Cyber Anthropology

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The paper introduces the concept of CyberAnthropology, which applies anthropological and philosophical questions to different fields associated with the internet in a transdisciplinary way. CyberAnthropology aims to analyze how interactions with the internet impact human understanding, social structures, and norms.

CyberAnthropology is an approach that analyzes changes in user participation and lifeworlds online, and questions how human behavior and needs correlate with interaction through the internet medium. It aims to understand how individuals understand themselves and others when embedded in virtual environments, and whether the internet represents new realities or old habits.

The paper notes that the impact of the internet on societies has been studied either through abstract media philosophy or detailed empirical analyses of user behavior. Media philosophy views the internet as transformative, while digital ethnography focuses on describing virtual phenomena without deeper analysis of their meaning.


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prepared for the 1st Berlin Symposium

on Internet and Society
October 26th to 28th, 2011
Being human on the

Sprondel, Johanna
[email protected]; HumboldtUniversity of Berlin, Faculty of
Law, DFG Research Training Group Multilevel Constitutionalism,
Unter den Linden 6 D 10099 Berlin

Breyer, Thiemo
[email protected]; University of Heidelberg, Clinic
for General Psychiatry, Section Phenomenological Psychopathology
and Psychotherapy, Vosstr. 4 69115 Heidelberg

Wehrle, Maren
[email protected]; University of Freiburg,
Husserl Archive, Platz der Universitat 3, 79098 Freiburg

Paper prepared for the 1st Berlin Symposium on Internet and Society,
Oct. 25-27, 2011

Title: CyberAnthropology Being
human on the internet

Sprondel, Johanna
[email protected]; Humboldt-University of Berlin, Faculty of Law, DFG
Research Training Group Multilevel Constitutionalism, Unter den Linden 6
D- 10099 Berlin

Breyer, Thiemo
[email protected]; University of Heidelberg, Clinic for General
Psychiatry, Section Phenomenological Psychopathology and Psychotherapy, Vosstr. 4
69115 Heidelberg

Wehrle, Maren
[email protected]; University of Freiburg, Husserl Archive, Platz
der Universitt 3, 79098 Freiburg

Abstract: CyberAnthropology is an approach that submits anthropological
and philosophical questions (as well as sociological, political and linguistic
questions including questions of constitutional law arising from them) to
different fields associated with the internet which has not been done in this
specific transdisciplinary way in previous research. We analyse changes,
developments and continuities between the lifeworld of users and new

possibilities of participation on the internet, taking into account different
methods given by different disciplines. We also raise the question of how the
interaction between us human beings and the medium of the internet can be
grasped theoretically and how human behaviours, needs and desires correlate
with it practically. CyberAnthropology thus targets the questions of how the
human being understands itself and others, how it structures its lifeworld
when embedded in virtual environments, in face of the challenges posed by the
internet as the dominating medium. Is the internet a new virtual reality or just
the representation of old norms and habits? Can we speak of a cyber citizen
and has the animal socio-politicum changed in the light of the internet as a
primary form of communication and source of knowledge? How do interest
groups form, if one considers the fact that the internet transcends local,
regional, national, ethnical and social boundaries? How do new boundaries
and normative orders emerge?
So far, the question of how the internet changes societies and the habits of their
members has merely been tackled either in abstract terms of media philosophy
or in the context of detailed empirical studies of concrete user behaviour. In the
first case, the internet is regarded as a self-transforming medium that has had
deep consequences on the lives of individuals ever since its emergence and
development. What remains unclear, however, is the relationship between the
materiality of the internet and its peculiar message for humanity, human
responsibility and political action. In the second case, for instance in the
research of the Digital Ethnographers Michal Wesch and Don Tapscott, the
focus lies on the description of virtual phenomena rather than on an analysis
that would embed those phenomena in a broader theoretical framework of
virtual reality, which would allow for an application of the outcomes to other

disciplines and fields of research. This is intended by drafting a systematic
theory of CyberAnthropology.


Project description
In 1966, Berger & Luckmann began their seminal work on The Social Construction
of Reality with the statement: Since our purpose in this treatise is a sociological
analysis of the reality of everyday life, more precisely, of knowledge that guides
conduct in everyday life, and we are only tangentially interested in how this
reality may appear in various theoretical perspectives to intellectuals, we must
begin by a clarification of that reality as it is available to the commonsense of the
ordinary members of society. (Berger & Luckmann 1966) This approach to reality
as it is subjectively experienced by the members of a society is still a valid
methodological starting point for a philosophically informed sociological
investigation of social and political processes. The analysis of the lifeworld of
individuals and collectives and the ways in which it is shaped by different types
of mediation (such as technology) is of central concern today. The intricate
interrelations between how people act, think and project their lives in a situation
where much of daily communication is mediated by technological devices call for
an empirical description and theoretical analysis of the participants interests and
goals and how they are accomplished. The internet is a major source of self-
expression and communication in present-day globalised society. An
understanding of how the lifeworldly experiences of subjects are transformed and
themselves form the basis of their virtual behaviour is thus a task not only of
research in the domain of media theory, but also in philosophy, sociology,
anthropology, political sciences and law. The research project
CyberAnthropology targets the questions of how the human being understands
itself and others, how it structures its lifeworld when embedded in virtual
environments, in face of the challenges posed by the internet as the dominating


Why anthropology? Previous research and the new approach to
The title CyberAnthropology has been used since the mid 1990s to describe a
subbranch of social and cultural anthropology that investigates cyberspace as a
new domain of ethnographic fieldwork: As a new domain of anthropological
practice, the study of cyberculture is particularly concerned with the cultural
construction and reconstruction on which the new technologies are based and
which they in turn help to shape. (Escobar 1994, 211) Within this framework, two
main areas of research were delineated: information and computer technologies
on the one hand, and biotechnologies such as genetic engineering on the other.
The focus of ethnographic studies of cyberculture thus focused on how humans
create new forms of technosociality, i.e. social modes of communication and
being-with-others that are mediated by technology, as well as biosociality, i.e.
a new order for the production of life, nature and body (Escobar 1994, 214).
Within the anthropological discipline, the emphasis on the novelty of how
technology influences human life and the call for a new era and methodology of
anthropology has raised profound criticism. One could argue that the analysis of
the interplay between artificial constructs and the lifeworld has always been at
the centre of ethnographic interest when it comes to understanding how people
within a specific socio-cultural setting shape their surroundings and understand
themselves in the mirror of the artifacts they produce (cf. Krmer 1988).
Accordingly, the development of Cyber Anthropology has not lead to a
revolutionarily new type of anthropology with the methodological and
disciplinary impact it has been tackled so far, but has rather extended the field of
application of already existing ethnographic methodologies. According to Hakken

(1999), the key issues in the ethnography of cyberspace and cyberculture are the
following (cf. Budka & Kremser 2004, 215):
1. The basic characteristics of the entities carrying cyberspace.
2. The self-identities formed by such entities.
3. The micro social relations these entities construct (e.g. with intimates and
4. Their meso social relations (e.g. community, regional, and civil relations).
5. Their macro social relations (e.g. national, transnational).
6. The political and economic structures which cyberspace entities produce
and reproduce and which constrain them.

We think that many of the issues raised by social anthropologists discovering the
field of cyber culture are still relevant and deserve interdisciplinary attention. Our
aim in redefining CyberAnthropology, though, is to ground empirical
investigations in the ethnography of cyberspace in a conceptual framework that
draws on both media philosophy and philosophical anthropology. In the latter
sense, anthropology does not solely refer to the method of analysing human
behaviour and thinking with the means of ethnographic fieldwork, i.e. by
participant observation, but also to look at the universal features of human
creativity, innovation, as well as the production and reproduction of norms. These
features are the constituents of a network society that makes possible the
emergence of new rules, duties and norms in the virtual domain of the internet as
a sphere of the lifeworld, but also makes necessary the creation of a global
constitution in order to legally ground (and restrict) all the activities in this
sphere. CyberAnthropology thus extends the scope of previous research on
cyberculture and cyberspace by regarding it not only as an expressive space in
which users can fulfil their creative potentials, but also as a legal space in which

user behaviour and its impact on the structure of the web have to be regulated by
means of a set of globally valid norms / laws.

More precisely, we wish to engage in the following aspects of this general
problem: 1. An anthropological investigation of the internet as a new form of a
universal medium for communication and the development of communication
network. 2. A reconsideration of how the human being as a creative and
expressive being can be determined as a user: What are the processes of
individualisation and collectivisation that contribute to the new internet-identity?
What are the extended and multiplied modes of access to reality (real reality vs.
real virtuality)? 3. A social philosophical as well as legal consideration of the
political implications of the new forms of interaction and collective identity-

The Internet A new virtual reality or a real virtuality
Nearly 50 years after Marshall McLuhan (1964) insisted that the medium is the
message and more than 20 years after Friedrich Kittler (1985) argued that the
materialisation of a medium should be seen as the real message, the World Wide
Web nowadays is about to surpass the traditional notion of media altogether. The
internet as a metaphor for virtual space contains all kinds of information and
representations previous media provided irrespective of how and where they
were implemented. Via portable internet we can now email, chat with people in
real time, watch TV, listen to the radio, post pictures and videos, or search for
information about things and situations we are currently experiencing in the real
world. The internet and its vast range of applications is therefore more than just a
mass media: it is a communication fabrique of our lives (Castells 2010, xxvi),
which can be used for work-related issues, personal connectivity, information,

entertainment, public services and political engagement. Since the connection to
the internet went mobile, we no longer have to sit in front of a real world object
called computer, tethered by cables. The frontiers between the real world and
the mediated virtual world are becoming blurred: The network [is] with us, on
us, all the time. (Turkle 2011, xii) And at any place, one might want to add.

In this context it is worth asking if it is still appropriate to speak of a virtual
reality in contrast to a real reality, or if we see ourselves confronted with a new
culture of real virtuality (Castells 2010, xxxii) as Manuel Castells suggested. If we
take a look at information fabriques like smartphones, it is as though McLuhan
was right in pointing out that electronic media should be seen as an extension of
man (cf. McLuhan 2003). A similar thought was developed by the
phenomenologist Maurice Merleau-Ponty who defined technology (e.g. material
tools like glasses or walking sticks) as an extension of the body-schema (Merleau-
Ponty 1945). Both conceptions emphasize that there is no strict dichotomy
between subject and object, nature and technology (cf. Haraways notion of
cyborgs). The same holds for the difference between real and virtual. There are
as many virtual/imaginary aspects in (real) human perception (like anticipations
from memory, cf. No 2004) as there are real aspects in virtuality. Both categories
are integral parts of human lifeworlds.

The perpetual connectivity provides us with different modes of access to the
world in parallel: While experiencing something in our immediate environment,
we are able to extend our perspective. We can obtain meta-information from the
internet as an intersubjective source of knowledge. By doing so, we acquire a
double position: we are at the same time in our bodily/subjective here-and-now
and part of a quasi-objective sphere of knowledge which goes far beyond our

individual experience. In this integration of different accesses to the world, made
possible through the internet, the virtual nature of the human being as defined
by the philosophical anthropologist Helmuth Plessner is clearly demonstrated:
his excentric positionality (Plessner 1928).

Therefore, the questions we have to ask about what it means to be human on the
internet are rather about the individual subjective standpoint local aspects
and collective information/networks global aspects than about the dichotomy
between real and virtual life. Although the two domains are intertwined in the
lifeworlds of humans, a proper description of the phenomena captured by the
categories of real life and virtual life are still needed. Otherwise the different
influences and interplays cannot be grasped. As the medium itself becomes more
and more hidden/invisible as an extended part of the self (for example as external
memory), not the medium in its materiality is of interest, but how is it employed.
Here, the real-world problems, interests, needs and motivations of the users are
coming to the fore. The selection criteria with which we start our search for
information or the motivations that make us decide to take part in a social
network are generated in our individual history of experience, which includes our
social and cultural backgrounds. On the one hand, internet usage depends on
local criteria such as social and economic milieus and education. On the other
hand, the global network is extending and changing the local lifeworld of
subjects. Furthermore, the internet not only offers manifold services, information
and social networks that can be individually selected and made use of, but also
makes it possible for everyone who has the informational skills to actively
develop new contents. Therefore, it enables us not only to connect to a virtual
community, but also to create our own (virtual) environment. Even though this

can never and this is vital exceed our real life abilities, which are still the
grounds for any virtual living, it can develop and complete them.

Identity-making on the net: The human being as user

From its very beginning, the internet was a projection space for desires, ideals,
visions and fears of all sorts. On the one hand, it was subjected to a pessimistic
critique, which described it as a dissolving force or an absolute form of simulation
(Baudrillard 1978, Bolz 1990). On the other hand, it was praised as a vision of a
free and democratic dimension of plural identities independent of old norms,
categories and power structures such as race, gender and social background
(Turkle 1985, Haraway 1991, Stone 1991, Bath 2002). Back in the 1990s, both sides
argued that the categories of sensual experience like body and space will no
longer play a role in this new virtual reality. But neither the prophesised loss of a
sense of reality and face-to-face social life, nor the predicted escape from the body,
typical gender identities, norms and rules did occur (cf. Funken 2000, 2002).
Suggestions made by Donna Haraway, among others, namely that the anonymity
in virtual space goes along with the fact that people escape their embodied selves
and the behavioural norms of everyday life have been refuted with reference to
the behaviour within social networks like Facebook. Instead of escaping the bonds
of real world identities, one could see a strong constraint to a definite positioning
and stereotypic self-expression in social networks (cf. Zurawski 2000, Nakamura
1995, 2002).

Studies about earlier internet activities like Multi User Dungeons (MUDs), chat
rooms, role games and virtual realities like Second Life (2003) have already shown
the importance of the body as well as the adoption of social norms and typical
gender identities. Instead of affirming the separation of identity from fixed

physical embodiment, as represented in the poststructuralist hope for the
deconstruction of essentialism, the analyses of computer-mediated
communication reveal the users striving for authenticity. In a purely text based
reality, authenticity, trust and ethical responsibility are the main social currency,
which is obtained by expressing a stable identity with the help of bodily images,
emotions and stereotypical gender identities. For this purpose, emoticons and
sensual metaphors are used (Slater 1998, Lbke 2005). The virtual representation
of the body is necessary for communication and social acceptance in the virtual
world, because it is a trustful reference-point. The same holds true for the
dimension of space: A specific spatial or thematic placing of an online activity is
needed, for instance a chat-room. In the realm of computer games and virtual
realities, spatial structures are also essential for orientation. New rooms and social
spaces mark the entry into new situations or game levels with new rules and
duties. The construction of well-defined rooms and regions has the function of
structuring an otherwise meaningless field experience. Body representations and
lived space thus have an orienting function and provide the basis for social
reliability (Funken 2004).

In times of Facebook, YouTube and MySpace, the aspects of authenticity, social
reliability and most of all social acknowledgement and feedback are more
important than ever. Pictures and videos that document the real lifeworld of the
user are replacing attempts to construct new virtual spaces and identities. The so
called Web 2.0 is like a virtual market place where you can posit and exchange
meanings, keep in contact with friends and be constantly updated about gossip
and public news. Moreover, it is used as a medium for image cultivation and
business networking. So you can conclude with Michael Hardey that as the use
of the internet has grown it has become increasingly used in ways that are

grounded in pre-existing social and economic processes (Hardey 2002, 583).
Actual online studies about the use of the internet confirm this tendency: Active
participation in the sense of designing new webpages and and virtual realities
has continually decreased and the net is used predominantly for checking emails,
goal-oriented search of information and communication in social networks
(ARD/ZDF Online Study 2010). Rather than visions of another life-world
occupied with users with multiple identities the internet for many is just a
different space where they may meet others and make use of a vast number of
services and resources (Hardey 2002, 583). Nonetheless, this is not a settled
question, but has to be taken as an empirical challenge to continuously analyse
and compare user behaviour. As the latest Hype Cycle indicates, platforms
such as Second Life are again gaining prominence.

If the internet is mostly used in a selective and goal-oriented way, as is
demonstrated in current research, and if this selective use has its roots in the
everyday life of its users, then the question how and why people turn to the
internet (Hardey 2002, 582) must be raised. In order to analyse the underlying
motivations that guide the selective use of the internet, we have to take a look at
the real lifeworlds of users. In this regard, factors like social environment,
educational background and culture have an important impact. Apart from the
first digital divide, which separates the ones who have technical access to the new
media from the ones who do not, there seems to be a second divide that
characterises the way in which people use and actively participate in the internet
(Norris 2001, ALLBUS Study 2004, Segev & Ahituv 2010). Only some have the
interest and the programming skills to actively design and initiate new web
structures or the education and interests to launch a new political group. The
majority of people use the internet only for keeping track of the news, checking

emails or searching for specific information with the help of searching tools like
Google. The range of visited websites is gradually shrinking, more online users
visit fewer websites (Segev 2010, xxii; Waxman 2000). Due to mechanisms like
tagging, bookmarking and individualised advertising, there is a tendency to be only
presented with information that fit personal interests: In this sense, instead of the
hopes that the internet will lead to an extension of local horizons, we receive only
custom-fit information and thus literally get stuck in the same old discourses.
Which pages we actually visit, which groups we join and newsletters we
subscribe to, depends on our already existing interests (Wehrle & Breyer, under
review), which are generated in our personal (real) world history.

New forms of interactions: interest-groups and collective identities
The radically new thing about the internet is that we can share these interests
with millions of people regardless of actual localisation. In comparison to other
social peer groups, these interest-groups are not necessarily characterised by
spatial neighbourhood, but are mostly defined by a solely thematic focus shared
by the members. The thematic focus that motivates the joining in or building up
of a special group can thereby be private, e.g. considering fields of interest like
music, arts and film, or driven by more public interests, as to be found in concerns
like political groups or engagements for or against current local events. Although
in network society of the interne it is difficult to strictly separate the private
sphere from the public or political sphere. Both forms of interest-groups are
essential for the self-expression and identity-making of the subject and/or user.
While the presenting of and referring to favourite singers, bands, films or VIPs,
for example in social networks, is at least intended to be expressing a certain
kind of individuality of the user, the joining of political groups serves the purpose
of a collective identity in a more explicit way. Regardless of whether thematic

focus is at the heart of an interest-group, it is at the same time strengthening an
internal unity and establishing boundaries towards or even an exclusion of
other opinions, interests and institutions: Identity requires differences in order to
be, and it converts difference into otherness in order to secure its own self-
certainty. (Connolly 2002, 64; for the postmodern criticism on identity politics, cf.
also Butler 1993)

In this sense identity-making on the net is in no way different from identity-
making in the real world and bears the same problems: How to find a voice (in
form of a collective identity) for representing the interests of minorities without
drifting towards the dangers of essentialism. As soon as a quasi-substantial and
universal identity is assumed for the women, the Africans or the homosexuals, the
same patterns of exclusion that originally created the problem are re-instantiated.

Nonetheless the process of identifying with specific groups is necessary for social
networking and political participation, especially on the internet. As shown above
there is neither a deletion of real world categories like space, body or gender in
favour of a virtual reality of postmodern dreams, nor is there a strict opposition
between the local position of an embodied subject and the global networks on the
internet. We have no opposition of the self and the net, as Manuel Castells (2010)
suggested. Quite to the contrary, the concept of the constitution of the self not in
the definition of minimal self (Gallagher & Zahavi 2010), but as narrative (Ricoeur
1990) or discursive self (Foucault 2001, Butler 1993) which formerly was
something merely abstract is now made visible: The self and its discursive
character is materialising itself through its self-expressions and interactions with
others on the net.

The novelty of identity-making and political engagement on the net consists in
the special characteristic of what we call interest-groups. They are not only
limited in relation to their topic, but also with regard to the time course of their
existence. Especially the political engagements for current local events are limited
in time. In comparison to classical and lifelong civil engagements in corporations,
clubs or societies, the duration and activity of some interest-groups (e.g. against
plagiarism, the persecution or conviction of particular persons or even the protest
against the building of a new train station in Stuttgart, Germany) is dependent on
the up-to-date-ness of the corresponding event. They emerge from current real
world problems, which unifies different subject positions from a detachedness of
the I into a (virtual) temporary us, a patchwork of minorities (Lyotard 1977).
This process is a form of identity-making that is not universalist or essentialist;
rather we could call it a strategic-essentialist operation, in which an collective
identity is temporarily adopted to achieve a specific common goal.
The far-reaching possibilities of networking and organising online and real-world
campaigns to promote the themes of the interest-group are immense. Hence
interest groups form differently nowadays and do have a different, thus global
impact. But although the internet transcends local, regional, national, continental,
ethnical and social boundaries, there are many pre-conditions such as education
and social participation that must be fulfilled in the real lifeworld before a
motivation for political or other forms of interest will actually develop.

On the following point Sherry Turkle was right: On the internet we could have
many and multiple (partial) identities, even in parallel. But they are in no way
independent of our subjective standpoint, social and cultural milieu in the real
world. All the different individual political interests and social roles have to be

woven into a coherent life-story, the constitution of a self is therefore never

As far as political, social and constitutional aspects are concerned, the two-plane
aspect can not be underestimated, since here the impact of the anthropologic
aspect of the internet meets up with questions of norms, human dignity or
questions as a right to communicate. On the one hand, the internet is thus a tool
for extending our self-images, enrich our knowledge and communicate with
others a graphic materialisation of former invisible discourses and a
performative iteration of our already existing lifeworlds and social milieus. On
the other hand, this performance is constantly influencing our way of
experiencing and speaking about the real world, thus modifying our everyday
lifeworld, in which the new media already is an integral part.

Real Virtual Imbedding the virtual into the real and the real into
the virtual
When looking for a method to grasp the way in which the internet is not only a
medium whose interaction is reduced to the virtual reality, but a medium
accepted and adapted to broaden ones horizon and to deepen ones knowledge
and thereby also to have impact on our personal lifeworld and history, one might
turn to text-hermeneutics. Even if the internet does not necessarily have to be
considered as a document, an archive, a trace (to speak with Derrida) in the
classical meaning, the question arises, how actual exchange of knowledge,
processes of identity-making and the broadening of ones horizon on the internet
take place. Considering a hermeneutic approach seems to be gainful here.

This would imply considering real life as a form of pre-figuration (action) that is
then being selected, taken into account, brought into an order and described in an
act of configuration when living a virtual life on the internet. Be it in texts, movies,
chats, Facebook entries, forums or simply when participating in any of the multiple
ways of dialogue the internet offers (and even Second Life can be counted in here).
This will finally lead to the act of re-figuration (reception of the described) that can
influence and alter the recipients behaviour and lead to a new stage of pre-
figuration (action) and thereby imply changes in real life.

The criteria for action and reception are, as we have argued before, given by
sociological, educational, behavioural, cultural, and other, so to speak,
anthropological dispositions. By these dispositions the human being decides what
to focus on, what to realise, what to interpret in which manner and under which
assumptions. A divergence is hereby just as interesting as the matching of virtual
and real identity and can indicate changes in attitude, social norms, or political
circumstances etc. This is also why this method appears to fit well with our
research interest. And by applying it to a global medium, we hope to be able to
depict a larger context of how interaction ideally as well as practically can be
explained and thought through on a global level. This is due to the fact that from
a phenomenological point of view, higher-order norms are always founded in
certain normal modes of appearance on the lower levels of experience. This is to
say that there is a logical as well as temporal primacy of the normality of the
lifeworld and its structures compared to the normative orders emerging from
them. In line with this general philosophical point about the relationship between
normality and normativity (cf. Wehrle 2010), the notion of a comparison between
normative power of the factual and the virtual can give us an idea of how the
factuality / facticity of the lifeworld with its interest structures at the same time

found our patterns of virtual behaviour and is shaped by the way we navigate
in cyberspace. Thus we can analyse constitutional developments as well as
political developments, developments of norms and also developments of ideas
like citizenship. And we can also make an approach to scrutinize the question of
convergence withing decision-making, culture and a history of ideas, led by the
dualism of adaptation and divergence.

By using the conceptual trias of pre-figuration, configuration and re-figuration as
well as the idea of an highly influential transmission of real life values, ideas,
matters and habits to virtual life, we cling to the idea of a hermeneutic circle of
mimesis and the nomenclature of Paul Ricoeur (1983) in the succession of Hans-
Georg Gadamer. But we are detaching his method from the restriction to texts,
arguing that it is no longer only the interpretation of written documents that funds
our culture, but taking into account latest technological developments and their
impact on our life and the formation of narratives. We can observe how our
lifeworld is, on the one hand, increasingly documented on the internet and, on the
other hand, influenced by our reception and interpretation of what we find there;
in daily life issues but also as far as processes of law-making and politics are
concerned. We collect information on the internet, we compare outcomes of law-
suits on the internet, we run campaigns on the internet, we advertise ideas and
individuals, we save archives on the internet, we let the internet influence our
decisions and processes of decision-making. And we build our identity in doing
so. And not only in a dimension of Second Life or social networking, but also by
the mere act of telling something. So the internet might just well be considered
another form to enrichir la notion de mise en intrigue (Ricoeur 1984, 72ff.) and
the approach of text-hermeneutics might require a careful revision and
broadening in the 21


Research agenda
On the basis of a set of key research fields we want to arrange the agenda of our
project on CyberAnthropology around these sets of questions:

1. Norms in virtual life
How are existing norms expressed on the internet? Is the process of developing
and modifying norms on the internet comparable to that in non-virtual life?
What are the mechanisms of codifying norms on the internet? Are we tolerating
the same things in real and virtual life?

2. Internet usage: Attention and selective criteria
How does the real social environment (lifeworld) generate attentional structures
through habitualities and interests that guide our selective use of the internet?
How are the selective criteria in internet usage differentiated according to socio-
cultural groups? How do these attentive structures change and can they be
manipulated? How can they be used for the development and stabilization of
global constitutional forms and laws?

3. Perception and expression of self, others and social groups
Are there rules of self-perception and self-expression for the internet? How does
the perception of self and other change due to the internet? How does our
perception in real life interact with that of the internet? How important are
terms like gender, identity, alterity in Web 2.0? How is the freedom
granted by the internet to constitute an alter-ego used and abused and how do
mechanisms of social selection and sanction work?


4. Interaction of lifeworld and internet: Development of new habits, social
and political networks
Does the internet change our habits of perceiving, searching, choosing, voting?
Does it change our language or does it just add a different terminology to our
language? Does it influence our methods when it comes to research? Can we
observe a change in patterns of political processes that is extending across
boarders and political cultures? And would all this apply also to real life or do
we have a alter-habit that we just act out online?

This leads us to the following research sections:
The social construction of virtual reality: Interactions between
lifeworld and the internet
If we follow Berger & Luckmann to believe that there is no such thing as an
essence of reality independent of its social construction and the way it is
perceived and shaped by socialised agents, then the question for our purposes is
how the development and spread of the internet has a structuring effect on the
lifeworld of individuals. Which interests that are already present in lifeworldly
experience are expanded, inhibited, radicalised or otherwise modified by the
internet and which interests are first and foremost provoked in encounters with
contents provided by the internet? This section mainly addresses research-fields
of attentional structures of internet usage (2) and (4) the influences of the internet
on our lifeworld. Connected with this is also the question of the genesis and
modification of norms through the internet (1).

A virtual Menschenbild?

If we require an anthropological account to include a critical reflection on the
history of the images of humanity that were produced and purported in specific
socio-cultural contexts, we are lead to ask, when it comes to the internet: What
kind of Menschenbild is sketched on and through the internet? Is it reasonable
to search for a general answer to this question at all or is not precisely the
recognition of a lacking vision of what humanity amounts to in the age of virtual
globalisation the key to an understanding of the internet? If so, a task would be to
describe the process of deconstruction of a unified model of being human and to
analyse seemingly diverse, multi-faceted and delocalised images from a
comparative point of view. How, one would have to ask, are traditional
anthropological views on human nature challenged, modified, distorted and
perhaps even eradicated in the course of the uprise of the internet as a new
medium of being human? Research-fields (1) and (3) are of importance here.

Animal socio-politicum: Close encounters of the virtual kind
Taking the social nature of being human as a point of departure, it is interesting to
see how unmediated, direct forms of interpersonal conduct and communication
are complemented and in various respects overshadowed by internet-mediated
relations between individuals. On the one hand, the internet provides a vast array
of means to express oneself on a personal as well as political level, a stage for self-
representation and publicly available profile-information about oneself. One the
other hand, these seemingly individualistic methods of projecting a virtual image
of the self is also employed to establish different kinds of social contact, peer-
group coherence and political activity. Through platforms like a personalised
homepage, forums such as YouTube, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and the like, every
internet user basically has the same means to give the virtual public an

impression of themselves, of their likes and dislikes, artistic attitudes, political
opinions and in the case of image galleries such as Flickr or Picasa also
autobiographic memories. We more and more become aware of diverging as well
as converging processes in our daily live, transgressing boarders, I doing so. New
methods of individualisation thus arise, including the possibility of connecting
personal political opinions to an emerging virtual political public. As the recent
revolution in Egypt shows, internet messaging services like Twitter can build up
political movements just by spreading personal experiences and political
opinions. Thereby, a new (global) mode of access and international attention to
relevant topics pertaining to the situation of the users is created, going beyond the
traditional means of news broadcasting and journalism. This demonstrates that
the methods of self-expression do not serve a solipsistic goal, but aim at others in
the virtual community who are willing to share personal information, which can
then attain the status of overall political importance. The broader use of the
internet for political campaigns overall (as for example during the election
campaign by Barack Obama) is no more the privilege of authorities.

The claim that the internet is first and foremost a social medium, not an
individualistic one, is also corroborated by the existence of manifold platforms on
which individuals can explicitly create ties with others. Correlatively to the new
means of (individual) self-expression, the internet creates a sphere for the
establishment of interpersonal and collective and political identities as well as a
stage for acting out what can become the prerequisite of real encounters. This
section brings together the research-fields (3) and (4).

Research questions

1. Is there a way to think global / common political /constitutional identity of
cyber citizens without abstracting from the local, individual subject
2. How (in which contexts, form which individual standpoints) do interests
and needs develop and merge into a common political engagement?
3. How can we re-conceptualise the human being as a creative and expressive
being in terms of a user? And is a user always the same user
throughout time and virtual space? Or must we assume a silent
metamorphosis of the user?
4. What are the processes of individualisation and collectivisation that
contribute to the new internet-identity?
5. What are the social, legal and political implications of the new forms of
interaction and collective identity-construction enabled by the internet?


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