Bayat 2012
Bayat 2012
Bayat 2012
ABSTRACT: In coordination polymerization of alpha-olefins utilizing Ziegler-Natta catalysts via slurry, polyolefin is produced with
other by-products such as polyethylene wax. Wax is defined as a linear short chain saturated by hydrocarbons in the relevant indus-
tries. Hexane and heptane are two of the most common suspending agents for the slurry process and wax molecules are soluble or
swollen in these kinds of liquids. After termination of polymerization, wax separates from the main product by physical processes. A
procedure for wax quantification in a laboratory reactor is suggested. Also, impacts of various factors such as reaction duration, pressure,
and cocatalyst on wax generation have been investigated. VC 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 127: 1027–1031, 2013
KEYWORDS: polyethylene wax; ethylene; Ziegler-Natta catalysts; coordination polymerization; slurry phase; semibatch reactor
Received 19 June 2011; accepted 16 April 2012; published online 9 May 2012
DOI: 10.1002/app.37916
2. Transferring a hydrogen atom from the b-carbon of the (>99.9%), TEAL (Triethylaluminum) solution 1.0M in hexanes
propagating chain to the transition metal of the active site (Sigma Aldrich) and TIBAL (Triisobutylaluminum) solution
(b-hydrogen elimination): 1.0M in hexanes (Sigma Aldrich)].
Cl Ti ðCH2 CH2 Þn R ! Cl Ti H A Mg(OEt)2-Supported TiCl4 catalyst was used for this study.
þCH2 ¼ CH ðCH2 CH2 Þn1 R The catalyst used contains 2.7% Ti (w/w). The procedure of
preparing this type of catalyst has been described in the litera-
ture.12–15 In order to increase the dosage accuracy, the prepared
3. Transfer to organoaluminum compound (co-catalyst): catalyst was diluted 10 times with dried hexane.
The reference state which applied for this research and just the targeted
item is changed and traced.
Table III. Ethylene Pressure Effect on Wax Content and Polymer Table V. Cocatalyst Concentration and Type (Effect on Wax Content and
Specifications Polymer Specifications)
Table VI. External Donor Effect (THF - Exp 16) and Impurities Effect
Table IV. Hydrogen Pressure Effect on Wax Content and Polymer
(H2O - Exp 17) on Wax Content and Polymer Specificationsa
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