Format and Structure of A Research Paper

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in words, while double-digit numbers (i.e.

, 10, 11, 12, and so on) are written in numerals

Format and Structure of a Research Paper when used in a sentence. Symbols, numeric values, or equations should never start a
How is a research paper formatted and structured?
- Mesurements - Put a space between a number and a unit (e.g., 3 g, 10 mL), and make sure
Font is a particular size, weight, and style of a typeface. that they’re in the same line. On the other hand, there should never be a space between a
number and the symbol for degree, minutes, or percent (e.g., 95%, 37℃). A unit is
Page layout is the arrangement of visual elements on a page. abbreviated if there is a corresponding number. If the unit is mentioned in the text without
a number, spell out the unit.
Other Formatting Guidelines Includes bold typeface and italics.
- Formulas or equations - Equations should either be intended or placed at the center of
Font the page and on a separate line. Use the same format consistently throughout the research
paper. Set the proper punctuations at the end of the equation (e.g., period, comma) since
- Font type - Generally, academic papers use serif fonts because they are easily readable, it’s still part of the sentence. Align the terms “where” or “with” (in lowercase) at the left
more distinct when italicized, and the letters are squeezed together. These are used in margin to indicate the variables of the equations.
books and newspapers and are particularly used for multiple lines of texts or paragraphs in
the main body of the paper. However, sans serif fonts are often used for a single line of - Headings and subheadings - These are relevant sections that organize the information and
texts such as titles, headings, or subheadings. Sans serif fonts are also used in figures. dictate the flow of argument set forth by the study. These should be in bold, may be written
as a simple statement, or even presented as a question. Avoid typing these sections in
Serif Fonts Sans Serif Fonts capital letters.
Bodoni MT Arial
Cambria Calibri
Book Antiqua Helvetica
Garamond Tahoma
Times New Roman Verdana

- Font size - Font sizes that are legible or easy to read range from 10 to 12 points. Larger
fonts up to 18 points may be used for titles, chapter headings, and subheadings. Font sizes
in tables, figures, and charts should be smaller than the size of the body texts of the paper
but should not be less than 9 points. Fonts should be legible and distinct. The font size of
formulas, equations, or mathematical expressions used in the research paper should be the
same as that of the body texts and should be written in italics.
When resizing graphs and figures, pay attention to the reduction and enlargement of the
font size.

- Quotation marks - Copied exact phrases or whole statements from a source should be - Page Layout -
enclosed in quotation marks and appropriately cited. Parts or sections within a book or
research paper or any completed works should also be placed inside quotation marks. For - Paper Size - The research paper should be typewritten double-spaced in a letter-size white
whole passages, remember to position the closing quotation mark right after the period. paper (8.5” x 11”). The same format in spacing is also applied to the captions and the
- Numbers - When beginning a sentence with a number, write the number in words (i.e.,
One, Twenty, Four thousand, etc.). Often, single-digit numbers (i.e., 1-9) should be written
Margins - There should be a margin of one inch (1”) on all sides (top, bottom, left, right) of telling the reader what the study is about, what the study is aimed at, and who or what
the paper. were tested in the experiment.

- Line numbers - In some cases, especially when submitting research papers for publication, - Acknowledgement - This short section is optional to write. Gratitude is extended to
the author will be asked to insert continuous line numbers. This is to designate sections that certain individuals who provided technical help (such as technicians or research assistants),
will help the reviewers evaluate the study and give their specific comments. advice and monitoring (supervisors or thesis adviser), and, if applicable, financial report
(e.g., scholarships, funding from government institutions, etc.)
- Indention - Indent the first line of each paragraph. Top-level headings should be centered
on the page and should use uppercase and lowercase letters. Second-level headings should - Abstract - The abstract of the final research paper is written in past tense. Aside from a
be flushed left, italicized, and should be in uppercase and lowercase. short background of the study, the objectives of the research, the methods used, the
significant findings or results, and the conclusions are now included. The abstract is the
- Figures and tables - Figures such as photos, diagrams, charts or graphs, should speak for most read section of the paper. It is the one that is sent and evaluated for acceptance to
themselves and should tell the story behind the study. Do not put too much information in seminars or conferences for oral or poster presentations. Abbreviations and citations of
one figure. Make the figure straightforward and understandable. It is recommended to references should not be found in this section. Under the main body of the abstract are
make your own figures. Never use a figure without asking permission from the original keywords (usually five) that accurately describe what the study is about. Abstracts may be
source to avoid plagiarism. written in two forms: unstructured and structured. These forms are written in the same way
except that there are labels in the structured abstract, making it easier for readers to
A corresponding number goes with the labels for tables and figures. These are labeled as understand the study.
Table 1, Table 2, Figure 1, Figure 2, etc. In some rules, the word “Figure” is abbreviated as
Fig. Captions in figures are placed underneath the graph or photo and should clearly - Structured - - Unstructured -
indicate what the figure is about. The caption or title of the table is located above the table,
while the source and notes are found below the table.

- Alignment - In some guidelines such as APA and MLA, the texts of the entire research
paper should be aligned to the left margin and not evenly distributed between margins. The
research and chapter titles should be positioned at the center of the page.

- Other Formatting Guidelines -

- Bold typeface - Words, phrases, or special symbols may be in bold font for emphasis. This - Introduction -
may also be applied to the main title, chapter titles, headings and subheadings. - Question - What is the study all about?
- What studies related to your research have led you to the current problem?
- Italics - Words or phrases that should be in italics are scientific names, foreign words or - Why was the study done? What is the significance of the study?
dialects, and titles of complete works.
- Sections of Introduction -
- Parts of a Research Paper - - Background of the Study -The background of the study provides an overview of the
research. It is a brief description of some relevant literature studies that have led you to the
What are the essential parts of a research paper?
central question of your research. In the first one or two paragraphs, talk about the past
and recent developments that were significant in your field of study. Mention how these
- Title Page - This is the first page of your research paper. It shows the title of the study, the
developments have paved the way to the main problem of the study. Afterward, allot two
names of the authors, and the name of the institution where the authors are affiliated. The
or more paragraphs briefly detailing the methodologies used in other studies and their
most important part of this page is the title itself. A good title summarizes the study by
purpose. In the next paragraphs, discuss briefly the methods and sampling you used and the out abbreviated words employed in the experiment or found in related studies that were
rationale behind it. In the last part of this section, identify the research gap that has not cited in the study.
been addressed or resolved in other studies. This will eventually lead to the aims of your
study discussed in the next sections of this chapter. It is usually less than two pages long. There are two ways of defining terms in research: conceptual and operational. The
Hence, the statements here should be concise and precise. Remember to cite the original conceptual definition describes a concept by associating it with other concepts and may be
source of the literature used in this section to avoid plagiarism. taken from a dictionary, book, or encyclopedia, among others. Meanwhile, an operational
definition is related to the conceptual definition, but its description lies on how the variable
- statement of the Problem - This section gives an overview of the main problem or idea is used in the research.
and the methods used to solve that problem. This gives a more focused look on what your
study is about and how it was done. It may consist of one or two paragraphs. As much as - Definitions of Essential Oil -
possible, citations of other studies should not be included here since you have already - Conceptual - Any of a class of volatile oils that give plants their characteristic odors and
discussed those in the background of the study. At first, describe the problem and its are used especially in perfumes and flavorings, and for aromatherapy. (Merriam-Webster
significance, then describe the methods that were used to address the problem. Dictionary)
- Operational - Liquid produced after plant oil resources such as dried fruit peelings,
- Objectives of the Study - In this section, the specific aims of the study are explained. It is needles, and flowers were subjected to water distillation and mixed with anhydrous sodium
written either in bulleted or numbered form. The statements should begin with words such sulfate to remove traces of moisture.
as “describe”, “determine”, “characterize”, “correlate”, etc. The specific aims of the study,
the methods used, and the corresponding results are linked to one another. Hence, the - Review of Related Literature - In every aspect of the study, the literature search and
objectives are written in the order in which they are addressed in the methodology and the review is constantly done. Do not merely summarize what you have read in the literature
results. search; consolidate everything in a logical, organized manner. Take the main ideas from
each of these literature. Bind tem together to show the relationship. This chapter is written
- Significance of the Study - Aside from the importance of doing the study, the or rewritten along with the discussion section when writing the final draft of the research
contributions of the study or its potential benefits to the society are also discussed here. paper. It is rewritten since you already have a template from the research proposal.
Identify first the general contributions your research will make to your area of interest or to
the extensive literature, then write down the specific contributions of your study to a group Critical thinking is enhanced when you do a comprehensive literature review. It boosts your
of people, an individual, etc. confidence as it enables you to understand your study better. It will also make you humble
and realize that your study is not your own but a combination of past and present studies.
- Scope and Delimitations - This section describes the coverage and boundaries of the In the review of related literature, always cite the original source to avoid plagiarism.
study. This is another important part of the paper since not all variables of the study may be
included. The statement of the problem and the specific objectives already determine the - Research Methodology - This section describes how the date were gathered to fulfill the
way the study will be conducted and the methods or sampling techniques to be used. objectives of the study. The study area, research design, sampling techniques, instruments
Hence, the scope of the study is defined by the objectives of the research. Included also in used, experimental procedure, and statistical tools used in the study are described. This
this research is the duration of the study, the research locale or study area, and the section is written in past tense and should be linked with the objectives stated in the
participants, test subjects, or biological specimens that will be used in the experiments. For introduction.
the delimitations, specify the limits of the study and your choice of not including certain
variables in the study. Describe the reasons for not doing other methods, not using an The methodology answers the following questions:
instrument, or excluding other populations or test subjects from your study. - How did you conduct the study?
- What were the materials and methods used to answer the goals of the study?
- Definition of Terms - This is the section the readers will go back to when they encounter - What statistical tools were used to analyze the data?
terms that they do not understand or may have been used in another context. The terms
are alphabetically arranged and defined according to how they are applied in the study.
Copied definition from other sources should be properly cited. Included here are spelled-
- Research Methodologies - - Experimental design - is often used when there is a priority of time such as cause will
always precede effect and when there is steadiness in a causal relationship such as a
particular cause will always lead to the same effect and the degree of association is great.
- Study Area - The study area is also called study site, study population, or research locale. It
describes the are where the study is based and located. The coordinates (longitude and - Longitudinal design - this research study is a type of observational study and is also known
latitude), surface area (hectares, square meters, etc.), and surrounding cites, towns, or as a panel study. Longitudinal research design makes repetitive experiments and makes
barangays should be indicated. A map should be drawn to pinpoint the area of interest and multiple observations.
label it as a figure.
- Historical design - in this type of research data from the past is collected, evaluate and the
hypothesis is defended on the outcomes.
- Research Design - A research design is a step-by-step approach used by a researcher to
conduct a scientific study. It includes various methods and techniques to conduct research - Observational research design - is used to draw results by comparing subjects under
so that a research problem can be handled efficiently research with a controlled group.

- Sequential research design - is designed in a staged approach, where you can move to the
Types of Research Design next stage only after completing research at the first stage.

- Case-study design - is used for the in-depth and detailed study of a subject. This technique Sample and Data Collection Techniques
is usually used to narrow down a big problem into small discrete easily researchable Human Sample
problems. - Approved by an Ethics Review Committee (ERC)
- Includes samples of blood, urine, saliva, etc.
- Action research design - follows a characteristics-based path, where initially an - Describe the sampling procedure used (e.g., blood extraction)
exploratory stance has opted and understanding is developed about the problem and made Animal Sample
some type of strategies for invention. - Permits for experimental animals were acquired from the Institutional Animal Care and -
Use Committee (IACUC)
- Cohort research design - is generally conducted on a certain population (have some - Specify the duration of the study, the number of animals used, the supplier or breeder, the
commonality or similarity) over a period of time. This study makes note of statistical species or strain, the animals’ characteristics (age, sex, weight), the cage and housing
occurrence with a specialized subsection of the population, which is unified by similar specifications, feeding times, how the samples from the animals were obtained, and the
characteristics that are relevant with the problem being investigated, instead of studying storage of the collected samples.
statistical occurrence with the general population. Plant Sample
- Permits were acquired from a local government unit (LGU) or in the case of protected
- Casual design - this type of research study is used to analyze the phenomena of areas, from a government agency such as the Department of Environment and Natural
conditional statements like “if A, then B”. The purpose of using this type of research is to resources (DENR).
evaluate the impact of a specific change on the existing standards and conventions. - Describe the durations or length of sampling, type of sampling (purposive or transects),
the documentation used such as field notebooks , photographs, habit sketches, etc., and
- Descriptive design - is used to describe the characteristics of a population or phenomena other parameters (e.g., diameter breast height, and canopy area).
being researched. - Ethical Permissions - All permits mentioned for human samples (ERC), animals used in
experiments (IACUC), and plants and animals collected from the field (government
- Cross-sectional design - this type of research design can only calculate among or from a agencies, LGU) should be obtained before the start of the experiment. Note that without
variety of people, phenomena or subjects at the place of change. these permissions, the collection is deemed void and there is a significant possibility that
the study will not be accepted for publication. A copy of the acquired permits should be
- Exploratory design - is used for the researches on which no research is done before and placed in the Appendices and indicated in the text.
have no studies to refer to.
- Procedures - Write a full account of how the data were collected. Include here the - Conclusions - It address the value or implications of your study. It is related to the
equipment and reagents used with details such as brand, manufacturer, and place of origin. introduction and should answer the statement of the problem in sequence.
Describe a step-by-step detail of what was done in the experiments, the problem
encountered, and the steps takes to fix the problem. - Recommendations - The recommendation section contains the future directions of the
study or proposes new concepts for further study. It should state what still needs to be
- Statistical Treatment - Enumerate and describe the different statistical tools employed to done by posing new questions.
calculate the results of each method, as well as the suitability or appropriateness of the
method, to answer the study problems. - References - List only all the sources cited in the paper. Make use of software such as
EndNote or Mendeley to insert in-line citations quickly and to automatically generate a list
Results and Discussion of references out of the citations you made.
The results are the expected outcomes of your research. It also presents the data obtained
from the experiments. - Appendices - This section includes the extra figures or tables essential to your results,
Results can also be described in two ways: documents, such as permits and certifications, raw data, and any other information such as
- Positive versus negative results- Results are considered positive if the response computations.
was seen from the identified target population or group. A negative result is when
neither a response to the imposed condition nor differences in the responses are
seen. - Headings and subheadings -
- Expected versus unexpected results- Expected results are the predicted answers
to the specific questions formulated. Unexpected results, on the other hand, are
results which were not planned for.
The discussion section is an explanation of the results of the study and how they’re related
to past findings and study.

- Interpretation of Results - In interpreting results, you will need to present the hypothesis
you have formulated against the analyzed data that you have gathered.

Written summaries are series of summarized statements from precise quantitative


- Summary - The summary is a condensed form of the results and findings. The first
paragraph should briefly introduce what the study about, the objectives, the significance of
the study, and the limitations encountered during the conduct of the study. Write one to
two paragraphs each for the methods and results, highlighting the most significant findings.
A summary of the discussion is unnecessary.

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