Clarification No.1 - PMU 003 - Rev1

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Engineering, Procurement and Construction Contracts for Rehabilitation and
Modernization of Substations comprising of 5 Lots:

• Lot-1: Engineering, Procurement and Construction Contract for Rehabilitation and

Modernization of Substations: SS Zilol, Djizzak Region
• Lot-2: Engineering, Procurement and Construction Contract for Rehabilitation and
Modernization of Substations: SS Galaosiyo and SS Strelkova, Bukhara Region
• Lot-3: Engineering, Procurement and Construction Contract for Rehabilitation and
Modernization of Substations: SS Loish and SS Juma, Samarkand Region
• Lot-4: Engineering, Procurement and Construction Contract for Rehabilitation and
Modernization of Substations: SS Beshkent and SS Koson, Qashqadarya Region
• Lot-5: Engineering, Procurement and Construction Contract for Rehabilitation and
Modernization of Substations: SS Termez, Surkhandarya Region
Invitation for Bids No.: OCB/EPC-003

OCB No.: OCB/EPC-003, comprising of 5 Lots:

Lot-1 No.: OCB/EPC-003-1

Lot-2 No.: OCB/EPC-003-2

Lot-3 No.: OCB/EPC-003-3

Lot-3 No.: OCB/EPC-003-4

Lot-3 No.: OCB/EPC-003-5

Clarification No. 1

To: Prospective Bidders

Dear Sir/Madam,

According to the Bidding Documents, Section I. Instruction to Bidders, ITB 7.1 Clarification of
Bidding Document, please find attached the Clarification No.1 in response to the inquiries
received from prospective Bidders.

You are kindly requested to confirm the receipt of this clarification.

Best Regards,
Alisher Kulbayev
PMU Manager

Copy: Asian Development Bank

General questions:

Item Reference to Request for Clarification JSC Regional Electrical Power Networks Reply


1. ITB 11.1 The prices shall be quoted either in the currency of the Yes
Bidderʼs home country, or in any fully convertible
So we think that We can quote in CNY for imported
equipment from abroad, please confirm.
2. ITB 21.1 The Bidder shall furnish a bid security in the amount of: Any local bank is acceptable. It is preferable to submit
Lot 1 – 70,000.00 USD confirmation SWIFT message to the Employer’s bank indicated
Lot 2 – 220,000.00 USD in Invitation for Bids.
Lot 3 – 150,000.00 USD
Lot 4 – 140,000.00 USD
Lot 5 – 80,000.00 USD
It is highly recommended to confirm the bank guarantee via a
SWIFT message from local banks.
The Bid-Securing Declaration will not be applied.
Q: Please provide the list of acceptable local banks with
banks name and SWIFT message for the bank guarantee.
3. ITB 21.1 Method 1: PACKAGE3 has 5 lots, does eah LOT require one set Technical proposal, Price bid and Bide security shall be separate
of corresponding technical bid, commercial bid, bid security? for each lot. Therefore, please submit separate package of
documents for each lot.
Method2: we bid 5lots at the same time, bid security amount
of 5lots can be added up, open one bid security along with a
set of technical bid and commercial bid including contect of

Method3: or the bid security of 5 lots need to be issued

separately, but along with a set of technical bid and
commercial bid including contect of 5lots?

Because there are 5 lots, if each lot should have a separate bid
technical bid and commercial bid. This amount of work is
equivalent to bidding for five projects, there is a lot of
documentation work. So please confirm whether METHOD2
or METHOD3 can be acceptable by you. Thank you!

Technical questions:

Item Reference to Request for Clarification JSC Regional Electrical Power Networks Reply


1. Section 6.B-1 The rated power is 100 kVA.

SS Zilol According to price schedule and SLD, the power is 63 MVA.
primary and Please confirm.
civil rev.A
100kVA is auxiliary transformer, and 63MVA is power
s for power
10/0.4 kV for
SS auxiliaries
2. Section 6.B-1 Item 19, the quantity of incomer feeder is 3. Diesel generator
SS Zilol There are only two auxiliary transformer, please provide the
primary and information of the third incomer.
civil rev.A The same question applies to auxiliary switchboard AC 0.4 kV
2.2.12 in all the substation.

Item Reference to Request for Clarification JSC Regional Electrical Power Networks Reply


s for the
AC 0.4 kV
3. Section 6.B-1 Item 10, Vector group is У/Ун-0.
SS Strelkov According to SLD, Dyn11 is showed.
primary and Please confirm.
civil rev.A
Both are acceptable. Should be decided during detail design.
s for power
10/0.4 kV

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