BAR CHART Ekspor Kopi 2009-2014

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01 02 03 04
Arabica wib or robusta oib, not roastednot decaffeinated 1,821,111 1,547,791 1,473,042 2,250,643
Australia 39,333 49,207
Belgium 39,608 58,229 57,936
Canada 128,488 113,691 65,554 511,453
Germany, Fed. Rep. Of 61,112
Japan 27,778
Mexico 54,900 65,554 63,769
New Zealand 65,554 66,348
Singapore 47,224
United Kingdom 206,561 65,609 66,348
United States 1,326,000 1,263,038 1,117,205 1,532,088

01 02 03 04
Arabica wib or robusta oib, not roastednot decaffeinated 526,553 483,494 462,997 668,900
Australia 10,800 18,000
Belgium 12,957 19,198 19,197
Canada 38,400 35,999 18,000 144,300
Germany, Fed. Rep. Of 33,600
Japan 9,000
Mexico 18,000 18,000 18,000
New Zealand 18,000 18,000
Singapore 13,500
United Kingdom 55,200 19,200 18,000
United States 383,996 395,597 345,400 461,600
05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 Grand Total
1,347,350 1,706,019 922,132 587,216 226,221 882,551 659,930 763,508 14,187,514
53,078 64,128 205,746
53,345 63,585 272,703
255,266 131,108 131,108 75,427 71,195 59,400 73,311 1,616,001
94,446 155,558
66,745 250,968
65,951 65,951 67,142 71,110 402,056
30,910 78,134
135,077 71,507 148,315 150,008 75,427 146,934 71,507 1,137,293
743,265 1,289,880 575,567 361,781 150,794 593,312 464,895 623,452 10,041,277

05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 Grand Total
397,379 477,760 242,000 151,200 57,200 223,600 190,100 202,800 4,083,983
14,400 19,200 62,400
17,579 30,360 99,291
72,000 36,000 36,000 19,200 19,200 18,000 19,200 456,299
50,400 84,000
18,000 72,000
18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 108,000
9,000 22,500
36,000 18,000 38,400 38,400 19,200 37,200 18,000 297,600
203,400 352,000 149,600 93,600 38,000 149,200 134,900 165,600 2,872,893
01 02 03 04
Arabica wib or robusta oib, not roastednot decaffeinated 575,162 379,620 1,464,967 1,277,846
Australia 55,618 143,764
Canada 71,618 72,464 73,734
Germany, Fed. Rep. Of 121,740 60,300
Korea, Republic Of 6,905
Mexico 70,713
New Zealand 68,729 70,713
United Kingdom 68,160 214,712
United States 435,384 62,820 1,107,078 993,143

01 02 03 04
Arabica wib or robusta oib, not roastednot decaffeinated 165,600 105,600 387,600 337,620
Australia 14,400 37,200
Canada 19,200 19,200 19,200
Germany, Fed. Rep. Of 37,200 18,000
Korea, Republic Of 1,800
Mexico 18,000
New Zealand 18,000 18,000
United Kingdom 19,200 55,200
United States 127,200 18,000 295,200 261,420
05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 Grand Total
1,171,903 1,017,383 1,344,688 308,182 218,970 287,663 865,807 2,050,927 10,963,118
74,592 74,581 74,581 423,136
126,900 126,900
75,427 220,973 604,216 149,373 1,267,805
242,100 68,400 492,540
70,713 69,920 211,346
141,426 210,553 69,920 76,666 98,491 736,498
153,600 153,600
70,713 73,920 101,581 73,888 602,974
571,524 525,670 455,327 132,020 218,970 64,143 572,272 1,803,063 6,941,414

05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 Grand Total
313,200 275,999 363,559 80,400 56,000 74,400 217,200 428,220 2,805,398
19,200 19,200 19,200 109,200
37,200 37,200
19,200 56,399 165,600 38,400 337,199
72,000 18,000 145,200
18,000 18,000 54,000
36,000 54,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 180,000
38,400 38,400
18,000 19,200 25,200 18,000 154,800
150,000 145,200 124,759 36,000 56,000 18,000 144,000 371,820 1,747,599
01 02 03 04
Arabica wib or robusta oib, not roastednot decaffeinated 1,903,175 3,369,033 3,868,270 3,324,311
Australia 134,520 152,640
Canada 223,742 602,326 359,640
China 450
Germany, Fed. Rep. Of 213,300
New Zealand 219,091
United Kingdom 127,680 141,120
United States 1,679,433 2,419,936 3,592,630 2,598,281

01 02 03 04
Arabica wib or robusta oib, not roastednot decaffeinated 377,600 524,219 610,571 501,604
Australia 19,199 19,200
Canada 57,600 94,800 56,400
China 5
Germany, Fed. Rep. Of 54,000
New Zealand 36,000
United Kingdom 19,200 19,200
United States 320,000 374,219 572,172 371,999
05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 Grand Total
264,240 803,044 1,161,600 1,288,380 1,105,816 1,377,221 1,249,477 2,345,661 22,060,228
331,200 326,400 147,840 153,600 2,144,748
153,450 372,541
83,997 91,800 444,597
264,240 318,394 835,200 1,288,380 1,021,819 1,229,381 1,249,477 2,100,261 18,597,432

05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 Grand Total
37,200 94,438 134,400 152,400 140,980 181,200 168,000 309,360 3,231,972
38,400 38,400 19,200 19,200 324,000
18,000 54,000
10,980 12,000 61,380
37,200 38,038 96,000 152,400 130,000 162,000 168,000 278,160 2,700,188
01 02 03 04
Arabica WIB/robusta OIB, not roasted,not decaffeinated 2,367,908 1,232,602 1,502,730 919,086
Canada 625,920 163,200
Hong Kong
Korea, Republic Of
United Kingdom
United States 1,741,988 1,232,602 1,339,530 919,086

01 02 03 04
Arabica WIB/robusta OIB, not roasted,not decaffeinated 303,600 169,200 207,600 128,400
Canada 76,800 19,200
Hong Kong
Korea, Republic Of
United Kingdom
United States 226,800 169,200 188,400 128,400
05 06 07 09 10 11 12 Grand Total
1,798,376 2,366,320 1,768,950 200,280 504,654 798,023 1,395,563 14,854,492
58,560 58,560
64,800 109,440 100,800 275,040
126,720 403,200 197,760 1,516,800
2,550 2,550
15,096 15,096
153,600 200,280 25,200 57,600 436,680
1,718,480 2,239,600 1,209,600 311,454 639,623 1,197,803 12,549,766

05 06 07 09 10 11 12 Grand Total
280,160 361,020 249,900 31,200 87,000 136,800 249,600 2,204,480
9,600 9,600
18,000 19,200 19,200 56,400
19,200 57,600 38,400 211,200
300 300
2,000 2,000
19,200 31,200 4,200 9,600 64,200
260,160 341,820 172,800 54,000 108,000 211,200 1,860,780
01 02 03 04
Arabica WIB/robusta OIB, not roasted,not decaffeinated 2,696,036 1,066,002 1,284,932 1,760,735
Australia 87,680
Canada 190,350
Germany, Fed. Rep. Of
Ireland 52,200 133,350
Japan 134,640 106,710
Korea, Republic Of
Russia Federation 76,397
Taiwan, Province of China
United Kingdom 89,040
United States 2,282,006 871,612 1,232,732 1,550,988

01 02 03 04
Arabica WIB/robusta OIB, not roasted,not decaffeinated 476,400 186,400 244,800 357,600
Australia 16,000
Canada 38,400
Germany, Fed. Rep. Of
Ireland 18,000 37,200
Japan 26,400 18,000
Korea, Republic Of
Russia Federation 19,200
Taiwan, Province of China
United Kingdom 16,800
United States 394,800 152,400 226,800 301,200
05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 Grand Total
2,244,244 1,981,412 736,886 81,900 233,252 152,175 277,070 521,819 13,036,463
182,719 310,047 182,719 80,640 946,475
48,600 48,600 97,200
133,350 318,900
40,320 2,850 43,170
77,241 153,638
157,850 80,448 238,298
3,950 3,950
1,935,684 1,485,465 513,847 81,900 75,402 149,325 196,430 441,371 10,816,762

05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 Grand Total
464,400 446,200 169,200 18,000 56,400 38,460 73,200 130,800 2,661,860
38,400 57,600 38,400 19,200 192,000
18,000 18,000 36,000
37,200 92,400
19,200 60 19,260
19,200 38,400
38,400 19,200 57,600
1,000 1,000
388,800 332,400 111,600 18,000 18,000 38,400 54,000 111,600 2,148,000
01 02 03 04
Arabica WIB/robusta OIB, not roasted,not decaffeinated 1,004,331 1,426,404 2,046,151 1,729,346
Australia 77,400
Belgium 96,000
Canada 80,640 219,113
Ireland 65,400
Korea, Republic Of
Sweden 80,429 80,448
Taiwan, Province of China
United Kingdom
United States 604,462 1,426,404 1,746,590 1,729,346

01 02 03 04
Arabica WIB/robusta OIB, not roasted,not decaffeinated 208,800 278,400 360,000 265,200
Australia 18,000
Belgium 19,200
Canada 19,200 38,400
Ireland 18,000
Korea, Republic Of
Sweden 19,200 19,200
Taiwan, Province of China
United Kingdom
United States 115,200 278,400 302,400 265,200
05 06 07 08 09 11 12 Grand Total
1,782,400 3,205,386 1,047,112 289,268 84,708 1,285,833 2,186,486 16,087,425
17,964 95,364
124,800 424,553
84,600 84,600
137,280 298,157
36,300 45,150 81,450
42,600 42,600
1,782,400 3,205,386 785,032 246,668 84,708 1,249,533 2,038,772 14,899,301

05 06 07 08 09 11 12 Grand Total
246,000 444,000 166,800 60,000 18,000 179,400 333,200 2,559,800
4,100 22,100
19,200 76,800
18,000 18,000
19,200 57,600
6,600 7,500 14,100
6,000 6,000
246,000 444,000 128,400 54,000 18,000 172,800 303,600 2,328,000
Melalui Pelabuhan di Provinsi Aceh dan Luar Provinsi Aceh
01 02 03 04
Arabica WIB/robusta OIB, not roasted,decaffeinated
Arabica WIB/robusta OIB, not roasted,not decaffeinated 1,306,753 702,435 1,495,513 1,231,670
Canada 241,920 117,120 228,658
Germany, Fed. Rep. Of 10,368
Korea, Republic Of 7,260
Mexico 8
Russia Federation 67,800
Taiwan, Province of China 554 1,470
United Kingdom 10
United States 1,064,261 684,807 1,309,123 1,003,012

Melalui Pelabuhan di Provinsi Aceh dan Luar Provinsi Aceh

01 02 03 04
Arabica WIB/robusta OIB, not roasted,decaffeinated
Arabica WIB/robusta OIB, not roasted,not decaffeinated
Korea, Republic Of
05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 Grand Total
900 900
900 900
822,267 951,536 1,440,401 1,963,204 161,400 389,861 596,254 1,108,411 12,169,705
100,403 100,403
511,749 208,806 217,927 190,181 191,578 298,034 2,205,973
10,368 20,736
13,382 46,800 160,400 227,842
93,600 93,608
1,000 1,000
97,920 97,920
38,280 9,000 49,304
199,680 199,680 99,840 499,210
677,005 292,584 1,221,227 1,736,277 204,996 612,617 8,805,909

05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 Grand Total
450 450
450 450
161,400 161,400
953,336 160,400 160,400
1,000 1,000
Jan Feb Mar Apr Mei Jun Jul
1,306,753 702,435 1,495,513 1,231,670 822,267 951,536 1,440,401

Chart Title
0 500,000 1,000,000 1,500,000 2,000,000 2,500,000
Ags Sep Okt Nov Des
1,963,204 161,400 389,861 596,254 1,108,411

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