Bahasa Inggris Anggita
Bahasa Inggris Anggita
Bahasa Inggris Anggita
Nim : 2301040121
Rombel : BK D
direct sentences :
“From this point of view, educational and psychological counseling is a professional service
aimed at identifying the problems that impede the student’s ability to achieve educational
attainment and interact with the requirements of university life."
“The last impact is the university. It is that educational institution that has the primary role in
building students in a qualitative manner, embodying the educational, political and social
philosophy in the country”
"It is known that since the earliest times, man is still in dire need of help and to hear advice
and guidance from his fellow human being in order to modify his behavior so that he can be
in harmony in the generality of his life.”
“Besides, Symonds in his famous book “Personality and Behavior Diagnosis” in 1931, as well
as Williamson in his book entitled “How to guide students” in the same year featured the
beginning of the emergence of therapeutic counseling in the thirties of this century.”
“The entry of the United States of America into the First World War has contributed to
revitalizing the psychometric movement by adopting it in determining the number of
persons with disabilities in order to deport them, as well as in determining the number of
distinguished persons in order to establish them and devote attention to them by retraining
them in order to develop their abilities.”
“Every individual has abilities, capabilities and talents, and he does not feel comfortable and
reassured except in the case of achieving them, and here educational and psychological
guidance should be given to developing and realizing those desires.”
"Educational and psychological counseling must adopt daily follow-up for all students in
order to help them achieve educational, scientific and behavioral success, and this goal is
one of the highest goals that educational and psychological counseling seeks to achieve.”
"Educational and psychological counseling aims to help the student overcome his problems
in a scientific, sound and organized manner.”
"Educational and psychological counseling aims to help the student with self-realization to
the extent that the student can look at himself and be satisfied with what he looks at.
Therefore, the purpose of guidance is self-direction, i.e., achieving the individual’s ability to
direct his life by himself, intelligently, foresight, and sufficiency within the limits of social
"It includes happiness with others, commitment to the ethics of society, keeping pace with
social norms and rules of social control, and accepting social change.”
"This is done through stimulating motivation and encouraging the desire for educational
attainment, and for the use of reward and punishment, with the need to take into account
individual differences and the importance of identifying outstanding students in order to
help them complete their studies.”
"Educational and psychological counseling should encourage the discovery of the human
soul and an attempt to know the extent of its growth. Thus, the role of the educational and
psychological counselor should be highlighted by assisting students in identifying defects in
the psychological construction or stumbling in growth for the purpose of adopting
evaluation and behavior modification."
"It is the duty of educational and psychological counseling to provide its services to all
students, and the researchers mean by this the necessity of adopting consideration, attention
and acceptance for all despite the existence of individual differences between them."
"It is the duty of educational and psychological counseling to pay attention to all and
different environments in which the student grows, and to adapt to the environments and
make the student capable of compatibility with his environment."
"Educational and psychological counseling should be responsible for the individual and
society, and according to Miller's belief that counseling is the cases of assistance for
individuals to get them to know themselves that push them to make the right choice and
develop behavior that leads to the student setting smart goals and the right path he took."
indirect sentences :
“Achieving their educational goals, and this is done by providing students with various
academic skills that raise their academic achievement and discuss their academic aspirations.
It also includes educating students about the university’s regulations and laws."
“There are many factors that have contributed to the emergence of the urgent need for
educational and psychological counseling, especially in the different academic levels of
university studies, the most important are scientific and technical progress, the expansion of
scientific participation and interaction, the proliferation of universities, educational
institutions and various disciplines."
"The study identifies seven impacts of the counseling services provided by the educational
and psychological counseling units for all students of the different academic levels of
university studies in order to achieve a state of integrated growth for them, they are:"
“Note that the great development that took place in this field was at the hands of Sigmund
Freud in 1940, when he came up with new scientific concepts and terms in psychoanalysis,
which led to an increase in interest in mental health and psychotherapy, concerning with
treating personal and emotional problems."
“In the fifty’s century, a new phase of counseling began, which was known as the
constructive phase, thanks to the efforts made by Piaget in the psychology of growth, as he
indicated that these phases of growth are proceeding according to a sequence, and that he
identified a function psychological counseling in the constructive stage is to assist the
individual and help him to achieve and achieve the demands of each stage in order to move
to the next stage successfully”
“Also, university education is one of the most important stages of the educational system
because, in addition to its educational function, it performs an important social function
represented in the socialization of new generations.”
“However, the university, as it represents a stage of study, is radically different from what is
the case in the previous stages of study, both in terms of organization and nature of study,
or in terms of the nature of the social atmosphere prevailing in it.”
“Academic compatibility with the scientific subject or proper adjustment with others with
students of the opposite sex, especially the presence of educational and psychological
counseling at this stage for the purpose of providing a psychological and social environment
for the student that helps him to adapt properly academically and socially.”
available at
PRINTED ISSN 1411-5190
ONLINE ISSN 2541-4496
Vol. 23 (2)
August 2022
Published by Muhammadiyah University Press(MUP) Page 115-128
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Indonesia
DOI: 10.23917/humaniora.v23i2.17383
Received: January 30th,2022 Revised: August 6th, 2022. Accepted: August 27th, 2022.
Keywords Abstract
educational The study aimed to identify the role of educational and
psychological psychological counseling in achieving the objectives of the
counseling, the educational process in university education. Narrative critical
counselor, the
educational process,
approach was used, which is based on reviewing, auditing and
the university extracting the theoretical literature. The analysis resulted in the
great importance of educational and psychological guidance in
university life by including some study materials with various topics
Mohammad Omar related to educational and psychological guidance, or allocating a
AL-Momani, scientific material for educational guidance similar to some other
Educational scientific materials taught by people with disabilities. experience
Sciences and competence. In addition, educational and psychological
Department, Ajloun
University College,
counseling is found to be an essential aspect of university life. The
Al-Balqa Applied study also concluded that university professors, without exception,
University, Jordan should carry out the educational and psychological counseling
Email: process for students, as it is one of their basic academic tasks.
[email protected]
Educational and psychological counseling in university life represented by
universities and colleges, is one of the most important means of helping students
integrate into the university environment and achieve the highest success rates. The
educational and psychological counseling also contributes to the careful follow-up of the
students’ problems and trying to provide advice and advice to them on finding an
integrated student in his personality that is compatible in psychological, social,
academic, cultural, intellectual, religious, mental and health terms, given that the student
is the center of the educational process, and also works to help the student to gradually
move from an environment General education refers to the university level environment
in which the student relies on himself in making his decisions, determining his
specialization, and developing his scientific and behavioral level (Omeje et al, 2016;
Wahid et al., 2018).
From this point of view, educational and psychological counseling is a professional
service aimed at identifying the problems that impede the student’s ability to achieve
educational attainment and interact with the requirements of university life. Achieving
their educational goals, and this is done by providing students with various academic
skills that raise their academic achievement and discuss their academic aspirations. It
also includes educating students about the university’s regulations and laws (Amo et al.,
2020; Rababa & AL-Momani, 2022)
This study is a critical, narrative, theoretical study and not an applied and descriptive
field. There are many factors that have contributed to the emergence of the urgent need
for educational and psychological counseling, especially in the different academic levels
of university studies, the most important are scientific and technical progress, the
expansion of scientific participation and interaction, the proliferation of universities,
educational institutions and various disciplines. In addition, due to the large expansion
of education, which has become available to all social strata leading to the arrival of a
large number of students from different societies. This leads to making the process of
harmony and understanding between these many numbers of students very difficult, and
consequently, requires the presence of educational guidance and psychological in those
universities and colleges in order to provide assistance to them. Further, because of the
urgent and urgent need imposed by the circumstances and developments of life, that
there must be educational and psychological guidance in every university or college in
order to have an active and important role in this field. The importance of the study is
evident through the inevitability of educational and psychological counseling in all
universities and colleges, in order to provide services to all students of the different
academic levels in them, and that educational and psychological counseling in those
universities and colleges is one of the main pillars in them.
The study identifies seven impacts of the counseling services provided by the
educational and psychological counseling units for all students of the different academic
levels of university studies in order to achieve a state of integrated growth for them, they
are: first, the role. It is the organized behavior that motivates participation in social life
and the satisfaction of needs and desires according to a set of standards and values
(Horn et al., 2021) or is the behavior of the actor in his relations with others (Yedemie
2020). The second is guidance. Guidance means in its understanding: any activity that is
practiced with the intention of influencing the individual to formulate his future plans
(Nilsson et al., 2019). This definition means where any mentoring program should
include one or more activities in order to help the individual plan for his future life. It is
an assistive process that aims to increase the capabilities of the counselor and to benefit
from the resources that he offers and possesses to adapt to life’s difficulties. or it is the
process through which the counselor, who is a qualified person with a specialized
qualification, tries to carry out counseling and to help another person in understanding
himself, making his decisions and solving his problems (AL-Momani, 2022; Peters et
al., 2020).
The third is counseling. It is a face-to-face human encounter whose results depend to
a large extent on the counseling relationship. It is an educational-oriented process that
takes place in a simple social environment between two people. A counselor who is
qualified with knowledge, skill and experience seeks to assist the counselor by using
methods and methods that are appropriate to his needs and consistent with his abilities in
order to learn more about himself and know it better, and learn how to put this
understanding into practice in what is Relates to goals that he sets realistically and
realizes them more clearly, in order to become happier and more productive (Alrabadi &
Al-Momani, 2022; Boland et al., 2019).
Further, the fourth is educational guidance. It is the process of helping the student to
gain insight into his educational problem through knowing himself and his abilities to
reach the appropriate solution that contributes to setting future goals that contribute to
achieving himself (Al-Momani & Rababa, 2022; Samlan et al., 2021). Afterwards, the
fifth is psychological counseling. It is one of the psychological service channels that are
provided to individuals and groups with the aim of overcoming some of the difficulties
that stand in their way and hinder their compatibility and productivity. Or it is that
science that seeks to provide psychological service to individuals who suffer from
problems in their daily lives, whether psychological, emotional, social or academic, with
the aim of overcoming them, limiting their negative effects and consequences, and
striving to achieve the individual’s personal goals, and helping him to psychological,
social and emotional growth, and on Take appropriate decisions for his abilities,
capabilities and circumstances to reach him to achieve psychologically and socially
sound compatibility. Also, psychological counseling has origins, philosophy, and rules
for its practice, and it is only practiced by a specialist trained to work in this field (AL-
Momani, 2022; Demirtepe & Metin, 2021).
The sixth is the guide. The guide is a person who is scientifically qualified to provide
specialized assistance to individuals and groups who face some psychological and social
difficulties and problems, and according to the various social, economic and cultural
variables, this necessity called for the presence of a specialized person to assist
individuals who face such problems in dealing with their problems and trying to
overcome them with his knowledge experience, skills, and personal characteristics that
qualify him for this role (AL-Momani & Purnawan, 2022; Lichtenberg & Goodyear,
2018). The guide is a human being who possesses all the general common
characteristics of the human being and at the same time has his own individual
characteristics. The guide does not represent a special category, a particular pattern, or a
distinct class, and distinctive features can be identified for it. Rather, he is an ordinary
human being with his role and social status and his personal, social and mental
characteristics. The psyche is like other people, and it may be a pattern in the area of the
normal and the ordinary, as it may be a pattern in the area of the abnormal and the
abnormal, and whatever this pattern is, there is a state of non-consensual interaction
with its surrounding circumstances, or a state of contradiction between it and those
around it, or between it And between his internal tendencies, this condition leads him to
a feeling of helplessness and weakness, which leads him to seek help (Burkard &
Alexander, 2020)
The last impact is the university. It is that educational institution that has the primary
role in building students in a qualitative manner, embodying the educational, political
and social philosophy in the country (AL-Momani & Jawarneh, 2022; Horn et al.,
The study is an overview aiming at identifying the role of educational and
psychological counseling in achieving the objectives of the educational process in
university education. To this end, narrative critical approach was used, which is based
on reviewing, auditing and extracting the theoretical literatures on educational and
psychological counseling in university education
and adaptation in the field of study, but this change was not a radical change (Ridley et
al., 2021). Besides, Symonds in his famous book “Personality and Behavior Diagnosis”
in 1931, as well as Williamson in his book entitled “How to guide students” in the same
year featured the beginning of the emergence of therapeutic counseling in the thirties of
this century (Fierro et al., 2021).
Note that the great development that took place in this field was at the hands of
Sigmund Freud in 1940, when he came up with new scientific concepts and terms in
psychoanalysis, which led to an increase in interest in mental health and psychotherapy,
concerning with treating personal and emotional problems (Hage et al., 2020). In
addition, its inception in the twenties and thirties of this century came as a real and
urgent response to the feeling of the American society for vocational guidance in order
to put the right man in the right place.
The entry of the United States of America into the First World War has contributed
to revitalizing the psychometric movement by adopting it in determining the number of
persons with disabilities in order to deport them, as well as in determining the number of
distinguished persons in order to establish them and devote attention to them by
retraining them in order to develop their abilities.
In the fifty’s century, a new phase of counseling began, which was known as the
constructive phase, thanks to the efforts made by Piaget in the psychology of growth, as
he indicated that these phases of growth are proceeding according to a sequence, and
that he identified a function psychological counseling in the constructive stage is to
assist the individual and help him to achieve and achieve the demands of each stage in
order to move to the next stage successfully (Hage et al., 2020). It is in 1951, for the first
time that the terms “Guiding Psychology and Psychological Counseling” appeared in
accordance with the scientific conference that was held by a specialized committee prior
to the annual conference of the American Psychological Association (Gustems et al.,
result of being away from his home for long periods due to his job and its
negative impact on the behavior of his children at the university (Ridley et al.,
5. The uncertainty of the unknown future, the spread of unemployment, insecurity,
and others.
Educational and psychological counseling aims to help the student overcome his
problems in a scientific, sound and organized manner (Peters et al., 2020)
1.4 Self-realization
Educational and psychological counseling aims to help the student with self-
realization to the extent that the student can look at himself and be satisfied with
what he looks at. Therefore, the purpose of guidance is self-direction, i.e., achieving
the individual’s ability to direct his life by himself, intelligently, foresight, and
sufficiency within the limits of social standards (Horn et al., 2021)
1.5 Achieving social harmony:
It includes happiness with others, commitment to the ethics of society, keeping pace
with social norms and rules of social control, and accepting social change (Boland et
al., 2019).
1.6 Achieving mental health:
The general objective of educational and psychological counseling is to achieve
mental health and happiness, and it is linked to achieving mental health as a goal to
solve the counselor’s problems, i.e., helping him to solve his problems himself
(Demirtepe & Metin, 2021; Samlan et al., 2021).
1.7 Improving the educational process.
This is done through stimulating motivation and encouraging the desire for
educational attainment, and for the use of reward and punishment, with the need to
take into account individual differences and the importance of identifying
outstanding students in order to help them complete their studies (Sinatra & Hofer,
2016). Besides, it is also done by helping the student to get rid of stress, anxiety, fear
and adapt (Lichtenberg & Goodyear, 2018), and preventing students from falling into
problems and helping them to make their own decisions (Burkard & Alexander,
2. Principles
The educational and psychological counseling in the different academic stages of
university studies must be based on a number of principles (Horn et al., 2021; Nilsson et
al., 2019; Yedemie, 2020) i.e,:
2.1 Educational and psychological counseling should encourage the discovery of
the human soul and an attempt to know the extent of its growth. Thus, the role
of the educational and psychological counselor should be highlighted by
assisting students in identifying defects in the psychological construction or
stumbling in growth for the purpose of adopting evaluation and behavior
2.2 It is the duty of educational and psychological counseling to provide its services
to all students, and the researchers mean by this the necessity of adopting
consideration, attention and acceptance for all despite the existence of individual
differences between them.
2.3 Educational and psychological counseling should be an important part of any
educational and scientific program in every university or college, because it
helps all students in academic and social adjustment.
2.4 It is the duty of educational and psychological counseling to pay attention to all
and different environments in which the student grows, and to adapt to the
environments and make the student capable of compatibility with his
2.5 Educational and psychological counseling should be responsible for the
individual and society, and according to Miller's belief that counseling is the
cases of assistance for individuals to get them to know themselves that push
them to make the right choice and develop behavior that leads to the student
setting smart goals and the right path he took.
counselor, as it helps him to speak and this skill results in his awareness of
the counselor’s level of acceptance or rejection.
b. Listening: It is the main tool that the counselor uses to understand the client,
and it is the basis on which all skills belong. Listening aims to understand
everything the client thinks and feels about himself and others. This skill
can be achieved through verbal listening. nonverbal listening. and listening
deeply (Demirtepe & Metin, 2021; Nilsson et al., 2019; Samlan et al.,
c. Paraphrasing: The use of this skill by the counselor allows the counselor to
hear what he has said through the counselor, and this encourages him either
to continue or to review himself. The methods used in this skill are:
restoring the buildings of the guide as they are and changing the pronoun of
the speaker to the addressee and bringing back the important points from the
guide’s statements.
d. asking questions: It is a necessary skill to obtain the necessary information
from the counselor and to encourage him to express himself, as this skill is
the focus of the counseling interview.
e. Responding to the client's feelings and feelings: The counselor’s non-verbal
behaviors reflect his feelings, emotions and feelings and are an indication of
the counselor’s condition, so it can be trusted more than we trust the
counselor’s words (Lichtenberg & Goodyear, 2018)
f. Summarizing skill: This skill is used to discover a new problem and to
move from one topic to another. The summary aims to make the counselor
more confident than the counselor if he was listening to him during his
speech, in a way that helps to see the overall picture clearly and is also used
with the aim of ending the discussion on a specific topic (Burkard &
Alexander, 2020). The summary should also be used in the beginning of the
session and during the counseling sessions on cross-cutting topics.
sessions, as the counseling interview is one of the most appropriate tools that are used in
this kind of counseling (Horn,2021).
2. Group counseling
Group counseling is the one that takes place between the counselor and a group of
counselors who suffer from general problems, and it is desirable that their problems be
close, and their disorders are similar so that the counselor can participate in the
counseling session with everyone in the solution, and there should be mental and
intellectual homogeneity among the members of the group. Also, it is preferable that the
number be somewhat small in order to allow everyone to benefit from the counseling
session, because the problems are general and therefore are similar. Thus, I can say,
according to my study, that group counseling is nothing but an educational process
based on social and psychological foundations. With introverted people, it is also used
with extroverted people and can also be used in normal cases with students (Nilsson et
al., 2019; Peters et al., 2020). Moreover, group counseling has four benefits (Boland et
al., 2019; Burkard & Alexander, 2020; Demirtepe & Metin, 2021; Samlan et al., 2021)
1. Trust: it is the increase in the group member's confidence in himself in others and
in the world around him.
2. Blooming: it is the member of the guiding group opens more channels of
communication with others in a deep way (Lichtenberg & Goodyear, 2018)
3. Feeling independent: it is to stay away from people or not need them. Rather, the
researcher helps him here. It is a sense of the ability to be independent while at the
same time relying to some extent on others to live with them (Sinatra & Hofer, 2016)
4. Self-determination As the guiding groups work to increase awareness of the
member’s awareness of himself, and to increase his ability to recognize what he
wants, and this leads him to know the extent of congruence or difference between his
realistic image and his ideal image that he seeks to achieve.
Further, Nilsson et al. (2019); Peters et al. (2020); and Samlan et al. (2021) explain the
most important methods that must be relied upon in group counseling i.e.:
1. Psychodrama, this method is based on the idea of addressing a general problem
for a number of counselors, or social problems in general, and this method is in
the counseling process, as it ultimately leads to achieving compatibility,
harmony and social interaction (Horn et al, 2021)
2. Lectures and group discussions: this method is one of the educational group
counseling methods, and this method aims to express the trends of the
counselors, and in this method the members of the counseling group must be
homogeneous in terms of the mental level and suffer from similar problems to
some extent such as educational and social problems.
3. Guide club: this method is one of the most important methods of collective
counseling and is based on scientific, displacement and recreational activity in
general. This method usually begins with a sporting activity such as ball games,
artistic activity, lyrical or musical activity, or watching a movie or play. There
are also magazines for practicing hobbies in proportion to the nature of Each
character. As for the role of the educational counselor here, he must be neutral
and deal with the modification and correction of the behavior that appeared
during the activity, and this method is often adopted with counselors who do not
want to visit clinics, because the impact of speech is a mixture in this category,
as the advantages of this The method is to make the counselor behave according
to her nature, which allows the counselor to take valuable snapshots of his social
behavior that will benefit him greatly in the counseling process (Boland et al.,
2. indirect counseling
The method on which this method is based is the counselor, not his problem, and the
function of counseling here is to create the appropriate psychological atmosphere during
counseling sessions in order for the counselor to be able to unload his emotions and
problems and reach to make psychological decisions to solve his problems, so this
method deals with the emotional and respiratory aspect (Horn et al., 2021; Boland et
al.,2019). In order for this type of counseling to be successful, the counselor must take
care of the tutor and give him the freedom to express his feelings and emotions and
serve them, and that the tutor must build an interaction relationship with the mentee in
which respect, appreciation, encouragement and empathy for the problem prevail
(Nilsson et al., 2019). Besides, Burkard & Alexander (2020); Samlan et al. (2021); and
Peters et al. (2020) specified the steps of this method as follows:
2.1 The guide comes to the right to help him, so the latter should not take away from
him the responsibility for solving his problems.
2.2 The counselor defines his relationship with the counselor by placing the burden
of solving the problem on him, thus encouraging him to speak freely, expressing his
feelings and emotions (Lichtenberg & Goodyear, 2018)
2.3 The guide must accept the emotions of the guide and be like a mirror in which
these emotions are reflected so that the guide sees them clearly in an atmosphere
characterized by space (Sinatra & Hofer, 2016)
2.4 This leads the guide to fully express all his negative emotions and gradually
replace them with psychological attitudes and positive emotions (Demirtepe &
Metin, 2021; Yedemie, 2020)
2.5 The guide accepts from the guide these trends and these positive emotions
without praise or disapproval, thus showing him that he accepts both his negative and
positive emotions alike, thus giving him the opportunity to understand himself for the
first time as he is.
It has become clear to the researchers exactly the steps of the previous method,
including the process of collecting information and the process of diagnosis, and thus
the researchers have concluded from the above that the main interest in this method is
on the individual more than on the problem. To sum up, table 1 shows the similarities
and differences between direct educational guidance and indirect educational guidance.
Table 1 the similarities and differences between direct educational guidance and
indirect educational guidance.
the comprehensive development process to bring about the required positive change in
the social structure economic and cultural in society (Boland et al., 2019; Peters et al.,
Also, through the student’s presence at the university, he may be exposed to many
academic and life situations, whether inside or outside the university walls. He may also
encounter some problems that may affect his psyche and his academic and social
performance, and its secretions may be clearly reflected on his personality and
vocabulary. With others, and then the student becomes preoccupied with them and how
to solve them or how to get rid of the results created by these problems and which
contributed to complicating the student’s life, which affects his behavior in the relevant
situation and other different situations inside and outside the university. As it is known
that the student, while in university life, is at an age stage that represents the beginning
of maturity and stability, and the features are incomplete to a very adequate degree
(Lichtenberg & Goodyear, 2018; Samlan et al., 2021; Sinatra & Hofer, 2016).
Here comes the role of educational and psychological counseling in guiding and
guiding the student in order to overcome and solve his various problems. Also,
educational and psychological counseling is nothing but a voluntary relationship that is
agreed upon by both the student and the educational counselor. I can say that the
educational and psychological counselor aims to help the student in drawing plans.
academic and life that are appropriate to his abilities, goals and tendencies and help him
diagnose and treat the problems he faces in his life, which make him a balanced and
righteous person and intensify his scientific, educational and social capabilities and try
to exploit them in the best way to develop and modify his academic, social and moral
behavior, as well as help the student achieve success and excellence through student
knowledge and understanding His behavior and behavior and help him solve the
problems he encounters during the study (Burkard & Alexander, 2020; Yedemie, 2020).
Thus, educational and psychological counseling plays an important and major role in
university life to a greater and more effective degree than it is in other academic stages
that precede university studies, since the university student is the most capable of
consciously accepting advice and guidance and benefiting from it and interacting with
the opinions and ideas that are presented during educational counseling sessions Which
he holds with the educational counselor and benefit in a positive way, and he is able to
analyze the elements of the relevant situation that requires him to solve and consider its
merits, causes, results of solutions to him, their secretions and effects on his personality,
his scholastic biography and his life. Thus, the educational and psychological counselor
needs to understand the social factors and their effects on the student because they are of
great importance in order to lead him to the correct methods in solving the problems
presented to him, and the educational counselor must also note the necessity of
observing the student’s economic, cultural and social status of the family to which the
student belongs (the family) and the need to pay attention to this aspect In order to
understand the student’s personality during the educational counseling process and
provide him with the correct methods to solve the problem he faces and try to avoid
giving ready-made solutions to solve the problems that the student suffers from directly
because this makes his role negative in the counseling process, making him unable to
solve other problems facing students in the future (able to solve other problems facing
students in the future able to solve other problems facing students in the future
(Demirtepe & Metin, 2021; Horn et al., 2021; Nilsson et al., 2019).
This study reviewed the roles the educational and psychological counseling play in
attaining the purposes of the educational process in higher education, and it reached a
number of recommendations and suggestions and that these recommendations and
suggestions will have a significant impact if they are implemented in the work of the
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