Suarez Et Al 2020
Suarez Et Al 2020
Suarez Et Al 2020
DDS, OMS, MSc. PhD student at Dental School, University of Sevilla (Seville, Spain). Director of National Center of Oro-Maxi-
llofacial Surgery and Implants CIBUMAXI, Caracas, Venezuela
DDS, MOS. PhD student at Dental School. University of Sevilla, Seville, Spain
DDS, MOM, MOS, PhD. Assistant Professor of Oral Surgery at Dental School. University of Sevilla, Seville, Spain
DDS, MOS and PhD student at Dental School. University of Sevilla, Seville, Spain
DDS, MOS, PhD. Full Professor of Oral Surgery at Dental School. University of Sevilla, Seville, Spain
DMD, OMS, PhD. Tenure Professor of Oral Surgery at Dental School. University of Sevilla, Seville, Spain. Head of Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery Service at Virgen del Rocio University Hospital, Seville, Spain
Department of Stomatology, School of Dentistry
University of Seville
C/ Avicena s/n 41009
Seville, Spain Hernández-Suarez A, Oliveros-López LG, Serrera-Figallo MA, Vázquez-
[email protected] Pachón C, Torres-Lagares D, Gutiérrez-PérezJL. Internal oblique line im-
plants in severe mandibular atrophies. J Clin Exp Dent. 2020;12(12):e1164-
Received: 01/07/2020
Accepted: 10/08/2020 Article Number: 57675
© Medicina Oral S. L. C.I.F. B 96689336 - eISSN: 1989-5488
eMail: [email protected]
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DOI® System
Background: Maxillary atrophy may be related to mechanical, inflammatory or systemic factors, being a conse-
quence of a reduction in the amount and quality of available bone. Several surgical techniques have been developed
for the restoration of bone volume needed for placing dental implants; guided bone regeneration or three-dimensio-
nal reconstructions with autologous bone, inter alia, are techniques described in the literature which demonstrate
this, all of which preceded by a proper prosthetic surgical assessment. Even when the majority of authors recom-
mend the use of these techniques prior to placing implants, it has been shown that implants with a smaller diameter
and length may be placed in severely atrophied jaws without the need for performing any surgery, offering excellent
Material and Methods: Twenty-four (24) implants were placed in six patients with severe mandibular atrophy. The
implants were placed in the anterior sector and on an internal oblique line. Patients were rehabilitated with a total
implant-supported prosthesis, with monitoring over a 10-year period.
Results: After a 12-month monitoring period, all the patients presented successful rehabilitation. Marginal bone
loss in general (n=24 implants) was +0.11 mm ± 0.53. In the implants in zones 1 and 4 (posterior) it was +0.06 mm
± 0.48 and in implants in zones 2 and 3 (anterior), +0.14 mm ± 0.57.
Conclusions: Implants can be placed in the anterior zone and on an internal oblique line in patients with severe
mandibular atrophy, using a diameter and length adapted to bone availability, for later prosthetic rehabilitation,
offering satisfactory results since phonetic and masticatory function can be restored, as well as facial and buccal
aesthetics, in a single surgical operation, with minimum morbidity.
Key words: Severe atrophy, implants, bone grafts, ridge atrophy, internal oblique line.
J Clin Exp Dent. 2020;12(12):e1164-70. Internal oblique line implants
J Clin Exp Dent. 2020;12(12):e1164-70. Internal oblique line implants
study models were made (Pax 3D, Vatech, Korea; Sof- a flap), following the standard milling protocol, initia-
tware Easydent4, Vatech, Korea). lly two implants in the anterior mandibular zones were
The requisite for joining the study was that patients had placed in the lateral incisor or canine zone. After this
a diagnosis of severe mandibular atrophy, that condi- the implants in the posterior zone (internal oblique line)
tions of a pre-existing systemic illness had to be contro- were placed, taking into account the measurements and
lled, that they were non-smokers and that they did not the location obtained in the prior analysis of the clinical
have any absolute contraindication for the placement of case study, defined between the alveolar ridge and the
dental implants. The study protocol was approved by the mylohyoid line (internal oblique line) where the corres-
Ethical Committee of the University of Seville. All the ponding milling was performed penetrating the lower
patients read and signed the informed consent form in edge of the mandible, in search of primary bicortical
order to take part in the study. The guidelines set out in stability; during the milling protocol it is advisable to
the Helsinki Declaration were observed for testing on maintain the index finger in the lingual zone such that
humans. correct placement of the implant can be controlled and
The implants were placed in four mandibular zones ensured (Figs. 2,3).
(zone 1, zone 2, zone 3, zone 4), zones 1 and 4 being It is important to highlight that there should be paralle-
the posterior areas, and zones 2 and 3, the anterior lism in the four implants to be placed and their permis-
mandibular areas (Fig. 1). All the implants were placed sible error margin is of just 200. The implants remained
using the transmucosal technique, with no bone graft or submerged for three and a half months, since despite
connective tissue graft, with delayed loading. The final having an average bone resistance of 40Nw, we must
prosthesis was placed in all cases 1.5 months after the remember that they are older adult patients and they pre-
second surgical procedure. A ball retainer was always sent for the most part a bone density of D3 and D4 in
used, of the same make as the implant that was placed as the anterior zone and D1, D2 in the posterior zone, on
the case might be, with a metal female component and the Misch classification.(2) After the waiting period the
a nylon cap. All the antagonists were complete conven- second stage surgery was undertaken, the healing collars
tional prostheses and in one case an overdenture on the were placed and the prosthetic rehabilitation stage was
four dental implants placed. Patients did not use a provi- initiated.
sional prosthesis during the osseointegration process of
the implants. Results
-Description of the surgical technique: The number of cases selected which met the selection
After the integrated assessment of each patient, once the criteria were six patients, with a 12-month follow-up,
measures corresponding to the zones where the implants of both sexes, with an average age of 70 years, with
were to be placed had been carried out and the correct controlled systemic conditions, non-smokers and who
position, diameter and length of the implants had been accepted this treatment proposal. All the implants were
determined, the surgical procedure was performed. internal hexagonal platform connection, SLA surface,
Placement of the implants was undertaken using the and made of ELI grade V titanium, although of different
transmucosal technique (without the need for making brands (AB-Ashdod, Israel) (MIS-Or Yehuda, Israel)
J Clin Exp Dent. 2020;12(12):e1164-70. Internal oblique line implants
Fig. 2: a) Radiographic image taken before and after implant placement. Clinical case. b) Radiographic image taken before and after implant
placement. Clinical case.
Fig. 3: a) Tomographic image. Clinical case. b) Panoramic radiograph after implant placement. c) Tomographic image with implants in place.
Clinical case. d) Clinical image of patient with implants. e) Image of implants in mouth. Clinical case. f) Image of patient with prosthesis.
Clinical case.
(AlphaBio-Tel Aviv, Israel) (Neobiotech-Seoul, Korea) After a 12-month follow-up, the bone change in general
(Table 1). The bone was always type 1, except in three (n=24 implants) was +0.11 mm ± 0.53. In the implants
posterior zones of three different patients in which it was in zones 1 and 4 (posterior) it was +0.06 mm ± 0.48 and
type 2. Osseointegration time was 3.5 months in all ca- in implants in zones 2 and 3 (anterior), +0.14 mm ± 0.57
ses. The prosthesis retention ball used the same brands (Table 2). After 12 months the only failure of the series
as the implant used in each case (AB-Ashdod, Israel) occurred (survival 95.83%). It was an implant placed in
(MIS-Or Yehuda, Israel) (AlphaBio-Tel Aviv, Israel) zone 4, which was not replaced, and the prosthesis has
(Neobiotech-Seoul, Korea). continued to function correctly.
Regarding the implants used, in zones 1 and 4, the mean Concerning the mean distances between implants and
thickness was 3.995 mm ± 0.32 and the mean length was the anatomical structures in the mandibular zone we can
7.5 mm ± 1.50. In zones 2 and 3, the mean thickness of provide the following data: distance between anterior
the implants used was 3.6 mm ± 0.36 and the mean len- and posterior implants, on each side, was 42.26 mm ±
gth was 11.41 mm ± 2.4 (Table 1). 8.24 and between the anterior ones was 10.81 mm ± 3.00
J Clin Exp Dent. 2020;12(12):e1164-70. Internal oblique line implants
(Table 1); the distance from the mental nerve to the pos-
terior implants was 24.6 mm ± 6.04 and from the mental
nerve to the anterior implants was 17.66 mm ± 5.78; the
inter-mental distance was 46.15 mm ± 10.12; the distan-
Distance of Implant to Mental Foramen
Zone 4 /
ce to the lower dental nerve, from the upper cortex, in
zones 1 and 4 was 5 mm ± 5.28; the distance between the
upper and lower cortex in zones 2 and 3 (anterior) was
18.61 mm ± 8.80, whilst in zones 3 and 4 it was 15.03
Zone 3
/ Ment
mm ± 6.07.
Zone 2
/ Ment
Pre Op Upper
Table 1: Types of implants used and immediate post-operative results in operated zones.
3.5 x 8
4.2 x 13
3.5 x 13
3.75 x 8
Zone 3
4.2 x 13
3.5 x 13
3.75 x 8
Zone 2
3.75 x 8
Zone 1
3.5 x 8
/ AB
article (33).
J Clin Exp Dent. 2020;12(12):e1164-70. Internal oblique line implants
All the surgical techniques for bone regeneration in which the implants are placed on atrophic ridges without
maxillo-mandibular major defects described in this the need to resort to more complex procedures such as
article, have high morbidity, cost, long healing time, grafts, distractions or lateralisations of the mandibu-
complications and discomfort for the patient, and for lar nerve, reduced morbidity for the total procedure is
this reason the internal oblique line technique has been achieved, which will directly lead to a higher success
described, in which predictability and treatment success rate for the implants and the patient’s speedy return to
can be seen. normal life.
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