HP 32
The department or government shall have no liability or responsibility to the user or any other person
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including but not limited to, any interruption of service, loss of business or anticipatory profits or
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Opinions expressed in DID publications are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those
of DID.
Copyright ©2018 by Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID) Malaysia Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
All rights reserved. Text and maps in this publication are the copyright of the Department of Irrigation
and Drainage Malaysia unless otherwise stated and may not be reproduced without permission.
The Hydrological Procedure (HP) No 32: Hydrological Standard for Rainfall Station Instrumentation
sets out guidelines and practices for the installation, operation and maintenance of rainfall
instrumentation in the field of hydrology, enabling them to carry out their work more efficiently. The
detailed description of the theoretical basis and applications of hydrological methods and techniques
are beyond the scope of this guide, although references to such documentation are provided
wherever applicable. It is hoped that this HP will be used, not only by Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran
(JPS) Malaysia, but also by other stakeholders and agencies involved in water resource management
in general, and in water resource monitoring and assessment in particular.
Menara Teknik was commissioned by the Division of Water Resources and Hydrology to produce
Hydrological Procedure No 32: Hydrological Standard for Rainfall Station Instrumentation through
“Development of Hydrological Procedure No. 32: Hydrological Standard for Rainfall Station
Instrumentation, Hydrological Procedure No 33: Hydrological Standard for Water Level Station
Instrumentation and Hydrological Procedure No 35: Hydrological Standard for Water Quality Station
Instrumentation”, contract no. JPS/IP/C/H/06/2016. The HP 33: Hydrological Standard for Water Level
Station Instrumentation and HP 35: Hydrological Standard for Water Quality Station Instrumentation
were also produced under the same commission.
The authors greatly acknowledge the valuable contribution and feedback from Department of
Irrigation and Drainage (DID) personnel especially the Director of Water Resources Management and
Hydrology, Dato’ Ir. Haji Nor Hisham Bin Mohd. Ghazali, Director of National Flood Forecasting and
Warning Centre (PRABN), Pn. Hajah Paridah Anun Binti Tahir and the staff namely Ir. Rajaselvam a/l
Govindaraju, Ir. Hasanuddin Bin Mohd Ibrahim and En. Hairuy Azmi bin Aziz.
Table of Contents
DISCLAIMER.............................................................................................................................................. i
PREFACE .................................................................................................................................................. ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................................ iii
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 1
2. Review of Existing Rainfall Gauges ................................................................................................. 1
Non Recording Rain gauge ...................................................................................................... 2
Recording Rain Gauge ............................................................................................................. 2
Tipping Bucket................................................................................................................. 3
Weighing Gauge .............................................................................................................. 4
Radar ............................................................................................................................... 7
3. Procedure in Selecting Rainfall Gauges .......................................................................................... 9
4. Selection of Site .............................................................................................................................. 9
5. Instrumentation ............................................................................................................................ 10
General Specification of Tipping Bucket ............................................................................... 10
General Specification of Windshield ..................................................................................... 11
General Specification of Pole Stand ...................................................................................... 11
General Specification of Data Logger.................................................................................... 12
General Specification of Manual Rain Gauge ....................................................................... 12
6. Construction of Station ................................................................................................................. 13
Station ................................................................................................................................... 13
Enclosure ............................................................................................................................... 14
Earthing ................................................................................................................................. 14
TN-C System .................................................................................................................. 17
TN-S- System ................................................................................................................. 17
TN-C-S System ............................................................................................................... 18
T-T System ..................................................................................................................... 19
IT-System ....................................................................................................................... 19
Lightning Protection .............................................................................................................. 20
Conduit .................................................................................................................................. 22
Fencing .................................................................................................................................. 23
Type of Fencing ............................................................................................................. 23
Comparison of Type of Fencing..................................................................................... 25
Signboard .............................................................................................................................. 25
7. Installation of Instrument ............................................................................................................. 25
Installation of Tipping Bucket ............................................................................................... 25
Installation of Mini Data Logger............................................................................................ 26
8. Solar Power Supply ....................................................................................................................... 26
9. Telemetry and Communication System ........................................................................................ 27
Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) ................................................................................................. 27
Communication Instruments ................................................................................................ 29
Radio Communication ................................................................................................... 29
GSM/ EDGE Communication – 3G/4G .......................................................................... 30
Satellite Communication ............................................................................................... 30
10. Maintenance of Instruments .................................................................................................... 31
11. Calibration of Instruments ........................................................................................................ 32
Calibration Procedure ........................................................................................................... 32
How and When to Calibrate.................................................................................................. 32
12. Guidelines for Safety & Health.................................................................................................. 33
Site Tidiness .......................................................................................................................... 33
Working at Height ................................................................................................................. 33
General Provisions ........................................................................................................ 33
Guard Rails .................................................................................................................... 34
Protective Equipment ........................................................................................................... 34
Safety Helmet................................................................................................................ 34
Footwear ....................................................................................................................... 34
Working in Hot Environment ................................................................................................ 35
Electrical Hazard.................................................................................................................... 35
Safety Procedures in Handling Electrical Equipment .................................................... 35
13. Do’s and Don’ts ......................................................................................................................... 36
14. Summary Sheet ......................................................................................................................... 37
15. References ................................................................................................................................ 39
Appendix A: Related Documents from Ms ISO 9001: 2015 ............................................................ A1-A4
Appendix B: List of Drawing ............................................................................................................ B1-B9
List of Figures
List of Table
Since decades, Jabatan Pengairan Saliran (JPS) Malaysia has been the national hydrological agency
that develops hydrological stations nationwide to collect and obtain data for water resource
assessment, planning, development, early flood warning and river monitoring purposes. This
procedure is used as the standard instrumentation, installation and maintenance for rainfall stations
in Malaysia.
In fact, changes in instrumentation over the years have improved the time resolution and rainfall
depth over the recording history in many sites. Improvements in resolution however come at a cost
of maintaining stationarity. Also, the time interval pertaining to data collected has significantly
changed over time.
Over the last 60 years, rainfall intensity is recorded as a total over time interval. Often, the time
intervals are set hourly, 15 minutes, 7.5 minutes, 6 minutes or 5 minutes. However, the current data
loggers permit a greater range of options and a quick time resolution can now be achieved.
Rainfall is measured using rain gauge installed at a location of interest. Rainfall collected at this point
represents the rainfall volume of the area around the rain gauge. For more than 50 years, JPS has
been recording point rainfall data using rain gauge. There are two type of rainfall gauges;
Previously, rainfall data were manually collected or recorded by personnel who visit the rain gauge
stations regularly, to measure the rainfall accumulated since the previous visit. The rainfall that is
manually read is referred as the non-recording rain gauges. Over time, the rain gauges are replaced
or supplemented with automatic rain gauges, thus variation in rainfall intensity can also be
recorded. In the automatic rain gauge, there are recording devices or loggers attached to register
rainfall and its time of occurrence. So far, there are limited rainfall gauges. Most of the automatic
rain gauges are tipping bucket, weighing and radar types.
Non Recording Rain gauge
There are two non-recording rain gauges used by JPS Malaysia;
i. 203 mm diameter rain gauge, which is referred as manual gauge and readings are
taken daily or weekly
ii. 127 mm diameter rain gauge with capacity to collect 4000 mm of rainfall, used to
check gauge and readings are taken monthly. This is installed in stations located in
remote areas.
The standard rain gauge, has a 203mm or 127mm diameter receiver cap on top to catch and
funnel the rain into a can. The receiving funnel has a knife edge to catch rain falling precisely
in the surface area of 203 mm or 127 mm diameter. Measurements are done by pouring the
rainwater collected in the rain gauge into a measuring cylinder. The standard measuring
cylinder is 381 mm in height and has internal diameter of 76.2 mm. It is developed by JPS to
be used with the 203 mm diameter rain gauge. The cylinder is graduated to 1 and 0.5 mm,
it is intended to read the depth of the rain collected without having to apply any factors.
The cylinder has a convex base to enable reading of rainfall less than 0.5 mm. The water
level in the measuring cylinder is determined from the bottom level of the meniscus.
Usually, the rain gauge is installed at a standard height of 1350 m above the ground,
equipped with windshield to reduce the wind turbulence effect so that the rain gauge
catchment storage capacity is not affected.
Daily readings of rainfall do not provide information of the rainfall temporal distribution and
it does not give details like how intense is the rainfall over short time period, this information
is critical to design urban drainage and flood simulation systems. The tipping bucket rain
gauge solves the issue in recording rainfall intensity and temporal distribution and the DID’s
rainfall stations were replaced with this type of recorder. Its description is given in detail in
the Hydrology Manual - Revised and Updated 1988.
In the 80s, the tipping was recorded on paper charts but this soon gave way to digital
recordings in memory chips. Paper charts have to be digitised to convert it to digital form
and this is time consuming. The digital recordings have the advantage to provide the data in
digital form in an instant. With digital recordings in memory chips, there is no more
difference between weekly and long-term recording equipment, as data storage is no longer
a constraint and all automatic recorders are now recording long-term data. All automatic
(long-term) recording stations have a manual station that acts as a check gauge. In the
weekly rainfall stations, the check gauge has smaller capacity. The long-term recording
station has larger storage of a check gauge.
Tipping Bucket
The tipping bucket type rain gauge consists of a funnel that collects and channels the
precipitation into a seesaw-like container. After a pre-set amount of precipitation falls, the
lever tips, dumping the collected water thus sending an electrical signal. The electrical digital
signal will then be connected to data logger or Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) to log as a rainfall
tip (the amount of tip depends on rain gauge size).
The 0.5 mm tipping bucket is currently used as the main rainfall measurement instrument
for almost all hydrology rainfall stations nationwide. The integrated siphon mechanism has
high accuracy across a broad range of rainfall intensities. Each unit consists of a collector
funnel with leaf filter, an integrated siphon control mechanism, an outer enclosure with
quick release fasteners, and base which houses the tipping bucket mechanism device. The
unit also includes dual output reed switches with varistor protection as well as dual rainfall
discharge outlets for water collection and/or analysis. All of the rain gauges are installed
using 0.5 mm bucket capacity. Overall, rainfall sensors at the rainfall stations are in a good
working condition and can provide rainfall data to JPS.
The tipping bucket rain gauge is not as accurate as the standard rain gauge because the
rainfall may stop before the lever tips. When the next rain occurs, it may take no more than
one or two drops to tip the lever. This causes the pre-set amount of rainfall falls when in
fact, only a fraction of that amount has actually fallen. Tipping buckets also tend to
miscalculate the rainfall amount, especially during heavy rainfall. The advantage of the
tipping bucket rain gauge is, it enables the characterisation of the rain (light, medium, or
heavy). Rainfall character is decided by measuring the total amount of rainfall in a specific
period (usually 1 hour) and counting the number of 'clicks' in 10 minutes, for an observer to
deduce the rain characteristics. In the event of high intensity rainfall, the data algorithms
can be corrected.
Nano hydrophobic coatings are sprayed on liquids used to protect glass, ceramic, painted,
metal, fabric, wood and mineral surfaces with oleophobic, water-stain repellent and
superhydrophobic features. This provides the surface with water repellence, oleophobic
coating, stain repellence, scratch resistance and water proofing characteristics. Thus,
nanocoating should be applied to the outer side of tipping bucket for extra protection.
Weighing Gauge
Low-capacity models should be avoided in areas where the maximum accumulation can
occur over short time period. The gauges must be maintained to minimise evaporation loss,
which is accomplished by adding sufficient oil or evaporation suppressants inside the
container, to form a film over the water surface. Any difficulties in balancing strong wind
oscillation is reduced via microprocessor programming to avoid readings from being
Such weighing gauges (Figure 2) are useful in recording snow, hail, as well as mixture of
snow and rain, since the solid precipitation does not need to be melted before being
recorded. The instrument does not use any moving mechanical parts in the weighing
mechanism; only elastic deformation occurs. Therefore, mechanical degradation and the
need for maintenance are significantly reduced.
In general, the digitised output signal is averaged and filtered. Precipitation intensity is
calculated from the difference between two or more consecutive weight measurements.
The accuracy of this gauge depends on the measurement and/or recording characteristics,
which can vary between manufacturers. Many instruments have data output with
diagnostic parameters, which are useful for further evaluation of measured data and data
quality control.
Except for the errors due to the wetting loss in the container when it is emptied, weighing
gauges are susceptible to other sources of error. Another common fault with weighing
gauges is wind pumping. This occurs during high winds when turbulent air currents flow
around the catchment container, causing oscillation in the weighing. Errors associated with
anomalous recordings can be minimised by averaging readings over short time intervals,
usually ranging from 1 to 5 minutes. Timing errors in the instrument clock assign the catch
to the wrong period or date. Some weighing gauges also exhibit temperature sensitivity in
the weighing mechanism that adds a component to the output, which is proportional to the
diurnal temperature cycle.
Some potential errors in manual precipitation measurement are minimised by using
weighing gauges. Random errors associated with human error and systematic errors, such
as evaporation and wetting loss are minimised. In some countries, trace observations are
given a value of zero, thus resulting in a biased underestimate of the seasonal total
precipitation. This is minimised with weighing gauge, since the small amount of precipitation
will accumulate over time.
The correction of weighing gauge data on hourly or daily basis is more difficult than longer
collection period, such as monthly climatological summary. Ancillary data from automatic
weather stations, such as wind at gauge height, air temperature, present weather or snow
depth, are useful in interpreting and correcting the automatic gauge precipitation
measurements. The specification of weighing tipping bucket is illustrated in Table 1.
Item Specification
Recordable Liquid, solid and mixed
Collecting area 200 cm3
Sensor element Sealed load cell
Measuring range Precipitation: 0…3000 mm/h
Accuracy Amount: +- 0.1 mm or +-1% of measured value
Intensity: +- 0.1 mm/min or +-1% of measured value
Power Supply 5.5… 28 V DC, typically 12 VDC secured against reverse polarity
Protection Pipe housing closed: IP65
Pipe housing open: IP63
Load cell: IP68
A weather radar is used to locate precipitation, calculate its motion, estimate its type (rain,
snow, hail, etc.) and forecast its future position and intensity. The most common weather
radars are Doppler, which can detect the motion of rain droplets besides the precipitation
intensity. Both data types can be analysed to determine the structure of storms and their
potential to cause severe weather.
For real-time use, this radar provides a unique mean of obtaining widespread, spatially
continuous measurements of precipitation location and intensity at scale of hundreds of
metres. Rainfall radar products are directly used by weather forecasters, and are fed into
forecasting models. In the areas of aviation and flood forecasting, they are crucial to protect
life and property.
Each radar sends out microwave radiation pulses and detects the return signals reflected by
precipitation particles, either liquid or frozen (Figure 3). The strength of the return signal is
used to estimate precipitation intensity, and its delay is a measure of distance from the radar
site. The radar generates polar (circular) measurement maps by 360 degrees rotation at
azimuth base, while transmitting pulses concentrated in a narrow beam. Some of the ‘scans’
are taken at a number of low elevation angles above the horizon. A scanning cycle takes 5
minutes, providing data up to 255 km from the site with a resolution up to 1 km.
In 2010, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) of Japan
developed X-band multi-parameter radar known as XRAIN for flood forecasting, equipped
with high resolution and quasi real-time observation in urban areas to reduce damage from
localised heavy rain and torrential downpour (Figure 4).
XRAIN real time information is delivered to the public via the MLIT website. Application and
contents for mobile devices are developed by the private sector and are widely used. When
heavy rain exceeds a specified value, MLIT sends alert via email to concerned individuals for
disaster prevention.
(i) High resolution - X-band radar has short wavelength and can be observed at high
resolution (8-12 GHz)
(ii) Real Time - Measure shape of raindrops by transmitting two type of waves (horizontal
and vertical) and estimate rainfall from flattening of raindrops.
(iii) Suitable for rainfall prediction - Enable the user to observe raindrop in moving
direction and speed by Doppler Effect
3. Procedure in Selecting Rainfall Gauges
The radar rain gauge is known for real time and are very costly. Automatic rain gauge consists of
recording devices such as data loggers connected to either tipping bucket or weighing gauges system
device. The weighing gauge are useful in recording snow, hail as well as mixture of snow and rain.
Therefore, tipping bucket type is more suitable to be used in Asian country.
i. 0.5 mm in general
ii. 0.1 mm or 0.2 mm in catchments < 25 km2
iii. 1.0 mm in high rainfall, mountainous areas.
4. Selection of Site
Location of the rainfall station is important and therefore, due consideration should be given to the
following criteria in selecting the site;
i. The spot at which rain gauge is to be installed should truly represent the area, of which it is
supposed to give depth of rainfall.
ii. The rain gauge station should be accessible to the observer at all times.
iii. The gauge should be erected on level ground, not upon a slope or terrace.
iv. A position sheltered from the wind is preferable over an exposed one (in mountains and
near sea coasts, it is essential to ensure that the gauge is not exposed to the wind).
v. The gauge should be properly secured and locked.
vi. The rain gauge station should not be too close to the buildings or trees etc. the proximity of
such objects affects the entry of rainfall into the funnel. According to the Guide to
Meteorological Instruments No. 8 (WMO 2014), rain gauge distance from other objects
should not be less than twice the height of the object above the rim of the gauge.
5. Instrumentation
i. Tipping bucket
ii. Windshield (optional)
iii. Pole stand
iv. Data logger
v. Manual rain gauge
The 0.5 mm tipping bucket is used as the main rainfall measurement instrument for most of
hydrology rainfall stations throughout Malaysia. General specifications of tipping bucket are
as below;
Receiver : 200mm+/- 0.3 diameter heavy duty cast aluminum, powder coated
Bucket Capacity : 0.5 mm of rainfall
Sensitivity : one tip
Maximum : 700 mm/hr
Humidity : 0 – 100%
Temperature : -20 to +70 °C
Contact system :-Dual reed switches potted in soft silicon rubber with varistor
Max capacity : 24V (0.5 amps max)
Resistance : Initial contact resistance 0.1 Ω
Syphon : 0.4mm (12ml) capacity of rainfall
Bucket : Synthetic ceramic coated brass bucket balanced to +/- 0.05gms
Base : Cast aluminum
Level : Bull’s eye level adhered to aluminum base
Mounting holes : Three 10mm diameter mounting holes with 117 mm p.c.d cast in
feet attached to the base outer diameter.
General Specification of Windshield
Windshield is made of zinc painted with aluminium oxide. Refer Appendix B: List of Drawing;
Drawing No: BSAH/HP32/TB/01 for arrangement installation. Experiments were carried out
by the Hydrology Division to study the impact of JPS’s standard windshield on rainfall
catchment since wind turbulence is the major factor affecting the catch of rainfall by rain
gauges (Water Resource Publication No. 14, 1984). However, the results showed that the
undercatch is only 1% for rain gauge without windshield, which is installed according to the
JPS standard, with the height of 1350 mm. Thus, windshield is optional, however, a
windshield will help to;
General Specification of Data Logger
A data logger (known as data recorder) is an electronic device that records data over time
or in time series, either with a built-in instrument/sensor or via external instruments &
sensors. They are based on digital processor (or computer). In general, they are small,
battery powered, portable, and equipped with a microprocessor, internal memory for data
storage, and sensors. Some data loggers can interface with a personal computer and utilise
software to be activated to view and analyse the collected data, while others have a local
interface device (keypad, LCD) for them to be used as a standalone device. General
specifications of data logger are as below;
The optional manual rain gauge (Refer Appendix B: List of Drawing; Drawing No:
BSAH/HP32/NR/01) may be installed in the rainfall station. The function is to manually check
the water collected in the can. The standard measuring cylinder is 381 mm in height and has
internal diameter of 76.2 mm). It is developed by JPS to be used with the 203 mm diameter
rain gauge. The cylinder is graduated to 1 and 0.5 mm, it is intended to read the depth of
the rain collected without having to apply any factors. The cylinder has a convex base to
enable reading of rainfall less than 0.5 mm. The water level in the measuring cylinder is
determined from the bottom level of the meniscus.
6. Construction of Station
At first, the site should be cleared by getting shrubs, grass and overgrowth weeded out.
Then the site should be levelled. The fencing should be constructed according to the
specifications and dimensions shown in Appendix B: List of Drawing; Drawing No:
There are two type of rainfall station construction in JPS. They are ground level installation
and roof top installation. For installation at the ground level, it is essential that each
instrument installed at the station does not affect the exposure of other instruments: e.g.
the enclosure should not affect rainfall collection in the rain gauge. The detailed layout of
the installation is shown in Appendix B: List of Drawing; Drawing No: BSAH/HP32/GA/01.
Roof top installation are done by installing tipping bucket with pole stand wall plugged to
roof slab. The enclosure will be placed indoor as shown in Figure 5. This is practiced for
combine stations where there will be two sensors or parameters being measured.
The construction should be done with care to avoid excavated earth being thrown onto the
levelled site. It is advisable to check the site level once the fencing has been constructed.
The enclosure should be water resistant with ingress protection of IP65 and complete with
compartment for manual. Also, it needs to be tidied up and maintained in good condition
all times. For future installation, it is recommended that JPS specifies the use of epoxy
coated galvanised enclosures.
Cable gland are used to attach and secure the end of the electrical cable. Cable gland
provides strain relief and connects with suitable cable for which it is designed, including
electrical connection to the armour or braid and lead or aluminium of the cable sheath, if
any. Rubber seal gaskets need to be replaced frequently, to ensure that the enclosure is not
accessible by insects or small rodents. Moreover, the wiring inside the enclosure need to be
terminated with suitable ferrule, flexible conduits, cable ties and labelled accordingly.
Finally, the enclosures on-site need to be provided with troubleshooting manuals, such as
wiring diagrams, operation & maintenance manual as well as as-built drawings. All
equipment on site should be labelled accordingly to make the troubleshooting easier. The
enclosure is sealed with JPS logo and marked with “HAK MILIK KERAJAAN MALAYSIA”.
Every building, equipment, power plants, substations and facilities that use electricity
require earth grounding, either directly or through a grounding system. By definition, the
earthing system that is sometimes called ‘earthing’, it means the total set of measures used
to connect electrically conductive part to earth. Figure 6 illustrates the earthing and
protective conductor system. The earthing system is an essential part of power networks at
both high- and low-voltage levels. In this system, we are going to use voltage less than 1 Ω
and the installation of Surge Protection Device (SPD) 7 step is necessary for overvoltage
protection. In general, a good earthing system is required to protect station buildings and
installations against lightning, safeguard human and animal life by limiting touch and step
voltage to safe value, rectify operation of the electrical supply network and ensure good
power quality.
Figure 6 Illustration for Earthing and Protective Conductor System
The ground system resistance is tested beforehand to provide a concrete proof that the
preliminary design assumption is accurate and the earthing system is adequate and effective
in protecting rainfall station system. Besides, ground resistance measurements are to verify
the new ground system adequacy and determine ground potential rise (GPR) in developing
protection for power and communication circuits. In designing an earthing system, the
system shall provide low impedance path to ground for personnel and equipment
protection, as well as circuit relaying and it shall withstand and dissipate repeated fault and
surge current.
Overall, the earthing system is essential to complete an electrical path to ground if there is
non-designed or unanticipated above-normal potential current or voltage surge during
operating conditions. Personal injury, death or equipment damage can happen if the
grounding system is not properly designed and installed to guide the potentially dangerous
charge safely to ground. Furthermore, the earthing system under normal conditions carries
no current. It only carries current under abnormal conditions, when an electrical appliance
or equipment is faulty, and becomes a potential shock or fire hazard.
BS 7671 lists five types of earthing system: TN-S, TN-C-S, TT, TN-C, and IT.
TN-C System
• Neutral and protective functions combined in a single conductor in a part of the system.
• The usual form of a TN-C-S system is as shown (Figure 7), where the supply is TN-C and
the arrangement in the installations is TN-S.
• This type of distribution is also known as protective multiple earthing.
• The supply system PEN conductor is earthed at two or more points and an earth
electrode may be necessary at or near a consumer’s installation.
• All exposed-conductive-parts of an installation are connected via the main earthing
terminal and the neutral consumer’s installation.
TN-S- System
• Separate neutral and protective conductors throughout the system (Figure 8).
• The protective conductor (PE) is the metallic covering of the cable supplying the
installation or a separate conductor.
• All exposed-conductive-parts of an installation are connected to this protective
conductor via the main earthing terminal of the installation.
Figure 8 TN-S- System
TN-C-S System
• Neutral and protective functions combined in a single conductor in a part of the system.
• The usual form of a TN-C-S system is as shown (Figure 9), where the supply is TN-C and
the arrangement in the installations is TN-S.
• This type of distribution is known as protective multiple earthing.
• The supply system PEN conductor is earthed at two or more points and an earth
electrode may be necessary at or near a consumer’s installation.
• All exposed-conductive-parts of an installation are connected via the main earthing
terminal and the neutral terminal, these terminals being linked together.
T-T System
Figure 10 TT-System
Figure 11 IT-System
Lightning Protection
The lightning protection system shall be provided where necessary based on site condition.
It shall include air termination network, down-conductors, joints and bonds, testing joints,
lightning flash counter, earth termination, earth electrodes and accessories incidental to the
whole system (Refer Appendix B: List of Drawing; Drawing No: BSAH/HP32/ELP/01).
Air termination network shall consist of a network of vertical and horizontal conductors, as
shown in the drawing. Whether shown in the drawings or not, all metallic projections,
chimneys, ducts, gutters, vent pipes, guard rails, aerial masts on or above the main surface
of the roof of the structure shall be bonded to and form part of the air termination network.
Other than air terminal or vertical finial, air termination network shall be of 25 mm x 3 mm
annealed copper tape. The method and nature of the fixing shall be simple, solid and
permanent. Air terminal or vertical finial shall be having rounded end and made of copper.
They shall be 300 mm in length and 16 mm diameter with lock nut. Down conductors shall
be 25 mm × 3 mm bare annealed copper tape, installed around the walls outside of the
The lightning protection system should have as few joints as possible. Joints and bonds shall
be mechanically and electrically effective, via copper clamps, welding, soldering or brazing.
Contact surface shall first be cleaned then protected against oxidation with a noncorrosive
compound. Each earth termination shall be connected to a down-conductor. Earth
termination shall be made by 25 mm x 3mm annealed copper tape, connecting the down
conductor at the testing joint to the earth electrodes.
All measuring and test instruments used for lightning protection system installations shall
be regularly tested and calibrated by manufacturers or calibration laboratories, to preserve
their functionality and accuracy at the rainfall station. This is followed by the installation of
Surge Protection Device (SPD) 7 Steps in the lightning protection system. SPD is an electrical
installation protection component. This device is connected parallel to the power supply
circuit of the load that it has to protect. It is also used at all power supply network levels. It
is the most efficient overvoltage protection. SPD is designed to limit transient overvoltage
of atmospheric origin and divert current wave to earth, to limit the overvoltage amplitude
to a value that is non-hazardous for the electrical installation, electric switchgear and control
SPD eliminates overvoltage in the following ways;
SPD is classified into 3 types, namely Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3. The Type 1 SPD is
recommended in service-sector and industrial buildings, protected by a lightning protection
system or meshed cage. It protects electrical installation against direct lightning stroke. It
discharges the lightning back-current from the earth conductor to the network conductors.
Type 1 SPD is characterised by 10/350 µs current wave. The Type 2 SPD is the main
protection system for low voltage electrical installation, installed in electrical switchboard,
to prevent the spread of overvoltage in electrical installation and protect the loads. Type 2
SPD is characterised by 8/20 µs current wave, with low discharge capacity. Therefore, they
must be installed as a supplement to Type 2 SPD and in the vicinity of sensitive load. Type 3
SPD is characterised by a combination of voltage wave (1.2/50 µs) and current wave (8/20
International standard IEC 61643-11 Edition 1.0 (03/2011) defines the characteristics and
tests for SPD connected to low voltage distribution system into three characteristics. The
first characteristic is Uc, which is the maximum continuous operating voltage where A.C. or
D.C. voltage is above which the SPD becomes active. This value is according to the rated
voltage and earthing arrangement. Another characteristic is Up, the voltage protection level
(at In). This is the maximum voltage across the SPD terminals when it is active. This voltage
is reached when the current flowing in the SPD equals to in. The voltage protection level
must be lower than the load overvoltage withstand capability (see section 3.2). In the event
of lightning stroke, the voltage across the SPD terminals remains lesser than Up. The last
one is In, the nominal discharge current where the peak current value is 8/20 µs waveform,
this is when the SPD can discharge for 15 times.
In addition, PVC conduit wiring has advantages such as being cheap and easy to install and
customise, strong and durable. In fact, PVC conduit wiring installed on roof or wall is known
as surface conduit wiring. In the conduit wiring system, the conduits should be electrically
continuous and connected to earth at suitable points, in case of steel conduit. The conduit
protects the cables from being bitten by rodents, which will result in short circuit.
For voltage drop in consumer installation, in the absence of any consideration, under normal
service condition, the terminal voltage of any fixed current-using equipment shall be greater
than the lower limit of the equipment standard. The fixed current-using equipment is not
subjected to product standard, thus the terminal voltage shall not impair the equipment
safety. These requirements are satisfied if the voltage drop between the origin of the
installation (usually the supply terminals) and socket-outlet or terminals of the fixed current-
using equipment does not exceed;
A voltage drop greater than the amount stated above is acceptable for a motor during
starting period and equipment with high inrush current, provided that the voltage variation
is verified within the limit specified in the equipment product standard or, in the absence of
product standard, it should be in accordance with the manufacturer recommendations.
The type of fencing should be chosen depending on the area. The construction should be
done with care to refrain excavated earth from being thrown onto the levelled site. It is
advisable to check the site level once fencing has been constructed.
Type of Fencing
Type of fencing used are:
i. Security fence
ii. Anti-Climb Fence
iii. Chain-link fence
Security Fence
Security fence, also known as roll top fence (Figure 12) is a hot dipped galvanised iron
welded mesh panel that provides see-through security, with contemporary design. It has
spacing specification of 50 mm × 150 mm, making the place looks safe and elegant. The
fence is designed with a triangular roll on the top and bottom parts, thus making it stronger
and tougher. With wire thickness of 5 mm and 50 mm × 150 mm spacing, the roll top fence
is very strong, hard to be bent. Hence, this prevents anyone from climbing over the fence to
reach the protected area.
Anti-Climb Fence
Anti-climb fence is the heavy duty hot dipped galvanised iron welded mesh panel with toe
and finger proof profile, this provides the highest degree of see-through security. With
spacing specification of 75 mm × 12.5 mm, which makes it impossible for fingers and toes
to go through, this prevents anyone from climbing over the fence to reach the protected
area. The fence is known as anti-cut fence as it is difficult to cut through the panel with
simple hand tools. With wire thickness of 4 mm and 75 mm × 12.5 mm spacing, intruders
can never cut off the fence.
Chain link fence is the most economical and oldest fence available in the market. The chain
link fence (also referred to as wire netting, wire-mesh fence, chain-wire fence, or diamond-
mesh fence) is made of thick steel wire and has a diamond-shaped pattern, often galvanised
or PVC wire is used for this fence.
Comparison of Type of Fencing
Table 2 shows the comparison between fencings. Different fences are used, depending on
the rainfall station area.
The detailed drawings and wordings are depicted in Appendix B: List of Drawing; Drawing
No: BSAH/HP32/SB/01.
7. Installation of Instrument
Installation of Tipping Bucket
Installation of tipping bucket must adhere to but not limited to the following procedures;
1. Perform installation work based on the DID Hydrology Manual (DIDM) 2009 and
manufacturer installation manual.
2. The height of tipping bucket must 1.35 m from the ground level or concrete, to the
top part of tipping bucket.
3. The foundation of the tipping bucket pole must be made of concrete (300 mm × 300
mm × 450 mm) and buried underground, subjected to the soil condition.
4. Test the instrument according to procedure and prepare installation and
maintenance report.
Installation of Mini Data Logger
Installation of mini data logger must adhere to but not limited to the following procedures;
1. Ensure the mini data logger and input cable are tested by qualified personnel before
installation at site.
2. Connect input cable to mini data logger as per manufacturer’s manual.
3. Key in the parameters and station information into data logger.
4. Test to ensure data is received and stored by mini data logger.
5. Ensure that one tipping bucket cable output is only for one input cable (sharing is not
6. Delete test data before leaving the station.
Total Amp Hour consumption for Enclosure including running of a (1) Tipping Bucket, one (1) Data
Logger, one (1) Telemetric Equipment, one (1) Power Supply and related components in enclosure
= 1.4 Amp
From the calculation, it shows that 2 pieces of 100W solar panel are needed to recharge the battery
every day, with around 40% of reserve. This is to make sure that the power is enough during rainy
The calculation to prove that the system is sufficient for 14 non-sunny days.
5 unit of 100Ah battery shall be used as power storage and power backup.
Thus, total Ampere Hour available from batteries, AHB = 100 x 5 = 500 AH.
From the calculation, this shows that power consumption is sufficient for 14 non-sunny days, with
5 units of 100 Ah battery as power storage and backup system. The total power reserve available
from the design is 29.6 Ah, which is around 5.92% of the total power storage of 500 Ah.
Real-time Clock Yes
Humidity Up to 70% RH
Protocols supported Modbus, FTP, HTTP, XML, SMTP, NTP and SDI-12
Bulit-in Software and • The software shall be built in without no major application
Communication Instruments
Communication devices modems are important in a telemetry system to transmit data from
on-site RTUs to its master station for data processing, display and archiving purposes. In
general, there are three telecommunication mediums used as the communication media for
the hydrology telemetry system, they are radio communication, GSM/GPRS communication
and satellite communication.
Radio Communication
Radio modem is a modern way to create private radio network (PRN). PRN is used in
industrial critical applications, when real-time data communication is required. Also, radio
modem enables users to be independent of telecommunication or satellite network
operators. Users use licensed frequency, either the UHF or VHF band. VHF band is utilised
as the radio communication channel medium for the telemetry system. Licensed frequency
is reserved for users in certain area, thus ensuring that there is lesser radio interference
from other RF transmitters. The Tait radio modem is used as the radio communication
modem for telemetry systems, using radio VHF communication and the specification is
summarised in Table 4.
GSM/ EDGE Communication – 3G/4G
Global System for Mobile (GSM) Communications, originally Groupe Spécial Mobile, is a
standard developed by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) to
describe the second generation (2G) digital cellular network technology. Developed to
replace the first generation (1G) analog cellular network, the GSM standard originally
describes a digital, circuit-switched network optimised for full duplex voice telephony. The
standard was expanded over time to include first circuit-switched data transport, then
packet data transport via General Packet Radio Services (GPRS). GPRS is a best-effort service,
implying variable throughput and latency that depend on the number of users using the
service concurrently, as opposed to circuit switching, where quality of service (QoS) is
guaranteed during the connection. The enhanced data rate for GSM Evolution (EDGE) (also
known as Enhanced GPRS (EGPRS), or IMT Single Carrier (IMT-SC), or Enhanced data rate for
Global Evolution) is a digital mobile phone technology that improves data transmission rate
via a backward-compatible extension of GSM. EDGE is a pre-3G radio technology and is part
of ITU’s 3G definition.
Also, EDGE is standardised by 3GPP as part of the GSM family. Through the introduction of
methods such as coding and data transmission, EDGE delivers higher bit-rates per radio
channel, resulting in a threefold increase in capacity and performance as compared to
GSM/GPRS connection. EDGE is used for any packet switched application, such as an
Internet connection.
Satellite Communication
10. Maintenance of Instruments
JPS headquarters will assist the state hydrological officer in carrying out the maintenance, repair or
calibration works. The data logger readings should be checked regularly with telemetric instrument.
If any appreciable error occurs between the two reading sets, the cause of error must be identified
and rectified.
Regular maintenance of the rainfall tipping bucket is essential in collecting good quality data.
Maintenance must comply with but not limited to the following items;
i. Cleanliness of equipment. The following items should be checked regularly for cleanliness:
a. Catch filter
b. Syphon
c. Interior of bucket
d. All insect screens
ii. Ensure Rain Gauge is level using the bubble level fitted to the base
iii. Enclosure locking screws - lightly lubricate after cleaning
iv. Conductivity of mercury switch and Pulse cable
v. Test tipping using portable calibrator for about 40 tips as recommended by manufacturer.
vi. Fill up TKUP 6 form as attached in appendix.
Maintenance of the rainfall recorder must comply with but not limited to the following item:
i. Cleanliness of equipment
ii. Date time starting
iii. Date time off
iv. Compare reading of recorder/ logger and telemetry
v. Battery reading
vi. Check connectivity with sensors
vii. Record any malfunction or missing date
viii. Fill up TKUP 7 form as attached in appendix.
ix. Fill up TKUP 9 for station with telemetry.
11. Calibration of Instruments
The purpose of calibration is to provide measurement accuracy. Rainfall gauge shall be calibrated at
the intensity(s) recommended by the manufacturer or as advised, in Malaysia, by an accredited
calibration agency. Gauge shall maintain its performance up to the measurement intensity.
According to Jadual Servis, Ujian dan Tentukuran Alat (JSUTA) from JPS ISO 2015, rainfall tipping
bucket is valid for five (5) years, afterwards, it needs to be calibrated at workshop.
Calibration Procedure
Calibration work must comply with but not limited to the following procedures:
1) The left volume vessel is filled with water and the 100 mm/hour nozzle is inserted.
2) Calibration is commenced by turning on the outlet valve and recording time using
stopwatch, after all the water is drained from the left volume vessel.
3) The procedure is repeated using 200 mm/hour and 300 mm/hour consecutively.
4) Similar procedures are repeated for right volume vessel.
5) Calibration is done based on the Hydrological Services Lab.TB- RG Calibration
6) Fill in UT5 form as attached in appendix.
Rainfall gauge shall be calibrated in accordance with the methodology recommended by the
manufacturer or calibration agency;
1) when the instrument validation has failed to conform with the specifications, and
2) with frequency recommended by the manufacturer. Often, tipping bucket is
calibrated every five years at workshop and every three months on site using
12. Guidelines for Safety & Health
These guidelines are to protect workers from hazards and eliminate work-related injuries, ill health,
diseases, incidents and deaths. Table 5 summarises the hazard, risk and control during installation,
operation and maintenance works of rainfall station.
Site Tidiness
Working at Height
General Provisions
Guard Rails
i. be made from strong and rigid material to prevent people from falling and can
withstand other loads placed on them.
ii. be fixed to a structure, or part of a structure capable of supporting them.
iii. include;
(a) a main guard rail at least 900 mm above any edge, from which people tend to
(b) a toe board with at least 150 mm height.
(c) a sufficient number of intermediate guard rails or suitable alternatives.
iv. Risk of falling through opening or fragile material (e.g. roof lights) is reduced by
providing appropriate and adequate guard rails or barriers to cover the opening or
Protective Equipment
Employers on construction site need personal protective equipment (PPE) to ensure their
safety and health such as;
Safety Helmet
i. Employees should be provided with safety helmets to protect their head from injury
due to falling, flying objects or striking against objects or structures.
ii. Employers should ensure that safety helmets are worn by the employees.
iii. When working at height, a strap should be used to prevent the safety helmets from
i. Protective footwear should be worn by workers who are exposed to the risk of injury
of materials being dropped on their feet or nail, or sharp objects penetrating their
ii. When employees are working in water or wet concrete, they should wear appropriate
Working in Hot Environment
Excessive exposure to heat causes a range of heat-related illnesses, such as heat rash, heat
cramp, heat exhaustion and heat stroke. To reduce heat exposure and risk of heat-related
illness while working, practise work/rest cycle, drink water often, and provide an
opportunity for workers to build up tolerance level while working in the heat.
Electrical Hazard
Electricity has the potential to cause serious injury and death. Electrical hazards exist in
contact with the exposed live parts, electrical faults are the source of ignition that initiates
fire or explosion.
13. Do’s and Don’ts
No Main Points Do’s Don’ts
1 Installation of • Install at flat land. • Rain gauge shall not be deployed
tipping bucket • Ensure minimum distance of on a slope and nearby the tree.
two times height from any
2 Maintenance • Carry checklist and enough • Do not forget to fill in proper
spare parts for maintenance checklist before leaving site.
before a trip. • Do not compromise by not
changing the battery as
5 Power Supply • Only use battery • Solar system is not required for
System recommended by rainfall station without telemetry.
14. Summary Sheet
1 INTRODUCTION This section describes about a standard and its aim.
2 REVIEW OF EXISTING This section reviews current rainfall gauges that consist of non-
RAINFALL GAUGES recording and recording rain gauges. The recording rain gauges
are tipping bucket, weighing and radar types. Currently JPS
adopts 0.5 mm tipping bucket.
4 SELECTION OF SITE This section explains criteria in selecting rainfall station site for
optimum reading.
6 CONSTRUCTION OF STATION This section gives a brief explanation on other items set up at
rainfall station that include;
8 SOLAR POWER SUPPLY This section explains that five (5) units of 100 Ah batteries as
power storage and backup system are sufficient for power
consumption within 14 non-sunny days.
12 GUIDELINE FOR SAFETY AND This section provides brief guidelines on safety and health
HELATH during installation, operation and maintenance works.
13 DO’S AND DON’TS This section provides Do’s and Don’ts during installation,
operation and maintenance works.
15. References
1 World Meteorological Organisation; Guide to Hydrological Practices; Volume 1; Hydrology
–From Measurement to Hydrological Information. WMO-No. 168; Sixth Edition 2008
4 Department of Irrigation and Drainage - DID (2000). Volume 4 Hydrology and Water
Resource Urban Stormwater Management Manual for Malaysia. Department of Irrigation
and Drainage, Ministry of Agriculture, Malaysia.
7 Water and Disaster Management Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and
Tourism of Japan (2013) - Radar Observation of Precipitation for River Management in Japan
Appendix A: Related Documents from MS ISO 9001: 2015
No. Title
A1 Borang Tatacara Kerja Ujijalan dan Penyelenggaraan Rainfall Tipping Bucket (TKUP 6)
Tarikh : Tarikh :
Tarikh : Tarikh :
Tarikh Lawatan : Jenis Stesen : Hujan / Aras Air / Hujan & Aras Air
Nama Stesen : Pengenalan Stesen ( ID ) :
Nama Sungai : Nombor Stesen :
Daerah / Kawasan : Nama Stesen Repeater :
1. Jenis RTU
2. Nombor Siri
3. Casing RTU Baik / Tidak Baik
4. Keypad/ Touch Skrin Baik / Tidak Baik
5. Jenis Paparan LED / LCD Baik / Tidak Baik
6. Paparan Tarikh Baik / Tidak Baik
7. Paparan Masa Baik / Tidak Baik
8. Paparan Hujan mm
9. Paparan Aras Air Meter
10. Stick Gauge Meter
11. Connector dan kabel Baik / Tidak Baik
B Sistem Perhubungan
Bil Tatacara Kerja Penyenggaraan Tindakan/Catatan
Tarikh : Tarikh : :
Jenis Alat :
Kapasiti Bucket : mm
Nombor Siri :
Tarikh Ujian :
Tarikh : Tarikh :
Nombor Siri :
Purata Ketepatan %
Ketepatan Tanpa Syphon kurang dari 5% boleh diterima
Ketepatan Dengan Syphon kurang 2% boleh diterima
Tarikh : Tarikh :
Appendix B: List of Drawing
The department or government shall have no liability or responsibility to the user or any other person
or entity with respect to any liability, loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused, directly or
indirectly, by the adaptation and use of the methods and recommendations of this publication,
including but not limited to, any interruption of service, loss of business or anticipatory profits or
consequential damages resulting from the use of this publication.
Opinions expressed in DID publications are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those
of DID.
Copyright ©2018 by Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID) Malaysia Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
All rights reserved. Text and maps in this publication are the copyright of the Department of Irrigation
and Drainage Malaysia unless otherwise stated and may not be reproduced without permission.
The Hydrological Procedure (HP) No 32: Hydrological Standard for Rainfall Station Instrumentation
sets out guidelines and practices for the installation, operation and maintenance of rainfall
instrumentation in the field of hydrology, enabling them to carry out their work more efficiently. The
detailed description of the theoretical basis and applications of hydrological methods and techniques
are beyond the scope of this guide, although references to such documentation are provided
wherever applicable. It is hoped that this HP will be used, not only by Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran
(JPS) Malaysia, but also by other stakeholders and agencies involved in water resource management
in general, and in water resource monitoring and assessment in particular.
Menara Teknik was commissioned by the Division of Water Resources and Hydrology to produce
Hydrological Procedure No 32: Hydrological Standard for Rainfall Station Instrumentation through
“Development of Hydrological Procedure No. 32: Hydrological Standard for Rainfall Station
Instrumentation, Hydrological Procedure No 33: Hydrological Standard for Water Level Station
Instrumentation and Hydrological Procedure No 35: Hydrological Standard for Water Quality Station
Instrumentation”, contract no. JPS/IP/C/H/06/2016. The HP 33: Hydrological Standard for Water Level
Station Instrumentation and HP 35: Hydrological Standard for Water Quality Station Instrumentation
were also produced under the same commission.
The authors greatly acknowledge the valuable contribution and feedback from Department of
Irrigation and Drainage (DID) personnel especially the Director of Water Resources Management and
Hydrology, Dato’ Ir. Haji Nor Hisham Bin Mohd. Ghazali, Director of National Flood Forecasting and
Warning Centre (PRABN), Pn. Hajah Paridah Anun Binti Tahir and the staff namely Ir. Rajaselvam a/l
Govindaraju, Ir. Hasanuddin Bin Mohd Ibrahim and En. Hairuy Azmi bin Aziz.
Table of Contents
DISCLAIMER.............................................................................................................................................. i
PREFACE .................................................................................................................................................. ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................................ iii
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 1
2. Review of Existing Rainfall Gauges ................................................................................................. 1
Non Recording Rain gauge ...................................................................................................... 2
Recording Rain Gauge ............................................................................................................. 2
Tipping Bucket................................................................................................................. 3
Weighing Gauge .............................................................................................................. 4
Radar ............................................................................................................................... 7
3. Procedure in Selecting Rainfall Gauges .......................................................................................... 9
4. Selection of Site .............................................................................................................................. 9
5. Instrumentation ............................................................................................................................ 10
General Specification of Tipping Bucket ............................................................................... 10
General Specification of Windshield ..................................................................................... 11
General Specification of Pole Stand ...................................................................................... 11
General Specification of Data Logger.................................................................................... 12
General Specification of Manual Rain Gauge ....................................................................... 12
6. Construction of Station ................................................................................................................. 13
Station ................................................................................................................................... 13
Enclosure ............................................................................................................................... 14
Earthing ................................................................................................................................. 14
TN-C System .................................................................................................................. 17
TN-S- System ................................................................................................................. 17
TN-C-S System ............................................................................................................... 18
T-T System ..................................................................................................................... 19
IT-System ....................................................................................................................... 19
Lightning Protection .............................................................................................................. 20
Conduit .................................................................................................................................. 22
Fencing .................................................................................................................................. 23
Type of Fencing ............................................................................................................. 23
Comparison of Type of Fencing..................................................................................... 25
Signboard .............................................................................................................................. 25
7. Installation of Instrument ............................................................................................................. 25
Installation of Tipping Bucket ............................................................................................... 25
Installation of Mini Data Logger............................................................................................ 26
8. Solar Power Supply ....................................................................................................................... 26
9. Telemetry and Communication System ........................................................................................ 27
Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) ................................................................................................. 27
Communication Instruments ................................................................................................ 29
Radio Communication ................................................................................................... 29
GSM/ EDGE Communication – 3G/4G .......................................................................... 30
Satellite Communication ............................................................................................... 30
10. Maintenance of Instruments .................................................................................................... 31
11. Calibration of Instruments ........................................................................................................ 32
Calibration Procedure ........................................................................................................... 32
How and When to Calibrate.................................................................................................. 32
12. Guidelines for Safety & Health.................................................................................................. 33
Site Tidiness .......................................................................................................................... 33
Working at Height ................................................................................................................. 33
General Provisions ........................................................................................................ 33
Guard Rails .................................................................................................................... 34
Protective Equipment ........................................................................................................... 34
Safety Helmet................................................................................................................ 34
Footwear ....................................................................................................................... 34
Working in Hot Environment ................................................................................................ 35
Electrical Hazard.................................................................................................................... 35
Safety Procedures in Handling Electrical Equipment .................................................... 35
13. Do’s and Don’ts ......................................................................................................................... 36
14. Summary Sheet ......................................................................................................................... 37
15. References ................................................................................................................................ 39
Appendix A: Related Documents from Ms ISO 9001: 2015 ............................................................ A1-A4
Appendix B: List of Drawing ............................................................................................................ B1-B9
List of Figures
List of Table
Since decades, Jabatan Pengairan Saliran (JPS) Malaysia has been the national hydrological agency
that develops hydrological stations nationwide to collect and obtain data for water resource
assessment, planning, development, early flood warning and river monitoring purposes. This
procedure is used as the standard instrumentation, installation and maintenance for rainfall stations
in Malaysia.
In fact, changes in instrumentation over the years have improved the time resolution and rainfall
depth over the recording history in many sites. Improvements in resolution however come at a cost
of maintaining stationarity. Also, the time interval pertaining to data collected has significantly
changed over time.
Over the last 60 years, rainfall intensity is recorded as a total over time interval. Often, the time
intervals are set hourly, 15 minutes, 7.5 minutes, 6 minutes or 5 minutes. However, the current data
loggers permit a greater range of options and a quick time resolution can now be achieved.
Rainfall is measured using rain gauge installed at a location of interest. Rainfall collected at this point
represents the rainfall volume of the area around the rain gauge. For more than 50 years, JPS has
been recording point rainfall data using rain gauge. There are two type of rainfall gauges;
Previously, rainfall data were manually collected or recorded by personnel who visit the rain gauge
stations regularly, to measure the rainfall accumulated since the previous visit. The rainfall that is
manually read is referred as the non-recording rain gauges. Over time, the rain gauges are replaced
or supplemented with automatic rain gauges, thus variation in rainfall intensity can also be
recorded. In the automatic rain gauge, there are recording devices or loggers attached to register
rainfall and its time of occurrence. So far, there are limited rainfall gauges. Most of the automatic
rain gauges are tipping bucket, weighing and radar types.
Non Recording Rain gauge
There are two non-recording rain gauges used by JPS Malaysia;
i. 203 mm diameter rain gauge, which is referred as manual gauge and readings are
taken daily or weekly
ii. 127 mm diameter rain gauge with capacity to collect 4000 mm of rainfall, used to
check gauge and readings are taken monthly. This is installed in stations located in
remote areas.
The standard rain gauge, has a 203mm or 127mm diameter receiver cap on top to catch and
funnel the rain into a can. The receiving funnel has a knife edge to catch rain falling precisely
in the surface area of 203 mm or 127 mm diameter. Measurements are done by pouring the
rainwater collected in the rain gauge into a measuring cylinder. The standard measuring
cylinder is 381 mm in height and has internal diameter of 76.2 mm. It is developed by JPS to
be used with the 203 mm diameter rain gauge. The cylinder is graduated to 1 and 0.5 mm,
it is intended to read the depth of the rain collected without having to apply any factors.
The cylinder has a convex base to enable reading of rainfall less than 0.5 mm. The water
level in the measuring cylinder is determined from the bottom level of the meniscus.
Usually, the rain gauge is installed at a standard height of 1350 m above the ground,
equipped with windshield to reduce the wind turbulence effect so that the rain gauge
catchment storage capacity is not affected.
Daily readings of rainfall do not provide information of the rainfall temporal distribution and
it does not give details like how intense is the rainfall over short time period, this information
is critical to design urban drainage and flood simulation systems. The tipping bucket rain
gauge solves the issue in recording rainfall intensity and temporal distribution and the DID’s
rainfall stations were replaced with this type of recorder. Its description is given in detail in
the Hydrology Manual - Revised and Updated 1988.
In the 80s, the tipping was recorded on paper charts but this soon gave way to digital
recordings in memory chips. Paper charts have to be digitised to convert it to digital form
and this is time consuming. The digital recordings have the advantage to provide the data in
digital form in an instant. With digital recordings in memory chips, there is no more
difference between weekly and long-term recording equipment, as data storage is no longer
a constraint and all automatic recorders are now recording long-term data. All automatic
(long-term) recording stations have a manual station that acts as a check gauge. In the
weekly rainfall stations, the check gauge has smaller capacity. The long-term recording
station has larger storage of a check gauge.
Tipping Bucket
The tipping bucket type rain gauge consists of a funnel that collects and channels the
precipitation into a seesaw-like container. After a pre-set amount of precipitation falls, the
lever tips, dumping the collected water thus sending an electrical signal. The electrical digital
signal will then be connected to data logger or Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) to log as a rainfall
tip (the amount of tip depends on rain gauge size).
The 0.5 mm tipping bucket is currently used as the main rainfall measurement instrument
for almost all hydrology rainfall stations nationwide. The integrated siphon mechanism has
high accuracy across a broad range of rainfall intensities. Each unit consists of a collector
funnel with leaf filter, an integrated siphon control mechanism, an outer enclosure with
quick release fasteners, and base which houses the tipping bucket mechanism device. The
unit also includes dual output reed switches with varistor protection as well as dual rainfall
discharge outlets for water collection and/or analysis. All of the rain gauges are installed
using 0.5 mm bucket capacity. Overall, rainfall sensors at the rainfall stations are in a good
working condition and can provide rainfall data to JPS.
The tipping bucket rain gauge is not as accurate as the standard rain gauge because the
rainfall may stop before the lever tips. When the next rain occurs, it may take no more than
one or two drops to tip the lever. This causes the pre-set amount of rainfall falls when in
fact, only a fraction of that amount has actually fallen. Tipping buckets also tend to
miscalculate the rainfall amount, especially during heavy rainfall. The advantage of the
tipping bucket rain gauge is, it enables the characterisation of the rain (light, medium, or
heavy). Rainfall character is decided by measuring the total amount of rainfall in a specific
period (usually 1 hour) and counting the number of 'clicks' in 10 minutes, for an observer to
deduce the rain characteristics. In the event of high intensity rainfall, the data algorithms
can be corrected.
Nano hydrophobic coatings are sprayed on liquids used to protect glass, ceramic, painted,
metal, fabric, wood and mineral surfaces with oleophobic, water-stain repellent and
superhydrophobic features. This provides the surface with water repellence, oleophobic
coating, stain repellence, scratch resistance and water proofing characteristics. Thus,
nanocoating should be applied to the outer side of tipping bucket for extra protection.
Weighing Gauge
Low-capacity models should be avoided in areas where the maximum accumulation can
occur over short time period. The gauges must be maintained to minimise evaporation loss,
which is accomplished by adding sufficient oil or evaporation suppressants inside the
container, to form a film over the water surface. Any difficulties in balancing strong wind
oscillation is reduced via microprocessor programming to avoid readings from being
Such weighing gauges (Figure 2) are useful in recording snow, hail, as well as mixture of
snow and rain, since the solid precipitation does not need to be melted before being
recorded. The instrument does not use any moving mechanical parts in the weighing
mechanism; only elastic deformation occurs. Therefore, mechanical degradation and the
need for maintenance are significantly reduced.
In general, the digitised output signal is averaged and filtered. Precipitation intensity is
calculated from the difference between two or more consecutive weight measurements.
The accuracy of this gauge depends on the measurement and/or recording characteristics,
which can vary between manufacturers. Many instruments have data output with
diagnostic parameters, which are useful for further evaluation of measured data and data
quality control.
Except for the errors due to the wetting loss in the container when it is emptied, weighing
gauges are susceptible to other sources of error. Another common fault with weighing
gauges is wind pumping. This occurs during high winds when turbulent air currents flow
around the catchment container, causing oscillation in the weighing. Errors associated with
anomalous recordings can be minimised by averaging readings over short time intervals,
usually ranging from 1 to 5 minutes. Timing errors in the instrument clock assign the catch
to the wrong period or date. Some weighing gauges also exhibit temperature sensitivity in
the weighing mechanism that adds a component to the output, which is proportional to the
diurnal temperature cycle.
Some potential errors in manual precipitation measurement are minimised by using
weighing gauges. Random errors associated with human error and systematic errors, such
as evaporation and wetting loss are minimised. In some countries, trace observations are
given a value of zero, thus resulting in a biased underestimate of the seasonal total
precipitation. This is minimised with weighing gauge, since the small amount of precipitation
will accumulate over time.
The correction of weighing gauge data on hourly or daily basis is more difficult than longer
collection period, such as monthly climatological summary. Ancillary data from automatic
weather stations, such as wind at gauge height, air temperature, present weather or snow
depth, are useful in interpreting and correcting the automatic gauge precipitation
measurements. The specification of weighing tipping bucket is illustrated in Table 1.
Item Specification
Recordable Liquid, solid and mixed
Collecting area 200 cm3
Sensor element Sealed load cell
Measuring range Precipitation: 0…3000 mm/h
Accuracy Amount: +- 0.1 mm or +-1% of measured value
Intensity: +- 0.1 mm/min or +-1% of measured value
Power Supply 5.5… 28 V DC, typically 12 VDC secured against reverse polarity
Protection Pipe housing closed: IP65
Pipe housing open: IP63
Load cell: IP68
A weather radar is used to locate precipitation, calculate its motion, estimate its type (rain,
snow, hail, etc.) and forecast its future position and intensity. The most common weather
radars are Doppler, which can detect the motion of rain droplets besides the precipitation
intensity. Both data types can be analysed to determine the structure of storms and their
potential to cause severe weather.
For real-time use, this radar provides a unique mean of obtaining widespread, spatially
continuous measurements of precipitation location and intensity at scale of hundreds of
metres. Rainfall radar products are directly used by weather forecasters, and are fed into
forecasting models. In the areas of aviation and flood forecasting, they are crucial to protect
life and property.
Each radar sends out microwave radiation pulses and detects the return signals reflected by
precipitation particles, either liquid or frozen (Figure 3). The strength of the return signal is
used to estimate precipitation intensity, and its delay is a measure of distance from the radar
site. The radar generates polar (circular) measurement maps by 360 degrees rotation at
azimuth base, while transmitting pulses concentrated in a narrow beam. Some of the ‘scans’
are taken at a number of low elevation angles above the horizon. A scanning cycle takes 5
minutes, providing data up to 255 km from the site with a resolution up to 1 km.
In 2010, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) of Japan
developed X-band multi-parameter radar known as XRAIN for flood forecasting, equipped
with high resolution and quasi real-time observation in urban areas to reduce damage from
localised heavy rain and torrential downpour (Figure 4).
XRAIN real time information is delivered to the public via the MLIT website. Application and
contents for mobile devices are developed by the private sector and are widely used. When
heavy rain exceeds a specified value, MLIT sends alert via email to concerned individuals for
disaster prevention.
(i) High resolution - X-band radar has short wavelength and can be observed at high
resolution (8-12 GHz)
(ii) Real Time - Measure shape of raindrops by transmitting two type of waves (horizontal
and vertical) and estimate rainfall from flattening of raindrops.
(iii) Suitable for rainfall prediction - Enable the user to observe raindrop in moving
direction and speed by Doppler Effect
3. Procedure in Selecting Rainfall Gauges
The radar rain gauge is known for real time and are very costly. Automatic rain gauge consists of
recording devices such as data loggers connected to either tipping bucket or weighing gauges system
device. The weighing gauge are useful in recording snow, hail as well as mixture of snow and rain.
Therefore, tipping bucket type is more suitable to be used in Asian country.
i. 0.5 mm in general
ii. 0.1 mm or 0.2 mm in catchments < 25 km2
iii. 1.0 mm in high rainfall, mountainous areas.
4. Selection of Site
Location of the rainfall station is important and therefore, due consideration should be given to the
following criteria in selecting the site;
i. The spot at which rain gauge is to be installed should truly represent the area, of which it is
supposed to give depth of rainfall.
ii. The rain gauge station should be accessible to the observer at all times.
iii. The gauge should be erected on level ground, not upon a slope or terrace.
iv. A position sheltered from the wind is preferable over an exposed one (in mountains and
near sea coasts, it is essential to ensure that the gauge is not exposed to the wind).
v. The gauge should be properly secured and locked.
vi. The rain gauge station should not be too close to the buildings or trees etc. the proximity of
such objects affects the entry of rainfall into the funnel. According to the Guide to
Meteorological Instruments No. 8 (WMO 2014), rain gauge distance from other objects
should not be less than twice the height of the object above the rim of the gauge.
5. Instrumentation
i. Tipping bucket
ii. Windshield (optional)
iii. Pole stand
iv. Data logger
v. Manual rain gauge
The 0.5 mm tipping bucket is used as the main rainfall measurement instrument for most of
hydrology rainfall stations throughout Malaysia. General specifications of tipping bucket are
as below;
Receiver : 200mm+/- 0.3 diameter heavy duty cast aluminum, powder coated
Bucket Capacity : 0.5 mm of rainfall
Sensitivity : one tip
Maximum : 700 mm/hr
Humidity : 0 – 100%
Temperature : -20 to +70 °C
Contact system :-Dual reed switches potted in soft silicon rubber with varistor
Max capacity : 24V (0.5 amps max)
Resistance : Initial contact resistance 0.1 Ω
Syphon : 0.4mm (12ml) capacity of rainfall
Bucket : Synthetic ceramic coated brass bucket balanced to +/- 0.05gms
Base : Cast aluminum
Level : Bull’s eye level adhered to aluminum base
Mounting holes : Three 10mm diameter mounting holes with 117 mm p.c.d cast in
feet attached to the base outer diameter.
General Specification of Windshield
Windshield is made of zinc painted with aluminium oxide. Refer Appendix B: List of Drawing;
Drawing No: BSAH/HP32/TB/01 for arrangement installation. Experiments were carried out
by the Hydrology Division to study the impact of JPS’s standard windshield on rainfall
catchment since wind turbulence is the major factor affecting the catch of rainfall by rain
gauges (Water Resource Publication No. 14, 1984). However, the results showed that the
undercatch is only 1% for rain gauge without windshield, which is installed according to the
JPS standard, with the height of 1350 mm. Thus, windshield is optional, however, a
windshield will help to;
General Specification of Data Logger
A data logger (known as data recorder) is an electronic device that records data over time
or in time series, either with a built-in instrument/sensor or via external instruments &
sensors. They are based on digital processor (or computer). In general, they are small,
battery powered, portable, and equipped with a microprocessor, internal memory for data
storage, and sensors. Some data loggers can interface with a personal computer and utilise
software to be activated to view and analyse the collected data, while others have a local
interface device (keypad, LCD) for them to be used as a standalone device. General
specifications of data logger are as below;
The optional manual rain gauge (Refer Appendix B: List of Drawing; Drawing No:
BSAH/HP32/NR/01) may be installed in the rainfall station. The function is to manually check
the water collected in the can. The standard measuring cylinder is 381 mm in height and has
internal diameter of 76.2 mm). It is developed by JPS to be used with the 203 mm diameter
rain gauge. The cylinder is graduated to 1 and 0.5 mm, it is intended to read the depth of
the rain collected without having to apply any factors. The cylinder has a convex base to
enable reading of rainfall less than 0.5 mm. The water level in the measuring cylinder is
determined from the bottom level of the meniscus.
6. Construction of Station
At first, the site should be cleared by getting shrubs, grass and overgrowth weeded out.
Then the site should be levelled. The fencing should be constructed according to the
specifications and dimensions shown in Appendix B: List of Drawing; Drawing No:
There are two type of rainfall station construction in JPS. They are ground level installation
and roof top installation. For installation at the ground level, it is essential that each
instrument installed at the station does not affect the exposure of other instruments: e.g.
the enclosure should not affect rainfall collection in the rain gauge. The detailed layout of
the installation is shown in Appendix B: List of Drawing; Drawing No: BSAH/HP32/GA/01.
Roof top installation are done by installing tipping bucket with pole stand wall plugged to
roof slab. The enclosure will be placed indoor as shown in Figure 5. This is practiced for
combine stations where there will be two sensors or parameters being measured.
The construction should be done with care to avoid excavated earth being thrown onto the
levelled site. It is advisable to check the site level once the fencing has been constructed.
The enclosure should be water resistant with ingress protection of IP65 and complete with
compartment for manual. Also, it needs to be tidied up and maintained in good condition
all times. For future installation, it is recommended that JPS specifies the use of epoxy
coated galvanised enclosures.
Cable gland are used to attach and secure the end of the electrical cable. Cable gland
provides strain relief and connects with suitable cable for which it is designed, including
electrical connection to the armour or braid and lead or aluminium of the cable sheath, if
any. Rubber seal gaskets need to be replaced frequently, to ensure that the enclosure is not
accessible by insects or small rodents. Moreover, the wiring inside the enclosure need to be
terminated with suitable ferrule, flexible conduits, cable ties and labelled accordingly.
Finally, the enclosures on-site need to be provided with troubleshooting manuals, such as
wiring diagrams, operation & maintenance manual as well as as-built drawings. All
equipment on site should be labelled accordingly to make the troubleshooting easier. The
enclosure is sealed with JPS logo and marked with “HAK MILIK KERAJAAN MALAYSIA”.
Every building, equipment, power plants, substations and facilities that use electricity
require earth grounding, either directly or through a grounding system. By definition, the
earthing system that is sometimes called ‘earthing’, it means the total set of measures used
to connect electrically conductive part to earth. Figure 6 illustrates the earthing and
protective conductor system. The earthing system is an essential part of power networks at
both high- and low-voltage levels. In this system, we are going to use voltage less than 1 Ω
and the installation of Surge Protection Device (SPD) 7 step is necessary for overvoltage
protection. In general, a good earthing system is required to protect station buildings and
installations against lightning, safeguard human and animal life by limiting touch and step
voltage to safe value, rectify operation of the electrical supply network and ensure good
power quality.
Figure 6 Illustration for Earthing and Protective Conductor System
The ground system resistance is tested beforehand to provide a concrete proof that the
preliminary design assumption is accurate and the earthing system is adequate and effective
in protecting rainfall station system. Besides, ground resistance measurements are to verify
the new ground system adequacy and determine ground potential rise (GPR) in developing
protection for power and communication circuits. In designing an earthing system, the
system shall provide low impedance path to ground for personnel and equipment
protection, as well as circuit relaying and it shall withstand and dissipate repeated fault and
surge current.
Overall, the earthing system is essential to complete an electrical path to ground if there is
non-designed or unanticipated above-normal potential current or voltage surge during
operating conditions. Personal injury, death or equipment damage can happen if the
grounding system is not properly designed and installed to guide the potentially dangerous
charge safely to ground. Furthermore, the earthing system under normal conditions carries
no current. It only carries current under abnormal conditions, when an electrical appliance
or equipment is faulty, and becomes a potential shock or fire hazard.
BS 7671 lists five types of earthing system: TN-S, TN-C-S, TT, TN-C, and IT.
TN-C System
• Neutral and protective functions combined in a single conductor in a part of the system.
• The usual form of a TN-C-S system is as shown (Figure 7), where the supply is TN-C and
the arrangement in the installations is TN-S.
• This type of distribution is also known as protective multiple earthing.
• The supply system PEN conductor is earthed at two or more points and an earth
electrode may be necessary at or near a consumer’s installation.
• All exposed-conductive-parts of an installation are connected via the main earthing
terminal and the neutral consumer’s installation.
TN-S- System
• Separate neutral and protective conductors throughout the system (Figure 8).
• The protective conductor (PE) is the metallic covering of the cable supplying the
installation or a separate conductor.
• All exposed-conductive-parts of an installation are connected to this protective
conductor via the main earthing terminal of the installation.
Figure 8 TN-S- System
TN-C-S System
• Neutral and protective functions combined in a single conductor in a part of the system.
• The usual form of a TN-C-S system is as shown (Figure 9), where the supply is TN-C and
the arrangement in the installations is TN-S.
• This type of distribution is known as protective multiple earthing.
• The supply system PEN conductor is earthed at two or more points and an earth
electrode may be necessary at or near a consumer’s installation.
• All exposed-conductive-parts of an installation are connected via the main earthing
terminal and the neutral terminal, these terminals being linked together.
T-T System
Figure 10 TT-System
Figure 11 IT-System
Lightning Protection
The lightning protection system shall be provided where necessary based on site condition.
It shall include air termination network, down-conductors, joints and bonds, testing joints,
lightning flash counter, earth termination, earth electrodes and accessories incidental to the
whole system (Refer Appendix B: List of Drawing; Drawing No: BSAH/HP32/ELP/01).
Air termination network shall consist of a network of vertical and horizontal conductors, as
shown in the drawing. Whether shown in the drawings or not, all metallic projections,
chimneys, ducts, gutters, vent pipes, guard rails, aerial masts on or above the main surface
of the roof of the structure shall be bonded to and form part of the air termination network.
Other than air terminal or vertical finial, air termination network shall be of 25 mm x 3 mm
annealed copper tape. The method and nature of the fixing shall be simple, solid and
permanent. Air terminal or vertical finial shall be having rounded end and made of copper.
They shall be 300 mm in length and 16 mm diameter with lock nut. Down conductors shall
be 25 mm × 3 mm bare annealed copper tape, installed around the walls outside of the
The lightning protection system should have as few joints as possible. Joints and bonds shall
be mechanically and electrically effective, via copper clamps, welding, soldering or brazing.
Contact surface shall first be cleaned then protected against oxidation with a noncorrosive
compound. Each earth termination shall be connected to a down-conductor. Earth
termination shall be made by 25 mm x 3mm annealed copper tape, connecting the down
conductor at the testing joint to the earth electrodes.
All measuring and test instruments used for lightning protection system installations shall
be regularly tested and calibrated by manufacturers or calibration laboratories, to preserve
their functionality and accuracy at the rainfall station. This is followed by the installation of
Surge Protection Device (SPD) 7 Steps in the lightning protection system. SPD is an electrical
installation protection component. This device is connected parallel to the power supply
circuit of the load that it has to protect. It is also used at all power supply network levels. It
is the most efficient overvoltage protection. SPD is designed to limit transient overvoltage
of atmospheric origin and divert current wave to earth, to limit the overvoltage amplitude
to a value that is non-hazardous for the electrical installation, electric switchgear and control
SPD eliminates overvoltage in the following ways;
SPD is classified into 3 types, namely Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3. The Type 1 SPD is
recommended in service-sector and industrial buildings, protected by a lightning protection
system or meshed cage. It protects electrical installation against direct lightning stroke. It
discharges the lightning back-current from the earth conductor to the network conductors.
Type 1 SPD is characterised by 10/350 µs current wave. The Type 2 SPD is the main
protection system for low voltage electrical installation, installed in electrical switchboard,
to prevent the spread of overvoltage in electrical installation and protect the loads. Type 2
SPD is characterised by 8/20 µs current wave, with low discharge capacity. Therefore, they
must be installed as a supplement to Type 2 SPD and in the vicinity of sensitive load. Type 3
SPD is characterised by a combination of voltage wave (1.2/50 µs) and current wave (8/20
International standard IEC 61643-11 Edition 1.0 (03/2011) defines the characteristics and
tests for SPD connected to low voltage distribution system into three characteristics. The
first characteristic is Uc, which is the maximum continuous operating voltage where A.C. or
D.C. voltage is above which the SPD becomes active. This value is according to the rated
voltage and earthing arrangement. Another characteristic is Up, the voltage protection level
(at In). This is the maximum voltage across the SPD terminals when it is active. This voltage
is reached when the current flowing in the SPD equals to in. The voltage protection level
must be lower than the load overvoltage withstand capability (see section 3.2). In the event
of lightning stroke, the voltage across the SPD terminals remains lesser than Up. The last
one is In, the nominal discharge current where the peak current value is 8/20 µs waveform,
this is when the SPD can discharge for 15 times.
In addition, PVC conduit wiring has advantages such as being cheap and easy to install and
customise, strong and durable. In fact, PVC conduit wiring installed on roof or wall is known
as surface conduit wiring. In the conduit wiring system, the conduits should be electrically
continuous and connected to earth at suitable points, in case of steel conduit. The conduit
protects the cables from being bitten by rodents, which will result in short circuit.
For voltage drop in consumer installation, in the absence of any consideration, under normal
service condition, the terminal voltage of any fixed current-using equipment shall be greater
than the lower limit of the equipment standard. The fixed current-using equipment is not
subjected to product standard, thus the terminal voltage shall not impair the equipment
safety. These requirements are satisfied if the voltage drop between the origin of the
installation (usually the supply terminals) and socket-outlet or terminals of the fixed current-
using equipment does not exceed;
A voltage drop greater than the amount stated above is acceptable for a motor during
starting period and equipment with high inrush current, provided that the voltage variation
is verified within the limit specified in the equipment product standard or, in the absence of
product standard, it should be in accordance with the manufacturer recommendations.
The type of fencing should be chosen depending on the area. The construction should be
done with care to refrain excavated earth from being thrown onto the levelled site. It is
advisable to check the site level once fencing has been constructed.
Type of Fencing
Type of fencing used are:
i. Security fence
ii. Anti-Climb Fence
iii. Chain-link fence
Security Fence
Security fence, also known as roll top fence (Figure 12) is a hot dipped galvanised iron
welded mesh panel that provides see-through security, with contemporary design. It has
spacing specification of 50 mm × 150 mm, making the place looks safe and elegant. The
fence is designed with a triangular roll on the top and bottom parts, thus making it stronger
and tougher. With wire thickness of 5 mm and 50 mm × 150 mm spacing, the roll top fence
is very strong, hard to be bent. Hence, this prevents anyone from climbing over the fence to
reach the protected area.
Anti-Climb Fence
Anti-climb fence is the heavy duty hot dipped galvanised iron welded mesh panel with toe
and finger proof profile, this provides the highest degree of see-through security. With
spacing specification of 75 mm × 12.5 mm, which makes it impossible for fingers and toes
to go through, this prevents anyone from climbing over the fence to reach the protected
area. The fence is known as anti-cut fence as it is difficult to cut through the panel with
simple hand tools. With wire thickness of 4 mm and 75 mm × 12.5 mm spacing, intruders
can never cut off the fence.
Chain link fence is the most economical and oldest fence available in the market. The chain
link fence (also referred to as wire netting, wire-mesh fence, chain-wire fence, or diamond-
mesh fence) is made of thick steel wire and has a diamond-shaped pattern, often galvanised
or PVC wire is used for this fence.
Comparison of Type of Fencing
Table 2 shows the comparison between fencings. Different fences are used, depending on
the rainfall station area.
The detailed drawings and wordings are depicted in Appendix B: List of Drawing; Drawing
No: BSAH/HP32/SB/01.
7. Installation of Instrument
Installation of Tipping Bucket
Installation of tipping bucket must adhere to but not limited to the following procedures;
1. Perform installation work based on the DID Hydrology Manual (DIDM) 2009 and
manufacturer installation manual.
2. The height of tipping bucket must 1.35 m from the ground level or concrete, to the
top part of tipping bucket.
3. The foundation of the tipping bucket pole must be made of concrete (300 mm × 300
mm × 450 mm) and buried underground, subjected to the soil condition.
4. Test the instrument according to procedure and prepare installation and
maintenance report.
Installation of Mini Data Logger
Installation of mini data logger must adhere to but not limited to the following procedures;
1. Ensure the mini data logger and input cable are tested by qualified personnel before
installation at site.
2. Connect input cable to mini data logger as per manufacturer’s manual.
3. Key in the parameters and station information into data logger.
4. Test to ensure data is received and stored by mini data logger.
5. Ensure that one tipping bucket cable output is only for one input cable (sharing is not
6. Delete test data before leaving the station.
Total Amp Hour consumption for Enclosure including running of a (1) Tipping Bucket, one (1) Data
Logger, one (1) Telemetric Equipment, one (1) Power Supply and related components in enclosure
= 1.4 Amp
From the calculation, it shows that 2 pieces of 100W solar panel are needed to recharge the battery
every day, with around 40% of reserve. This is to make sure that the power is enough during rainy
The calculation to prove that the system is sufficient for 14 non-sunny days.
5 unit of 100Ah battery shall be used as power storage and power backup.
Thus, total Ampere Hour available from batteries, AHB = 100 x 5 = 500 AH.
From the calculation, this shows that power consumption is sufficient for 14 non-sunny days, with
5 units of 100 Ah battery as power storage and backup system. The total power reserve available
from the design is 29.6 Ah, which is around 5.92% of the total power storage of 500 Ah.
Real-time Clock Yes
Humidity Up to 70% RH
Protocols supported Modbus, FTP, HTTP, XML, SMTP, NTP and SDI-12
Bulit-in Software and • The software shall be built in without no major application
Communication Instruments
Communication devices modems are important in a telemetry system to transmit data from
on-site RTUs to its master station for data processing, display and archiving purposes. In
general, there are three telecommunication mediums used as the communication media for
the hydrology telemetry system, they are radio communication, GSM/GPRS communication
and satellite communication.
Radio Communication
Radio modem is a modern way to create private radio network (PRN). PRN is used in
industrial critical applications, when real-time data communication is required. Also, radio
modem enables users to be independent of telecommunication or satellite network
operators. Users use licensed frequency, either the UHF or VHF band. VHF band is utilised
as the radio communication channel medium for the telemetry system. Licensed frequency
is reserved for users in certain area, thus ensuring that there is lesser radio interference
from other RF transmitters. The Tait radio modem is used as the radio communication
modem for telemetry systems, using radio VHF communication and the specification is
summarised in Table 4.
GSM/ EDGE Communication – 3G/4G
Global System for Mobile (GSM) Communications, originally Groupe Spécial Mobile, is a
standard developed by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) to
describe the second generation (2G) digital cellular network technology. Developed to
replace the first generation (1G) analog cellular network, the GSM standard originally
describes a digital, circuit-switched network optimised for full duplex voice telephony. The
standard was expanded over time to include first circuit-switched data transport, then
packet data transport via General Packet Radio Services (GPRS). GPRS is a best-effort service,
implying variable throughput and latency that depend on the number of users using the
service concurrently, as opposed to circuit switching, where quality of service (QoS) is
guaranteed during the connection. The enhanced data rate for GSM Evolution (EDGE) (also
known as Enhanced GPRS (EGPRS), or IMT Single Carrier (IMT-SC), or Enhanced data rate for
Global Evolution) is a digital mobile phone technology that improves data transmission rate
via a backward-compatible extension of GSM. EDGE is a pre-3G radio technology and is part
of ITU’s 3G definition.
Also, EDGE is standardised by 3GPP as part of the GSM family. Through the introduction of
methods such as coding and data transmission, EDGE delivers higher bit-rates per radio
channel, resulting in a threefold increase in capacity and performance as compared to
GSM/GPRS connection. EDGE is used for any packet switched application, such as an
Internet connection.
Satellite Communication
10. Maintenance of Instruments
JPS headquarters will assist the state hydrological officer in carrying out the maintenance, repair or
calibration works. The data logger readings should be checked regularly with telemetric instrument.
If any appreciable error occurs between the two reading sets, the cause of error must be identified
and rectified.
Regular maintenance of the rainfall tipping bucket is essential in collecting good quality data.
Maintenance must comply with but not limited to the following items;
i. Cleanliness of equipment. The following items should be checked regularly for cleanliness:
a. Catch filter
b. Syphon
c. Interior of bucket
d. All insect screens
ii. Ensure Rain Gauge is level using the bubble level fitted to the base
iii. Enclosure locking screws - lightly lubricate after cleaning
iv. Conductivity of mercury switch and Pulse cable
v. Test tipping using portable calibrator for about 40 tips as recommended by manufacturer.
vi. Fill up TKUP 6 form as attached in appendix.
Maintenance of the rainfall recorder must comply with but not limited to the following item:
i. Cleanliness of equipment
ii. Date time starting
iii. Date time off
iv. Compare reading of recorder/ logger and telemetry
v. Battery reading
vi. Check connectivity with sensors
vii. Record any malfunction or missing date
viii. Fill up TKUP 7 form as attached in appendix.
ix. Fill up TKUP 9 for station with telemetry.
11. Calibration of Instruments
The purpose of calibration is to provide measurement accuracy. Rainfall gauge shall be calibrated at
the intensity(s) recommended by the manufacturer or as advised, in Malaysia, by an accredited
calibration agency. Gauge shall maintain its performance up to the measurement intensity.
According to Jadual Servis, Ujian dan Tentukuran Alat (JSUTA) from JPS ISO 2015, rainfall tipping
bucket is valid for five (5) years, afterwards, it needs to be calibrated at workshop.
Calibration Procedure
Calibration work must comply with but not limited to the following procedures:
1) The left volume vessel is filled with water and the 100 mm/hour nozzle is inserted.
2) Calibration is commenced by turning on the outlet valve and recording time using
stopwatch, after all the water is drained from the left volume vessel.
3) The procedure is repeated using 200 mm/hour and 300 mm/hour consecutively.
4) Similar procedures are repeated for right volume vessel.
5) Calibration is done based on the Hydrological Services Lab.TB- RG Calibration
6) Fill in UT5 form as attached in appendix.
Rainfall gauge shall be calibrated in accordance with the methodology recommended by the
manufacturer or calibration agency;
1) when the instrument validation has failed to conform with the specifications, and
2) with frequency recommended by the manufacturer. Often, tipping bucket is
calibrated every five years at workshop and every three months on site using
12. Guidelines for Safety & Health
These guidelines are to protect workers from hazards and eliminate work-related injuries, ill health,
diseases, incidents and deaths. Table 5 summarises the hazard, risk and control during installation,
operation and maintenance works of rainfall station.
Site Tidiness
Working at Height
General Provisions
Guard Rails
i. be made from strong and rigid material to prevent people from falling and can
withstand other loads placed on them.
ii. be fixed to a structure, or part of a structure capable of supporting them.
iii. include;
(a) a main guard rail at least 900 mm above any edge, from which people tend to
(b) a toe board with at least 150 mm height.
(c) a sufficient number of intermediate guard rails or suitable alternatives.
iv. Risk of falling through opening or fragile material (e.g. roof lights) is reduced by
providing appropriate and adequate guard rails or barriers to cover the opening or
Protective Equipment
Employers on construction site need personal protective equipment (PPE) to ensure their
safety and health such as;
Safety Helmet
i. Employees should be provided with safety helmets to protect their head from injury
due to falling, flying objects or striking against objects or structures.
ii. Employers should ensure that safety helmets are worn by the employees.
iii. When working at height, a strap should be used to prevent the safety helmets from
i. Protective footwear should be worn by workers who are exposed to the risk of injury
of materials being dropped on their feet or nail, or sharp objects penetrating their
ii. When employees are working in water or wet concrete, they should wear appropriate
Working in Hot Environment
Excessive exposure to heat causes a range of heat-related illnesses, such as heat rash, heat
cramp, heat exhaustion and heat stroke. To reduce heat exposure and risk of heat-related
illness while working, practise work/rest cycle, drink water often, and provide an
opportunity for workers to build up tolerance level while working in the heat.
Electrical Hazard
Electricity has the potential to cause serious injury and death. Electrical hazards exist in
contact with the exposed live parts, electrical faults are the source of ignition that initiates
fire or explosion.
13. Do’s and Don’ts
No Main Points Do’s Don’ts
1 Installation of • Install at flat land. • Rain gauge shall not be deployed
tipping bucket • Ensure minimum distance of on a slope and nearby the tree.
two times height from any
2 Maintenance • Carry checklist and enough • Do not forget to fill in proper
spare parts for maintenance checklist before leaving site.
before a trip. • Do not compromise by not
changing the battery as
5 Power Supply • Only use battery • Solar system is not required for
System recommended by rainfall station without telemetry.
14. Summary Sheet
1 INTRODUCTION This section describes about a standard and its aim.
2 REVIEW OF EXISTING This section reviews current rainfall gauges that consist of non-
RAINFALL GAUGES recording and recording rain gauges. The recording rain gauges
are tipping bucket, weighing and radar types. Currently JPS
adopts 0.5 mm tipping bucket.
4 SELECTION OF SITE This section explains criteria in selecting rainfall station site for
optimum reading.
6 CONSTRUCTION OF STATION This section gives a brief explanation on other items set up at
rainfall station that include;
8 SOLAR POWER SUPPLY This section explains that five (5) units of 100 Ah batteries as
power storage and backup system are sufficient for power
consumption within 14 non-sunny days.
12 GUIDELINE FOR SAFETY AND This section provides brief guidelines on safety and health
HELATH during installation, operation and maintenance works.
13 DO’S AND DON’TS This section provides Do’s and Don’ts during installation,
operation and maintenance works.
15. References
1 World Meteorological Organisation; Guide to Hydrological Practices; Volume 1; Hydrology
–From Measurement to Hydrological Information. WMO-No. 168; Sixth Edition 2008
4 Department of Irrigation and Drainage - DID (2000). Volume 4 Hydrology and Water
Resource Urban Stormwater Management Manual for Malaysia. Department of Irrigation
and Drainage, Ministry of Agriculture, Malaysia.
7 Water and Disaster Management Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and
Tourism of Japan (2013) - Radar Observation of Precipitation for River Management in Japan
Appendix A: Related Documents from MS ISO 9001: 2015
No. Title
A1 Borang Tatacara Kerja Ujijalan dan Penyelenggaraan Rainfall Tipping Bucket (TKUP 6)
Tarikh : Tarikh :
Tarikh : Tarikh :
Tarikh Lawatan : Jenis Stesen : Hujan / Aras Air / Hujan & Aras Air
Nama Stesen : Pengenalan Stesen ( ID ) :
Nama Sungai : Nombor Stesen :
Daerah / Kawasan : Nama Stesen Repeater :
1. Jenis RTU
2. Nombor Siri
3. Casing RTU Baik / Tidak Baik
4. Keypad/ Touch Skrin Baik / Tidak Baik
5. Jenis Paparan LED / LCD Baik / Tidak Baik
6. Paparan Tarikh Baik / Tidak Baik
7. Paparan Masa Baik / Tidak Baik
8. Paparan Hujan mm
9. Paparan Aras Air Meter
10. Stick Gauge Meter
11. Connector dan kabel Baik / Tidak Baik
B Sistem Perhubungan
Bil Tatacara Kerja Penyenggaraan Tindakan/Catatan
Tarikh : Tarikh : :
Jenis Alat :
Kapasiti Bucket : mm
Nombor Siri :
Tarikh Ujian :
Tarikh : Tarikh :
Nombor Siri :
Purata Ketepatan %
Ketepatan Tanpa Syphon kurang dari 5% boleh diterima
Ketepatan Dengan Syphon kurang 2% boleh diterima
Tarikh : Tarikh :
Appendix B: List of Drawing
The department or government shall have no liability or responsibility to the user or any other person
or entity with respect to any liability, loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused, directly or
indirectly, by the adaptation and use of the methods and recommendations of this publication,
including but not limited to, any interruption of service, loss of business or anticipatory profits or
consequential damages resulting from the use of this publication.
Opinions expressed in DID publications are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those
of DID.
Copyright ©2018 by Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID) Malaysia Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
All rights reserved. Text and maps in this publication are the copyright of the Department of Irrigation
and Drainage Malaysia unless otherwise stated and may not be reproduced without permission.
The Hydrological Procedure (HP) No 32: Hydrological Standard for Rainfall Station Instrumentation
sets out guidelines and practices for the installation, operation and maintenance of rainfall
instrumentation in the field of hydrology, enabling them to carry out their work more efficiently. The
detailed description of the theoretical basis and applications of hydrological methods and techniques
are beyond the scope of this guide, although references to such documentation are provided
wherever applicable. It is hoped that this HP will be used, not only by Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran
(JPS) Malaysia, but also by other stakeholders and agencies involved in water resource management
in general, and in water resource monitoring and assessment in particular.
Menara Teknik was commissioned by the Division of Water Resources and Hydrology to produce
Hydrological Procedure No 32: Hydrological Standard for Rainfall Station Instrumentation through
“Development of Hydrological Procedure No. 32: Hydrological Standard for Rainfall Station
Instrumentation, Hydrological Procedure No 33: Hydrological Standard for Water Level Station
Instrumentation and Hydrological Procedure No 35: Hydrological Standard for Water Quality Station
Instrumentation”, contract no. JPS/IP/C/H/06/2016. The HP 33: Hydrological Standard for Water Level
Station Instrumentation and HP 35: Hydrological Standard for Water Quality Station Instrumentation
were also produced under the same commission.
The authors greatly acknowledge the valuable contribution and feedback from Department of
Irrigation and Drainage (DID) personnel especially the Director of Water Resources Management and
Hydrology, Dato’ Ir. Haji Nor Hisham Bin Mohd. Ghazali, Director of National Flood Forecasting and
Warning Centre (PRABN), Pn. Hajah Paridah Anun Binti Tahir and the staff namely Ir. Rajaselvam a/l
Govindaraju, Ir. Hasanuddin Bin Mohd Ibrahim and En. Hairuy Azmi bin Aziz.
Table of Contents
DISCLAIMER.............................................................................................................................................. i
PREFACE .................................................................................................................................................. ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................................ iii
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 1
2. Review of Existing Rainfall Gauges ................................................................................................. 1
Non Recording Rain gauge ...................................................................................................... 2
Recording Rain Gauge ............................................................................................................. 2
Tipping Bucket................................................................................................................. 3
Weighing Gauge .............................................................................................................. 4
Radar ............................................................................................................................... 7
3. Procedure in Selecting Rainfall Gauges .......................................................................................... 9
4. Selection of Site .............................................................................................................................. 9
5. Instrumentation ............................................................................................................................ 10
General Specification of Tipping Bucket ............................................................................... 10
General Specification of Windshield ..................................................................................... 11
General Specification of Pole Stand ...................................................................................... 11
General Specification of Data Logger.................................................................................... 12
General Specification of Manual Rain Gauge ....................................................................... 12
6. Construction of Station ................................................................................................................. 13
Station ................................................................................................................................... 13
Enclosure ............................................................................................................................... 14
Earthing ................................................................................................................................. 14
TN-C System .................................................................................................................. 17
TN-S- System ................................................................................................................. 17
TN-C-S System ............................................................................................................... 18
T-T System ..................................................................................................................... 19
IT-System ....................................................................................................................... 19
Lightning Protection .............................................................................................................. 20
Conduit .................................................................................................................................. 22
Fencing .................................................................................................................................. 23
Type of Fencing ............................................................................................................. 23
Comparison of Type of Fencing..................................................................................... 25
Signboard .............................................................................................................................. 25
7. Installation of Instrument ............................................................................................................. 25
Installation of Tipping Bucket ............................................................................................... 25
Installation of Mini Data Logger............................................................................................ 26
8. Solar Power Supply ....................................................................................................................... 26
9. Telemetry and Communication System ........................................................................................ 27
Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) ................................................................................................. 27
Communication Instruments ................................................................................................ 29
Radio Communication ................................................................................................... 29
GSM/ EDGE Communication – 3G/4G .......................................................................... 30
Satellite Communication ............................................................................................... 30
10. Maintenance of Instruments .................................................................................................... 31
11. Calibration of Instruments ........................................................................................................ 32
Calibration Procedure ........................................................................................................... 32
How and When to Calibrate.................................................................................................. 32
12. Guidelines for Safety & Health.................................................................................................. 33
Site Tidiness .......................................................................................................................... 33
Working at Height ................................................................................................................. 33
General Provisions ........................................................................................................ 33
Guard Rails .................................................................................................................... 34
Protective Equipment ........................................................................................................... 34
Safety Helmet................................................................................................................ 34
Footwear ....................................................................................................................... 34
Working in Hot Environment ................................................................................................ 35
Electrical Hazard.................................................................................................................... 35
Safety Procedures in Handling Electrical Equipment .................................................... 35
13. Do’s and Don’ts ......................................................................................................................... 36
14. Summary Sheet ......................................................................................................................... 37
15. References ................................................................................................................................ 39
Appendix A: Related Documents from Ms ISO 9001: 2015 ............................................................ A1-A4
Appendix B: List of Drawing ............................................................................................................ B1-B9
List of Figures
List of Table
Since decades, Jabatan Pengairan Saliran (JPS) Malaysia has been the national hydrological agency
that develops hydrological stations nationwide to collect and obtain data for water resource
assessment, planning, development, early flood warning and river monitoring purposes. This
procedure is used as the standard instrumentation, installation and maintenance for rainfall stations
in Malaysia.
In fact, changes in instrumentation over the years have improved the time resolution and rainfall
depth over the recording history in many sites. Improvements in resolution however come at a cost
of maintaining stationarity. Also, the time interval pertaining to data collected has significantly
changed over time.
Over the last 60 years, rainfall intensity is recorded as a total over time interval. Often, the time
intervals are set hourly, 15 minutes, 7.5 minutes, 6 minutes or 5 minutes. However, the current data
loggers permit a greater range of options and a quick time resolution can now be achieved.
Rainfall is measured using rain gauge installed at a location of interest. Rainfall collected at this point
represents the rainfall volume of the area around the rain gauge. For more than 50 years, JPS has
been recording point rainfall data using rain gauge. There are two type of rainfall gauges;
Previously, rainfall data were manually collected or recorded by personnel who visit the rain gauge
stations regularly, to measure the rainfall accumulated since the previous visit. The rainfall that is
manually read is referred as the non-recording rain gauges. Over time, the rain gauges are replaced
or supplemented with automatic rain gauges, thus variation in rainfall intensity can also be
recorded. In the automatic rain gauge, there are recording devices or loggers attached to register
rainfall and its time of occurrence. So far, there are limited rainfall gauges. Most of the automatic
rain gauges are tipping bucket, weighing and radar types.
Non Recording Rain gauge
There are two non-recording rain gauges used by JPS Malaysia;
i. 203 mm diameter rain gauge, which is referred as manual gauge and readings are
taken daily or weekly
ii. 127 mm diameter rain gauge with capacity to collect 4000 mm of rainfall, used to
check gauge and readings are taken monthly. This is installed in stations located in
remote areas.
The standard rain gauge, has a 203mm or 127mm diameter receiver cap on top to catch and
funnel the rain into a can. The receiving funnel has a knife edge to catch rain falling precisely
in the surface area of 203 mm or 127 mm diameter. Measurements are done by pouring the
rainwater collected in the rain gauge into a measuring cylinder. The standard measuring
cylinder is 381 mm in height and has internal diameter of 76.2 mm. It is developed by JPS to
be used with the 203 mm diameter rain gauge. The cylinder is graduated to 1 and 0.5 mm,
it is intended to read the depth of the rain collected without having to apply any factors.
The cylinder has a convex base to enable reading of rainfall less than 0.5 mm. The water
level in the measuring cylinder is determined from the bottom level of the meniscus.
Usually, the rain gauge is installed at a standard height of 1350 m above the ground,
equipped with windshield to reduce the wind turbulence effect so that the rain gauge
catchment storage capacity is not affected.
Daily readings of rainfall do not provide information of the rainfall temporal distribution and
it does not give details like how intense is the rainfall over short time period, this information
is critical to design urban drainage and flood simulation systems. The tipping bucket rain
gauge solves the issue in recording rainfall intensity and temporal distribution and the DID’s
rainfall stations were replaced with this type of recorder. Its description is given in detail in
the Hydrology Manual - Revised and Updated 1988.
In the 80s, the tipping was recorded on paper charts but this soon gave way to digital
recordings in memory chips. Paper charts have to be digitised to convert it to digital form
and this is time consuming. The digital recordings have the advantage to provide the data in
digital form in an instant. With digital recordings in memory chips, there is no more
difference between weekly and long-term recording equipment, as data storage is no longer
a constraint and all automatic recorders are now recording long-term data. All automatic
(long-term) recording stations have a manual station that acts as a check gauge. In the
weekly rainfall stations, the check gauge has smaller capacity. The long-term recording
station has larger storage of a check gauge.
Tipping Bucket
The tipping bucket type rain gauge consists of a funnel that collects and channels the
precipitation into a seesaw-like container. After a pre-set amount of precipitation falls, the
lever tips, dumping the collected water thus sending an electrical signal. The electrical digital
signal will then be connected to data logger or Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) to log as a rainfall
tip (the amount of tip depends on rain gauge size).
The 0.5 mm tipping bucket is currently used as the main rainfall measurement instrument
for almost all hydrology rainfall stations nationwide. The integrated siphon mechanism has
high accuracy across a broad range of rainfall intensities. Each unit consists of a collector
funnel with leaf filter, an integrated siphon control mechanism, an outer enclosure with
quick release fasteners, and base which houses the tipping bucket mechanism device. The
unit also includes dual output reed switches with varistor protection as well as dual rainfall
discharge outlets for water collection and/or analysis. All of the rain gauges are installed
using 0.5 mm bucket capacity. Overall, rainfall sensors at the rainfall stations are in a good
working condition and can provide rainfall data to JPS.
The tipping bucket rain gauge is not as accurate as the standard rain gauge because the
rainfall may stop before the lever tips. When the next rain occurs, it may take no more than
one or two drops to tip the lever. This causes the pre-set amount of rainfall falls when in
fact, only a fraction of that amount has actually fallen. Tipping buckets also tend to
miscalculate the rainfall amount, especially during heavy rainfall. The advantage of the
tipping bucket rain gauge is, it enables the characterisation of the rain (light, medium, or
heavy). Rainfall character is decided by measuring the total amount of rainfall in a specific
period (usually 1 hour) and counting the number of 'clicks' in 10 minutes, for an observer to
deduce the rain characteristics. In the event of high intensity rainfall, the data algorithms
can be corrected.
Nano hydrophobic coatings are sprayed on liquids used to protect glass, ceramic, painted,
metal, fabric, wood and mineral surfaces with oleophobic, water-stain repellent and
superhydrophobic features. This provides the surface with water repellence, oleophobic
coating, stain repellence, scratch resistance and water proofing characteristics. Thus,
nanocoating should be applied to the outer side of tipping bucket for extra protection.
Weighing Gauge
Low-capacity models should be avoided in areas where the maximum accumulation can
occur over short time period. The gauges must be maintained to minimise evaporation loss,
which is accomplished by adding sufficient oil or evaporation suppressants inside the
container, to form a film over the water surface. Any difficulties in balancing strong wind
oscillation is reduced via microprocessor programming to avoid readings from being
Such weighing gauges (Figure 2) are useful in recording snow, hail, as well as mixture of
snow and rain, since the solid precipitation does not need to be melted before being
recorded. The instrument does not use any moving mechanical parts in the weighing
mechanism; only elastic deformation occurs. Therefore, mechanical degradation and the
need for maintenance are significantly reduced.
In general, the digitised output signal is averaged and filtered. Precipitation intensity is
calculated from the difference between two or more consecutive weight measurements.
The accuracy of this gauge depends on the measurement and/or recording characteristics,
which can vary between manufacturers. Many instruments have data output with
diagnostic parameters, which are useful for further evaluation of measured data and data
quality control.
Except for the errors due to the wetting loss in the container when it is emptied, weighing
gauges are susceptible to other sources of error. Another common fault with weighing
gauges is wind pumping. This occurs during high winds when turbulent air currents flow
around the catchment container, causing oscillation in the weighing. Errors associated with
anomalous recordings can be minimised by averaging readings over short time intervals,
usually ranging from 1 to 5 minutes. Timing errors in the instrument clock assign the catch
to the wrong period or date. Some weighing gauges also exhibit temperature sensitivity in
the weighing mechanism that adds a component to the output, which is proportional to the
diurnal temperature cycle.
Some potential errors in manual precipitation measurement are minimised by using
weighing gauges. Random errors associated with human error and systematic errors, such
as evaporation and wetting loss are minimised. In some countries, trace observations are
given a value of zero, thus resulting in a biased underestimate of the seasonal total
precipitation. This is minimised with weighing gauge, since the small amount of precipitation
will accumulate over time.
The correction of weighing gauge data on hourly or daily basis is more difficult than longer
collection period, such as monthly climatological summary. Ancillary data from automatic
weather stations, such as wind at gauge height, air temperature, present weather or snow
depth, are useful in interpreting and correcting the automatic gauge precipitation
measurements. The specification of weighing tipping bucket is illustrated in Table 1.
Item Specification
Recordable Liquid, solid and mixed
Collecting area 200 cm3
Sensor element Sealed load cell
Measuring range Precipitation: 0…3000 mm/h
Accuracy Amount: +- 0.1 mm or +-1% of measured value
Intensity: +- 0.1 mm/min or +-1% of measured value
Power Supply 5.5… 28 V DC, typically 12 VDC secured against reverse polarity
Protection Pipe housing closed: IP65
Pipe housing open: IP63
Load cell: IP68
A weather radar is used to locate precipitation, calculate its motion, estimate its type (rain,
snow, hail, etc.) and forecast its future position and intensity. The most common weather
radars are Doppler, which can detect the motion of rain droplets besides the precipitation
intensity. Both data types can be analysed to determine the structure of storms and their
potential to cause severe weather.
For real-time use, this radar provides a unique mean of obtaining widespread, spatially
continuous measurements of precipitation location and intensity at scale of hundreds of
metres. Rainfall radar products are directly used by weather forecasters, and are fed into
forecasting models. In the areas of aviation and flood forecasting, they are crucial to protect
life and property.
Each radar sends out microwave radiation pulses and detects the return signals reflected by
precipitation particles, either liquid or frozen (Figure 3). The strength of the return signal is
used to estimate precipitation intensity, and its delay is a measure of distance from the radar
site. The radar generates polar (circular) measurement maps by 360 degrees rotation at
azimuth base, while transmitting pulses concentrated in a narrow beam. Some of the ‘scans’
are taken at a number of low elevation angles above the horizon. A scanning cycle takes 5
minutes, providing data up to 255 km from the site with a resolution up to 1 km.
In 2010, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) of Japan
developed X-band multi-parameter radar known as XRAIN for flood forecasting, equipped
with high resolution and quasi real-time observation in urban areas to reduce damage from
localised heavy rain and torrential downpour (Figure 4).
XRAIN real time information is delivered to the public via the MLIT website. Application and
contents for mobile devices are developed by the private sector and are widely used. When
heavy rain exceeds a specified value, MLIT sends alert via email to concerned individuals for
disaster prevention.
(i) High resolution - X-band radar has short wavelength and can be observed at high
resolution (8-12 GHz)
(ii) Real Time - Measure shape of raindrops by transmitting two type of waves (horizontal
and vertical) and estimate rainfall from flattening of raindrops.
(iii) Suitable for rainfall prediction - Enable the user to observe raindrop in moving
direction and speed by Doppler Effect
3. Procedure in Selecting Rainfall Gauges
The radar rain gauge is known for real time and are very costly. Automatic rain gauge consists of
recording devices such as data loggers connected to either tipping bucket or weighing gauges system
device. The weighing gauge are useful in recording snow, hail as well as mixture of snow and rain.
Therefore, tipping bucket type is more suitable to be used in Asian country.
i. 0.5 mm in general
ii. 0.1 mm or 0.2 mm in catchments < 25 km2
iii. 1.0 mm in high rainfall, mountainous areas.
4. Selection of Site
Location of the rainfall station is important and therefore, due consideration should be given to the
following criteria in selecting the site;
i. The spot at which rain gauge is to be installed should truly represent the area, of which it is
supposed to give depth of rainfall.
ii. The rain gauge station should be accessible to the observer at all times.
iii. The gauge should be erected on level ground, not upon a slope or terrace.
iv. A position sheltered from the wind is preferable over an exposed one (in mountains and
near sea coasts, it is essential to ensure that the gauge is not exposed to the wind).
v. The gauge should be properly secured and locked.
vi. The rain gauge station should not be too close to the buildings or trees etc. the proximity of
such objects affects the entry of rainfall into the funnel. According to the Guide to
Meteorological Instruments No. 8 (WMO 2014), rain gauge distance from other objects
should not be less than twice the height of the object above the rim of the gauge.
5. Instrumentation
i. Tipping bucket
ii. Windshield (optional)
iii. Pole stand
iv. Data logger
v. Manual rain gauge
The 0.5 mm tipping bucket is used as the main rainfall measurement instrument for most of
hydrology rainfall stations throughout Malaysia. General specifications of tipping bucket are
as below;
Receiver : 200mm+/- 0.3 diameter heavy duty cast aluminum, powder coated
Bucket Capacity : 0.5 mm of rainfall
Sensitivity : one tip
Maximum : 700 mm/hr
Humidity : 0 – 100%
Temperature : -20 to +70 °C
Contact system :-Dual reed switches potted in soft silicon rubber with varistor
Max capacity : 24V (0.5 amps max)
Resistance : Initial contact resistance 0.1 Ω
Syphon : 0.4mm (12ml) capacity of rainfall
Bucket : Synthetic ceramic coated brass bucket balanced to +/- 0.05gms
Base : Cast aluminum
Level : Bull’s eye level adhered to aluminum base
Mounting holes : Three 10mm diameter mounting holes with 117 mm p.c.d cast in
feet attached to the base outer diameter.
General Specification of Windshield
Windshield is made of zinc painted with aluminium oxide. Refer Appendix B: List of Drawing;
Drawing No: BSAH/HP32/TB/01 for arrangement installation. Experiments were carried out
by the Hydrology Division to study the impact of JPS’s standard windshield on rainfall
catchment since wind turbulence is the major factor affecting the catch of rainfall by rain
gauges (Water Resource Publication No. 14, 1984). However, the results showed that the
undercatch is only 1% for rain gauge without windshield, which is installed according to the
JPS standard, with the height of 1350 mm. Thus, windshield is optional, however, a
windshield will help to;
General Specification of Data Logger
A data logger (known as data recorder) is an electronic device that records data over time
or in time series, either with a built-in instrument/sensor or via external instruments &
sensors. They are based on digital processor (or computer). In general, they are small,
battery powered, portable, and equipped with a microprocessor, internal memory for data
storage, and sensors. Some data loggers can interface with a personal computer and utilise
software to be activated to view and analyse the collected data, while others have a local
interface device (keypad, LCD) for them to be used as a standalone device. General
specifications of data logger are as below;
The optional manual rain gauge (Refer Appendix B: List of Drawing; Drawing No:
BSAH/HP32/NR/01) may be installed in the rainfall station. The function is to manually check
the water collected in the can. The standard measuring cylinder is 381 mm in height and has
internal diameter of 76.2 mm). It is developed by JPS to be used with the 203 mm diameter
rain gauge. The cylinder is graduated to 1 and 0.5 mm, it is intended to read the depth of
the rain collected without having to apply any factors. The cylinder has a convex base to
enable reading of rainfall less than 0.5 mm. The water level in the measuring cylinder is
determined from the bottom level of the meniscus.
6. Construction of Station
At first, the site should be cleared by getting shrubs, grass and overgrowth weeded out.
Then the site should be levelled. The fencing should be constructed according to the
specifications and dimensions shown in Appendix B: List of Drawing; Drawing No:
There are two type of rainfall station construction in JPS. They are ground level installation
and roof top installation. For installation at the ground level, it is essential that each
instrument installed at the station does not affect the exposure of other instruments: e.g.
the enclosure should not affect rainfall collection in the rain gauge. The detailed layout of
the installation is shown in Appendix B: List of Drawing; Drawing No: BSAH/HP32/GA/01.
Roof top installation are done by installing tipping bucket with pole stand wall plugged to
roof slab. The enclosure will be placed indoor as shown in Figure 5. This is practiced for
combine stations where there will be two sensors or parameters being measured.
The construction should be done with care to avoid excavated earth being thrown onto the
levelled site. It is advisable to check the site level once the fencing has been constructed.
The enclosure should be water resistant with ingress protection of IP65 and complete with
compartment for manual. Also, it needs to be tidied up and maintained in good condition
all times. For future installation, it is recommended that JPS specifies the use of epoxy
coated galvanised enclosures.
Cable gland are used to attach and secure the end of the electrical cable. Cable gland
provides strain relief and connects with suitable cable for which it is designed, including
electrical connection to the armour or braid and lead or aluminium of the cable sheath, if
any. Rubber seal gaskets need to be replaced frequently, to ensure that the enclosure is not
accessible by insects or small rodents. Moreover, the wiring inside the enclosure need to be
terminated with suitable ferrule, flexible conduits, cable ties and labelled accordingly.
Finally, the enclosures on-site need to be provided with troubleshooting manuals, such as
wiring diagrams, operation & maintenance manual as well as as-built drawings. All
equipment on site should be labelled accordingly to make the troubleshooting easier. The
enclosure is sealed with JPS logo and marked with “HAK MILIK KERAJAAN MALAYSIA”.
Every building, equipment, power plants, substations and facilities that use electricity
require earth grounding, either directly or through a grounding system. By definition, the
earthing system that is sometimes called ‘earthing’, it means the total set of measures used
to connect electrically conductive part to earth. Figure 6 illustrates the earthing and
protective conductor system. The earthing system is an essential part of power networks at
both high- and low-voltage levels. In this system, we are going to use voltage less than 1 Ω
and the installation of Surge Protection Device (SPD) 7 step is necessary for overvoltage
protection. In general, a good earthing system is required to protect station buildings and
installations against lightning, safeguard human and animal life by limiting touch and step
voltage to safe value, rectify operation of the electrical supply network and ensure good
power quality.
Figure 6 Illustration for Earthing and Protective Conductor System
The ground system resistance is tested beforehand to provide a concrete proof that the
preliminary design assumption is accurate and the earthing system is adequate and effective
in protecting rainfall station system. Besides, ground resistance measurements are to verify
the new ground system adequacy and determine ground potential rise (GPR) in developing
protection for power and communication circuits. In designing an earthing system, the
system shall provide low impedance path to ground for personnel and equipment
protection, as well as circuit relaying and it shall withstand and dissipate repeated fault and
surge current.
Overall, the earthing system is essential to complete an electrical path to ground if there is
non-designed or unanticipated above-normal potential current or voltage surge during
operating conditions. Personal injury, death or equipment damage can happen if the
grounding system is not properly designed and installed to guide the potentially dangerous
charge safely to ground. Furthermore, the earthing system under normal conditions carries
no current. It only carries current under abnormal conditions, when an electrical appliance
or equipment is faulty, and becomes a potential shock or fire hazard.
BS 7671 lists five types of earthing system: TN-S, TN-C-S, TT, TN-C, and IT.
TN-C System
• Neutral and protective functions combined in a single conductor in a part of the system.
• The usual form of a TN-C-S system is as shown (Figure 7), where the supply is TN-C and
the arrangement in the installations is TN-S.
• This type of distribution is also known as protective multiple earthing.
• The supply system PEN conductor is earthed at two or more points and an earth
electrode may be necessary at or near a consumer’s installation.
• All exposed-conductive-parts of an installation are connected via the main earthing
terminal and the neutral consumer’s installation.
TN-S- System
• Separate neutral and protective conductors throughout the system (Figure 8).
• The protective conductor (PE) is the metallic covering of the cable supplying the
installation or a separate conductor.
• All exposed-conductive-parts of an installation are connected to this protective
conductor via the main earthing terminal of the installation.
Figure 8 TN-S- System
TN-C-S System
• Neutral and protective functions combined in a single conductor in a part of the system.
• The usual form of a TN-C-S system is as shown (Figure 9), where the supply is TN-C and
the arrangement in the installations is TN-S.
• This type of distribution is known as protective multiple earthing.
• The supply system PEN conductor is earthed at two or more points and an earth
electrode may be necessary at or near a consumer’s installation.
• All exposed-conductive-parts of an installation are connected via the main earthing
terminal and the neutral terminal, these terminals being linked together.
T-T System
Figure 10 TT-System
Figure 11 IT-System
Lightning Protection
The lightning protection system shall be provided where necessary based on site condition.
It shall include air termination network, down-conductors, joints and bonds, testing joints,
lightning flash counter, earth termination, earth electrodes and accessories incidental to the
whole system (Refer Appendix B: List of Drawing; Drawing No: BSAH/HP32/ELP/01).
Air termination network shall consist of a network of vertical and horizontal conductors, as
shown in the drawing. Whether shown in the drawings or not, all metallic projections,
chimneys, ducts, gutters, vent pipes, guard rails, aerial masts on or above the main surface
of the roof of the structure shall be bonded to and form part of the air termination network.
Other than air terminal or vertical finial, air termination network shall be of 25 mm x 3 mm
annealed copper tape. The method and nature of the fixing shall be simple, solid and
permanent. Air terminal or vertical finial shall be having rounded end and made of copper.
They shall be 300 mm in length and 16 mm diameter with lock nut. Down conductors shall
be 25 mm × 3 mm bare annealed copper tape, installed around the walls outside of the
The lightning protection system should have as few joints as possible. Joints and bonds shall
be mechanically and electrically effective, via copper clamps, welding, soldering or brazing.
Contact surface shall first be cleaned then protected against oxidation with a noncorrosive
compound. Each earth termination shall be connected to a down-conductor. Earth
termination shall be made by 25 mm x 3mm annealed copper tape, connecting the down
conductor at the testing joint to the earth electrodes.
All measuring and test instruments used for lightning protection system installations shall
be regularly tested and calibrated by manufacturers or calibration laboratories, to preserve
their functionality and accuracy at the rainfall station. This is followed by the installation of
Surge Protection Device (SPD) 7 Steps in the lightning protection system. SPD is an electrical
installation protection component. This device is connected parallel to the power supply
circuit of the load that it has to protect. It is also used at all power supply network levels. It
is the most efficient overvoltage protection. SPD is designed to limit transient overvoltage
of atmospheric origin and divert current wave to earth, to limit the overvoltage amplitude
to a value that is non-hazardous for the electrical installation, electric switchgear and control
SPD eliminates overvoltage in the following ways;
SPD is classified into 3 types, namely Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3. The Type 1 SPD is
recommended in service-sector and industrial buildings, protected by a lightning protection
system or meshed cage. It protects electrical installation against direct lightning stroke. It
discharges the lightning back-current from the earth conductor to the network conductors.
Type 1 SPD is characterised by 10/350 µs current wave. The Type 2 SPD is the main
protection system for low voltage electrical installation, installed in electrical switchboard,
to prevent the spread of overvoltage in electrical installation and protect the loads. Type 2
SPD is characterised by 8/20 µs current wave, with low discharge capacity. Therefore, they
must be installed as a supplement to Type 2 SPD and in the vicinity of sensitive load. Type 3
SPD is characterised by a combination of voltage wave (1.2/50 µs) and current wave (8/20
International standard IEC 61643-11 Edition 1.0 (03/2011) defines the characteristics and
tests for SPD connected to low voltage distribution system into three characteristics. The
first characteristic is Uc, which is the maximum continuous operating voltage where A.C. or
D.C. voltage is above which the SPD becomes active. This value is according to the rated
voltage and earthing arrangement. Another characteristic is Up, the voltage protection level
(at In). This is the maximum voltage across the SPD terminals when it is active. This voltage
is reached when the current flowing in the SPD equals to in. The voltage protection level
must be lower than the load overvoltage withstand capability (see section 3.2). In the event
of lightning stroke, the voltage across the SPD terminals remains lesser than Up. The last
one is In, the nominal discharge current where the peak current value is 8/20 µs waveform,
this is when the SPD can discharge for 15 times.
In addition, PVC conduit wiring has advantages such as being cheap and easy to install and
customise, strong and durable. In fact, PVC conduit wiring installed on roof or wall is known
as surface conduit wiring. In the conduit wiring system, the conduits should be electrically
continuous and connected to earth at suitable points, in case of steel conduit. The conduit
protects the cables from being bitten by rodents, which will result in short circuit.
For voltage drop in consumer installation, in the absence of any consideration, under normal
service condition, the terminal voltage of any fixed current-using equipment shall be greater
than the lower limit of the equipment standard. The fixed current-using equipment is not
subjected to product standard, thus the terminal voltage shall not impair the equipment
safety. These requirements are satisfied if the voltage drop between the origin of the
installation (usually the supply terminals) and socket-outlet or terminals of the fixed current-
using equipment does not exceed;
A voltage drop greater than the amount stated above is acceptable for a motor during
starting period and equipment with high inrush current, provided that the voltage variation
is verified within the limit specified in the equipment product standard or, in the absence of
product standard, it should be in accordance with the manufacturer recommendations.
The type of fencing should be chosen depending on the area. The construction should be
done with care to refrain excavated earth from being thrown onto the levelled site. It is
advisable to check the site level once fencing has been constructed.
Type of Fencing
Type of fencing used are:
i. Security fence
ii. Anti-Climb Fence
iii. Chain-link fence
Security Fence
Security fence, also known as roll top fence (Figure 12) is a hot dipped galvanised iron
welded mesh panel that provides see-through security, with contemporary design. It has
spacing specification of 50 mm × 150 mm, making the place looks safe and elegant. The
fence is designed with a triangular roll on the top and bottom parts, thus making it stronger
and tougher. With wire thickness of 5 mm and 50 mm × 150 mm spacing, the roll top fence
is very strong, hard to be bent. Hence, this prevents anyone from climbing over the fence to
reach the protected area.
Anti-Climb Fence
Anti-climb fence is the heavy duty hot dipped galvanised iron welded mesh panel with toe
and finger proof profile, this provides the highest degree of see-through security. With
spacing specification of 75 mm × 12.5 mm, which makes it impossible for fingers and toes
to go through, this prevents anyone from climbing over the fence to reach the protected
area. The fence is known as anti-cut fence as it is difficult to cut through the panel with
simple hand tools. With wire thickness of 4 mm and 75 mm × 12.5 mm spacing, intruders
can never cut off the fence.
Chain link fence is the most economical and oldest fence available in the market. The chain
link fence (also referred to as wire netting, wire-mesh fence, chain-wire fence, or diamond-
mesh fence) is made of thick steel wire and has a diamond-shaped pattern, often galvanised
or PVC wire is used for this fence.
Comparison of Type of Fencing
Table 2 shows the comparison between fencings. Different fences are used, depending on
the rainfall station area.
The detailed drawings and wordings are depicted in Appendix B: List of Drawing; Drawing
No: BSAH/HP32/SB/01.
7. Installation of Instrument
Installation of Tipping Bucket
Installation of tipping bucket must adhere to but not limited to the following procedures;
1. Perform installation work based on the DID Hydrology Manual (DIDM) 2009 and
manufacturer installation manual.
2. The height of tipping bucket must 1.35 m from the ground level or concrete, to the
top part of tipping bucket.
3. The foundation of the tipping bucket pole must be made of concrete (300 mm × 300
mm × 450 mm) and buried underground, subjected to the soil condition.
4. Test the instrument according to procedure and prepare installation and
maintenance report.
Installation of Mini Data Logger
Installation of mini data logger must adhere to but not limited to the following procedures;
1. Ensure the mini data logger and input cable are tested by qualified personnel before
installation at site.
2. Connect input cable to mini data logger as per manufacturer’s manual.
3. Key in the parameters and station information into data logger.
4. Test to ensure data is received and stored by mini data logger.
5. Ensure that one tipping bucket cable output is only for one input cable (sharing is not
6. Delete test data before leaving the station.
Total Amp Hour consumption for Enclosure including running of a (1) Tipping Bucket, one (1) Data
Logger, one (1) Telemetric Equipment, one (1) Power Supply and related components in enclosure
= 1.4 Amp
From the calculation, it shows that 2 pieces of 100W solar panel are needed to recharge the battery
every day, with around 40% of reserve. This is to make sure that the power is enough during rainy
The calculation to prove that the system is sufficient for 14 non-sunny days.
5 unit of 100Ah battery shall be used as power storage and power backup.
Thus, total Ampere Hour available from batteries, AHB = 100 x 5 = 500 AH.
From the calculation, this shows that power consumption is sufficient for 14 non-sunny days, with
5 units of 100 Ah battery as power storage and backup system. The total power reserve available
from the design is 29.6 Ah, which is around 5.92% of the total power storage of 500 Ah.
Real-time Clock Yes
Humidity Up to 70% RH
Protocols supported Modbus, FTP, HTTP, XML, SMTP, NTP and SDI-12
Bulit-in Software and • The software shall be built in without no major application
Communication Instruments
Communication devices modems are important in a telemetry system to transmit data from
on-site RTUs to its master station for data processing, display and archiving purposes. In
general, there are three telecommunication mediums used as the communication media for
the hydrology telemetry system, they are radio communication, GSM/GPRS communication
and satellite communication.
Radio Communication
Radio modem is a modern way to create private radio network (PRN). PRN is used in
industrial critical applications, when real-time data communication is required. Also, radio
modem enables users to be independent of telecommunication or satellite network
operators. Users use licensed frequency, either the UHF or VHF band. VHF band is utilised
as the radio communication channel medium for the telemetry system. Licensed frequency
is reserved for users in certain area, thus ensuring that there is lesser radio interference
from other RF transmitters. The Tait radio modem is used as the radio communication
modem for telemetry systems, using radio VHF communication and the specification is
summarised in Table 4.
GSM/ EDGE Communication – 3G/4G
Global System for Mobile (GSM) Communications, originally Groupe Spécial Mobile, is a
standard developed by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) to
describe the second generation (2G) digital cellular network technology. Developed to
replace the first generation (1G) analog cellular network, the GSM standard originally
describes a digital, circuit-switched network optimised for full duplex voice telephony. The
standard was expanded over time to include first circuit-switched data transport, then
packet data transport via General Packet Radio Services (GPRS). GPRS is a best-effort service,
implying variable throughput and latency that depend on the number of users using the
service concurrently, as opposed to circuit switching, where quality of service (QoS) is
guaranteed during the connection. The enhanced data rate for GSM Evolution (EDGE) (also
known as Enhanced GPRS (EGPRS), or IMT Single Carrier (IMT-SC), or Enhanced data rate for
Global Evolution) is a digital mobile phone technology that improves data transmission rate
via a backward-compatible extension of GSM. EDGE is a pre-3G radio technology and is part
of ITU’s 3G definition.
Also, EDGE is standardised by 3GPP as part of the GSM family. Through the introduction of
methods such as coding and data transmission, EDGE delivers higher bit-rates per radio
channel, resulting in a threefold increase in capacity and performance as compared to
GSM/GPRS connection. EDGE is used for any packet switched application, such as an
Internet connection.
Satellite Communication
10. Maintenance of Instruments
JPS headquarters will assist the state hydrological officer in carrying out the maintenance, repair or
calibration works. The data logger readings should be checked regularly with telemetric instrument.
If any appreciable error occurs between the two reading sets, the cause of error must be identified
and rectified.
Regular maintenance of the rainfall tipping bucket is essential in collecting good quality data.
Maintenance must comply with but not limited to the following items;
i. Cleanliness of equipment. The following items should be checked regularly for cleanliness:
a. Catch filter
b. Syphon
c. Interior of bucket
d. All insect screens
ii. Ensure Rain Gauge is level using the bubble level fitted to the base
iii. Enclosure locking screws - lightly lubricate after cleaning
iv. Conductivity of mercury switch and Pulse cable
v. Test tipping using portable calibrator for about 40 tips as recommended by manufacturer.
vi. Fill up TKUP 6 form as attached in appendix.
Maintenance of the rainfall recorder must comply with but not limited to the following item:
i. Cleanliness of equipment
ii. Date time starting
iii. Date time off
iv. Compare reading of recorder/ logger and telemetry
v. Battery reading
vi. Check connectivity with sensors
vii. Record any malfunction or missing date
viii. Fill up TKUP 7 form as attached in appendix.
ix. Fill up TKUP 9 for station with telemetry.
11. Calibration of Instruments
The purpose of calibration is to provide measurement accuracy. Rainfall gauge shall be calibrated at
the intensity(s) recommended by the manufacturer or as advised, in Malaysia, by an accredited
calibration agency. Gauge shall maintain its performance up to the measurement intensity.
According to Jadual Servis, Ujian dan Tentukuran Alat (JSUTA) from JPS ISO 2015, rainfall tipping
bucket is valid for five (5) years, afterwards, it needs to be calibrated at workshop.
Calibration Procedure
Calibration work must comply with but not limited to the following procedures:
1) The left volume vessel is filled with water and the 100 mm/hour nozzle is inserted.
2) Calibration is commenced by turning on the outlet valve and recording time using
stopwatch, after all the water is drained from the left volume vessel.
3) The procedure is repeated using 200 mm/hour and 300 mm/hour consecutively.
4) Similar procedures are repeated for right volume vessel.
5) Calibration is done based on the Hydrological Services Lab.TB- RG Calibration
6) Fill in UT5 form as attached in appendix.
Rainfall gauge shall be calibrated in accordance with the methodology recommended by the
manufacturer or calibration agency;
1) when the instrument validation has failed to conform with the specifications, and
2) with frequency recommended by the manufacturer. Often, tipping bucket is
calibrated every five years at workshop and every three months on site using
12. Guidelines for Safety & Health
These guidelines are to protect workers from hazards and eliminate work-related injuries, ill health,
diseases, incidents and deaths. Table 5 summarises the hazard, risk and control during installation,
operation and maintenance works of rainfall station.
Site Tidiness
Working at Height
General Provisions
Guard Rails
i. be made from strong and rigid material to prevent people from falling and can
withstand other loads placed on them.
ii. be fixed to a structure, or part of a structure capable of supporting them.
iii. include;
(a) a main guard rail at least 900 mm above any edge, from which people tend to
(b) a toe board with at least 150 mm height.
(c) a sufficient number of intermediate guard rails or suitable alternatives.
iv. Risk of falling through opening or fragile material (e.g. roof lights) is reduced by
providing appropriate and adequate guard rails or barriers to cover the opening or
Protective Equipment
Employers on construction site need personal protective equipment (PPE) to ensure their
safety and health such as;
Safety Helmet
i. Employees should be provided with safety helmets to protect their head from injury
due to falling, flying objects or striking against objects or structures.
ii. Employers should ensure that safety helmets are worn by the employees.
iii. When working at height, a strap should be used to prevent the safety helmets from
i. Protective footwear should be worn by workers who are exposed to the risk of injury
of materials being dropped on their feet or nail, or sharp objects penetrating their
ii. When employees are working in water or wet concrete, they should wear appropriate
Working in Hot Environment
Excessive exposure to heat causes a range of heat-related illnesses, such as heat rash, heat
cramp, heat exhaustion and heat stroke. To reduce heat exposure and risk of heat-related
illness while working, practise work/rest cycle, drink water often, and provide an
opportunity for workers to build up tolerance level while working in the heat.
Electrical Hazard
Electricity has the potential to cause serious injury and death. Electrical hazards exist in
contact with the exposed live parts, electrical faults are the source of ignition that initiates
fire or explosion.
13. Do’s and Don’ts
No Main Points Do’s Don’ts
1 Installation of • Install at flat land. • Rain gauge shall not be deployed
tipping bucket • Ensure minimum distance of on a slope and nearby the tree.
two times height from any
2 Maintenance • Carry checklist and enough • Do not forget to fill in proper
spare parts for maintenance checklist before leaving site.
before a trip. • Do not compromise by not
changing the battery as
5 Power Supply • Only use battery • Solar system is not required for
System recommended by rainfall station without telemetry.
14. Summary Sheet
1 INTRODUCTION This section describes about a standard and its aim.
2 REVIEW OF EXISTING This section reviews current rainfall gauges that consist of non-
RAINFALL GAUGES recording and recording rain gauges. The recording rain gauges
are tipping bucket, weighing and radar types. Currently JPS
adopts 0.5 mm tipping bucket.
4 SELECTION OF SITE This section explains criteria in selecting rainfall station site for
optimum reading.
6 CONSTRUCTION OF STATION This section gives a brief explanation on other items set up at
rainfall station that include;
8 SOLAR POWER SUPPLY This section explains that five (5) units of 100 Ah batteries as
power storage and backup system are sufficient for power
consumption within 14 non-sunny days.
12 GUIDELINE FOR SAFETY AND This section provides brief guidelines on safety and health
HELATH during installation, operation and maintenance works.
13 DO’S AND DON’TS This section provides Do’s and Don’ts during installation,
operation and maintenance works.
15. References
1 World Meteorological Organisation; Guide to Hydrological Practices; Volume 1; Hydrology
–From Measurement to Hydrological Information. WMO-No. 168; Sixth Edition 2008
4 Department of Irrigation and Drainage - DID (2000). Volume 4 Hydrology and Water
Resource Urban Stormwater Management Manual for Malaysia. Department of Irrigation
and Drainage, Ministry of Agriculture, Malaysia.
7 Water and Disaster Management Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and
Tourism of Japan (2013) - Radar Observation of Precipitation for River Management in Japan
Appendix A: Related Documents from MS ISO 9001: 2015
No. Title
A1 Borang Tatacara Kerja Ujijalan dan Penyelenggaraan Rainfall Tipping Bucket (TKUP 6)
Tarikh : Tarikh :
Tarikh : Tarikh :
Tarikh Lawatan : Jenis Stesen : Hujan / Aras Air / Hujan & Aras Air
Nama Stesen : Pengenalan Stesen ( ID ) :
Nama Sungai : Nombor Stesen :
Daerah / Kawasan : Nama Stesen Repeater :
1. Jenis RTU
2. Nombor Siri
3. Casing RTU Baik / Tidak Baik
4. Keypad/ Touch Skrin Baik / Tidak Baik
5. Jenis Paparan LED / LCD Baik / Tidak Baik
6. Paparan Tarikh Baik / Tidak Baik
7. Paparan Masa Baik / Tidak Baik
8. Paparan Hujan mm
9. Paparan Aras Air Meter
10. Stick Gauge Meter
11. Connector dan kabel Baik / Tidak Baik
B Sistem Perhubungan
Bil Tatacara Kerja Penyenggaraan Tindakan/Catatan
Tarikh : Tarikh : :
Jenis Alat :
Kapasiti Bucket : mm
Nombor Siri :
Tarikh Ujian :
Tarikh : Tarikh :
Nombor Siri :
Purata Ketepatan %
Ketepatan Tanpa Syphon kurang dari 5% boleh diterima
Ketepatan Dengan Syphon kurang 2% boleh diterima
Tarikh : Tarikh :
Appendix B: List of Drawing
Butiran Pindaan T/tangan Tarikh
HP 32
HP 32
The department or government shall have no liability or responsibility to the user or any other person
or entity with respect to any liability, loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused, directly or
indirectly, by the adaptation and use of the methods and recommendations of this publication,
including but not limited to, any interruption of service, loss of business or anticipatory profits or
consequential damages resulting from the use of this publication.
Opinions expressed in DID publications are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those
of DID.
Copyright ©2018 by Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID) Malaysia Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
All rights reserved. Text and maps in this publication are the copyright of the Department of Irrigation
and Drainage Malaysia unless otherwise stated and may not be reproduced without permission.
The Hydrological Procedure (HP) No 32: Hydrological Standard for Rainfall Station Instrumentation
sets out guidelines and practices for the installation, operation and maintenance of rainfall
instrumentation in the field of hydrology, enabling them to carry out their work more efficiently. The
detailed description of the theoretical basis and applications of hydrological methods and techniques
are beyond the scope of this guide, although references to such documentation are provided
wherever applicable. It is hoped that this HP will be used, not only by Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran
(JPS) Malaysia, but also by other stakeholders and agencies involved in water resource management
in general, and in water resource monitoring and assessment in particular.
Menara Teknik was commissioned by the Division of Water Resources and Hydrology to produce
Hydrological Procedure No 32: Hydrological Standard for Rainfall Station Instrumentation through
“Development of Hydrological Procedure No. 32: Hydrological Standard for Rainfall Station
Instrumentation, Hydrological Procedure No 33: Hydrological Standard for Water Level Station
Instrumentation and Hydrological Procedure No 35: Hydrological Standard for Water Quality Station
Instrumentation”, contract no. JPS/IP/C/H/06/2016. The HP 33: Hydrological Standard for Water Level
Station Instrumentation and HP 35: Hydrological Standard for Water Quality Station Instrumentation
were also produced under the same commission.
The authors greatly acknowledge the valuable contribution and feedback from Department of
Irrigation and Drainage (DID) personnel especially the Director of Water Resources Management and
Hydrology, Dato’ Ir. Haji Nor Hisham Bin Mohd. Ghazali, Director of National Flood Forecasting and
Warning Centre (PRABN), Pn. Hajah Paridah Anun Binti Tahir and the staff namely Ir. Rajaselvam a/l
Govindaraju, Ir. Hasanuddin Bin Mohd Ibrahim and En. Hairuy Azmi bin Aziz.
Table of Contents
DISCLAIMER.............................................................................................................................................. i
PREFACE .................................................................................................................................................. ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................................ iii
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 1
2. Review of Existing Rainfall Gauges ................................................................................................. 1
Non Recording Rain gauge ...................................................................................................... 2
Recording Rain Gauge ............................................................................................................. 2
Tipping Bucket................................................................................................................. 3
Weighing Gauge .............................................................................................................. 4
Radar ............................................................................................................................... 7
3. Procedure in Selecting Rainfall Gauges .......................................................................................... 9
4. Selection of Site .............................................................................................................................. 9
5. Instrumentation ............................................................................................................................ 10
General Specification of Tipping Bucket ............................................................................... 10
General Specification of Windshield ..................................................................................... 11
General Specification of Pole Stand ...................................................................................... 11
General Specification of Data Logger.................................................................................... 12
General Specification of Manual Rain Gauge ....................................................................... 12
6. Construction of Station ................................................................................................................. 13
Station ................................................................................................................................... 13
Enclosure ............................................................................................................................... 14
Earthing ................................................................................................................................. 14
TN-C System .................................................................................................................. 17
TN-S- System ................................................................................................................. 17
TN-C-S System ............................................................................................................... 18
T-T System ..................................................................................................................... 19
IT-System ....................................................................................................................... 19
Lightning Protection .............................................................................................................. 20
Conduit .................................................................................................................................. 22
Fencing .................................................................................................................................. 23
Type of Fencing ............................................................................................................. 23
Comparison of Type of Fencing..................................................................................... 25
Signboard .............................................................................................................................. 25
7. Installation of Instrument ............................................................................................................. 25
Installation of Tipping Bucket ............................................................................................... 25
Installation of Mini Data Logger............................................................................................ 26
8. Solar Power Supply ....................................................................................................................... 26
9. Telemetry and Communication System ........................................................................................ 27
Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) ................................................................................................. 27
Communication Instruments ................................................................................................ 29
Radio Communication ................................................................................................... 29
GSM/ EDGE Communication – 3G/4G .......................................................................... 30
Satellite Communication ............................................................................................... 30
10. Maintenance of Instruments .................................................................................................... 31
11. Calibration of Instruments ........................................................................................................ 32
Calibration Procedure ........................................................................................................... 32
How and When to Calibrate.................................................................................................. 32
12. Guidelines for Safety & Health.................................................................................................. 33
Site Tidiness .......................................................................................................................... 33
Working at Height ................................................................................................................. 33
General Provisions ........................................................................................................ 33
Guard Rails .................................................................................................................... 34
Protective Equipment ........................................................................................................... 34
Safety Helmet................................................................................................................ 34
Footwear ....................................................................................................................... 34
Working in Hot Environment ................................................................................................ 35
Electrical Hazard.................................................................................................................... 35
Safety Procedures in Handling Electrical Equipment .................................................... 35
13. Do’s and Don’ts ......................................................................................................................... 36
14. Summary Sheet ......................................................................................................................... 37
15. References ................................................................................................................................ 39
Appendix A: Related Documents from Ms ISO 9001: 2015 ............................................................ A1-A4
Appendix B: List of Drawing ............................................................................................................ B1-B9
List of Figures
List of Table
Since decades, Jabatan Pengairan Saliran (JPS) Malaysia has been the national hydrological agency
that develops hydrological stations nationwide to collect and obtain data for water resource
assessment, planning, development, early flood warning and river monitoring purposes. This
procedure is used as the standard instrumentation, installation and maintenance for rainfall stations
in Malaysia.
In fact, changes in instrumentation over the years have improved the time resolution and rainfall
depth over the recording history in many sites. Improvements in resolution however come at a cost
of maintaining stationarity. Also, the time interval pertaining to data collected has significantly
changed over time.
Over the last 60 years, rainfall intensity is recorded as a total over time interval. Often, the time
intervals are set hourly, 15 minutes, 7.5 minutes, 6 minutes or 5 minutes. However, the current data
loggers permit a greater range of options and a quick time resolution can now be achieved.
Rainfall is measured using rain gauge installed at a location of interest. Rainfall collected at this point
represents the rainfall volume of the area around the rain gauge. For more than 50 years, JPS has
been recording point rainfall data using rain gauge. There are two type of rainfall gauges;
Previously, rainfall data were manually collected or recorded by personnel who visit the rain gauge
stations regularly, to measure the rainfall accumulated since the previous visit. The rainfall that is
manually read is referred as the non-recording rain gauges. Over time, the rain gauges are replaced
or supplemented with automatic rain gauges, thus variation in rainfall intensity can also be
recorded. In the automatic rain gauge, there are recording devices or loggers attached to register
rainfall and its time of occurrence. So far, there are limited rainfall gauges. Most of the automatic
rain gauges are tipping bucket, weighing and radar types.
Non Recording Rain gauge
There are two non-recording rain gauges used by JPS Malaysia;
i. 203 mm diameter rain gauge, which is referred as manual gauge and readings are
taken daily or weekly
ii. 127 mm diameter rain gauge with capacity to collect 4000 mm of rainfall, used to
check gauge and readings are taken monthly. This is installed in stations located in
remote areas.
The standard rain gauge, has a 203mm or 127mm diameter receiver cap on top to catch and
funnel the rain into a can. The receiving funnel has a knife edge to catch rain falling precisely
in the surface area of 203 mm or 127 mm diameter. Measurements are done by pouring the
rainwater collected in the rain gauge into a measuring cylinder. The standard measuring
cylinder is 381 mm in height and has internal diameter of 76.2 mm. It is developed by JPS to
be used with the 203 mm diameter rain gauge. The cylinder is graduated to 1 and 0.5 mm,
it is intended to read the depth of the rain collected without having to apply any factors.
The cylinder has a convex base to enable reading of rainfall less than 0.5 mm. The water
level in the measuring cylinder is determined from the bottom level of the meniscus.
Usually, the rain gauge is installed at a standard height of 1350 m above the ground,
equipped with windshield to reduce the wind turbulence effect so that the rain gauge
catchment storage capacity is not affected.
Daily readings of rainfall do not provide information of the rainfall temporal distribution and
it does not give details like how intense is the rainfall over short time period, this information
is critical to design urban drainage and flood simulation systems. The tipping bucket rain
gauge solves the issue in recording rainfall intensity and temporal distribution and the DID’s
rainfall stations were replaced with this type of recorder. Its description is given in detail in
the Hydrology Manual - Revised and Updated 1988.
In the 80s, the tipping was recorded on paper charts but this soon gave way to digital
recordings in memory chips. Paper charts have to be digitised to convert it to digital form
and this is time consuming. The digital recordings have the advantage to provide the data in
digital form in an instant. With digital recordings in memory chips, there is no more
difference between weekly and long-term recording equipment, as data storage is no longer
a constraint and all automatic recorders are now recording long-term data. All automatic
(long-term) recording stations have a manual station that acts as a check gauge. In the
weekly rainfall stations, the check gauge has smaller capacity. The long-term recording
station has larger storage of a check gauge.
Tipping Bucket
The tipping bucket type rain gauge consists of a funnel that collects and channels the
precipitation into a seesaw-like container. After a pre-set amount of precipitation falls, the
lever tips, dumping the collected water thus sending an electrical signal. The electrical digital
signal will then be connected to data logger or Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) to log as a rainfall
tip (the amount of tip depends on rain gauge size).
The 0.5 mm tipping bucket is currently used as the main rainfall measurement instrument
for almost all hydrology rainfall stations nationwide. The integrated siphon mechanism has
high accuracy across a broad range of rainfall intensities. Each unit consists of a collector
funnel with leaf filter, an integrated siphon control mechanism, an outer enclosure with
quick release fasteners, and base which houses the tipping bucket mechanism device. The
unit also includes dual output reed switches with varistor protection as well as dual rainfall
discharge outlets for water collection and/or analysis. All of the rain gauges are installed
using 0.5 mm bucket capacity. Overall, rainfall sensors at the rainfall stations are in a good
working condition and can provide rainfall data to JPS.
The tipping bucket rain gauge is not as accurate as the standard rain gauge because the
rainfall may stop before the lever tips. When the next rain occurs, it may take no more than
one or two drops to tip the lever. This causes the pre-set amount of rainfall falls when in
fact, only a fraction of that amount has actually fallen. Tipping buckets also tend to
miscalculate the rainfall amount, especially during heavy rainfall. The advantage of the
tipping bucket rain gauge is, it enables the characterisation of the rain (light, medium, or
heavy). Rainfall character is decided by measuring the total amount of rainfall in a specific
period (usually 1 hour) and counting the number of 'clicks' in 10 minutes, for an observer to
deduce the rain characteristics. In the event of high intensity rainfall, the data algorithms
can be corrected.
Nano hydrophobic coatings are sprayed on liquids used to protect glass, ceramic, painted,
metal, fabric, wood and mineral surfaces with oleophobic, water-stain repellent and
superhydrophobic features. This provides the surface with water repellence, oleophobic
coating, stain repellence, scratch resistance and water proofing characteristics. Thus,
nanocoating should be applied to the outer side of tipping bucket for extra protection.
Weighing Gauge
Low-capacity models should be avoided in areas where the maximum accumulation can
occur over short time period. The gauges must be maintained to minimise evaporation loss,
which is accomplished by adding sufficient oil or evaporation suppressants inside the
container, to form a film over the water surface. Any difficulties in balancing strong wind
oscillation is reduced via microprocessor programming to avoid readings from being
Such weighing gauges (Figure 2) are useful in recording snow, hail, as well as mixture of
snow and rain, since the solid precipitation does not need to be melted before being
recorded. The instrument does not use any moving mechanical parts in the weighing
mechanism; only elastic deformation occurs. Therefore, mechanical degradation and the
need for maintenance are significantly reduced.
In general, the digitised output signal is averaged and filtered. Precipitation intensity is
calculated from the difference between two or more consecutive weight measurements.
The accuracy of this gauge depends on the measurement and/or recording characteristics,
which can vary between manufacturers. Many instruments have data output with
diagnostic parameters, which are useful for further evaluation of measured data and data
quality control.
Except for the errors due to the wetting loss in the container when it is emptied, weighing
gauges are susceptible to other sources of error. Another common fault with weighing
gauges is wind pumping. This occurs during high winds when turbulent air currents flow
around the catchment container, causing oscillation in the weighing. Errors associated with
anomalous recordings can be minimised by averaging readings over short time intervals,
usually ranging from 1 to 5 minutes. Timing errors in the instrument clock assign the catch
to the wrong period or date. Some weighing gauges also exhibit temperature sensitivity in
the weighing mechanism that adds a component to the output, which is proportional to the
diurnal temperature cycle.
Some potential errors in manual precipitation measurement are minimised by using
weighing gauges. Random errors associated with human error and systematic errors, such
as evaporation and wetting loss are minimised. In some countries, trace observations are
given a value of zero, thus resulting in a biased underestimate of the seasonal total
precipitation. This is minimised with weighing gauge, since the small amount of precipitation
will accumulate over time.
The correction of weighing gauge data on hourly or daily basis is more difficult than longer
collection period, such as monthly climatological summary. Ancillary data from automatic
weather stations, such as wind at gauge height, air temperature, present weather or snow
depth, are useful in interpreting and correcting the automatic gauge precipitation
measurements. The specification of weighing tipping bucket is illustrated in Table 1.
Item Specification
Recordable Liquid, solid and mixed
Collecting area 200 cm3
Sensor element Sealed load cell
Measuring range Precipitation: 0…3000 mm/h
Accuracy Amount: +- 0.1 mm or +-1% of measured value
Intensity: +- 0.1 mm/min or +-1% of measured value
Power Supply 5.5… 28 V DC, typically 12 VDC secured against reverse polarity
Protection Pipe housing closed: IP65
Pipe housing open: IP63
Load cell: IP68
A weather radar is used to locate precipitation, calculate its motion, estimate its type (rain,
snow, hail, etc.) and forecast its future position and intensity. The most common weather
radars are Doppler, which can detect the motion of rain droplets besides the precipitation
intensity. Both data types can be analysed to determine the structure of storms and their
potential to cause severe weather.
For real-time use, this radar provides a unique mean of obtaining widespread, spatially
continuous measurements of precipitation location and intensity at scale of hundreds of
metres. Rainfall radar products are directly used by weather forecasters, and are fed into
forecasting models. In the areas of aviation and flood forecasting, they are crucial to protect
life and property.
Each radar sends out microwave radiation pulses and detects the return signals reflected by
precipitation particles, either liquid or frozen (Figure 3). The strength of the return signal is
used to estimate precipitation intensity, and its delay is a measure of distance from the radar
site. The radar generates polar (circular) measurement maps by 360 degrees rotation at
azimuth base, while transmitting pulses concentrated in a narrow beam. Some of the ‘scans’
are taken at a number of low elevation angles above the horizon. A scanning cycle takes 5
minutes, providing data up to 255 km from the site with a resolution up to 1 km.
In 2010, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) of Japan
developed X-band multi-parameter radar known as XRAIN for flood forecasting, equipped
with high resolution and quasi real-time observation in urban areas to reduce damage from
localised heavy rain and torrential downpour (Figure 4).
XRAIN real time information is delivered to the public via the MLIT website. Application and
contents for mobile devices are developed by the private sector and are widely used. When
heavy rain exceeds a specified value, MLIT sends alert via email to concerned individuals for
disaster prevention.
(i) High resolution - X-band radar has short wavelength and can be observed at high
resolution (8-12 GHz)
(ii) Real Time - Measure shape of raindrops by transmitting two type of waves (horizontal
and vertical) and estimate rainfall from flattening of raindrops.
(iii) Suitable for rainfall prediction - Enable the user to observe raindrop in moving
direction and speed by Doppler Effect
3. Procedure in Selecting Rainfall Gauges
The radar rain gauge is known for real time and are very costly. Automatic rain gauge consists of
recording devices such as data loggers connected to either tipping bucket or weighing gauges system
device. The weighing gauge are useful in recording snow, hail as well as mixture of snow and rain.
Therefore, tipping bucket type is more suitable to be used in Asian country.
i. 0.5 mm in general
ii. 0.1 mm or 0.2 mm in catchments < 25 km2
iii. 1.0 mm in high rainfall, mountainous areas.
4. Selection of Site
Location of the rainfall station is important and therefore, due consideration should be given to the
following criteria in selecting the site;
i. The spot at which rain gauge is to be installed should truly represent the area, of which it is
supposed to give depth of rainfall.
ii. The rain gauge station should be accessible to the observer at all times.
iii. The gauge should be erected on level ground, not upon a slope or terrace.
iv. A position sheltered from the wind is preferable over an exposed one (in mountains and
near sea coasts, it is essential to ensure that the gauge is not exposed to the wind).
v. The gauge should be properly secured and locked.
vi. The rain gauge station should not be too close to the buildings or trees etc. the proximity of
such objects affects the entry of rainfall into the funnel. According to the Guide to
Meteorological Instruments No. 8 (WMO 2014), rain gauge distance from other objects
should not be less than twice the height of the object above the rim of the gauge.
5. Instrumentation
i. Tipping bucket
ii. Windshield (optional)
iii. Pole stand
iv. Data logger
v. Manual rain gauge
The 0.5 mm tipping bucket is used as the main rainfall measurement instrument for most of
hydrology rainfall stations throughout Malaysia. General specifications of tipping bucket are
as below;
Receiver : 200mm+/- 0.3 diameter heavy duty cast aluminum, powder coated
Bucket Capacity : 0.5 mm of rainfall
Sensitivity : one tip
Maximum : 700 mm/hr
Humidity : 0 – 100%
Temperature : -20 to +70 °C
Contact system :-Dual reed switches potted in soft silicon rubber with varistor
Max capacity : 24V (0.5 amps max)
Resistance : Initial contact resistance 0.1 Ω
Syphon : 0.4mm (12ml) capacity of rainfall
Bucket : Synthetic ceramic coated brass bucket balanced to +/- 0.05gms
Base : Cast aluminum
Level : Bull’s eye level adhered to aluminum base
Mounting holes : Three 10mm diameter mounting holes with 117 mm p.c.d cast in
feet attached to the base outer diameter.
General Specification of Windshield
Windshield is made of zinc painted with aluminium oxide. Refer Appendix B: List of Drawing;
Drawing No: BSAH/HP32/TB/01 for arrangement installation. Experiments were carried out
by the Hydrology Division to study the impact of JPS’s standard windshield on rainfall
catchment since wind turbulence is the major factor affecting the catch of rainfall by rain
gauges (Water Resource Publication No. 14, 1984). However, the results showed that the
undercatch is only 1% for rain gauge without windshield, which is installed according to the
JPS standard, with the height of 1350 mm. Thus, windshield is optional, however, a
windshield will help to;
General Specification of Data Logger
A data logger (known as data recorder) is an electronic device that records data over time
or in time series, either with a built-in instrument/sensor or via external instruments &
sensors. They are based on digital processor (or computer). In general, they are small,
battery powered, portable, and equipped with a microprocessor, internal memory for data
storage, and sensors. Some data loggers can interface with a personal computer and utilise
software to be activated to view and analyse the collected data, while others have a local
interface device (keypad, LCD) for them to be used as a standalone device. General
specifications of data logger are as below;
The optional manual rain gauge (Refer Appendix B: List of Drawing; Drawing No:
BSAH/HP32/NR/01) may be installed in the rainfall station. The function is to manually check
the water collected in the can. The standard measuring cylinder is 381 mm in height and has
internal diameter of 76.2 mm). It is developed by JPS to be used with the 203 mm diameter
rain gauge. The cylinder is graduated to 1 and 0.5 mm, it is intended to read the depth of
the rain collected without having to apply any factors. The cylinder has a convex base to
enable reading of rainfall less than 0.5 mm. The water level in the measuring cylinder is
determined from the bottom level of the meniscus.
6. Construction of Station
At first, the site should be cleared by getting shrubs, grass and overgrowth weeded out.
Then the site should be levelled. The fencing should be constructed according to the
specifications and dimensions shown in Appendix B: List of Drawing; Drawing No:
There are two type of rainfall station construction in JPS. They are ground level installation
and roof top installation. For installation at the ground level, it is essential that each
instrument installed at the station does not affect the exposure of other instruments: e.g.
the enclosure should not affect rainfall collection in the rain gauge. The detailed layout of
the installation is shown in Appendix B: List of Drawing; Drawing No: BSAH/HP32/GA/01.
Roof top installation are done by installing tipping bucket with pole stand wall plugged to
roof slab. The enclosure will be placed indoor as shown in Figure 5. This is practiced for
combine stations where there will be two sensors or parameters being measured.
The construction should be done with care to avoid excavated earth being thrown onto the
levelled site. It is advisable to check the site level once the fencing has been constructed.
The enclosure should be water resistant with ingress protection of IP65 and complete with
compartment for manual. Also, it needs to be tidied up and maintained in good condition
all times. For future installation, it is recommended that JPS specifies the use of epoxy
coated galvanised enclosures.
Cable gland are used to attach and secure the end of the electrical cable. Cable gland
provides strain relief and connects with suitable cable for which it is designed, including
electrical connection to the armour or braid and lead or aluminium of the cable sheath, if
any. Rubber seal gaskets need to be replaced frequently, to ensure that the enclosure is not
accessible by insects or small rodents. Moreover, the wiring inside the enclosure need to be
terminated with suitable ferrule, flexible conduits, cable ties and labelled accordingly.
Finally, the enclosures on-site need to be provided with troubleshooting manuals, such as
wiring diagrams, operation & maintenance manual as well as as-built drawings. All
equipment on site should be labelled accordingly to make the troubleshooting easier. The
enclosure is sealed with JPS logo and marked with “HAK MILIK KERAJAAN MALAYSIA”.
Every building, equipment, power plants, substations and facilities that use electricity
require earth grounding, either directly or through a grounding system. By definition, the
earthing system that is sometimes called ‘earthing’, it means the total set of measures used
to connect electrically conductive part to earth. Figure 6 illustrates the earthing and
protective conductor system. The earthing system is an essential part of power networks at
both high- and low-voltage levels. In this system, we are going to use voltage less than 1 Ω
and the installation of Surge Protection Device (SPD) 7 step is necessary for overvoltage
protection. In general, a good earthing system is required to protect station buildings and
installations against lightning, safeguard human and animal life by limiting touch and step
voltage to safe value, rectify operation of the electrical supply network and ensure good
power quality.
Figure 6 Illustration for Earthing and Protective Conductor System
The ground system resistance is tested beforehand to provide a concrete proof that the
preliminary design assumption is accurate and the earthing system is adequate and effective
in protecting rainfall station system. Besides, ground resistance measurements are to verify
the new ground system adequacy and determine ground potential rise (GPR) in developing
protection for power and communication circuits. In designing an earthing system, the
system shall provide low impedance path to ground for personnel and equipment
protection, as well as circuit relaying and it shall withstand and dissipate repeated fault and
surge current.
Overall, the earthing system is essential to complete an electrical path to ground if there is
non-designed or unanticipated above-normal potential current or voltage surge during
operating conditions. Personal injury, death or equipment damage can happen if the
grounding system is not properly designed and installed to guide the potentially dangerous
charge safely to ground. Furthermore, the earthing system under normal conditions carries
no current. It only carries current under abnormal conditions, when an electrical appliance
or equipment is faulty, and becomes a potential shock or fire hazard.
BS 7671 lists five types of earthing system: TN-S, TN-C-S, TT, TN-C, and IT.
TN-C System
• Neutral and protective functions combined in a single conductor in a part of the system.
• The usual form of a TN-C-S system is as shown (Figure 7), where the supply is TN-C and
the arrangement in the installations is TN-S.
• This type of distribution is also known as protective multiple earthing.
• The supply system PEN conductor is earthed at two or more points and an earth
electrode may be necessary at or near a consumer’s installation.
• All exposed-conductive-parts of an installation are connected via the main earthing
terminal and the neutral consumer’s installation.
TN-S- System
• Separate neutral and protective conductors throughout the system (Figure 8).
• The protective conductor (PE) is the metallic covering of the cable supplying the
installation or a separate conductor.
• All exposed-conductive-parts of an installation are connected to this protective
conductor via the main earthing terminal of the installation.
Figure 8 TN-S- System
TN-C-S System
• Neutral and protective functions combined in a single conductor in a part of the system.
• The usual form of a TN-C-S system is as shown (Figure 9), where the supply is TN-C and
the arrangement in the installations is TN-S.
• This type of distribution is known as protective multiple earthing.
• The supply system PEN conductor is earthed at two or more points and an earth
electrode may be necessary at or near a consumer’s installation.
• All exposed-conductive-parts of an installation are connected via the main earthing
terminal and the neutral terminal, these terminals being linked together.
T-T System
Figure 10 TT-System
Figure 11 IT-System
Lightning Protection
The lightning protection system shall be provided where necessary based on site condition.
It shall include air termination network, down-conductors, joints and bonds, testing joints,
lightning flash counter, earth termination, earth electrodes and accessories incidental to the
whole system (Refer Appendix B: List of Drawing; Drawing No: BSAH/HP32/ELP/01).
Air termination network shall consist of a network of vertical and horizontal conductors, as
shown in the drawing. Whether shown in the drawings or not, all metallic projections,
chimneys, ducts, gutters, vent pipes, guard rails, aerial masts on or above the main surface
of the roof of the structure shall be bonded to and form part of the air termination network.
Other than air terminal or vertical finial, air termination network shall be of 25 mm x 3 mm
annealed copper tape. The method and nature of the fixing shall be simple, solid and
permanent. Air terminal or vertical finial shall be having rounded end and made of copper.
They shall be 300 mm in length and 16 mm diameter with lock nut. Down conductors shall
be 25 mm × 3 mm bare annealed copper tape, installed around the walls outside of the
The lightning protection system should have as few joints as possible. Joints and bonds shall
be mechanically and electrically effective, via copper clamps, welding, soldering or brazing.
Contact surface shall first be cleaned then protected against oxidation with a noncorrosive
compound. Each earth termination shall be connected to a down-conductor. Earth
termination shall be made by 25 mm x 3mm annealed copper tape, connecting the down
conductor at the testing joint to the earth electrodes.
All measuring and test instruments used for lightning protection system installations shall
be regularly tested and calibrated by manufacturers or calibration laboratories, to preserve
their functionality and accuracy at the rainfall station. This is followed by the installation of
Surge Protection Device (SPD) 7 Steps in the lightning protection system. SPD is an electrical
installation protection component. This device is connected parallel to the power supply
circuit of the load that it has to protect. It is also used at all power supply network levels. It
is the most efficient overvoltage protection. SPD is designed to limit transient overvoltage
of atmospheric origin and divert current wave to earth, to limit the overvoltage amplitude
to a value that is non-hazardous for the electrical installation, electric switchgear and control
SPD eliminates overvoltage in the following ways;
SPD is classified into 3 types, namely Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3. The Type 1 SPD is
recommended in service-sector and industrial buildings, protected by a lightning protection
system or meshed cage. It protects electrical installation against direct lightning stroke. It
discharges the lightning back-current from the earth conductor to the network conductors.
Type 1 SPD is characterised by 10/350 µs current wave. The Type 2 SPD is the main
protection system for low voltage electrical installation, installed in electrical switchboard,
to prevent the spread of overvoltage in electrical installation and protect the loads. Type 2
SPD is characterised by 8/20 µs current wave, with low discharge capacity. Therefore, they
must be installed as a supplement to Type 2 SPD and in the vicinity of sensitive load. Type 3
SPD is characterised by a combination of voltage wave (1.2/50 µs) and current wave (8/20
International standard IEC 61643-11 Edition 1.0 (03/2011) defines the characteristics and
tests for SPD connected to low voltage distribution system into three characteristics. The
first characteristic is Uc, which is the maximum continuous operating voltage where A.C. or
D.C. voltage is above which the SPD becomes active. This value is according to the rated
voltage and earthing arrangement. Another characteristic is Up, the voltage protection level
(at In). This is the maximum voltage across the SPD terminals when it is active. This voltage
is reached when the current flowing in the SPD equals to in. The voltage protection level
must be lower than the load overvoltage withstand capability (see section 3.2). In the event
of lightning stroke, the voltage across the SPD terminals remains lesser than Up. The last
one is In, the nominal discharge current where the peak current value is 8/20 µs waveform,
this is when the SPD can discharge for 15 times.
In addition, PVC conduit wiring has advantages such as being cheap and easy to install and
customise, strong and durable. In fact, PVC conduit wiring installed on roof or wall is known
as surface conduit wiring. In the conduit wiring system, the conduits should be electrically
continuous and connected to earth at suitable points, in case of steel conduit. The conduit
protects the cables from being bitten by rodents, which will result in short circuit.
For voltage drop in consumer installation, in the absence of any consideration, under normal
service condition, the terminal voltage of any fixed current-using equipment shall be greater
than the lower limit of the equipment standard. The fixed current-using equipment is not
subjected to product standard, thus the terminal voltage shall not impair the equipment
safety. These requirements are satisfied if the voltage drop between the origin of the
installation (usually the supply terminals) and socket-outlet or terminals of the fixed current-
using equipment does not exceed;
A voltage drop greater than the amount stated above is acceptable for a motor during
starting period and equipment with high inrush current, provided that the voltage variation
is verified within the limit specified in the equipment product standard or, in the absence of
product standard, it should be in accordance with the manufacturer recommendations.
The type of fencing should be chosen depending on the area. The construction should be
done with care to refrain excavated earth from being thrown onto the levelled site. It is
advisable to check the site level once fencing has been constructed.
Type of Fencing
Type of fencing used are:
i. Security fence
ii. Anti-Climb Fence
iii. Chain-link fence
Security Fence
Security fence, also known as roll top fence (Figure 12) is a hot dipped galvanised iron
welded mesh panel that provides see-through security, with contemporary design. It has
spacing specification of 50 mm × 150 mm, making the place looks safe and elegant. The
fence is designed with a triangular roll on the top and bottom parts, thus making it stronger
and tougher. With wire thickness of 5 mm and 50 mm × 150 mm spacing, the roll top fence
is very strong, hard to be bent. Hence, this prevents anyone from climbing over the fence to
reach the protected area.
Anti-Climb Fence
Anti-climb fence is the heavy duty hot dipped galvanised iron welded mesh panel with toe
and finger proof profile, this provides the highest degree of see-through security. With
spacing specification of 75 mm × 12.5 mm, which makes it impossible for fingers and toes
to go through, this prevents anyone from climbing over the fence to reach the protected
area. The fence is known as anti-cut fence as it is difficult to cut through the panel with
simple hand tools. With wire thickness of 4 mm and 75 mm × 12.5 mm spacing, intruders
can never cut off the fence.
Chain link fence is the most economical and oldest fence available in the market. The chain
link fence (also referred to as wire netting, wire-mesh fence, chain-wire fence, or diamond-
mesh fence) is made of thick steel wire and has a diamond-shaped pattern, often galvanised
or PVC wire is used for this fence.
Comparison of Type of Fencing
Table 2 shows the comparison between fencings. Different fences are used, depending on
the rainfall station area.
The detailed drawings and wordings are depicted in Appendix B: List of Drawing; Drawing
No: BSAH/HP32/SB/01.
7. Installation of Instrument
Installation of Tipping Bucket
Installation of tipping bucket must adhere to but not limited to the following procedures;
1. Perform installation work based on the DID Hydrology Manual (DIDM) 2009 and
manufacturer installation manual.
2. The height of tipping bucket must 1.35 m from the ground level or concrete, to the
top part of tipping bucket.
3. The foundation of the tipping bucket pole must be made of concrete (300 mm × 300
mm × 450 mm) and buried underground, subjected to the soil condition.
4. Test the instrument according to procedure and prepare installation and
maintenance report.
Installation of Mini Data Logger
Installation of mini data logger must adhere to but not limited to the following procedures;
1. Ensure the mini data logger and input cable are tested by qualified personnel before
installation at site.
2. Connect input cable to mini data logger as per manufacturer’s manual.
3. Key in the parameters and station information into data logger.
4. Test to ensure data is received and stored by mini data logger.
5. Ensure that one tipping bucket cable output is only for one input cable (sharing is not
6. Delete test data before leaving the station.
Total Amp Hour consumption for Enclosure including running of a (1) Tipping Bucket, one (1) Data
Logger, one (1) Telemetric Equipment, one (1) Power Supply and related components in enclosure
= 1.4 Amp
From the calculation, it shows that 2 pieces of 100W solar panel are needed to recharge the battery
every day, with around 40% of reserve. This is to make sure that the power is enough during rainy
The calculation to prove that the system is sufficient for 14 non-sunny days.
5 unit of 100Ah battery shall be used as power storage and power backup.
Thus, total Ampere Hour available from batteries, AHB = 100 x 5 = 500 AH.
From the calculation, this shows that power consumption is sufficient for 14 non-sunny days, with
5 units of 100 Ah battery as power storage and backup system. The total power reserve available
from the design is 29.6 Ah, which is around 5.92% of the total power storage of 500 Ah.
Real-time Clock Yes
Humidity Up to 70% RH
Protocols supported Modbus, FTP, HTTP, XML, SMTP, NTP and SDI-12
Bulit-in Software and • The software shall be built in without no major application
Communication Instruments
Communication devices modems are important in a telemetry system to transmit data from
on-site RTUs to its master station for data processing, display and archiving purposes. In
general, there are three telecommunication mediums used as the communication media for
the hydrology telemetry system, they are radio communication, GSM/GPRS communication
and satellite communication.
Radio Communication
Radio modem is a modern way to create private radio network (PRN). PRN is used in
industrial critical applications, when real-time data communication is required. Also, radio
modem enables users to be independent of telecommunication or satellite network
operators. Users use licensed frequency, either the UHF or VHF band. VHF band is utilised
as the radio communication channel medium for the telemetry system. Licensed frequency
is reserved for users in certain area, thus ensuring that there is lesser radio interference
from other RF transmitters. The Tait radio modem is used as the radio communication
modem for telemetry systems, using radio VHF communication and the specification is
summarised in Table 4.
GSM/ EDGE Communication – 3G/4G
Global System for Mobile (GSM) Communications, originally Groupe Spécial Mobile, is a
standard developed by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) to
describe the second generation (2G) digital cellular network technology. Developed to
replace the first generation (1G) analog cellular network, the GSM standard originally
describes a digital, circuit-switched network optimised for full duplex voice telephony. The
standard was expanded over time to include first circuit-switched data transport, then
packet data transport via General Packet Radio Services (GPRS). GPRS is a best-effort service,
implying variable throughput and latency that depend on the number of users using the
service concurrently, as opposed to circuit switching, where quality of service (QoS) is
guaranteed during the connection. The enhanced data rate for GSM Evolution (EDGE) (also
known as Enhanced GPRS (EGPRS), or IMT Single Carrier (IMT-SC), or Enhanced data rate for
Global Evolution) is a digital mobile phone technology that improves data transmission rate
via a backward-compatible extension of GSM. EDGE is a pre-3G radio technology and is part
of ITU’s 3G definition.
Also, EDGE is standardised by 3GPP as part of the GSM family. Through the introduction of
methods such as coding and data transmission, EDGE delivers higher bit-rates per radio
channel, resulting in a threefold increase in capacity and performance as compared to
GSM/GPRS connection. EDGE is used for any packet switched application, such as an
Internet connection.
Satellite Communication
10. Maintenance of Instruments
JPS headquarters will assist the state hydrological officer in carrying out the maintenance, repair or
calibration works. The data logger readings should be checked regularly with telemetric instrument.
If any appreciable error occurs between the two reading sets, the cause of error must be identified
and rectified.
Regular maintenance of the rainfall tipping bucket is essential in collecting good quality data.
Maintenance must comply with but not limited to the following items;
i. Cleanliness of equipment. The following items should be checked regularly for cleanliness:
a. Catch filter
b. Syphon
c. Interior of bucket
d. All insect screens
ii. Ensure Rain Gauge is level using the bubble level fitted to the base
iii. Enclosure locking screws - lightly lubricate after cleaning
iv. Conductivity of mercury switch and Pulse cable
v. Test tipping using portable calibrator for about 40 tips as recommended by manufacturer.
vi. Fill up TKUP 6 form as attached in appendix.
Maintenance of the rainfall recorder must comply with but not limited to the following item:
i. Cleanliness of equipment
ii. Date time starting
iii. Date time off
iv. Compare reading of recorder/ logger and telemetry
v. Battery reading
vi. Check connectivity with sensors
vii. Record any malfunction or missing date
viii. Fill up TKUP 7 form as attached in appendix.
ix. Fill up TKUP 9 for station with telemetry.
11. Calibration of Instruments
The purpose of calibration is to provide measurement accuracy. Rainfall gauge shall be calibrated at
the intensity(s) recommended by the manufacturer or as advised, in Malaysia, by an accredited
calibration agency. Gauge shall maintain its performance up to the measurement intensity.
According to Jadual Servis, Ujian dan Tentukuran Alat (JSUTA) from JPS ISO 2015, rainfall tipping
bucket is valid for five (5) years, afterwards, it needs to be calibrated at workshop.
Calibration Procedure
Calibration work must comply with but not limited to the following procedures:
1) The left volume vessel is filled with water and the 100 mm/hour nozzle is inserted.
2) Calibration is commenced by turning on the outlet valve and recording time using
stopwatch, after all the water is drained from the left volume vessel.
3) The procedure is repeated using 200 mm/hour and 300 mm/hour consecutively.
4) Similar procedures are repeated for right volume vessel.
5) Calibration is done based on the Hydrological Services Lab.TB- RG Calibration
6) Fill in UT5 form as attached in appendix.
Rainfall gauge shall be calibrated in accordance with the methodology recommended by the
manufacturer or calibration agency;
1) when the instrument validation has failed to conform with the specifications, and
2) with frequency recommended by the manufacturer. Often, tipping bucket is
calibrated every five years at workshop and every three months on site using
12. Guidelines for Safety & Health
These guidelines are to protect workers from hazards and eliminate work-related injuries, ill health,
diseases, incidents and deaths. Table 5 summarises the hazard, risk and control during installation,
operation and maintenance works of rainfall station.
Site Tidiness
Working at Height
General Provisions
Guard Rails
i. be made from strong and rigid material to prevent people from falling and can
withstand other loads placed on them.
ii. be fixed to a structure, or part of a structure capable of supporting them.
iii. include;
(a) a main guard rail at least 900 mm above any edge, from which people tend to
(b) a toe board with at least 150 mm height.
(c) a sufficient number of intermediate guard rails or suitable alternatives.
iv. Risk of falling through opening or fragile material (e.g. roof lights) is reduced by
providing appropriate and adequate guard rails or barriers to cover the opening or
Protective Equipment
Employers on construction site need personal protective equipment (PPE) to ensure their
safety and health such as;
Safety Helmet
i. Employees should be provided with safety helmets to protect their head from injury
due to falling, flying objects or striking against objects or structures.
ii. Employers should ensure that safety helmets are worn by the employees.
iii. When working at height, a strap should be used to prevent the safety helmets from
i. Protective footwear should be worn by workers who are exposed to the risk of injury
of materials being dropped on their feet or nail, or sharp objects penetrating their
ii. When employees are working in water or wet concrete, they should wear appropriate
Working in Hot Environment
Excessive exposure to heat causes a range of heat-related illnesses, such as heat rash, heat
cramp, heat exhaustion and heat stroke. To reduce heat exposure and risk of heat-related
illness while working, practise work/rest cycle, drink water often, and provide an
opportunity for workers to build up tolerance level while working in the heat.
Electrical Hazard
Electricity has the potential to cause serious injury and death. Electrical hazards exist in
contact with the exposed live parts, electrical faults are the source of ignition that initiates
fire or explosion.
13. Do’s and Don’ts
No Main Points Do’s Don’ts
1 Installation of • Install at flat land. • Rain gauge shall not be deployed
tipping bucket • Ensure minimum distance of on a slope and nearby the tree.
two times height from any
2 Maintenance • Carry checklist and enough • Do not forget to fill in proper
spare parts for maintenance checklist before leaving site.
before a trip. • Do not compromise by not
changing the battery as
5 Power Supply • Only use battery • Solar system is not required for
System recommended by rainfall station without telemetry.
14. Summary Sheet
1 INTRODUCTION This section describes about a standard and its aim.
2 REVIEW OF EXISTING This section reviews current rainfall gauges that consist of non-
RAINFALL GAUGES recording and recording rain gauges. The recording rain gauges
are tipping bucket, weighing and radar types. Currently JPS
adopts 0.5 mm tipping bucket.
4 SELECTION OF SITE This section explains criteria in selecting rainfall station site for
optimum reading.
6 CONSTRUCTION OF STATION This section gives a brief explanation on other items set up at
rainfall station that include;
8 SOLAR POWER SUPPLY This section explains that five (5) units of 100 Ah batteries as
power storage and backup system are sufficient for power
consumption within 14 non-sunny days.
12 GUIDELINE FOR SAFETY AND This section provides brief guidelines on safety and health
HELATH during installation, operation and maintenance works.
13 DO’S AND DON’TS This section provides Do’s and Don’ts during installation,
operation and maintenance works.
15. References
1 World Meteorological Organisation; Guide to Hydrological Practices; Volume 1; Hydrology
–From Measurement to Hydrological Information. WMO-No. 168; Sixth Edition 2008
4 Department of Irrigation and Drainage - DID (2000). Volume 4 Hydrology and Water
Resource Urban Stormwater Management Manual for Malaysia. Department of Irrigation
and Drainage, Ministry of Agriculture, Malaysia.
7 Water and Disaster Management Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and
Tourism of Japan (2013) - Radar Observation of Precipitation for River Management in Japan
Appendix A: Related Documents from MS ISO 9001: 2015
No. Title
A1 Borang Tatacara Kerja Ujijalan dan Penyelenggaraan Rainfall Tipping Bucket (TKUP 6)
Tarikh : Tarikh :
Tarikh : Tarikh :
Tarikh Lawatan : Jenis Stesen : Hujan / Aras Air / Hujan & Aras Air
Nama Stesen : Pengenalan Stesen ( ID ) :
Nama Sungai : Nombor Stesen :
Daerah / Kawasan : Nama Stesen Repeater :
1. Jenis RTU
2. Nombor Siri
3. Casing RTU Baik / Tidak Baik
4. Keypad/ Touch Skrin Baik / Tidak Baik
5. Jenis Paparan LED / LCD Baik / Tidak Baik
6. Paparan Tarikh Baik / Tidak Baik
7. Paparan Masa Baik / Tidak Baik
8. Paparan Hujan mm
9. Paparan Aras Air Meter
10. Stick Gauge Meter
11. Connector dan kabel Baik / Tidak Baik
B Sistem Perhubungan
Bil Tatacara Kerja Penyenggaraan Tindakan/Catatan
Tarikh : Tarikh : :
Jenis Alat :
Kapasiti Bucket : mm
Nombor Siri :
Tarikh Ujian :
Tarikh : Tarikh :
Nombor Siri :
Purata Ketepatan %
Ketepatan Tanpa Syphon kurang dari 5% boleh diterima
Ketepatan Dengan Syphon kurang 2% boleh diterima
Tarikh : Tarikh :
Appendix B: List of Drawing
Butiran Pindaan T/tangan Tarikh
Butiran Pindaan T/tangan Tarikh
Butiran Pindaan T/tangan Tarikh
Section A-A
10 mm Dia.
(concrete grade 25)
and other accessories
compartment HAKCIPTA :
Butiran Pindaan T/tangan Tarikh
Butiran Pindaan T/tangan Tarikh
3mm X 25mm COPPER TAPE
compartment REQUIRED
6mm 6mm
300mm (min)
Butiran Pindaan T/tangan Tarikh