Nagarathna Java
Nagarathna Java
Nagarathna Java
Around 10 years of experience in all parts of Software Development Life Cycle
(SDLC) including requirement analysis, design specification, code development, code
integration, testing and deployment of client - server applications using Object
Oriented Analysis Design (OOAD) and methodologies.
Experience in working in environments using Waterfall, Agile (SCRUM) and Test
Driven (TDD) development methodologies.
Expertise in Design, Development of applications using middleware/back-end
technologies like Java and J2EE technologies using Core Java, Servlets, JDBC, Spring
modules, implementation of Model-View-Controller (MVC) using Spring, Spring boot,
Struts frameworks and ORM tools like Hibernate etc.
Experience in AWS platform and its features including IAM, Cloud Watch, Cloud Trail,
Cloud Formation AWS Configuration, Autoscaling, Cloud Front, S3, Lambda, API
Implemented a 'server less' architecture using API Gateway, Lambda, and Dynamo
DB and deployed AWS Lambda code from Amazon S3 buckets. Created a Lambda
Deployment function and configured it to receive events from your S3 bucket.
Extensive experience in developing Microservices using Spring Boot, Spring Cloud
using Netflix OSS and following domain driven design.
Experience in using build/deploy tools such as Jenkins, Docker for Continuous
Integration & Deployment for Microservices.
Extensive Experience in Java/J2EE programming - Servlets, JSP, JSTL, JMS.
Experience in using different servers like Tomcat, WebLogic, JBOSS and WebSphere
application servers.
Experience in React.js for creating interactive UI's using One-way data flow, Virtual
DOM, JSX, React Native concepts.
Expertise in React JS framework to develop the SPA
Expertise in client-side design and validations using HTML5, CSS3, Java Script,
jQuery, Ajax, Angular JS, React Js, Backbone JS, Bootstrap JS and Node JS.
Solid experience on API development using Node JS
Good knowledge and experience working with latest versions JDK 7 and JDK 8.
Proficient and well versed with new features but not limited to Java multiple
exception handling, Lambda expressions and annotations.
Experience in Designing and building dynamic and user interactive websites using
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular versions, Bootstrap, and jQuery.
Experience in building web applications using Spring framework features like MVC,
AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming), IOC (Inversion of Control), DAO (Data Access
Experience in using the Web Services such as SOAP (JAX-WS) and REST(JAX-RS) and
implemented using Spring technologies.
Strong experience with Version Control like GitHub, SVN and Perforce.
Expertise in database modelling, administration and development using PL/SQL in
Oracle (8i, 9i and 10g,12c), MYSQL and SQL Server environments.
Versatile team player with good communication, analytical and inter-personal skills.
J2EE Technologies JSP, Servlets, JavaBeans, Struts, JDBC, JSP Custom Tag
Libraries, XML (SAX & DOM), JNDI, JMS, Applets, Log4J, JSTL,
Design Patterns MVC, View Dispatcher, Data Access Objects, Data Transfer
Objects, Singleton, Observer, Factory and Session Façade.
Frameworks Hibernate, Spring, Spring MVC, Mate, Adobe Flex, MXML, Action
Script Rational Rose, UML, JUnit, Ant, Struts, Ajax, DOJO
Middleware ODBC, JDBC, RMI, Blaze DS
IDE Tools Edit Plus, Text Pad, Eclipse, WSAD, RAD
Databases Oracle 9i/10i, DB2/UDB, SQL Server, MySQL
Languages Core Java, using generics, JavaScript, ActiveX, Perl, PL/SQL,
Operating Agile, SCRUM, TDD, Design Patterns, Continuous Integration
Methodologies using Cruise Control
Web Technologies HTML, DHTML, CS3, AJAX, Web Services JAX-RPC, JAX-WS
Network Protocols TCP/IP, UDP, FTP, HTTP, SOAP
Source Control Rational Clear Case, CVS
OOAD Tools MS Visio, IBM RSA
Build Tools ANT, Maven
Systems Windows, UNIX (Sun Solaris), Linux, AIX, HP-UX.