Sultan Et Al 2022 Understanding Fish Waste Management Using Bibliometric Analysis A Supply Chain Perspective
Sultan Et Al 2022 Understanding Fish Waste Management Using Bibliometric Analysis A Supply Chain Perspective
Sultan Et Al 2022 Understanding Fish Waste Management Using Bibliometric Analysis A Supply Chain Perspective
WMR0010.1177/0734242X221122556Waste Management & ResearchSultan et al.
Review Article
chain perspective
DOI: 10.1177/0734242X221122556
Food loss and waste have become an issue of global significance, considering their concurrent effects on the socioeconomic and
environmental facet of society. Despite this domain gaining prolific attention recently, issues hampering the effective utilization of
residues from fish processing usually go unidentified in developing economies such as India. This occurs mainly owing to fragmented
supply chains, inappropriate handling, discontinuous cold chains, inadequate temperature monitoring and so on, affecting quality and
causing underuse. Any researcher trying to understand the prospects of utilizing these fish processing co-streams in a developing
economy with the vision of improving consumption, economic sustainability, reducing discards and promoting circularity faces a
lacuna. The authors address this demand in research by identifying the validity of this domain both in the global and native research
community by conducting a detailed review using bibliometric analysis and content analysis. Data from Scopus with 717 documents,
comprising 612 research articles from 78 countries, 1597 organizations and 2587 authors, are analysed. Results signify (i) developing
a focus on hydroxyapatite production, bio-methane generation, transesterification processes, biomass and the rest raw material
generated from fish processing, and (ii) reduced research on supply chain-related aspects despite their considerable importance. To
comprehend this deficiency, especially in the Indian stance, barriers hindering the utilization of generated by-products are identified,
and recommendations for improvements are proposed. The results will provide the struts for a circular and sustainable supply chain
for processed seafood in developing economies.
Food waste, processing co-streams, waste management, bibliometric analysis, supply chain
Received 11th November 2021, accepted 29th July 2022 by Associate Editor Rodrigo Navia.
Introduction bone and cartilage hide tails and wash water. The co-streams are
categorized into rest raw materials (RRMs) and by-products
Food wastage (FW) has become an issue of global enormity, with based on their usage. Both being process outputs, the former is
931 million tonnes of edible food being lost in 2019, accounting food grade, whereas the latter is used for producing feed/fertiliz-
for a 17 % colossal volume of the global food production. Stresses ers (Mozuraityte et al., 2020; Penven et al., 2013). Literature also
such as the advent of Covid-19 have risen food insecurity counts indicates an absence of proper terminologies considering gener-
to 108 million people in 48 countries (FSIN, 2020), increasing ated co-streams. Furthermore, many articles focus on these co-
global pressures to regulate food waste/losses occurring in sup- streams as fish wastes in general (Arvanitoyannis and Kassaveti,
ply chains (Magalhães et al., 2020). The complications of FW 2008; Caruso et al., 2020). This can be due to the subjective use
gain further attention in a nation like India, which obliges a two- of this terminology for being utilizable for some processors and
fold role of serving the rising global market and its self-growing
population. Posing second in occupancy figures after China with
a population of 1.38 billion, India incurs an annual loss of INR 1School of Business Management, Narsee Monjee Institute of
440 billion from food waste/loss, sharing 40% in its autogenous Management Studies, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
food produced (NAAS, 2019). Comprising 14% of the world’s 2Department of Mechanical Engineering, Birla Institute of Technology
undernourished people (India Food Banking Network, 2021), the and Science, Pilani, Pilani, India
3SINTEF Ocean, Trondheim, Norway
problem of FW in India is undoubtedly a topic of concern in
recent times. Despite the varied types of FW produced, this arti- Corresponding author:
cle only focuses on understanding the various utilizations possi- Farook Abdullah Sultan, School of Business Management, Narsee
Monjee Institute of Management Studies, Hyderabad, Telangana
ble from product co-streams generated from fish processing. The 509301, India.
generated co-streams involve the fish head, viscera, trimmings, Email: [email protected]
532 Waste Management & Research 41(3)
its consideration as waste by others (Adler et al., 2014). Therefore, for making fish feed, thereby solving the ecological impacts
to account for the utilization of all the co-streams generated, this caused due to the improper disposal of the generated by-prod-
article considers the term ‘fish wastes’ in the entire manuscript. ucts. Nevertheless, a large volume of literature was found on the
Indian fisheries fetch USD 7.08 billion by exporting 11% of utilization of fish wastes to produce bioactive compounds (Karkal
their catch (NFDB, 2019). These exports comprise shrimp, fro- and Kudre, 2020; Mohapatra et al., 2017; Ramanujam et al.,
zen fish, squid, dried fish, live fish, chilled fish and other forms 2016). This has been followed by a rise in review papers on man-
of seafood (i.e. processed seafood, surimi etc.). As of 2018, aging fish wastes (Coppola et al., 2021; Hjellnes et al., 2020;
India has an installed processing capacity of 27300 MT sea- Omar et al., 2019), aiding in clarifying the level of research exist-
food/day with 547 registered processing plants (CATR, 2018). ing in the last decade.
Consumption and seafood processing generate several underu- Research influences from India reveal noteworthy contribu-
tilized co-streams that generally get discarded as wastes. India tions from Mathew (2010), who focussed on the utilization of
constitutes around 2 MMT of fish waste, with the global fish fish wastes and discussed its importance. Sasidharan and Mathew
waste summing to 130 MMT (Binsi, 2018). Seafood wastes (2011) deliberated on the status of fish waste management in
produced in India share >4% (Binsi, 2018) amid the worldwide Kerala (India) by explaining the handling capacities of seafood
share of 50 million tonnes (McCarthy, 2018). Future estima- processing industries and stressed a better management practices.
tions citing increment in India’s seafood share from 4.1 to 6.7% Jayathilakan et al. (2012) reviewed the valorizing of animal by-
by 2030 (ET Bureau, 2020) subsequently indicate an added rise products, including fish and provided an inclusive view of vari-
in seafood waste generation. All these lay added stresses to ous waste management techniques. Sasidharan et al. (2013)
understand the various causes deterring the utilization and com- magnified the role played by private players in the Indian waste
mercialization of high-value seafood wastes in India, despite its disposal scenario and underscored the absence of authority con-
dominance in research. trol. Rejula and Mohanty (2018) further emphasized developing
In the global context, seafood production has recorded a sharp a structured fisheries waste management technique in India by
rise of 20% compared to 148.1 MMT produced in 2010 (Statista, initiating technification via public–private partnerships and tech-
2020). This has eventually accounted for an analogous increase nology commercialization via policy-level initiatives. A similar
in seafood processing to counter consumers’ growing demand. indication was delivered by Binsi (2018), who weighed the
Seafood processing generates a large amount of liquid and solid importance of the upgradation of existing valorizing technologies
waste (Arvanitoyannis and Kassaveti, 2008) that needs to be and suggested changes to enhance the valorization of secondary
managed due to its undesirable ecological effects caused by products produced from fish waste.
improper disposal (Arvanitoyannis and Tserkezou, 2014). Among the various studies on fish waste valorization, many
Though valorization has proved effective in handling fish wastes studies address the various valorized fish by-products produced.
through the production of fish meal, fish oil, the output of silage Despite such proficient research, it is witnessed that the existence
(Islam and Peñarubia, 2021) and organic fertilizers (Ahuja et al., of high demand products generated is generally meagre and
2020; Arruda et al., 2007), the products produced, however, are localized to Scandinavian regions (Olsen et al., 2014). It is
of low value. The advent of recent technologies nevertheless ena- concluded that a significant gap exists between seafood waste
bles efficient valorizing of high-value products such as collagen, management and other waste management techniques, with the
gelatine and enzymes (Kumar et al., 2018). latter having a substantial share of research done, especially in
the Indian stance (Sharma et al., 2020; Vanapalli et al., 2021).
Considering all the above-discussed factors, a comprehensive
Fish waste management
review is essential, further succumbing to the nonexistence of
Efficient management of fish wastes necessitates the firm studies focusing on sustainable seafood supply chains, especially
espousal of The United Nations Responsible Consumption and in India. All of these indicate a discontinuity in the literature on
Production Goals (i.e. Sustainable Development Goal 12) by seafood waste management. Hence, the authors try to bridge this
encouraging efficient resource management. Supply chain inef- research gap using bibliometric analysis by undergoing a detailed
ficiencies are a plausible reason for the ineffective utilization of understanding of managing fish waste and comprehending
fish wastes in high valued products (Jouvenot, 2015). However, research progress in this domain.
significant references cite their utilization in agriculture (Islam,
2006), pet food (De Silva and Turchini, 2008), nutraceutical and
pharmaceutical industries (Hayes, 2012) and animal feed (Afreen
Bibliometric analysis
and Ucak, 2020) with varying margin levels. Arvanitoyannis and Bibliometric analysis proves to be an effective review system
Kassaveti (2008) reviewed the treatments, environmental impacts to demonstrate the general state and trajectory of research by
and potential uses of fish wastes. A thorough description of the providing a concise perspective compared to a conventional
usage of fish waste was provided by Ghaly et al. (2013). They reviewing technique (Costa et al., 2017; Qaiser et al., 2017).
highlighted that processing fish wastes provided a rich yield of Introduced in 1969 by Pritchard (Pritchard, 1969), this technique
proteins, amino acids and oils. Caruso (2015) stressed the need to statistically evaluates published literature to measure researchers’
impart sustainability by utilizing fish wastes by valorizing them degree of inspiration/adoption of a research topic. The added
Sultan et al. 533
uniqueness of this technique also lies in its ability to capture the in the next three steps prior to concluding the derived outcomes.
temporal evolution of multiple parameters (Zhu et al., 2019). The The methodological procedure adopted in this research (refer
validity of adopting bibliometric studies as literature analysing Figure 1) coincides with that followed by Jia and Jiang (2018),
tool is evident from recent research on food security (Xie et al., confirming its validity.
2021), blockchain technology (Ante et al., 2021), big data analyt-
ics (Inamdar et al., 2020), manufacturing (De Oliveira et al.,
2019), internet of things (Bouzembrak et al., 2019), food waste Data curation
research (Zhang et al., 2018) and so on. Data curation is initiated using the Scopus database. The Scopus
database was chosen due to the high scientific quality and cover-
Research novelty age compared to other available databases (Mongeon et al., 2016;
Pham-Duc et al., 2020). A keyword-oriented search is initially
The novelty of this research lies in its twofold approach of under- adopted, targeting literature on fish waste and associated man-
standing the various uses of fish by-products (globally) and high- agement techniques using the keywords ‘fish waste utilization’
lighting factors inhibiting the effective utilization of fish wastes OR ‘fish waste management’ AND ‘supply chain management’.
generated from processing (Indian perspective). To the author’s The top 70 articles obtained are initially reviewed to expand the
best knowledge, no study to date has focussed both quantitatively keyword search string used. This further expanded the keyword
and visually on the domain of fish waste. This research explores search to words such as ‘fish waste(s)’ OR ‘fish waste utilization’
the inherent information generally undermined in a conventional OR ‘rest raw material’ OR ‘fish by-product’ OR ‘fish waste man-
review, such as bibliographic coupling and co-occurrence network agement’. When searching relevant literature, the keywords men-
analysis, and reveals critical research hotspots. This study is addi- tioned above provided additional keywords such as ‘bio-economy
tionally made comprehensive by carrying out a content analysis. in fisheries’ OR ‘circular economy in fisheries’. The search string
The research aims to provide a geocentric outcome in the Indian revolves around ‘fish waste(s)’ OR ‘fish waste utilization’, OR
seafood supply chain context by carrying out a barrier assessment. ‘rest raw material’ OR ‘fish by-product’ OR ‘fish waste manage-
The research findings will benefit the research fraternity by ment’ OR ‘bio-economy in fisheries’ OR ‘circular economy in
providing a coherent picture for framing a foundation to con- fisheries’ AND ‘supply chain management’. This derived a total
duct valuable research on managing fish waste. The suggested of 975 documents till December 2020, including contributions as
implications being of its kind owing will also positively pave early as 1917. Selection criteria involve the inclusion criteria of
the way for bureaucrats, decision-makers and industry-based published literature only in English (n = 934) and neglects books,
practitioners to implement measures for new product develop- book series and trade journals, reducing the total count to 888. An
ment, plan operations, engage in effective policymaking and added initiative adopted in this work is the manual screening (fil-
develop effective marketing strategies; deliberating towards tering) of literature to identify and eliminate listed grey literature.
sustainable processing in the Indian context by enhancing cir- This further reduced the total article count to 717 documents
cularity. Our research follows the stages proficiently analysed comprising 612 research articles, 82 conference papers and 23
by Li et al. (2021) and aims to address the following research review papers authored by 2587 authors from 1597 organizations
questions (RQs) on fish waste management: and 87 countries subjected to further analysis.
Section 2.2 Data retrieval using SCOPUS
database (n=800)
Section 2.3
Most Co-cited articles
Step 5
Content Analysis Cluster articles
Cluster data
Analyze Content
Analyze Content
Waltman, 2013). To evaluate this analysis, vital information such presented by applying network analysis using VOS viewer
as author details, citation information, title, journal, DOI, refer- V1.6.16 software (refer to the section ‘Network analysis’). VOS
ences, keywords and research text is collected. All results related viewer is a tool used for creating and exploring maps depicting
to the various science mapping analysis used in this research is network data and functions. This is done based on a normalized
Sultan et al. 535
term co-occurrence matrix and a similarity measure used to cal- incorporated. The research team surveyed academic literature
culate the association strength between terms by employing an focusing on perishable foods to understand the antecedents that
integrated approach of mutual mapping and clustering (Van Eck influence stakeholders in adopting sustainable improvements in
and Waltman, 2019). Table 1 details the various metrics/tech- the Indian stance. This derived 75 barriers identified from an
niques used in this research for conducting the bibliometric extensive survey of the literature. A screening questionnaire is
analysis. developed to filter the identified barriers to avoid discrepancies
in the barriers identified. The screening questionnaire filtered
Network analysis. Though a general bibliometric study provides the identified barriers to a total of 52 barriers. The identified
adequate information regarding document/source/author/organi- barriers were further validated and screened through interac-
zation/country, the relation between the mentioned factors goes tions conducted with prime stakeholders of the supply chain
un-noted. Network analysis presents this relation by circular (fishers, aggregators, preprocessing centres and processing cen-
nodes and connecting lines. Visualizations in the VOS viewer tres). This finally concluded to 48 finalized and categorized
software are represented using the distance-based approach where barriers (refer to the section ‘Impediment assessment of sus-
the distance between the visualized nodes (document/source/ tainable fish waste management in India’ and Supplementary
author, etc.) indicates the relatedness (i.e. shorter the distance, Material for more details). The identified barriers are validated
more vital the relatedness) and the size of the nodes denotes via interactions conducted with 74 stakeholders along the
article importance (i.e. citation, number of documents, etc.). supply chain, with the mode of interaction primarily being
The analysis is initiated by applying the default association offline (face to face) and through telephonic conversation with
strength normalization (Eck and Waltman, 2009). Once nor- the top management of processing centres. The developed
malized, the network is constructed. This is followed by the posi- screening questionnaire is as mentioned below.
tioning of nodes using the default ‘visualization of similarities
mapping technique’ (Van Eck et al., 2010). Evaluation is carried 1. Are the barriers related to the objective discussed in this
out using total link strength (TLS) and links. ‘TLS’ measures the research?
extant links between the compared research w.r.t researcher/ 2. Do the barriers denote sufficient information?
country/organization (Lancho-Barrantes and Cantú-Ortiz, 2019), 3. Are the barriers coherent in the perishable food supply chain?
whereas links denote the extent of the relation existing between 4. Are the barriers linked with facets of sustainability?
two items. Upon completion, the assignment of nodes to clusters
is carried out and represented by unique colours. The clustering Interviews were conducted with various stakeholders such as
operation purposes of generating thematic or social clusters that fishermen, aggregators, preprocessing centres and processing
aid in understanding the development of a research field. A clus- centres along Sassoon dock in Mumbai (India). Responses were
ter, in general, refers to a set of items included in developed net- collected between September 2019 and April 2021. Respondent
work analysis and is identified using cluster numbers. Clustering selection threshold was kept to a minimum experience criterion
in VOS viewer is performed by default using its inherent smart of 1 year in their respective fields throughout stakeholder valida-
local moving algorithm (Van Eck and Waltman, 2014). The final tion. Table 2 summarizes the details of stakeholders who partici-
set of clusters obtained, dependent on resolution, calls for opti- pated in the validation process. This broad perceptive study
mal resolutions during network analysis according to the clarity conducted throughout the supply chain helped the research team
of the derived clusters. The various Acronyms used in this gain an adequate idea regarding the coherency of the identified
research are tabulated in the appendix section. barriers in the Indian stance of seafood supply chains and also
aided in identifying the echelon (member) influenced by these
Content analysis. Content analysis provides information regard- impediments in the supply chain. This is finally concluded using
ing the existing intellectual structure in the literature analysed the improvements derived from stakeholder interactions required
(Song et al., 2021) and indicates the correlation between articles for the sustainable operation of the seafood supply chain in India.
by clustering (Costa et al., 2017). This analysis focuses on under-
standing valuable information available in textual data in a struc-
tured and systematic manner. Content analysis is carried out in Findings
this research by selecting research articles based on the top co-
cited articles, done by the procedure adopted by Du et al. (2021).
Statistical overview
An evolution centric study of published literature reveals an
exponential rise in article distribution and their corresponding
Impediment assessment of sustainable
citations from 1917 to December 2020 (Figure 2). A scrutiny of
fish waste management in India the assessed research articles reveals distribution across 147
Based on the results obtained, impediments are suggested with sources. Further, break up discloses a sharp rise of 87.58% in
a geo-localized perspective. This section deals with the ambi- publications contributions from 2002 among the entire range
guities understood from the bibliometric and content analysis of documents assessed. Research contributions also denote a
and proceeds by posing recommendations that need to be drop/decrease at irregular intervals. This possibly occurs owing
Metric(s) adopted
Performance Total publication Total number of research documents published Insight regarding research activity in a domain Scopus Database
analysis Year-wise categorization Year-wise categorization of published literature Insight regarding year-wise developments in research activity in
a research domain
Author contributions Total number of research document(s) by the author(s) Insight regarding author contributions in a research domain
Co-author contributions Total number of research documents by two or more Insight regarding contributions from two or more authors author
authors in a research domain
Citation data Total number of citations of a research document Provides insight regarding the number of times an article is
H index The measure of the influence of an article. Denotes The comparative ratio of publications to citations showcases the
the number of publications cited at least ‘H’ times cumulative impact of an author’s contribution
Technique(s) adopted
Citation analysis Analyse relatedness between research documents Identifying the most influential publication in a domain Document sourced analysis that requires the
based on the number of times these are cited following critical information
• Author
• Citation
• Title
• Journal
• References
Co-citation analysis Analyse relatedness between research items based on Understand the development of foundational research themes Document sourced analysis that requires the use
the number of times these are cited together of references
Co-authorship analysis Analyse relatedness of items based on the number of Reveal the level of inherent relation existing in research between This analysis requires authors their affiliations
co-authored documents authors and their affiliations, countries and their respective domicile (countries)
Science Bibliographic coupling Analyse the relatedness of items based on the number Forms as an indicator of a robust research foundation by forming Document sourced analysis that requires the
mapping of references they share, assuming similarity in an insight into prospective research in a domain following critical information
research content • Author
• Citation
• Title
• Journal
• References
Co-occurrence analysis Analyse the relatedness of items in which the terms Visualise research hotspots and emerging research trends Keyword sourced analysis that requires the
are found to occur together following critical information
• Title
• Abstract
• Research Text
• Author/index keywords
Waste Management & Research 41(3)
Sultan et al. 537
contributions in areas of agricultural and biological sciences
(27%) environmental science (15%), with minor contributions
in biochemistry, genetics, microbiology and energy and so on
Response (n)
diversification in scopes (Refer Table 3) Scrutiny indicates
an increased fondness towards journals such as Bioresource
Technology (34%), Journal of Cleaner Production (18%),
Top management
Top management
Top management
Total responses
Aquaculture (15%), Renewable Energy (12%), Journal of The
Science of Food and Agriculture (10%), Waste Management
In charge
Fish waste processing plants engage in the valorization of received RRM into fish meal/fish oil or any
Engage in a manual de-heading operation involving the separation of de-headed fish and RRM. Once
120 2500
0 0
No of Publication Citations
organizational deliverable, however, deliberates that the Univer- Keyword assessments reveal the importance of deriving bio-
sity of Alaska Fairbanks and USDA REE Agricultural Research diesel (Yahyaee et al., 2013) and biogas (Salam et al., 2009)
Service (both belonging to the United States) ranks as the most from fish waste as an ecologically sustainable fuel alternative.
cited organization, followed by Central Food Technological Nevertheless, the generation of these value-added products
Research Institute (India) and SINTEF Ocean (Norway). using anaerobic digestion makes this digestion technique also a
Hence, the outcomes mentioned above satisfy RQ1 by present- renowned term used by researchers (Bücker et al., 2020).
ing the status of research on fish waste management in the Researchers have shown the ability to efficiently generate bio-
global context. diesels using the transesterification process (Jung et al., 2019),
improving the recovery of value-added products. Production of
animal feed from fish by-products has also seen rising adop-
Co-occurrence analysis tions recently (Afreen and Ucak, 2020). This can be cited in
Co-occurrence/keyword analysis primarily reveals the core aquaculture’s rising adoption in populous nations like India and
topics addressed by the research community in recent times. China (Mo et al., 2018). Fish waste (such as skin and bone)
Figure 5(a) and (b) signifies the keyword network aiding in generated from fish processing, being rich sources of collagen,
understanding the interlinks between research using keyword has found increased usage via extractions and characterization,
specifics and representing a keyword cloud. These interlinks/ thereby expanding the scope of collagen extraction from fish
lines represent the strengths and relevance of the analysed key- waste (Mahboob, 2015). Fish wastes have also found profound
words (Mishra et al., 2021). In Figure 5(c), letter sizes indicate usage in fish oil extraction for leather tanning and the produc-
keyword occurrence frequency among the assessed literature, tion of hydrolysed oils (Saranya et al., 2020; Nascimento et al.,
representing the most popular terms. 2015). Another well-renowned method is the process of
540 Waste Management & Research 41(3)
fermentation, majorly used for silage production (Lindgren and involve generating high-value compounds such as bioactive
Pleje, 1983) and animal feed production (Faid et al., 1997). peptides and antifungal compounds. Scrutiny also reveals
Recent times have seen this process as a potential technique for recent trends towards recovering oils and fats using enzymatic
handling environmental issues caused by fish wastes/fish by- hydrolysis (Fadhil et al., 2017). Author keyword analysis pri-
products (Marti-Quijal et al., 2020). Other products produced marily reveals significant contributions and combinations
Figure 5. (Continued)
Sultan et al. 541
Figure 5. Keyword network with (a) clustered index keywords (note: threshold criteria of minimum four keywords,
resolution = 0.8), (b) trends in keyword usage (note: threshold criteria of minimum four keywords, resolution = 0.8), and (c) cloud
of frequency of keywords.
Table 5. Top keyword occurrence. Hydroxyapatite has recently found increasing interest among
research groups. This is evident from the synthesizing studies by
Keyword Occurrences TLS Average year
Yamamura et al. (2018) from fish wastes. This extraction modus
Fish waste(s) 134 154 2014 has even reached prodigious heights of having its own review
Biodiesel 29 43 2016 work done by Omar et al. (2019), clearly citing its rich influence
Aquaculture 27 52 2015
on the scientific community.
Anaerobic digestion 17 24 2016
In general, both author and index keywords indicate the
Collagen 16 25 2014
Biogas 15 18 2016 prima foci of research, with index keywords highlighting an
Fish oil 15 33 2016 increasing focus on concepts that author keywords that fail to
Fermentation 14 19 2009 detail. To analyse and identify the research hotspots evident via
Fish by-products 12 16 2008 analysing index keywords, we categorize the various keywords
Transesterification 12 34 2018 into clusters using the innate software functionality. Cluster
Enzymatic hydrolysis 11 33 2017 analysis reveals the categorization of keywords into six clus-
TLS: total link strength. ters. Despite variations among keywords between clusters,
there happen to be visible coherences existing between ana-
lysed clusters. Outputs from the cluster analysis have been
existing between fish waste(s)–biodiesel, fish waste(s)–aqua-
detailed in Table 6.
culture and fish waste(s)–anaerobic digestion.
The top 10 identified keywords based on the frequency of
occurrence and TLS is reported in Table 5, signifying the average
year of occurrence. Keyword valuation carried out considering
Network analysis
the last four years’ research (i.e. 2017–2020) indicates the rising This analysis is initiated by conducting bibliographic coupling,
emphasis on hydroxyapatite, bio-methane, waste management, citation, co-citation and co-authorship analysis to understand
biofuel, transesterification, biomass and RRM in the domain of individual interrelations between authors, countries and organi-
fish waste(s). These indicate interest among researchers, encour- zations. This will enable in understanding the undertaken research
aging the addition of prodigious work and satisfying RQ2. collaborations and citation dependencies across various strata
Threshold of one document per author and five citations per document. () – value within parenthesis represents the TLS value.
hence satisfying RQ3. Representations are primarily interpreted with India topping the list of developing nations offering substan-
using circular nodes and connecting lines, revealing the number tial contributions to the domain.
of citations and co-citations achieved.
Citation analysis. Majorly used as an indicator for measuring
Bibliographic coupling. This analysis achieved by coupling bib- research influence (Bonilla et al., 2015), a citation analysis mea-
liographic data aids in identifying adopted collaborations to solve sures the scientific quality of a research/researcher/organization/
a particular research problem (i.e. fish waste management in our country. Despite older papers gaining large citation counts com-
case). Ranked using the TLS values (mentioned in parenthesis), pared to recent contributions (Bornmann and Williams, 2013),
this analysis denotes the link between two different documents the likelihood of being discovered decreases due to outdated
that cite the same document (i.e. they share the exact references). research outputs. This gets further evident from Table 8, where
Documents have a strong bibliographic coupling depending on research by Kristinsson and Rasco (2000) has garnered higher
the significant coexistence of references existing between publi- citations than Wu (1995). To further explore the influence of
cations. Bibliographic coupling is performed within top authors, research, citation analysis is adopted across documents, countries
top countries and top organizations. Table 7 reveals the outcomes and organizations (Figure 6).
from the bibliographic coupling. Valuable contributions are evi- A document intended citation analysis (Table 8) reveals the
dent from developed countries despite a significant share from contributions of Kristinsson and Rasco (2000), Muyonga et al.
developing nations such as India, China, Brazil and Malaysia (2004) and Wu (1995) to be the most cited documents
544 Waste Management & Research 41(3)
Figure 6. Citation analysis: (a) citation by authors, (b) citation by organization, and (c) citation by country.
(citation > 400) among the top 10 research articles addressed, An insight into the top 10 authors by co-citation reveals that
with only one research document in 2010–2020 by Jayathilakan around 6 authors have a citation above 100, with 1 author exceed-
et al. (2012). An author wise citation analysis reveals derivatives ing 200 sources (Table 9). Network analysis further reveals a
similar to the document wise citation analysis w.r.t the contribu- working prominence in works by Soottawat Benjakul with
tions from Kristinsson and Rasco (2000). Themed on Fish pro- Fereidoon Shahidi, Asbjörn Gildberg, Hördur G. Kristinsson
tein hydrolysates, Kristinsson’s research to date still is of and Moncef Nasri. Combined works are mainly evident with
significant influence to the academic world. Fereidoon Shahidi, who have often worked together (Benjakul
A similar analysis focusing on countries reveals the United et al., 2012). Soottawat Benjakul is also found to be contributing
States to be the most cited country with 2928 citations, followed with Chantachum et al. (2000), Klomklao et al. (2009),
by India and Spain. Organization wise citation assessment shows Thiansilakul et al. (2007), Phanturat et al. (2010) and Nalinanon
that the University of Massachusetts, Washington State University et al. (2011). A similar collaboration is also witnessed among
and the University of Washington (all from the United States) are Asbjörn Gildberg, Rasa Šližytė and Hördur G. Kristinsson
the most cited organization, constituting 14.34% of the men- (Thorkelsson et al., 2009). To gain a more profound directive, a
tioned documents among the top 10 highly cited organizations reference-based co-citation is also carried out (Table 10). A large
worldwide (Figure 6). As a reiterative technique, a bibliometric amount of co-citation was also found to exist between three
analysis of the organization’s contribution revealed similar out- prominent publishing sources, that is, Food Chemistry (867 cita-
comes validating the contributions achieved. tions), Aquaculture (792 citations) and Bioresource Technology
(709 citations).
Co-citation analysis. The analysis is an indicator of the relation- However, an analysis is carried out to understand the correla-
ship existing between two documents. This analysis forms ideal tion between the top authors and top references (by co-citation).
for establishing thematic relevance between research fields if two Results reveal augmented contributions from Benjakul, S.,
recent research articles quote two other older articles. Therefore, Shahidi, F., Gildberg, A., Kristinsson, H.G. and Visessanguan,
it creates a co-citation value of two, thereby establishing scien- W., who have had noted impacts in terms of contribution and
tific contributions based on demonstrated scientific knowledge referencing. Among the top 10 references (by co-citation), 4 were
(Small, 1973). published by the top authors (six authors) enlisted by co-citation.
Sultan et al. 545
Mshandete (Anthony Manoni Mshandete) is a Professor of Indian contributors. Maximum productivity of Madhu D. and
Biotechnology at the Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science Sharma Y.C. belonging to the IIT, Banaras Hindu University,
and Technology. The second most co-cited reference belongs to India, dominate their author cluster. Relatively, cluster 5 (five
Bjoern Liaset, who works at the Directorate of fisheries at the authors) is dominated by Liu Z., with all author collaborations
Institute of Nutrition, Norway. Furthermore, the network analysis from China. Comprising five authors, cluster 6 involves schol-
reveals that 9 references (all belonging to cluster 3) were co-cited arly impacts from Fang J. (Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Insti-
among the 10 references found via co-citation, except Crab et al. tute Chinese Academy of Fishery Science, China) and Jansen
(2007). This represents an unbroken link being progressed by the H.M. (Wageningen University & Research, Wageningen, the
research loop that requires insight. Netherlands). Finally, cluster 7 (four authors) is led by the works
of Jiang Z. University of Agder, Norway, and Li l. Universitetet
Co-authorship analysis. The analysis assists in revealing the i Stavanger, Norway. However, it is also witnessed that most of
scholarly collaborations given the contributing authors, coun- the authors had a geographical influence while networking mak-
tries and organizations (Uddin et al., 2012). Setting an initial ing them collaborate among authors available in proximate
threshold of one document per author with a minimum number localities.
of five citations, the contributions of 1364 authors out of the To further explore the level of co-authoring existing, an
2587 authors assessed are presented. The primary analysis of the analysis based on countries and organizations is carried out
authors shows the formation of seven clusters (Figure 7(a)), with (Figure 7(b)). Cluster wise categorization reveals classification
each cluster posing its contribution. Strong collaboration is vis- into 11 clusters with South Korea (cluster 1 has ten countries),
ible in the cluster among all authors in cluster 1 (seven authors) Indonesia (cluster 2 has seven countries), Brazil (cluster 3 has
from China. Cluster 2 (six authors) emanated dominance from seven countries), Germany (cluster 4 has six countries), Norway
Liu Y. (Kochi University, Japan) and five other authors. Cluster (cluster 5 has five countries), Spain (cluster 6 has five countries),
3 (seven authors) had maximum networking impacts from Luo India (cluster 7 has five countries), France (cluster 8 has five
G. and Tan H. from Shanghai Ocean University, China. Cluster countries), United States (cluster 9 has four countries), China
4 (seven authors) is one of a kind cluster focussing only on (cluster 10 has three countries) and Italy (cluster 11 has three
546 Waste Management & Research 41(3)
Figure 7. Network analysis: (a) author collaboration network (note: threshold criteria of 1, resolution = 0.8), (b) collaboration
network between countries (note: threshold criteria of 1, resolution = 0.8), and (c) collaboration network between organizations
(note: threshold criteria of 1, resolution = 0.8).
countries) leading each cluster. Analysis of node size further Qualitative content analysis
reveal magnified influence from the United States, India and
Spain. Posing a robust well-connected network, the representa- Results denote the clustering of research articles based on co-
tions indicate more citations when the publications originate citation by references. Categorizing the articles into 4 clusters, as
from these nations. An organization-oriented assessment evident in Section 3.3.3, an exploratory review is proceeded to
(n = 1597) reveals unique collaborations between organizations understand and uncover the research directions. Clustering
in the Scandinavian region (Figure 7(c)). The outcomes derived reveals that 15 articles are categorized in four clusters after satis-
in two clusters showcase a total of 8 organizations. The deriva- fying a threshold criterion of 4 citations (local citations). Table 11
tives attained direct organizational research impacts, making the provides a holistic view of the various clusters identified and pro-
Nordic regions a prolific domain for fish waste-related research. vides a concise description of each cluster.
Sultan et al. 547
Cluster 1: Extraction technique. The direction adopted in Cluster 3: Management of fish wastes. Cluster 3 deals
this cluster denotes a developing pattern initiating from extrac- with the anaerobic digestion of fish wastes and highlights the
tion procedures adopted throughout the analysed articles. Chan- acceptance of this technique even in recent times. Recent works
tachum et al. (2000) explain the procedural extraction of fish involve the sustainable digestion of fish wastes using anaero-
oil from fish discards. Though this article stands alone from the bic digestion by Nazurally (2018), reducing sludge produc-
other themes discussed, the reference to using the wet render- tion while producing biogas using anaerobic digestion (Choi,
ing method for extraction makes this article related to the other 2020). However, analysis reveals trailing literature confined
research outcomes discussed under this cluster. Different sig- to four research articles discussed in this cluster. Mshandete
nificances include discussing enzymatic extraction procedures et al. (2004) explored the possibility of producing biogas using
correlating with the other texts discussed further. This paper’s an anaerobic digestion process with fish waste and sisal pulp.
importance is supported by the latest works on fish oil extrac- Despite this article being a profound analysis, the intent to use
tion using enzymatic hydrolysis (Araujo et al., 2021; Zhang an anaerobic digestion process for biogas generation makes this
et al., 2021). He et al. (2013) focused on protein extraction using research article imperative to other research articles discussed
protein hydrolysates. The authors also suggest the hydrolysis under this cluster. Considering the laid focus on anaerobic diges-
technique using enzymes to be a better adoption owing to the tion, Chen et al. (2008) examined the various underperforming
milder reactions witnessed with higher quality and functionality factors that reduce the efficacy of the anaerobic digestion pro-
of the derived product. However, the authors cite high expenses cess. Arvanitoyannis and Kassaveti (2008) published a reputed
in technology, confirming its effectiveness in improving RRM article on treatments, impacts and issues of using fish industry
use in processing industries. Stressing on the characteristic of wastes. Though this directly does not address the digestion pro-
fish protein extracted, Sarmadi and Ismail (2010) highlighted the cess, the article touches on the concept of biogas production and
presence of anti-oxidative properties in the food proteins. Ghaly a list of other renowned management methods that make this
et al. (2013) elaborated analogous information and the various article coherent. Nges et al. (2012) anaerobically digested fish
value-added products derivable using enzymatic hydrolysis. waste and fish sludge to study the properties and characteristics
of the methane produced.
Cluster 2: Protein generation. Cluster 2 relates to the gen-
eration of proteins from fish discards and encompasses review Cluster 4. Nutrient sources. Nutrient derivative, a com-
papers, indicating the positive growth of this cluster focusing monly discussed topic under this section, has been extensively
on protein hydrolysates (Idowu et al., 2020). Liaset et al. (2000) discussed, focusing on the derivation of proteins from fish
focused on producing and characterizing proteins from salmon wastes. Articles such as Alfio et al. (2021) emphasize the sustain-
and codfish frames. Keeping the derivatives obtained as struts, able recovery of Omega 3 fatty acids from fish wastes; Coppola
Karim and Bhat (2009) understood the dire need for an alter- et al. (2021) concentrated on the various value-added products
native source for gelatin (i.e. protein form) which traditionally derivable from fish wastes. Radziemska et al. (2019) applied the
had a mammalian origin. The author’s prime focus was to assess use of fish waste for compost. Arvanitoyannis and Tserkezou
the market acceptability for the new product with competitive (2014) focused on the generalized fish waste management tech-
and similar properties to existing alternatives. Chalamaiah et al. niques, found to be extensively based on articles from this clus-
(2012) published a review highlighting the generation of fish ter. Kristinsson and Rasco (2000) discuss the various features of
protein hydrolysates. Apart from focusing on hydrolysates and fish protein hydrolysates, including the production, application
compositions of amino acids, the authors also emphasized the and comparison with other food derived protein hydrolysates.
dual benefit of being both anti-oxidative and a nutritious alterna- The other article discussed under this cluster that extracts and
tive for humans and aquaculture feeds. A more recent addition expands the outcomes derived includes the article by Ghaly et al.
to this cluster is the contributions of Villamil et al. (2017) which (2013). Besides focusing on fish protein hydrolysates, the authors
stressed the adverse challenges such as preserving product qual- try to cover various value-added products. The article also deeply
ity and developing cheap operative procedures for recovering discusses the different methods of extractions available and the
proteins in agricultural, cosmetic, pharma and food industries. cons of each technique focusing on the biological aspect.
548 Waste Management & Research 41(3)
Financial Adoption issues
constraint Corporate social
Adoption costs responsibility
Supply issues
Functional Costs
Fish Waste
Valorization Ease of use
Communication Skill set
Lack of
Distant location
Impediment assessment of sustainable storage conditions (Jensen et al., 2010), thereby necessitating the
fish waste management in India need to undertake supply chain-related research, particularly in
this domain, especially in nations that do not have vertically inte-
Outcomes from bibliometric analysis conclude the undermined grated supply chain structure in fisheries.
focus among researchers on supply chain-related aspects in fish To accentuate the stresses hampering the adoption of sus-
waste management and meagre commercialization of fish waste tainable practices in the Indian context, a barrier assessment
valorized products despite noticeable research contributions. The validated by stakeholder perception is carried out. The existing
limited focus on supply chain aspects of fish waste management fish waste management scenario in India is detailed in the
envisages gaining concentrated focus. Furthermore, the capitali- Supplementary Material of the manuscript. Forty-eight barriers
zation of valorized co-streams generated from fish processing identified from literature after appropriate stakeholder valida-
has only been witnessed in published literature from nations such tions are classified into eight categories: government issues,
as Iceland and Norway (Olsen et al., 2014). This could be possi- local participation, public participation, training/skill develop-
ble due to the integrated nature of supply chains in these coun- ment, quality, infrastructure, processing and cost (Refer
tries that permit the rapid utilization of fish wastes that is prone Figure 8). The various barrier categories have been elucidated
to high-quality degradation. Literature additionally reveals in the Supplementary Material due to space constraints and
dynamically reducing quality (Amos et al., 2007), high valoriz- summarized in Table 12, hence satisfying RQ4 of this research.
ing costs (Olsen et al., 2014), availability of preferable alterna-
tives (Karim and Bhat, 2009) and reduced RRM & by-product
The way forward?
yield (Gildberg and Stenberg, 2001) to hamper the effective val-
orization of fish wastes generated. This holds essential consider- Assessments reveal the need for regulatory bodies to play domi-
ing the dependent nature of perishable food on handling and nant roles involving the immediate need to frame seafood waste
Sultan et al. 549
management plans requiring extensive contributions from local •• Keyword evaluations considering the last quadrennial (i.e.
municipal authorities and NGOs. A significant share of the con- from 2017 to 2020) reveal prolific studies on hydroxyapatite,
cerned bodies should focus on educating investors regarding sus- bio-methane, waste management, biofuel, transesterification,
tainable business opportunities in the domain of by-product biomass and RRM in the domain of fish waste(s) (RQ2).
valorization in India. Apart from the mere framing of regulations, •• Strong collaboration is visible among clusters with geo-
an active region-level monitoring committee need to be appointed graphical influences playing significant roles in collabora-
that is centrally controlled by a national-level monitoring com- tive networks formed between authors, with most authors
mittee. Knowledge sharing sessions need to be arranged between willing to collaborate within proximate localities (RQ3).
NGOs, government institutions, and central and internationally •• Scandinavian countries significantly contribute to sustaina-
acclaimed seafood research laboratories with a scope of ventur- ble utilization and consumption of seafood by-products with
ing into collaborations. A long-term government-run initiative an excessive amount of research collaborations and a wider
might not be an alternative to this issue, hence requiring the acceptance (in citations) in the international academic
informal sector to step into the domain to gain substantial market community.
benefits by producing and exporting valorized products to inter- •• Market availability of valorized fish by-products is difficult
national markets. Focus also need to be laid on training and due to expensive commercialization processes, fewer inter-
capacity building on every stakeholder in the seafood supply ested investors and better properties shown by existing
chain, considering the conglomerated effect in moving towards a products.
sustainable Indian seafood supply chain. •• The supply chain development with a high level of vertical
The implications of research derived from this study imply integration and modern technology can be a potential solution
applying sustainable practices in the Indian seafood sector, as for the enhanced utilization of processing derived fish co-
mentioned by Sultan et al. (2021). The outcomes derived mainly streams. With modern technology, countries like Iceland and
hold high importance due to the extensive possibilities of explor- Norway have a vertically integrated inbound supply chain.
ing viable markets to understand and foresee issues before facili- However, it is observed that though the supply chain in India
tating breakthrough innovations in India’s valorized seafood is fragmented with comparatively nascent technologies in
by-products. place, not much research has been reported in the literature
for this understudied area.
•• Government role, local and public participation, training/skill
Conclusion and recommendation
development, quality, costing, processing and infrastructure
This research aims to record the various developments in manag- (cold chain in specific) along the supply chain were the iden-
ing fish waste. In general, processes include the conversion of tified barriers hindering India’s effective utilization of fish
fish wastes into low-value products such as fish meals, fish oils, by-products (RQ4).
and other high-value products such as fish protein hydrolysate, •• The outcomes obtained can bridge the large gap in seafood
bio-gas/bio-methane production, collagen extraction, and various quality between nations (both product and utilization wise),
other by-products. This research first uses bibliometric analysis hence laying the struts for a circular and sustainable supply
to address the current study status, research contexts explored, chain for processed seafood.
and research hotspots in the global scenario. Secondly, the
explorative research further finds possible reasons and proposes Future research can be proceeded by documenting upstream
developments for improving fish waste utilization in India by and downstream activities in the supply chain, cost analysis for
providing localized implication strategy(s). The limited availa- localization and by-product valorizations to develop a vertically
bility of high-value valorized co-stream products as a dominant integrated supply chain. Evident work may be carried out on
market substitute among the conventional products in the Indian strategy development for RRM consolidation, wash water utili-
market instigates the authors to explore the variable causes for zation, productivity improvement and marketability of value-
the underutilization of fish wastes. The generalized conclusion added products.
derived from this research are as follows:
Declaration of conflicting interests
•• Research in managing fish wastes has improved in the last The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to
decade, with a significant share of work carried out on bio- the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
logical, chemical and characteristic aspects of various labora-
tory-derived by-products.
•• Geo-local contributions reveal twofold outcomes. Despite The authors disclosed receipt of the following financial support for
the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This work
dominance in research contributions to be evident from India,
is supported by the ReValue project funded through the INNO-
favoured research adaptability was found to be among devel- Indigo programme under a DBT India grant (BT/IN/INNO-
oped countries (80%) denoting preference to research from Indigo/12/NK/2017-18 dt. 21/02/18) and the Research Council of
developed nations (RQ1). Norway project number 281262.
Sultan et al. 551
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