Business Communication QB

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Tilak Education Society’s

S.K College of Science and Commerce, Nerul

FYBFM IInd Sem Question Bank Solution
Subject: Business Communication II


1) What is presentation? Important principles for making Effective presentation.
2) What are the Do’s & Don’ts of Presentation?
3) Explain Method of Delivery of Presentation?
4) Explain Aids for Presentation?
5) Write short notes on the following:
A. Role of Chairperson during Meeting
B. Group dynamics
6) What do you understand by a committee? Bring out the advantages and disadvantages of committee?
7) What are the advantages and disadvantages of interview?
8) Types of Interview Questions
9) What is meant by Public relations? Discuss external public relations.
10) Discuss the various types of interviews
11) What are the modern methods of conferences?
12) Draft a notice cum agenda for the annual general meeting of an educational society and also Draft a
resolution for (a). Appointment of clerk (b). Adoption of a common seal.

13) Write a letter of enquiry to an electrical company.

14) Write a letter of inquiry for a purchase of a new brand of goods.
15) Write a letter complaint regarding delay in delivery
16) Write a letter of complaint for poor services rendered.
17) Write a sales letter for a tourist agency
18) Draft a consumer grievance letter for refunding advance against an order.
19) Write a letter seeking information to RTI requesting for information to a university.

20) Explain the tips for Writing a Summary.

21) Prepare a committee report to explore the possibilities of starting a book stall and stationary stores in
the college.
22) Summarize the following passage
23) Prepare an Individual report with recommendations on the declining sales of Axis cycle in the Mumbai
24) Summarize the following passage

25) State whether the following statements are True or False.

26) Fill in the blanks by choosing the right option given below

27) Match the following

Q1 What is presentation? Important principles for making Effective presentation

Ans: To make effective presentations is considered to be akin to a fine art. Various inputs are
required to make a memorable presentation, but like any other skill this too can be
perfected with practice. Institutions of higher education and business schools have
made it an integral part of course content. It is therefore necessary to examine the
components that go into the skill of making wonderful presentations.
Tilak Education Society’s
S.K College of Science and Commerce, Nerul
FYBFM IInd Sem Question Bank Solution
Subject: Business Communication II

Presentations are used for various objectives – from delivering lectures to making sales
pitches, from disseminating information to persuading people, from selling products
and projects to using them as substitutes for live demonstrations. In fact, even the
overhead projector that was once so popular as a mode of presentation has paved way
for the power packed, PowerPoint presentation.

• Important principles for making Effective presentation

To begin with there are 5 effective /important principles for presentation:
A. Determining the purpose
B. Preparation for presentation
C. Interact with Audience
D. Proper Use of Body Language
E. Delivery

A.THE PURPOSE: At the very outset one should define the specific objective of the
presentation. Generally, it could one of the following: to inform, to persuade or to
--To inform : This is the chief objective when one has to teach, to instruct, to
demonstrate or induct employees in a company. A progress report or sales report of an
organization would also be primarily imparting information. When the information to
be imparted is vast it makes good sense to categorise it into smaller units under
common factors. This allows the presenter and the audience to marshal a lot of
information into manageable bits, easy to understand, retains or reproduces.
--To persuade : Whatever the immediate objective of a presentation, in the long run,
every presenter has to persuade the audience that the presentation is worth listening to,
that it would benefit them. It is only when one is so persuaded that one would be
willing to attend to it, more so when it is an unsolicited presentation that one has not
asked for. But there are some presentations that are meant purely for persuasion,
particularly those that are aimed at sales of products, projects or services, or those
aimed at getting contracts. Such presentations should incorporate the principles for
sales in addition to those of a good presentation if the desired objective of winning the
contract is to be achieved.
--To entertain : Some presentations would seek to merely entertain the audience.For
example, presentations delivered at gatherings and meetings that are not purely for
business or educational purpose. These may be delivered at informal or social
meetings, for example, eminent persons from various fields, invited to deliver a talk, a
speech or a presentation. Any presentation should have some entertainment value. A
liberal dose of light hearted humour acts as a stress reliever and provides a welcome
change to enable listeners to concentrate better on the important matters that follow.
A thorough planning is the main ingredient of an effective presentation. There is no
substitute for adequate preparation. One should plan the preparation so that it can be
given a trial as well. It is necessary to remember that spending too much time on
preparation may result in relatively little time for a trial run. Often preparation may
involve a lot of primary research such as collecting facts and figures, or secondary
research, which is collecting and gleaning data from research work already done
articles, journals and magazines. The data and information gathered is at times so
voluminous that organizing it and compressing it to fit into the limit of given time
could be a daunting task. It is therefore advisable to organize all relevant material into a
workable outline. Ideally the outline too should be around five to nine points. This
helps in organizing data systematically and discarding unwanted and irrelevant details.
Needless to say the outline and the presentation should be designed around an
introduction, a body and a conclusion. One should first plan an appropriate title. A
striking, catchy and an apt title often creates a good first impression and gives an idea
about the rest of the presentation.
Every presenter has to interact with the audience so that the presentation is worth
listening to, that it would benefit them. It is only when one is so persuaded that one
would be willing to attend to it, more so when it is an unsolicited presentation that one
has not asked for.
Tilak Education Society’s
S.K College of Science and Commerce, Nerul
FYBFM IInd Sem Question Bank Solution
Subject: Business Communication II


Body language is yet another important factor of a presentation. Research and
experience have proved that the speaker‘s posture, gestures, facial expression and
dressing, impact an audience as much or more than the content and delivery of speech.
For formal presentations, be it for business or at a formal gathering, formal dressing is
best suited. The clothes should be above all comfortable and complement the speaker,
not distract the audience. Practice would instill confidence and poise whereas
nervousness would be visible in the absence of a natural ease and a smile. Eye contact
is a very important feature of any interface. It makes each person in the audience feel a
sense of inclusiveness and helps the speaker judge the instant feedback from the facial
expressions of the listeners. It also acts as a powerful deterrent to those who are fidgety
and likely to cause disturbance. A good speaker has to make a conscious effort in the
beginning to make eye contact with all sections and with experience this may happen

E.DELIVERY:The delivery of the presentation covers two aspects–i) the visual and ii)
the oral.
--The visual aspect refers to the text and the images used. One must ensure that the
slides are attractive in terms of colour, effects, images and text, for which power point
packages offer a great variety. And yet, they should not be so attractive as to cause a
distraction! Facts, figures and spellings should be accurate as errors when displayed on
the screen are glaringly conspicuous.
--The oral delivery of the presentation is equally or often more important than the
visuals and it should both complement and reinforce the visuals. Careful attention
should be paid to voice modulation, correct pronunciation, use of tones appropriate
choice of words with pauses at the right place to emphasize a point. Apart from the

Q2 Explain Do’s & Don’ts of Presentation.

Ans: ❖ DO’S
➢ Know your audience.
➢ Make an outline of what you will present with 3 or 4 main points.
➢ Familiarize yourself with the location and equipment before presenting.
➢ Use simple sentences.
➢ Use examples to illustrate your ideas.
➢ Practice your presentation.
➢ Breathe deeply, relax and smile at your audience before presenting.
➢ Use body language to reflect the content of the presentation.
➢ Make eye contact at random with audience.
➢ Talk to audience, don’t talk about them.
➢ Give the audience chances to join in your presentation.
➢ Use humor, when appropriate.
➢ Use too much jargon or specialized words/expressions.
➢ Turn your back to the audience.
➢ Have no eye contact during your presentation or fix your eye contact on one
➢ Talk and do something else at the same time.
➢ Move constantly in front of the audience.
➢ Distract your audience by doing something like jingling any metal objects in
your pocket.
➢ Move your hands too much.
➢ Fold your arms either on your front or your back.
➢ Keep your hands in your pockets during your presenting.
➢ Dress yourself gaudily or wear too many ornaments.
➢ Imitate someone’s style
Q3 Explain Method of Delivery of Presentation
The manuscript/Reading method is a form of speech delivery that involves speaking
from text. With this method, a speaker will write out her speech word for word and
Tilak Education Society’s
S.K College of Science and Commerce, Nerul
FYBFM IInd Sem Question Bank Solution
Subject: Business Communication II

practice how she will deliver the speech. A disadvantage of this method is a person
may sound too practiced or stiff. To avoid sounding rehearsed, use eye contact, facial
expressions and vocal variety to engage the audience. Use frequent glances at
highlighted key points instead of reading the speech word for word.
The memorization method is a form of speech delivery that involves fully memorizing
a speech before delivering it. This method of delivery allows a speaker to move around
the stage or platform and maintain eye contact with the audience without relying on a
script or notes. For speakers who deliver their speeches by memorization, add
inflection to the voice and keep notes nearby to avoid forgetting an important key
The impromptu method is a form of speech delivery that involves speaking from notes.
This method is ideal for a speaker needing to deliver a short speech with little
preparation time. With the impromptu method, a speaker will organize his speech in
outline form, create notes with the key points of the presentation and deliver the speech
from the notes. This method allows a speaker to deliver a speech in a natural manner
while maintaining eye contact and engaging an audience.
The extemporaneous method is a form of speech delivery that involves combining the
manuscript, memorization and impromptu methods to create a carefully prepared and
planned speech. For this method, a speaker will organize a speech with an outline,
write down the speech word for word and practice the delivery. A speaker may
highlight key points in the speech to quote verbatim and memorize other portions of the
speech to speak in a more conversational tone. The extemporaneous method of delivery
allows a speaker to engage an audience and adapt to any speaking situation.

Q4 Aids for Presentation

Ans: ❖ Aids for Presentation

1. Use of Overhead Projector

The OHP or the Over-Head Projector is another popular tool used for making
presentations where the computer facility for a power-point presentation ( PPT )
is not possible. It is a low cost alternative affording an interactive environment,
especially to educators.

--Transparencies (sheets of thick transparent plastic, with the matter to be

projected either printed or written on it ) are placed on top of the lens for display.
The light from the lamp travels through the transparency and on the mirror, where
it is shone for display. The mirror allows both the presenter and the audience to
see the image at the same time, the presenter looking down at the OHP top and
the audience at the screen.
--The height of the mirror is adjustable to help focus the image on the screen. The
advantage of the OHP is that it is portable (though it is heavy!) and the
transparencies, once prepared, can be put to repeated use and can be easily carried
and preserved.
--They can be used to photo-copy text and illustrations, in colour or in black, and
when it is not possible to photo-copy one can write and illustrate oneself, using
the special markers or pens.
--As in a ppt, care should be taken that the text is not in small font or detailed.
Only bold font size should be used in outline or point-form. The same attention ,
as for a ppt, should be paid --- namely, correctness, the correct order, (preferably
numbered ), attractiveness, ( not distraction ), and clear visibility.

2. Use of Transparencies
Transparencies are easy to make. Simply prepare your visual aid on paper and
then copy it on a copier. But instead of copying onto blank paper, copy onto a
transparency. This way you can make transparencies quickly, revise them
quickly, and revise them often. You can also make them yourself, without waiting
Tilak Education Society’s
S.K College of Science and Commerce, Nerul
FYBFM IInd Sem Question Bank Solution
Subject: Business Communication II

for a professional staff to produce them for you. This convenience often translates
into whether people update their presentations or let them go stale.
• They're cheap. They cost only less a copy.
• They’re portable. For most presentations, you can easily fit your transparencies
in your briefcase with room to spare. This is no small matter if you travel often.
If you use cardboard frames around your transparencies, you increase the bulk
somewhat, but they're still quite portable.
• They let you be flexible. You can rearrange your presentation on the fly—with
the audience staring at you— to meet new needs. For example, occasionally
someone needs an answer now for something you planned to cover later. No
problem: just reach for the appropriate transparency and press ahead.
• You can write on them. Sometimes you don't want the audience to see a static
visual aid (like a ready-made equation); instead, you want to create it, step by
step, as the audience watches. With a transparency, you can do that easily. Some
pens are designed for that purpose. An added advantage is that you can easily
erase your writing later with a damp paper towel (if you're like me, however, you
may walk around for a day or so with red or green or blue fingers).
• You can see what's next. Since most speakers handle their own transparencies,
they can glance at the label on the next one and see what the next topic is. That's
a really important advantage; otherwise, part of your mind is constantly trying to
remember what's next. Sneak glances are no problem with overheads.
• They can look extremely professional. Color printers and copiers can enhance
your message by drawing attention to key features and providing a visually
interesting (yet still unobtrusive) background. You can also reproduce colorful
photographs on a transparency and have good resolution.

3. Use of White Boards & Interactive White Boards

Interactive whiteboards have been making schools more productive for years, yet
fewer workplaces have embraced this productivity trend. Flexible and functional,
whiteboards have many practical applications in workspaces. If you haven’t tried
this simple tool yet, whiteboards may revolutionize teamwork and business
meetings in your workplace. Learn what advantages interactive whiteboards have
to offer the modern workplace.

•Whiteboards increase collective and individual memory--Studies show that

information is 34 percent likely to be remembered when it is written down, yet just 5
percent likely to be remembered when it is not written down. Since whiteboards can be
used for group note taking, brainstorming, and the presentation of information, they can
help team members remember — and be more accountable — for information shared.

•Whiteboards are a cost-effective solution for the workplace--Whiteboards are a

cost-effective solution for all sorts of situations. By allowing for enhanced, location-
independent collaboration at work, whiteboards can reduce some of your business
travel costs. Less time spent traveling around town gives staff more time to focus on
their work, increasing productivity instantly.

•Whiteboards are going-anywhere productivity solutions--Workspaces no longer

need to have a large conference room to host a staff meeting. Whiteboards can go
anywhere, turning a hallway, empty office, or other space into a place for productive
meetings, phone conferences, and video conferences. If you have been looking for a
way to increase productivity and make the most use of your office space, whiteboards
can help.

•Whiteboards promote faster, data-driven decision-making--Interactive

whiteboards make it easy to present and share information, putting data at the front and
center of all discussions. Since whiteboards reduce the need for travel and increase
Tilak Education Society’s
S.K College of Science and Commerce, Nerul
FYBFM IInd Sem Question Bank Solution
Subject: Business Communication II

memory and data retention, key stakeholders can have a focused discussion and move
forward with confidence. This can have an immediate impact on your productivity.

4. Use of Flipchart

While everyone seems to be interested in creating high-tech computer generated

presentations, the flip chart still continues to be the most effective presentation media
of all. One should not assume that investing a lot of money in high tech visual aids &
equipment will "make" your presentation. The best visuals have been and still are the
simplest. Remember, the purpose of using visual aids is to enhance your presentation,
not upstage it.Since most presentations are delivered before small groups of 35 people
or less, the flip chart is the perfect size.

Even though flip charts are low tech, they are reliable and don't require any special skill
to use them but here are some tips to help you use them effectively.

1. The best flip chart stands have clamps at the top and will hold most type of flip chart
pads. Most allow you to hang your flip charts while some stands will only allow you to
prop them up. Don't wait until the last minute to find this out.

2. Make sure the flip charts you use will fit the flip chart stand you will be using. Some
have different spaced holes at the top.

3. Flip chart pads are usually sold in packages of two and come either plain or with grid
lines on them. Using the pad with grid lines makes your job easier for drawing straight
lines and keeps your text aligned. Also, make sure the pad has perforations at the top to
allow easier removal of sheets. I have seen many presenters struggle to tear off a sheet

4. When preparing your charts, it is best to first design your charts on paper first before
drawing them on the actual flip chart pad.

5. Lightly write your text in pencil first before using the actual flip chart markers. This
will allow you to make any adjustments with text spacing and any figures you will be

6. Avoid using the colors yellow, pink, or orange. These are extremely difficult for the
audience to see. Don't make your audience have to strain their eyes to see your points.
Avoid using too many colors. Using one dark color and one accent color works best.

5. Use of PowerPoint Presentation

PowerPoint is a computer program that allows you to create and show slides to support
a presentation. You can combine text, graphics and multi-media content to create
professional presentations. As a presentation tool PowerPoint can be used to:

--organize and structure your presentation;

--create a professional and consistent format;

--provide an illustrative backdrop for the content of your presentation;

Tilak Education Society’s
S.K College of Science and Commerce, Nerul
FYBFM IInd Sem Question Bank Solution
Subject: Business Communication II

--Animate your slides to give them greater visual impact.

--PowerPoint can improve the clarity of your presentations and help you to illustrate
your message and engage your audience. The strategies contained in this study guide
will help you to use PowerPoint effectively in any type of presentation


Q5. Write short notes on the following:

a. Role of chairperson during a meeting
b. Group dynamics
Ans: A.Role of chairperson during a meeting:
Chairing is a key role on any voluntary Management Committee. The Chairperson must
ensure that the Management Committee functions properly, that there is full participation
during meetings that all relevant matters are discussed and that effective decisions are
made and carried out.The role of a Chairperson is time consuming, with work between
meetings, external representation of the organization, and work with staff. Chairing a
large organization requires diplomatic and leadership skills of a high level.

Main duties of the chairperson

The responsibilities of a Chairperson can be summarized under five areas:
1. To provide leadership:- The overarching role of the chairperson is to provide
leadership; they must be an effective strategist and a good networker.
2. To ensure the Management Committee functions properly:-The Chairperson is
responsible for making sure that each meeting is planned effectively, conducted
according to the constitution and that matters are dealt with in an orderly, efficient
manner. The Chairperson must make the most of all his/her committee members,
building and leading the team. This also involves regularly reviewing the Committee's
performance and identifying and managing the process for renewal of the Committee
through recruitment of new members.
3. To ensure the organization is managed effectively:-The Chairperson must co-
ordinate the Committee to ensure that appropriate policies and procedures are in place
for the effective management of the organization.
4. To provide support and supervision to the chief officer and senior team:-The
Chairperson will often be the direct line manager for the chief officer (the most senior
staff member).
5. To represent the organization as its figurehead:- The Chairperson may from time
to time be called upon to represent the organization and sometimes be its spokesperson
at, for example, functions or meetings.

Group dynamics deals with the attitudes and behavioral patterns of a group. Group
dynamics concern how groups are formed, what is their structure and which processes
are followed in their functioning. Thus, it is concerned with the interactions and forces
operating between groups.
Group dynamics is relevant to groups of all kinds – both formal and informal.

Group dynamics are the processes that occur between group members. These dynamics
are affected by each member's internal thoughts and feelings, their expressed thoughts
and feelings, their nonverbal communication, and the relationship between group
members. Group dynamics helps you understand how each person's actions make sense
in the context of the group
Q6. What do you understand by a committee? Bring out the advantages and
disadvantages of committee?
Ans: Committee means a body of persons entrusted with discharging some assigned functions
as a group and in a corporate capacity.In the words of H. Koonts, “Committee is a group
of individuals to whom some matters are assigned as a group. It is this characteristic of
group action that sets the committee, apart from other organization devices”. Committee
is not a separate organization as such. It is just an extended idea of line and staff system.
Thus, committee is a group of persons pooling their thoughts and actions to facilitate the
Tilak Education Society’s
S.K College of Science and Commerce, Nerul
FYBFM IInd Sem Question Bank Solution
Subject: Business Communication II

process of decision-making. Boards, task groups, work forces, commissions, councils

and-teams are the alternative names, given to committees.

1. Group Deliberation and Judgment:Since the committees comprise of various people
with wide experience and diverse training, they can think the impact of the problems
from various angles and can find out appropriate solutions. Such decisions are bound to
be more appropriate than individual decisions.
2.Fear of Authority: If too much functional authority is delegated to a single person,
there is always a fear that the authority may be misused. Committees avoid undue
concentration of authority in the hands of an individual or a few.
3.Representation of interested Group: A policy decision may affect the interests of
different sections. The committees provide an opportunity to represent their interest to
the top management for consideration. This will facilitate the management to make a
balanced decision.
4.Coordination of Functions: They are highly useful in bringing co-ordination between
different managerial functions.
5. Transmission of Information: Committees serve as a best medium to transmit
information since they generally comprise of the representatives of various sections.
Misinterpretation is almost avoided.

Disadvantages :
The committees also have their own defects
In particular, the committees suffer from the following demerits
1. High Cost in Time and Money: Committees take a lot of time to take a decision.
The prolonged sessions of the committee results in a high expenditure. Generally
speaking, committees are constituted only to avoid or postpone decisions. Hence, delay
in decision has become an inherent feature of committees.
2. Indecisive Action: In many cases, committees are unable to take any constructive
decision because of the differences of opinions among their members.
3. Compromising Attitude: In reality, many decisions taken by a committee are not
the result of joint thinking and collective judgments. But they are only compromises
reached between the various members hence; the decisions of the committees are not
real decisions in the strict sense.
4. Dominance of a Few: Collective thinking and group judgment are only in theory but
not in practice. The decisions of the committees are generally the decisions of the
chairman or any strong dominant members.
5. Suppression of Ideas: Many smart members, who can contribute new ideas,
deliberately keep their mouth shut in order to avoid hard feelings.

Q7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of interview?

The advantage of interview are stated below:
1. Easy correction of speech: Any misunderstanding and mistake can be rectified
easily in an interview. Because the interviewer and interviewee physically present
before the interview board.
2. Development of relationship: Relation between the interviewer and the
interviewee can be developed through an interview. It increases mutual
understanding and co-operation between the parties.
3. Selection of suitable candidate: Suitable candidates can be selected through
interview because the interview can know a lot about the candidate by this
4. Collection of primary information: Interview can help to collect the fresh, new
and primary information as needed.
5. Sufficient information: Sufficient information can be collected through the
interview process. Because the interviewer can ask any question to the
6. Time saving: Interview can help to save time to select the best suitable candidate.
Within a very short time communication can be accomplished with the interview.
Tilak Education Society’s
S.K College of Science and Commerce, Nerul
FYBFM IInd Sem Question Bank Solution
Subject: Business Communication II

7. Less costly: It is less costly than other process of communication. It is very

simple, prompt and low cost method of communication.

There are some limitations of the interview process. It is not free from defects. The
disadvantages of the interview are discussed below:

1.Incomplete process: Suitable candidate cannot be selected by interview only. The

written test is more important than the interview.
2. No record: In the case of the interview some confusion may be arisen in the future
as, there is no evidence actually that have been discussed at interview.
3.Lack of attention: Much attention is required for a good interview. But sometimes it
is observed that both the interviewer and the interviewee are less attentive. That is why
real information cannot be collected.
4.Disappointed: Interviewee may be disappointed while she or he faces the
interviewer’s questions which are not related to the field. That is why suitable
candidate may be neglected.
5.Time consuming: Time constrain is one of the major limitations of the interview
process. Preparation for the interview, taking interviews and interpretation of the
responses required much time, which makes the interview method time consuming.

Q8. Types of Interview Questions

Ans: An interview is a two-way process of communication where both the concerned parties
have a need‘: the interviewers seek information from the candidate to determine whether
s/he is the right candidate for the job, while the candidate tries to decide whether the job
and the organisation are right for him/her.

Types of Interview Questions

Depending on the goal of the interview, different questioning styles may be used. The
most familiar ones are as follows:

1. Closed questions: They may typically be ―yes-no‖ questions and mainly used for
confirmation. They are specific and require short answers only.
2. Open-ended questions: These questions cannot be answered with a ‗yes‘ or ‗no‘.
They generally begin with How, What, Why, When, Tell me, etc., drawing out the
candidate‘s response.
3. Probing questions: These questions are used to follow up on what the candidate may
have just replied. It attempts to probe in different ways to get detailed answers to
questions and find out if the candidate ends up contradicting what he mentioned in the
first place. Such questions could include ―Tell me more about…‖ ―What do you mean
when you say that…?―Can you spell out in more detail…‖etc.
4. Leading questions: They are designed to figure out the candidate‘s views, opinions,
etc. on a variety of issues. Typical questions would include: ―So what do you think
of……‖ ―I see from your resume that……‖ etc.
5. Behavioural Interview Questions: These questions attempt to assess the candidate‘s
performance in the same/similar role in the previous company. A hypothetical situation
is given to the candidate and his/her response to that situation is tallied with the
requirements of the role. Some questions could be as follows:
--How did you respond to a particular stressful situation?
--Describe a problem and how you solved it ?

6. Competency based Questions: These are questions that aim at finding out the
aptitude and ability of the candidate to get the job done. It tests the skill sets available
with the candidate and tallies it with the requirements of the job.
-How does one read a Balance Sheet?
Tilak Education Society’s
S.K College of Science and Commerce, Nerul
FYBFM IInd Sem Question Bank Solution
Subject: Business Communication II

-What are the important Accounting entries to be passed…….?

7. Personality based Interview Questions:These questions are designed to let the

interviewer understand the candidate‘s adaptability to the culture of the organisation.
-Tell us something about yourself.
-What do you do in your free time?

8. Stress based Interview Questions: This mode of questioning puts the candidate in
an awkward and uncomfortable position to test his response. The focus may be on the
negative points in the candidate‘s professional career. Questions could deal with gaps
in career, stagnation, lack of career development, etc.

9. Resume based Questions: These questions deal specifically with details mentioned
in the resume. They could be questions based on personal details, educational
qualifications, achievements, work experience, earlier organizations that the candidate
worked with, career shifts, etc.

10. Frequently Asked Interview Questions:-The list of questions is not exhaustive. It

will include questions on the candidate‘s education, work experience, problem-solving
and decision-making ability, initiative, team-work, interpersonal relationship, time
management, management style, values, work ethic, leadership qualities, etc.

Q9. Discuss the various types of interviews.

Ans: 1.Appraisal Interview: A performance appraisal interview is the first stage of the
performance appraisal process and involves the employee and his or her manager sitting
face to face to discuss threadbare all aspects of the employee’s performance and thrash
out any differences in perception or evaluation. The performance appraisal interview
provides the employee with a chance to defend himself or herself against poor evaluation
by the manager and also gives the manager a chance to explain what he or she thinks
about the employee’s performance
2.Under Stress Interview: Interview situation where the person being interviewed is put
under stress that is psychological in order to evaluate performance under pressure.The
main purpose of this type of interview is to find out how a candidate handles
stress.Interviewers typically do not notify job candidates that they will be participating
in a stress interview since these interviews are used to determine how people react during
uncomfortable, stressful, and unexpected circumstances. Many interviewers do this to
see how people react without adequate preparation.Stress interviews are usually
conducted when filling stressful jobs requiring constant adaption to new circumstances.
3. Grievance interview: Grievance Interviews are a formal opportunity for individual
employees to provide management with their conflicts about a company policy,
procedure, practice, or person.The primary aim of the grievance interview is to seek
clarification regarding the problems faced by the employees. It also provides workers
with an opportunity to give vent their pent up feelings.
Thus by airing their complaints and grievances, workers get things off their heart and
clear the air of suspicion and distrust.
4. Exit interview: An exit interview is a wrap-up meeting between management
representatives and someone who is leaving an organization, either voluntarily or
through termination. Exit interviews are common in business, education and government
environments. The purpose of the interview is to gather useful feedback that can help
guide future practices and improve recruiting and retention.
5. Selection Interview: This type of interview is also known as Job Interview,
Employment Interview & Service Interview. The main objective is to select the right
candidate for the right position. Apart from the application letter, curriculum vitae and
other documents that a prospective candidate sends the employers, it is essential that a
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S.K College of Science and Commerce, Nerul
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Subject: Business Communication II

face-to-face meeting take place between the employers and the candidate to check the
suitability of the candidate for the position for which s/he is being recruited.
6. Directional: This interview style is extremely structured. The interviewer asks
specific, direct questions in a pre-set order. One reason for using this format may be the
need to maintain consistency across candidates throughout the interview and to make the
selection process easier and fairer. This style may also be used for recruitment at lower
levels by large organisations that receive too many applications in response to their
recruitment drive.
7. Non-Directional: This style is used mainly for higher level recruitment and is more
like a conversation than a question-answer session. The interviewer uses open-ended
questions to draw out responses from the candidate.
8. Panel Interviews: Here, two or more people form a panel to interview the candidate
at the same time. Generally, the panel consists of the head of the department, one member
of the HR department, and a third person. There may be an internal/external expert on
the panel, if required. The structure of the interview will be the same, the only difference
being that the questions will be asked by all the panelists, with each of them performing
a different role on the panel.

Q10 What is meant by Public relations? Discuss external public relations.

Ans: Public relations (PR) is the use of communications channels to manage public perception
of an individual or an organization. PR is ingrained in the corporate culture of larger
enterprises. Executives often give speeches and make other public appearances to foster
their organization’s relationship with its community. Corporate communications, such
as mission statements, press releases, social media posts and website content,
are typically written with attention to PR considerations.

External publics are people and organizations that are clients doing business with a firm
or agency or company. Ex. Coalgate scam-company influence the politicians and
politicians allocates nation's coal deposits to them .External Publics concentrate on issues
pertaining the values, policies, procedures and attitude of the company towards various
groups of people in society.

External Publics of Public Relations includes

1. Consumers/Customers : “A customer or consumer is not a means of business, but
he is the purpose of business. He is not an intruder on our premises, he is our quest. He
is the last inspector of our quality and he is always right
2. Community : Looking after and protecting the interest of the community is the
essence of community relations. In gratitude to public ,companies need to provide
various types of services, education service, sewage and sanitation facilities and others.
Participation in community’s social and cultural functions, making generous contribution
towards its success by giving donation and infrastructural support leads to goodwill and
longer lasting relations between the company and its community.
3. Mass Media: Mass media gives mass exposure to company’s activity. It includes Print
Media and Electronic Media The wining, dining, or gifting image of public relations
practitioners is greatly due to how they interact with media.
4. Government : Government and its machinery can be divided into two categories
depending on their characteristics. i.e. politicians and bureaucrats. Ex. Sugar and cement
industry as a whole make substantial donations to political parties to seek favours after
5. Financial Institutions: Finance is the life blood of business” Visit site and plant of
the company, giving details of their projects, technical and financial collaboration and
market projection helps the financial institutions to understand the company’s plan better
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Subject: Business Communication II

and thus gain more confidence. Timely submission of progress reports, payment of
principal and interest amount and keeping financial institution abreast with the latest
relevant information further helps the company to strengthen its credibility and goodwill
with financial institution.

Q11 What are the modern methods of conferences?

Ans: Video conferencing:
It is the ability to host live interactive meetings by using Internet connectivity, a computer
and a web camera. With video conferencing, businesses can now hold meetings with the
participants being virtually anywhere in the world.
Video conferencing, or VC for short, is defined as conducting meetings in two or more
locations by audio and video transmission. Specifically, VC uses special equipment, such
as webcams, high-speed Internet connectivity and personal computers. With VC, those
who participate in the meeting can see, hear and speak to one another, regardless of their
geographical location, in real time. In this lesson, we will go over the advantages and
disadvantages of using video conferencing technology.

Audio Conferencing
Audio Conferencing is a telephone meeting conducted between multiple separate callers
.The type of telephone used can vary but typically an audio conference includes attendees
that use handheld wired telephones ,conference room speakerphones that can be shared
by several people, or individual cellular or mobile telephones.
Audio conferencing is sometimes called "teleconferencing" and traditionally means
using a telephone instrument to conduct a business meeting.

Q12 Draft a notice cum agenda for the annual general meeting of an educational society.
And also Draft a resolution for (a). Appointment of clerk (b). Adoption of a
common seal.
Notice is hereby given that the annual general meeting of the Vivekanand Education
Society will be held at 58 AV Room 25 Square, Nerul on Wednesday 25 May 2017 at
6.30pm All members are requested to attend.
1. To confirm the minutes of the meeting
2. To review the working of the society and its institutions
3. To approve the draft advertisement for the post of principal of the commerce
4. Any other matter with the permission of the chair


(a). Appointment of clerk → Resolved that Mr.Manoj Bansal be and hereby
appointed as clerk from the period June 2016-17.
(b). Adoption of a common seal → Resolved that the seal produced at the meeting, an
impression of which is made in the minute book, be and is hereby adopted as the
common seal of the company.


Q.13 Write a letter of enquiry to an electrical company. Use Full block layout
Ans. Supersonic Electricals pvt ltd
S V Road, Andheri (w)
Mumbai-400 001
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Subject: Business Communication II

Dt: 24 Nov 2019

The Manager
Ideal Electrical Company
10 Lamington Road
Mumbai- 400 003

Sub: Enquiry about brand of fans

Dear Sir,
We have read with interest your advertisement in Economic Times about your well
known brand of fans.
We are an old and established firm in the city of Mumbai. We are willing to accept
authorized representation and dealership for your ceiling fans and would appreciate it if
you would kindly send us your terms and conditions of agency authorized dealership.
We can furnish you with satisfactory bank and other references.

Yours Truly,
C V Joshi
Supersonic Electricals pvt ltd

Q.14 Write a letter of inquiry for a purchase of a new brand of goods. Use Modified Block
Chain road Jullundur

Dt: 14th Oct


The Manager
The Fine Cycle Mart
Pedal Road
New Delhi-04

Sub: Inquiry for purchase of new brand of cycles

Dear sir,
We have been selling Hind and Atlas cycles for more than seven years. In response to a
persistent demand from our customers we would like to stock your fine cycles. Could
you please therefore send us your minimum quotation for five dozen fine cycles and your
terms for trade, discount etc?
We would like to inform you that business at our end is very brisk and if our customers
find your cycle a quality product we are likely to place a further order within three or
four months. Excellent references will be supplied with the order.
A B Prabhu
National cycle

Q.15 Write a letter complaint regarding delay in delivery. Use Semi- block Layout
Ans. Gold coast Business house
8, Wellington Street
New Delhi
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Subject: Business Communication II

Dt : 15th Jan

The Manager
Zoom Business house
7, mayor street, New Delhi

Sub: Complaint regarding delay in delivery

Dear sir,

We regret to point out that although you acknowledged our order dated 4th January
the goods have not yet reached us. This has been causing considerable inconvenience
and we have been put to a great loss.
The orders were placed with you on the explicit understanding and you promise
that you would execute the orders within a fortnight. You have taken undue time and
have not yet delivered the supply. However we are prepared to wait for the execution of
order till the end of this month. A prompt action is expected from you.
Thanking you.
Gold coast Business house

Q.16 Write a letter of complaint for poor services rendered. Use modified Block layout
5, Museum Road, Bangalore

Dt: 14th Jan 2020

The chairman
Ideal Furniture
5, Wood lane

Sub: Complaint for poor services rendered

Dear sir,
I am very disappointed with the quality of work that went into making of the desk cum
counter for our office. The piece that you have made for us lacks finish and polish. It is
quite different from what you have shown in your catalogue. I can see no reason why
normal standards of business efficiency cannot be maintained by your organization.

I am withholding payment of the sum of Rs 16000/- due to you as I feel that your
workman should call again and give the desk a better finish with a touch of polish.

Yours Faithfully,
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S.K College of Science and Commerce, Nerul
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Subject: Business Communication II

Q.17 Write a sales letter for a tourist agency

Hill Road, Bandra, Mumbai-400 050

14th Feb 2020

05,Linking Road
Mumbai-400 050

Dear Sir ,
Planning a perfect vacation means having all the right information. Ajax Travel Agency
is here to help you out that.
We can give you everything you need to know to plan your trip, including lists of hotels;
tour guides tour packages and so much more. We can arrange the details according to the
specifics you need.
All you have to do is to get in touch with one of our travel agents by telephone or email.
Let us help you plan for an ultimate getaway. Get in touch with us today!

Yours truly,
The Ajax Travel Agency.

Q.18 Draft a consumer grievance letter for refunding advance against an order.
Ans. The President
Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum
Sudarshan Building Gokhale Road
Dadar West
Mumbai 400028

Dt : 15th Nov 2019

Complaint: Asoka Pandit

Proprietor, Reliable Furniture
15, Nehru Road, Vile Parle (E) Mumbai- 400057

Opposite Party:Naveen Patel

Proprietor, New wave Furnitures
Saki Naka, Andheri Kurla Road
Andheri (E)

Nature of Complaint: Refund against advance order

Myself Asoka Pandit, Proprietor, Reliable Furniture had placed an order with Naveen
Patel Proprietor New Wave Furniture. For wooden furniture worth Rs 35000/- on 3rd
February 2005. The goods were to be delivered on or before 10thApril 2016. I also paid
Rs 35000/- to him as advance against the order. Mr Naveen Patel had confirmed the order
by his letter dated 10thfeb 2016.
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Subject: Business Communication II

I visited his factory twice and found that the work was going a very slow speed. However
Mr.Patel always promised me a timely delivery

Inspire of several reminders Mr Paqtel did not deliver the furniture up to 1st may 2016,I
had accepted firm orders of 2 lakhs ,from some interior decorators . To maintain my
reputation in the market, I had to purchase the furniture from other suppliers and for his
I had to an extra amount of 25000/-.

As Mr Patel did not deliver the goods in time I cancelled the order on 5th may and asked
for a refund of Rs 35000/- the advance paid to him. Mr.Patel refused to refund the money.
He insisted on my accepting the delivery because I had already completed my orders and
there were no fresh orders.

I enclose the Xerox copies of the correspondence between us and the estimate of losses
suffered by me.

1. That Mr. Patel ,proprietor ,new wave furniture should immediately refund me the
amount of Rs 35000/- paid as advance
2. That I should be compensated with a sum of Rs 25000/- the extra amount which I
had to pay to other suppliers for timely delivery of my orders.

Asoka Pandit

Q.19 Write a letter seeking information to RTI requesting for information to a


Ans. Dr V.S.Jog
8, Bhavan Peth House
West Street

Dt: 11th Nov 2019

The Public Information Officer

Pune University,
Pune Campus

Sub: Information sought under RTI act about VT College which is affiliated to the

Dear sir,
I retired from VT college in 1995 where I was the head of the Psychology
department .Many of the Teaching staff were frustrated with the principal Mr. Raghav
as their progress blocked by the refusal of the management to dispense with the services
of the principal who has long passed the age of superannuation.
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Subject: Business Communication II

According to government and UGC rules a principal who does not possess a PhD
qualification cannot continue in office beyond the age of sixty. To the best of my
knowledge Prof. Raghav is over sixty years of age and he does not possess a PhD
qualification. Please let me know under what provision of law the university continues
to recognize him as principal and how the government continues to give grants to the



Q.20 Explain the tips for Writing a Summary.

Ans. Summarizing is useful in many types of writing and at different points in the writing
process. Summarizing is used to support an argument, provide context for a paper’s
thesis, write literature reviews, and annotate a bibliography. The purpose of summarizing
is to briefly present the key points of a theory or work in order to provide context for
your argument/thesis.
Tips for Summarization
1. Reading the Text
Writing a good summary is not as easy as it may appear. It actually requires quite a bit
of finesse. First the student must read and comprehend the text. This may involve
unpacking lengthy sentences and decoding challenging vocabulary. Then they must
identify main ideas and key points, which means that they must have a good enough
understanding of the text to distinguish between essential and nonessential
information. Finally they must express this information in their own words. This
means that summarizing a text requires both comprehension and expression skills.
2. Topicalizing
An important step in the process of summarization is to note-down or underline major
ideas these should be rephrased. The topic, the main points or the main supporting details
should be written as they appear in the text. While rephrasing the section of the text
unnecessary or redundant words should be removed.
3. Schematizing
Scientific & Technical text may contain information in the form of figures, classification,
processes and so on. Hence, it is sometimes more convenient to schematize summary
that is organize summary in the form of tables & diagrams for accurate & easy read back.
4. Check for appropriation
After collecting (i.e. noting-down) major points, summary writer is directed to check for
appropriateness of ideas to be reproduced in the summary. If proper steps are not taken,
the collected points may misguide and not help to reproduce the perfect summary.
5. Prepare the first draft
Next important step in summary writing is the prepartion of first draft. In this stage try
to frame simple, self-dependent, short sentences and club points to develop logical link.
This draft must be a complete, candid and include maximum points. Enough care is
required to avoid needless repetitions and omit examples, anecdotes, and other redundant is also essential to develop structured paragraphs during this stage.
6. Tailor and limit your summary
First draft always requires proper brush up and improvements. Hence, it is essential to
check for perfectness. During this stage it is recommended to check for complete package
and logical arrangement It is recommended to select and reproduce theme and meaning
or message of the story, table or statistical data, use your own language and active voice.
It is also essential to write objectively and insert link between each segment with the help
of words such as, therefore, because, as, nevertheless, however, on the other hand, such
as and others to write a professional summary.
Q.21 Prepare a committee report to explore the possibilities of starting a book stall and
stationary stores in the college.
Ans. The Principal
Somendra College of Commerce
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Subject: Business Communication II

Dahisarv (East)
Dt: 25th Dec 2017
Mumbai -400 068

A. Terms of Reference: A Committee comprising of Prof P R Das ,Prof M Chougle and

Prof R Pandit was appointed by a resolution of theboard at its meeting conducted on 15th
Jan 2016 to look into the possibilities of starting a book stall cum stationary store in the
college premises . It was further resolved that Prof M Chaugule be appointed as chairman
of the committee and he committee be asked to submit its report within here 3 months.

B. Procedure followed: The committee visited four well established colleges of Mumbai
(list attached) and had discussions with the Principals, Professors General secretaries of
students council of these colleges. The committee also visited and observed the working
of the stores of all these colleges. Later the committee had two meetings with the students
council of our college when the matter discussed in detail.

C .Findings: It is to be noted that the only college book stall available in this area is
near the Railway station which is two kilometers away. The book stall is always short of
stock The prices charged are also high.

a. A book stall -cum – stationary store should be opened at the earliest.
b. This could be managed by a committee of teachers and students
c. The space near the lift on the ground could be utilized he construction of a room for
the purpose.
d. Part time employment can be provided to needy students.

Yours faithfully
Dr R K Mahajan &
Prof M S sarabjit

Q.22 Summarize the following passage:

A concentration camp (or internment camp) is a place where a government forces many
people to live. Usually, those people belong to groups the government does not like. The
government may think these people are its enemies. In the past, governments have also
put people in concentration camps because they belonged to a certain religion, race or
ethnic group. During World War II, Nazi Germany created many concentration camps,
slave labour camps and extermination camps (death camps). Nazi Germany's leader,
Adolf Hitler, thought that certain groups of people were inferior (not as good as others).
He even thought there were groups of people who did not deserve to live—he called them
"life unworthy of life." These three groups were Jews, Roma people and people with
disabilities. Hitler wanted his Nazis to kill every Jew, Roma and disabled person in
Europe. Hitler also wanted to get rid of other groups he did not like, including people
who he thought might challenge or fight the Nazi government. These people included
Socialists, Communists, people of certain religions, and members of resistance
movements (groups who tried to fight the Nazis in any way they could.)
Ans. Concentration Camps
When a government feels there are enemies in the country those works against them,
they are forced to live in concentration camps. Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler created
many such concentration camps to keep People who belonged to certain races, disabled
people and also se Who belonged to some resistance movements. He believed that they
Were not as good as others and so did not deserve to live. He wanted his men to kill such
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S.K College of Science and Commerce, Nerul
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Subject: Business Communication II

Q.23 Prepare an Individual report with recommendations on the declining sales of Axis cycle
in the Mumbai market.
Ans. Bina Rai
Maitreyi Apartment

Date: 23rd Nov 2019

The Manager
Axis Cycle
R.M Road

Sub: Report on Decline in sales of Axis Cycles in Mumbai market

Dear Sir,
As part of the discussion at the meeting on 14th February, 2018, I decided to study the
sales of Axis cycles in Mumbai. The study consisted of surveys, interviews and
observations of cycle users in Mumbai. The following is the report with
recommendations: A survey was conducted for students and employees of 8 colleges and
5 organisations in Dadar and Kurla. Interviews were held with the heads of the colleges
and organisations.
The survey showed that the roads of Mumbai were not safe for cyclists, so the most
preferred mode of travel was the local train. There was too much traffic and cyclists
would be exposed to the pollution from other vehicles. In addition safety on the roads
was a problem. Students and employees complained of lack of space and security for
their cycles in colleges and offices. Interviews with principals of colleges and the CEOs
revealed that as there were very few cyclists, separate provision was not possible.
However, all the college Principals and many students were supportive of encouraging
cycling if proper infrastructure was provided. It was observed that Axis cycles were still
the most popular among cycle users and that there were many users of these cycles in
Navi Mumbai.

The conclusion is that Axis cycles are still the most popular among cycle users. The
decline in the Mumbai market is because cycling to education institutions or offices has
more disadvantages than advantages. Cycling in Navi Mumbai is more popular because
of better infrastructure and space. As people are more health conscious today, cycling
will be popular if there is better infrastructure.

The following are the recommendations to improve sales of Axis cycles:

• Organise programmes in colleges to popularise cycling as a healthy option, good for
the body and good for the environment.
• Approach government bodies to improve roads and to have cycle tracks.
•Support colleges and organisations that popularise cycling by sponsoring programmes

I hope the report is informative and you will place it before the Board at the next meeting.

Yours faithfully,
Bina Rai
Q.24 Summarize the following passage.
There are so many lessons one can learn about life from a dog. Imagine this scenario: it
is raining heavily outside and you need to leave for someone's house. The dog is up and
eager, to go with you. You tell it to stay home. As you leave, you see it squeezing out
through the gap in the doorway. You scold it and order it back home. Then at every turn
you make, you suddenly see it following you sheepishly at a distance. It follows at the
risk of being reprimanded for the sore reason of being somewhere nearby. How else can
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Subject: Business Communication II

we experience so selfless an instance of love and faithfulness? We can learn a lifelong

lesson from this sincere warm display of perpetual companionship.
Observe the eating habits of your dog. It does not eat, except when hungry. It does not
drink, unless it is thirsty. It does not gorge itself. It stops eating when it has had enough.
A dog also sets a perfect example of adaptability. If it is moved to a strange place, it is
able to adapt itself to that place and to its thousand peculiarities without a murmur of
complaint. It is able to learn and adapt to a new family's ways and customs. It is quick
and ready to please. Man, being accustomed to comfort and wealth will be lost if
suddenly stripped of all he is accustomed to.
A dog also teaches us a thing or two about, unselfish love. When a dog knows death is
approaching, it tries, with its last vestige of strength, to crawl away elsewhere to die, in
order to burden its owners no more. A dog does things with all vigour. However, when
there is nothing to do, it lies down and rests. It does not waste its strength and energy
needlessly. Many working people are burning the candles at both ends. Many suffer
nervous breakdowns due to stress. Perhaps, they should learn to rest like a dog does. A
dog above all is truly man's best friend.
Ans. Dog a loyal friend
Dogs can teach us many lessons of life. It can teach us through its acts of love and
faithfulness, endangering itself just to accompany you. We can also learn from its eating
habits. It will never over-indulge and knows which food to avoid. Dogs are also able to
adapt to its surroundings quickly without complaining as compared to man who
complains at the slightest change. Dogs are also unselfish, choosing not to burden his
loved ones but to go away and die. Dogs also know when to work and when to play.
They do not waste their efforts unnecessarily like some of us do at work. Thus, dogs can
set us great examples through their day-to-day living.


Q.25 Fill in the blanks by choosing the right option given below

1.To select the content of your presentation , you should know __________
a) Time limit b) audience’s needs c) available material

2. To make a presentation effective and impressive , you should use __________

a) Complex sentences b) simple and active form of sentences c) jargon

3. Initially , a presentation is a form of _______________

a) One -way communication b) two-way communication c) group

4. Flip charts are ____________

a) expensive b) portable c) complicated

5. In presentation design , maximum time is given to the ______________

a) Introduction b) main bodyc ) conclusion

6. ______________ should be used to reinforce points while making a presentation.

a) Visualaids b) thumping c) vociferation

7. The ________ is one of the best methods of selecting personnel for it offers the
employer the opportunity to meet and talk with the applicant
a) Exit interview b) Under stress interview c) selection interview

8. The first step in organizing a meeting is to __

a) Decide the venue b) determine the purposec) inform the members

9. __ refers to a list of items to be discussed at a meeting

a) Agenda b) resolution c) notice

10. ___________ refers to a meeting for a discussion or an exchange of views.

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Subject: Business Communication II

a) Committees b) meetings c) conference

11. The main objective of ___________ is to reach the mind of the outside public and
establish mutual understanding.
a) Group communication b) public relations c) meetings

12. ______provides a personal touch which is very valuable for building goodwill.
a) Exhibitions b) press conference c) open house

13. Fair claim, fair .

a) demand b) complaint c) adjustment

14. are kind of open letters, designed to be handed out to people either by
hand or by post.
a) Leaflets b) Memos c) Proposals

15. A is a form of paper advertisement intended for wide distribution.

a) Flyer b) Report c)Memos

16. On receiving a complaint, the sends a copy to the opposite party.

a)Judge b) Forum c) Magistrate

17. Complaints to the forum must be in .

a) writing b) person c) private

18. The consumer court is expected to resolve a matter within days.

a) 120 b) 90 c) 30

19. reports strive to be more accurate & correct.

a) Oral b) Written c) Informal

20. Usually an Auditor’s Report is a report.

a) Non-statutory b) Statutory c) Investigative

21. are based on the findings of the Report.

a) Procedure b) Terms of Reference c) Recommendations

22. A/An Report deals with the assessment and promotion of the employees.
a) Project b) Appraisal c) Inspection

23. A is a short statement or statements that give only the main points or
core information of something excluding redundant information.
a) Summary b) Report c) Letter of Inquiry

24. is an important summarization technique which basically includes

a) Selection b) Rejection c) Substitution

Q.26 State whether the following statements are True or False

1. Information in your presentation should be organized .

Ans . True

2. Public tends to focus more on the content of the speech than on the delivery style.

Ans. False

3. Avoid using long sentences in PowerPoint slides.

Ans. True
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Subject: Business Communication II

4. Memorized speeches are very easy to give.

Ans. False

5. Nervousness is only seen in speakers who are beginners.

Ans. False

6. If you have many transparencies ,it is necessary to number them.

Ans. True

7. An appraisal interview is held to find out whether a person is capable of taking

decision in emergency.

Ans. False

8. Goodwill is the good name of an organization.

Ans. True

9. The Internet can be used to release information to the Press.

Ans. True

10. Group discussions are often used for filtering large number of participants.

Ans. True

11. Screening of applications does not involve short listing of eligible candidates.

Ans. False

12. Meetings can be political , religious , educational or social in nature .

Ans . True

13. A unsolicited letter of Inquiry is sent out by the letter writer on his own.
Ans: True

14. C.I.F. means cost, insurance, freight.

Ans: True

15. The purpose of writing a Letter of Complaint is to start a quarrel.

Ans: False

16. Users of railways & airways are also consumers.

Ans: True

17. In complaint letter, avoid a detailed explanation of the error.

Ans: True

18. The claim can be met by supplying substitute goods.

Ans: True

19. A Business Report is the same as a Media Report.

Ans: False
20. Individual Report is usually sent in the form of a letter.
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Subject: Business Communication II

Ans: True

21. Feasibility Reports does not help to examine the practicality and advisability of
following a course of action.
Ans: False

22. The findings of the report are summarized statements of all the data collected.
Ans: True

23. A summary is a general idea in a brief form.

Ans: True

24. A Summary is the same as a Precis.

Ans: False

Q.27 A] Match the following :

a) OHP i) Limited audience

b) Handout ii) Overhead Projector
c) Extemporaneous iii) Without forewarning
d) Impromptu speech iv) Presentation containing complex
graph or chart
e) Deep breaths v) Brief notes on slips
f) Flip chart vi ) Control nervousness
g) Ten to twenty persons vii ) Helps to identify problems in the
h) Grievance interview viii) Group discussion
i) Resolution ix )Specialized periodical publication
j) Notice x) Members appointed or selected
k) Committees xi) Day ,date ,time and place
l) News letter xii) Formal expression of opinion

(a-ii),(b-iv ) ,(c-v ), (d-iii), (e-vi ),(f- i) ,(g-viii ), (h -vii), (i-xii), (j-xi ),(k- x ) , ( l-ix )

B] Match the following:

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. National Commission a) No lawyer, No stamp duty
2. District Forum b) Auditor’s Report
3. Forum c) Periodic Reports
4. Advice Note d) Above 20 lakhs
5. Markings e) Upto Rs. 5 lakhs
6. Questionnaire f) Information Based Report
7. Individual Report g) To document violations of the
8. FIR Report h) Selecting Major Ideas
9. Investigative Report i) Process of removing unnecessary
10. Progress Report j) Prepares the buyer to take
11. Selection Technique k) Special Instructions
12. Rejection Technique l) Enclosed with Inquiry Letter

1-d) , 2 - e) , 3 - a), 4 - j) , 5 - k) , 6 – l) , 7 –b) , 8 –f) , 9 – g), 10 – c), 11 – h), 12- i)

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