Git and Github
Git and Github
Git and Github
Joint Director
Project Teams- Past Experiences
When you were an engineering student you are probably used
to programming courses that focus on solving relatively small
problems, often (but not always) in isolation. Perform a binary
search, traverse a graph, implement stacks and queues, etc..
• There will only be one user at a time.
• The code will only be seen by the group members and trashed (be
forgotten) after the project is done.
• The project will run only when the instructor has to evaluate it or
for testing, probably on the machine of the team member.
• Continuous integration means “continuously integrate new code,
compile and test until things work”.
• Testing means “make sure it doesn’t throw a logical or
segmentation fault when you do that thing that caused a logical or
segmentation fault last time”.
Developing an application in a team
Team Work
• If you work on a project you’ll likely be part of a team.
• Different modules of the project may be assigned to each
member. Task with the members may be different also.
• As a group effort, the complete development can be done.
Issues developers face when working in a team
You are unable to push to the remote repository if your You must merge the latest changes before pushing.
local repo is out of date.
Git commands contd..
Git commands contd..
• git remote add origin url/to server/repo
• git clone /path/to/repo
• git clone url/to/repo
• git push origin master
• git push origin branchName
• git pull
• git merge branchName
Lab 6 : Create Repository in GitHub
Lab 7 : Clone a Git Repository
GitHub vs GitLab vs Bitbucket
Lab 8 : Centralized Git Workflow
Lab 9 : Collaboration between Local and Remote
Lab 10 : Merging file changes in Git
Updating Eclipse
• If the Git tooling is not available, you can install it via the Eclipse
installation manager. Select the Help --> Install new
Software… menu entry. Enter one of the following update site
• # Use this update site
to get the latest release
• # use this
update site to get the night build
Configuration for Git usage via the Eclipse IDE