The EANM Guideline For Radiosynoviorthesis: Guidelines
The EANM Guideline For Radiosynoviorthesis: Guidelines
The EANM Guideline For Radiosynoviorthesis: Guidelines
Received: 23 June 2021 / Accepted: 23 August 2021 / Published online: 20 October 2021
© The Author(s) 2021
Purpose Radiosynoviorthesis (RSO) using the intraarticular application of beta-particle emitting radiocolloids has for dec-
ades been used for the local treatment of inflammatory joint diseases. The injected radiopharmaceuticals are phagocytized
by the superficial macrophages of the synovial membrane, resulting in sclerosis and fibrosis of the formerly inflamed tissue,
finally leading to reduced joint effusion and alleviation of joint pain.
Methods The European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) has written and approved these guidelines in tight col-
laboration with an international team of clinical experts, including rheumatologists. Besides clinical and procedural aspects,
different national legislative issues, dosimetric considerations, possible complications, and side effects are addressed.
Conclusion These guidelines will assist nuclear medicine physicians in performing radiosynoviorthesis. Since there are
differences regarding the radiopharmaceuticals approved for RSO and the official indications between several European
countries, this guideline can only give a framework that must be adopted individually.
Preamble The European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) is a professional non-profit medical association that facilitates communication
worldwide among individuals pursuing clinical and research excellence in nuclear medicine. The EANM was founded in 1985.
These guidelines are intended to assist practitioners in providing appropriate nuclear medicine care for patients. They are not inflexible rules or requirements
of practice and are not intended, nor should they be used, to establish a legal standard of care. The ultimate judgment regarding the appropriateness of any
specific procedure or course of action must be made by medical professionals taking into account the unique circumstances of each case. Thus, there is no
implication that an approach differing from the guidelines, standing alone, is below the standard of care. To the contrary, a conscientious practitioner may
responsibly adopt a course of action different from that set out in the guidelines when, in the reasonable judgment of the practitioner, such course of action is
indicated by the condition of the patient, limitations of available resources, or advances in knowledge or technology subsequent to publication of the guidelines.
The practice of medicine involves not only the science but also the art of dealing with the prevention, diagnosis, alleviation, and treatment of disease. The variety
and complexity of human conditions make it impossible to always reach the most appropriate diagnosis or to predict with certainty a particular response to
treatment. Therefore, it should be recognized that adherence to these guidelines will not ensure an accurate diagnosis or a successful outcome.
All that should be expected is that the practitioner will follow a reasonable course of action based on current knowledge, available resources, and the needs of the
patient to deliver effective and safe medical care. The sole purpose of these guidelines is to assist practitioners in achieving this objective.
* T. Kuwert
[email protected]
Nuklearmedizin Spitalerhof, Radiologische Allianz, Spitalerstraße 8, 20095 Hamburg, Germany
Praxis NURAMED West, Max‑Planck‑Straße 27a, 50858 Köln, Germany
Praxis Für Radiologie Und Nuklearmedizin, Friedrich‑Ebert‑Straße 50, 34117 Kassel, Germany
Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Endocrinology, Kepler University Hospital Linz GmbH, Medical Faculty, Johannes Kepler University
Linz, Altenberger Strasse 69, 4040 Linz and Krankenhausstrasse 9, 4020 Linz, Austria
ÜBAG Für Nuklearmedizin, Hanau-Frankfurt-Offenbach-Gießen, Standort Gießen, Paul‑Zipp‑Str. 171‑173, 35398 Gießen, Germany
Erasmus MC, Nucleaire geneeskunde, Dr. Molewaterplein 40, 3015 GD Rotterdam, Netherlands
682 European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (2021) 49:681–708
Privatklinik Villach, Institut Für Nuklearmedizin, Table 1 Characteristics of the radionuclides used for radiosyn-
Dr.‑Walter‑Hochsteinerstrasse 4, 9504 Warmbad Villach, oviorthesis in routine clinical practice throughout Europe (others may
Austria be used in clinical trials, not mentioned here)
Unité Rhumatologique de Affections de La Main, Centre erbium-169 rhenium-186 yttrium-90
Viggo Petersen, Hôpital Lariboisiere, 2 rue Ambroise Paré,
75010 Paris, France Phys. Half-life (hrs) 225.4 89.25 64.1
Institut de Rhumatologie Interventionnelle, 13 rue Thouin, Radiation (%) Beta (> 99) Beta (92.5) Beta (100)
75005 Paris, France Gamma (0.1) Gamma (7.5)
Service de Médecine Nucléaire, Hôpital Lariboisière, Maximum beta energy 0.34 MeV 0.98 MeV 2.26 MeV
Assistance Publique- Hôpitaux de Paris, 2 rue Ambroise Gamma energy 8,4 keV 137 keV –
Paré, 75010 Paris, France Mean range 0.3 mm 1.2 mm 3.6 mm
Center for Rheumatology and Spine Diseases, Copenhagen
University Hospital, Rigshospitalet, Valdemar Hansens Vej
17, 2600 Glostrup, Denmark particles to the innermost cell layer of the synovium, leading to
12 pronounced cell death, obliteration of capillary blood supply, and
Department of Nuclear Medicine, Istanbul Medical Faculty,
Istanbul University, Istanbul 34390, Turkey hence fibrosis and sclerosis of the synovial membrane (Table 1).
13 These effects result in a significant decrease in inflam-
Nucleaire Geneeskunde, Noordwest Ziekenhuisgroep,
Postbus 501, 1800 AM Alkmaar, Netherlands matory activity with less joint effusion and pain, leading
14 to improved mobility of the joint and a better quality of life
Diagnostic Imaging Department, IRCCS Humanitas
Research Hospital, Via Manzoni 56, Milan 20089 Rozzano, for the patient to perform daily duties and responsibilities
Italy without severe pain and pain-related restriction [3].
Department of Nuclear Medicine, Oncology Center Besides primary inflammatory conditions, RSO is also
‘Theageneio’, Al Symeonidis 2 str, P.C 54007 Thessaloniki, highly effective in patients with hemophiliac joint disease,
Greece characterized by synovitis induced by iron and inflammatory
Department of Nuclear Medicine, Royal Free London NHS factors after joint bleeding. Moreover, the inhibitory effect
Foundation Trust, London, UK on neoangiogenesis may contribute to a decreased bleed-
Clinic of Nuclear Medicine, Friedrich-Alexander-University, ing tendency and reduce the risk of developing severe joint
Erlangen‑Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany degeneration, the so-called hemarthropathy [4].
Antwerp University Hospital, Drie Eikenstraat 655, The best clinical improvement is seen in patients suffering
2650 Edegem, Belgium from high inflammatory activity in an early phase of their
Molecular Imaging Center Antwerp (MICA ‑ IPPON), underlying disease when subsequent degenerative changes
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University are not too pronounced [5]. Thus, radiosynoviorthesis should
of Antwerp, Wilrijk, Belgium
be considered early by an interdisciplinary team consisting
of the referring physician (e.g., rheumatologist, orthopedic
Introduction surgeon) and the nuclear medicine physician.
Side effects or complications after RSO are quite rare,
Intraarticular therapy using colloidal beta-emitting radionu- besides non-serious side effects like transient radiogenic syn-
clides, radiosynoviorthesis or RSO, is known for almost 70 years ovitis with recurrent effusion or a flush from the co-injected
and is indicated in patients suffering from various inflammatory glucocorticosteroid. The probability of a serious adverse
joint diseases [1]. The presence of chronic synovitis needs to be event (e.g., intraarticular infection or radiogenic tissue necro-
confirmed before performing RSO. Three-phase bone scintig- sis) is below 0.1 per 1000 [6]. The radiogenic induction of a
raphy, MRI, ultrasound, or histology after surgical synovectomy malignant tumor after RSO has never been described, even
(e.g., in patients suffering from intraarticular diffuse-type giant after long-term follow-up [7]. Thus, radiosynoviorthesis is
cell tumor/pigmented villonodular synovitis) can be used for one local treatment option in the large armamentarium of dif-
this purpose. The term “radiosynovectomy,” although frequently ferent therapies for patients suffering from chronic synovitis.
found in the literature, should not be used because the synovial This text updates and replaces the 2003 EANM guideline
membrane is not “resected” (which is meant by the Greek word on radiosynoviorthesis and contains general information
“ectome”) by injection of a radiocolloid. regarding the different indications for radiosynoviorthesis and
The mechanism of action of RSO starts with phagocytosis contraindications, necessary pre-therapeutic diagnostics, and
of the colloidal radiopharmaceuticals by the superficial lining the treatment procedure itself. Moreover, essential aspects of
cells of the inflamed synovial membrane [2]. The three approved this therapy, like dosimetry, radiation burden, legislative issues,
radiopharmaceuticals [90Y]yttrium citrate, [186Re]rhenium and possible complications and side effects are discussed [8].
sulfide, and [169Er]erbium citrate deliver their high-energy beta Finally, the clinical role and the impact of RSO compared to
other treatments for inflammatory joint diseases are reviewed.
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (2021) 49:681–708 683
However, this document does not claim universal validity, the joint’s size, three radiocolloids with different physical
especially legislative issues regarding indications, approval properties are used: [90Y]yttrium citrate for the treatment of
of the different radionuclides, or radiation protection rules knee joints only, [ 186Re]rhenium sulfide for mid-sized joints,
may vary between different countries and must be followed and [169Er]erbium citrate for small joints. The current official
according to the national laws. approvals and marketing authorizations in European coun-
Radiosynoviorthesis is an important technique for treat- tries are given in Table 2. The radiocolloids are also sold
ing mono- or oligoarticular synovitis, and many factors may in other countries worldwide, based on national rules like,
influence its effectiveness and safety. This project aims to e.g., in Austria, Greece, or Poland, where they are delivered
establish recommendations to standardize indications and by a local distributor only upon specific prescription from a
procedures to improve effectiveness and safety. doctor or a hospital (status “Medical Prescription”).
A best-evidence review of PubMed articles published until The intraarticular application of radiocolloids for treat-
01/09/2020 was performed to obtain efficacy outcomes of RSO ing inflammatory joint diseases is subject to variations in
in various indications. Selection criteria included English or national legislative issues between different countries, and
German language studies considered to be most relevant (e.g., efforts are urgently needed to harmonize the availability of
adult human subjects, in vivo) to the clinical application(s) these treatments across Europe.
in question. It is recognized that limiting the search criteria
to English and German language publications may introduce
Indications documented in the Corporate Core Data
bias, but this can be justified because most RSO treatments
Sheets (CCDS)
are performed in Germany. Case reports and case series with
a sample size less than 10 (arbitrarily chosen) were excluded.
The Corporate Core Data Sheets with slight national adapta-
tions form the basis for the Summary of the Product Char-
acteristics (SPCs) regarding the prescribing information and
Legislative aspects and approvals international marketing of the radiocolloids.
throughout Europe
• [90Y]yttrium citrate is indicated in adults for the thera-
Radiosynoviorthesis using an intraarticular injection of peutic irradiation of synovial hypertrophy of the knee
beta-emitting radiocolloids is a local treatment in patients joint mainly for mono- or oligoarthritis of chronic inflam-
suffering from inflammatory joint disease. Depending on
684 European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (2021) 49:681–708
matory rheumatic disorders, in particular rheumatoid Since the approval depends on the underlying disease,
arthritis and in hemophilic arthropathy. RSO after surgical synovectomy or endoprosthetic joint
• [186Re]rhenium sulfide is indicated for the treatment of replacement in a patient with (e.g.) rheumatoid arthritis is
rheumatoid mono- or oligoarthritis involving medium- an approved indication.
sized joints, including rheumatoid arthritis, hemophilic
arthropathy, and chronic arthropathy associated with RSO in rheumatoid arthritis
articular chondrocalcinosis.
• [169Er]erbium citrate is indicated for the treatment of The most common type of inflammatory arthritis is rheuma-
rheumatoid mono- or oligoarthritis of small joints of toid arthritis (RA). RA is a chronic autoimmune disease and
hands and feet following the failure of intraarticular cor- is primarily considered to be an inflammatory joint disease.
ticosteroid therapy or when the latter is contraindicated. Although there are a variety of extra-articular manifesta-
tions, the pathophysiology of RA is multifactorial, resulting
from genetic predisposition and various lifestyles and envi-
Deviations in Germany and Switzerland
ronmental factors. Long-term outcomes can be undesirable,
involving disability and reduced quality of life, generating
In Germany (which accounts for approximately 80% of the
considerable healthcare systems costs.
European market), radiosynoviorthesis is approved for the
treatment of chronic synovitis with recurrent joint effusions
Incidence and prevalence
in patients with:
RA affects approximately 0.24 to 1% of the population and is
• Rheumatoid arthritis
twice as common in women as men, with a typically higher
• Seronegative spondyloarthropathy (e.g., reactive arthri-
prevalence of 0.5–1% in the USA and northern Europe
tis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis)
[9–11]. The annual incidence in the USA and northern
• Intraarticular diffuse-type giant cell tumor/pigmented
Europe is about 40 per 100,000 people [11, 12]. The lifetime
villonodular synovitis (for the prevention of relapse
risk of developing RA is 1.7% for men and 3.6% for women
after surgery)
[13]. However, the incidence and prevalence can be up to
• Hemophiliac arthropathy (for prevention of intraarticu-
10 times higher for some populations, like the Pima Native
lar hemorrhage and subsequent arthropathy)
Americans [14].
[169Er]erbium citrate is approved for the first two indica-
Treatment and management
tions only. In Switzerland, [186Re]rhenium sulfide is also
approved to treat the knee joint.
Optimal care of RA patients includes both non-
pharmacological and pharmacological therapies. Non-
pharmacological therapies consist of diet, physical therapy,
Treatment of synovitis is possible, but only off‑label
counseling, stress reduction, and surgery. Pharmacological
use in selected patients
therapies include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs), systemic or intraarticular glucocorticosteroids
Due to the mechanism of action of RSO with superficial
(GC), and nonbiological and biological disease-modifying
irradiation of the inflamed synovial membrane, related
anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs). Since much of the joint
pathological situations with other underlying diseases
damage occurs in the disease’s initial phases, early therapy
are suitable for this treatment. However, this off-label
with DMARDs has become the standard of care [15–21].
use should be performed in selected patients only, and a
Radiosynoviorthesis (RSO) has been used to treat syno-
detailed and documented informed consent of the patient
vitis for more than half a century. Radiation of the syn-
is mandatory.
ovium causes synoviocyte and inflammatory cell necrosis
and inhibited cell proliferation, temporarily improving
• Osteoarthritis with secondary synovitis, resistant to other
synovitis [22]. In 1952, the Austrian Fellinger was the
first to apply RSO in RA with a colloidal solution of a gold
• Adjuvant therapy after surgical synovectomy with recur-
radioisotope [1]. In Europe, the most used radiopharma-
rent joint effusions
ceuticals are [ 169Er]erbium citrate, [ 186Re]rhenium sulfide,
• Recurrent joint effusion after endoprosthetic joint
and [90Y]yttrium citrate [8]. Besides these radiopharma-
replacement (underlying causes of prosthesis failure,
ceuticals, a range of other isotopes has been used for RSO
such as loosening or infection must be excluded une-
like dysprosium-165, holmium-166, lutetium-177, phos-
phorus-32, rhenium-188, samarium-153, and gold-198 in
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (2021) 49:681–708 685
Table 3 Activities of the Joints [90Y]yttrium citrate (MBq) [186Re]rhenium sulfide [169Er]erbium citrate
radiocolloids and doses of and TA (mg) (MBq) and TA (mg) (MBq) and TA (mg)
triamcinolone acetonide (TA)
for various joints Knee 185–222 / 40
Re-RSO 111–222 / 40
Shoulder 74–148 / 40
Elbow 74–111 / 40
Wrist 37–74 / 20
Hip 74–148 / 40
Ankle 74 / 40
Subtalar 74 / 20
*Knee (in CH) 110–185 / 40
CMC I / SIJ 20–80 / 8
MCP others 20–40 / 8
PIP / SCJ 10–20 / 4
DIP 10–15 / 4
MTP 30–40 / 8
TMT 20–40 / 8
ACJ / TMJ 20–40 / 4
Abbreviations: CMC = carpometacarpal joint, MCP = metacarpophalangeal joint, SIJ = sacroiliac joint,
PIP = proximal interphalangeal joint, SCJ = sternoclavicular joint, DIP = distal interphalangeal joint, MTP
= metatarsophalangeal joint, TMT = tarsometatarsal joint, ACJ = acromioclavicular joint, TMJ = tempo-
romandibular joint
*[186Re]rhenium colloid is additionally approved in Switzerland for the treatment of the knee joint in
patients younger than 20 years and with only a slight synovial thickness.
different colloidal preparations [23–29]. Co-administration controlling rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, even consider-
of a glucocorticosteroid (e.g., triamcinolone acetonide or ing the paucity of well-controlled trials and rigorous clini-
triamcinolone hexacetonide) helps bridge the lag phase cal follow-up [34]. The overall response rate in RA varied
between injecting the radiopharmaceutical and the onset between 35 and 100%, with better responses in joints with
of the effect of RSO. It also reduces the risk of radiation- less joint damage. In contrast, Heuft-Dorenbosch et al.
induced synovitis and the severity of hypervascularity and stated: “From the point of view of evidence-based medicine
hyperpermeability that may cause leakage from the joint. it should be seriously questioned whether [ 90Y]yttrium col-
Table 3 shows commonly used activities of the radioiso- loid synovectomy deserves a place in clinical practice” [36].
topes and doses of triamcinolone acetonide for various However, this was based on two trials consisting of only
joints. 23 and 22 RSO procedures. Kresnik et al. found a mean
In the majority of published literature, the effectiveness improvement rate of 67 ± 15% in RA in clinical outcome
of RSO is based upon the improvement of patient-reported parameters. Interestingly, RSO was successful in 73 ± 12%
outcomes like pain on a visual analog scale (VAS), joint and 64 ± 17% for Steinbrocker I and II joints, respectively,
swelling, and range of motion. Besides these improvements, compared to a mean success rate of only 52 ± 23% for Stein-
the effect of RSO has been monitored with imaging modalities, brocker III and IV joints [5]. Klett et al. concluded that there
including three-phase bone scintigraphy, ultrasound (US), and is good evidence of efficacy for RSO of medium-sized joints
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) [30–32]. A decline in in RA using [186Re]rhenium colloid and that it is a suit-
the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and serum levels of able second-line treatment for RA patients in whom other
C-reactive protein (CRP) after RSO has also been reported [33]. therapies (including GC injections) have failed, with success
Several reviews with and without meta-analyses have rates varying between 34 and 94% [38]. Van der Zant et al.
been published [34–39]. Jones et al. concluded that [90Y] reported a pooled OR to achieve treatment success of 4 (95%
yttrium colloid was superior to placebo administration (odds CI 1.2–14) for RSO of the knee compared to intraarticular
ratio (OR) 2.42, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.02–5.73) GC injection or saline at 6 months, and an OR of 1.7 (95%
for achieving treatment success, but possible publication CI 0.69–4) at 12 months. The ORs of treatment success for
bias could not be ruled out. [90Y]yttrium colloid was not RSO with [ 186Re]rhenium colloid and [ 169Er]erbium colloid
superior to triamcinolone (OR 1.89, 95% CI 0.81–10.55) combined were 2 (95% CI 0.66–6) and 2 (95% CI 1.09–3.5)
[37]. Deutsch et al. concluded that RSO is efficacious in at 6 and 12 months, respectively [39].
686 European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (2021) 49:681–708
In the last decade, several studies on the effect of RSO in colloid, including 73 RA cases, pain relief was observed in
RA have been published, mostly consisting of case series. 81% at 6 months (33% with complete pain relief) and in 87%
One controlled, randomized, and double-blinded trial com- at 1 year. The likelihood of pain relapse in RA cases was
pared [90Y]yttrium colloid + GC and [ 153Sm]samarium col- 15% at 6 months and 27% at 12 months [44]. In a multicenter
loid + GC to GC alone (control group). Only for the pain study by Liepe et al., 99 knee RSOs (68 with [ 90Y]yttrium
parameter, [90Y]yttrium colloid + GC proved superior to colloid, 15 with [ 32P]phosphorus colloid, and 16 with [ 188Re]
[153Sm]samarium colloid + GC and GC at 1 week, and rhenium colloid) were compared with 46 intraarticular GC
[90Y]yttrium colloid + GC proved to be superior to GC at injections. Pain relief at 3 months was 86% for the RSO
48 weeks. Furthermore, the study concluded that there is group versus 67% for the GC group. At 6 and 12 months,
no indication for RSO of the knee with [ 153Sm]samarium the numbers were 72% versus 46% and 46% versus 21%,
colloid in RA patients [35]. Gonçalves et al. published data respectively. There was no significant difference between
on ultrasound-guided RSO of the knee using [90Y]yttrium the three radiocolloids [45]. A prospective study by Amini
colloid as well. Of the studied patients, 11 had RA. At et al. analyzing 23 RSOs of the knee using [ 32P]phospho-
6 months, there was an improvement in swelling, tender- rus colloid in RA patients reported excellent response in
ness, and pain. No short-term side effects or complications 56%, moderate response in 9%, and poor response in 35%
were recorded [40]. Goetz et al. published long-term results [46]. Shito et al. reported a success rate of 80% at 6 months
of combined arthroscopic and radiosynoviorthesis of the after RSO of the knee in RA patients with [177Lu]lutetium
knee in RA patients. The combined treatment led to sta- hydroxyapatite [47]. In a retrospective study of RSO, using
ble improvement for at least 5 years, but surgical re-inter- [169Er]erbium, [186Re]rhenium, and [90Y]yttrium colloid, in
ventions were needed at 14 years of follow-up in 16 of 38 577 joints of 137 RA patients, Liepe et al. reported suc-
patients within mean 5.7 years (range 1.2–9.5 years) [41]. cess rates (excellent or good response) in 57% of the treated
Wong et al. concluded that RSO with [ 90Y]yttrium colloid knees, 63% of shoulders, 60% of wrists, 64% of ankles, 54%
remains a safe and effective treatment in an era of improved of thumb bases, 55% of MCPs, 54% of PIPs, 53% of DIPs,
DMARDs. The clinical response in 46 RA knee joints was and 54% of MTPs [48].
mild, moderate, and complete in 24%, 26%, and 28% at As RA is a systemic disease, it is recommended to start
3 months, respectively. However, at 36 months, the response with anti-inflammatory drugs with or without DMARDs.
declined, especially in mild responders [42]. The study by Persistent synovitis of one or more joints could be treated
Zalewska et al., including 34 RA patients, found the most with intraarticular GC injections, and RSO is indicated after
significant decline of synovial hypertrophy and improvement at least one unsuccessful intraarticular GC injection in RA
of inflammatory parameters in RA patients [33]. Kim et al. patients treated with DMARDs. The best results for RSO
using [90Y]yttrium hydroxyapatite found a reduction of pain, are reported for joints with minimal or moderate joint dam-
swelling, and improvement of knee motion in approximately age, and RSO should therefore be considered early in RA in
80% at 6 months and 76% at 12 months [43]. In a study by case of persistent synovitis [5]. Contraindications for RSO
Miszczyk et al. of 394 RSOs of the knee with [90Y]yttrium are listed in Table 4.
RSO in hemophilia
Table 4 Contraindications for RSO
Contraindications Pathogenesis of synovitis in hemophilia or hemarthropathy
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (2021) 49:681–708 687
The vicious circle of bleeding—synovitis—neoangiogen- with sedation in young children. The use of contrast agents
esis—increased bleeding tendency leads in the long term (e.g., gadolinium) is reserved for cases with mild signs of
to fibrosis, cartilage and bone destruction, and ultimately synovitis. The discussion of possible long-term side effects
spontaneous arthrodesis, which can lead to a severe restric- of these contrast agents due to basal ganglia deposition,
tion of daily activities even in childhood [52]. recently resulting in a “precautionary approach” by the
In hemophilia, bleeding can occur in any joint. Neverthe- EMA, may be overcome by the use of macrocyclic agents
less, in many patients, one joint is more affected than the [58, 66, 67].
other (the so-called target joint). If not treated in a sufficient Multi-phase bone scintigraphy can detect synovitis in
manner until all symptoms have subsided, the recurrent patients with hemophilia; however, treatment with clotting
bleedings do not leave time for complete healing, leading to factors may normalize the articular perfusion on blood pool
the vicious circle described above and ultimately leading to images in some patients with painful joints. However, even
hemarthropathy [53]. in patients with normal findings on bone scintigraphy, it has
In patients with chronic synovitis (longer than been shown that they can still benefit from the RSO [68].
3–6 months), RSO reduces synovitis symptoms by inducing
fibrosis of the synovial surface and decreasing the bleeding Efficacy of RSO in hemophilia
tendency [54–56].
Seventy to 90% of patients benefit from RSO concerning
Diagnosis of synovitis in pediatric and adult hemophilia bleeding frequency, the intensity of pain, joint function,
and thickness of the synovium [4, 50, 53, 56, 58, 69]. The
The most commonly affected joints in hemophilia patients primary aim of RSO, namely to stop bleeding, is usu-
are the knee, ankle, and elbow joint [57]. RSO is indicated ally reached. For example, in 2002, Manco-Johnson et al.
if synovitis can be demonstrated or three joint bleedings described a complete cessation of bleeding after RSO with
occur within 6 months, despite clotting factor substitution [32P]phosphorus colloid [70]; Kavakli et al. reported that
[55, 58, 59]. bleeding was successfully treated in more than 80% of the
In contrast to other diseases, synovitis in hemophilia can patients [71]. The same results were shown in the study of
persist longer with only mild clinical symptoms, so-called de la Corte-Rodriguez et al., who investigated ten parameters
silent symptoms, especially with prophylactic factor substi- after RSO. All parameters (bleeding frequency, pain, joint
tution. Chronic synovitis may develop from minor injuries function, ROM, synovitis thickness, clinical scores, etc.)
with recurrent micro-bleeding and finally damage to the car- improved, some statistically significant, without assessing
tilage and bone. Thus, due to this sometimes heavily pro- bone damage by X-ray. Synovial thickness decreased as seen
tracted course of chronic synovitis, pre-therapeutic imaging in sonography or MRI [72].
may be older than 4–6 months in patients with hemophilia The improvement of mobility is limited to cases without
[50, 60–62], compared to the need of more current imaging established permanent joint damage at the time of treatment.
in acute synovial inflammatory diseases. However, some studies have not shown improvements in the
The diagnosis of synovitis is based on clinical evaluation range of motion (ROM) of the treated joint [54].
and adequate imaging, including ultrasonography, MRI, or The best results are achieved before the onset of hemar-
multi-phase bone scintigraphy [58, 60]. thropathy and are best in ankle joints, followed by elbows
For children, radiation-free methods should be pre- and knee joints [71, 73]. A more recent study suggests that
ferred. However, with adequate clotting factor substitution, RSO slows the development of hemarthropathy in younger
synovitis is often only very discreet and difficult to visu- patients, but it remains uncertain whether RSO prevents
alize with any available method [58]. Ultrasonography is hemarthropathy [74].
used for initial joint assessment but also to evaluate dis- Therefore, RSO should be used as early as possible before
ease progression. The disadvantage is that this procedure is developing hemarthropathy [55, 58]. The success of the pro-
operator-dependent. cedure varies depending on the joint and the severity of the
For the diagnosis of hemophilia-related synovitis, an hemarthropathy. Two recent studies show that the dosage
ultrasonography protocol was developed (HEAD-US Score) of coagulation factors needed decreases after RSO [75, 76].
that allows the synovia and cartilage to be assessed even by In the study by Kachooei et al., [ 188Re]rhenium colloid was
inexperienced examiners. Following this protocol makes it used, but similar results can be expected with the approved
possible to detect synovitis with a high degree of probability. [186Re]rhenium colloid.
Nevertheless, it is unclear whether this finding alone is suf- In pediatric hemophilia, RSO is indicated when chronic
ficient as an indication for RSO [63–65]. persistent or recurrent synovitis with or without recurrent
MRI is the reference standard for detecting synovitis and joint bleeding (2–3 episodes per 6 months) is detectable. It
early degenerative changes, but it is frequently only possible can also be used when moderate hemarthropathy exists and
688 European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (2021) 49:681–708
surgical interventions are not yet required. RSO is an option disease (Kellgren-Lawrence grade I/II), an excellent/good
when inhibitors against factor VIII/IX are present [77, 78] response to pain, joint mobility, and function was observed
or when synovitis persists over 6 months despite intensified in 82.5% for 1 year and 73.3% for 8 years after therapy.
factor therapy [58, 78]. Before the onset of hemarthropathy, Even in grade III patients (n = 72), an excellent/good
RSO should be used as a first-line treatment in chronic syno- response was observed in 45.9% and 41.2% after 8 years.
vitis [58, 78–80]. Finally, if the synovitis persists or relapses In a meta-analysis of 121 patients with OA treated with
after the first RSO, it is proposed that the procedure can be RSO, the mean success rate was 56 ± 11% [5]. The obser-
repeated up to three times. If synovitis persists after the third vation period was 1 year in this analysis. Furthermore, it
RSO, it should be treated surgically [58, 78, 81]. could be demonstrated that the improvement rate depended
on pre-existing degenerative morphological changes. The
RSO in osteoarthritis improvement rate was > 80% when there were no degen-
erative changes and 60–80% in case of moderate changes.
Similar to rheumatoid arthritis, RSO could be helpful in However, the response rate decreased in severe degenera-
selected patients with osteoarthritis and proven synovitis, tive changes, but it was still classified as “helpful” with a
resistant to other therapies; however, due to national rules, success rate of < 60%.
it has to be done as an off-label use in some countries. Similar results were also found by other authors. In
Osteoarthritis (OA), also known as degenerative joint dis- patients with OA of the knee, the overall success rate in
ease, is a large and increasing burden for the health systems pain was 86%, and knee flexibility was improved in 65%.
in many countries. In Europe, more than 30 million people Furthermore, the clinical improvement was inversely
might be affected. Similar data with an increased prevalence related to radiographic knee damage, patient’s age, and
of osteoarthritis is also seen worldwide in an aging popula- duration of the disease [88, 89]. These results suggest that
tion [82]. Besides simple mechanical reasons for the induc- the therapeutic effect depends on the underlying disease
tion of degenerative joint disease, several other risk factors and the type of joint.
like genetics, sex and race, metabolic syndrome, mechani- Zuderman et al. reported that the success rate of RSO
cal injury and overuse, and secretion of pro-inflammatory for the small-, medium-, and large-sized joints were 89%,
cytokines inside the joint may lead to synovial inflammation 86%, and 79%, respectively [90]. If the underlying dis-
and initial cartilage defects and may precede subchondral eases were compared with each other, irrespective of the
bone destruction. different joints for RA and OA, the success rates were
Most often, the weight-bearing joints of the lower extrem- 89% and 79%, respectively, after 12 months [90]. For
ities are affected. In finger OA, the distal interphalangeal large joints, Rau et al. reported that the clinical outcome
(DIP) joints, proximal interphalangeal joints (PIP), and the in a multicenter study of RSO in various joint disorders
first carpometacarpal (CMC) joints are frequently involved. was significantly better for OA. The response rate for
Symptoms include joint pain, stiffness, and sometimes a small- and large-sized joints in OA was similar to patients
joint effusion. Joint pain is the leading clinical symptom of with RA [91]. However, in a study by Kampen et al., the
OA. It was discussed in the literature that the intensity of authors found that the therapy was also highly effective
the pain depends on the radiological degree of bone altera- in digital joint OA with local synovitis [92]. The best
tions in the affected joint. Additionally, recent animal stud- results were obtained in the thumb base joints, whereas
ies demonstrated that blood vessels with nociceptive nerve distal interphalangeal joints are less likely to respond. All
fibers penetrating the osteochondral junction into the carti- patients also reported an improvement in their manual
lage might contribute to the joint pain [71]. Furthermore, activities.
synovitis has been reported as the determining factor for Another group performed a double-blind controlled
neuronal sensitization and the progression of osteoarthritis. prospective study on 22 patients with local synovitis in
It has also become evident that the synovial membrane’s OA of the thumb base joints. The effect of [ 169Er]erbium
inflammatory process precedes the detection of degenera- colloid combined with GC was compared to GC injection
tive cartilage changes. The inflamed synovial membrane alone with 1 year of follow-up. RSO combined with GC
produces inflammatory cytokines that cause cartilage dam- resulted in significant reductions of pain, inflammation,
age [70, 83]. Therefore, prompt treatment of synovitis is and improvement of motion.
recommended to improve pain and prevent disease progres- In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study
sion [84–86]. of RSO of the upper extremity joints in 44 patients, the
In the literature, the improvement rate after RSO ranges response rates after 6 and 12 months were 69% for RSO
from 40 to 89%. In a recent long-term prospective study plus GC and 29% and 32% for placebo plus GC injection.
of RSO in synovitis in OA of the knee joint, Szentesi The radionuclide plus GC showed a significantly better
et al. [87] reported that in 69 patients with early-stage response than GC plus placebo [93]. The authors advocate
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (2021) 49:681–708 689
RSO over the sole use of GC intraarticular injection in the failure must be excluded unequivocally prior to RSO using
finger, ankle, and wrist joints. professional clinical examination, laboratory testing of
RSO can also prevent deterioration of inflammatory and inflammatory blood values, synovial fluid aspiration, and
radiographic features even in patients suffering from osteo- appropriate imaging.
arthritis. In a recent study by Szerb et al., it was reported
that among 48 patients with osteoarthritis of the hip joints Efficacy of combined surgical synovectomy and RSO
and 43 patients suffering from OA in ankle joints, RSO
could prevent radiologic deterioration among 70.6% of the Surgical synovectomy is well established in the local treat-
hip patients and in 79.1% of the treated ankle joint patients. ment of synovitis. However, due to the surgical trauma and
The mean follow-up time was 9.2 years [94]. incomplete removal of all pathological tissue with mini-
In another study from the same group, including 207 mal arthroscopic synovectomy, the recurrence rate is high
treated knee joints, 163 had the same Kellgren-Lawrence and amounts to 30% with long-term follow-up [83, 102].
grade at the time of follow-up compared to baseline, while Therefore, several authors have studied the usefulness of
44 had deteriorated. The mean duration of follow-up was the combination of arthroscopic subtotal synovectomy and
8.7 years. RSO prevents radiological progression in 79% of radiosynovectomy.
the treated joints [95]. In one study by Akmese et al., the authors compared com-
As an alternative to RSO, GC intraarticular injections bined arthroscopic synovectomy and RSO to treat chronic
can reduce inflammation and pain for a limited time, but non-specific synovitis of the knee [103]. They found sig-
this effect is usually transient with subsequent disease pro- nificant improvements in the range of motion and severity
gression. Other authors also reported similar results, with of joint effusion. Also, pain and synovial membrane thick-
pain relief after intraarticular GC injection lasting about ness were significantly reduced (82% and 54%, respectively).
3–4 weeks [73, 96]. Several authors reported the efficacy of Clinically and radiologically, using MRI, there was no recur-
intraarticular GC therapies. In a systemic review, Wernecke rence after 3 years.
et al. showed a chondrotoxic effect of triamcinolone in vitro, Similar results were also found by other authors. Kersch-
whereas in vivo studies demonstrated cartilage protection baumer et al. reported significantly better long-term clinical
with a low-dose GC injection. These results were also sup- results (8 years) in 141 knee joints treated with the combi-
ported by Raynold et al., concluding that the effect of GC nation therapy compared to patients receiving RSO alone
may be dose- and time-dependent. Treatment with a low [104]. Additionally, open synovectomy is preferred over
dose for a short time may be beneficial, whereas high-dose arthroscopic synovectomy if tenosynovectomy is simulta-
and long-term treatment could be harmful [97, 98]. How- neously required [105, 106].
ever, data from a Cochrane systematic review showed that Concerning the timing of RSO relative to the surgical
the effect of intraarticular GC for knee osteoarthritis does procedure, it was suggested to perform RSO 6 weeks after
not persist after 6 months [99]. surgery to allow the postoperative edema to diminish. Also,
healing of the surgical wound is almost complete by that
Efficacy of RSO in knee arthroplasty time, preventing any leakage of the injected radionuclide.
Moreover, postoperative inflammation will have peaked,
RSO was also studied for treating recurrent joint effusions improving the efficacy of the anti-inflammatory effect of
after knee arthroplasty. However, only scarce data are RSO [103].
available in the literature. The initial results with RSO in
knee arthroplasty were reported by Mödder et al. [100]. In
their study, 107 patients with chronic joint effusion due to Summary of RSO indications
polyethylene disease caused by abrasion particles from the
polyethylene inlays were treated with [ 90Y]yttrium citrate. In RSO is effective in controlling symptoms of persistent
93/107 (87%) of patients, the joint effusion resolved entirely synovitis in RA patients. However, the relief of symptoms
after therapy. declines over time. Also, RSO provides acceptable clinical
In a study by Mayer-Wagner et al., 55 patients with results in selected patients with OA according to the severity
chronic joint effusion after knee arthroplasty were treated of degenerative changes. The co-injection of a GC with RSO
with radiosynoviorthesis using [90Y]yttrium colloid [101]. provides favorable clinical results and is preferred in clini-
Significant improvements in pain, effusion, and function cal routine. In arthroscopic synovectomy, the combination
were seen in 54% of patients. For most of the patients in with RSO provides significantly better clinical results than
whom RSO treatment failed, complications of the arthro- surgery alone and the recurrence rate of diffuse-type giant
plasty like infection, loosening, allergy, and trauma were cell tumor/pigmented villonodular synovitis is reduced by
detected. Thus, all these underlying causes of prosthesis performing an RSO after surgical synovectomy.
690 European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (2021) 49:681–708
The treatment of synovitis in hemophilia is supported by number (single or multiple), pattern (size, symmetry), and
the most recent guidelines from major organizations [4, 58, severity. Pain characteristics should be detailed: the pain
69]. It is a highly effective treatment with few side effects, quality, time of onset, eliciting or remitting factors, severity
and RSO should be used early in chronic synovitis in hemo- (e.g., documentation by a VAS), and duration.
philia. RSO leads to a reduction of bleeding frequency and
slows the development of symptoms related to synovitis and Multi‑phase bone scintigraphy
hemarthropathy. The considerable benefits of the procedure
outweigh the potential radiation risks. Therefore, RSO Synovitis can be visualized by three-phase bone
should also be considered a treatment option in childhood, scintigraphy using radiolabeled bisphosphonates. In
if indicated. particular, in the early-phase images of the affected joints
acquired approximately 3–10 min after IV injection of the
tracer, very typical synovitis features in the affected joints
Pre‑therapeutic diagnosis of synovitis can be determined, and a polyarticular involvement can
be documented or even ruled out [101]. In contrast, late-
The aim of the pre-therapeutic assessment is the confir- phase acquisitions 2 h after tracer injection demonstrate
mation of synovitis and the exclusion of contraindications osseous involvement. Multi-phase bone scintigraphy can
against RSO. also show signs of inflammation in joints that are clinically
asymptomatic and provide insight into the distribution
Medical history and clinical assessment of affected joints and the underlying condition [107].
A supplementary SPECT/CT of the affected joint(s)
A detailed medical history will help ascertain the appropri- may allow detecting bone or cartilage damage (e.g.,
ateness of RSO with respect to the underlying disease. Both osteochondrosis dissecans) by a more precise localization
the presence of local (e.g., hot or swollen joints, pain, morn- of tracer uptake [108].
ing stiffness) and constitutional symptoms (e.g., high-grade To avoid unnecessary radiation exposure, bone
fever, weight loss, malaise, muscle weakness, rash, ade- scintigraphy should only be performed in patients suspected
nopathy, ulcers, dry eyes) should be checked as part of the of polyarticular disease and/or if no other meaningful proof
work-up of synovitis to determine the underlying condition. of synovitis (e.g., other imaging done so far, histological
The swelling of joints needs to be documented according to diagnosis after surgery) is already available. This holds
especially true for children.
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (2021) 49:681–708 691
changes, cyst formation (including Baker’s cyst), surround- fibroblasts and macrophages has been observed when these
ing soft tissue changes, and possible joint infection when cells were exposed to inflammatory cytokines released in
clinically suspected (e.g., high protein liquid). Other causes RA, such as TNF alpha, IL-1, and hypoxia. [18F]FDG uptake
of joint pain may be visualized, including the destruction of assessed with the standardized uptake value (SUV) strongly
the subchondral border lamella with bone marrow edema correlates with pannus volume as evaluated at MRI and
or osteochondrosis dissecans. MRI should be taken into shows a correlation with clinical symptoms of arthritis such
account, especially in children (e.g., hemophilia) due to the as tenderness and swelling [110–113].
lack of radiation exposure. On the other hand, the routinely
acquired protocols are used to image a single joint or at least
a local region, like the hand or foot. Thus, in patients with Procedural aspects
systemic inflammatory diseases, bone scintigraphy is still
the method of choice. All applicable national regulations must be complied with
regarding the approved indications. The diagnosis of syno-
X‑ray or CT vitis and the referral for RSO are usually made in coopera-
tion with the referring rheumatologist, orthopedic surgeon,
A recent (maximum 4–6 months old) X-ray image in two hand surgeon, hematologist, or pediatrician. However, the
planes of the joint to be treated or CT (to exclude other joint specialist in nuclear medicine, doing the final intraarticular
pathologies like fractures, bone tumors, Ahlback’s disease, injection of the radiocolloid, is responsible for the ultimate
free joint bodies, or severe bone destruction) should be RSO indication and is liable for RSO-related complications.
available before RSO. Both techniques can be performed Since the activities used for radiosynoviorthesis are
with or without the use of intraarticular contrast. X-rays are largely standardized, a pre-therapeutic dose calculation by
routinely performed and, therefore, are readily available in a medical physicist is not routinely necessary; however, in
most cases. Additional X-rays, especially of small joints, case of deviation from standard doses, a medical physicist
can provide important information if bone scintigraphy should be available for consultation. However, national leg-
or ultrasound shows equivocal findings requiring further islation regarding the requirement of individualized dose
clarification. estimations by a medical physicist should be adhered to.
While in most cases, the pre-therapeutic diagnosis of
synovitis can be ascertained using the techniques described Information required before RSO
above, the following diagnostic modalities may provide
additional information in selected patients. • Confirmation of the therapeutic indication. Documenting
the patient’s symptoms and their intensity (e.g., VAS) is
Arthro‑scintigraphy recommended before treatment to allow assessment of
clinical results during follow-up.
This technique can also be used to exclude a rupture of • Documentation of previous therapies: joint punctures,
Baker’s cyst of the knee in selected patients. If leakage of a intraarticular GC injections, surgical interventions (with
radiolabelled colloid (e.g., [99mTc]technetium nanocolloid) details of the time and clinical course).
injected into the knee joint is detected in the popliteal soft • Current medication: especially treatment with GC and
tissue surrounding Baker’s cyst after movement of the joint, anticoagulants.
a rupture is assumed, and the RSO is strictly contraindi- • Coagulation status before the joint puncture if there is
cated in this patient. However, since radiocolloids are not suspicion of a coagulopathy. The question if a therapy
officially approved for intraarticular application, the patient with clotting inhibitors should be interrupted before
must provide informed consent that this examination is an RSO is still under debate. Several studies with patients
off-label use. undergoing arthrocentesis or intraarticular injections
during anticoagulation therapy with different agents
[18F]fluoro‑deoxyglucose PET/CT ([18F]FDG PET/CT) (including vitamin K antagonists) did not show an
elevated bleeding frequency [114–116]. Also, the new
[18F]FDG PET/CT can be used to image inflammation oral anticoagulants usually do not have to be paused
because increased [ 18F]FDG uptake occurs in the presence at all or only on the same day as the RSO procedure
of activated inflammatory cells. As the synovial intima [117]. Since a joint puncture has only a low risk of
contains macrophages, [18F]FDG PET/CT allows sensi- bleeding, discontinuation of therapy or switching to
tive detection of active lesions of RA, including clinically heparin is only necessary in rare cases with genetic
unexpected lesions like subclinical synovitis. Moreover, clotting disorders or a history of recurrent thrombo-
a dramatic increase in [18F]FDG uptake in both synovial embolic events. Nevertheless, a careful consideration
692 European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (2021) 49:681–708
between the risk of a local bleeding complication after • Radiation protection monitoring, possibly using finger
RSO against the risk of a thromboembolism due to ring dosimeter with beta emitters
the higher clotting activity should be made for every • X-ray for puncture under image converter control (excep-
patient based on individual risk factors. The patient tion: knee joint)
must be informed about his individual risk–benefit • Mandatory patient discharge information. In particular,
estimation and should remain under close monitoring including advice on the urinary radiopharmaceutical
after RSO. However, any change in treatment should excretion during the first 2 days after administration.
be made only in consultation with the prescribing fam- Patients should be advised to observe rigorous hygiene
ily physician or coagulation specialist. in order to avoid contaminating groups at risk using the
• Current imaging (not older than 4–6 months): conven- same toilet facility, by flushing twice and observing good
tional X-ray, multi-phase skeletal scintigraphy, MRI, hand hygiene. Significantly soiled clothing should be
ultrasound (perhaps with Doppler). washed separately. Incontinent patients should be cath-
• Exclusion of a ruptured Baker’s cyst. eterized prior to radiopharmaceutical administration. The
catheter should remain in place for 3 to 4 days. Catheter
bags should be emptied frequently. Gloves should be
Informed consent
worn by staff caring for catheterized patients.
Before the RSO procedure is performed, the patient must be
Treatment rooms according to local legislation
informed in due time about the following aspects:
• Treatment may only be carried out in rooms approved by
• The treatment procedure and possible side effects of the
the competent authority for handling open radioactive
intraarticular puncture and RSO (especially about a low
substances. In particular, if the procedure is performed
risk of infection or of radiation-induced soft tissue necro-
outside the nuclear medicine department (e.g., operating
sis from leakage out of the puncture channel or from
paraarticular injection)
• Intraarticular punctures may only be performed if the
• Radiation burden
hygienic requirements are met. A corresponding hygiene
• Alternative treatment options
plan must be available.
• The necessity to immobilize the joint treated with RSO
• Rooms and facilities require regular cleaning and dis-
(e.g., bandage, splinting) possibly requires thromboem-
infection. The number of people in the treatment room
bolic prophylaxis for 48 h.
should be limited to what is necessary.
• In women of childbearing age, pregnancy should be
avoided for at least 4 months after RSO (according to
the SPC).
• Breastfeeding should be terminated prior to RSO. A
transfer of [90Y]yttrium colloid into breast milk was
shown [118]. There are no data yet available for [186Re]
rhenium colloid and [ 169Er]erbium colloid; thus, the same
procedure is advisable and is given in the SPC.
• In diabetic patients, the co-injection of a crystalline glu-
cocorticoid may lead to a higher demand of insulin or
oral antidiabetic drugs for roughly 2 days, following the
SPCs of injectable steroids. Thus, the use of intraarticu-
lar glucocorticoids in diabetic patients is not contrain-
dicated but an adequate information about this possible
side effect is important.
• According to local regulations, a written, dated, and
signed informed consent form may be required.
Radiation protection according to local legislation Fig. 2 Set of instruments for the puncture of a knee joint, (A) large
syringe (20 ml) with applicator for aspiration of joint effusion, (B) a
• Handling authorization for the radionuclides used ring made of acrylic plastic to reduce the local radiation dose at the
base of the needle significantly, and (C) a syringe shielding made
• Appropriate measures to monitor for contamination of acrylic plastic to reduce radiation load from yttrium-90 and rhe-
• Storage of the nuclides and waste disposal nium-186 during RSO
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (2021) 49:681–708 693
Fig. 3 A small flexible tube (volume 350 µl) may be used for difficult • Measurement of the activity (difficult for beta-emitting
injections to avoid displacement of the needle inside the joint when radionuclides) or calculation of activity by volume based
the syringes with a contrast agent, radiocolloid, and glucocorticoster- on specific activity given on the vial.
oid are exchanged • Use of a suitable syringe and shielding device depending
on the radionuclide used (e.g., plexiglass) (Fig. 2). Pliers
Preparation of the patient and physician and tweezers can be used as gripping tools.
• If a difficult procedure is anticipated, a short flexible tube
Intraarticular injections and punctures require careful plan- may be used to prevent movement of the needle (Fig. 3).
ning and execution [119]. The following procedures may
need to be adapted according to local legislation:
• The patient washes the area of the puncture. General and joint‑specific implementation
• The injection area must be exposed to such an extent that
contamination by clothing is avoided, and the physician Intraarticular punctures should be based on published
is not hindered. guidelines and use the anatomically most favorable access
• Hair that may interfere should be removed or clipped routes [119, 120]. Efficiently performing RSO contributes to
before the injection, using scissors or swabs. Shaving minimizing irradiation exposure to the physician in charge of
the hair in the injection area should be avoided because the procedure and all the medical and paramedical staff. The
it could lead to skin injuries prone to infection. use of acrylic glass shielding of the syringes will lower the
• Hygienic disinfection of the puncture site. The injec- radiation burden of the fingertips during injection. Model-
tion site and its surroundings must be treated with an related radiation protection of the fluoroscopy unit has to
approved skin antiseptic. The antiseptic can be applied be assured.
by spraying or wiping so that it is brought in from The following recommendations apply:
all sides; achieving a thorough wetting of the skin is
required. The application should be performed in a • Ultrasound or arthrography with image documentation.
centrifugal fashion, from the inside to the outside. The • Puncture of a possible joint effusion.
exposure time must be observed in accordance with • The radionuclide injection is only to be carried out after
the manufacturer’s instructions, usually at least 1 min. the intraarticular position of the needle has been con-
Using colored antiseptics can make it easier to identify firmed. This usually requires fluoroscopy, if necessary,
the area being treated. after the injection of contrast medium or using ultra-
• If possible, the puncture site should be covered with a sound. Thorough knowledge of anatomical landmarks
sterile perforated cloth. There is no scientific evidence helps to carry out the procedure with a minimum of pain
for the general use of perforated sheets or other covers. for the patient.
A perforated sheet can be useful if, for instance, there • There is no general recommendation to use local anes-
is a risk of contamination from possible contact of the thetics; this depends on the joint to be treated and the
hand used for injection or the syringe or needle with the sensitivity of the individual patient.
patient (e.g., pubic hair in the event of a hip puncture). • An important issue for the knee joint should be noted.
If X-ray contrast media are used, they should be free of
694 European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (2021) 49:681–708
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (2021) 49:681–708 695
following the degeneration and rupture of the various liga- Shoulder joint For the shoulder joint, namely the gle-
ments caused by the synovitis. nohumeral cavity, three approaches are preferred: the
To prevent the reflux of the different products injected anterior, the upper, and the posterior approaches. It
through the puncture port, we propose to apply skin is preferred to position the patient in a supine posi-
traction when the needle is inserted by giving it a bayo- tion, arm in external rotation, and inject through the
net route. Thus, the radiocolloid will be strictly injected anterior route. A marker may be placed on the skin
intraarticularly. after palpation of the joint space by mobilizing the
The injection in the metacarpophalangeal joint is done arm. The needle must be positioned in the lower third
with a shorter needle of 25 Gauge and 16 mm. The same of the joint space. A 50-mm or 40-mm, 21 Gauge nee-
needle will be used for the small joints of the fingers to dle is most often used. The needle penetrates the skin
inject [169Er]erbium colloid. This is relatively easy by exert- at 90° to the plane of the shoulder. Local anesthesia is
ing traction in the axis of the finger one can, most often, sometimes useful because the procedure can be pain-
open the joint and locate the puncture point. ful, especially in contact with the periosteum. Once in
Injection into the proximal and distal interphalangeal contact with the joint capsule, a small internal rota-
joints is more difficult because of the small joint size, tion of the humeral head may be required to allow the
sometimes even narrowed by small osteophytes. The needle to slide into the glenohumeral joint. Sometimes
position of the skin folds in relation to the joint space an effusion is found and evacuated. If there is no effu-
is assessed by flexing the finger; the needle is placed sion, the correct positioning of the needle is checked
opposite to the most proximal part of the joint spacing, by fluoroscopy. The radiopharmaceutical [ 186 Re]rhe-
knowing that in the fingers, the capsular insertion is more nium sulfide, followed by a corticosteroid, is injected
proximal than distal. An excellent alternative access route without pressure.
is to inject the radiocolloid into the dorsal joint recess by
needle placement dorsally from proximal to distal while Elbow joint Puncture is done with the patient sitting in an
the finger is elongated. It is important to lead the needle upright position with the elbow bent to 90° and pronated
by a very small angle to avoid a deep injection touching forearm. Anatomical landmarks are easy to palpate: the olec-
the joint forming bone. It is easy to inject a considerable ranon, the lateral humeral epicondyle, and the radial head.
volume with a few drops of contrast media, radiocolloid, The center of this triangle is the point for the arthrocentesis.
and additional glucocorticoid using this approach even Using fluoroscopy, the needle (usually 18 Gauge) is inserted
in joints with a narrow joint space due to degenerative in the direction of the radial head.
changes (Fig. 4). The same holds true for RSO of the For all joints mentioned in this paragraph, other
respective toe joints. approaches are possible of course and will have their advan-
Injection into the 1st carpometacarpal joint (= Thumb tages and disadvantages. If the needle is placed correctly
base joint) is done under fluoroscopy by a direct approach in the joint cavity, regardless of the injection pathway, the
to the joint space between the base of the first metacarpal puncture is done properly and RSO could be performed
bone and the trapezium. Sometimes it might be helpful if safely.
the patient bends his thumb to an ulnar direction, which A lot of different approaches are published in correspond-
“unfolds” the joint cavity. ing textbooks of rheumatology and orthopedics. These
references should be adhered to, even in other joints not
Hip joint Hip RSO can be done under fluoroscopy or mentioned in this guideline (e.g., sacroiliac joint, temporo-
ultrasonography. Because of simplicity, the anterior mandibular joint).
approach under fluoroscopy is preferred. The patient is
lying in a supine position; the feet are in internal rotation.
A marker could be placed on the skin on the external Table 5 General recommendations for RSO in pediatric patients con-
two-thirds of an imaginary line that goes from the pubis sidering age and target joint (joint volume, degree of synovitis)
to the greater trochanter. The presence of the iliac neu-
Joint Recommendations
rovascular bundle is checked by palpation, well within
the puncture site. A 21 Gauge 50-mm or 20 Gauge 9–10- Knee Pre-adolescent: [186Re]rhenium colloid
mm needle is used, positioned at 90° to the plane of the (activity 50–100 MBq)
Adolescent: [90Y]yttrium colloid (activity
thigh. After bone contact, the needle is withdrawn by a 150–185 MBq)
few millimeters. Fluoroscopy is used to confirm the cor- Ankle [186Re]rhenium colloid (activity 40–75 MBq)
rect positioning of the needle in the middle of the femoral Elbow [186Re]rhenium colloid (activity 30–60 MBq)
neck and [186Re]rhenium colloid can be injected without
pressure and pain.
696 European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (2021) 49:681–708
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698 European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (2021) 49:681–708
of approximately 1 cm of acrylic glass, documented by dose importance to have a timely identification of activity outside
measurements done by the German Federal Office for Radia- the joint, either by leakage or by misplacement of the needle.
tion Protection (BfS), shown in Fig. 6.
In addition to the consistent use of such shields, distance-
increasing devices must be used to prepare the syringes and Factors influencing dosimetry
apply the radiopharmaceutical. For this purpose, it is recom-
mended to use additional holding forceps or tweezers to fix Resting/splinting
the cannula [130] or to use a disposable polycarbonate ring
(Makrolon®) during application (see Fig. 2B). Adequate Studies comparing inpatient care using bed rest or outpatient
radiation protection during fluoroscopy also has to be con- care using a rigid splint for immobilizing the treated joint
sidered, including protective X-ray lead aprons. Likewise, have found no difference in leakage risk [137–139]. The
positioning the X-ray tube under the table to minimize stray use of a semi-rigid splint in outpatient care resulted in a
radiation is recommended. The hands of the physician per- doubling of the lymph-node uptake [138]. Using biological
forming the procedure must not be located in the radiation dosimetry, the calculated dose was five times higher without
beam during fluoroscopy. immobilization compared to bed rest [140]. The duration of
All syringes prepared for one RSO setting must be stored immobilization in the studies mentioned above ranged from
in a plastic box with adequate shielding before use. The 48 to 72 h. Therefore, the treated joint should be immobi-
waste should be collected with clear-cut separation between lized using a rigid splint. If this is not possible (e.g., hip),
the three radionuclides used. Their different half-lives deter- patients could be immobilized by bed rest to avoid a signifi-
mine the clearance of the waste for its final disposal accord- cant leakage.
ing to national regulations.
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (2021) 49:681–708 699
Table 7 The number of adverse events after radiosynoviorthesis fluid 48 h after RSO based on a puncture of a knee joint with
Radiopharmaceuti- Number of Serious AEs (data in Non-
Baker’s cyst is less than 40 kBq/ml. Therefore, significant
cal, time interval treated joints brackets from [155]) serious damage to the popliteal and calf tissue in case of rupture
AEs should not be expected [152].
On the other hand, a positive effect of RSO on Baker’s
[90Y]yttrium citrate, ± 452.000 35 (19) 53
1990–2019 cysts has been reported. A recent study, which examined the
[90Y]yttrium silicate, ± 70.000 3 2 volume reduction of Baker’s cysts in 102 RSO procedures,
1994–2003 found a volume reduction in the range of 50% up to 7 months
[186Re]rhenium ± 415.000 21 (3) 29 after RSO. In some cases, the effect could be demonstrated
sulfide, up to an average of 36 months after RSO [154].
In conclusion, only a ruptured Baker’s cyst at the time of
[169Er]erbium citrate, ± 583.000 10 17
RSO is a relevant contraindication. Furthermore, the posi-
tive effect of RSO on the volume of existing Baker’s cysts
Total ± 1.522.000 69 (22) 99
warrants the inclusion of this technique into a multimodal
Incidence 4.5/100.000
(6.0/100.000) treatment approach for this condition.
in injected joints, activities, and immobilization strategies. Side effects and complications
The available data mainly measured activity leakage from
RSO of the ankle and the upper extremity joints. The total RSO has a very low rate of side effects and complications
mean leakage ranged from 2.5 to 3.9% [141, 146, 147]. when appropriately performed by experienced clinicians.
Whether joint-related differences exist has not yet been Fischer et al. recently published data on the prevalence of
investigated. Other authors reported a whole-body dose of adverse events (AEs) with radiopharmaceuticals from 1990
53 ± 27 mGy by measuring activity leakage [31], and an to 2011 and reported 3.3 AEs/100.000 treated joints [6].
effective dose of 27 ± 5 mSv when measuring blood activity Data up to 2019 show a value of 4.5/100.000 and are based
[148]. The organ doses were calculated to be 100 ± 80 mGy on AEs reported to the companies distributing the radiocol-
for the liver, 203 ± 229 mGy for the spleen, 94 ± 113 mGy loids approved for radiosynoviorthesis (Table 7). The num-
for the kidney, and 26 Gy (range 0–189) to the lymph nodes ber of treated joints was calculated from the total amount
(when joint immobilization was not possible), respectively of activity supplied throughout Europe, and the routinely
[141]. After RSO of the wrist, no significant increase of applied activities per joint minus 10% compensating for loss.
dicentric chromosomes could be found [146]. Intraarticular infections (n = 18) accounted for most
serious AEs and are related to the procedure and not to the
[169Er]erbium colloid There are limited clinical data on radiocolloids themselves (see separate discussion below).
activity leakage. A study including 7 patients found a leak- Other serious AEs were radionecrosis, lung embolism after
age of 0.11 ± 0.3% [93]. The whole-body radiation dose immobilization, or an anaphylactic reaction. Examples of
was calculated to be 4.1 ± 2.5 mGy and < 1 mGy/30 MBq, non-serious AEs are transient redness or pain at the injection
respectively [31, 148]. An increase in chromosomal aberra- site, flush symptoms from intraarticular steroid co-injection,
tions could not be found [146, 148]. or transient and self-limiting radiation synovitis, with recur-
ring joint effusion after RSO.
Baker’s cyst Kisielinsky et al. analyzed patients who had surgical
interventions after RSO [156]. It should be noted that many
When performing MRI of the knee joint, the prevalence of of the patients in this study were treated with RSO more than
Baker’s cyst is between 5 and 19% [149, 150], and with two times or had severe degenerative joint destruction with
ultrasound, a prevalence of 25% was reported [151]. A a Kellgren-Lawrence stage of III or IV. Also, the number
rupture of Baker’s cyst shortly after RSO can occur due to and type of treatments before RSO was not reported in this
increased pressure in the cyst and is considered problematic. paper, especially prior intraarticular applications of gluco-
One possible cause may be the existence of a unidirectional corticosteroids. A high rate of osteonecroses (in 22 out of 93
valve mechanism in Baker’s cyst. However, anatomical patients) was observed after RSO, but no information was
and clinical studies have shown that a unidirectional valve given on pre-therapeutic imaging. Taking into account that
mechanism is very unlikely and irrelevant as a risk factor for more than 10% of avascular osteonecroses occur in patients
cyst rupture [152]. Especially, with strict immobilization, no with hip osteoarthritis and that intraarticular corticosteroids
activity accumulation in Baker’s cyst over 46 h after RSO or other factors like diabetes or osteoporosis (information
was found [153]. In addition, the calculated activity in the not provided by the authors) may lead to osteonecrosis even
700 European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (2021) 49:681–708
before RSO, it is difficult to justify that these cases are attrib- factors (e.g., diabetes, systemic inflammatory disease,
uted solely to RSO by these authors. immune status, concomitant medications, joint arthro-
Following the WHO definitions, an adverse event or plasty). When clinical signs of intraarticular infection
experience is defined as “any untoward medical occurrence after RSO develop, immediate fluid aspiration and bac-
that may be present during treatment with a medicine but terial culture must be performed. If an initial oral antibi-
which does not necessarily have a causal relationship with otic treatment does not improve the situation significantly
the treatment.” Every healthcare professional, even every within 24 to 48 h, the infection should be treated by joint
person working in a medical institution, is obliged to report lavage or endoscopy together with the local application
adverse events to the pharmaceutical company distributing of intraarticular antibiotics [163].
the respective compound.
Most of these side effects and complications are prevent- Radiation tissue damage
able by a skillful injection technique under aseptic condi-
tions and if the correct radionuclide in an appropriate activ- Superficial skin and needle track ulcerations caused by
ity is applied for therapy. Recognition of these potential side radiation may occur if the radionuclide leaks from the nee-
effects is essential to establish a proper therapeutic strategy dle during retraction or through the puncture channel from
and avoid unnecessary treatment. the joint after injection [164–167]. These complications can
easily be avoided by flushing the needle (with steroid or
Radiation synovitis saline) and compression of the injection site after the radio-
nuclide injection. Skin discoloration, thickening, blisters, or
A temporary increase in joint pain and swelling due to formation of a small scar at the injection site are common
radiation-induced synovitis and joint effusion 6 to 48 h signs of radiation tissue damage but usually have no clinical
after treatment may be observed [157]. Lymphedema or consequence. The patient may rarely experience a burning
fever may occur in rare cases. These symptoms are usu- sensation in the injection area, most likely due to irritation
ally self-limiting without further intervention and can of small nerve fibers [168]. The time elapsed from the pro-
be treated simply by cooling the joint with ice packs or, cedure to the ulcer appearance varied from 3–4 weeks to
if necessary, with anti-inflammatory drugs. A flare in 8 months.
inflammatory symptoms (radiation synovitis) after RSO More severe and more profound skin necrosis appears
may be considered a natural course of the treatment and to be an infrequent complication after radiosynoviorthe-
a clinical manifestation of rapid and extensive synovial sis. However, in 2006, a German survey performed with
tissue necrosis. It is more common after RSO using radi- 260 nuclear medicine physicians and 20 medical liabil-
opharmaceuticals with high energy (e.g., [ 90Y]yttrium ity insurances detected 28 cases of skin necrosis [156].
colloid). For large joints, a small amount of glucocorti- Furthermore, the possibility that this side effect may be
costeroid can be injected during RSO to reduce inflam- underreported cannot be ruled out. Possible treatments
mation induced by radiation [158]. In addition to reduc- include hyperbaric oxygen therapy, surgical debride-
ing inflammation, glucocorticosteroids also decrease ment, and autologous skin transplantation. If necrosis
systemic radioisotope leakage through dilated capillaries occurs, surgery should be delayed because, as in the
of the synovium. For RSO of medium and small joints, case of beneficial effects of RSO, it may take some
some authors advise intraarticular administration of a time for the damage to reach its full extent [169]. [ 90Y]
local anesthetic instead of glucocorticosteroids [159, yttrium is the most potent radionuclide to induce tis-
160]. However, no published studies have shown signifi- sue damage, possibly even full-thickness skin necrosis
cant differences or advantages between these two options. [170]. Beta radiation burns after [ 186 Re]rhenium col-
loid are much more limited, usually self-healing within
Infection 3–4 weeks, but in severe cases, hyperbaric oxygen treat-
ment is helpful [171–173]. [ 169Er]erbium colloid, with
Joint infection is one of the more severe complications its low energy and small tissue penetration, is unlikely
which is not related to the radiopharmaceutical agent to cause more profound necrosis, and beta radiation
itself but might occur from any, even diagnostic joint burns associated with its use require only conservative
puncture by microbial spreading. After intraarticular treatment [3].
injection, the risk of infection is generally assumed to However, long-term monitoring after dermal radiation
be very low and ranges from 1:3000 down to 1:100.000 injury appears advisable as patients with radiation exposure
[161], but the data concerning joint infections after RSO also have an increased risk of secondary malignancy, par-
are scarce [155, 156, 162]. Also, the individual risk for an ticularly non-melanoma skin cancer.
intraarticular infection depends on several predisposing
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (2021) 49:681–708 701
Radionecrosis of the juxta‑articular soft tissue for 185 MBq of [90Y]yttrium, which is not considered suffi-
cient to cause significant bone damage or necrosis. On the other
Necrosis of periarticular tissue is the most severe local hand, recent studies suggest that in patients with end-stage
complication in RSO and is caused by the accidental par- osteoarthritis and extensive cartilage erosion, beta radiation
aarticular injection of the radionuclide or leakage. During may cause avascular necrosis of the exposed subchondral bone
the actual joint puncture, all measures should be taken to [179]. While the immediate sequelae of this condition may be
ensure the correct position of the needle tip and complete clinically silent, avascular osteonecrosis may compromise future
intraarticular injection. Extra-articular injection or leakage surgical joint arthroplasty procedures. When there are already
can cause extensive damage to healthy tissues since beta bony changes on X-rays, it is better to avoid RSO considering
radiation can induce necrosis of the synovial membrane and its efficacy and safety, as discussed earlier. The dose to the bone
any other soft tissue. Only a few cases related to periarticular marrow in large- or mid-sized joints is considered negligible
necrosis have been reported in the literature [169, 174, 175]. because the distance to the radiation source is greater than the
A distribution scan acquired with a gamma camera after mean tissue penetration of radionuclides used for RSO [180].
radionuclide injection helps to verify successful intraarticu- An influence of RSO on the epiphyseal growth plates in
lar injection and proper distribution within the joint. When children has not been described.
periarticular tissue necrosis occurs, patients usually develop
pain and functional impairment. In cases of radionecrosis Thromboembolic complications
or paraarticular injection, no reliable recommendations
exist owing to limited experience. One alternative would be Thromboembolic complications are not specific for RSO
to wait and observe until demarked necrotic tissue can be but may occur because of the mandatory immobilization of
resected. Another alternative would be to perform surgery the treated joint. Risk factors for thromboembolic compli-
immediately to remove as much of the para-injected activity cations after RSO of lower limb joints include older age,
as possible by flushing the tissue and resecting radioactive reduced mobility, varicose veins, or pre-existing coagula-
tissue around the injection site. However, precautions have tion disorders. Provided there are no pre-existing risk fac-
to be taken to protect the surgical team against radiation tors, the risk of a thromboembolic complication must be
from the contaminated tissue. Since there is no experience carefully weighed against possible side effects from anti-
in this field, any individual case must be discussed between coagulation therapy. Therefore, thromboembolic prophy-
the surgeon and the nuclear medicine physician. laxis is not generally recommended. It is recommended
after immobilization only in patients after RSO of two
Influence on the cartilage and bone adjacent joints of the lower limb and patients with at least
two risk factors for thromboembolic complications [163].
Healthy intra- and extra-articular tissues such as the cartilage and
bone may be exposed to the radioactivity injected into the joint.
Although mature cartilage is considered resistant to radioactiv- Genotoxic effect and cancer risk
ity, even minor injury to articular cartilage remains a concern
for RSO, especially in the pediatric population. However, most The effective doses for RSO given in dosimetry studies
studies do not support these concerns, ruling out a direct link seem to be in the low-dose range when there is no major
between RSO and chondrocyte damage or acceleration of osteo- leakage [146, 181]. Radiocolloid particles that leak out
arthritis [157]. Moreover, RSO may lead to a significant decrease of treated joints could accumulate in the regional lymph
in inflammatory cells, levels of proteolytic enzymes, and metal- nodes and the liver. The absorbed dose to neighboring
loproteinases harmful to the cartilage, to some extent preventing lymph nodes could be higher and in the deterministic
further joint damage. In animal models, transient radiation effects range of radiation effects depending upon the severity of
were observed only in young, growing cartilage [176, 177]. Addi- leakage and patient characteristics [182].
tionally, synovial damage, subsequent joint inflammation, and There have been two cases of acute lymphocytic leu-
fibrosis may also contribute to further articular cartilage damage kemia reported in hemophilia patients receiving phos-
after intraarticular radiocolloid injection and, thus, is not impera- phorus-32. However, due to the short interval between
tively linked to any radiation effects [178]. radiation exposure and malignancy, the causal relationship
Although not as large as that to cartilage, the absorbed dose between phosphorus-32 and leukemia development cannot
to the bone surface and red bone marrow is also important in be established in these patients. Moreover, both children
RSO. The bone surface dose was described as being 25% of had other autoimmune disorders [7, 183]. While the cur-
the synovial surface dose with [90Y]yttrium, 4% with [186Re] rent literature is limited regarding the long-term risks of
rhenium, and negligible for [169Er]erbium colloid [131]. For cancer, a recent retrospective study including 2412 adult
the bone surface, a maximum dose of 18 Gy was calculated patients treated with RSO by using [ 32P]phosphorus or
702 European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (2021) 49:681–708
[90Y]yttrium colloid revealed no increase in cancer risk activity [18]. Disease activity is assessed by using compos-
compared to the general population [7]. Similar results ite scores that include joint assessment for swelling and ten-
were reported by Vuorela et al. [184]. That study com- derness, patient- and physician assessment, and C-reactive
pared the medical records of 1228 rheumatoid arthritis protein for evaluating the degree of disease activity.
patients with and without RSO; no evidence of increased The use of intraarticular glucocorticosteroid injection is
cancer incidence was found following intraarticular treat- a standard treatment in rheumatological practice combined
ment with [90Y]yttrium colloid. with DMARDs in the early phase of the disease and as a
An increased risk of cancer after RSO with radiocolloids treatment for joints with flare. In a randomized controlled
has not been reported. Many studies reported cytogenetic trial of early RA patients, aggressive step-up treatment with
analyses, such as chromosomal aberration analysis, micro- methotrexate combined with intraarticular betamethasone (in
nuclei, and sister chromatid exchange, to indicate radiation- a maximum of 4 joints per visit) produced rapid and effec-
induced cytogenetic damage in hemophilic children undergo- tive disease control [189]. Repeated steroid injections were
ing RSO with [ 90Y]yttrium or [ 186Re]rhenium colloid [145, well tolerated and safe [190]. Frequently used glucocorti-
185–188]. These studies indicate that high radiation doses, costeroids used are triamcinolone and methylprednisolone.
which would induce genotoxic effects, are not obtained in Despite new drugs and aggressive treatment strategies,
peripheral blood lymphocytes in children after RSO. Intraar- including the treat-to-target approach, some patients have
ticular treatment using radioactive colloids has been per- persistent synovitis in a single or a few joints where surgi-
formed for more than half a century. The extensive clinical cal synovectomy or RSO may be indicated. RSO appears
experience and the lack of any well-documented secondary to perform better in RA patients than in OA patients [5, 90,
malignancies resulting from RSO suggest a very low and 94, 191] where the success rate for the reduction in pain,
acceptable risk compared with the benefit for the patient. joint swelling, and tenderness was higher in RA than in OA
patients independent of the type of joint. The lowest effect
Bleeding risk in hemophilia has been reported for undifferentiated arthritis [191].
While many studies have investigated the effect of RSO
There is a risk of bleeding in patients with hemophilia due compared with intraarticular GC injection, their findings
to puncture, which is very small if there is sufficient factor have been conflicting due to heterogeneity between trials.
substitution [58]. It is essential to provide sufficient factors There are major differences in administering the radionu-
up to 3 months after RSO, according to the healing of the clide with or without GC, variability in the type of GC, and
synovitis. During this time, an increased bleeding tendency very important differences in the patient inclusion criteria.
can be assumed [58]. Furthermore, differences in clinical outcomes, including the
lack of validated methods for measuring the clinical effect
of RSO, make a comparison between studies difficult. Given
that synovitis refractory to intraarticular GC treatment is a
Place of RSO compared to alternative common clinical problem in rheumatology, RSO provides
treatment strategies an additional treatment alternative to surgical synovectomy.
Further studies are needed to establish wherein the treatment
The key feature of arthritic conditions is primarily the pres- algorithm of RA RSO has its best place.
ence of synovitis. Joint involvement and distribution depend For hemophilic patients, RSO has a clearly defined place
on the type of arthritis. The treatment options for patients in the treatment algorithm with persistent chronic synovitis
with arthritis have increased considerably within the last after intensified factor therapy over 6 months respectively 3
decades, especially with the introduction of biological dis- joint bleedings per year, as supported by other guidelines [4].
ease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (bDMARDs) in the
late 1990s. Recommended treatment strategies include early
and aggressive treatment with mono- or combination ther-
apy using first conventional synthetic DMARDS followed Liability statement
by bDMARDs. The clinical treatment goal is to obtain rapid
disease control and suppress inflammation, thereby prevent- This guideline summarizes the views of the EANM bone and
ing pain and joint destruction and improving daily func- joint committee. It reflects recommendations for which the
tion and quality of life. This strategy was first outlined in EANM cannot be held responsible. The recommendations
the European League against Rheumatism (EULAR) 2010 should be taken into context of good practice of nuclear
treat-to-target recommendations where the treatment target medicine and do not substitute for national and international
was specified as clinical remission or at least low disease legal or regulatory provisions.
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (2021) 49:681–708 703
Acknowledgements We thank the EANM Committees and the 5. Kresnik E, Mikosch P, Gallowitsch HJ, Jesenko R, Just H,
National Societies of Nuclear Medicine for the revision of this guide- Kogler D, et al. Clinical outcome of radiosynoviorthesis: a
line. The comments and suggestions from the EANM Dosimetry meta-analysis including 2190 treated joints. Nucl Med Commun.
Committee, the Oncology & Theranostics Committee, the Radiation 2002;23(7):683–8.
Protection Committee, the Inflammation & Infection Committee, the 6. Fischer M, Brinker A, Sickmüller B. Safety of medicines: detec-
Radiopharmacy Committee and the Technologist Committee, and the tion and reporting adverse reactions. In: Kampen WU, Fischer M,
comments and suggestions from the Swedish, the Polish and the French editors. Local treatment of inflammatory joint diseases. Berlin:
Society of Nuclear Medicine, and the European League against Rheu- Springer International Publishing; 2015. p. 1–27.
matism (eular) are highly appreciated and have been considered for 7. Infante-Rivard C, Rivard GE, Derome F, Cusson A, Winikoff
this guideline. R, Chartrand R, et al. A retrospective cohort study of cancer
incidence among patients treated with radiosynoviorthesis. Hae-
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Funding Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL.
8. Clunie G, Fischer M. EANM procedure guidelines for radiosyn-
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Declarations 9. Cross M, Smith E, Hoy D, Carmona L, Wolfe F, Vos T, et al.
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Ethical approval This article does not contain any studies with human the global burden of disease 2010 study. Ann Rheum Dis.
participants or animals performed by any of the authors. 2014;73(7):1316–22.
10. Hunter TM, Boytsov NN, Zhang X, Schroeder K, Michaud K,
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