Spandana Sphoorty Financial Limited RR
Spandana Sphoorty Financial Limited RR
Spandana Sphoorty Financial Limited RR
This rating advisory is provided in relation to the rating of Spandana Sphoorty Financial Limited
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Rating Action
Total Bank Loan Facilities Rated Rs.2000 Crore
CRISIL BBB-/Positive (Upgraded from 'CRISIL
Long Term Rating
1 crore = 10 million
Refer to annexure for Details of Instruments & Bank Facilities
Detailed Rationale
CRISIL has upgraded its rating on the long-term bank facilities of Spandana Sphoorty Financial Limited (SSFL) to
'CRISIL BBB-/Positive' from 'CRISIL BB+/Stable'.
The rating action centrally factors in SSFL's demonstrated improvement in its business risk profile ' in terms of robust
business growth, stable asset quality and broad basing of resource profile - post its exit from CDR mechanism in
March, 2017. It also reflects CRISIL expectation of continued improvement in SSFL's competitive position over the
medium term while the company maintains its asset quality performance and profitability position.
During half year ended in September, 2017; the company registered a robust growth of 73% (non-annualized) and
had a portfolio outstanding of Rs 2243 crore as on September 30, 2017. While a large part of the growth is due to
deeper penetration in existing geographies, the company has also expanded its operations into two new states '
Bihar and West Bengal. SSFL, now has footprint in 204 districts across 14 states.
SSFL's asset quality performance has also been stable, evidenced by a decline in 30+ days past due (dpd) on
September 30, 2017 to 3.5% (Rs 77.7 crore) from 7.5% (Rs 97.2 crore) on March 31, 2017. Average monthly
collection efficiency at 99.9% (97.1% for current month collections) continues to remain better than industry average.
In terms of resource profile, SSFL has significantly broad based its lender base; it, now, has borrowing relationship
with 21 institutions including capital market players like mutual funds as against just 3 bankers in March, 2017.
However, in order to reduce its borrowing cost going forward, it will be crucial for the company to establish
relationships with public sector banks.
The rating continues to reflect SSFL's healthy capitalisation backed by financial support from Kedaara capital, the
private equity investor and SSFL's internal generation. Profitability is adequate despite relatively higher credit costs
post demonetization and moderate operating expenses. Further, the company continues to be spearheaded by Mrs.
Padmaja Reddy and benefit from her extensive experience in the MFI space. These strengths are partially offset by
average resource profile characterised by large dependence on NBFCs for funding and consequently, the higher cost
of borrowing. Additionally, the company continues to remain vulnerable to risks inherent to the microfinance industry.
Analytical Approach
For arriving at the rating, CRISIL has assessed the standalone business and financial risk profiles of SSFL.
Key Rating Drivers & Detailed Description
* Healthy capitalisation
In relation to the company's current and planned scale of operations, the capital position is adequate. SSFL
reported a networth of Rs 582 crore as on September 30, 2017 which, after infusion of Rs 125 crore as
compulsorily convertible preference shares (CCPS) in December under the second tranche by Kedaara, has
further increased to Rs 750 crore as of December 5th, 2017. Post full dilution of preference shares, Kedaara is
expected to hold 65.4% (approx.) stake in the company. Gearing also continues to remain comfortable at 2.9 times
as on September 30, 2017 and going forward, is expected to remain within 4 times over the medium term.
* Average resource profile characterised by large dependence on NBFCs for funding and consequently, the
higher cost of borrowing
While the company has raised about Rs 800 crore during the first two quarters of FY 2018 and its lender base has
increased to 21, reliance on NBFCs for funding is high on account of which the cost of borrowing continues to remain
elevated at around 13% for the six months ended September 2017. Of the incremental funding sourced during the
aforementioned period, 81% was from NBFCs while only 8% was from banks. Therefore, the company's ability to
channelize funds from lower cost sources, will be crucial for long term growth and sustainability.
* Susceptibility to geography specific issues and other risks inherent in the microfinance business
The asset quality in the MFI sector underwent stress post demonetisation in November 2016 and subsequent socio-
political disturbances in a few states such as Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Karnataka.In
Maharashtra, SSFL's asset quality performance has been under stress in certain pockets though better than industry
average. 30+ dpd in Maharashtra (14% of portfolio outstanding) as on September 30, 2017 was 11.2%; relatively
better than 30+ dpd of 18.3% in the state, on June 30, 2017. While fresh slippages are declining, recovery from
delinquent borrowers could be very challenging.
Further, microfinance business continues to have the inherent risks like unsecured nature of loans, lending to the
poor and downtrodden sections of society and exposure to the risk of tighter regulations and legislation, especially
relating to interest rates charged and transparency levels. The promulgation of the ordinance on MFIs by the
Government of Andhra Pradesh in October 2010 and then demonetization in November, 2016; demonstrated the
vulnerability of MFIs to regulatory and legislative risks. The ordinance triggered a chain of events that adversely
impacted the business models of MFIs by impairing their growth, asset quality, profitability, and solvency.
Outlook: Positive
The 'Positive' outlook reflects the improvement in business risk profile of SSFL post exit of CDR in March 2017 and
CRISIL's expectation of further improvement in SSFL's competitive position alongside sustenance in portfolio quality
and profitability position. The rating will be upgraded if the company is able to maintain its sound asset quality
performance alongside growth in portfolio while also maintaining profitability position. Conversely, the outlook may be
revised to 'Stable' if the rapid growth in portfolio leads to deterioration in asset quality thereby causing stress on
profitability and capital position.
For fiscal 2017, SSFL provisionally reported a profit after tax (PAT) of Rs 52.9 crore on a total adjusted income of Rs
377 crore, against a PAT of Rs 243 crore on a total adjusted income of Rs 347 crore for the previous fiscal. For half
year ended in September, 2017, the company reported a PAT of Rs 44 crore on a total income of Rs 240 crore as
compared to a PAT of Rs 60 crore on a total income of Rs 185 crore for the corresponding period of previous fiscal.
Annexure - Details of Instrument(s)
ISIN Name of the instrument Date of Allotment Coupon Rate (%) Maturity Date Issue Size Ratin
NA Term Loan 30-Mar-17 12.70% 30-Mar-19 475
NA Term Loan 30-Mar-17 12.50% 30-Mar-19 117.97
NA Term Loan 30-Mar-17 12.25% 30-Mar-19 400
NA Term Loan 17-May-17 13.75% 17-May-19 72
NA Term Loan 18-May-17 14.00% 18-May-18 40
NA Term Loan 31-May-17 13.50% 31-May-20 7
NA Term Loan 7-Jun-17 NA 7-Dec-18 25
NA Proposed Long Term Bank Loan Facility NA NA NA 863.03
Instrument Type Quantum Rating Date Rating Date Rating Date Rating Date
Fund-based Bank LT/S CRISIL BBB- CRISIL No Rating
2000 22-06-17 01-11-16 Suspended
Facilities T /Positive BB+/Stable Change
Table reflects instances where rating is changed or freshly assigned. 'No Rating Change' implies that there was no rating change under the release.
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