This document supersedes the following documents, all copies of which should be destroyed.
2. Scope
2.1. General
This guidance document shall be applied to all CER and CMR transformer installations on the Northern
Powergrid network
1. Purpose.................................................................................................................................................................... 1
2. Scope ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1
2.1. General .................................................................................................................................................................... 1
2.2. Table of Contents ..................................................................................................................................................... 2
4. References ............................................................................................................................................................... 6
4.1. External Documentation .......................................................................................................................................... 6
4.2. Internal documentation ........................................................................................................................................... 6
5. Definitions ............................................................................................................................................................... 6
3. Installation Requirements
3.1. Preliminary Works
Prior to delivery of the transformer, the transformer manufacturer and their installation contractor(s) shall visit
site to assess access, off-loading, skidding and installation arrangements.
Prior to delivery of the transformer, Northern Powergrid will mark the centre lines on the transformer and
cooler plinths.
3.2. Transport
An impact recorder in a tamperproof box (recording impact magnitude against time) shall be fitted to the main
tank during transport.
Radiators and pipework shall be filled with dry air and sealed against moisture ingress
The transformer installer shall drill the concrete plinth and bolt down the cooler bank. Anti-vibration pads are
not required on the cooler bank.
New transformers shall be topped-up with unused mineral insulating oil complying with BS EN 60296.
Existing transformers may be topped-up with reclaimed mineral insulating oil complying with BS148.
Top up oil shall preferably be delivered by oil tanker. If oil is to be delivered to site in oil drums then they shall
be stored in a temporary bund to be provided by the oil supplier. The oil supplier shall also provide a spill-kit
and produce a spillage risk assessment and method statement.
Oil tests shall be undertaken on every oil container to be used for topping-up the transformer.
Top-up oil complying with the required moisture content and breakdown strength shall be pumped via a filter
unit into the completed transformer installation, usually via the conservator. There must be no risk of pushing
air into the transformer.
On completion of the transformer installation, the oil shall be tested as required in Section 3.4 (vi) below, to
ensure compliance with NPS/003/019. If the oil does not meet the moisture content or breakdown strength
requirements then it shall be processed using a processing/filtration unit.
After installation, the following tests shall be carried out on the assembled transformer. The tests shall be
witnessed by Northern Powergrid and the results recorded:
(1) The insulation resistance of each winding in turn to all other windings, core and frame or tank
connected together and to earth.
The transformer installer shall submit Risk Assessments and Method Statements in accordance with Northern
Powergrid Contract Management Procedure CMP(PL)PT Schedule 7.
Plant operatives shall be in possession of a current competency certificate. These shall be in English. At least
one person in the working party shall be able to understand and speak English.
Current test certificates shall be provided for all plant and equipment. Steel tape measures and aluminium
ladders are prohibited on site.
Torque wrenches shall be used on bolted connections on all oil tight gaskets. Tightening of these bolts shall be
witnessed by Northern Powergrid.
3.8. Paintwork
On completion of the installation, all chipped paintwork shall be repaired. The transformer installer shall supply
a pot of touch-up paint for future paintwork repairs
The transformer installer shall comply with The Work at Height Regulations. Working methods complying with
NPS/003/012 Section 13.1 or NPS/003/021 Section 13.1 or alternative methods shall be submitted with the Risk
and Method Statements
4. References
4.1. External Documentation
Reference Title
ENATS 35-2 Technical Specification: Emergency Rated System transformers 33/11.5kV
Delta/Star and Star/Star Connected
BS EN 60296 Fluids for electrotechnical applications. Unused mineral insulating oils for
transformers and switchgear
BS148 Reclaimed mineral insulating oil for transformers and switchgear. Specification
ENATS 35-1
Reference Title
NPS/003/012 Technical Specification for Continuous Emergency Rated (CER) Transformers
Technical Specification for CMR Transformers
NPS/003/021 Specification for electrical insulating fluids for use in Northern Powergrid plant
and switchgear
NPS/003/019 Power Transformer Contract Management Procedure – Enquiry to Handover
5. Definitions
Reference Title
I sign to confirm that I have completed and checked this document and I am satisfied with its content and
submit it for approval and authorisation.
Sign Date
Sarah Phillips CDS Administrator Sarah Phillips 01/03/16
6.2. Author
I sign to confirm that I have completed and checked this document and I am satisfied with its content and
submit it for approval and authorisation.
Review Period - This document should be reviewed within the following time period.
Standard CDS review of 3 years Non Standard Review Period & Reason
Yes Period: Reason:
Sign Date
Kevin Cook PEP Engineering & Design Kevin Cook 04/03/16
I sign to confirm that I am satisfied with all aspects of the content and preparation of this document and submit
it for approval and authorisation.
Sign Date
PEP Engineering & Design
Steve Wilkinson Steve Wilkinson 02/03/16
6.4. Approval
6.5. Authorisation