Math Notes
Math Notes
Math Notes
to Technical
Learning Objectives
1.1 Explain the practical needs served by technical documents.
1.3 Describe the positive and negative effects of electronic technologies in the
Unlike poetry and fiction, which appeal mainly to our imagination, technical
documents appeal to our understanding. Technical writing rarely seeks to
entertain, create suspense, or invite differing interpretations. If you have
written a lab or research report, you know that technical writing must be clear,
audience-oriented, and efficient.
When novice technical writers first encounter the task of producing scientific,
technical, or business documents, they often rely on the strategies they’ve used
to create essays or personal documents. Some of those strategies can be readily
transferred to technical and business documents. For example, arguments and
opinions usually require detailed support in the form of evidence, examples,
statistics, or expert testimony. However, essays and personal correspondence
use structures and writing styles that can differ quite markedly from technical
documents, which emphasize clearly defined structures and concise, readable
prose. Those emphases result from meeting the reader’s needs and priorities,
not the writer’s needs and goals.
1.1.1 Technical Documents Meet the Audience’s
Instead of focusing on the writer’s desire for self-expression, a technical
document addresses the audience’s desire for information. This requirement
should not make your writing sound like something produced by a robot,
without any personality (or voice) at all. Your document may in fact reveal a lot
about you (your competence, knowledge, integrity, and so on), but it rarely
focuses on you personally. Readers are interested in who you are only to the
extent that they want to know what you have done, what you recommend, or how
you speak for your company. A personal essay, then, is not technical writing.
Consider this essay fragment which focuses on the writer’s feelings:
Computers are not a particularly forgiving breed. The wrong key struck or
the wrong command entered is almost sure to avenge itself on the
inattentive user by banishing the document to some electronic trash can.
This personal view communicates a good deal about the writer’s resentment
and anxiety but very little about computers themselves. The following example
can be called technical writing because it focuses on the subject, on what the
writer has done, and on what readers should do:
On MK 950 terminals, the BREAK key is adjacent to keys used for text
editing and special functions. Too often, users inadvertently strike the
BREAK key, causing the program to quit prematurely. To prevent the
problem, we have modified all database management terminals: to quit a
program, you must now strike BREAK twice successively.
This next example also can be called technical writing because it focuses on
what the writer recommends:
As the above examples illustrate, while a technical document never makes the
writer “disappear,” it does focus on what is most important to readers.
1.1.2 Technical Documents Strive for Efficiency
Educators read to test our knowledge, but colleagues, customers, and
supervisors read to use our knowledge. Workplace readers hate wasting time
and demand efficiency; instead of reading a document from beginning to end,
they are more likely to use it for reference and want only as much as they need:
“When it comes to memos, letters, proposals, and reports, there’s no extra
credit for extra words. And no praise for elegant prose. Bosses want employees
to get to the point—quickly, clearly, and concisely” (Spruell 32). Efficient
documents save time, energy, and money in the workplace.
When readers sense they are working too hard, they tune out the message—or
they stop reading altogether.
confusing organization
Efficiency and audience orientation are not abstract rules: writers are
accountable for their documents. In questions of liability, faulty writing is no
different from any other faulty product. If your inaccurate, unclear, or
incomplete information leads to injury, damage, or loss, you can be held legally
– Dave Ayriss
Information has become our prized commodity and, to a large extent, that
information is stored and transmitted electronically. Electronic technologies,
collectively known as information technology (IT), enhance the speed, volume,
and varieties of creating and transmitting messages.
Basic email helps people exchange ideas and information, while email
attachments allow for sophisticated formatting of documents.
Wireless laptop computers allow users to receive and send email from
locations (hotel conference rooms, airport lounges, classrooms) that
support wireless transmission.
Google Voice and other phone management systems take VoIP one step
further. Such systems allow subscribers to link their landline and
cellphone to a single number at a web browser that manages all aspects
of phone usage. Google Voice forwards and records calls, provides text
alerts, and transcribes voice mails. This service could be a real boon for
entrepreneurs, consultants, and service providers (Bertolucci). Other
VoIP service providers include Skype, Vonage, and VOIPo.
Electronic document sharing uses file transfer software for sharing and
editing drafts. The best software allows participants to comment on one
another’s work online so that each participant’s comments are distinct
from everyone else’s and from the original text.
– Craig Gorsline
Instead of being housed in one location, the virtual company may have
branches in widespread locations, or just one central office, to which
employees “commute” electronically. Such arrangements require
workers to be skillful communicators who must master the latest
technologies, use proper e-communication etiquette, and know how to
compensate for the lack of face-to-face contact (Marron, “Close
Encounters” C1). Sarah Sutton Fell, CEO of FlexJobs, reports that “the
long-term trends all show steady growth in the number of people
working remotely” (Sutton Fell).
Instead of relying on office staff, most managers compose and send their
own messages via email and messaging. Many also compose, design,
and deliver their own reports and proposals.
– Blair Peden
Researchers have also found evidence that “when people keep their brains
busy with digital input, they are forfeiting downtime that could allow them to
better learn or remember information or to come up with new ideas” (Richtel).
The ethics challenge. The interests of your company may conflict with the
interests of your audience.
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Challenges Descriptions
Clear all
Information has to have meaning for its audience, but people differ in their
interpretations of facts, and so they may need persuading that one viewpoint is
preferable to another. Persuasion, however, can be powerful and unethical.
Even the most useful and efficient document could deceive or harm. Therefore,
solving the persuasion challenge doesn’t mean manipulating your audience by
using “whatever works”; rather, it means building a case from honest and
reasonable interpretation of the facts. Figure 1.1 offers one way of visualizing
how these challenges relate.
Figure 1.1
Writers Face Four Related Challenges
The scenarios that follow illustrate the challenges faced by a professional in her
own day-to-day communication on the job.
1.4.1 The Information Challenge
Erika’s task is to compile and analyze Enviro’s 2015 monitoring data and
compare that data with both Enviro’s 2014 data and the 2015 data made
public by the Wood Buffalo Environmental Association and the Regional
Environmental Monitoring Association (REMA). Alberta Environment wants
Enviro’s data and conclusions, and it wants to know whether there is any
redundancy in the three collections of data.
After analyzing the reams of data, Erika’s next challenge is to organize and
present the data for technical and non-technical audiences. She has to answer
such questions as How much explaining do I need to do? Do I need visuals? How
much of the hundreds of pages of raw data should I include in the appendices? What
conclusions can I draw?
To some extent, Erika also faces a persuasion challenge. She sees some striking
discrepancies between the Enviro data and data released by REMA, an
initiative funded by oil sands producers. Further examination reveals that some
discrepancies have resulted from the contrasting locations of monitoring
stations. (Most of REMA’s stations are downstream from the oil sands
developments, while half of Enviro’s stations are upstream and half are
1.4.2 The Persuasion Challenge
Before writing her report, Erika must persuade her boss, Dr. Russ Klingbeil,
to include the data discrepancies, only some of which resulted from the
location of monitoring stations. For 16 days in July 2015, Enviro’s main
downstream station recorded wild fluctuations in water flows because of an
electrical short that was eventually diagnosed and repaired. Klingbeil is
reluctant to admit this equipment failure. He is about to propose a contract
extension to Alberta Environment.
Finally, Erika concludes that measuring sediment quality is not very useful
and should be discontinued—varying flows affect which parts of the
riverbanks get eroded; shifting sand bars affect sedimentation and obscure
the effect of releasing water from the oil sands production facilities; and
deposited hydrocarbon sediments, which occur naturally from the
hydrocarbons found in the riverbanks, have historically varied very little.
Erika can choose what data to include and what to omit. Does she report the
16-day equipment malfunction and the faulty data or simply omit the
information that reflects badly on Enviro Associates? Admitting the
malfunction may jeopardize her firm’s continuing contract.
By choosing certain data and omitting other facts, Erika could show that
Enviro’s methods are superior to the methods employed by REMA, thus
strengthening her firm’s case for continuing to monitor the Athabasca River,
and she could show that multiple sets of monitoring data are not redundant.
Further, recommending that sediment measurements be discontinued may
affect her firm’s bottom line and perhaps her own employment.
Situations that jeopardize truth and fairness present the hardest choices of all.
Some aspects of Erika’s ethical challenges are as follows: How much am I
obligated to report? What do I feel is fair? What would be the consequences of omitting
some of the data and interpreting the data to favour Enviro Associates?
Finally, Erika’s audience will extend beyond her own group of technical
experts. Government bureaucrats will use the report to aid their decision
making. Erika’s audience will even extend beyond her own culture.
1.4.4 The Global Context Challenge
Eventually, Alberta Environment will place the report on its website, where it
will be available to a worldwide audience of interested oil-industry business
people and environmentalists. Also, Enviro Associates is negotiating with
Alice Earth, an Australian-based company that wants to buy Enviro and
incorporate it into its global environmental practice. If the acquisition
occurs, all of Enviro’s reports will be placed in Alice Earth’s database for
associates in Australia, the United States, China, Singapore, and Malaysia
to read. Thus, Erika and her colleagues have been urged to write reports
that will be understood by an international audience.
Possibly, Erika will soon start to develop working relationships with people
she has never met and whose cultural expectations differ from hers. For more
information on the global context challenge, see the In Brief box, “Writing
Reaches a Global Audience.”
In Brief
Writing Reaches a Global Audience
Our linked global community shares social, political, and financial interests that demand
cooperation as well as competition. Multinational corporations often use parts that are
manufactured in one country and shipped to another for assembly into a product that
will be marketed elsewhere. Medical, environmental, and other research crosses
national boundaries, and professionals in all fields deal with colleagues from other
Here is a sampling of documents that might address global audiences (Weymouth 143):
Outsourcing of products and services brings special challenges. North American culture
tends to focus on tasks and deadlines for task completion. Meanwhile, Asian cultures
are more concerned with group cohesion and solidarity. The specifics of the product or
service to be delivered may be interpreted differently by the vendor and client, purely
because of language differences and inaccurate translations. Also, rules and
regulations about product quality, labour standards, and documentation vary from
culture to culture.
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Consider a situation in which you’ve had to work with a small group, either
on a project in your everyday life or on a collaborative classroom or
extracurricular project. First, describe the project in a paragraph. What was
the aim of the project? How many people were involved? What were the
perceived or stated roles of the people in the group? Next, write a paragraph
identifying the challenges faced by the group. Was there a common
understanding of what needed to be done (information)? How or how not?
Was everyone on the same page regarding how it needed to be done
(persuasion)? How or how not? Were there any issues related to the people
involved and/or their behaviours (diversity and ethics)? If so, what were
they? If not, where might there have been issues? How was your group
experience similar to and different from the discussion in this module of the
four challenges faced by technical writers?
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New technologies have created new customer expectations. For example, many
customers who use manuals prefer online documentation to printed manuals.
Users might also prefer 3D graphics, video demonstrations, or interactive high-
reality simulations. Regardless of the technology, technical communicators
need to process and understand the technical information. Their role further
requires them to structure and “write” the content of reports, instructions,
proposals, and other varieties of “technical” content.
According to Adobe Systems trainer Matt Sullivan, “The term technical writer is
becoming increasingly inaccurate. Writers are producing the print, the online-
and application-based help, and the self-paced training books, along with
instructor-led materials. In some cases, the writer is even the instructor as
For example, the aviation manual writing process used by technical writer
Roger Webber, for clients such as Bombardier and Flightcraft, requires
collaboration at nearly every one of the many stages outlined in Figure 1.2.
Figure 1.2
Publications Production Flow Chart for Aviation Documents
Source: Courtesy of Roger Webber, Torbay Technical Services.
Successful collaboration combines the best that each team member has to offer.
It enhances critical thinking by providing feedback, new perspectives, group
support, and the chance to test ideas in group discussion.
– Jack Molisani
A sizeable chunk of Big Data is analyzed, structured, and stored; but these
processes require skilled workers who tackle the time-consuming task of
finding patterns and drawing useful inferences in the reams of data they mine.
In other words, big businesses can devote considerable resources to making
sense of Big Data. Those who can afford to pay for data processing services
profit from the expenditure, in terms of increased workforce productivity,
product development, and overall profitability (Gravelle, “Maximizing” 1).
However, small businesses and individuals lack the resources to mine and
make sense of data-intensive scientific domains. The other side of the coin deals
with the constant streams of user-generated data on social media such as
Facebook, Instagram, Vine, Google+, and LinkedIn. Various manufacturers,
employers, retail chains, entertainment purveyors, governments, and the social
media companies themselves are able to collect and analyze useful data about
individuals. Thus, there are privacy implications as big business and
government have more tools to conduct surveillance.
Solution providers such as IBM are developing and grouping platforms that
analysts and managers use to minimize risk and improve decision making. For
example, IBM works with such partners as Hortonworks and open source
Apache Hadoop to gather, assess, and present useful data.
– Rick Smolan
Creator of the Day in the Life series, as he welcomed participants on October 2, 2012,
to the conference The Human Face of Big Data(retrieved
Artificial Intelligence
“Data is king, and artificial intelligence is the new oil. Oil has been the backbone of our
industrial economy since the mid-20th century, but AI data gathering, manipulation, and
applications will be the backbone of our economy for the next 100 years. It’s happening
now—I’ve visited a factory in Tokyo that is completely run by robots. No humans are on
site; robots make all on-site decisions and solve production problems.
“Our challenge is to use artificial intelligence to make our lives better. We take a very
strong view of the concept of human plus machine. Machines can calculate and analyze
and make decisions leading to actions, but machines can never feel or apply ethical
principles, so humans will need to be involved even though machines will be able to
better perform all work tasks currently performed by humans.”
– Craig Gorsline
In the Cloud
Cloud computing, which delivers hosted services over the internet, helps to
meet the challenges brought by Big Data. The cloud provider sells services by
the minute or the hour, provides as much as the customer requests, and fully
manages the requested service.
The customer might purchase server usage and storage or rent software and
product development tools hosted on the provider’s infrastructure. The
customer might outsource such services as database processing, inventory
control, web-based email, or third-party billing. The cloud provider might even
provide a complete suite of software tools that the customer uses to author
content and distribute technical drafts.
1.5.2 Complex Delivery Requirements
Traditionally, manuals, reports, proposals, and other content have been printed
or made available to be placed on computers. Now a given document—
whether product descriptions, software help, operating instructions, or
analytical reports—needs to be presented in parallel formats. The content needs
to go to online readers and mobile device users, in addition to consumers of
print media.
Multimedia Communication
To make matters even more complex, audiences are pushing for multimedia
delivery of content in the form of interactive instructions, online video, high-
quality 3-D graphics, and/or animated demonstrations.
These delivery methods clearly help meet information consumers’ needs, but
they also pose real challenges:
Structured Documents
The need to adapt documents for different media or for delivery to different
cultures and varying levels of expertise has led to the use of structured
documents that “use some method of embedded coding or markup to provide
structural meaning to an agreed upon organizational structure or schema”
(Gravelle, “Top 10” 1). Adobe FrameMaker, Ideapi, Autotag, and MadCap Flare
are tools that ease and speed up the processes of reusing content or publishing
for multi-channels. For example, information about a new tablet designed for
the construction industry might find its way into news releases, brochures,
printed manuals, online help, website product descriptions, and video or
animated tutorials.
Product Development
Following are the phases technical communicators are expected to take a part
In the initial planning stages, a writer can help to shape and write the
project plan.
Then, the test phase usually requires a written test plan. During the new
product’s sell phase, writers create launch material, press releases,
advertising copy, catalogue copy, and product documents.
As the project draws to a close, a technical writer might even compile a project
history file of lessons learned, consumer surveys, and recommendations for
future projects (Shenouda).
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Clear all
Whether they work for a firm or are self-employed, consultants rely on several
critical communication skills:
They must be active listeners. In conversation or in writing, they help
clients identify needs and priorities. All successful consulting begins
with an understanding of the pressing issues and problems. Often, the
consultant supplements this knowledge with secondary research into the
history and/or technical context of the situation.
Consultants must be good analysts and problem solvers. Often, they will need
creative, innovative strategies to deal with unique situations. There are
very few “cookie cutter” solutions in the world of consulting. So
consultants need to be open to new ways of doing things.
Consultants must have excellent interpersonal skills to work with all levels of
client understanding and a variety of personality types.
Above all, consultants must display strong oral and written skills for
networking, marketing, reporting, and proposal writing. The independent
consultant will learn about opportunities through his or her contact
network or through advertised requests for proposals. The next step will
be to prepare and present a proposal that likely will compete with rival
On the job and in the classroom, project managers learn the critical importance
of communication. According to Calgary-based project manager Rob Corbett,
“You need the right types and amount of resources, but the other main factor in
successful project management is good communication, which develops
understanding and trust. Having that trust with the client and the members of
your project team is essential.” Lisa Leffler, an Appriss project manager, adds
that being assertive is another valuable strategy for project managers, who
often find it necessary to push recalcitrant client employees to perform
required tasks (Leffler).
Some find Gantt charts too limiting, so they turn to more comprehensive
project-management tools, such as PERT charts, Microsoft Project, GanttProject,
Lighthouse, or Intervals, to track and manage all aspects of a project. Such tools
facilitate flexible planning and help managers react promptly to unexpected
problems and delays.
– Rob Corbett
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Exploratory Writing 1.5: Considering Your Own
Experience with Technological Change
Think about the technologies that have changed in your lifetime. For
example, did you family have a PC that you shared before the affordability
of individual laptops? Did you use a flip phone or an iPod before
smartphones became popular (and did your family have a landline phone)?
Did you use instant messaging before text messaging replaced it? Did your
family have an analog TV before the price of digital HD TVs went down?
Have you replaced cable TV with streaming services? Do you now store
your photos and other files on the cloud rather than on your computer or
phone? Think of some other examples of technological change that you
have experienced. Then pick three technologies from the above list or from
your own brainstorming, and write a paragraph listing the technologies and
how each has impacted your life. Have all of the changes been positive, or
is there also a negative side to technological change? Please explain.
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Research the kinds of writing you will do in your future career. You
might interview a member of your chosen profession. Why will you
write on the job? For whom will you write? Explain in a memo to your
In the On the Job box “Artificial Intelligence and the Data Estate” (in
Module 1.5, “Technical Communication Is Changing”), why does Craig
Gorsline say that “discussions about Big Data are being supplanted by a
new term, the Data Estate?” Write a paragraph explaining the difference
between the terms Big Dataand the Data Estate. In that paragraph,
consider the questions he raises about artificial intelligence. If robots and
other applications of artificial intelligence will be able to perform most
tasks better than humans, what role will humans have in the workplace?
Collaborative Project
Divide the class into three groups. Conduct an informal survey of
communications technologies used by group members’ acquaintances who are
employed in a business setting.
The groups will be responsible for learning more about usage of the following
communications tools:
Group 1—smartphones
Group 2—tablets
As a group, compile the information you have gathered and appoint one
member to present your findings to the class.
What are the main advantages and limitations of this device for
gathering business-related information?
What are the main advantages and limitations of this device for
displaying detailed information, such as tables, reports, and
What are the main advantages and limitations of this device for viewing
graphics and video?
What are the main advantages and limitations of this device for keeping
supervisors, colleagues, and clients informed about your progress on a
What are the main advantages and limitations of this device for
maintaining your social networks?