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2Xh4p9Yxi7Tedp7FlB41 WSJNewsPaper 5 15 2024
2Xh4p9Yxi7Tedp7FlB41 WSJNewsPaper 5 15 2024
* * * * * * WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 2024 ~ VOL. CCLXXXIII NO. 114 WSJ.com HHHH $5.00
DJIA 39558.11 À 126.60 0.32% NASDAQ 16511.18 À 0.8% STOXX 600 521.65 À 0.2% 10-YR. TREAS. À 9/32 , yield 4.444% OIL $78.02 g $1.10 GOLD $2,353.40 À $17.30 EURO $1.0820 YEN 156.42
As Cannes Opens, It’s Twinkle, Twinkle Movie Star Investors
News Renew
Business & Finance Mania
The Justice Department
said Boeing violated a settle-
For Meme
ment reached three years ago
over its employees’ role in
two fatal jet crashes, expos-
ing the company to potential
criminal prosecution. B1 Short sellers are
Anglo American plans to burned by the
shed several assets and fo-
cus more on commodities resurgence of
To Challenge Tesla
president’s hush-money trial,
as an opportunist who had
moved from being obsessed
with serving his boss to actively
working to put him in jail. A1
The White House unveiled
a suite of higher tariffs on
Chinese imports, saying they
Journals Henrik Fisker’s electric-vehicle startup
struggled to make and sell an auto
would apply to $18 billion in
products, as political leaders BY NIDHI SUBBARAMAN
up the ante in erecting barri-
OBITUARY BUSINESS BY SEAN MCLAIN ing they were the next Tesla.”
ers to trade with Beijing. A2 Fake studies have flooded Alice Munro, the A Florida law enacted Instead, Heinle became a
the publishers of top scientific Chuck Heinle, a small-busi- casualty of Fisker’s implo-
Blinken met with Zel- journals, leading to thousands
prolific short-story after the Surfside ness owner in Maryland, was sion—his warehouse empty,
ensky at the start of a two- of retractions and millions of author and Nobel collapse is roiling the thrilled when electric-vehicle his rent unpaid and his shares
day visit to Ukraine by the dollars in lost revenue. The laureate, dies at 92. A8 condo market. B1 startup Fisker reached out to sold for pennies on the dollar.
U.S. secretary of state to biggest hit has come to Wiley, rent one of his warehouses The California-based
boost Kyiv’s morale and help a 217-year-old publisher based outside Baltimore. He ended startup is winding down its
channel the delivery of in Hoboken, N.J., which said on up signing a lengthy lease operations, having burned
newly approved U.S. aid. A8
Israel’s Rafah offensive
threatens to undo the part-
Tuesday that it is closing 19
journals, some of which were
infected by large-scale re-
Russia’s Dependence with the company early last
year to use the space as a ve-
hicle-delivery center.
through nearly all its cash and
defaulting on a debt agree-
ment that leaves it on the
On China Deepens
nership between the Jewish search fraud. “As soon as they contacted hook to repay around $180
state and Egypt that has In the past two years, Wiley me to lease the building, I in- million. Fisker faces an ever
has retracted more than 11,300 vested quite a bit of money” tighter timeline to negotiate a
underpinned both countries’
papers that appeared compro- in Fisker stock, Heinle said. “I rescue package, with a key
security since 1979. A6
mised, according to a spokes- BY GEORGI KANTCHEV around 33% of Russia’s overall believed in them. I was think- Please turn to page A10
In Maryland’s Senate race, person, and closed four jour- trade, Russia makes up only
Prince George’s County Execu- nals. It isn’t alone: At least two When President Vladimir 4% of China’s trade, according
tive Angela Alsobrooks beat other publishers have re- Putin of Russia visits President to data provider CEIC Data.
Rep. David Trone in the Demo- tracted hundreds of suspect Xi Jinping of China in Beijing China has become a critical
cratic primary to face former Re- papers each. Several others this week, the two leaders will source of optics, microelec-
publican Gov. Larry Hogan. A4 have pulled smaller clusters of seek to project their custom- tronics, drone engines and
bad papers. ary united front against the other materials that enable
The Dali containership lost
Although this large-scale U.S.-led global order. Russia’s weapons production,
power several times in the
fraud represents a small per- Beneath the surface, how- while Russia’s arms exports
hours before it crashed into
# CRM.
centage of submissions to jour- ever, the relationship isn’t one to China have fallen precipi-
and caused the collapse of
nals, it threatens the legiti- of equals. tously in recent years. Mean-
Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key
macy of the nearly $30 billion Beijing has provided a life- Please turn to page A9
Bridge, an NTSB report said. A3
academic publishing industry line to the sanctions-stricken
Harvard University reached and the credibility of science Russian economy. But Blinken offers aid, support Ranked #1 for CRM
Applications based on
an agreement with pro-Pales- as a whole. while China accounts for in Ukraine.............................. A8 IDC 2023 Revenue
tinian protesters to clear out The discovery of nearly 900 Market Share Worldwide.
their encampment a week fraudulent papers in 2022 at
before commencement. A3 IOP Publishing, a physical-sci-
ences publisher, was a turning
Who Needs a Sofa
Hunter Biden’s gun trial
will begin next month, a judge point for the nonprofit. “That
really crystallized for us, ev-
When You Can Rave?
said, denying a bid by law-
yers for the president’s son erybody internally, everybody i i i 21.7% 5.9% 4.4% 3.5% 3.4%
to delay the prosecution. A2 involved with the business,”
said Kim Eggleton, head of One of London’s hottest new clubs is
peer review and research in-
Arts in Review..... A13
Opinion................ A15-17
Personal Journal A11-12
tegrity at the publisher. “This an old IKEA, now drawing thousands of fans Source: IDC, Worldwide Semiannual Software Tracker, April 2024.
Biden Levies Sweeping Tariffs on China
Steel and aluminum As he weighed what to do
about Trump’s tariffs, Biden
products are hit as faced political pressure from
both political parties within his own party to act, and
divides among his top advisers
embrace barriers about the fallout of doing so.
A group of Senate Democrats
BY ANDREW DUEHREN from competitive swing states,
AND ANDREW RESTUCCIA along with Senate Majority
Leader Chuck Schumer (D.,
WASHINGTON—One day af- N.Y.), had been pushing Biden to
ter news broke that President maintain or raise tariffs on
Biden was planning to raise tar- China. Labor unions also pres-
iffs on Chinese electric vehicles sured the president to protect
to roughly 100%, Donald Trump domestic industries.
moved to one-up his rival for Biden also weighed concerns
the White House. from advisers who viewed some
“I will put a 200% tax on ev- of the Trump-era tariffs as un-
ery car that comes in from strategic and potentially infla-
those plants,” the former presi- tionary. While some senior Bi-
dent said at a rally in New Jer- den administration officials
sey on Saturday, referring to continue to see those tariffs as
Chinese vehicles manufactured bad policy, they are keeping
in Mexico. Biden, he suggested, them in place because they
was ripping off his tariff-fo- want to keep the pressure up on
cused trade agenda. “Biden fi- Beijing, the officials said.
nally listened to me,” Trump Alarm about Chinese eco-
said. nomic practices has been build-
The retort put on display a ing within the administration
dynamic now at the heart of for months. Under Biden, the
U.S. trade policy: The leaders U.S. has been spending billions
of both political parties are to build up domestic manufac-
racing each other to impose turing capacity for electric ve-
tough barriers on trade with President Biden handed out pens in the Rose Garden Tuesday after ordering an increase in tariffs on certain imports from China. hicles, semiconductors, solar
China. What was once a lone panels and other industries
effort by Trump to disrupt the including a tariff increase to rate for Chinese semiconduc- of tortured debate within the tariff increase is being driven where China is dominant.
bipartisan faith in free trade 25% from 7.5% for larger stor- tors would double by 2025—to administration over the tariffs by U.S. political considerations. But as the Chinese macro-
has become an establishment age batteries and a new tariff 50% from 25%. Trump originally put in place To be sure, Biden and his economy started to slump, offi-
consensus of its own. on natural graphite set at 25%, “It’s a smart approach,” Bi- on more than $300 billion in staff have still sought to draw a cials there doubled down on
Beyond raising tariffs on will take effect in 2026. den said on Tuesday. “Compare imports from China. Those du- contrast with Trump on trade. production in the same indus-
electric vehicles, the White Senior Biden administration that to what the prior adminis- ties, implemented in 2018 and They argue that the president’s tries the U.S. was targeting. The
House said Tuesday that Biden officials said they delayed the tration did. My predecessor 2019 and augmented by Biden’s measures are targeted at spe- fear among Biden administra-
was increasing a key tariff rate start of some of the tariff in- promised to increase American new steps, are now a seemingly cific industries that the U.S. is tion officials is that Chinese
on steel and aluminum prod- creases to give U.S. industries exports and boost manufactur- permanent feature of U.S. pol- subsidizing to build up domes- manufacturing is powerful
ucts to 25% from 7.5%, while time to rejigger supply chains. ing. But he did neither, he icy toward China. tic capacity. Biden’s approach is enough to push down prices
the tariff on solar cells would The White House said the new failed.” Biden said Trump’s pro- China’s Commerce Ministry still narrower than Trump’s globally, undercutting nascent
rise to 50% from 25%, and a tariffs would apply to $18 billion posed 10% levy on all imports said Tuesday Beijing firmly op- plans for a potential second U.S. companies and putting the
new duty on shipping cranes in products from China, with EV would be inflationary, though poses Washington’s tariff move term, which include imposing Biden administration’s subsi-
would be 25%. Those tariff in- batteries, critical minerals and Biden aides argued their new and said it would “take resolute at least a 60% tariff on all goods dies to waste.
creases, among others, will medical products among the actions won’t push up prices. measures to defend its own in- from China and charging a 10% —Grace Zhu
kick in this year, while others, other goods targeted. The tariff Biden’s decision caps years terests.” The ministry said the levy on every import. contributed to this article.
Howard Schultz received
Hunter Biden Gun Pregnant Woman
more than 10,000 likes, hearts Trial Set for June Dies in Latest Storm
and clapping-hand emojis on a Hunter Biden’s federal gun Storms that slammed sev-
LinkedIn post about Starbucks. case will go to trial next eral Southern states added to
An Exchange article this past month, a judge said Tuesday, the region’s recent string of
weekend incorrectly said his denying a bid by lawyers for weather-related destruction
post got 10,00 responses. the president’s son to delay and death, including that of a
the prosecution. Louisiana woman who was
Aaron Brown sparred with U.S. District Judge Maryel- nine months pregnant.
Jonathan Haidt during “The len Noreika rejected Hunter The woman was killed af-
Reason Interview with Nick Biden’s request to push the ter Monday night’s storms
Gillespie,” a libertarian pod- trial until September, which knocked a tree into a home in
cast. An Exchange article this the defense said was neces- West Baton Rouge Parish, of-
past weekend about anxiety in sary to line up witnesses and ficials said. Kristin Browning,
adolescents referred to the go through evidence handed 31, was nine months preg-
podcast as “The Reason.” over by prosecutors. The nant, and her unborn child
judge said she believes “ev- didn’t survive. Browning’s
Readers can alert The Wall Street eryone can get done what husband and her 5-year-old
Journal to any errors in news articles
by emailing [email protected] or needs to get done” by the daughter were hurt but ex-
by calling 888-410-2667. trial’s start date of June 3. pected to survive.
President Joe Biden’s son Another death happened
is accused of lying about his near the Louisiana town of
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL drug use in October 2018 on Henderson, authorities said
(USPS 664-880) (Eastern Edition ISSN 0099-
9660) (Central Edition ISSN 1092-0935)
a form to buy a gun that he on social media. A tornado
(Western Edition ISSN 0193-2241) kept for about 11 days. appeared to have struck the
Editorial and publication headquarters: 1211 Hunter Biden, who has area. Henderson is about 100
Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10036
pleaded not guilty, has ac- miles west of New Orleans.
Published daily except Sundays and general legal
holidays. Periodicals postage paid at New York, N.Y., knowledged struggling with In Mississippi, one person
and other mailing offices. an addiction to crack cocaine was killed in Wilkinson
Eight Dead
In Florida
Bus Crash
OCALA, Fla.—The Florida
Highway Patrol arrested the
driver of a pickup truck that
crashed into a farmworker
bus early Tuesday, killing
eight, on charges of driving
under the influence.
Bryan Maclean Howard, 41
years old, faces eight counts
of DUI manslaughter, the
FHP said. No further details
were released, including what
substance allegedly left How-
ard impaired.
Troopers said he was driv-
By Scott Calvert,
Costas Paris
and Paul Berger
Love Bug
exhaust damper, the report
said, and a second outage was
related to insufficient fuel
pressure for a generator. After
leaving port, the ship again
lost power after two breakers The Dali’s crash into the Francis Scott Key Bridge largely shut down the Port of Baltimore.
opened unexpectedly, followed
by yet another blackout, the power, but insufficient fuel the Patapsco River. vessel is owned by Grace
report said. pressure to a generator caused Though an alert from ship Ocean Private, and was being
The findings provide the
most detailed account to date
of what occurred before the
a second in-port outage.
Just after midnight on
March 26, an Association of
personnel enabled Maryland
authorities to stop cars from
crossing the bridge just before
operated by Synergy Marine
Group. Both are based in
crash that destroyed the bridge, Maryland Pilots senior pilot the collision, eight workers The Dali used three different 725 MADISON AVENUE (NYC)
killing six road crew workers and an apprentice pilot who were repairing potholes grades of fuel for its main en-
and largely shutting down the boarded the Dali, which was on the bridge fell into the wa- gine and electrical generators,
busy Port of Baltimore. about to leave Seagirt Marine ter. Two were rescued. and received replenished sup-
The safety board’s early Terminal. The report said the While the report didn’t pin plies of all three on March 19 in
findings didn’t list a probable senior pilot asked about the blame on the crew, it pointed Newark, N.J., after a trip from
cause for the accident. That vessel’s condition, and the cap- to a key maintenance error Sri Lanka, the report found.
will be part of its final re- tain said the ship was in good that has put them in the The ship’s owner took sam-
port, which can take up to working order. spotlight. ples of one of the fuels burned
two years. By around 1:25, the Dali was The report also documented at the time of the collision and
The day before the March six-tenths of a mile from the repeated efforts by crew mem- submitted it for independent
26 collision, the Singapore- Key Bridge when electrical bers to restore operations on testing on March 28, which
flagged Dali lost power while breakers that feed most of the the stricken ship. Moments be- found no quality problems, the
still docked in Baltimore, the vessel’s equipment and light- fore the Dali struck the bridge, report said. Additional fuel
report said. The ship, laden ing unexpectedly tripped, the it said, the crew managed to get samples were taken on April
with nearly 4,700 shipping report said. The result was a power back on but they weren’t 11, and independent testing
containers, was preparing for a blackout to all shipboard light- able to regain propulsion. also found no issues.
27-day journey to Sri Lanka. ing and most equipment. The 21-member crew, most Fuel contamination was an
The first blackout occurred The vessel lost steering and from India, has remained on early focus of investigators,
about 10 hours before the
ship’s departure, the report
said. A crew member mistak-
propulsion. The crew was able
to restore electrical power, but
yet another blackout followed—
the Dali since the collapse,
with tons of steel and pave-
ment from the bridge resting
The Wall Street Journal previ-
ously reported.
—Andrew Tangel
enly closed an in-line engine
exhaust damper while working
on the diesel engine exhaust
with the ship just two-tenths of
a mile from the bridge.
The Dali struck one of the
on the ship’s bow. On Monday,
a controlled detonation blasted
a section of the span, discon-
contributed to this article
Watch a Video
scrubber system, the report Key Bridge’s support piers necting the ship from the
said. That effectively prevented around 1:30 a.m. A large sec- wreckage. Scan this code
exhaust gas from traveling up tion of the 1.6-mile span, which The Dali was built in 2015 for a video on
its stack and out of the vessel, opened in 1977 and was part of by South Korea’s HD Hyundai the demolition of
causing the engine to stall.
The crew was able to restore
the Interstate 695 beltway that
rings Baltimore, crumpled into
Heavy Industries, one of the
world’s biggest yards. The
the wreckage of
the Key Bridge. COAST
Rates From $595
Harvard, Students Agree to End Encampment
BY NICHOLAS HATCHER school, Garber said. charges, according to a pro-Pal- in a social-media post. “These
The peaceful end to Har- estinian student group, Harvard side-deals are intended to pac-
Harvard University reached vard’s three-week encampment Out of Occupied Palestine. ify us away from full disclo-
an agreement with pro-Pales- differs from the scenes at many A Harvard spokesman said sure & divestment. Rest as-
tinian protesters to clear out other schools, where thousands students were placed on invol- sured, they will not.” The
their encampment Tuesday, one of arrests have taken place untary leaves, not suspended. group didn’t reply to a request
week before commencement. since last month. Suspensions would be sepa- for comment.
In a letter to the Harvard Pro-Palestinian protests dis- rate disciplinary measures Students also voluntarily
community, President Alan Gar- rupted campus life at universi- that remain on students’ per- ended their encampment at
ber said the university would ties across the U.S. in the final manent records, according to Cornell University, according
begin reinstatement proceed- weeks of the school year. Pro- the spokesman. Garber also to a letter from Martha E. Pol-
ings for students “placed on in- testers have demanded their said he would meet with stu- lack, the school’s president.
voluntary leaves of absence” schools divest themselves of in- dents to hear their perspec- At Princeton University in Ocean Views | Spa | Golf | Villas
and evaluate the disciplinary
cases of those who participated
vestments in companies doing
business with Israel.
tives on longstanding conflicts
in the Middle East.
New Jersey, a pro-Palestinian
student protest group said on
4 Pools | 5 Restaurants
in the encampment. University The Cambridge, Mass., “We are under no illusions: social media that the adminis-
officials would also meet with school suspended more than 20 We do not believe these meet- tration and facilities staff on 844.981 .0 835 | T E RRANE A .COM
students “to address questions students and referred more ings are divestment wins,” the Tuesday were trying to clear
about the endowment” of the than 60 for further disciplinary student protesters’ group said the encampment.
sons, Eric, and his daughter- Hoffinger asked. cord-setting amount of his
in-law Lara—and Republican “In order to protect Mr. own money in the contest.
elected officials. Trump,” Cohen replied. The Associated Press pro-
During cross-examination, Trump has tapped allies to jected Alsobrooks as the win-
Blanche suggested that Cohen join him in court in Manhat- ner late Tuesday. She led 53%
had worked with prosecutors tan to portray a unified GOP to 43%, with 38% of the vote
over the years not only to pur- Michael Cohen, the former fixer for Donald Trump, is shown in a courtroom sketch being and to give him a sense of se- counted.
sue his vendetta against cross-examined by defense attorney Todd Blanche before Justice Juan Merchan on Tuesday. curity. Another benefit: His She will face popular for-
Trump, but to shorten his supporters are free to criti- mer two-term Republican Gov.
home-confinement term. him to the big house not the Daniels payment in install- Even after he had been cize witnesses, chiefly Cohen. Larry Hogan in the contest to
“I did want to be released, White House.” ments, with the relevant in- fully reimbursed, Cohen con- The former president remains succeed retiring Sen. Ben Car-
yes,” said Cohen, who pleaded “Do you want to see Presi- voices and other documents tinued to have contact with under a gag order that bars din (D., Md.), in what is ex-
guilty in 2018 to federal dent Trump convicted in this falsely labeled as being for le- Trump, he testified. He said him from attacking wit- pected to be one of the fall’s
crimes, two of which were case?” Blanche asked. gal services. that Trump directed him in nesses. marquee face-offs to deter-
tied to hush-money payments. When Cohen hesitated, Prosecutors then displayed 2018 to try to get a temporary “This is a man who is mine control of the Senate.
Blanche portrayed Cohen as Blanche demanded a yes-or-no a series of invoices and checks restraining order to bar Dan- clearly on a mission for per- Democrats currently have a
having built a career as a major answer. on screens iels from talk- sonal revenge and who is 51-49 majority, but they are
Trump antagonist. He noted “Sure,” said Cohen, with a around the ing to the me- widely known as a witness expected to lose West Virginia
the former lawyer had made shrug. courtroom, dia. who has trouble with the and are defending vulnerable
more than $3 million from During questioning by a which had la- Cohen said he Cohen said truth,” House Speaker Mike seats in Ohio and Montana,
writing books about Trump, prosecutor earlier in the day, bels like “re- cleaned up the that in April Johnson (R., La.) said, in ref- among others.
and had his own podcast. Cohen testified that he dis- tainer agree- 2018, after fed- erence to Cohen, outside the Alsobrooks, if she wins in
Blanche asked Cohen about cussed the repercussions of ment” for aftermath of eral agents exe- courthouse on Tuesday. November, would be just the
his nightly TikTok appear-
ances, each of which is an
paying off Daniels with Trump
throughout his early years in
s p e c i f i c
months. Cohen
hush-money cuted search
warrants at his
A number of visitors are
also in contention for posi-
third Black woman ever
elected to the Senate. Rep.
hour or more, and include fre- the White House. said he didn’t payments. hotel, home and tions in a new Trump admin- Lisa Blunt Rochester, a Demo-
quent discussion about Trump. Cohen said that he loyally perform legal office, he felt istration, including vice presi- crat running for the Senate in
Cohen told jurors that he cleaned up the aftermath of work in the frightened and dent. North Dakota Gov. Doug Delaware, is favored to win
used the appearances to vent. the hush-money payments un- listed months. angry. Burgum and Sen. J.D. Vance of and is expected to add to the
“I’ve been having a difficult til he turned on his boss and “Was this invoice a false re- He left a message for Ohio also stopped by the
time sleeping,” he said. “So I pleaded guilty to federal cord?” prosecutor Susan Trump, he said, and Trump courthouse this week.
found an outlet.” crimes. “I violated my moral Hoffinger asked Cohen. returned his call. “He said to Trump has been pleased. “I
Blanche displayed screen- compass,” Cohen told the jury. “Yes ma’am,” Cohen replied. me, ‘Don’t worry, I’m the pres- do have a lot of surrogates,
in peer-reviewed journals— lishers can pay to use the tool. Democratic political establish-
sometimes to win grants, other With the scale of the pa- ment, including Gov. Wes
times as conditions for promo- per-mill problem coming into Moore, Sen. Chris Van Hollen
tions. Researchers said this ever better focus, publishers and Reps. Jamie Raskin and
motivates people to cheat the have been forced to adjust Steny Hoyer, among others.
system. Many journals charge their operations. Hogan, who was heavily re-
authors a fee to be published IOP Publishing has ex- cruited by Republicans, en-
in them. panded teams doing system- tered the Senate race in Feb-
Problematic papers typically atic checks on papers and in- ruary and quickly established
appear in batches of up to vested in software to a sizable lead in hypothetical
hundreds or even thousands document and record peer-re- matchups against either Dem-
within a publisher or journal. view steps beyond their jour- ocrat in opinion surveys, but
A signature move is to submit nals. recent polling has shown a
the same paper to multiple Wiley has expanded its tightening contest. As a cen-
journals at once to maximize team working to spot bad pa- trist GOP governor of a blue
the chance of getting in, ac- pers and announced its version state, Hogan was able to
cording to an industry trade of a paper-mill detector that largely focus on state and lo-
group now monitoring the scans for patterns such as tor- cal issues during his terms,
problem. Publishers said some tured phrases. while also being critical of for-
swindlers have even posed as “It’s a top three issue for us mer President Donald Trump.
academics to secure spots as today,” said Jay Flynn, execu- Democrats expect the Sen-
guest editors for special issues tive vice president and general ate race and its emphasis on
and organizers of conferences, manager of research and learn- national issues such as abor-
and then control the papers ing at Wiley. tion to be more challenging
that are published there. Both Wiley and Springer for Hogan, who has said he
“The paper mill will find the Top, Dorothy Bishop, a psychologist at the University of Oxford, tracks fraudulent science Nature have beefed up their would caucus with Republi-
weakest link and then exploit and has spotted suspected milled papers; above, computer-science researcher Guillaume screening protocols for editors cans if elected. He easily won
it mercilessly until someone Cabanac created the ‘Problematic Paper Screener’ to scan the breadth of scientific literature. of special issues after seeing his primary Tuesday night.
notices,” said Nick Wise, an paper millers impersonate le- Hogan has said he would op-
engineer who has documented more than 2,000 journals, the to thousands of entries. by paper mills but declined to gitimate researchers to win pose a federal ban on abor-
paper-mill advertisements run- problem came to light two Within weeks, Wiley said its say how many. Eleven were such spots. tion, but hasn’t said if he
ning on social media and who years ago, shortly after it paid Hindawi portfolio had been among those that lost accredi- Springer Nature has re- would support federal legisla-
posts examples on X under the nearly $300 million for deeply hit. tation this past year on Web jected more than 8,000 papers tion codifying abortion access.
handle @author_for_sale. Hindawi, a company founded Over the next year, in 2023, of Science. from a suspected paper mill In 2022, he vetoed state legis-
The journal Science flagged in Egypt in 1997 that included 19 Hindawi journals were de- “I don’t think that journal and is continuing to monitor lation to expand abortion ac-
the practice of buying author- about 250 journals. In 2022, a listed from a key database, closures happen routinely,” its work, according to Chris cess in Maryland by ending a
ship in 2013. The website Re- little more than a year after Web of Science, that research- said Jodi Schneider, who stud- Graf, the publisher’s research- restriction that only physi-
traction Watch and indepen- the purchase, scientists online ers use to find and cite papers ies scientific literature and integrity director. cians could perform them.
dent researchers have since noticed peculiarities in dozens relevant to their work. That publishing at the University of The incursion of paper mills It isn’t clear if Hogan’s pop-
tracked paper mills through of studies from journals in the eroded the standing of the Illinois Urbana-Champaign. has also forced competing pub- ularity as governor will carry
their advertisements and web- Hindawi family. journals, whose influence is The extent of the paper-mill lishers to collaborate. A tool over to the Senate race, where
sites. Researchers said they Scientific papers typically measured by how frequently problem has been exposed by launched through STM, the party politics loom larger.
have found them in countries include citations that acknowl- its papers are cited by oth- members of the scientific com- trade group of publishers, now In gubernatorial races, vot-
including Russia, Iran, Latvia, edge work that informed the ers. (One was later relisted.) munity who on their own have checks whether new submis- ers in blue states such as
China and India. research, but the suspect pa- Wiley said it would shut collected patterns in faked pa- sions were submitted to more Maryland and Massachusetts
The mills solicit clients on pers included lists of irrelevant down four that had been pers to recognize this fraud at than one journal at once, ac- “will give themselves permis-
social channels such as Tele- references. Multiple papers in- “heavily compromised by pa- scale and developed tools to cording to Joris van Rossum, sion to reach across partisan
gram or Facebook, where they cluded technical-sounding pas- per mills,” and for months it help surface the work. product director who leads the lines and elect a Republican
advertise the titles of studies sages inserted midway paused publishing Hindawi One of those tools, the “STM Integrity Hub,” launched they like and respect,” said
they intend to submit, their fee through, what Bishop called an special issues entirely as hun- “Problematic Paper Screener,” in part to beat back paper Len Foxwell, a Democratic po-
and sometimes the journal “AI gobbledygook sandwich.” dreds of papers were retracted. run by Guillaume Cabanac, a mills. Last fall, STM added litical consultant in Maryland.
they aim to infiltrate. Wise Nearly identical contact emails In December, Wiley interim computer-science researcher Day’s “The Papermill Alarm” “That does not translate in any
said he has seen costs ranging in one cluster of studies were President and Chief Executive who studies scholarly publish- to its suite of tools. way to Senate races, in which
from as little as $50 to as all registered to a university in Matthew Kissner warned in- ing at the Université Toulouse While publishers are fight- the issues are nationalized.”
much as $8,500. China where few if any of the vestors of a $35 million to $40 III-Paul Sabatier in France, ing back with technology, pa- This fall, voters in Mary-
When publishers become authors were based. It ap- million revenue drop for the scans the breadth of the pub- per mills are using the same land will vote on whether to
alert to the work, mills change peared that all came from the 2024 fiscal year because of the lished literature, some 130 mil- kind of tools to stay ahead. enshrine the right to an abor-
their tactics. same source. problems with Hindawi. lion papers, looking for a range “Generative AI has just tion in the state constitution.
“It’s like a virus mutating,” “The problem was much According to Wiley, Tues- of red flags including “tortured handed them a winning lot- Alsobrooks’s victory marked
said Dorothy Bishop, a psy- worse and much larger than day’s closures are due to a phrases.” tery ticket,” Eggleton of IOP a comeback for a candidate
chologist at the University of anyone had realized,” said Da- number of factors, including a Cabanac and his colleagues Publishing said. “They can do who had trailed in polling for
Oxford, one of a multitude of vid Bimler, a retired psychol- rebranding of the Hindawi realized that researchers who it really cheap, at scale, and months in the face of Trone’s
researchers who track fraudu- ogy researcher in Wellington, journals and low submission wanted to avoid plagiarism de- the detection methods are not unprecedented spending. The
lent science and has spotted New Zealand, who started a rates to some titles. A com- tectors had swapped out key where we need them to be. I 68-year-old founder of Total
suspected milled papers. spreadsheet of suspect pany spokesperson acknowl- scientific terms for synonyms can only see that challenge Wine & More sank nearly $62
For Wiley, which publishes Hindawi studies, which grew edged that some were affected from automatic text genera- increasing.” million into the race.
Oyster Shells
Are Recycled
To Save Reefs
BY KAILYN RHONE posed. Still, a huge number of
oyster shells end up in the
As morning rose on New trash, despite shell-recycling
York’s Upper West Side, neigh- programs scattered throughout
bors grew suspicious of work- the U.S., both East and West
ers tossing trash into bins in coasts.
an alleyway nearby. They Some restaurants set 32-
reeked of an odor that skunks gallon bins in the middle of
would find offensive and felt their eateries for customers to
like a threat to humankind. toss their shells once they’re
Soon, one neighbor called the done, or post signs urging “No
health department. Shell Left Behind.” Others rely
Is it a secret society? A drug on their dishwashers to pluck
operation? them from dirty plates.
No. It was oyster shells. Shell-recycling nonprofits
The large bins were brim- tend to retrieve bins from par-
ming with hard, brown, tear- ticipating restaurants, and A reef ball is unmolded on Governors Island. Below, oyster shells that were collected from New York restaurants.
drop-shaped shells, once home some also set up bins around
to slimy gray sea creatures a community for local resi- Louisiana’s tax credit went
that now resided in the bellies dents. Afterward, the oyster into effect in January, allowing
of hundreds of seafood lovers shells are washed and set out- restaurants recycling with ap-
who’d visited Crave Fishbar. side in the sun for several proved nonprofits to receive $1
A local nonprofit, Billion months to kill bacteria before per 50 pounds of oyster shells,
Oyster Project, was scheduled being placed back into local to a maximum of $2,000. The
to pick them up and haul them waterways. tax credit caps at $100,000 on
off for recycling. For Crave Many restaurants aren’t a first-come, first-served basis.
owner Brian Owens, that aware recycling programs ex- Nick Schauman, owner of
Rafah Move Hurts Israel-Egypt Ties U.S. Is Set
To Proceed
Cairo weighs joining
international court With New
case that alleges
genocide in Gaza Arms Deal
In the nearly 45 years since BY NANCY A. YOUSSEF
their historic peace deal, Israel AND JARED MALSIN
and Egypt have become essen-
tial partners, a close but not The Biden administration
warm relationship that under- notified Congress on Tuesday
that it was moving forward
By Summer Said, with more than $1 billion in
Jared Malsin and new weapons deals for Israel,
Carrie Keller-Lynn U.S. and congressional officials
said, a massive arms package
pins both countries’ national less than a week after the
security. Israel’s Rafah offen- White House paused a ship-
sive is threatening to undo that. ment of bombs over a planned
Egypt is considering a down- Israeli assault on Rafah.
grade to its diplomatic ties with The latest weapons package
Israel, Egyptian officials say. includes the potential transfer
the Hamas-led attack on Oct. 7 brating at a time when they attended a small ceremony at with gunfire or grenades.
that left 1,200 people dead, Is- believe that the Jewish state Urim military base, where her Baruch drove to the base as
raeli authorities said. His is facing an existential threat. son and seven other soldiers fast as he could, but was too
younger brother, Yohai, 13, is Some 272 soldiers have been were killed in the Hamas-led late to save everyone.
devastated by the loss and killed since the start of the Is- attack. Before the ceremony, “Every night, I think about
won’t allow Ayash to hang up raeli invasion of Gaza, the Is- she privately lighted a candle what I could have done differ-
even one Israeli flag. raeli military said. Around 130 in the corner of the base ently,” he said. “I don’t know
“Who has the desire to cel- of the more than 240 hostages where her son was shot and how Yom Ha’atzmaut will hap-
ebrate this year?” she said. “I Israel says were taken Oct. 7 Families of hostages and their supporters rally in Tel Aviv. killed by militants. pen.”
don’t have anything to cele- are still being held, whether “I trusted the state,” Ayash This year, hostages and vic-
brate.” alive or dead. rael cleared long ago, shows hammed bin Abdulrahman bin said. “I never imagined that tims of the Oct. 7 attack were
Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israel’s Meanwhile, the war contin- the difficulty of fully routing Jassim al-Thani, whose coun- my son could be killed at at the center of the ceremony,
Independence Day, marks the ues to grind on. Israeli troops the militant group. try has been one of the hosts home,” inside his base in Is- said Col. Benzi Asher. He, too,
establishment of the state in backed by tanks clashed with About 35,000 people have of the talks, said at a confer- rael, she said. recently joined the circle of
1948. It is usually a day of joy- militants in central and north- been killed in Gaza since the ence on Tuesday that the ne- As the Israeli flag was low- bereaved families: His niece,
ous celebrations. This year ern Gaza and fought at close start of the war, most of them gotiations had stagnated amid ered to half-staff to the sound Shay Ashram, 19, was killed on
will be far more somber. quarters in Rafah while hit- civilians, Palestinian officials Israel’s incursion into Rafah. of trumpets in Urim, airstrikes a base near the Gaza border
The annual flyby of military ting more than 100 targets say, not specifying how many Israel always packs a lot of and warplanes could be heard on Oct. 7.
jets was canceled so the army from the air, the military said. were combatants. emotion into national holidays in the distance as a reminder “I deal with memorial days
can focus on the war. A na- The breadth of the fighting, Talks to agree to a pause in in mid-May. Every year, the of the war less than 10 miles every year, and I’m in this
tional torch-lighting ceremony which is taking place not only the fighting in exchange for day before Independence Day, away. Soldiers stood still for a year’s ceremony, and I feel
at the grave of Theodor Herzl, in the suspected Hamas the release of some of the hos- the country marks its Memo- minute-long siren to remem- what it is like to be a bereaved
one of the founding fathers of stronghold of Rafah but also tages have stalled. Qatari rial Day, a somber occasion ber the fallen. family,” he said, breaking into
Zionism, was prerecorded for in areas to the north that Is- Prime Minister Sheikh Mo- commemorating fallen soldiers Sagi Baruch, commander of tears. “It’s not easy.”
near Rouen following his re- year, with a spike following watchers, his cost-cutting
cent sentencing for burglary. Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on Is- push and deregulation have
He was also under investiga- rael and Israel’s ensuing mili- been squeezing families
tion for a kidnapping and ho- tary campaign in Gaza, ac- whose money has plum-
micide case in Marseille, ac- cording to Community meted in value while the cost
cording to public prosecutor Security Trust, an advocacy things has skyrocketed. An-
Laure Beccuau. group for British Jews. nual inflation is at 289% DEADLY SIGN: At least 14 people were killed and dozens more injured after a thunderstorm
—Associated Press —Associated Press —Associated Press Monday caused a 100-foot-tall billboard to collapse on top of a gas station in Mumbai.
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O sa
s 50 miles
is whether the $60 billion in 50 km
aid, which languished for Sea of Azov
months before Congress ap- Source: Institute for the Study of War and AEI’s Critical Threats Project
proved it in April, is enough to Andrew Barnett/THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
daunt a resurgent Russian
military that the U.S. and against Russian invaders last the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute,
Blinken himself had derided as year, Blinken gave a speech in where he visited a memorial
all but washed up last year. Finland calling Russian Presi- to 84 people affiliated with
Blinken assured Zelensky of President Volodymyr Zelensky, left, greets Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Kyiv. dent Vladimir Putin’s invasion the school who had been
continued U.S. support in pub- of Ukraine a “strategic failure” killed in fighting since Rus-
lic remarks at the start of Middle East seven times since cially the already-strained global politics, from the Uni- and saying Russia’s army was sia’s invasion.
their meeting. America’s top Hamas launched its attack on forces in the east of the Don- versity of Exeter. “It needs to badly degraded. Blinken said Ukraine had
diplomat also noted that Israel on Oct. 7. bas. Having seized the advan- balance the defense of terri- “The Kremlin often claimed produced new and innovative
Ukraine is facing “a challeng- While in Kyiv, Blinken also tage on the battlefield, Mos- tory around Kharkiv with the it had the second-strongest weaponry since the beginning
ing time,” but said some U.S. met with Ukraine’s prime min- cow appears to be redoubling need to contain Russian ad- military in the world, and many of the invasion even under the
military aid had arrived and ister and civil-society activists. efforts before the arrival of vances further south in the believed it,” Blinken said then. disruptions of Russian bom-
more was on the way. “And A key objective of Blinken’s U.S. aid, which will presum- Donbas.” “Today, many see Russia’s mili- bardment. He said the West
that’s going to make a real dif- visit is to discuss “how our ably help Ukraine stiffen its To help stem the offensives, tary as the second-strongest in would help Ukraine buttress its
ference against the ongoing supplemental assistance is go- resistance, military analysts the U.S. has been rushing in Ukraine. Its equipment, tech- defense capacity further with
Russian aggression on the bat- ing to be executed in a fashion say. The senior U.S. official conventional artillery rounds, nology, leadership, troops, broad assistance in invest-
tlefield,” Blinken said, adding to help shore said some of interceptors, and ATACMS, strategy, tactics, and morale, a ment, economic and legal over-
that the U.S. is determined “to up their de- the new aid which stands for Army Tacti- case study in failure.” hauls and quickened integra-
make sure that you succeed.” fenses and en- from the U.S. is cal Missile System, which can This year, U.S. officials be- tion with Europe and NATO.
Zelensky thanked Blinken able them to Blinken said the arriving on the hit any Russian target inside gan saying that Russia has— “With each passing month,
for the U.S. support and said take back the West would help front lines. Ukraine, a senior U.S. official with the help of China, Iran and Ukraine signs more bilateral
Ukraine was in dire need of initiative on the “We can said. North Korea—rebuilt its mili- security agreements, ramps
additional air defense, in par- battlefield,” the Ukraine buttress clearly see how Ukraine has long pleaded tary much faster than expected, up its defense industrial base,
ticular around the major city
of Kharkiv.
official said.
That initia-
its defense the enemy acts
and their intent
for long-range precision artil-
lery to break up Russian mili-
and that it is now larger than it
was before the onset of its in-
churns out more advanced
weapons, strengthens its
With Russian forces simul- tive could be capacity. to stretch our tary logistics and attack forces vasion in 2022 and better economy, consolidates its de-
taneously pushing toward that drawing out of forces thin,” before they can reach the adapted to fighting in mocracy,” Blinken said. “As
northeastern city near the reach. After Zelensky said front lines. Ukraine. the war goes on, Russia is go-
Russian border and attacking Russian forces on the eve of But U.S. officials say a pau- Despite unprecedented ing back in time. Ukraine is
Ukrainian defenses in the breached defenses near Blinken’s visit. “Our task is city of weaponry on the front sanctions from the U.S. and moving forward.”
eastern provinces of Ukraine, Kharkiv last week, seizing sev- crystal clear: to thwart Russia’s line is only part of the prob- its allies, Moscow has ex-
“We’re obviously in a very dif- eral villages and opening a attempt to expand the war.” lem, as Ukraine is also facing panded military production,
ficult moment,” a senior U.S. new front in the third year of Ukraine will probably be a Russian military that ap- and has been able to arrange Watch a Video
official said. the war, Ukraine was forced to able to prevent a break- pears to have learned from its workarounds for high-tech Scan this code
Distracted by the outbreak funnel reinforcements to the through around Kharkiv but mistakes early in the war and components for its weaponry, for a video on
of fighting in Gaza, Blinken region over the weekend. faces a serious challenge along is now showing signs of inno- U.S. officials say. Blinken’s visit to
hasn’t visited Ukraine since That could jeopardize other many parts of the front, said vation and resurgence. Blinken delivered a rousing Ukraine to help
September. He has visited the parts of Ukraine’s front, espe- David Lewis, professor of After Ukrainian successes address Tuesday evening at channel U.S. aid.
director of the Carnegie Rus- ority that the Kremlin places
sia Eurasia Center in Berlin. on expanding its security and
“China is not only the more economic ties with China.
powerful partner, but also the Though historically the re-
one that has many more op- lations between the two coun-
tions than Russia, and the war tries have oscillated between
has exacerbated that.” periods of mutual support,
“Russia is now locking it- ideological competition and
self into vassalage to China,” even outright hostility, Mos-
Gabuev said. cow and Beijing have long People posed with cutouts of Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin last year at a Moscow shop.
Despite the escalating im- viewed the U.S. as their main
balance, the bond between challenger and sought to un- since then, including a flurry of of sanctions,” said Janis Kluge, under the current circum- used to come from the West.
two nuclear-armed powers dermine its global influence. diplomatic, military and busi- an economist focusing on Rus- stances for Russia, growing But that leverage also means
carries profound implications After Russia annexed Crimea ness meetings. But in one indi- sia at the German Institute for dependence on China is effec- that China could command dis-
for the West. Those include from Ukraine in 2014, the Krem- cation of the shifting weight in International and Security Af- tively the only alternative to counts. Russian ESPO blend oil
intensifying military collabo- lin pivoted to China in a bid to the relationship, traffic has fairs. “Without imports isolation, which Russia is delivered to China currently
ration and heightened geopo- shield its economy from West- been mostly one-sided, with from China, Russia’s economy seeking to avoid at all costs.” trades around $5 cheaper a bar-
litical rivalry with the West ern sanctions. Less than three senior Russian officials and would almost immediately fal- In energy, too, China holds rel than other comparable crude
across Africa and Asia. The weeks before Russian tanks business leaders going ter. This gives Beijing a lot of most cards. deliveries to China, according to
surge in their oil and gas rolled into Ukraine in February to China much more frequently leverage over Moscow.” After the Ukraine invasion data from Argus Media.
trade is fundamentally reshap- 2022, Putin and Xi declared than their Chinese counter- There are growing concerns severed oil and gas links be- Beijing has been reluctant
ing the global energy map. that the friendship between the parts going the other way, said in Moscow about Russia’s de- tween Russia and Eu- to sign up for the Power of Si-
Worries are also growing two countries “has no limits” Gabuev, who regularly talks to pendence on China, said Vasily rope, China stepped in as a beria 2 gas pipeline. A massive
among Western officials that, and that there are no “forbid- officials in both countries. Astrov, an economist at the buyer. China has also supplied project that would carry gas
as China helps backfill Rus- den areas of cooperation.” “China has almost every- Vienna Institute for Interna- much-needed parts for Rus- from the Yamal region in
sia’s war economy, Moscow Ties have only deepened thing that Russia lacks because tional Economic Studies. “But, sia’s oil-and-gas industry that northern Russia to China via
could win against Ukraine in a Mongolia, the pipeline has be-
war of attrition while Europe Chinese trade with Russia, come critical for Russia ever
and the U.S. struggle to mobi- the EU and U.S. since its traditional European
lize their own industries to China Has ‘a Lot of Leverage’ Over Russia market shrunk in the wake of
match Russian production. $200 billion Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.
In recent meetings with Xi, EU Bilateral trade between cause of sanctions,” said void swiftly filled by Chinese Sticking points such as fi-
both European leaders and U.S. Russia and China reached a Janis Kluge, an economist manufacturers. nancing and gas pricing re-
U.S. Secretary of State Ant- 150 record $240 billion in 2023, focusing on Russia at the Not everyone is happy. main unresolved, industry
ony Blinken have pushed the a year earlier than a goal German Institute for Inter- Russia’s AvtoVAZ said watchers said.
Chinese leader to cut back on set by Russian President national and Security Af- Chinese carmakers are Kluge, the economist fo-
his nation’s support for Rus- Vladimir Putin. That is fairs. “Without imports crowding it out by offering cused on Russia, said Moscow’s
sia’s defense industry. Wash- dwarfed, however, by China’s from China, Russia’s econ- large discounts. dependence on China repre-
ington has also warned Bei- trade with the European omy would almost immedi- “Many Chinese brands, sents a long-term shift.
jing that it could take action Union at nearly $800 billion ately falter. This gives Bei- carrying out, I would say, ag- “The reorientation of Rus-
against Chinese banks han- 50 and with the U.S. at around jing a lot of leverage over gressive expansion into the sian trade flows is perma-
dling trade in so-called dual- $660 billion, according to Moscow.” Russian market, are begin- nent,” he said. “Dependence
use goods that have both civil- Chinese customs data. The exodus of Western ning to break through,” on China will shape Russia’s
ian and military purposes. The 0 “China has almost every- brands from Russia follow- Maxim Sokolov, president of economic future for years to
threat of extending sanctions 2021 ’22 ’23 ’24
thing that Russia lacks be- ing the war has created a AvtoVAZ, said in March. come.”
on Chinese banks could be —Kate Vtorygina
having some effect as recent Source: CEIC Data contributed to this article.
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the EV maker with an eye-pop- Martin, designing some of those company said it signed up four
ping share price. brands’ most iconic vehicles in retailers in February and had
Fisker’s downfall underlines the early 2000s. After his first interest from dozens of others.
the stakes for cash-burning au- namesake car company failed— But by the end of 2023,
tomotive upstarts, which are it sold a $100,000 plug-in hy- Fisker had managed to deliver
trying to break into a capital-in- brid called the Karma, but went only about 4,900 of the more
tensive, low-margin industry bankrupt in 2013 after multiple than 10,000 Oceans made by
dominated by a handful of recalls and a battery supplier Magna Steyr to customers.
deep-pocketed players. These failed—the designer started the Fisker and Magna Steyr were
young car companies have inno- current Fisker in 2016. also in a dispute over unpaid
vative ideas but struggled with It struggled in its early years production invoices totaling
the fundamentals of making and with a limited budget. The com- about $8 million, according to a
selling vehicles at a profit. pany showed off a concept vehi- copy of a letter viewed by The
Meanwhile, Americans’ interest cle, a curvaceous four-door Wall Street Journal. Magna
in buying battery-powered vehi- sports car, in a 2017 marketing Steyr and Fisker declined to
cles has cooled. video. It was filmed slowly roll- comment about the issue.
Many of the EV makers took ing down a desert road in front In March, Fisker missed a
advantage of the SPAC boom, of a field of wind turbines. deadline to file its annual finan-
which gave little-known start- Yet the vehicle had no motor cial report with regulators, after
ups such as Fisker—with no or battery, and to move it, peo- auditors identified new “mate-
revenue and barely prepared to ple hid inside and pushed it rial weaknesses” related to its
sell vehicles—a shortcut to the with their feet through a hole in revenue and balance sheet cal-
public markets. the floor. Employees dubbed it consumer sales model. other back-office staff, or to nail When the Oceans finally be- culations. The company also
Electric pickup maker Lords- the “Flintstones car.” Fisker signed a deal with the software that was one of gan coming off the assembly warned it risked running out of
town Motors and delivery-van The concept was dropped, auto manufacturer Magna Steyr the vehicle’s key selling points. line, the company encountered cash by the end of the year.
maker Arrival, startups that and Fisker instead focused on to build its first vehicle, the By February 2023, the regu- delays transporting them from At the time, the company
went public through SPAC the Ocean SUV. Ocean, in Austria at a plant that latory approvals needed to sell Europe to the U.S., and at one said it was looking for a finan-
mergers, have filed for bank- In early 2020, the company produces vehicles for Mercedes- Fisker’s vehicles in various point, flew roughly two dozen cial savior and said it was in
ruptcy. Others, including EV was operating with a small staff Benz, BMW and Jaguar. De- countries were taking longer vehicles over by plane. talks with a “large automaker”
startups Faraday Future and but hadn’t yet done substantial signed to compete with Tesla’s than expected. Henrik Fisker Once shipments started to for a potential investment. But
Canoo, have slashed ambitions development work on a vehicle. Model Y SUV, the bestselling EV had told investors the approvals arrive, the processing locations in late March, the company said
to conserve cash. The company was at risk of in the world, Fisker hoped that process would be done by then, lacked fast-chargers to speedily the talks had failed.
Henrik Fisker, the Danish running out of cash, before teaming up with an experienced but it looked like it would take top up the batteries, and Fisker Fisker’s shares plummeted to
chief executive and founder, had Gupta-Fisker cut a deal with a automaker would ensure it at least another month. also had to update the software around 9 cents after the news,
made a name for himself de- SPAC owned by private-equity could quickly build and sell Development of the vehicle’s on each vehicle before handing leading to the delisting from the
signing cars such as the BMW giant Apollo Global Manage- mass-market vehicles. driver-assist software was be- them over to buyers. NYSE. The removal triggered a
Z8, featured in a “Bond” film in ment to take it public. There was early enthusiasm hind schedule, meaning Fisker By September, the EV default on a convertible debt
1999. His first startup—Fisker In its pitch to investors, the for the Ocean SUV, which would have to launch the Ocean maker’s contract manufacturer agreement, meaning Fisker
Automotive—went bust more company forecast $3.3 billion in ranged from without features was spitting out thousands of owes the lender around $180
than a decade ago. revenue by 2023. $38,000 to common in Fisker Ocean SUVs in Austria, million—more than it currently
This time, he vowed to do Within a few months of list- around $70,000 other cars, such but it took over a month before has in the bank.
things differently. He adjusted ing on the New York Stock Ex- at launch. It The electric-car as adaptive they got to customers. At its Manhattan Beach
his pitch to investors, touting a change in October 2020, the could travel up maker had an cruise control. It Traditional automakers con- headquarters, employees were
plan for a “digital car company” company’s market value had to 360 miles on intended to add trol their factories, and then told the company was moving
that would focus on in-car soft- roughly tripled, hitting a high of a single battery innovative idea these features in quickly offload product to deal- to a new office and some of
ware and selling vehicles online.
He co-founded the startup with
nearly $8 billion. It had created
a two-tier share structure that
charge, and had
unique features,
but stumbled on a later software
update. Custom-
ers who then manage the sale
to buyers. Fisker, in contrast,
them had their desks and other
office furniture removed during
his wife, Geeta Gupta-Fisker, a put nearly all the voting power such as what the execution. ers complained didn’t have control of produc- the workday. They resurfaced in
former investment adviser, who in the hands of Fisker and the company that the features tion, and once it received the less fancy La Palma on the out-
became its chief financial offi- Gupta-Fisker—a change from called a “taco it did have, such vehicles was left with the bur- skirts of Anaheim.
cer and COO. Fisker’s first company. tray,” and also as blind-spot den of carrying unsold product In a last-ditch effort to boost
Ultimately, Fisker’s rise and With about $1 billion in “California mode”—the ability warning or automatic braking on its balance sheet. sales, Fisker slashed the price of
unraveling was swift, with the funds following its public debut, to open all the windows to sim- systems, didn’t work properly. In some cases, Fisker had the Ocean by as much as
company landing in financial Fisker and Gupta-Fisker sought ulate being in a convertible. The vehicle was panned by started to take payment from $24,000 on some versions, but
distress less than a year after to keep the automaker on a The company spent $5 mil- reviewers. Marques Brownlee customers while the vehicles by mid-April its cash reserves
its first model, the Ocean SUV, tight budget, adopting a so- lion to establish a flagship store posted a review of the Ocean on were still at sea, according to had dwindled to $50 million, ac-
went on sale. called asset-light model that at the ritzy Los Angeles mall, YouTube with the title: “This is the current and former employ- cording to the company.
The in-car software was outsourced much of the hard- the Grove, according to current the Worst Car I’ve Ever Re- ees. That angered customers, Two contractors, an engi-
glitchy, the sales organization ware and manufacturing to con- and former employees. Rent ran viewed.” Consumer Reports said they added. The company soon neering firm that was hired to
was disorganized and an under- tractors. The startup wanted to nearly $10,000 a day, which the the Ocean was like trying pizza halted the practice. work on a new pickup truck and
staffed and inexperienced ac- concentrate on the more profit- company characterized as a at a new restaurant that had a textiles supplier, that month
counting department led to able in-car technology. competitive rate. But the prop- “undercooked dough and no sued Fisker alleging it hadn’t
missed deadlines for filing fi- The company estimated it erty, with construction behind sauce because the tomatoes are Accounting holes paid invoices, totaling $7 mil-
nancial results with regulators. would save at least $1 billion in schedule, sat unopened for still growing.” Fisker failed to file its quar- lion and $1 million, respec-
As of May 1, Fisker has sold launch costs by not having to around a year. Other reviewers praised the terly financial report with the tively. Fisker said the lawsuit by
6,500 vehicles. Factory produc- operate a factory. It also At the same time, though, vehicle’s design and driving Securities and Exchange Com- the engineering firm was with-
tion has stopped. skipped the traditional dealer the company failed to invest in performance but also noted mission in November 2023, af- out merit, but declined to com-
Investors say the company network in favor of a direct-to- building sales, accounting and missing software features. ter losing two chief accounting ment on the other supplier.
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2.5 Call volume Put volume
Shares of AMC Entertain- Tuesday. Calls confer the right
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Koss increased 90% this week. day investors had ramped up
On Reddit’s irreverent Wall- 1.0 50 this year before GameStop’s
StreetBets community, anony- Plug Power resurgence. The average daily
mous traders posted screen- 0.5 number of clients’ trades han-
shots of their trades on BlackBerry dled by Charles Schwab rose to
0 0
Robinhood. nearly 6 million in the first
“Welcome Back, KING,” a 2020 ’21 ’22 ’23 ’24 2020 ’21 ’22 ’23 ’24 Monday Tuesday quarter, the most since the
follower responded on X. Sources: Cboe Global Markets (options volume); FactSet (performance) second quarter of 2022 and up
The resurgence in meme 15% from the last quarter of
stocks this week highlights the year-old mechanic in New After the market opened ers, mostly hedge funds, bor- price even higher, according to 2023. Robinhood Markets re-
lasting power of “degen” trad- York, was clocked in for his Monday, Timpone bought 10 row shares and sell them with Ihor Dusaniwsky, managing di- ported 2.2 million average
ing since the GameStop mania night shift Sunday when he shares of GameStop at about the hope of profiting by buy- rector of predictive analytics daily equity trades in March,
of 2021 ushered in a new gen- saw the Roaring Kitty tweet. $30, he said. He sold them for ing the stock back at a lower at S3 Partners. It could also at- the most since November 2021.
eration of internet-fueled ama- “I thought it was back into about $50 each on Tuesday price later. About a quarter of tract new short sellers betting But the resurgence in trad-
teur investors. Short for “de- GME, like everyone else,” Tim- morning and is watching the GameStop’s available shares the meme stocks will fall from ing activity still pales in com-
generate,” degen traders often pone said. “I was like, let me stock to potentially buy more. are sold short, up about 5% here, he said. parison with 2021 levels. Net
care less about business fun- get in.” “It’s either going to go all this year, according to S3 Investors also flocked to the inflows from self-directed in-
damentals and more about the Timpone had participated the way back to where it ran analysis. options market, seeking risky, vestors into GameStop on
fear of missing out. They are in the meme-stock mania in to in 2021, or be worthless The short squeeze, when a bullish bets that would profit Monday totaled around $16
drawn to the potential of a 2021 and watched Gill’s videos again,” he said. stock surges and inflicts pain if the shares kept soaring. Ac- million, compared with more
quick profit if others join them at the time. He said he made Monday’s rally handed on short sellers, and subse- tivity in GameStop and AMC than $87 million on Jan. 27,
and are willing to take big about $4,000 in profits from GameStop short sellers more quent short covering, when options this week surged to 2021, according to estimates
risks and suffer losses along GameStop then, while losing than $800 million in losses on short sellers buy back shares the highest levels since March from Vanda Research.
the way. about $1,000 trading Black- paper, according to estimates to close out their positions, 2021 and August 2023, respec- —Gunjan Banerji
Michael Timpone, a 34- Berry shares. from S3 Partners. Short sell- could push GameStop’s share tively, according to Cboe contributed to this article.
© 2024 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, May 15, 2024 | A11
adrenal insufficiency include
f you’ve noticed people talk- weight loss, fatigue, abdominal
ing about managing their cor- pain, nausea, and dizziness from
tisol lately, you’re not alone. low blood pressure.
Chatter about the stress
hormone has surged. Doctors ‘Adrenal fatigue’
say patients are bringing it One term that has made its way
up more often, and Google into wellness conversations is ad-
searches for how to lower cortisol renal fatigue. That’s the idea that
reached a high in April. Wellness the adrenal gland goes into over-
influencers warn about having too drive, producing so much cortisol
much cortisol or too little, and when people are super stressed
some promote supplements that that it gets depleted and stops
claim to help. producing it.
So what’s the deal with cortisol? Dr. Scott Isaacs, an Atlanta-
And why are people obsessed now? based endocrinologist and presi-
Endocrinologists say many dent-elect of the American Associ-
myths abound. ation of Clinical Endocrinology,
Most people don’t need to be says “adrenal fatigue” isn’t a real
concerned about their cortisol diagnosis. Underscoring that point
levels or so-called “adrenal was the title of a 2016 review
fatigue,” they say. And cortisol, study: “Adrenal fatigue does not
which doctors typically measure exist: a systematic review.”
with saliva, urine or blood tests, “For the average healthy per-
isn’t innately bad. Cortisol levels son who is not overweight and
that stay elevated for too long can doesn’t have signs of [Cushing’s]
be a problem, but the hormone it’s really pointless to check your
itself is essential. cortisol level,” says Spratt. “Corti-
Supplements that claim to help sol levels fluctuate, the last thing
manage cortisol levels don’t help, you want to do is accidentally get
doctors say, and might even con- diagnosed for Cushing’s when you
tain unknown, potentially harmful don’t have it.”
“Cortisol is a normal essential Managing your levels
hormone,” says Dr. Susan Spratt, an Doctors advise against trying sup-
endocrinologist at Duke University. plements that claim to manage
“You cannot live without cortisol.” cortisol levels, because they can
important part of to how stressed renal insufficiency. Other causes wake cycle can disrupt the cycle of
regulating cortisol levels. you’re feeling. can include pituitary tumors or cortisol secretion,” she says.
Christie’s Grapples
ing to bid in sales. This
week, the house will
email them a secure
With Cyberattack
link redirecting them
to a private Christie’s
Live site where they
can watch and bid in
real time. Everyone
BY KELLY CROW though the auction house declined else will be encouraged
to discuss details because of its to call in or bid at the
hristie’s remained in the grip own security protocols. Christie’s house’s saleroom in
of a continuing cyberattack on declined to say whether any of the Rockefeller Center in
Tuesday, a crisis that has hob- private or financial data it collects Manhattan.
bled the auction house’s website on its well-heeled clientele had been If more bidders
and altered the way it can handle breached or stolen, though it said it show up in person, the
online bids. This could disrupt its would inform customers if that experience might prove
sales of at least $578 million worth proves to be the case. to be a squeeze. During
of art up for bid this week, starting “We’re still working on resolving the pandemic, Christie’s
last night with a pair of contempo- the incident, but we want to make reconfigured its main
rary art auctions amid New York’s sure we’re continuing our sales and saleroom from a vast,
major spring sales. assuring our clients that it’s safe to well-lit space that could
Christie’s said it has been grap- bid,” said Chief Executive Guillaume fit several hundred peo-
pling with the fallout of what it de- Cerutti. ple into a spotlit set
scribed as a technology security in- Christie’s crisis comes at a partic- that more closely
cident since Thursday morning—a ularly fragile moment for the global evokes a television stu-
breach or threat of some kind, art market. Heading into these dio, with far fewer
benchmark spring auc- seats and more roving
tions, market watchers cameras—all part of the
were already wary, as Some bidders will be mated $25 million estate sale of top auction industry’s broader effort to
broader economic fears encouraged to call in or show up Miami collector Rosa de la Cruz, who entice more collectors as well as ev-
about wars and inflation to bid at the Christie’s Rockefeller died in February and whose private eryday art lovers to tune in, online.
have chipped away at Center saleroom. foundation offerings include “Unti- Once this saleroom is filled,
collectors’ confidence in tled” (America #3),” a string of light- Christie’s said it will direct people
art values. Christie’s a pleasurable activity, so anything bulbs by Félix González-Torres esti- into overflow rooms. Those who
sales fell to $6.2 billion that creates an impediment to enjoy- mated to sell for at least $8 million. want to merely watch the sale can’t
last year, down 20% ing that experience is problematic Cerutti said no consignors to watch on Christie’s website like
from the year before. because bidders have choices.” Christie’s have withdrawn their usual but can follow along via
Doug Woodham, man- Cerutti says the house has gone works from its sales this week as a Christie’s YouTube channel.
aging partner of Art Fi- into overdrive to publicly show the result of the incident. After the De Art adviser Anthony Grant said
duciary Advisors and a world’s wealthiest collectors that la Cruz sale, Christie’s 21st Century he typically shows up to bid on be-
former Christie’s presi- they can shop without a glitch— sale on Tuesday was set to include half of his clients, though he said
dent, said people don’t even as privately the house has en- a few pricier heavyweights, including his collectors watch the sales online
want to feel the specter listed a team of internal and exter- a Brice Marden diptych, “Event,” and as well so they can “read the room”
of scammers hovering nal technology experts to resolve a Jean-Michel Basquiat from 1982, in real time and text him updates.
over the act of buying the security situation. Currently, it’s “The Italian Version of Popeye Has Grant said the cyberattack
art. “It’s supposed to be sticking to its schedule for its New no Pork in his Diet,” each estimated popped up in a lot of his conversa-
York slate of six auctions of impres- to sell for at least $30 million. tions this past weekend. “There’s a
Christie’s will sell sionist, modern and contemporary But the cyberattack has already lot of shenanigans going on, and
offerings from the art, plus two luxury sales, though altered the way some collectors people have grown so sensitive to
estate of Rosa de la one watch sale in Geneva scheduled might experience these bellwether their banks and hospitals getting
Cruz, including Félix for Monday was postponed a day. auctions at Christie’s. Registered on- hacked,” he said. “Now, their auction
González-Torres’s The first big test for Christie’s was line bidders used to be able to log house is going through the same
‘Untitled (America #3).’ set for Tuesday night with the esti- into the main website before click- thing, and it’s irksome.”
Don’t be a jerk
Set money expectations with your
companions before dinner or a
trip, etiquette experts say. Sur-
prise reimbursement requests are
the worst. The advance conversa-
tion can be simple: “We’re split-
ting this evenly, right?”
If you’re sharing the bill and
choose expensive items, you can
offer to cover the tip or after-din-
ner drinks, the experts say. If you
consume less, it’s acceptable to
pay less.
“It’s OK to speak up and say, ‘I
only had a salad and a water, can I
pay my own way?’” says Lizzie
Post, co-president of the Emily
Post Institute, an etiquette coach-
BY SHARA TIBKEN Perhaps an even bigger trick is the fare in the app. For ordering ceipt then assign individual items ing company.
keeping friendships intact during shared meals for delivery or to your companions. The apps also You also should pay people back
oing out to a group money discussions, especially since pickup, you can create group or- add the tax and the tip, but you as soon as possible—most Venmo
dinner or on a week- recent inflation has us on edge. ders on Uber Eats or DoorDash. need to double-check them. users say within 24 hours. And you
end trip is supposed to You can’t avoid the awkward To ensure people pay their fair The free Tab app tends to be should accommodate people who
be fun. conversations entirely, etiquette amount, try a bill-splitting calcula- the most accurate at recognizing don’t use payment apps, such as
It’s also stressful experts say. For overall group hap- tor like the free, popular Splitwise. items and determining amounts accepting cash or even checks.
for lots of us. We piness, you could pay a little extra, Everyone enters what they paid owed. It doesn’t require you or “It’s a lot easier to make you go
gauge what everyone else is order- hoping your friends eventually re- for, such as one per- your companions to to the ATM versus make them cre-
ing or spending (or over-ordering turn the favor. son covering dinner set up accounts, and ate an account,” Post says.
and overspending), and when the “The less talk you can have and another cover- it has a nifty birth- Using peer-to-peer payment
bill arrives, cue the awkward math about money on any of these occa- ing pre-meal drinks. Bill-splitting day function that apps while dining out can make
session. sions, the better,” says Liz Wyse, Then the app shows apps promise lets everyone relationships feel transactional,
Back in the 2010s, when my an etiquette adviser at Debrett’s, a what people owe equally cover the says Amit Kumar, an assistant
friends and I went out or traveled British publisher doling out do’s each other. In my to take the pain special guest’s or- professor of marketing and psy-
to Copenhagen or Las Vegas, we and don’ts for over 250 years. testing, I found that
out of big der. chology at the University of Texas
often took accounting breaks to If you’re aiming to keep things it serves the most Like Splitwise, at Austin’s McCombs School of
keep track of our expenses and fair and square at all times, your needs. group outings. Tab doesn’t sell user Business. Kumar studies happi-
make sure everyone paid fairly. best move is to surreptitiously It doesn’t show data or show ads. ness, including how money and
Now, bill-splitting apps like open an app and do some speedy ads or sell user data, There’s a downside payment apps impact it.
Splitwise and Tab shoulder some calculations. Here’s how. says Chief Executive to that, though. Ga- You can find ways to make sure
of that bookkeeping work and Jonathan Bittner. A $5-a-month briel Savit, who co-founded Tab everyone contributes without feel-
promise to take the pain out of Split a night out Splitwise Pro subscription adds with his brother over a decade ing like you’re invoicing each
group fun. More people are using When you’re out with friends and scanning and itemizing receipts, ago, says they’re no longer signifi- other, he says, such as taking
the apps every month as we plan to split the bill equally, either but I found the scanning process a cantly updating it. turns paying for rounds of drinks.
spend more on experiences post- throw down credit cards—keep it tad buggy. Bittner says it isn’t a “We keep it running, but that’s Requesting specific amounts—
pandemic, according to data-in- to two or three cards, max—or heavily used feature, but the com- about it,” he says. Tab’s in-app such as $5.05, instead of saying
telligence firm Sensor Tower. route money via payment apps pany is updating it. Venmo connection no longer “Give me 5 bucks”—can seem
With divvying up expenses made you already use, like Cash App, Receipt-scanning apps are works, and one scan ended up petty, Kumar says.
easier, the trick is figuring out PayPal, Venmo or Zelle. handy when you want to itemize tacking a $275.50 tip onto a “It turns out that those extra 5
which tool works best for any If you’re sharing a ride with without entering everything man- $76.20 bill. Pro tip: Always scan cents you’re getting might actually
given occasion. another person, Uber lets you split ually. You take a picture of a re- with plenty of light. come with some costs,” he says.
Broadwick leasing the space. IKEA, she would usually be ordering ous tenant. “It looks enough to make “When you’re walking around you on a normal Sunday, jumped to
which operated the store from 2005 salmon or fish and chips for lunch them know it’s an IKEA but also to suddenly go, ‘Oh,’” she said. “Espe- 16,000 for this event, according to
to 2022, said it is assessing the fu- here, instead of spending the after- be immersed in a new experience.” cially when you’re walking around train operator Greater Anglia.
ture of the site. noon in a room with thousands of The IKEA-turned-club has hosted the stairs.” The pull of the blue box on a
other ravers. “It totally works as a shows including a sold-out event in weekend, regardless of the enter-
club, it’s a really nice space,” she December featuring the first live tainment, is enough for more visits.
From bookcases said, but added “I miss IKEA.” performance of a musical collective
Mum would prefer “I love it,” said concertgoer Mi-
to bass drops Aldred said that a space like IKEA called Sault, joined by orchestral an IKEA chael Chakraverty. “I loved IKEA
Much of the old layout remains. The is helpful because the layout is de- string sections, a choir and teams of Dressed in a blue and yellow shirt and I love Drumsheds. But I prefer
entrance is through the former park- signed to get large volumes of peo- dancers. On this day, concertgoers striking a startling resemblance an Drumsheds.”
It has been 413 days since our friend and colleague Evan Gershkovich
was wrongfully detained by Russia during a reporting trip and accused of
espionage. The Wall Street Journal and the U.S. government vehemently
deny the allegation and continue to call for his immediate release.
No journalist should ever be detained for simply doing his job, and the charge
against Evan is an outrage. Journalism is not a crime, and any portrayal to
the contrary is fiction.
The stakes are high: Without press freedom, there is no free society.
Every day Evan remains detained is a day too long. We will not rest until
he’s home.
Please continue to share Evan’s reporting and the latest updates on his
situation by visiting WSJ.com/Evan. Use the hashtag #IStandWithEvan
to help keep his story front and center.
©2024 Dow Jones & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 6DJ0299
n June 2013, the label Domino
announced that English
singer-songwriter Beth Gib-
bons had signed with the im-
print and was working on her
debut solo album. She was al-
ready well known as the voice of
the trip-hop outfit Portishead,
whose brooding sample-based
sound was popular in the ’90s and
proved highly influential in the de-
cades that followed. Ms. Gibbons
had released an LP outside her
main project—the folky “Out of
Season,” a collaboration with Paul
Webb, best known as the bassist
for the shapeshifting ’80s band
Talk Talk—but there was some
buzz around the announcement be-
cause of her importance to alterna-
tive music and the fact that Portis-
head recorded so infrequently. Its
debut came out in 1994, and it has
managed just two additional stu-
dio albums since.
Turns out Ms. Gibbons, now 59
years old, takes her time, even
away from Portishead. In 2019, she
showcased her considerable range
on a live recording with the Polish
National Radio Symphony Orches-
tra performing Henryk Górecki’s
Symphony No. 3, and she has
toured with her primary group
over the past decade. But we heard
very little about that long-awaited
album until a couple of months
ago. At long last, “Lives Outgrown”
(Domino) comes out Friday.
This collection is a summation
of everything Ms. Gibbons has
done so far. It touches on jazz,
folk, torch songs and symphonic
music, and also has elements of
Portishead’s darkly shaded mood
music. But rather than surveying
these styles by jumping between
them from one track to the next,
she integrates them into a coher-
ent whole that is uniquely hers.
She chose her collaborators
wisely. The primary producer and
instrumentalist is James Ford,
who started with the electronic
duo Simian Mobile Disco and has
since made a name for himself on
high-profile releases by Arctic MUSIC REVIEW | MARK RICHARDSON
Monkeys, Gorillaz and many oth-
pending on your state of mind. ference between jazz and folk, re- instrument in the orchestra. we stitch it and cook it and rich
The following “Floating on a minding us of the breadth of Ms. Imagine the sound of someone’s it / We’ll all numb the pain that Mr. Richardson is the Journal’s
Moment,” a song about imperma- Gibbons’s musical journey. She op- voice cracking with emotion—she we need to fulfill it,” meditating rock and pop music critic. Follow
nence and uncertainty, begins erates in a tradition shared by inhabits this fissure almost con- on the inability of commerce to him on X @MarkRichardson.
Stories Buried Beneath the Ashes the Vesuvian eruption and lived
elsewhere, probably nearby—they
must have, he says, “but
nobody ever went look-
‘JEOPARDY!” might not be the best that sent matter 21 miles into the ing for them.” The third
barometer of Americans’ historical sky—and eventually piled up and of the weekly episodes,
knowledge, but there are two dates collapsed their houses. Archaeolo- which include a rather
out of the ancient world that con- gist Valeria Amoretti, one of the dry narration by Ria Lina
testants always seem to get right: team of Italian researchers, at work but also enthusiasts like
44 B.C. (March 15, to be precise), with her tiny paint brushes and Mr. Dicus, is “The Final
when Julius Caesar was assassi- gently removing dust from the un- Hours,” and offers fur-
nated; and A.D. 79, when Mount Ve- earthed remains, is appropriately ther revelations.
suvius erupted and the city of Pom- solemn: Pompeii is, after all, a cem- How were the people
peii was smothered by smoke, ash etery as well as a historical artifact. of Pompeii caught so
and volcanic debris. Both stories are One might even question whether unaware? They likely
about death and disturbing it is an of- had no idea Vesuvius
drama. And a certain fense to the dead. was a volcano—the
kind of romance. But “true archae- eruption blew the cap
Which may be why A three-part ology,” according to off the mountain, which
they stick in our col- documentary the project’s director, resulted in so much
lective head. Gabriel Zuchtriegel, stone and pumice rock-
The three-part explores is about “surprise,” eting into the air. There
“Pompeii: The New
Dig” won’t change
the excavations finding something
completely different,
had been a major earth-
quake 17 years earlier,
that, though it does at Pompeii. previously unknown, though, and restoration
explode some of the “and then trying to work was still going on
mythology surround- make sense of it.” at the time of the Vesu-
ing Pompeii and any There is no end of A scene from the first episode easy public access to the room, a vian explosion. The discovery by ex-
misconception that it was a city startling detail here. What the of ‘Pompeii: The New Dig’ on PBS, bakery that provided bread to other cavation specialists of tools under
and a populace “frozen” by heat team uncovers in the single block narrated by Ria Lina. businesses? The marble furniture the ash of Pompeii makes them
and gas, its people reduced to “ash they explore—a nearly 1,000- recovered in nearby rooms—and the chuckle: Some things have never
mummies” who had no time to flee, square-foot tract in a wealthier As archaeologist Kevin Dicus re- frescoes being cleaned and restored changed, they say, like the pickax.
or even to move. One of the more area of Pompeii, between what lates, Pompeii wasn’t studied in ear- in adjoining spaces, the colors of Or our curiosity about the ancient
awful aspects revealed in the se- were thought to have been major nest until about 1748, and what is which are remarkably vivid—sug- past, an itch “The New Dig”
ries, which follows the first archae- thoroughfares—is basically a trove found this time around is a trail of gest wealth and prosperity. The scratches rather luxuriously.
ological excavation undertaken “in a of clues from which they draw con- breadcrumbs, almost literally: A painting on one wall includes a de-
generation,” is just how long some clusions. This makes “The New Dig” brick oven discovered inside one of piction of a meal, and a portrait of Pompeii: The New Dig
of the victims huddled in their a pan-millennial detective story, al- the dwellings is judged to be far too what everyone concludes is a Pom- Begins Wednesday, 10 p.m., PBS
homes, trying to wait out the 18- beit one solved not through large to have fit a private home. peiian pizza. With toppings.
hour rain of stone and pumice that hunches but historical knowledge Perhaps it was a commercial bak- Episode 1 is titled “The Bodies”; Mr. Anderson is the Journal’s TV
fell on their roofs—following a blast and informed intuition. ery? Or, better, given the lack of episode 2 is “Escape,” in which clas- critic.
Catchers Keep Getting Whacked
Clearly, despite all the new in-
formation available, catchers are
still working out the kinks of their
new set-up position in real-time.
very time Jose Trevino kneels even the risk of injury to their
behind the plate, he knows catchers.
he’s in grave danger of being Ryan Lavarnway, a longtime
clobbered by a heavy wooden bat MLB catcher who now works as a
traveling about as fast as a car minor-league catching instructor
speeding down the highway. for the Chicago Cubs, estimated
The New York Yankees are well that 80% of a catcher’s value today
aware of this risk. In fact, they en- derives from his pitch framing.
courage it. “It’s still infrequent enough
Ever since Trevino arrived in that it’s not a part of the conver-
2022, the team has actively in- sation,” Lavarnway said of catcher
structed him to set up as close to interference. “You roll your eyes,
the opposing hitter as possible. you can’t believe that happened,
“We’ve been working on this and you move on and you don’t
for quite some time,” said Tanner talk about it again.”
Swanson, the Yankees’ director of The numbers show why: Bat-
catching. “It’s obvious now that ters have an OPS of .784 in plate
we’re not the only ones.”
In a sport where teams will
look anywhere for a competitive
advantage, baseball’s latest search The robot umps
for an edge has led to the catcher won’t be fooled as
position, which is in the midst of a
full-blown revolution. Unfortu- easily as their human
nately, it’s one that comes with
potentially painful consequences—
and it’s forcing umpires to dig
deep into the rulebook at an
alarming rate. appearances that begin with a 1-0
When a catcher impedes a hit- count this season. In plate appear-
ter’s swing in most cases, he is ances that begin 0-1, that plum-
charged with an error and the bat- Cardinals catcher Willson Contreras broke his arm after being hit by a swing from the Mets’ J.D. Martinez. mets to .588, meaning that a
ter is awarded first base. Histori- catcher managing to trick an um-
cally, these calls have been exceed- pire into calling a ball a strike
ingly rare, typically occurring no with the matter said. The message nology and data at their disposal, Braves backstop Travis d’Arnaud could have a profound impact on a
more than a couple dozen times to catchers was clear: Move back. teams quickly realized that one of has suffered at least four concus- game.
all season. If the situation doesn’t resolve on the best ways to deceive umpires sions in his career. He doesn’t see The funny part is, after teach-
But the frequency of catcher in- its own, MLB could explore enact- was to have the catchers scoot himself participating in the new ing a generation of catchers that
terference has skyrocketed over ing rules to address the issue, the closer to the batter. This approach trend. pitch-framing is the most impor-
the past decade, jumping to 41 in- person said. allows them to snatch low pitches “I’d rather keep my brain in my tant part of their job, the benefits
stances in 2016, to 61 in 2019, and This spike in interference calls a split-second earlier and present head than steal a strike,” the 35- of the practice could soon be sig-
to 96 in 2023. has come as an unexpected upshot them as being higher than they year-old d’Arnaud said. “For the nificantly reduced or even re-
This season is almost certainly of the sport’s rethinking of the actually are. younger guys, it might be harder moved entirely. MLB is currently
going to blow past that mark, with role of a catcher. No longer are Pitch-framing is also why many for them. They’re trying to make a testing an automated strike zone
35 catcher interference calls al- they judged on throwing out base- major-league catchers nowadays name for themselves.” in the minor leagues and could
ready in the books through last stealers or blocking wayward set up on their knees rather than St. Louis Cardinals All-Star look to bring a version of the sys-
weekend—or 12 more than in the pitches. Instead, those skills have in a traditional squat. catcher Willson Contreras proba- tem to the majors as soon as next
frequented 58 Number of E R A C A L L I N G P L A N
roy described the situation lash over the perception that an outside investment worth
by trendy stripes on the 7 Fleece-lined as “pretty messy.” Saudi Arabia was using pro up to $3 billion from a col-
urbanites? flag of España boots I T S A P R O C E S S Dunne’s assertion that golf’s popularity to white- lective of A-list American in-
32 Org. that 60 Like stealing 8 Afghan S A L L Y T H UM P there hasn’t been meaning- wash its human-rights re- vestors known as the Strate-
tongue T H E I P A SWE A R A T ful progress also diverges cord, it was also weakening gic Sports Group.
pioneered the a base but S O L A R S Y S T E M F D A
Slam Dunk not stealing 9 Straight-on K O N A T O T B A E S from public pronouncements the Tour’s product. The sides haven’t reached
Contest a vase kick, in soccer F I N A L A P P R O A C H by PGA Tour officials. Com- Then, when Dunne struck an actual deal, even after an
I N D I A N A A P N E A missioner Jay Monahan said a deal, it stunned onlookers initial deadline for the start
▶ Solve this puzzle online and discuss it at WSJ.com/Puzzles. T O P S P O T G I D D Y earlier this year that “nego- and pro golfers alike. of 2024.
EVs and the Inanity of Bidenism BOOKSHELF | By David A. Shaywitz
It’s time to
admit that
only landed the U.S. in a more
costly and dangerous war by
ergy subsidies do nothing to
cut fossil-fuel use and reduce
cess only if the goal is to coax
Mr. Putin to hang in there and
Prior to Thought
the Biden ad- inciting Vladimir Putin. emissions. His climate strat- hope victory may yet be possi-
ministration Its attempt to appease Mr. egy embodies the kind of ble.
might be Putin with the Nord Stream 2 “fast” but faulty thinking the Only one explanation is left
something pipeline and other gestures late Nobelist Daniel Kahne- for Mr. Biden’s continued stall-
more than had the opposite of the de- man wrote a book warning ing on the border despite stark
WORLD snake-bit.
The latest
sired effect.
Mr. Biden’s plan to amplify
Unfortunately fast thinking
warnings from his own FBI
about terrorist infiltration: He
Everything Is Predictable
By Holman W.
evidence of his credit for America’s post- is the only kind Mr. Biden is pandering to a group of ac- By Tom Chivers
Jenkins, Jr.
actual clini- Covid recovery, which he was does. Not helping are certain tivists too small to qualify Atria, 384 pages, $29.99
cal incompe- going to get anyway, blew up New York Times columnists even as a voting bloc. The
tence is its 100% tariff on Chi- when his additional splurge of who, despite knowing better, same also goes for his per- irst articulated in the 18th century by a hobbyist-
nese electric vehicles, relief spending stoked the in- verse unwillingness to send mathematician seeking to reason backward from
announced Tuesday. If the flation that sours voters now the signal the world clearly effects to cause, Bayes’ theorem spent the better part
goal is to get Americans to use on his economic management. Or how a president needs to hear about rising U.S. of two centuries struggling for recognition and respect. Yet
EVs, how does it make sense His epidemiologically un- defense budgets. today, argues Tom Chivers in “Everything Is Predictable,” it
to raise their cost to consum- necessary vaccine mandates, can be handed This, and so much else, can be seen as “perhaps the most important single
ers? It doesn’t. The real expla- were a naked attempt to leach lemonade and turn might have been avoided if equation in history.” It drives the logic of spam filters,
nation is the familiar process some Operation Warp Speed Mr. Biden had found the wis- artificial intelligence and possibly our own brains. It may
by which bad policy begets credit in his direction. These it back into lemons. dom and self-restraint to do soon help us work through tricky social problems like
bad policy—in this case, the mandates, which even his own as he originally implied—i.e., vaccine hesitancy. Once you start to look for it, Mr. Chivers
disaster unfolding in Detroit political advisers were openly free himself from frantic ca- says, you start to see Bayes’ theorem everywhere.
saddled with billions in losses cynical about, now feed the still strain to grant him FDR- reerist calculation and em- At its core, the theorem provides a quantitative method
for EVs the public won’t buy vaccine skepticism of Robert like virtues. They seem to for- brace the role of one-term for getting incrementally wiser by continuously updating
at anything resembling the F. Kennedy Jr. voters that Mr. get the aging cipher maneu- president. (After all, careerist what you think you know—
cost of building them. Biden will wish he had in the vered toward the 2020 calculation looks especially your prior beliefs, which
If the New York Times is fall. nomination to block Bernie shabby from a politician visi- initially might be subjective—
correct, the tariffs won’t ap- The joke has grown stale in Sanders by party leaders who bly past retirement age and with new information. Your
ply to Chinese-built gasoline the retelling, but when his accurately foresaw that Mr. Bi- ready for the pasture.) refined belief becomes the new
cars. President Biden perhaps one-man brain trust, Jake Sul- den could hide in his base- But credit Team Biden with prior, and the process repeats.
doesn’t understand his own livan, took to the pages of For- ment and let a once-a-century one exercise in Huntereseque The essential concept was
Rube Goldberg setup well eign Affairs magazine to gussy pandemic defeat Donald shrewdness. They rightly saw developed by Thomas Bayes, a
enough to realize that De- Bidenism into a grand strate- Trump. that any Republican nominee Presbyterian minister in Britain,
troit’s gasoline-vehicle profits gic play, he included a claim of Mr. Trump is a politician of not named Trump might give and rescued from oblivion by
are desperately needed to credit for the most peaceful instinct too—his main instinct voters rein to vent their his friend Richard Price, who
support his electric-vehicle Mideast in a generation. being a bottomless cynicism throw-the-bum-out instinct. published it in 1763. The work
boondoggle. The article was at the about people like Mr. Biden. To avoid Jimmy Carter’s fate, “sunk almost without trace,”
Mr. Biden’s staff is using printer when the Middle East This causes Mr. Trump to miss they would make sure voters Mr. Chivers says, until it was
protectionism to conceal the exploded on Oct. 7. a lot (like the occasional role could only rid themselves of independently discovered and
fiscal and industrial fiasco he’s In symbolism as well as principle plays in politics) but Mr. Biden by surrendering to refined in 1774 by the French
conjuring with his EV policy. dollar terms, however, Mr. Bi- his nostrils are at least open Mr. Trump. polymath Pierre-Simon Laplace.
We speak admiringly of den’s EV own goal is perhaps to whiffs of reality: This bet may yet pay off for Before the theorem and its broader pattern of reasoning
strategic thinkers who can his most emblematic in a suc- Mr. Biden’s weak and recid- Mr. Biden, if not the country. could gain much traction, Mr. Chivers explains, it was
“see around corners.” The Bi- cession of own goals, which ivistic pandering to young vot- Should he lose, it also sets him overtaken by approaches that felt less “soft and squishy.”
den administration is appar- may well cost him the crucial ers with student-loan forgive- up to rocket to the bottom of In the early 19th century, for example, Belgian prodigy
ently unable even to see the state of Michigan. ness; his pathetic attempt to the presidential standings, Adolphe Quetelet began measuring anything that could be
next obvious thing that’s go- Even Mr. Biden’s top cli- be on both sides in the Israel- permanently displacing the objectively quantified, like the chest size of Scottish
ing to happen. mate officials, if granted ano- Hamas war; a Ukraine strategy luckless James Buchanan as soldiers. His interest was “social physics”—using the rigors
Its Afghanistan withdrawal nymity, will admit green en- that, after two years, is a suc- America’s worst president. of mathematics to improve society.
In the early 20th century, the charge to treat data
hermetically was led by two British scholars, Karl Pearson and
Save Higher Ed With the Chicago Principles R.A. Fisher, who despised subjectivity, Bayesian reasoning and
each other. The analytical methods they developed—
particularly the concept of “statistical significance”—are
As graduation who adopt this course ensure taking collective action or ex- silence their expression. The ubiquitous in scientific publications today, representing a
ceremonies inconsistencies that damage pressing opinions on the po- committee stated that the uni- core principle of what is now known as “frequentist
end and sum- their institutions and open litical and social issues of the versity may restrict expres- statistics.” In this framework, the analysis relies strictly on
mer break be- them to charges of hypocrisy day.” sion that violates the law, de- observed data, independent of prior beliefs. Bayesian statistics,
gins, college that are difficult to rebut. The report also acknowl- fames individuals, or by contrast, dynamically update beliefs about a hypothesis as
and university Look no further than the Jew- edged two limitations on this constitutes a “genuine threat more data become available.
POLITICS p r e s i d e n t s ish students who have been prohibition. First, when politi- or harassment,” that invades Despite the “furious rejection of Bayesianism” by Fisher
have an op- exposed to abuse and harass- cal leaders or segments of so- protected privacy or confiden- and his colleagues, Mr. Chivers says, “people kept
portunity to ment that wouldn’t have been ciety threaten the mission of tiality, or is incompatible with rediscovering or reinventing it, because it kept working.”
By William
reconsider permitted against other mi- the university—truth seek- the functioning of the univer- Harold Jeffreys, a Cambridge geologist, used it to assess
A. Galston
their campus nority groups. ing—the university has an ob- sity. Earth’s composition; insurance underwriters used it to set
policies on Too many academic leaders ligation to oppose their ef- With this support, the uni- premiums for workplace liabilities; artillery commanders
speech and action. What be- have led their institutions into forts. Second, when versity’s current president, used it to aim projectiles. Even as the techniques of Pearson
gins in higher-education insti- this cul de sac. Only an ap- Paul Alivisatos, had no diffi- and Fisher became enshrined in statistics departments, a
tutions rarely ends there. We proach rooted in first princi- culty justifying his decision to rebellious community of Bayesians persisted on the fringes,
all have a stake in what they ples can lead them out. Here’s Respect free speech have the campus police dis- devouring books that were “passed down almost like
decide. where these leaders can start: perse anti-Israel encamp- samizdat,” as Mr. Chivers puts it. In 1979, the dispersed
Americans may believe the In 1967, the year campus and don’t take sides— ments on campus this month. Bayesian community convened in Valencia, Spain, for a
First Amendment applies protests against the Vietnam a simple approach to We can’t tolerate an environ- conference that would become a quadrennial tradition,
across the board to these in- War surged, the University of ment in which “the expression famous for late-night singalongs featuring alcohol-infused
stitutions. It doesn’t. Public Chicago’s president appointed avoid campus strife. of some dominates and dis- statisticians warbling “There’s no theorem like Bayes’
schools are fully subject to a committee headed by the le- rupts the healthy functioning theorem” and “Then I saw Tom Bayes, now I’m a believer.”
this constitutional corner- gal scholar Harry Kalven Jr. to of the community for the At times Mr. Chivers, a London-based science journalist
stone, but private ones enjoy prepare a statement on the universities do act in their rest,” he declared in a state- who now writes for Semafor, seems overwhelmed by an
substantial freedom—limited university’s role in “political collective capacity—say, by ment. In an op-ed for these admittedly complex subject, and his presentation lacks the
by federal civil-rights laws and social action.” owning property or awarding pages, he revealed that before clarity of Sharon Bertsch McGrayne’s “The Theory That
and legislation in a handful of The committee began by honorary degrees—their deci- calling in the campus police, Would Not Die” (2011). Yet he is onto something, since
states—to craft codes of con- defining the university’s mis- sions are subject to scrutiny he had authorized negotia- Bayes’ moment has clearly arrived. He notes that Bayesian
duct that are inconsistent sion as the “discovery, im- in light of what the committee tions with the protesters but reasoning is popular among “people who come from the
with it. provement, and dissemina- termed “paramount social val- ended them when it became new schools of data science—machine learning, Silicon
Whatever their motives, tion of knowledge,” an ues.” clear that they wanted the Valley tech folks.” The mathematician Aubrey Clayton tells
the members of Congress who endeavor that often chal- Nearly five decades later university to take sides in the him that, in the cutting-edge realms of software
grilled the presidents of Har- lenges existing social princi- another Chicago president ap- Israel-Gaza war, breaching the engineering, “Bayesian methods are what you’d use.”
vard, the Massachusetts Insti- ples, institutions and policies. pointed a committee on free- core tenet of the Kalven re-
tute of Technology and the The report then declared that dom of expression in 2014 to port.
University of Pennsylvania (all individual faculty members examine limits on speech and Colleges and universities The powerful effects of a method—long resisted,
private institutions) were
right to focus on the universi-
and students—not the univer-
sity as an institution—are the
action in light of its enduring
commitment to freedom of in-
that want to adopt the Chi-
cago approach should remain
now widely followed—for getting incrementally
ties’ codes rather than the proper advocates for these quiry. Its deliberations yielded neutral on contested issues, wiser by updating what you think you know.
Constitution. The presidents’ challenges. “The university is the Chicago Principles: “It is defend an expansive practice
legalistic responses weren’t the home and sponsor of crit- not the proper role of the Uni- of free speech, resist efforts to
merely tin-eared; they re- ics; it is not itself the critic,” versity to attempt to shield disinvite controversial speak- Bayes’ theorem is considered essential for decision-
vealed a failure to connect it said. When a university individuals from ideas they ers or shout them down, and making under conditions of uncertainty. It’s used when a
speech and action to the adopts a collective position, find unwelcome, disagreeable, discipline members of the uni- radiology AI identifies a cancer and when ChatGPT composes
broader purposes of the aca- it inhibits the freedom of dis- or even deeply offensive.” versity community who harass a story. If there is a problem, Mr. Chivers suggests, it is that
demic enterprise. sent by censuring those who Consistent with this principle, others, interfere with the we don’t use Bayesian reasoning often enough. It could
Treating speech and con- disagree. The report, a pre- the university in 2016 warned functioning of the university improve the quality of scientific literature by giving
duct as political problems to cursor to what became known incoming students that it or break the law. This strategy researchers a “vehicle for skepticism.” It might also help us
be managed in the interest of as the Chicago principles, ar- would defend invitations to won’t solve all their problems, make better predictions. The “superforecasters” identified
keeping the peace on campus gues for a “heavy presump- speakers with controversial but it’s a principled founda- by the political psychologist Philip Tetlock use a Bayesian
is a recipe for failure. Leaders tion against the university views and oppose efforts to tion on which they can build. approach, establishing priors, tracking their results and
revising their assumptions as they attempt to predict
events such as currency moves and election results.
Cancel Biden’s Spending to Pay for Tax Cuts It’s notoriously difficult for most people to grasp
problems in a structured Bayesian fashion. Suppose there is
a test for a rare disease that is 99% accurate. You’d think
By Christopher Jacobs fice’s estimation because of nounced a new round of stu- sions legislatively would also that, if you tested positive, you’d probably have the disease.
uncertainty about new emis- dent-loan forgiveness that the prevent a future Democratic But when you figure in the prior—the fact that, for the
he Congressional Bud- sion standards. In light of the Penn-Wharton Budget Model president from resurrecting average person (without specific risk factors), the chance of
get Office estimates stringent rules the Environ- estimated would cost $84 bil- dormant programs via regula- having a rare disease is incredibly low—then even a
that extending the 2017 mental Protection Agency fi- lion, on top of the $475 billion tory action. And replacing positive test means you’re still unlikely to have it. When
Tax Cuts and Jobs Act would nalized in March, the CBO 10-year cost of Mr. Biden’s green subsidies with broad- quizzed by researchers, doctors consistently fail to consider
cost $3.8 trillion. That has should raise its cost estimate prior forgiveness proposals. based tax relief would get the prevalence—the relevant prior—in their interpretation of
prompted hand-wringing from of the green subsidies to as Repealing all this spending government out of the busi- test results. Even so, Mr. Chivers insists, “our instinctive
fiscal hawks. Yet it’s still true, much as $1.2 trillion. would net more than half the ness of picking winners and decision-making, from a Bayesian perspective, isn’t that
as I have argued in these cost of extending the expiring losers, preventing new Solyn- bad.” And indeed, in practice, doctors quickly learn to favor
pages, that a Republican Con- TCJA provisions. In addition, dras before they happen. common diagnoses over exotic possibilities.
gress could fund most or all It’s still possible to a Politico story last week Republicans haven’t exactly Bayesian reasoning also reminds us that when doctors
of that extension next year by noted that four Biden-era laws been paragons of virtue on encounter patient preferences that seem irrational (refusing
undoing much of the Biden balance the budget appropriated $1.1 trillion in spending. But it takes an es- childhood vaccines comes to mind), they should focus on
administration’s spending and make the 2017 spending on energy and infra- pecially reckless disregard for identifying the underlying beliefs, since it’s likely the
binge. As fast as the budget structure, most of which economics to shovel out tril- priors that are dubious, not the reasoning that follows.
gnomes have raised their esti- reform permanent. hasn’t been contractually obli- lions in Covid-era welfare and Relatedly, Mr. Chivers notes, depression may result from
mated cost of the TCJA, gated and therefore can be re- then put trillions more toward “inappropriately strong priors on some negative belief.”
they’ve hiked their projections scinded by Congress. green pork and other pet The promise of psychedelic medicines like psilocybin could
of President Biden’s spending Also in March, the CBO es- Funding tax-cut extensions projects. The next time Mr. Bi- lie in their ability to “flatten” these priors and help
plans even more quickly. timated that undoing the Bi- by repealing Biden-era spend- den wants to lecture the GOP patients access a balanced worldview.
In February, the CBO raised den administration’s 2021 ing would give businesses on fiscal responsibility, he Our brains work by making models of the world, Mr. Chivers
its estimated cost of the Infla- changes to food stamps, long-term certainty to invest should first take a look in the reminds us, assessing how our expectations match what we
tion Reduction Act’s climate- which outside organizations in growth. Under the Senate’s mirror. earn from our senses, and then updating our perceptions
related tax giveaways to ap- asserted would save $180 bil- budget-reconciliation proce- accordingly. Deep down, it seems, we are all Bayesians.
proximately $1 trillion from lion to $193 billion over 10 dures, extensions that are Mr. Jacobs is founder and
almost $570 billion in April years, would in fact save $425 paid for can be permanently CEO of Juniper Research Dr. Shaywitz is a physician-scientist and board adviser, a
2023. Even that didn’t reflect billion over a decade. And in codified with a 51-vote major- Group and author of “The lecturer at Harvard Medical School and an adjunct fellow
the full cost in the budget of- April, the administration an- ity. Repealing spending provi- Case Against Single Payer.” at the American Enterprise Institute.
Biden Starts a Green Trade War No Moral Equivalency Between Israel, Hamas
resident Biden is trying to create a brave and drive domestic companies out of business. Regarding “Cease-Fire’s Fate Hangs Calling them both “hard-liners” is
new U.S. green economy, but his political American demand for EVs is softening, which on 2 Hard-Liners” (World News, May akin to saying the same about
3): Prime Minister Benjamin Netan- Churchill and Hitler in 1940. One led
problem is that China wants to supply has caused domestic manufacturers to scale
yahu was selected by democratic a nation intent on defending its peo-
most of it. Solution? Slap new back production.
and severe tariffs on Chinese He tries to out-Trump Mr. Biden is nervous, as he
means as the leader of Israel’s gov-
ernment, and he is prosecuting a war
ple and homeland, and the other rav-
aged nations and murdered with
goods that far surpass Donald
Trump’s. Welcome to what
Trump to save his should be, that his de facto EV
mandate threatens the U.S. car
following the invasion of his nation abandon. Mr. Sinwar fits the mold of
and the purposeful murder of its citi- the latter well. Mr. Netanyahu may
could be the Sarajevo of the electric-car dreams. industry. Auto makers have cut zens. Hamas’s top leader in Gaza, not be Churchill, but he certainly isn’t
global green trade war. thousands of jobs to finance Yahya Sinwar, is the head of a terror- comparable to Mr. Sinwar in any
China is “flooding global the government-forced EV ist organization dedicated to destroy- manner or degree.
markets with artificially low-priced exports,” transition. Bloomberg News last week reported ing Israel as a polity and killing as ROSS FEUERSTEIN
the White House said Tuesday. Ergo, the U.S. is that Ford lost more than $100,000 per EV in the many of its citizens as possible. Winter Springs, Fla.
increasing tariffs on Chinese goods, including first quarter. Mr. Biden has vowed that his green
electric vehicles (100%), steel and aluminum subsidies and mandates will create hundreds of
(25%), lithium-ion batteries (25%), critical min- thousands of jobs. But workers aren’t seeing
erals (25%), solar cells (50%), semiconductors them, and Mr. Trump is using the issue to good A Story of Two Godzillas: Fannie and Freddie
(50%), port cranes (25%) and medical syringes political effect in Michigan. I recall being terrified as a six- event, politicians claimed “nobody
and needles (50%). Mr. Biden’s tariffs are certain to disrupt busi- year-old watching “Godzilla” (1954) could see this coming,” exonerated
The Administration is using Section 301 of ness supply chains and raise costs for U.S. con- on a 14-inch, black-and-white TV, but the then-insolvent Fannie and Freddie
the Trade Act of 1974, the same law Mr. Trump sumers and businesses. They are unlikely to I have only positive feelings from my for their role, then doubled down on
invoked to impose tariffs to cajole Beijing to change Chinese policies, and they’ll invite retali- brief time at Freddie Mac (1982-85). their “duty to serve.” In the wake of
change its mercantilist behavior. That didn’t ation against U.S. goods. Recall how Beijing last Are Fannie and Freddie really terrify- repeated failure, the political premise
work, as Xi Jinping doubled down on his “Made year imposed export controls on graphite—a ing prehistoric reptilians (“Return of of off-balance-sheet conservatorship
the Housing Godzillas,” Review and is their ability to serve a free lunch.
in China 2025” plan to dominate high-tech man- critical input in EV batteries—in ostensible re-
Outlook, May 6) and if so, how do We shouldn’t be surprised at the
ufacturing including EVs—though Americans taliation for the Inflation Reduction Act’s tax- they survive today? proposal for them to gorge on con-
have paid more for imports. credit terms that exclude China. “Jurassic Park” (1993) introduced sumer credit risk. Maybe they’ll be
i i i Tariffs are also unlikely to work politically be- the concept of “cloning” prehistoric asked to swallow the federal student-
The White House says its border taxes are cause Mr. Trump will see and raise them. The animals into a contemporary environ- loan portfolio next.
better than Mr. Trump’s because they “are care- former President over the weekend vowed to put ment. In retrospect, President Frank- KEVIN VILLANI
fully targeted at strategic sectors—the same sec- a 200% tariff on Chinese cars made in Mexico. lin Roosevelt’s federal “sponsorship” La Jolla, Calif.
tors where the United States is making historic The two candidates are off and running on a tar- cloned Fannie Mae to nurture its pre- Mr. Villani was chief economist at
investments under President Biden.” In other iff bidding war that won’t end well for anyone. vious clone, the Federal Housing Ad- the U.S. Department of Housing and
words, industries are “strategic” because the To the extent it protects U.S. auto companies ministration (FHA), which transferred Urban Development, 1979-82, and
Administration is subsidizing them for political from foreign cars, over time the U.S. firms will the intrinsically local home-mortgage Freddie Mac, 1982-85.
credit risk to Washington. When fed-
reasons. become less competitive.
eral entity Ginny Mae took over the “Freddie wants taxpayers to back
China does present a special challenge for i i i securitization of FHA loans, President second mortgages . . . that allow
U.S. trade policy because it’s an adversary that The way to defeat Beijing economically is by Lyndon Johnson saved Fannie from homeowners to tap equity in home
often doesn’t play by global rules. Targeted making America more competitive. This means extinction by granting it conventional loans.” As you put it, “What could go
trade policy that punishes IP and cyber theft playing to traditional strengths of innovation, loan authority. He then cloned Fred- wrong?”
and protects national security is justified. Lim- low taxes and regulation, and trade alliances. Mr. die to do the same for savings and Later, you note, “A reduction in eq-
its on Huawei’s telecom products are an exam- Biden has done the opposite. His Administration loans. Free from contemporary preda- uity would make defaults and foreclo-
ple. Covid and the Ukraine war underlined the has blocked critical mineral mining projects. It tors, they grew into too-big-to fail sures more likely.” This latest govern-
need to diversify supply chains, and U.S. CEOs has attacked domestic fossil-fuel production and monsters, driving traditional savings ment scheme contradicts sound
are doing so. petrochemicals, which contributes to pharma- and loans almost to extinction. mortgage-loan underwriting policy.
But Mr. Biden’s tariffs are mainly about do- ceutical production. Their political cover as benign but Modern society stresses continuous
necessary national entities was blown consumption over prudent saving for
mestic U.S. politics and his green dreams. Most His climate policies are raising energy costs for
with the advent of national banking a rainy day. Tremendous stress and
goods on Mr. Biden’s tariff list aren’t needed for U.S. manufacturers. At the same time, his Admin- and securities laws and regulations in insecurity often result from home-
defense and don’t pose a security risk. His tariffs istration is seeking to weaken digital trade and in- the early 1990s. But under the guise owners liquidating their accumulated
are intended to mitigate the economic and politi- tellectual property protections at the World Trade of “prudential regulation,” progres- loan equity instead of paying off their
cal damage of his climate policies. Organization, which will help China. He opposes sive politicians increased their “mis- loans prior to retirement when their
China dominates global production of solar Nippon Steel’s acquisition of U.S. Steel, though it sion goals” as a rationale for contin- income typically is greatly reduced.
panels and critical minerals used in renewables. would make the U.S. company more competitive. ued protection. JAMES H. BOYKIN
While Chinese gas-powered cars aren’t competi- We could go on, as these columns have. During the 2008 mass extinction Richmond, Va.
tive, Mr. Xi has used subsidies and mandates to The Biden tariffs are a classic example of how
turn his country into the world’s leading EV pro- bad industrial policy is compounded by another
ducer. Chinese EV supply is outstripping domes- bad policy in the name of fixing the first mis- A U.S. Military-Industrial Complex? If Only
tic demand, fueling a local price war. This has take. Thus Mr. Biden wants to use tariffs to raise In his letter “Does America Have addressed such concerns for the past
stirred worries in the U.S. and Europe that low- the price of EVs that he wants everyone to buy. the Means to Fight Again?” (May 11), half-century. A Google search of my
priced Chinese EVs could flood foreign markets It’s bananas. Dale McIntyre rightly points out that name and “shipyards” will readily
in my Weekend Interview with Barton bring up some of the latest specifics
bill to create school vouchers for Penn- Senate to find common ground on this,” he said. and heavy-industrial bases. He then him for making his voice heard in re-
sylvania students is getting another As budget negotiations begin this year, the goes on to cite China’s surge capacity gard to so urgent a question.
chance at life after Democrats killed it trouble will again be the House, which has a one- in shipbuilding and America’s pro- MARK HELPRIN
found inability to match it. Earlysville, Va.
last year. The state Senate Ed- seat Democratic majority. The
ucation Committee voted 8-3 The state Senate tees up teachers unions are keeping up
Not all things can be said in an in- Mr. Helprin is author of “The
terview, but I have been privileged in Oceans and the Stars” and many
last week to advance the legis-
lation, teeing it up for budget
legislation to provide tion. their fire against the legisla-
But with the right pres-
these pages and elsewhere to have other books.
negotiations. Will Gov. Josh scholarships. sure from Senate leadership— Some readers have expressed con-
Shapiro fold again? which is standing firm on the The Fate of Publicly Traded cern that America may not have the
Last year the Democratic scholarships—and the Gover-
Governor announced his support for the scholar- nor, there could be a different outcome.
Companies Beyond America means to fight again. I want to as-
sure them that there is nothing to
ships, then vetoed them in the budget when Another good sign is a recent failed primary Mark Roe and Charles Yang make worry about. We have far more di-
House Democrats balked. The scholarships, challenge against Democratic Rep. Amen Brown. a telling point in arguing “Public versity coordinators, gender advisers
worth several thousand dollars each, would let Last summer Mr. Brown told a radio program Companies Are Alive and Well” (op- and flight suits for pregnant pilots
ed, May 10): While public companies than our enemies have. How could
low-income students in poorly performing pub- “we have to give our parents another option and
are fewer in number than they used we fail?
lic schools switch to a private school. The leave it in their hands to choose where they want to be, those firms that are publicly HARRY O. MCKINNEY
funds—which would have their own appropria- their child to go.” He defeated union-backed traded are now considerably larger. Oakland Township, Mich.
tion, not taken from public schools—could also challenger Cass Green in April. The point, a familiar one for those
be used for ”school-related fees” and special ed- One Senate Democrat joined Republicans to who have been studying the fate of
ucation services. pass the legislation in committee last week. “You public company, is nevertheless Lost Credibility With Trump
But Gov. Shapiro’s veto message left room to re- cannot look past the obvious,” said Sen. Anthony U.S.-specific.
I agree with Ralph Reed that the
vive them, and he repeated that in his budget ad- Williams. “There are parts of Pennsylvania, rural World-class firms such as Alphabet,
left’s attitude toward right-leaning
dress in February. The scholarships are “some- and urban, that are not being served by the pub- Amazon, Apple, Meta, Microsoft and
Christians is “a fashionable but insid-
thing I support and consider to be unfinished lic experience.” Time to use your political capi- Nvidia do wonders for America’s stock
ious bigotry that seeks to marginalize
business,” and “we’ve left room for the House and tal, Gov. Shapiro. market. The status of the public com-
and disqualify from our civic dis-
pany may be much different in coun-
course Americans who take their
tries that lack such dominant firms.
corporate economy. The number of
ormer Sen. Al Franken has another rea- do the incidents of—and resulting reputation Christians do themselves no favor,
publicly traded companies has fallen,
however, by supporting in a cultish
son to be angry that he resigned his seat for—losing his temper and expressing anger as in the U.S., and Britain has failed
manner Donald Trump, a man who
in 2018 under pressure from his fellow with staff,” the report says. to develop publicly traded world-
has flagrantly violated the first, third,
Democrats amid the me-too If Mr. Gruenberg were a Re- beating firms to rival America’s.
fourth, seventh, eighth, ninth and
frenzy. Those same Democrats Senate Democrats are publican, he’d be tarred and While the public company might well
10th commandments and doesn’t ap-
be alive and well in the U.S., the same
are now scrambling to save
Martin Gruenberg after he
scrambling to protect town. feathered on his way out of
Yet the press corps has cannot be said for Britain, despite re-
pear repentant about any of it.
When Christians repent of their
presided over a culture of bul- their man at the FDIC. largely ignored the FDIC re- cent equity-market reforms intended
to correct matters.
support for Mr. Trump, maybe they
lying and harassment as chair- port, and Democrats are silent will have some firm ground to stand
man of the Federal Deposit In- or protective. That includes on and fight back against the left.
Cambridge University
surance Corp. Democrats who have made a career of denounc- ANTHONIE H. WOLLER
Cambridge, England
Specifically, they’ve been working behind ing harassment and ill treatment. Beaverton, Ore.
the scenes to prep Massachusetts Sen. Eliza- Nevada Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto has said
beth Warren’s protege so he can survive hear- “I will always stand up for victims of sexual as- Students Against the Crowd
ings in Congress this week. Mr. Gruenberg is sault,” but she’s quiet about Mr. Gruenberg. As a law professor in San Fran-
Pepper ...
likely to be grilled, as he should be, about last Montana Sen. Jon Tester has hailed anti-harass- cisco, I appreciate the concerns that And Salt
week’s damning report from an independent ment policies at Veterans Affairs, but he seems prompted Judge Matthew Solomson’s
law firm on his personal behavior and manage- to be giving the FDIC a pass. Both Democrats are “Why I Won’t Hire Law Clerks From
ment failures. on the Banking Committee, and we’ll see this Columbia” (May 9). But boycotts may
The report by Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamil- week if they have the consistency to call for Mr. be counterproductive if they discour-
ton describes a culture in which some 10% of em- Gruenberg’s resignation. age ideologically diverse students
ployees complained of abusive treatment. “For far One thing to watch for is the misdirection of from attending schools like Columbia.
Instead, the judges should consider
too many employees and for far too long, the FDIC blaming other FDIC leaders, including Trump-
giving preference to law students
has failed to provide a workplace safe from sexual era chair Jelena McWilliams. The Cleary Gott- who enter the lion’s den and chal-
harassment, discrimination, and other interper- lieb report mentions her only nine times and lenge institutional orthodoxy.
sonal misconduct,” the report concludes. says she responded to a 2018 anonymous letter PROF. KEITH J. HAND
Democrats say Mr. Gruenberg has been chair- from employees by overseeing several initia- University of California, San Francisco
man for only two years, but that ignores his long tives to improve diversity. Mr. Gruenberg gets
previous tenure at the top of the agency. “Having 108 mentions, often unflattering.
Letters intended for publication should
been with the FDIC for almost 20 years, and hav- Democrats are hoping that if he can get be emailed to [email protected]. Please
ing served as its head for ten of the last thirteen through this week the FDIC report will be for- include your city, state and telephone
years, leading cultural transformation at an gotten and he can survive to keep doing their number. All letters are subject to
agency that he has led for so long presents policy bidding. The hypocrisy could be world editing, and unpublished letters cannot “I’ve hired a perky cohost to mitigate
be acknowledged.
unique challenges for Chairman Gruenberg, as class. the bankruptcy process.”
The Soviets persecuted religious be- “1984.” Today diversity often means
ack when there were still lievers and arrested people for the uniformity; equity, inequality; and
two Germanys, one a par- mildest criticisms—even for suppos- inclusion, exclusion of those who
liamentary democracy edly anti-Soviet thoughts. The right think differently.
aligned with the West and to work meant the obligation to The Hamas charter explicitly calls
one a Soviet satellite sur- work, often in appalling conditions for killing all Jews, but the terror
veillance state, I had trouble remem- and with lateness punishable by ex- group’s campus supporters, who of-
bering which was the Federal Re- ile to Siberia. ten harass Jews, accuse Israel of
public and which the Democratic Other examples come to mind. genocide. They call President Biden
Republic—until I realized that the Think of some “peace” movements. “Genocide Joe.” No one uses hate
one calling itself democratic wasn’t. My Russian history teacher, Firuz speech more often than those who
Even today, North Korea’s official Kazemzadeh, recalled that after constantly accuse others of using
ou probably don’t have strong doesn’t go for Ukrainians: “They’re minority has ridden roughshod over is in favor. Because you’d have a de- becoming prime minister. Already the
feelings about Belgium, but asylum seekers from our region.” Dutch identity since 1830, when the mographic majority of the Dutch- two parties with the most and third-
Tom Van Grieken does. He Mr. Van Grieken also shares Mr. country became independent. The speaking people under a one-person, most seats—the nationalist New
wants it dead. He has a plan to dis- Wilder’s aversion to Islam, which the crudest of the old anti-Dutch ex- one-vote system.” Flemish Alliance, or N-VA, which
mantle his country “no later than five former describes as “not compatible cesses are a thing of the past, but it seeks gradual independence for Flan-
years from now, maximum.” Mr. Van with our Western values.” If “you rankles Mr. Van Grieken that Flan- ders, and the more radical Vlaams Be-
Grieken, 37, leads the Vlaams Belang, think gay people should be thrown ders “subsidizes” French-speaking Tom Van Grieken’s party lang itself—are excluded from govern-
or Flemish Interest, a secessionist out of buildings or that women are Wallonia. ment. Every government must include
party in Flanders, Belgium’s Dutch- worth less than men, please leave,” Sixty percent of Belgium’s popula- leads the polls. He won’t at least one Flemish and one French
speaking north. Its goal is a “sover- he says. “We don’t want to build our tion is Flemish. “We are a demo- be prime minister but party, and the French parties all ob-
eign, independent Flanders,” though future with you.” He adds: “We think graphic and economic majority,” he serve a strict cordon sanitaire against
he jokes that Americans may mistake there are a lot of moderate Muslims, says. “We’re good for 70% of the could shake things up. Vlaams Belang. “They refuse to deal
his goal for something out of “The but there’s no moderate Islam.” taxes and more than 80% of Bel- with us,” Mr. Van Grieken says. “So in
Simpsons”: “Will they think of Ned As we sip coffee in a hipster café gium’s exports.” But there’s an in- the electoral system we have, the idea
Flanders?” in the small, charmless Flemish town built bias against Flanders in the Bel- Mr. Van Grieken envisions an inde- of a Prime Minister Van Grieken is po-
Mr. Van Grieken’s project isn’t as where he lives, Mr. Van Grieken of- gian political system that gives pendent Flanders with the histori- litical science fiction.”
unlikely as it sounds. Polls predict fers a flurry of stats that make him Wallonia disproportionate weight. “A cally Flemish city of Brussels as its But the Belgian Parliament isn’t
that his party will win a plurality of indignant. The proportion of Belgian Flemish vote is worth less than a capital. “We want a divorce, and cus- the only game in town. Politics here
the votes in Belgian national elections residents who are of “foreign origin” French vote,” Mr. Van Grieken says. tody of the child,” he says. “The child are byzantine and feature six differ-
on June 9. Populism has been surging has risen from 3% in the 1960s to 1 in His party received 800,000 votes is Brussels.” ent parliaments (plus the European
across Europe, not least in the Neth- 3 today. Half of children in Antwerp, in the last election. The French So- How realistic is that? Vlaams Be- Parliament, based in Strasbourg,
erlands, where Geert Wilders’s party Flanders’s hub, are Muslim. Forty cialist Party got 200,000 fewer. “And lang, for the first time in its contro- France), including regional ones, for
won a plurality in November. (Mr. percent of the country’s prison popu- still they got two more MPs than we versial history, is predicted to win the Flanders, Wallonia and Brussels. The
Wilders couldn’t find coalition part- lation, and 40% of “the clientele of did”—20 members of the Belgian highest percentage of votes in Bel- N-VA and Vlaams Belang are the two
ners and eventually gave up on trying social security,” aren’t Belgian. “If Parliament to Vlaams Belang’s 18. gium—over 27%. This would make it largest parties in the Flemish regional
to form a government.) you put one sugar cube in your cof- The Belgian Constitution decrees that the largest party in the Belgian Par- parliament, with the former heading
Like Mr. Wilders, Mr. Van Grieken fee, it enriches the taste,” he says. citizens in Wallonia can vote only for liament—yet well short of a majority. the government and the latter in op-
rejects “mass migration.” He argues “But we’re putting 20 cubes into our French parties; in Flanders, only for If that happens, Mr. Van Grieken says, position. If the two pro-independence
that Third World refugees “should be cup in Belgium.” Flemish ones. “We should have one “we get the right to start negotia- parties gain enough seats in June to
form a majority regional coalition,
Mr. Van Grieken says, “that’s enough
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TV time, YouTube is ascen- administration started hud- the global supply of crucial
dant. dling with potential investors metals and minerals.
Nearly 10% of the time about taking a stake in the The bidding, expected to be
Americans spent in front of TV company’s Zambian mines concluded later this year, is
BY CARA LOMBARDO screens last month was on 10 worth as much as $3 billion. part of a global rush to acquire
AND JUSTIN BAER YouTube’s flagship smart-TV The search isn’t restricted more copper, a key component
app, Nielsen data show, a sign YouTube to American companies, with in everything from electric
Vanguard Group tapped a of continued transformation of 9 entities from the United Arab cars to transmission lines and
former BlackRock executive as the platform. Once a repository NBCUniversal Emirates, Japan and Saudi the data centers powering the
its next leader, putting an out- of amateur videos, the service Paramount Arabia—all viewed as friendly AI revolution.
sider in charge of the asset owned by Alphabet’s Google to U.S. interests—expressing BHP Group’s record nearly
8 Warner Bros.
manager for the first time in has grown into a streaming be- interest in the stake in First $43 billion takeover bid
its roughly 50-year history. hemoth with full-length films, Quantum Minerals’ assets, ac- for Anglo American, which
Salim Ramji, who led Black- highly produced series, sports Netflix cording to people familiar with Please turn to page B2
Rock’s exchange-traded funds highlights and live events. 7
and index investing until ear- Walt Disney—the parent of Nov. 2023 Dec. Jan. ’24 Feb. March April
lier this year, will start as Van-
guard’s chief executive in July,
the company said Tuesday.
TV networks such as ABC and
ESPN and streaming services
including Disney+, Hulu and
Share of U.S. TV-viewing time, April 2024
Ramji left BlackRock in Jan- ESPN+—garnered 11.5% of total Streaming Traditional TV
uary after about a decade. He TV-viewing time in the U.S.
said at the time he planned to last month, retaining its top Disney
“seek a new leadership or en- position.
interlakemecalux.com (877) 632-2589
TV Viewers and comes with ads. (An ad- ticularly on television sets, is
free version costs $13.99 a made by the likes of online ce-
events, like a livestream of last
month’s Coachella Valley Music
Legacy players such as age of more chelle Khare, bring in larger amounts of sub-
Warner Bros. Discovery and than 100 TV company execu- scription and advertising reve-
Paramount Global are dealing channels and tives said. nue, YouTube incentivizes the
Moutai is the world’s largest beverage with the declining reach of sells access to “We’re talk- creation of content by sharing
company by market cap, yet it remains their traditional TV networks the National Millions in U.S. who ing about cre- 55% of revenue from ads that
largely obscure among global consumers. as more Americans cut the F o o t b a l l ators as the run in creators’ long-form con-
Scan this code for a look at the liquor giant’s cord. At the same time, they League’s Sun-
watch YouTube on studios of the tent, and 45% of revenue from
business strategies and the challenges ahead. are spending heavily on slates day Ticket connected-TV future,” said ads on their short-form videos.
of original content and sports franchise. screens monthly Mary Ellen Coe, YouTube topped Netflix as
programming to retain the People who YouTube’s chief the streamer with the most
or $5.79 billion, higher than from team reorganizations we panda’s Taiwanese consumers,
the 35.61 billion yuan expected put in place… creating a foun- merchants and delivery part-
in a FactSet poll of analysts. dation for our games revenue ners would be transitioned to
The Shenzhen-based com- to resume growth in future Uber’s Uber Eats division. They
pany’s gross profit margin ex- quarters,” the company said. added that the deal marks one
panded to 53% from 45% a China’s online-game indus- of the largest-ever interna-
year earlier, supported by try has been in the spotlight tional acquisitions in Taiwan
high-margin businesses, such amid a regulatory crackdown Tencent is due to release its highly anticipated game title ‘Dungeon & Fighter Mobile’ this month. outside of the semiconductor
as short videos and mini since 2021, but authorities industry.
games embedded in its super have signaled a letup in recent as well as support a slowing Tencent is due to release After announcing its plan Uber last week said it
app WeChat. months. economy. its highly anticipated game ti- to more than double its share swung to a first-quarter loss as
Its short videos saw total In a surprise move, China’s Investors have welcomed tle “Dungeon & Fighter Mo- repurchases in 2024, the com- legal settlements and equity
user time grow 80% from a gaming regulator in February the move, with the tech com- bile” on May 21 in China. pany said it is “on track” to investments weighed on re-
year earlier and gross receipts approved a new batch of for- pany’s Hong-Kong listed Citi analysts expect the buy back over 100 billion sults. Ride bookings were
of mini games rise 30%. eign videogames, which ana- shares gaining 30% so far this game and a few other releases Hong Kong dollars, or about weaker than expected, but
Revenue for the period rose lysts see as part of efforts to year, outpacing the 12% to help Tencent’s domestic $12.8 billion, of its shares this Uber Eats delivery bookings
6% from a year earlier, as solid reverse a prolonged decline in growth of the benchmark gaming revenue return to year, as well as pay higher were slightly higher than ana-
ad revenue offset weakness in the country’s stock markets, Hang Seng Index. growth in the second quarter. dividend. lysts’ expectations.
in 2021 by the Intergovern-
mental Panel on Climate
Change said that clouds
formed from contrails account
for about 35% of aviation’s
global-warming impact.
Now, airlines, tech compa-
nies and other researchers
have been looking at possible
ways of predicting when and An experiment used AI to guide planes where they were less likely to leave contrails, which form when water vapor condenses around jet-engine pollutants.
where contrails form, in hopes Addressing the issue of contrails can be as easy as adjusting the altitude of planes.
of reducing their environmen-
tal impact. lines, Google Research and Bill route, gathering and process- cantly reduced the technology ect’s goal is to reduce contrails plane where you hit strong
The most-harmful contrails Gates’s Breakthrough Energy ing satellite-imagery data would have to be embedded by about 80%, using artificial turbulence and the pilot says
are those that persist as cirrus conducted 70 test flights using along the way, and then return throughout the airlines’ cur- intelligence to extract satellite we’re going to go up or down
clouds, sometimes for hours, satellite imagery and artificial by a route determined by the rent flight systems, and other information in real time, says to get out of it; so this would
says Andrew Gettelman, an intelligence to observe contrail data—with the intention of airlines would have to cooper- Steven Barrett, former head of be the same thing,” says Marc
earth scientist at the Energy formation. avoiding forming con- ate. department and now director Shapiro, head of the Break-
Department’s Pacific North- By using AI and satellite trails. The initial tests showed “If one airline avoids creat- of the Laboratory for Aviation through Energy contrails team,
west National Laboratory in imagery to identify contrail that planes successfully ing a contrail and another and the Environment at MIT. one of the groups in a broad
Richmond, Wash. In some formation, airlines should be avoided making contrails when doesn’t, you still have the con- Addressing the issue of con- initiative started by Gates to
cases, contrails created by sep- able to plan routes that avoid using the return routes set by trail,” she says. trails can be as easy as adjust- support research and develop-
arate jets even combine, form- where contrails usually form, the model. Delta Air Lines, in a part- ing the altitude of planes to ment of clean-energy technol-
ing a bigger surface area that says Dinesh Sanekommu, Jill Blickstein, vice presi- nership with MIT’s Depart- avoid areas with high humid- ogy. In some situations, Sha-
traps more heat. product manager on contrails dent of sustainability at Amer- ment of Aeronautics and As- ity, to avoid the conditions piro says, it could result in a
To explore the possibility of at Google Research. ican Airlines, says that while tronautics, is also developing where contrails can form, small amount of added fuel be-
reducing cloud cover caused In the experiment, planes the initial tests look optimis- an algorithm to detect and members of the studies say. cause the plane isn’t flying in
by contrails, American Air- were directed to fly a normal tic, for contrails to be signifi- forecast contrails. The proj- “You’ve probably been on a the optimal trajectory.
30 years +
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Borrowing Benchmarks
Reference is hereby made to that certain Indenture, dated as of June 26, 2003 (the “Indenture”), by and among TJX TJX 99.04 0.29 UltaBeauty ULTA 401.68
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the Uniform Commercial Code as in effect in the State of New York, the following assets will be sold (individually the defaulting Debtor/Borrower/Pledgor, as set forth 0.69 WillisTowers WTW 253.89 0.21
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visers, industry experts, co-investors across US deficiency.
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35 41161VAM2 HVMLT 2006-7 B7 5,457,000.00 ing as non-exec dir. & board observer on Hialeah Trust, a Delaware statutory trust, for and on
36 41162DAQ2 HVMLT 2006-12 B7 7,000,000.00 boards of portfolio companies. Telecommuting behalf of and solely with respect to Series 2023-3. Jumbos 0.95 0.46 0.52 1.74 1.60 1.72 1.52 1.26 1.32
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39 45071KDN1 IXIS 2006-HE1 B2 4,098,000.00 muting, must report to work site. 25% trvl req’d Collateral shall mean all Pledged Membership Interests
40 46625YDS9 JPMCC 2004-CBX F 6,000,000.00 in Borrower Madison 33 Owner LLC, books and records Savings -0.01 0.00 0.00 -0.01 -0.01 0.01 0.01 -0.02 -0.01
internationally & nationally. Offered salary is be- relating to the Pledged Membership Interests and all
41 542514RD8 LBMLT 2006-WL1 M8 8,864,000.00 tween $174,000 & $330,000/yr. 40 hrs/wk. Sub- rights, distributions, certificates, options, securities,
Jumbos -0.01 0.00 0.00 -0.01 -0.01 -0.01 -0.02 -0.03 -0.01
42 542514RV8 LBMLT 2006-1 M8 5,000,000.00 mit resume to [email protected] & indi- security entitlements and other investment property
43 54251RAP8 LBMLT 2006-6 M9 1,000,000.00 cate job code AH032024LA. or financial assets that may hereafter be received,
MABS 2006-HE1 M8
MLMI 2003-WMC2 B2
receivable, distributed or exercised in respect of, or
exchanged for, all or any of such Pledged Membership Consumer Savings Rates
46 59023EAR9 MLMI 2006-HE4 B3 2,146,000.00 Interests, and all proceeds of all of the foregoing.
Borrower is the owner of improved real estate at Below are the top federally insured offers available nationwide according to Bankrate.com's
47 61744CRJ7 MSAC 2005-WMC4 B3 7,000,000.00
48 61744CRZ1 MSAC 2005-WMC5 B3 7,000,000.00 Public Policy & 172-174 Madison Avenue (a/k/a 21 E. 33rd Street), weekly survey of highest yields. For latest offers and reviews of these financial institutions, please
New York, New York 10010, which consists of units visit bankrate.com/banking/reviews. Information is believed to be reliable, but not guaranteed.
49 617463AN4 MSIX 2006-2 B3 5,000,000.00 Latin America Advisor (block/lot): PH-A (863/1170), PH-B (863/1171), PH-C
MSAC 2006-HE4 B3
MSAC 2006-NC5 B3
Covington & Burling LLP seeks (863/1172), PH-D (863/1173), SKY (863/1174), 11B
(863/1126), 15B (863/1135), 17B (863/1141), 18B High yield savings
52 61749QAP5 MSIX 2006-1 B3 5,000,000.00
Public Policy & Latin America (863/1144), 27A (863/1168), CU-A(863/1101) and
Advisor in New York, NY (part- CU-B (863/1102), subject to mortgages in the aggregate Bank Yield Bank Yield
53 61750FAQ3 MSAC 2006-HE6 B3 4,500,000.00
time telecommuting permitted). outstanding amount of $62,624,337.02 as of March 31, Phone number Minimum (%) Phone number Minimum
54 61750MAQ8 MSAC 2006-HE7 B3 7,000,000.00 2024, consisting of the outstanding principal amount (%)
55 63860FAN3 NSTR 2006-B M9 5,126,000.00 10-15% int’l travel req. Spprt of $43,588,340.55, accrued regular and default interest
56 64352VKJ9 NCHET 2005-1 M9 5,896,000.00 public policy team srving clients from 11/1/20 - 3/31/24 in the aggregate amount Money market account Six-month CD
57 64352VLS8 NCHET 2005-3 M9 7,000,000.00 $18,313,565.10, plus accrued unpaid fees in the amount
in LATAM. Job reqs Mast’s in of $475,786.86, and unpaid charges in the amount of MyBankingDirect $500 5.55 Rising Bank $1,000 5.35
58 64352VMH1 NCHET 2005-A M7 4,946,000.00
59 68403KAM7 OOMLT 2007-6 M8 1,000,000.00 Law or rltd & 5 yrs of exp in any $63,151.02, and administrative expenses and unpaid (516) 683-4100 (888) 222-9484
occup invlvng biz dvlpmnt in miscellaneous fees in the amount of $183,333.48, and
60 68403KAN5 OOMLT 2007-6 M9 1,500,000.00 other fees in the amount of $160.00, with accruing per
61 69121PCS0 OWNIT 2006-1 B1 1,000,000.00 LATAM lgal sctor. Salary BrioDirect $5,000 5.35 Merrick Bank $25,000 5.35
diem interest thereafter of $18,021.65, plus attorney’s
62 753910AL2 RASC 2005-KS12 M8 2,000,000.00 $232,398-250,000/yr. Email cvr fees and cost of sale in favor of Secured Party. (877) 369-2746 (866) 638-6851
63 759676AT6 RAMC 2006-2 M9 2,000,000.00 ltr & CV to [email protected] Further Information: Upon execution of a
64 759950GH5 RAMC 2005-4 M7 1,500,000.00 confidentiality and non-disclosure agreement, Vio Bank $100 5.30 Popular Direct $10,000 5.30
65 80557BAU8 SAST 2007-3 B2 6,000,000.00
Ref “Public Policy & Latin additional due diligence information will be made (888) 999-9170 (800) 274-5696
66 83611DAN8 SVHE 2006-NLC1 M9 5,854,000.00 America Advisor 3215763”. available by contacting Secured Party’s representatives:
Jason A. Nagi, at jason.nagi@offitkurman.com or 212-
67 83611MMG0 SVHE 2006-OPT1 M8 1,000,000.00 380-4108, Joyce A. Kuhns, Esq., Offit Kurman, P.A. at One-month CD One-year CD
68 83612CAP4 SVHE 2006-OPT5 M9 4,000,000.00 jkuhns@offitkurman.com or 410-209-6400, Matthew D.
69 86358EPY6 SAIL 2004-11 M9 2,000,000.00 Mannion at [email protected] or 212-267-6698, VirtualBank,adivisionofFirstHorizonBank $10,000 2.48 CIBC Bank USA $1,000 5.36
70 9292276Q4 WAMU 2003-AR7 B3 2,600,000.00 or Alex Fuchs at [email protected] or 212-359-
(877) 998-2265 (800) 662-7748
71 92922FEE4 WAMU 2003-AR10 B3 6,599,000.00 DEA 9912.
72 92922FKZ0 WAMU 2003-AR12 B3 1,000,000.00 Lone Star Bank $1,000 0.20 LimelightBank,adivisionofCapitalCommunityBank $1,000 5.35
73 93364EAQ7 WMHE 2007-HE3 M9 1,134,000.00 (713) 358-9400 (800) 639-6015
74 93934FQD7 WAMU 2006-AR4 B7 1,000,000.00
75 93934FQE5 WAMU 2006-AR4 B8 1,165,000.00 UCC Sale. All assets of Municipal Presidential Bank, FSB $1,000 0.10 Rising Bank $1,000 5.31
Portfolio No 2 - RMBS Finance & Services Corp, 581 Main (800) 799-1424 (888) 222-9484
Bid Deadline: May 30, 2024, 10:00 a.m. (prevailing Eastern time) D E A N O T IC E O F F O R FE I T U R E
No CUSIP Security Original Principal Amount ($) S O U T H E R N D I S T R I C T O F T E X AS St, Suite 660, Woodbridge, NJ 07095,
Two-month CD Two-year CD
1 04542BCM2 ABFC 2003-AHL1 M2 5,000,000.00 10K Yellow Gold Double Curb Link Brace- including all rights to Accelerated
2 040104AM3 ARSI 2003-W1 MF6 6,000,000.00 VirtualBank,adivisionofFirstHorizonBank $10,000 2.74 First National Bank of America $1,000 4.80
3 040104BM2 ARSI 2003-W3 MF6 4,000,000.00
let, Seized from Hector Hernandez on Municipal Payments (AMP) platform,
8/29/2020, at Falfurrias Border Patrol (877) 998-2265 (800) 968-3626
4 07384YKJ4 BSABS 2003-AC4 M2 9,000,000.00
Checkpoint, Encino, TX. Any person as- non-factoring accounts payable
5 29445FAN8 EMLT 2003-2 M5 4,971,000.00 Lone Star Bank $1,000 0.20 TAB Bank $1,000 4.80
6 36228F3P9 GSAA 2004-3 AF4 9,000,000.00 serting an ownership or possessory inter- program for local governments, to
7 36228FKQ8 GSAMP 2002-HE M2 2,683,000.00 est and desiring to claim the above be sold at public sale at 10:00 am (713) 358-9400 (800) 355-3063
8 36228FWL6 GSRPM 2003-2 B1 3,416,000.00 bracelet has 30 days from the date of Presidential Bank, FSB $1,000 0.10 Luana Savings Bank $2,000 4.76
9 61909QAF3 MABS 2002-NC1 M3 7,450,000.00 first publication to file a claim with DEA local time on Friday, 5/31/24 at
10 589929J66 MLMI 2003-WMC1 B1 5,000,000.00 at 1111 Southern Minerals Road, Corpus 5330 Yacht Haven Grande, Suite (800) 799-1424 (800) 666-2012
11 589929M54 MLMI 2003-WMC2 B1 7,320,000.00 Christi, TX, 78409. Attn: DEA/ARG J-206, St Thomas, VI 00802. You
12 61746RDF5 MSAC 2003-HE2 B3 2,298,000.00 Three-month CD Five-year CD
13 61746REN7 MSAC 2003-HE3 B3 6,000,000.00 may register to bid by phone, contact Popular Direct $10,000 5.30 First National Bank of America $1,000 4.55
14 61746REC1 MSAC 2003-NC10 B3 7,000,000.00 [email protected] or (340)-774-8800
15 61746WYW4 MSDWC 2003-NC1 M3 5,000,000.00 (800) 274-5696 (800) 968-3626
16 65535VCD8 NAA 2003-A3 B1 7,120,010.00 NOTICE OF SALE for more information Banesco USA $1,500 5.30 First Internet Bank of Indiana $1,000 4.50
17 64352VCT6 NCHET 2003-2 M3 7,000,000.00
18 759950AV0 RAMC 2003-1 BF 2,000,000.00 (888) 228-1597 (888) 873-3424
RESIF 2003-CB1 B5
SABR 2005-OP1 B3
BANKRUPTCY SALE Merrick Bank $25,000 5.30 Quontic Bank $500 4.30
NOTICE OF SALE Atlantic Radio Telephone, Inc.
21 80556AAN7 SAST 2006-3 B3 3,000,000.00 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that in accordance with (866) 638-6851 (800) 908-6600
22 9292276P6 WAMU 2003-AR7 B2 9,861,000.00 Case No. 23-15483-LMI
applicable provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code
Southern District of Florida
23 92922FBY3 WAMU 2003-AR9 1B1
Portfolio No 3 - Mixed
7,507,300.00 as enacted in New York, by virtue of certain Events
of Default under that certain Pledge and Security Business: Sale and service of satellite High yield jumbos - Minimum is $100,000
Bid Deadline: May 30, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. (prevailing Eastern time) Agreement dated as of November 6, 2023 (the “Pledge airtime and equipment under the
No CUSIP Security Original Principal Amount ($)
Agreement”), executed and delivered by HENDEL GOLD
and MOSES GOLD (collectively, the “Pledgor”), and brand name Satphonestore. Sales and Money market account Six-month CD
1 63543VAJ2 NCSLT 2006-3 D 7,000,000.00 in accordance with it rights as holder of the security, installation of marine electronics
2 78443CAH7 SLMA 2003-A C 6,000,000.00 50 EMMETT GV LLC (“Secured Party”), by virtue of to the South Florida and Caribbean Vio Bank 5.30 Merrick Bank 5.35
3 36228CVE0 GSMS 2005-ROCK G 10,000,000.00 possession of those certain Membership Interest markets since 1976. (888) 999-9170 (866) 638-6851
4 03702WAL8 AHR 2004-1A EFX 3,427,000.00 Certificates held in accordance with Article 8 of the
5 894127AN9 TRAP 2002-1A D 5,500,000.00 Uniform Commercial Code of the State of New York Stalking Horse Bid: $4,500,000.00 * UFB Direct 5.25 Popular Direct 5.30
6 87330PAJ1 TBRNA 2005-1A D 1,000,000.00 (the “Code”), and by virtue of those certain UCC-1 Minimum Bid: $4,600,000.00 *
Filing Statement made in favor of Secured Party, all (877) 472-9200 (800) 274-5696
in accordance with Article 9 of the Code, Secured Party * subject to purchase price adjustment
Additional Information. All bids must be submitted by the applicable above-noted Bid Deadline in accordance with Western State Bank 5.15 TAB Bank 5.27
the terms and conditions set forth in a bid package (the “Bid Package”) relating to this Public Auction. In addition,
will offer for sale, at public auction: (i) all of Pledgor’s Bid Deadline: May 28, 2024
right, title, and interest in and to the following: (701) 277-5003 (800) 355-3063
please be advised that the sale of the above-noted assets (individually or on a portfolio basis) will be made only EMMETT GROUP LLC (the “Pledged Entity”), and (ii) Auction Date: June 3, 2024
to the highest qualified bidder(s). For additional information regarding this Public Auction, and to obtain a Bid certain related rights and property relating thereto Final Sale Hearing: June 5, 2024
Package, please contact Odeon Capital Group LLC, Attn: James Burke, Managing Director, E-mail: jburke@odeoncap. (collectively, (i) and (ii) are the “Collateral”). Secured One-month CD One-year CD
com; Telephone No.: 212-230-5866; Mobile No.: 917.613.5476 and Yulia Gilman, Director, E-Mail: ygilman@odeoncap. Party’s understanding is that the principal asset of the CJ Webber- [email protected]
Pledged Entity is the premises located at 50 Emmett VirtualBank,adivisionofFirstHorizonBank 2.48 GTE Financial Credit Union (U) 5.38
com; Telephone No.: 212.257.6168; Mobile No.: 631.682.4257. The Public Auction will be a public disposition (within
Street and Tax Assessor’s Lot 70A Emmett Street, (877) 998-2265 (888) 871-2690
the meaning of Section 9-610 of the UCC). Bristol, CT (the “Property”).
Disclaimer. The Trustee is authorized at this Public Auction, if the Trustee deems it necessary or otherwise advisable Mannion Auctions, LLC (“Mannion”), under the direction Lone Star Bank 0.20 CIBC Bank USA 5.36
or is required by applicable law to do so: (a) to restrict the prospective bidders on, or purchasers of, any of the above- of Matthew D. Mannion or William Mannion (the
noted assets to be sold to those persons who (i) represent and warrant that they are a “qualified institutional buyer,” “Auctioneer”), will conduct a public sale consisting of the (713) 358-9400 (800) 662-7748
Collateral (as set forth in Schedule A below), via online
as such term is defined in Rule 144A(a)(i) promulgated by the SEC under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the Presidential Bank, FSB 0.10 LimelightBank,adivisionofCapitalCommunityBank 5.35
bidding, on May 30, 2024 at 3:30pm, in satisfaction
“Act”), and a “qualified purchaser” for purposes of Section 3(c)(7) of the United States Investment Company Act of an indebtedness in the approximate amount of
of 1940, as amended; and (ii) agree that they will not resell such assets without compliance with the registration (800) 799-1424 (800) 639-6015
$5,927,944.64, including principal, interest on principal,
requirements of the Act and applicable state securities laws or pursuant to valid exemptions therefrom and (b) to and reasonable fees and costs, plus default interest
impose such other limitations or conditions in connection with this Public Auction as the Trustee deems necessary or through May 30, 2024, subject to open charges and all Two-month CD Two-year CD
advisable in order to comply with the Act or any other applicable law. additional costs, fees and disbursements permitted by
law. The Secured Party reserves the right to credit bid. VirtualBank,adivisionofFirstHorizonBank 2.74 Luana Savings Bank 4.91
Online bidding will be made available via Zoom Meeting. (877) 998-2265 (800) 666-2012
Meeting link: https://bit.ly/50EmmettUCC (URL is
case sensitive); Meeting ID: 839 8584 4234; Passcode: ADVERTISE TODAY Lone Star Bank 0.20 TAB Bank 4.80
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 745473; One Tap Mobile: +16469313860,,83985844234#
,,,,*745473# US; Dial by your location: +1 646 931 3860
(800) 366-3975 (713) 358-9400 (800) 355-3063
Bidder Qualification Deadline: Interested parties For more information visit: Presidential Bank, FSB 0.10 First Internet Bank of Indiana 4.76
NO-HOME-LOAN PAYMENT mortgage REIT who intend to bid on the Collateral must contact Greg
Corbin (“Corbin”), at Northgate Real Estate Group, 433 wsj.com/classifieds (800) 799-1424 (888) 873-3424
(Best Wholesale Reverse Mortgage Terms Direct to Borrowers)!
(California & Nationwide)!
No change in ownership or title
8%-9% Return
Fifth Avenue, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10016, (212)
419-8101, [email protected], to receive the
Terms and Conditions of Sale and bidding instructions
by May 28, 2024 at 3:30pm. Upon execution of a
Three-month CD
Popular Direct 5.30
Five-year CD
First Internet Bank of Indiana 4.50
TAX EFFICIENCY standard confidentiality and non-disclosure agreement,
(800) 274-5696 (888) 873-3424
(you retain ownership & title)! additional documentation and information will be
$200,000 to $8 million & up! REAL ESTATE SECURED available. Interested parties who do not contact Corbin Merrick Bank 5.30 Luana Savings Bank 4.38
and qualify prior to the sale will not be permitted to
No upfront fees, & no lender fees or broker fees! GROWTH / INCOME enter a bid. (866) 638-6851 (800) 666-2012
And no mortgage loan payment SEEKING RIA’S & GOLD, an individual, ISSUER: EMMETT GROUP LLC, Banesco USA 5.30 Popular Direct 4.30
plus max. cash out! a Connecticut limited liability company. INTERESTS
ACCREDITED INVESTORS PLEDGED: 50% membership interest. PLEDGOR: MOSES (888) 228-1597 (800) 274-5696
Please call us toll-free or visit our website for your GOLD, an individual. ISSUER: EMMETT GROUP LLC,
No-Home-Loan Payment plus Max.-Cash-Out Reverse Mortgage Quote: a Connecticut limited liability company. INTERESTS Notes: Accounts are federally insured up to $250,000 per person. Yields are based on method of
PLEDGED: 50% membership interest. The UCC1 was filed compounding and rate stated for the lowest required opening deposit to earn interest. CD
Free Quote: 1-877-969-0833 on November 15, 2023, with the New York Department figures are for fixed rates only. MMA: Allows six (6) third-party transfers per month, three (3) of
ALLIANCE MORTGAGE FUND of State under the Filing No. #202311150429355. KRISS
or visit: nohomeloanpaymentrefi.com 120 Vantis Dr., Ste. 515 • Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 & FEUERSTEIN LLP, Attn: Jerold C. Feuerstein, Esq., © 2024 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
which may be checks. Rates are subject to change.
www.AlliancePortfolio.com Attorneys for Secured Party, 360 Lexington Avenue, Source: Bankrate.com, a publication of Bankrate, Inc., Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
To Get a Free Reverse Mortgage Quote! No-Loan-Payment
Refi, Inc. ® RE Broker • CA DRE • 02066955 Broker License ID Suite 1200, New York, New York 10017, (212) 661-2900 All Rights Reserved.
Internet: www.bankrate.com
Dow Jones Industrial Average S&P 500 Index Nasdaq Composite Index
Last Year ago Last Year ago Last Year ago
39558.11 s 126.60, or 0.32% Trailing P/E ratio 27.64 21.97 5246.68 s 25.26, or 0.48% Trailing P/E ratio * 23.24 18.42 16511.18 s 122.94, or 0.75% Trailing P/E ratio *† 30.65 27.56
High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 19.01 17.60 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 21.26 18.78 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate *† 26.05 26.27
trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield 2.10 2.12 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield * 1.47 1.67 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield *† 0.83 0.83
All-time high 39807.37, 03/28/24 All-time high 5254.35, 03/28/24 All-time high: 16511.18, 05/14/24
Session high
65-day moving average 65-day moving average
DOWN UP 37200 4900 15100
Session open Close
Close Open
Bars measure the point change from session's open Session low
35800 4700 14500
Feb. Mar. Apr. May Feb. Mar. Apr. May Feb. Mar. Apr. May
* Weekly P/E data based on as-reported earnings from Birinyi Associates Inc.; † Based on Nasdaq-100 Index
COMMODITIES wsj.com/market-data/commodities
Metal & Petroleum Futures Jan'25 3.766 3.802 3.745 3.771 –.011 89,555 Coffee (ICE-US)-37,500 lbs.; cents per lb. Sept .6523 .6524 .6499 .6513 –.0011 2,519
May 199.25 199.25 199.00 202.85 2.45 177 Canadian Dollar (CME)-CAD 100,000; $ per CAD
Contract Open May
Open High hi lo Low Settle Chg interest Agriculture Futures July 195.60 201.60 192.75 200.85 4.80 96,584 .7311 .7335 .7305 .7331 .0015 213
Sugar-World (ICE-US)-112,000 lbs.; cents per lb. June .7321 .7340 .7308 .7329 .0010 214,468
Copper-High (CMX)-25,000 lbs.; $ per lb. Corn (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. July 18.60 t
18.95 18.31 18.87 .24 355,407 British Pound (CME)-£62,500; $ per £
May 4.8230 5.0820 s 4.8180 4.9535 0.1490 2,762 May 461.00 461.00 453.25 453.60 –4.60 152 Oct 18.67 t
18.96 18.35 18.88 .21 196,997 June 1.2561 1.2595 1.2511 1.2592 .0033 213,314
July 4.7700 5.0260 s 4.7665 4.8950 0.1290 188,872 July 471.75 475.50 466.50 467.40 –5.00 670,323 Sugar-Domestic (ICE-US)-112,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Sept 1.2572 1.2605 1.2523 1.2602 .0033 3,341
Gold (CMX)-100 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Oats (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. July 38.00 38.00 38.00 38.00 … 1,558 Swiss Franc (CME)-CHF 125,000; $ per CHF
May 2336.00 2358.00 2336.00 2353.40 17.30 37 May 415.00 415.00 415.00 410.60 –3.00 13 March'25 37.25 37.25 37.25 37.25 .24 1,702 June 1.1052 1.1087 1.1018 1.1073 .0016 90,205
July 427.25 433.50 s 418.00 422.60 –3.25 3,349 Cotton (ICE-US)-50,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Sept 1.1167 1.1203 1.1146 1.1190 .0017 482
June 2342.30 2365.20 2340.50 2359.90 16.90 258,250
Soybeans (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. July 77.74 77.91 t 74.63 74.63 –3.00 106,799 Australian Dollar (CME)-AUD 100,000; $ per AUD
July 2354.60 2375.70 2352.30 2370.60 16.80 249 May 1196.75 1204.75 1195.00 1199.00 –6.50 1 Dec 75.95 75.95 74.05 74.18 –1.45 86,145 June .6615 .6635 .6586 .6631 .0015 200,539
Aug 2364.50 2387.70 2363.40 2382.50 16.80 210,435 July 1219.25 1222.50 1203.50 1214.40 –5.00 351,526 Orange Juice (ICE-US)-15,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Sept .6631 .6651 .6604 .6647 .0014 948
Oct 2388.50 2410.00 2387.40 2404.80 16.50 14,458 Soybean Meal (CBT)-100 tons; $ per ton. July 409.20 424.20 s 406.00 424.20 20.00 7,683 Mexican Peso (CME)-MXN 500,000; $ per MXN
Dec 2413.00 2432.90 2408.70 2427.50 16.40 28,252 May 362.80 362.80 362.80 363.60 2.00 15 Sept 399.00 417.00 s 395.65 416.85 18.65 1,211 June .05918 .05930 .05891 .05906 –.00010 254,017
Palladium (NYM) - 50 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. July 366.50 375.00 365.10 373.30 6.80 228,798 Sept .05820 .05846 .05812 .05824 –.00008 254
May 973.50 973.50 972.50 981.50 16.60 6 Soybean Oil (CBT)-60,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Interest Rate Futures Euro (CME)-€125,000; $ per €
June 965.50 994.00 964.00 982.40 16.60 19,580 May 42.38 43.91 42.38 42.68 –1.84 114 June 1.0807 1.0842 1.0781 1.0836 .0030 636,324
Platinum (NYM)-50 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. July 45.15 45.29 43.11 43.40 –1.75 241,233 Ultra Treasury Bonds (CBT) - $100,000; pts 32nds of 100% Sept 1.0848 1.0887 1.0828 1.0881 .0030 5,283
May 973.80 973.80 973.80 1039.30 34.00 2
Rough Rice (CBT)-2,000 cwt.; $ per cwt. June 122-250 123-230 121-300 123-170 19.0 1,651,955
Corporate Debt
Prices of firms' bonds reflect factors including investors' economic, sectoral and company-specific
Investment-grade spreads that tightened the most…
Spread*, in basis points
Issuer Symbol Coupon (%) Yield (%) Maturity Current One-day change Last week
Wells Fargo WFC 4.300 5.27 July 22, ’27 65 –48 n.a.
John Deere Capital … 5.150 5.05 Sept. 8, ’26 23 –41 17
1.8 million barrels a day in for 2025. The global economic- The group left its estimates
2025, unchanged from its pre- growth forecast was main- for supply growth from coun-
vious estimates. tained at 2.8% for the current tries not participating in the
The cartel’s latest report year and 2.9% for 2025, with Declaration of Cooperation at
comes as oil prices trade the eurozone growth forecast 1.2 million barrels a day for
range bound after dropping to unchanged at 0.5% this year 2024, saying the main drivers
mid-March levels earlier this and 1.2% the next. OPEC crude-oil production fell by 48,000 barrels a day to 26.575 million barrels a day in April. of growth are expected to be
month. Bearish sentiment is Overall OPEC crude-oil pro- the U.S., Canada, Brazil and
driven by prospects of higher- duction fell by 48,000 barrels citing secondary sources. Ear- taling around 2.2 million bar- on its next policy move at its Norway. Growth expectations
for-longer interest rates in the a day to 26.575 million barrels lier this year, OPEC+ extended rels a day until the end of meeting on June 1. for 2025 were also maintained
U.S. due to persistent inflation a day in April, the cartel said, its voluntary output cuts to- June, and is now set to decide Most analysts expect the at 1.1 million barrels a day.
Closing Chg YTD iSh MSCI EM EEM 43.05 0.54 7.1 JPM EqPrem JEPI 57.10 0.07 3.9 SPDR S&P Div SDY 131.33 ... 5.1 VangdMegaGrwth MGK 287.33 0.50 10.7
Tuesday, May 14, 2024 iShNatlMuniBd MUB 106.86 0.06 –1.4 JPM UltShIncm JPST 50.34 0.02 0.2 TechSelectSector XLK 208.34 0.89 8.2 VangdMC VO 246.21 0.40 5.8
ETF Symbol Price (%) (%)
Closing Chg YTD iSh1-5YIGCpBd IGSB 51.03 0.14 –0.5 PacerUSCashCows COWZ 55.91 0.30 7.5 VanEckSemicon SMH 227.08 1.71 29.9 VangdMBS VMBS 45.06 0.31 –2.8
ETF Symbol Price (%) (%) iShCoreMSCITotInt IXUS 69.22 0.58 6.6 iSh1-3YTreaBd SHY 81.38 0.10 –0.8 ProShUltPrQQQ TQQQ 60.67 1.86 19.7 VangdSC Val VBR 190.17 0.89 5.7 VangdRealEst VNQ 83.80 0.77 –5.2
CommSvsSPDR XLC 82.01 0.45 12.9 iShCoreS&P500 IVV 525.96 0.46 10.1 iShRussMC IWR 82.76 0.62 6.5 SPDRBbg1-3MTB BIL 91.59 0.01 0.2 VangdExtMkt VXF 172.45 0.97 4.9 VangdRuss1000Grw VONG 87.15 0.58 11.7
CnsmrDiscSel XLY 178.68 0.46 –0.1 iShCoreS&P MC IJH 60.31 0.89 8.8 iShRuss1000 IWB 287.60 0.45 9.7 SPDR DJIA Tr DIA 395.58 0.28 5.0 VangdDivApp VIG 181.66 0.39 6.6 VangdS&P500ETF VOO 481.04 0.47 10.1
DimenUSCoreEq2 DFAC 31.79 0.54 8.8 iShCoreS&P SC IJR 110.40 1.00 2.0 iShRuss1000Grw IWF 338.57 0.51 11.7 SPDR Gold GLD 218.09 0.85 14.1 VangdFTSEAWxUS VEU 59.82 0.61 6.6 VangdST Bond BSV 76.30 0.12 –0.9
EnSelSectorSPDR XLE 93.70 0.13 11.8 iShCoreS&PTotUS ITOT 115.10 0.52 9.4 iShRuss1000Val IWD 177.42 0.41 7.4 SPDRPtfDevxUS SPDW 36.22 0.67 6.5 VangdFTSEDevMk VEA 50.70 0.70 5.8 VangdSTCpBd VCSH 76.95 0.13 –0.5
FinSelSectorSPDR XLF 41.87 0.50 11.4 iShCoreTotUSDBd IUSB 44.98 0.22 –2.4 iShRuss2000 IWM 206.86 1.04 3.1 SPDRS&P500Value SPYV 49.53 0.26 6.2 VangdFTSE EM VWO 44.02 0.50 7.1 VangdShortTrea VGSH 57.78 0.07 –0.9
GrayscaleBitcoin GBTC 54.78 –2.51 58.2 iShCoreUSAggBd AGG iShS&P500Grw IVW 85.26 0.60 13.5 SPDRPtfS&P500 SPLG 61.55 0.44 10.1 VangdFTSE Europe VGK 69.55 0.84 7.9 VangdSC VB 225.16 1.01 5.5
96.55 0.27 –2.7
HealthCrSelSect XLV 144.06 0.43 5.6 iShS&P500Value IVE 184.70 0.29 6.2 SPDRS&P500Growth SPYG 73.89 0.65 13.6 VangdGrowth VUG 345.65 0.53 11.2 VangdTaxExemptBd VTEB 50.22 –0.02 –1.6
iShEdgeMSCIMinUSA USMV 82.99 0.10 6.4
IndSelSectorSPDR XLI 125.12 –0.02 9.8 iShSelectDiv DVY 124.90 0.42 6.6 SPDR S&P 500 SPY 523.30 0.46 10.1 VangdHlthCr VHT 263.28 0.42 5.0 VangdTotalBd BND 71.65 0.29 –2.6
iShEdgeMSCIUSAQual QUAL 163.56 0.44 11.2 iSh7-10YTreaBd IEF 92.88 0.29 –3.6 SchwabIntEquity SCHF 39.40 0.66 6.6 VangdHiDiv VYM 120.30 0.37 7.8 VangdTotIntlBd BNDX 48.60 –0.14 –1.5
InvscNasd100 QQQM 183.50 0.64 8.9
InvscQQQI QQQ 445.93 0.64 8.9
iShGoldTr IAU 44.57 0.84 14.2 iShShortTreaBd SHV 110.24 0.01 0.1 SchwabUS BrdMkt SCHB 60.94 0.51 9.5 VangdInfoTech VGT 524.12 1.03 8.3 VangdTotIntlStk VXUS 61.53 0.62 6.2
InvscS&P500EW RSP 166.73 0.40 5.7 iShiBoxx$IGCpBd LQD 106.66 0.29 –3.6 iShTIPSBond TIP 106.29 0.19 –1.1 SchwabUS Div SCHD 79.69 0.16 4.7 VangdIntermBd BIV 74.27 0.23 –2.8 VangdTotalStk VTI 259.45 0.49 9.4
iShCoreDivGrowth DGRO 57.92 0.29 7.6 iShMBS MBB 91.28 0.35 –3.0 iSh20+YTreaBd TLT 90.86 0.56 –8.1 SchwabUS LC SCHX 62.05 0.45 10.0 VangdIntrCorpBd VCIT 79.36 0.24 –2.4 VangdTotWrldStk VT 111.24 0.62 8.1
iShCoreMSCIEAFE IEFA 75.20 0.71 6.9 iShMSCIACWI ACWI 110.86 0.55 8.9 iShUSTreasuryBd GOVT 22.41 0.22 –2.7 SchwabUS LC Grw SCHG 93.54 0.68 12.8 VangdIntermTrea VGIT 57.83 0.24 –2.5 VangdValue VTV 161.93 0.42 8.3
iShCoreMSCIEM IEMG 53.97 0.54 6.7 iShMSCI EAFE EFA 80.94 0.75 7.4 iSh0-3MTreaBd SGOV 100.48 ... 0.2 SPDR S&PMdCpTr MDY 551.79 0.82 8.8 VangdLC VV 239.97 0.39 10.0 WT FRTrea USFR 50.44 0.02 0.4
isn’t all that different from what narrowly beat net-income expecta-
BHP proposed. The Australian tions.
miner wants Anglo to demerge its The delayed start to this year’s
South African iron-ore business spring can be blamed for much of
Kumba, which is listed in Johan- the miss on top-line expectations.
nesburg, whereas Anglo would While bad weather is a lousy ex-
keep it. BHP would keep Anglo’s Anglo American’s Los Bronces copper mine in Chile. Anglo wants to keep the copper mines its suitor BHP covets. cuse for some companies, it really
steelmaking coal to combine with does tend to affect home-improve-
its own, alongside the merger of on Monday, brokerage RBC esti- Multiples of enterprise value to Ebitda* deadline of May 22 imposed by the ment retailers’ ability to sell out-
the two companies’ copper and mated the sum of Anglo’s parts 10 times
U.K. takeover code will likely de- door categories. Home Depot said
other iron-ore assets. But both could be worth $48.6 billion if the pend on its estimate of these syn- it would likely make up for those
plans would break up the old An- conglomerate carries out BHP’s di- Anglo American ergies, set against the risks that missed sales as the weather
glo conglomerate. vestment plan on its own—13% its deal gets bogged down in anti- warms up and reiterated its full-
This outcome is a clear win for more than BHP’s latest bid. Rio Tinto trust probes and the politics of year expectations of a 1% decline
investors. The company has long Crucially, a breakup would free South Africa, where Anglo was in comparable-store sales exclud-
traded at a discount to other big up Anglo’s debt-heavy balance 7 founded 107 years ago and re- ing the extra week in its current
mining companies because of its sheet for much-needed investment mains deeply embedded. This is fiscal year.
conglomerate structure, with a to boost copper output. At a Bank 6 also what investors should focus High interest rates are weighing
confusion of different commodi- of America conference in Miami on if they are presented with a on Home Depot from multiple di-
ties, two listed companies and a on Tuesday, BHP Chief Executive 5 clear choice next week. rections. While people are still
luxury brand in De Beers all under Mike Henry made much of his BHP might conclude that it is spending on their homes, they re-
one roof. Over the 10 years before company’s superior financial 4 worth biding its time. Anglo’s own main hesitant about spending on
BHP’s takeover approach, Anglo’s strength. But if Anglo sells assets breakup plan will throw up assets expensive projects that are likely to
enterprise value as a multiple of to pay down debt, this is no killer 3 to buy, such as the steelmaking require financing such as kitchen-
earnings before interest, taxes, de- argument for a deal. 2015 ’20 ’24 coal business the South African and-bath remodels, according to
preciation and amortization was So what additional value would company no longer wants but BHP management. Comparable sales of
*Earnings before interest, taxes,
on average 21% lower than those merging with BHP bring to the ta- depreciation and amortization would keep. And a slimmer Anglo, items priced higher than $1,000
of BHP, Rio Tinto and Glencore. ble? The question hinges on the Source: FactSet which would emerge toward the were down 6.5%. Additionally, high
With Anglo’s shares up 25% synergies available through com- end of next year under the com- mortgage rates’ chilling impact on
since BHP’s initial proposal, that bining mining operations—the stage under Britain’s arcane take- pany’s own strategy, would also home buying and selling is weigh-
discount turned into a 5% premium. cost savings possible through com- over rules, BHP hasn’t publicly make an easier target for BHP to ing on sales. While Home Depot has
But the stock might not fall much bined marketing, joint procure- quantified these. take another swing at. Even if it said that home prices—not housing
even if BHP backs away, given the ment and so forth. With its deal Whether BHP goes hostile with loses this battle, BHP needn’t give turnover—ultimately drive home-
alternative of a breakup. In a note still at the informal “proposal” an improved, formal offer before a up on the war. —Stephen Wilmot improvement demand, the retailer
said the steep decline in turnover
seen over the past 18 months is a
clear headwind.
Meme-Stock Mania Was Fleeting for Brokers Home Depot share price
—Jinjoo Lee
The anticipated return of Red- tion revenue from equities trading sciently acquired E*Trade in early slightly less market-making trad-
dit user Keith Gill, aka Roaring surged in the first quarter of 2021 2020, and Charles Schwab, which ing income than it did in the first 390
Kitty, has fanned excitement that to $133 million from $80 million had bought TD Ameritrade. Their quarter of 2020, when markets
a sequel to 2021’s meme-stock in the last quarter of 2020. But shares are both little changed this were whipsawing around the be- 380
mania might be on the way. Along that jolt didn’t last and it quickly week. ginning of the Covid-19 pandemic.
with some of the original meme settled to a level below the pre- Morgan Stanley’s self-directed What transpired in 2021 came 370
stocks, a few others rallied, too— mania quarters of mid-to-late daily average trades were down against the backdrop of the pan-
including Robinhood Markets, 2020. 37% in the first quarter of 2022 demic, when so many were stuck 360
which found itself at the center of Options-trading revenue also from a year prior, and Schwab’s working at home. Interest rates
that trading frenzy. dropped off in the second quarter, were down 22%. Robinhood’s for were near zero, encouraging even 350
But before investors pile into but was still higher than during equities and options were off by some risk-averse people to take a
the picks and shovels of the next 2020 through the end of the year. 60%, driven particularly by equi- chance. 340
mania, it is worth remembering It also hasn’t returned to those ties. Of course, at those far larger If traders sit the next mania
that the phenomenon burned as 2021 levels since. institutions, retail trading is just a out, they might miss the opportu-
quickly as it did brightly. And A somewhat more lasting rise small piece of their business. nity for a quick buck. But they can 320
didn’t always leave big riches be- in trading activity actually hap- Virtu Financial, the market- console themselves with dining
hind. pened at established brokers Mor- making firm, had a very good first out, traveling and not being sick. Jan. 2024 March May
Robinhood’s quarterly transac- gan Stanley, which had pre- quarter in 2021. But it generated —Telis Demos Source: FactSet