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UNIT 1 Lifestyles


Word Box
chat online Internet addict season tickets vegetarian
cook minimalist shopaholic workaholic
couch potato personality sports fan work out

A. Match the words to their meaning.

1. season tickets Ε Ε communicate over the Internet

2. sports fan Ε Ε a person who keeps things very simple

3. workaholic Ε Ε exercise

4. chat online Ε Ε a person who enjoys sports

5. work out Ε Ε tickets for a series of events

6. minimalist Ε Ε a person who works many hours

B. Read each sentence. Circle the correct word(s).

1. Tracie’s bedroom is very (minimalist / vegetarian). It only has a bed and a chair.
2. My mother is a (couch potato / workaholic) and works from morning until night, including weekends.
3. Sarah is a (sports fan / couch potato) and goes to all of the games of her favorite team.
4. Eric loves (chatting online / minimalist) with his friends.
5. We have (Internet addict / season tickets) for our team’s home games.

C. Write the word from the word box that matches each underlined phrase.
1. My sister ordered a salad because she is a person who chooses to eat no meat.
2. Brad is preparing food to eat for the big party tonight.
3. My sister has a great quality that makes her different from other people and always
makes strangers feel welcome.
4. All you do is sit on the couch and watch your favorite shows all day long. I’m worried
you’re becoming a person who watches a lot of television.
5. Henry is a person who likes to shop very much and spends too much money on

Speaking Strategy: Ask questions
A. Complete the conversation using these question words.

Who What When Where

Why How How long How many

Jessica: Fishing is one of my favorite hobbies.

Mark: (1) do you go fishing with?

Jessica: I go fishing with my dad.

Mark: (2) do you go fishing? (3) do you get there?

Jessica: We go fishing on Lake Erie. My uncle comes to get us first thing in the morning.

Mark: That’s early! (4) do you get out of bed?

Jessica: We get up around four in the morning, but I don’t mind.

Mark: (5) fish have you caught in one day? (6) was the
longest fish?

Jessica: One time we caught six fish. And the longest fish was 20 inches. (7)
is one of your hobbies?

Mark: I like to collect comic books.

Jessica: (8) do you like collecting comic books?

Mark: I like the art, plus the stories are really interesting.

B. Imagine you are a reporter asking someone questions about their favorite hobbies. Use question
words from Activity A.






UNIT 1 3
UNIT 2 Good and Bad Times


Word Box
accident develop perspective tradition
assistance excited recover turning point
depressed fit in rough worst

A. Unscramble the letters to form words from the word box.

1. hgruo
2. spprieectev
3. atcidecn
4. errvoec
5. storw
6. itdionart

B. Match the words in bold to their meaning.

1. Shawna was excited when her favorite feeling sad and without hope
team won the championship.

2. The family was depressed because difficult or unpleasant

their cat died.
3. Lance had a rough day after his car difficult or unpleasant
stopped working.

4. This course helps students develop their interested or enthusiastic

speaking skills.

5. It took Regan a long time to recover from aid or help

her cold.

6. We needed assistance in carrying the to cause something to grow

boxes into the garage.

C. Write four sentences using words from the word box.

Speaking Strategy: React to news
A. Complete the conversation using these phrases. Some can be used more than once.

Oh, good! Oh, no! Good for you! That must be hard.

Hey, that’s fantastic! I’m sorry to hear that! Congratulations! I know the feeling.

Mia: There you are! I looked all over for you.

I have some great news!

Tobias: (1) What is it?

Mia: I bought a new car!

Tobias: (2) Tell me about it.

Mia: It’s that small red sports car I was interested in.

Tobias: (3) I know you

always wanted that sports car.

Mia: I got it for a great price, too.

Tobias: (4) I’m really happy

for you.

Mia: However, I do have some bad news.

Tobias: (5) What happened?

Mia: The car has a flat tire.

Tobias: (6)

Mia: Not only that, but the engine also needs some work.
Tobias: (7) Why did you still buy it?

Mia: I bought it because I always wanted a red sports car.

Tobias: (8) I always wanted a mountain bike. I bought one that was used and in
bad condition. But I repaired it and now it looks like it’s new.

B. Write a short conversation using phrases for good news or for bad news.





UNIT 2 5
UNIT 3 Happiness


Word Box
caption hilarious joke sitcom
comedy humor punchline slapstick
current interview satire sudden

A. Match the words to their meaning.

1. caption Ε Ε happen without warning

2. joke Ε Ε words under a picture that tell what is happening in the picture

3. sudden Ε Ε quality of being funny

4. humor Ε Ε final part of a joke that makes it funny

5. interview Ε Ε something said or done to make people laugh

6. punchline Ε Ε meeting in which people talk face to face

B. Read each sentence. Circle the correct word.

1. The new (caption / comedy) is very funny and is the most popular television show now.
2. In the (interview / slapstick) comedy, the actor fell down the stairs and out the door!
3. That is my old address, so let me write down the (current / sudden) one.
4. The children laughed at the (hilarious / caption) joke.
5. The play was a (humor / satire) about politics in the United States.
6. The (sitcom / punchline) was about a group of friends involved in funny situations at the bookstore.

C. Complete the sentences using words from the word box.

1. Jose had an and spoke to the manager in his office.

2. Morgan told a that made everyone laugh.
3. The at the bottom of this photograph reads, “San Francisco, 1803.”
4. The car came to a stop when Joan stepped on the brakes.
5. Edgar laughed very hard at the joke’s .
6. Jack has no , but he thinks he’s very funny.

Speaking Strategy: Apologize
A. Complete the conversation using these phrases.

I’m sorry. Sorry. I made a mistake. I apologize for

Dad: What was that noise?

Jose: I was bouncing the basketball inside the house, and it knocked a bowl off the coffee table.


Dad: What happened to the plant?

Jose: Then the basketball hit the plant and knocked it over. (2)
(3) playing with the basketball inside the house.

Dad: That’s OK. But next time, please play with the basketball outside.

B. Imagine you made a mistake at home or at work. Write a conversation using the phrases in Activity A.




UNIT 3 7
UNIT 4 Food Matters


Word Box
bland dish post service
dessert fast food protein variety
disgusting healthy reservation whole grain

A. Complete the words.

1. r s r at on
2. di gu t n
3. ea thy
4. h l ra n
5. e se t
6. p s

B. Match the words to their meaning.

1. bland Ε Ε a number of different things

2. dish Ε Ε not having a strong taste

3. service Ε Ε food that is prepared and served quickly

4. variety Ε Ε food that is prepared in a particular way as part of a meal

5. fast food Ε Ε the act of helping customers in restaurants or hotels

6. protein Ε Ε foods like beans, eggs, and meat

C. Complete the sentences using words from the word box.

1. After dinner, we will have apple pie for .

2. The food in the refrigerator went bad, and it smelled .
3. includes foods in which no part of the wheat has been removed.
4. Eating a variety of foods helps you stay .
5. The restaurant is popular. We should make a to make sure we get in.
6. I like to pictures of my favorite meals on my food blog.


Speaking Strategy: Order food and drink
A. Complete the conversation using these expressions.

Would you like I’ll have

I’m ready to order main dish

I’d like side dish

Waiter: Good evening. Welcome to the Green Tea Grill. Did you look at the menu yet?

Mr. Draper: Yes. I think (1) .

Waiter: Wonderful! Would you like to start with a salad?

Mr. Draper: Yes. (2) a small green salad.

Waiter: What kind of dressing would you like with the salad?

Mr. Draper: (3) the house dressing on the side, please.

Waiter: All right. What else would you like?

Mr. Draper: For the (4) , I would like the grilled chicken. And for my

(5) , I would like steamed vegetables.

Waiter: Excellent choices! (6) French fries with that?

Mr. Draper: No, I do not want French fries. However, I would like some more water with lemon.

Waiter: I’ll give your order to the chef and be right back with your water.

B. Write a short conversation about a place you like to eat. Use expressions from Activity A.








UNIT 4 9
UNIT 5 Good Habits


Word Box

behavior goal motivation research

chart habit procrastinate routine
concentrate improvement reduce time management

A. Unscramble the letters to form words from the word box.

1. algo
2. tnmievmepro
3. ecudre
4. ehabvrio
5. rosarpctineat
6. teniour

B. Write the word from the word box with a similar meaning.

1. aim; objective
2. routine; pattern
3. lessen; make smaller
4. delay; do something slowly
5. think hard; focus
6. graph; diagram

C. Complete the sentences using words from the word box.

1. Scientists conducted to find out more about how healthy food affects the human
2. Eating eggs for breakfast is part of my daily .
3. A gold medal was for me to train harder.
4. Tim needed good to complete his chores before bedtime.
5. His during the presentation was inappropriate.
6. Mr. Holmes noticed an in Jennifer’s grades after she started studying harder.


Speaking Strategy: Talk about likes and dislikes
A. Complete the conversation using these phrases. Some can be used more than once.

I like I don’t like I (really) enjoy

I prefer I prefer not to I don’t enjoy

Jeff: Hey, Megan. How are you?

Megan: I’m feeling great! I have a busy schedule, so I’m

trying to get enough sleep. (1)

to get about eight hours of sleep every day.

Jeff: That’s wonderful. Instead of eight hours,

(2) to get six hours of sleep.

But it’s hard. (3) watching

movies on my laptop late at night.

Megan: (4) watching movies late

at night because I fall asleep. Also, (5) watch movies on my laptop. (6)
to watch movies in the movie theatre.

Jeff: (7) watching movies in the movie theatre. Tickets are too expensive, and I don’t
like crowds.

B. Imagine you are speaking to a friend about what activities the two of you do to stay healthy. Write a
conversation using at least three of the phrases from Activity A.








UNIT 5 11
UNIT 6 Quality of Life


Word Box

basic ideal perfect satisfaction

debt independent reality travel
equally luxury reason truly

A. Write the word from the word box that answers each question.

1. Which word means “money owed”?

2. Which word is the opposite of needy?

3. What is another word for “take a trip”?

4. Which word is the opposite of complicated?

5. Which word means the same as pleasure?

6. Which word means "surely"?

B. Read each sentence. Circle the correct word.

1. Sandie promised to pay the (ideal / debt) as soon as she got paid.
2. Darren felt (satisfaction / luxury) after completing the difficult task.
3. A sandy beach on the ocean is the (perfect / independent) vacation idea.
4. The (truly / reason) I was late was because I slept too much.
5. The Internet was once thought of as a work of science fiction, but is now a(n) (equally / reality).
6. The lake is a(n) (ideal / basic) place to swim on a hot day.

C. Complete the sentences using words from the word box.

1. We will from New York to Chicago by bus.

2. Rolling the dice on your turn is a rule of the game.

3. Sally is very and does not want to be told what to do.

4. Staying in an expensive hotel is a for our family.

5. Separate the meal so that everyone gets a piece.

6. Are you sorry for your mistake?


Speaking Strategy: Make comparisons
A. Complete the conversation using these words.

as boring as as delicious as bigger

tastiest most exciting biggest

Jen: Summer vacation starts in two weeks. What do you

think is an exciting thing to do—explore a big city, go
scuba diving in the ocean, or hike through the woods?

Bryan: I think scuba diving is the (1) of the three.

Jen: Are you going to the beach this summer?

Bryan: No way! I think the beach is (2) watching

some bad movies. I’m going to visit the Metropolitan Museum
of Art in New York City instead. It is the (3)
museum in the world. It is even (4) than
the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, which is huge.

Jen: I am also taking a baking class with my father. My cookies

are (5) my grandmother’s cookies.
However, they’re not as delicious as my father’s cookies.

Bryan: Are your father’s cookies the (6) of all


Jen: Yes. But not after I take that baking class!

B. Imagine you are speaking to a friend about going on vacation with your friends or family. Write a short
conversation using one comparative, one superlative, and one comparison using as. . .as.








UNIT 6 13
UNIT 7 Internet Manners


Word Box

access cyberbullying privacy report

blog etiquette react social media
contact password relevant victim

A. Unscramble the letters to form words from the word box.

1. inyyubrcbellg
2. tnoactc

3. tiqetetu

4. oerprt

5. atrec

6. secacs

B. Read each sentence. Circle the correct word.

1. Change your (report / password) every 90 days to keep your account secure.

2. When dining out, use proper (access / etiquette) at the table.

3. The (blog / relevant) included several opinions about the concert.

4. If you have any questions, (contact / victim) me via email.

5. (Social media / Privacy) is a quick way to connect with people around the world.

6. You will need special permission to (access / react) those files.

C. Write the word from the word box that answers each question.

1. Which word means “behave in a particular way when something happens"?

2. Which word is the opposite of publicity?

3. What is another term for “the meeting of people online”?

4. Which word means "closely connected with"?

5. Which word means “someone who is injured”?

6. Which word means “a word that allows you to enter a place"?


Speaking Strategy: React to a story using emotions
A. Complete the conversations using these expressions. Some can be used more than once.

How wonderful! That’s so sad! I can’t believe it!

That’s great! How awful! Oh, really?

I’m so happy to hear it! That makes me really mad! Impossible!

Beth: I can’t believe it. Someone stole my password and

took all my information.

Dean: (1)

Rima: A giant hot air balloon just landed in my backyard!

Dejan: (2)

Jeff: Good news! I won that new bicycle from the online
auction site!

Amir: (3)

Sandra: The police didn’t find the person responsible for


Michael: (4)

B. Write a conversation in which you share negative, positive, or surprising news with a friend. Use at
least three of the expressions from Activity A.








UNIT 7 15
UNIT 8 Save the Environment


Word Box
raise awareness end up impact raise
bin environment plastic recycling
conservation green pollution temperature

A. Complete the words.

1. t mp at e
2. l s i
3. e vi n en
4. a s w r n s
5. o l ti
6. c se ati

B. Match the words to their opposite meaning.

1. pollution Ε Ε use and throw away

2. conservation Ε Ε have no effect on

3. recycling Ε Ε cleanness

4. raise awareness Ε Ε harmful to the environment

5. impact Ε Ε ignore

6. green Ε Ε waste

C. Write the word from the word box that matches each underlined word.

1. Reusing water bottles means less plastic will end up in our oceans.
2. Many of our neighbors like to grow chickens.
3. Reusing materials has a positive effect on the environment.
4. If you want to be environmentally aware, recycle, reuse, and reduce.
5. A lot of our garbage sometimes lands in lakes and streams.
6. Our family puts food waste in a compost container.


Speaking Strategy: Talk about rules
A. Complete the conversation using these expressions. Some can be used more than once.

You have to

You must

You must not

You’re not allowed to

You can’t

Guard: Welcome to Los Angeles International Airport. (1) have your driver’s license
and ticket ready when you get to security.

Seth: Can I keep my laptop in my book bag?

Guard: (2) keep the laptop in your book bag. (3) take it out
and put your laptop in one of the blue storage containers. (4) remove all
metal objects in your pockets and place them in the containers, too.

Seth: Can I keep my keys in my pocket?

Guard: (5) keep your keys in your pocket. They are metal, so they go into the containers.

Seth: Can I keep my shoes on as I go through security?

Guard: (6) keep your shoes on, either. Please take them off and place them into
a container.

B. Imagine you are a high school teacher explaining the school’s rules to a new student. Write a short
conversation between you and the new student. Use expressions from Activity A.








UNIT 8 17
UNIT 9 Global Citizenship


Word Box

aid disease global citizenship responsibility

corporation education initiative sanitation
disaster eliminate irrelevant take place

A. Write the word from the word box that answers each question.

1. Which word means “to remove or get rid of something”?

2. Which word means the same as unrelated?

3. What is another word for “help given to others”?

4. Which word means the opposite of miracle?

5. Which word means the same as illness?

6. Which word means “learn subjects at school or college”?

B. Read each sentence. Circle the correct word(s).

1. What time will the parade (take place / eliminate) tomorrow?

2. (Global citizenship / Disaster) involves trying to make the world better.

3. Many people in this region were sick because of poor (sanitation / education).

4. It is everyone’s (disease / responsibility) to care for the environment.

5. Our group’s (initiative / disaster) to clean the parks started with a trash collection day.

6. To pay for the equipment, we are asking each (aid / corporation) to donate.

C. Write the word from the word box that completes each comparison.

1. Save is to conserve as delete is to .

2. Mountain is to landform as hurricane is to .

3. Doctor is to medicine as teacher is to .

4. Medicine is to cure as measles is to .

5. Late is to early as connected is to .


Speaking Strategy: Ask for more information
A. Complete the conversation using these expressions.

Who else was there? What did you do next?

Where did this take place? When did this take place?

Ivan: Hi, Jayesh. You missed a great meeting last night.

Jayesh: Oh, no! I completely forgot about it. (1)

Ivan: Let’s see. Mike, Seamus, Ira, and Micah were all there, plus a few new people. The meeting lasted
until five o’clock.
Jayesh: (2)
Ivan: We went to see that new action movie that
just came out. It was awesome!

Jayesh: (3)
Ivan: We saw the movie at the Martell Theater.
Then we went out for pizza. I was going to
call you, but I thought you might be busy.

Jayesh: (4)
Ivan: Around nine o’clock.

Jayesh: That’s when my pottery class ends.

Ivan: OK. Next time I’ll call you!

B. Write a short conversation with a friend about what he or she did last weekend. Use expressions that
ask for more information.








UNIT 9 19
UNIT 10 Vacation


Word Box
board exciting itinerary time off
budget hiking natural beauty tour package
ecotourism historical site resort vacation

A. Unscramble the letters to form words from the word box.

1. knigih
2. cantavio
3. suemoricto
4. yritnarei
5. dbgtue
6. otrers

B. Match the words to their meaning.

1. resort Ε Ε trip organized by travel agents

2. tour package Ε Ε walk in a wilderness for pleasure

3. itinerary Ε Ε place where people visit to relax

4. vacation Ε Ε plan for spending money

5. budget Ε Ε plan for a trip, including route and places you go

6. hiking Ε Ε time period for rest and relaxation

C. Complete the sentences using words from the word box.

1. I admire the Grand Canyon’s !
2. Our tour package included meals, room, and .
3. Visiting the Grand Tetons will be the most part of the adventure.
4. The government has kept old buildings on the from getting
5. We should protect our natural environment and support .
6. I’m so glad I took the to explore the national parks.
Speaking Strategy: Check for understanding
A. Complete the conversation using these expressions.

Do you know what I mean? Did you get that?

Do you understand? Are you following me?

Do you know what I’m saying? Any questions?

Waiter: Welcome to Max’s Restaurant. Are you two ready to order?

Maya: I know I am. I’ll start with a garden salad, but I don’t want any of those purple vegetables. They get
stuck in-between my teeth. (1)

Waiter: Do you mean cabbage?

Maya: Yes, cabbage. I don’t want any cabbage. And I’ll have the steak. I want it cooked very well.


Waiter: We call that “well done.” What would you like for your side dishes?

Maya: I’ll have the mixed vegetables and the baked potato. But I want the sour cream and butter on the
side of the plate, and not on the potato. (3)

Waiter: Perfectly. And for you, sir?

Jamie: I’ll have a cheeseburger with ketchup, mustard, pickles, lettuce, and mayonnaise. No onions.

Waiter: Absolutely, sir.

Jamie: I’ll have a soda. I want it in a glass with two ice cubes. (5)

Waiter: I’ve written it down, sir.

Jamie: I think that’ll be all.

B. Write a short conversation giving a stranger directions around your neighborhood. Use expressions
from Activity A.







UNIT 10 21
UNIT 11 Make a Wish


Word Box
connect eligible funding microlending
depend on entrepreneur grant mission
donation foundation industry profit

A. Write the word from the word box that answers each question.
1. Which word means a person who starts and runs a business?
2. Which word means something given to a person or an organization to help?
3. What is another word for financial support?
4. Which word is the opposite of loss?
5. Which word means the same as join together?
6. Which word means the same as an assignment?

B. Read each sentence. Circle the correct word(s).

1. Students are (eligible / connect) to play sports if they have good grades.
2. The video gaming (mission / industry) has grown since the days of Pac-Man™.
3. After the hurricane, a (donation / foundation) was established to help the survivors rebuild their homes.
4. Students can apply for the (grant / profit) to help them pay their tuition.
5. My brother received funds through (microlending / industry) to start his small business.
6. Will you (connect / depend on) us for a place to stay or are you staying at a hotel?

C. Write the word from the word box with the opposite meaning. Then write a sentence using the word.
1. not allowed; unfit

2. doubt; disbelieve

3. an employee; someone who works for others

4. money taken away

5. divide; unlink


Speaking Strategy: Ask for and give suggestions
A. Complete the conversation using these expressions.

Ask for suggestions Give suggestions

What is your opinion? I suggest

What do you think Why donʼt you

What should I do I recommend

Who / What / Where / When should How about

Jeff: We need to raise funds to renovate the old library. (1) to raise money from
the community?

Lin: (2) having a book sale. You can sell the books at the library or on the Internet.

Jeff: (3) about having an art show? I’m not sure where we can find art to sell,

Lin: (4) asking local artists to donate some art to the art show. Tell them all the
money goes straight to the college library.

Jeff: I was thinking of having people buy tickets for prizes. (5)
Lin: (6) ask the local computer store if they would donate a computer. That
would be a great prize!

Jeff: (7) I speak to?

Lin: (8) the manager? She should be at the store today. Stop by and say hello.

B. Write a short conversation asking for advice on how to start a new business. Use expressions from
Activity A.








UNIT 11 23
UNIT 12 Getting Together


Word Box
acquaintance downside hang out peer
attend event invitation relative
close-knit gather network socialize

A. Write the word from the word box that matches each meaning.
1. member of your family
2. something that happens
3. go to or participate
4. someone with the same age or level of ability
5. closely connected group of people
6. having strong relationships that support each other

B. Read each sentence. Circle the correct word(s).

1. He’s not a close friend. He's just a(n) (relative / acquaintance).
2. The (downside / event) of driving at night is that you can’t see the ocean.
3. (Gather / Socialize) the cans and bottles, and we’ll go to the recycling center.
4. My friends and I like to (attend / hang out) and listen to music.
5. Have you received the wedding (network / invitation) in the mail yet?
6. Our company hosts picnics so we can (socialize / peer) with other employees.

C. Answer the questions so they are true for you.

1. How do you spend time with your relatives?

2. How can friends hang out and socialize safely?

3. How can you support your close-knit friends?


Speaking Strategy: Describe plans and arrangements
A. Complete the conversation using these words.

will leaves is arriving about to

going to at 7 p.m. are looking in an hour

Luis: There you are! Did you pick up a bus schedule?

Maria: Yes. The first bus we need to take (1) at this station at noon.

Luis: What do you mean the “first” bus?

Maria: The first bus only takes us to Morse Road. When we get to the Morse Road stop, we are

(2) catch the second bus. That bus (3) at one o’clock

to Lundy Avenue. Then we catch the third bus. We (4) for the number ten bus
to Parson Street.

Luis: When is Krissy supposed to meet us?

Maria: Krissy is supposed to meet us at

Parson Street (5) .

Luis: What time does the concert start?

Maria: The concert starts (6)


Luis: We (7) be late to the

concert, won’t we?

Maria: Our bus is (8) arrive.

Let’s walk to the bus stop so we don’t miss it.

B. Write a short conversation about making arrangements with a friend. Use expressions from Activity A.





UNIT 12 25
UNIT 13 The Global Village


Word Box

celebrity electricity look up to neighboring

destroy interconnected low-budget souvenir
education local negative tourist

A. Complete the words.

1. n ga iv

2. ouv ni

3. nt r on e te

4. l c ri i y

5. d st o

B. Read each sentence. Circle the correct word(s).

1. When I go on vacation, I like to bring back (souvenirs / celebrities) to remind me of my trip.
2. Some people like to shop at (tourist / local) stores rather than shop online because they want to buy
products from where they live.
3. Kai studied hard for his exams because his (education / electricity) was important to him.
4. Jenna and her friends (destroy / look up to) their older brothers and sisters.
5. We do not have to walk far to get to the (negative / neighboring) village.

C. Answer the questions in complete sentences using words from the word box.
1. What is a negative effect of the Internet?

2. What is something that a tourist should do when visiting your town?

3. Who is someone you look up to and why?


Speaking Strategy: Ask for clarification
A. Complete the conversation using these expressions.

not sure I understand you get it

explain that to me unclear about that

Daniel: Excuse me, sir. I’m trying to find my hotel. It’s called the Majestic, and it’s on Main Street.

Store clerk: Sure. No problem! It’s a long walk, so you might want to take the Metro.

Daniel: I’ve never used the Metro. I’m (1) .

Store clerk: It’s pretty simple. You buy a fare card and then swipe the card to ride the train.

Daniel: I (2) now. Can I buy a fare card inside the station?

Store clerk: Yes. You put some money in the card using a machine. When you ride a train, the system
subtracts the right amount for the trip.

Daniel: I’m (3) . How do I know how much it’s going to cost me
to get to the hotel?

Store clerk: There are lists of locations inside the train stations. You look up your station and find out the
cost. You want to go to the Eastern Market station.

Daniel: Where do I go when I get off the train at Eastern Market? Could you (4) , please?

Store Clerk: Sure. Take a left outside the station, and you’ll see the Majestic Hotel. The sign for the hotel is
big. You can’t miss it!

Daniel: Great! Thanks so much for your help!

B. Write a short conversation about a student asking a

teacher for help with homework. Use expressions from
Activity A.







UNIT 13 27
UNIT 14 Cultural Differences


Word Box

acceptable context function lack

approval culture gesture matter
body language find greeting personal

A. Choose the correct words to their meaning.

1. to be OK or adequate
a. approval b. acceptable c. matter d. personal

2. a body movement that communicates something

a. greeting b. culture c. function d. gesture

3. purpose or use
a. matter b. greeting c. function d. culture

4. to discover or locate something after searching for it

a. find b. lack c. context d. gesture

B. Answer the questions in complete sentences using words from the word box.
1. What is an acceptable gesture when greeting someone in your culture?

2. What type of body language do you use when you disagree with someone?

C. Write a description of what the people are doing in this picture. Use at least three words from the
word box.


Speaking Strategy: Apologize and accept an apology
A. Complete the conversation using these expressions.

I’m really sorry about

Please forgive me

I accept your apology

That’s OK

Junse: It looks like your car has been badly hit. I didn’t
see you pull out from the driveway.
Rico: Wow! My car has been badly hit. At least, no one
was hurt!

Junse: (1) hitting you! I apologize. I will be more careful in the future.

Rico: (2) . I will still call the police to make an accident report.

Junse: Yes, I understand. But I know this has caused you to be late to work. (3)
for making you late.

Rico: (4) . Next time, just watch where you are going!
Junse: I appreciate it!

B. Imagine you are a police officer called to the scene of this accident. Use expressions from Activity A
to write a short conversation.









UNIT 14 29
UNIT 15 Make Future Plans


Word Box

adventure challenge degree move

appointment check future plan
arrangement college graduate profession

A. Match the words to their meaning.

1. degree Ε Ε leave one home to live in another home
2. move Ε Ε person who has completed their studies at a school
3. plan Ε Ε place where students study after high school
4. college Ε Ε title students earn after completing a program of study
5. arrangement Ε Ε something a person intends to do
6. graduate Ε Ε something done to prepare for an event in the future

B. Read each sentence. Circle the correct word.

1. Lucy works hard in college so she will have a successful (future / adventure).
2. Mike enjoys taking classes that (move / challenge) him.
3. My dad decided to go back to college and change his (profession / degree) when he was 35.
4. Joanne made a(n) (appointment / challenge) to meet with a career counselor after classes today.

C. Answer the questions in complete sentences using words from the word box.
1. Would you rather take a gap year before you finish college?

2. What do you think will be the top three professions in the next ten years? Why?

3. What qualities are important to have to succeed in a profession?


Speaking Strategy: Ask someone to repeat information
A. Complete the conversation using these expressions.

please repeat it

don’t understand

say it again more slowly

heard what you said


Linda: Excuse me, officer. Can you tell me how to get to 15th Street?

Officer: Sure. Go two blocks east and turn left. Then go one block and turn right.

Linda: I’m sorry. I (1) . Can you (2) ?

Officer: Yes. Go two blocks east and turn left. Then go one block and turn right.

Linda: Thank you. Do you know the name of the Italian restaurant on 15th Street?

Officer: Yes. It’s Luigi’s Pizza and Pasta.

Linda: Can you (3) ? I want to write down the correct restaurant name.

Officer: It’s Luigi’s Pizza and Pasta. It’s the only Italian restaurant on 15th Street.

Linda: Do you recommend any other restaurants in the area?

Officer: I recommend Patrick’s Irish Pub. They have great fish and chips.

Linda: I’m not sure I (4) . Can you say it more (5)
this time?

Officer: Patrick’s Irish Pub has great fish and chips.

Linda: Thank you so much for your help!

B. Write a short conversation between two people. Have one person ask the other to repeat some
information. Use expressions from Activity A.




UNIT 15 31
UNIT 16 Discoveries and Inventions


Word Box

crops funds opportunity sustainable

distinctive invent pioneering transmit
ecological light bulb printing press unique

A. Complete the words.

1. s st i ab e

2. co ogi al

3. p nee in

4. t ans it

5. di tin ti e

6. op o tu it

B. Read each sentence. Circle the correct word.

1. Distinctive means the same as (unique / sustainable).
2. Recycling is an (opportunity / ecological) practice people can do at home.
3. (Sustainable / Pioneering) entrepreneurs invent amazing new products every year.
4. Computers (transmit / invent) information across the globe in seconds.
5. The company uses only (sustainable / distinctive) resources, such as fast-growing trees and recycled
cardboard, to make its paper products.
6. There are many (funds / opportunities) to volunteer in the community.

C. Complete the sentences using words from the word box.

1. The was first used to create books in the 1400s.
2. He didn’t the telephone. Someone else came up with the idea first.
3. New methods of growing produce more food with less farmland.
4. 3D is a type of printing, the only type that makes objects instead of images.
5. The students raised to pay for an ecological project.
6. The invention of the allowed people to see more at night.


Speaking Strategy: Make and accept offers
A. Complete the conversation using these phrases.

Would you like to Sounds great

Let’s do it how about

Do you want to I’m not sure

Riley: Hey, I’m going to the county fair. (1) come?

Becca: The fair? I’d love to! I haven’t gone since I was a kid.

Riley: Awesome! We can ride the Ferris wheel – it’s my favorite.

Becca: (2) I want to do that. I’m afraid of heights.

Riley: Well, (3) riding the bumper cars? Those aren’t scary at all.

Becca: I love the bumper cars. (4) !

Riley: Perfect. If we leave now, we can be there in 20 minutes.

Becca: (5) stop and eat lunch before we get there?

Riley: No way! There is so much good food at the fair. Let’s eat there.

Becca: (6) ! I think I’ll have a big hot dog when we get there!

B. Write a short conversation about making an offer to a friend. Use phrases from Activity A.








UNIT 16 33
UNIT 17 Technology


Word Box

artificial intelligence critical thinking keep up with predict

cooperative thinking embrace logical decision process
creative thinking graphics obsolete relevant

A. Match the words to their meaning.

1. artificial intelligence Ε Ε pictures or drawings used to make something easier to understand

2. cooperative thinking Ε Ε thinking that produces new ideas and inventions

3. creative thinking Ε Ε ability of a machine to copy human behavior or thinking

4. critical thinking Ε Ε thinking that develops teamwork

5. logical decision Ε Ε thinking that helps analyze, understand, and solve problems

6. graphics Ε Ε choice based on the analysis of facts

B. Read each sentence. Circle the correct word(s).

1. It is hard to (keep up with / process) the latest technology when phones, computers, and tablets change
every year.
2. Music devices like 8-tracks and vinyl records are (predicted / obsolete) today.
3. Grandpa refuses to (embrace / predict) modern music. He still listens to classical music.
4. Recording a music album is a long and complicated (creative thinking / process).
5. Facts about music are not (logical decisions / relevant) in discussing ecology.
6. Authors have (predicted / kept up with) that robots will rule the Earth in the future.

C. Complete the conversation with words from the word box.

A: Can you help me use my phone? I just can’t (1) all this new technology.

B: Sure. Well, first, your operating system is (2) . You need to update the system to
the newest version.

A: Do I have to? That sounds like a difficult (3) .

B: It’s easy, actually. You just download the (4) software and install it. You really

need to (5) technology a bit more. It can be pretty amazing.

A: No thanks! All I really care about are the interesting (6) .


Speaking Strategy: Show surprise
A. Complete the conversation using each of the different expressions.

Wow No way

You can’t be serious That’s incredible

I’d never have believed it I can’t believe it

You’re kidding Gosh

Jainan: Did you see this article online about NASA’s Robonaut? It’s a robot that looks like a human, and it’s
gone to space!

Miguel: (1) !

Jainan: Robonaut works with human astronauts on the International Space Station to do tasks that are
dangerous for humans or that take a lot of time.

Miguel: (2) !

Jainan: It can use its artificial intelligence to “think” for itself, or a person can use a remote control to
operate it, too.

Miguel: (3) !

Jainan: It’s true! It’s an amazing machine. Its main part is an “upper body,” and it has different “lower body”
parts that help it climb, work in zero gravity, and even roll like a vehicle.

Miguel: (4) !

Jainan: I know, right? And it even has its own social media accounts! It posts pictures and messages about
working in space and with space technology.

Miguel: (5) !

B. Write a short conversation about a surprising event. Use expressions from Activity A.







UNIT 17 35
UNIT 18 Space Travel


Word Box

biosphere extraterrestrial porthole shuttle

colony orbit probe spacecraft
exploration outpost self-sustained weightlessness

A. Complete the words.

1. xt ate r s ria

2. w ig tle s es

3. io p ere

4. sp e ra t

5. p r h le

6. e f su ta ne

B. Read each sentence. Circle the correct word.

1. In 2006, NASA launched its first (probe / colony) to the planet Pluto.

2. Someday there may be (portholes / outposts) on the Moon and Mars.

3. A space (probe / shuttle) usually makes short trips to deliver people or supplies.

4. The planets of our solar system (biosphere / orbit) the sun, which is a star.

5. A (colony / spacecraft) in outer space would probably include scientists, doctors, and people from many
other professions.

6. The (weightlessness / exploration) of outer space is a very expensive activity.

C. Complete the sentences using words from the word box.

1. The astronaut looked out the at a magnificent view of Earth.

2. A colony would provide its own food, water, and oxygen.

3. Astronauts experience when they are in a zero-gravity environment.

4. Some believe that Mars might be home to life.

5. A satellite was successfully launched to Earth.
6. The people left to form a new outside their country.


Speaking Strategy: Check if people are listening
A. Complete the conversation using these expressions.
Use each expression once.

What do you think? What’s your view on this?

Right? Wouldn’t you agree?

Wouldn’t you feel the same way? You’re not listening, are you?

Don’t you think so?

Harry: Someday people will build colonies in space. I think it would be exciting to live in outer space.

Miho: It sounds awful to me. I know I’d miss life on Earth. (2)

Harry: No, I don’t think I’d miss Earth at all. I mean, it’s so crowded here, and there’s pollution everywhere.

Outer space would be quiet and peaceful. (3)

Miho: I guess so, but think about how difficult it would be to live there. There’s no oxygen. There’s no water.

There’s no food. (4)

Harry: True, true. You’re right about that. What about you, Frank? (5)

Frank: Cheeseburgers. Definitely cheeseburgers.

Harry: Huh? (6)

Frank: Sure I am. Miho was talking about food.

Miho: We were talking about food in space, not what you want for lunch, Frank.

Frank: Oh. Well, I bet those astronauts out in space right now would like a cheeseburger.

B. Write a short conversation about outer space. Use expressions from Activity A.






UNIT 18 37
UNIT 19 Literature


Word Box

animation evolution genre interpret

controversial explicit incorporate readership
dynamic feature influential species

A. Unscramble the letters to form words from the word box.

1. afetreu
2. seiecsp

3. dncaymi

4. entprietr

5. eenrg

6. xelitcpi

B. Match the words to their meaning.

1. animation Ε Ε having the power to change something

2. influential Ε Ε group of people who read a book, magazine, or newspaper

3. controversial Ε Ε gradual change from one form to another

4. readership Ε Ε way of making movies by using drawings or computer graphics

5. evolution Ε Ε join with, combine

6. incorporate Ε Ε cause disagreement

C. Complete the sentences using words from the word box.

1. Harry’s blog has a very large .
2. Kim’s favorite movie . is fantasy.
3. Sarita’s art is energetic and .
4. Dylan knows how to . animation into his videos.
5. Ana’s comics . unicorns, dragons, and other magical animals.
6. When you learn how to . the graphics, you can understand the plot.

Speaking Strategy: Give a recommendation
A. Complete the conversations using these phrases.

Why don’t you How about

I’d suggest (that you) If I were you

You might consider I’d think about

Louisa: Hi, Josie. You look like you’re thinking about something.

Josie: Hi, Louisa. I’m thinking about getting a dog.

Louisa: Wow, that’s a big step! (1) , I’d think for a long time before making that decision.

Josie: I know. I’ve been thinking about it for a few weeks, and I’m not sure yet what to do. Do you have
any ideas?

Louisa: Sure, thanks for asking. First, (2) talk to some of your friends who own dogs.
Ask them about the time and money involved.

Josie: That’s a great idea. (3) help me make a list of our friends who have dogs?

Louisa: OK, I’ll do that. But if I were you, (4) the time it will take you each day to walk,
feed, clean, and play with a dog. You might not want to give it that much time.

Josie: You’re right. I’m going to make a chart of tasks and times.

Louisa: Also, (5) whether you want a newborn puppy or an older rescue dog.

Josie: Hmm, I think I’d rather have an older dog. I would feel good about adopting a rescue dog from the
animal shelter.

Louisa: (6) going to the animal shelter with me on Saturday? We can check out some

of the dogs.

Josie: That sounds great! I’ll be ready at ten o’clock!

B. Write a short conversation about a friend recommending books to another friend. Use phrases from
Activity A.






UNIT 19 39
UNIT 20 Music and Art


Word Box

chaotic in sync masterpiece radical

endurance legacy merge reconciliation
failing lighthearted pace surroundings

A. Complete the words.

1. le a

2. ndu nc

3. ra i a

4. a t r i c

5. c a t c

6. ur o n in s

B. Write the words from the word box with the opposite meaning.
1. calm
2. serious
3. conservative
4. strength
5. disagreement
6. weakness

C. Complete the sentences using words from the word box.

1. His one big is that he never apologizes.
2. Alia keeps a steady with her novel, writing 20 pages every day.
3. Micha tries to classical and modern styles in his pottery.
4. Cindy’s fashions are a success because they are with what young women want to wear.
5. After not speaking for several days, the two artists had a and began working together
6. Neil’s stories about dancing flowers and singing animals are funny and so young
children enjoy them.


Speaking Strategy: Disagree politely
A. Complete the conversation using these phrases. Some can be used more than once.

I agree with you, but Yes, possibly, but

Sure, but on the other hand, Yes, but don’t forget

I see what you mean, but Forgive me if I’m wrong, but

Song: Hi, Les. What are you doing?

Les: Hi, Song. I’m listening to music on my music player.

Song: That’s cool. What’s your favorite type of music?

Les: I like country music. Its sound is very pleasant.

Song: (1) the lyrics aren’t always good.

Les: (2) I think most of the lyrics are OK.

Song: I prefer folk music from the 1960s. The lyrics describe social issues.
Les: (3) the lyrics of some country
songs do that, too.

Song: (4) many folk singers helped to

improve society.

Les: (5) some country singers are

helping improve society now.

Song: Then we’re lucky that we can listen to and understand

how good both types of music are!

Les: Exactly!

B. Write a short conversation between two people sharing opinions about music. Use phrases from
Activity A.








UNIT 20 41
UNIT 21 Influential People


Word Box

accomplished attention determined obtain

ambitious attract inspire outstanding
aspiration charisma motivate talented

A. Combine the parts to form words from the word box.

1. ac Ε Ε stand Ε Ε vate

2. de Ε Ε ti Ε Ε tion
3. out Ε Ε com Ε Ε plished
4. at Ε Ε en Ε Ε ing
5. tal Ε Ε ten Ε Ε ted
6. mo Ε Ε ter Ε Ε mined

B. Complete the sentences using words from the word box.

1. Lucy is so that she is taking college classes during her senior year in high school.

2. My is to become an astronaut and be part of the first colony on Mars.

3. My grandparents’ hard work me to do my best always.

4. Nelson has so much that there are always people around him.

5. It might take a few weeks to permission to interview the mayor.

6. If you think positive thoughts, you will people who think the same way.

C. Answer the questions in complete sentences using words from the word box.
1. Who inspires you?

2. What is one of your aspirations?

3. How do you motivate yourself to do hard things?


Speaking Strategy: Give and receive compliments
A. Complete the conversations using these expressions. Some can be used more than once.

. . . looks great! You really did a good job.

You really look . . . Thanks.

Your . . . is really beautiful! Do you really think so?

That’s a great looking Thanks, my sister bought it for me!

I really like your . . . You’re just being kind.

That was an amazing . . . Thanks, so did you.

Ms. Lee: Good morning, Mr. Tsu. Your garden


Mr. Tsu: Good morning, Ms. Lee.

I’m not sure I like the roses.

Ms. Lee: Oh, yes!

when you made the new garden bed and put in the rosebushes.

Mr. Tsu: (4) I think your willow tree is much prettier than my
magnolia tree.

Ms. Lee: (5) It’s just like the willow tree that she has in her yard.

Mr. Tsu: (6) display of flowers, too.

Ms. Lee: I think we both have amazing yards. We’re lucky that we can see them every day.

B. Write a short conversation between two workers exchanging compliments about each other’s work.
Use expressions from Activity A.





UNIT 21 43
UNIT 22 Tradition


Word Box

belong to festival society traditional

bring together gift superstition unlucky
ceremony guest take part wedding

A. Complete the words.

1. c re on

2. n uc y

3. t ad ti na

4. es i al

5. s ers i i n

6. o ie y

B. Read each sentence. Circle the correct word(s).

1. Everyone in the world (brings together / belongs to) a different cultural group.

2. One (festival / superstition) says that black cats are unlucky.

3. There will be a community (festival / wedding) to celebrate the holiday.

4. We decided not to (belong to / take part) in the parade because of the rain.

5. It is (ceremony / traditional) for family members to buy each other gifts for birthdays.

6. Many people believe it is (unlucky / superstition) for the groom to see the bride before the wedding.

C. Complete the paragraph using words from the word box.

Around the world, there is one (1) that people from almost every culture celebrate:

the (2) . The bride and groom (3) both of their families, along

with other (4) from the community, to celebrate their special day. The couple may

(5) in traditions such as cutting the cake, jumping a broom, or breaking a glass. Many

guests will bring a (6) for the bride and groom.

Speaking Strategy: Speculate
A. Complete the conversation using these expressions. Some can be used more than once.

I guess That could be true I imagine that You might be right

Tania: Have you ever seen the giant statues on Easter Island? Nobody knows for sure how the statues
were moved into place.

Nanakai: (1) many people worked together to move them using some types of
wheels or carts.

Tania: (2) , but I’m not sure people had invented the wheel yet when the statues
were erected.
Nanakai: Hmm. Well, maybe people pulled the statues with ropes.

Tania: (3) that’s possible. But the statues weighed thousands of pounds.
I wonder how people could have moved them with ropes.

Nanakai: I don’t know. (4) . Maybe we’ll never know how the statues got there.
Do you know what the statues mean, anyway?

Tania: I read that they represented great leaders, or even the spirits of the peoples’ ancestors.

Nanakai: (5) .

B. Write a short conversation about a mysterious place. Use expressions from Activity A.






UNIT 22 45
UNIT 23 History


Word Box

battle cruel period role

biography encourage point of view treat
civilization historical political way of life

A. Match the words to their meaning.

1. battle Ε Ε organized society of people
2. biography Ε Ε related to government or politics
3. civilization Ε Ε fight between armies or soldiers
4. historical Ε Ε position or purpose that a person has in a group or society
5. political Ε Ε story of a person’s life written by another person
6. role Ε Ε related to events or people of the past

B. Read each sentence. Circle the correct word(s).

1. The (battle / cruel ) leader let thousands of people die of starvation.
2. The history teacher (encouraged / treated ) the students to talk to their grandparents about what life was
like when they were their age.
3. Early man lived a very different (way of life / period ), moving from place to place in search of food.
4. Ancient Greece is a fascinating (period / role) of time to study.
5. If you (encourage / treat ) people with kindness, they will be kind to you, too.
6. Alan and Erik have a different (point of view / role) about who is the best candidate for president.

C. Complete the sentences using words from the word box.

1. Reading a is an excellent way to learn about leaders such as Winston
Churchill, Nelson Mandela, and Indira Gandhi.
2. Our city’s society raised funds to preserve a 200-year-old building.
3. Many women had an important in international affairs during different time
throughout history.
4. Religious leaders usually people to each other with respect and kindness.
5. Julius Caesar helped spread Roman throughout Western Europe while he conquered
various territories in .
6. A politician can express his or her through speeches and public debates.

Speaking Strategy: Talk about hypothetical situations
A. Complete the conversation using these expressions.

would be hadn’t been discovered

hadn’t figured out would get

would have happened would spend

would have invented wouldn’t have

wouldn’t want wouldn’t it

Nick: What do you think (1) if electricity (2) ?

Hideto: Wow, what a terrible thought! We (3) video games without electricity!

Nick: You’re right—no video games, and no television or computers, either. Life (4) pretty

boring, (5) ?

Hideto: I think that there would be some positives, though. For example, I believe that people

(6) more time making art or doing other hobbies.

Nick: It’s likely that people (7) more exercise, too.

Hideto: If scientists (8) how to use electricity, nobody (9) things we use
every day in our homes, either, like air conditioning, dishwashers, clothes dryers, and light bulbs.

I (10) to live without those, would you?

Nick: No way!

B. Write a short conversation about a hypothetical situation in the past. Use expressions from Activity A.








UNIT 23 47
UNIT 24 Moving Forward


Word Box

amazed have (something) in common magic protect

cure hunt produce relationship
generation knowledge progress succeed

A. Complete the words.

1. no led e

2. p og es

3. s ce d

4. ge e a i n

5. ro e t

6. ma i

B. Match the sentence halves.

1. Scientists in the future may Ε Ε because they have a lot in common.

2. Alisha and Elijah are best friends Ε Ε people had to hunt for their food.

3. In prehistoric times, Ε Ε information is available on the Internet.

4. Melanie has a garden because Ε Ε her relationships with her friends.
5. I’m often amazed at how much Ε Ε find a cure for deadly diseases.
6. Jen always works to improve Ε Ε she likes to produce her own food.

C. Complete the conversation using words from the word box.

A: People have been polluting the Earth for centuries. I think it’s up to our (1) to clean up
the environment.
B: Do you think we can (2) ? Sometimes I think it’s hopeless.
A: Maybe it is, but we have to at least try to (3) Earth. We can make real (4)
if more people start changing their behavior.
B: We need to share (5) with others about actions we can take, like recycling and using
less water and electricity.
A: That’s right. There is no magic (6) ; everyone has to do their part so that our planet can
have a healthy future.


Speaking Strategy: Complain
A. Complete the conversations using these expressions.

I’m sorry to bother you, but I’m sorry to hear that.

I’m afraid there’s a problem with I apologize for that.

Excuse me, I’d like to make a complaint. I’m sure we can sort that out.

Unfortunately, there’s not a lot we can do about it.

Conversation 1

Larry: (1)
Firefighter: What’s the matter?

Larry: These cars are in the way. I have to get to work!

Firefighter: (2) We have to wait for the police to come before we can
move the cars.
Conversation 2
Customer: Excuse me! (3) my dinner.

Waiter: (4) What’s the problem, sir?

Customer: This isn’t what I ordered.

Waiter: It must be for another table, then. (5) I’ll get your dinner as soon as
I possibly can.
Conversation 3
Woman: (6) your dog is running around in my yard.

Neighbor: Oh, no! He must have gotten off his leash again.

(7) I’ll get him right away.

B. Write a short conversation about a customer

complaining to a sales assistant. Use expressions
from Activity A.


UNIT 24 49

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