GSP Um 12
GSP Um 12
GSP Um 12
© NLR 2023
All rights reserved. No parts of this work may be reproduced in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic, or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems - without the
written permission of the publisher.
Products that are referred to in this document may be either trademarks and/or registered trademarks of the
respective owners. The publisher and the author make no claim to these trademarks.
While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, the publisher and the author assume no
responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of information contained in this
document or from the use of programs and source code that may accompany it. In no event shall the publisher and
the author be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage caused or alleged to have been caused
directly or indirectly by this document.
NLR - Royal Netherlands Aerospace Centre
Anthony Fok k erweg 2
1006 BM Amsterdam
The Netherlands
March 2023
Content editor
GSP Development Team
Table of contents
Table of Contents
Foreword 0
1 Welcome 10
2 Glossary 11
3 Document Conventions 13
4 Introduction 14
4.1 GSP versions and editions 14
4.1.1 Version num bering 15
4.1.2 Light Edition 16
4.1.3 About 16
4.1.4 Com ponent Developers Package 17
4.1.5 GSP API 17 Microsoft Window s DLL 18
4.1.6 Feature Matrix 18
4.2 System requirements 22
4.3 History 22
4.4 Engines simulated 23
4.5 Modelling Approach 24
4.6 Software implementation 24
4.7 Where to find Information 25
4.8 Documentation 25
4.9 What's new? 26
4.10 FAQ 30
4.10.1 Turbine shaft pow er output 30
4.10.2 Insert (Off-)Design Value(s) in m odel com ponent 31
4.11 How to... 34
4.12 Authors 35
6 GSP environment 68
6.1 Docking 68
6.2 Environment options 68
6.3 Starting GSP 71
6.3.1 Splash screen 71
6.3.2 Update w indow 71
6.3.3 Main w indow 72 Main w indow menus 73 Main w indow toolbar 74
6.4 GSP Projects 75
6.4.1 Introduction 75
6.4.2 Im porting older m odels 75
6.4.3 Project w indow 76 Project w indow menus 77 Project Options 82 Project w indow panels 84 Project tree panel 84 Using the project tree 85 Model panel 87 Config/Case details panel 88 Log data panel 89 Model note panel 89 Creating a new project 89 Building models 90 Creating an engine project 90 Creating a model layout 91 Entering component data 93 Calculation order 97 Model change status 98
6.4.4 Case and configuration m anagem ent 98 Introduction 98 XML 99 Configurations 99 Reference Model 99 Cases 100 Case types 100 Input access rules 100
Table of contents 2
Table of contents
Table of contents 4
Table of contents
Table of contents 6
Table of contents
9 Errors 241
9.1 Model specific errors 241
9.1.1 Model specific errors 241
9.1.2 Dem o specific errors 241
9.1.3 Map specific errors 242
9.1.4 I/O specific errors 242
9.1.5 Iteration specific errors 243
9.2 Component specific errors 243
9.2.1 Bleed specific errors 243
9.2.2 Com ponent specific errors 243
9.2.3 Flight conditions specific errors 244
9.2.4 Inlet specific errors 244
9.2.5 Fan specific errors 244
9.2.6 Com pressor specific errors 244
9.2.7 Com bustor specific errors 244
9.2.8 Turbine specific errors 245
9.2.9 Heat-Exchanger specific errors 245
9.2.10 Mixer specific errors 245
9.2.11 Exhaust specific errors 245
9.2.12 Duct specific errors 245
9.2.13 Controls specific errors 245
9.3 Errors 246
9.3.1 Error 0100 246
9.3.2 Error 0101 246
9.3.3 Error 1101 247
9.3.4 Error 1102 247
9.3.5 Error 1103 247
9.3.6 Error 1201 247
9.3.7 Error 1202 248
9.3.8 Error 1203 248
9.3.9 Error 1204 248
9.3.10 Error 1205 248
9.3.11 Error 1206 249
9.3.12 Error 1207 249
9.3.13 Error 1208 249
9.3.14 Error 1209 249
9.3.15 Error 1210 250
9.3.16 Error 1211 250
9.3.17 Error 1212 250
9.3.18 Error 1213 250
9.3.19 Error 1214 251
9.3.20 Error 1215 251
9.3.21 Error 1216 251
9.3.22 Error 1301 251
9.3.23 Error 1302 252
9.3.24 Error 1303 252
9.3.25 Error 1304 252
9.3.26 Error 1305 253
9.3.27 Error 1306 253
9.3.28 Error 1307 253
Table of contents 8
Table of contents
11 References 278
Index 279
Welcome 10
2 Glossary
Abbreviation Description SI Dimension
Glossary 12
3 Document Conventions
Throughout the help guide the following conventions have been used:
Welcome to the Gas turbine Simulation Program GSP for Microsoft Windows. This GSP help
manual (also available online through the GSP team website) includes information and
guidelines for using the basic functionalities to build, adapt and run simulations of gas turbine
models. For advanced users, detailed information on GSP modeling and simulation can be
found in the GSP Technical Manual which is available to paid customers on request.
Royal Netherlands Aerospace Centre - NLR's Gas turbine Simulation Program (GSP) is a
component-based gas turbine modeling environment. Both steady state and transient
simulation of any gas turbine configuration can be performed by establishing a specific
arrangement of engine component models. GSP is a powerful tool for performance prediction
and both design point and off-design analysis and performance optimization. GSP is
especially suitable for sensitivity analysis of variables such as: ambient (flight) conditions,
installation losses, certain engine malfunctioning (including control system malfunctioning),
component deterioration and exhaust gas emissions.
As of GSP version 12, a more powerful database storage solution is introduced. This SQL
based storage solution offers comparison of various case results to facilitate much simpler
analysis of case effects. Furthermore the output is better structured, grouped and colored per
model component to find output parameters much more quickly. This version is also capable
to adhere better to current standards as AS755 and ARP5571.
A great deal of GSP's power to rapidly analyse all sorts of engine performance aspects is due
to the graphical user-interface, which parallels the consistent modular (i.e. "object oriented")
structure of GSP. GSP's interface allows new users to perform easy "quick start" analysis
tasks without the need to know all about the advanced features.
This ease-of-use is due to GSP being set up around three basic elements:
· Project window
· Component libraries as part of the main application window
· Result tables and results graphs
For the professional Standard Edition, a license is required. Contact NLR for obtaining or
purchasing a license.
Introduction 14
GSP versions and editions
A variety of component libraries is available depending on the license type. The licensed
version has a large number of additional components. Custom component libraries are
available or can be developed for specific projects and customers and can be customer
The Standard Edition can be extended with a Component Developers Package (CDP) license
including source code that can be adapted and compiled to run with the GSP main program.
This way, advanced users can adapt or extend component models to their own requirement.
Be aware that this very advanced and requires thorough knowledge of Delphi (object Pascal),
object-oriented programming and gas turbine theory and simulation.
See the Feature Matrix for details on functionalities and items included in the different
In GSP version, the GSP API (GSP Application Programming Interface) has been
introduced. Usage of the API is restricted for non-registered users, it requires a dedicated
GSP API license to use. A separate manual has been written for usage of the GSP API. As of
GSP 12, the installer will install a limited GSP API (dll). This version allows 2 inputs and 3
output values, API registrants have the option to use unlimited input and output parameters.
GSP employs a version numbering scheme for both the main program executable and
dynamically loaded libraries (.BPL files). The File version number string contains details on
respectively the main version, 2 sub version (major and a minor) numbers, and the build
number. For example version means main version 11, major version 0, minor version
2 and build number 8. The version numbers are important information to be added to validation
reports or when communicating with the GSP development team on bugs or other issues. The
GSP development team will release stable release versions ending with a build number of
value zero. Build numbers are used by the team to identify certain fixes, improvements or new
features. However, intermediate releases, e.g. special client builds may differ from this
numbering, i.e. a build number can be higher than zero.
The File version number shown in the About window is the main GSP executable (GSP.exe)
build number. The main GSP executable includes all standard libraries.
Custom libraries are separate executables (BPL dynamically loaded) and therefore have
separate build numbers, shown in the bottom status bas of the library window or docking
panel. Normally these are issued/installed together with a new main GSP executable, but in
special cases the custom library version numbers may be different, for example after installing
an updated custom library BPL only (maintaining the same main GSP executable). Note that
different build numbers may cause conflicts.
The LE edition is for non-profit use only and does not include access to GSP team support
GSP LE can be identified by the LE/Light Edition red mark in the About box and in the
component data entry windows (lower left) for which saving of user specified data into the
project file is inhibited.
The GSP 12 Light Edition version can be downloaded from the NLR GSP homepage at
The following components have saving to project file enabled in the LE edition (also see the
Feature Matrix):
§ Inlet
§ Compressor
§ Combustor (also afterburner)
§ Turbine
§ Exhaust Nozzle
§ Duct
§ Fan
§ Equation Scheduler
§ Constant Expressions
§ Manual Fuel control
§ Manual Variable Exhaust Nozzle control
§ Power Turbine load control
§ Compressor Bleed control
§ Thrust Control
§ Rotor Speed Control
All other components are fully functional, but saving of user defined settings is disabled, this
implies that the model components need to be edited manually after loading the model
because the default input values are inserted by default by GSP.
4.1.3 About
The about window provides information on copyright and product version. The File Version
shows the complete version number string of the main program executable. If the GSP
installation is a Light Edition, this is shown in red in the middle of the About box. Clicking and takes you to the associated web sites.
Introduction 16
GSP versions and editions
DLL features:
· Since DLLs are essentially the same as EXEs, the choice of which to produce as part of the
linking process is for clarity, since it is possible to export functions and data from either.
· It is not possible to directly execute a DLL, since it requires an EXE for the operating
system to load it through an entry point, hence the existence of utilities like RUNDLL.EXE
or RUNDLL32.EXE which provide the entry point and minimal framework for DLLs that
contain enough functionality to execute without much support.
· DLLs provide a mechanism for shared code and data, allowing a developer of shared
code/data to upgrade functionality without requiring applications to be re-linked or re-
compiled. From the application development point of view Windows and OS/2 can be
thought of as a collection of DLLs that are upgraded, allowing applications for one version of
the OS to work in a later one, provided that the OS vendor has ensured that the interfaces
and functionality are compatible.
· DLLs execute in the memory space of the calling process and with the same access
permissions which means there is little overhead in their use but also that there is no
protection for the calling EXE if the DLL has any sort of bug.
Duct source
Introduction 18
GSP versions and editions
Introduction 20
GSP versions and editions
Operating System Windows 10
Processor Intel or AMD 2 GHz
processor or faster
RAM Memory 1 GB
Resolution SVGA 1280x1024 or
higher @ 256+ colors
4.3 History
Development of GSP was initiated at the Aerospace Department of the Delft Technical
University TUD in 1986 where for jet- and turbofan engine simulation NASA's DYNGEN
program (Ref. 2) was used. Since DYNGEN had a rather poor user interface and problems
with numerical stability, the first version of GSP was developed by Wout Bouwmans, inheriting
features from DYNGEN combined with improved stability and speed of the numerical iteration
After 1989 development continued at NLR, where GSP was converted to standard ANSI
FORTRAN-5 and implemented on a powerful mainframe computer. Further improvements,
adjustments and extensions to the GSP program were made to make useful simulation of jet
engines possible: processes in the gasturbine were modelled with more detail improving
accuracy, a fan model calculating the separation into duct- and core air flow was developed, a
power turbine module enabling turboshaft engine simulation was implemented, a heat
exchanger component for modelling turboshaft engines with recuperators was realized, the
user interface was improved and a number of output presentation features were added.
In 1996 it was decided to implement GSP in the object-oriented Borland Delphi environment,
providing enhanced extensibility, maintainability and an even better user interface. The object
orientation features were fully applied, with the result that new gas turbine components can be
easily derived from existing components, using inheritance. The object-oriented Delphi
language offers a strict set of rules guarding well against many bugs.
At the end of 1998 the first version 8.0 was released which includes a totally revised gas
model, fully describing gas composition, real-gas and dissociation effects. The new multi-
reactor 1-dimensional combustor model is implemented, enabling detailed analysis of
emission formation. Also detailed fuel specification options (including fuel composition) have
been added, allowing specification of any type of fuel including alternative (bio-mass) fuels.
Implemented on Windows, GSP now has a very user-friendly drag&drop interface, allowing
quick implementation of new engine models and quick analysis of complex problems. When
new simulation challenges emerge, the Delphi object-oriented setup enables short
development times for new components and features.
Introduction 22
Engines simulated
· GE J85-GE-15
· RR Avon
· PW JT15D
· RR TAY 620
· JT15D4
· CFM-56
· CF6-50
· CF6-80
· PW4056
· AE3007
Afterburning Turbofans
· F100-PW-200
· F100-PW-220
· F100-PW-229
· F135
· JSF PW119 (STOVL afterburning turbofan with liftfan and clutch)
· Allison 250-C20B
· T55
· T700
· T800
· Makila
· RTM322
· Rover
· Typhoon
· RR Gem 40/42
Industrial Turboshafts
· GT10
· LM2500
· MTT Mk4 (micro turbine)
· OPRA (recuperated turboshaft)
· MS9001FA (heavy duty 'frame 9')
· Siemens V64.3 (heavy duty)
· PW100 family
Load compressor
· Turblow (air compressor / gas turbine),
· Bio-mass gasifiers integrated with industrial gas turbine.
GSP is an "off-design" model. A predefined design point (it should be called reference point,
as it is a point that is used for reference for the off-design analyses, it is not necessarily an
actual design point; usually the take-off or cruise is used for reference) is calculated first from
a set of user specified design point data. The deviation from the design point is calculated by
solving a set of non-linear differential equations. The equations are determined by the mass
balance, the heat balance, the equation for conservation of momentum and the power (energy)
balance for all components.
GSP's graphical user interface fully reflects the object-oriented architecture for the gas turbine
system and component models.
Introduction 24
Software implementation
The approach of object-orientation enables NLR to derive new or specific application dedicated
components very rapidly from existing ones (using inheritance).
4.8 Documentation
Public printed documentation is provided in:
· GSP User Manual
The User Manual primarily provides information necessary to use the program for running
simulations on existing gas turbine models. The User Manual is the printed version of the
on-line help.
· GSP Technical Manual (registered users only)
The GSP Technical Manual provides detailed information on the thermodynamics and
numerical mathematics applied in the simulation environment and component models. This
manual is required for more advanced use, including the development of new gas turbine
models and new component models.
· Several publications presented at conferences (listed in References)
For the Component Developers Package (CDP) license there further is the
· GSP Component Model Developer's Manual
The GSP Component Model Developers Manual is for developing new custom component
models and requires the Borland Delphi software development environment and the GSP
Component Developers Package
Documentation can be obtained from the NLR GSP site. For additional information contact
GSP v12.0.4.0 17-03-2023
* Release
* Bug in external component set to correctly display the unit strings of numeric
input fields upon changing unit system (O. Kogenhop, NLR).
* If sample maps and projects are not in the user documents, the user is asked
to copy the default sample maps and projects to the user documents folder when
browsing for a project (File -> Open Project) (O. Kogenhop, NLR).
* Missing GSP12.FDB file in user profile Roaming folder (NLR/GSP) due to company
scripted installation of GSP installer file -> non-existing directory and file
will now be created if not existing.
* Additional API function to get the unit of an output parameter
* installer problem with NativevXml.bpl
* Pre- created tables in GSP 12 are now properly converted to the new
tables. The user can decide if the table needs to be copied or not (if not the
user is asked whether to delete the old table or not). (O. Kogenhop, NLR).
Introduction 26
What's new?
model loading performance (O. Kogenhop, NLR).
* Table names aren't constructed from the user defined name or tree node
location, instead a unique integer based on milliseconds after a certain date
is used (prefixed with a "T") (O. Kogenhop, NLR).
* Tablename / ID is shown on the statusbar of the table window, in the lower
right corner for accessing the database manually with e.g. FlameRobin FireBird
database management tool for offline use (O. Kogenhop, NLR).
* Limited configuration/case name default introduced in can now be
overridden in the environment options like the node depth option (O. Kogenhop,
* Problem with error when clearing table and multiple cases selected: now error
message shown (Wilfried Visser).
New features
* Loading model notes textual stored linebreaks converted to linebreaks
(O. Kogenhop, NLR).
New features
* Addition af extra alternative fuels; Ammonio, Ethanol and Methanol
(O. Kogenhop, NLR).
* Error message after adding configuration fixed, error message had no impact on
the program (O. Kogenhop, NLR).
* Plotting variable names with special characters in the name, e.g. "N%1" in the
output graph (O. Kogenhop, NLR).
* Redrawing output graph on maximizing window (O. Kogenhop, NLR).
New features
* Export the table output to an Excel file (WYSIWYG, so including component
output background coloring and column component type grouping) (O. Kogenhop,
* GSP 12 API speed; tested to be at least 30 times faster than GSP 11 API
(O. Kogenhop, NLR).
* Ther term "ReferenceModel" or "Reference Model" as root node for the model
configurations has been dropped in favor of the naming "Base configuration",
this is the root node from which all other model configurations and cases in-
herit (W. Visser, VisserTek / O. Kogenhop, NLR).
New features
* GSP API functions added (O. Kogenhop, NLR).
* Automatic Firebird table recreation when database table changes counter
approached limit of 255 (W. Visser, VisserTek).
New features
* Output table curve counting and renumbering (O. Kogenhop NLR).
* Added option to add curve and group number into the graph using the graph
symbol. Use '$' as curve/point symbol in the graph options. (O. Kogenhop NLR).
* Additional options to number curves through the graph settings "line styles"
(O. Kogenhop NLR).
* Enforcing AS755/ARP5571 parameter naming is done via a separate option,
default GSP parameter naming prevails unless the users check the "Rename
parameters to recommended" output option. (O. Kogenhop NLR)
* Improved the station renumbering to AS755 recommended station strings.
(O. Kogenhop NLR)
Introduction 28
What's new?
* Case management is now enforced on all projects, the old model .MDL support is
now discontinued. Pre GSP 11 models must now all have been converted.
(O. Kogenhop NLR)
* Various updates and improvements of the GUI and hel manual. (O. Kogenhop NLR)
New features
* Possibility to show alternative station string (3-digit numbering) in the
model window. Showing the alternative station is controlled through the
Project Window: Options -> General... -> tab "Model", option "Show
alternative station string in model window". (O. Kogenhop NLR)
* Color picker for Ambient/Flight conditions window added. Color is reverted on
cancelling window if changed. Added popup menu to revert to default color.
(O. Kogenhop NLR)
* Added default output colors for all model components, color is reverted on
cancelling window if changed. Added popup menu to revert to default color.
(O. Kogenhop NLR)
* GUI improvements of window controls. (O. Kogenhop NLR)
* Much faster loading projects from mainform (W.Visser VisserTek).
* GUI improvements of window controls. (O. Kogenhop NLR)
For a full overview of all release notes, please visit the online manual.
* Use the Convergence monitor
* Use the 'Global output parameter' options in the Model Output options to
specify requested output for parameters such as net thrust FN, Thrust specific
fuel consumption TSFC, fuel flow, shaft power SFC. For calculating total
turbine shaft power output, use this option instead of Psurplus (used for this
purpose in previous versions).
* Set printing to Black & White (in Environment options in GSP Main window) when
coloured curves do not appear.
* With some printer drivers, coloured curves do not show: see Hints.
* With the new video system requirement of 64K colors for version and
up, Help file images are not displayed properly with less than 64K colors.
* The new policy of GSP 11.0 and higher has changed with respect to previous
versions. The 'Light Edition' (LE) used to hold the basic gas path components
and the basic control components. From version 11.0 all additional components
(supplementary and STOVL components library) will be accessible in the GSP LE
versions. Modellers will be able to configure/set up models with these
components, but running will be prohibited. Running of models containing
registered components requires a license. This new policy allows potential
customers to browse through available components to evaluate whether these
satisfy the modelling needs. If not please contact [email protected] for
additional questions.
* The 'Multi-reactor' combustor model option has been removed from the standard
component libraries. It is now part of the GSP Generic Components Library for
registered users. This is part of the policy to issue GSP 9.0 free with full
simulation functionality with the standard library but with some modelling
capabilities omitted.
Email : [email protected]
Internet :
4.10 FAQ
The most up to date FAQ can be found at the GSP website.
Turboshaft power output in output table does not change in off-design calculation?
This problem is due to the settings in the power turbine and (if present) load control
Also: make sure you do not use the design point calculation when you actually want to predict
off-design performance. Note that if you change ambient conditions for example and re-
calculate design point, you actually calculate a design point of a different engine.
Load specification and calculation for a turboshaft engine with free power turbine is a little
more complicated than specifying jet engine power setting due to various options to power
level for maximum flexibility:
a) Without the load control component, for a power turbine running at a fixed user
specified speed, GSP calculates the Power surplus (PWsurplus) as a difference
between power taken from the shaft by the External Loads specified in the Turbine
component and the mechanical power delivered by the turbine. In the design point
PWsurplus=0 by definition and the total design power load specified is used to
calculate the turbine design point performance. The PWshaft output field in this case
only represents what is specified as loads: not necessarily equal to power delivered.
Of course, one can derive actual power delivered as the difference between PWshaft
Introduction 30
en PWsurplus, but this is not as practical as using option b ). Also note that the
PWshaft_x (with x for component nr. or string) represents gross turbine power output.
PWshaft_x times mechanical efficiency equals net total turbine power output.
b) With the load control, a design load can be specified in the Load control (and none in
the turbine), while the off-design loads are all left to 0. Now GSP uses the load control
to correctly calculate actual power output from the power loads specified and the
surplus power calculated: the PWshaft will always show the correct power output
provided the turbine and load control components are correctly configured (see below).
Power levels and torques can be combined (to be calculated as a total load) in the turbine and
load controls. It is usually best to use a Loadctrl component (option b) ) to efficiently use GSP
for turboshaft/turboprop performance calculations.
There are basically two alternative approaches to calculate off-design performance:
1) specify fuel flow and calculate power output:
You then normally have selected the Specify fuel flow and Fuel flow input User specified
options in the Manual fuel control (or PLA in a detailed fuel control model). In the
power turbine component, set Model options to User specified rotor speed and check the
Free Power Turbine check box. Leave all design and off-design loads in the turbine
component at value 0, unless a fixed auxiliary power is continuously extracted. Use a
Load control component to specify turbine load. Set the right shaft nr./suffix (equal to
the power turbine component shaft). Leave the off-design loads (in the General tab
sheet) at value 0 and only add a design point load. It is usually better to specify a
torque load instead of a power value because with torque, the power will vary with any
user specified rotor speed changes accordingly. Torque as input is also more practical
if analysing engine transient responses to load variations (torque steps). Make sure
you clear the Auto reset input to design option in the Model General options (Model Options|
General menu) to avoid the initial setting of off-design load to design load at design point
calculation, otherwise you must reset off-design load to 0 after every design point
2) specify power output and calculate fuel flow (or power setting PLA) required:
Activate the Auto reset input to design option in the Model General options (Model Options|
General menu) to initially set all off-design input to design at design point calculation. In
the Manual fuel control component (or control system model component PLA) change
the Fuel flow input option to Free state (this adds a 'State variable' to the GSP equation
system). In the Power turbine component change the Model Options to Power balance at
rotor speed (this adds a corresponding 'Error variable' to the GSP equation system).
After design point calculation the off-design load in the Load control now is initialized
to design values. With subsequent off-design (stead-state or transient) calculations at
varying load levels in the Load control General (or transient) tab sheet, now GSP
calculates the corresponding fuel flow required.
As an alternative, Load control input can be specified as a state instead of fuel flow, which in
effect turns 2) back into option 1). Then the load corresponding to a user specified fuel flow is
solved form an extra equation. This option however is not recommended because of potential
iteration stability problems with the extra equation in the system.
These guidelines equally apply to single spool turboshaft engines (fixed power turbine). The
only difference is that a part of the turbine power delivered is used for driving the compressor.
It is possible to insert most steady state (off) design input through the use of other
FPR_duct is the name of a parameter we made up, fill out a random value, it will be overwritten
later (note to edit the input from a configuration, the screenshots are from a case model, so it
appears disabled):
Now we need to link this parameter to the actual input in the fan (fan duct pressure ratio input
fileld), to do so we use a equation model component and configure it s such that it links to the
design PR of the fan (PRdesduct : Double):
Introduction 32
Now the model can schedule the fan pressure design values from a case input controller:
Introduction 34
How to...
Options|Global Output Parameters tab sheet to get the typical primary turboshaft
power output data. Alternatively the Net power/torque output option in the Load control
component output tab sheet may be used to obtain power and torque output for the Load
Control only (which usually equals total load).
Q: I get unexpected off-design results, results deviating from the design point where
they should not. Wat causes this behaviour?
A: A cause may be inadvertent settings of off-design operating conditions such as
ambient/flight conditions or deterioration. Make sure all these are set correctly (initially/usually
equal to design settings) in all components.
Note that the 'Auto reset input to design' General model option automatically resets all of
these back to design during a design calculation. With this option off, all off-design inputs
remain, even during design point calculation.
Finally, make sure any inadvertent transient inputs do not require unreasonable operating
conditions: deactivate the transient inputs in the transient tabsheets if they have more that a
single row but are not to be used.
Q: GSP cannot find a steady state (or transient) operating point (Error message:
'Number of steps exceeded limit of ...'). How do I fix this?
A: Although GSP has a very powerful solver, due to the very non-linear nature of gas turbine
characteristics there are cases (complex models/control laws/operating conditions) where
GSP cannot find the operating point. The best approach to avoid GSP from getting 'stuck'
somwhere is to start calculating points in small steps from the design point onwards, using
the steady state series or transient modes. Also manually one can adapt fuel flow for example
in small steps starting at the design value.
If the above message appears it is often best to recalculate the design point again and
proceed from there with small steps.
The error may also indicate there is no solution at all (for example: with a very low fuel flow,
there may not exist a steady state operating point at all).
Another cause may be inadvertent settings of off-design operating conditions such as ambient
flight conditions or deterioration. Make sure all these are set correctly (initially/usually equal to
design settings) in all components.
Note that the 'Auto reset input to design' General model option automatically resets all of
these back to design during a design calculation.
Finally, make sure any inadvertent transient inputs do not require unreasonable operating
conditions: deactivate the transient inputs in the transient tabsheets if they have more that a
single row but are not to be used.
4.12 Authors
GSP is continuously being developed since 1996 by a steadily growing group of authors
and software developers representing the GSP Development Team or "GSP Team" of The GSP Team includes members from NLR, Delft University of
Technology and users/developers from several institutes and industries. The
coordination of the development work is performed by NLR and Delft University.
Below, the authors of the main GSP elements are listed (see also References):
(updated December 2013)
Main program
· Kernel, object oriented architecture and design (1996-1998)
Wilfried P.J. Visser
· Main program, standard component library and GUI
Wilfried P.J. Visser, Oscar Kogenhop, Michael Broomhead
· Case management architecture and XML storage and inheritance mechanism
Wilfried P.J. Visser, Oscar Kogenhop
Introduction 36
Michel Verbist
· MTT micro turbine component library
Wilfried P.J. Visser
· GSP User Manual / On-line help
Oscar Kogenhop
Wilfried P.J. Visser
Michael Broomhead
· GSP Technical Manual
Oscar Kogenhop
Wilfried P.J. Visser
Michael Broomhead
Edward R. Rademak er
This tutorial will introduce the basics to use GSP for engine modeling using simple examples
Note: After completion of the tutorial you have only used a small part of GSP's power. It is
advised to use on-line help anywhere you can. For more in depth information read the
Technical Manual before starting complex task s.
Before running a simulation, you must start GSP and create a project or open an existing
project. A GSP project may contain one or more gas turbine model configurations.
Configurations normally will have one or more run cases to perform the actual simulations.
Configurations and cases are organized in a tree structure on the left of the project window.
There is always a single root configuration named the Base configuration model (in GSP 11
this is called the "Reference Model").
2. Open the existing example project by clicking the Open button from the File menu, select
TJET.MXL from the sample projects directory of the GSP main directory and press Open.
The example project is a simple turbojet engine model configuration representing an
engine similar to the General Electric J85 (powering e.g. the Northrop F-5).
The loading process is reported in the progress bar. After loading, the project window
Save the project using File|Save Project As... to the user GSP\models directory in the My
Documents folder (e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\My Documents\GSP\models).
Once the example project has been loaded a basic configuration has been loaded. For a
runnable instance of a model configuration we need to define a case and its case type.
1. Our reference model of the TJET is stored in the Base configuration model (the model
root) node. From this base configuration model we will perform some performance
analysis. First add a configuration to the Base configuration model configuration. The
reason for adding an extra layer is that this might be very useful if the model should be
changed later, and therefore not compromise the original reference/base configuration
model. Adding a configuration can be done using one of the 3 different options (described
here) to edit the project tree view (the most convenient way is to press the GSP logo
button of the toolbar just above the project tree). Confirm the base configuration model
changes (if any) dialog and enter the configuration name "TJET_Config" in the Config Name
dialog. Second, add a case to the reference model by using one of the 3 different options
(described here) to edit the project tree view. Confirm the configuration model changes (if
any) dialog and enter the case model name "Design case" in the Case Name dialog and set
the case type to design by selecting Design from the drop down selection box in the right
column next to the case name.
Press the run button (green arrow) or alternatively press F9 to start the simulation.
Simulation results will be generated in the Steady State output table, located default in
the lower right corner of the project window (see figure below).
To obtain a reference state for the off-design calculations, the actual gasturbine
configuration must be defined and the components must be "sized" with a design point
calculation. As usually defined, the model design point is the sea-level standard static
rated thrust or power, which usually is the rated maximum take-off thrust.
2. Study the values in the table by scrolling left and right using the bottom scroll bar.
The table shows the design point steady state performance data on the first row. On the
far right net thrust and SFC can be found. The gas path output parameters shown here
have been selected in the respective components' Output tab sheet of the data entry
window of each component. System performance parameters are set on Options|Output...|
Output parameters|System Performance.
We have shown here how to calculate the design or the reference point for a gas turbine cycle.
To output the design operating point data to a textual report, do the following:
1. Perform a design calculation using the design case model.
2. Click Results|Operating Point Report in the model window menu.
The operating point report will be displayed in the report editor (will pop up, dock this
window anywhere in the project window). The report displays the data from the last
calculated operating point, in this case the design point. The report can be edited and
saved for future use in a word processor. If a parameter has not been selected in the
respective components' Output tab sheet of the data entry window of each component, the
string "*********" will be displayed.
With the model initialized to a design point, simulation input in the form of deviating operating
conditions can be specified, which will make the engine operate off-design. Model initialization
for a design is automatically performed before a steady state calculation as long as the design
has not changed or manually the model has been initialized. For a start, let's modify the fuel
flow in order to determine a partial power operating point.
1. Click in the Project tree panel on the "TJET_Config" node to load the original configuration.
Now add a new case model (name it "Off-design case") and set the case type to Steady-
State. Double-click the manual fuel control icon of the model panel, or alternately right click
on the icon and select Edit from the pop-up menu. The component data window for the
manual fuel control component is now open.
2. Click the General tab.
3. Modify the fuel flow value Wf from the design value of 0.38 kg/s to 0.3 kg/s and click OK.
4. Press the run button (green arrow) or press F9 to start the off-design steady state
simulation. Note that a reference (design) is calculated to scale the engine.
The table will reappear as shown, showing the off-design steady state performance data
corresponding to a fuel flow of 0.3 kg/s on the second row. Study the differences in data.
5. Repeat the process for other fuel flows or other simulation input changes.
For example, click the ambient conditions button above the project tree ( ), increase
the altitude value Zp on the Off-design tab, click OK and run the simulation again (F9).
6. Click Model|Reset OD input to DP values to reset the model variables and undo changes to load
last design values.
Often, "parameter sweeps" are applied to determine the relation between engine performance
and a specific parameter, for example fuel flow from idle to max power. Therefore, steady state
operating point calculations are required over a wide operating range. GSP's "steady state
series calculations" offers a flexible way to apply input parameter sweeps using input tables of
e.g. controls.
Again, let's take the fuel flow to perform a parameter sweep.
1. Click in the Project tree panel on the "TJET_Config" node to load the original configuration.
Now add a new case model (name it "Off-design sweep case") and set the case type to
St.St. Series (confirm to save changes).
2. Double-click the manual fuel control icon of the model panel, or alternately right click on
the icon and select Edit from the pop-up menu. The component data window for the
manual fuel control component is now open.
3. Click the St. St. OD Series tab sheet. Check if a check mark is placed in the Active option to
enable series.
Here the Point-function table for fuel flow is visible. At the top row at Point 0 the design
fuel flow should be specified (0.38 kg/s)
7. Run the simulation to perform the parameter sweep calculation (click OK in the set
start time window to confirm the starting point 0).
The steady state output table is filled with the subsequent operating point data at each
step (output and calculation interval can be set in Transient/Series options).
8. Optionally click Graph to obtain a graphical presentation of the results, see graphical
9. Repeat the process for similar parameter sweeps with other input parameters.
For example, click Amb.Cond. , select St. St. OD Series, specify a Mach number
parameter sweep and perform similar actions as above.
Hint: you may want to Reinitialize the model prior to a steady-state series simulation in order
to bring the model state back to Design point before new input is specified.
For transient simulations, input parameters need to be specified as a function of time. The
engine response to that input change is then calculated. In GSP the input-time functions are
specified using time-input tables in the input specification windows.
Again, let's take the fuel flow to determine the response in time. Assume the engine response
on the following fuel flow vs. time function is desired:
· a fuel flow change from 0.38 (max. thrust) down to 0.1 in 1 second (deceleration),
· a 5 seconds stabilisation at this fuel flow,
· a fuel flow increase to 0.38 again (an acceleration) in 1 second
· finally followed by 5 seconds stabilisation again.
To obtain this input, do the following:
1. Click in the project tree panel on the ReferenceModel node (configuration model) to load the
original configuration. Now add a new case model (name it "Transient case") and set the
case type to Transient (confirm to save changes).
2. Enter the Fuel Control input dialog window (double-click the icon). Click the Transient
tab sheet.
Here the time-function table for fuel flow is visible. At the top row at time 0.000 the design
fuel flow is already specified.
3. Click A to add a line and enter 1 as the time value.
When analyzing transient performance, an engine response calculation is usually started
after a short period of running steady state, in this case 1 second at the design steady
state operating point.
4. Enter 0.38 in the fuel flow column Wf[kg/s] in the last row (click on it to edit).
5. Continue steps 3 and 4 to obtain the table shown in the figure below. Edit the time-fuel
Hint: you may want to Reinitialize the model prior to a steady-state series simulation in order
to bring the model state back to Design point before new input is specified.
After specifying the fuel flow versus time function, run the transient simulation:
1. Run the simulation.
(click OK in the set start time window and Yes in the stabilize window).
Now, the transient output table pops up. During the calculation, subsequent transient
operating points are added to the table at predefined time intervals (Transient/Series
4. Optionally click Graph to obtain a graphical presentation of the results, see graphical
5. Repeat the process for similar transient calculations with other input parameters.
For example, click Amb.Cond. in the model window, select Transient, specify a Mach
number vs. time function to study engine response on changing Mach number and perform
similar actions as above.
Note: The transient results calculated here with the TJET model do not represent typical
transient gas turbine performance, due to the use of a Manual Fuel Flow Control component.
For actual transient performance analysis a GSP generic or dedicated fuel control system
component needs to be used instead.
In the previous topics, simulation results were presented in tables. Often, tabular data does
not provide a convenient representation of the results. GSP provides efficient methods of
graphically visualising relations amongst parameters from the output tables. Furthermore,
GSP can output individual operating point data to a formatted (ASCII or rich text format) text
The output tables provide a flexible format to share results. This can be done in two ways:
· For future use in GSP, click Save in the table window to save output in FireBird (SQL)
database table format.
· For immediate use in other applications, right-click on the table and select Copy table
to clipboard to copy the table to the clipboard, after which the data can be pasted in
other applications such as spreadsheets and word processors.
With GSP it is easy to graphically visualize relations amongst parameters from the output
tables. This can be done for a maximum of 4 individual parameters as a function of 1 common
Let's graphically analyze the thrust, corrected turbine mass flow and TSFC as a function of
time for the transient condition specified in Specifying transient simulation input.
1. If the transient table is not visible, select Results|Transient|Table of the project
window. If the transient data is cleared, perform the actions as specified in Running
transient simulations.
2. Click Graph in the table window.
The transient table graph appears.
3. Select FN for the first y-axis Y1 by clicking and selecting it from the pull-down list.
4. Repeat step 3 for N%1 as 2nd y-axis and TSFC as 3rd y-axis.
If the transient graph panel is docked and too small to view the graphical results, undock
(imply drag the panel by the tab) the panel and resize it to a larger size. The transient
table graph shown below (shown undocked) displays the graphical output of the transient
5. Optionally select Tools|Options from the graph window menu to set general graph
parameters including scaling, labeling or line styles.
6. Optionally select File|Save graph as BMP file or File|Save graph as Meta
file from the graph window menu to save the graph to disk. Alternately select File|
Copy Bitmap to clipboard or File|Copy Meta file to clipboard from the
graph window menu to copy the graph to the clipboard for immediate use in other
applications. For enhanced use in for instance word processors, you are recommended to
save graphs as meta file.
7. Repeat the process for similar graphs with other output parameters.
Especially with transient data it is interesting to select other parameters besides time as
Note: It is advised to mak e sure the table exclusively contains the data of interest, since non-
relevent data may spoil the graphs. Use X in the table window to clear the table before the
relevant simulation is started.
With GSP you can view the steady state and transient operating lines in the components
using maps, like the compressor and turbine.
Let's view the operating line for the transient condition specified in Specifying transient
simulation input:
1. Enter the Compressor component data window (double-click the compressor icon).
As can be seen from the graph, the used model is a simplified model, since the operating
line is such that the compressor is stalling. In real practice this would be prevented by
several bleed measures.
An important feature of the graphical output visualization is the option to present multiple
steady state or transient series for a specific parameter in one graph using breaks.
Let's take a look at the effect of Mach number on the transient performance as specified in
Specifying transient simulation input.
1. If the transient table is not visible, select Results|Transient|Table in the model
window. If the transient data is cleared, perform the actions as specified in Running
transient simulations.
2. Click the 'append break button' of the table window toolbar to append a break line.
The graph window will automatically interpret the break lines as curve separators.
3. Click Amb.Cond. above the project tree.
4. Click the Off-design conditions tab sheet.
5. Change the Air Speed Mach value to 0.4 and click OK.
6. Run the model to perform the transient calculation (set time to 0, click OK in the set
start time window and Yes in the stabilize window).
7. Click Graph in the transient table window.
The graph is displayed, with 2 curves for Mach 0.0 (blue) and 0.4 (black dashed).
8. Optionally change axis variables for similar graphs with other output parameters.
9. Repeat the process for similar graphs with other input parameters.
For example, study the effects of height (zp) on performance.
Note: It is required to "reset" the operating point of the model between the steady state series
or transient simulations. Mak e sure extra data lines resulting from any steady state or design
point calculations are deleted to prevent spoiling of the graph.
Congratulations !
You have completed your first GSP gas turbine performance simulation session.
The other sample models provided with GSP show you how to build models for more complex
gas turbine engine configurations, including control systems, variable geometry nozzles, bleed
valves, power turbines and recuperators.
If you only want to use GSP to run existing models developed by NLR or others, you do not
need continue this tutorial. If you want to
· analyze effects of changing engine characteristics or
· learn how to build your own GSP gas turbine models,
please continue this tutorial with the next section.
After having analysed steady state and transient performance of an existing model, adapting
the model to another type of engine with the same configuration might be interesting. In that
case, component model parameters need to be modified, resulting in different engine
performance characteristics.
A model can easily be modified by double-clicking on the component icons and editing the
various component data. You may select different modeling options, change general
component data, modify the design point by changing design point values (indicated by a
navy blue color in Windows standard colors, not using the XP theme since the XP theme
overrides custom colors), or change off-design behaviour by using different component maps.
A model may also be extended with additional components, like extra booster-compressors
(to be inserted between fan and compressor) in case of a turbofan configuration, or with
controls for bleed flows. This more advanced use of GSP is demonstrated in "Deriving a new
It is often required to analyze the effects of small changes in the engine characteristics relative
to a baseline engine.
For example, to analyze the effect of a lower compressor isentropic efficiency on the TJET
model transient performance. Effectively another engine design is obtained. To model this
modified engine do the following:
1. Click in the Project tree panel on the "TJET_Config" node to load the original configuration.
Now insert a new configuration and name it "Alternate engine"
2. Double-click the compressor component in the model panel and change the design
efficiency from 0.825 to 0.75.
3. Altering the design should be noted on the model notes panel to state any deviations from
the base/reference model so that other people understand the model structure. Enter a not
similar to: "This model has a lowered compressor efficiency due to using a more
conservative compressor design. The design efficiency has changed from 0.825 to 0.75."
4. Create a child transient case and specify a transient fuel flow input function in the model as
specified in "Running transient simulations".
5. Click the 'append break button' of the table window toolbar to append a break line.
The graph window will automatically interpret the break lines as curve separators.
6. Run the simulation.
The transient table now contains two transient response calculations, separated by a break
row (first transient dataset was created in Running transient simulations).
The graph will now display two datasets, so that the performance of the alternate engine can
be graphically compared to the initial design.
Note: The transient results calculated here do not represent typical transient gas turbine
performance due to the use of a Manual Fuel Flow Control component. For actual transient
performance analysis a GSP generic or dedicated fuel control system component needs to be
used instead.
Congratulations !
You have completed your second GSP gas turbine performance simulation session and
analyzed the effect of changing engine characteristics.
If you only want to use GSP to run existing models developed by NLR or others or want to
analyse changing engine characteristics, you do not need continue this tutorial. If you want to
· learn how to build your own GSP gas turbine models,
please continue this tutorial with the next section.
Now that you have completed your first GSP simulation sessions and you are a more
experienced GSP user, you can start building your own GSP models. It usually is most
practical to derive new models from existing or sample models by opening an existing model
and adding, deleting or reconfiguring components as necessary.
In this tutorial we will derive an afterburning turbofan engine from the sample TJET model used
in "Your first simulation session" Assume that the following additional data must apply to the
new engine model at ISA sea level standard (SLS) static conditions:
We are about to change this configurations engine configuration by adding the additional
components to the model panel (drag-and-drop from the component libraries), and arrange
them according to the desired displayed (below) gas turbine configuration. Look for appropriate
components in the Gas Path Component Library (Duct, Turbine, Several component Link
bars), Multi in/out Component Library (Fan, Mixer), Standard Controls Component Library
(Manual afterburner fuel control, Manual Variable Exhaust Nozzle Control).
2. Select all components by clicking with the mouse inside the model panel area, keeping
the mouse button pressed and drawing a rectangle around all components.
3. Move the components by clicking with the mouse on any component, keeping the mouse
button pressed and moving the components to the right. Unselect all components by
clicking somewhere in the model panel area, but not on one of the components.
4. Select the inlet component and move it to the left to make room to insert the fan
5. Select the fan component with the mouse from the Multi in/out Component Library, keep
the mouse button pressed while dragging the component to the model panel and release
the mouse button to drop the component on the form in between the inlet and the
6. Link the fan component to the inlet and enter 2 as the station number (if not done
Components are linked by placing them adjacent to each other or using the link bar
component. The requested station number is the designator of the output of the gasturbine
component. If components are linked, the connection indicator turns dark blue and the
station number appears as displayed.
7. Link the fan component to the compressor (move inlet and fan as stated above), unselect
the components and set the station number to 25.
Be sure that no components are selected, otherwise no stations can be selected.
8. Select the duct component from the standard library, connect it to the fan bypass outlet
and set the station number to 27.
9. Select the fuel control component on the model panel and move it up to above the duct.
If there is no room, enlarge the window, select all components and move them down.
10. Select the link bar component from the Gas Path Component Library and place it
anywhere on the model window area, but not on a component.
11. Connect the fuel control component to the combustor component with the link bar.
The length of the link bar can be changed by dragging one of the ends like the standard
Windows enlarging operation. If successful, the link bar turns black. No station number is
12. Select, move and drop the remaining components and input and change the station
numbers to create the model displayed above, with the exception of the exhaust control
If the model panel is too small, simply enlarge it by dragging the window borders.
13. Select the exhaust component on the model window and enter the component data sheet
by double-clicking the component or right-clicking it and selecting Edit.
14. Select the General tab sheet and check the Variable area nozzle radio button in
the Model Options.
The text Use Nozzle control component ! appears.
15. Click the OK button to close the exhaust component data sheet.
A connector is now visible at the top of the exhaust component icon.
16. Select the manual variable exhaust nozzle control component (VEN) from the control
library and connect it to the exhaust component.
If the new model has been completely build, the component data must be entered.
After arranging the components according to the desired configuration, the individual
component characteristics must be specified by entering data in the component model panels
for the following components:
· inlet,
· fan,
· compressor,
· combustor,
· HP (high-pressure) turbine,
· LP (low-pressure) turbine,
· mixer,
· afterburner.
1. Select the inlet component and double-click on it, or right-click on it and select Edit.
The inlet component data window appears
1. Select the fan component and double-click on it, or right-click on it and select Edit.
The fan component data form appears
2. Select the General tab sheet and check that the shaft nr./suffix is set to 1.
With this the fan is linked to the low pressure turbine, if the same shaft number is
3. Select the Design tab sheet.
In this tab sheet all major design variables for the fan are specified.
4. Set the design bypass ratio to 0.64.
5. Set the design rotational speed to 10000 at 100 %.
6. Set both the core side design pressure ratio and duct side design
pressure ratio to 3.2.
7. Set both the core side design efficiency and duct side design
efficiency to 0.8.
8. Select the Core side Map tab sheet.
Here the map file for off-design calculations and the fan design point are specified.
9. Click the Browse map files button, select the file from the GSP
standard directory and click the Open button. Select the storage switch to Local.
10. Set the map design Beta value to 0.6 and check if the map design rotor
speed is set to 1.
Now the fan core design point is set. The Beta parameter is a dimensionless map
parameter explained in beta parameter.
11. Optionally click the Show Graph button to view the component map and design point.
12. Select the Duct side Map tab sheet and repeat 9 to 11 with the file.
14. Check Pressure Total Out, Temperature Total Out, Flows Corrected in,
Turbo N [%] and Oper. curve pars.
In the output table which will be generated after simulation, the total pressure and total
temperature at the outlet of the fan core and duct are reported, as is the corrected mass
flow at fan entry. By checking the Oper. curve pars several variables are
automatically selected, enabling the viewing of the operating line in the off-design map.
15. Click OK to close the fan component data form.
1. Open the compressor data form by selecting the compressor and double-clicking on it, or
right-clicking on it and selecting Edit.
2. Select the General tab sheet and set the shaft nr./suffix to 2.
Since the fan is already added, which should be connected to a turbine, and the shaft
number for the fan is set to 1, this specifies that there are two shafts.
3. Select the Design tab sheet
Here, design parameter values are specified with which the engine is designed.
4. Set the design rotational speed to 13000 rpm at 100%
5. Select the Bleeds tab sheet.
This engine incorporates turbine blade cooling for which air is bled from the compressor.
6. Set the Type of bleed Nr. 1 to Fraction constant with the pull-down menu.
The amount of bleed flow is now a fraction of the compressor mass flow. Note that
depending in the Type selected, the W bleed or Bleed fraction columns can or cannot be
edited. With the Externally controlled option, only dH fraction can be set.
7. Set Bleed Fraction to 0.18.
The compressor mass flow fraction used for bleed is now specified.
8. Set dH Fraction to 0.70.
This specifies the point in the compressor from where the bleed flow is bled.
9. Select the Map tab sheet to embed the map file by setting the storage location to Local if not
already done so.
10. Select the Output tab sheet and check the output variables desired.
11. Click OK to close the compressor component data form.
1. Open the general combustor data form and select the Design tab sheet.
2. Set the design fuel flow to 1.2 kg/s.
Since the mass flow through the engine is increased, the fuel flow must increase.
3. Select the Output tab sheet and check the output variables desired.
4. Click OK to close the combustor data form.
1. Open the mixer data form and select the General tab sheet.
In this tab sheet the mixer entry area is specified, either separately for duct and core
entry, or combined as total entry area with a specific static pressure ratio.
2. Select the Specify total area, static press. ratio radiobutton.
3. Set the Total entry area to 0.61.
9. Select the Output tab sheet and check the output variables desired.
10. Click OK to close the afterburner combustor component data form.
Now that the model has been completed, it is time to run simulations to test the validity of the
model and analyze performance.
With the new built GSP model configuration simulations can now be run. Before a simulation
is run the validity of the model configuration and component data is checked during the Design
point calculation. If the model is invalid, the calculation is canceled and an error is reported (for
possible errors see error messages). If the design point calculation succeeds, the model is
valid and steady state, steady state series and transient simulations can be run as explained
in "Your first simulation session".
If you have performed all specified tasks and you can simulate design, steady state and
transient calculations, then:
Congratulations !
You have built your first model and performed simulation sessions with it.
The sample models provided with GSP show you how to build models for more complex gas
turbine engine configurations, including control systems, variable geometry nozzles, bleed
valves, power turbines and recuperators.
In this section of the tutorial you will learn how to create a performance deck.
An existing model can be used to create the performance at various power settings of the
engine throughout the flight envelope of the aircraft. This data can be used for off-line studies,
e.g. to calculate the aircraft flight performance.
Open the BIGFAN.mxl project from the installed GSP projects folder and set the focus on the
Base configuration model by clicking on the Base Configuration node (ReferenceModel in GSP 11) in
the project tree panel.
This engine will be using a simple engine controller to demonstrate the integration of the
controller in the engine performance flight envelope scheduler. We are therefore required to
add a new Configuration to the Base configuration model node. Rename the configuration to
"Nc_Control". Drag a rotor speed control component from the power control component library
to the newly created configuration Nc_Control. The model window pane should resemble
something like the figure beneath.
Currently the the model is not configured properly yet to use the rotor speed controller. A rotor
speed controller is a component that adds an error equation to the equation system. The error
is defined as the normalized difference between the actual and the demanded rotor speed
setting. To solve the equation with this added error, a state variable has to be added. We
therefore change the manual fuel controller from user specified to free state.
Open the data entry window of the manual fuel controller and set the control input value to free
Now configure the rotor speed controller by setting the shaft nr./suffix and the Unit to corrected
rotor speed by selecting the % corrected option (Note that the shaft corrected speed
corresponds to the speed corrected by the component that is the first in the primary airflow
path of the specified shaft; in this case the fan, in case a different corrected rotor speed is
required for the control it is best to replace the rotor speed control component with a generic
equation schedule component):
Note that this controller is a simple representation of an engine control system. An engine
control is a sophisticated system which can be modeled more accurately by GSP. A more
accurate control system can be created by exploring the known limits of the engine like
maximum speed, temperature and pressure, and translate these to control schedules (usually
the advanced power control component can be used for this since it is able to set a certain
power setting as function of map scheduled parameters).
Create a case (accept configuration changes) and name it "Performance Deck' and set the run
case type to St. St. Series.
Drag a flight envelope scheduler component from the case component library to the newly
created case Performance_Deck. The model window pane should resemble something like the
figure beneath.
Open the data entry window of the flight envelope scheduler to configure the flight envelope.
On opening the following window is presented:
Basically three control parameters are available for creating the basic flight envelope. Note that
the dTs parameter is disabled, but can be enabled by setting the Ambient/Flight conditions
model type to ISA+.
Setting a Start, End and Incr value for each of the flight envelope parameters will automatically
create an incremented list from start to end. Pressing the insert key for a selected row in a list
will insert a new row. Setting the limits will result in limiting output to area's the airplane is not
capable of, or limited to fly. Change the input to the input listed in the figure below:
Press Graph to generate the input data (accept Apply Envelope) which will open a graphical
representation of the flight envelope. By generating the flight envelope, the appropriate input
data will be generated in the St.St. OD Series input grid of the Ambient/Flight Conditions and in
the St.St. OD Series input grid of the rotor speed controller.
Close the flight envelope graph and close the flight envelope scheduler. Since the simulation
contains many points, the calculation time is considerable, and user interaction when errors
occur is not preferred. By setting the Options -> Transient/Series... -> then by checking the Batch
Mode option user interaction is not required.
6 GSP environment
6.1 Docking
In GSP 11 window docking is introduced. This allows windows (or rather window panels) to
being docked to facilitate project configuration management.
General options:
· Play intro sound on start-up (707 take-off)
When GSP starts a jet engine sound is played. Checking this option enables this
Graphical output
· Black and white printing
This forces the printer to print black and white (no grey-scaling) in order to avoid nearly
invisible lines due to grey-scaled coloring.
· Use enhanced metafile format (*.EMF) as default
This sets the default metafile format for exporting GSP graphical output, instead of
standard *.WMF format.
Logging and Auditing
· GSP user name
Enter a username for the logging and auditing the users actions of the GSP session.
Note that this can be the name of the user that uses GSP, not necessarily the
registrant! THis name is mainly used to display which changes are made by which user
in the data logging window.
· GSP user ID
Enter an optional ID for logging and auditing the users actions of the GSP session.
· Confirm GSP User data at program start-up
When enabled, before loading the GSP main window users must fill in their username
and user ID. The dialog defaults to the user name and ID that are stored in the GSP
user name and ID fields. On cancel, GSP will terminate.
GSP environment 68
Environment options
Latest GSP version
· Check for update
Enable to allow to check for a newer version.
· Update frequency
Select the frequency at which GSP checks whether a new version is available. Options
are: at startup, weekly, or monthly.
· Optionally press the Check now for update to instantly check if an update is available.
· Warn for deprecated components
Some components are deprecated and can be replaced by more powerful components
that can do even more. Example, the thrust controller is deprecated as the same can
be done with the equation control components (you can even base the thrust on a map
or a table).
The following is applicable when case management features are enabled (see option Use case
management features below).
Session Auditing (Notice: Session options are effective in the next GSP session, this requires
project tree layouts and if you are an advanced user / know what you are doing. All
access options are inactive per default.
o Allow case input in configurations
Check this option if you wish to make configurations with pre-configured case
(design/off-design) inputs.
o Allow OD input in DP cases
Check this if Off-design input is to be allowed in Design point cases
o Edit components without case type selected
This option allows you to open and edit the component data entry windows before a
case type has been selected. Only useful under exceptional conditions.
o Allow copy-paste nodes outside parent sub-tree
When pasting a tree node copy, only the data different from parent are copied due to
the inheritance mechanism, so when a different node becomes parent, results may
be unexpected and chaotic unless you know what you are doing.
o Allow copy case or config to parent
With this option active, the 'Copy to parent' submenu item (right click on node)
becomes visible and all data in the selected node will be copied to the parent. As a
result the parent will become identical to the selected child node and also other
child nodes of the parent may well be affected through inheritance.
§ With the 'Allow copy case to parent configuration' option active, cases can also be
copied into configuration parents (otherwise the 'Copy to parent' submenu item is
disabled) . This option can only be selected when also the Allow case input in
configurations option is active. It is to be used with care since case data will be
copied in configurations where they normally cannot be entered and may affect
other child nodes of the parent node.
o Limit node depth
Node depth is limited by default for model load performance. Uncheck to have
unlimited model configuration freedom.
o Limit config/case name length
Configuration and case name are limited by default to 10 characters. Model notes
can be used for more extensive descriptions. Uncheck to have the freedom to longer
configuration and case names.
· Save options
o Delete unused series/transient input data
With this option active, series and transient input data are deleted if GSP finds they
are not used, for example if case type is changed to single point cases (Design
point, Steady-state). The user is asked for confirmation. This option is active per
· Log data handling upon Revert Config/Case to parent
Security markingsoptions
This tab sheet manages 3 databases to set security strings for
· Classifications; Create/modify a user defined table with classification words/phrases.
· Codewords; Create/modify a user defined table with codewords/phrases.
· Caveats; Create/modify a user defined table with warning words/phrases.
Graph templates
This tab sheet contains a table with an interface to store frequently used graphs, e.g. after a
simulation a graph of the output dat FN (thrust) and TSFC (thrust specific fuel consumption)
may be shown as function of the POINTTIME (simulation step) or corrected spool speed, if
GSP environment 70
Environment options
configured here, this template can be easily selected after the simulation from the graph
You can also open GSP bij double clicking on a GSP project file from a file explorer program,
but beware not to open multiple instances of GSP as you will run into conflicts regarding
database access.
Environment options:
If an update is available, the update window will be displayed. Press the download button to
proceed to the download area on the website.
Please note that the main window should never be maximized on the screen to prevent the
problem of not being able to drop the dragged component from library to the model/project
window (because the main window hides the model/project window).
On startup library windows are visible and docked (or invisible and floating, depending on the
last state GSP has been exited). With respect to previous versions the library windows now
GSP environment 72
Starting GSP
have been categorized in to multiple library windows to facilitate easy browsing through/quick
finding of the components.
Both the GSP LE (Light Edition) and the registered version contain component libraries spread
over multiple dockable component library windows. However LE edition users can edit/view
registered components, but are prohibited to run models with these components. Viewing and
editing of these components has been added to evaluate the registered components. More
information on the different libraries can be found here.
The main application window contains the Component Libraries, where components are
categorized into separate tabs.
The menus and buttons offer a number of extra options and settings.
· New project...
Create a new project/model.
· Open project...
Open an existing project/model.
· Reopen
Reopen a previously opened and closed model.
· Exit
Exit GSP.
· Window List...
Opens a dialog with list of all (main) windows
· Library List...
Display list of all library windows
· Show all libraries
Make all library windows visible
· Hide all libraries
Make all library windows invisible
· Std. Window Layout
Revert to standard window layout
· Customize Layout
Customize docking layout
· Environment Options...
Show the Environment options
· Show Session File...
The GSP session file will be launched in the default text editor. Note that session
editing must be enabled from the Environment options.
· Contents
Opens the contents of the help file.
· GSP Home Page
Launches the GSP home page in the default browser.
· Registration
Opens the Registration window to register the application
· About
Shows the about box displaying e.g. build version information.
· Check for upgrade
Shows the registration window for (un)registering GSP
Clicking this button creates a new model file.
GSP environment 74
Starting GSP
Clicking the highlighted button brings up an open file dialog for opening existing model
Clicking the highlighted button (or ctrl-w) brings up a list with open GSP windows. This is
convenient to find a window hidden behind a lot of other windows on the desktop.
Click the highlighted button to open the environment options window.
Click the highlighted to go to contents window of this on-line help guide.
GSP 12 takes the data management features even further by incorporation of a modern
database SQL based data storage system which allows output data to be managed better and
compared between the various run cases.
An important element in a GSP project is the use of object orientation and inheritance.
Configurations and cases are ordered in a hierarchical manner to minimize data duplication
and facilitate easy management of differences in model configurations and simulation input
* In GSP 10 (and older versions) individual gas turbine model configurations could be made and
saved in model files in binary formats. With this single model configuration different types of run
cases could be defined but not individually saved in a single file. This meant that for different cases,
several different model files had to be saved resulting in elaborate file management tasks once
projects got more complex.
Usually GSP automatically upgrades your old model to the current version since GSP is
backwards compatible. The .MDL file data are loaded in the Base model configuration of a new
created project with a corresponding project file name.
However, several settings in the model may need attention:
· Duplicate station numbers
No duplicate station numbers are allowed in GSP 11 and up. Station numbers in between
components or inside components (e.g. the turbine NGV station, found on the output tab
sheet of the model's input window) are checked for duplicates (on initialization and on
calculation). Please check and correct duplicate station numbers.
· Case type components in configuration type
The Reference mode node in which the old model file data are loaded, is of type
configuration, and restricts usage of gas path components and control components
(basically the definition of the mathematical engine model). Input modifiers as case
components, or any component that acts as input specifiers for the model are solely
allowed to be used in case nodes. Upon loading older model a confirmation message dialog
will be displayed when an input specifying component is placed in the base configuration
model node. The modeler can choose to delete this component immediately, or leave it in
the configuration. If the modeler chooses to leave it in the configuration, the modeler should
be aware that the component must be moved to a case (first create a case child node to the
base configuration model to paste the component).
The problem can quickly be corrected by right-clicking the component and selecting the Move
component to child configs/cases menu item to move the component to a child case. If there is
no child case it must be first added or inserted, for example using the Insert Child Case or
Config menu item when right clicking the selected configuration node.
· Duplicate output parameters
Duplicate output parameters are not allowed. The new version checks the output parameters
on duplicates during initialization or upon running. Please remove the check marks of
selected duplicate output parameters that can be found in multiple components. E.g. the
spool speed can be specified in any component that is attached to the same shaft, and
hence may result in duplicate output parameters. A quick solution is to use the centralized
component (output parameters tab sheet) output to remove the duplicate selections. When
selecting the spool speed for option all turbo components automatically configures the
components that are attached to the same shaft so that no duplicate output is obtained.
GSP environment 76
GSP Projects
The project model window features docking. Docking enables the user to place the windows
according to his/her preference/convenience.
Please note, the options of some of the menus displayed below are depending on
the model component (and type) and its place in the inheritance (config or case
model). Some options may or may not be enabled (disabled is grayed out) when
you open the menu. The reason is that the option/operation is not applicable, you
need to select a component or change the model node for instance.
File menu
· Save Project
Saves the project.
· Save Project As...
Saves the project with a different name.
· Print
Print the current model.
· Print Settings...
Change printer settings.
· Close
Close the current model.
View menu
· Convergence Monitor
The Convergence Monitor graphically displays the error evaluation progress during
· Report Editor
The Report Editor is a simple notepad like editor which is used by GSP to display error
reports or model performance reports for instance.
· Std Window Layout
Restore the model is to the default state when GSP was originally installed.
· Customize Layout
Change the appearance of the windows
· Save Custom Layout
Save the customized window layout.
· Load Custom Layout
Load a customized window layout.
· List Docking Panels
Show a list with all windows and their state (docked, undocked or hidden), double click
to activate the window.
· Unhide all tabs
Shows all windows (docked, undocked or hidden).
Note that some items in the menu can be inactive, depending on the type of the tree view
node, some actions are enabled and some disabled. E.g. only cases are allowed to be
run-able, therefore disabled in all nodes except for the case node.
· Add Config
Add a Configuration model as a child of the current selected node. Note that when child
nodes exist, the new node will be added below the last child node.
· Add Case
Add a Case model as a child of the current selected node. Note that when child nodes
exist, the new node will be added below the last child node.
· Insert Child Config
Insert a Configuration model in the parent of the current selected node, where the
selected node (and its children) will be the child of the inserted node.
· Insert Child Case
Insert a Case model in the parent of the current selected node, where the selected node
(and its children) will be the child of the inserted node. Note that a Case model cannot be
inserted when the selected node is of type Configuration (option is then disabled)
GSP environment 78
GSP Projects
· Copy Node
A complete copy of the node and its children will be made.
· Paste Node
After pasting the copy somewhere in the configuration, the inheritance functionality will
remove duplicate data, so that differences with respect to its ancestor are seen in the
details tree view. Pasting nodes is allowed to the parent of the copied node, or as a
child of the copied node.
· Delete Node
Delete the selected node and its children.
· Copy to parent
Copy all case/config model data to the parent case or config. This is convenient if after
some editing one realizes the changes should have been entered in the model data of
the parent or an ancestor case or configuration.
· Revert to Parent
Re-inherit all parent model data. This is convenient if after some editing in a case for
example one wants to revert all changes, i.e. reset all model data parent case/config.
· Move Up
Move the node up within the current parent of the node.
· Move Down
Move the node up within the current parent of the node.
· Save Node
Save the current changes of the configuration.
· Revert changes
Revert the changes to the stored model (revert all model changes to state as when last
loaded from current case/config)
· Rename Node
Rename the configuration.
Model menu
· Init
Initialize the model.
· Run
Start the simulation if a valid case type is selected.
· Ambient Conditions
Edit ambient/flight conditions.
· Edit...
Opens the Component data window
· Copy component to parent
Copy the complete component model to the parent node (base config, config or case
· Revert component to parent
Reverts all the input data to the parent component
· Move component to child configs/cases
Move the instantiation of this component to child node(s) (configurations and cases)
· Cut
Cut the selected model component(s).
· Copy
Copy the selected model component(s).
· Paste
Paste the selected model component(s).
· Delete
Delete the selected model component(s).
GSP environment 80
GSP Projects
· Select All
Select all model components
Options menu
· General
Specify general options like enabling confirmation dialogs.
· Thermodynamic
Specify thermodynamic gas model options like real gas corrections.
· Iteration
Specify iteration specific options like accuracy and numerical settings.
· Transient/Series
Specify transient or steady state control parameters like start time and timestep.
· Output
Specify output options like automatic table pop-up and gas composition output.
· Graph
Specify graph options for the Steady State results graph window like scaling and titles.
Results menu
· Save/New tables
Optionally save data in current outputted steady state and transient table data, and
reinitialize tables based on all output parameters selected in the Output tab in the
component data window of the components.
· Table
Display the created table based on the calculated data
· Graph
Display the created transient graph based on the calculated data, if no data in the table,
the graph will not be presented.
Help menu
· Contents
Display the help file contents
· About
Show the GSP about box to display e.g. build version information.
General Options
Project name
A project name can be entered used for GSP output document identification. The project name also shows in the root node of the project tree.
Create a node index for every node entry in the Project tree panel. The index string
starts counting at the base configuration root model and index is based on the
position of the node with respect to its parent; the levels are separated by a dot
(e.g. 1.3.2 = the second case/configuration from the third case/configuration of the
base configuration model node).
GSP environment 82
GSP Projects
Autosave options
· Autosave configurations upon exit
Do not ask for confirmation to save configuration data when exiting the configuration
node in the case management treeview, but save always. Note that the only way to
revert changes then is to not save and then reload the project.
· Autosave case upon exit
Do not ask for confirmation to save case data when exiting the case node in the
case management treeview, but save always. Note that the only way to revert
changes then is to not save and then reload the project.
Change propagation
· Propagate changes to child configs and cases
Do not ask for confirmation to save case data when exiting the case node in the
case management treeview, but save always. Note that the only way to revert
changes then is to not save and then reload the project.
· Confirm changes
Confirm changes propagated into child configurations and cases with modified data
(different than the ancestor being modified).
Map data handling
· Warn on inconsistent map data
Warn when reading inconsistent map data such as column/row input values not the
same in different cross tables in the same map, which for standard maps is
required in GSP.
Output tables
Always show the case name column, also if only a single case selected; when inactive,
only with multiple cases in the table the case name is shown to distinguish data from
different cases.
Advanced options
Show advanced model equation controls options in components
With this option active, advanced model error equation and state create control options
will be visible.
Security options
· Encrypt on saving project
On saving project the entire project file will be written encrypted into a GSP XML
project file. Default, a password will be prompted (for non default behavior see Use
default password below). A user defined password will be hashed using a 256-bits
Hash algorithm (one way only!) after which the actual encryption algorithm (256
bits) encrypts the project.
· Use default password
This enables the use of a default password by setting a user specific password.
Use set to set a password that will be written encrypted to the windows registry.
With Encrypt on saving project enabled the user will not be prompted to enter a
password, note that there is no way to recover saved encrypted files when
the password is forgotten!. Use unset to clear the stored password. Use this
option wisely. A label text in bright blue marks the status of a set password.
The Clear button will clear the security markings, when completely empty, no
markings will be shown in the project window.
Security markings
Security markings can be selected for the project. Note that the lists are defined in the
Environment Options|Security markings.
Depending on the last state of the project window some panels may not be visible (hidden), to
view these go to the View menu and select List Docking panels to unhide the hidden panels.
The users are free to position (drag and drop) the panels in any arrangement that suits there
need for a comfortable user interface. Note that placement icons are displayed when docking
of a panel is possible in another panel. Additional functionality is available to store a certain
panel layout, or to restore the default (see the View menu of Project window menus).
The GSP XML data structure corresponds to a GUI project tree with any number and level of
sub-configurations and cases.
Project tree panel for case management configurations are particular arrangements
representing a particular engine configuration. A configuration can have one or more cases
that actually represent different input data sets such as operating conditions, power settings
and/or control laws. A case can have any number of sub-cases but cannot have sub-
configurations. Only cases can actually run simulations and produce output. In the
GSP environment 84
GSP Projects
Config/Case details panel in the model window the case or configuration specific data are
shown. Corresponding to the inheritance principle, these include all data that are different from
the ancestor case or configuration. The Config/Case details panel facilitates rapid browsing
through project trees to find particular case or configuration details.
A top configuration is represented by the base configuration (reference) model which usually is
the engine configuration from which a design or performance analysis study is started. There
is no restriction in the model arrangements in the configurations derived from the base
configuration model. An extreme example is an empty base configuration model with a
number of different sub-configurations.
GSP 12 introduces a check box in front of the case model name, see the orange accentuated
area below:
The dark blue background indicates that this is the current focussed/selected (case) model
node, this selected node has automatically a check mark in the check box. By selecting other
case check boxes, the selected model output table is joined with the (priorly generated
simulation) data from the cases with a check mark so that simulation output runs can be
There are 3 different ways to handle the configuration of the project. Note that some
items/buttons are disabled (grayed out). Depending on which node is active in the project tree.
This toolbar covers the basic functions described in the project menu. Additional buttons
Flight/ambient conditions to edit de flight conditions, init button to initialize the model, the
run DP and reset single point OD input to DP values button and the simulation start button
(when green the button is enabled).
· Use right-click pop-up menu on the Project tree panel nodes (beware,depending on the
position in the tree, or e.g. if a node is copied, it is allowed to insert a child config or case,
etc. some options may be disabled because they are not applicable for the current
selection; this implies that the menu may have less or more disabled/grayed out options
than displayed below)
GSP environment 86
GSP Projects
The white area in the modeling panel is a scrollable region for containing the GSP component
icons. The model panel holds the graphical representation of the selected configuration from
the Project tree panel. Drag and drop model components from the Component Libraries to
construct a model configuration.
Components can be dragged from the component libraries onto the worksheet of model
window (note to not maximize the windows of either the GSP main application containing the
component libraries nor the model window; with the GSP main window maximized you cannot
access the model window!).
Default the window is docked with the Config/Case Detail view and the Log Data view.
The config/case details view, as e.g. depicted below, shows the changed input data
parameters with respect to the parent (as saved). This view enables quick reference to find the
actual data that has been changed with respect to its direct parent.
By entering a short description on the model, a pop-up help tip will be displayed in the
respective node in the Project tree panel window.
Using a double-click on either one of the columns the data property window of that
component will open, and the selected control will receive the focus to enable instant editing.
The 'Refresh detail tree' button found on the right of the table's column headers resets the
detail data to the result of the difference between the saved data and the parent data. To
refresh the tree a model node save is required (will be asked to save node when changes have
been sumitted to the model).
Note that invisible controls (also if visible but on invisible tab sheets) are not shown. It parent
nodes (e.g. components) have only invisible controls, then the parent node is shown but the
actual invisible child control is not listed. This is to indicate the node (e.g. component) has
data deviating from the parent case or config but these data are not active in the case.
Note that building the details data tree view requires significant processing power, especially
with many changes present (or with all in case of the base configuration model). This means
GSP environment 88
GSP Projects
that for best performance when browsing the project tree, it is advised to select the mode
panel (and not have the details panel visible).
The log data view, as e.g. depicted below, shows the configuration specific logged events
(audit data)to display the history of major changes. This is a dockable window dockable in the
model window.
The model notes, as e.g. depicted below, shows the model specific notes written by the
modeler. This is a dockable window dockable in the model window.
On conversion of the old *.MDL file format the model will be copied in the base configuration
model. Having more stringent rules of placing certain components in configuration/case levels,
the modeler will be warned when a component is placed in the base configuration model on
conversion that should not be there (e.g. case components). Just cut this/these components
from the base configuration model and insert them in the appropriate configuration or case
The following figure shows the layout in the Project tree panel:
The project tree can be extended into a hierarchy of model configurations and simulation run
cases following GSP's configuration and case management concept. This allows for rapid
model changes to assist e.g. in the changes of requirements of the design process or the
construction of a model of an existing changing engine.
Elements of model construction are described in this section and it's paragraphs.
Note that since the introduction of configuration and case management, the input access rules
require a strict model setup to ensure proper, useable models expressed in a project file. More
of this is explained in Creating an engine project.
The creation of a well organized model ensures proper encapsulation of the modeling task.
The creation of an engine layout is described in the Creating a model layout. This section will
more closely describe the model design philosophy per the developers of the GSP gas turbine
simulation tool.
A base configuration or reference model is always the starting point for a model and should
contain at least the components that are shared with all child configurations. This means for
instance that an incomplete cycle can be modeled here (e.g. only gas path components and
no fuel control components when the modeler is interested in e.g. manual fuel control and
governor fuel control simulation). Note that the base configuration model can also be empty,
this can be beneficial, but breaks with the inheritance approach.
A reference model should always be followed by a model configuration where the modeler
completes the engine cycle (e.g. adding the fuel controller). To tune this model it is advised to
always immediately create a design case model under this configuration to obtain a means to
fine tune the created model configuration. Once the model design point (or better called, the
reference point as the design of the actual engine not necessarily is the data the modeler has
to create the model reference point; an engine design usually is a concession or trade-off
between multiple design/important engine power settings and operational conditions) is fine-
tuned, the model component input should be copied into the parent model configuration (and
even further to the reference model).
Once the parent of the tuning case model (and even higher up the tree to the base
configuration model) is updated, the model is ready for either sibling off-design case models
(do not put these under your tuning case!) or child configurations as siblings to the tuning
case model.
GSP environment 90
GSP Projects
Please take a look below at the model setup of a turboshaft engine model where the base
configuration model does not contain a fuel controller as the model is used for steady state
analysis and transient analysis. Also note that the Manual_fuel_control configuration contains
configurations that alter the model to either allow the user to input power (PW_as_input) or input
fuel flow (PW_as_state) as power setting.
Building a GSP model is intended for the more experienced user. If you are a novice at using
GSP, it is recommended that you start with running simulations with the existing sample
models, as described in Running a simulation. Note that it usually is most practical to derive
new models from existing or sample models. Open an existing model, adapt component data
as described in Entering component data, and add or reconfigure components as necessary.
A new gas turbine engine model is built by configuring predefined generic components in a
certain arrangement in a model panel using GSP's drag-and-drop interface. The components
are dragged from component libraries onto a model window.
Use the File|New command from the Main window to open a new GSP project. In the new GSP
project, go the the Reference model node in the project treeview to activate the Reference
model configuration. On the right, an empty model window appears (if not, select the 'Model'
panel by clicking the 'Model' tab or go to the Model menu and select Show Model Panel. Next, the gas
turbine model is configured using simple drag-and-drop operations: select a component with
the mouse from the standard component library, keep the mouse button pressed while
dragging the component to the model window and release the mouse button to drop the
component on the window. Drag more components from the libraries onto the window, and link
them together using the link icons on the component icons.
Note that components can also be dragged, copied and moved to and from other existing
model windows.
A particular gas turbine configuration is obtained by link ing the components in the model
window together in a corresponding arrangement. Components are linked by placing them
adjacent to each other or using the link bar component. The links between components
represent either
· gas path connections at user specified engine station numbers or,
· control inputs (such as a fuel flow signal from a fuel controller to a combustor component).
Other connections or relations among components such as shafts transmitting power or
secondary air flows are specified using numbers in the component data and are not visible in
the model window (see 5.2.1 and 5.2.2).
The chevrons on the link icons indicate the direction of gas flow or control input. GSP has
defaults for specific (gas path) component entry and exit station numbers according to ARP
755A. When linking gas path links, GSP uses the default station number if both sides match
(e.g. compressor exit and combustor entry station numbers are both 3), otherwise GSP
requests the user to specify a number. Station numbers are also used to identify output
parameters at particular engine stations.
Adapt the station numbers for the gas path links (click the link icons) if necessary. Fractional
station numbers (e.g. 4.5 for between turbines) may be entered. If components are linked, the
connection indicator turns dark blue for gas path links and black for control links, as shown in
the following figures, and for gas path links, the user specified station number appears.
GSP environment 92
GSP Projects
If the new model has been completed, the component data must be entered.
To enter component data, select the desired component icon and double-click it, or right-click
and select Edit to open the component data window. This data window consists of a header
containing some information of the simulation block and a structured collection of tab sheets
containing input fields or grids to modify the model properties. The data management
functionality decides which input fields or grids are available for editing. Non-editable input
fields will be disabled.
The input depends on the type of simulation, model property, configuration, etc. Common
input specifiers are e.g. numerical input boxes, text input boxes, radio buttons, check marks,
numerical input grids. Numerical input grids are usually controlled by the accompanying grid
This navigator interface element contains buttons to step through the grid or add and remove
rows from the grid. In case such a navigator is not supplied, the 'arrow down' button can be
used to add a row to the bottom of the grid, the 'Insert' button can be used to add a row before
the current selected row, and the 'Delete' button can be used to delete a row from the grid.
Note that a right-click on most grids results in a pop-up menu with some additional options.
The name of the component is located in the top left input field (representing the component
ID's in the project XML doc). Changes in component names are propagated into child cases
and configurations to ensure data integrity. These component names (representing the
component ID's in the project XML doc) can not be adapted anymore in the child nodes; it
inherits the name from their parents.
The ID string field is used for the identification of the output parameters. When left empty the
component number (or Calc. Nr.) is used as identifier, e.g. the pressure ratio parameter for the
HPC above would be identified by PR_5, with the ID string set to "hpc" the output parameter
would be named PR_hpc. Note that the name of the component can also be used to identify
output parameters, see Options|Output|Output Identification. Filling out an ID string is highly
recommended since model block re-arrangements (e.g. compressor calculation number
becomes 6 after inserting a scheduling block or a case controller) do not result in resetting the
output table name array (this way you can more easily compare output between two cases
within the same project).
Next to ID string input field is the color picker for the data output table. The selected color will
be the background of the output parameter grid for the output of this component. A color
picker is available where custom colors (preferably light colors) can be selected. Right click for
a menu option to revert the color to default/design.
The Units drop down box can be used to select the unit system for the component. Default the
units are "As Model" which can be set in Output|General|Units for the complete model. Change the
value to "SI" or "Imperial" to change the unit system from the default for this component only.
The Calc. Nr. is the component or calculation number, that is displayed on the Component
GSP environment 94
GSP Projects
Depending on the component, several tab sheets can be selected, most common of which
· General
The General tab sheet is used to set general component properties, model options, off-
design input parameters, component specific data and component options. After a design
point has been calculated, the General tab sheet will usually be used to change general
component properties for analysis of off-design behavior (constant in time).
· Design
Design values, colored navy blue when using standard Windows colors, are used for
specification of the component's design point performance parameters. Use this tab sheet
only prior to a new design point calculation. Design values are not used during off-design
simulation if corresponding variables are specified in other tab sheets. Note that the
design calculation resets off-design variables to their design variables, if Auto Reset
Input to Design is checked in Options|General.
· Map
Many component types have their off-design performance described in maps. GSP maps
represent non-linear characteristics between 2 to 5 parameters for components such as
the fan, and are stored in tabular format in separate ASCII files (or embedded in XML
format). The Map tab sheet contains controls to select map files, specify map design
values and show graphical representations of the map, as displayed in the following figure.
For most maps, parameters corrected for component entry conditions are used. With the
map design values, the map can automatically be scaled to the design parameters of the
model, e.g. scale a compressor map to a larger compressor (i.e. larger flow rate), a
different rotor speed, higher efficiency or different pressure ratio (see section). This allows
the use of maps from other gas turbine models with similar components (e.g. a similar
axial compressor with about the same number of stages but a lower air flow rate).
Use the Show Graph button to show a graphical representation of the map. In section
Graphical output it is described how to obtain simulation result operating curves in maps.
After design point calculation, the map can be shown with parameters scaled to the
design point. Depending on the type of component, several ways of displaying the
relations among the parameters are possible (different parameters at X and Y axes).
· St. St. Series / Transient
In the Transient tab sheet input parameters can be specified as a function of time in
tabular format as displayed. With the Transient input activated checkbox the
time function can be enabled or disabled during transient or steady state series
When disabled or when only one row is present, the single off-design conditions specified
in the General or other tab sheets are used instead (and input is constant in time). The
navigator buttons are used to add, insert and delete rows, while right-clicking on a value in
a table and selecting Edit, or double-clicking the value allows you to edit the value.
Use the Graph button for a graphical representation of the transient input time functions.
· Output
In the Output tab sheet parameters which will be included in the results tables can be
specified using check boxes as displayed. You are advised to limit the number of output
parameters in order to avoid very wide output tables and large amounts of output data that
hinder finding the data of interest.
In the various output tables and graphs, component numbers and/or station numbers are
added to output parameter identifiers for identification where applicable. For example,
pressures and temperatures typically apply to engine stations resulting in Pt2 as the total
pressure at station 2. Parameters applying to the component are identified with
component numbers preceded by the '_' character. The '_' is for distinguishing component
from station numbers, for example resulting in PR_2 for the pressure ratio for component
number 2. If the ID string field at the top of the component data form is filled, this
string is used instead to identify the component, for example resulting in PR_compr when
compr is entered in the field.
GSP environment 96
GSP Projects
· Deterioration
With the Deterioration tab sheet you can implement deterioration effects for several
components. These deterioration effects apply to mass flow, pressure and efficiency.
· Remarks
The Remarks tab sheet can be used to record additional descriptions or remarks.
GSP automatically determines the order of calculation the components in the gas path. The
order is indicated by the Calc.Nr. (component number) field and also on top of the component
icons in the Model panel, after the model has been initialized. Some elements of the
calculation order can be user controlled. This is important for unlinked / non-gas path
components such as Additional output parameter, Constant expression and Equation
schedulers that depend on other component calculation results. The non-linked components
for control are all automatically moved to the start since these are to control model inputs and
parameters in expression input fields. The post-processing type components (Additional
output parameter etc.) are put at the end since these are using calculated data from the other
Ordering unlinked components
Right-clicking the component icon in the model panel, enables the user to move the
components forward or backward in the component array. This may be necessary if one
component uses data calculation in another similar components. A good example is a series
of Additional output parameter components where the next uses the value of the prior
additional output parameter.
Inlet calculation order
The inlet calculation order may be important if multiple engines are simulated simultaneously
or with multiple inlet engine systems. Inlet calculation order can be controlled by two different
· Use the "Inlet Nr" field in the design tab (the turbojet with the lowest Inlet Nr is calculated
first) which takes precedence over the inlet exit station number. If two turbojets have
identical "Inlet Nr", then the one with the lowest inlet exit station number is calculated first.
· I no precedence is determined by Inlet nr, you can instead set the inlet exit station number
of the turbojet to be calculated first to a value lower than the other turbojet (i.e. if the inlet
exit station number of the turbojet to be calculated first is "2", then the inlet exit station
number of the other turbojet should be set to a value greater than this (e.g. 2.1, etc.)).
When this mechanism is understood and projects are carefully built after some analysis of the
modeling and simulation objectives in advance, very efficient set-ups can be made. A well
organized project inheritance structure offers a very efficient and survey-able modeling
environment for a particular tasks. New cases and/or configurations can be easily added as
sub-nodes and with minimal data entry efforts, simulations can be run and results analyzed.
All model data is stored in the project, so one can always go back to a previous case to
analyze results. Moreover, results from different cases can easily be compared in graphs by
running cases and adding breaks or group-breaks in between the output table rows.
The following elements are found in the project tree in the project window:
· Project root node with optional project name
· Project Options
· Reference Model
· Configuration
· Case
Note that is is impossible to delete components that have been introduced somewhere in an
ancestor. There is a single exception on this rule; case input data components may be
GSP environment 98
GSP Projects
deleted from Cases. This is justified by the fact that these components only describe the
(operating) input data for the simulations, and have no effect on the configuration of the cycle.
Case components which are deleted, are marked inactive; this means that the components
are still present in the file, but not loaded or used by the case model. XML Configurations
A configuration represents a mode design configuration that can be run (simulated) in a case.
In the project tree it is a child node of a Base configuration odel or an other configuration. The
modeler is allowed to add gas path components and control components. Basically all
components that setup the mathematical model (set of states and error equations) can be
inserted here. The Reference Model itself is also a configuration.
In the configuration model the modeler specifies the basic (or enhanced with respect to the
Reference Model) configuration of the model of the engine. This permits the modeler to change
the model specific configuration data (such as shaft ID's e.g.) and design input field data.
Refer to input access rules for detailed rules for input access.
The Base Configuration model (BaseCfg or Reference model in GSP 11) is the root configuration from
which all Configurations and Case models will inherit. This top configuration usually is the
engine configuration from which a design or performance analysis study is started. There is no
restriction in the model arrangements in the configurations derived from the reference model.
An extreme example is an empty reference model with a number of different sub-
configurations. In the future this variant may be replaced by a set-up allowing multiple
reference models in a GSP project.
A Base Configuration model is similar to the configuration model with respect to access to certain
input. In the Base Configuration model the modeler specifies the configuration of the model of the
engine. This permits the modeler to change the model specific configuration data (such as
shaft ID's e.g.) and design input field data. Refer to input access rules for detailed rules for
input access.
In this model the modeler is allowed to place gas path components and control components. Cases
A Case represents an instance of a predefined set of simulation input conditions for a
configuration instance. In the project tree, it is an child node of a Configuration or another
Case. In a case, simulation input can be specified in Case components, or other components
that include simulation input specifiers such as specific operating conditions. Changes to the
model configurations are inhibited when in a Case node in the project tree.
Only Cases can be run when an appropriate case type has been set. The case type determines
the access to the input data fields, please refer to input access rules for detailed rules. The
model in a case is "frozen", i.e. that it is not allowed to alter the component arrangement
(moving or rotating the blocks) of the inherited components.
When a case is selected in the project tree and properly configured, the simulation can be
started from the project toolbar menu.
Initially when the simulation case is created the default case type is Select mode... and is
activated for the modeler to instantly change to a valid simulation case type. The simulation
case type can be set in the second column of the Project tree panel window. The "Run button"
automatically disables when no case or case type is selected. Selecting the second column
or creating a new case configuration, a selection box will pop-up. The following simulation
modes can be selected:
· Design
Perform a design point calculation.
· Design Series
Perform a series of design point calculations. Using this simulation case type requires a
case components library component supporting DP series calculation.
· Steady-State
Perform a single off-design steady-state calculation.
· St.St. Series
Perform a series of off-design steady-state calculations. This requires the use of a case
component or enabled transient input data.
· Transient
Perform a transient calculation.
Note that the case type is part of the project data, not part of the model data for which
changes require action to save to XML. Case type is directly saved to XML from the GUI: it is
therefore seen on the left in the project tree. Only when a change in case type has required a
model data change (such as when changing to non-series type and series data had been
deleted) you will be prompted to save the case.
Optional extra access (controlled by Case Management options of the environment options):
(note that this is optional, for some specific installations this has been disabled on user
request, for questions please contact NLR)
4. For rule 1., allow case input in configurations (note that vice versa (config input in cases)
is NEVER allowed).
5. Allow OD input in DP cases (note that vice versa, DP input in OD, is NEVER allowed).
6. Allow editing components with no case type selected.
Note that only with the Allow copy-paste nodes outside parent subtree
Environment Case management option active, nodes can be copied outside the parent. This is
to prevent messed up projects when the user does not fully understand how the project data
are handled inside.
A simulation always requires the model to be initialized. Next, a design point simulation is
required to establish the reference point for any off-design simulations. The user can re-
initialize the model requiring a new Design point calculation before any off-design simulations
can be started again.
Multiple Design points can also be calculated using the Design point series case type.
Off-design simulations may be
· single point steady state calculations,
· steady-state series calculations ('OD sweeps'),
· or transient simulations.
Transient input can be made visible graphically by clicking the Graph button.
Note that changes in infinite short times are invalid: a gas turbine engine control system would
never be able to realize it and GSP will likely not be able to simulate it. So make sure you
enter time values with reasonable (not too small) positive increments between the rows.
Before starting a simulation, it is advised to first consider which parameters are of interest for
output and specify the output parameters in the Output tab sheets of the component editing
Use the ('play') button (shortcut key F9) to start the simulation from the project toolbar.
To start the simulation a Case must be selected in the project tree in order to enable the
The windows displays both the error variable (top entries in the grid) and the relative state
variable (bottom entries in the grid, blue colored bars). Convergence is obtained after all error
variables have errors that are smaller than the accuracy defined in the Iteration options
(displayed in green if the error is smaller than the defined accuracy). When the error bar has a
red component the error has not converged to the accuracy. Use the Error range +/- to adjust
the scale of the error bars if no green bar is displayed, or displayed too small. Use the State
range to define the scale of the state variable (blue) bars.
· Not initialized
Indicates a model just loaded or modified
· Reset / Not initialized
Indicates a model being reset
· Input changed
Input parameters changed since last calculation
· Initialized
The model has gone through initialization calculations
· Checked
The model integrity has been checked and is ready for simulation
· Design point
A design point calculation has been succeeded
· Steady State
A steady state point calculation has been succeeded
Click the (Init) button of the project toolbar to (re-)initialize the model. Upon pressing this
button several checks/initializations on the model are performed, e.g.:
· check whether all components are connected,
· create component calculation list,
· component label numbers are refreshed,
· checking of duplicate station ID's,
· checking of duplicate output parameters (e.g. shaft speed output),
· defines component configuration, States and Error vars,
· executes init procedure of components (e.g. creates a list of output parameters to be
selected from a drop down list),
· check bleeds,
· check whether new tables have to be created,
· resets all global output parameters.
You may want to Reinitialize the model after a simulation prior to a next one in order to have
the model state reside at its optimal starting point for the iteration. For example: after ending a
simulation at near IDLE power, much deviating inlet conditions, deterioration or other severe
operating condition deviations, starting the simulation with a different input may require GSP to
iterate to instable/impossible/conflicting operating regions. After a decel to IDLE for example,
a successive simulation at full power will cause over-rich mixture in the combustor, resulting in
failure to calculated realistic combustor exit temperatures.
Click the button of the project toolbar to run a design point calculation and afterwards
reset the single point off-design input to the design point input values. This will reset the off-
design model to design input, resulting in identical design/off-design output values.
Off-design conditions may also be specified in the component data windows (usually, the
basic off-design parameters are located in the General tab sheet).
The basic model layout and the design point should not be changed (i.e. design point data,
changes which affect the number of states or component interconnections, numbers of bleed-
or cooling flows etc.). In the latter case, GSP will generate an error message automatically or
reset the model so as to require a new design point calculation first.
Changing component deterioration and variable geometry effects may also be calculated as
off-design calculations.
input values for steady state calculations between the specified input values in the transient
input table.
Start a steady state series calculation by clicking St.St.Series in the model window.
· Results are output to tables. Generally, tabular data does not provide a very clear
representation of the results. Therefore, GSP provides a simple method of graphically
visualizing relations among parameters from the output tables.
· A multi purpose Report Editor is available to output results e.g. GSP can output individual
operating point data to a textual report in this Report editor.
The output table contains default columns which are supplemented by the selected output
parameters of the Ambient conditions, Model components, System performance and
calculated parameters output parameters. The default columns are Point/time, Type, curve #, group
# and Comment columns.
After each operating point calculation, rows are automatically added (with or without
confirmation) depending on the settings in Options|Output in the main window. An
example of steady state tabular output is displayed in the following figure.
If you specify additional output parameters in the Output tab sheet of components while
tables already exist, GSP must redefine a new output table with the new columns added. The
Save/New tables menu item, used for saving existing steady state and transient data
and/or defining new tables, pops-up automatically.
Tablename / ID is shown on the statusbar of the table window, in the lower right corner in case
the user want to look into the database manually with e.g. FlameRobin FireBird database
management tool for offline usage.
The following will show the run case results of the selected case (case
The following will add (Union) data from the non-focused but checked run case (case
The database storage system is the open source Firebird database system. This is an SQL
based storage system that creates .FDB storage file extensions. These databases can be
opened by tools such as FlameRobin. When having FlameRobin installed, existing database
files can be added for viewing/editing:
Make sure the following input is used (the UHBRFAN model is just an example, use your own
database file):
The embedded navigator displays built-in buttons that enable a user to scroll forward or
backward through records one at a time, go to the first record, go to the last record, go to the
last record in view (page), go to the first record in view (page), insert a new record, post data
changes, cancel data changes,delete a record, set a bookmark, go to bookmark and add
filter. It also features a text string that specifies the current record and the total record count.
The table toolbar options (from left to right, the "pipe" or separator is depicted below in the
overview by a blank line between items):
· Show graph
Display graph window for this table, displaying multiple graphs for one or more
simulation sessions
· Copy to clipboard
Copy the selected table data to the clipboard.
· Copy all to clipboard
Copy all the table data to the clipboard.
· Save table to file
Export the result table as a CSV File. Press Shift key to export selection only.
· Save table to Excel file
Export the result table as an Excel File. Press Shift key to export selection only. This
exports the table output with colors and headers (WYSIWYG).
· Clear table
Add a previously stored database file to the current set, note that the parameter set
must be equal. Default/initial path equals the model file path.
· Reset table layout to original
Reset the table layout to the original layout; e.g. use this when parameters (columns)
are removed from the view to make them re-appear
· Help
Open the help file.
This feature is convenient to convert parameters to other units (just multiply with a factor),
derive corrected parameters (divide by temperature ratio or pressure ratio) or introduce new
variables based on two existing variables (for example: add Engine Pressure Ratio (EPR) from
exhaust pressure and inlet pressure). Use the Select to insert column name Combo box to add
field names' in the expression and add Comments or Unit names if desired in the
Comment/Unit field. Expressions can be constructed using the Parser and the drop down box
containing all the output parameters selected on the output tabsheets of the components.
Note that if selected output parameters names containing a dot (.) will be modified by a dollar
($) sign. The numeric format can be changed to user specifications.
For advanced use map or tables can be used to scale the calculated parameter to a certain
schedule or map. When a table (simple schedule) is used only fill out the Xmap_in parameter,
for using a map both Xmap_in- and Ymap_in parameter should be filled out.
The expressions are saved with the model and are automatically recalculated after re-opening
a model and running simulations. If the expression cannot be calculated (for example
because output fields have been deleted or definitions/component nrs. changed), the status
field indicates it as invalid and the expression requires adaptation. Otherwise OK indicates a
successfully evaluated expression. Format
The format string is constructed by using a 0 (zero) for compulsory digits, and a # (hash) for
optional digits.
The following table shows some sample formats and the results produced when the formats
are applied to different values:
The equation parser provides functions to parse and evaluate text strings into math equations.
The text string can be constructed manually or using the buttons to insert operators (+, -, *, /,
^), parenthesis and GSP output parameters (specified on the components output property tab
sheet) using the combobox.
Besides the normal math operators, the following functions can be used (note that the
arguments in the function can be functions as well):
· ABS(arg1),
returns the absolute value of arg1
· Exp(arg1),
exponent using the base natural logarithm value (e = 2.7182818...)
· Heav(arg1),
step function, returning 0 when arg1 < 0 else 1
· Ln(arg1),
natural logarithm of arg1
· Max(arg1, arg2),
returns arg2 if arg1 < arg2 else arg1
· Min(arg1, arg2),
returns arg1 if arg1 < arg2 else arg2
· Sqrt(arg1),
returns the square root of arg1
· Sign(arg1),
returns -1 if arg1 < 0, 1 if arg1 > 0 or 0 if arg1 = 0
· Zero(arg1),
returns 0 if arg1 = 0, else 1
Note that the dot (.) usually is reserved as decimal separator (depending on computer system
settings), and therefore cannot be used in the parser. In GSP the decimal separator is fixed to
the dot (.) character. Variable names used in parser expression must therefore not contain the
dot (.) when entering the parser string manually. Selecting parameters from a drop-down list
(usually provided in the graphical user interface) will substitute the dot (.) with the dollar ($)
Parameters for the X-axis and up to 4 Y-axes can be specified from those selected for the
output table.
Graphs can be saved or copied to the clipboard or to files in bitmap or meta file format using
the file menu. For best results, it is recommended to use the meta file format for export to
other application such as word processors.
When options Tools|Carpet is enabled the current data will be transformed into a carpet
(surface) plot. Parameter labels and values can be displayed using Tools|Options|Legend|Parameter
"Z" and Tools|Options|Legend|Parameter "Z2", as well as their position on the srceen. Multiple
carpets in a single graph can be realized by adding 'group breaks' added in output table to
separate different carpets of groups of curves. With every new group, graph settings, line
colors etc. start from first again.
Both steady state and transient simulation results can be plotted in most component maps,
as displayed in the next figure, to assess component performance during simulation (e.g. to
assess compressor stall margin during acceleration). Before you can view the simulation
results, the map needs to be scaled to the model design point using Tools|Options|
Scale to Model des. pnt. in the map graph window. To show the operating curves,
check the Draw St.St. Points or Draw Transient items in the Options menu. The
curve line styles can be adapted using the Line Styles button, accessible through
Axes/Layout in the Options menu. Note that these line styles are set the same as the
steady state respectively transient table graph output line styles.
to save a graphical view of tabulated data (press the button with the '+' sign, or alternatively
press Tools|Store graph as template) of the Steady-State graph or Transient graph tab sheet.
· Storage in the Environment options:
A confirmation save dialog, in case of closing file when changes have been made, can be
controlled using the General Options dialog conformation tab sheet.
The GSP report editor has been integrated into the model, therefore model specific. The
window is dockable, so can be placed where the modeler prefers this output window.. If this
window is not visible (hidden) use the Project window menu option View.
Report toolbar
· Cut (CTRL + T)
Cut text selection
· Copy (CTRL + C)
Copy text selection
· Paste (CTRL + V)
Paste selection on cursor position
· Undo (CTRL + Z)
Undo last action
· Find...
Opens a find text dialog
The following text shows an example of the the states and errors that are reported for the TJET
example model. The mathematical equation systen comprises of 4 state variables and 4 error
Please report the error text and GSP version number, which can be found by clicking Help|About
in the main program window, or alternately right-clicking the file icon of the GSP.exe file (located
in the installation directory, e.g. ..\Program Files\NLR\GSP\), selecting Properties and looking in the
version tab sheet.
The right panel on the status bar gives information on errors detected by GSP during
initialisation and simulation of the engine model:
· Calc.Error
Indicates an error during calculations within the component models. Often these are
divisions by zero or gas model iteration errors due to impossible or erroneous (component)
model specifications.
· Jac.Inv.Error
Indicates GSP could not determine the inverse of the linearisation Jacobian of the model
during Newton-Raphson iteration towards a steady state or quasi-steady state point.
· Iter.Error
Indicates GSP stopped trying to iterate towards a steady state or quasi-steady state
solution due to insufficient progress. This is usually caused by excessive steps in model
input. If for example the fuel flow is changed in one step from the design point value to the
idle value, GSP may not be able to iterate due to the usually very non-linear gas turbine
engine operating range. The solution then is to move to the idle point in a few steps or a
gradual transient (or steady state series) calculation.
Since the storage mechanism is XML, the alternative is to store projects as .XML files. Files
with .XML can, when the file extension is not linked to GSP, be opened with a default xml
editor (or an internet browser). On installation GSP can be linked to the XML extension as
well, but remember that when using XML files for other applications, double clicking the XML
file will results in opening GSP, which is not the required action. The .MXL extension is the
preferred extension for GSP project files.
This is the old GSP version 10 single model binary file format. Up to GSP 11 this was the
standard model format to store (single) model data binary (note that optionally a layer from the
project can be saved as .MDL). This format is a binary formatted file mainly used to save gas
turbine models up to version 11 of GSP. All data set in the model components will be saved.
Additional created output (e.g. simulation results) can be stored separately using text files
(e.g. by saving reports), or directly to file (using Borland Database Engine to save to Paradox
tables; .DB). As of version GSP 12, the old MDL file is no longer supported.
The states and errors report, model data report and the operating point report are output in text
format and can be saved as text filed with the default TXT extension.
7 GSP models
7.1 Gas turbine models
Gas turbine engine models in GSP are represented on the model panel in the project window
including a number of components models. The set of components on the model panel
represents the configuration or case selected in the project tree.
Due to the object oriented structure of GSP, all models have their own environment of options,
status, operating conditions, input specification data, output table and graph windows etc.
That is why GSP is capable of managing different models at the same time (and copying
components from one model to another). Models may also be used as component libraries.
Internally GSP keeps track of the components and their arrangement in order to set up a
number of state variables. The state variables are embedded in a number of "virtual" implicit
non-linear differential equations, hidden in the code of the various components (see Model
theory). The non-linear equations represent the actual complex gas turbine model performance
characteristics. Each model maintains its own set of equations. Different models may be open
at the same time and be run intermittently, for example to compare results.
Note that GSP component models do not need to be limited to non-dimensional or even 1-
dimensional. Due to GSP's flexibility there is principally no limitation to modelling fidelity
inside a component model. In some engine specific custom component libraries, dimensional
models exist, such as the 1-dimensional combustor model which calculates combustion
kinetics depending on some combustor geometrical properties.
7.4 Equations
GSP calculates engine performance and gas condition changes across the components using
the following equations:
From these equations, a set of non-linear differential equations (NDEs) is arranged and solved
by the GSP solver. Since gas turbine off-design models are particularly non-linear, customary
solvers often fail to converge. Therefore GSP has it's own Newton-Raphson based solver
optimized for gas turbine models. The model operating point is defined by a number of states
(or 'free states') collected in a state vector. The number of NDEs equals the number of states
and the deviation from a valid solution is represented by the error vector which holds the error
values. The GSP solver iterates towards the solution where all errors are zero (within the user
specified tolerance).
Although most states and errors are set up automatically by GSP, the user can have control
over states and errors using component model options. The current maximum amount of
model state variables is set to 50. Please contact NLR when your model exceeds this
maximum to discuss options.
If the Show advanced model equation controls options in components Advanced Project option is active,
the rules for creating error equations and state variables can be controlled as well as state
variable numbers assigned to deactivate particular error equations.
dummy equation is used instead to maintain numerical consistency using a state with a
number specified in the Corresponding state nr. for deactivation field. Usually the corresponding
state is a control input with the the Always create state option set.
7.6 Properties
GSP model properties are model parameters that can be controlled from outside during a
simulation for example by Scheduling components. Properties represent internal component
parameters and adaptation of properties requires understanding of the GSP internals and is
therefore advised for advanced users only.
Note that changing properties during simulations may have unexpected results. There may be
cases where the property change may interfere with iterations and cause failure to converge.
In other case the change may not have any effect because GSP somewhere resets its value
depending on other parameters.
· A steady-state heat flux can be specified in a Duct component. A negative value will stand
for a heat flux out of the system, whereas a positive value represents a heat input. For this
component a heat flow is defined specifically and cannot be related to the system in the
cycle calculations.
· A steady-state or dynamic heat flux using the Heat Sink component. The Heat Sink
component has the ability to simulate heat transfer via conduction, convection and radiation
among components and with the ambient environment.
· A Heat soakage heat flux during a transient, heating up or cooling down the gas path
surrounding walls until thermal stability has been obtained (average wall and gas
temperatures equal). Heat soakage has an effect on performance, for example slowing down
an acceleration by absorbing part of the combustor released heat for heating up the
combustor and/or turbine walls.
Compressor and turbine performance is significantly affected by heat transfer causing the
process to become non-adiabatic. In GSP this effect is modeled by dividing the total heat flux
(i.e. the sum of heat sink and heat soakage heat fluxes) in two heat fluxes, one happening
before (start heat flux) and one after (end heat flux) the compression or expansion process.
The compression or expansion process itself is happening 'in between' the points of the start
and end heat fluxes and is calculated as adiabatic. The start heat flux increases the
compression or expansion start temperature thereby affecting compression (increase if heat is
added) or expansion (decreased in case of heat loss) work. The en heat flux does not affect
the work but merely changes the exit enthalpy (and thus temperature).
The ratio of the start heat flux to the total can be user specified in the compressor and turbine
Design tab sheets.
deceleration when the material heats up the relatively cool gas. Heat soakage heat transfer
coefficient is a function of and gas path conditions and user specified data, to be specified in
the 'Heat soak' tab sheets of gas path components data entry windows. Note that also the
Heat sink will cause a heat soakage effect (on top of the steady-state heat transfer) if the heat
sink mass is specified >0.
The material temperature dynamic response is a 1st order response following the equation:
Q = U ht . Aht . ( T g - T m )
U ht
1 leff
FC k m
with FCdes as a user specified film coefficient in the design point. c p,des and W des are the gas
specific heat and mass flow calculated for DP and c p and W the OD calculated values.
dTm Q
dt cm M m
Initial value for Tm is the steady state gas temperature. Since heat flow is assumed to be
proportional to the difference between gas and material temperature the material temperature
Tm follows the average gas temperature Tg with a first order lag. The time constant is
determined by
c m M m
U ht Aht
Three model types are available to determine the relation between altitude, air speed and air
temperature and pressure:
The International Standard Atmosphere with a fixed altitude - pressure - temperature
relation. Pressure altitude parameter name in GSP is 'Zp'.
The implemented ISA from ICAO supports altitude - pressure - temperature ranging from -5
km to 80 km (see ref. [8]).
· ISA+
As ISA, but with a user specified deviation dTs from the standard temperature
· Custom
User specified pressure and temperature independent of altitude
The ambient/flight conditions window provides control over the gas turbines ambient operating
conditions, which affect model performance through components such as the Inlet and
Exhaust components.
Flight or ambient conditions can be specified according to three different atmospheric models.
· Design conditions
Reference design flight or ambient conditions are specified here for which the engine is
· Output
Use this tab to select the output parameters to populate the output tables. Note that there
are options that output the static atmosphere data (see the Static conditions data options
group), other groups of options output the flight conditions or total parameters (Total
conditions data and the Air speed data). The last group of options (Gas/Air composition) output
composition property data parameters.
· Humidity
Design and off-design ambient humidity can be specified as a mass percentage of the total
flow (Mass %), as a volumetric percentage of the total flow valid for the vapour only (Vol
%), or as relative humidity (Relative humidity %). The liquid water mass percentage
(Mass % liquid water) is determined in the calculation.
Geometric altitude
Geometric altitude is the scale we are most familiar with; it is what we would measure with a
tape measure.
Geopotential altitude
Geopotential altitude is based on a scale that relates altitude to gravitational equipotentials, or
surfaces of constant gravitational potential energy per unit mass. Although geopotential
altitude approximates geometric height, they are not equal. An important type of geopotential
height is pressure altitude, which is based on a standard atmospheric model for temperature
as a function of pressure. One particular model, the International Standard Atmosphere (ISA),
is what all aircraft altimeters use to relate static pressure measurements on an aircraft to a
corresponding pressure altitude scale. There are also a number of additional altitude terms
related to flying airplanes such as true altitude, indicated altitude, absolute altitude and
density altitude.
Pressure Altitude
Although pressure altitude is a type of geopotential height, it is treated separately because of
it's importance in atmospheric research. The pressure altitude scale is based on the
International Civil Aviation Organization's (ICAO) International Standard Atmosphere (ISA) (see
ref. [8]). It can be used to establish, using the hydrostatic equation and the ideal gas law, a
relationship between pressure and pressure altitude, using geopotential height. It differs from
"normal" geopotential height in that it is based on a model and it assumes that the humidity is
zero. The model seldom looks like the actual atmosphere a plane is flying in, and real
atmospheres never have zero humidity.
Pressure altitude is used so that aircraft, which use static pressure to determine altitude, can
agree upon what "altitude" they are flying at without having to continually update their
altimeters with local pressure corrections. Technically, this is only true above 18,000 feet
(FL180). Below this altitude in North America aircraft make local altimeter corrections to
ensure that they are flying at the correct altitude. Using this definition for pressure altitude, a
pilot can say "I'm at Flight Level 330." (that is 33,000 feet), instead of "I'm at 262 hPa."
Pressure just isn't very intuitive since it's logarithmic with altitude, and it also decreases with
altitude. In addition to pressure altitude, there are five additional altitude scales relevant to
h = (Re * H) / (Re - H)
The parameter name for geopotential altitude (H) or pressure altitude (since we use the ICAO
ISA) in GSP is 'Zp'. The SAE ARP 755 standard parameter name is 'alt'.
· General
Specify general options like enabling confirmation dialogs.
· Thermodyn. model
Specify thermodynamic gas model options like real gas corrections.
· Iteration
Specify iteration specific options like accuracy and numerical settings.
· Transient/Series
Specify transient or steady state control parameters like start time and timestep.
· Output
Specify output options like automatic table pop-up and gas composition output.
· St.St.Graph
Specify graph options for the Steady State results graph window like scaling and titles.
· Trans.Graph
Specify graph options for the Transient results graph window like scaling and titles.
· Show alternative station string in model window
The station designation standard has converged to a minimum of a 3-digit station
designation, the use of floating point (point/decimal seperated) nimbers is deprecated.
Enabling this option allows to modeler to show the alternative station designation from the
output options.
· Transient Input Data
Press the buttons to (de-)activate all transient input
· Deterioration
Press the buttons to (de-)activate all deterioration input.
Press the "Clear value in all components" button to clear all deterioration input data (resets
deterioration value of modifiers to zero)
· Confirm Grid Row Delete
If this check box is selected, the program will ask for confirmation before a row is deleted in
a data specification grid (e.g. a transient input grid).
Global model unit system selection for the selected case or configuration in the project.
· SI
· Imperial
Note that the unit system settings in terms of formats, scale factors and unit strings can be
user adapted for the predefined parameter types in the current case or configuration Output
The Unit system can also be set per component using the Component unit system setting;
see the Component unit system for more information on the unit system.
· Design Point Calculations
· After Design Point iteration...
· Reset (change) DP input to DP iteration end result
This option will copy iteration results (after a design calculation) to the DP input
fields. Reset (change) Design Point input to Design point iteration result after the
DP iteration has been completed. This only applies if DP calculation involves the
solving of an equation such as when using the DP equation component or selecting
SOT input in the combustor or Design Effectiveness input in the recuperator
· Confirm DP input reset
Optional confirmation for enabled Reset (change) DP input to DP iteration end result.
Confirm reset of the Design point (DP) input to DP iteration Reset DP input to
DP results with an Ok/Cancel dialog box.
· Automatically initialize for OD calculation
Finish Design point (DP) iteration with initialization of OD equations (set OD states,
errors and map scaling).
· Off-design calculations
· Confirm DP calculation before OD calculation
Confirm whether to do a design point (DP) calculation prior to an off-design calculation
if no DP has been calculated yet.
· Auto reset OD input to DP after completion of DP case calculation
All off-design input will be reset to design point input at design point calculations run from
Design or Design Series case types. This option is beneficial if a large number of transient
calculations or steady state parameter sweeps have to be performed with an initial operating
point at or near the design point either in the same case changing case type, or in a child
case of the DP parent.
· Miscellaneous
· Reinitialize model on case type change
Reinitialize model when changing the case type in the project tree. Disabling this options
allows simulations starting at model states left by other simulation modes such as a
transient following a steady-state calculation for example.
· Warn for unlinked components
Warns for unlinked components after loading case or config model when checked.
· Warn for deprecated components
Warns for deprecated components after loading component input data when checked.
Case Management
· Set controlled parameters back to original after simulation run
Maintain all original model input values after simulations. Without this option, the model
input values stay as last set by case control component.
· Warn on loosing embedded map
On loosing an embedded map caused by user interaction a warning will be displayed,
cancel to quit loosing the map.
Gas model
· Real gas effects map correction
When checked, the component map parameters are corrected for real gas effects
(including variations of the gas constant R and gamma), when unchecked, correction is
performed with temperature and pressure only.
A derivation for the corrected spool speed and the corrected mass flow shows the difference
between real gas corrections and ideal gas corrections:
· Corrected speed
· Corrected flow
· Accuracy
This is the accuracy required for the solution of the set of virtual non-linear equations to be
solved in GSP (it is the maximum tolerated value for each error variable). This accuracy can
be considered to be roughly equal to (or of same order) the other calculated performance
parameters (default 0.001).
Series control
· Default start time
The default transient start time (default 0.000).
· Simulation step
The calculation (time) step or interval of calculated quasi-steady state or steady state
series operating points in seconds (default 0.050).
· Output interval
The time interval in seconds at which the parameter output is send to the output table
(default 0.200).
· Output at adapted points/time steps
When the solver changed the intervals during calculation (for numerical stability) output
data at adapted points/time steps will be displayed.
· Maximum point/time
The time in seconds at which the transient or steady state series must stop (default 1E20,
to make the calculation proceed until a transient input time series ends).
· Always start at default start point/time
Always reset start time/point to default start time value prior to series/transient simulation
· Show start point/time dialog
Show start point/time dialog prior to series/transient simulation run.
Reset State on each step
· Design point series
On design point series runs, reset model state variables back to 1 before each step. In
some cases with DP equation controllers, this may improve convergence speed.
Error handling
· Batch mode; continue without user response (report error in output table)
On error continue without user interaction.
· Reset state to Design after error
After error reset the state to design.
Output Parameters
Central place to set (most of) the output option simultaneously or per component
· Clear all output parameters for
Clear the options for either All Model Components , Flight/Ambient Conditions , or Global Outp . Note
that this cannot be undone!
· Set output parameters for all modeling components (if option exists)
Three tab sheets are available to centrally set the output parameters for Components,
Flight/Ambient Conditions or System Performance.
· Components
Depending on the selected component, all gas path components or all turbo
components (specify in the combo box in the lower left corner) the output will be
changed accordingly to the selected options when the apply button (in the lower right
corner) has been pressed. Note that changes cannot be undone! Note that the Map
oper.crv.par.s option will not grey out the corresponding map options as in the regular
component output data input windows due to class/object and inheritance issues.
Functionally this option actually sets the corresponding output options, but does not
grey it out in the central component output window!
· Flight/Ambient Conditions
· System Performance
Specify overall system performance output parameters:
· Total; total/overall engine parameters
· total fuel flow Wf (for example the total of primary and afterburner fuel flow)
· total intake airflow W (sum of all intake airflow values)
· total exit area A (sum of all exhaust exit cross sections)
· OPR, Overall Pressure ratio defined as Pt3/Pt2 (Combustor total entry
pressure/First compressor total entry pressure)
Output Tables
· Output to case tables active
Enable/disable output to table
· Add case node number/name to comment
Adds the node number, or the name of the simulation case for quick reference in front of
the comment
· Add user specified text to comment
Adds a user specified comment for quick reference behind the comment text, select a
custom string or a timestamp.
· Curve numbering
Treat <case-break> as <group> in renumbering
Use the <case-break> to count as a <group> break when renumbering multiple
simulation case data tables
Restart curve number counting on <group> break
Restart the curve numbering when a <group> break is found in the data table
Design Point
· Output to table
Check to output the OD St. St. calculation results to the output table
· Confirm single point table output
Confirm table output at single OD / Steady-state point calculations
· Automatic table pop-up
Table window receives focus when the calculation finishes so that the window become
· Automatic table pop-up
Table window receives focus when the calculation finishes so that the window become
· Add break before new series
Automatically add break before output of a new St.St. Series or Transient starts
Default Comments in tables
Select to insert a default comment per output data row for Design, Steady State, St St.
Series, and/or Transient.
Output Parameters
· AS755 Station numbering
This contains the interface to a lookup table to map the older standard floating point
station numbers to the current standard 3-digit station numbers.
The Alternative station number checkbox controls whether the alternative station is used in
output parameters or not. For display of the 3-digit station number, General options
Gas composition
Specifies output for each component in the gas composition. Output of the gas composition
can be in mass percentage (Mass%) or volumetric percentage (Vol%). Check specie to add
this specie to the output table when the output parameter to output gas composition is
checked on the Output tab sheet.
Check add FAR (Fuel Air Ratio) to include the FAR output parameter. Note that for showing the
FAR parameter the Gas comp. in or out option of the component property window has to be
Oper.Point report
These options control whether and how output is sent to the Text output report window:
· Automatic Report pop-up
Pop-up when finished writing to the report editor
· Omit no-output components
If checked component output is ignored when no output parameters are selected for that
component in order to avoid component headers without output data.
· Auto-clear existing text report
If selected, the report text is cleared before every new calculation.
· Append to existing text
If selected, the report text is appended to the existing report text for every new
· Confirm saving report on exit
If selected, a confirmation dialog is shown to save the report when closing a project.
Calculated expressions
This list sums the definitions for added calculated columns. The expressions are saved with
the model and are automatically recalculated after re-opening a model and running
simulations. If the expression cannot be calculated (for example because output fields have
been deleted or definitions/component nrs. changed), the status field indicates it as invalid and
the expression requires adaptation. Otherwise OK indicates a successfully evaluated
expression. Use this interface to edit/create/delete calculated expressions.
· Debug output options
Advanced feature to display information on the iteration process, useful for models having
difficulty in reaching convergence.
· Debug output after error
Do enable debug output info to the Report editor
· Confirm Debug output
User confirmation to output the debug information
· States, Errors during iteration
Do output the state/error values during iteration
· Jacobian's during iteration
Do output Jacobian matrix during iteration
· Error log options
· Log errors in model text report
Do log all errors in Report editor
· Automatic error log pop-up
Do pop-up the Report editor
· Stop on and report....
· Chem. Equilibrium calc. errors
Output Identification
· Derive parameter ID from
Component based output parameter names include the unique name of the component
or the component ID (number).
· Warn on duplicate output parameter ID's
Warn if duplicate parameter ID/name found, such as TT2 coming from both and Inlet (exit
station 2) and Compressor (entry station 2).Normally the parameter values are identical
so this option can safely be unchecked in most cases.
GSP has specific formatting, scaling rules and unit strings for a list or predefined parameter
types and both SI and imperial units (set by the Units settings in the General options or per
component in the Component unit system), covering most in- and output parameters listed in
the Output options Formats tab sheet (click Reset to standard if the table is empty). These
predefined settings can be user adapted. E.g. when modeling small gas turbines, or small
bleed flows more digits than the default may be required. For micro turbines one would like to
use g/s (grams/second) instead of kg/s for mass flows and change the scale factor to 0.001.
See format description for an explanation on parameter formatting strings.
· Use custom formats
Activate this option to activate the adapted formatting, scaling and unit strings.
· Reset to standard
Press button to reset the table to default values, or in case of an empty table populate
the table with the default settings.
· Title 1 / 2
Displays graph title at top-center above graph.
· Number curves
If checked, markers are displayed along the curve at each datapoint.
· Auto-Refresh
If checked, the graph is automatically redrawn at each variable or option change. A
manual refresh can be triggered by clikcing the Refresh button left-below the graph.
For the X-axis grid and Y-axis grid the following options are available:
· No grid
Omitts all grid lines.
· On Maj. Tics only
Draws grid lines for major ticks only.
· On Maj. + Min. Tics
Draws grid lines for all ticks.
· Font
Brings up standard font change dialog in which font properties can be set.
For the x-axis and all 4 y-axes the following options are available:
· Autoscaling
If this check box is selected, all axis will be scaled automatically by GSP according to the
minimum and maximum values in the dataset. This may cause longer time before
displaying with very large datasets.
· Label
An optional text located along the appropriate axis, replacing the standard GSP
· Min
The minimal axis value.
· Max
The maximal axis value.
· Maj Tic
The number of tick marks inbetween the minimal and maximal value
· Min per Maj
The number of tick marks inbetween two major tick marks
· Exponent
Additonal exponent variable along axes for scientific notation
· Decimals
The number of decimals for values along axes.
Line Styles
Set for a maximum op 8 different lines through selecting the appropriate line:
- style
- width
- color
- marker symbol
Select the security markings for the graph using the drop-down boxes.
8 GSP components
8.1 Components general
Components are the main building blocks for building GSP models. In the GSP interface, a
component is represented by an icon on the model panel, symbolizing the specific gas turbine
Components are drag-and-dropped from library windows onto the model windows and arranged
to form the desired gas turbine configuration. Once a component is on a model panel, its
properties and characteristics can be specified using the data specification window (accessed
by double-clicking the icon).
Instead of representing a gas turbine model, model windows can also be used to hold a
number of (unlinked) components and serve as a repository of pre-configured component
models to be saved and copied to other models.
Refer to the Technical Manual for a comprehensive description of the component models.
Click on the items in the example icon (a combustor) below to learn more about component
See model window to see an example of icons linked together forming a gas turbine model.
A descriptive fly-over hint for model components, when placed on the model window , now
includes the user defined Name and ID string; can be extended with anything in the future.
Double-clicking will open the Component data window, right-clicking will open the component
pop-up menu.
The component numbers are also shown in the (read-only) top right Calculation order field in
the component data windows.
Because GSP internally uses the component numbers for ordering components in the
iterations, the user cannot modify component numbers.
Note that if the component D string is empty, the component number is used instead to
identify component parameters.
GSP uses Link objects represented by link icons to facilitate interaction among linkable
components. The link elements are visualized by small rectangles on the component icons.
The little chevrons inside indicate the direction of the gas flow or control information. Unlinked
link icons are white. The color blue is used to indicate established links between components,
representing the gas path between the components (also the little chevrons [>>] turn yellow).
Black is used to indicate the link is between a component and an associated control system
component, such as a fuel control component for the combustor.
The component data window has a layout consistent for all components. At the top the
general component configuration and identification data are displayed:
· Component name
The user-changeable name used in the textual output to identify the component
· ID string
If user-specified, this string will be added to tabular component output parameter names,
replacing the component number
· A color selection interface to determine the background color in the output data table
· The Units field to select the Component unit system
· Calc Nr.
The component number as determined by GSP during model initialization.
Depending on the component, several tab sheets can be selected of which the most common
· General
The General tab sheet is used to set general component properties, off-design input
parameters, component specific data and component options. After a design point has
been calculated, the General tab sheet will usually be used to change component
properties for analysis of off-design behaviour.
· Design
Design values, always colored navy blue when using standard Windows colours, are used
for specification of the component's design point performance parameters. Use this tab
sheet only prior to a new design point calculation. Design values are not used during off-
design simulation if corresponding variables are specified in other tabsheets. It should be
remarked that running a design calculation resets off-design variables to their design
variables, if Auto Reset Input to Design is checked in Options|General.
· Map
The Map tab sheet contains the external map file location where the component
characteristics are stored in tabular format. GSP component maps represent the non-
linear characteristics between 2 to 5 parameters for fan, compressor, combustor and
turbine. The map design values are also specified. Scaling of characteristics to the design
parameters of the model component is done automatically. For all maps, parameters
corrected for component entry conditions are used.
· Output
In the Output tab sheet parameters which will be included in the results tables can be
specified using check boxes. You are adviced to limit the number of output parameters in
order to avoid very wide output tables and large amounts of output data which hinder
finding the data of interest.
· Deterioration
With the Deterioration tab sheet you can implement deterioration effects for several
components. These deterioration effects apply to mass flow, pressure and efficiency.
· Remarks
The Remarks tab sheet can be used to put down personal remarks.
Depending on the model node, the interface is changed to be editable (in configuration nodes)
or non-editable (in run case nodes). Remember to use light colors to be able to see the
numbers in the output data table.
Not editable:
Standard color dropdown selection on clicking the down arrow next to the color:
From the popup menu it is possible to revert the color back to the default designated design
color for this component.
Note that when changing the component or model unit system, the output table should be re-
created in order to avoid inconsistent units for different rows. GSP prompts the user to
recreate the output tables.
Also, when changing the unit system, all input fields with common units (units defined in )
covered by the unit system setting will change there values to maintain the same SI unit value
that is always used internally in GSP. However, if an expression has been entered in the field
instead of a valid single numerical constant, the value cannot be converted to another unit, so
the expression remains unchanged and the user should adapt the expression in order to
correspond to the other unit.
The station numbers can be changed any time by clicking on the link icons.
The station numbers are used to identify gas path parameters such as pressures and
temperatures in the output. For example: TT5 is the total temperature at station 5.
Station numbers must be unique in the model. In case the same station number on two
stations is used, the output parameters will receive only the value of the last station in the gas
path defined by the component order.
Do not confuse station numbers with component ID strings, which are used to identify
component parameters such as pressure ratio PR for example.
Station numbers in between components or inside components (e.g. the turbine NGV station,
found on the output tab sheet of the model's input window) are checked for duplicates (on
initialization and on calculation).
The fundamental station numbers for the core stream of an engine are based on the position in
the engine and the process in which the station is located.
These station numbers are based on the process they take place in.
To comply to the standard, the station number should consist of at least 3 digits indicating the
stream number process station number and a number that indicates the intermediate position
in the process. Although all stations imply averaged flow properties, an additional A may be
appended to the station numbering string if the station precedes a physical split of the flow
A valid exhaust nozzle station number would be 090, a high pressure compressor inlet would
be e.g. 025, where the second stage of that compressor could be numbered 0252, etc. The
exit of the intake could be 020A where the fan directly behind this intake would have an inlet
core stream station number of 020 and an inlet duct stream station number of 120.
Through the output options, the user is able to define the 3-digit station string values, default,
the option without cycle number prefix (the first number) is used. As GSP can optionally have
more than a single cycle present in a model, an alternative method can to be used to identify
the correct station number (prefixing with a 1 for the second cycle). Through the Output
options it is possible to create 3-digit alternative station string which is used in the Output
tables parameter output. The alternative station number strings can be shown between and
onto the Component icon when enabled in the General Options.
To select multiple components press the Ctrl or Shift key while clicking.
To unselect the components, just click on an empty area of the Model panel.
In the model project's Edit menu, the Select All (shortcut Ctrl-A) command can be
executed to select all components.
Control component that have the ability to be (de)activated have an extra menu option:
· Active
The Active option toggles the active state of the control components without the need to
open the component data window.
The following 2 items are disabled for standard gas path components, and enabled for control
components. The calculation (and numbering; number in the top right corner of the
component icon) order of control component icons is influenced by the following options. This
can be very useful for advanced users to use dependent parameters in certain components
(e.g. to evaluate an expression in a component that uses calculated parameters from an other
component, the component number of the component evaluating the expression needs to be
higher than the component calculating the needed parameters).
· Move to start of calc order
Set the component number to the first control component number (usually 1)
· Move to end of calc order
Set the component number to the last control component number (usually first number
before first inlet number)
The following items are manipulating data in conjunction with the xml data in the tree:
· Copy component to parent
This will copy all the input data fields to the parent model component. This is very useful for
updating model configurations using a child design case for fine tuning your models's
design/reference point.
· Revert Component to Parent
Revert all component data to the data of this component in the parent configuration or case
(i.e. revert all data to inherited). This is convenient to for example to undo changes for the
component only.
· Move component to child configs/cases
Move the component to child configurations and cases (child of this case or configuration).
Note that this operation changed data in other cases and configurations in the project. If this
operation violates case management rules (configuration components cannot be added to
cases for example), the operation is aborted to avoid removing the component from child
Shortcut is Alt + R
Shortcut is Alt + A
On a model panel, the user can move a selected component by just dragging it across the
white area of the panel.
As with normal Windows operation, pressing the Ctrl button while dragging makes a copy of
the component. With the Ctrl key pressed, components can also be copied from other model
Also, the (Windows-) customary copy, cut and paste commands can be used (available in the
Edit menu on the model panel and as keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl-C, Ctrl-X and Ctrl-V), which
work with an invisible "component clipboard" for copying and moving operations.
When multiple components are selected, these operations apply to all selected components.
GSP automatically repositions components on the form to prevent invisible components
located outside the forms. Use the scroll bars to scroll the model panel if necessary or resize
the model panel. In case component overlap results after a copy or move action, the modeler
will be visibly notified.
The Delete command in the Edit menu, pop-up menu or invoked by pressing the Delete key,
removes the selected components. Not all components can be deleted, the option may
therefore be disabled. Note that deleting components, unless there is no parent component,
just moves the component to the deleted list where it is ignored by the program. There is an
option to restore the component through the Deprecated components window (double-click
entry in the list).
Since the case management features are incorporated in the modeling environment, additional
constraints are set on moving and deleting components. Note that a component of a
Configuration or a Case can have an ancestor, deleting a child must be inhibited to ensure a
proper model structure since this structure is based on inheritance.
Moving of Configuration type components is inhibited in a Case model, since this results in a
change of the configuration of the engine layout. Note that the Case model is an instance of
the Configuration with a sole existence to run the configuration as is. In order to provide the
case simulation of input, specific case control components can be used alongside the normal
(numerical) data input fields.
The user must position the components in a manner that the links touch each other. When a
link can be established, the rectangles turn blue for gas path links, and black for control links.
When a certain distance between components is desired, a Link Bar may be used to
establish the link over a larger distance. With the component pop-up menu, component icons
and link bars can be rotated.
Note that GSP component models do not need to be limited to non-dimensional or even 1-
dimensional. Due to GSP's flexibility there is principally no limitation to modelling fidelity
inside a component model. In some engine specific custom component libraries, dimensional
models exist, such as the 1-dimensional combustor model which calculates combustion
kinetics depending on some combustor geometrical properties.
NLR offers several application specific custom component libraries with component models
dedicated to certain gas turbine engine systems. Please contact NLR regarding custom
features in components.
The figure below demonstrates a duct component placed on top of some existing components:
For overlying link (bar) components, the link bars are only colored red if the orientation is the
same. This means that link bar crossings will not be regarded as overlapped components. In
the figure below a short horizontal link bar is placed over the lower fan to mixer link bar and
crosses the link bar to the compressor component:
Note that the selection of output data also represents the parameters that can be selected to
be plotted in the graphical output.
Examples of deprecated components are Thrust Control, Rotor Speed Control and EPR
Control components. The components cannot be controlled by components from the Case
Control Component library. Their functionality is replaced by the equation schedule
components. The components are merely kept for backward compatibility, or for simple
· Dynamic effects
· Rotor inertia effects
· Heat soakage effects
· Volume effects
· Pressure loss models
· Variable geometry
· Deterioration
· Component Maps
· Heat sink (heat transfer) effects
8.2.2 Deterioration
A number of components include Deterioration tabsheets for specification of map
modifiers representing the effect of deterioration. Refer to literature for quantification of
deterioration effects. A good way to analyse deterioration effects is to use steady state series
calculations for parameter sweeps with varying deterioration map modifiers.
Pressure ratio (or relative pressure loss) and corrected entry mass flow are often used as map
parameters. Corrected rotational speed and isentropic efficiency only are related to turbo
machinery (i.e. compressors, fans and turbines). Up to three map input parameters (including
the Reynolds index) are used to define the map operating point and determine the other map
output parameter values.
Tabular characteristics can be scaled in order to be able to use them for different gasturbines.
If the parameter values of the map design point do not match those in the design point of the
gasturbine to be modeled, scaling factors are determined during the design point calculation.
Note: The default GSP installation copies all model and map (*.map) files to the GSP projects
directory. Map filenames paths are relative to the GSP directory. Therefore, when copying
models or project files, with the map location set to file, and maps from one computer to
another, an error message can appear due to a change in path.
· Map type
· File
A map is specified by a link where it can be found. In distributing models the maps
should be given as well, and should be placed in exactly the same location as specified
by the File name input string.
· Local
The map will be stored internally inside the project file. File stored
· File name
Path and filename to the loaded map. If the map resides next to the model/project, no path
will be displayed. Manual file editing is disabled, selecting maps must be done using the
browse button.
The color of the file name informs the user of the existence/state of the map file/object.
· Black font
A black font is used for a valid map location, i.e. a file with the specified name is found,
for the File map option.
· Bright blue italic font
Embedding a map will immediately result in a bright blue font, this means that the map
object has been embedded in the project node, and the path to the file still exists.
· Red italic font
For embedded maps the red font is introduced to indicate that the map path originally
used to obtain the map data (on embedding map) is not valid anymore. An invalid map
location can be the result of moving the project file to a different location/directory, or
when the map files are moved.
· Title
Optional map title. If a map file has a title specified, the map title will be display after loading
the map.
· Note that controlling maps is only possible using the buttons in the lower left corner.
From left to right these buttons stand for:
· Open map file (CTRL + O)
A map dialog will be opened to select a map file
· Save to file (CTRL + S)
Save the current loaded map to file
· Show map graph
Display the map's graphical representation
· Edit/view data (CTRL + E)
This will open the current loaded map in the default text editor
· Clear map data (CTRL + X)
This action will erase/clear the current loaded map
· Revert to model data as loaded when entering this config/case
Revert the map to the state the model config/case was entered (or last config/case
save point)
· Help (F1)
Opens help
· No scaling
Resets map scale factors off-design to 1. This disables the automatic scaling to design
point data for off-design analysis (no map scaling). This feature can be used when the
component characteristics are known from testing or analysis. When enabled (of the shelf)
component matching is possible.
· Interpol.
This drop-down box determines the type of interpolation. Linear interpolation is the default,
but can be changed to Quadratic.
Note that some specific elements have been invisible when they are not applicable to the map
(e.g. No scaling is sometimes not used).
or exporting the map graph to bitmap or meta formats, only if the map is scaled also the
rectangle is drawn in the map.
Linear interpolation is used to obtain map parameter values from the tables. This requires
attention to the resolution of the table parameter step size, especially with very non-linear
relations. The SmoothC and SmoothT [6, 7] , and GasTurb [2] programs can be used to
quickly increase map table resolution.
Note: The default GSP installation copies all model and map (*.map) files to the GSP projects
directory. Map filenames paths are relative to the GSP directory. Therefore, when copying
models and maps from one computer to another, an error may appear due to a change in
The diameter DI is not of interest if the same machine is considered, the equation can be
rewritten to (including real gas effects):
if no real gas effects are considered. Note that the corrected spool speeds used in the
component characteristic maps for compressors and turbines in GSP use this relation.
Without a reference spool speed the relation becomes:
The diameter DI is not of interest if the same machine is considered, and Wref is usually 1,
the equation can be rewritten to (including real gas effects):
The Greek characters theta and delta represent the correction factors to refer engine
parameters to ISA sea level static conditions.
Note that in the map formats described hereafter, text with a blue font is information and
therefore not part of the actual map file.
The different map formats that are used in GSP are briefly described hereafter. The header
refers to the application of the map, while in brackets the amount of input and output
parameters are given. A compressor map is defined by 2 input parameters (Beta parameter
and Speed parameter), to find Efficiency, Pressure Ratio and Corrected Mass Flow, hence 2
in 3 out.
Example maps can be found in the default sample projects folder or embedded in the supplied
sample project files.
A table is a set of numbers and contains argument values (A), parameter values (P) and
function values (F):
The first number of a table is the table key which is composed from the number of rows and
columns of the table:
Key = number of rows + number of columns/1000
The number of rows is one more than the number of parameter values in the table and the
number of columns is one more than the number of arguments in the table. The key for the
table above would be 4.005, for example.
A table starts always on a new line and begins with the key. After the key follow the first four
argument values, separated by at least one "blank" from each other. The rest of the argument
values are on additional lines (five numbers per line). Only on the last line with argument
values there may be less than five values (columns).
Parameter values must always begin a new line and the first four function values follow on the
same line. The rest of the function values are arranged as described for the argument values.
The data need not be in specific column positions, but there must be at least one blank
between each number.
Limits are present on the amount of columns and rows a map table may consist of:
· Maximum amount of columns (argument values!)
Currently a maximum of 40 argument values are supported (remember the limit per line
in map file is 5 values, the parameter value not included, implying that 8 lines can be
used at the most).
· Maximum amount of rows (parameter values!)
Currently a maximum of 150 parameter values are supported.
Mass Flow
<Table with ß=Argument, Speed=Parameter, Mass Flow=Function Value>
<Table with ß=Argument, Speed=Parameter, Efficiency=Function Value>
Pressure Ratio
<Table with ß=Argument, Speed=Parameter, Pressure Ratio=Function Value>
Surge Line
<Table with Surge Point Mass Flow = Argument, 1.0 as Parameter, Surge Point Pressure Ratio=Function Value>
Wc - dPrel
Table data
0.000E+00 0.000E+00
1.250E+01 3.000E-02
1.350E+01 1.000E-01
Note that the mass flow should be increasing from top to bottom!
Combustor Efficiency
<Table with delta T combustor=Argument, Delta (Pt/Pref @ Sea Level Standard)=Parameter, Combustor
efficiency=Function Value>
<Table with Heat capacity rate flow 1 (W*Cp)=Argument, Heat capacity rate flow 2 (W*Cp)=Parameter,
Effectiveness=Function Value>
FARrel - ETArel
Table data
0.0390 0.9400
0.0585 0.9887
0.0732 1.0193
FARrel - ETArel
Table data
0.0390 0.9400
0.0585 0.9887
0.0732 1.0193
dMachrel - dETArel
Table data
1.000 -0.000
1.071 -0.013
1.190 -0.041
dPrel - dETArel
Table data
0.220 -0.1420
0.2267 -0.1250
0.2500 -0.1000
Advance Ratio
<Table with ß=Argument, Propeller angle (Beta)=Parameter, Advance Ratio=Function Value>
<Table with ß=Argument, Propeller angle (Beta)=Parameter, Efficiency=Function Value>
Power Coefficient
<Table with ß=Argument, Propeller angle (Beta)=Parameter, Power Coefficient=Function Value>
Static Performance Cf/Cpw = f(Cpw)
<Table with Power Coefficient=Argument, 1.0 as Parameter, Static Performance Cf/Cpw = f(Cpw)=Function
Schedules (2 in 1 out)
A schedule (2 in 1 out) is described by a single table. The format of a table is described in
Map table format.
Map Type Indicator Map Title
99 Arbitrary Text(e.g. Bleed flow as function of Mach and Altitude)
Reynolds correction data
Reynolds: RNI=0.1 f=1 RNI=1 f=1
Table Content Keyword
<Table with Parameter1(e.g. Mach)=Argument, Parameter2(e.g. Altitude)=Parameter, Map Result (Bleed flow)
=Function Value>
Note that both the Argument and the Parameter should be increasing from respectively left to right and top
to bottom!
4.00800 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6
0.8 1.0 2.0
0.00000 1.00 0.64 0.36 0.16
0.04 0.00 0.00
1.00000 1.28 0.88 0.58 0.31
0.13 0.00 0.00
2.00000 1.55 1.20 0.87 0.58
0.28 0.00 0.00
<Table with Mach=Argument, Capture Ratio=Parameter, Spill drag coefficient(Cd_spill)=Function Value>
<Table with Mach=Argument, Nozzle Pressure Ratio=Parameter, Afterbody drag coefficient(Cd_aft)=Function
· Unlinked components
· Control components
The following items represent sub-components within the component models, necessary to
enable the transmission of power through drive shafts and compressor bleed flow to other
components (such as turbines for blade cooling):
· Shaft objects
· Bleedflow objects
Due to the advanced software development principles applied in GSP 12, new or specific
application dedicated components can be derived from existing ones very rapidly.
The number of states and/or errors is affected by the Component model options for the
following components:
· Fan
· Compressor
· Turbine
· Manual fuel control
· Gas generator fuel control,
· Turboshaft fuel control
Failure of correct setting of the Component model options affecting the states and error
configuration of the model will be reported as either an error due to the number of model states
and (equation) errors not being equal or an error detecting more than one component trying to
(user) specify the same shaft.
turbomachinery or heat exchangers) also require or deliver power or heat flow. Gas path
components are available in the Gas Path Components.
Note: steady state and steady state series calculations may become problematic when
control system components with engine parameter feedback depending on time (such as Gas
Generator Fuel control and Turboshaft Fuel control components) are used in the model. The
best way to calculate a steady state point then is to stabilize at the particular operating point
using a transient calculation first before performing a steady state calculation.
Below displays a disabled (thrust controller nr.1) and an enabled (thrust controller nr.2)
Registered custom GSP versions may include extra component libraries with advanced or
company specific components or libraries.
Gas path components have (in most cases) the following modeling elements in common:
· Heat soakage effects (dynamic thermal effects on transient performance), specified in the
Heat soakage tab sheet.
· Heat sink effects (steady-state and transient heat transfer effects among components
and/or with ambient), specified in the Heat sink tab sheet. The gas path component can be
connected to one or more heat sink components in the heat sink table. Each row in the
table represents a connection with a heat sink with separate user specified heat transfer
model data.
· Volume effects (dynamic effects on transient performance)
· Link-bar
· Inlet
· Compressor
· Combustor (also Afterburner)
· Turbine
· Exhaust nozzle
· Duct
Gas path component models share a number of common properties and model elements.
GSP gas path component models are the primary building blocks for gas turbine models.
Most of the gas path component represent a stage in the gas turbine thermodynamic cycle,
such as Inlet, Compressor, Combustor and Turbine subsequently for a simple cycle single
spool gas turbine. With these components stacked together, only the addition of a Manual fuel
controller is then required to complete the model for a simple jet engine like in the TJET.MXL
project used in the quick start basics tutorial.
In all gas path component models, gas is entering one or more inlets, then is subjected to
some process affecting the gas conditions and/or composition before exiting through one or
more exits. The component inlets and exits usually correspond to engine stations, where
specific gas conditions and/or compositions are specified or calculated for the primary gas
flow of the cycle. Gas path component models share the following elements:
· Output parameters written to the output tables are defined through the Output tab sheet of the
· Secondary gas flows can enter or exit the component depending on the component model
· Gas condition and composition is calculated for entry and exit stations. Only in special
cases intermediate stations or locations exist where gas conditions and composition is
· In most cases (and per default) only total temperature and pressure is required for the cycle
calculation since enthalpy is used for the conservation of energy equations.
· Static conditions (static temperature, static pressure, mach, velocity) can be calculated in
most gas path components using the Exit static conditions box in the gas path component
data entry window Design tab sheet.
· Heat transfer can be modeled 2 ways:
o Using the Heat sink tab sheet to connect to a Heat sink component for both steady-state
and transient heat transfer to other components or the environment
o Heat soakage heat transfer using the Heat Soak tab sheet for heat transfer during
transient only heating up or cooling down the gas path surrounding walls.
· Volume effects using the Vol.dynamics tab sheet for representing volume effects during
Static conditions can be calculated at every engine station using the using the Exit static
conditions box in (most) gas path components design tab sheets.
With the total properties (temperature and pressure) and flow rate calculated at every cycle
calculation iteration step for evaluation the model equations for conservation of mass and
energy, static pressure and temperature can only be calculated if flow velocity is know. Flow
velocity can only be calculated if flow cross area A is given for the particular station.
Alternatively, also velocity or mach number can be specified and then flow area calculated. In
summary, with a value specified for either area, velocity or mach number, the other 2 can be
calculated. Iteration is required to accurately maintain the correct relations for total to static
conditions including the depending of density and sonic velocity of static temperature and
In GSP, engine station static conditions are calculated in the component just upstream of the
station which means the component exit static condition is calculation. Since this
corresponds to the inlet static condition of the next component, separate inlet static condition
calculation is omitted to prevent duplication and conflicting data. So if a component inlet static
condition is desired, use the upstream component the Exit static conditions option instead.
Select the desired parameter for specifying static conditions (area, mach number or velocity)
and enter an appropriate value. Note that unrealistic values will cause iteration failure and error
messages. Also supersonic flow is inhibited and will be reported as an error.
Note that there are special gas path components which have exceptions to these rules or
include additional internal stations or locations for calculation static conditions:
· Inlet
The inlet has no upstream gas path component for calculating inlet station static conditions so
a separate inlet static parameter edit box is added above the exit one.
· Exhaust nozzle
The exhaust nozzle inlet static conditions can be calculated by the upstream component. For
the throat and exit stations, dedicated models are used to calculate static conditions including
supersonic conditions in case of a con-di nozzle.
· Combustor
The combustor has a separate Burner static conditions Duct cross area for enabling calculation of
averaged static conditions inside the combustor (between the inlet and exit stations) required
for Fundamental pressure loss calculation and for afterburner mode efficiency map reading.
· Mixer
The mixer calculates separate mixing plane static conditions, required to calculate the
equations relating the two mixing flows (usually using conservation of momentum and
assuming a user specified relation between the two entry flow static conditions). Only the
mixing plane exit corresponds to the component exit engine station.
With relative pressure loss specified in the design point, several options exist to determine off-
design pressure loss:
· User specified (off-design)
Relative pressure loss remains equal to the design value unless the user specifies an off-
design value.
· User specified design only
Relative off-design pressure loss is calculated from the design value and the corrected
entry mass flow maintaining a proportional relation between relative pressure loss and
squared corrected entry mass flow (i.e. proportional to density*velocity2). Off-design
pressure loss is not user specified directly!
· Relative pressure loss map
Relative pressure loss is obtained from a map. The map type depends on the component
(see the sections on the particular component). Off-design pressure loss is not user
specified directly!
Component development in GSP uses window inheritance. This implies that components
inherit the code from ancestor components. This also applies to all the elements on the
component data windows of the component. An example is the Output parameter options tab
This tab sheet shows the main output options that are common for all gas path components.
When the output options are checked, the output parameter will be written to the output table.
The tab sheet contains options for pressures (Pressure), temperatures (Temperature), flows (Flows),
enthalpy and entropy (H, S), additional gas properties (Cp, Gamma, Rho, R, Mu), gas composition
(Gas comp.) (species must be added first trough the Output options window), Reynolds output
(RNI, Re), Map data (Map), bleed ports (Bleeds) and other effects data (Effects data).
Specific output data will be added by the derivatives of this model component. Inlet
The inlet component represents all types of inlets used for gas turbines. The inlet requires
specification of the gas turbine design point inlet air mass flow and specification of pressure
loss in the form of the ram recovery factor RR. RR represents the ratio of total pressure at inlet
exit (usually fan or compressor entry) divided by free stream (ambient) total pressure. Four
options are available for specification of the ram recovery factor:
· MIL-E-5008B standard
RR according to this standard assumes RR=1 up to flight Mach 1. Above Mach 1, RR is
reduced using a function of Mach.
Note that the MIL-E-5008B standard relation is scaled to design RR. This means RR values
deviating from MIL-E-5008B standard may result if the design RR deviates from the MIL-E-
5008B standard at the design Mach number. The Ambient conditions information box in the
Design tab sheet indicates design flight Mach number and other ambient condition
Warning: A design RR value higher than the MIL-E-5008B standard value (e.g. with design
flight Mach number larger than 1) may result in (unrealistic) subsonic RR values higher than
· User specified RR
Both design and off-desing RR are user specified.
· User specified RR design only
Design RR is user specified, off-design RR is corrected assuming linear relation between
relative pressure loss (1-RR) and squared corrected inlet massflow.
· RR map
Ram recovery determined by an inlet map. The map file consists of tables with RR as a
function of flight mach number and corrected airflow at inlet exit. View the map graph using
the Map button in the Map tab sheet.
In the Design tabsheet, design RR / PR can be specified. The Set to MIL Std button can be used
to set the design RR to the MIL-E-5008B standard value (function of flight Mach number). Compressor
The compressor component represents various types of compressors used in the main gas
path except for the Fan. Usually the compressor is driven by a turbine and consequently
shares a shaft number with it. Design point input includes rotor speed, pressure ratio and
efficiency. Design inlet mass flow is obtained from the exit mass flow of the preceding
component (such as an Inlet, Fan or other Compressor). Specify a shaft number or suffix
corresponding to the engine specification, such as 2 for a typical gas generator compressor
resulting in N2 for the rotor speed parameter name.
For off-design performance several options are available. Using the radiogroup box one of the
following options can be chosen:
· Map
The standard option uses a compressor map of type component map. The map file
consists of tables with corrected mass flow, efficiency and pressure ratio as a function of
corrected normalised rotational speed and beta. The map operating point corresponding to
the design operating point is specified using the map design rotational speed and beta
values. Click the Show Graph button on the Map tab sheet to view the map graphically and
note the yellow rectangle which can be used to move the map design point. In the map
graph also the beta-lines can be show after activating the appropriate item in the Options
· Operating Line
This advanced option allows the engine modeller to use the compressor operating line. In
case the maps of the compressors cannot be obtained from the manufacturer, the operating
line of an existing engine can inserted (or a predicted operating line for a new engine). When
using this option note that the mass flow error equation for the turbine needs to be
deactivated to obtain a solvable equation system. In case the operating line is the actual
running line of the engine, the error will remain very small (can be visualised through the
option Werror on the turbine output tab sheet). Using a predicted operating line, the error
increases the further the operating point is located from the real operating point.
· No map (DP only)
This advanced option allows the engine modeller to calculate design point performance
without having to specify an off-design component map. Off-design calculation will not be
The map file consists of tables with corrected mass flow, efficiency and pressure ratio as a
function of corrected normalised rotational speed and beta. The map operating point
corresponding to the design operating point is specified using the map design rotational speed
and beta values. Click the Graph button in the Map tab sheet to view the map graphically and
note the yellow rectangle which can be used to move the map design point. In the map graph
also the beta-lines can be show after activating the appropriate item in the Options menu.
An unlimited number of compressor bleed flows can be specified in the Bleeds tab sheet.
Compressor bleed flows are secondary air flows extracted from the compressor air flow for
various purposes: bleed flows can be used to model customer bleeds or turbine cooling bleeds
used in the turbine component or air flows entering bypass ducts in the duct component. The
bleed flow numbers used must be unique for the model.
The option Reset map scale factors sets the map scaling factors to 1 during off-design
calculations. This enables the engine modeller to match existing turbo components using their
actual/original maps.
When using a map, the surge margin (parameter name SM) is calculated during iteration (and
not only at final output as an additional output value) to enable direct control of SM using
limiters and schedulers.
Bleed control and enabling/disabling cells in (compressor) bleeds table depending on case or
config. Bleeds can only be defined in configs, in cases, only bleed values and bleed control
nrs. can be changed.
Changes in geometry caused by inlet guide vanes or variable stator vanes can be modeled
using tab sheet Variable Geometry. Two options are available to model variable geometry, using a
schedule on the tab sheet, or using an external geometry controller. For both options the
Effects per degree vane- or blade angle group box needs to be populated with reference values for
the modifiers for the map, where dAngle is deviation in degrees of reference vane/blade
position. There are modifiers for mass flow, pressure ratio and efficiency. Note that when using
the schedule the values are ascending.
Modelers can model deterioration using the map modifying parameters on the Deterioration tab
sheet. There are modifiers for mass flow, pressure ratio and efficiency. Note that to enable
deterioration effects in your model, the Apply deterioration effects option must be active, which
can only be used in off-design analysis.
Heat sink and heat soakage heat fluxes affect compressor work significantly. See Heat
transfer on how this effect is modeled.
The compressor characteristics are represented in the compressor component map. The map
displays the relation between 4 parameters corrected for entry conditions: corrected rotor
speed Nc, pressure ratio PR, corrected mass flow Wc and isentropic efficiency ETAc. In GSP,
the beta parameter composed of Wc and PR is used for better simulation stability.
Note that the little yellow rectangle represents the map design point (DP) to which the engine
design point is scaled. If the map graph is scaled using the Map | Scale to model design point
menu option, then naturally the rectangle represents the actual engine DP. See example of a
scaled compressor map below.
To assess the off-design behaviour of gas turbine components, component maps are used to
define the off-design characteristics. When the components are grouped to form a gas turbine
the range of possible operating conditions depends on the equilibrium of the gas turbine as a
whole. The equilibrium points can be plotted in the component charateristics map to form the
equilibrium operating (running) line.
To demonstrate the operating line usage in the compressor, a running line for a TJET model
has been constructed using a decreasing fuel flow sweep. Figure 1 shows the compressor off-
design charateristics for the TJET. The blue line denotes the actual (real) compressor running
line. Imagine that we do not know the operating line and assume that the operating line is
linear (red line).
figure 1 Compressor Map; actual TJET compressor running line (blue line), assumed
TJET compressor operating line (red line)
Since the option "No Massflow Error Equation" needs to be checked to deactivate the turbine
massflow error equation (to obtain a solvable equation system) the error increases the further
the asumed operating line deviates from the actual operating line. In case the operating line is
the actual running line of the engine (or close to), the error will remain very small (can be
visualised through the option Werror on the turbine output tab sheet). Figure 2 shows the
massflow error for the actual and the assumed operating line.
Figure 2 clearly shows that the further the assumed operating line is away from the actual
operating line the massflow error of the turbine increases.
The surge margin (SM) is defined as the distance between the surge line and the operating
point on a vertical line for a constant corrected mass flow value. Several definitions are in use
to define the SM. From the compressor map it is clear that the distance to the surge line can
be defined using multiple definitions. The most commonly used definition is defined by SAE,
where the SM is defined as the distance from the operating point to the surge line at constant
An alternative definition, that is more oriented at the physical surge process is defined at
constant speed (thus following the constant speed line to obtain the PR surge), is not used by
Note that there are definitions around where the pressure ratio is corrected by subtracting 1
from the PR to account for pressure ratios being larger than 1 (see reference [1]) e.g.:
The pressure ratio used in the SM calculation is the PR wherein scaling effects for
deterioration and variable geometry have been taken into account. This means that the SM for
operating points that use these effects is not very accurate.
The required SM varies between different applications and is highly depending on engine
configuration, accel and decel times, inlet distortion, compressor type (LP, HP, centrifugal,
axial), etc. Typical values for the SM are in the order of 10 - 20% for fans,10 - 25% for LP
compressors, and 15 to 30% for HP compressors, depending on the type of application. For a
fan the inlet distortion alone contributes with 5% to the total fan SM.
Surge margin is scaled in scaled maps corresponding to the scaling of pressure ratio, i.e.
proportional to PR-1. Turbine
The turbine component is used to obtain mechanical power from hot gas in order to drive a
rotating shaft and represents various types of turbines used in the main gas path. When the
turbine drives a compressor it must share a shaft number with it. For a power turbine any shaft
number can be used. If transient simulations are to be performed the rotor moment of inertia
must be specified. The turbine moment of inertia applies to the entire spool (including any
compressors, gearboxes and load components (e.g. generators, propellers etc.) rotating with
it). Mechanical efficiency also applies to the entire spool and determines how much power is
lost before it is extracted by a compressor or load outside the gas turbine.
Turbine design point input includes rotor speed and efficiency. Design inlet mass flow is
obtained from the exit mass flow of the preceding component (such as a combustor or other
turbine). Specify a shaft number or suffix corresponding to the engine specification, such as 2
for a typical gas generator compressor resulting in N2 for the rotor speed parameter name.
Design pressure ratio is not specified but calculated from the power required by compressors,
fans and external turbine design loads in the design point calculation.
A series of turbine cooling flows can be defined to accurately model the thermodynamic
effects of turbine cooling, including separate nozzle guide vane cooling (note that you can
change the station number of the nozzle guide vane outlet on the Output tab sheet).
For the determination of the rotor speed three options are available (also see compressor and
turbo shaft models), user-linked to the options of the fan and compressor:
· Free state rotor speed
The rotor speed is determined with use of the other components in the iteration process of
the model. If the free power turbine checkbox is checked, no compressor is driven
and the speed is determined by torque surplus and spool moment of inertia (causing
acceleration or deceleration). Note that free power turbine speed only changes during
transient simulation!
· User specified rotor speed
The rotor speed is user specified and fixed. This option can be used for both Gas
Generator (GG) and Free Power Turbine (PT) turbines. In case of a free PT, the free
power turbine checkbox must be checked, see also free power turbines. Note that
enforcing the rotational spool speed of the GG turbine (the model option of the compressor
of the GG must also have the User specified rotor speed model option selected)
may result in a power surplus or deficit for the shaft.
· Speed determined by shaft (external control)
The rotor speed is user specified and the user can add an error variable (check box Add
Power Balance equation, see also turbo shaft models) for the turbine power balance to
calculate other components' (free state) parameters such as fuel flow or a control system
variable (e.g. trimming signal) with the specified rotor speed as input. Any compressors or
fans attached to this turbine must then have the Externally controlled option set.
GSP is able to calculate through a series of turbines (or stages; provided that stage maps can
be obtained from the turbine manufacturer) to drive a single shaft. However, the user should
provide the model the division of the overall power over the series of turbines (or stages) at
design time. To accomplish this the user can choose from 6 options in the Power
delivered to shaft in design point group box to divide the power per turbine:
· All required
Used for the last turbine or a single turbine on one shaft; all power to shaft,
· Part of req. pwr.
Specify the fraction of the total (all turbines) power to be given to the shaft for this turbine,
· Power
Specify the amount of power from this turbine to be given to the shaft,
· Torque
Specify the torque from this turbine to be given to the shaft,
· PR
Specify the pressure ratio of this turbine determining the power to be given to the shaft,
· TR
Specify the temperature ratio of this turbine determining the power to be given to the shaft.
Note that the in case there are multiple turbines placed on the same shaft the mass moment
of inertia is taken from the last turbine on the shaft (with the highest component ID). Also note
that the turbine moment of inertia applies to the entire spool including any compressors,
gearboxes and load components (e.g. generators, propellers etc.) rotating with it (see above).
For both the compressor drive and free power drive option, (extra) power may be absorbed
from the shaft using the PTO power and Torque specification fields. In this case it is also
possible to use the Load Control component. Note that PTO power and Torque can be specified,
which are summed.
The checkbox Calculate max. Design load of the Design External load / PTO
box is very useful when modeling industrial gasturbines. When checked, the maximum
amount of power that can be generated by the turbine will be calculated. The relative losses in
the exhaust system can be given in the field ass. exit to ambient rel.
press.loss to directly account for the exhaust pressure losses during design calculation.
For off-design performance several options are available. Using the option group box one of the
following options can be chosen:
· Map
The standard option uses a turbine map of type component map. The map file consists of
tables with corrected mass flow, efficiency and pressure ratio as a function of corrected
normalized rotational speed and beta. The map operating point corresponding to the design
operating point is specified using the map design rotational speed and beta values. Click the
Show Graph button on the Map tab sheet to view the map graphically and note the yellow
rectangle which can be used to move the map design point. In the map graph also the beta-
lines can be show after activating the appropriate item in the Options menu.
· No map (DP only)
This advanced option allows the engine modeller to calculate design point performance
without having to specify an off-design component map.
The option Reset map scale factors sets the map scaling factors to 1 during off-design
calculations. This enables the engine modeler to match existing turbo components using their
actual/original maps.
Variable Geometry and Deterioration are similar to the functionality described in the Compressor
Heat sink and heat soakage heat fluxes affect turbine work significantly. See Heat transfer on
how this effect is modeled.
A single nozzle guide vane (NGV) cooling flow can be defined in the Cooling tab sheet of the
turbine. NGV cooling flow is assumed to represent the flow cooling the 1st stage stator vanes
of the turbine (in case a multi-stage turbine is simulated by the GSP turbine component).
NGV cooling flow is entirely mixed with the turbine flow BEFORE turbine work is extracted
during the expansion process. The NGV cooling flow therefore always fully contributes to the
extracted turbine work, where for the other bleed flows (which are mixed just before turbine
exit) the contribution to the delivered work is dependent on the Press. Frac. parameter.
Turbine cooling flows can be defined to accurately model the thermodynamic effects of turbine
cooling. In the Cooling tab sheet an unlimited number of cooling flows can be entered, each
row representing data of a separate cooling flow. The following data must be specified in the
subsequent columns:
· Nr
The cooling flow number to identify the cooling flow with a unique number in the model.
Note that these numbers do not correspond with compressor bleed flow numbers.
· Bleed flow nr
The compressor bleed flow number providing the cooling flow. This number must represent
an existing compressor bleed flow, defined in a compressor component.
· Frac. for cool.
The fraction of the compressor bleed flow used for this turbine cooling flow.
· Frac. Eff. T.flow
The fraction of the cooling flow that contributes to the turbine effective flow. A larger or
smaller part of the flow can be added to the flow obtained from the flow - pressure ratio
relation in the map. A fraction of 1 means all cooling flow requires a proportional share of
the cross flow area, at the cost of the turbine entry flow (e.g. the main flow exiting the
combustor) so that for the same pressure ratio the entry flow is smaller. This would be the
case if all cooling flow enters the turbine at the entry. If all cooling flow would enter at the
exit, the fraction should be set to 0. Usually this fraction value is set between 0 and 1 and
used to accurately fine-tune the model to known engine data.
· Press. Frac.
This fraction represents the extent to which the cooling flow contributes to the expansion
process providing mechanical power in the turbine. At 0, no expansion power is provided.
At value 1, the cooling flow entirely expands with a pressure ratio equal to the turbine
pressure ratio, starting with the (compressor) bleed flow temperature. Usually this fraction
value is set between 0 and 1 and used to accurately fine-tune the model to known engine
· Exit radius [m]
This is a radius for calculation of the effect of the increase in kinetic energy of the cooling
flow due to the increase in velocity of the flow passages with increasing distance (radius)
from the rotating shaft centerline. The kinetic energy is added to the cooling flow enthalpy
and subtracted from the turbine shaft power. The radius is specified in meters and usually
is set equal to the average distance of the blades to the shaft centerline. This value can be
used to accurately fine-tune the model to known engine data.
Turbine cooling flow output parameters are identified by the turbine local cooling flow number
(e.g. Wcl3_6 is mass flow rate of cooling flow nr. 3 in turbine component nr. 6).
Click the free power turbine option for a free power turbine not driving a compressor. If a
free power turbine also has the Free state rotor speed option set, the model should be
used for transient calculation only to simulate free power turbine accels and decels with a
power turbine speed governor. Use user specified rotor speed for steady state calculations
with free power turbine to prevent GSP from searching a steady state power turbine speed /
load combination which often does not exist (power turbine either stops or overspeeds).
For off-design performance a component map is used. The map file consists of tables with
corrected mass flow, efficiency and pressure ratio as a function of corrected normalized
rotational speed and beta. The map operating point corresponding to the design operating
point is specified using the map design rotational speed and beta values. Click the Graph
button in the Map tab sheet to view the map graphically and note the yellow rectangle which
can be used to change the map design point. In the map graph also the beta-lines can be
show after activating the appropriate item in the Options menu.
For both the compressor drive and free power drive option, (extra) power may be absorbed
from the shaft using the PTO power and Torque specification fields. In this case it is also
possible to use the Power Turbine Load Control component.
Turbine performance characteristics are represented in the turbine component map. The map
displays the relation between 4 parameters corrected for entry conditions: corrected rotor
speed Nc, pressure ratio PR, corrected mass flow Wc and isentropic efficiency ETAc. In GSP,
the beta parameter represents turbine PR.
Note that the little yellow rectangle represents the map design point (DP) to which the engine
design point is scaled. If the map graph is scaled using the Map | Scale to model design point
menu option, then naturally the rectangle represents the actual engine DP. Combustor
The combustor component is used to simulate both primary (gas generator) combustors and
afterburners. Data may be specified for:
The combustion process
· Fuel type and/or composition
There is a distinction in design and off-design fuel type. This is to analyze OD effects of
alternative fuels for example.
For the last (SOT) option, a DP equation has to be added. SOT is evaluated in an error
equation (with Wf as state variable) for the iteration towards user specified SOT (iteration
necessary because SOT may be affected by downstream hpt cooling flows).
· Combustion efficiency, using one of a number of different models for off-design efficiency
· User specified combustion efficiency
User defined fixed off-design combustion efficiency
· Use combustion efficiency map
Efficiency as function of combustor temperature rise and pressure ratio Delta
· Use afterburner combustion efficiency maps
Define 3 maps to determine afterburner combustion efficiency based on FAR, and
corrections for Mach number and relative pressure drop:
1. Comb. eff. vs. FAR map text file, to calculate the efficiency from reheat FAR
2. Flow Mach nr. correction map text file, to calculate the efficiency correction for
Mach value
3. Pressure correction map text file, to calculate the correction factor for relative
pressure drop
Pressure loss as result of the addition of heat and resulting increase in velocity:
· Calculate Fundamental Pressure Loss
The fundamental pressure loss is determined with the conservation of momentum and is
usually used for afterburner mode only, when the effect becomes significant due to the
very high temperature increase.
Emission formation
Optionally combustor exit emission values (NOx, CO, UHC indices and Smoke number) can
be calculated using either one of three emission formation models:
· None
· Interpolation in ICAO table (NLR correction method)
· Semi-empirical ratio- or direct prediction method
Note that an additional option can be found in the component Multi Reactor Combustor found
in the Special Gas Path Component Library inheriting from Combustor.
· Multi-reactor combustion model
Fuel pump/compressor
The power required for compressing the fuel for injection into the combustor can be calculated
using the Fuel pump.
Water injection
To lower combustor temperature for e.g. lowering NOx emisions or to increase specific power
output, water or steam can be injected for both design and off-design calculation.
Afterburner specific
Design point calculation frequently does not include afterburning, hence an option on the Design
tab sheet has been added to set the design afterburner fuel flow to zero (Checkbox "Zero Wf in
design Calc. (afterburner)").
Outputtab sheet
The combustor component inherits most of the inlet and exit parameters of the Common
output parameters, and adds combustor specific output parameters (Combustion and Emissions)
ERchem is the chemical equivalence ratio. This output parameter contains the calculated
chemical equivalence ratio. This is simply the quotient of the total oxygen needed for a
stoichiometric mixture and the total oxygen that is present in the mixture. For the difference
between the chemical equivalence ratio and the more known equivalence ratio defined by the
quotient of actual fuel-air-ratio and stoichiometric fuel-air-ratio, readers are referred to NASA
RP1311, Users Manual. However, a few remarks are made here: if all the positive valence
atoms (C,H,..) are present in the fuel and all the negative valence atoms (O,..) in the oxidizer,
the two equivalence ratios are equal. If not, they are still equal when they are one
(stoichiometric mixture), and they are both smaller than one for lean mixtures and higher than
one for rich mixtures. The chemical equivalence ratio can be determined for a mixture, without
prior knowledge of the fuel composition, for the other equivalence ratio, the fuel composition
must be known.
LHVis the Lower Heating Value. This is the heat of combustion where it is assumed that the
water component of the combustion process is in vapor state at the end of the combustion.
Unburnt is the amount of fuel flow that is not burnt in the combustor.
The combustion heat release is calculated from the fuel flow and fuel properties. Fuel
properties can be specified in terms of a fuel type and H/C ratios and lower heating values. If
desired, the fuel composition can be specified instead, composed of a number of predefined
species. This option is to allow simulations of systems using alternative fuels such as gasified
Design fuel can be specified separately (from the off-design fuel) to allow maintaining a
reference (design) fuel for calculating fuel effects.
Instead of fuel flow, also combustor exit total temperature of combustor exit fuel-air ratio can
be user specified to determine the combustor operating point. In that case, fuel flow is
calculated. After selecting the appropriate option in the Design tab sheet, GSP works with
either fuel flow, exit temperature (or stator outlet temperature, SOT) or fuel-air ratio, both
design and off-design. Specifying exit temperature for example is very convenient if
calculations with constant (i.e. maximum) turbine entry temperature levels are needed.
Off-design fuel flow (or exit temperature or fuel-air ratio) is specified with control components
such as the manual fuel control.
For the design point, specify the design combustion efficiency (ratio of effective heat release
and 100% combustion theoretical heat release). During off-design the combustion efficiency is
determined as user specified or from a map. For a primary combustor, use the map option
with combustion efficiency as a function of temperature rise dT and pressure level in terms of
d. For an afterburner, use the afterburner efficiency maps with three 2-dim maps (effects of
relative (to design values) fuel air ratio, nominal flow Mach number and pressure).
The combustion process is calculated using gas and fuel composition data and the equations
for chemical equilibrium, meaning that dissociation effects (CO2|CO and H2O|OH) are
accounted for.
Note that the calculation of delta enthalpy, dH, over the combustor has not much meaning as
the composition changes (each individual specie in the gas model is having another
temperature at which the H equals zero). Even if all H zero temperature would be equal, dH
still has not much meaning in a component like a combustor with detailed/chemical gas
models, since both mass and composition changes. Conservation of energy is maintained
including a variety of chemical reaction enthalpies. Of course, for an idea of dH that would be
used for hand calculation, one could define a calculated column like cp3*(TT4-TT3).
Design point relative pressure loss is specified in the Design tab sheet. Off-design point
pressure loss is determined depending on the settings in the Pressure Loss tab sheet. The
first option Specified design rel. pressure loss only calculates off design relative
pressure loss proportional to squared corrected entry mass flow (see pressure losses). The
second option User specified off-design press. loss allows direct user
specification of off-design pressure loss. The third option uses a pressure loss map with
relative pressure loss either as a function of corrected entry mass flow or fuel flow.
The Emissions tab sheet of the combustor component contains the emission models
determining NOx, CO, UHC and soot during combustion. When using emission models
(instead of None), three options are available:
composition and the actual emission concentration at each reactor exit are used to
calculate the emission formation rates, which are numerically integrated.
Four mechanisms of NOx formation are modelled: prompt NOx, fuel NOx, thermal NOx
and NOx formation by the N2O mechanism. The amounts of prompt NOx and fuel NOx
are calculated using empirical equations and supposed to be formed instantaneously in
flames. Thermal NOx and NOx formed by the N2O mechanism are assumed to be formed
throughout the combustion chamber.
For CO emmissions it is assumed that the fuel reacts instantaneously to CO (and H2O),
and is subsequently (gradually) oxidised to CO2 by one chemical reaction.
For UHC emmissions, the fuel is converted to an amount of jet fuel or methane, depending
on the fuel used. Both the jet fuel and methane are (partially) oxidised in the subsequent
part of the combustion chamber.
For smoke (soot), the assumption is made that the soot particles are spherical. An
empirical equation is used to predict formation, while kinetic-type expressions are used to
calculate the smoke oxidation.
The last two emission models calculate emission indices (EI) relative to a user defined design
point reference EI value, making GSP particularly valuable for emission sensitivity analysis.
Note: Using the combustor component for emission calculations requires thorough k nowledge
on the underlying theory and equations of the options applied.
The NLR emission model is based on measured emission index values for new engines as
published by ICAO for a large number of aero-engines.
The "NLR method" comprises of interpolation in tables derived from the ICAO thrust vs.
emission index tables. For the specific engine, the combustor pressure and temperature are
determined for each of the 4 ICAO defined thrust settings (this can be done using GSP). This
data is entered in the table in the NLR/ICAO tab sheet in the combustor edit window. The
emission index is then calculated using logarithmic interpolation with combustor temperature
and a simple empirical correction for deviating combustor pressures.
Since the ICAO emission data are specified for standard conditions, application of this
emission model is recommended for use only at standard operating conditions (standard
ambient temperature and pressure and a standard undeteriorated engine).
For analysing effects of deviating operating conditions, it is best to use the ratio emission
The power required for compressing the fuel for injection into the combustor can be calculated
and taken from a user specified shaft. The fuel pump power effect can be separately specified
and accounted for in DP and OD simulation mode. Pump/compressor power calculation
depends on fuel type, either:
· Incompressible (liquid) fuel flow
(power is pressure delta * volume flow, density needs to be specified)
· Compressible with user specified ETAis
(power is calculated using the appropriate equation for compression power at a user
specified isentropic efficiency)
The fuel pump/compressor entry pressure is user specified. The fuel pump/compressor exit
pressure is static combustor inlet pressure plus an additional injection overpressure. If static
combustor inlet pressure is not available (no entry area (i.e. upstream component exit area)
specified ) total is taken instead.
The fuel pump inlet temperature is taken from the Fuel (for DP Design Fuel) tab sheets user
specified data.
The fuel pump calculation can be activated/deactivated (using the Account for fuel pump/compressor
power check box) and works for both DP and OC calculations. Note that in order to analyse fuel
compressor power effects as an OD effect, the Reinitialize model on case type change option
in the General | Initialization options needs to be disabled: then run a DP first without Fuel
pump active, then follow with OD with Fuel pump active.
Calculation of absolute enthalpy (H) of fuel before (Hfueltank) and after fuel
(Hfuelin) compression and output for use in system energy balance calculations:
a) When using Hfueltank for the energy balance, the fuel compression system is included
in energy balance system boundary. Fuel compressor power and fuel temperature effects
calculation options (Add fuel temperature rise due to compression and Account for fuel
pump/compressor power) must be either both active or both inactive for the energy balance to
remain consistent.
b) When using Hfuelin, the fuel compression sysem is excluded from energy balance
system boundary. The fuel compressor power calculation option must be deactivated.
Note that the energy balance expression can easily be calculated as an output calculated
expression. For a simple turboshaft for example as a % of total input heat rate:
When the energy balance is closed properly, the result of this expression should be close to 0
(typically less than 0.1 %). For gaseous fuels, compression power and fuel enthalpy rise is
calculated using the user specified isentropic fuel compression efficiency. For liquid fuels, fuel
compression/punp power is calculated as volume flow rate * dp and the resulting work per kg
fuel added as a 'virtual total temperature' of the liquid fuel to account for the energy released as
kinetic energy in the fuel jets when exiting the injector and entering the combustor.
The exhaust nozzle component can be used for simulation of convergent nozzles,
convergent/divergent nozzles with either fixed or variable geometry. Exhaust component
models usually end the gas path of a GSP gas turbine model and simulate the expansion
process of the gas to ambient or other user specified conditions. In the GSP equation system
(unless the Disable Massflow Error Equation option is active), an exhaust component adds an error
equation to enforce matching of the exhaust mass flow (calculated from exhaust gas
conditions, flow cross-area and outside/ambient pressure) with the mass flow entering from
the upstream component.
The variable geometry option allows control of either throat area only or both throat and exit
area (in case of a convergent/divergent nozzle), using the nozzle control component. The
exhaust nozzle component can be used for both thrust generating (jet-engine) nozzles
including turboprop engine exhausts and turboshaft exhaust systems in which case thrust is
minimal and not relevant. Exhaust stack pressure loss can be modeled by inserting a duct
Specify a velocity coefficient to represent losses in terms of a correction of the exit flow
velocity resulting from isentropic expansion from entry to ambient pressure.
Note that for the design point, effective throat cross-flow area is not user specified, but
calculated from the exhaust entry conditions, i.e. the area required for expansion to ambient
conditions of the entry mass flow. Only by adapting component design data upstream of the
exhaust nozzle component, design point nozzle area can be indirectly adapted. Decreasing
design efficiency of an upstream turbine component for example will increase the area due to
the decrease in turbine exit pressure resulting in lower density, requiring a large exhaust
cross-flow area.
For a variable nozzle, off-design throat area can be directly specified using the nozzle control
component, which effectively controls relative nozzle area (i.e. nozzle area/design nozzle
area). Design point geometric
Thrust calculation
Ideal gross thrust is calculated using the customary equation for impulse reaction force of the
flow plus the the static pressure difference from throat to ambient pressure times the throat
area (only when choked):
with C_exit_ideal, A_exit, and Ps_exit the ideal velocity, area and static pressure at the
exhaust nozzle exit (either the convergent nozzle or con-di nozzle exit) and Po the ambient
FG = CX*(W*CV*C_exit_ideal + A_exit*(Ps_exit-Po))
· CX thrust coefficient
CX is a much simpler method than CV to represent losses and is simply a factor multiplied
with FG_ideal to yield actual thrust:
FG = CX*FG_ideal
FG = CX*(W*CV*C_exit_ideal + A_exit*(Ps_exit-Po))
CV and CX can be specified for Design Point and Off-design calculations separately. Note that
design relative nozzle throat area (Aeff/Aeffdes) is defined 1.0. Relative nozzle area can be
adapted in OD by the Manual Variable Exhaust Nozzle Control or derivatives of this control
Velocity coefficient CV
Off-design CV (see above).
Thrust coefficient CX
Off-design CX (see above).
Convergent-Divergent nozzle
Option to choose whether a convergent nozzle or a convergent-divergent nozzle is
Velocity coefficient CV
Design CV (see above).
Thrust coefficient CX
Design CX (see above).
Note that normally either CX or CV are used since they more or less represent the
same losses. Although it is possible, it is advised to not specify values deviating from
1 for both fields simultaneously.
Specify area as
· Specify effective areas and CD's (and have design geometric area/area ratio
calculated). Also with a variable nozzle area nozzle, the nozzle control component
controls effective throat area and (if option active) the con-di ratio as applied on
effective areas. Geometric areas are calculated by dividing effective areas by the
CD values.
· or specify geometric areas (and have design CD's calculated). Also with a variable
nozzle area nozzle, the nozzle control component controls geometric throat area
and (if option active) the con-di ratio as applied on geometric areas. Effective areas
are calculated by multiplying geometric areas with the CD values.
· CD
Discharge coefficient used to calculate the design geometric area of the throat
· Ageom
Geometric area used to calculate throat throat CD in the design point used for
subsequent DP and OD calculations.
· Update to DP (button)
Update inactive input field values to last calculated Design Point.
· CD
Discharge coefficient of the exit plane
· Condi area ratio
Con-di area ratio of effective or geometric areas, depending on above described
Depending on the option settings, input fields are disabled where appropriate.
A_geom = CD * A_eff
The effective area is lower than geometric area due to boundary layer effects on the flow
(reduced velocity due to friction).
In the design point A_eff is always directly determined by the upstream gas path calculation
and A_geom derived using a user specified CD or directly user specified. Off-design either
A_eff or A_geom can be user controlled depending on selected Exhaust nozzle options.
A nozzle exit discharge coefficient CD (usually 'CD9') represents the relation between
geometric and effective exit (end of divergent part) flow cross areas:
A_geom = CD * A_eff
The effective area is lower than geometric area due to boundary layer effects on the flow
(reduced velocity due to friction).
Either design nozzle exit A_eff or A_geom can be user specified using a user specified CD, or
directly user specified depending on selected Exhaust nozzle options.
The graph below shows the 3 different operating regimes of a con-di nozzle of a turbojet
example (sample project TJET_condi.mxl) model. Nozzle pressure ratio is 4 and ambient
conditions are ISA SL:
· con-di ratio 1 - 1.155
Here the nozzle is underexpanded up to 1.155 where the nozzle is fully expanded and
maximum gross thrust is obtained. There are only oblique shocks downstream outside the
· con-di ratio 1.155 - ~4.7
Here the nozzle is overexpanded with the shock outside the divergent nozzle
· con-di ratio ~4.7 -
Here the nozzle is overexpanded with the shock inside the divergent nozzle.
With the Ideal con-di nozzle complete expansion option checked, shocks are ignored and ideal
complete expansion to con-di nozzle exit is assumed, usually resulting in the maximum
theoretical nozzle gross thrust FG. The effect of CV can be seen comparing the blue and red
curves in the graph.
PS9 [bar]
1.5 D
1.0 D
0.5 D
0.0 D D D
1200 D D D D D D
V9 [m/s]
800 D D
1500 D D
Tsfinal_e [K]
1300 D D
900 D
1 2 3 4
Aratio_e [-] Duct
Use the duct component to model components just passing flow to the next component at the
expense of an amount of pressure loss or when a user specified heat flux must be added to or
taken from the gas. Note that the duct only provides a simple means to model heat transfer
using a design and/or an off-design heat flux.
Often, secondary air flows from other components such as compressors 'leak' into the duct.
To model this effect, bleed flows can be specified to enter the duct, using the table in the
Bleed in-flow tab sheet. Use the bleed flow numbers to identify the appropriate
compressor bleed flows, and specify the fractions of bleed flows actually entering the duct. In
case the corrected entry mass flow is used for the pressure loss calculation, this flow does
not include the bleed flows! By definition bleed flows bleed into the entry of the duct. If bleed
in-flow functionality e.g. halfway the duct component is to be modeled, the modeler should use
two ducts in series using the inflow of the second duct.
An unlimited number of duct bleed flows can be specified in the Bleeds tab sheet. Duct bleed
flows are secondary air flows extracted from the duct air flow for various purposes: bleed flows
can be used to model customer bleeds or turbine cooling bleeds used in the turbine
component, etc. The bleed flow numbers used must be unique for the model.
The link bar component is used to establish gas path or control links between components
which are positioned with a certain distance in between in order to enhance surveyability of the
components on the model panel. The bar can be resized and rotated (right-click the
component and select Rotate or press ALT + R for a selected model component).
The colors of the link bar are drawn automatically when valid connections between the
components have been made.
· Blue
This link represents a primary gas flow passing from component 1 to component 2
· Black
This link represents a control input from component 1 to component 2
· Fan
· Mixer
· Flow Splitter
· Heat exchanger/recuperator Fan
The fan component is used to represent the fan or low pressure compressor in turbofan
engines including the splitter dividing the fan exit flow in a duct- (or "bypass") and core flow.
The compression process is modelled entirely equal to the compressor component, except
that separate design data (pressure ratio and efficiency) and compressor maps for the duct-
and core flows are used.
The fan has similar bleed flow functionality as the compressor component. The fan's bleed flow
functionality applies to the core flow (no bypass bleed functionality).
The bypass ratio determines the ratio of the duct and core mass flows and is user specified in
the design point (Design bypass ratio). The off-design bypass ratio usually deviates from
the design value depending on the thermodynamic state of the gas turbine system (and is
calculated as a state variable). In the design point, the duct flow is compressed using the duct
design data and duct map; the core flow using the core design data and map. With deviating
off-design bypass ratios, the "dividing streamline" between the two flows will tend to move,
depending on effects such as the position of the splitter behind the fan. Since the core and
duct maps represent geometrical parts of the fan, the distribution of the entry flow to the core
and duct maps then may well have to change for best simulation accuracy. This change is
controlled by the user specified Cf factor in the General tab sheet. The Cf factor ranges
between 0 and 1:
· Cf = 0 implies the dividing streamline is not affected by the bypass-ratio at all and flow
division between core and duct maps remains unaffected by deviating off-design bypass
ratios. This case could well be thought of as a flow "splitter" at infinite distance from the fan
· Cf = 1 represents the other extreme with the flow division between the two maps being
entirely proportional to the bypass-ratio. This case seems hard to realise in practice, but a
flow splitter right behind the fan would require a Cf at least larger than 0.
In practice, best results are obtained with Cf values close to 0.
For both duct and core flow paths options are available off-design performance prediction.
Using the radiogroup box one of the following options can be chosen:
· Map
The standard option uses a map similar to the compressor map of type component map.
The map file consists of tables with corrected mass flow, efficiency and pressure ratio as a
function of corrected normalised rotational speed and beta. The map operating point
corresponding to the design operating point is specified using the map design rotational
speed and beta values. Click the Graph button in the Map tab sheet to view the map
graphically and note the yellow rectangle which can be used to move the map design point.
In the map graph also the beta-lines can be show after activating the appropriate item in the
Options menu.
· Operating Line
This advanced option allows the engine modeller to use the compressor operating line. In
case the maps of the compressors cannot be obtained from the manufacturer, the operating
line of an existing engine can inserted (or a predicted operating line for a new engine). When
using this option note that the mass flow error equation for the turbine needs to be
deactivated to obtain a solvable equation system. In case the operating line is the actual
running line of the engine, the error will remain very small (can be visualised through the
option Werror on the turbine output tab sheet). Using a predicted operating line, the error
increases the further the operating point is located from the real operating point.
· No map (DP only)
This advanced option allows the engine modeller to calculate design point performance
without having to specify an off-design component map.
The option Reset map scale factors sets the map scaling factors to 1 during off-design
calculations. This enables the engine modeller to match existing turbo components using their
actual/original maps.
The DownStream Calculation option is to specify which downstream gas path (duct or core) is
calculated first. This is for cases where bleeds must be calculated in one downstream gas
path that is used in the other. For example: is fan duct bleed is inserted in core flow (e.g.
behind LPT), the duct flow must first be calculated (DownStream Calculation = Duct first).
In the case of both flows from duct to core and vice versa, the problem can not be made
'determinate' anymore and splitter and mixer components must be used (instead of
bleeds/sec. airflows) to model the secondary flows, like in the ABFAN_HEM model.
The flow splitter splits a flow into two flows according to the Split Fraction SR. SR is the
fraction of Splitter entry flow that is diverted to the secondary exit. So with SR = 0, all is going
to exit 1, with SR = 1 all is going to exit 2. With SR = 0.5 for example, each exit gets half of
the flow.
The Split fraction can be free state, user specified fixed or user specified variable. The last option
requires an additional Flow Splitter Control component.
Use the split fraction for blowing off air somewhere from the gas path, either to model large
compressor bleed flows (APU case) or secondary air flows that may go into a gas path
elwsewhere using a Mixer component.
Specify design split fraction and exit static conditions as area, velocity or mach nr on the Design
tab sheet.
The DownStream Calculation option is to specify which downstream gas path (1 or 2) is calculated
first. This is for cases where bleeds must be calculated in one downstream gas path that is
used in the other. For example: is bleed from a duct downstream of exit 2 is inserted
somewhere downstream exit 1, the 2 flow must first be calculated (DownStream Calculation =
2 First).
In the case of both flows from 1 to 2 and vice versa, the problem can not be made 'determinate'
anymore and splitter and mixer components must be used (instead of bleeds/sec. airflows) to
model the secondary flows, like in the ABFAN_SECAIR model (same case for Fan instead of
Splitter). Mixer
The mixer component is used to simulate the mixing of two gas flows to a single flow, such as
the mixing of the bypass and core flows in a mixing turbofan engine. The mixing of the two
flows to a uniform gas condition (i.e. temperature, composition) is assumed to completely
occur in an infinitely short distance without losses. To incorporate pressure losses, use a
preceding or downstream duct component. Mixer exit flow conditions are determined using the
equation for conservation of momentum with the assumption that the ratio of entry flow static
pressures remains constant. For applying this equation, entry and exit flow static conditions
and velocities need to be calculated and therefore the flow cross-areas need to be specified. 5
options for specification are available:
· Specify both entry cross section areas for duct and core.
In this case the static pressure ratio is determined in the design point calculation and
maintained for off-design calculations.
· Specify total cross section area and static pressure ratio.
In this case the duct and core cross section areas are determined from the static
pressure ratio during the design point calculation.
· Specify core mixing plane entry parameter (depending on parameter selection) and static
pressure ratio.
In this case the duct and core cross section areas are determined from the static
pressure ratio during the design point calculation.
· Specify duct mixing plane entry parameter (depending on parameter selection) and static
pressure ratio.
In this case the duct and core cross section areas are determined from the static
pressure ratio during the design point calculation.
· Join 2 flows: no conservation of momentum is maintained, only conservation of energy
joining the flows into one.
Important note:
At design point calculation the inflow areas are either specified or calculated from the gas
inflow V or Mach. The duct inflow and core inflow areas or static conditions are determined by
the mixer input options, and therefore do NOT correspond anymore to upstream connected
components exit conditions! Mixing plane entries are to be considered connected to upstream
via perfect duct with varying area (if upstream areas are specified).
The specification of this data often requires some trial-and-error cycles, especially if the area
data is not known. In that case, use the second option for example and set static pressure
ratio to 1. Repeat design point calculations until mixer entry Mach numbers are in a
reasonable range (around 0.5). Illegal mixer parameter values include Mach numbers
exceeding 1 and static entry pressures exceeding the total pressure of the other entry (this
would cause reverse flow) and are reported as errors (see 4.7). The exit flow cross-area is
assumed equal to the sum of the entry cross-areas.
Note that the mixing plane entry is assumed to be between component inlet and exit stations.
These are NOT the mixer inlet station static conditions corresponding to the upstream
component Exit static conditions that are calculated if non-zero upstream component exit area,
mach or velocity values are specified. Since the mixing plane entry is not coinciding with an
engine station, mixing plane entry mach, area and velocity output parameter ID's are
Mach_mduct, Mach_mcore, A_mduct, A_mcore, V_mduct, V_mcore followed by component
ID string.
The mixing plane exit is corresponding to the component exit conditions and therefore the exit
station number, so mixing plane exit conditions are simply represented exit station conditions.
The heat exchanger component is used to simulate heat transfer between two gas flows in a
heat exchanger. In a gas turbine heat exchangers are often used as "recuperators",
transferring heat from the exhaust gasses to the combustor entry air to improve cycle
The two flow passages are identified by numbers 1 (hot flow) and 2 (cold flow). These
numbers are also used to identify output parameters such as for example the pressure ratio in
passage 2 in the figure below with PR2_4 ( _4 indicating component 4).
For the design point, either design point heat flow rate or the temperature change in the
passage first entered by the gas (i.e. calculation procedure) is specified. Be careful to enter
the right signs for the design heat flow (positive for heat from passage 1 to 2).
In the TSHAFTrecup sample project in the figure below for example, the first passage is the
number 2 passage receiving air from the compressor.
Eff = Q / Qmax
Wh is the hot side mass flow, Wc is the cold side mass flow,
H(T.. ,GC..) is the GSP enthalpy function of temperature (i.e. varying Cp) taking into
account gas composition GCh (hot flow) and GCc (cold flow),
Th_in/out are the hot side in/out total temperatures
Tc_in/out are the cold side in/out total temperatures
Wcpmin is the mass flow of the flow with the lowest product W*Cpin (mass flow * entry
value for Cp).
GCcpmin is the gas composition of the flow with the lowest product W*Cpin (mass flow *
entry value for Cp).
Internal heat soakage effects (heat capacity of 'wall' material between two gas flows) can be
modeled by specifying:
· effective contact surface [m^2]
· design film coefficient ratio
· wall effective mass [kg]
· wall material specific heat [J/kg/K]
· effective wall thickness [m]
· wall material thermal conductivity [W/m/K]
· average wall temperature time constant
For both passages volume effects can be calculated and pressure losses can be specified.
Note that the heat soakage (transient) and heat sink (steady-state and transient) effects are
applied to the 2 gas flows without taking into account the heat flux between them. In that
sense the heat soakage effect can be considered as 'Outside wall heat soakage effect' and
the heat sink heat transfer is simply happening between the flow (flow 1 or flow 2) and the
specified Heat sink. For heat soakage effects of the material between the two gases, specify
the data in the Internal Heat soak tab sheet.
This exhaust inherits functionality from the generic Exhaust Nozzle component in the Gas
Path Component Library; refer to these help items for more information.
This fixed area exhaust component can be used to specify the ambient pressure at the exit of
the exhaust (different than the ambient/flight conditions) to be typically used for industrial
applications to simply simulate pressure losses in the boiler behind the exhaust component.
This inlet component is a derivative of the Inlet of the Gas Path Component Library. Inheriting
all inlet functionalities this component is extended with the ability to specify a different gas
composition entering the component which overrides the standard gas composition. The
standard gas composition (air) is initially defined when a new component has been dropped on
the model panel.
Design and off-design compositions can be defined in their respective tab sheets.
Cools the gas turbine's flow using water or specify a custom Cp for other fluids as cooling flow.
External control of coolant flow
Enable or disable an external coolant flow controller
Off-design effectiveness
Fixed effectiveness or effectiveness from map
Specify design HX operating point
Specify the design of the HX using Heat flux , 1st pass flow temp. change , 1st pass flow exit
temperature, or Effectiveness.
Design input values for both coolant mass flow and coolant temperature. Specify water or
a user defined coolant by entering a custom Cp.
Effectiveness map
Define map and heat capacities
This combustor is an child component of the Combustor of the Gas Path Component Library,
inheriting all functionality. This type of combustor allows modelers to more accurately describe
the combustor geometry in calculating emissions. Combustor compartments (sections) can
be added to model the actual global processes that describe the forming of emissions more
This extra functionality can be found on the Emissions tab sheet where an additional emission
model has been added to the option list. Upon selecting the emission model a Multi-Reactor tab
sheet, with input options to define the combustor compartments, appears.
Specifies constant pressure, temperature and (design) mass flow (vessel of immeasurable
The General tab sheet Model Options can be used to either deliver a constant vast amount of air of
specific temperature and pressure for design and off-design use (option Constant user specified
pressure and temperature) or an amount specified by an external pressure and temperature
controller (Use pressure and temperature control component) to control the off-design temperature and
Note that the off-design mass flow is a state variable, similar to the inlet. To specify a certain
off-design mass flow, a nozzle (e.g. accompanied by a nozzle controller and an equation
controller) needs to be added to the model.
The input is basically identical as for the Duct, since this duct rotates additional input can to
be given for:
The difference between entry and exit velocity is a measure for the kinetic energy
increase/decrease of the fluid.This difference will be added to the enthalpy from which the
output conditions will be calculated.
Inheriting basic functionality from the turbine details are added to model a single turbine stage.
The gas conditions of the NGV exit will be calculated accordingly to the specified input. The
basic functionality is similar to the turbine. Calculations are based on a chocked nozzle guide
vane. Pressure losses due to friction (non-isentropic expansion) are taken into account. To
calculate the pressure losses, the isentropic (ideal) expansion pressure is compared to the
non-isentropic expansion pressure corrected for his,turbine. This pressure loss can be
distributed over the nozzle and rotor using the Stator loss fraction numeric input field. Default
the pressure loss is distributed equally (0.5) over the nozzle and rotor blade rows. In case the
nozzle is responsible for the entire pressure loss, the Stator loss fraction needs to be set to 0, if
the rotor is responsible for the entire pressure loss, the fraction needs to be 1.
The compressor bleed control offers flexible control of both design and off-design compressor
bleed flows. Use this component for specifying variable bleed (e.g. for analysis of bleed flow
effects) instead of the bleed flow specification in the compressor component that is meant for
specification of constant compressor bleed flows or bleed flow fractions only. Any type of
compressor bleed flow can be controlled (e.g. customer bleed, handling bleed, turbine cooling
bleed flows etc.).
Either absolute bleed mass flow or relative bleed mass flow (relative to total compressor entry
mass flow) can be specified (), if desired a function of time in the transient input tab sheet.
The gas generator fuel control component offers a generic fuel control system model with PID
speed control and maximum acceleration and minimum deceleration schedules. Many simple
conventional (mechanical) gas generator rotor speed governors can be modeled accurately.
For more complex (e.g. FADEC, Full Authority Digital Engine Control) control systems
characteristics, the component is useful when detailed control aspects can be neglected,
such as in gas turbine transient performance trade-off studies. For detailed models of complex
control systems, usually custom components are required. Also for accurate transient
simulation of modern multi-spool jet engine (e.g. turbofan engines) control systems, controlling
both gas generator and fan rotor speeds, custom components are required.
Three schedule tables must be specified:
1) a PLA - Ndem schedule representing the relation between power lever angle PLA and
demanded gas generator rotor speed (or corrected compressor rotor speed),
2) governor PID gain schedules including a reference value (WfPbref) al as functions of rotor
speed (or corrected rotor speed),
3) Maximum acceleration and deceleration WfPb schedules as functions of rotor speed (or
corrected rotor speed).
Click the Graph button to see graphical presentations of the schedules. All schedules are
represented by tables using linear interpolation. Note that outside the table range, values are
extrapolated !
All schedules are scaled to design point values. From the PLA design (in the Design tab
sheet) the design Ndem is determined and scaled to the design rotor speeds specified for the
compressor component. The scaling factor is saved and used for scaling between the actual
Ndem table values and actual compressor speed. Also scaling factors are determined for the
Wf/Pbref values in the PID schedule and the WfPbmin/max values in the maximum
accel/decel schedules. Note that control characteristics (i.e. control components) from one
engine can easily be used for another one, but simulation results (for WfPb for example) may
deviate significantly from the schedule table values.
The controller governs a demanded rotor speed level, which is a function of PLA. Depending on
the Corrected Ndem option in the Schedules tab sheet, the demanded rotor speed
schedule represents either actual (Ndem) or compressor entry corrected rotor speed
Demanded rotor speed Ndem (or Ncdem) is controlled using a PID controller with
P(proportional), I(integral) and D(differential) gains depending on scheduled rotor speed Nsch.
Nsch may either be Ndem or Ncdem, depending on the user specified option Corrected N
in Gov. and A/D sched option in the Schedules tab sheet.
The PID controller outputs a Wf/Pb signal representing fuel flow divided by burner pressure.
The PID output is based on the rotor speed error (Nerror = Nsch - N) and is added to the
reference WfPb (Wf/Pbref), which is a function of Ndem.
The integrator in the PID controller is a reset integrator, resetting the integrator signal to zero
upon input signal sign change. This may not apply to all PID controllers, for other PID logic,
custom control components are required.
As an option, Wf/Pb corrected to compressor entry temperature may be used instead (i.e. Wf/
(Pb.vq) depending on the Correct Wf/Pb to Ttin compressor option in the
Schedules tab sheet.
The WfPb (or corrected Wf/Pb) signal is limited by the maximum acceleration or deceleration
schedule, which are user specified functions of actual rotor speed or corrected rotor speed,
depending on the user specified option Corrected N in Gov. and A/D sched option in
the Schedules tab sheet.
From the resulting limited Wf/Pb, commanded fuel flow Wfcalc is calculated by multiplication
with Pb (and for corrected Wf/Pb also with vq).
Actual fuel flow Wf is calculated using a first order lag transfer function with a user specified
time constant to simulate fuel pump dynamic response.
Automatic flat rating control can be used to limit power setting, based on maintaining constant
(maximum) corrected rotor speed at outside air (or compressor entry) temperatures below the
flat rated temperature FRT. The maximum corrected rotor speed is defined the maximum rotor
speed at FRT.
Other options:
· Fully Trimmed steady state (no droop)
Check this option if fully trimmed steady state operating points (proportional gas generator
speed governor droop error fully compensated by trimmer) need to be calculated. This
enables calculation of operating points at user or control system specified rotor speeds and
shaft loads. With this option, GSP calculates the final integrator output signal at the fully
trimmed steady state condition (i.e. at infinite time).
Both a state and an error variable are added with the 'Fully trimmed steady state' option: the
trimmer output then is a state and the shaft speed error (Ndemand-N) is the error. No
additional component needs to be modified and fully steady state points with a fully trimmed
gas generator speed can be calculated.
Note that this only works if the integral (I) gains in the PID controller are non-zero and that,
with this option, transient simulations are inhibited !
Note: steady state and steady state series calculations may become problematic when
control system components with engine parameter feedback depending on time (such as Gas
Generator Fuel control and Turboshaft Fuel control components) are used in the model. The
best way to calculate a steady state point then is to stabilize at the particular operating point
using a transient calculation first before performing a steady state calculation.
The manual fuel flow control component enables direct specification of off-design fuel flow to a
combustor component (design fuel flow is specified in the combustor component). This
component is the simplest for specifying power setting of a gas turbine engine model,
disregarding any control system logic. Usually the manual fuel flow control is used for steady
state off-design engine performance calculations, either single off-design points or steady
state series parameter sweeps using the input table (numeric grid) to define a range of fuel
The manual fuel flow control can also be used to calculate transient responses on fuel flow
variations. An example would be the calculation on fuel flow step responses for control system
design (using system identification techniques?). The fuel flow step functions then are
specified in the transient input table.
The manual fuel control Specify option settings are similar to those in the combustor
component linked to it. However, the selected option in the combustor may be different from
that in the manual fuel flow control, to facilitate different ways to specify power setting DP and
Note that
Note that upon selecting SOT input, an equation needs to be added, so a reset of the model
and recalculation of the DP is required. SOT is evaluated in an error equation (with Wf as
state) in the iteration towards user specified SOT (iteration necessary because SOT may be
affected by downstream HPT cooling flows).
Fuel flow also can be specified as a 'free state' in order to calculate an off-design operating
point with (instead of user specified fuel flow Wf, combustor exit temp. or fuel-air ratio) an
alternative user specified power setting condition such as turbine rotor speed and/or power
load ('Power balance at rotor speed' turbine component model option). Using the Fuel flow as
a free state model option always requires the setting of another component's option to provide
an extra error variable to maintain an equal number of model state and error variables. If this
requirement is not met (no corresponding settings in two components), a 'Model configuration
inconsistent' (Nstates<>Nerrors) error is reported.
The checkbox Always create state specifies whether the state is added to the equation system.
This advanced option is usually set by other components when configuring the model.
The manual variable exhaust nozzle control component enables direct specification of off-
design exhaust nozzle areas (design area is calculated during the design calculation). Throat
area and, depending on the convergent-divergent (Con-Di) option setting in the General tab
sheet, also exit area, are specified relative to the design point values (i.e. "1" is the design
value). This component offers the simplest way of specifying nozzle area, disregarding any
control system logic. Usually the manual variable exhaust nozzle control is used to perform
steady state calculations with varying nozzle areas.
Note that in order to control the areas of an exhaust nozzle component, the Variable Area
nozzle option in the exhaust nozzle component needs to be activated.
The shaft load control component offers flexible control of both design and off-design
specification of loads on any shaft in a GSP model. Use this component for specifying
(usually power) turbine loads instead of the external load specifications in the turbine
component which are meant for specification of constant and relatively small power off-take
(PTO) auxiliary loads.
The loads can be specified in terms of torque and/or power (if both are specified, the loads are
added together) and as a function of time in the transient input tab sheet. This component
is especially useful to specify time dependent load variations (torque steps) on power turbines.
Power/torque load is the specified power/torque that is extracted from the shaft the Load
component is connected to. If correctly configured (PWsurplus=0) than this of course
corresponds to PWshaft (assuming single turbine on shaft) for steady-state. For transients, a
power delta remains causing accels or decels.
Total shaft Power (and Torque) outputs (PW_total and TRQ_total) are calculated from the
combined user specified power and torque (PW_spec, TRQ_spec). For example, if only a
torque load is specified (as TRQ_spec input), power load (input) is 0 then PW_total is the
power calculated from the torque (trq x rpm*60/2pi). If both power and torque are specified, the
PW_total is calculated by "adding" the power and torque according to: user spec. power +
user spec. torque * rpm*60/2pi. TRQ_total then is calculated by adding the torque converted
from the PW_spec to the TRQ_spec.
Note that when using variable load in the transient input table to act upon a free power
turbine, the free power turbine speed only changes during transient simulation ! For steady
state calculations the turbine speed should be user specified (see the turbine component).
The turboshaft fuel control component offers a generic fuel control system model for free power
turbine turboshaft engines. It is derived (inherited) from the Gas generator fuel control
component and includes all functionality to control the gas generator. In addition, the
turboshaft fuel control has a PID controller (PT governor) for the power turbine shaft speed,
which outputs a signal to the gas generator controlling either one of the following parameters
depending on the PT Governor output option in the PT Control tab sheet:
· Power Lever Angle PLA
· Demanded gasgenerator shaft speed N
· Fuel massflow over combustor pressure Wf/pb
· Fuel massflow Wf
The gas generator control logic is fully inherited from the Gas generator fuel control component
(including maximum acceleration / minimum deceleration schedules etc.). Functionality from
the gas generator control component is used, with the starting point depending on the on the
PT governor output option. In case the PT Governor outputs a Wf signal (option 4) for
example, all Gas generator functions are skipped except for the fuel pump first order lag
transfer function.
As with the Gas generator fuel control component, many simple turboshaft rotor speed
governors can be modelled accurately. For more complex (e.g. FADEC, Full Authority Digital
Engine Control) control systems characteristics, the component is useful when detailed
control aspects can be neglected, such as in gas turbine transient performance trade-off
studies. For detailed models of complex control systems, usually custom components are
Similar to the integrated Gas generator control, there is an additional 'Fully trimmed steady
state' option (in the "PT control" tab sheet) for PT governor to calculate fully trimmed steady
state operation with the power turbine power balance fully matched at user specified rotor
speed. For the Power turbine, this option works different from the gas generator case: only a
state is added for the the trimmer output. No error variable is added and an error variable has
to be provided by another component. This will normally be from a (power) turbine component,
i.e. a turbine component with the Power turbine option set and the 'Power balance at rotor
speed' option set to add the error variable. This enables the calculation of fully trimmed free-
power turbine turboshaft steady state points (the free power turbine power matching the power
load).Normally the load would be varied and the 'Fully trimmed steady state' would provide fully
trimmed control states providing sufficient fuel to maintain free power turbine rotor speed at
this load.
Please note that this option only works for steady state calculations !
Note: steady state and steady state series calculations may become problematic when
control system components with engine parameter feedback depending on time (such as Gas
Generator Fuel control and Turboshaft Fuel control components) are used in the model. The
best way to calculate a steady state point then is to stabilize at the particular operating point
using a transient calculation first before performing a steady state calculation.
This controls the ambient pressure of the Back Pressure Exhaust component for OD steady-
state (series) or transient calculations.
The bleed scheduler offers flexible control for off-design bleed control using corrected rotor
speed schedules. Use this component for specifying variable bleed (e.g. for analysis of bleed
flow effects) based on a corrected spool speed using a predefined schedule. Any type of
compressor bleed flow can be controlled (e.g. customer bleed, handling bleed, turbine cooling
bleed flows etc.).
Either absolute bleed mass flow or relative bleed mass flow (relative to total compressor entry
mass flow) can be scheduled as function of the corrected rotor speed.
Corrected rotor speed is either
· Shaft Nc (1st component entry conditions)
The shaft corrected rotor speed is taken for the schedule input Nc. This is the rotor speed
of she specified shaft corrected to ISA from the entry conditions of the first component in
the gas path on the shaft, usually the compressor that the bleed is coming from. However,
depending on your component and shaft configuration, this is not necessarily the corrected
shaft speed of the compressor delivering the bleed, as would for example be the case if
there is an upstream separate compressor on the same shaft.
· Corrected for ambient total conditions
The rotor speed of she specified shaft is corrected to ISA from the total (for aircraft 'ram')
conditions in the undisturbed flow upstream the engine.
Note that the schedule must be descending and the grid does not extrapolate. Outside the
input range the output value stays at the level closest within the schedule.
Controls the split fraction of an attached Flow Splitter component for steady-state (series) and
transient analyses. The split fraction, or SR, is the fraction of Splitter entry flow that is diverted
to the secondary exit. With SR = 0.5 for example, each exit gets half of the flow.
Specify a new custom (design) fuel to be a mixture of 2 different kinds of fuels. Note that this
component only mixes 2 different kinds of custom composition fuels. A fuel pre-mixer of standard or
custom composition fuels is the Fuel pre-Mixer. For both design and off-design, tab sheets are
present to input the fuel compositions for the mixing fuels.
Control the mass flow and inlet temperature of the coolant flow for of the Inter Cooler
In the series tab sheet a series of Pressure and Temperature as function of time/point values can
be specified to be used in transient/steady state series calculations.
Controller for the propeller component to set propeller mode to a constant speed propeller.
The control specifies the propeller Beta (angle of incidence of propeller blade).
This variable convergent exhaust nozzle schedules the relative throat area to a Power Lever
Angle (PLA )setting.
Both the ENP Ref(erence) the Nozzle rel(ative) Area schedule must be ascending. Note that this
component uses a first order equation for the calculation of the ENP (Exhaust Nozzle
Pressure), for which opening and closing rates can be defined.
This control can be used to externally control the variable geometry (VG) of compressors and
The Property Control component provides direct OD control over GSP properties and is for
advanced users only. During simulation the property parameter value is simply set to the
specified value, ignoring interference with any other processes such as iterations or model
control schedules. This could possibly interfere with (thermodynamic) relations or equations!
This component not only enables the direct setting of component properties, but can also
make free state variables of these properties when the Control input value option is set to Free
state. This latter option enables users to turn any property into a variable; note that adding an
extra free state variable into the equation set requires the addition of an error equation (e.g. an
equation schedule component).
· Thrust Control
· Rotor Speed Control
· EPR Control
· Power Controller
· Afterburner Control
This component adds an error equation to the model (thrust - requested thrust) and thus
requires to set an extra state to the model (e.g. fuel flow to free state).
This component is deprecated and does not work with components from the Case Control
Component library. The functionality is replaced by the equation schedule components. The
component is kept for backwards compatibility.
This component adds an error equation to the model (spool speed - requested spool speed)
and thus requires to set an extra state to the model (e.g. fuel flow to free state).
Specify a shaft which needs to be controlled and choose a unit for the controller parameter;
RPM (default), %, or corrected %.
This component is deprecated and does not work with components from the Case Control
Component library. The functionality is replaced by the equation schedule components. The
component is kept for backwards compatibility.
Use this component to specify the Engine Pressure Ratio (EPR). The pressures used for
determining the EPR value can be chosen from the 2 drop down list boxes, usually the ratio of
PT7/PT2 is used by low bypass turbofan engines, and for high bypass turbofan engines e.g.
PT45/PT2 (see the aerospace standard 755 for station numbering). Some engine
manufacturers use the total exit pressure of the bypass; PT14/PT2 (station 14 is located in
the bypass channel between the fan exit, 13, and the nozzle inlet, 16 or 17).
This component adds an error equation to the model (EPR - requested EPR) and thus requires
to set an extra state to the model (e.g. fuel flow to free state, or nozzle area).
This component is deprecated and does not work with components from the Case Control
Component library. The functionality is replaced by the equation schedule components. The
component is kept for backwards compatibility.
The Power Controller control component can be used to specify how the engine is controlled.
This components links a parameter like a Power Code or a Rating Code to an engine power
setting through a user defined scheduled engine parameter. A developed standard for the
designation of gas turbine engine power settings is described by the SAE in Aerospace
Standard 681.
The General and Design tab sheets specify the off-design and design conditions for the power
controller respectively. A Power Mode and the Power code value can be specified for both design
and off-design operation. The power modes are defined on the Schedule tab sheet.
The Schedule tab sheet allows the specification of the schedules. The Scheduled Parameter
dropdown list allows the selection of the parameter that is scheduled (e.g. a rotor speed or
EGT parameter). If a map is used, also the X and, in case of a 2-D map, Y input parameters
for the map must be selected. In the table, columns are defined for Power code and one or more
power/operating modes. Different schedules can be specified for different modes (e.g. a
Normal and Emergency power mode).
The Power code column must be filled with the desired power code values and the schedules
must be constructed on either ascending or descending Power Code value. Rows can be
added using the numerical grid navigator directly above the top left of the power code
schedule. The buttons with a triangle bitmap can be used to scroll through the rows, the
button with an "A" adds a row, the button with a "+" inserts a row before the selection, the
button with a "-" deletes the selected row and the button with the "X" clears all the rows. A
popup menu appears when the power code schedule is right-clicked from which the following
options can be selected:
· Edit Mode Description
A textbox dialog form opens in which the user can define the new title for the selected
· Add Mode
A Mode column is added after the last mode column.
· Delete Mode
The selected Mode column is deleted.
The scheduled parameter can also be obtained from a map. In that case the user selects the
schedule parameter cell next to the corresponding power code and presses the Browse button
to select the map. The X (and Y in case of a 2-D map) input parameters for the map must be
selected from the corresponding dropdown lists.
The scheduled power parameter value is scaled to the design value of the scheduled
parameter. This ensures that an OD calculation following a DP, with a Power code equal to
the Design Power, produces an OD point equal to DP.
The scheduled value is obtained by interpolation with power code in the selected Mode
column. The values in the cells may be either numeric strings or map names, controlled by
the Map control frame at the bottom. Note that the Map input and output itself are not scaled,
only the resulting scheduled value is scaled.
In the (transient) series tab sheet a series of Power codes as function of time/point values can be
specified to be used in transient/steady state series calculations.
The parameters power code and the scheduled value can be added to the GSP data output
parameter list by checking the respective checkboxes on the Output tab sheet. Remarks can
be entered in the memo field on the Remarks tab sheet.
The power setting of the engine is usually defined by a Power Lever Angle (PLA). Other forms
of power setting control can be either Power Code (PC) or Rating Code (RC). Since the PLA
setting is sometimes unknown, the power setting can be best described unambiguously by
defining standard settings to specific values.
The SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) has developed a standard (Aerospace Standard
681) for the designation of gas turbine engine power settings.
When the PLA power setting values are unknown, the power setting can be replaced by either
a Power Code or a Rating code, where the latter is a more specific setting for the power
setting as is may have settings related to the flight/ambient conditions.
Power Definition
Augmented 100.0 Maximum
to to
60.0 Minimum
The simple AB fuel control component in this library has been developed to control the
combustor component when used as afterburner. Afterburner power setting can be specified
as either AB power code or directly by specifying fuel flow, FAR, Texit or fraction of maximum
stoichiometric fuel flow.
With AB power code, corresponding values for minimum and maximum AB fuel flow must be
· With the Fuel flow, FAR or Texit options specified, minimum and maximum Fuel flow, FAR or
Texit must be specified corresponding to minimum and maximum specified AB power
· With the Fraction of maximum stoichiometric fuel flow option specified
· a minimum fuel flow corresponding with minimum AB power code must be specified,
· a value for the fraction of gas entering the afterburner that is not used for combustion (e.g.
AB liner cooling flow) must be specified to determine maximum AB fuel flow.
At maximum AB power code, a fuel flow is applied that will realize stoichiometric combustion
with the gas entering the afterburner minus the specified Gas fraction not used for combustion.
The Operating Envelope Scheduler is a specific case control component to create input for a
whole flight envelope, whereas the Manual Case Control and Loop Case Control components
are generic.The Manual Case Control and Loop Case Control components are able to virtually
change / set any variable in the model components, provided that the input is a numeric input
value and active by option. This means that the user is not restricted in any way in using
parameters that are not addressed by the transient tables. E.g. an off-design sweep for the
ambient condition humidity is now possible.
The generic Manual and Loop Case Control components will adapt to selected case type in
the project tree, effectively producing a means to centrally input case data for Design Point,
Design Series, Steady State Point, Steady State Series or Transient.
The Operating Envelope Scheduler can be used to create sweeps for sweeps of
Flight/Ambient Conditions for a specific power setting sweep. This component adds
Flight/Ambient Conditions in the models Ambient conditions transient table and a series of
data points in the selected control's input transient table. Breaks are added in the Ambient
Conditions transient table to define the last row of a sweep of a single parameter.
On the Flight/Ambient Conditions tab sheet the user defines the altitude, dTs (if ISA+ is chosen on
the models off-design tab sheet of the Flight/Ambient Conditions form) and the speed of the
aircraft/engine using the Start, End and Inc(rement) numeric fields. Upon changing the start-,
end- or increment values the sequences are changed and directly displayed in a list below the
numeric input fields. The numerical grids can be edited using the following keys:
· Insert key - Insertion of a new row
· Delete key - Deletion of the active line
· Arrow keys - Navigate through the grid (note that if the active row is the last row,
the "down arrow key" will add a new row to the grid)
Limits can be entered for airspeed, Vc, or dynamic head (defined as the difference between
total and static pressure; Pt - Ps), and a minimum altitude. Note that compressible flow
equations are used to calculate q and V. The limits cutoff the regions specified by the
numerical grids. Note that points at the limits can be generated with option Outputs on limit.
On the Power/Control Settings tab sheet the user defines the control component and sets the
control setting values for a sweep. Note that only control components that have transient input
capability can be selected as this is used by the Operating envelope scheduler. This means
that currently (with version only the controls from the 'Controls' and 'Power' libraries
can be selected. Normally typical power setting controls would be used such as
· Manual fuel control and derived components
· Thrust control
· Nozzle control
· Rotor speed control
· Generic Power control and custom derivatives
· Simple AB fuel control and derivatives
but also other controls can be used such as bleed controls to calculated bleed flow effects
across the operating envelope.
The buttons Generate Envelope and Graph generate and plot the flight envelope respectively.
The Manual Case Control Component can be used as the central storage component for
specific case input data. Effectively, the case input parameters in this component override the
values set in the component data window.
In order to set the correct input for the model the modeler needs to set up the model so that
the input that is required to be set by the Case Control Component is available in the
component data window. If a parameter is not available it cannot be selected in the Case
Control Component.
Moving on to the next column the modeler can choose the Input parameter from a drop-down
box. In this case the Manual Fuel Controls (which is an off-design case input component)
input parameter Wf can be chosen since it is configured in its component data window, as
depicted below. Upon selecting an active Input parameter, the Value and the Unit will be updated
with the current value and unit of the numeric input field the Input parameter is referring to. Note
thet the Value column is not available when the case mode is either Design Series, Steady
State Series or Transient.
Note that as long as the input is incomplete, inconsistent, or became obsolete by option in
the component data window, the parameter will be shown in a red colored font. An example for
an incomplete input parameter setup is shown above, an obsolete input parameter is shown
below (in the component input window of the Manual Fuel Controller the input option changed
from Wf to Texit).
Series case input (Design Series, Steady State Series or Transient case types)
In case the case type is of type series, the selection for the Input parameter is similar to the
selection of the input parameter for the single point case input as described above. Note that
upon using the Manual Case Control component to set series case input data a new tab
appears where the values for the series can be created/set. The title of the tab sheet is
consistent with the selected case mode selection. The graph below shows the (Steady State)
series input for 2 input parameters. Enable the checkbox to create an automatic break in the
output table.
Several Options are available to control the behavior of the input parameters:
General Model Options
· Auto reset off-design input to DP at DP case calculations
Reset the off-design input to design values for design point calculations
· Set controlled values back to original after simulation run
When enabled, after the simulation, the input values that were in the numeric input
fields before the simulation will be restored. The model will be in exactly the same state
as before the simulation.
Series Options
· Auto-config model St.St. series step options
Automatically adjust model Transient/Series Options options. More specific, this option
will cause the simulation to use integer values for Point numbering. The calculation
series option will start at point 1 and have an increment of 1 to output data to the
output tables. Note that this option will also renumber the series input data grid as it is
required to have integer Point values. Intermediate points can and sometimes must be
calculated for the sake of simulation stability. Extra intermediate points can be
specified by the number of extra calculations in Nr. of iteration intervals per point. This
will set the calculation step size (Simulation step in Transient/Series Options);
increasing the number of intermediate calculations increase iteration stability to the
next integer point. Unchecking this option will give the modeler an even higher flexibility
to create the series by specifying custom input schedules. Note that the modeler then
has to define the Transient/Series Options options manually!
The Loop Case Control can be used as the central storage component for specific case input
data. Effectively, the case input parameters in this component override the values set in the
component data window. This component can create looped input series for a maximum of 3
input parameters.
In order to set the correct input for the model the modeler needs to set up the model so that
the input that is required to be set by the Case Control Component is available in the
component data window. If a parameter is not available it cannot be selected in the Case
Control Component.
The figure below show a single loop case data entry interface. Similar to the Manual Case
Control component the modeler sets up the component type and the input parameter when the
Active check mark has been set. When selected, a reference value (Ref, non editable, bright
blue font) will be displayed. Define Start, End and Inc(rement) values to automatically create the
List. The numerical grid list can be edited using the following keys:
· Insert key - Insertion of a new row
· Delete key - Deletion of the active line
· Arrow keys - Navigate through the grid (note that if the active row is the
last row, the "down arrow key" will add a new row to the grid)
To revert an edited list press the refresh button located at the top right of the input parameters
group box.
When a maximum of 3 loop input parameters have been defined press the Generate Series button
to create the looped input data sequence. The loop order is:
· Loop 1
Outer loop parameter
· Loop 2
Second or inner loop parameter
· Loop 3
Inner or innermost loop parameter
Note that the sequence can also be edited like described above.
Several Options are available to control the behavior of the input parameters:
General Model Options
· Auto reset off-design input to DP at DP case calculations
Reset the off-design input to design values for design point calculations
· Set controlled values back to original after simulation run
When enabled, after the simulation, the input values that were in the numeric input
fields before the simulation will be restored. The model will be in exactly the same state
as before the simulation.
Series Options
· Auto-break
When enabled, upon generating the sequence from the loop parameters, breaks will
automatically inserted on every start of the innermost loop.
· Auto-config model St.St. series step options
Automatically adjust model Transient/Series Options options. More specific, this option
will cause the simulation to use integer values for Point numbering. The calculation
series option will start at point 1 and have an increment of 1 to output data to the
output tables. Note that this option will also renumber the series input data grid as it is
required to have integer Point values. Intermediate points can and sometimes must be
calculated for the sake of simulation stability. Extra intermediate points can be
specified by the number of extra calculations in Nr. of iteration intervals per point. This
will set the calculation step size (Simulation step in Transient/Series Options);
increasing the number of intermediate calculations increase iteration stability to the
next integer point. Unchecking this option will give the modeler an even higher flexibility
to create the series by specifying custom input schedules. Note that the modeler then
has to define the Transient/Series Options options manually!
The Monte Carlo input controller is similar to Manual Case Control component. The difference
is that a standard deviation can be specified to allow variation of the input value. Note that
multiple input parameters can be specified. A random generator is used to create a user
defined amount of input series using an inverse normal cumulative distribution function to
calculate the input parameters based on the actual mean values and their respective standard
Note that the Nr. of iteration intervals per point can be used to speed up the calculations by
choosing a small value. Although a decrease in calculation step size increases iteration
stability, a relative large step can be chosen since the input variations are generally small for
the solver.
The Schedulers can be used for DP and/or OD cases depending on their type. The
Equation/Schedule control components and derivatives can be used for OD and DP, but for DP
only if controlling a property (not an output variable).
· Equation Scheduler for scheduling GSP output parameters or component property using an
· 1-D Lookup Table Scheduler for scheduling a GSP output parameter using a 1-D table,
· 2-D Map Scheduler for scheduling GSP output parameter or component property using a 2-
D map (specified in a map).
· Generic Schedule Controller, which combines the functionality of all 3 above components
enabling the modeler to create an equation using an expression including parameters
representing table lookup and/or map lookup output. Note that this component is
recommended for advanced users only.
The parameter to control can be selected in the Scheduled parameter group box as:
· Output parameter (this option always requires to specify a state elsewhere)
Scheduling output parameters is the straight forward way to schedule the engine model
operating point. Select Output parameter (parameters specified as Output in component
output tab sheets and Global output parameters) using the combo box.
· Component property (requires state depending on "Property is State" option)
Scheduling GSP properties is for advanced usage and requires understanding of the GSP
modeling internal details. GSP properties represent internal model parameters. The leftmost
(active) combo box must be used to select the component from which to select the
property, the right 2 combo boxes define what kind of property must be controlled:
o OD Select component Off-Design property
o DP Select component Design property corresponding to Off-Design property. If
scheduling is also required for Design point calculation, then either the Property is state
option or the Determinate relation (no equation).
· The Property is state option is to avoid the need for an additional free state to match the
number of states and errors. In this case the property itself will be the free state and then
the solver will simply adjust this state variable (i.e. the property) to match the specified
value. As such, the schedule equation added can be considered a 'dummy' equation simply
saying the property (and corresponding state) must equal a given value.
· The Determinate relation (no equation) is for Property control only option and inhibits the adding
of an error equation and state. This means during simulation the property is simple set by
GSP and any effects from the changing property value only works on components
calculated later that the Schedule control components itself. Although this option may well
increase iteration speed and stability (reducing the number of equations), care must be
taken with the calculation order of the components, since the property value will not affect
components with higher calculation order numbers.
If the Project options | Advanced | Show advanced model equation controls options in components option
is checked two additional options are visible in the General tab sheet:
· The checkbox Always create error equation defines whether during Design point calculation even
if not active (Active checkbox) an equation is added to the equation system.
· With the Corresponding state nr. for deactivation number the state with that number will be
deactivated. Run the States and Error report to show current model states and errors (option
can be found in the model data menu item of the models main menu).
The Equation Schedule Control component allows the specification of an analytical expression
using any output parameter to schedule either an output parameter or component property
(i.e. the Scheduled parameter).
Create the analytical expression with the equation parser and the drop down parameter list.
The 1-D Table Look -up Schedule Control component allows the specification of a simple 1-
dimensional table (in the Table tab sheet) to schedule the selected output parameter or
component property as a function of any Table input parameter. Table interpolation during
simulation may be either linear or quadratic.
Select the table input parameter from the dropdown list on the Table tab sheet. The value for
the output parameter or component property will be interpolated from the table (or
extrapolated, depending on the interpolation option).
The 2-D Map Schedule Control component allows the specification of a 2-dimensional map (in
the Map tab sheet) to schedule the selected output parameter or component property. The
map is read from a file (GasTurb/MTU map format similar to the compressor maps etc.). Both
an X and Y map input parameter need to be specified also: these are selected from lists with
Output parameters. Map interpolation during simulation may be either linear or quadratic.
Select input parameters X and Y from the drop down lists on the Map tab sheet. The value for
the output parameter or component property will be inter/extrapolated from the map.
The Generic Schedule Control combines the functionality's of the Equation, 1-D Look up Table
and 2-D Map Schedule Control components into a single component for more complex
schedules and equations among parameters. The expression in the General tab sheet
represents the primary schedule but now may include one or two extra parameters:
'TABLEOUT' and 'MAPOUT' representing the output of the 1-D table and 2-D map schedules
The table and/or map data must be properly specified if the TABLEOUT and/or MAPOUT
aliases are used in the expression. Limiter
The Limiter control component limits a user specified GSP output parameter to a predefined
limit schedule during an OD simulation. A power setting component must be specified
(specified on the Design tab sheet) in order to inform GSP what parameter to adapt in order to
'stay within limits'.
Multiple limiters can be used working on different parameters. Complex limit schedules can be
specified by combining an expression with the 1-D lookup table and/or the 2-D map, similar to
the schedule components.
The limiter always works using an extra equation that may be either active or inactive. At the
start of every OD steady state or transient operating point calculation, the limiter equation is
inactive. After convergence, the limit parameter is compared to the limit schedule. If
exceeding, the operating point calculation is restarted with the limiter equation active (the
equation error then is the deviation from the limit schedule) and the input of the user specified
power setting component (in the Design tab sheet) becomes a state variable. The resulting
operating point after the 2nd calculation will be exactly on the limit. Note that limiters, when
active, require additional (roughly double) execution time.
Note that when active, any other scheduling (for example during steady-state series and
transient calculations by the transient input tables) of the power setting is overruled by the
Limiter component.
Hint: the Limiter does not work in Design point mode. It is suggested to use the Design Point
Equation component for scheduling to limiting relations in Design Point mode.
The Design Point Equation control is dedicated to perform parameter sweeps in Design Point
(DP) simulations. It works similar to the off design Generic Schedule Equation control
component. Complex relations among parameters can be specified using (parameter)
expressions and can consist of 1-D and 2-D table look up values. For the free state property,
an initial value needs to be given to the solver by the modeler (minimum and maximum values
are optional). The solver will change this initial value as such that the expression is satisfied.
Note that the numeric input data fields of the free state property are always specified in SI
unity. Multiple DP equation controllers can be added to a configuration and each will add an
equation to the solver system.
The DP equation control components can be used in conjunction with Case control
components to specify Design Point series loops for the DP controlled parameter. Then the
case controller controls the Design Point Equation control value.
This control may also be used if operation along limits is to be simulated since the Limiter
component only works OD.
Use the Heat Sink component to model heat transfer among gas path components or with the
ambient environment. Add a heat sink component to the model and connect gas path
components to the heat sink in the Heat Sink tab sheet of the gas path component. In the gas
path component heat sink table, specify the specific heat transfer model data, one connection
per row.
Enable/disable the Heat Sink. Disabling means all heat transfer with this heat sink is
· Dynamics
Define the Effective mass and Specific Heat of the heat sink. Note that these data only affect
transient performance, similar to the heat soakage effect model.
· Iteration control
Define a Temperature 1st guess and a Q total error normalization factor to optimize iteration
performance and stability. Since the heat sink temperature is a state variable, For the
temperature, take the expected material temperature of the structures between the
components, for example the gas path temperature averaged over the connected
components. For the Q total factor, take a value in the order of the expected heat flux in
order to have well conditioned Jacobian matrix for the solver; this is because the error
equation for the heat sink is the sum of all heat fluxes being equal to zero
tab sheet
External heat transfer
Here the heat transfer model data to the ambient environment and to other heat sink
components can be specified in two separate tables, one per table row. See information below
on parameters.
When the Heat Sink option is activated in the Heat Sink tab of a gas path component, a heat
flux to or from the attached Heat Sink component is calculated. The Heat Sink component
itself must also be activated. It is possible for a component to have more than one Heat Sink
connected to it. This can be seen as different heat transfers that occur with different
components. Heat Sink components can also be interfaced with multiple gas turbine
components as well as with other Heat Sink components and the ambient environment.
Using Heat Sink components, complex thermal network models can be built connecting
multiple heat sinks and gas path components. For steady state calculations, the heat
capacity (mass and specific heat) does not affect the results since the system is in a thermal
equilibrium. For transient calculations, the dynamic effects of heat transfer (heat soakage) is
determined by the effective mass and the specific heat assigned to the Heat Sink component.
Note that this heat soakage effect is in addition to the heat soakage effect that can be applied
in the gas path component itself.
An overview of the generic equations used is given in Heat sink equations. For a glossary on
parameter names, also used in the sections below, see Heat sink parameters.
With an emissivity index Eps rad > 0, a radiation heat flux is calculated using
Qrad = (Twall^4 - Tambient^4) * Cstefanboltzmann * Eps rad * Aht.
Finally, total heat flux Qtotal then is the sum of Qconvcond and Qrad.
Only in one of the 2 heat sink components a value for the heat transfer coefficient must be
defined. The other heat sink automatically accepts this heat transfer and does not require
additional input.
After calculation, the total of the External conditions heat transfers heat fluxes and the Heat
fluxes to other heat sinks is summed up to provide the total heat flux to/from the component.
During steady state this sum must be 0, during transient, it can be non-zero only if a heat sink
mass and Cp has been specified in the Dynamics box in the General tab sheet. This heat balance
is added to the GSP equation system while the heat sink temperature is added as a state
In the following two lists of parameters that pertain to the Heat Sink options, either for a
component Heat Sink tab or for the Heat Sink itself, the bold face printed variables are
calculated, whereas the rest of the variables are user defined. For the Heat Sink component
there is one exception. When the external conditions are set to the ambient/flight conditions
the values for the temperature, density, kinematic viscosity, and the specific heat are
calculated from the Flight / Ambient conditions.
While most parameter units and display formats are controlled by the unit system and Output
format options settings, this does apply to the following: k (conductivity), h (per area unit heat
transfer coefficient) and H (heat transfer coefficient). These parameters have fixed units and
formats, indicated by the 'fixed unit' in the lists below.
A_ht The area for heat transfer with the Heat Sink component.
A_flow The area of the gas path. It is necessary for the calculation of the flow
velocity and must therefore be the total area available for the total mass
D_re The (hydraulic) diameter; needed for the calculation of the Reynolds
number. In case of a compressor this should be the area of one single
cascade passage otherwise turbulence will not be well represented.
Re The calculated Reynolds number.
k_gas Thermal conductivity of the gas, fixed unit [W/mK].
Nu_eq The Nusselt number relation for the specific type of convective heat
Nu The calculated Nusselt number.
d_mat The characteristic/average distance from the center of the wall material to
the gas path (the average heat travel length through the material).
k_mat The thermal conductivity of the material of the current component
connected to a Heat Sink component, fixed unit [W/mK].
h_total The calculated total heat transfer coefficient, fixed unit [W/m2K].
Q_convcond The calculated heat rate obtained by convection and conduction
Eps_rad The value for the emissivity of the Heat Sink component [-].
T_wall The calculated wall temperature for radiation calculations.
Q_rad The calculated heat rate due to radiation.
Q_total The summation of Qrad and Qconvcond for the Heat Sink component. A
positive value indicates heat transfer into the component, whereas a
negative value indicates heat transfer out of the component.
User spec Q This is an option that enables user defined heat rates for the heat sink.
d_mat The characteristic/average distance from the center of the Heat Sink to
the exterior (the average heat travel length through the material).
k_mat The thermal conductivity of the material of the Heat Sink component, fixed
unit [W/m K].
h_total The calculated total heat transfer coefficient, fixed unit [W/m2K].
Q_convcond The calculated heat rate obtained by convection and conduction
Eps_rad The value for the emissivity of the Heat Sink component, [-].
T_wall The calculated wall temperature for radiation calculations.
Q_rad The calculated heat rate due to radiation.
Q_total The summation of Qrad and Qconvcond for the Heat Sink component. A
positive value indicates heat transfer into the component, whereas a
negative value indicates heat transfer out of the component.
User spec Q This is an option that enables user defined heat flux. When checked, the
value entered in the Qtotal column will be used and not overridden by
calculation from the other column data.
Multiple connections to other heat sink components can be specified in multiple rows of the
Other heat sinks table and the resulting total external heat flux to/from the heat sink
component is the sum of the heat fluxes of all rows.
Other Heat sink : Select the other heat sink to which this heat sink is connected.
H Heat transfer coefficient H in W/K for calculation Q using Q = H *
(Theatsink - Totherheatsink); fixed unit [W/K].
Q The heat flux to the other Heat Sink component. A positive value indicates
heat transfer into the component, whereas a negative value indicates heat
transfer out of the component.
User spec Q This is an option that enables user defined heat flux. When checked, the
value entered in the Qtotal column will be used and not overridden by
calculation from the other column data.
Heat transfer by convection is characterized by the Reynolds and Prandtl numbers Re and Pr:
‘D’ is the variable ‘Re D’ given in the Heat Sink component variables list. Unless stated
otherwise, this remains the case for subsequent equations with the variable ‘D’. For channels
with a non-circular cross-section, ‘D’ is the hydraulic diameter. For the Reynolds number the
velocity u is not defined and must therefore be calculated. The flow velocity depends on the
flow type. For the internal heat flux from gas path to heat sink (specified in the gas path
component) the mean flow velocity is determined using:
In the special case where shaft suffix is specified in the heat sink external heat transfer to
ambient table, convection is assumed to be enhanced by rotation. Then the velocity of the
external wall is
The convective heat transfer coefficient is a function of the Nusselt number and the thermal
conductivity of the gas,
and the conductive heat transfer coefficient is a function of the thermal conductivity and the
thickness of the solid material
The convective heat transfer coefficient is determined with the Nusselt number.
The user specified Nusselt number correlation is specific to the type of flow that occurs.
The heat transfer between the components, Heat Sink and surrounding environment is defined
by heat transfer coefficients, interface areas and the temperature difference between the
different components and/or the surrounding environment. The heat transfer coefficients are
determined from the Nusselt number correlation defined and the parameters to determine the
value of the Nusselt number. In this section the mathematical relations required to calculate
the total heat rate “Qtotal”, are explained briefly.
In general heat transfers due to conduction, convection and radiation are calculated with the
respectively. The positive directions of heat transfer are indicated by the subscripts of the heat
rate Q. The temperatures in these equations are the hot and cold body temperatures of two
solids, in case of conduction, or the mean fluid and wall temperature, in case of convection, or
the temperature of the wall and surrounding environment in the case of thermal radiation.
A1 is the interface area between component C1 with temperature T1 and the Heat Sink, h1 is
the total heat transfer coefficient defined above. The same holds for component C2.
Qin Qout
T1 Ths T2
C1 d1 d2 C2
Graphical representation of one Heat Sink connected to two component: C1 and C2.
The figure above shows a graphical representation of the connection of two components and
one Heat Sink. The temperature difference between the component C1 and Heat Sink
component is given by (T1-Ths). In a regular heat transfer problem consisting of a convection-
conduction-convection mechanism, the temperatures of the gas flows could be known and the
wall temperatures and heat transfer rate of the conductive material have to be determined. In
the GSP model the solid material has a single temperature, Ths. This temperature is
determined such that Qin = Qout, and can be visualized as an average or bulk temperature of
the two wall temperatures.
The conductive layer thickness, delta_i, is defined such that it represents the distance from a
connecting component to the center of the Heat Sink. To have a good representation of actual
heat transfer, the values for the conductive layer thickness of components having a mutual
heat transfer must be such that the sum matches the actual thickness.
The above analysis includes only conduction and convection. If radiation is also included in the
simulation, the wall temperature needs to be calculated using
T1 Ths Twall Tenv
C1 d1 d2 Env
Introducing thermal radiation into this model changes the thermal equilibrium of the heat sink.
The correct Twall is obtained during the iteration towards the gas turbine operating point. The
emissivity epsilon of the material is a dimensionless quantity which has a value between 0 and
1. It is the ratio of energy actually radiated by a particular material to the energy radiated by a
black body (a hypothetical object that absorbs all electromagnetic radiation that falls on it) at
the same temperature. Propeller
The propeller model component can not only be used to model both fixed pitch as constant
speed propeller applications using a specific propeller map format, but also can be used if no
propeller map characteristics are available.
power turbine speed. For map scaling, often it is best to specify DP at in-flight conditions,
such as 1000 m / Ma 0.2 in this example model configuration.
Note that the Prescribe efficiency propeller model option has been introduced and added on top
of the existing propeller options in version! One may need to update propeller
component data from older/existing models.
When installing the engine in an aircraft the thrust of the engine as a system reduces due to
several drag effects. These drag effects are calculated post-convergence and added to the net
thrust (FN) to obtain the installed net thrust (FNinst). Use the global output options to select
the installed thrust output parameter.
· Afterbody Drag
The exhaust nozzle drag (afterbody drag) calculation is based on the following equation:
Daftbody = CdAftbody * Reference Area * Dynamic Pressure,
wherein CdAftbody is the afterbody drag coefficient which is a function of flight mach number
and Nozzle Pressure Ratio (NPR) and the dynamic pressure is defined as ½ * Rho * V². The
afterbody drag coefficient will be calculated by reading the CdAftbody from a separate map
for values of Mach and Nozzle Pressure Ratio.
Several output options have been added to monitor the installation effects, which can be found
on the Output tab sheet. Output options include drag values, drag coefficients, etc.
Constant expressions provide the user with a means to represent constant values with
parameter identifier names. The modeler can define constants or constant expressions for an
identifier that in turn can be used in any component model input field expression that is parsed
during simulation. As an example, one could define a 'Scale' constant parameter that is
multiplied with other values in expressions such as the inlet mass flow to represent different
engine scales. With changing the scale in the constant expression component, the actual
inlet mass flow will be scaled accordingly, which is convenient for scale effect studies.
It is advised to use a single constant expressions component per configuration/case and add
multiple constants in the table. Constant expressions may use constants defined in prior table
Note that it is easy to configure off-design and design modifiers and beware that changing a
constant design expression requires a reset (new design calculation) of the model. Also
beware that this will change the model (gas turbine) configuration.
This component can be used to create an additional output parameter similar to a calculated
column expression. Use the expression fields to define a custom parameter. The calculation
itself, or the parsing of the expression, does not affect the engine model state and therefore
will not not affect the solution and convergence. However, the parameter will process the
expression during convergence and can thus be used to control other input of the model so
that the parameter can affect the model state.
Note that the expression interface inherits the functionality from the Schedule Control
components. This implies that the expression can consist the 'TABLEOUT' and 'MAPOUT'
output parameters (available in the parameter drop down list) to use the table schedule and
the map from the '1D-Table' and the '2D-Map' tab sheets (see also Generic Schedule Control). Transfer_function
Transfer functions are to be used to represent dynamics of output parameter signals during
transients. Especially useful to simulate sensor dynamics with parameters that are used in
schedulers, limiters and equations.
The sticky note component allows for quick messages on the model form, these can be
reminders for other modelers to pick up modeling where you stopped for instance.
The lift fan component is used to represent the lift fan of a (turbofan) engine used in STOVL
aircraft. The compression process is modelled entirely equal to the compressor component. A
single fan map is used for off-design calculations. The lift fan has no compressor bleed
options. Clutch
The clutch component is used to transmit the power from the main drive shaft to the lift fan
drive shaft in STOVL operation. Engaging and disengaging the lift-fan driveshaft from the fan
shaft while the engine is running can be modelled.
A clutch is an unusual element in a gas turbine drive train system. However, there are a
number of applications, where the load needs to be coupled and uncoupled from a gas turbine
drive shaft during operation. In these cases, a clutch is required to allow smooth transfer from
the uncoupled state to the fully coupled state and vice versa, without excessive torque loads
on the shafts due to high acceleration rates.
Examples of clutches in gas turbine drive trains may be found in: vehicular turboshaft engines,
helicopter drive trains and STOVL propulsion systems using liftfans driven by the main engine
LP shaft.
In general, a clutch is a device that is able to transfer a certain (limited) amount of torque
between two shafts. Several systems exist to transfer the torque including wet and dry friction
plate systems and a variety of hydraulic systems (?).
For analysis of system performance, the clutch model minimally needs to accurately
represent the torque transferred. If also clutch performance itself requires scrutiny, more
detailed models may well be required. This section describes the clutch model as
implemented in GSP (NLR Gas turbine Simulation Program, ref. xx), with calculation of torque
transmission, clutch state and friction heat production.
For the clutch model, a number of terms/parameters are introduced required to determine the
state of operation of the clutch.
1. Engagement status
A clutch can be fully engaged of disengaged. If fully engaged, it is able to transfer
maximum torque capacity; if fully disengaged, usually no torque is transferred unless
some sort of residual friction loss is defined in the model.
In GSP an 'engagement variable' is used, ranging from 0 to 1. 0 is fully disengaged, 1
means fully engaged.
2. Lock ed/unlock ed status
If a clutch is locked, both shafts run at the same rotor speeds and the clutch
functions as a coupling. In this case, the torque transferred does not exceed
maximum static torque capacity. If the clutch is unlocked, both shafts are not running
equal speeds. There is a case where the clutch in unlocked at equal speeds, but this
only can occur during a very short time of transition between the locked and unlocked
states, or when at least one shaft is accelerating past the other shaft speed.
3. Static torque capacity
Static torque capacity is the maximum torque the clutch can transmit in the locked
state. This means the friction materials do not move (relative to each other) and the
static friction coefficient applies. Static torque capacity always is equal or larger than
dynamic torque capacity.
4. Dynamic torque capacity
Dynamic torque capacity is the maximum torque the clutch can transmit when it is
unlocked, i.e. rotor speeds are not equal and so the friction materials are moving
relative to each other, so the dynamic friction coefficient applies. Dynamic torque
capacity always is equal or smaller than static torque capacity.
5. Torque demand
Torque demand is the torque that would be transmitted in the locked state. It can also
be described as the torque that would exist in the shaft if maximum torque would be
infinite and no slipping would occur.
6. Slipping
The clutch is slipping if the two rotor speeds are unequal and engagement is larger
than 0. Torque required exceeds maximum dynamic torque capacity and therefore
cannot fully be transmitted. This means friction heat is produced proportional to the
torque (engagement x maximum dynamic torque) and the delta in rotor speeds.
The operation mode of interest with a clutch model is transient. For steady-state simulation,
either the fully engaged or disengaged state must be assumed. For system modeling
environments like GSP, this means that the design point state also either is fully engaged or
disengaged. Prior to a transient simulation, then a fully engaged or disengaged state must
GSP implementation
In the GSP clutch component, a static and dynamic maximum torque can be specified. The
engagement value, ranging from 0 at disengagement to 1 at full engagement, determines the
actual torque capacity as a fraction of maximum torque.
The engagement value during a transient simulation can either be obtained from user-specified
time functions or result from a control system model output. With a clutch control model,
accurate simulation of clutch performance in complex systems including (closed loop)
engagement can be performed.
Friction heat production due to clutch slipping is calculated, and with more data an accurate
heat flow and conduct model can be added to analyze local heat loads and temperature levels
during and after successive engagement events
In ref. GSP and example is given of simulation of a turbofan driving a STOVL lift-fan through a
clutch. The lift-fan is driven by the main engine fan shaft through a dry Clutch that is able to
disengage the Lift Fan from the engine during normal forward flight and engage during vertical
flight modes. The GSP model and libraries required are included in the GSP registered
The lift fan exhaust can be used to model the exhaust of the lift fan.
STOVL specific CENC which works together with the STOVL FADEC.
The lift fan inlet component represents a STOVL inlet. The lift fan inlet is identical to the
standard inlet component.
The entry conditions are taken from the ambient conditions window.
STOVL specific FADEC which works together with the STOVL CENC .
Custom components are provided in separate custom libraries and require additional coding.
Using the GSP Component Developers Package (CDP), custom components can easily be
derived from the standard component models using object inheritance.
NLR has a large number of custom libraries available, developed for detailed performance
analysis of specific engine designs and engine control systems. New custom libraries are
usually developed at NLR. For advanced use of GSP, custom components can be developed
outside NLR using the additional GSP Component developers package.
Contact NLR for additional information on Custom components or the GSP component
developers package.
An option List Invisible Components in the model menu is available to list the visible
components. A window will be opened to display lists of shafts and bleeds. The window can
be docked in the project window.
The Shafts tab sheet shows the hidden shaft components/objects and how these are
The Bleeds tab sheet shows the hidden bleed in- and outflow ports and how these are
The Deleted Components tab sheet displays a list of deleted case input components. Double-click
on the entry to restore the component (only possible if there is no component of the same
type present on the model window that have the "allow only one of this component type in the
model" active, this is a developer design option, e.g. only a single case model component is
8.5.1 Shafts
Shafts transmit mechanical power between components such as turbines, compressors and
pumps and are automatically defined in these components. To connect shafts, just specify
equal shaft numbers or suffixes for two components in the data specification windows. For
example, to connect a compressor to a turbine, set the shaft nr. equal in both General
tab sheets. The turbine mechanical power will be added to the shaft while the compressor will
absorb all available power from that shaft if the free state rotor speed option is set. Several
options are available on how to handle "power surplus or deficit" in a shaft during simulation,
depending on the component options set (see Turbine component).
The relation between Shaft speeds and component speeds has changed, the first component
defining shaft (usually fan compressor), defines shaft speeds. To output the shaft speed
parameters separate Shaft (shaft nr. ID) and Component (component ID) rotor speed output
parameters are available in turbo machinery component output tab sheets. Since duplicate
output is not allowed, setting output data, for shaft speed for instance, should be done in one
of the turbo components the shaft. Alternatively, use the central output functionality of the
output parameter tab sheet by selecting component output for turbo components. Setting
shaft properties for turbo components will automatically prevent duplicate output.
The figure below shows a snippet of the output parameters tab sheet of a turbo component
(e.g. compressor, turbine, etc.)
Component parameters, such as rotor speeds and torques, can be selected in the top option
box, which can be identified in the output table by the parameter name followed by an
underscore and the component number (or the ID string from the component data entry
window) (e.g. Nc_4 and PWshaft_4 are corrected speed and power input or output in
component nr. 4), while shaft output can be selected in the lower left option box, which can be
identified in the output table by the parameter name followed directly by the shaft ID (e.g. N2
means rotor speed in rpm of shaft nr. 2).
Shafts have two properties depending on engine station gas conditions: Nc and Tcorr. Shaft
corrected speed Nc is defined as the shaft rotor speed corrected to ISA using the entry
conditions of the FIRST turbomachinery component in the gas path on the shaft. This is
important to note for components using the corrected shaft speed (and specifying shaft suffix)
such as the Bleed schedule control component.
Secondary air flows are identified with numbers (bleed flow numbers, turbine cooling flow
numbers) and are not visible in the model window.
In the Bleeds tab sheet in the compressor, duct or fan data window an unlimited number of
bleed flows can be specified. The bleed flow numbers used must be unique for the model.
Reusing numbers will raise a warning on simulation and stop calculation. The type of bleed
flow can be selected from a drop-down list box activated when clicking in the grid cell on the
arrow on the right. The following types are available:
· None
The row in the table represents no bleed
· Flow W constant
A constant flow rate in [kg/s] must be specified
· Fraction constant
A constant fraction (in the 0-1 range) of the compressor inlet flow must be specified
· Externally controlled
The bleed flow rate is controlled by an external component; e.g. a bleed control component
Note that the Bleed Nr and Type columns are only accessible in Configurations since they are
considered configuration properties. The other columns can be adapted both in configurations
and cased, both DP and OD.
For separate control of DP and OD bleed flows, use the Externally controlled type in conjunction
with a bleed control component which allows separate DP and OD input.
The bleed flow is specified as a massflow W bleed or a fraction Bleed fraction of the compressor
flow (or no flow rate data for the last two options), depending on the bleed type. The dH fraction
parameter indicates how much of the total compressor air enthalpy rise is applied to the bleed
air. In other words, dH fraction indicates at about where between the high pressure exit (dH
fraction=1) and lower pressure entry (dH fraction=0) the air is extracted. The higher dH fraction,
the more power is taken from the compressor in terms of pressurized bleed air. Both Bleed
fraction and dH fraction range between 0 and 1.
Note that depending in the Type selected, the W bleed or Bleed fraction columns can or cannot
be edited. With the Externally controlled option, only dH fraction can be set.
Use the Externally controlled option in connection with a bleed control component if
you want manual off-design control over the bleed flow rate.
Note that with bleed flow output data such as bleed mass flow rate, the parameter identifier is
followed by the bleed nr. (e.g. Wbld2_3 means bleed flow nr. 2 of component nr.3).
Errors 242
Model specific errors
· 6201 - Bleed nr. number in Bleed list with type not set
· 6202 - Bleed nr. number does not exist
· 6203 - Sum of fractions used of bleed nr. number ... exceeds 1
· 6204 - Duplicate bleed nr. number
· 5101 - Invalid data in Ambient/Flight Conditions Trans.Grid! First time value must be 0
· 5102 - Invalid data in Ambient/Flight Conditions Trans.Grid! press Forms Cancel button to
Cancel modification
· 5201 - Both design RR and map design RR must be smaller than zero to enable map
· 5202 - Error in calculation of component
· 5501 - ICAO emissions table Pt and Tt values zero or not descending in component
emissions indices will not be calculated!
· 5502 - Error in ICAO/NLR Emission calculation
· 5503 - Total not 100%
· 5504 - Liquid water content must be zero for volume % specification
· 5505 - Warning: Equivalence ratio of combustion oxidant higher than one
· 5506 - Warning: Equivalence ratio too high for accurate Prompt-NOx prediction
· 5507 - (Design) Fuel temperature must be between 220 and 550 K
· 5508 - Sums of Fuel, Oxidator and Water inj. fractions must be 1
· 5509 - Fuel fraction must be larger than zero in 1st intersection
· 5510 - NO and N2O fractions cannot be used in fuel
· 5511 - Fuel pump shaft number does not exist in component
· 5512 - nO2in<0 in CombEquilibrium (combustion model)
· 5513 - O2 concentration too small
· 5514 - Gas name concentration concentration<0 in component
· 5515 - Composition sum composition in component not 1 !
Errors 244
Component specific errors
· 5701 - Error calculating static conditions for Fundamental pressure loss in component.
Check flow cross area: too small results in illegal supercritical flow !
· 5702 - Error calculating heat exchanger heat flow rate in component
· 5801 - Entry pressure conflict: Ps duct entry (number bar) larger than Pt core entry (number
bar) (would cause reverse core flow !) in component
· 5901 - Design point exhaust pressure ratio(=number) smaller than 1.0 in component
· 6101 - Cannot get design variable from component. Control not properly linked to
· 6102 - Shaft nr. number in component does not exist
· 6103 - Pb bleed nr. number in component does not exist
· 6104 - A transient calculation is not allowed if the control fully trimmed steady state option
is checked
9.3 Errors
9.3.1 Error 0100
0100 - Cannot add component of type...
A component is to be inserted into a configuration type not entitled to contain such a
A component can only be added in its designated configuration, or in ancestor configurations.
Please insert this component in a different configuration type.
A component is to be inserted into a configuration type not entitled to contain such a
A component can only be added in its designated configuration, NOT in ancestor
Please insert this component in a different configuration type (as suggested in the dialog).
Errors 246
GSP demo version is limited
Register GSP (see NLR support)
GSP demo version is limited
Register GSP (see NLR support)
GSP demo version is limited
Register GSP (see NLR support)
Map variables out of range
Decrease value of map variables
No map file name specified
Specify map file in map tab sheet
Required output variable not selected
Check Map operating curve par.s in Output tab sheet
Ill-defined map format
Check map format (see Technical Manual)
Ill-defined map format
Check map format (see Technical Manual)
Errors 248
Ill-defined map format
Check map format (see Technical Manual)
Ill-defined map format
Check map format (see Technical Manual)
Ill-defined map format
Check map format (see Technical Manual)
Ill-defined map format
Check map format (see Technical Manual)
Map file read error
Check and alter map file location
Map file read error
Check and alter map file location
Map file read error
Check and alter map file location
Map file read error
Check and alter map file location
Errors 250
Map file read error
Check and alter map file location
Map file read error
Check and alter map file location
Map file read error
Check and alter map file location
Custom package not found
Check if custom package is located in GSP directory
Restart GSP after custom package has been placed in GSP directory
Model or table file not found when reopening
Check and alter location of model or table file
New model opened with old GSP version
Upgrade GSP version (see see NLR support)
Model file read error
Check model file
Errors 252
Model file read error
Check model file
Old model opened with upgraded GSP version
Check and alter component data for new variables
Disk writing error
Check drive and check path setting
Previously generated table does not hold new variable
Use Save/New Tables to recreate output
Errors 254
Too long a calculation field name
Use shorter name and use New Name field
New calculation field exists
Press OK to overwrite data or select a different field name
Graph requires more than 1 variables
Check multiple variables in Output tab sheet
Transient calculation not activated or design ill-defined
Check the Transient input activated checkbox and specify more than 2
Start time larger than end time
Check and alter start time and end time
Errors 256
Data for report not available
Click steady state before clicking Report
Illegal append action
Do not use the selected table for Append
Custom package does not contain library form with components
Contact NLR
Name for calculated column already exists as standard output field
Specify alternate name for calculated column
Old model with .MDLOLD extension renamed but not saved to .MDL file
Save model as .MDL file in following step
Component icon has no corresponding data specification form.
Restart GSP and reload model. If the problem re-occurs, contact NLR.
Status and errors are not defined yet since no design point is calculated yet,
Calculate design point first by clicking Design
Errors 258
Error in calculation of additional output (not required in iteration for operating point)
Check and alter component data
Inlet component not present on model form. Assigning component numbers always starts with
the inlet component.
Drag-and-drop an inlet component on the model form and specify it's data
Design point input has been changed by last action (for instance by altering bleed flow in
Pressing OK will reset the model requiring a desgin point recalculation, while pressing Cancel
will go back to the edit form to enable correction of your last action
Opening a non-existing table is not possible
Check the table name or click St.St.Series or Transient to produce tables
The output parameter has been specified multiple times (in different components)
Since version 11 it is not allowed/not recommended to specify certain parameters multiple
times. A temperature can be set by a components exit station, or by the next component inlet
station temperature option. GSP will automatically check and repair old models where options
are defined multiple times for most options. An exception are the shaft speed options, these
are not automatically updated and have to be done manually.
There is a simple solution to solve this. Actually this is a warning, and not an error, so the
calculation will continue if you press the ignore button.
1) Individual output tab sheet setting (the following describes the setting of the output options
for shaft speed, but can be applied to other output parameters)
Check the Output tab sheet of every component that is connected to the same shaft and be
sure only one of these components has the Shaft options (check boxes) N [rpm] and N [%]
a - Open your model
b - Double click first component connected to the first shaft
c - Go to the Output tab sheet
d - Put a check mark in N [rpm] and N [%] options and close the component input window
with OK
e - Double click next component connected to the shaft
f - Go to the Output tab sheet
g - Clear the check mark in N [rpm] and N [%] options and close the component input
window with OK
h - Proceed to step e until all components for that shaft have been set
i - If applicable, double click first component connected to the next shaft and proceed to
step c
Errors 260
Ill-defined component data
Check and alter component data for component
Invalid model configuration
Check and alter model configuration
No solution found
Check and alter component data
Change timestep
Change accuracy
Contact NLR
Automatic reset to last convergence point for correct iteration
Check control input, flight conditions and component data to prevent re-occurence of error.
Iteration error in exhaust component
Contact NLR
Undefined exception error has occurred
Contact NLR
Errors 262
Calculated exit flow smaller than 0 during transient
Adjust effective volume or contact NLR
Undefined error in volume dynamics calculation during transient
Adjust effective volume or contact NLR
Ill-defined transient data
Check and alter transient component data in table in Transient tab sheet
Ill-defined transient data
Check and alter transient component data in table in Transient tab sheet
Design RR and map design RR too high
Lower Design RR factor in Design tab sheet and adjust map design RR
Ill-defined component data
Check and alter component data
Ill-defined ICAO table in combustor for Interpolation in ICAO table emission
Check ICAO table in ICAO table tab sheet in combustor Emissions tab sheet
Errors 264
Check ICAO table in ICAO table tab sheet in combustor Emissions tab sheet
Ill-defined Composed fuel specification
Check Composed fuel specification table in combustor Design fuel tab
Select Mass % for Composed fuel specification in combustor Design fuel
tab sheet
NOx formation cannot be predicted if the flow is already fuel-rich without the fuel added
NOx formation cannot be predicted if the flow is already fuel-rich without the fuel added
(Design) Fuel temperature out of limits
Alter Fuel temperature in Standard fuel specification in (Design)
Fuel tab sheet
Ill-defined fractions in multi-reactor emission model table
Check fractions in table in Multi-reactor tab sheet in Emissions tab sheet
Errors 266
Ill-defined fuel fraction in first line in multi-reactor emission model table
Check fuel fraction in first row of table in Multi-reactor tab sheet in Emissions tab
NO and N2O fractions cannot be used in User specified (design) fuel
Set NO and N2O fractions to zero in Composed fuel specification table in
(Design) Fuel tab sheet
Shaft nr. is not specfied for fuel pump
Set shaft nr./suffix for fuel pump in Fuel Pump tab sheet
Input number of O2 moles smaller than 0
Contact NLR
Fuel-to-air ratio too high or accuracy too low
Decrease fuel flow or increase air flow, or increase accuracy.
Ill-defined fuel composition
Change fuel composition or increase accuracy
Ill-defined fuel composition
Change fuel composition or increase accuracy
Errors 268
contact NLR
Shaftnumber is already defined for shaft
Change shaftnumber in component
Shaftnumber is already defined for shaft
Change shaftnumber in component
Shaftnumber is defined without turbine
Check Free Power Turbine in turbine General tab sheet
No design external load specified
Specify design external load in turbine Design tab sheet
No shaft nr. defined
Specify shaft nr. in turbine General tab sheet
Flow cross area too small
Errors 270
Check and alter Flow cross area in both Flow pressure loss tabsheets
Ill-defined component data
Check and alter Design component data
Ill-defined component data
Check and alter Duct entry area and Core entry area in Model Data in
General tab sheet
Pressure ratio can not be smaller than 1
Check and alter model data
Control not linked to component
Link control to component
Incorrect shaft nr. specified
Check and alter shaft nr. in General tab sheet
Incorrect Pb bleed nr. specified
Check and alter Pb bleed nr. in General tab sheet
The control fully trimmed steady state option is checked in the control's
Schedules tab sheet.
Errors 272
Uncheck the fully trimmed steady state option in the Schedules tab sheet.
When the option is checked, the steady state point determined is the actual fully trimmed
steady state point with the effect of the control's integrator in time. This option therefore
includes both the determination of the (untrimmed) steady state point as well as the transient
run required to reach the fully trimmed situation.
Normally, a steady state point does not coincide with the fully trimmed steady state point if a
control is present. Instead, the fully trimmed point must be achieved by running a transient
until the engine is stabilized.
No shaft nr. defined
Specify shaft nr. in control General tab sheet
Combustor component has specification of Exit temperature or Fuel-Air ratio
instead of Fuel flow in Specify radiogroup on Design tab sheet
Set specification to Fuel flow in Specify radiogroup on combustor Design tab sheet
No bleed type is set for specific bleed flow in compressor component
Specify bleed type in compressor Bleed tab sheet
A component uses a bleed flow which is not specified in the compressor component
Specify a new bleed flow with number in the compressor Bleed tab sheet or delete the bleed
flow number from the component
Total bleed flow used in components is larger than bleed flow available from compressor for
bleed nr. number
Decrease bleed flow fractions used in components or increase bleed flow available from
compressor for bleed nr. number
Compressor component contains duplicate bleed numbers
Check and correct the bleed numbers in the compressor Bleed tab sheet.
Errors 274
Help not implemented
Please report the related item and GSP version number, which can be found by clicking
Help|About in the main program window, or alternately right-clicking the file icon of the
GSP.exe file (located in the installation directory, e.g. ..\Program Files\NLR\GSP\),
selecting Properties and looking in the Version tab sheet.
10.2 Registration
GSP is protected with a registration key. An unregistered version will have limited capabilities,
i.e. saving of many non-standard components (see the feature matrix). Registration of GSP
gives you the benefit of NLR support in the form of answering questions, assisting in solving
problems and development of new models according to the license agreement.
For license and registration information, please navigate to the licensing and order web pages.
If there are further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
The registration code is coupled to a specific registrant name. The registration information if
supplied through e-mail upon payment delivery. Copy both the registrant name and the
registration key into the input boxes of the registration window.
Copy the registrants name supplied in the registration e-mail into the Registration name input field
and copy the registration key into the Registration code input field. "Copy-paste" is preferred
above typing the name and code to prevent typing errors (e.g. zeros, 0, and capital letters O
look very similar). Press OK to register the application.
Since GSP is continuously being extended and updated following user suggestions, we
appreciate comments and bug reports of both users of the standard version as well as
registered users.
A list of Frequently Asked Questions can be found on the GSP home site at
2. Tinga T., Visser W.P.J., de Wolf W.B., and Broomhead M.J., 2000, Integrated Lifing
Analysis Tool for Gas Turbine Components, ASME 2000-GT-0646, ASME IGTI Turbo
Expo conference, Munich 2000
3. Visser W.P.J., 1995, Gas Turbine Simulation at NLR, Making it REAL, CEAS
Symposium on Simulation Technology (paper MOD05), Delft, the Netherlands
4. Visser W.P.J., Kluiters S.C.M., 1999, Modeling the Effects of Operating Conditions
and Alternative Fuels on Gas Turbine Performance and Emissions, NLR Technical
Publication NLR-TP-98629 or Research and Technology Organization RTO-MP-14
5. Visser W.P.J., Kogenhop O., Oostveen. M., 2004, A Generic Approach for Gas
Turbine Adaptive Modeling, ASME GT2004-53721, ASME IGTI Turbo Expo
conference, Vienna 2004 and ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power,
Volume 128 2006
6. Visser W.P.J., Oostveen M., Pieters H., Dorp E. van, 2006 Experience with GSP as a
Gas Path Analysis Tool, ASME GT2006-90904, ASME IGTI Turbo Expo conference,
Barcelona 2006
7. Michel L. Verbist, Wilfried P.J. Visser, Jos P. van Buijtenen, Rob Duivis, Gas Path
Analysis on KLM in-Flight Engine Data, ASME paper GT2011-466257, presented at
the ASME TURBO EXPO 2011, 6-10 June, Vancouver, Canada
8. Verbist, M.L., Visser, W.P.J., van Buijtenen, J.P., Duivis, Model-based gas turbine
diagnostics at KLM Engine Services, XX ISABE Conference, 2011, Gothenburg,
Sweden, ISABE-2011-1807
9. Verbist, M.L., Visser, W.P.J., Pecnik, R., van Buijtenen, J.P, Component Map Tuning
Procedure using Adaptive Modeling. ASME Turbo Expo 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark,
10. Manual of the ICAO standard atmosphere extended to 80 kilometres (262 500 feet),
ICAO 7488/3, 1993
11. Kurzke J., 1996, How to get Component Maps for Aircraft Gas Turbine Performance
Calculations, ASME 96-GT-164
12. Kurzke J., 2005, How to Create a Performance Model of a Gas Turbine From a
Limited Amount of Information, ASME GT 2005-68537
References 278
batch mode steady state 105
References 280
file extensions 119 GSP versions 14
file format 99 GSPteam 35
file menu 77
fixes 26 -H-
flight condition errors 244
flight conditions 126, 127 heat exchanger 194
flight conditions scheduler 213 heat exchanger errors 245
flight conditions window 127 heat sink 222
flight envelope 213 heat soakage effects 124
flow cross area 165 height 128
flow splitter 192 help menu 77
flow splitter control 206 History 22
FN control 208 how to... 34
format (numbers) 111
Formats 136 -I-
forum 277
free power turbine 177 i/o errors 242
front 167 icons 139
fuel 203 ID 140
Fuel compression 183 ID string 142
Fuel compressor 183 ideal gas 154, 155
fuel control 200, 203 IGV 208
fuel control components 162 import models 75
fuel flow control 203 improvements 26
fuel mixer 206 inertia 124
fuel pre-mixer 196 information 25
Fuel pump 183 init button 104
Functionalities 18 initialization options 130
inlet 167, 196, 235
-G- inlet errors 244
input 102
gas path components 161 input controller 214, 216
gas turbine models 120 input parameter scaling 231
Gasturb 156 install effects 230
general 130 installation 230
general options 130 installation losses 230
generic schedule control 221 intake 167
geometric altitude 128 intercooler 197
geometry 151 intercooler control 207
geopotential altitude 128 International Standard Atmosphere 128
glossary 11 introduction 14
governor 200, 204 inverse normal cumulative distribution function 218
governor control 200 invisible 237
graph 137, 153 invisible model objects 237
graph options 137 iteration errors 243
graphical output 45, 112 iteration options 132
GSP 14
GSP History 22
GSP main window menus 73
References 282
options 68, 82, 129, 133, 137
options menu 77 -R-
out 203
output 133, 137, 150 RC 211
output files 119 real gas 131, 154, 155
output formats 45 real gas correction 131
output graphs 112 Reference model 99
output interval 133 references 278
output options 133 referred mass flow 155
output parameter 231 referred spool speed 131, 154
output parameters 106, 150 registration 276
output table 106 release notes 26
report 116
-P- report editor 114
report: model data 116
parameter scaling 231 report: operating point 117
parser 111 report: states and errors 115
parts 139 report: TJET states and errors 115
PC 211 resistance 204
pipe 189 results menu 77
plot 112 Root model 99
pop-up menu 146 rotating components 146, 147
power 200 rotating duct 198
power code 211 rotor inertia effects 124
power control 200, 210 rotor speed control 209
power control component library 208 running a new model 60
power rating 211 running line 171
power setting 210 running simulations 102
power turbine 204 running steady-state series simulations 42
power turbine load control 204 running steady-state simulations 41
pressure altitude 128 running transient simulations 44
pressure loss 166, 181
pressure vessel 197 -S-
pressure vessel control 207
program startup 71 SAE 145, 211
programmers 35 schedule control 219
project 82, 84 scheduler 219
project menu 77 secondary air 239
project options 82 security 82
project tree panel 84 security markings 82
project window 76 selecting components 146
prop 229 session audit data 89
propeller 229 shafts 237, 238
propellor control 207 simulation input/output options 130
property control 208 simulation type 100
PT control 204 simulations 102
Pump 183 SM 173
software implementation 24
specifying transient simulation input 43
-T- -W-
table ID 106 website 277
table name 106 welcome 10, 14
tabular output 45 what's new? 26
text output 117 window 76
textual output 40 working line 171
thermodynamic options 131 writers 35
thrust control 208
time 133 -X-
time step 133
transient 106 XML 99
transient input 102
transient/series options 133
turbine 174, 177, 198
turbine cooling 176
turbine errors 245
turbine map 177
References 284