Agro Farming 1

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Agr o–a lliedFa r

mi ngBus inessPl an
Exe cutiveSumma ry
Ia m pr opos i
ngShe llieFa rmsLt dwhi c hwi llbea slice nseda gro–a ll
iedc ompa nyt ha tistobe
bas eda tImoke ,EnuguSt a t
e,Nige r
ia.Iha vepl aye dac ruc ia
lpa rti ndoingt hede tai
ledma rke tresea r
cha nd
tys t
udi e
sa ndia ma blet os ecures omehe ctaresofl andt os t
a r
tthec omme rcialfarmi ng.My
comme rcialf a rmi ngi sagoi ngt obes ta
nda rdc omme r
c i
a lfarm ,he ncei twillbei nvolvedi nc omme rcial
cropc ultiva tion,poul tr
yf armi nga ndofc our sea nima lf arming.
Ia mi nt oa gr o–a ll
iedbus inessbe causeIwa ntt ol everageont heva s
toppor tunit
iesa vail
a blei nthe
indus t
ry,t oc ontribut emyquot ai ngr owi ngt heNi geriae conomy,i nna tionalf oodpr oduc tion,ra w
ma terialspr oduc tionf ori ndus t
e s,toex porta gr i
c ultur epr oduc ef rom theNi ge r
iatoot herc ount ri
esa nd
ove randa bovet oma kepr ofitandt hebus inesswi llbema na gedbyIMme nyenePe ter.
OurSe rvic e s
She l
lieFa rmswi llbea na gro–a l
edc ompa nyt ha tisc ommi t
tedt oculti
va t
ingorga nica ndno n–
orga nica gric ulturepr oduc eforb othNi ge ri
anma rke tsa ndt hegl oba lma rket.Wea rei nbusine s
st opr oduc e
bothf oo da ndr awma teri
a lsforindus t
si nc omme rcialqua ntit
ie s.
The sea ret hea reaswewi llconc entrat
eoni nourc omme rcia
lf arms .Ifne eda ri
seswewi llde fi
ni te
lya dd
mor ea gric ultur epr oduc et oourl ist;
Cul ti
va t
ionofGr ains( Gr ainss ucha smi llet
,whe at,oa t,s orghum,ba r
ley,ce r
eal,soybe a
ns,bl ackmus tard,
sunf l
owe rs ee dse .t.
c )
Frui t
sPl ant ation
Ve getableCul tivation( Toma toes,Le tt
uce,Ca bba ge ,e tc)
Poul tr
OurVi sionSt ateme nt
OurVi sioni stobe c
omeoneoft hele a
di ngc omme rcialf armbr andsnotj ustinNi geriabuta l
thegl oba ls tage .
Be lowi st hebus ines ss t
ruc t
ureofGods wi llFarmsLt d;
Ge ne r
alFa rmMa na ge r
Admi nistrator/Ac counta nt
CropCul ti
va t
ionMa nage r/Supe rvi s
FishFa rmi ngMa nage r/Supe rvisor
Poul tr
yFa rmi ngMa nager/Supe rvisor
Ca ttl
eRa nc hMa na ge r/Supe rvis
FieldWor ke rs/Cont ractSt aff

Rol esa ndRe spons ibil

Ge ne ralFa r
mMa nage r
Re s pons iblefort hepl anni ng,ma na ge me nta ndc oor dina t
inga llfarma ct
esa cr
onbe halfoft heor ganization
Supe rvis esothers ecti
onma na ge r
Ens uresc ompl iancedur ingpr ojecte xec uti
Pr ovi desa dviceont hema na ge me ntoff arminga c tivitiesa cr
ossa l
Re s pons ibleforc arr
yingoutr iskas sessme nt
Re s pons ibleforove rse e
ingt hea c
c ount ing,costinga nds aleoff armpr oduc eafterhar
Re pr ese ntstheor ganizati
on’ si nter
e sta tva r
iouss take holdersme eti
Ens urest hatf a
rmi nggoa l sde sir
edr esulta r
ea c
hi e ve d,t hemos te ff
e ntresources(manpower,equi
pme nt
tool sa ndc hemi cals)a r
eut ilizeda ndd if
ferenti nte restsinvolv e dares ati
fina nc i
a lreports,budge ts,a ndf i
nanc ials tat
eme nt sf ort heorgani zati
Re s pons ibleforove rse e
ingt hes moot hr unningofHRa nda dmi nist
ivet asksfortheorgani
Ha ndl esa l
lf i
nanc i
altrans ac t
ionsf ort hec ompa ny
De finesj obpos iti
onsf orr ec ruitme nta ndma nagi ngi nterviewingpr oce ss
Ca r riesouts t
affinduct i
onf orne wt eamme mbe rs
Re s pons iblefort r
aining,e va lua ti
ona nda ssessme ntofe mploye es
Ove rse esthes moot hr unningoft heda ilyfarminga ctivitie
sa crosstheva r
iousf a
Admi nistrator/Ac count ant
De finesj obpos iti
onsf orr ec ruitme nta ndma nagi ngi nterviewingpr oce ss
Ca rriesouts taffi nduc tionf orne wt eamme mbe rs
Re spons iblef ort ra ini ng,e va lua tiona nda ss e s
sme ntofe mpl oye es
Re spons iblef orpr e pa ringf i
na nc ia lr epor t
s ,budge ts,a ndf i
na nc i
als t
a teme nt sf ortheor ganizat
Re spons iblef orf i
na nc ialf or e c asti nga ndr is ksa na l
ys is.
Re spons iblef orde ve lopi nga ndma na gi ngf inanc ials ystemsa ndpol icies
Re spons iblef ora dmi ni ste ringpa yr olls
Ens ur esc ompl ianc ewi tht a xa tionl egi sla t
Ha ndl esa llfina nc ialt ra ns ac tionsf ort hec ompa ny
Se rvesa si nterna la udi torf ort hec ompa ny
Cr opCul tivationMa na ge r/Supe rvi sor
Re spons iblef orma na gingt hec r opc ultiv ations ec tionoft hec omme rc i
a lfarm
Supe rvisesot he rwor ke rswi thi nt hede pa rtme nt
Wor ksc lose l
ywi tht heGe ne r alMa na ge rt oa chie vet heorga ni za
tions ’goa l
sa ndobj e ctives
FishFa rmi ngMa na ge r/Supe rvi sor
Re spons iblef orma na gingt hef ishf armi ngs ectionoft hec omme r
c ialfarm
Supe rvisesot he rwor ke rswi thi nt hede pa rtme nt
Wor ksc lose l
ywi tht heGe ne r alMa na ge rt oa chie vet heorga ni za
tions ’goa l
sa ndobj e ctives
Poul t
ryFa rmi ngMa na ge r/Supe r vi sor
Re spons iblef orma na gingt hepo ul tryf a rmi ngs ec tionoft hec omme rc i
a lfarm
Supe rvisesot he rwor ke rswi thi nt hede pa rtme nt
Wor ksc lose l
ywi tht heGe ne r alMa na ge rt oa chie vet heorga ni za
tions ’goa l
sa ndobj e ctives
Ca ttleRa nc ha ndAni ma lMa na ge r/Sup ervi sor
Re spons iblef orma na gingt hec a ttler anc ha nda ni ma lreari
ngs ectionoft hec omme r
c i
a lfarm
Supe rvisesot he rwor ke rswi thi nt hede pa rtme nt
wor ksc l
os elywi tht heGe ne ra lMa na ge rtoa c
hi e vet heor ga nizati
ons ’goa lsa ndobj e c
tive s
Fie ldWor ke rs/Cont rac tSt aff
Re spons iblef orpr e pa ringf arml a ndsf orc ropc ul tiva ti
Re spons iblef orf eedi ngf ishe s ,bi r dsa nda ni ma lsa si nstr
uc tedb yt hes upe rvi sor
Re spons iblef orc lea ni ngpoul trya ndc a ttl
er anc h
Cha ngest hewa teri nf ishpondsa si ns truc tedbyt hes upe r
vi soro nar egula rba s i
Ha ndl esSodi nsta l
la tion/ hydr o–s ee ding
We edingorf e rti
liz era nd/ orpe s tc ont rola ppl i
c ation
Ha ndl esf armi mpl e me nt sa ndma chi ne sa si ns truc tedbyt hes ect
ionma na ger/s upe rvisor
As sistsinha ndl ingt heha rve sto fc rops ,f i
s he sa ndbi rdseta l
Ca rriesoutt aski nl inewi tht hes ta te dj obde script ion
As sistsint rans por twor ki ngt ool sa nde quipme ntf r
omt hef a rma ndba ckt ot hede si
gna teds t
orer oom
Ha ndl esa nyot he rdut ie sa sa s sig ne dmyt hel inema nager
Comme rcialFa r
mi ngBus i
ne ssPl a n–SWOTAna lys is
She llieFa rmsdoe snoti nte ndt ol a unc ho utwi tht rialande rrorhe nc ethene edt oc onduc tapr ope rSWOT
ana lysis.Weknow t ha ti fwege ti tr ightf rom t heons e t,wewoul dha ves ucc eede dinc reatingthe
founda t
iont ha twi llhe lpusbui ldas tanda rdc omme r
cialf armt ha twi l
lf a vora blyc ompe t
ewi thl ead
comme rcialf armsi nt heUni te dSt ate so fAme ric aa ndi nt her estpa rtoft hewor ld.
Asa na l
l–r oundc omme rc ia lf a rms ,wel ookf or wa rdtoma ximi z
ingours tr e
ngt ha ndoppor tuni t
alsot owor ka roundourwe a kne s se sa ndt hr e a
Stre ngth:
Ours tr
e ngt ha sac omme rcia lf armc ompa nyi st hef a
c ttha tweha vehe a l
thyr elat
ions hipswi t
loadsofma jorpl aye rs( agr ic ul tur eme rcha nts)i nt hea gr o–a lliedi ndus try;bot hs upplier
sa ndbuye r
wi thina ndout s i
deofNi ge r ia.
We akne ss:
Ourwe akne s sc oul dbet ha twea r eane wc omme rc i
alf armi nt heNi geria,a ndpe rha psthef act
thatwed e cide dt odi ve r sifyourf a rmi nga c ti
vitie sc oul dc ounta ga i
ns tusi ni ti
al.Wea rea wareoft hisand
fromourpr oje ct
ionwi llove rc omet hiswe akne sswi t
ht imea ndtur ni ttoama jora dvant agefort hebus ine
Oppor tuni t
Theoppor tuni tiest ha ta rea va ilabl et ousc annotbequa ntified,a sweknowt ha tt
herea reloadsof
home owne rs,a ndi ndus tr iest ha twi l
ls our c ef orouror ganica ndnon–or ga nica gr icultureproduc eanda l
indus tri
e stha twi lls our c ef ort her a wma ter ia
lsf romourc omme rc i
alf armsbot hi nNi geriaandot herpart
ofthewor l
Someoft het hre
atsandc ha l
lengesthatwea reli
kelygoingtof a
cewhenwes ta
comme rcialfarma reglobaleconomi cd ownturnthatcanimpa c
yonhouse hol
ds pending,bad
wea t
her,na t
,e pidemics),unfavor
egove r
nme ntpoli
esandt hea rr
compe t
or( acomme r
rmt hatcult
ss amecropsorrearsameanimal
ndf i
sh)a sourfarms
ns amel ocat
ion.The r
eisha r
dlya nythi
ngwec andoa sregar
tobeoptimi s
ha tt
nuet owor kforourgood.

Ma rke tTr e nds
Oneoft hec ommont re ndsi nt hec omme rc ialf armi ngl ineofbus ine ssist ha tmos tpla yersi nthe
indus tr
ya r enol onge rc onc e nt ra tingonl yonnon–or ga ni cf ar mi ng.The ynowf indi te asiert or unb ot h
organi cc ropc ul tivationa ndnon–or gani cc ropc ultiva ti
on.I ti sf a ctt ha tde spitet ha tor gani cf ooda r e
expe nsive ,t hes alef oror ga ni cf oodi sont hei nc rea sea ndi ti si nde e dpr of it
a bl e.
De spitet hef ac ttha tc omme r cia lf a rmi ngha sbe e ni ne xi ste nc es inc et imei mme mor ialt ha tdoe snoti na ny
wa yma ket hei ndus t
ryt obeove rs a t
ur ate d;c omme rcia lf arme rsa ree xpl oringne wt echnol ogi e
st o
continuet oi mpr ovec ul t
iva tionpr oc es s
e sa nda ls of oodpr eser va tionpr oc ess;me cha nize df armi ngha s
indee di nc re asedt het onsoff oodpr odu c edbyf arme rs.Thef a c tt ha tt her ei sa l
wa ysar eadyma rketfor
comme rcia lf armi ngpr oduc ema ke st hebus i
ne s se ve rgr e en.
Asama t
te roff act,oneoft hene wt rend si st ha twi tht her ece nta dva nc eme ntint echnol ogyf arme rsar e
nowgr owc ropsi nc omme rc ialqua ntiti
esi nac ount rywhe r es uc hc ropsc a nha rdlys ur vivea ndi npl ace s
whe ret he rea ref ewf a r
mi ngl a nd,c omme rc i
a lf arme rsnowma keus eoft her ooftop( ba seme nt)oft heir
hous est oc ultiva tec ropse ve nf orc omme r cialpur pos e s.
OurTa rge tMa rke t
Na turally,t het arge tma rke toft hos ewhoa ret hee ndc ons ume rofc omme rcia lf armpr oduc ea nd
alsot hos ewhobe nefitsf romt hebus ine s
sva luec ha inoft hea gr icul turei ndus tryi sa lle nc ompa ssing;iti s
far–r eachi ng.
Eve ryho us e hol dc ons ume spr oduc ef rom c omme rcialf armsb ei tve ge t
a ble s,fruits,gr ains,t ube rs,fi
s h,
eggs ,po ul tries,a ndc a tt
lee tc .Soa lsoal a rgec hunkofma nuf ac tur ingc ompa niesde pe ndsonc omme rcial
farmsf ors omeoft heirr awma te ria ls.Ine sse nc eac omme rc ialf arme rs houl dbea bl et os ellhisorhe rfar
produc et oa sma nype opl ea spos sibl e.
Wewi lle ns ur et ha twepos itionourbus ine sst oa ttra ctc ons ume rsofa gr i
c ul t
urepr oduc enotj ous ti nthe
Uni t
e dSt atesofAme ricaa lonebuta ls
oo the rpa r
tsoft hewor l
dwhi chi swhywewi llbee xportings omeof
ourf armpr oduc ee i
the rinr awf or morpr oc ess edf or mt oot he rc ount riesoft hewor ld.
Wea r
equi t
ea wa ret ha tt her ea s
onwhys omec omme r
c ia lf armsha rdlyma kegoodpr of i
tsi stheir
yt os ellof ft he irf ar m pr oduc ee s pe ciallype r
is ha blec r opsa sa twhe ndue .I nvi ew oft ha t
decide dt os etupas t
a nda rdf oodpr oc essingpl a ntt ohe l
pusma xi mi zepr ofits .
Ove ra nda bove ,weha vepe rfe cte dours a lea ndma rke tings t
ra te gie sf irstbyne t
wor ki ngwi tha gricult
ur e
me rcha ntsa ndc ompa nie st ha tr e lyonr awma terialsf r om t hea gr ic ultur ei ndus tr
ywhoa rel i
ke lyt or ef
e r
becomeourc ustome rs.
Ins umma ry,She ll
ieFa rmsLi mi te dwi l
la doptt hef ollowi ngs tra tegi esi nma r
ke t
ingourc omme rc
ia lfar
produc e ;
oduc eourbus ine ssbys e ndi ngi ntroduc tor yl e tt
e rsa longs ideourbr oc huret os takehol de r
si nt he
agricultur ei ndus t r
y,c ompa nie st ha tr elyont hea gricul t
ur ei ndus t
r yf ort he irra w ma terials,hot e l
sa nd
a ura ntsa nda gr i
cul t
ur epr oduc eme rcha nts,a mongs tot he rs.
Adve rt
is eourbus ines sa nda gr icul tur epr oduc ei na gr o–a llie da ndf oodr el
a tedma ga zi ne sa ndwe bs i
Listourc omme r cialfa rmsonye llowpa ge sa ds
Attendr ela teda gr i
cul t
ur ea ndf oode xpos ,s emi na rs,a ndbus ines sf a i
r se ta l
Sour cesofI nc ome
Iti sve ryvi t
a ltos pe lloutf romt heout se tina nybus ine s showf undswi llber aised.I nt hisc ase,
She l
lieFa rmsLi mi tedi sint hea gr o–a ll
ie dbus ine ssf ort hepur pos eofma xi mizingpr of its,henc eweha ve
decide dt oe xpl or ea llthea va ila bl eopp o rtuni tieswi thint hei ndus t
r yt oa c hieveourc or porategoa l
sa nd
objec ti
ve s.I ne sse ncewea renotgoi ngt or e lyonl yont hes aleofourf a rmpr oduc et oge ne rat
ei nc omef or
thebus ine ss .
Be l
owa r et hes our ce swei nt ende xpl or ingt oge nera tei nc omef o rShe l l
ieFa rm Li mi ted;
Saleofva rietiesofFr uits
Saleofva rietiesofVe ge tabl e
SaleofPoul trya nde ggs
SaleofFi s h
Agr icul t
ur a lRe la tedCons ul tanc ya ndAdvi sor ySe rvic es
Publ icitya ndAdve rtis ingSt rategy
Anybus ine sst ha twa nt st ogr owbe yondt hec or neroft hes t
re etort hec i t
yt he ya reope ratingfro m
mus tber ea dya ndwi ll
ingt out iliz ee ve rya va ilabl eme ans( c onv entiona la ndnon–c onve nti
ona lme ans)to
adve rtisea ndpr omot et hebus ine ss.Wei n tendgr owi ngourbus ine sswhi chi swhyweha vepe rf
e ctedplans
tobui ldourbr andvi ae ve rya va ilabl eme a ns.
Weknowt ha ti ti si mpor tantt oc rea t
es tra tegiest ha twi llhe lpusboos tourbr a nda wa re
ne ssa ndt oc reatea
corpor a t
ei de ntityf orourc omme rcialf a rmbus ine ss.
Be l
ow a ret hepl atf or msyouc a nl e ve ra geont oboos tourc omme rcialf arm br anda ndt opr omot ea nd
adve rtiseourbus ine s s;
Enc our ageourl oya lc us tome rst ohe lpwi thWor dofMout hmod eofa dve r
tis e
me nt( referral
Adve rtiseourc omme rc ialf arm bus ine s si nr e
l eva ntma ga zines( agriculturea ndf oodr el
atedma gazines),
localne ws pa pe r,l oc a lTVs ta t
ionsa ndl oc alr adios tation
Promot eourc omme rc i
a lfa rmbus ine ssonl i
nevi at heof fi
c i
a lwe bs ite
Listourc omme r cia lf armbus i
ne ssonl oc a ldi rec t
or ies( ye llowpa gesa ds )
Leve ra geont hei nte rne ta nds oc ialme di apl a t
for msl ike ;Ins tagra m,Googl e+,Li nke dIn,Fa cebook,t witter,
ands oo n,t opr omot eourc omme rc ialf a r
mbus ine ss
Empl oydi r ectc ouponma ili
nga ppr oa cht oma rketourc omme rcialfa r
mpr oduc e
Distribut eourf lier sa ndha ndbi llsi nt a rge ta re as( farmma rke ts
)a tregul arint erval
Fina nc i
a lPr ojec tionsa ndCos ti
Whe ni tc ome st oc alcul atingt hec ostofs tartingac o mme r
c ialfa rm,t he rea res omeke yf ac
thats houl ds e rvea sagui de .Thedi f fere ntni cheofc omme rcialfa rmsde termi ne sthet ot
a lcostofs ett
thebus ine ss .
Fori llus tration,t hes tar t–upc os tforaf ishf armi sdi f ferentf romt hes t
a rt–upc os tforme cha nizedc rop
farmi ng,s oa lsot hes tar t–upc os tf orpoul tryf armi ngi sdi ff
ere ntf romt hes t
art–upc ostofc attl
er anch
(dairyf a rm)a nds oon.Asama tteroff a ct,ifs ome onec hoos etos tar
tame c haniz edc ropf armi ng,t heny ou
shoul db ewi ll
ingt or aisehugec a pita lba s et os tartt hebus ine ss.Thi si ss obe ca uses omec ulti
ma chi nes/e qui pme ntc a nbepr ettye xpe ns i
ve .
Be l
owa r es omeoft heba si
ca reaswewi l
ls pe ndours tart–upc apitali nse tt
ingupourc omme rcialfarm;
TheTot alFe ef ori nc orpor atingt heBus in ess( comme rc ialfa rm)i nNi ge ri
a–N30, 000.
Thea mountne e de dt oa cqui re/l e aseaf ar ml and –N70, 000
Thea mountr equi redf orpr e paringt hef arml and( forc ropc ultiva t
ion,f ishponds ,poul try,fe ncinge ta l–
N160, 000
Thec os tf ora cqui ringt her equi redwor kingt ool sa nde qui pme nte t
c–N150, 000
TheCos tofLa unc hi nga nof fi
cia lWe bs it
e–N30, 000
Addi tiona lExpe ndi tur e( Bus i
ne ssc ards ,Adve rtsa ndPr omot ionse t
c)–N60, 000
Goi ngbyt her e por tf rom de tailedr e sea rcha ndf e asibi li
tys tudi esc onduc ted,Iwi llne eda na ve r
N500, 000t os tar tas ta nda rdc omme r cia lfa rmbus ine ss.
Ba sically,t hena tur eofc omme rc i
a lf ar msdoe snotr equirea nof fi
c es pac e;mos tpe opl et hatr un
comme rc ialf a rmsope ra tedi rec t
lyf rom t he irfa rms .Butweha vede cidet oope nas ma llli
a isonof fic
e ;a
placewh e rea dmi ni stra ti
vej obswi l
lbec ar r
ie dout .
Susta ina bilitya ndExpa ns ionSt rate gy
Itise a sierf orac ompa nyt os urvi vewhe nt he r
ei ss teadyf lowofi nc omewhi c hi swhywewi lle nsuretha t
wel e ve rageone ve rybus i
ne ssoppor tuni t
ie st hatwec omea c r
os st ose llourf a
r mpr oduc e.

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