Year 4 Spring Block 3 Fractions
Year 4 Spring Block 3 Fractions
Year 4 Spring Block 3 Fractions
Spring - Block 3
Year 4 | Spring Term | Week 5 to 8 – Number: Fractions
Small Steps Notes for 2020/21
Year 4 | Spring Term | Week 5 to 8 – Number: Fractions
Small Steps Notes for 2020/21
Subtract fractions
The recap step here suggests
Subtract 2 fractions children use practical equipment
Subtract from whole amounts and pictorial representations to
subtract fractions with the same
Fractions of a set of objects (1)
denominator within one whole.
Fractions of a set of objects (2) They can then apply this to
Calculate fractions of a quantity subtracting more than one
fraction and from whole amounts.
Problem solving – calculate quantities
Year 3 | Spring Term | Week 10 to 11 – Number: Fractions
Children are introduced to fractions with denominators other of the shape is shaded.
than 2, 3 and 4, which they used in Year 2. Ensure children
understand what the numerator and denominator represent. 1 3
Shade of the circle. Shade of the circle.
5 5
1 3
Circle of the beanbags. Circle of the beanbags.
Mathematical Talk 5 5
What is a unit fraction? What’s the same and what’s different about and ?
1 3
5 5
What is a non-unit fraction?
Complete the sentences.
1 1 1 1
Show me , , , What’s the same? What’s different? A unit fraction always has a numerator of _____
2 3 4 5
A non-unit fraction has a numerator that is ______ than _____
What fraction is shaded? What fraction is not shaded? An example of a unit fraction is _____
An example of a non-unit fraction is ____
What is the same about the fractions? What is different?
Can you draw a unit fraction and a non-unit fraction with the same
4 ©White Rose Maths
Year 3 | Spring Term | Week 10 to 11 – Number: Fractions
What is a Fraction?
Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children explore fractions in different representations, for Here are 9 cards.
example, fractions of shapes, quantities and fractions on a Sort the cards into different groups.
number line. Can you explain how you made your decision?
Can you sort the cards in a different way?
They explore and recap the meaning of numerator and Can you explain how your partner has sorted
denominator, non-unit and unit fractions. the cards?
Year 4 | Spring Term | Week 5 to 8 – Number: Fractions
What is a Fraction?
Reasoning and Problem Solving
Always, Sometimes, Never? Sometimes 4
Which representations of are incorrect? The image of the
5 dogs could
Alex says, If the shape is not 2
represent or
5 5
split equally, it will
If I split a shape not be in quarters.
into 4 parts, I 4
have split it into
quarters. 5
The bar model is
Explain your answer. not divided into
equal parts so this
does not represent
Explain how you know. 4
Year 3 | Spring Term | Week 10 to 11 – Number: Fractions
Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children explore what a tenth is. They recognise that tenths If the frame represents 1 whole, what does each box represent?
arise from dividing one whole into 10 equal parts. Use counters to represent:
• One tenth
Children represent tenths in different ways and use words and • Two tenths
fractions to describe them. For example, one tenth and • Three tenths
• One tenth less than eight tenths
Identify what fraction of each shape is shaded.
Give your answer in words and as a fraction.
Mathematical Talk
How many tenths make the whole? Three tenths
How many tenths are shaded? Annie has 2 cakes. She wants to share them equally between 10
people. What fraction of the cakes will each person get?
How many more tenths do I need to make a whole? There are ____ cakes.
They are shared equally between ___ people.
When I am writing tenths, the _____________ is always 10 Each person has of the cake.
___ ÷ ____ = _____
How are fractions linked to division? What fraction would they get if Annie had 4 cakes?
8 ©White Rose Maths
Year 3 | Spring Term | Week 10 to 11 – Number: Fractions
Reasoning and Problem Solving
Fill in the missing values. Odd One Out The marbles are
Explain how you got your answers. the odd one out
because they
represent 8 or
eighths. All of the
other images have
a whole which has
Children could use Which is the odd one out? been split into ten
practical Explain your answer. equal parts.
equipment to
explain why and
how, and relate
back to the
counting stick.
Count in Tenths
Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children count up and down in tenths using different The counting stick is worth 1 whole. Label each part of the counting
representations. stick. Can you count forwards and backwards along the counting
Children also explore what happens when counting past
They are not required to write mixed numbers, however
11 1
children may see the as 1 due to their understanding of 1
10 10
Continue the pattern in the table.
whole. 4 6
• What comes between and ?
10 10
• What is one more than ?
Mathematical Talk 8
• If I start at and count back ,
10 10
Let’s count in tenths. What comes next? Explain how you know. where will I stop?
Count in Tenths
Reasoning and Problem Solving
Teddy is counting in tenths. Teddy thinks that True or False? This is correct.
after ten tenths Children could
Seven tenths, eight you start counting Five tenths is
smaller than 7 tenths. show it using
tenths, nine tenths, ten in elevenths. He pictures, ten
tenths, one eleventh, two does not realise Five tenths is
larger than three tenths. frames, number
elevenths, three that ten tenths is 10
lines etc.
elevenths… the whole, and so Do you agree? For example:
the next number in
the sequence after Explain why.
Can you spot his mistake? ten tenths is
eleven tenths or
one and one tenth.
Mathematical Talk
The number line represents 1 whole, where can we see the
fraction ? Can we see any equivalent fractions?
Place these equivalent fractions on the number line.
1 3 1 1 2
Look at the number line divided into twelfths. Which unit 4 4 6 3 3
fractions can you place on the number line as equivalent
1 1 1 1
fractions? e.g. , , , etc. Which unit fractions are not
2 3 4 5
equivalent to twelfths? Are there any other equivalent fractions you can identify on the
number line?
14 ©White Rose Maths
Year 3 | Summer Term | Week 1 to 3 – Number: Fractions
Who do you agree with? Explain why. Can you write what fraction each shape Accept other
is worth? Can you record an equivalent correct
fraction for each one? equivalences
= =
= =
1 2 3
= = = =
2 6 2 8
4 6 8 10 and denominator
each time. 1 2 1 2
He says, = , = ,
When you find
4 6 8
3 6 4 8
Year 4 | Spring Term | Week 5 to 8 – Number: Fractions
Mathematical Talk
How many ____ make a whole?
If I have _____ eighths, how many more do I need to make a Complete. You may use part-whole models to help you.
whole? 10
= +
3 3 3 3
What do you notice about the numerator and denominator 6
= + =
2 2
when a fraction is equivalent to a whole? 3 3 3 3
16 3
= + =
8 8 8
Year 4 | Spring Term | Week 5 to 8 – Number: Fractions
= 2 wholes
and 3 fifths
= 10 wholes and 3 fifths
Year 4 | Spring Term | Week 5 to 8 – Number: Fractions
Count in Fractions
Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children explore fractions greater than one on a number line Complete the number line.
and start to make connections between improper and mixed
Mathematical Talk Fill in the blanks using cubes or bar models to help you.
Can you write the missing fractions in more than one way?
Write the next two fractions in each sequence.
Are the fractions ascending or descending? a)
12 11 10
, , , ____ , ___
1 2
b) 3 , 3 , 2 , ____ , ____
7 7 7 3 3
4 6 8 3 1 4
c) , , , ____ , ____ d) 12 , 13 , 13 , ____ , ____
11 11 11 5 5 5
Year 4 | Spring Term | Week 5 to 8 – Number: Fractions
Count in Fractions
Reasoning and Problem Solving
Here is a number sequence. The fractions are Play the fraction game for four players. 2 children can
increasing by one Place the four fraction cards on the floor. make four tenths
10 14
, ,
, _____ more twelfth each Each player stands in front of a fraction. by stepping on
12 12 12 12 12
time. The next We are going to count up in tenths one tenth and
fraction would be starting at 0 three tenths at the
Which fraction would come next? 25 When you say a fraction, place your foot same time.
Can you write the fraction in more than 12
on your fraction. Alternatively, one
one way?
child can make
1 2 four tenths by
Circle and correct the mistakes in the stepping on
sequences. 10 10 with 2 feet.
Add Fractions
Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children use practical equipment and pictorial representations Take a paper circle. Fold your circle to split it into 4 equal parts.
to add two or more fractions with the same denominator Colour one part red and two parts blue. Use your model to
where the total is less than 1 complete the sentences.
______ quarter is red.
They understand that we only add the numerators and the ______ quarters are blue.
denominators stay the same. ______ quarters are coloured in.
Show this as a number sentence. + =
4 4 4
Mathematical Talk
3 1 4
We can use this model to calculate + =
8 8 8
Using your paper circles, show me what + is equal to. Draw your own models to calculate
4 4
How many quarters in total do I have?
1 2 2 3 1 7 9
+ = + + = + =
5 5 5 7 7 7 10 10
How many parts is the whole divided into?
How many parts am I adding? 5 1
Eva eats of a pizza and Annie eats of a pizza.
What do you notice about the numerators? 12 12
What do you notice about the denominators? What fraction of the pizza do they eat altogether?
Add Fractions
Reasoning and Problem Solving
Rosie and Whitney are solving: Rosie is correct. Mo and Teddy share these chocolates. Possible answers:
Whitney has made
4 2 the mistake of also 1
7 7 adding the 12 12
denominators. 3 9
Rosie says, Children could +
12 12
prove why
The answer is
6 Whitney is wrong 5
12 12
7 using a bar model They both eat an odd number of
or strip diagram. chocolates. (In either order)
Complete this number sentence to show
Whitney says, what fraction of the chocolates they
6 each could have eaten.
The answer is
+ =
Who do you agree with?
Explain why.
Mathematical Talk 3
+ =
How many equal parts is the whole split into? How many equal Choose your preferred model to add:
parts am I adding? 2 1 3 6 7 4
+ + +
5 5 7 7 9 9
Which bar model do you prefer when adding fractions? Why? Use the number line to add the fractions.
4 5 8 1 11 5 7 17
+ + + +1 + + =
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
Year 4 | Spring Term | Week 5 to 8 – Number: Fractions
Year 3 | Summer Term | Week 1 to 3 – Number: Fractions
Subtract Fractions
Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children use practical equipment and pictorial representations Eva is eating a chocolate
to subtract fractions with the same denominator within one bar. Fill in the missing
whole. information.
They understand that we only subtract the numerators and the Can you write a number story using ‘first’, ‘then’ and ‘now’ to
denominators stay the same. describe your calculation?
Which models show take away? Which models show finding Complete the part whole models. Use equipment if needed.
the difference? What’s the same? What’s different? Can you write fact families for each model?
Can we represent these models in a number story?
Can you partition in a different way?
Subtract Fractions
Reasoning and Problem Solving
Find the missing fractions: 7 3
− = +
2 2
How many fraction addition and There are lots of
7 7 7 7
subtractions can you make from this calculations
7 3
− = +
2 7 5 4 2 model? children could
− = −
7 7 7 7 9 9 9 9 record. Children
5 4 2
may even record
− = − calculations where
9 9 9 9
there are more
than 2 fractions
3 1 3 7
e.g. + + =
9 9 9 9
Jack and Annie are solving −
4 2
Jack has taken Children may
5 5
two fifths away. possibly see the
Jack’s method: Annie has found red representing
the difference one fraction and
Annie’s method: between four fifths the white another
and two fifths. also.
They both say the answer is two fifths.
Can you explain how they have found
their answers?
Subtract 2 Fractions
Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children use practical equipment and pictorial representations Use identical strips of paper and fold them into eighths.
to subtract fractions with the same denominator. Use the strips to solve the calculations.
8 3 7 3 16 9 13 7
− = − = − = − =
Encourage children to explore subtraction as take away and 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
13 6
− =
Have you used take away or difference to subtract the eighths 5 5 5
using the strips of paper? How are they the same? How are they
different? 17 9
Annie uses the number line to solve −
11 11
How can I find a missing number in a subtraction? Can you
count on to find the difference?
Use a number line to solve:
Can I partition my fraction to help me subtract? 16
9 16
9 16
9 16
13 13 9 9 7 7 16 16
Year 4 | Spring Term | Week 5 to 8 – Number: Fractions
Subtract 2 Fractions
Reasoning and Problem Solving
Match the number stories to the correct 1st question Annie and Amir are working out the They are both
calculations. matches with answer to this problem. correct. The first
7 4 7 3
second calculation. model shows
Teddy eats of a pizza. Dora eats
How much do they eat altogether?
8 8
2nd question with 7
3 finding the
7 4 7 4
first calculation. 9 9 difference and the
Teddy eats of
a pizza. Dora eats less.
8 8
+ =
3rd question with second model
Annie uses this model.
8 8
How much do they eat altogether?
7 3 7 3
third calculation. shows take away.
Teddy eats of a pizza. Dora eats less. − =
8 8 8 8
How much does Dora eat?
Ensure the
How many different ways can you find to Children may give number stories
solve the calculation? a range of answers match the model
as long as the of subtraction. For
Amir uses this model.
calculation for the Annie’s this will be
− = + numerators is finding the
7 7 7 7 correct. difference. For
Amir this will be
3 Which model is correct? Explain why.
− =
7 7
7 take away.
Can you write a number story for each
Year 4 | Spring Term | Week 5 to 8 – Number: Fractions
3 8 3 5 1
2− = − = =1
4 4 4 4 4
How many more thirds/quarters/ninths do you need to make Use a number line to find the difference between:
one whole? 2 2 2
2 and 2 and and 4
3 5 5
Year 4 | Spring Term | Week 5 to 8 – Number: Fractions
9 5 2
2− = +
8 8 8
Year 3 | Spring Term | Week 10 to 11 – Number: Fractions
Dexter has used a bar model and counters to find of 12
Mathematical Talk
Which operation do we use to find a fraction of an amount? Use Dexter’s method to calculate:
1 1 1 1
How many equal groups do we need? of 12 of 12 of 18 of 18
6 3 3 9
Which part of the fraction tells us this? Amir uses a bar model and place value counters to find one quarter
How does the bar model help us? of 84
On Sunday, she ate of her remaining 1 1
3 of 50 = of 25 10
chocolates. 5
What does the denominator tell us? Use Dexter’s method to calculate:
5 2 2 7
What does the numerator tell us? of 12 of 12 of 18 of 18
6 3 3 9
What is the same and what is different about two thirds and Amir uses a bar model and place value counters to find three
two fifths? quarters of 84
How many parts is the whole divided into and why?
Use Amir’s method to find:
2 2 3
of 36 of 45 of 65
3 3 5
36 ©White Rose Maths
Year 3 | Spring Term | Week 10 to 11 – Number: Fractions
On Sunday, he spent of his remaining
How many were in the whole set?
How much money does Ron have left?
Fractions of a Quantity
Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children use their knowledge of finding unit fractions of a Mo has 12 apples.
quantity, to find non-unit fractions of a quantity. Use counters to represent his apples and find:
1 1 1 1
of 12 of 12 of 12 of 12
2 4 3 6
They use concrete and pictorial representations to support
their understanding. Children link bar modelling to the Now calculate:
abstract method in order to understand why the method 2 3 2 5
of 12 of 12 of 12 of 12
works. 2 4 3 6
Mathematical Talk Use a bar model to help you represent and find:
What is the whole? What fraction of the whole are we finding? of 56 = 56 ÷
How many equal parts will I divide the whole into?
2 3 4 4 7
of 56 of 56 of 56 of 28 of 28
What’s the same and what’s different about the calculations? 7 7 7 7 7
Fractions of a Quantity
Reasoning and Problem Solving
True or False? False. Ron gives of a bag of 54 marbles to Teddy could have
Divide the whole Alex. 16, 12, 8 or 4
To find of a by 8 to find one marbles to begin
number, divide by 3 eighth and then 3 with.
Teddy gives of a bag of marbles to Alex.
and multiply by 8 multiply by three 4
to find three
eighths of a Ron gives Alex more marbles than Teddy.
Convince me.
How many marbles could Teddy have to
begin with?
2 3
of 54 > of
9 4
Year 4 | Spring Term | Week 5 to 8 – Number: Fractions
Calculate Quantities
Notes and Guidance Varied Fluency
Children solve more complex problems for fractions of a Use the counters and bar models to calculate the whole:
quantity. They continue to use practical equipment and
There are ____ counters in one part.
pictorial representations to help them see the relationships
between the fraction and the whole. 1
= ____
= ____
= ____
or 1 whole = ____
4 4 4 4
Encourage children to use the bar model to solve word There are 7 counters in one part.
problems and represent the formal method.
1 2 3 4
= ____ = ____ = ____ or 1 whole = ____
4 4 4 4
Mathematical Talk Whole Unit Fraction Non-unit Fraction
1 5
The whole is 24 of 24 = ____ of 24 = ____
If I know one quarter of a number, how can I find three quarters 6 6
of a number? The whole is ____
of ____ = 30
of ____ = ____
3 3
1 3
If I know one of the equal parts, how can I find the whole? The whole is ____ of ____ = 30 of ____ = ____
5 5
How can a bar model support my working? Jack has a bottle of lemonade.
He has one-fifth left in the bottle.
There are 150 ml left.
How much lemonade was in the bottle when it was full?
Year 4 | Spring Term | Week 5 to 8 – Number: Fractions
Calculate Quantities
Reasoning and Problem Solving
The school kitchen needs to buy Mrs Rose is 1
These three squares are of a whole Lots of different
carrots for lunch. correct. 4 possibilities. The
A large bag has 200 carrots and a 3
of 200 = 120 shape should have
medium bag has of a large bag.
5 12 squares in total.
5 Mrs Rose will need
Mrs Rose says, a large bag.