Wang 2012
Wang 2012
Wang 2012
ABSTRACT: Cobalt based oxygen evolution catalysts (Co−Pi) were loaded on the surface of ZnO by photochemical
deposition in a neutral phosphate buffer solution containing Co2+ ions. Structural, morphological, and optical properties of the
samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), transmission
electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and UV−vis diffuse reflectance spectra techniques. The Co−Pi phase
formed was amorphous and was deposited on the surface of ZnO uniformly as a layer of nanoparticles. The enhanced activity for
oxygen evolution was directly observed from photocatalytic water oxidation over Co−Pi loaded ZnO. The oxygen produced in
the first hour was more than 4 times of that obtained over ZnO alone. The results suggest that Co−Pi played the role of
cocatalyst, which can trap photogenerated holes, leading to the enhancement of electron and hole separation efficiency. Further
studies showed that the mixture of cobalt phosphate and ZnO exhibited similar enhancement in activity for oxygen evolution
which could be due to the oxidation of nonactive cobalt(II) phosphate to active Co−Pi with higher oxidation states of cobalt
upon light illumination during photocatalytic water oxidation process. In both systems, ZnO photocorrosion was observed based
on inductively coupled plasma, XRD, and FESEM analyses.
© XXXX American Chemical Society A | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article
Co−Pi is related to the oxidation of Co2+ to Co3+ and Co4+, and 10 mA) in the range of 10°−70° with a scan speed of 0.04°
leading to the formation of high valence Co4+−O intermedi- s−1. UV−visible diffuse reflectance spectra (UV−vis DRS) were
ates.31−34 Furthermore, when deposited on photoelectrodes, recorded on a UV−visible spectrophotometer (UV-2450,
such as ZnO, WO3, and α-Fe2O3, Co−Pi nanoparticles Shimadzu). The morphologies of samples were observed on
enhanced photocurrent and photoanode efficiencies.30,35−39 It field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM, JEOL
was commonly suggested that photogenerated holes can be JSM 6700F) equipped with an energy dispersive spectroscopy
trapped by Co−Pi catalyst where water oxidation occurs, (EDS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM, JEOL
leading to the efficient charge separation and enhanced 3010). The concentrations of Zn2+ and Ag+ in the reaction
photoelectrochemical activities. Barroso et al. employed solution were determined using inductively coupled plasma
transient absorption spectroscopy to study Co−Pi deposited (ICP) optical emission spectrometer on a Perkin-Elmer ICP
α-Fe2O3 photoelectrode. It was observed that the lifetime of Optima 2000DV machine. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
photogenerated holes can be increased by more than 3 orders (XPS) analysis was conducted on an Axis Ultra spectrometer
of magnitude with retarded electron−hole recombination (Kratos Analytical) using a monochromated Al Kα X-ray source
because of the formation of a Schottky-type heterojunction.39 (1486.7 eV) operating at 15 kV. The binding energy was
Despite the above progress achieved, almost all the studies calibrated using the C1s peak at 284.6 eV.
were focused on the photoelectrochemical performances by 2.3. Photocatalytic Reaction. The photocatalytic water
using photoelectrode devices. Herein, we for the first time splitting reaction was conducted in a top window Pyrex cell
employed photocatalytic water oxidation process to evaluate connected to a closed gas circulation and evacuation system as
the activities of Co−Pi/ZnO photocatalysts for oxygen shown in Scheme 1. A 300 W xenon lamp (Newport) was
evaluation. The photocatalytic reaction was carried out in a
closed circulation system with online gas chromatography for Scheme 1. Schematic Diagram of Photocatalytic Reaction
an accurate measurement of the oxygen gas produced. In System for Water Oxidation
addition, it was observed that the mixture of cobalt phosphate
and ZnO exhibited similar enhancement in activity for oxygen
production as compared to Co−Pi/ZnO composites.
2.1. Co−Pi Loading on ZnO. All reagents were of
analytical grade and used without any purification. Co−Pi
nanoparticles were deposited on the surface of ZnO particulates
by a similar photochemical method as described by Steinmiller
and Choi.30 Typically, 0.3 g of ZnO (>99.0%, KANTO
Chemical) was dispersed in 50 mL of sodium phosphate buffer
solution (0.01 M, pH = 7.0) prepared from sodium phosphate
monobasic (NaH2PO4·H2O, ∼99%, USB corporation) and
disodium hydrogen phosphate (Na2HPO4, > 99.0%, KANTO
Chemical) followed by ultrasonication for 3 min. To this
suspension, 1.25 mL of 0.02 M cobalt nitrate (Co-
(NO3)2·6H2O, > 97.0%, GCE) aqueous solution was added
under stirring. The mixture was subjected to UV light
illumination for 30 min by using a UV lamp (8 W, λ = 302
nm, UVP). The precipitate was collected by centrifugation and
washed with deionized water thoroughly before drying at 60 °C applied as the light source. In a typical run, 0.1 g of the catalyst
overnight. This sample was named as Co−Pi/ZnO. was well dispersed with constant stirring in 100 mL of AgNO3
For comparison purposes, cobalt phosphate (CoP) and zinc aqueous solution at 5 mM. Before the reaction, the system was
phosphate (ZnP) in the absence of ZnO were prepared by evacuated and refilled with argon gas for several times to
slowly adding 18 mL of 0.5 M Co(NO3)2 or Zn(NO3)2 remove the air inside and finally filled with argon to
aqueous solution to 60 mL of phosphate buffer solution (0.1 approximately 30 Torr. The temperature of photoreaction
M, pH = 7.0). After stirring for 30 min at room temperature, cell was kept at about 20 °C by a cooling water jacket. The
the precipitates were collected, washed with deionized water, produced oxygen gas was analyzed with an online gas
and dried at 60 °C overnight. Silver phosphate (AgP) was also chromatography (Agilent 6890N, TCD detector, argon as
prepared according to the method reported in the literature.29 carrier gas, 5 Å molecular sieve column). Before and after the
In a typical synthesis, 3 mmol of Na2HPO4 was thoroughly reaction, the pH of the solution was measured to be almost
mixed with 9 mmol of AgNO3 (>99.0%, Sigma) in a rotator constant and close to neutral at 6.6.
(labroller II, Labnet corporation) overnight. Then the mixture
was washed with deionized water thoroughly and dried at the 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
same condition. The samples consisting of a physical mixture of 3.1. Materials Properties of Co−Pi/ZnO. Figure 1
CoP and ZnO (CoP+ZnO) were prepared by grinding a certain displays the XRD patterns of cobalt phosphate (CoP), Co−
amount of as-prepared CoP and the commercial ZnO powder Pi loaded ZnO (Co−Pi/ZnO), mixture of CoP and ZnO (CoP
in an agate mortar. +ZnO), and pristine ZnO. The pristine ZnO (curve d) shows
2.2. Characterization. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) good crystallinity with a hexagonal structure (JCPDS card no.
patterns of the as-prepared samples were obtained on a X-ray 36-1451). The characteristic peaks shown in curve a can be well
diffractometer (Bruker D2 Phaser, Cu Kα, λ = 1.5406 Å, 30 kV indexed to Co3(PO4)2·8H2O (JCPDS card no. 33-0432) which
B | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article
Figure 1. (A) Wide-range and (B) narrow-range powder XRD patterns of (a) cobalt phosphate (CoP), (b) Co−Pi loaded ZnO, Co−Pi/ZnO, (c)
CoP and ZnO physical mixture, CoP+ZnO, and (d) ZnO. The peaks labeled with the asterisk (∗) in curve B-b can be indexed to Zn3(PO4)2·4H2O
(JCPDS card no. 33-1474). The peaks labeled with the triangle (Δ) in curve B-c can be indexed to Co3(PO4)2·8H2O (JCPDS card no. 33-0432).
was formed due to precipitation of Co2+ ions by the phosphate bound to oxygen, hydroxyl, or phosphate groups, which is
anions. The grain size of this sample was estimated to be about consistent with that reported by others.12,30 The P 2p peak at
54 nm by using the Scherrer equation and on the basis of the 133.6 eV can be ascribed to phosphate in the Co−Pi phase,
strongest peak at 2θ of 13.25°. As shown in Figure 1B, some while the peak at 139.4 eV could belong to phosphate in the
weak diffraction peaks can be observed in curves b and c in the zinc phosphate phase as detected in the XRD pattern. Similar
range of 10°−25°, which are labeled by an asterisk (*) and observations were reported in the electrodeposited Co−Pi
triangle (Δ), respectively. The peaks present in curve b can be catalyst on ZnO electrode.30
assigned to Zn3(PO4)2·4H2O (JCPDS card no. 33-1474). The morphologies of ZnO and Co−Pi/ZnO are shown in
During the photochemical deposition of Co−Pi on the surface Figure 3 and Figure 4. The pristine ZnO (Figure 3a) consists of
of ZnO, UV light was applied. Photocorrosion of ZnO may
occur to a certain extent due to UV illumination. The leached
Zn2+ was precipitated by the phosphate ions out in the form of
zinc phosphate. The presence of Zn3(PO4)2·4H2O was further
confirmed by FESEM results, which will be discussed shortly.
The small peaks in curve c should be ascribed to the presence
of a small portion of Co3(PO4)2·8H2O (CoP) as this sample is
a physical mixture of CoP and ZnO. The above results indicate
that the Co−Pi phase photochemically deposited on ZnO is
amorphous, and its presence in sample Co−Pi/ZnO is not
detectable by XRD as shown in Figure 1b. This is consistent
with the findings reported by others about the formation of the
amorphous Co−Pi thin film on various electrodes.12,30,31,33,40
In fact, the formation of cobaltate clusters of molecular
dimension have been proposed in Co−Pi structures based on
EXAFS studies by Nocera and co-workers.33
XPS spectra of Co 2p and P 2p of sample Co−Pi/ZnO are
shown in Figure 2. The signal of Co 2p is rather weak due to its
low percentage in the sample (<0.1% on metal basis). The Co
2p3/2 peak located at 780.7 can be assigned to Co2+ or Co3+
Figure 3. FESEM images of (a) ZnO and (b−d) Co−Pi/ZnO at
different magnifications.
the pristine ZnO, indicating that the structure of ZnO was not
affected by Co−Pi loading. On the other hand, the absorption
in the range of 400−700 nm was slightly enhanced (Figure 5b)
owing to the deposition of Co−Pi on the surface of ZnO.
3.2. Oxygen Production Activity. The photocatalytic
water oxidation was conducted under a 300 W Xe lamp using
AgNO3 as the sacrificial reagent in a photoreactor system as
shown in Scheme 1. The time courses of oxygen production
over different samples are displayed in Figure 6. ZnO alone
shown in Figure 7. It can be seen that the concentration of Ag+ than that of ZnO. However, the O2 produced in the first 30 min
(Figure 7d) quickly decreased during the first hour due to its over sample Co−Pi/ZnO was much higher than that of sample
ZnO. Thus, it is suggested that the Co−Pi layer loaded on the
surface of ZnO played an important role during water
oxidation, leading to much higher activity for O2 production.
At 3 h of reaction time, the concentration of Zn2+ leached from
ZnO at 3 h (Figure 7b) was slightly lower than that from Co−
Pi/ZnO (Figure 7a). If no sacrificial reagent of AgNO3 was
present in the photoreaction solution, the leaching of Zn2+ over
sample Co−Pi/ZnO was dramatically suppressed as shown in
Figure 7c. The concentration of Zn2+ was only 3.9 mg L−1 after
3 h illumination. In the absence of Ag+ as an electron acceptor,
electrons and holes generated from Co−Pi/ZnO recombined
quickly. Photocatalytic water oxidation (eq 2) and photo-
corrosion of ZnO (eq 1) hardly happened, leading to a low
concentration of Zn2+.
Another interesting phenomenon observed was that when a
small amount of cobalt phosphate (CoP, 2 mg) was mixed with
ZnO (100 mg), the oxygen production rate was also greatly
enhanced as shown in Figure 8a. During the first hour, the
Figure 7. The concentrations of Zn2+ (a, b, c) and Ag+ (d) ions in the
photoreaction solutions. Photocatalytic reaction conditions: (a) Co−
Pi/ZnO in 5 mM AgNO3 aqueous solution, (b) ZnO in 5 mM AgNO3
aqueous solution, (c) Co−Pi/ZnO in H2O, and (d) Co−Pi/ZnO in 5
mM AgNO3 aqueous solution.
observations will be elucidated in our future work to design water oxidation process in the aqueous solution containing
more efficient and robust photocatalysts for oxygen production. AgNO3 sacrificial reagent. Co−Pi acted as cocatalyst to improve
To rule out the effect of possible contamination by ZnP and photogenerated electron and hole separation efficiency. Further
AgP, photocatalytic water oxidation over the mixture of ZnP (2 study showed that nonactive cobalt phosphate can be changed
mg) or AgP (2 mg) and ZnO (100 mg) was also conducted to active Co−Pi during a photocatalytic reaction when mixed
under the same reaction conditions. As shown in Figure 8e−g, with ZnO. However, photocorrosion of ZnO was also observed
it is found that these two samples exhibited almost the same in both systems. The investigation on the combination of Co−
trend of oxygen production as ZnO alone. Thus, ZnP and AgP Pi and other semiconductors for photocatalytic water splitting
did not contribute to the enhancement of oxygen production are undergoing.
The crystal structure and morphology of Co−Pi/ZnO and ASSOCIATED CONTENT
the mixture of CoP and ZnO (CoP+ZnO) after 3 h of
photocatalytic reaction were investigated by XRD and FESEM
S Supporting Information
analyses. As shown in Figure 9, both samples became less FESEM image and EDS results of sample Co−Pi/ZnO, and
FESEM image of CoP sample. This material is available free of
charge via the Internet at
Corresponding Author
*E-mail: [email protected]. Tel.: +65 67906713. Fax: +65
The authors declare no competing financial interest.
This work was supported by AcRF Grants ARC25/08
(T208B1215) and RG117/06 from the Ministry of Education,
Singapore. Y. B. Wang acknowledges the research scholarship
from Nanyang Technological University.
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