Anticipatory 438
Anticipatory 438
Anticipatory 438
6. That the fact that this Applicant has sign over the Nikahnama
is not sufficient to involve this Applicant in the present case as there is no
overt act on the part of this Applicant. .
11. That the FIR and Remand Reports nowhere mentions the role
of Applicant and police implicating this Applicant falsely, merely to harass
this Applicant.
13. The applicant is the law abiding citizen there are no criminal
antecedents against the applicant. The Applicant is unnecessarily involved
under this offence which are false one and the allegations made against him
are false and he have been implicate falsely by the police.
14. That the Applicant is ready and willing to obey and abide himself
with any or all condition which this Hon’ble Court may consider proper to
impose upon him while allowing this anticipatory bail application.
16. That reputation of the Applicant will be totally lost and he will
be looked down upon by the society at large. Hence this application is
being moved for grant of anticipatory bail.
18. This is the 1st bail application of the accused applicant and he
has not filed any bail application in other Court of law.
18. Therefore the accused applicant pray's that,
Date: 1.------------------------
Herein I, Shri. Serab Abdulmunaf Mushrif, Age: 33 yrs. Occ.:
Advocate, R/o. Mali Galli, Dargah Chowk, Miraj do hereby states on
solemn affirmation as under that,
As per the information and instruction received from our client that
no other bail application is pending in other Court or filed in any other
Court, other than the present bail application and these accused Applicants
were not arrested in any other offence.
The contents of above affidavit are true and correct as per best of my
knowledge and belief.
Hence the affidavit.
I, Shri. Serab Abdulmunaf Mushrif, Age: 31 yrs. Occ.: Advocate,
R/o. Mali Galli, Dargah Chowk, do hereby states solemn affirmation as
under that the contents of above affidavit are true and correct as per best of
my knowledge and belief.
Hence the verification.
List Of Documents
Dated: Advocate
Cri. Bail. App. No. /2019
7. That the fact that this Applicant has sign over the Nikahnama
is not sufficient to involve this Applicant in the present case as there is no
overt act on the part of this Applicant. .
11. That the FIR and Remand Reports nowhere mentions the role
of Applicant and police implicating this Applicant falsely, merely to harass
this Applicant.
14. That the Applicant is ready and willing to obey and abide
himself with any or all condition which this Hon’ble Court may consider
proper to impose upon him while allowing this anticipatory bail application.
15. That the main application will take its own time to reach a
final hearing. However the applicant apprehends that the Police may arrest
him any time so as to frustrate the very purpose of the main application
Therefore it is humbly prayed that an interim relief of anticipatory
bail may kindly be granted to the applicant on such terms & conditions as
the Hon'ble Court may deem fit in the circumstances of the case.
And for this act of kindness & justice the applicant as is duty bond
shall even pray
Date: 1.------------------------
That Shri. Javed Rashid Dabir, Age: 32 yrs., Occ: Driver, R/o.
Budhwar peth, Miraj, Tal. Miraj, Dist. Sangli states on solemn affirmation
13. That the Applicant is innocent and has falsely been implicated
in this case just to harass him and the Applicant had committed no offence
as alleged in the F.I.R.
17. That ingredient of offence leveled in the FIR does not make
out against this Applicant. Applicant cannot be said to be even remotely
connected with the offence.
18. That the fact that this Applicant has sign over the Nikahnama
is not sufficient to involve this Applicant in the present case as there is no
overt act on the part of this Applicant. .
22. That the FIR and Remand Reports nowhere mentions the role
of Applicant and police implicating this Applicant falsely, merely to harass
this Applicant.
16. That the Applicant is ready and willing to obey and abide
himself with any or all condition which this Hon’ble Court may consider
proper to impose upon him while allowing this anticipatory bail application.
17. That the main application will take its own time to reach a
final hearing. However the applicant apprehends that the Police may arrest
him any time so as to frustrate the very purpose of the main application
Therefore it is humbly prayed that an interim relief of anticipatory
bail may kindly be granted to the applicant on such terms & conditions as
the Hon'ble Court may deem fit in the circumstances of the case.
That all the aove contents are true and correct to the best of my
knoweldge. Hence the affidavit.
Date: 1.------------------------
That Shri. Javed Rashid Dabir, Age: 32 yrs., Occ: Driver, R/o.
Budhwar Peth, Miraj, Tal. Miraj, Dist. Sangli states on solemn affirmation
that all the aove contents are true and correct to the best of my
knoweldge. Hence the verification.
Date: 1.------------------------