Machine Learning PYQ 2023

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Your Roll NoZa».L3Slo oo 8

Sr. No. of Question Paper : 4835 E

Unique Paper Code : 32347607

Name of the Paper : Machine Learning

Name of the Course : B.Sc. (Hons.) Computer
Science (LOCF)
Year of Admission (Admission of 2019)
Semester : VI

Duration: 3Hours Maximum Marks : 75

Instructions for Candidates

1. Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt
of this question paper.

2. Section A is compulsory.
3. Attempt any four questions from Section B.
4. Use of scientific calculator is allowed.

Section A (Compulsory)

1. (a) Explain the cost function of logistic regression.


4835 2

(b) Give a formula for the binary sigmoid

function. Also obtain the first derivative of this
function. (3)
(c) What is K-means clustering algorithm used
(d) Explain two applications of machine learning.
(e) Consider the following data. Find the information
gain if A2 is selected as the root of the decision
A1 A2 A3 Class
True Hot High No
True Hot High No
Faise Hot High Yes.
False Cool Normal Yes
False Cool Normal Yes
True Cool High No
True Hot High No

True Hot Normal Yes

False Cool Normal Yes

False Cool High Yes

(t) Can a single layer perceptron solve the XOR

problems? Justify your answer. (3)
4835 3

(g) Find the line of best fit using least square

regression method, given the following data :

X y
2 6
6 13
10 28
12 30

Predict the value of y for the test data x = 11.


(h) Given two situations : (4)

i) A publishing house wants to predict the

number of copies of a book would be sold.
They want to use the popularity rating of
the author, success index of her/his previous
books and one other variable.

(ii) Based on the blood test reports, a

researcher builds a model to identify the
type of diabetes (type 1, type 2, gestational
diabetes) that a patient has.

Identify each of these situations as a classification

problem or a regression problem. Justify your

4835 4

() Consider the Confusion matrix given below:

Actual Values
True False
Predicted True 10 11

Values False 4 20

(i) Accuracy

(ii) Precision

(ii) Recall (6)

Section B

2. (a) Differentiate between supervised, unsupervised and

reinforcement learning. (6)

(b) Using a diagram, depict the following scenarios

for a machine learning model :

(i)) High variance, lowbias

(ii) Low variance, high bias (4)

4835 5

3. (a) It is found that a classification model performs

with a high accuracy on training data, but with
new instances, it generalizes poorly. What could
be the problem in this model? Explain using a
suitable diagram. Give two possible solutions to
this problem. (6)

(b) Define and elaborate the terms : (4)

(i) Hypothesis space

(ii) Inductive bias

4. (a) Apply the K-nearest neighbor algorithm on the

following dataset : (4)

b Class
7 7 False
7 4 False
4 True
4 True

Predict the class for X (a =3, b=7). Assume

K=3 (Use Euclidean distance to compute the
4835 6

(b) What is the disadvantage of the filter approach

for fcature selection?

List the steps for feature selection using Principal

Component Analysis (PCA). (6)

5. (a) Design a neural network for the Boolean function

AND (for two variables) with the help of a neat
diagram. (4)
(b) Explain the back-propagation algorithm for
multilayer perceptron. (6)

6. (a) What do you understand by the following terms

W.r.t. Support Vector Machine (SVM) learning
(i) Support vectors

(i) Marginal distance (4)

(b) For the following data, apply one
iteration of
K-means clustering to partition the data in 2
clusters. Assume points C1 = (1,2,3) and
C2 = (3.4.5) as the initial cluster centers.
the generated clusters and cluster centers after
the first iteration. (Use Manhattan distance to
compute the distance). (6)
4835 7


2 4 1
2 3 1
5 2 9
1 4

7. (a) What is the basic assumption of a Naive Bayes

classifier? (2)

(b) Consider the following training data set for car

theft :

Sample No. Color Type Origin Stolen?

Red Sports Domestic Yes
2 Red Sports Domestic No .
Red Sports Domestic Yes
4 Yellow Sports Domestic No
Yellow Sports Imported Yes .
6 Yellow SUV Imported No
Yellow SUV Imported Yes.
Yellow SUV Domestic No
9 Red SUV Imported No
10 Red Sports Imported Yes

Use the Naive Bayes classification rule to classify

a Red Domestic SUV. (8)
4835 8

8. (a) Considerthe following linear regression problem :

Xx 2 4 3 5
1 3 3 2 5

Given the initial values of ,, 6, as 0.5, 0.5 and

learning rate as 0.1. Compute the next set of values
for regression coefficients, using gradient descent
method. (6)

(b) Answer the following for 5-fold cross validation

on atraining data set of 45 tuples :

(i) How many rounds of learning will be


(ii) Statethe size of the training and testing set

for each round of learning.

(i1i) How would the accuracy of the classifier

be calculated in 5-fold cross validation?


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