BN104 T3 2023 Assignment 2

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Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines

Trimester T3 2023
Unit Code BN104
Unit Title Operating Systems
Assessment Type
Individual Assessment

Assessment Assignment 2- Major Assignment

Purpose of the The purpose of this assignment is to report on some important characteristics of
assessment Operating Systems. Students must answer questions about process, file and device
(with ULO management, deadlock, and UNIX commands. After successful completion of this
assignment, students should be able to:
a. Report on the basics, and provide examples, of operating systems structure and
functionality, including memory allocation, virtual memory, demand paging and
process and device management.
b. Describe the integration of hardware, operating systems and application
c. Explain in detail the functioning of some devices such as peripherals (e.g.
printers and network connections).
d. Discuss the most common file systems structure and technology.
e. Explain the concept of user interfaces and their role in the functionality of an OS.
f. Demonstrate competency in the use of a command line interface to operate
with and manage an OS such as UNIX, and perform simple UNIX (Linux)
g. Support and troubleshoot operating systems and applications at an
introductory level.

Weight 20% of the total marks

Total Marks 90
Word limit N/A
Due Date Week 11- 4th February 2024.

Submission • All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with a title Page.
Guidelines • The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 11-pt Calibri (Body)
font and 2.54 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section
• Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed
appropriately at the end in a reference list using IEEE referencing style.
BN104 Operating System 2
Extension • If an extension of time to submit work is required, a Special Consideration
Application must be submitted directly AMS. You must submit this application
three working days prior to the due date of the assignment.
Further information is available at: procedures-
Academic • Academic Misconduct is a serious offence. Depending on the seriousness of the
Misconduct case, penalties can vary from a written warning or zero marks to exclusion from
the course or rescinding the degree. Students should make themselves familiar
with the full policy and procedure available at:
Procedure. For further information, please refer to the Academic Integrity Section
in your Unit Description.

Research the Internet or current literature to answer the questions. You may refer a textbook, journal or
website and cite your sources. Whenever you research computer technology, make sure your resources are
timely. Notice the date when the research was published. Also be sure to validate the authenticity of your
sources. Avoid any that might be questionable, such as blogs and publicly edited online (wiki) sources.

Prepared by Osamah Mahdi Moderated by: Bhagwan Das T3, 2023

BN104 Operating System 3

Assignment Description

This assignment has been divided into following four sections.

Introduction to OS 15 Marks

Process and Memory Management and Deadlock 45 Marks

Device and File Management 15 Marks

Android and Unix Operating systems 10 Marks

Assignment 2-Questions

Introduction to Operating System (5+5+5 = 15 marks)

Question 1

An operating system includes four essential subsystem managers: memory, process, device and file.
a. How these managers cooperate with each other to perform a job? [5 Marks]
b. In your opinion which of these subsystems is most important and why? [5 Marks]

Question 2

What constitutes a hybrid system in the context of operating systems? Provide instances of
five scenarios wherein a hybrid operating system is deemed necessary, and substantiate your
response. [5 Marks]

Process and Memory Management and Deadlock (30+5+5+5 = 45 marks)

Question 3

Given the following jobs/processes, job lengths, and arrival times, compute the completion time,
turnaround time, and waiting time for each job in a table. Draw the Gantt chart and suggest an
application for each job. (Consider 5 as a highest priority and 0 as a lowest priority).

a. First Come First Serve (FCFS)

b. Shortest Job First Scheduling (SJF) algorithm.
c. Shortest Remaining time (SRT) algorithm.

Prepared by Osamah Mahdi Moderated by: Bhagwan Das T3, 2023

BN104 Operating System 4
d. Non-preemptive priority scheduling algorithm
e. Pre-emptive priority Scheduling algorithm
f. Round-Robin Scheduling algorithm (consider time slice is 4ms).

Process Burst Time Arrival Priority

P1 11 2 3

P2 28 1 1

P3 2 3 4

P4 10 4 2

P5 16 5 5

Table: Processes with Arrival Time, Burst Time and Priority

Question 4

A user interface (UI) refers to the part of an operating system, program, or device that allows a user to
enter and receive information. Describe in your own words the purpose and applications of following
user interfaces? Which one you would prefer and why?

a. Graphical User Interface

b. Menu driven Interface
c. Command line Interface

Question 5

Deadlock is more serious than starvation and is more prevalent in interactive systems. Discuss the four
deadlock conditions with the help of diagrams. In your opinion which condition is worst and why?

Question 6

Analyse the given main memory (in Figure 1) and find out two ways of compacting it. Also discuss
which of the schemes require the Minimum Data Movement.

Prepared by Osamah Mahdi Moderated by: Bhagwan Das T3, 2023

BN104 Operating System 5

Figure 1: memory diagram of computer system

Device Management and File Management (15 Marks)

Question 7

On a hard disk, the queue of track requests is as follows:

63 17 30 15 90 140 130 48 190

Assuming that the head starts at track 60, draw the arm movement diagram for the seek strategies:
FCFS, SSTF, SCAN, C-SCAN, LOOK and C-LOOK. Calculate the total and average number of tracks
travelled. Based on this calculation, report which one is the best strategy with your own justification.

Android and Unix Operating System (5+5= 10 Marks)

Question 8

Android is an open-source Operating System for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers.
Research on evolution and design goals of android. Cite your sources and the dates of publication.

Question 9

Run any 10 UNIX commands and paste the screen shots in answer. Also give the brief description of
each command. (You can use any online platform if you don’t have oracle virtual box).

Reference and In-text citation (Total 5 Marks)


Prepared by Osamah Mahdi Moderated by: Bhagwan Das T3, 2023

BN104 Operating System 6

Marking criteria:
Marks are allocated as indicated on each question, considering the following aspects:

Sections Description of the section Marks

Introduction to Students need to provide the details about the OS and explore the (10+5) =15
OS systems for hybrid OS
Process and -Students have to show the execution of the examples given in the (30+5+5+5)
Memory questions = 45
Management -Describe user interfaces
and Deadlock - Integration of all components of Computer Sytem
-Different ways of compaction and Data movement in compaction
Device and File Students have to research and 15
Management Answer the questions with relevant figures and examples.
Android and Students have to research about Android and Unix and Answer the (5+5) = 10
Unix Operating questions with relevant examples.
systems Students need to demonstrate their competency
in the use of UNIX commands.
Reference and Follow IEEE reference style (should have both in- text citation and 5
In-text citation reference list)
Total 90

Marking Rubric for Assignment #2

Grade Mark HD D CR P Fail

80% + 70%-79% 60%-69% 50%-59% <50%
Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Introduction to All topics are Topics are Generally Some relevance This is not
OS/15 pertinent and relevant and relevant and and briefly relevant to the
covered in soundly analysed. presented. assignment
depth. Ability to analysed. topic.
think critically
and source
material is
Process and Exact required Topics are Generally Some relevance This is not
Memory solution relevant and relevant and and briefly relevant to the
Management soundly analysed. presented. assignment
analysed. Number and Few references topic.
Good number of relevance of and not much No references.
references References are relevant
Device and File Good effort and Good effort and Good effort Some effort but Very little or no
Management Excellent reasoning made but not sound reasoning. efforts.
reasoning outstanding
Android and Excellent Extremely good Good effort Made some Very little
Unix Operating research and effort made but not effort. For attempt to
systems hard work. Good Good number of outstanding. example, Web reference. Lazy
number of references Number and searches only. effort with
relevant relevance of Few references inaccuracies. No
references References are and not much references
fair. relevant
Reference style Clear styles with Clear Generally good Sometimes clear Lacks
excellent source referencing style referencing style referencing style consistency with
of references. many errors

Prepared by Osamah Mahdi Moderated by: Bhagwan Das T3, 2023

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