Load Frequency Control in Microgrids Based On A Stochastic Noninteger Controller
Load Frequency Control in Microgrids Based On A Stochastic Noninteger Controller
Load Frequency Control in Microgrids Based On A Stochastic Noninteger Controller
Abstract—In this paper, an adaptive multiobjective fractional- wind turbine generator (WTG) systems [1]–[3]. In this context,
order fuzzy proportional–integral–derivative controller is pro- the local harness of RES through distributed generators (DGs)
posed for the load frequency control (LFC) of islanded microgrids is quite significant as it can decrease power loss in transmission
(MGs), while benefiting from the assets of electric vehicles (EVs)
in this respect. Although the use of battery energy storage systems lines and increase the overall reliability of the electrical power
(BESS) can solve the unbalance effects between the load and supply systems [4]. The concept of the microgrid (MG) has been pro-
of an isolated MG, their high cost and tendency toward degrada- posed to locally co-optimize the operation of a number of DGs
tion are restrictive factors, which call for the use of alternative and to further enhance the controllability, reliability, flexibil-
power balancing options. In recent years, the concept of utilizing ity and power quality of the overall electrical systems, while
the BESSs of EVs, also known as vehicle-to-grid (V2G) concept, for
frequency support of MGs has attracted a lot of attention. In order postponing the construction of new power stations at the same
to allow the V2G controller operate optimally under a wide range time [5].
of operation conditions caused by the intermittent behavior of re- From the utility point of view, MG is an independent unit
newable energy resources, a new multiobjective fractional-order which can be operated in both grid-connected and isolated
control strategy for the EVs in V2G scenarios is proposed in this modes [6]. In the grid connected mode, the main target is usu-
paper. Moreover, since the performance of the controller depends
on its parameters, optimization of these parameters can play a ally to perform auxiliary services to the overhead system and
significant role in promoting the output performance of the LFC optimize the internal energy management at the same time [7].
control; hence, a modified black hole optimization algorithm is uti- On the other hand, the isolated operation of MG can be used for
lized for the adaptive tuning of the noninteger fuzzy PID controller supplying remote applications (telecom, rural households, etc.)
coefficients. The performance of the proposed LFC is evaluated by or for enhancing the power quality of weak grids by manually
using real world wind and solar radiation data. Finally, the exten-
sive studies and hardware-in-the-loop simulations are presented disconnecting it from the overhead system. In the latter mode,
to prove that the proposed controller tracks frequency with lower due to the low inertia of the MGs compared with the grid, it is
deviation and fluctuation and is more robust in comparison with a challenge to maintain the active and reactive power balances
the prior-art controllers used in all the case studies. between the supply and consumption, especially in the presence
Index Terms—Load frequency control (LFC), modified black of intermittent RES and frequent load variations [8], [9]. The
hole algorithm (MBHA), microgrid (MG), fractional controller, most common solution to this problem in isolated MGs was
electric-vehicle (EV). the installation of backup systems such as micro turbines and
energy storage systems (ESSs).
Besides RES, electric vehicles (EVs) and plug-in hybrid elec-
tric vehicle (PHEV) technologies are other key technologies
N recent years, due to the decline of conventional fossil
I fuel resources and the environmental pollutions they caused,
modern electrical power systems face increased deployment of
that will lead to a carbon-neutral society [10]. Since EVs are
environmentally friendly and can significantly reduce the use
of gasoline, it is predicted that they will dominate the future
renewable energy sources (RESs) like photovoltaic (PV) and of automotive industry. In the PHEV technology, the bidirec-
tional flow of power between the grid and the vehicle’s battery
can be achieved, so that its remaining capacity can be used for
Manuscript received October 18, 2016; revised February 17, 2017 and March
31, 2017; accepted April 21, 2017. Date of publication October 16, 2017; date of ancillary services such as peak shaving or frequency support.
current version March 20, 2018. This work was supported by the Iran National However, the charging and discharging of PHEV batteries can
Science Foundation under grant to collect data. Paper no. TSTE-00794-2016. increase the complexity of the overall frequency control of the
(Corresponding author: Mohammad Hassan Khooban.)
M. H. Khooban, T. Niknam, and M. Shasadeghi are with the Department system [11], [12].
of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Shiraz University of Technology, When considering the autonomous MG, both RES and EVs
Shiraz 13876-71557, Iran (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]. need to be coordinated together to limit the frequency fluctu-
ir; [email protected]).
T. Dragicevic and F. Blaabjerg are with the Department of Energy Technol- ation by compensating for the mismatch between generation
ogy, Aalborg University, DK-9220 Aalborg, Denmark (e-mail: [email protected]; and demand. This functionality is often referred to as load fre-
[email protected]). quency control (LFC). The proper LFC can not only guarantee
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. the frequency stability of the MG but also increase its efficiency
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSTE.2017.2763607 (fuel saving). In order to improve the response of LFC, many
1949-3029 © 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
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Fig. 3. Diesel Power System Model. Fig. 5. Case Study model for the LFC in MG system.
Tg 2.000 s T AE 0.5 s
Te 1.000 s TP V 1.8 s
R 3.000 TW T G 2s
δe 0.010 KD E G 1/300
μe 0.025 KP V 1
Em a x 0.950 KW T G 1
Em in 0.800 KAE 1/500
D 0.012 Kn 0.6
2H 0.200 KF E S S −1/100
T F ESS 0.100 s KB E S S −1/300
T BESS 0.100 s KF C 1/100
Fig. 4. The overall microgrid scheme including EV for LFC. TF C 4.000 s ‘s’ means second
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V. MULTI-OBJECTIVE INTERACTIVE FUZZY SATISFYING Fig. 7. The general scheme of the suggested controller for LFC.
The value and the number of control signals are among the by the trapezoidal fuzzy membership as represented below:
most important factors to consider in designing and implement- μfw (X) =
ing hardware. In other words, in an application with large val- ⎧
ues of control signals, a big size actuator is required, which ⎪
⎪ 1 for fw (X) fwm in
correspondingly increases the total cost of the system. Conse- m ax
f w −f w (X )
for fwm in fw (X) fwm ax
quently, effective control of a system requires a smooth control ⎪
f wm a x −f wm i n
that can track the set point fast. Using the multi-objective opti- 0 for fw (X) fwm ax
mization principle can overcome complexity in optimal control (10)
problem. Weighting the cost function of the optimum problem It should be noted that a heuristic algorithm like the MBHA
with some indexes such as the Squared Deviation of Controller merely requires information about the fitness function. As a
Output (ISDCO), Integral of Absolute Error (IAE), Integral of consequence, in order for the online tuning of the FOFPID con-
Time multiplied Squared Error (ITSE) and the Integral of Time troller, the objective functions vector that should be minimized
Multiplied Absolute Error (ITAE) can prevent the high control in the Interactive Fuzzy Satisfying Method can be proposed in
signal. It should be mentioned that the aforementioned objec- terms of the following equation:
tives (IAE, ISDCO, ITSE and ITAE) can act in contrast with
each other. Consequently, formulating the control system as a Min F (X) = [f1 (X) , f2 (X)]T where
multi-objective stochastic optimization problem can reduce the ∞
value of the control effort. f1 = IT SESet−Point = te2set−point (t) .dt (11)
Using the MG system can inherently emulate some of the ∞
uncertainties of the system pertaining, for instance to its output f2 = ISDCO = Δu2 (t) .dt (12)
variations, and storage batteries; hence, using integer and non- 0
integer controllers can be a good choice for a system in which In this equation, the first objective function is used for provid-
the operation point is widely subject to change. To solve the op- ing the fast tracking of the desired set-point while the accuracy
timization problem, in this paper a new online multi-objective of tracking the set point is achieved by the second objective
optimization method for the optimum tuning of the common function. A schematic representation of the online tuning of
FOFPID controller is proposed. In this method, using online the FOFPID controller based on the MOMBHA technique is
measurement, the Multi-objective MBHA (MOMBHA) is ap- depicted in Fig. 7.
plied for the optimum tuning of the FOFPID controller. The
MOMBHA problem can be formulated by (8). VI. SIMULATION RESULTS
Min F (X) = [f1 (X) , f2 (X) , f3 (X) , . . . , fn (X)] In this section, in a trial run to examine the proposed con-
s.t h (X) < 0 trol method, the MG which is depicted in Fig. 4 is simulated
in MATLAB/Simulink software. The parameters of the isolated
g (X) = 0 (8) microgrid are listed in Table I. The performance of the pro-
In this paper, an IFS approach is used to resolve the afore- posed controller is compared with that of the MOPID, MOFPI
mentioned multi-objective problem [32]. In this method, the and MOIT2FLC controllers. Since the respond of the system
sufficient degree of each objective can be defined by the op- depends on the parameters of these controllers, all of the param-
erator. Generally speaking, the non-inferior solution set in the eters are optimized by the MOMBHA optimization algorithm
most optimal solution would be chosen in such a way that the in different controllers. In order to evaluate the performance of
preferences of the operators are satisfied: the proposed control method in the context of the MG depicted
in Fig. 4, the Hardware-In-the Loop (HIL) simulation approach
F (X) = min maxw ∈W μref w (X) − μw (X)
f (9) is utilized. The real time HIL method is used to emulate errors
and delays that do not exist in the classical off-line simulations.
Here, μ is the satisfying degree of the related target, deter- Fig. 8 sketches the HIL setup, consisting of: 1) OPAL-RT as a
mined by the operator in the range of [0, 1]. μfw , on the other Real Time Simulator (RTS) which simulates the MG depicted
hand, denotes the MF value of the wth objective and is designed in Fig. 4; 2) a PC as the command station (programming host)
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Authorized licensed use limited to: Netaji Subhas University of Technology New Delhi. Downloaded on November 07,2023 at 10:35:31 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
R +15%
D −25%
H +30%
Te −25%
Tg +30%
T F ESS −20%
T BESS +30%
study. The changing of the parameters is made in a scenario structures especially as the overshoots are concerned. Indeed, as
which is displayed in Table III. it can be seen, despite the EV battery restriction that occurs in
As shown in this table, a more severe changing of the pa- the MG in this scenario, the performance of the suggested con-
rameters is applied to evaluate the robustness of the proposed troller is superior to that of the other three that appear in Fig. 14.
control method. Fig. 13 depicts the response of the LFC in the Further noticeable in this figure are the results pertaining to the
scenario by using the proposed as well as the MOPID, MOFPI robustness of the proposed controller against both parameter
and MOIT2FLC controllers. changes and the restriction that was imposed on the system by
As revealed in Fig. 13, the proposed controller enhances the disconnecting the EV. As it can be noticed, none of the MOPID,
performance of the LFC more effectively than the other three MOFPI and MOIT2FLC controllers has such an agreeable per-
control methods, especially when the overshoots are concerned. formance so far as their frequency response against the severe
In other words, the results suggest that the proposed controller changes of parameters (Scenario 3) and their control of the MG
is more robust against the changes in parameters as compared system are concerned. It is worth mentioning here that unlike
to the other controllers. It is also revealed that the MOPID, the previous research in this area, the current investigation was
MOFPI and MOIT2FLC controllers do not have a satisfactory carried out longitudinally to further contribute to the reliabil-
performance in this scenario where there are severe parameter ity of the results concerning the satisfactory functioning of the
changes. proposed controller.
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Taher Niknam (M’14) received the B.Sc. degree Tomislav Dragicevic (S’09–M’13–SM’17) received
from Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran, in 1998, and the M.E.E. and the industrial Ph.D. degrees from the
the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from Sharif University Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Zagreb, Croatia,
of Technology, Tehran, Iran, in 2000 and 2005, re- in 2009 and 2013, respectively. From 2013 until
spectively, all in power electrical engineering. He is a 2016, he was a Postdoctoral Research Associate at
Faculty Member in the Department of Electrical En- Aalborg University, Denmark. Since March 2016, he
gineering, Shiraz University of Technology. His re- has been an Associate Professor at Aalborg Univer-
search interests include power system restructuring, sity. His field of interest is overall system design of
impacts of distributed generations on power systems, autonomous and grid-connected dc and ac micro-
optimization methods, and evolutionary algorithms. grids, and industrial application of advanced mod-
eling, control and protection concepts to shipboard
power systems, remote telecom stations, domestic and commercial facilities,
and electric vehicle charging stations.
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