Exsheet 1
Exsheet 1
Exsheet 1
1. Suppose two nonlinear dynamic systems are coupled together, as shown in fig. 1,
and that their defining equations are:
d3 y(t)
System A: = g[y(t), ẏ(t), ÿ(t), u(t), t]
System B: ü = h[u(t), u̇(t), y(t), t]
where g and h are nonlinear functions. Show that they can be represented by a
single vector differential equation
u y
where h is some nonlinear function, can always be written in the standard form
3. A phase-locked loop (used in communications networks) is described by the equation
where a > b ≥ 0 and c > 0. Express this in state-space form. Find the equilibrium
points and examine their stability.
4. By considering the two curves y = ax(1 − x) and y = x explain diagrammatically
how the logistic map
xk+1 = axk (1 − xk )
has one stable equilibrium for a = 2 and tends to an oscillation between the state
x = 0.48 and x = 0.83 for a = 3.3.
5. The Verhulst system
becomes chaotic for most values of r above 2.6, approximately. But there are values
of r in this range for which only a small number of stable periods exist. Using a
computer or calculator, show that r = 2.83 gives stable period-3 points near 0.2113,
0.6830 and 1.2957, but that for r = 2.845 each of these points has undergone ‘period
doubling’. Verify that for r = 2.825 and r = 2.86 the system exhibits chaotic
(Matlab is recommended. The following commands
would do the iterations for r = 2.83. The period-3 oscillation takes about 20 itera-
tions to become established with x0 = 0.5; so if you use a calculator you should take
x0 = 0.2113, or one of the other stable points, to avoid a lot of button-punching.)
6. In each of the cases below show that the general solution of the equation ẋ = Ax is
as given: (Hint: reduce the matrix equation to appropriate scalar equation(s).)
! ! !
0 0 1 0
(a) A = , x(t) = c1 + c2 ,
0 0 0 1
! ! !
0 1 1 t
(b) A = , x(t) = c1 + c2 ,
0 0 0 1
(where c1 and c2 are arbitrary constants.) Characterise the stability of the equilib-
rium in each case. Find the eigenvalues of A. Comment.
7. The Rössler system has been used to model a variety of systems to demonstrate
evolution from well-behaved limit cycles to chaotic solutions, e.g. dripping water as
flow rate is increased, onset of cardiac fibrillation. The system is described by
ẋ1 = x1 − x1 x2 − x3
ẋ2 = x21 − ax2
ẋ3 = bx1 − cx3 .
Find the equilibrium solutions and investigate their stability as a function of the
parameters. (Note: The Routh-Hurwitz Stability Criteria given in the Control
section of the Electrical and Information Data Book will be useful for part of this
r + e + z u ẏ y
1 1
- m- kp - m- - Js
- s
−6 −6
9. By considering dtd (x2 + y 2 ), or otherwise, show that the unit circle is a stable limit
cycle of the system
ẋ = y + √ [1 − (x2 + y 2 )]
+ y2
ẏ = −x + √ 2 [1 − (x2 + y 2 )].
x + y2
(i) By writing the system in the standard state equation form with x1 = y and
x2 = ẏ and using the function
V (x1 , x2 ) = c(1 − cos x1 ) + x22
where c > 0, show that the origin is a stable equilibrium point.
(ii) Use LaSalle’s theorem to show that the origin is asymptotically stable.
(iii) Sketch the function V (x1 , x2 ) and deduce the stability of each equilibrium.
c > 0
a + c > b/c
b 3b
a (a + c − )(c + 2 − ) − 2(c − b) > 0
c c
Past papers
The following past Tripos questions are suitable for further practice:
Part IIB Module 4F3: 2009, Q. 1. 2008, Q. 2. 2007, Q. 2. 2006, Q. 4. 2005, Q. 1. 2004,
Q. 1. 2003, Q. 2.
Part IIB Module I3: 2002, Q. 2, 3(b). 2001, Q. 1. 2000, Q. 1(a) and (b). 1999, Q. 1.
1998, Q. 1,4(a). 1997, Q. 1. 1996 Q. 1,2.