10th Pre Board
10th Pre Board
10th Pre Board
their working.
(b) Draw the magnetic ficld lines around a bar mnagnet.
SECTION-B [Marks: 19
exothermic reaction ?
Which of the following is
and why ?
()Which is good for health- 4
vegetable oil or Animal fat
(ii) Detergents are etlective in Hard Water also. Comment.
Nebo (Life Science) IMarks: 211
(B) Adrenal
(C) Pituitary (D) Parathyroid
(C) Both (A) and (B)
Whuch of the tollowing hormone promote he growih in plants
(D) Plasodum
(A) Auxin (H) Gibberellins
(D) All of these
21. Whal is the function ol sperm tail
2. Wnte down vanous toos which are used to study human cvolution,