Sy Eco 23 09 2023
Sy Eco 23 09 2023
Sy Eco 23 09 2023
Economics is one of the social sciences, which has great influence on every human
being. As economic life and the economic go through change, the need to ground education in
children's own experience becomes essential. While doing so, it is imperative to provide them
opportunities to acquire analytical skills to observe the understand the economic realities.
At senior secondary stage, the learners are in a position to understand abstract ideas,
exercise the power of thinking and to develop their own perception. It is at this stage, the
learners and exposed to the rigour of the discipline of economics in a systematic way.
The economics courses are introduced in such a way that in the initial stage, the
learners are introduced to the economic realities that the nation is facing today along with
some basic statistical tools to understand these broader economic realities. In the later stage,
the learners are introduced to economics as a theory of abstraction.
The economics courses also contain many projects and activities. These will provide
opportunities for the learners to explore various economic issued both from their day-to-day
life and also from issues, which are broader and invisible in nature. The academic skills that
they learn in these courses would provide opportunities to use information and communication
technologies to facilitate their learning process.
2. Realization of learner’s role in nation building and sensitivity to the economic issues that the
nation is facing today.
3. Equipment with basic tools of economic and statistics to analyses economic issues. This is
pertinent for even those who may not pursue this course beyond senior secondary stage.
4. Development of understanding that there can be more than one view on any economics
issue and necessary skills to argue logically with reasoning.
Paper 1 3 Hours 80 Marks
Units Marks
1. Introduction 05
2. Consumer Behavior and Demand 12
3. Producer Behavior and Supply 12
4. Forms of Market and Price Determination 05
5. Simple applications of Tools of demand and supply cuves 06
Objective Type/MCQ 16 01 16
Short Answer -I 04 02 08
Short Answer-III 02 04 08
Long Answer 06 05 30
Total 34 80
What is microeconomics?
Measures to correct excess and deficient demand - availability of credit, change in Government
O;f"V vFkZ'kkL= ,d ifjp;
lef"V vFkZ'kkL= ,d ifjp; Published by N.C.E.R.T., NEW DELHI
Introductory Microeconomics
Introductory Microeconomics