Contextual Guessing Technique in Reading
Contextual Guessing Technique in Reading
Contextual Guessing Technique in Reading
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of
SarjanaPendidikan in English Education Department of
Tarbiyah and Teaching Science Faculty of
UIN Alauddin Makassar
Reg. No. 20400113032
Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin, The writer would like to praise and express
her high gratitude to Allah SWT, who has given the blessing, health, oppurtunity
and inspiration to finish this writing thesis. And also, she does not forget to
express Salam and Sholawat to the prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided
moslems from the darkness to the lightness and brought us from the stupidity to
The researcher realizes that this writing would not finish without helping
and the guidance from the other people, so the writer would like to express her
1. Beloved parents, Mara Dg Tola and Compu Dg Ngasseng who always love,
pray, motivate and support the researcher for all of their life. The greatest
University of Alauddin Makassar for his advice during she studied at the
3. Dr. H. Muhammad Amri, Lc., M.Ag. The Dean of Tarbiyah and Teaching
4. Dr. Kamsinah, M.Pd.I. and Sitti Nurpahmi, S.Pd., M.Pd. The Head and
Faculty of Alauddin State Islamic University (UIN) Makassar and all of the
5. The researcher’s consultants, H. Erwin Hafid, Lc., M.Th.I., M.Ed. and
Andi Asmawati, S.Pd., M.Pd. who have helped, guided, and supported the
6. Aziz Basir, S.Pd., M.Pd. the headmaster of SMA Negeri 1 Galesong Selatan
who has given permission for the researcher to conduct the study there, and
the entire teachers, especially for Irmasanti, S.Pd the English teachers for all
the time, the information about the teaching-learning process of English and
also the school administration staff Syamsani, S.Pd. thanks for the
7. The Second grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Galesong Selatan XI. IPA 1
and XI. IPA 2 intake 2016-2017 who gave their time to participate in her
8. For the researcher best friends, Sukma, Ria Reski Awal, Nurhilda, Ita
Daeng Maulana, Nur apni and thanks for their help, support, attention,
NIM: 20400113032
A. Background .................................................................................. 1
B. Research Statements..................................................................... 4
C. Research Objective ....................................................................... 4
D. Research Significance ................................................................... 4
E. Research Scope ............................................................................ 5
F. Operational Definition of Terms ................................................. 6
D. Procedure of Collecting Data .......................................................
1. Pre-test ......………................................................................. 23
2. Treatment ...............................................................................
3. Post-test .................................................................................
E. Technique of Data Analysis ....................................................... 25
A. Findings ......................................................................................... 28
1. Result of the students’ pre-test in Experimental and Control
Class ......................................................................................... 28
2. Result of the students’ post-test in Experimental and Control
Class ......................................................................................... 31
B. Discussion .................................................................................... 35
A. Conclusions ................................................................................. 39
B. Suggestions ................................................................................. 40
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................ 41
APPENDIXES .................................................................................................. 43
Table 4.1: Students’ Result of Mean Score, T-test, and T-table in Pre-test...... 28
Table 4.2: Students’ Score Classification in Pre-test........................................ 30
Table 4.3: Students’ Classification Score Percentile in Post-test..................... 32
Table 4.4: Mean Score and Standard Deviation in Post Test........................... 34
Table 4.5: T-test of Students’ Achievements.................................................... 35
Appendix I .................................................................................................... 44
Appendix II .................................................................................................... 45
Appendix IV .................................................................................................... 47
Appendix V .................................................................................................... 53
Appendix VI .................................................................................................... 65
Appendix IX .................................................................................................... 82
Name : Suhaidah
Reg. Number : 20400113032
Department/faculty : English Education/Tarbiyah and Teaching Science
Title : The Students’ Ability in Using Contextual Guessing
Technique in Reading Comprehension of Second Grade
in SMA Negeri 1 Galesong Selatan
Consultant I : H. Erwin Hafid,Lc., M.Th.I., M.Ed.
Consultant II : Andi Asmawati, S.Pd., M.Pd.
A. Background
Countries. English has important role to develop in many aspect, especially in our
between our country and other countries to share the education system, share the
technology military, etc. So that, the English language has been learned all of
people through course training or in the school and it makes the subject education
try to improve the teaching and learning English language to be better through
material, etc.
English learning, because it develops the mind. The mind is a muscle. It needs
exercise. Understanding the written word is one way the mind grows in its ability.
teach reading has not been given due care in some schools. In the past, according
to the traditional view, reading begins with the child’s mastering the names of the
letters, mastering the letter-sound relationships, then, learning some easy words in
isolation, and, finally, reading simple stories with highly controlled vocabularies
fluency.” While Grabe (1991: 377) argues “Reading can be seen as an active
more efficiently, for example, guess from context, define expectations, make
inferences about the text, skim ahead to fill in the context, etc.”
students said that they have some difficulties to indentifying information of the
text. The difficalties are the students’ lack of interest in reading comprehension
and the students’ lack of understanding to find the meaning words of context. The
teacher only uses one technique namely, conventional technique. In the reading
class, the teacher presents a subject in the text book and asks students to read
whether silently or loudly, and then students have to answer the questions that
students lack motivation to read, even if they read, they show negative attitudes.
As a result, the students are not able to get good scores in their reading
learners find it difficult to understand the English text. Very often, they get stuck
understanding the context, being reluctant, and so forth. Reading is not an easy
skill to master. It is a complex process that requires specialized skill of the reader
The technique of finding the meaning of an unknown word through its use
is the most important skill used by most readers in attacking new words (Sukri,
2012). It is closely related to comprehension and this is one of the most practical
skills students learn. Contextual clues have several uses in reading. The
skill. These questions pertain to the usefulness and to the trainability of the
guessing skill.
Thus, based on the problems above, the teachers should help the students
comprehension. It is important for the teacher to find the technique that is easy
and can be applied for the students in learning reading. By using the effective
technique, the students can follow the lesson well and they can increase their
inspired to conduct a research under the title “The Students Ability in Using
B. Research Problem
Relating to the issues and the assumption that the teaching reading by the
follow :
C. Research Objectives
D. Research Significance
1. Theoretical significance
The research will give some useful information about how to improve
2. Practical significance
reading comprehension, in which the teachers will help their students when facing
some problems in mastering it. English teachers can use the result of the study as
By doing the research, the researcher hopes that she can study and get
Besides, the researcher will get new experience and knowledge for the future of
her life.
E. Research Scope
students’ of SMA Negeri 1 Galesong Selatan. The researcher used descriptive text
and recount text as the material. There were four level of comprehension (Burns
ET.AI, 1984:177), e.g. literal reading, interpretive reading, critical reading, and
creative reading. But the researcher choose, the Interpretive Reading Level
because based on the researcher observation this second grade students of SMA
Negeri 1 Galesong Selatan have not be able to understand about how to find the
1. Reading comprehension
ability to deal with unfamiliar words encountered in text. Readers who struggle
with word-level tasks use up valuable cognitive space that could be allotted to
deeper levels of text analysis. It is not enough to rely on context cues to predict
the meaning of new words, since this strategy often results in erroneous or
(Paynter, Bodrova, & Doty, 2005). Mature readers need to possess a basic
knowledge of “how words work” and a set of strategies for approaching new
which the reader may construct meaning by interacting with the text. In reading
passage. The common questions on the passages are primarily about the main
ideas, details, and an inference that can be drawn from the passages.
2. Contextual guessing
attacking new words (Sukri, 2012). It is closely related to comprehension and this
is one of the most practical skills students learn. Context clues have several uses
in reading. The four uses named below are of special importance to readers of
foreign languages: First, context clues help readers to derive the pronunciation
and meaning of a known word from its uses in a sentence. Second, context clues
also help to determine the pronunciation and meaning of an unknown word from
its use in a sentence. When context is used for this purpose, a student reads around
an unknown word, gets the general meaning of the sentence and then guesses at
the pronunciation and meaning of the unfamiliar word from the way it is used.
Third, context determines how the accentuation of similar words used in different
context provides clues to the meanings of words that vary according to the subject
area in which they are used. Context clues can function only if the material is
suited to the reader in terms of difficulty and familiarity or interest. If the context
is too involved, or if there are too many unknown words, context is of little value.
Second Year of MTsNAlla’ Enrekang Regency”, concludes that this technique can
MTsN Alla’ Enrekang Regency. The result of this research showed the value of t–
Read, Reflect, Recite, and Review Method in Improving The Students’ Reading
teaching reading by using this method can improve their reading comprehension
at the second year student of MTsNAlla’ Enrekang Regency. The result of this
research showed the value of t–test (2,90) was greater than the value of t-table
finding of her research showed that there was significant with t-test 7, 32 and t-
table 2, 086. While, the value of t-test (7, 32 > 2, 086). It means that the method
second year students of MAN 2 Pare Pare, concluded that PSQ5R ( Purpose,
Through Students Team Achievement Division (STAD). Found that the third
semester students of FBS UNM in the 2003 / 2004 academic year can develop the
Class Presentation, (2) Team, (3) Quiz, (4) Individual improvement scores, (5)
Team Recognitions. Her research showed that the third semester students of FBS
UNM had inadequate score in pre-test. However, after doing the treatment by
using method their reading comprehension ability got high score in post test. The
finding of her research showed that there was significant with t-test 6, 20 and t-
table 3,023, while, the value of t-test (6, 20 > 3, 6). It means that the method could
a similarity with this research because all of them had some objective to improve
the students’ reading comprehension. In contrast, this research has difference with
procedure. A good strategy should present an easiest and a simplest one and it can
independent learners. Finally, the researcher will try to use a new technique
namely Contextual Guessing Technique. This technique can help students more
Aebersold and Field (1997: 15) reading is what happens when people look
at a text and assign meaning to the written symbols in that text.The similar
definition stated by Nunan (1998: 33) that reading is a process of decoding written
symbols, working from a smaller unit (individual letters) to larger ones (words,
clauses, and sentences). Based on the theories above, it can be concluded that
reading is a more much complex process to obtain ideas or meaning from a text,
1. Concept of Reading
text, and the context of the reading experience. Reading involve the
ways, and using variety of text types for different purpose (from the
framework for the NAEP reading assessment, Grigg, Daane, Jin, &
activity but also asocial activity. (snow, burns & Griffin, 1998, P.15).
2. Level of Reading
Some people say that the act of reading only consists of pronouncing
passage is a waste of precious time. Based on the idea above, the teacher
for higher level understanding. At this level, the readers are able to
inferences, it is the process of deriving ideas that are implied rather than
directly stated. At this level, the readers are able to understand what the
author means.
in the material, which is known standards and drawing conclusion about their
Creative reading involves going beyond the material presented the author. It
requires readers to think as they read, just as critical reading does, and it also
questioning technique that brings out just what the author said or in other
starts his reading. It is probably more effective to develop desire to read the
article and help them arrive at a literal understanding of the piece to be read.
Then, after the students have completed reading the assigned section, teacher
must understand what he reads. It can be said that in reading comprehension, there
should be an interaction between the author and the reader. The author expresses
his ideas in the form of written language and the reader has to understand the
meaning of the text intended by the author. To be able to achieve the purposes of
reading comprehension, one should have some basic reading skills as follows; (1)
literal skills (getting the central thought and main idea, recalling and recognizing
critical skill (determining the writer’s purpose); and (4) creative skills (applying
information into daily life). In relation to the study, those skills can be
Learners are able to understand the literal meaning i.e., responding to the
precise meaning of familiar words in their context and inferring the meaning
of unfamiliar words from contextual clues and also visualizing the scenes and
Learners are able to get the writer’s intent and purpose, to interpret clues
Language instructors are often frustrated by the fact that students do not
automatically transfer the strategies they use when reading in their native
think reading means starting at the beginning and going word by word,
stopping to look up every unknown vocabulary item, until they reach the end.
language instructor, then, is to help students move past this idea and use top-
Effective language instructors show students how they can adjust their
reading purposes. They help students develop a set of reading strategies and
Strategies that can help students read more quickly and effectively include:
of the text type and purpose to make predictions about discourse structure;
using knowledge about the author to make prediction about writing style,
3. Skimming and scanning: using a quick survey of the text to get the main
4. Guessing from context: using prior knowledge of the subject and the ideas
c. Contextual guessing
attacking new words. It is closely related to comprehension and this is one of the
most practical skill students learn. Context clues have several uses in reading. The
four uses named below are of special importance to readers of foreign languages:
First, context clues help readers to derive the pronunciation and meaning of a
known word from its uses in a sentence. Second, context clues also help to
determine the pronunciation and meaning of an unknown word from its use in a
sentence. When context is used for this purpose, a student reads around an
unknown word, gets the general meaning of the sentence and then guesses at the
pronunciation and meaning of the unfamiliar word from the way it is used. Third,
context provides clues to the meanings of words that vary according to the subject
area in which they are used. Context clues can function only if the material is
suited to the reader in terms of difficulty and familiarity or interest. If the context
is too involved, or if there are too many unknown words, context is of little value.
A language learner reads most words in text as sight words and uses
interpretation of its immediate text, which is one or two words before or following
the unknown word. Learners also use other linguistic clues, such as semantic or
structure, and general world knowledge (Oxford, 1990). In a similar vein, Nagy
(1995) suggests that the effects of contextual guessing are determined by language
concerning its word meaning. Language learners with strong syntactic knowledge
tend to accurately infer the meaning of unknown words; the context constrains the
possible meanings for a given word in text. Knowledge of the words surrounding
an unknown word helps language learners infer the meaning of the words in
context. Learners can guess the meaning of the unknown words based on the
schema created by the words. Vocabulary also provides learners with information
regarding the words using their affixes to predict its meaning. For instance, the
words “dictionary”, “predict”, and “diction” share the same affix, “dict”. With the
knowledge about the affix, language learners can easily and accurately predict the
resources, which enables language learners to effectively unlock and gain better
retention of the meaning of unknown words. World knowledge gives learners the
Although dictionary use can enhance the accuracy and precision of the meaning of
some teachers encourage students to guess the meaning of an unknown word from
educators encourage the contextual guessing strategy, which refers to the use of
words (Kaivanpanah & Alavi, 2008). Parel (2004) found that although reading
inferencing strategies improves the reading skills of language learners with low
receptive vocabulary.
use their background knowledge to enhance the accuracy of guessing the meaning
of unknown words. If the topic or main idea of the text is familiar, learners have a
(1994) contends that students who infer the meaning of an unfamiliar word
B. Theoritical Framework
Some main ideas that have been correlating in the research process, they
statement, ‘reading’ is the inferred mental activity that take places when a person
sense and makes discrimination among people, objects, places, and ideas, in his
reading, adjusting to the types of the material to read, 4) Developing oral reading
efficient eye movement. And comprehension process includes that the developing
of the ability, 1) to remember, evaluate and generalize from what the reader read,
2) to note and recall the details, and the last, 3) to understanding the author’s ideas
the materials to interact and evaluate between the mind of the read and the
language of the text, decoding and meaning was important to the reader, that he
used to relate the printed words, to discover the meaning, to interpret and to put
C. Hypothesis
H 0 : Using contextual guessing technique could not improve the students’ ability
A. Research Method
1. Research design
Group design:
E O1 X O2
C O3 - O4
E : Experimental class
C : Control class
2. Research variable
There were two variables in this research; they were independent variable
a. Independent variable
the teaching aids that help the students to improve their reading comprehension.
Independent variable was affected dependent variable. It showd how the use of the
b. Dependent variable
1. Population
The population of this research, were all the second grade students of
SMA Negeri 1 Galesong Selatan. There were 11 clases, Divided into two
XI.IPA7, and XI.IPS1, XI.IPS2, XI.IPS3, XI.IPS4. So, the total of population are
378 students.
2. Sample
The researcher applies the Cluster Sampling Technique in which two class
taken as sample. In this case, the researcher choose class XI.IPA1 as the
experimental class and class XI.IPA2 as the control class. Each of the classes
C. Research Instrument
The instrument of this research was reading test. Test was taken in the
material descriptive text and recount text. The test was consists of 20 items of
multiple choices, and 10 items of essay. The test divided into of pre- test and post-
1. Pre-test
The test was given to the students before treatments. The purpose was to
Guessing Technique.
b. The researcher explained to the student how to work out the test
2. Treatment
The treatments were given to the students after giving the pre-test. The
Contextual Guessing Technique. The treatment were given for six meeting at
b. The researcher asked the students what did they want to know about the topic
c. The material will gave by the researcher to the students, and then the students
d. The researcher gave chance for the students to explain the topic by Contextual
3. Post-test
The post-test was given to the sample after treatments; the purpose was
The data collect through the test that are analized quantitatively by
No Classification Score
1. 96-100 Excellent
3. 76-85 Good
5. 56-65 Fair
6. 46-55 Poor
following formula:
X =
X = mean score
(∑ 𝑋)2
𝑆𝐷 = � − , where SS = ∑X2 − 𝑁1
SD = Standard Deviation
∑𝑋 2 = The sum of all square; each score is squared and all the
squaresare added up
(∑𝑋)2 = The square of the sum; all the scores are added up and the
5. The formula used in finding out the difference between students’ score
x� 1 − x� 2
�� SS1 + SS2 � � 1 + 1 �
n1 + n2 − 2 n1 n2
t = Test of significance
A. Findings
Findings of the study deal with the presentation rate of the students’ score
obtained from the test to find the mean score, standard deviation, test of significance,
The result score of students’ pre-test in Experimental Class were shown in the
(Appendix I). It showed that the lowest score of pre-test in Experimental class was
For the Control Class, the data were shown in the Appendix 1. It showed that
the lowest score in the pre-test was 53.33 for 5 students and the highest score was
73.33 for 3 students. After asessing the indivudual score, the researcher calculated the
score to get the mean score. It was important to determine the mean score for both
classes and the t-test to measure students’ basic knowledge, to find out whether the
result was significant or not and to be able to make sure whether the research can be
continued or not. Students’ means score for both classes and the t-test in the pre-test
1.75 2.00
Table 4.1 Students’ result of Mean Score, T-test, and T-table in pretest
The table showed that the mean score of the students in the Experimental class
was lower than in the Control class. The result of the mean score described that the
difference of the students’ basic knowledge. In addition, t-test of the pre-test between
Experimental and Control class was 1.75 and the t-table is 2.00.
Making conclusion about students’ score was by comparing the t-test and the
t-table. When the result of the t-test was smaller then the t-table, it meant that there
was no significance among the result of the students’ basic knowledge and it was
appropriate for the research to be continued. The table above showed that there was
no significance between students’ score in the pre-test because the t-test was smaller
F % F %
1 96 – 100 Excellent - - - -
2 86 – 95 Very Good - - - -
3 76 – 85 Good - - - -
4 66 – 75 Fairly Good 10 40 13 52
5 56 – 65 Fair 3 12 7 28
6 46-55 Poor 12 48 5 20
7 0 – 45 Very Poor - - - -
The table showed that the Experimental class, there was 10 student or 40%
classified into Fairly Good, 3 students or 12% were classified into Fair, 12 student or
48% were classified into poor, and nobody one of students got the very poor score.
For Control class, there were 13 students or 52% classified into Fairly Good,
7 students or 28% classified into fair, 5 students or 20% classified into poor, and
same with the Experimentl class no one students got the score very poor.
In summary, for both classes nobody classified into neither Excellent nor
Very Good. Most of students in experimental class got Poor, and there were twelve
students sclassified into Poor and five students classified into Poor for control class.
The students classified into Poor because they do not have ability in comprehending
text well. It was shown by the result of their enhancement in reading through pre-test.
In other hand, there were many students classified into Fairly good in Control
class because they have better enhancement in comprehend the text in pretest than
Experimental class. In addition, student classified into Fairly Good and Fair for both
(See Appendix II) described the score of post-test in Experimental and Control class.
For the Experimental class, the lowest score in the post-test was 73.33 for 5 students
and the highest was 93.33 for 4 students. In addition, for Control class, the lowest
score was 63.33 for 1 student and the highest was 93.33 for 1 student. Based on the
results above, it was clear that the Contextual Guessing Technique has a positive
For the total score, the table of students’ post-test shows that Experimental
class got 2060.02 and Control class got 1870.02. It indicated that total score in
Experimental class was higher than Control class. Comparing with the results in pre-
tests, the experimental class showed the high enhancement, in contrast, the control
The table showed that the Experimental class, there were 13 students or 52%
were classified into Very Good, 7 students or 28% were classified into Good, 5
For Control class, there were 1 students or 4% classified into Fair, 13 student
or 52% classified into Fairly Good, 7 students or 28% classified into Good, and 4
Experimental class have better enhancement than Control class. For both classes,
there was nobody classified into excellent. Most of students in experimental class was
classified into Very Good and Good and also there was no students got the fair score
because they showed their ability in comprehending the text through post-test while
in the control class there was four students got very good score and seven students
got good score but there one student got fair score. The students got the Very Good
and Good were great in understanding the content of the text, they almost answer all
In Good score, seven students in experimental class and control class. The
student who classified into Good score they cannot comprehend the text as good as
the student classified into Very Good. In addition, they cannot understand the overall
There were more students classified into Fairly Good in control class than
experimental class. In Fairly Good, the students could understand the text but they
were still interpreting the text word by word. It seemed that they cannot answer the
question well. But in the score Fair, none students got the fair in the Experimental
class while in the Control class there was one student got the Fair score.
The both of class nothing got Poor and Very Poor score, because they have
ability in comprehending the text, but they were still guess the meaning word by
word and limited the vocabulary so that they difficult to comprehend the text.
Based on the result above it can be concluded the rate percentage in the post-
The following table presented the mean score and standard deviation of the
The Mean Score and Standard Deviation in the posttest of the Experimental
The table indicated the mean score of Experimental class in the Posttest was
82.40 and the standard deviation was 7.28. While the mean score of the Control class
The standard deviation of students’ pos-ttest indicated that the mean score in
this research seemed likely that it did not have good dispersion value because the
standard deviation was 7.28 for Experimental class and 7.29 for control class. On the
other hand, the good dispersion value of mean score was if the result of standard
deviation was under the grade of one (<1). If the standard deviation was more or
bigger than one, it showed that the value dispersion of mean score was quite bad.
Even though the standard deviation was not good enough, it can be concluded
that the use of Contextual Guessing Technique was beneficial to improve the reading
Experimental group was higher than the mean score of students’ post-test in the
Control class.
calculated by using t-test. The result of the t-test can be seen in table 4.5 as follows:
X1 – X2 3.70 2.00
Table 4 showed the result of test of significance testing. For the level of
significance (p) 0, 05 and the degree of freedom (df) (N 1 + N 2 )-2 = (25 + 25) – 2 =
48, showed that the value of the t-test was higher than t-table. The result of the test
clearly showed that there was a significant difference between the students’ score in
the experimental and control class after the treatment of Contextual Guessing
accepted because the t-test was higher than t-table (3.76> 2.00). Therefore, the
B. Discussion
students cannot feel bored in teaching and learning process. So, there most of
students think that Reading Comprehension is not difficult subject. Using Contextual
active class. This technique can apply in teaching and learning process. Beside
students is guess the meaning of context and students also have vocabulary to know
practice this technique. After that, the researcher distributed the test to the students
then the researcher explain to the students how to work out the test, the researcher
also gave the students 45 minutes do the test. But there were some students who sit in
the backside of the class did not pay attention with explanation the researcher’s
instruction and they tried to talk each other by her friend, look bored and feel sleepy.
To solve the problem, the researcher gave more attention to the students and
Reading Comprehension, she got the data. There were significant improvements from
teaching and learning process by using contextual guessing. Most of students are
active in respond to students or teacher questions. Students also could guess the
meaning of context without use the dictionary. It was analyze from each test and then
reading comprehension after taught using contextual guessing technique. From pre-
test showed that students’ achievement was 59.33 it means that still low ability in
some students, because the standardized from KKM (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal)
was 73. In post-test showed that there was increasing students’ achievement up to
82.40. It means there was improvement after using contextual guessing technique.
The findings above have provent that using contextual guessing technique is
(Sukri,2012) stated contextual guessing is the most important skill use by most
There were many factors that influenced the result of study. One of the factors
was teaching aid or technique. When a teacher employed an appropriate teaching aid
or technique that is suitable with the method, the students enjoyed the lesson. Based
on the test result that had been done, it can be described that using contextual
derive the pronunciation and meaning of a known word from its uses in a sentence.
ability. It can stimulate students’ to be active when the students read the text.
The assumes of this research that the application of using contextual guessing
technique could help students to remind information that they got before and their
information to connect with the text. Besides, Contextual Guessing also helped
A. Conclusions
Selatan. The result of data analysis showed that the mean score of students in
Experimental class in the pre-test was 59.33 and 62.80 for Control class. The
mean score in post-test for Experimental class was 82.40 and 74.80 for Control
class. The data showed that students’ score in post-test for Experimental class
was higher than in Control class. It meant that Contextual Guessing Technique
second grade student of SMA Negeri 1 Galesong Selatan. And there was
student of SMA Negeri 1 Galesong Selatan. The data showed that students’
competence in Experimental class was higher than in Control class. The t-test for
both classes in post-test was 3.70 compared to the t-table with 2.00, since the
score of t-test was larger than the score of t-table, null hypothesis (Ho) was
Contextual Guessing Technique which was applied in the Experimental class was
B. Suggestions
1. The teacher should find out the effective technique in teaching reading
4. The students should respect their teacher fully attention to the lesson
them so that they can solve their problem and get out from their
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Seibert, L.C. “A Study of the practice of Guessing Word Meaning from Context”.
Modern Language Journal, 20, pp. 296-322. 1945.
Sugiyono. Cara Mudah Menyusun Skripsi, Tesis, dan Disertasi. Cet.II; Bandung:
Alfabeta. 2014.
The test results of students’ pre – test are calculated in the following table:
Number of Experimental Class Control Class
X X2 X X2
A 66.67 4.445 73.33 5.378
B 53.33 2.845 66.67 4.445
C 66.67 4.445 60 3.600
D 53.33 2.845 53.33 2.845
E 66.67 4.445 66.67 4.445
F 53.33 2.845 53.33 2.845
G 66.67 4.445 66.67 4.445
H 53.33 2.845 53.33 2.845
I 66.67 4.445 66.67 4.445
J 56.67 3.212 56.67 3.212
K 60 3.600 60 3.600
L 53.33 2.845 73.33 5.378
M 66.67 4.445 66.67 4.445
N 66.67 4.445 60 3.600
O 53.33 2.845 56.67 3.212
P 66.67 4.445 53.33 2.845
Q 60 3.600 60 3.600
R 53.33 2.845 66.67 4.445
S 66.67 4.445 66.67 4.445
T 53.33 2.845 60 3.600
U 53.33 2.845 70 4.900
V 53.33 2.845 53.33 2.845
W 66.67 4.445 66.67 4.445
X 53.33 2.845 73.33 5.378
Y 53.33 2.845 66.67 4.445
∑ 1483.33 84557 1570.01 99.688
Average 59.33 62.80
∑ : Sum of each datum
The test results of students’ post – test are calculated in the following table:
Number of Experimental Class Control Class
X X2 X X2
A 93.33 8.711 93.33 8711
B 76.67 5.879 86.67 7.512
C 86.67 7.512 76.67 5.879
D 93.33 8.711 66.67 4.445
E 73.33 5.378 73.33 5.378
F 93.33 8.711 63.33 4.011
G 86.67 7.512 66.67 4.445
H 76.67 5.879 73.33 5.378
I 86.67 7.512 76.67 5.879
J 93.33 8.711 86.67 7.512
K 73.33 5.378 76.67 5.879
L 86.67 7.512 76.67 5.879
M 73.33 5.378 73.33 5.378
N 76.67 5.879 66.67 4.445
O 86.67 7.512 73.33 5.378
P 76.67 5.879 66.67 4.445
Q 86.67 7.512 76.67 5.879
R 80 6.400 73.33 5.378
S 76.67 5.879 76.67 5.879
T 86.67 7.512 70 4.900
U 76.67 5.879 73.33 5.378
V 86.67 7.512 66.67 4.445
W 73.33 5.378 73.33 5.378
X 86.67 7.512 86.67 7.512
Y 73.33 5.378 76.67 5.879
∑ 2060.02 171.016 1870.02 141.182
Average 82.40 74.80
A. Experimental Class
1. Pre-test 2. Post-test
∑𝑋 ∑𝑋
𝐱�1= 𝐱�1 =
1483.33 2060
= =
25 25
= 𝟓𝟗. 𝟑𝟑 = 82.40
B. Control Class
1. Pre-test 2. Post-test
∑𝑋 ∑𝑋
𝐱�2 = 𝑁
R 𝐱�2 = 𝑁
1570.01 1870.2
= =
25 25
= 𝟔𝟐. 𝟖𝟎 = 74.80
The Standard Deviation and T-Test of Experimental and Control Class in pre-test
1. Standard Deviation of Pre-test in Experimental Class
(∑ 𝑿)𝟐
𝑺𝑫 = � − , where SS = ∑𝐗 𝟐 − 𝑵
SD = Standard Deviation
84557 − 25
84557 −
84557 − 88010.72
SS1 = - 3453.72
− 3453.72
𝑆𝐷 = � −
− 3453.72
𝑆𝐷 = � −
25 − 1
− 3453.72
=� −
= √−143.90
𝑆𝐷 = −11.99
(∑ 𝑿)𝟐
𝑺𝑫 = � − , where SS = ∑𝐗 𝟐 − 𝑵
(∑ 𝑋)2
SS = ∑X2 − 𝑁
99688 − 25
99688 −
99688 − 98597.25
SS2 = 1095.75
𝑆𝐷 = � −
𝑆𝐷 = � −
25 − 1
=� −
= √45.44
𝑆𝐷 = 6.74
x� 1 − x� 2
�� SS1 + SS2 � � 1 + 1 �
n1 + n2 − 2 n1 n2
59.33 − 62.80
(−3453.72) + (1095.75) 1 1
�� �� + �
25 + 25 − 2 25 25
59.33 − 62.80
��−2357.97� � 2 �
48 25
59.33 − 62.80
�(−49.12). (0.08)
59.33 − 62.80
𝑡 = 1.75
The Standard Deviation and T-Test of Experimental and Control Class in Post-test
1. Standard Deviation of Post-test in Experimental Class
(∑ 𝑿)𝟐
𝑺𝑫 = � − , where SS = ∑𝐗 𝟐 − 𝑵
(∑ 𝑋)2
SS = ∑X2 − 𝑁
171016 − 25
171016 −
171016 − 169744
SS1 = 1272
𝑆𝐷 = � −
𝑆𝐷 = � −
25 − 1
=� −
= √53
𝑆𝐷 = 7.28
(∑ 𝑿)𝟐
𝑺𝑫 = � − , where SS = ∑𝐗 𝟐 − 𝑵
(∑ 𝑋)2
SS = ∑X2 − 𝑁
141182 − 25
141182 −
141182 − 139905.92
SS2 = 1276.08
𝑆𝐷 = � −
𝑆𝐷 = � −
25 − 1
=� −
= √53.17
SD = 7.29
x� 1 − x� 2
�� SS1 + SS2 � � 1 + 1 �
n1 + n2 − 2 n1 n2
82.40 − 74.80
(1272 + 1276.08 1 1
�� �� + �
25 + 25 − 2 25 25
82.40 − 74.80
(2548.08 2
�� �� �
48 25
82.40 − 74.80
𝑡 = 3.70
Kelas/Semester : XI / 2
A. Standar Kompetensi
Membaca : 11. Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana
berbentuk descriptive dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan.
B. Kompetensi Dasar
11.1 Merespon makna dalam teks fungsional resmi dan tak resmi secara
akurat, lancar dan berterima yang menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis
dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
C. Indikator
Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi:
• Mampu menebak kosa kata baru yang tidak diketahui dengan
menggunakan contextual guessing technique.
• Mengidentifikasi konsteks descriptive yang memungkinkan siswa
untuk terbebas dari kamus sehingga meningkatkan rasa percaya diri
siswa dan memotivasi mereka untuk memiliki kompetensi membaca.
• Memahami penggunaan contextual guessing technique dalam text
Kewirausahaan/Ekonomi Kreatif:
D. Tujuan Pembelajaran
E. Materi Pokok
Peter is the youngest in our family. He is fourteen years old and four
years younger than me. He has long, straight hair, bright eyes and a
friendly smile. Sometimes he is rather naughty at home, but he usually
does what he is asked to do.
F. Metode Pembelajaran/Teknik:
G. Strategi Pembelajaran
Pertemuan pertama
Kegiatan Awal
Kegiatan Inti:
Kegiatan Akhir:
Pertemuan kedua
Kegiatan Awal:
Kegiatan Inti:
Kegiatan Akhir:
Pertemuan Ketiga
Kegiatan Awal:
Kegiatan Inti:
Kegiatan Akhir:
Kelas/Semester : XI / 2
A. Standar Kompetensi
Membaca : 11. Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana
berbentuk recount dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan
untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan.
B. Kompetensi Dasar
11.1 Merespon makna dalam teks fungsional resmi dan tak resmi secara
akurat, lancar dan berterima yang menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis
dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
• Indikator
Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi:
• Mampu menebak kosa kata baru yang tidak diketahui dengan
menggunakan contextual guessing technique.
• Mengidentifikasi konsteks recount yang memungkinkan siswa untuk
terbebas dari kamus sehingga meningkatkan rasa percaya diri siswa
dan memotivasi mereka untuk memiliki kompetensi membaca.
• Memahami penggunaan contextual guessing technique dalam text
Kewirausahaan/Ekonomi Kreatif:
• Tujuan Pembelajaran
• Materi Pokok
• Metode Pembelajaran/Teknik:
• Strategi Pembelajaran
Pertemuan Pertama
Kegiatan Awal:
Kegiatan Inti:
Kegiatan Akhir:
Pertemuan Kedua
Kegiatan Awal:
Kegiatan Inti:
Kegiatan Akhir:
Pertemuan Ketiga
Kegiatan Awal:
Kegiatan Inti:
Kegiatan Akhir:
Nim : 20400113032
Instrument of the Research
Research instrument
The Students’ Ability in Using Contextual Guessing Technique in
Reading Comprehension of Second Grade in SMA Negeri 1
Galesong Selatan
Name : Score
Class :
Id Number :
1. This research instrument (pre-test/post-test) is administered in order to
find out students’ reading skill performance of second grade in SMA
Negeri 1 Galesong Selatan before the application of Contextual
Guessing Technique to improve the students’ ability in reading
2. This pre-test will not take any effect on your grading point at any
courses you are taking in the semester.
3. Please answer this pre-test carefully and independently.
4. This pre-test will be administered for around 20 to 30 minutes.
5. During the test, you are not allowed to use dictionary.
A. Multiple Choice
Choose the best answer by crossing (X) a, b, c, d!
8. ”He is fourteen years old and four years younger than me.”
The underlined word refers to ….
a. Peter
b. The writer
c. The writer’s brother
d. the writer’s family
12. Why did the people gather under the Town Hall clock?
a. To welcome the New Year
b. To see the newly bought clock
c. To strike the laughing people
d. To stop people who shouted
16. What probably happened when someone shouted that the clock
a. Everybody directly celebrated the New Year
b. everybody sings and laugh
c. everybody looked for a watch
d. everybody shouted too
19. It was the last day of the year and a large crowd of people had gathered
under the Town Hall clock.
What is the closest meaning of the underlined word?
a. Mass
b. Big
c. Many
d. Lots of
B. Essay
Answer the best Question!
Last week was a terrible day for me. My cousin and I were playing
football infront of the house to spend time with us .
First, it was really fun until I kicked the ball too strong, so the ball
leaded me to the window and broke the windo. When we want to escape,
all of a sudden we all heard a loud voice. After that, the owner of the house
came out of the fence, he yelled at us. We are very afraid of her, but we do
not know what to do. Then, one of my cousins told us to run, we all ran,
and suddenly we heard the sound of skin. Then we know that homeowners
allow dogs to chase us. And we were struggling to run as fast as her as we
But, I fell down so the dog managed to capture me and bit my leg. It
really hurts me. Then the dog ran back into the house. My cousin took me
to the doctor and told my parents . In the end, the doctor said that I was
exposed to rabies. Then I was hospitalized for one week more.
That's a terrible day of the week for me, may not happen to me again in
his next week Sunday.
6. What is the title of the story above?
7. When was happening?
8. Why last week was a terrible day for the author?
9. Who is shouting?
10. What is said to be the author?
Instrument of the Research
Research instrument
The Students’ Ability in Using Contextual Guessing Technique in
Reading Comprehension of Second Grade in SMA Negeri 1
Galesong Selatan
Name : Score
Class :
Id Number :
1. This research instrument (pre -test/post-test) is administered in order to
find out students’ reading skill performance of second grade in SMA
Negeri 1 Galesong Selatan before the application of Contextual
Guessing Technique to improve the students’ ability in reading
2. This pre-test will not take any effect on your grading point at any
courses you are taking in the semester.
3. Please answer this pre-test carefully and independently.
4. This pre-test will be administered for around 20 to 30 minutes.
5. During the test, you are not allowed to use dictionary.
A. Multiple Choice
Choose the best answer by crossing (X) a, b, c, d!
The phenomenon of the rock formed into a natural ‘arch’ and the cave
through which a waterfall cascades is a short one-kilometer walk below a
dense rainforest canopy from the main picnic area. Swimming is permitted
in the rock pools. Night-time visitors to the cave will discover the unique
feature of the glow worms. Picnic areas offers toilets, barbeque, shelter
sheds, water and fireplaces; however, overnight camping is not permitted.
And, from every single guest room and suite, there is a breathtaking view
of all the exotic hustle and bustle of the fabled “River of Kings”.
From more than 200 years, Bangkok’s granduer has been reflected in the
waters of the Chao Phraya. Today, the Shangri-La Bangkok tower beside
this majestic river, offers its guests the golden promise of the East.
16. Why did they only visit Brahmana and Syiwa temples?
a. Because there was no wisnu temple
b. Because wisnu temple was amazing
c. Bacause wisnu temple was too small
d. Because wisnu temple was being repaired
The police thought that two burglars started the robbery at 151 pattimura
street on Sunday afternoon. The burglars broke into the students’ room
while they were going to a football game. They never thought that while
they were away, burglars would break into their boarding house.
B. Essay
Answer the best Question!
Losari beach is a beautiful beach and located on the edge city of Makassar.
It is located only about 3 km from the center of Makassar (Karebosi Park).
The beach used to be the longest café in Asia, because many cafes stand in
along the beach, but now the cafes are collected in a special place so it
does not spread along the coast. Charm of the beach is mainly seen in the
evening when the sunset stands out. This is a major attraction of people’s
The Pelataran Bahari also serves as the stadium of open water to watch the
coastal waters in front of Losari beach. This coastal water is often used as
a racecourse jet ski, boat races and traditional boat jolloro katinting, or
become a transit point of rely of Sandeq traditional sailboats and yachts.
In Losari there are also a few hotels. Some of them qualified as a tree stars
hotel. The hotel is offering panoramic beauty of the sea with luxury
service treats. There are Losari Beach Hotel, Losari Beach Inn, Makassar
Golden Hotel, and Pantai Gapura Hotel. All of the hotels located in Jalan
(Adapted from
Visiting My Village
Last month, I and my family went to Banyumas which was located in
Central Java, Indonesia. We drove a car. I enjoyed the journey all day long
although it took 2 days to get there. We were fun, my brother made some
jokes all day. My father told us some stories on the way. My mother slept
on the back seat. �
My first day in my village, I visited my siblings and friends. We are
welcomed by happiness. When I saw my parents, they cried because they
looked so happy to meet up their families. The next day, I, my brother, my
cousin and my nephew went to a popular place in Purwokerto. It was
called “Baturaden”. That was a favorite spot in Purwokerto. We enjoyed
local specialty food as culinary. I was satisfied and so were they. Next, I
took a photo with traditional music musicians.
My brother, my cousin and my nephew enjoy the view with other visitors.
They took a photo with their style like I did. In the evening, we were back
home. And did other private activities, such as made a conversation, told
the story and made a joke.
The day after tomorrow, my cousin had a ceremony to say thanks to God
for blessing their son. It was called “Nazar”. When the parents had a
promise for something and it was realized. They had to make a traditional
ceremony. I watched that traditional ceremony and took their photograph.
For the last show, we were entertained by “Ebeg”. It was traditional art.
The player danced through the traditional music and they were handled by
the spirit. It was scary, but it was fun and entertain.
Time run so fast because the next day was our last day in the village. So I
took the last photo to bring it home. They were my family and still family
until the last breath in this world.
Finally, we had to go home and brought a love experience from family.
Yaps… that was the hardest part.
Answer Key Pre-test and Post-test
A. Multiple Choice
1. B 11. B
2. C 12. A
3. C 13. A
4. A 14. B
5. A 15. D
6. C 16. C
7. A 17. C
8. B 18. A
9. B 19. A
10. A 20. A
B. Essay
A. Multiple Choice
21. A 31. A
22. C 32. A
23. C 33. A
24. A 34. B
25. B 35. C
26. A 36. D
27. B 37. A
28. D 38. B
29. C 39. D
30. C 40. B
B. Essay
1. Losari beach is located on the edge city of Makassar only about 3 km from
the center of Makassar (Karebosi Park).
2. Losari beach offers its charming sunset.
3. (The lengthy of) Losari beach is approximately one kilometer.
4. The place is called the Pelataran Bahari (Marine Park).
5. The author mentions three hotels.
6. They went to Banyumas last month.
7. They went to Banyumas by car.
8. No, he was not. He enjoyed and he was fun because his brother made
some jokes all day.
9. The writer visited his siblings and his friends.
10. The popular place in Purwokerto was called Baturaden.
Then she continued her study in SMA Negeri 1 Galesong Selatan in Graduate 2013.