Research Chapter II
Research Chapter II
Research Chapter II
have relevant contribution to the present research. This chapter presents the
Dockrill (2016) pointed that research in Australia involving more than 12,000
high school students found that, when it came to internet usage, students who
regularly played online video games scored higher in math, reading, and science
tests than their peers who didn’t. Students who regularly spend time playing online
games are developing analytical and problem-solving skills that can also help them
in their schoolwork.
Ip, Jacobs and Watkins (2008) emphasized that the notable finding is the fact
that there is a telling relationship between gaming and examination results, where,
in most cases, frequent gamers perform less well than non- or infrequent gamers.
Remarkable result of all is that not a single significant positive correlation was found
between gaming frequency and academic performance a finding which, in effect,
vindicates the stereotypical view that gaming is detrimental (or at least of no benefit)
to academic study. The patterns uncovered here show strong indications that
frequent gamers (both males and females) generally perform less well than less
Anderson & Dill (2000) states that playing video games is often associated in
our society with poor academic performance. This anecdotal idea is supported by
some research. A 2000 study found a negative correlation between GPA and time
spent playing video games the correlation was relatively small. Time alone
accounted for a 4% variance in GPA, yet the findings are significant. However,
several older studies contend that the results of research have been mixed.
institutions are pressured to develop effective strategies to not only engage but
promote academic success for this population of students. As a result, the demand
Anand (2007) in his study analyzes the correlation between video game
usage and academic performance. Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and grade-point
average (GPA) scores were used to gauge academic performance. The amount of
time a student spends playing video games has a negative correlation with
students’ GPA and SAT scores. The effects of video games maybe be cumulative;
of general knowledge. GPA versus video games is more reliable because both
Vinluan (2016) pointed out that in the Philippines, the population of gamers is
very huge. Beginning from the simple cartoon games played by the toddlers up until
the riot playing games played by the college students and the older ones too.
Researchers found that video games, particularly shooter games, have tendency to
strengthen the cognitive skills of their test subjects, especially in the area of spatial
between the academic performance of the respondents and playing online games
during weekends. Which result to having a good grade while playing online games.
This can be interpreted as the trade-off when playing computer games. If the
student decides not to play, then there will be no deduction in the grades. Which is
true to the researchers’ study for the respondents’ academic performance is only
significant to playing online games during weekend. Weekends are the days when
(Cortes, Alcalde, & Camacho, 2012) cited that computer gaming, measured
school, there is a possibility that education in high school would have a tendency to
students will lose interest for studies. This might mean that investment on higher
education will lead to lower rate of return among students. Thus, resources such as
and competition, with levels of addiction, as not so serious, reflecting that their
academic responsibility was being affected by the level of their online gaming
Castillo (2016) Most children regularly engaging in Video Game Play have
addictive substance or behavior such as playing video games conditions the brain
cells in key areas like the prefrontal cortex-the area of the brain involved in planning
and executing tasks-to crave and go after the substance or behavior causing the
release of dopamine. The end result is being “addicted” to the source of pleasure,
and in our children’s case-addiction to video games. Kruger a noted researcher and
healthcare professional who’s not involved in the study, commented though that it’s
difficult to conclude whether the structural brain abnormalities were the effect or the
cause of excessive video game playing. “It is quite possible that children with lower
IQs are drawn to gaming because of its intrinsic features whereas more capable
Skoric, Teo, and Neo (2009) went one step farther and studied addiction to
definition of addiction was given, they found that those addicted to gaming
Wongwaitaweewong, and Sangsupawanich (2009) found that the excessive
playing of video games (five hours or more per session) resulted in school grades
that were below a 3.00 average, and that time spent playing was a predictor of
academic performance. They also suggested that video games indirectly lead to
decreased performance through promoting violence. Finally, they noted that playing
video games took time away from school activities, homework, social interaction,
Shao-I, Jie-Zhi, and Der-Hsiang (2004) also studied addiction (once again no
definitive definition was given) and noted a decrease in school performance when
the student was addicted to gaming. They found that gaming addiction physically
impacts academic achievement because the student is too involved in the game to
participants reported often missing lectures, skipping homework, etc. They also
More likely to impact males, because males play more often and were more
Hart et al (2009) used the Problem Video Game Playing survey to measure
four different areas of life, including academic behavior, impacted by the playing of
video games and suggested that there was not a significant correlation in any area.
computer games to Filipino Children”, he believes that the rise of computer games
can mean the rise of information and knowledge that leads to good economy, but
like everything else it also has some negative effect to our society. There are a lot
who got interested and time were wasted by spending it mostly on computer games
and some invested on those games that causes unnecessary spending of money
Salazar (n.d) according to his study most of the respondents play online
games for about two to three hours per day and two to three days per week. With
85-89, they usually spend less than 1 hour in studying and almost of them never
missed school to play online games. Although there is a relationship between online
gaming and academic performance still it is very low and it cannot be supported.
Baylas et. Al (n.d) in their study majority of the respondents have the same
have effects and we also conclude that online game is a distraction in the lives of
student and especially to their studies according the result of the study.
Orendain (2017) In the findings of their study, they concluded that the
respondents agree that playing online games can affect their study or their
academic performance in school. The respondents agree for according to them they
are fine but it has a negative impact on their lives specifically on their health. The
respondents agree on this portion for some of the respondents are affected of the
astonishing sixty (62) percent of the gamers were good performers in the academe.
Twelve (12) percent were having an incomplete grade within the entire school year
and seven (7) percent were dropped out of school during the second semester.
Based on the findings of the study, it was revealed that being a computer gamer
may affect the students' academic performance negatively if, a gamer plays too
much (more than four hours a day), a gamer plays too often (more than four times a
The related studies both foreign and local were found closely related to the
present study. There were also some aspects wherein the previous studies differ
from the present study, such as the respondents, data-gathering and treatments
students is affected by playing online video game but some of the articles says that
playing online video game help the students to strengthen their skills in school
resulted to have a low grade in schools. Thus, playing online video game has a
Academic Performance of the students or players. Some were causes and effect,
video games to its players or the students. All studies were on academic
performance of online video game players but not specifically on the measures that
The present study will focus on the profile of the students: a. Age b. Sex. c.
Nos. of year/s playing d. Game being played e. Time of playing f. Average Daily
number of hours spent playing Online Video Games; the academic performance of
online video game players in terms of: a. Punctuality b. Participation c. Quiz; and
players. Furthermore, it also shows that this is first topic conducted as of the
system, depends on the components of the system and on the interactions between
1.1 age
1.2 sex
Anand, V. (2007, August 10). A study of time management: the correlation between
game usage And academic performance markers. Retrieved from
Level Level Level
Fixed factors
Anderson, of Video games andof
C. A. (2000). Personalfeelings,
aggressive thoughts, factors and
behavior in the
Identity skills Knowledge
laboratory And in life. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Retrieved from 000-08135-012
Castillo, R. (2016, February 06). Video games adversely affect children’s brains.
Brains Figure 1. Theoretical paradigm
Dockrill, P. (2016, August 9). Sciencealert. Retrieved from Students Who Play
GamesActually GetBetter Academic Results:
Tobit Aldrey Baylas, K. D. (n.d.). Effects of online game like DOTA to Academic
Performances of Senior high. Retrieve from Effects_of_online game like DOTA_ to
Academic Performances_of_Senior_High
Vinluan, M. (2016, October 17). Bane or Boon: Computer Games and Academic
Performance. Retrieved From Pressreader: pampanga/20161017/page/6