2.1 Groundwater
Groundwater is the term given to the water occupying the pore spaces in the
permeable rock and the unconsolidated rock material; the water bearing geological
material is referred to as an aquifer .There are two types of aquifer a confined and an
unconfined aquifer.
The upper surface of the saturated zone is called the water table which can fluctuate
depending on the outside moisture conditions. (BJ Allow and DC Aynes)
The process of induction of objectionable matter or property , arising from human and
natural activities to groundwater and thereby changing its physical , chemical or other
properties as to render it unfit or less fit for drinking ,agriculture or other uses is
called groundwater pollution(Mckee and Wolf,1963;Karnath,1987).
Typical pollutant sources are industrial wastewater impoundments, sanitary landfills,
storage piles, soakaways following household septic tanks, impropelly constructed
wastewater disposal wells and application of chemicals on agricultural lands.
The amount of water available for infiltration either from precipitation or from the
wastewater itself, is a primary factor in carrying pollutants down through a soil
profile.Water from the surface passes downward through the unsaturated zone and
disperses in an aquifer in a manner depending on the site conditions (Hammer and
Hammer, 2001)
Dispersion of a contaminant is influenced both physically by soil porosity and
hydraulically by the rate of water movement
Natural Contaminants
The principal natural chemicals found in groundwater are dissolved salts, iron and
manganese, fluoride, arsenic, radionuclide and trace metals. In arid regions with
limited water recharge, slow percolation results in mineralized poor quality water high
in sodium chloride. In humid climates, weathering of sedimented rock releases
calcium and magnesium creating excessive hardness and often dissolved manganese
and iron. Fluoride is a constituent of the mineral fluorite found in sedimentary,
igneous and metamorphic rocks. High concentrations of fluoride in groundwater
result in fluorosis, a bad condition of teeth and bones. (Hammer and Hamer, 2001)
Natural radioactive substances although present in most rocks, are generally at very
low levels of activity. Groundwater generally contains small traces of metallic
elements like selenium, cadmium, lead, copper and zinc which are found in rocks and
unconsolidated deposits. The levels are so minute they are negligible.
In most low density areas in Zimbabwe is disposed mainly through septic tanks and
soakaways.The soakaway consists of a perforated pipe laid in gravel-lined trenches
which allow water to soak through the soil profile. With high density of these units
groundwater contamination can occur. This is why in Zimbabwe septic tanks are
limited to stands with areas greater than 2000m² to reduce the density of septic tanks.
Burial of solid wastes can result in the degradation of subsurface water through the
generation of leachate caused by water percolating through the refuse fill. Leachate is
highly mineralised water containing such constituents as sodium chloride , nitrate ,
trace metals and a variety of organic compounds ,pollution problems occur where
rainfall exceeds the absorption capacity of the soil.(Hammer and Hammer,2001)
However it is recommended the base of refuse be separated from the water table using
an impervious liner to collect leachate for treatment.
Contamination from Industrial and Agricultural Sources
Effective prevention from point sources such as storage tanks and septic tanks is
based on site selection ,controlled design, proper construction and careful
operation(Hammer ; 2001
By strategically placing monitoring wells around the site for testing of groundwater
the onset of contamination can be known and abatement action can be enforced before
further damage occurs to the groundwater quality.
Chemical and biological degradation of the contaminants can occur in the aquifer but
at slower rates than surface waters because of lower temperatures, less available
oxygen and reduced biological activities. Therefore once groundwater is polluted it
will be difficult and expensive to reverse, and the original state is never reached.
Several methods were however devised to clean polluted aquifers-:
Wastewater reclamation has the potential to close the gap between supply and demand
for water in arid and semi-arid regions. With increase in Urbanisation, population
growth as well as climate change the amount of portable water is failing to meet up
with demand. Several initiatives are being put in place to conserve water available and
the reclamation of water is one of them
Wastewater is a complex resource with both advantages and disadvantages. Its major
advantage being it is a definite, constant supply unlike rainwater. The major
disadvantage of the reuse of wastewater are the risks it posses on the environment and
the health of the individuals practicing reuse. Wastewater is reclaimed for several uses
i.e. for agricultural and landscape irrigation, for cooling machinery in industries, e.t.c
Wastewater is treated to different levels depending on what it will be reused for.
Some areas use raw wastewater with screening being its only form of treatment like in
the Everglade forests in Florida and in some places wastewater goes through the
convectional treatment process up to disinfection e.g. Thornegroove Treatment Works
in Bulawayo where the reclaimed water is used for watering golf courses , public
parks and council grounds around the city.
In many countries in the world wastewater has been used for centuries in irrigated
agriculture by farmers on an individual basis. Originally the main purpose of the
farmers was to make use of the nutrients contained in the wastewater. Against the
background of increasing scarcity of water the current motivation of farmers reuse of
wastewater is the lack of other sources o(Susan Nuebert; 2001)
Several countries practice the reuse of wastewater and below are case studies of some
of the countries practicing this form of irrigation, sourced from the FAO regional
seminar on The Treatment and Use of Sewage Effluent for Irrigation held in Cyprus
7-9 October 1985
West Germany
Up to the mid-1990’s Germany was experiencing was experiencing a shortage in
fertiliser therefore wastewater was not only used to water the crops but also to
improve the fertility of the soils. During the early days the raw waste was used but
round 1960’s pre-treatment was introduced .Atfarm in Braunshweig the effluent was
treated mechanically and a variety of crops were irrigated using the sprinkler system.
During winter the effluent was first passed through infiltration basins but this caused
operational problems.
Sludge disposal, accumulation of heavy metals and high concentration of nitrates in
the groundwater are causing problems in the system. The WUA (Wastewater
Utilisation Association) is therefore designing a pre-treatment plant to remove
Nitrates by dintritification to overcome these problems.
In Egypt, acute shortage of water and low organic content of soils necessitate
utilisation of crop when sufficient quantities are available. Since 1911 primary sewage
effluent has been used at El Gabel El Asfar citrus farm. The soil quality has changed
considerably. The soil increases in organic matter, clay content, cation exchange
capacity, PH lowered to a good level. Cr, Cu, Pb and B levels have increased but not
to alarming levels because of stringent control in application rates. Other farms i.e.
Rawasha, Alexandria are also doing the same and crops include corn-maize, wheat,
beans, alpha, olives e.t.c.
Reuse of treated sewage effluent for irrigation is viewed as an efficient means of
recycling the scarce water resource in the semi-arid country. The utilisation of
treatment effluent for groundwater recharge has been practiced since 1959.
In the country water reused would have undergone secondary treatment and even
chlorination. Cyprus has undergone a multifaced research on the evaluation of
groundwater contamination due to the use of secondary irrigation the findings showed
that the hazards associated with total soluble salts and toxic elements in the effluents
are negligible compared to those found in well water. The results also showed that
secondary treatment water was also superior in crop yields. By using the trickle
system health risks were minimised.
Because of a rapid development of agriculture and urbanisation, some farmers in the
Mezquital valley of Mexico have been using water directly from discharge outlet.
This has resulted in serious problems in the area related to pathogens, heavy metal
contamination and salinity build-up. Intestinal infections and other and other endemic
diseases are prevalent because of the consumption of raw wastewater irrigated crops.
On the other hand agricultural production, employment and incomes have increased
marginally. It is however important to treat the water to standards specified by WHO
as is now being practised in Mexico.
It lies an arid region where water is scarce. Effluent reuse makes a significant saving
in the diversion of potable water for irrigation as well as providing a safe disposal
method. In a city Amman, treated sewage effluent is mixed with stormwater and is
stored in reservoirs before being used for irrigation. In some of the cities the water
that percolates from the septic tanks is mixed with natural recharge water, this is
pumped through boreholes for irrigation purposes.
Saudi Arabia
The policy is to utilise treated municipal wastewater in the most beneficial manner,
among which the agricultural sector is given top priority.
Realising the importance of providing a degree of wastewater treatment to ensure
public health protection, wastewater regulations are being framed to enforce a
minimum of tertiary treatment producing a quality level required for unrestricted
irrigation. In Rayadh 210 000m³/day irrigate fruit, cereal, vegetables and fodder over
Municipal and industrial wastewater have been uncontrolled in the Damascus plain
for a long time resulting in high microbial population, salinity and high concentration
of chlorides , heavy metals and other toxins. Plans are being drawn up to construct
sewage treatment plants which would enable the safe use of effluents for the irrigation
of irrigation of agricultural crops, productive forestry (timber);protective forestry
(shelter beds) and ornamental landscaping.
It costs $1US/m³ to irrigation with treated effluent about half the cost of irrigating
with disclaimed water therefore, a master plan for effluent quality reuse has been
prepared taking into account effluent quality , treatment and distribution methods,
crop selection , land and soil suitability and economic feasibility
2.3.2 Turbidity
Turbidity is a measure of the extent to which light is either absorbed or scattered by
suspended material in the water. Because absorption and scattering are influenced by
both size and surface characteristic of the suspended matter, turbidity is not a direct
quantitative measure of suspended matter. (Tchobanoglous, 1985)
Household and industrial wastewaters may contain a variety of turbidity-producing
materials. Soaps, detergents and emulsifying agents produce stable colloids that result
in turbidity. Turbidity measurements are not commonly run on wastewater.
(Tchobanoglous, 1985; Silenje, 2003).
2.3.3 Electrical Conductivity and Total Dissolved Solids
Conductivity is used to estimate the degree of mineralization of water. It is a measure
of the ability of an aqueous solution to carry an electric current (Greenberg et el,
1992; Silenje, 2003). The amount of dissolved ionisable salts in fresh water is
generally considered to the water’s potential productivity(Holden,1970 ;
Silenje,2003).The composition of the sediments ,water, nature of various dissolved
substances and salts as well as the temperature at which it is measured determine the
electrical conductivity of any water.(Tebbutt,1983 ; Silenje,2003).The dissociation
into ions, the amount of charges on the ions and ion mobility all impact on the
conductivity value( Chapman and Kimstach,1998; Silenje,2003)
In the international System of Units (SI), the units for conductivity are millisiemens
per meter (mS/m) (Greenberg et al, 1992; Silenje, 2003).Total dissolved solids (mg/l)
may be obtained by multiplying the conductivity by a factor between 0.55 and 0.75;
which must be determined for each water body. For waters in which sodium and
chloride dominate the multiplication factor is about 0.67 while it is higher for waters
high in sulphates (Chapman and Kimstach, 1998; Silenje, 2003)
2.3.5 Alkalinity
The alkalinity of water is its acid-neutralising capacity. It is the sum of all the
titratable bases (Greenberg et al, 1992). Alkalinity is mainly due to the presence of
bicarbonate, carbonate or hydroxide ions in solution. The measured values may
include contributions from borates, phosphates, silicates or other bases if these are
present (EPA, 1986; Silenje, 2003)
Sufficiently high bicarbonate alkalinity prevents corrosion of pipes and the dissolution
of lead by water (Taylor, 1985; Silenje, 2003).The toxicity of metals on aquatic
organisms is affected by alkalinity. Zero alkalinity and caustic alkalinity make a water
body less productive, thus negatively affecting the production of fish (Stirling, 1985;
Silenje, 2003)
Oxygen is essential in forms of aquatic life, including those organisms responsible for
self-purification processes in natural waters (Chapman and Kimstach,
1998).Dissolved oxygen levels in natural and wastewaters influence, and is also
dependent on the physical, chemical and biochemical activities in the water body. The
water balance of the system largely determines the impact of a waste discharge on a
river. Clean surface waters are normally saturated with DO, but such DO can be
rapidly deleted by the oxygen demand of organic
wastes(Tebbutt,1983;Silenje,2003).The solubility of oxygen decreases as temperature
and salinity increase(Holden,1970; Greenberg et al,1992;Silenje,2003).In fresh water
DO at sea level ranges 15mg/l at 0ºc to 8mg/l at 25 ºc. In unpolluted waters
concentrations are usually close to but less than 10mg/l, (Chapman and Kimstach,
1998; Silenje, 2003)
The Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) is widely used to characterise the organic
strength of wastewater and the pollution of natural waters. It is the amount of oxygen
required for chemical oxidation of organic matter to Caron Dioxide. Normally
Wastewater carries a large number of nutrients carried up from its use before it was
discarded. The nutrients vary in concentration with the time, season and the industries
in the vicinity as well as the major agricultural, commercial and social activities of the
The nutrients are beneficiary to plant life if the application to the land is controlled
because they can cause an overload which can cause greater damage to the plants and
the environment.
2.4.1 Chlorides
Chloride is a highly soluble salt responsible for the brackish taste in water. It gets
into water through the weathering of some igneous rocks as well as by contamination
from sea water. In sewage chlorides have origins from urea and in industrial
discharges chlorides mainly originate from paper works, galvanising plants, and base
exchange water softening plants, agricultural chemical users and producers as well as
the textile industries and other refineries.
The threshold level for chloride taste is 250-500mg/l and up to 1500mg/l chlorides
are unlikely to be harmful to healthy consumers(Chapman and Kimstach,
1998;Tebutt,1983).In most water the chloride present will be sodium chloride and
occasionally magnesium and calcium chlorides will also be present.(Mthunzi,2007)
In fresh waters the chloride concentration are usually lower than 10mg/l and
sometimes even less than 2mg/l. (Chapman and Kimstach, 1998; Silenje,
2003).Higher concentrations can be found near sewage and other waste outlets,
irrigation drains, salt water intrusions in arid areas and wet coastal lands. (Taylor,
1958; Chapman and Kimstach, 1998; Silenje, 2003).Sewage contains about 50mg/l of
chloride above that found in water supply. When increase goes far beyond this
magnitude, the increase is often accompanied by increase in nitrates and ammonia
indicating a repeated recycling of the water either in a sewage system or an irrigation
scheme. (Talor, 1958; Silenje 2003).
2.4.2 Phosphate
Phosphorous is an essential nutrient for all living organisms hence it is found in all
living vegetable and animal tissue.(Holden,1970;Chapman and
Kimstach,1998;Silenje,2003).The total amount of phosphorous consumed in a day is
roughly 1.4g and 64% of this is excreted in urine(Bowen,1982;Silenje,2003).The
phosphorous of all living things is oxidised to phosphate. Phosphate is therefore found
in sewage. (Holden, 1970)
In England in 1953 an increase in phosphate levels in sewage were attributed to the
increase in the use of phosphate -based home detergents.(Holden,1970).In soils,
natural waters and sewage wastewaters phosphate occurs almost exclusively as
orthophosphate in either organic or inorganic combinations.(Greenberg,1982)
Phosphate is used extensively in land application of fertilisers as phosphorous
supplement for crops therefore; agriculture runoff and percolation are a major source
of contamination to surface and groundwater.
Industrial discharges from laundries using phosphate-based detergents as well as from
phosphate treated boiler water also contribute to the environmental loading of
phosphates (Greenberg.1982; Silenje, 2003)
Ways of removing phosphorous from sewage include land application of the sewage,
tertiary treatment of the sewage as well as convectional irrigation using treated
sewage effluent. It is generally accepted that soil and vegetative growth will remove
almost all of the phosphate in industrial and sewage effluent. About 97% of the
phosphate was removed by a 20cm column of calcareous meadow soil in USA at an
infiltration rate of 7cm/day(Fullstone,1980).The city of Bulawayo has used treated
sewage to irrigate Aiselby and Good Hope farms since 1966 with the soil effecting
good phosphate removal. It is however not known for how long the soils can continue
to accept phosphate.
2.4.3 Nitrogen
There are four most common forms of nitrogen in water i.e. organic nitrogen,
ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen. Organic nitrogen is in the
form of proteins, amino acids and urea. Ammonia nitrogen occurs as ammonia salts or
as free ammonia. Nitrate nitrogen is an intermediate oxidation stage not normally
present in large quantities. Nitrate nitrogen is the final oxidation product of nitrogen.
(Silenje, 2003; Mthunzi, 2007)
Nitrates are however important to plant growth and are a major constituent in artificial
fertilisers. The reuse of wastewater allows for a sufficient amount to be applied to the
soil with no need of adding any artificial fertilisers.
With uncontrolled application of wastewater excess NO3 accumulates in the soil and
hence reaches the groundwater by percolation. These high nitrate levels are toxic and
may cause a development of methaemoglobinemia in infants, a fatal condition.
The problem of groundwater contamination is particularly serious to the rural
communities who solely depend on groundwater for drinking. A survey conducted an
area in Cape Town where they used sewage effluent for watering vegetables showed
that NO3N content of the groundwater was greater than 20mg/l more than twice that
legislated by the Department of National Health in SA.
2.4.4 Ammonia
The amount of ammonia in sewage water can be reduced to lower levels by biological
nitrification. The process can however be retarded by cold weather. The ammonia is
oxidised to nitrate, which is undesirable in other than small quantities in raw water
supplies. Air stripping of ammonia can give good removals but tends to be expensive.
(Tebbutt, 1983; Silenje, 2003)
Many metals are important constituents of most waters ,many of these are also
classified as priority pollutants. However, most of these metals are necessary for the
growth of biological life , and the absence of sufficient quantities of them could limit
in the growth of algae for example.
The presence of these metals in excessive quantities will interfere with many
beneficial uses of water because of their toxicity.
2.5.1 Sodium
Sodium in excess greatly affects the soil structure of the soil. In the absence of
calcium even very little sodium can greatly reduce the permeability of soil. The
sodium adsorbtion ratio (SAR) depends on the soil, the rate of application and the
duration of application.
2.5.2 Fluoride
Flouride is essential for good bone structure development as well as good oral health
but in very small quantities .In excess it causes fluorosis which is a very severe dental
condition which collapses the teeth and gums.It is also known to be carcenogenous
and causes infertility in women if in excess.
2.5.3 Manganese
Metals such as cadmium, chromate , lead, mercury, zinc e.t.c are known as trace
metals are known as trace metals.These elements originate from alloying,
electroplating, stainless steel manufacturing, tank linning
chemicals,catalysts,transmission wires, surgical equipment,e.t.c.
The effects of these trace metals are different according to the metals some of the
common effects are kidney,pancreas, liver and thyroid problems, corrosive on the skin
,irritation of the nose and mouth, discolouration of the skin, eyes and mucous
A study showed that biological pollution spreads along the direction of the water flow
in the aquifer.However bacteria apparently do not migrate more than 100 feet from
the pollution source.In porous soils bacteria disappear quite soon.Bacteria are
removed from the groundwater by adsorbtion on soil particles and by filtration.
(Charles G.Wilber,1997)
Very little is known about the travel of viruses lab tests show that viruses are very
resistant to chlorination, and they survive through the entire convectional sewage
treatment process.(Charles.G.Wilber, 1997)
It is however fortunate that most pathogens die out quite rapidly in groundwater.The
duration survival of pathogens in soil varies with physical nature of soil, pH ,
moisture and salt content.
Some communities use to create artificial wetlands. Suspended solids drop out and
nutrients are used by the plants and micro-organisms which also degrade organic
chemicals. Metal pollutants are absorbed into the wetlogenand soil but are not dest
The French add Chrysanthemums-a daisy like plant to the mix of plants being
irrigated by the wastewater. Aerobic microbes that grow on the Chrysanthemum roots
use the reactive nitrogen and phosphorus in the wastewater as nutrients taking up to
40-60% of these from the wastewater. They reportedly remove 95% of the suspended
solids and 91% of the BOD too. The Chrysanthemums are later harvested and
processed to obtain a natural insecticide, Pyrethrin.
In many greenhouses in European countries, gray-water is used for the irrigation of
the plants being cultivated. The wastewater is first screened and the grit is removed
and the wastewater is fed to bacteria, algae and zooplankton, these remove nutrients
and reduce suspended solids and BOD thus making the water much safer for
However, irrigating using wastewater posses a risk on the groundwater quality. It
takes groundwater a long time to get rid of organic pollutants this is because
groundwater unlike surface water has fewer microbes to digest organic pollutants ,
less oxygen, no sunlight and no surface to which organic pollutants can evaporate
from .
How a pollutant reaches the groundwater depends on the soil type, pollutant
characteristic and the distance to the groundwater.