Chapter 111 - Van
Chapter 111 - Van
Chapter 111 - Van
The advent of computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in
the past three decades has given clinicians the opportunity to understand better the
underlying causes of different types of acute neurologic symptoms in neonates,
infants, and children.
As such, there has been increasing attention and recognition of intracerebral
hemorrhage and subarachnoid hemorrhage as an important contributors to these
acute injuries.
Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) refers to bleeding into the brain parenchyma and/or
ventricles, whereas SAH refers to bleeding into the subarachnoid space.
Previous studies suggest that approximately half of childhood strokes are caused by
ICH and SAH.
The incidences of ICH and SAH in pediatric patients obtained from a California-wide
discharge database are 0.8/100,000/year and 0.4/100,000/year, respectively.
ICH and SAH also may occur after traumatic brain injuries, but this chapter focuses on
nontraumatic or spontaneous ICH and SAH.
Hypertension and amyloid angiopathy are the most common causes of primary adult
Although hypertension has been reported as a risk factor for ICH in children, most
childhood spontaneous ICH and SAH are caused by secondary causes such as
ruptured vascular malformations, tumors, cerebral infections, or hematological
Even after a complete workup, 9% to 23% of childhood ICH/SAH remains idiopathic.
This chapter will focus on ICH and SAH caused by ruptured vascular malformations.
Depending on the series, vascular malformations are responsible for approximately
17.5% to 73.5% of pediatric ICH 4 6 , arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) 7 are more
common than cavernous malformations (cavernomas or cavernous angiomas) or
The prevalence of intracranial aneurysms in children ranges from 0.5% to 4.6%, and
most do not present with acute rupture.
Common presenting signs and symptoms include headache, altered mental status,
focal deficits like hemiparesis, seizures, and nausea and vomiting.
Headache is the most common presenting symptom and is present in 50% to nearly
Headache is classically sudden onset and severe and often accompanied by nausea
and vomiting, but some patients may have no headache or mild headache or
headache that builds more slowly.
Neck pain and/or stiffness can also occur, particularly in the settings of SAH or IVH.
Altered mental status is present in 50% or more and can range from subtle changes in
mentation to coma.
Focal deficits are present in 50% or more of children with ICH and are typically
referable to ICH location.
Posterior fossa hemorrhages can present with cerebellar findings, cranial nerve
palsies, and rapid progression to coma. In one prospective cohort, over 40% of
children with ICH presented with seizures.
Presentation in children with ICH and SAH can be rapid, occurring over minutes to
hours, or insidious over hours to days.
In a cohort of children with intraparenchymal hemorrhage, the median time to hospital
presentation was 70 minutes, but nearly a quarter presented after 24 hours.
Those with altered mental status, severe headache, or focal neurologic deficits likely
present more quickly, whereas those with milder headache and without substantial
focal deficits may take longer to seek medical attention or to be diagnosed.
Differential Diagnosis
The differential diagnosis for ICH and SAH includes other stroke syndromes such as
arterial ischemic stroke and cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, tumors, metabolic and
mitochondrial disease, cerebral infections, demyelinating diseases, and complicated
migraine syndromes, among others.
Imaging studies can quickly determine whether the presenting signs and symptoms
are caused by hemorrhage or by another etiology.
Initial Studies
Initial Management
Stabilization of the patient and minimization of secondary brain injury are the goals of
acute management, which include assessments for ongoing seizures, elevated
intracranial pressure (ICP), and herniation syndromes.
Childhood guidelines for management are based on adult practice guidelines or
cohort studies because no pediatric trials exist.
A neurosurgeon should be consulted promptly upon diagnosis of ICH or SAH.
Basic management includes frequent neurologic examinations to assess for
deterioration, maintenance of the head of the bed at least 30 degrees above the
tragus to facilitate venous drainage, isotonic fluid administration, and maintenance of
normoglycemia and normothermia. Children with seizures should be treated with
anticonvulsants; there is no evidence that prophylaxis with anticonvulsants is effective.
Treatment of hypertension in adults with ICH may prevent expansion of the cerebral
hematoma; 23 a recent meta-analysis demonstrated a nonstatistically significant trend
toward fewer adult patients with death or dependency at 3 months among those with
intensive blood pressure-lowering treatment compared with patients provided
"standard" treatment.
Although adult ICH guidelines discuss management of hypertension, there are no data
for treatment in children with ICH.
It may be a reasonable goal to lower blood pressure to the 95th percentile for age and
sex, but this is not evidence based.
Elevated blood pressure in the setting of ICH can be an autoregulatory mechanism to
maintain cerebral perfusion. Therefore caution must be utilized when lowering blood
pressure in a child with ICH so that secondary ischemia is not caused, and ICP
monitoring should be considered.
Antihypertensive medications should be chosen with care. Vasodilators can reduce
systemic blood pressure, thereby compromising cerebral perfusion pressure.
Use of beta adrenergic blocking agents may be preferable because they do not have
cerebral vasodilatory effects.
Increased ICP can occur as a result of direct mass effect from an ICH or from
intraventricular hemorrhage and hydrocephalus that can occur with ICH or SAH.
In patients with intraparenchymal hemorrhage, increased ICP may occur acutely
because of mass effect from the hemorrhage.
Increased ICP can be acute or can develop over hours to days. Monitoring for
increased ICP should be considered in any pediatric patient with ICH or SAH with
abnormal or deteriorating mental status.
Signs and symptoms of increased ICP include worsening or refractory headache
(usually worse when supine), emesis, combativeness or agitation, sixth nerve palsies,
and papilledema. Cushing's triad of hypertension, bradycardia, and irregular
respirations is typically a late finding.
An intraventricular catheter (IVC), also called an external ventricular drain (EVD), is
often the monitoring tool of choice because it can be used to measure ICP as well as
to manage ICP via drainage of CSF or intraventricular blood.
In one series, more than a quarter of children with intraparenchymal hemorrhage had
a ventriculostomy. A subdural bolt can be used to measure ICP if an IVC is not an
Medical management for reducing ICP acutely is typically temporizing and includes
hyperventilation to a PC02 of 25 to 30 mm Hg, maintenance of the patient's head
midline and elevated to at least 30 degrees above the tragus to facilitate venous
drainage, and hyperosmolar therapy with either hypertonic saline or mannitol.
Plasma osmoles and electrolytes must be monitored frequently when osmotic agents
are used to avoid hypovolemia, hypotension, and renal failure.
Sedation is sometimes needed to help manage elevated ICP, but this need must be
balanced with the need for monitoring the patient's mental status and neurologic
Corticosteroids have not been helpful in adult randomized trials, and hyperglycemia
that may be caused by corticosteroids or the stress of illness and acute brain injury is
associated with poorer outcomes.
Seizures are a common presenting symptom and sequela of ICH and SAH. For those
who present with seizures, it is reasonable to acutely treat the child with an
Although prophylactic anticonvulsants are sometimes used in the setting of ICH or
SAH, the American Heart Association pediatric stroke guidelines recommend against
prophylactic anticonvulsant use in the setting of ischemic stroke and do not make
recommendations for children with ICH.
A study that analyzed prophylactic anticonvulsant use in the Cerebral Hematoma And
NXY Treatment (CHANT) trial for neuroprotection in adults with ICH showed that
prophylactic use was associated with a poor outcome; only 8% of study participants
were treated with prophylactic anticonvulsant medication.
In another adult prospective observational study, phenytoin use was associated with
longer hospitalizations and worse modified Rankin Scale scores.
In both adult studies, there was selection bias because the sickest patients with the
largest hemorrhages were also the most likely to have prophylactic anticonvulsants
In a pediatric prospective cohort of children and neonates with ICH, the 1- and 2-year
seizure-free survival rates were 82% and 67%, respectively.
Discharge on anticonvulsants was not protective against developing seizures during
follow up, but that result must be interpreted with caution because the decision about
whether to discharge a child on an anticonvulsant was clinically based.
To detect seizures in the acute ICH and SAH settings, continuous EEG monitoring is
A study of 100 children with continuous EEG monitoring for diverse indications,
including some children with ICH, reported that EEG monitoring led to the initiation or
escalation of anticonvulsants in over 40% of patients because of seizure detection.
Many of these children had prolonged unresponsiveness after a seizure as the
indication for EEG monitoring, and the application of these data to children with acute
ICH is unclear.
Continuous EEG monitoring should be considered in children with ICH or SAH who
have 1) persistently altered mental status or 2) movements or vital sign changes that
are suggestive of seizures that cannot be captured on a routine EEG.
Although continuous EEG has been used in children in the setting of SAH to detect
vasospasm and is often used for vasospasm detection in adults, there are no studies
to demonstrate its utility for this indication in children.
Recurrent Hemorrhage
Intelligence Quotient (IQ) of the 31 subjects who underwent cognitive testing was not
below average (IQ 106, SD 20, n = 28), but the large standard deviation indicates a
range of IQs.
Fifteen of 31 patients (48%) had signs of cognitive deficits when their performance
was compared with their premorbid academic abilities or to those of their parents.
Moderate to severe cognitive deficits were present in 7 patients (23%).
Seizures and epilepsy are another concern after ICH and SAH.
In one prospective cohort of 72 children and neonates with ICH, the 1- and 2-year
seizure-free survival rates were 82% and 67%, respectively, and the 1- and 2-year
epilepsy-free survival rates were 96% and 87%, respectively.
ICP that required urgent intervention was a risk factor for remote symptomatic
seizures and the development of epilepsy.
There are few reports on health status or quality of life after childhood ICH. In one
report of children with arterial ischemic stroke or ICH, epilepsy and degree of
hemiparesis were associated with worse health status at follow-up.
More data are needed to determine the factors that influence quality of life in children
after ICH and SAH.
Arteriovenous Malformations
The incidence of cerebral AVMs has been estimated at 1 per 100,000 per year. 49
Although the lesions are thought to be congenital, in one series of over 2000 patients
with AVMs, only 8.
4% presented at age 10 years or younger.
Other estimates are that 18% to 20% of cerebral AVMs present in the pediatric
Hemorrhage is the most frequent presentation in children and adults, but children
seem to present with hemorrhage even more commonly than do adults.
Seizures and headache are other common presenting symptoms.
Some may present with progressive neurologic deficits even when there is no
hemorrhage, presumably related to the steal of blood flow from healthy brain by a
high-flow AVM.
Certain genetic syndromes can have cerebral AVMs as a prominent feature (Table
111-1 @).
Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) is an autosomal dominant condition
characterized by AVMs of the skin (telangiectasias), nose, lungs, and brain. Cerebral
AVMs can be multiple.
In families in which the diagnosis is known or in young patients, it is unclear when
screening for cerebral AVMs should begin.
However, children with HHT can present in early childhood with hemorrhage.
Patients with brain AVMs should have a skin examination to assess for telangiectasias
and should be asked about frequent severe nosebleeds, which are often an early sign
of HHT.
If there is concern for HHT, patients should be referred to a center or provider with
HHT expertise for comprehensive evaluation.
When a child presents with either seizures or hemorrhage, CT or MRI is often the first
diagnostic images obtained.
MRI is helpful in children with hemorrhage because the underlying parenchyma can
be assessed.
MRA or CTA is often performed with the initial parenchymal imaging and can
diagnose or suggest AVM in many cases.
However, conventional catheter angiogram (CCA) is more sensitive and should be
considered when an underlying vascular malformation is not seen on brain MRI when
hemorrhage is the presentation.
Even when MRA or CTA diagnosis of AVM is made, a CCA should still be performed
to characterize the lesion better and to assess for associated aneurysms, which often
influence the rapidity of treatment.
Even when a CCA is negative in the acute setting after a hemorrhage, a follow-up
CCA should be considered because the hematoma can compress and obscure an
AVM, which might only become evident months to even a year or more later.
The risk of hemorrhage from a cerebral AVM in children has been estimated at 2% per
year, so most should be evaluated for treatment.
However, some AVMs may not be treatable because of their location or size.
In a patient who presents with hemorrhage and is stable, it may be reasonable to wait
a month or more for the hematoma to regress before definitive AVM treatment as long
as there is not an associated aneurysm.
In a comatose or deteriorating patient with an AVM, treatment may be required in the
acute setting.
The timing of AVM treatment after a hemorrhage is often dependent on the
interventionalist and the surgeon.
The Spetzler—Martin grading system grades AVMs based on their characteristics in
order to predict risk of neurologic morbidity from surgery.
AVMs are graded on size (under 3 cm = 1 point, 3 to 6 cm = 2 points, over 6 cm = 3
points), adjacent eloquent cortex (noneloquent = O points, eloquent = 1 point), and
draining veins (superficial only = O points, deep veins = 1 point).
The total score ranges from 1 to 5 points with greater scores conferring greater risk of
neurologic morbidity.
One study that compared children to adults found that children have better outcomes
than adults after microsurgical resection of AVMs, which is not explained by
hemorrhage rates or AVM characteristics.
Therefore, surgical resection should be carefully considered in each pediatric case.
In a small series, intraoperative CCA was helpful because it detected residual AVM in
4/18 children who underwent intraoperative CCA, which resulted in immediate repeat
In this series, recurrent AVMs were found in 4/28 children with a recurrence risk of
0.08 per person-year.
Recurrence was associated with a lower AVM compactness score (indicating diffuse
AVM), but the score's utility has not been tested in an independent and prospective
Although no recurrent AVMs were found after 15 months from the initial resection and
no child with a negative I-year CCA had recurrence on a 5 -year CCA study or one at
18 years of age, not all children had CCAs at later time points.
In a different series, 2 children had recurrent AVM at later time points at 3 and 5
years, respectively.
A third series demonstrated that intraoperative catheter angiography reduced
postoperative residual/recurrent AVM rates from 14% to 0% in a cohort of 117 patients
and that 1- and 5-year follow-up data indicated an overall annual hemorrhage rate of
0.3% and a recurrence rate of 0.90/0.
Therefore, even though the duration and interval of long-term follow up for pediatric
AVMs is not clear, data suggest that at least 5 years of imaging surveillance may be
Compared with adults, outcome after AVM resection seems to be more favorable in
In one study, children were 78% less likely to have a poor neurologic outcome and
86% less likely to have suffered neurologic deterioration.
In this study, presentation with hemorrhage did not affect outcome, and over 90% of
children had good outcomes defined as a modified Rankin scale (mRS) score of 0 to 2
(living independently).
Almost 94% of children had mRS scores that improved or were unchanged after
Arteriovenous Fistulas
Several mutations have been found in association with AVFs (Table 111-1 @).
It has been estimated that up to 25% of patients with HHT (Online Mendelian
Inheritance in Man [OMIM] No. 187300) may also have AVFs, although more recent
studies have markedly reduced this prevalence to just 0.5%.
Mutations in the RASA-I gene have been linked to pial AVFs, with one series
demonstrating that 29% of pediatric patients with AVFs also had RASA-I mutations.
The capillary malformation—AVM (CM-AVM; OMIM No. 608354) syndrome has a
RASA-I mutation and is associated with AVFs of the central nervous system (CNS).
Specific to dural AVFs, isolated reports exist of associations with PHACE (OMIM No.
606519) and PTEN-associated syndrome/Bannayan—Riley—Ruvalcaba syndrome
(OMIM No. 153480).
Lastly, patients with CLOVES syndrome (congenital lipomatous overgrowth, vascular
malformations, epidermal nevi, and skeletal/scoliosis/spinal anomalies) commonly
exhibit vascular malformations of the CNS, including AVFs.
CLOVES is caused by a mutation in PIK3CA and, unlike RASA-I or HHT, manifests as
a sporadic, postzygotic activating mutation that is nonheritable.
AVFs pose a high risk of intracranial hemorrhage in addition to brain and spine injury
secondary to high flow.
Dural AVFs may also present with hemorrhagic venous infarctions secondary to
venous outlet restriction.
Overall, the risk of hemorrhage has been reported at 1.5% annually, with specific risk
factors including fistulas at the vein of Galen, petrosal or straight sinus, venous
varices (especially with aneurysmal dilation), and extensive cortical venous drainage.
In particular, leptomeningeal venous drainage in dural AVFs has a 20-fold greater risk
of hemorrhage compared with dural AVFs without leptomeningeal involvement.
Prenatal diagnosis of AVFs may occur in the setting of fetal ultrasonography.
Specific to the pediatric population, AVFs may present with high-output cardiac failure,
developmental delay, cognitive impairment, macrocrania, seizures, or with focal
neurologic deficits from large venous varices 101 exerting mass effect.
In general, multihole, high-flow AVFs are more commonly found in infants (with
concomitant higher rates of symptomatic heart failure), whereas single-hole lesions
are more common after 2 to 3 years of age. 77 Infants with congestive cardiac failure
caused by a large AVF may present with tachycardia, respiratory distress, poor
systemic perfusion, and cyanosis. With high-flow lesions, an audible murmur or cranial
bruit may be heard on auscultation. 102 Prominent scalp veins are often present,
representing collateral cerebral drainage.
Venous congestion may impair CSF absorption, leading to hydrocephalus.
On physical examination in the case of CCFs, proptosis, chemosis, and loss of cranial
nerve Il—VI function may be present.
Indications for treatment and recommendations for timing of treatment have evolved
with development of novel technologies.
In general, any symptomatic, high-flow lesion should be considered for treatment.In
particular, anterior cranial fossa lesions and evidence of leptomeningeal venous
drainage are factors predictive of greater risk of hemorrhage.
However, one area of controversy centers on the aggressive treatment of critically ill
Some authors have voiced concern over injudicious use of therapy resulting in
survival of profoundly impaired infants.
In response, analysis of outcomes led to a scoring system used to predict more
effectively appropriate candidates for treatment in the subset of high-output AVF
cases in infants (including vein of Galen lesions).
In general, treatment may not be recommended for neonates with microcephaly,
evidence of extensive cerebral ischemic damage, such as encephalomalacia and
infarction, or evidence of multiorgan failure.
Dural AVFs involving the cavernous sinus (CCF) and transverse sinuses are distinct
groups of AVFs relative to indications for treatment.
Slow-flow, smaller lesions with minimal or absent symptoms may be followed with
observation, as there is a possibility of spontaneous closure.
However, high-flow lesions, or CCF with symptoms—particularly visual deterioration—
are high risk and warrant aggressive treatment.
Successful treatment of pediatric AVFs requires a team approach, usually involving
collaboration of specialists with expertise in pediatric neurosurgery, neurology,
interventional neuroradiology, and occasionally ophthalmology to assess for
papilledema if there is increased ICP or to assess visual acuity after treatment of a
In the more rare cases presenting with cardiac failure in infants with high-flow lesions,
cardiology and pediatric critical care teams are also helpful.
The goal of treatment for the child with an AVF involves endovascular or microsurgical
techniques to close the fistulous connection (with isolated reports of radiation therapy
for some cases).
Given their rarity, overall experience with treating pediatric patients is limited.
In general, endovascular techniques have emerged as a primary method of treatment
for pediatric AVFs.
However, surgical treatment remains an option in some patients, particularly when the
risk of nontarget embolization to eloquent brain cortex is high.
Recent data from pediatric AVF series suggest that dural AVFs have a higher
likelihood of successful treatment using solely endovascular techniques (85%),
whereas pial AVFs have a greater probability of combined endovascular and open
surgical approaches (71%).
The advent of the embolic agent Onyx (ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer), in
conjunction with the use of detachable coils, has markedly increased the therapeutic
efficacy of endovascular approaches for AVFs.
Endovascular treatment can be transarterial or transvenous.
Transarterial embolization is generally most effective for pial AVFs, whereas venous
side occlusion is useful in many dural AVFs, particularly in transverse and sigmoid
sinus disease.
Venous occlusion is best tolerated when alternative routes for normal venous
drainage exist and when absolute occlusion of the affected fistulous area is to be
Venous infarction is a potential complication in cases that do not have adequate
rerouting of normal drainage.
Outcomes for children with AVFs are strongly related to the age at time of treatment.
For those older than 2 years of age, 72% had a good clinical outcome, whereas
children under age 2 had far higher complication rates and more frequent need of
multiple procedures.
Current reports of AVF treatment suggest high rates of lesional obliteration (86%),
with ageappropriate outcome scores at an average of 16 months of follow up.
Complications related to AVF treatment include venous infarction, migration of
embolic agents into unintended vessels (arterial stroke or venous occlusion), guide
wire rupture of vessels during embolization (especially thin-walled veins in
transvenous approaches), posttreatment thrombosis of veins (secondary to reduced
flow), hyperperfusion ("normal perfusion pressure breakthrough") syndrome (from
rerouted arterial flow in larger lesions), and hydrocephalus.
Overall, the risk of catastrophic complications from treatment has been reported in the
range of 3% for adults, but the risk seems much higher in children, with procedural
complication rates of up to 60% and major complications (and death) in the range of
10% to 12%.
These risks are related most strongly to age, with children under 1 year having very
high complication rates (up to 85%), and children older than 2 years of age having
much lower complication rates (closer to 33%).
After treatment of AVFs, patients should be monitored for the development of
hydrocephalus, which may be the result ofvenous thrombosis, altered venous outflow,
or deranged CSF dynamics secondary to shifts in blood flow.
In series of patients who underwent endovascular treatment for pial AVFs, 14% to
19% experienced postprocedural hydrocephalus.
Genetic screening and evaluation for hypercoagulable disorders are indicated,
particularly when other vascular anomalies or venous sinus thrombosis exist.
As noted previously, VOGMs are a specific type of arteriovenous fistula (Fig. 111-2
Although they share the direct connection between arteries and veins without an
intervening nidus that is common to the biology of all AVFs, the historical precedent in
considering VOGMs as a distinct entity coupled with the unique clinical issues posed
by patients with VOGMs justifies discussion of their management independent from
other AVF subtypes.
There are three main presentations of VOGM. 1) neonates with high-output cardiac
failure, 2) infants and young children with macrocephaly and hydrocephalus with or
without seizures, and 3) older children or adults with macrocephaly, headaches, and
sometimes SAH.
Symptoms in nonneonates are usually related to abnormal cerebral venous drainage
and altered CSF flow.
Occasionally, VOGMs are diagnosed in utero.
Urgent treatment in the neonatal period is necessary when a child has heart failure
that cannot be managed medically.
In neonates, high-output cardiac failure can lead to renal or hepatic insufficiency, and
rarely myocardial ischemia.
In infants and older children, treatment is to prevent cerebral atrophy and cognitive
Endovascular treatment is the treatment of choice.
The endovascular approach is typically staged.
Technically, the VOGM may be targeted either through a transarterial or transvenous
In the modern era, transarterial embolization is preferred at most centers, reserving
transvenous embolization for instances in which transarterial embolization has been
In the neonate, the goal of treatment is to reduce flow through the VOGM so that heart
failure can be medically managed; some authors have indicated that this typically
requires reducing flow by about 30%.
If the patient is stable, additional treatment is usually completed after 5 months of age.
Hydrocephalus can be treated with CSF diversion either through shunting or by
endoscopic third ventriculostomy.
However, hydrocephalus can significantly improve with embolization of the VOGM.
Therefore, if possible, embolization should precede hydrocephalus treatment.
In rare cases of transtorcular embolization, a surgical window is created to provide
venous access.
Primary surgical repair of VOGM is not indicated.
In a series of 27 children treated at a single center, outcome was worse for those with
choroidal VOGMs (3/13 died; 5/13 had significant delay) than for those with mural
VOGMs (none died; 2/10 had significant delay).
Of the survivors, 61% had no or minor delays. Features associated with worse
outcome were perinatal presentation, presence of CHF, and choroidal
In a series of 13 children treated at a single center, of 7 patients presenting in the first
2 weeks of life, 3 died.
There were no deaths in the 6 children presenting after 2 weeks of age.
Five patients had hydrocephalus and four required postembolization shunting.
In 2006 Lasjaunias and colleagues reported a series of 233 patients with VGOM
treated with embolization, which is currently the largest reported experience.
Overall mortality was 10.6%.
Young age was a risk factor for death; neonates had a mortality of 52% compared
with infants (7.2%) and older children (0%).
In addition, 74% of surviving children were neurologically normal, 15.6% were
moderately developmentally delayed, and 10.4% were noted to have severe
developmental delays with a median follow-up time of 4.4 years.
Obliteration of 90% to 100% of the malformation was achieved in 55% of patients;
complete obliteration of a VOGM is not necessary in all cases to achieve clinical
Cavernous Malformations
Pathologically, CMS are a compact mass of sinusoidal vessels contiguous with one
another without intervening normal parenchyma.
These well-circumscribed, unencapsulated masses are identified grossly as having a
dark red or violet lobulated "mulberry" appearance. Calcifications may be present,
both grossly and microscopically.
Cysts containing old hemorrhagic products may be present and may facilitate growth
of these lesions by providing a substrate for neovascularization.
The underlying pathology of CMS includes dysfunctional endothelial cell connections,
contributing to the "leaking" of blood into surrounding tissue.
Adjacent brain may be gliotic, may contain focal calcifications, and frequently is
stained with hemosiderin from prior hemorrhage.
CMS occur most commonly as sporadic lesions (50% to 80% of cases), but also can
manifest as an autosomal dominant inherited form characterized by multiple lesions in
There also is a known association between CM formation and previous exposure to
intracranial radiation.
A single CM is found in 75% of sporadic cases and only 8% to 19% of familial cases.
In contrast, the presence of multiple CMS is strongly suggestive of a familial CM
syndrome; approximately 75% of patients with multiple lesions ultimately are found to
have affected relatives.
Only 10% to 25% of individuals with multiple lesions will be sporadic cases, with the
remainder of patients with multiple CMS often attributed to the secondary effects of
radiation therapy.
CMS are found with a prevalence of about 0.5% in autopsy studies.
An incidence of 0.43 diagnoses per 100,000 people per year has been reported.
There is no difference in incidence between males and females.
Symptomatic lesions manifest in all age groups.
The peak incidence at presentation is usually in the third to fourth decade.
Affected children appear to be clustered into two age groups: infants and toddlers
under the age of 3 years, and children in early puberty, age 12 to 16 years.
Genetic Syndromes
CMS may never cause symptoms and may be discovered incidentally or may be
responsible for a variety of neurologic complaints.
The neurologic findings of symptomatic CMS correlate with the site of the CM and age
at presentation.
CMS can occur anywhere in the CNS, with symptomatic lesions most commonly
presenting with symptoms associated with acute hemorrhage, seizures, headaches,
or focal neurologic deficits.
Intracranial CMS often cause symptoms because of hemorrhage (usually low-
pressure relative to high-flow vascular lesions) that exerts mass effect on the
surrounding brain.
Headache may occur either as a consequence of this mass effect deforming the dura
or of local blood products irritating the meninges.
Extravasation of blood into brain parenchyma creates a hemosiderin ring that may
predispose susceptible tissue to seizures.
New seizure rates after the diagnosis of CMS range from 1.5% to 4.3% per
patient/year, and a history of previous seizure increases this rate to 5.5% per
Children with CMS may also have headache as a symptom, presumably secondary to
mass effect or irritation of dural nociceptors from hemorrhage products.
Outcomes after surgical therapy have been remarkably good, with most series
reporting a near 0% mortality rate and a 4% to 5% rate of new permanent deficits.
It is important to note that risks greatly increase in sensitive locations such as the
brainstem with rates of new, permanent postoperative deficits ranging from 12% to
25%, suggesting a need to approach lesions in these areas with caution.
Surgical resection of the most common type of CM in children, supratentorial lobar
lesions, provides high rates of symptomatic improvement and durable, long-term
treatment efficacy.
With nearly 5 years of follow up, one large series demonstrated a 98% resection rate,
no rebleeding in completely resected lesions, and abrogation of seizures in 96% of
patients, with a 5% complication rate (with all complications limited only to CMS within
eloquent cortex).
DVAs are the most frequently encountered cerebral vascular malformation, with an
incidence of up to 2.6% reported in a series of 4069 brain autopsies.
They are often incidentally noted during routine parenchymal brain imaging.
DVAs are seen both in the pediatric and in adult populations, with a slight male
DVAs are associated with one or more cerebral CMS in 13% to 40% of the cases.
There is also a strong association between DVAs and superficial venous
malformations of the head and neck, with DVAs seen in up to 20% of patients with a
large superficial venous malformation.
MRI and angiography typically show medullary veins converging on the dilated
collecting vein.
T I-weighted post-contrast images and gradient echo or susceptibility-weighted
sequences should be included to increase sensitivity for detecting the DVA and
associated CMs.
White matter abnormalities and/or calcifications may be observed in the parenchyma
surrounding the DVA. MR venography may show dilated venous channels with
variable depiction of the smaller medullary veins.
Although angiography remains the gold standard in vascular imaging, cerebral
angiography usually is not needed for the diagnosis of DVAs because axial imaging
sequences on MRI often suffice to establish the diagnosis.
In atypical cases, angiographic findings are pathognomonic; during the late capillary
or venous phase, there is a paucity of normal veins in the region of the lesion, and a
characteristic "caput medusae" appearance of the radially arranged small medullary
veins is observed.
The arterial phase of cerebral angiography is usually normal for a DVA; however, so-
called "arterialized DVAs" have been described with early opacification of a DVA in
the mid to late arterial phase on angiography and/or enlarged arterial feeder vessels.
These lesions are more similar to an AVM and sometimes a DVA is the venous
drainage for an AVM.
These unusual lesions may have a bleeding risk that is more similar to an AVM, but
are not typically treatable.
Most DVAs follow a benign clinical course and do not require follow-up imaging or
specific treatment.
The frequent association of DVAs with other vascular malformations, in particular with
cerebral CMS, usually explains cerebral hemorrhage or seizure activity (because of
CCM, not DVA).
Rarely, a DVA may be responsible for neurologic complications secondary to
thrombosis of its collecting system.
Thrombosed DVAs should be managed like a cortical or dural venous sinus
Venous infarction has been reported with DVA resection200 because DVAs drain
venous blood from brain parenchyma.
In patients with cerebral hematomas or edema requiring surgical management,
particular care must be taken to preserve the collecting vein of the DVA in order to
avoid cerebral venous infarction.
Most DVAs follow a benign clinical course and do not require follow-up imaging or
specific treatment or management.
Aneurysms are one of the most common vascular anomalies of the CNS, but are far
less common in children than in adults.
These structurally abnormal areas of arterial wall can cause bleeding, compression of
adjacent structures, and concomitant loss of neurologic function.
Familial aneurysms are very rare, accounting for 5% to 20% of all reported cases in
children and young adults, but less than 5% of prepubertal cases.
Genetic conditions associated with pediatric intracranial aneurysms include polycystic
kidney disease, fibromuscular dysplasia, Marfan syndrome, Ehlers—Danlos
syndrome, HHT, and Klippel—Trenaunay—Weber syndrome.
Up to 15% of older children with aneurysms have multiple lesions, particularly those
with underlying genetic disorders.
The decision to treat or observe a given aneurysm can be complex and is best made
by a multidisciplinary team including neurosurgeons, endovascular specialists, and
If treatment is planned, success is predicated on removing the lesion while preserving
normal brain blood flow.
This can be achieved by open surgery, endovascular techniques, or a combination of
The advent of endovascular therapy has revolutionized the treatment of pediatric
aneurysms, providing options unavailable to earlier generations of physicians.
The relatively noninvasive nature of the approach is particularly attractive in children.
It is important to note that there is a great deal of evolution of this field, limiting long-
term outcome data.
Consequently, it is important, when possible, to have cases reviewed at institutions
that offer both endovascular and open techniques in order to provide a balanced
approach to formulating care plans.
The rarity of pediatric aneurysms preclude firm guidelines for treatment indications.
In general, aneurysms that have ruptured or that demonstrate enlargement over time
or symptomatic lesions should be considered for treatment.
Depending on location and patient status, it may be reasonable to treat any aneurysm
greater than 3 mm in size, particularly given the anticipated longer life expectancy of
Mycotic aneurysms sometimes will regress with effective antibiotic therapy, obviating
the need for other interventions.
In addition, flow-related aneurysms located proximal to a lesion like an AVM may
regress after definitive treatment of the primary lesion (such as resection of the AVM),
demonstrating another situation in which direct aneurysm treatment may not be
Although debatable, lesions 2 mm or smaller in size and those located outside the
subarachnoid space are sometimes followed.
Even though aneurysms over 10 mm are often treated, management of the "middle-
sized lesions," those 2 to 10 mm, in children remains a topic of debate.
Much controversy surrounds the large study of unruptured aneurysms published in
1998, but it is important to recognize that these patients were predominantly adults,
with questionable relation to the pediatric population, given the differences in lifespan,
aneurysm etiology, and risk factors.
Overall treatment morbidity and mortality vary widely dependent on age, aneurysm
type, and presentation. Recent series describe average mortality rates of 1% to 3%
and morbidity rates of 8% to 14%.
It is important to note that treatment of aneurysms often includes management of
posttreatment and posthemorrhage issues.
These can include stroke, hydrocephalus, vasospasm, and electrolyte derangements.
Stroke may occur from perforator/parent vessel occlusion or emboli/dissection caused
by injury to the arterial tree during manipulation (6% to 8%).
Hydrocephalus can result from blood in the subarachnoid space or ventricles
Vasospasm can occur after SAH (21% of pediatric cases).
Cerebral salt wasting is an often underrecognized consequence of SAH and should be
considered in the posthemorrhage period if major fluid or sodium shifts are observed.
In general, most patients will spend a period of time after treatment in the critical care
For patients with SAH, the first week or so after presentation is the key period for
developing hydrocephalus, vasospasm, and cerebral salt wasting.
Frequent neurologic examinations should be supplemented with imaging (CT/MRI for
hydrocephalus and CTA/MRA/transcranial Doppler/angiography for vasospasm).
Some patients may benefit from the so-called "triple-H" therapy—hypertension,
hypervolemia, and hemodilution—in order to reduce the risk of vasospasm (only after
aneurysm treatment).
The benefit of calcium channel blocking agents, such as nimodipine, is unclear in
There is a wide range of reported outcomes for pediatric aneurysms, with "good"
posttreatment outcomes ranging from 13% to 95% and treatment-related mortality
ranging from 3% to 1000/0.
Shunting will be required for 14% of patients with hydrocephalus after SAH.
Overall, of patients who survive treatment, 91% (with a mean of 25 years' follow up)
enjoy independent living, with high rates of university graduation and employment.
Radiographically, one study reviewed a group of 59 patients with aneurysms who
were treated in childhood.
Average follow up was 34 years.
In this series, 41% developed recurrent or only risk factor identified for recurrent or de
novo aneurysm development was smoking.
These data, though obviously limited in part by the absence of current imaging
technologies and surgical techniques at the time of patient treatment, nonetheless
underscore the need for continued follow up in pediatric intracranial aneurysm
Follow up will frequently consist of an office visit about 1 month
postoperatively/postembolization and then annually thereafter.
In addition to the periprocedural angiogram to confirm obliteration of the aneurysm, an
MRI/A at 6 months may be helpful as a baseline study, to be compared with
subsequent annual studies.
Imaging is performed annually for 5 years, if feasible, with some centers suggesting
lifetime imaging every 3 to 5 years thereafter.
An angiogram (DSA) is often performed at 1 year postoperatively to confirm cure.