Unit 12

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Advanced Topics in


Structure Page Nos.
12.0 Introduction 49
12.1 Objectives 50
12.2 Evolution of Formal Methods 50
12.3 Use of Mathematics in Software Development 51
12.4 Formal Methods 51
12.4.1 What Can Be Formally Specified?
12.4.2 Goals of Formal Specification
12.5 Application Areas 53
12.6 Limitations of Formal Specification Using Formal Methods 54
12.7 Cleanroom Software Engineering 55
12.8 Conventional Software Engineering Models Vs. Cleanroom Software
Engineering Model 56
12.9 Cleanroom Software Engineering Principles, Strategy and
Process Overview 56
12.10 Limitations of Cleanroom Engineering 57
12.11 Similarities and Differences between Cleanroom and OO Paradigm 58
12.12 Software Reuse and its Types 58
12.13 Why Component based Software Engineering? 59
12.14 Component based Software Engineering (CBSE) Process 60
12.14.1 Domain Engineering
12.14.2 Component based Development
12.15 Component Technologies Available 62
12.16 Challenges for CBSE 62
12.17 Reengineering: An Introduction 64
12.18 Objectives of Reengineering 64
12.19 Software Reengineering Life Cycle 65
12.20 Summary 66
12.21 Solutions / Answers 67
12.22 Further Readings 68
12.23 Glossary 68

In the first few units we have studied the various methods for conventional software
engineering. Software engineering methods can be categorised on a “formality
spectrum.” The analysis and design methods discussed previously would be placed at
the informal to moderately rigorous end of the spectrum. In these methods, a
combination of diagrams, text, tables, and simple notation is used to create analysis
and design models.
At the other end of the formality spectrum are formal methods, which are completely
mathematical in form. A specification and design are described using a formal syntax
and semantics that specify system function and behaviour. Other specialised models
being the Cleanroom software engineering, component-based software engineering,
re-engineering and reverse engineering.
Harlan Mills has developed the Cleanroom software engineering methodology, which
is an approach for integrating formal methods into the lifecycle. The Cleanroom
approach combines formal methods and structured programming with Statistical
Process Control (SPC), the spiral lifecycle and incremental releases, inspections, and
software reliability modeling. It fosters attitudes, such as emphasising defect
prevention over defect removal, that are associated with high quality products in non-
software fields.
Web, Mobile and
CASE tools In most engineering disciplines, systems are designed by composition (building
system out of components that have been used in other systems). Software
engineering has focused on custom development of components. To achieve better
software quality, more quickly, at lower costs, software engineers are beginning to
adopt systematic reuse as a design process. There are various ways to achieve this and
one of the models is the Component-based software engineering.
Let us study the various specialised software engineering models like the formal
method, Cleanroom engineering, component-based engineering, re-engineering and
reverse engineering in this unit.

After going through this unit, you should be able to:
 understand the pitfalls of the conventional software engineering;
 know various advanced methods of software engineering – their advantages and
 describe the methodology of formal methods and Cleanroom software
engineering, and
 discuss the Re-engineering and Reverse engineering process.


The seventies witnessed the structured programming revolution. After much debate,
software engineers became convinced that better programs result from following
certain precepts in program design. Recent imperative programming languages
provide constructs supporting structured programming. Achieving this consensus did
not end debate over programming methodology. On the contrary, a period of
continuous change began, with views on the best methods of software development
mutating frequently. Top-down development, modular decomposition, data
abstraction, and, most recently, object oriented design are some of the jargon terms
that have arisen to describe new concepts for developing large software systems. Both
researchers and practitioners have found it difficult to keep up with this onslaught of
new methodologies.
There is a set of core ideas that lies at the base of these changes. Formal methods have
provided a unifying philosophy and central foundation upon which these
methodologies have been built. Those who understand this underlying philosophy can
more easily adopt these and other programming techniques.
One way to improve the quality of software is to change the way in which software is
documented: at the design stage, during development, and after release. Existing
methods of documentation offer large amounts of text, pictures, and diagrams, but
these are often imprecise and ambiguous. Important information is hidden amongst
irrelevant details, and design flaws are discovered too late, making them expensive or
impossible to correct.
There is an alternative. Formal methods, based upon elementary mathematics, can be
used to produce precise, unambiguous documentation, in which information is
structured and presented at an appropriate level of abstraction. This documentation
can be used to support the design process, and as a guide to subsequent development,
testing, and maintenance.
It seems likely that the use of formal methods will become standard practice in
software engineering. The mathematical basis is different from that of civil or
mechanical engineering, but it has the same purpose: to add precision, to aid
understanding, and to reason about the properties of a design. Whatever the discipline,
the use of mathematics can be expensive, but it is our experience that it can actually
reduce costs.
Existing applications of formal methods include: the use of the probability theory in Advanced Topics in
Software Engineering
performance modeling; the use of context-free grammars in compiler design; the use
of the relational calculus in database theory. The formal method described in this book
has been used in the specification and design of large software systems. It is intended
for the description of state and state-based properties, and includes a theory of
refinement that allows mathematics to be used at every stage of program development.
Let us see the details of the Formal methods in the next section.


Mathematics supports abstraction and therefore is a powerful medium for modeling.
Because they are exact, mathematical specifications are unambiguous and can be
validated to uncover contradictions and incompleteness. It allows a developer to
validate a specification for functionality. It is possible to demonstrate that a design
matches a specification, and that some program code is a correct reflection of a
How is the mathematics of formal languages applied in software development? What
engineering issues have been addressed by their application? Formal methods are of
global concern in software engineering. They are directly applicable during the
requirements, design, and coding phases and have important consequences for testing
and maintenance. They have influenced the development and standardisation of many
programming languages, the programmer’s most basic tool. They are important in
ongoing research that may change standard practice, particularly in the areas of
specifications and design methodology. They are entwined with lifecycle models that
may provide an alternative to the waterfall model, namely rapid prototyping, the
Cleanroom variant on the spiral model, and “transformational” paradigms. The
concept of formalism in formal methods is borrowed from certain trends in 19th and
20th century mathematics. Formal methods are merely an adoption of the axiomatic
method, as developed by these trends in mathematics, for software engineering.
Mastery of formal methods in software requires an understanding of this mathematics
background. Mathematical topics of interest include formal logic, both the
propositional calculus and predicate logic, set theory, formal languages, and automata
such as finite state machines.


A formal method in software development is a method that provides a formal
language for describing a software artifact (e.g., specifications, designs, source code)
such that formal proofs are possible, in principle, about properties of the artifact so
The definition is based on two essential components. First, formal methods involve
the essential use of a formal language. A formal language is a set of strings over some
well-defined alphabet. Rules are given for distinguishing those strings, defined over
the alphabet, that belong to the language from strings that do not. Secondly, formal
methods in software support formal reasoning about formulae in the language. These
methods of reasoning are exemplified by formal proofs. A proof begins with a set of
axioms, which are to be taken as statements postulated to be true. Inference rules state
that if certain formula, known as premises, are derivable from the axioms, then
another formula, known as the consequent, is also derivable. A set of inference rules
must be given in each formal method. A proof consists of a sequence of well-defined
formulae in the language in which each formula is either an axiom or derivable by an
inference rule from previous formulae in the sequence. The last formula in the
sequence is said to be proven.

Web, Mobile and The major concerns of the formal methods are as follows:
CASE tools
i) The correctness of the problem
o producing software that is “correct” is famously difficult;
o by using rigorous mathematical techniques, it may be possible to make
probably correct software.
ii) Programs are mathematical objects
o they are expressed in a formal language;
o they have a formal semantics;
o programs can be treated as mathematical theories.
Formal methods support precise and rigorous specifications of those aspects of a
computer system capable of being expressed in the language. Since defining what a
system should do, and understanding the implications of these decisions, are the most
troublesome problems in software engineering, this use of formal methods has major
benefits. In fact, practitioners of formal methods frequently use formal methods solely
for recording precise specifications, not for formal verifications.
Formal methods were originally developed to support verifications, but higher interest
currently exists in specification methods. Several methods and languages can be used
for specifying the functionality of computer systems. No single language, of those
now available, is equally appropriate for all methods, application domains, and
aspects of a system. Thus, users of formal specification techniques need to understand
the strength and weaknesses of different methods and languages before deciding on
which to adopt. The distinction between a specification method and a language is
fundamental. A method states what a specification must say. A language determines
in detail how the concepts in a specification can be expressed. Some languages
support more than one method, while most methods can be used in several
specification languages.
Some of the most well-known formal methods consist of or include specification
languages for recording a system’s functionality. These methods include:
 Z (pronounced “Zed”)
 Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP)
 Vienna Development Method (VDM)
 Larch
 Formal Development Methodology (FDM)
12.4.1 What can be Formally Specified?
Formal methods can include graphical languages. Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs) are the
most well-known graphical technique for specifying the function of a system. DFDs
can be considered a semi-formal method, and researchers have explored techniques
for treating DFDs in a completely formal manner. Petri nets provide another well-
known graphical technique, often used in distributed systems. Petri nets are a fully
formal technique.
Finally, finite state machines are often presented in tabular form. This does not
decrease the formalism in the use of finite state machines. So the definition of formal
methods provided earlier is quite encompassing.
Software engineers produce models and define the properties of systems at several
levels of abstraction. Formal methods can be employed at each level. A specification
should describe what a system should do, but not how it is done. More details are
provided in designs, with the source code providing the most detailed model.
For example, Abstract Data Types (ADTs) frequently are employed at intermediate
levels of abstraction. ADTs, being mathematical entities, are perfect candidates for
formal treatment and are often so treated in the literature.
Formal methods are not confined to the software components of large systems.
System engineers frequently use formal methods. Hardware engineers also use formal
methods, such as VHSIC Hardware Description Language (VHDL) descriptions, to
model integrated circuits before fabricating them. The following section lists the goals Advanced Topics in
Software Engineering
of the formal specification.
12.4.2 Goals of Formal Specification
Once a formal description of a system has been produced, what can be done with it?
Usable formal methods provide a variety of techniques for reasoning about
specifications and drawing implications. The completeness and consistency of a
specification can be explored. Does a description imply a system should be in several
states simultaneously? Do all legal inputs yield one and only one output? What
surprising results, perhaps unintended, can be produced by a system? Formal methods
provide reasoning techniques to explore these questions. Do lower level descriptions
of a system properly implement higher level descriptions? Formal methods support
formal verification, the construction of formal proofs that an implementation satisfies
a specification. The possibility of constructing such formal proofs was historically the
principal driver in the development of formal methods. Prominent technology for
formal verification includes E Dijkstra's “weakest precondition” calculus and Harlan
Mills’ “functional correctness” approach which we are not going to discuss here. The
following are the goals of the formal specification:
 Removal of ambiguity: The formal syntax of a specification language enables
requirements or design to be interpreted in only one way, eliminating the
ambiguity that often occurs when using natural language. Removes ambiguity
and encourages greater rigour in the early stages of the software engineering
 Consistency: Facts stated in one place should not be contradicted in
another. This is ensured by mathematically proving that initial facts can be
formally mapped (by inference) into later statements later in the specification.
 Completeness: This is difficult, even when using formal methods. Some
aspects of a system may be left undefined by mistake or by intention. It is
impossible to consider every operational scenario in a large, complex system.


Formal methods can be used to specify aspects of a system other than functionality.
Software safety and security are other areas where formal methods are sometimes
applied in practice. The benefits of proving that unsafe states will not arise, or security
will not be violated, can justify the cost of complete formal verifications of the
relevant portions of a software system. Formal methods can deal with many other
areas of concern to software engineers, but have not been much used, other than in
research organisations, for dealing with issues unrelated to functionality, safety, and
security. Areas in which researchers are exploring formal methods include fault
tolerance, response time, space efficiency, reliability, human factors, and software
structure dependencies. The following are the Formal specifications application areas:
 safety critical systems
 security systems
 The definition of standards
 Hardware development
 Operating systems
 Transaction processing systems
 Anything that is hard, complex, or critical.

Let us see the drawbacks of the formal specifications in the next section.

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Some problems exist, however formal specification focuses primarily on function and
data. Timing, control, and behavioural aspects of a problem are more difficult to
represent. In addition, there are elements of a problem (e.g., HCI, the human-machine
interface) that are better specified using graphical techniques. Finally, a specification
using formal methods is more difficult to learn than other analysis methods. For this
reason, it is likely that formal mathematical specification techniques will be
incorporated into a future generation of CASE tools. When this occurs,
mathematically-based specification may be adopted by a wider segment of the
software engineering community. The following are the major drawbacks:
Cost: It can be almost as costly to do a full formal specification as to do all the coding.
The solution for this is, don’t formally specify everything, just the subsystems you
need to (hard, complex, or critical).
Complexity: Not everybody can read formal specifications (especially customers and
users). The solution is to provide a very good and detailed documentation. No one
wants to read pure formal specifications–formal specifications should always be
interspersed with natural language (e.g. English) explanation.
Deficiencies of Less Formal Approaches: The methods of structured and object-
oriented design discussed previously make heavy use of natural language and a
variety of graphical notations. Although careful application of these analysis and
design methods can and does lead to high–quality software, sloppiness in the
application of these methods can create a variety of problems which are:
 Contradictions: statements that are at variance with one another.
 Ambiguities : statements that can be interpreted in a number of ways
 Vagueness : statements that lack precision, and contribute little information.
 Incomplete statements : a description is not functionally complete.
 Mixed levels of abstraction : statements with high and low levels of detail are
interspersed, which can make it difficult to comprehend the functional
This method gained popularity among the software developers who must build safety-
critical software like aircraft avionics and medical devices. But the applicability in the
business environment has not clicked.
Let us study the Cleanroom Software Engineering in the next section.

 Check Your Progress 1

1) What are Formal methods?

2) What are the main parts of the Formal methods?



Cleanroom software engineering is an engineering and managerial process for the
development of high-quality software with certified reliability. Cleanroom was
originally developed by Dr. Harlan Mills. The name “Cleanroom” was taken from the
electronics industry, where a physical clean room exists to prevent introduction of
defects during hardware fabrication. It reflects the same emphasis on defect
prevention rather than defect removal, as well as Certification of reliability for the Advanced Topics in
Software Engineering
intended environment of use. It combines many of the formal methods and software
quality methods we have studied so far. The focus of Cleanroom involves moving
from traditional software development practices to rigorous, engineering-based
Cleanroom software engineering yields software that:
 Is correct by mathematically sound design
 Is certified by statistically-valid testing
 Reduces the cycle time results from an incremental development strategy and
the avoidance of rework
 Is well-documented
 Detects errors as early as possible and reduces the cost of errors during
development and the incidence of failures during operation; thus the overall life
cycle cost of software developed under Cleanroom can be expected to be far
lower than the industry average.
The following principles are the foundation for the Cleanroom-based software
Incremental development under statistical quality control (SQC): Incremental
development as practiced in Cleanroom provides a basis for statistical quality control
of the development process. Each increment is a complete iteration of the process, and
measures of performance in each increment (feedback) are compared with
pre-established standards to determine whether or not the process is “in control.” If
quality standards are not met, testing of the increment ceases and developers return to
the design stage.
Software development based on mathematical principles: In Cleanroom software
engineering development, the key principle is that, a computer program is an
expression of a mathematical function. The Box Structure Method is used for
specification and design, and functional verification is used to confirm that the design
is a correct implementation of the specification. Therefore, the specification must
define that function before design and functional verification can begin. Verification
of program correctness is performed through team review based on correctness
questions. There is no execution of code prior to its submission for independent
Software testing based on statistical principles: In Cleanroom, software testing is
viewed as a statistical experiment. A representative subset of all possible uses of the
software is generated, and performance of the subset is used as a basis for conclusions
about general operational performance. In other words, a “sample” is used to draw
conclusions about a “population.” Under a testing protocol that is faithful to the
principles of applied statistics, a scientifically valid statement can be made about the
expected operational performance of the software in terms of reliability and


Cleanroom has been documented to be very effective in new development and
reengineering like whole systems or major subunits. The following points highlight
the areas where Cleanroom affects or differs from more conventional software
development engineering practice:
Small team of software engineers: A Cleanroom project team is small, typically six
to eight qualified professionals, and works in an organised way to ensure the
intellectual control of work in progress. The composition of the Cleanroom Process
Teams are as follows:
Web, Mobile and  Specification team develops and maintains the system specification
CASE tools
 Development team develops and verifies software
 Certification team develops set of statistical tests to exercise software after
development and reliability growth models used to assess reliability.
Time allocation across the life cycle phases: Because one of the major objectives of
Cleanroom is to prevent errors from occurring, the amount of time spent in the design
phase of a Cleanroom development is likely to be greater than the amount of time
traditionally devoted to design.
Existing organisational practices: Cleanroom does not preclude using other software
engineering techniques as long as they are not incompatible with Cleanroom
principles. Implementation of the Cleanroom method can take place in a gradual
manner. A pilot project can provide an opportunity to “tune” Cleanroom practices to
the local culture, and the new practices can be introduced as pilot results to build
confidence among software staff.
The following are some of the examples of the projects implemented using the
Cleanroom engineering method:
 IBM COBOL/SF product
 Ericsson OS-32 operating system project
 USAF Space Command and Control Architectural Infrastructure (SCAI)
STARS Demonstration Project at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs,
 US Army Cleanroom project in the Tank-automotive and Armaments
Command at the U.S. Army Picatinny Arsenal.


This software development is based on mathematical principles. It follows the box
principle for specification and design. Formal verification is used to confirm
correctness of implementation of specification. Program correctness is verified by
team reviews using questionnaires. Testing is based on statistical principles. The test
cases are randomly generated from the usage model –failure data is interpreted using
statistical models. The following is the phase-wise strategy followed for Cleanroom
software development.
Increment planning: The project plan is built around the incremental strategy.
Requirements gathering: Customer requirements are elicited and refined for each
increment using traditional methods.
Box structure specification: Box structures isolate and separate the definition of
behaviour, data, and procedures at each level of refinement.
Formal design: Specifications (black-boxes) are iteratively refined to become
architectural designs (state-boxes) and component-level designs (clear boxes).
Correctness verification: Correctness questions are asked and answered, formal
mathematical verification is used as required.
Code generation, inspection, verification: Box structures are translated into program
language; inspections are used to ensure conformance of code and boxes, as well as
syntactic correctness of code; followed by correctness verification of the code.
Statistical test planning: A suite of test cases is created to match the probability
distribution of the projected product usage pattern.
Statistical use testing: A statistical sample of all possible test cases is used rather
than exhaustive testing.

Certification: Once verification, inspection, and usage testing are complete and all Advanced Topics in
Software Engineering
defects removed, the increment is certified as ready for integration.
Figure 12.1 depicts the Cleanroom software engineering development overview:

Formally Error rework


Define Construct Formally

software structured verify
increments program code

operational Design Test
profile statistical integrated
tests system

Figure 12.1: Overview of Cleanroom Software Engineering Development


The following are some of the limitations of the Cleanroom software engineering
 Some people believe cleanroom techniques are too theoretical, too mathematical,
and too radical for use in real software development.
 Relies on correctness verification and statistical quality control rather than unit
testing (a major departure from traditional software development).
 Organisations operating at the ad hoc level of the Capability Maturity Model do
not make rigorous use of the defined processes needed in all phases of the
software lifecycle.


The following are the similarities and the differences between the Cleanroom software
engineering development and OO software engineering paradigm.
 Lifecycle - both rely on incremental development
 Usage - cleanroom usage model similar to OO use case
 State Machine Use - cleanroom state box and OO transition diagram
 Reuse - explicit objective in both process models
Key Differences
 Cleanroom relies on decomposition and OO relies on composition
 Cleanroom relies on formal methods while OO allows informal use case
definition and testing
 OO inheritance hierarchy is a design resource whereas cleanroom usage
hierarchy is system itself
Web, Mobile and  OO practitioners prefer graphical representations while cleanroom practitioners
CASE tools  prefer tabular representations
 Tool support is good for most OO processes, but usually tool support is only
found in cleanroom testing, not design.
Let us study the component based software engineering in the next section.

 Check Your Progress 2

1) What is Cleanroom Engineering and what are its objectives?

2) What is Statistical Process Control?

3) What are the benefits of Cleanroom software engineering?
4) What are the limitations of Cleanroom software engineering?


In most engineering disciplines, systems are designed by composition (building
system out of components that have been used in other systems). Software
engineering has focused on custom development of components. To achieve better
software quality, more quickly, at lower costs, software engineers are beginning to
adopt systematic reuse as a design process. The following are the types of software
 Application System Reuse
o reusing an entire application by incorporation of one application inside
another (COTS reuse)
o development of application families (e.g., MS Office)
 Component Reuse
o components (e.g., subsystems or single objects) of one application reused
in another application
 Function Reuse
o reusing software components that implement a single well-defined
Let us take into consideration the Component Reuse type and the development
process of the components in the following sections:
“Suppose you have purchased a Television. Each component has been designed to fit
a specific architectural style – connections are standardised, a communication protocol
has been pre-established. Assembly is easy because you don’t have to build the
system from hundreds of discrete parts. Component-based software engineering
(CBSE) strives to achieve the same thing. A set of pre-built, standardised software
components are made available to fit a specific architectural style for some application
domain. The application is then assembled using these components, rather than the
“discrete parts” of a conventional programming language. Components may be
constructed with the explicit goal to allow them to be generalised and reused. Also, Advanced Topics in
Software Engineering
component reusability should strive to reflect stable domain abstractions, hide state
representations, be independent (low coupling) and propagate exceptions via the
component interface”.


The goal of component-based software engineering is to increase the productivity,
quality, and decrease time-to-market in software development. One important
paradigm shift implied here is to build software systems from standard components
rather than “reinventing the wheel” each time. This requires thinking in terms of
system families rather than single systems.
CBSE uses Software Engineering principles to apply the same idea as OOP to the
whole process of designing and constructing software systems. It focuses on reusing
and adapting existing components, as opposed to just coding in a particular style.
CBSE encourages the composition of software systems, as opposed to programming
them. Two important aspects of the question are:
 Firstly, several underlying technologies have matured that permit building
components and assembling applications from sets of those components. Object
oriented and Component technology are examples – especially standards such
 Secondly, the business and organisational context within which applications are
developed, deployed, and maintained has changed. There is an increasing need
to communicate with legacy systems, as well as constantly updating current
systems. This need for new functionality in current applications requires
technology that will allow easy additions.
Software Component and its types
A software component is a nontrivial, independent, and replaceable part of a system
that fulfils a clear function in the context of a well-defined architecture. In some ways,
this is similar to the description of an object in OOP. Components have an interface.
They employ inheritance rules. Components can be characterised based on their use in
the CBSE process. One category is commercial off-the-shelf (or COTS) components.
These are components that can be purchased, pre-built, with the disadvantage that
there is (usually) no source code available, and so the definition of the use of the
component given by the manufacturer, and the services which it offers, must be relied
upon or thoroughly tested, as they may or may not be accurate. The advantage, though,
is that these types of components should (in theory) be more robust and adaptable, as
they have been used and tested (and reused and retested) in many different
In addition to COTS components, the CBSE process yields:
 qualified components
 adapted components
 assembled components
 updated components.


CBSE is in many ways similar to conventional or object-oriented software
engineering. A software team establishes requirements for the system to be built using
conventional requirements elicitation techniques. An architectural design is
established. Here though, the process differs. Rather than a more detailed design task,

Web, Mobile and the team now examines the requirements to determine what subset is directly
CASE tools amenable to composition, rather than construction.
For each requirement, we should question:
 Whether any commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components available to
implement the requirement?
 Whether internally developed reusable components available to implement the
 Whether interfaces for available components compatible within the architecture
of the system to be built?
The team will attempt to modify or remove those system requirements that cannot be
implemented with COTS or in-house components. This is not always possible or
practical, but reduces the overall system cost and improves the time to market of the
software system. It can often be useful to prioritise the requirements, or else
developers may find themselves coding components that are no longer necessary as
they have been eliminated from the requirements already.
The CBSE process identifies not only candidate components but also qualifies each
component’s interface, adapts components to remove architectural mismatches,
assembles components into selected architectural style, and updates components as
requirements for the system change.
Two processes occur in parallel during the CBSE process. These are:
 Domain Engineering
 Component Based Development.

12.14.1 Domain Engineering

This aims to identify, construct, catalogue, and disseminate a set of software
components that have applicability to existing and future software in a particular
application domain. An application domain is like a product family – applications
with similar functionality or intended functionality. The goal is to establish a
mechanism by which software engineers can share these components in order to reuse
them in future systems. As defined by Paul Clements, domain engineering is about
finding commonalities among systems to identify components that can be applied to
many systems and to identify program families that are positioned to take fullest
advantage of those components.
Some examples of application domains are as follows:
 Air traffic control systems
 Defence systems
 Financial market systems.

Domain engineering begins by identifying the domain to be analysed. This is achieved

by examining existing applications and by consulting experts of the type of
application you are aiming to develop. A domain model is then realised by identifying
operations and relationships that recur across the domain and therefore being
candidates for reuse. This model guides the software engineer to identify and
categorise components, which will be subsequently implemented.
One particular approach to domain engineering is Structural Modeling. This is a
pattern-based approach that works under the assumption that every application
domain has repeating patterns. These patterns may be in function, data, or behaviour
that have reuse potential. This is similar to the pattern-based approach in OOP, where
a particular style of coding is reapplied in different contexts. An example of Structural
Modeling is in Aircraft avionics: The systems differ greatly in specifics, but all
modern software in this domain has the same structural model.
Advanced Topics in
12.14.2 Component Based Development
Software Engineering
There are three stages in this process. These are:
 Qualification,
 Adaptation (also known as wrapping),
 Composition (all in the context of components).
Component qualification: examines reusable components. These are identified by
characteristics in their interfaces, i.e., the services provided, and the means by which
consumers access these services. This does not always provide the whole picture of
whether a component will fit the requirements and the architectural style. This is a
process of discovery by the Software Engineer. This ensures a candidate component
will perform the function required, and whether it is compatible or adaptable to the
architectural style of the system. The three important characteristics looked at are
performance, reliability and usability.
Component Adaptation is required because very rarely will components integrate
immediately with the system. Depending on the component type(e.g., COTS or in-
house), different strategies are used for adaptation (also known as wrapping). The
most common approaches are:
 White box wrapping: The implementation of the component is directly
modified in order to resolve any incompatibilities. This is, obviously, only
possible if the source code is available for a component, which is extremely
unlikely in the case of COTS.
 Grey box wrapping: This relies on the component library providing a
component extension language or API that enables conflicts to be removed or
 Black box wrapping: This is the most common case, where access to source
code is not available, and the only way the component can be adapted is by pre /
post-processing at the interface level.
It is the job of the software engineer to determine whether the effort required to wrap
a component adequately is justified, or whether it would be “cheaper” (from a
software engineering perspective) to engineer a custom component which removes
these conflicts. Also, once a component has been adapted it is necessary to check for
compatibility for integration and to test for any unexpected behaviour which has
emerged due to the modifications made.
Component Composition: integrated the components (whether they are qualified,
adapted or engineered) into a working system. This is accomplished by way of an
infrastructure which is established to bind the components into an operational system.
This infrastructure is usually a library of specialised components itself. It provides a
model for the coordination of components and specific services that enable
components to coordinate with one another and perform common tasks.
There are many mechanisms for creating an effective infrastructure, in order to
achieve component composition, but in particular there is the Data Exchange Model,
which allows users and applications to interact and transfer data (an example of which
is drag-and-drop and cut-and-paste). These types of mechanisms should be defined
for all reusable components. Also important is the Underlying object model. This
allows the interoperation of components developed in different programming
languages that reside on different platforms.


Common methods of achieving this is by the use of technologies such as Corba which
allows components to communicate remotely and transparently over a network, Java
Web, Mobile and Beans and Microsoft COM which allows components from different vendors to work
CASE tools together within Windows. Sometimes it is necessary to bridge these technologies
(e.g., COM/Corba) to facilitate integration of software developed by different vendors,
or for integration with legacy systems.
It must be noted that as the requirements for a system change, components may need
to be updated. Usually, some sort of change control procedure should be in place to
facilitate configuration management, and to ensure updates to the components follow
the architectural style of the system being developed.


CBSE is facing many challenges today, some of these are summarised as follows:
 Dependable systems and CBSE: The use of CBD in safety-critical domains,
real-time systems, and different process-control systems, in which the reliability
requirements are more rigorous, is particularly challenging. A major problem
with CBD is the limited possibility of ensuring the quality and other non-
functional attributes of the components and thus our inability to guarantee
specific system attributes.
 Tool support: The purpose of Software Engineering is to provide practical
solutions to practical problems, and the existence of appropriate tools is
essential for a successful CBSE performance. Development tools, such as
Visual Basic, have proved to be extremely successful, but many other tools are
yet to appear – component selection and evaluation tools, component
repositories and tools for managing the repositories, component test tools,
component-based design tools, run-time system analysis tools, component
configuration tools, etc. The objective of CBSE is to build systems from
components simply and efficiently, and this can only be achieved with extensive
tool support.
 Trusted components: Because the trend is to deliver components in binary
form and the component development process is outside the control of
component users, questions related to component trustworthiness become of
great importance.
 Component certification: One way of classifying components is to certificate
them. In spite of the common belief that certification means absolute
trustworthiness, it is in fact only gives the results of tests performed and a
description of the environment in which the tests were performed. While
certification is a standard procedure in many domains, it is not yet established in
software in general and especially not for software components.
 Composition predictability: Even if we assume that we can specify all the
relevant attributes of components, it is not known how these attributes
determine the corresponding attributes of systems of which they are composed.
The ideal approach, to derive system attributes from component attributes is still
a subject of research. A question remains - “Is such derivation at all possible?
Or should we not concentrate on the measurement of the attributes of
component composites?”
 Requirements management and component selection: Requirements
management is a complex process. A problem of requirements management is
that requirements in general are incomplete, imprecise and contradictory. In an
in-house development, the main objective is to implement a system which will
satisfy the requirements as far as possible within a specified framework of
different constraints. In component-based development, the fundamental
approach is the reuse of existing components. The process of engineering
requirements is much more complex as the possible candidate components are
usually lacking one or more features which meet the system requirements
exactly. In addition, even if some components are individually well suited to the

system, it is not necessary that they do not function optimally in combination Advanced Topics in
Software Engineering
with others in the system- or perhaps not at all. These constraints may require
another approach in requirements engineering – an analysis of the feasibility of
requirements in relation to the components available and the consequent
modification of requirements. As there are many uncertainties in the process of
component selection there is a need for a strategy for managing risks in the
components selection and evolution process.
 Long-term management of component-based systems: As component-based
systems include sub-systems and components with independent lifecycles, the
problem of system evolution becomes significantly more complex. CBSE is a
new approach and there is little experience as yet of the maintainability of such
systems. There is a risk that many such systems will be troublesome to maintain.
 Development models: Although existing development models demonstrate
powerful technologies, they have many ambiguous characteristics, they are
incomplete, and they are difficult to use.
 Component configurations: Complex systems may include many components
which, in turn, include other components. In many cases compositions of
components will be treated as components. As soon as we begin to work with
complex structures, the problems involved with structure configuration pop up.

 Check Your Progress 3

1) What are the benefits of reuse of software?

2) What is Commercial off the Shelf Software (COTS)?



Over the past few years, legacy system reengineering has emerged as a business
critical activity. Software technology is evolving by leaps and bounds, and in most
cases, legacy software systems need to operate on new computing platforms, be
enhanced with new functionality, or be adapted to meet new user requirements. The
following are some of the reasons to reengineer the legacy system:
 Allow legacy software to quickly adapt to changing requirements
 Comply to new organisational standards
 Upgrade to newer technologies/platforms/paradigms
 Extend the software’s life expectancy
 Identify candidates for reuse
 Improve software maintainability
 Increase productivity per maintenance programmer
 Reduce reliance on programmers who have specialised in a given software
 Reduce maintenance errors and costs.
Reengineering applies reverse engineering to existing system code to extract design
and requirements. Forward engineering is then used to develop the replacement
Let us elaborate the definition. Reengineering is the examination, analysis, and
alteration of an existing software system to reconstitute it in a new form, and the
subsequent implementation of the new form. The process typically encompasses a
Web, Mobile and combination of reverse engineering, re-documentation, restructuring, and forward
CASE tools engineering. The goal is to understand the existing software system components
(specification, design, implementation) and then to re-do them to improve the
system’s functionality, performance, or implementation.
The reengineering process is depicted in Figure 12.2. Re-engineering starts with the
code and comprehensively reverse engineers by increasing the level of abstraction as
far as needed toward the conceptual level, rethinking and re-evaluating the
engineering and requirements of the current code, then forward engineers using a
waterfall software development life-cycle to the target system. In re-engineering,
industry reports indicate that approximately 60% of the time is spent on the reverse
engineering process, while 40% of the time is spent on forward engineering. Upon
completion of the target system, most projects must justify their effort, showing that
the necessary functionality has been maintained while quality has improved (implying
improved reliability and decreased maintenance costs).


Conceptual Re think Conceptual

Forward Engineering
System Requirements System Requirements
Reverse Engineering

Re specify

Re design
System Design System Design

System Implementation Redo coding System Implementation

Existing System Compare the functionality Target System

Figure 12.2: Process of Software Reengineering


The objectives of a specific software reengineering activity are determined by the
goals of the clients and users of the system. However, there are two general
reengineering objectives as shown below:
 Improve quality: Typically, the existing software system is of low quality, due
to many modifications. User and system documentation is often out-of-date or
no longer in existence. Re-engineering is intended to improve software quality
and to produce current documentation. Improved quality is needed to increase
reliability, to improve maintainability, to reduce the cost of maintenance, and to
prepare for functional enhancement. Object-oriented technology may be applied
as a means for improving maintainability and reducing costs.
 Migration: Old working software may still meet users’ needs, but it may be
based on hardware platforms, operating systems, or languages that have become
obsolete and thus may need to be re-engineered, transporting the software to a
newer platform or language. Migration may involve extensive redesign if the
new supporting platforms and operating systems are very different from the
original, such as the move from a mainframe to a network-based computing


In this section, we present an evolutionary view of the software reengineering life-
Requirements analysis phase: It refers to the identification of concrete reengineering Advanced Topics in
Software Engineering
goals for a given software. The specification of the criteria should be specified and
illustrated in the new reengineered system (for example, faster performance).
Violations that need to be repaired are also identified in this phase.
Model analysis phase: This refers to documenting and understanding the architecture
and the functionality of the legacy system being reengineered. In order to understand
and to transform a legacy system, it is necessary to capture its design, its architecture
and the relationships between different elements of its implementation. As a
consequence, a preliminary model is required in order to document the system and the
rationale behind its design. This requires reverse engineering the legacy system in
order to extract design information from its code.

Source code analysis phase: This phase refers to the identification of the parts of the
code that are responsible for violations of requirements originally specified in the
system’s analysis phase. This task encompasses the design of methods and tools to
inspect, measure, rank, and visualize software structures. Detecting error prone code
that deviates from its initial requirement specifications requires a way to measure
where and by how much these requirements are violated. Problem detection can be
based on a static analysis of the legacy system (i.e., analysing its source code or its
design structure), but it can also rely on a dynamic usage analysis of the system (i.e.,
an investigation of how programs behave at run-time).

Remediation phase: It refers to the selection of a target software structure that aims
to repair a design or a source code defect with respect to a target quality requirement.
Because legacy applications have been evolved in such a way that classes, objects,
and methods may heavily depend on each other, a detected problem may have to be
decomposed into simpler sub-problems.

Transformation phase: This consists of physically transforming software structures

according to the remediation strategies selected previously. This requires methods and
tools to manipulate and edit software systems, re-organise and re-compile them
automatically, debug and check their consistency, and manage different versions of
the software system being reengineered.

Evaluation phase refers to the process of assessing the new system as well as
establishing and integrating the revised system throughout the corporate operating
environment. This might involve the need for training and possibly the need for
adopting a new improved business process model.

Such a reengineering life-cycle yields a reengineering process. First, the source code
is represented as an Abstract Syntax Tree. The tree is further decorated with
annotations that provide linkage, scope, and type information. Once software artifacts
have been understood, classified and stored during the reverse engineering phase, their
behaviour can be readily available to the system during the forward engineering phase.
Then, the forward engineering phase aims to produce a new version of a legacy
system that operates on the target architecture and aims to address specific
maintainability or performance enhancements. Finally, we use an iterative procedure
to obtain the new migrant source code by selecting and applying a transformation
which leads to performance or maintainability enhancements. The transformation is
selected from the soft-goal interdependency graphs. The resulting migrant system is
then evaluated and the step is repeated until the specific quality requirements are met.

 Check Your Progress 4

1) What is Software Reengineering and what are its objectives?

Web, Mobile and 2) What is Reverse Engineering?
CASE tools

In this unit, we have gone through the Formal Methods, Cleanroom software
engineering, Component Based Software Engineering and the Software
Reengineering process.
Formal methods promise to yield benefits in quality and productivity. They provide
an exciting paradigm for understanding software and its development, as well as a set
of techniques for use by software engineers. Formal methods can provide more
precise specifications, better internal communication, and an ability to verify designs
before executing them during test, higher quality and productivity. To get their full
advantages, formal methods should be incorporated into a software organisation’s
standard procedures. Software development is a social process, and the techniques
employed need to support that process. How to fully fit formal methods into the
lifecycle is not fully understood. Perhaps there is no universal answer, but only
solutions that vary from organisation to organisation.
Harlan Mills has developed the Cleanroom methodology, which is one approach for
integrating formal methods into the lifecycle. The Cleanroom approach combines
formal methods and structured programming with Statistical Process Control (SPC),
the spiral lifecycle and incremental releases, inspections, and software reliability
modeling. It fosters attitudes, such as emphasising defect prevention over defect
removal, that are associated with high quality products in non-software fields.
Component Based Software Engineering introduced major changes into design and
development practices, which introduces extra cost. Software engineers need to
employ new processes and ways of thinking – this, too, can introduce extra cost in
training and education. However, initial studies into the impact of CBSE on product
quality, development quality and cost, show an overall gain, and so it seems likely
that continuing these practices in the future will improve software development. It is
still not clear how exactly CBSE will mature, but it is clear that it aids in the
development of today’s large-scale systems, and will continue to aid in the
development of future systems, and is the perfect platform for addressing the
requirements of modern businesses.

Software reengineering is a very wide-ranging term that encompasses a great many

activities. As the name suggests, software reengineering is applied to existing pieces
of software, in an after-the-fact fashion, via the reapplication of an engineering


Check Your Progress 1
1) Formal methods is that area of computer science that is concerned with the
application of mathematical techniques to the design and implementation of
computer software.
2) Following are the main parts to formal methods:
i) Formal specification: Using mathematics to specify the desired
properties of a computer system.
ii) Formal verification: Using mathematics to prove that a computer system
satisfies its specification.

iii) Automated programming: Automating the process of program Advanced Topics in
Software Engineering
Check Your Progress 2
1) The Cleanroom methodology is an iterative, life-cycle approach focused on
software quality, especially reliability. Begun by Harlan Mills, it combines
formal specifications, structured programming, formal verifications, formal
inspections, functional testing based on random selection of test data,
software reliability measurement, and Statistical Process Control (SPC) in an
integrated whole. The Cleanroom approach fosters attitudes, such as
emphasising defect prevention over defect removal, that are associated with
high quality products in fields other than software.
2) Statistical Process Control (SPC) is commonly used in manufacturing,
involves continuous process monitoring and improvement to reduce the
variance of outputs and to ensure that the process remains under control.
3) Benefits of Cleanroom software engineering include significant improvements
in correctness, reliability, and understandability. These benefits usually
translate into a reduction in field-experienced product failures, reduced cycle
time, ease of maintenance, and longer product life.
4) Cleanroom techniques are too theoretical, too mathematical, and too radical
for use in real software development. They rely on correctness verification
and statistical quality control rather than unit testing (a major departure from
traditional software development). Organisations operating at the ad hoc level
of the Capability Maturity Model do not make rigorous use of the defined
processes needed in all phases of the software life cycle.
Check Your Progress 3
1) Benefits of software reuse are:
 Increased Reliability: components already exercised in working systems
 Reduced Process Risk: Less uncertainty in development costs
 Effective Use of components: Reuse components instead of people
 Standards Compliance: Embed standards in reusable components
 Accelerated Development: Avoid custom development and speed up delivery.
2) COTS systems usually have a complete applications library and also offers an
applications programming interface (API). These are helpful in building large
systems by integrating COTS components is a viable development strategy for
some types of systems (e.g., E-commerce or video games).
Check Your Progress 4
1) Software reengineering is a process that aims to either
i) Improve understanding of a piece of software, or
ii) Prepare for an improvement in the software itself (e.g., increasing its
maintainability or reusability).
As the name suggests software reengineering is applied to existing pieces of software,
in an after-the-fact fashion, via the reapplication of an engineering process. Software
reengineering is a very wide-ranging term that encompasses a great many activities.
For example, software reengineering could involve refactoring a piece of software,
redocumenting it, reverse engineering it or changing its implementation language.
2) Reverse engineering is a process which is used to improve the understanding of
a program. So-called program comprehension is crucial to maintenance.
Approximately 50% of the development time of programmers is spent
understanding the code that they are working on. Reverse engineering often
involves the production of diagrams. It can be used to abstract away irrelevant

Web, Mobile and implementation and design details to recover the original requirements of the
CASE tools program.


1) Software Engineering, Sixth Edition, 2001, Ian Sommerville; Pearson

2) Software Engineering – A Practitioner’s Approach, Roger S. Pressman;

McGraw-Hill International Edition.

3) Component Software –Beyond Object-Oriented Programming,1998,

Szyperski C; Addison-Wesley.

4) Software Engineering, Schaum’s Outlines, 2003,David Gustafson,Tata

Mc Graw-Hill.
Reference websites
 http://www.rspa.com
 http://www.ieee.org

Software Reengineering: The examination and alteration of an existing subject
system to reconstitute it in a new form. This process encompasses a combination of
sub-processes such as reverse engineering, restructuring, redocumentation, forward
engineering, and retargeting.
Reverse Engineering: The engineering process of understanding, analysing, and
abstracting the system to a new form at a higher abstraction level.
Forward Engineering: Forward engineering is the set of engineering activities that
consume the products and artifacts derived from legacy software and new
requirements to produce a new target system.
Data Reengineering: Tools that perform all the reengineeering functions associated
with source code (reverse engineering, forward engineering, translation,
redocumentation, restructuring / normalisation, and retargeting) but act upon data
Redocumentation: The process of analysing the system to produce support
documentation in various forms including users manuals and reformatting the
systems’ source code listings.
Restructuring: The engineering process of transforming the system from one
representation form to another at the same relative abstraction level, while preserving
the subject system’s external functional behavior.

Retargeting: The engineering process of transforming and hosting / porting the

existing system with a new configuration.

Source Code Translation: Transformation of source code from one language to

another or from one version of a language to another version of the same language
(e.g., going from COBOL-74 to COBOL-85).

Business Process Reengineering (BPR): The fundamental rethinking and radical

redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in critical,
contemporary measures of performance, such as cost, quality, service, and speed.


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