Unit 10. The Geosphere

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La geosfera


Biology and Geology 1º ESO

The origin of the Earth
The Earth is the third planet from the Sun. It's the only planet in our Solar System
with water in three states. The Earth is also the only planet where there is life.

1. The sun formed 4600 Accretion of

million years ago.

2. A swirl of materials
Our planet has four yares:
surrounded the Sun
1. The atmosphere, which
4. Our
is the gaseous layer.
primitive Earth
was extremely 2. The hydrosphere, which
hot and there contains water in three
was a lot of states.
3. Materials collided and 3. The geosphere, which is
formed larger celestial the solid layer.
bodies called planetesimals
4. The biosphere, where
life exists.

5. The Earth started to Density

cool down. Gravity differentiation
6. Temperatures in the Earth’s
pushed denser
inner layers were still very high
materials towards the
core of the planet

Biology & Geology 1.º ESO 2

Layers of the geosphere
The geosphere has three distinct layers: the crust, the mantle and the core.
Areas called discontinuities separate each layer.

The crust is the thin layer which covers the Surface of

the Earth. This is the least dense layer:
• Continental crust: 10-70Km thick: slate, clay and granite.
• Oceanic crust: basalt.

The mantle is made of peridotite.

• Upper mantle
• Lower mantle

The core is the inner and densest part of our planet. It’s
mostly made of iron and nickel.
• Outer core
• Inner core

Biology & Geology 1.º ESO 3

La geosfera

Rocks and minerals form part of the Earth´s crust. Minerals have some
•Solid substances.
•Definite chemical composition.
•Crystalline structure.

Biology & Geology 1.º ESO 4

Physical properties of minerals.
La geosfera
Optical properties
Relate to how a mineral reacts to light.
• Some minerals have very characteristics shapes that reflect their crystalline structures.
• Characteristic colour.
• The colour of the powder produced when a mineral is scratched.
• Describes how the mineral reflects light.

Metalic Glassy. Diamond-like. Pearly. Dull.

Biology & Geology 1.º ESO 5

Physical properties of minerals:
La geosfera
Mechanical properties
How a mineral behaves when a force is applied to its surface

Hardness Hardness Mineral Characteristics

•Describes a mineral´s 1 Talco (Talc) Soft minerals, because they
resistance to scratching. 2
Gypsum can be scratched by another
(Yeso) mineral.
3 Calcite
Cleavage Soft minerals that can
4 Fluorite be scratched by the point of
•Related to the way a mineral a knife.
breaks (flat surfaces 5 Apatite
maintaining crystalline 6
structure). (Ortosa)
Hard minerals
Tenacity Topaz
•Describes how easily a (Topacio) Very hard, cannot be
Corundum scratched by any other
mineral breaks. 9
(Corindón) mineral.
10 Diamond
Biology & Geology 1.º ESO
La geosfera

Physical properties of minerals:

Magnetic properties
• Some minerals, such as magnetite, behave like a magnet. They
attract objects that contain iron or nickel.

Other properties of materials

• Describes how a mineral reacts to light (transparent- translucent-

• Relation between mass and volumeof a mineral.
ρ= m / V
Biology & Geology 1.º ESO
Structure and chemical composition
Minerals are solid, inorganic, natural substances made up of atoms.
The arrangement of the atoms determines each mineral’s properties.

Minerals have a crystal structure.

There are two main groups of minerals:

• Silicates are the most abundant. They all contain silica. Their basic structure is silicon and
oxygen combined with other elements.

quartz olivine biotite

• Non-silicates are a more heterogeneous group of minerals. They don’t contain silica.

Sulfides Phosphates Oxides

Biology & Geology 1.º ESO 8

The importance of minerals
La geosfera

Metal ores Raw materials for Gems y precious

These are minerals industry stones
that metals are • Uraninite: uranium
extract from. used as fuel in
Ore Metal nuclear power
Bauxite Aluminium
• Quartz:
Blende Zinc
manufacturing glass, Emerald. Ruby.
Chalcopyrite Copper computer
components, solar
Cassiterite Tin
Cinnabar Mercury • Gypsum:
Galena Lead manufacturing
plaster, alabaster,
Hematite Iron fertilisers o Shapphire. Diamond.

Biology & Geology 1.º ESO
A mine is a deposit from which we extract minerals.

The valuable minerals are called ores. The other valueless

minerals found together with the ores, are known as gangue

Obtaining minerals in
an unregulated way
There are open-cast mines and underground
can have negative
mines. consequences
(contamination and
health problems).

Recycling minerals and

the products that
contain them helps the

Biology & Geology 1.º ESO

Rocks, like minerals, have properties that allow us to identify them, for
•Composition of the rock refers to the minerals that make up the rock:
homogeneous y heterogeneous.

•Texture refers to the size and arrangement of the minerals in the rock.

Types of rocks:

•Igneous: these originate when magma from the Earth´s interior cools and

•Sedimentary: sedimentary rocks form when sediments consolidate.

•Metamorphic: Formed by the transformation of other rocks subjected to high

pressure conditions and/or temperatures, without reaching a melting state.

Biology & Geology 1.º ESO
Igneous rocks
La geosfera

Volcanic igneous rocks Plutonic igneous rocks

Extrusiverocks. Intrusive rocks.

Magma rises and leaves the Magma cools slowly inside the
Earth´s crust as lava. Earth´s crust.
Lava cools quickly. They had more time to form.

No mineral crystals. Mineral crystals are easily visible.

Examples: obsidian, pumice and Examples: granite, syenite and

basalt. gabbro.

Other igneous or magmatic rocks form when magma solidifies in

cracks inside the Earth's crust, forming dykes. This type of rock is
called phyllite.

Biology & Geology 1.º ESO 12

La geosfera rocks

Diagenesis or lithification Classification: we can distinguish various

The sediments transform into
sedimentary rocks
Detrital Non-detrital
water sedimentary rocks sedimentary rocks

They are made up of

sediments from
Sediments skeletons of marine life,
They are made up mineral salts or also
of other rocks. from remains of livings
things that have not
Sedimentary rocks

Examples: Examples: limestone,

conglomerates, gypsum, coal y
sandstone and clay. petroleum.

Biology & Geology 1.º ESO
La geosfera
Metamorphic rocks
High temperatures and pressure cause changes in the minerals that compose a
rock and a new rock forms , without reaching a melting state.

• Classification:

Foliated metamorphic rocks Non-foliated metamorphic rocks

The minerals are arranged to form The minerals are not arranged
parallel layers. in layers.

Examples: slate, schist, gneiss,

Examples: marble, quartzite

Biology & Geology 1.º ESO
La geosfera
The rock cycle
The rock cycle is a series processes that a rock goes through to transform
into another type of rock.


igneous Sediments


Sedimentary rock

Plutonic Metamorphism
fusion fusion
Metamorphic rock

Magma melted rock

Biology & Geology 1.º ESO
La geosfera
The use of rocks
Building materials
•Cement, concrete, ceramics and glass.

Ornamental rocks:
•Marble, granite, slate are often used in decoration.

Source of fossil fuel

•Coal and fuel are used because they produce a lot of energy when burnt.

Source of minerals for technological use:

•Quartz are a source of silicon to make computer processors, photovoltaic solar
panels. Aluminium is used to make planes, soft drink cans or kitchen utensils.

Biology & Geology 1.º ESO
La geosfera
Rock extraction
A gravel pit is a deposit from which gravel is extracted.

The term gravel refers to a group of varied rock with size ranges between 2 mm and 64
mm. They are usually found in or near the riverbeds of large rivers.

A quarry is a deposit from which we extract very heavy rocks. The rock is extracted as blocks or slabs.

Open air quarries Underground

Pit quarries Pit quarries Quarries in Underground
with crane with access by Hillside quarries mountainous quarries have a
extraction ramp areas horizontal
passage which
connects the
extraction area
to the outside

Biology & Geology 1.º ESO 17

Geological areas and resources in Spain
Geodiversity refers to the
geological variety of a region.

Coastal area
• Lower coast
• High, rocky coasts

Geological resources:
• Cavities.
• Stratigraphic and paleontological. Geological resources are any
• Petrological y mineralogical. elements or locations that have a
• Geomorphological. significant geological value.
• Mining regions
Biology & Geology 1.º ESO
How the layers of the Earth interact
The layers of the Earth have their own composition and structure and they interact with each other,
exchanging matter and energy in the process.

Biology & Geology 1.º ESO 19

Where the layers of the Earth interact
Soil. In terrestrial ecosystems, all livings things inhabit the outermost layer of the
geosphere, the Earth´s Surface. This is where plants, animals and microorganisms live.

Pedogenesis: Soil formation. Stages:

1. Initial stage: soil originates from bedrock due to atmosphere, water

2. Subsoil: weathering of the bedrock: bacteria, lichens and fungi.
3. Young soil: mosses, herbaceous plants, invertebrates. Humus.
4. Mature soil: all the components of the soil are present. Horizons and community of
living things.

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