4.4.4 - 4932 Lab - Locating Log Files - ILM
4.4.4 - 4932 Lab - Locating Log Files - ILM
4.4.4 - 4932 Lab - Locating Log Files - ILM
Nim : 22.01.4932
Required Resources
● CyberOps Workstation virtual machine
a. Consider the single log entry below. It was generated by Apache, a popular web server.
[Wed Mar 22 11:23:12.207022 2017] [core:error] [pid 3548:tid 4682351596] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/apache/htdocs/favicon.ico
The single log entry above represents a web event recorded by Apache. A few pieces of information are
important in web transactions, including client IP address, time and details of the transaction. The entry
above can be broken down into five main parts:
Timestamp: This part records when the event took place. It is very important that the server clock is
correctly synchronized as it allows for accurately cross-referencing and tracing back events.
Type: This is the type of event. In this case, it was an error.
PID: This contains information about the process ID used by Apache at the moment.
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Lab - Locating Log Files
Is the output above still considered a web transaction? Explain why the output of the cat command is in a
different format than the single entry shown in item (a).
Type your answers here.
Yes, it is a web event. The fields are in a different order, but the GET message, the presence of
client IP addresses, references to various web browsers and the HTTPv1.1, confirms this is a web
server log file. The format is different because the service was configured to record different fields
in a different order.
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Lab - Locating Log Files
a. Stored under /var/log, the messages file stores various system events. The connection of new USB drive,
a network card becoming available, and too many missed root login attempts, are a few examples of
events logged to the /var/log/messages file. Use the more command to display the contents of the
/var/log/messages file. Unlike the cat command, more allows for a paced navigation through the file.
Press ENTER to advance line-by-line or SPACE to advance an entire page. Press q or CTRL + C to abort
and exit more.
Note: the sudo command is required because the messages file belongs to the root user.
[analyst@secOps ~]$ sudo more /var/log/messages
[sudo] password for analyst:
Can you find evidence of that in the log entries shown above? If so, in what lines? Explain.
Type your answers here.
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Lab - Locating Log Files
On May 19, 04:19:53 through 04:21:27, the network card was flapping (switching from up to down
quickly). The log entries clearly confirm the user report.
nginx — HTTP and reverse proxy server, mail proxy server
nginx [-?hqTtVv] [-c file] [-g directives] [-p prefix] [-s signal]
nginx (pronounced “engine x”) is an HTTP and reverse proxy server, as well as a
mail proxy
server. It is known for its high performance, stability, rich feature set,
simple configura‐
tion, and low resource consumption.
<some output omitted>
b. Scroll down the page to locate the nginx logging section. The documentation makes it clear that nginx
supports logging, with the location of its log files defined at compilation time.
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Lab - Locating Log Files
events {
c. The manual page also contains information on the files used by nginx. Scroll down further to display the
nginx operating files under the Files section:
Contains the process ID of nginx. The contents of this file are
not sensitive, so it can be world-readable.
The main configuration file.
Error log file.
The outputs above help you to conclude that nginx supports logging and that it can save to log files. The
output also hints at the existence of a configuration file for nginx.
d. Before looking for nginx files, use the ps and the grep commands to ensure nginx is running in the VM.
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Lab - Locating Log Files
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Lab - Locating Log Files
f. Notice the nginx folder under /etc in the output above. Using ls again, we find a number of files, including
one named nginx.conf.
[analyst@secOps ~]$ ls -l /etc/nginx/
total 48
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Lab - Locating Log Files
g. Use the cat command to list the contents of /etc/nginx/nginx.conf. You can also use more or less to view
the file and nano or SciTE to edit it. These tools make it easier to navigate through long text files (only
the output of cat is displayed below).
[analyst@secOps ~]$ cat /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
#user html;
worker_processes 1;
#error_log logs/error.log;
#error_log logs/error.log notice;
#error_log logs/error.log info;
#pid logs/nginx.pid;
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Lab - Locating Log Files
events {
worker_connections 1024;
Note: Lines that start with ‘#’ are comments and are ignored by nginx.
h. A quick look at the configuration file reveals that it is an nginx configuration file. Because there is no direct
mention to the location of nginx log files, it is very likely that nginx is using default values for it. Following
the convention of storing log files under /var/log, use the ls command to list its contents:
[analyst@secOps ~]$ ls -l /var/log/
total 5708
-rw-r----- 1 root log 188962 Apr 19 10:35 auth.log
-rw-rw---- 1 root utmp 384 Apr 19 10:05 btmp
-rw-rw---- 1 root utmp 1536 Mar 22 08:50 btmp.1
-rw-r----- 1 root log 849038 Apr 19 10:05 daemon.log
-rw-r----- 1 root log 4416 Apr 19 09:45 errors.log
-rw-r----- 1 root log 1819814 Apr 19 10:05 everything.log
-rw------- 1 root root 32032 Apr 19 10:05 faillog
drwxr-sr-x+ 4 root systemd-journal 4096 Mar 20 15:28 journal
-rw-r----- 1 root log 927701 Apr 19 09:45 kernel.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root utmp 292292 Mar 26 11:03 lastlog
drwx--x--x 2 root lightdm 4096 Apr 19 09:45 lightdm
-rw-r--r-- 1 analyst analyst 24464 Apr 19 10:05 logstash-tutorial.log
-rw-r----- 1 root log 1673153 Apr 19 10:05 messages
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Apr 19 10:28 nginx
-rw-r--r-- 1 http root 989 Apr 19 10:05 nginx-logstash.log
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jan 5 14:17 old
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 97655 Apr 17 12:52 pacman.log
drwxr-xr-x 2 snort snort 4096 Mar 26 11:03 snort
-rw-r----- 1 root log 563 Apr 19 09:45 syslog.log
-rw------- 1 root root 64064 Mar 26 11:03 tallylog
-rw-r----- 1 root log 216 Apr 17 13:04 user.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root utmp 70272 Apr 19 09:45 wtmp
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 24756 Apr 19 09:45 Xorg.0.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 25585 Apr 17 14:43 Xorg.0.log.old
i. As shown above, the /var/log directory has a subdirectory named nginx. Use the ls command again to
list the contents of /var/log/nginx.
Note: Because the /var/log/nginx belongs to the http user, you must execute ls as root by preceding it
with the sudo command.
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Lab - Locating Log Files
These are very likely to be the log files in use by nginx. Move on to the next section to monitor these files
and get confirmation that they are indeed nginx log files.
Note: Your output may be different. The .GZ log files above were generated by a log rotation service.
Linux systems often implement a service to rotate logs, ensuring that individual log files do not become
too large. The log rotate service takes the latest log file, compresses it and saves it under a different
name (access.log.1.gz, access.log.2.gz, etc). A new empty main log file is then created and used to store
the latest log entries.
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Lab - Locating Log Files
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Lab - Locating Log Files
As before, tail displays the last 10 lines of the file. However, notice that tail does not exit after displaying the
lines; the command prompt is not visible, indicating that tail is still running.
Note: Your /var/log/access.log file may be empty due to log rotation. Continue following the lab as an empty
/var/log/access.log file will not impact the lab.
d. With tail still running on the terminal window, click the web browser icon on the Dock to open a web
browser window. Re-size the web browser window in a way that it allows you to see the bottom of the
terminal window where tail is still running.
Note: In the screenshot below, the Enter key was pressed a few times in the terminal window running tail.
This is for visualization only as tail does not process any input while running with –f. The extra empty
lines make it easier to detect new entries, as they are displayed at the bottom of the terminal window.
e. In the web browser address bar, enter and press Enter. This is the address of the VM itself,
which tells the browser to connect to a web server running on the local computer. A new entry should be
recorded in the /var/log/nginx/access.log file. Refresh the webpage to see new entries added to the log. - - [23/Mar/2017:09:48:36 -0400] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 612 "-" "Mozilla/5.0
(X11; Linux i686; rv:50.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/50.0"
Because tail is still running, it should display the new entry at the bottom of the terminal window. Aside
from the timestamp, your entry should look like the one above.
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Lab - Locating Log Files
Note: Firefox stores pages in cache for future use. If a page is already in cache, force Firefox to ignore
the cache and place web requests, reload the page by pressing <CTRL+SHIFT+R>.
f. Because the log file is being updated by nginx, we can state with certainty that /var/log/acess.log is in fact
the log file in use by nginx.
g. Enter Ctrl + C to end the tail monitoring session.
The output begins with a line similar to the one below, marking the timestamp where the system started
logging. Notice that the timestamps will vary from system to system.
-- Logs begin at Fri 2014-09-26 13:22:51 EDT, end at Fri 2017-03-31 10:12:19 EDT.
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Lab - Locating Log Files
journalctl includes a number of functionalities such as page scrolling, color-coded messages and more. Use
the keyboard up/down arrow keys to scroll up/down the output, one line at a time. Use the left/right
keyboard arrow keys to scroll sideways and display log entries that span beyond the boundaries of the
terminal window. The <ENTER> key displays the next line while the space bar displays the next page in
the output. Press the q key to exit journalctl.
Notice the hint message provided by journalctl:
Hint: You are currently not seeing messages from other users and the system.
Users in groups 'adm', 'systemd-journal', 'wheel' can see all messages.
Pass -q to turn off this notice.
This message reminds you that, because analyst is a regular user and not a member of either the adm,
systemd-journal or wheel groups, not all log entries will be displayed by journalctl. It also states that
running journalctl with the –q option suppresses the hint message.
How can you run journalctl and see all log entries?
Type your answers here.
Running journalctl as the root user will display all entries. To run journalctl as root, prepend the sudo
command to journalctl: sudo journalctl.
b. journalctl includes options to help in filtering the output. Use the –b option to display boot-related log
[analyst@secOps ~]$ sudo journalctl -b
-- Logs begin at Fri 2014-09-26 13:22:51 EDT, end at Fri 2017-03-31 10:18:04 EDT. --
Mar 31 05:54:43 secOps systemd-journald[169]: Time spent on flushing to /var is 849us
for 0 entries.
Mar 31 05:54:43 secOps kernel: Linux version 4.8.12-2-ARCH (builduser@andyrtr) (gcc
version 6.2.1 20160830 (GCC) ) #1 SMP PREEM
Mar 31 05:54:43 secOps kernel: x86/fpu: Supporting XSAVE feature 0x001: 'x87 floating
point registers'
Mar 31 05:54:43 secOps kernel: x86/fpu: Supporting XSAVE feature 0x002: 'SSE
Mar 31 05:54:43 secOps kernel: x86/fpu: Supporting XSAVE feature 0x004: 'AVX
Mar 31 05:54:43 secOps kernel: x86/fpu: xstate_offset[2]: 576, xstate_sizes[2]: 256
Mar 31 05:54:43 secOps kernel: x86/fpu: Enabled xstate features 0x7, context size is
832 bytes, using 'standard' format.
Mar 31 05:54:43 secOps kernel: x86/fpu: Using 'eager' FPU context switches.
Mar 31 05:54:43 secOps kernel: e820: BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
Mar 31 05:54:43 secOps kernel: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000000000000-0x000000000009fbff]
Mar 31 05:54:43 secOps kernel: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x000000000009fc00-0x000000000009ffff]
Mar 31 05:54:43 secOps kernel: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000000f0000-0x00000000000fffff]
Mar 31 05:54:43 secOps kernel: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000000100000-0x000000007ffeffff]
<some output omitted>
c. To see entries related to the last boot, add the -1 to the command above. To see entries related to the two
last boots, add the -2 option.
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Lab - Locating Log Files
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Lab - Locating Log Files
e. Use the --since “<time range>” to specify the time range of which log entries should be displayed. The
two commands below display all log entries generated in the last two hours and in the last day,
[analyst@secOps ~]$ sudo journalctl –-since "2 hours ago"
-- Logs begin at Fri 2014-09-26 13:22:51 EDT, end at Fri 2017-03-31 10:28:29 EDT. --
Mar 31 09:54:45 secOps kernel: 00:00:00.008577 main 5.1.10 r112026 started.
Verbose level = 0
Mar 31 09:54:45 secOps systemd[1]: Time has been changed
Mar 31 09:54:45 secOps systemd[1]: Started Rotate log files.
Mar 31 09:54:45 secOps ovsdb-server[263]:
2017-03-31T13:54:45Z|00001|ovsdb_server|INFO|ovsdb-server (Open vSwitch) 2.6.1
Mar 31 09:54:45 secOps ovsdb-server[263]: ovs|00001|ovsdb_server|INFO|ovsdb-server
(Open vSwitch) 2.6.1
Mar 31 09:54:45 secOps kernel: openvswitch: Open vSwitch switching datapath
Mar 31 09:54:45 secOps systemd[1]: Started Open vSwitch Daemon.
Mar 31 09:54:45 secOps dhcpcd[279]: enp0s3: soliciting an IPv6 router
Mar 31 09:54:45 secOps ovs-vswitchd[319]:
2017-03-31T13:54:45Z|00001|ovs_numa|INFO|Discovered 1 CPU cores on NUMA node 0
Mar 31 09:54:45 secOps ovs-vswitchd[319]:
2017-03-31T13:54:45Z|00002|ovs_numa|INFO|Discovered 1 NUMA nodes and 1 CPU cores
Mar 31 09:54:45 secOps ovs-vswitchd[319]: ovs|00001|ovs_numa|INFO|Discovered 1 CPU
cores on NUMA node 0
Mar 31 09:54:45 secOps ovs-vswitchd[319]: ovs|00002|ovs_numa|INFO|Discovered 1 NUMA
nodes and 1 CPU cores
Mar 31 09:54:45 secOps ovs-vswitchd[319]:
2017-03-31T13:54:45Z|00003|reconnect|INFO|unix:/run/openvswitch/db.sock: connecting..
Mar 31 09:54:45 secOps ovs-vswitchd[319]:
2017-03-31T13:54:45Z|00004|reconnect|INFO|unix:/run/openvswitch/db.sock: connected
Mar 31 09:54:45 secOps ovs-vswitchd[319]:
ovs|00003|reconnect|INFO|unix:/run/openvswitch/db.sock: connecting...
Mar 31 09:54:45 secOps ovs-vswitchd[319]:
ovs|00004|reconnect|INFO|unix:/run/openvswitch/db.sock: connected
Mar 31 09:54:45 secOps ovs-vswitchd[319]:
2017-03-31T13:54:45Z|00005|ovsdb_idl|WARN|Interface table in Open_vSwitch database la
Mar 31 09:54:45 secOps ovs-vswitchd[319]:
2017-03-31T13:54:45Z|00006|ovsdb_idl|WARN|Mirror table in Open_vSwitch database lacks
<some output omitted>
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Lab - Locating Log Files
Mar 30 05:54:43 secOps kernel: x86/fpu: Supporting XSAVE feature 0x002: 'SSE
Mar 30 05:54:43 secOps kernel: x86/fpu: Supporting XSAVE feature 0x004: 'AVX
Mar 30 05:54:43 secOps kernel: x86/fpu: xstate_offset[2]: 576, xstate_sizes[2]: 256
Mar 31 05:54:43 secOps kernel: x86/fpu: Enabled xstate features 0x7, context size is
832 bytes, using 'standard' format.
Mar 30 05:54:43 secOps kernel: x86/fpu: Using 'eager' FPU context switches.
Mar 30 05:54:43 secOps kernel: e820: BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
Mar 30 05:54:43 secOps kernel: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0000000000000000-0x000000000009fbff]
Mar 30 05:54:43 secOps kernel: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x000000000009fc00-0x000000000009ffff]
Mar 30 05:54:43 secOps kernel: BIOS-e820: [mem 0x00000000000f0000-0x00000000000fffff]
<some output omitted>
f. journalctl also allows for displaying log entries related to a specific service with the –u option. The
command below displays logs entries related to nginx:
[analyst@secOps ~]$ sudo journalctl –u nginx.service
-- Logs begin at Fri 2014-09-26 13:22:51 EDT, end at Fri 2017-03-31 10:30:39 EDT. --
Oct 19 16:47:57 secOps systemd[1]: Starting A high performance web server and a
reverse proxy server...
Oct 19 16:47:57 secOps nginx[21058]: 2016/10/19 16:47:57 [warn] 21058#21058:
conflicting server name "localhost" on,
Oct 19 16:47:57 secOps systemd[1]: nginx.service: PID file /run/nginx.pid not readable
(yet?) after start: No such file or dire
Oct 19 16:47:57 secOps systemd[1]: Started A high performance web server and a reverse
proxy server.
Oct 19 17:40:09 secOps nginx[21058]: 2016/10/19 17:40:09 [error] 21060#21060: *1
open() "/usr/share/nginx/html/favicon.ico" fai
Oct 19 17:40:09 secOps nginx[21058]: 2016/10/19 17:40:09 [error] 21060#21060: *1
open() "/usr/share/nginx/html/favicon.ico" fai
Oct 19 17:41:21 secOps nginx[21058]: 2016/10/19 17:41:21 [error] 21060#21060: *2
open() "/usr/share/nginx/html/favicon.ico" fai
Oct 19 17:41:21 secOps nginx[21058]: 2016/10/19 17:41:21 [error] 21060#21060: *2
open() "/usr/share/nginx/html/favicon.ico" fai
Oct 19 18:36:33 secOps systemd[1]: Stopping A high performance web server and a
reverse proxy server...
Oct 19 18:36:33 secOps systemd[1]: Stopped A high performance web server and a reverse
proxy server.
-- Reboot --
Oct 19 18:36:49 secOps systemd[1]: Starting A high performance web server and a
reverse proxy server...
Oct 19 18:36:49 secOps nginx[399]: 2016/10/19 18:36:49 [warn] 399#399: conflicting
server name "localhost" on, ignor
Oct 19 18:36:49 secOps systemd[1]: nginx.service: PID file /run/nginx.pid not readable
(yet?) after start: No such file or dire
Oct 19 18:36:49 secOps systemd[1]: Started A high performance web server and a reverse
proxy server.
<some output omitted>
Note: As part of systemd, services are described as units. Most service installation packages create units and
enable units during the installation process.
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Lab - Locating Log Files
g. Similar to tail –f, journalctl also supports real-time monitoring. Use the –f option to instruct journalctl to
follow a specific log. Press Ctrl + C to exit.
[analyst@secOps ~]$ sudo journalctl -f
[sudo] password for analyst:
-- Logs begin at Fri 2014-09-26 13:22:51 EDT. --
Mar 31 10:34:15 secOps filebeat[222]: 2017/03/31 14:34:15.077058 logp.go:232: INFO No
non-zero metrics in the last 30s
Mar 31 10:34:40 secOps sudo[821]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Mar 31 10:34:45 secOps filebeat[222]: 2017/03/31 14:34:45.076057 logp.go:232: INFO No
non-zero metrics in the last 30s
Mar 31 10:35:15 secOps filebeat[222]: 2017/03/31 14:35:15.076118 logp.go:232: INFO No
non-zero metrics in the last 30s
Mar 31 10:35:45 secOps filebeat[222]: 2017/03/31 14:35:45.076924 logp.go:232: INFO No
non-zero metrics in the last 30s
Mar 31 10:36:15 secOps filebeat[222]: 2017/03/31 14:36:15.076060 logp.go:232: INFO No
non-zero metrics in the last 30s
Mar 31 10:36:45 secOps filebeat[222]: 2017/03/31 14:36:45.076122 logp.go:232: INFO No
non-zero metrics in the last 30s
Mar 31 10:37:15 secOps filebeat[222]: 2017/03/31 14:37:15.076801 logp.go:232: INFO No
non-zero metrics in the last 30s
Mar 31 10:37:30 secOps sudo[842]: analyst : TTY=pts/0 ; PWD=/home/analyst ; USER=root
; COMMAND=/usr/bin/journalctl -f
Mar 31 10:37:31 secOps sudo[842]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root
by (uid=0)
<some output omitted>
h. journalctl also supports mixing options to achieve the desired filter set. The command below monitors
nginx system events in real time.
[analyst@secOps ~]$ sudo journalctl -u nginx.service -f
-- Logs begin at Fri 2014-09-26 13:22:51 EDT. --
Mar 23 10:08:41 secOps systemd[1]: Stopping A high performance web server and a
reverse proxy server...
Mar 23 10:08:41 secOps systemd[1]: Stopped A high performance web server and a reverse
proxy server.
-- Reboot --
Mar 29 11:28:06 secOps systemd[1]: Starting A high performance web server and a
reverse proxy server...
Mar 29 11:28:06 secOps systemd[1]: nginx.service: PID file /run/nginx.pid not readable
(yet?) after start: No such file or directory
Mar 29 11:28:06 secOps systemd[1]: Started A high performance web server and a reverse
proxy server.
Mar 29 11:31:45 secOps systemd[1]: Stopping A high performance web server and a
reverse proxy server...
Mar 29 11:31:45 secOps systemd[1]: Stopped A high performance web server and a reverse
proxy server.
-- Reboot --
Mar 31 09:54:51 secOps systemd[1]: Starting A high performance web server and a
reverse proxy server...
Mar 31 09:54:51 secOps systemd[1]: nginx.service: PID file /run/nginx.pid not readable
(yet?) after start: No such file or directory
Mar 31 09:54:51 secOps systemd[1]: Started A high performance web server and a reverse
proxy server.
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Lab - Locating Log Files
i. Keep the command above running, open a new web browser window and type (default
configuration) or (custom_server.conf) in the address bar. journalctl should display an
error related to a missing favicon.ico file in real-time. Use Ctrl+C to quit journalctl.
Log files are extremely important for troubleshooting.
Log file location follows convention but ultimately, it is a choice of the developer.
More often than not, log file information (location, file names, etc.) is included in the documentation. If the
documentation does not provide useful information on log files, a combination of web research, and system
investigation should be used.
Clocks should always be synchronized to ensure all systems have the correct time. If clocks are not correctly
set, it is very difficult to trace back events.
It is important to understand when specific events took place. In addition to that, events from different sources
are often analyzed at the same time.
End of document
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