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Nagarathna Java

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Nagarathna Rajanna

Full Stack Java Developer

[email protected]

 Around 10 years of experience in all parts of Software Development Life Cycle
(SDLC) including requirement analysis, design specification, code development, code
integration, testing and deployment of client - server applications using Object
Oriented Analysis Design (OOAD) and methodologies.
 Experience in working in environments using Waterfall, Agile (SCRUM) and Test
Driven (TDD) development methodologies.
 Expertise in Design, Development of applications using middleware/back-end
technologies like Java and J2EE technologies using Core Java, Servlets, JDBC, Spring
modules, implementation of Model-View-Controller (MVC) using Spring, Spring boot,
Struts frameworks and ORM tools like Hibernate etc.
 Experience in AWS platform and its features including IAM, Cloud Watch, Cloud Trail,
Cloud Formation AWS Configuration, Autoscaling, Cloud Front, S3, Lambda, API
 Implemented a 'server less' architecture using API Gateway, Lambda, and Dynamo
DB and deployed AWS Lambda code from Amazon S3 buckets. Created a Lambda
Deployment function and configured it to receive events from your S3 bucket.
 Extensive experience in developing Microservices using Spring Boot, Spring Cloud
using Netflix OSS and following domain driven design.
 Experience in using build/deploy tools such as Jenkins, Docker for Continuous
Integration & Deployment for Microservices.
 Extensive Experience in Java/J2EE programming - Servlets, JSP, JSTL, JMS.
 Experience in using different servers like Tomcat, WebLogic, JBOSS and WebSphere
application servers.
 Experience in React.js for creating interactive UI's using One-way data flow, Virtual
DOM, JSX, React Native concepts.
 Expertise in React JS framework to develop the SPA
 Expertise in client-side design and validations using HTML5, CSS3, Java Script,
jQuery, Ajax, Angular JS, React Js, Backbone JS, Bootstrap JS and Node JS.
 Solid experience on API development using Node JS
 Good knowledge and experience working with latest versions JDK 7 and JDK 8.
 Proficient and well versed with new features but not limited to Java multiple
exception handling, Lambda expressions and annotations.
 Experience in Designing and building dynamic and user interactive websites using
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular versions, Bootstrap, and jQuery.
 Experience in building web applications using Spring framework features like MVC,
AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming), IOC (Inversion of Control), DAO (Data Access
 Experience in using the Web Services such as SOAP (JAX-WS) and REST(JAX-RS) and
implemented using Spring technologies.
 Strong experience with Version Control like GitHub, SVN and Perforce.
 Expertise in database modelling, administration and development using PL/SQL in
Oracle (8i, 9i and 10g,12c), MYSQL and SQL Server environments.
 Versatile team player with good communication, analytical and inter-personal skills.

J2EE Technologies JSP, Servlets, JavaBeans, Struts, JDBC, JSP Custom Tag
Libraries, XML (SAX & DOM), JNDI, JMS, Applets, Log4J, JSTL,
Design Patterns MVC, View Dispatcher, Data Access Objects, Data Transfer
Objects, Singleton, Observer, Factory and Session Façade.
Frameworks Hibernate, Spring, Spring MVC, Mate, Adobe Flex, MXML, Action
Script Rational Rose, UML, JUnit, Ant, Struts, Ajax, DOJO
Middleware ODBC, JDBC, RMI, Blaze DS
IDE Tools Edit Plus, Text Pad, Eclipse, WSAD, RAD
Databases Oracle 9i/10i, DB2/UDB, SQL Server, MySQL
Languages Core Java, using generics, JavaScript, ActiveX, Perl, PL/SQL,
Operating Agile, SCRUM, TDD, Design Patterns, Continuous Integration
Methodologies using Cruise Control
Web Technologies HTML, DHTML, CS3, AJAX, Web Services JAX-RPC, JAX-WS
Network Protocols TCP/IP, UDP, FTP, HTTP, SOAP
Source Control Rational Clear Case, CVS
OOAD Tools MS Visio, IBM RSA
Build Tools ANT, Maven
Systems Windows, UNIX (Sun Solaris), Linux, AIX, HP-UX.


HSBC Bank - San Jose, CA Feb 2022 - Present

Full Stack Java Developer
 Implemented data-binding and MVC using Angular.JS Versions for front-end
development of a current web application.
 Using Angular.JS factory and services for dependency injection.
 Extensively used the J2EE design patterns like Session Façade, Business Object (BO),
Service Locator, Data Transfer Object (DTO) and Data Access Object (DAO),
Singleton, Factory.
 Used multithreading for writing the collector parser and distributor process, which
was getting real time data from zacks API in format of JSON, using multithreading
improved the performance by a lot. More over using concurrency package of
collections made it thread safe.
 Configured, and managed the servers (AWS, Azure, Linux, Tomcat, Apache, MySQL,
MongoDB, Groovy/Grails, Hudson/Jenkins.
 Worked on Lambda Expressions, Functional interfaces Stream API's, Time API, and
Improvements on Collection, Concurrency, and IO improvements by using Java 8.
 Worked with Play framework and Akka parallel processing.
 External System service integration are done via rest service calls from the JBPM
 Setup and benchmarked Hadoop/HBASE clusters for internal use.
 Proficient in writing Cloud Formation Templates (CFT) in YAML and JSON format to
build the AWS services with the paradigm of Infrastructure as a Code.
 Implement user authorities' management with Spring Security.
 Designed the UML diagrams based on the OOAD principles.
 Used Java 8 Lambda expressions and functional interfaces, wherever possible.
 Developed User-friendly Interfaces using React, Redux, Bootstrap, JQuery, Gulp,
HTML5, CSS3 and ES6.
 Designed dynamic and browser compatible pages using HTML5, CSS3, jQuery.js and
Vue.js and Laravel.
 Design and manipulation of JBPM process for the client activities in order to manage
the people queue for each activity.
 Converted a monolithic app to Microservices architecture using Spring Boot using 12-
factor app methodology. Deployed, Scaled, Configured, wrote manifest file for
various Microservices in PCF.
 Implemented APIs using play framework in Scala to perform analytics and persist
results in Elasticsearch.
 Created User Controls and simple animations using JavaScript and Python.
 Worked with NoSQL database HBase in getting real time data analytics.
 Designed and implemented a strategy to upgrade the Data Stax enterprise cluster.
 Utilized React for its efficient dataflow architecture to create a lightweight and render
efficient web app that searched projects via the GitHub API through keywords.
 Developed Merge jobs in Python to extract and load data into MySQL database.
 UsedReact.JS and Node.JS to develop faster, scalable application.
 Instructed application team in secure programming during all phases of application
lifecycle (SDLC) based on OWASP standards.
 Research about JBPM process engine for use in the implementation of Flow Control
System of People.
 Implemented filters for user authentication and user authorization by Spring
 Implemented various screens for the front end usingReact.js and used various
 Used React flux to polish the data and for single directional flow.
 Worked on upgrading the MongoDB version from 2.4 to 2.6.
 Used Amazon Cloud Watch to monitor AWS services and Amazon Cloud Watch logs to
monitor application.
 Extensively worked on ES6 new features such as Arrow functions, Classes, Iterators
and Generators.
 Developed code to call the web service/APIs to fetch the data and populate on the UI
using jQuery/AJAX and Vue.js/AJAX.
 Used Spring Data MongoDB as the persistence framework in retrieving the user and
medical benefits details from MongoDB.
 Worked on some of the new features of Angular 8like new if else syntax, ng-
templates, form validators.
 Demonstrated experience working with (consuming) REST or GraphQL APIs via client
side JavaScript or server side via Node.JS
 Implemented DAO layer using JPA (Hibernate framework) to interact with database.
 Developed Merge jobs in Python to extract and load data into MySQL database.
 Populated HDFS and Cassandra with huge amounts of data using Apache Kafka and
 Used Streams and Lambda expressions available as part of Java 8 to store and
process the data.
 Responsible for overall Docker & Kubernetes setup, configuration and Architecture.
 Configured and maintained a large scale Docker based PaaS environment using
 Developed single page applications using Angular 8, Typescript, web pack and grunt.
 Developed React components to implement various feature specific modules in the
application and worked with a team to move existing web apps to React with ES6
 Instructed teams on best practices around PCF and Spring Boot.
 Designed & developed using HTML5, CSS3, EXTJS, JavaScript, XML, AngularJS,
NodeJS, JSP, JSON, Vue.js, JSF, J2EE and Ajax.
 Developed UNIT test cases using JUNIT and Mockito and configure through Maven
sure fire plugins to be part of continuous integration.
 Managed Docker orchestration using Docker Swarm and also responsible for the
containerization of applications using Docker.
 Designed and developed applications using Agile Methodology.
 Extensively used Core Java API, Spring API in developing the business logic.
 Used Spring Core and the Inversion of Control module of Spring framework.
 Designed and Developed Representational state transfer (REST) based services and
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) based services as part of the requirement.
 Worked with React Js & Vue Js to change the stack from regular JS to Flux & Vuetify
framework using Semantic UI.
 Used Oracle as database and Involved in the design and development of PL/SQL
backend implementation.
 Worked on different Automation tooling techniques to support reporting/development
and the CI/CD pipeline.
 Involved in development of different modules using Spring boot framework, Restful
Web Services, JPA and integrate the modules.
 Developing End-User friendly GUI using JSP, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript & CSS
 Implemented MVC design pattern using Spring MVC and JSP.
 Used JavaScript, Angular.JS 10, and AJAX technologies for front end user input
validations and Restful web service calls.
 Used Angular.JS 10 framework for building web-apps and is highly efficient in
integrating with Restful services.
Environment: Java 8, 10, J2EE, RESTful Web Services, SOAP Webservices, Hadoop,
Node.JS Hibernate, Python, Spring Core, Spring Data, JBPM, Kafka, Gremlin, AWS, PCF,
Spring MVC, Spring AOP, Spring Batch Eclipse IDE, AngularJS 8,9,10 HTML5, OOAD,
CSS, WebSphere, JavaScript, Tomcat, XML, XSD, Linux, UML, Oracle, Maven, SVN, SOA,
Design patterns, JMS, JUNIT, Mockito, Splunk, log4J, WSDL, JSON, JNDI

SiriusXM, TX Nov 2019 - Jan 2022

Full stack Java/J2EE Developer
 Involved in SDLC requirements gathering, analysis, design, development, and testing
of application, developed using AGILE/Scrum methodology.
 Designed application modules, base classes and utility classes using Core Java.
 Analysed the Maven dependency management in base code to annotate the
dependencies on to Spring Boot application for Micro Services.
 Performed server migration using cloud services like AWS from physical to cloud
 Involved in writing Java API for Amazon Lambda to manage some of the AWS
 Used the AWS-CLI to suspend an AWS Lambda function.
 Used Amazon Cloud Watch to monitor AWS services and Amazon Cloud Watch logs to
monitor application.
 Used JDBC API framework for connection of Oracle Database to
execute PL/SQL queries for transaction management.
 Used NOSQL database like Amazon dynamo DB to store data of reporting Application.
 Amazon IAM was used to maintain the user credentials and involved in creating
custom IAM policies to various groups defined within the organization.
 Object storage service Amazon S3 is used to store and retrieve media files such as
 Building Packages using MAVEN and JENKINS build tools.
 Designed and developed JUnit test cases during the development phase.
 Used Rest API client POSTMAN for testing web services request and response.
 Developed backend logic using core java including Collections and multi-threading.
 Developed a Single Page Application using Angular 6 to onboard the developed IPM
modules to the clients.
 Consumed the developed Web services in Angular application.
 Developed front-end components using Angular 6, TypeScript, RxJs, Angular Material
and NgRx-bootstrap and Node.
 Used Perforce for version controlling and maintain source code and commits.
 Worked under AGILE Program and attended daily based scrum calls.
Environment: Java, REST API, DynamoDB, Amazon API Gateway, AWS Lambda, S3
Bucket, AWS IAM, Angular 6, TypeScript, RxJs, JavaScript, SASS, Agile, Eclipse, JUnit,
Maven, Perforce, Spring Boot, PL/SQL.
AT&T – Kansas, KS Nov 2017 – Oct 2019
Full stack Java/J2EE Developer
 Developed presentation layer includes UI components, validations using HTML5,
applying styles using CSS, used JQuery to make Ajax calls. Design and develop the
Process Engine framework using JBPM.
 Actively involved in Analysis, Design, Development, System Testing and User
Acceptance Testing. Successfully followed agile methodology in the Scrum Cycle
 Developed using new features of Java 1.8 annotations, Generics, enhanced for loop
and Enums, Lambda expressions for array operations, collections throughout the
application for well-defined programming.
 Successfully handled all apogee and backend related errors in the API proxies using
 Used AngularJS as framework to create a Single Page Application (SPA), which can
bind data to specific views. Used AngularJS for creating user interfaces and
connecting to software components.
 Use Jenkins with Maven to Compile & Build Micro services code and configure Build
 Created REST API documentation using Swagger and YAML.
 Integrated the Java code (API) in JSP pages and responsible for setting up AngularJS
framework for UI development. Developed html views with HTML5, CSS3, bootstrap
and AngularJS.
 Implemented logging using SLF4J and LOG 4J, Used Log4J utility to log error, info
and debug messages.
 Created and deployed Rules engine API into Jboss BRMS image
 Followed test-driven development (TTD) as a part writing all Unit Test and
Integration Tests.
 Unit and integration test cases are being designed and developed using JUnit.
 Worked on creation of custom Docker container images, tagging, pushing images,
integration offspring boot.
 Created the Docker containers and Docker consoles for managing the application life
 Integrated spring with Hibernate using Hibernate Template to perform CRUD
operations against database.
 JBPM is a light-weight, extensible workflow engine written in pure Java that allows
you to execute business processes using the latest BPMN 2.0 specification.
 Make JavaScript/HTML modifications and add features to Mapping Locators on clients'
pages as per Client.
 Developed Hibernate with Spring Integration as the data abstraction to interact with
the database of Mongo DB.
 Designed and Implemented the DAO layer using spring, hibernate.
 Implemented Spring Circuit breaker pattern, integrated dashboard to monitor spring
micro services.
 Used Hibernate Transaction Management, Hibernate Batch Transactions, and
Hibernate cache concepts.
 In depth of MongoDB and hands on experience with installing, configuring and
monitoring with OPS manager.
 Developed single page applications, components using Angular JS directives,
controllers, view and routing, service modules.
 Involved in computer science fundamentals in object-oriented design, data
structures, algorithm design, problem solving, and complexity analysis.
Environment: J2EE, Spring 4.x, Spring MVC, Spring Hysteric, Spring quartz, Drools,
JBPM, Jira, Java1.8, Hibernate 4.x, Angular JS, JQuery, JSON, AJAX, GWT, Web Services,
APIGEE, XML, JAXB, WSDL, JavaScript, Oracle 12c, Web Sphere 8.x, Agile Methodology,
Design Patterns, Git, SourceTree, Bitbucket, MuleSoft, Apache Maven, Adobe Flex, JUnit,
Rest Assured, HTML5, Postman, WebLogic 12c.

Volga InfoTech – India June 2014 – Oct 2017

Full stack Java/J2EE Developer
 Involved in Full Cycle of Software Development from Analysis through Design,
Development, Integration and testing phases.
 Worked in using WebLogic Application Server for deploying and testing the code.
 Successfully implemented zero downtime in both Apache and Jboss.
 Modeled end -to -end business processes using BPMN and leveraged Workflow Engine
to create executable flows.
 Wrote transformations for importing data using Spring Batch.
 Developed front end GUI using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular.js, and Ajax and
enforced the look and feel standards using the style sheets, common headers,
footers & menus, and web page templates using Apache Tiles.
 Define standards for configuring and using AWS services in a secure and scalable
 Developed a JavaScript performance testing toolkit for web and Node.js applications.
 Followed Agile Software Development with Scrum methodology.
 Assisted in designing, developing and testing of activities for all BRMS rules.
 Worked on Git to attach useful metadata to Git objects.
 Created Spring Controllers classes based on the existing Struts Action classes.
 Used Hibernate ORM for mapping Java classes to database tables and data querying
 Worked with technical teams for establishment of architecture models for JBOSS
BRMS systems.
 Worked on Spring MVC annotations such as Controllers, Request Mapping while
handling the specific classes.
 Designed business rules using DROOLS framework for existing web applications.
 Develop and execute Unit Test plans using JUnit, ensuring that results are
documented and reviewed with Quality Assurance teams responsible for integrated
 Used XML parser APIs such as JAXP (SAX) and JAXB in the web service's request
response data Marshalling as well as Unmarshalling process.
 Developed and executed software systems using JavaScript and Groovy.
 Implemented SOA solutions and business processes by using BPEL.
 Worked within SOA based enterprise framework to build web services.
 Created Composite Applications, Home Security components and Adapters by using
Oracle SOA technology.
 Architected services to align with business objectives and fit into overall SOA driven
Environment: Java-J2EE, JDK, JSP, Servlets, Spring, Restful Web services, JSON,
DROOLS, Hibernate, Agile, Eclipse, Oracle, Spring, Maven, Subversions, Groovy, AWS,
PL/SQL, Node.js, HTML, CSS, XML.

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