Anatomy of Cornea and Ocular Surface
Anatomy of Cornea and Ocular Surface
Anatomy of Cornea and Ocular Surface
Mittanamalli S Sridhar
Important functions of cornea in the eye include protecting the structures inside the eye, contributing to Access this article online
the refractive power of the eye, and focusing light rays on the retina with minimum scatter and optical Website:
degradation. Considerable advances have taken place in understanding the organization of collagen in the
corneal stroma and its clinical significance. In this review, the structure and function of various components DOI:
of cornea and ocular surface are presented. 10.4103/ijo.IJO_646_17
Key words: Collagen, cornea, Descemet’s membrane, endothelium, epithelium, stroma *****
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Cornea and sclera constitute the outer covering or coat of the The cornea is made up of cellular and acellular components.
eyeball. The main purpose of this coat is to protect structures The cellular components include the epithelial cells, keratocytes,
inside the eye. The cornea is a transparent avascular tissue and endothelial cells. The acellular component includes
that acts as a structural barrier and protects the eye against collagen and glycosaminoglycans. The epithelial cells are
infections.[1] Along with the tear film, it provides proper derived from epidermal ectoderm. The keratocyte and
anterior refractive surface for the eye. Cornea contributes to endothelial cells are derived from neural crest. The corneal
two‑third of the refractive power of the eye. layers include epithelium, Bowman’s layer, stroma, Descemet’s
membrane, and endothelium [Fig. 2]. Recently, a layer of cornea
The cornea is horizontally oval, measuring 11–12 mm
which is well defined, acellular in pre‑Descemet’s cornea is
horizontally and 9–11 mm vertically. The corneal horizontal
getting attention with the development of lamellar surgeries.[5]
diameter (white to white) using ORBSCAN II system has
Table 1 summarizes all layers of cornea with their functions.
revealed average corneal diameter as 11.71 ± 0.42 mm. The
average corneal diameter was 11.77 ± 0.37 in males compared The corneal epithelium is composed fairly uniformly of
to 11.64 ± 0.47 in females. The corneal diameter ranged from 5–7 layers of cells [Fig. 3]. It is about 50 µ in thickness. The
11.04–12.50 in males and 10.7–12.58 in females.[2] The limbus epithelium is uniform to provide a smooth regular surface and
is widest in superior and inferior cornea. Cornea is convex is made up of nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium.
and aspheric. The anterior curvature is 7.8 mm and posterior The epithelium is derived from surface ectoderm between 5
curvature is about 6.5 mm. Cornea contributes to about 40–44 and 6 weeks of gestation. The epithelium and the overlying
D of refractive power and accounts for approximately 70% of tear film have symbiotic relationship. The mucin layer of the
total refraction. The refractive index of cornea is 1.376. There tear film which is in the direct contact with corneal epithelium
is a gradual increase in thickness from central cornea to the is produced by the conjunctival goblet cells. It interacts closely
periphery[3] [Fig. 1]. Alteration in tissue thickness is due to with the corneal epithelial cells’ glycocalyx to allow hydrophilic
increase in the amount of collagen in the peripheral stroma. spreading of the tear film with each eyelid blink.
With different methods of evaluation, the central corneal
thickness in normal eyes is found to range from 551 to 565 µ Cornea epithelial cells have a lifespan of 7 to 10 days
and the peripheral corneal thickness from 612 to 640 µ.[4] The undergoing involution, apoptosis, and desquamation. The
corneal thickness is found to decrease with age. Anterior presence of high concentrations of intracytoplasmic enzyme
corneal stromal rigidity appears to be particularly important crystalline, like in lens epithelial cells, may play an important
in maintaining the corneal curvature. Anterior curvature role in maintaining optical transparency. The epithelium is
resists changes to stromal hydration much more than posterior 5–6 layers structure with three types of cells: superficial cells,
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Department of Ophthalmology, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences,
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Hyderabad, Telangana, India author is credited and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
Correspondence to: Dr. Mittanamalli S Sridhar, Department of
Ophthalmology, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Minister For reprints contact: [email protected]
Road, Secunderabad, Hyderabad ‑ 500 003, Telangana, India.
E‑mail: [email protected] Cite this article as: Sridhar MS. Anatomy of cornea and ocular surface. Indian
J Ophthalmol 2018;66:190-4.
Manuscript received: 26.07.17; Revision accepted: 20.09.17