and standardization of dedicated short-
intervehicle communication (IVC) concepts. In the last years, the range communication (DSRC) using IEEE 802.11p at the ac-
vehicular networking community reported in several studies that cess level [8], short-range radio broadcast became a viable
safety-enhancing protocols and applications cannot be evaluated complement to cellular communications and one of the pre-
based only on networking metrics such as delays and packet loss ferred technologies for low-latency communications between
rates. We present an evaluation scheme that addresses this need
by quantifying the probability of a future crash, depending on vehicles in close vicinity. DSRC promises to reduce accidents
the situation in which a vehicle is receiving a beacon message by enabling novel support systems. Within this scope, a wide
[e.g., a cooperative awareness message (CAM) or a basic safety range of applications has been identified, from emergency
message (BSM)]. Thus, our criticality metric also allows for fully braking systems for highways [9] to more radical innovations
distributed situation assessment. We investigate the impact of such as virtual traffic lights [10], [11].
safety messaging between cars approaching an intersection using
a modified road traffic simulator that allows selected vehicles to One of these applications is intersection collision warning
disregard traffic rules. As a direct result, we show that simple bea- systems (ICWSs), which can offer real-time warnings up to
coning is not as effective as anticipated in suburban environments. fully automated reactions [12]–[14]. The benefit of such sys-
More profoundly, however, our simulation results reveal more tems has already been investigated thoroughly using driving
details about the timeliness (regarding the criticality assessment) simulators. In 2009, Chang et al. have shown that audio-based
of beacon messages, and as such, they can be used to develop more
sophisticated beaconing solutions. ICWSs are able to reduce drivers’ reaction time and hence
reduce the accident rate [12], e.g., for young inexperienced
Index Terms—Vehicle safety, vehicular ad hoc networks, wire- drivers. The impact of different warning systems has been
less communication.
studied in [15], and each investigated type clearly indicates
a substantial safety advantage. These early results show the
potential of ICWSs as the number of intersection crashes could
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07:06:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
work) we approach this problem from the wireless networking [4], [20]. In the vehicular networking community, approaches
perspective. clearly outperforming simple beaconing in terms of channel
Two issues have routinely been overlooked in the past. First, load or information dissemination range have been proposed.
networking-related metrics often do not reveal the quality of DV-Cast [23] aims at mitigating the broadcast storm problem
ITS-based solutions [2]. Second, the gap between application by rebroadcasting first (and hopefully only) from the vehicles
requirements and networking concepts needs to be closed [22]. farthest from the original sender. The protocol can also switch
In particular, in most vehicular ad hoc network studies on between relaying and opportunistic forwarding depending on
safety and safety applications, the performance of the appli- the estimated advantages. An initial work on adaptive beacon-
cations was not measured through safety metrics, although the ing is Adaptive Traffic Beacon [3], which continuously adapts
final goal of these applications is to investigate the benefit that to the available channel capacity by modifying the beaconing
they are able to provide for the driver and not delay or packet interval. Beaconing and adaptive changes of the beaconing
loss. Therefore, we believe that it is important that future pro- interval have also been investigated in many other publications
posals are not analyzed with network metrics such as latency, [18], [19].
goodput, or dissemination area, but that studies concentrate Based on these studies, decentralized congestion control
on safety metrics [2], answering more relevant questions such (DCC) has been suggested in ETSI ITS-G5 to cope with
as how many crashes can be avoided, and can the impact of congestion problems [24], [25], and more advanced dynamic
crashes be significantly reduced? Accordingly, we develop new beaconing approaches have been proposed [5]. Nevertheless,
safety metrics and show in this paper, which extends earlier optimizations in this network-specific domain are not the focus
work presented in [7], how these reflect the performance of of this paper.
simple beaconing based communications. When looking at the communication perspective of inter-
Our main contributions can be summarized as follows. section applications, most approaches did not evaluate their
• Collision probability estimation. We built upon the ini- communication systems using safety metrics [10], [11], [26].
tial coarse-risk classification that we presented in [7] to Le et al. looked at the busy time fraction of DSRC systems
develop a more comprehensive estimation of criticality, for intersection safety [26] using a simplified radio propagation
which is now expressed as collision probability. This model that uses only a fixed unit-disk communication range.
probability is a quantitative measure of the criticality of A detailed study on communication requirements for crash
intersection approach situations (see Section III). avoidance applications has been published in [27]. The authors
• Integration into a road traffic simulator. We developed changed collision-free vehicle traces by artificially injecting
a simulation environment that enables the (collision-free) collisions with constant velocity to evaluate their protocol in
road traffic simulator SUMO to support vehicles that se- terms of crash mitigation possibilities. However, simplifying
lectively ignore traffic rules; we further integrated the pos- assumptions such as idealistic radio signal propagation and
sibility of detecting the resulting crashes or near crashes not considering low-speed collisions (< 7 m/s) limit the con-
(see Section IV). tribution for intersection safety applications. We go one step
• Validation of the probability estimation. We carefully eval- further and evaluate the ICWS with new safety metrics that
uated our collision probability using measurements from a are based on the collision probability of two approaching
high number of simulated intersection approaches, using vehicles.
lane geometry imported from OpenStreetMap (presented Tang and Yip [28] investigated timings for collision avoid-
in Section V-A). Using two simple example models, we ance systems assuming DSRC transmission delays of 25 and
show how our mathematical approach can be adapted to 300 ms in normal and poorer channel conditions, respectively.
capture different driver behaviors (see Section V-B and C). They introduced the time-to-avoid collision metric, which rep-
• Implications on vehicular networking concepts: We study resents the time from detecting a potential collision to the point
the impact of beaconing for the transmission of safety of barely avoiding a collision and concentrated on the events
messages in non-line-of-sight scenarios, investigating the (when to warn a driver early and latest, reaction of the driver,
timeliness (regarding the criticality assessment) of beacon and different deceleration rates) within this time interval. This
messages. Our results indicate that simple beaconing is metric is definitely a good possibility for comparing informa-
not as effective as anticipated in suburban environments; tion dissemination protocols for intersection safety; however,
further insights can be used to develop more sophisticated the point in time for detecting a potential collision has not
CAM/BSM beaconing solutions (see Section V-D). been defined explicitly, and their analysis is limited to two fixed
transmission delays, which in reality will vary.
Research that focuses on estimating, predicting, and/or re-
ducing the likelihood of crashes at an intersection provides
This paper focuses on collision avoidance at intersections as various approaches to model intersection approaching vehi-
one application of ITS; hence, it touches on not only communi- cles. This research goes as far as to include threat assessment
cations issues but also on research areas such as control theory, for avoiding arbitrary collisions with bicycles. For this, lat-
transportation science, and road traffic engineering. eral and longitudinal movements and vehicle dynamics have
Starting with the communication perspective, we investigate been modeled [29], yet communication aspects have not been
the possibilities of intersection safety applications using sim- investigated. Lefèvre et al. [30] point out that risk assess-
ple beaconing strategies as currently proposed in standards ment at intersections is possible by comparing intention and
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B. Definition of Collision Probability Fig. 3. Example of a triangular acceleration probability distribution con-
ditioned on the present acceleration (solid line) compared with a uniform
If we integrate over all possible trajectories TA and TB of distribution (dashed line).
two approaching vehicles, we can define the probability PC of
a collision at an intersection as straint, every trajectory T can be identified by a tuple (a, v, d),
and we can define a new function coll(·, ·) analogous to (2) but
PC = p(TA , TB ) coll (TA , TB ) dTA dTB . (3) only depending on these values. Hence, we can calculate PC by
integrating over the interval amin and amax for both vehicles as
The function p(TA , TB ) gives the probability that the trajecto- amax amax
⎛⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤⎞
aA aB
ries TA and TB are chosen and hence provides the possibility of
PC = p(aB ) p(aA ) coll ⎝⎣ vA ⎦ , ⎣ vB ⎦⎠ daA daB .
modeling different kinds of driver behavior. In particular, this
amin amin dA dB
general definition of the collision probability does not assume
the two chosen trajectories to be independent of each other.
Moreover, our calculated collision probability does not distin- The behavior of drivers, i.e., how likely it is that a driver
guish situations where a crash has happened already (which is chooses a certain acceleration, can now be modeled by defining
called a bad set in [34]) and a future crash is unavoidable (which the distribution of accelerations. In the following, we present
is called a capture set in [34]); PC will in both situations be two possible simple distributions to give an idea of their impact
100%. In the following, we continue with a simplified version on collision probability.
of this general approach because, to evaluate communication
strategies for ICWSs, we do not need to model details such
D. Uniform Acceleration Probability Distribution
as lateral movements and/or longitudinal vehicle dynamics, for
example. One simple example is a uniform distribution of all possible
accelerations between amin and amax . We will use this distribu-
tion to demonstrate the applicability of the collision probability
C. General Assumptions
defined in (3). Probability p(a) can be then calculated as
The formulation presented is very general and has high
expressive power. However, without some additional assump- p(a) = amax −amin , if amin ≤ a ≤ amax (5)
tions, it is hardly tractable. Thus, we now introduce several 0, otherwise
simplifying assumptions that can be selectively relaxed when resulting in
additional insight on a specific issue is needed. As a first ⎛⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤⎞
amax amax
simplification, in the following, we consider only orthogonal aA aB
X-intersection crossings without turning maneuvers. In this PC = coll ⎝⎣ vA ⎦,⎣ vB ⎦⎠ daA daB .
(amax −amin )2
case, a collision happens for two given trajectories if both amin amin dA dB
vehicles are in the potential collision area, i.e., where the ve- (6)
hicles might hit/touch each other [shown in Fig. 1(a) as orange
crosshatched area] at the same time. The size of the potential
E. Towards More Realistic Driver Behavior
collision area depends only on the vehicles widths. Thus, the
times tenter and tleave , i.e., when a vehicle enters and leaves As a uniform acceleration distribution does not account for
the potential collision area of a given trajectory, respectively, the current acceleration of the car, it might not represent typical
can be calculated using the trajectory and the distances denter human driver behavior well. It might be considered more likely
and dleave . The relationship between a sample trajectory TA , that the driver continues to drive with the current acceleration;
the times tenter and tleave , and the distances denter and dleave is similarly, extreme accelerations could be very unlikely. One
shown in Fig. 2. possibility for representing such behavior is to employ a tri-
As a second simplification, we assume that the probabilities angular acceleration probability distribution with lower limit
for the two trajectories TA and TB are independent. Currently, amin , mode acur , and upper limit amax , as shown in Fig. 3.
the literature does not give insight into whether and to what When using this distribution, the collision probability PC can
degree two approaching vehicles might influence the behavior still be calculated using (4).
of each other (causing a driver to accelerate, decelerate, or
swerve). Moreover, we are particularly interested in situations
where the drivers are not aware of each other; hence, the
probability of choosing a certain trajectory does not depend on We conducted an extensive simulation study to validate
the other one. Furthermore, we consider only trajectories with a and evaluate the proposed collision probability estimation. For
constant acceleration between amin and amax . Under this con- this, we used version 2.0 of the vehicular network simulator
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Fig. 6. Comparison of the maximum collision probability per approaching vehicle for all received beacons, which are grouped by the final outcome of the
intersection approach. The results for different beacon intervals are shown. (a) Beacon interval of 0.04 s. (b) Beacon interval of 0.1 s. (c) Beacon interval of 0.5 s.
(d) Beacon interval of 1 s.
Fig. 7. Mean estimated collision probability per bin calculated based on beacons received using a beacon interval of 0.04 s and assuming uniform distribution
of possible trajectories; the dot size represents also the collision probability of the bin by showing large dots for high collision probabilities. (a) C RASH.
(b) N EAR C RASH. (c) N O C RASH.
the mean collision probability that has been reached for the
vehicles’ positions at the time a beacon was received. We
binned all received beacons by the distance of the sender and
the receiver to the intersection; the mean collision probability is
calculated for each of the resulting bins and is depicted by the
color and the size of the dots in the plot. The presented plots
are separated for the three outcomes C RASH, N EAR C RASH,
and N O C RASH, and show the calculated collision probabilities
for a beacon interval of 0.04 s.
Let us first concentrate on Fig. 7(a), where the estimated
mean collision probabilities of only C RASH approaches are
plotted. As expected, all points close to the potential collision
area show a very high mean collision probability, which is
steadily decreasing when looking at points farther away from Fig. 8. Maximum collision probability per approaching vehicle for all re-
the intersection. For outcome N EAR C RASH [cf. Fig. 7(b)], ceived beacons (beacon interval 1 s) using the triangular distribution.
no beacons have been received close to the diagonal, and the
C. More Realistic Driver Behavior
estimated collision probabilities reach a medium level (about
50%) at a distance of 20 m, but they decrease again toward As mentioned in Section III-E, we use a triangular accelera-
the intersection. Additionally, the outliers, which have been tion probability distribution as an example for modeling a more
already identified as not detected collisions, are visible as high realistic (but certainly not the real) driver behavior.
probability dots close to the intersection and diagonal. Fig. 7(c) Fig. 8 shows again the maximum reached collision proba-
shows very low estimated collision probabilities for N O C RASH bility per approaching vehicle. When comparing these distri-
approaches. butions in different situations for the beacon interval of 1 s
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Fig. 9. Worst case collision probabilities per bin calculated based on beacons received using a beaconing interval of 0.04 s; the dot size and color represent
the collision probability of the bin by showing large dots for high collision probabilities. (a) Minimum, uniform distribution, C RASH . (b) Minimum, triangular
distribution, C RASH . (c) Maximum, triangular distribution, N O C RASH .
Fig. 11. eCCDF of collision probability for LBU beacons and approaches in group C RASH. (a) Uniform acceleration probability distribution. (b) Triangular
acceleration probability distribution.
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Renato Lo Cigno (SM’11) received the Electronic Falko Dressler (SM’08) received the M.Sc. and
Engineering degree with specialization in telecom- Ph.D. degrees from the University of Erlangen,
munications from Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Erlangen, Germany, in 1998 and 2003, respectively.
Italy, in 1988. He was an Assistant Professor at the Com-
He then worked with Politecnico di Torino until puter Networks and Communication Systems Chair,
2002. In 1998 and 1999, he was a Visiting Scholar Department of Computer Science, University of
with the Department of Computer Science, Univer- Erlangen, where he was also coordinating the Au-
sity of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA. He is tonomic Networking Group. He is currently a Full
currently an Associate Professor with the Depart- Professor of computer science and the Head of
ment of Computer Science and Telecommunications, the Computer and Communication Systems Group,
University of Trento, Trento, Italy, where he leads a Institute of Computer Science, University of Inns-
research group in computer and communication networks. He is the author or bruck, Innsbruck, Austria. He is the author of the book Self-Organization in
co-author of more than 130 papers in international and peer-reviewed journals Sensor and Actor Networks (Chichester, U.K.: Wiley, 2007). He is actively par-
and conferences. His current research interests include performance evaluation ticipating in the Internet Engineering Task Force standardization. His research
of wired and wireless networks, modeling and simulation techniques, conges- interests include adaptive wireless networking and self-organization methods
tion control, peer-to-peer networks, and networked systems in general, with with applications in wireless ad hoc and sensor networks, inter-vehicular
specific attention toward applications and sustainable solutions. communications, bioinspired nanonetworking, and network security.
Mr. Lo Cigno is a member of the Association for Computing Machinery Dr. Dressler is a Senior Member of the Association for Computing Machin-
(ACM). He has served as General Chair for the IEEE International Conference ery (ACM). He has served as Co-Chair for the Technical Program Committees
on Peer-to-Peer Computing and General Chair and Technical Program Com- (TPCs) of the IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference, the IEEE Vehicular
mittee (TPC) Chair for the ACM International Workshop on Wireless Mobile Technology Conference, and the IEEE Global Communications Conference;
Applications and Services on WLAN Hotspots in different years. He has also the Area TPC Chair for the IEEE Conference on Computer Communications;
served on many TPCs of IEEE and ACM conferences. He has served as an Area and the Poster/Demo Chair for the ACM Annual International Conference
Editor for Computer Networks. on Mobile Commmunications. He is an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer in the
fields of inter-vehicular communications, self-organization, and bioinspired
nanonetworking. He has served as a Guest Editor for special issues on self-
Christoph Sommer (M’11) received the M.Sc. de- organization, autonomic networking, and bioinspired communications for the
gree in computer science and the Ph.D. degree (with IEEE J OURNAL ON S ELECTED A REAS IN C OMMUNICATIONS, Elsevier Ad
distinction) in engineering from the University of Hoc Networks, and others. He serves as an Editor for journals such as the
Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany, in 2006 and 2011, IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON M OBILE C OMPUTING, Elsevier Ad Hoc Net-
respectively. works, ACM/Springer Wireless Networks, and Elsevier Nano Communication
In 2010, he was a Visiting Scholar with the Networks.
Research Group of O. Tonguz, Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie
Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. In 2012,
he was a Visiting Scholar with the Research Group
of M. Gerla, Department of Computer Science, Uni-
versity of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA. He is currently a Postdoctoral
Researcher with the Computer and Communication Systems Group, University
of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria. His research interests include traffic efficiency
and safety and security aspects of car-to-x communications in heterogeneous
Dr. Sommer has been a member of the ACM/Springer Wireless Networks
Editorial Board since 2011.
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