Paket B - Kunci Jawaban Asesmen Akhir Bersama - Bahasa Inggris
Paket B - Kunci Jawaban Asesmen Akhir Bersama - Bahasa Inggris
Paket B - Kunci Jawaban Asesmen Akhir Bersama - Bahasa Inggris
(Skor 2)
27. Put a check mark (√) for the statement according to the text above!” (You can choose more
than one).
Mark (√) Statement
It is an unforgettable experience.
(Skor 2)
28. Jawaban: The text tells about The writer went from Denpasar to Bali. (Skor 2)
29. Put a check mark (√) in the “true” or “false” column according to the text above!
No Statement True False
A. Tsunamis can only happen in Japan. √
(Skor 4)
31. Jawaban: C. Excitement. (Skor 2)
32. Jawaban: People will be attending the event are on Sunday. (Skor 2)
33. Jawaban: Inviting to Banny’s house. (Skor 2)
34. The picture above are daily activities. After you observe the picture above, match the right
picture according to the following sentence!
Picture A 1. Earthquake
Picture B 2. Flood
Picture C 3. Landside
Picture D 4. Tsunami
(Skor 4)
35. Jawaban: Persuade somebody to clean the environment together, and keep
comfortable the environment. (Skor 3)
36. Jawaban: A. The female kangaroos have an external pouch on the front of their body.
(Skor 2)
37. Jawaban: B. Explain the characteristics of a kangaroo. (Skor 2)
38. Put a check mark (√) in the “true” or “false” column according to the text above!
No Statement True False
A. The biggest kangaroos are the Great grey √
kangaroo and the Red Kangaroo
B. A kangaroo is an animal found only in √
C. It called a wallaby. √
NO Skor
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