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Governance Business Risk and Internal ▸ Strong corporate governance is

Control founded on the principles of fairness,

accountability and transparency. It is
Corporate Governance key to increasing the global
What is CORPORATE GOVERNANCE? competitiveness of Philippine
corporations in a manner that optimizes
► Corporate Governance is the long term value to the company and its
application of best management shareholders, as well as recognizes the
practices, compliance to law in true role of its various stakeholders.
letter and spirit, and adherence to ethical
standards for effective management and What is the purpose of corporate
distribution of wealth and discharge of governance?
social responsibility for sustainable ► To facilitate effective entrepreneurial
development of all stakeholders. and prudent management that can
► Corporate governance is the system deliver long-term success of the
of rules, practices, and processes by company
which a firm is directed and controlled. ► To enhance shareholders' value and
► Corporate governance essentially protect their interests by improving the
involves balancing the interests of a corporate performance and
company's many stakeholders, such as accountability.
shareholders, senior management
executives, customers, suppliers, 1. Fair and Equitable Treatment of
financiers, the government, and the Shareholders
community. ► A corporate governance structure
► The corporate governance structure ensures equitable and fair treatment of
specifies the distribution of rights and all shareholders of the company.
responsibilities among different ➤ Although there are high net-worth
participants in the corporation such as individuals, groups or institutions who
the board, managers, shareholders, and have substantial proportion of their
other stakeholders and spells out the portfolios invested in the company and
rules and procedures for making therefore occupy top level positions that
decisions on corporate affairs. enable them to guard their interests,
➤ It also provides the structure however, a good governance structure
through which the objectives are set and should ensure that all shareholders
the means of achieving those objectives deserve equitable treatment and this
and monitoring performance. equity is safeguarded.
► Corporate governance is the
structure of rules, practices, and 2. Self-assessment
processes used to direct and manage a ► Corporate governance enables firms
company. A company's board of to assess their behavior and actions
directors is the primary force influencing before they are scrutinized by regulatory
corporate governance. Bad corporate agencies.
governance can cast doubt on a ► Business establishments with strong
company's operations and its ultimate corporate governance system are better
profitability. able to limit exposure to regulatory risks
and fines.
How does corporate governance help ► An active and independent t board
companies in the Philippines? can successfully point out deficiencies
or loopholes in the company operations
and help solve issues internally on a 1. TRANSPARENCY AND FULL
timely basis. DISCLOSURE

3. Increase shareholder's wealth Does the Board meet the information

► Protect the long-term interests of the needs of investment communities?
shareholders. ► Does it safeguard integrity in
► Firms with strong corporate financial reporting?
governance structure are seen to have ► Does the board have sound disclosure
higher valuation attached to their shares policies and practices?
by businessmen. This only reflects the Does it make timely and balanced
positive perception that good corporate disclosure?
governance induces potential investors Can an outsider meaningfully analyze
to decide to invest in a company. the organization's actions and
4. Transparency and full disclosure
► Good corporate governance aims at 2. ACCOUNTABILITY
ensuring a high degree of transparency ► Does the Board clarity its roles and
in an organization by encouraging full that of management?
disclosure of transactions in the ► Does it promote objective, ethical
company accounts. and responsible decision making?
► Does it lay solid foundations for
BASIC PRINCIPLES OF management oversight?
EFFECTIVE CORPORATE ► Does the composition mix of board
GOVERNANCE membership ensures an appropriate
range and mix of expertise, diversity,
* TRANSPARENCY AND FULL knowledge, and added value?
DISCLOSURE ▸ is the organization's senior officials
*ACCOUNTABILITY committed to widely accepted standards
*CORPORATE CONTROL of correct and proper behavior?


DISCLOSURE The term "corporate control" refers to
► Full disclosure is when we share the authority to make the decisions of a
everything we know with our corporation regarding operations and
stakeholders. strategic planning, Including capital
► Transparency, however, is focused on allocations, acquisitions and investments,
what our stakeholders need to know. It top personnel decisions, and major
requires us to understand them and, most marketing, production, and financial
importantly, make a few judgment calls decisions.
on what works best for the particular ▸ Has the Board build long-term
context. sustainable growth in shareholders'
► Transparency, leading to full value for the corporation?
disclosure as both action and behavior, ► Does it create an environment to
is understood in corporate governance as take risk?
establishing standards of corporate ► Does it encourage enhanced
ethics to deter unscrupulous corporate performance?
practices while preserving a fair ► Does it recognize and manage risk?
business environment. ► Does it remunerate fairly and
► Does it recognize the legitimate
interests of stakeholders? ►Trustworthiness and promise keeping
▸ Are conflicts of Interests avoided ► Loyalty and confidentiality
such that the organization's best interests ► Fairness and openness
prevail at all times? ► Caring for others
► Respect for others
BASIC PRINCIPLES OF ► Responsible citizenship
► Ethical behavior is necessary for a
Principles of Good Corporate society to function in an orderly manner.
Governance What would happen if for example we
A company should lay solid foundation cannot depend on the people we deal
for management and publish the with to be honest. If parents, teachers,
respective roles and management employees, co-workers and friends all
responsibilities of board and consistently lied.
➤ Many company had ethical values are
Structure that board to add value. Have a incorporated into laws. Example, driving
board of an effective composition, size, while intoxicated, selling defective
and commitment to adequately products, etc
discharge is responsibilities and duties. ► However, a considerable portion of
the ethical values cannot be incorporated
Best Practice Recommendations into laws because of the judgmental
a. Formalize and disclose the functions nature of certain values. It is very
reserved to the board and those difficult to establish meaningful laws
delegated to management. related to integrity, loyalty, pursuit of
a. A board should have independent excellence.
b. The roles of chairperson and chief WHY DO PEOPLE ACT
executive officer should not be exercised UNETHICALLY?
by the same individual.
ETHICS defined ► 1. The person's ethical standards are
► Ethics is a set of moral principles or different from those of the general
values that govern the actions and society. Examples are drug dealers, bank
decisions of an individual and group. robbers. Most people who commit such
➤ Examples of prescribed set of moral acts feel no remorse when they are
principles include laws and regulations, apprehended, because their ethical
church doctrine, code of ethics for standards differ from that of the society
professional groups such as teachers, as a whole
CPAs, nurses, lawyers, etc. > 2. the person chooses to act selfishly.
A considerable portion of unethical
CHARACTERISTICS AND behavior results from selfish behavior.,
VALUES ASSOCIATED WITH Pork barrel scam, corruption, financial
► Integrity
- Pursuit of excellence CATEGORIES OF ETHICAL
► Principle of Personal Ethics 2. To show businessmen that common
 basic justice, fairness practices which they have thought to be
 respect for the right of others right because they see other
 concern for the right of others businessmen doing it.
 concern for the welfare of others 3. To serve as a standard or ideal upon
 benevolence, trustworthiness, which business conduct
 compliance with the law

►Professional Ethics
 integrity, impartiality, objectivity
 professional competence
 confidentiality
 professional behavior
 avoidance of conflict of interest

► Business Ethics
 fair competition
 social responsibility
 concern for the environment

Business Ethics defined

- Business ethics refers to standards of
moral conduct, behavior, and judgement
in business
-It involves making the moral and right
decisions while engaging in such
business activities as manufacturing or
selling a product or providing a service
to customers.
-Business ethics is an area of corporate
social responsibility where businesses
are legally bound and socially obligated
to conduct business in an ethical manner.
-Business ethics is based on the personal
values and standards of each person
engaged in business.

Purposes of Business Ethics

Main Purpose
>The main purpose of business ethics
is to help business and would be
business to determine what business
practices are right and what are wrong.
Special Purposes
1. To make businessmen realize that
they cannot employ double standards to
the actions of other people and to their
own actions.

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