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 lliad and the Odyssey are the two

INTRODUCTION TO ARTS Greek Epics that one’s being taught
in school.
 The Sanskrit pieces Mahabharata
What is Art? and Ramanaya are also staples in
this fields.
 In every country and in every
 Art comes from the ancient Latin, generation, there is always art. Often
ars which means a “craft or times, people feel that what is
specialized form of skill, like considered artistic are only those
carpentry or smithying or surgery which have been made long time
 Ars in Medieval Latin came to ago. This is a misconception. Age is
mean something different. It means not a factor in determining art. “An
“any special form of book- learning, art is not good because it is old, but
such as grammar or logic, magic or old because it is good” (Dudley et
astrology” al., 1960
 The fine arts would come to mean
“not delicate or highly skilled arts,
but “beautiful arts”
2. Art Is Not Nature
 The humanities constitute one of the
 Art, not directed by representation of
oldest and most important means of
reality, it is a perception of reality.
expression developed by man”
 In the Philippines, it is not entirely
(Dudley et al., 1960). Human history
novel to hear some consumers of
has witnessed how man evolved not
local movies remark that these
just physically but also culturally,
movies produced locally are
from cave painters to men of
unrealistic. They contend that local
exquisite paintbrush users of the
movies work around certain formula
to the detriment of substance and
faithfulness to reality of movies.
Assumptions of Art  Paul Cezanne, a french painted a
scene from reality entitled Well and
1. Art Is Universal  Wheel in the Forest of the Chateau
 Timeless, spanning generations and Noir.
continents through and through.
 Misconception: Artistic made long
time ago age is not a factor in 3. Art Involves Experience
determining art.  It does not a full detail but just an
 Literature has provided key words of experience. Actual doing of
art. something.
 Getting this far without a satisfactory  Sculpture is another ancient art
definition of art can be quite weird form, dating back to some of the
for some. earliest civilizations.
For most people, art does not  Unlike painting though, this form of
require a full definition. Art is just art involves the creation of art in the
experience. By experience, we three dimensions.
mean the “actual doing of  The type of material used can be
something” (Dudley et al., 1960) and anything natural or artificial – from
it also affirmed that art depends on clay, metal, and wood to objects that
experience, and if one is to know art, artists come across in their everyday
he must know it not as fact or lives.
information but as an experience.
 A work of an art then cannot be 3. Architecture
abstracted from actual doing. In  Some of the extraordinary modern-
order to know what an artwork, we day architectural marvels include the
have to sense it, see and hear it. Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy, the
 An important aspect of experiencing Eiffel Tower (1887) in France, and
art is its being highly personal, the Sydney Opera House (1973) in
individual, and subjective. In Sydney, Australia. Other
philosophical terms, perception of art contemporary buildings that have
is always a value judgment. It been dreamt into existence that
depends on who the perceive is, his changed the way we see buildings
tastes, his biases, and what he has include the Louvre(1793), the
inside. Guggenheim Museum (1959), and
the Glass House (1949-1995).

7 Different forms of Art 4. Literature

 The word “literature” is derived from
the Latin word that is translated as
1. Painting
“letters” and refers to the written
 Painting is what most minds jump to word in particular. Language is a
when we think of art powerful and symbolic way of
 Painting is the most commonly communicating, and writing is no
taught art medium in childhood exception. The earliest texts date
education. back thousands of years to
 Many of today’s best-known Mesopotamia, although it is thought
contemporary artists work in this that writing developed independently
medium, including Alec on different continents.
 Monopoly, David Kracov, Yoel
Benharrouche, Angelo Accardi, and 5. Music
Calman Shemi.
 Music is created when there is an
2. Sculpture organization of sounds, as
vibrations, that are put together to
form an audible composition. 1895: Public audience by the Lumière
Elements of a musical composition brothers using their Cinématographe
include harmony, timbre, melody,
and rhythm. Although the presence 1909: Color was introduced
of music in ancient civilization is
 Theater
harder to trace than visual art,
 Theater is a performance art that
remains of musical instruments have
usually includes a visual element
been found that are thousands of
that has been used for entertainment
years old.
purposes for thousands of years.
 One of the most famous locations
 Cinema
central to bringing Romans together
 Cinema is a fairly recent form of art.
for entertainment was the
 Instead of attributing the Colosseum which, although now in
development of cinema to one
ruins, remains a testimony to the
inventor, many great minds flourishing culture of the Roman
contributed to the entrance of Empire. Indeed, Rome in the 6th
cinema into people’s lives as is the
century BCE is seen as the earliest
case with many great inventions and example of theater in the “western
discoveries of our time. world”.
 Early films were not as we know
them today, and nor was the
atmosphere in which they were FUNCTION & PHILOSOPHICAL
broadcast. Visuals lasted only a few
minutes and some of the content
included comedy skits, news, and
pictures of lands beyond the
 Aristotle
borders. Unlike cinema today, there
 Greek Philosopher
was often much participation from
 Claimed that every particular
the audience.
substance in the world has an end or
The progression of cinema into the telos in Greek, means purpose
immensely popular and accessible  Every substance, defined as a
format we know today occurred within formed matter
the space of a little over 100 years.  Telos is linked with function
Below are the major events that took  Man, in Aristotle’s view of reality, is
place that made cinema more attractive bound to achieve a life fulfilment and
to the public: happiness, in Greek termed as
1891: Prototype of kinetoscope by the
Edison Company

1893: The kinetoscope made its first

Functions of Art
public appearance  Personal Functions of Art
 the functions depend on the person–  Artists reinforce the belief in copies
artist who created the art and discourage men to reach for the
real entities in the World of Forms
 Social Functions of Art
 it addresses a particular collective
interest as opposed to a personal For example:
 art convey message of protest, the chair that one sits on is not a real
contestation chair. It is an imperfect copy of the
perfect chair in the World of Forms
 Physical Functions of Art when one ascribes beauty to
 can be found in artworks that are another person, he refers to an
crafted in order to serve a physical imperfect beauty that participates
purpose only in the form of beauty in the
 architecture, jewelry-making, and World of Forms
even interior design are forms of art
that have a physical fun  World of Forms is a transcendent to
our own world and also is the
 Other Functions of Art essential basis of reality
 Music
 Sculpture  Aristotle
 Architecture  Art as a Representation
 Aristotle considered art as an aid to
philosophy in revealing truth

For example:
Philosophical Perspective Poetics claimed that poetry is a
literary representation

 Plato
 For Aristotle, all kinds of art including
 Art as an Imitation
poetry, music, dace, painting, and
sculpture, do not represent reality as
 In Plato’s masterpiece, called The it is.
Republic, paints a picture of artists
 Art endeavors to do is to provide a
as imitators and art as imitation
vision of what might be or
possibilities in reality
 In Plato’s metaphysics or view
 Aristotelian worldview, serves 2
reality, the things in this world are
purposes in terms of art:
only copies of the original, the
 Art allows for the experience of
eternal, and the true entities that can
only be found in the World of forms.
 Art has an ability to be instructive
teach its audience things about life
 Kant communicate and controls his/her
 Art as a Disinterested Judgement translate his/her medium to achieve
 Kant mentioned that judgment of feelings, ideas the desired
or thought effect
beauty, and art, is innately
autonomous from specific interests
 Kant recognized that judgment of Vincent Van Gogh
beauty is subjective. Hence, even
subjective judgments are based on Akira Yoshizawa
some universal criterion
Fernando Amorsolo
 For Kant, every human being, after
perception should recognize the Whang Od
beauty that is inherent in a work of
 Art as a communication of Emotion BAYAN
 For Tolstoy, art plays a huge role in the search for the the highest national
communication to its audience’s finest traditional recognition given
emotions. artists of the land to Filipino individuals
who have made
 Art then serves as a language, a
communication device that contributions to the
articulates feelings and emotions development of
Philippine arts.


GAMABA Awardees

Artists are art Artisans are
practitioner who craftsmen who
produces or creates produce directly
indirectly functional or
functional arts with decorative products
aesthetic value
using imagination

Medium material Technique is the
which the manner in
artist uses to which the artist



Possess a mastery of tools and materials

needed for the traditional, folk art and be a
maker of works of extraordinary technical

Have consistently produced works of

superior quality over significant period;
Have engaged in a traditional and folk art
which has been in existence and
documented for at least fifty (50) years;

Command respect and inspire admiration of

the country with his character and integrity;

Must have transferred and/or willing to

transfer to other members of the community
the skills in the traditional and folk arts for
which the community has become nationally

However, a candidate who, due to age or

infirmity, has left him/her/them incapable of
teaching further his/her/their craft, may still
be recognized provided that he/she/they
must possess the qualifications as
enumerated above.

National Artist Dance





Fashion Design

Visual Arts
Theater Design

Historical Literature


Literature Line a mark with length and direction,

created by a point that moves across a

• Horizontal and Vertical

• Diagonal and Crooked

• Curved

Shape 2 dimensional; it has height and

Form 3 dimensional; it has height width and

• Geometric these shapes find origin in

mathematical propositions.

• Organic shapes that are readily occuring in

nature, irregular and symmetrical

Color is the element of art that refers to

reflected light.

Space is the area between and around

objects. It describes how the artist uses the
area to arranges things within a picture.

Value refers to the luminance and

luminosity; lightness and darkness

Texture refers to the surface quality or feel

of an object
A sense of movement can be created by
diagonal or curvy lines, either real or
implied, by edges, by the illusion of space,
by repetition, by energetic mark-making.

Rhythm is created by movement implied

through the repetition of elements of art in a
non-uniform but organized way. It is related
to rhythm in music.


Repetition lines,shapes, colors and other

elements may appear in an artwork in a
recurring manner
Principles of Art
Pattern Image created out of repetition

Balance sense of stability in the body of


• Symmetrical and Asymmetrical

Contrast a large difference between two

things, such as light and shadow and color

Emphasis is when the artist creates an

area of the composition that is visually
dominant and commands the viewer's
attention. This is often achieved by contrast.
Unity and Harmony all the elements fit
together comfortably

Movement refers to the direction of the

viewing eye as it goes through the artwork

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