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Legend Aug2023 Veranda Race

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Government to issue two commemorative coins to
NATIONAL NEWS mark G20 presidency
• India is set to issue two commemorative coins to mark its G20
80.10 Crore beneficiaries availing benefits of Public presidency.
Distribution System • The coins will be of the denominations of Rs 100 and Rs 75.
• The Rs 100 coin will bear the Lion Capitol of Ashoka Pillar in
• As on 30th June 2023, around 80.10 Crore NFSA beneficiaries the centre with the legend Satyamev Jayate in Devnagari on
[Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY)-8.95 Crore & Priority its obverse side.
Households (PHH)- 71.15 Crore] are getting benefits of Public • The Rs 75 coin too will have a similar design with the national
Distribution System in the country through 5.45 lakh Fair Price emblem of Lion Capitol of Ashoka Pillar and the legend
Shops (FPSs) in India. Satyamev Jayate in Devnagari on its obverse side and the
design of the logo of India’s G20 Presidency on the obverse
India’s share in world food grains market based on side.
export values stands at 7.79% in 2022
• India’s exports of foodgrains have registered a steady growth
President Murmu Laid Foundation Stones/
in last few years which is reflected in the increase in India’s Inaugurates Various Projects at Rashtrapati Bhavan
share in world foodgrain exports from 3.38% in 2010 to 7.79% • The President of India, Smt Droupadi Murmu completed one
in 2022 as per UN COMTRADE statistics. year in office.
• Laid the foundation stone for redevelopment of Shiva Temple
MoRTH issues new guidelines for provision of situated in the President’s Estate
signages on Expressways and NHs • Laid the foundation stone for construction of a Cricket Pavilion
at the Sports Ground of Dr. Rajendra Prasad Kendriya
• Ministry of Road Transport & Highways (MoRTH) has issued Vidyalaya, President’s Estate
new guidelines for the provision of signages on Expressways • Inaugurated Navachara, Sutra-kala Darpan and Janjatiya
and National Highways. Darpan.
• The fresh guidelines, approved by Union Minister for Road
Transport and Highways Shri Nitin Gadkari focus on further Telecommunication Consumers Education and
improving road safety by incorporating best practices and Protection Fund (Sixth Amendment) Regulation,
world standards to offer improved visibility and intuitive 2023
guidance to the drivers.
• Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) released draft
Telecommunication Consumers Education and Protection
Govt approves modernisation of Semiconductor Fund (Sixth Amendment) Regulation, 2023 for stakeholders’
Laboratory comments.
• The government has approved the modernisation of the • The TRAI had notified the Telecommunication Consumers
Semiconductor Laboratory as a brownfield chip manufacuring Education and Protection Fund Regulations, 2007 [(6 of 2007)
unit. [hereinafter referred to as the principal regulations] on June
15, 2007.
Competition law: Power to appoint Director General
(investigation) transferred from MCA to CCI International Exhibition-cum-Convention Centre
• In a significant move, the Centre has implemented a key
• Prime Minister Narendra Modi will dedicate to the nation the
provision of the Competition (amendment) Act 2023 that vests
International Exhibition-cum-Convention Centre (IECC)
power of appointment of Director General (Investigation) in
complex at Pragati Maidan in New Delhi.
the Competition Commission of India (CCI).
• The project, which revamped the old and outdated facilities at
Pragati Maidan, was developed as a national project at a cost
Two greenfield airports in North Eastern Region
of about 2,700 crore rupees.
have been constructed under GFA Policy, 2008
• Government of India (GoI) has formulated a Greenfield Rajya Sabha passes bill to give tribal status to Hattee
Airports (GFA) Policy, 2008 which prescribes the procedure community in Himachal
and conditions for development of new Greenfield airports in • Rajya Sabha passed a bill to accord the Scheduled Tribe status
the country. to the Hattee community in Sirmour district of Himachal
• Two greenfield airports in North Eastern Region namely, Pradesh.
Pakyong and Itanagar (Hollongi) have been constructed under • The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order (Third
GFA Policy, 2008. Amendment) Bill 2022 was passed in the Upper House of
Parliament by voice vote.
National Webinar on National Organ and Tissue
Transplant Organisation Indian Railways
• The National Organ and Tissue Transplant Organisation • In India 14 States/ Union territories that are 100% electrified.
(NOTTO), in association with the Directorate General of Health • A total of 24,383 Route kilometer (RKM) out of 59,096 Route
Services, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government kilometers (RKM) of Broad Gauge network of Indian Railways
(IR) have been electrified in this 14 States/UT.
of India, demonstrated its unwavering commitment to
• Out of which, 37,011 RKM have been electrified during the past
promoting organ and tissue donation during the Angdaan
nine years only.
Mahotsav campaign by organizing a National Webinar on
• At present, 850 ‘One Station One Product’ (OSOP) outlets are
Organ and Tissue Donation.
operational at 782 stations over Indian Railways.

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RECEIC launched by Minister for Environment, Protection, Child Safety, and Child Welfare at Darbhanga Hall,
Forest and Climate Change Shri Bhupender Yadav Central Coalfields Limited, Ranchi.
• There were four participating states West Bengal, Jharkhand,
• The Resource Efficiency and Circular Economy Industry
Odisha, and Bihar.
Coalition (RECEIC) launched at the side event during the 4th
Environment and Climate Sustainability Working Group and 7th Meeting of Central Institute Body of AIIMS and
Environment and Climate Ministers meeting in Chennai, Tamil
Chintan Shivir
• Union Minister of Health & Family Welfare, Dr. Mansukh
"Familiarisation Programme for Independent Mandaviya addressed the 7th Meeting of the Central Institute
Directors" Body (CIB) of AIIMS and Chintan Shivir at the National Institute
for Health and Family Welfare.
• The Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs (IICA), the apex think
• CIB is the highest decision-making body of all AIIMS for finance,
tank for the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India,
infrastructure, vacancy, recruitment, enforcement of policies,
commenced the "Two Day Familiarisation Programme for
challenges and procurement.
Independent Directors" underscoring its commitment to
advancing corporate governance excellence in India, aligning PM Modi launches Urea Gold for farmers
with the government's vision.
• Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched Urea Gold in
NHA to boost digital health adoption with 100 Rajasthan's Sikar.
microsite projects in India • Urea Gold is a new variety of Urea fertiliser that is coated with
• To promote digital health and improve healthcare accessibility
for all citizens, the National Health Authority (NHA) has Health ministry's e-initiative clocks 14.17 crores
introduced the 100 Microsites Project as part of the Ayushman teleconsultations since April 2021
Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM).
• The project envisions creating microsites, which are clusters of • The Union Health ministry's e-health initiative eSanjeevani has
small and medium-sized clinics, nursing homes, hospitals clocked over 14.17 crore teleconsultations from April 2021
(preferably with less than 10 beds), labs, pharmacies, and when it was launched till July 26 this year.
other healthcare facilities that are fully enabled with ABDM • The telemedicine application provides doctor-to-doctor and
capabilities to offer digital health services to patients. patient-to-doctor consultations.

PM inaugurates Akhil Bhartiya Shiksha Samagam at National Mission for Clean Ganga Approves 7
Bharat Mandapam in Delhi Projects Worth Rs. 692 Crore
• The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi inaugurated Akhil • The 50th meeting of the Executive Committee of the National
Bhartiya Shiksha Samagam at Bharat Mandapam in Delhi. Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG) was held under the
• It coincides with the 3rd anniversary of National Education chairmanship of DG, NMCG, Shri G. Asok Kumar where Seven
Policy 2020. projects worth around Rs. 692 crore were approved.
• Out of the seven projects, four pertain to sewage management
DGCA imposes penalty of Rs 30 lakh on IndiGo for in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.
tail strike incidents
Parliament New Bills
• The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) imposed a
financial penalty of Rs 30 lakh on IndiGo airline for four tail • Parliament passed the Biological Diversity (Amendment) Bill,
strike incidents within a span of six months this year. 2023, which entails provisions for sharing benefits of
biodiversity commerce with locals and also decriminalises
AMC Repo Clearing Limited (ARCL) and Corporate biodiversity offences.
Debt Market Development Fund (CDMDF) • Parliament also passed Multi-State Cooperative Societies
(Amendment) Bill 2023.
• Union Minister of Finance and Corporate Affairs Smt. Nirmala
• Rajya Sabha passed the Offshore Areas Mineral (Development
Sitharaman inaugurated the Corporate Debt Market
and Regulation) Amendment Bill 2023.
Development Fund (CDMDF) and initiated the muhurat trading
on Limited Purpose Clearing Corporation mechanism called Government gets over Rs 3,400 crores dividend from
AMC Repo Clearing Limited (ARCL), in Mumbai. NIIF, ECGC
I&B minister Anurag Thakur to inaugurate 11th • Government has respectively received about Rs 3,031 crore
Jagran Film Festival and Rs 434 crore from National Investment and Infrastructure
Fund Ltd (NIIFL) and ECGC as dividend tranches.
• Union Minister for Information and Broadcasting Anurag
• The government has already mopped up Rs 5,200 crore as
Thakur will inaugurate the 11th edition of Jagran Film Festival.
dividend from public sector companies so far in the current
• The four-day film gala will be held in the national capital from
August 3 to August 6 at Siri Fort Auditorium.
World’s Largest Grain Storage Plan to empower
Regional Symposium on Child Protection, Child
Safety, and Child Welfare
• The ‘World’s Largest Grain Storage Plan in the Cooperative
• The Ministry of Women and Child Development (MWCD)
Sector’ will be rolled out as a Pilot Project to revolutionise
organized the fourth one-day Regional Symposium on Child
agricultural infrastructure and empower farmers.

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• The plan focuses on creating godowns and other agricultural Union Minister of Steel Shri Jyotiraditya M. Scindia
infrastructure at the level of Primary Agricultural Credit unveils the new logo of NMDC
Societies (PACS) to strengthen food security, reduce wastage,
• Union Minister of Steel and Civil Aviation Sh. Jyotiraditya M.
and empower farmers by enabling them to realise better prices
Scindia unveiled the new logo of NMDC at New Delhi.
for their crops.
• NMDC's new logo represents how India's largest producer of
iron ore, is all set for the mining at a global scale in a
Govt disbursed over Rs 2,41,000 crore pension to
sustainable and green environment.
more than 65.74 lakh pensioners including +20.93
lakh family pensioners during 2022 -23 Shri Sarbananda Sonowal launches Port Health
• On the basis of the information provided by the Central Organisation (PHO) under Sagar Setu to enable
Pension Accounting Office (for Civil Pensioners), Office of faster & simpler ecosystem to promote Ease of
Controller General of Defence Accounts (for Defence Doing Business
Pensioners), Department of Telecommunications (for • The Union Minister of Ports, Shipping & Waterways (MoPSW)
Telecom Pensioners), Railway Board (for Railway Pensioners), and Ayush, Shri Sarbananda Sonowal launched Port Health
and Department of Posts (for Postal Pensioners), the details Organisation (PHO) module under Sagar Setu - National
regarding the pensioners and family pensioners receiving Logistics Portal (Marine) - in an attempt to enable faster and
pension and expenditure involved during the year 2022-23 simpler ecosystem to promote Ease of Doing Business (EODB).
under the Union Government are given as under: • PHO will conduct disease surveillance, health inspection and
• The amount of minimum pension/ family pension under the quarantine measures to safeguard citizens and port workers.
Central Government is Rupees 9,000 per month.
38th meeting of the Committee of Parliament on
International Literature Festival & Festival of Folk & Official Language
Tribal Performing Arts • Union Home Minister and Minister of Cooperation, Shri Amit
• President Draupadi Murmu inaugurated the national festival Shah chaired the 38th meeting of the Committee of
of India's folk and tribal expressions "Utkarsh" and the Parliament on Official Language in New Delhi.
international literature festival "Unmesh" in Bhopal. • During the meeting, 12th volume of the report of the
Committee of Parliament on Official Language was also
• Culture Department of Madhya Pradesh along with Sangeet
approved which will be presented to the President.
Natak Akademi and Sahitya Akademi of the Union Ministry of
Culture is organizing this event. PM Modi launched Rs 24k crore project to revamp
508 railway stations
India introduces Ayush Visa category for foreign
nationals seeking traditional medicine treatment • Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid the foundation stone for
the redevelopment of 508 railway stations in the country.
• The Ministry of Home Affairs has notified the creation of a new • The stations are being redeveloped at a cost of Rs 24,470 crore
category of Ayush visa for foreign nationals for treatment to increase passenger capacity, improve employment
under Ayush systems/Indian systems of medicine. generation, and act as city centres.
• The introduction of the Ayush Visa fulfils the proposal for
introducing a special visa scheme for foreigners visiting India Cabinet approved Rs 1.3 trillion Bharatnet package
for treatment across streams like therapeutic care, wellness • The Union Cabinet approved Rs. 1.3 trillion ($17 billion) worth
and Yoga. of investments to drive the next stage of the government's
ambitious Bharatnet project which aims to provide every
Government approves Rs 2539.61 crore for Indian village with fixed-line broadband connectivity a top
upgradation of Akashvani and Doordarshan official from the Department of Telecommunications (DoT).
• The Government has approved the continuation of the Central • The Cabinet meeting also saw the adoption of a new
Sector Scheme “Broadcasting Infrastructure and Network operational model to drive the next stage of the project, which
Development (BIND)” with an outlay of 2539.61 crore rupees aims to cover 674,000 villages under 250,000 gram panchayats
for the period 2021-26 for upgradation of broadcasting nationwide within the next two months.
infrastructure and network development of Prasar Bharati
39th CISO Deep Dive Training Programme
(Akashvani and Doordarshan).
• Under the BIND Scheme, the upgradation of DDK • Cyber Surakshit Bharat initiative of Ministry of Electronics and
(Doordarshan) Ranchi and Akashvani stations at Chaibasa, Information Technology was conceptualised with the mission
to spread awareness about cyber-crime and build capacities of
Daltonganj, Hazaribagh, Ranchi, Giridih, Pakur, Simdega, and
Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) and frontline IT
Kodarma has been envisaged in the State of Jharkhand.
officials, across all government departments, for ensuring
adequate safety measures to combat the growing menace –
First National Sports University of country
Organisations need to defend their digital infrastructures and
• First National Sports University of country in the North- become future-ready in tackling cyber-attacks.
eastern state of Manipur at a total sanctioned cost of Rs.643.34
crore. PM Narendra Modi Launches ‘Bhartiya Vastra evam
• Ministry has approved 75 sports infrastructure projects at a Shilp Kosh’ E-Portal
combined sanctioned cost of Rs.520.60 crore. • Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the e-portal of
• 3 National Centres of Excellence, 12 SAI Training Centres and ‘Bhartiya Vastra evam Shilp Kosh’ a Repository of Textiles and
22 Khelo India accredited Sports Academies are already Crafts developed by the National Institute of Fashion
functional in the North-Eastern States. Technology (NIFT).

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• The programme was attended by over 3000 handloom and Central Railway’s third ‘Pink Station’
khadi weavers, artisans, and stakeholders from the textile and
• Central Railway had inaugurated the New Amravati station
MSME sectors.
third station of Central Railway CR to be a Pink Station to be
fully managed by women staff.
"Meri Mati, Mera Desh"
• Previous stations Matunga station, Mumbai and Ajni station,
• Along with the entire country, After Gujarat, Tripura has Nagpur.
launched the celebration of "Meri Mati, Mera Desh" campaign
upon the theme of 'Mitti Ko Naman, Veero Ka Bandan'. ‘One District One Product’ Wall at SARAS Ajeevika
• Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde launched the ‘Meri Store
Mati, Mera Desh’ campaign at Mumbai’s historic August Kranti
• Ministry of Rural Development Additional Secretary Shri
Maidan. Charanjit Singh and Director of Department for Promotion of
Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) Smt. Supriya Devasthali
PM GatiShakti Programme
inaugurated One District One Product Wall at SARAS
• During 53rd National Planning Group meeting, held in New Aajeevika Store.
Delhi under PM GatiShakti six infrastructure projects cost of • The wall stands as a symbol of the harmonious partnership
Rs. 28,875.16 crore rupees which includes three projects each between Ministry of Commerce & Industry and Ministry of
are related to Railways and Road Transport and Highways. Rural Development.

Second phase of the Annual Nationwide Mass Drug Fifth Regional Symposium on Child Protection, Child
Administration (MDA) initiative Safety, and Child Welfare
• Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya had inaugurated • The fifth one-day Regional Symposium on Child Protection,
second phase of the Annual Nationwide Mass Drug Child Safety, and Child Welfare at Srimanta Sankaradeva
Administration (MDA) initiative. Kalakshetra, Guwahati was organised by Ministry of Women
• The second phase of the drive will cover 81 districts in nine and Child Development.
endemic states. • Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Nagaland, Meghalaya,
• India is committed to eliminating Lymphatic filariasis by 2027 Tripura and Sikkim participated in the symposium.
“Through Jan Bhagidaari and ‘Whole of Government’ and
‘Whole of Society’ approach, but global target is 2030. 11 industrial corridors are being developed by
Government of India in a phased manner
'Har Ghar Tiranga' bike rally • Government of India is developing eleven Industrial Corridor
• Honourable Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar flagged off the Projects as part of the National Industrial Corridor Programme
Har Ghar Tiranga rally from Pragati Maidan, New Delhi. across the country in a phased manner.
• The rally ended at Major Dhyan Chand Stadium. • Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade
(DPIIT) has sanctioned and released funds amounting to Rs.
Greenfield Airports 9,899.89 crores for the Industrial Corridor Project, which has
• 12 greenfield airports had been operationalised in our country been utilized to the extent of Rs. 9,816.98 crores.
out of 21 Greenfield Airports.
National Bioenergy Programme
• Greenfield airports are aviation facilities built from scratch on
previously undeveloped or empty land. • The Ministry of New and Renewable Resources launched
National Bioenergy Programme (NBP) for the period from
Two Days National Writeshop on Panchayat 2021-22 to 2025-26.
Development Index Portal • Under NBP Ministry of New and Renewable Resources has so
far commissioned six compressed natural gas (BioCNG) plants
• Two-Days National Writeshop on Panchayat Development
and 11,143 small biogas plants.
Index Portal for Preparation of Baseline Report and
Computation of Panchayat Development Index was organised National Media Campaign of Department o f Land
at Dr. Ambedkar International Centre, New Delhi by Ministry Resources (DoLR)
of Panchayati Raj.
• National Media Campaign of the Department of Land
• The Writeshop aims at emphasizing the prominence of the
Resources (DoLR) was launched by Minister of Rural
Baseline Report for setting the local actions on measurable
Development and Panchayati Raj Giriraj Singh in New Delhi.
dimensions to achieve the local targets towards achieving
• This campaign has been launched to make common people
Sustainable Development Goals in rural areas.
aware of the new initiatives in Land Governance and
Indian Web Browser Development Challenge Watershed Development Component (WDC) of Pradhan
Mantri Krishi Sinchayi Yojana (PMKSY).
• Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (MeitY) Import of four critical minerals
launched the Indian Web Browser Development Challenge
• India’s import on four critical minerals - lithium (apart from
(IWBDC) at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.
lithium ion), cobalt, nickel and copper – was around ₹34,800
• The IWBDC is spearheaded by MeitY, CCA and C-DAC crores in FY23, and reliance across these minerals is anywhere
Bangalore. between 93 per cent and 100 per cent.

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Ministry of Railways will establish Pradhan Mantri • Union Minister for Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Shri
Bhartiya Janaushadhi Kendras (PMBJKs) Parshottam Rupala has unveiled the 'A-HELP' (Accredited
Agent for Health and Extension of Livestock Production)
• Indian Railways will establish Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya
programme along with an Infertility Camp, in Gujarat.
Janaushadhi Kendras (PMBJKs) in 50 railway station.
• The Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying is
• To Promote Government of India’s mission to make available
responsible these initiatives as part of the Pashudhan Jagrati
quality medicines and consumables (Janaushadhi products) to
Abhiyaan under Inclusive Development.
all at affordable price.
19 th Meeting of the Maritime State Development
MakeMyTrip and Ministry of tourism unveiled 600+
travel destinations in India
• The Union Minister for Ports, Shipping and Waterways Shri
• MakeMyTrip in collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism, is Sarbananda Sonowal chaired the 19th meeting of the
showcasing more than 600 destinations within India that are Maritime State Development Council (MSDC) at Kevadia in
lesser known. Gujarat.
• This is designed to support domestic tourism, which can be a • The discussions focused upon significant issues pertaining to
powerful instrument for socio-economic development. the overall progress of the maritime sector.

77th Independence Day MoS Rajeev Chandrasekhar held Bilateral Meetings

• This year observes 77 Independence Day, marking 76 years
with Ministerial Delegations of Bangladesh, South
of freedom. Korea, France and Türkiye
• The main theme for this year is “Nation First, Always First,” as • Union Minister of State for Skill Development and
part of the larger “Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav” Celebration. Entrepreneurship and Electronics and IT, Shri Rajeev
Chandrasekhar held bilateral meetings with the ministerial
Cabinet Committee delegations and other senior representatives from Bangladesh,
• The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs approved seven South Korea, France and Türkiye at the Fourth Meeting of G20
projects of the Ministry of Railways with an estimated cost of Digital Economy Working Group.
around 32 thousand 500 crore rupees, with 100% funding from • A range of potential areas of collaboration such as Digital
Central Government. Public Infrastructures, India Stack, Artificial Intelligence,
• The projects will cover 35 Districts in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, skilling and cybersecurity were explored.
Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Odisha,
Jharkhand, and West Bengal. National SC-ST Hub Mega Conclave for Creating
Awareness Among SC-ST Entrepreneurs
NHAI sets up Design Division to review construction • The Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME),
of new bridges and other structures organized National SC-ST Hub (NSSH) Conclave at Town Hall,
• NHAI had set up a Design Division that will formulate policy Gumla, Jharkhand to promote entrepreneurship culture and
and guidelines for planning, designing, construction and spread awareness of the NSSH Scheme and other Schemes.
maintenance of bridges, structures, tunnels and RE walls on • Around 650 SC-ST aspiring and existing entrepreneurs
National Highways across the country for effective review of participated in the event.
design and construction of bridges, specialized structures and
Shri Hardeep Singh Puri launched Inspiring National
Anthem Rendition India, Sri Lanka agree to boost ties through energy,
• Minister for Housing & Urban Affairs and Petroleum and power and port projects
Natural Gas Shri Hardeep Singh Puri released a rendition of
• India and Sri Lanka had agreed to improve economic ties by
India’s National Anthem featuring sportspeople who have
increasing cooperation in renewable energy and studying the
brought glory to India across various sporting disciplines and
feasibility of building an oil pipeline and a land bridge between
have been supported by Indian Oil Corporation Ltd on the the two countries.
occasion of India's 77th Independence Day.
India, Japan sign MoC for semiconductor supply-
India’s first 3D-printed post office
chain partnership
• Union Minister for Railways, Communications, Electronics and
• After a successful journey in the automotive industry, India and
IT Ashwini Vaishnaw virtually inaugurated the nation India’s
Japan signed a memorandum of cooperation (MoC) on
first 3D-printed post office located in Bengaluru’s Cambridge semiconductor supply-chain partnership for government-to-
Layout. government and industry-to-industry collaboration.
• The General Post Office building, was completed in just 43
days. India, Sri Lanka to establish high-capacity power
• The post office covers a built-up area of 1,021 sq feet. grid interconnection
Shri Parshottam Rupala launched 'A -HELP' • India and Sri Lanka have agreed to establish high-capacity
power grid interconnection between the two nations to enable
Programme and Infertility Camp for Livestock under
bidirectional electricity trade between the island nation and
Inclusive Development at Narmada, Gujarat other regional nations.

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India to hand over missile corvette INS Kirpan to India, UK hold first Defence & Military Tech
Vietnam Cooperation workshop
• India will hand over its in-service missile corvette INS Kirpan to • Senior government officials, sectoral experts and industry
Vietnam in reflection of growing strategic partnership between representatives came together in London for a first-of-its-kind
the two sides. discussion to explore synergies between India and the UK in
• It is for the first time that India is gifting a fully operational the defence and military technology sector and work as a
corvette to any friendly foreign country. catalyst to enhance bilateral cooperation in the sphere.
• The UK-India Defence and Military Technology Cooperation
India signed contract with Bangladesh to modernise workshop, organised by the London-based think tank
signalling system of Dhaka-Tongi-Joydebpur rail line International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) in
partnership with India's Bharat Shakti defence platform,
• India and Bangladesh signed a contract for installation of explored collaborative defence research and industrial
computer based interlocking signalling system for Dhaka- production partnerships between the two countries.
Tongi-Joydebpur rail line at Rail Bhaban, Dhaka.
• Implementation of this project will ease congestion and India & Japan review progress in Special Strategic &
improve efficiency of Dhaka-Tongi-Joydebour section which is Global Partnership; look for collaboration in critical
one of the busiest rail lines in Bangladesh. & emerging technologies
India and Argentina have agreed for a bilateral • External Affairs Minister Dr. S Jaishankar and his Japanese
counterpart Hayashi Yoshimasa reviewed the progress made
exchange of young researchers and Startups
in the India-Japan Special Strategic and Global Partnership.
• Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) Science & • The 15th India-Japan Foreign Ministers' Strategic Dialogue
Technology; MoS PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances, was held in New Delhi.
Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr Jitendra Singh held a
high-level delegation with Governor of Santa Fe province of Deepika Deshwal is the youngest Indian to deliver a
Argentina, Omar Angel Perotti. speech at the UN for the third time
• India and Argentina have agreed for a bilateral exchange of • Deepika Deshwal, who has entered the Guinness Book of
young researchers and Startups, particularly in the field of World Records for being the youngest Indian to deliver a
Biotechnology and Agriculture. speech at the UN for the third time.
• A social activist, Deepika is a law officer at the Supreme Court
India & UK conclude 11th round of talks for Free and a sportsperson, who has won six gold medals in inter-
Trade Agreement university tournaments.
• India and United Kingdom have concluded the eleventh round
of talks for the UK- India Free Trade Agreement (FTA). Bajaj Auto to set up first overseas manufacturing
• As per the Joint Outcome Statement, technical discussions plant in Brazil
were held across 9 policy areas over 42 separate sessions. • Pune-based Bajaj Auto will set up its first overseas
manufacturing factory in Brazil through its wholly-owned arm,
PFC became 1st member from India to join Asia Bajaj Do Brasil.
Transition Finance Study Group • Brazil is Latin America's biggest two-wheeler market.
• Power Finance Corporation has announced joining “Asia
Transition Finance Study Group” (ATFSG) during the Bilateral India and Bhutan review bilateral cooperation and
Ministerial Meeting between Hon’ble Minister of Power and discussed ways to further strengthen it across
New and Renewable Energy Mr. R. K. Singh and His Excellency diverse sectors
Mr. Yasutoshi Nishimura, Minister of Economy, Trade and • India and Bhutan have reviewed the entire spectrum of
Industry, Government of Japan on the side lines of G20 summit bilateral cooperation and discussed ways to further strengthen
at Goa. Mr B.S. Bhalla, Secretary(MNRE), Mr. Ajay Tewari, it across diverse sectors.
Additional Secretary (Power), Mrs. Parminder Chopra, CMD • Foreign Secretary Vinay Kwatra and his Bhutanese counterpart
(Addl. Charge), PFC and Senior Officials from both countries Aum Pema Choden co-chaired the India-Bhutan Development
were present. Cooperation Talks in New Delhi.

After France and Singapore, India's UPI payment India to discuss grid linking with Singapore to trade
model reaches Sri Lanka in green power
• India's Unified Payments Interface (UPI) technology will now • India and Singapore are accelerating their plans to establish a
be accepted in neighbouring Sri Lanka. power grid through an underwater cable passing via the
• So far, France, UAE, and Singapore had partnered with India on Andaman & Nicobar region.
emerging fintech and payment solutions. • This ambitious project will empower India to export its
renewable energy to Singapore.
8th India-Australia Defence Policy Talks held in
Canberra Agriculture Takes Center Stage: India, Moldova
Explore Cooperation in High-Level Meeting
• The 8th India-Australia Defence Policy Talks (DPT) was held at
Canberra in Australia. • Shobha Karandlaje, Minister of State for Agriculture and
• The Defence policy talks were co-chaired by Special Secretary Farmers Welfare, and Vladimir Bolea, Deputy Prime Minister
and Minister of Agriculture and Food Industries of Moldova,
in Ministry of Defence Smt. Nivedita Shukla Verma, and Acting
met at Krishi Bhawan in New Delhi in a significant move aimed
Deputy Secretary in Department of Defence, Australia Mr
at enhancing bilateral ties.
Steven Moore.

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India, LAC can target USD 100 billion trade by 2027 India, Nepal & Bangladesh working on a first-of-its-
• External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar, highlighted four key kind tripartite electricity trade deal in South Asia
pillars of cooperation between India and Latin America and • In a first, India, Nepal and Bangladesh are working on a
the Caribbean (LAC region) and said that the two economies tripartite power trade deal under which Nepal will supply up to
can target USD 100 billion in trade by 2027. 500 megawatts (MW) of hydropower to Bangladesh using
• Jaishankar also highlighted four key pillars of enhanced India’s transmission line, a move that can further boost cross-
engagement namely; supply chain diversification; resource border electricity trading in South Asia.
partnerships; sharing of developmental experiences; and
‘UN Women’ joins hands with Kerala Tourism for
addressing global challenges.
women-friendly tourism initiative
India hands over ₹45 crores to Sri Lanka to fund its • UN Women, a United Nations body working for gender equality
digital identity project and empowerment of women, has joined hands with Kerala
Tourism to promote the Women-Friendly Tourism initiative
• India has handed over ₹45 crores in advance to Sri Lanka to
launched by the State government.
fund its unique digital identity project, the most crucial step in
• A two-day orientation programme for women organised in this
the island nation's digitalisation programme being
connection focussed on a wide range of tourism activities in
implemented through the Indian grant assistance.
which women can play a central role.
• Indian government’s commitment to the initiative, the Indian
High Commissioner handed over a significant contribution of India & Uzbekistan enhancing cooperation in trade,
₹450 million to Minister Kanaka Herath (State Minister of defence partnership
Technology), constituting 15 per cent of the total funds
• India and Uzbekistan conducted their 16th India-Uzbekistan
required for the successful implementation of the project as an
Foreign Office Consultations (FOC) in Tashkent.
advance payment.
• The two sides discussed a range of bilateral issues, with
connectivity and enhancing cooperation within the framework
India-Lesotho agrees to hold Joint Bilateral
of the India-Central Asia partnership taking centre stage.
Commission for Cooperation in New Delhi
• India and Lesotho held the 5th round of Joint Bilateral India to support clean water project at school in
Commission for Cooperation in Maseru, Lesotho. Tuvalu with $700,000
• The two sides carried out a comprehensive review of the • India will be providing support worth $700,000 from the India-
existing bilateral relations, including enhancing of cooperation UN Development Partnership Fund to the project in Tuvalu to
in development partnership, trade and economic relations, store and provide clean water in school.
energy, agriculture, health, art and culture and consular • Notably, 'Motufoua Secondary School' is Tuvalu's only public
matters. school.

India, Peru to resume FTA discussions to promote India, Vietnam hold 5th Joint Trade Sub-Commission
commerce, investment meeting
• India and Peru have agreed to recommence negotiations for a • India and Vietnam, held the fifth meeting of Joint Trade Sub-
proposed Free Trade Agreement (FTA) aimed at boosting trade Commission (JTSC) in New Delhi, where the two countries
and investment between the two countries. discussed the challenges in logistics that affect their bilateral
• Bilateral trade between the nations dwindled to $3.11 billion trade.
in 2022-23, down from $3.6 billion in 2021-22. • The two nations concurred on the importance of addressing
these challenges and expressed a mutual interest in exploring
Construction work of Indian Buddhist Culture and solutions such as direct shipping services, collaborative freight
movement, and improving air connectivity.
Heritage Centre begins in Lumbini, Nepal
• In Nepal, the construction work of the Indian Buddhist Culture India extends support amounting to USD 246,852.71
and Heritage Centre has begun in Lumbini after Bhumi Pujan to enhance flood resilience in Suriname
ceremony with special recitation by Buddhist monks.
• India has extended support amounting to USD 246,852.71 for
• The 1.60 billion rupees heritage Centre is expected to be lotus project aimed at bolstering early flood warning services to
shaped which will be built in zero-net technology and may be communities in Suriname.
completed in one and a half years. • The support extended by the India-UN Development
Partnership Fund is in direct response to a request from the
7th BRICS Industry Ministers’ meeting Government of Suriname, as part of their efforts to enhance
• Union Minister of Commerce and Industry, Textiles, Consumer resilience against flooding resulting from excessive rainfall.
Affairs and Food & Public Distribution, Shri Piyush Goyal
participated in the “7th BRICS Industry Ministers’ meeting” CBI Academy joined Interpol Global Academy
hosted virtually with South Africa as the Chair. Network
• Shri Goyal announced that India will be launching the BRICS • At Virtual event the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI)
Startup Forum in 2023 with the goal of facilitating Academy joined the Interpol Global Academy Network.
collaboration and sharing best practices among startups, • The network supports academic collaboration among law
investors, incubators, and aspiring entrepreneurs. enforcement training institutions across the world.

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First India-Angloa Inaugural Foreign Office L&T bags order worth nearly Rs 7,000 crores for
Consultations (FOC) Mumbai-Ahmedabad rail project
• The first India-Angloa Inaugural Foreign Office Consultations • Construction major Larsen & Toubro announced that its heavy
(FOC) was held in Luanda, Angola. civil infrastructure business has received an order worth more
• The bilateral trade between India and Angola has grown from than Rs 7,000 crore from the National High-Speed Rail
2.14 billion dollars in 2020-21 to 4.22 billion dollars during Corporation Limited (NHSRCL) to construct the 135.45 km
2022-23. stretch of MAHSR – C3 package, a part of the Mumbai
Ahmedabad high-speed rail project.
India and Taiwan will boost supply chain partnership
• An interactive meeting organized between India & Taiwan for
Kerala gets India’s first Construction Innovation Hub
an in-bound Taiwan Trade Mission at Taipei World Trade • Kerala got the country’s first Construction Innovation Hub
Center Liaison Office in Mumbai. (CIH) that seeks to promote affordable and sustainable building
• Bilateral trade between the two countries totaled US$8.45 facilities so as to foster collaboration, innovation and
billion in 2022, representing an increase of 9.8% over the knowledge-sharing among the stakeholders.
previous year.
Union Minister for Finance and Corporate Affairs
PM Modi embarked on 2 nation visit to South Africa Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman inaugurates GST Bhawan
and Greece at Agartala
• Prime Minister Narendra Modi on four-day visit to South Africa • Union Minister for Finance and Corporate Affairs Smt. Nirmala
and Greece. Sitharaman inaugurated the ‘GST Bhawan’, a project for CGST,
• In Johannesburg, South Africa Mr Modi will attend the 15th CX and Customs Office, Agartala, Guwahati Zone under CBIC, at
BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) Summit. Agartala, Tripura.

India and ASEAN agreed to review FTA by 2025 Rajasthan government tables country's first gig
• India and the ASEAN countries reached an agreement to workers bill
review their free trade pact for goods and set a 2025 goalpost • Rajasthan government tabled the Rajasthan Platform Based
for concluding the review aimed at addressing the GIG Workers (registration and welfare) Bill, 2023 - country's
“asymmetry” in bilateral trade. first such - which seeks to guarantee social security to gig
• A Joint Committee of the ASEAN-India Trade in Goods workers.
Agreement (AITIGA), signed in 2009, deliberated on the • The state government may impose a fine up to Rs 5 lakh for the
roadmap for the review of the pact and finalised the terms of first contravention and up to Rs 50 lakh for subsequent
reference for the fresh negotiations, ahead of an ASEAN-India contravention.
Economic Ministers’ meeting held in Indonesia.
Odisha Cabinet approves Rs 1,001 crore to build 11
comprehensive cancer care units across the state
STATE NEWS • Odisha state cabinet headed by Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik
has approved a budget of Rs 1001.14 crore for expanding
Karnataka State Government’s Finance Department Comprehensive Cancer Services across the State It aims to
partners with Kellton to develop Human Resource provide cancer care facilities nearer to the household of the
Management System version 2.0 patients.

• Kellton, a leading global IT solutions provider, announced that Aviation Security Control Center of CISF
it has secured a highly prestigious, multi-year large-scale
project from the Karnataka State Government’s Finance • Union Home Minister and Minister of Cooperation, Shri Amit
Department to develop and implement HRMS Version 2.0 for Shah inaugurated the Aviation Security Control Center (ASCC)
over 600,000 state government employees in Karnataka. of Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) at Mahipalpur
campus in New Delhi.
Financial assistance of Rs. 659.26 lakh provided to • The Aviation Security Control Centre (ASCC) has four
Karnataka between 2020-July 2023 under components:
Hathkargha Samvardhan Sahayata • Communication and Monitoring Centre, Incident
Management Centre, Aviation Research Centre and Data
• Ministry of Textiles is implementing National Handloom Centre
Development Programme to provide need based financial
assistance to eligible handloom agencies and handloom Gujarat government unveils Semiconductor Policy
workers through various interventions like Cluster (2022-2027)
Development Programme including Hathkargha Samvardhan
Sahayata (HSS), Design & product development, Marketing • The Gujarat government has unveiled the Semiconductor
support, Weaver’s Mudra loan, Weavers welfare etc. for Policy (2022-2027). This strategic initiative reflects the state's
development of handlooms and welfare of handloom workers unwavering commitment to fostering accelerated and inclusive
across the country including Karnataka. growth within the domestic semiconductor chip
manufacturing sector.

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Amit Shah lays foundation stone of 108 feet tall Assam to ban packaged drinking water bottles of
statue of Lord Shri Ram in Andhra Pradesh less than 1 litre
• Union Home Minister Amit Shah laid the foundation stone of • The Assam government has decided to ban packaged drinking
108 feet tall statue of Lord Shri Ram in Kurnool, Andhra water bottles of less than one litre from October 2.
Pradesh through video conferencing. • From October 2024, bottles of less than two litres will also be
banned in the state.
• The statue will be built at a cost of over 500 crore rupees.
Telangana has highest per capita income among all
Telangana government & WEF unveil Saagu Baagu
Indian states
• Government of Telangana and World Economic Forum (WEF)
• At Rs 3,08,732 in 2022-23, Telangana leads the list of Indian
launched ‘Saagu Baagu’ project phase-I Insights report
states with the highest per capita income at current prices, data
• The project was initiated in 2022 and is being implemented by released by the Ministry of Statistics & Programme
Digital Green (in consortium with three agritech startups) Implementation (MoSPI) showed.
with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. • It is followed by Karnataka with a per capita income of Rs
3,01,673 and Haryana at Rs 296,685.
SemiconIndia 2023 exhibition
• The ‘SemiconIndia 2023’ exhibition was inaugurated at Sagarmala project: Govt undertaking 113 projects in
Gandhinagar by Chief Minister of Gujarat, Shri Bhupendrabhai Andhra Pradesh
Patel, in the presence of Union Minister of State for Skill • The government has identified 113 projects for
Development & Entrepreneurship and Electronics & IT, Shri implementation in Andhra Pradesh under the Sagarmala
Rajeev Chandrasekhar. Programme at an estimated cost of around Rs 1.2 trillion.
• This exhibition marks the start of Semicon India 2023’s second • Out of these projects, 36 projects have been completed which
edition, organised by India Semiconductor Mission in close cost Rs 32,000 crore, whereas, 77 projects worth Rs 91,000
crore are under different stages of execution and
collaboration with industry and industry associations, under
the leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi.
Goa government to introduce AI-based chatbots to
IIM Kozhikode to set up India-Japan Study and
interact with citizens
Research Centre
• Goa's Information and Technology Minister Rohan Khaunte
• The Board of Governors of the Indian Institute of Management has said his department will introduce the artificial intelligence-
Kozhikode has given its approval to the proposal of setting up based chatbots to deliver services in a more efficient manner
an “India-Japan Study and Research Centre” for enhancing and to help people in addressing their grievances.
management education and research competencies in specific
areas of mutual interest between both two countries. Tamil Nadu has the highest outstanding debt in the
7,000 Telangana farmers benefit from WEF’s ‘Saagu • Tamil Nadu has the highest amount of outstanding debt among
Baagu’ pilot all States and Union Territories.
• Telangana’s “Saagu Baagu” (agricultural advancement) pilot • The State’s outstanding debt stood, as per budget estimates for
project with the guidance of the World Economic Forum (WEF) 2022-23, at ₹7.54-lakh crore followed by the country’s most
populous State Uttar Pradesh at ₹7.10-lakh crore.
has impacted the lives of over 7,000 chilli farmers in the State
• The outstanding liabilities of Maharashtra, the country’s largest
and the second phase of the project is set to take off.
economy measured in terms of Gross State Domestic Product
• The impact on the lives of these farmers has been created by (GSDP), stood at ₹6.80-lakh crore as per budget estimates for
providing them access to agtech services such as AI-based 2022-23.
advisories, soil testing, produce quality testing and e- • It was followed by West Bengal (₹6.08-lakh crore), Rajasthan
commerce — under “Saagu Baagu” pilot project. (₹5.37-lakh crore) and Karnataka (₹5.35-lakh crore).

Odisha’s Naveen Patnaik replaces West Bengal’s PM Narendra Modi inaugurates new ITPO complex
Jyoti Basu as second-longest-serving CM in India 'Bharat Mandapam' in Delhi
• Odisha’s Naveen Patnaik became the second-longest-serving • Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated newly constructed
chief minister in the country, replacing West Bengal’s Jyoti the International Exhibition-cum-Convention Centre (IECC)
Basu. complex 'Bharat Mandapam' in New Delhi.
• Former Sikkim Chief Minister Pawan Kumar Chamling still holds • The Prime Minister also felicitated the Shramjeevis at the ITPO
the record of being the longest-serving CM in the country. He complex in New Delhi.
was the CM of the Himalayan state from December 12, 1994 till
PM Modi laid foundation stone and dedicates
May 27, 2019 — more than 24 years.
various development projects to the nation in Sikar
BPCL launches product for banana growers in Theni • Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid the foundation stone and
dedicated to the nation, various development projects in Sikar,
• Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL), through its Rajasthan.
MAK lubricants division, has introduced a revolutionary • The projects include the dedication of more than 1.25 lakh PM
product in Agri Spray segment with the launch of MAK ADJOL Kisan Samriddhi Kendras (PMKSKs), the launching of Urea
Banana, an adjuvant for the fungicides used in Banana Gold - a new variety of Urea coated with Sulphur and the
cultivation, in association with the National Research Centre onboarding of 1600 Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs) on
for Banana (NRCB). Open Network for Digital Commerce (ONDC).

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India to give 50 per cent financial assistance to firms • The Cabinet also approved ''The Punjab Custom Milling Policy
for setting up semiconductor manufacturing facility for Kharif 2023-24'' as per which rice mills will be linked online
in country to the procurement centres.

• Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi inaugurated Semicon India Byculla railway station gets UNESCO’s Asia Pacific
2023 conference in Gandhinagar, Gujarat. Cultural Heritage award
• He said, Technology firms will be given 50 per cent financial
assistance for setting up semiconductor manufacturing facility • The heritage Byculla Railway station which has been restored
the country. to its original glory, received the UNESCO award.
• UNESCO’s Asia Pacific Cultural Heritage award for Byculla
Amazon India announces to open first floating store Station was presented to Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnav.
in Dal lake
PM lays foundation stone and inaugurates various
• As a part of last point delivery programme ‘I Have Space’, development projects in Pune, Maharashtra
Amazon India has announced to open its first ever floating
store in famous Dal Lake in Srinagar. • The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi flagged off metro
• Murtaza Khan Kashi, owner of houseboat Selec Town, will trains marking the inauguration of completed sections of Pune
deliver packages every day to customers at the doorstep of Metro.
their houseboats as part of the onboarding. • He also handed over more than 1280 houses constructed
under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana by Pimpri Chinchwad
TN govt launches green initiatives with United Municipal Corporation (PCMC) and more than 2650 PMAY
Nations Environment Programme houses constructed by Pune Municipal Corporation to the
• The Tamil Nadu government launched several green initiatives
in partnership with the United Nations Environment Kerala CM launches Startup Mission’s LEAP
Programme (UNEP). membership card
• The initiatives by the State Environment, Climate Change and
Forests department were launched by Inger Anderson, • Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan has launched the
Executive Director, United Nations Environment Programme statewide membership card of Kerala Startup Mission’s
(UNEP) at a function held in Kalaivanar Arangam. (KSUM) ‘LEAP Coworks’ and also inaugurated the refurbished
headquarters of KSUM in Thejaswini Building, Technopark
Himanta inaugurated and laid foundation stone for Phase 1, Thiruvananthapuram.
infra projects worth over Rs 555 crores • LEAP (Launch, Empower, Accelerate, Prosper) Coworks is a
pioneering initiative which comes as part of the government’s
• Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma inaugurated and mission to transform industry incubators into co-working
laid the foundation stone for infrastructure projects worth over spaces to provide further impetus to innovation and
Rs 555 crore in Bongaigaon district. collaboration for a successful startup ecosystem.
Bengaluru becomes first Indian city to join World Tamil Nadu’s Jaderi ‘namakatti’, chedibutta saree
Cities Culture Forum and Kanniyakumari Matti banana get GI tag
• Bengaluru has become the first Indian city to become part of • Three famous products from Tamil Nadu Jaderi namakatti,
the World Cities Culture Forum (WCCF) a global network of Kanniyakumari Matti banana, Chedibutta saree were given
cities that share research and intelligence, and explore the role the GI tag by the Geographical Indications Registry in Chennai.
of culture in future prosperity.
• The network currently has 40 cities spanning six continents. GI tags for Goan mangoes and bebinca, crafts from
Rajasthan and U.P.
Tripura CM inaugurates 'Weekend Tourist Hub' in
Agartala for boosting tourism • Seven products from across India, including four from
Rajasthan, were given the Geographical Indication (GI) tag by
• Tripura Chief Minister Manik Saha inaugurated the 'Weekend the Geographical Indications Registry in Chennai.
Tourist Hub' in front of the historic Ujjayanta Palace in • The GI tags were secured by ‘Jalesar Dhatu Shilp’ (a metal
Agartala. craft), ‘Goa Mankurad Mango’, ‘Goan Bebinca’, ‘Udaipur
Koftgari Metal Craft’, ‘Bikaner Kashidakari Craft’, ‘Jodhpur
UP Govt launches five DTH channels under PM e - Bandhej Craft’, and ‘Bikaner Usta Kala Craft’.
Vidya program to enhance learning experience of
children at home IBC to set up battery manufacturing plant in
• The Uttar Pradesh Government has launched five DTH Karnataka for Rs 8,000 crore
television channels under the PM e-Vidya program to enhance • International Battery Company (IBC) has signed an investment
children's learning experiences at home. pact worth Rs 8,000 crore ($971.89 million) with the Karnataka
• The initiative will enable children to focus on studies at home government to build a battery manufacturing facility.
along with attending school, improving their learning • The facility will be spread across 100 acres in the state.
UP Cabinet approves policy for making state water
Punjab Cabinet approves new sports policy tourism, adventure sports destination
• The Punjab Cabinet approved the new sports policy, 2023, • The Uttar Pradesh Cabinet approved a policy that aims at
which lays emphasis on training, incentives, robust making the state a water tourism and adventure sports
infrastructure, and jobs for athletes. destination.

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• The Uttar Pradesh Water Tourism and Adventure Sports Policy, Haryana govt planning to build dam at cost of 6,134
2023, will be valid for 10 years from the date notified by the crore rupees
state government.
• The Haryana government is planning to build a dam at a cost
PM laid foundation for Mangaluru Junction railway of 6,134 crore rupees.
• It will have a 14-km-long reservoir and will be built 4.5 km
station upgradation
upstream from the Hathnikund Barrage in Yamunanagar
• Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid the foundation stone for district.
the upgradation of Mangaluru Junction railway station to
international standards through video conferencing upgraded Rajouri Chikri woodcraft, Mushqbudji rice secure GI
at a cost of Rs 19.32 crore. Tags in Jammu-Kashmir
• An air of jubilation and local pride permeates the picturesque
Rajasthan Cabinet approves formation of 19 new
landscapes of Jammu and Kashmir's Rajouri and Anantnag
districts, 3 divisions in state districts as their prized creations—the Rajouri Chikri
• The Rajasthan Cabinet approved the proposal of a high-level woodcraft and the Mushqbudji variety of rice have been
committee to form 19 new districts and three new divisions in bestowed with Geographical Indication (GI) tags.
the State.
• Rajasthan will now have a total of 50 districts and 10 divisional Gujarat CM launches ‘Meri Mati Mera Desh’
headquarters. campaign for state
• On the occasion of World Tribal Day, Gujarat Chief Minister
Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman laid Bhupendra Patel launched the state-wide ‘Meri Mati Mera
foundation stone for world-class museum in Desh’ campaign to honour those bravehearts who had laid
Adichanallur their lives for the country.
• Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman laid the
foundation stone for the world-class museum at Adichanallur, MP government introduces policy for rapid
near Srivaikundam in Thoothukudi district. expansion of 5G network
• Adichanallur Parambu area, where excavation work has been • Madhya Pradesh has introduced a policy for the rapid
ongoing since 2021. expansion of 5G network in the state and laid emphasis on
speeding up the process of granting government approvals for
4-day international plastic expo the expansion of such services by telecom and internet service
• A four-day international plastic expo HIPLEX 2023, being providers.
organised by the Telangana and Andhra Plastics • The policy will lead to rapid expansion of the 5G network in the
Manufacturers Association, got under way at Hitex in next six months, especially in urban areas.
Godrej Consumer Products to set up new Rs 515
• It is south and central India’s biggest and India’s third largest
crore plant in Tamil Nadu
plastics expo and spread over 20,000 sq meters.
• Godrej Consumer Products Ltd (GCPL) will set up a new
Amit Shah, CM Patnaik launch national highway manufacturing facility in Tamil Nadu with an investment of Rs
projects in Odisha 515 crore over the next five years.
• The plant will be strategically located in Chengalpattu near
• Paying rich tributes to freedom fighter and Bharat Ratna
Lokapriya Gopinath Bordoloi on his death anniversary, Union
Home Minister Amit Shah inaugurated the much awaited four- Assam Govt to organise 'Khel Maharan' across state
laning of Kamakshyanagar-Duburi section of National
from November 1
Highway-53 on EPC (Procurement and Construction) mode
here in presence of Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik. • The Assam government led by Chief Minister Himanta Biswa
• The 51 km Kamakhyanagar-Duburi project was constructed Sarma is all set to organise 'Khel Maharan' from November 1.
with a cost of Rs 761 crore. • The Khel Maharan will be held in the state in different stages –
Gram Panchayat/ULB/Wards level and Village Council
Nagaland roll out first phase of Intensified Mission Development Committee/MAC level of Bodoland Territorial
Indradhanush (IMI) 5.0 immunization drive Region, Karbi Anglong Autonomous Council, Dima Hasao
Autonomous Council; assembly constituencies level; district
• Nagaland has rolled out the first phase of Intensified Mission level and state level.
Indradhanush (IMI) 5.0 immunisation drive with special
emphasis targeting partially vaccinated or drop out children Gujarat CM Bhupendra Patel virtually launches Lion
and pregnant women. Anthem and unveils Sinh Suchna' Web App
Assam CM unveils projects worth Rs 85 crore in • On the occasion of, World Lion Day, Gujarat Chief Minister
Bhupendra Patel virtually launched Lion Anthem and unveiled
the Sinh Suchna' Web App.
• Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma unveiled different • PM Narendra Modi has launched “Lion @ 47: Vision for
development projects worth Rs 85 crore in Golaghat district of Amrutkal” which aims to secure & restore lions’ habitats.
the state. • Under project lion which has been launched to protect Asiatic
• Sarma inaugurated the first phase of the integrated sports lions in Gir, various infrastructure facilities are being developed
complex, developed at an expenditure of Rs 10 crore in for the rescue and treatment of lions and better monitor their
Bokakhat. movement with the help of technology.

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Prime Minister Narendra Modi visit to Madhya Home Affairs Minister inaugurated development
Pradesh works worth Rs 1052 crores in Gujarat
• Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid foundation stone of rail • Union Home Minister Amit Shah laid the foundation stone and
and road sector projects worth more than four thousand crore inaugurated various development works worth Rs 1052 crore
rupees. in Gandhinagar, Gujarat.
• He also the foundation stone of two road projects at a cost of • He also inaugurated and dedicated the newly constructed
more than one thousand 580 crore rupees including a four- garden by GUDA to the public.
laning road project connecting Morikori - Vidisha - Hinotiya and
a road project that will connect Hinotiya to Mehluwa. Organic agriculture university in Sikkim
• Chief Minister Prem Singh Tamang laid the foundation stone
Nagaland’s first Naga Traditional Cuisine lab for the Sikkim Organic Agriculture University (SOAU) at
• State Minister for Women Resource Development and Mondegaon in Soreng district.
Horticulture, Salhoutuonuo Kruse had inaugurated the
Nagaland’s first Naga Traditional Cuisine lab has been Rajasthan will set up Gehlot cybercrime
launched at Japfü Christian College, Kohima district. investigation centre
• Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot had approved a financial proposal
Tamil Nadu Global Investors Meet 2024
of Rs 11.73 crore for setting up a cybercrime investigation
• Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin unveiled the 'logo' for the centre at the Rajasthan Police Academy.
State government's ambitious Global Investors Meet • Besides, a 400-metre-long synthetic athletic track with eight
scheduled to be held on January 7 and 8 in 2024. lanes will be constructed for players at the Rajasthan Police
Academy stadium at a cost of Rs 7.50 crores.
Cycle Rally for Investor Awareness in Tamil Nadu
• Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority (IEPFA) CEO In last 4 years Andhra Pradesh adds 2.9 lakh new Self
Ms. Anita Shah Akella, flagged off a cycle rally via video Help Groups
conference, with more than 50 girl students from Govt. Girls
• Andhra Pradesh has witnessed a notable increase in the
Higher Secondary School in Kanchipuram participating in the
number of Self-Help Groups (SHGs) in the last four years and
cycle rally on the theme “From Unawareness to Financial
the total number of SHGs went up to 11.16 lakh from 8.71 lakh
Independence.” on occasion of 77th Independence Day.
in 2019.
• The objective of this rally was to empower individuals with
essential financial knowledge, steering them on the path to Graphene-Aurora Program
financial independence.
• ‘Graphene-Aurora program’ was launched by Ministry of
IFFCO Nano Urea Plant at Gandhidham, Kutch Electronics & Information Technology (MeitY) Secretary Shri
Alkesh Kumar Sharma at Maker Village Kochi, Kerala.
• Union Home and Cooperation Minister Amit Shah laid the
• The program will be implemented by Digital University Kerala
foundation stone for IFFCO Nano Urea Plant at Gandhidham in
with joint funding from Ministry of Electronics & Information
Kutch, Gujarat.
Technology (MeitY) and Government of Kerala and Industry
partners, with the total budget outlay of Rs 94.85 Crore,
India’s first Agricultural Data Exchange and
wherein, Carborundum Pvt Limited joined as one of the main
Agriculture Data Management Framework
industry partners.
• India’s first Agricultural Data Exchange (ADeX) and Agriculture
Data Management Framework (ADMF) was launched by Telangana government announced farm loan waiver
Telangana IT and Industries Minister K Taraka Ramarao in
• Telangana government has announced a farm loan waiver up
to ₹99,999, amounting to ₹7753.43 crore rupees, of over
• The ADeX has been developed as a digital public infrastructure
16,66,000 farmers will be cleared.
(DPI) for the agriculture sector and is a collaboration between
the State Government, the World Economic Forum, and the ‘One Pune Card’ launched for Pune Metro users
Indian Institute of Science.
• Union Road transport and Highway minister Nitin Gadkari
Chhattisgarh Chief Minister inaugurated inaugurated the multi-purpose “One Pune Card” for metro
development programmes travel.
• The card was launched by Maharashtra Metro Rail
• On World Tribal Day Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Corporation Limited (Maha-Metro).
Baghel dedicated 2,848 development projects worth Rs 1,000
crore in Bastar. India’s first common testing centre for drones will
be set up in Tamil Nadu
Northeast's first-ever defence tech expo
• The country’s first common testing centre for unmanned aerial
• Assam's Guwahati will host North-east defence technology
systems (drones) will be established at an outlay of Rs 45 crore
exhibition in October 2023 at Maniram Dewan Trade Center,
in Tamil Nadu.
• Under the Defence Testing Infrastructure Scheme (DTIS), the
• It will be the first-ever defence technology exhibition
facility will come up over 2.3 acres at the SIPCOT industrial park
showcasing cutting-edge weapons, vehicles and tech solutions
in Vallam Vadagal near Sriperumbudur.
ranging from assault rifles to military drones.

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President Droupadi Murmu launched Addiction Free • The Union Minister for Roads Transport and Highways, Shri
Bengal Campaign in Kolkata Nitin Gadkari inaugurated the quadranglement of Nandura to
Chikhli section of 45 km length on National Highway 53 worth
• President Droupadi Murmu launched 'My Bengal, Addiction
Rs.800 crores at Malkapur in Buldhana district, Maharashtra.
Free Bengal' Campaign under the 'Nasha Mukt Bharat
• The inauguration of 45 km long four-lane project on National
Abhiyan', organized by Brahma Kumaris at Raj Bhavan,
Highway 53 will boost the progress and prosperity of the
people of Buldhana.
Meghalaya Chief Minister inaugurated 'Travellers
Tamil Nadu Chief Minister announcement ₹926.88
crore for fishermen
• Meghalaya Chief Minister Conrad K Sangma inaugurated the
• Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin announced of ₹926.88-
''The Travellers Nest'' at Kyiem village in Mawphlang in East crore package for fishermen.
Khasi Hills to cater to visitors to the sacred groves.
• The government would enhance the financial assistance for
• The Travellers Nest, a prefab structure, has five cottages and a fishermen during the annual fishing ban from ₹5,000 to ₹8,000.
restaurant to cater to the need of visitors and is located 28km
south of the state capital. Rajasthan government planned to allocate Rs 5,200
crores to strengthen road network
Maharashtra Chief Minister launched a mobile app
& WhatsApp helpline for Chief Minister's Medical • The Rajasthan government plans to allocate over Rs 5,200
crore to strengthen the road network in the state during this
Assistance Fund
financial year.
• Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde launched a mobile • The state government has sanctioned around Rs 462 crore for
app and WhatsApp helpline for the Chief Minister's Medical 323 road projects, including development and repairs in urban
Assistance Fund. and rural areas.
• A helpline number 8650567567 has been started for patients
and their relatives. Datia Airport in Madhya Pradesh
• Also, the fifth edition of the medical aid manual and the book • Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh, Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan,
'Rokhthok' based on the ideology of Balasaheb Thackeray was and Union Minister of Civil Aviation and Steel, Shri Jyotiraditya
launched. M. Scindia, laid the foundation stone of Datia Airport in
• Maharashtra – Mumbai (Capital) – Eknath Shinde (CM) – Madhya Pradesh.
Ramesh Bais (Governor) – Marathi (Language) • The airport is being developed at a cost of around Rs. 50 crores
and is expected to be complete by February 2024.
Goa Government will give free IVF treatment in govt
hospital Tamil Nadu Chief Minister launched Green
• Goa has become the first Indian state to offer free in vitro Fellowship programme
fertilization (IVF) treatment. • Chief Minister M.K. Stalin launched the Chief Minister’s Green
• The inauguration of this service, alongside assisted Fellowship Programme (CMGFP) at the Secretariat and met
reproductive technology (ART) and intrauterine insemination the 40 Green Fellows selected for the programme.
(IUI), was done by Chief Minister Pramod Sawant at the Goa • The scheme was announced in the Assembly as part of the
Medical College (GMC) in Bambolim. 2021-22 Budget demand for the Department of Environment
• Depending on the hospital and the kind of IVF treatment, the and Climate Change.
cost of IVF in India comes between Rs 70,000 to Rs 3 lakh per
cycle. Centre will set up Rs 12,000-crores inland waterway
on Brahmani river in Odisha
Kerala Athidhi Portal Launched for Migrant Workers • The Centre is preparing a Rs 12,000-crore inland waterway on
Registration the Brahmani river in Odisha to move goods from four key
• Government of Kerala had started Kerala Athidhi Portal industrial clusters to the ports of Paradip and Dhamra.
Migrant Worker Registration – Athidhi Portal Kerala to • Under the proposed plan, the inland waterway will be
register the migrant workers of the state, through this portal developed on the engineering, procurement and construction
the registration of migrant workers will be done by the state (EPC) model.
Uttar Pradesh government will groom 3 million rural
Shri Dharmendra Pradhan and Smt Nirmala women as micro agri-preneurs
Sitharaman launched Kuwi and Desia books at • The Uttar Pradesh government will groom nearly 3 million
Bhubaneswar rural women associated with self-help groups (SHGs) as micro
• Union Education and Skill Development & Entrepreneurship agri-preneurs, a move the state hopes would increase their
Minister Shri Dharmendra Pradhan, and Union Minister for annual income to at least Rs 1 lakh in the next three years.
Finance & Corporate Affairs Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman • The development comes days after Prime Minister Narendra
launched Kuwi and Desia books at Bhubaneswar. Modi’s dream to make 20 million “lakhpati Didis”.
• The event also witnessed the special cover release on behalf of
Odisha approved 9 new industrial projects worth Rs
the Department of Posts, Ministry of Communications.
873 crore
Shri Nitin Gadkari inaugurated Nandura to Chikhli • The Odisha government approved nine new projects worth
section on National Highway 53 at Malkapur in investment of Rs 873 crore which will create employment
Buldhana district, Maharashtra opportunities for 2,500 people in the state.

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• The approval was made at the State Level Single Window engage in livelihood activities, fulfil their day to day needs and
Clearance Authority (SLSWCA) meeting chaired by chief uplift their families.
secretary PK Jena.
Uttar Pradesh gives financial approval for Ayushman
Telangana and UNESCO joined hands to implement Bharat- PM Jan Arogya Yojana
UN recommendation on ethics of AI • The Uttar Pradesh government has given administrative and
• The Information Technology, Electronics and financial approval of an advance amount of Rs 100 crore as
Communications (ITE&C) Department of the Government of state share for the smooth operation of the Ayushman Bharat-
Telangana and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana under the Medical
Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) will be collaborating to Department (Family Welfare)
implement the UNESCO Recommendation on the Ethics of
Artificial Intelligence (AI) after a Letter of Intent was signed. Telangana - Financial Assistance Scheme to the poor
• The collaboration focuses on promoting the ethical • The Telangana Government has decided to provide one lakh
development and use of AI awareness raising, capacity rupees financial assistance under the Financial Assistance
building, and contributions to UNESCO's Global Observatory Scheme to the poor among the minority communities, on the
on AI Ethics. lines of backward classes.
• The annual income of the applicant shall not exceed One and
Meghalaya Pineapple Festival 2023 half lakh rupees in rural areas and Two lakh rupees in urban
• Government of Meghalaya organised Meghalaya Pineapple areas.
Festival 2023 at the iconic Dilli Haat, INA, New Delhi.
• The three-day festival aimed to showcase not only the Aasara pension scheme
exceptional quality of Meghalaya's succulent Kew pineapples • Telangana State government enhanced its financial assistance
but also the rich cultural heritage of the state. to Divyangs under the Aasara pension scheme.
• Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao has decided to hike the
amount of pension by 1,000 rupees per month.
SCHEMES • The government has issued orders to this effect after a high-
level review meeting increasing the amount being given to
them from 3,016 rupees to 4,016 rupees per month.
'Gruha Lakshmi' scheme
• Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah launched the Mission Shakti Scooter Yojana
registration for the Congress government's 'Gruha Lakshmi' • Odisha Cabinet approved Mission Shakti Scooter Yojana to
scheme, which provides ₹2,000 monthly assistance to the provide mobility support to SHC federations.
woman head of every family in the state. • The “Mission Shakti Scooter Yojana” aims at providing mobility
support to Community Support Staff (CSS) and Executive
Chhattisgarh govt launches housing scheme to fend Committee (EC) members of SHG federations by facilitating
off criticism their access to scooters.
• Chhattisgarh government has announced new housing scheme • Under this scheme, eligible individuals will benefit from full
named Gramin Awas Nyay Yojana to provide free housing for interest subvention on bank loans upto Rs 1 lakh to purchase a
poor in the state, there are certain families who are not eligible scooter of their choice, making the transition to sustainable
for PM Awas Yojana based on 2011 SECC list, Gramin Awas mobility more affordable and accessible than ever before.
Nyay Yojana will cover such families based on the new survey
conducted by Department of Panchayat & Rural Mukhya Mantri Khet Suraksha Yojana
Development. • The Uttar Pradesh government is planning to implement the
Mukhyamantri Khet Suraksha Yojana across the State in order
SevaBhoj Scheme to protect crops from stray animals.
• ‘Seva Bhoj Yojna’ is a Central Sector Scheme of the Ministry of • Initially, the plan was to implement the scheme in
Culture, Government of India. Bundelkhand region of the State.
• It envisages to reimburse the Central Government share of • Under this scheme, the government will provide a grant of
Central Goods and Services Tax (CGST) and Integrated Goods ₹1.43 lakh per hectare to small and marginal farmers.
and Service Tax (IGST) so as to lessen the financial burden of
such Charitable Religious Institutions who provide Atal Beemit Vyakti Kalyan Yojana
Food/Prasad/Langar (Community Kitchen)/Bhandara free of • The government has extended the unemployment scheme, the
cost without any discrimination to Public/Devotees. Atal Beemit Vyakti Kalyan Yojana, under the Employees’ State
Insurance Corporation for a period of two years up to June 30,
'YSR Nethanna Nestham' scheme 2024.
• Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy • This is the third extension to the scheme with two extensions
disbursed Rs 194 crore financial assistance to 80,686 given each in 2020 and 2021 to financially support ESIC
handloom weavers as part of the 'YSR Nethanna Nestham' beneficiaries who had lost jobs during the pandemic.
scheme at Venkatagiri in Tirupati district.
Navaratnalu Pedalandariki Illu
Sashakt Mahila Rin Yojna • Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy laid the foundation stone
• The ‘Sashakt Mahila Rin Yojna’ is an initiative of Himachal for the construction of 50,793 houses for the poor women
Pradesh State Cooperative Bank (HPSCB), which will provide beneficiaries under Navaratnalu Pedalandariki Illu at 25
loans to women for pursuing their entrepreneurial dreams, layouts in the R5 Zone of Amaravati.

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Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY) North East Special Infrastructure Development
• Under the Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY), the growth Scheme (NESIDS)
in per capita consumption increased from 3.01 to 3.71 in FY • A total of 108 projects worth Rs.2273.44 crore have been
2022-23, the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. sanctioned under NESIDS during the period from 2019-20 to
• During 2022-2023, 88 per cent of the PMUY households have 2022-23.
taken the refills. The PMUY beneficiaries who have been taking
refills have gone up from three crore in 2017-18 to 60 million PEHCHAN Scheme
in 2018-19; 65 million in 2019-20 to 80 million in 2020-21, and • As on 30.06.2023, 31.14 lakhs handicraft artisans have been
80 million in 2021-22 to 84.1 million in 2022-23. registered under PEHCHAN scheme across the country to
benefit of this programme.
UDAN 5.2 Scheme • These registered artisans with Pehchan card can avail the
benefits of the National Handicraft Development Programme
• Shri Jyotiraditya M Scindia, Minister of Civil Aviation and Steel
(NHDP) and Comprehensive Handicrafts Cluster Development
launched RCS UDAN 5.2.
Scheme (CHCDS) of Ministry of Textiles.
• UDAN 5.2 has been launched for further enhancing the • It can be done by participating in different marketing events,
connectivity to remote and regional areas of the country and skill upgradation, training, design workshops etc.
achieving last-mile connectivity through small aircraft such as • A total of 1.17 lakhs artisans benefitted through various
1A (<9 seats) and Category 1(<20 seats). schemes of the Office of Development Commissioner
(Handicrafts) during the year 2022-23.
‘Kalaignar Magalir Urimai Thogai’ scheme
• Women with an annual family income of less than ₹2.5 lakh; Vivad se Vishwas-2 scheme
family land holding not exceeding 5 acres (wetland) and 10 • The government launched the Vivad se Vishwas-2 scheme for
acres (dryland); and annual household electricity consumption settling contractual disputes involving the government and
below 3,600 units would be eligible to avail themselves of a government undertakings.
monthly aid of ₹1,000 in Tamil Nadu. • Announced in the Union Budget 2023-24, the scheme aims to
resolve the government's contractual disputes with private
Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-Kisan) parties, clear the backlog of litigation, and improve the ease of
scheme doing business.
• The deadline for submitting claims under the scheme is 31
• Prime Minister Narendra Modi released the 14th installment October 2023.
of the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-Kisan)
scheme worth over Rs 17,000 crore to more than 8.5 crores Production-linked incentive (PLI) schemes
farmers on July 27, 2023.
• Keeping in view India's vision of becoming 'Atmanirbhar',
• Eligible farmers will receive Rs 2,000 installment under the
production-linked incentive (PLI) schemes for 14 key sectors
scheme. have been announced with an outlay of Rs 1.97 trillion to
enhance India's manufacturing capabilities and exports.
Pradhan Mantri Vanbandhu KalyanYojana (PMVKY) • These schemes also have the potential of significantly boosting
• Ministry of Tribal Affairs is implementing ‘Pradhan Mantri production, employment and economic growth over the next
Vanbandhu KalyanYojana (PMVKY)’ which includes many five years or so.
schemes for development and welfare of tribal communities.
• The scheme has been approved for implementation during Non Lapsable Central Pool of Resources (NLCPR) -
2021-22 to 2025-26 with a total cost of Rs. 26135.46 crores. State Scheme
• The Non Lapsable Central Pool of Resources (NLCPR) Scheme
TN CM launches scheme to provide 50,000 more new came into existence in 1998 under then Planning Commission.
farm power connections • Subsequently, it was transferred to DoNER in 2001.
• Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin inaugurated a scheme to • Since inception of the Scheme, various projects were
sanctioned across sectors for development of North Eastern
provide 50,000 more free agriculture electricity connections to
Region as per Scheme guidelines framed for the purpose and
revised from time to time.
• Stalin, inaugurating the three-day 'Velan Sangamam 2023,' a
farm expo, gave away awards to farmers who excelled in Digital Health Incentive Scheme (DHIS)
cultivation of traditional paddy varieties.
• National Health Authority (NHA) has launched Digital Health
Atmanirbhar Bharat Rojgar Yojana Incentive Scheme (DHIS) for digitization of patient's health
• Punjab is the leading beneficiary among states under the • DHIS is effective from 1st January 2023.
Atmanirbhar Bharat Rojgar Yojana (ABRY), a scheme initiated • NHA has come up with some relaxations like reduced
by the Centre during the pandemic to give a fillip to formal transaction limits in the existing scheme with effective from 1st
employment. April 2023.
• They were followed by beneficiaries in Himachal Pradesh (19.1
per cent), Rajasthan (18.9 per cent), Gujarat (15.4 per cent), Naya Savera Scheme
and Madhya Pradesh (14.2 per cent). • Ministry of Minority Affairs implemented ‘Naya Savera’
• However, Maharashtra (978,308), Tamil Nadu (817,315), scheme (‘Free Coaching and Allied’ scheme).
Gujarat (643,573), and Karnataka (486,278) topped the list in • The scheme was implemented across the country through
terms of total number of beneficiaries under the scheme. empaneled Project Implementing Agencies (PIAs).

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• More than 1.19 lakh beneficiaries have been benefited under National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme (NAPS)
the scheme since inception, out of which 12,155 beneficiaries
• In August 2016 Government of India launched National
were from state of Andhra Pradesh. Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme (NAPS) to promote the
• The duration of the coaching period under the scheme were Apprenticeship in the country by providing financial incentives,
from 3 months to 2 years depending upon the coaching technology and advocacy support.
programme allocated to the PIAs. • Union Minister for Education and Skill Development &
Entrepreneurship launched Direct Bank Transfer (DBT) in
One District One Product (ODOP) scheme NAPS.
• Government of Gujarat has implemented One District One
Product (ODOP) scheme with a grant of 58 crores rupees to Madhya Pradesh Mukhyamantri Kisan Kalyan Yojana
promote its indigenous products at the international level. • Madhya Pradesh Cabinet has approved disbursement of 6,000
• Under this scheme, more than 25 handicraft products and rupees to the eligible farmers under the Chief Minister's Kisan
those from the handicrafts sector have been selected from 21 Kalyan Yojana for the financial year 2023-2024.
districts of the state, including traditional handicrafts like • The Cabinet also decided to give benefit of the seventh pay
Gamthi Block Print and Mata-ni-Pachhedi. scale to Gram Panchayat Secretaries.
• The council of ministers further approved the construction of
Swadesh Darshan Scheme 53 CM Rise Schools and 19 Kanya Shiksha Parisar with a total
cost of over 2,491 crore rupees.
• The government launched ‘Swadesh Darshan Scheme’ (SDS) in
the year 2014-15 for integrated development of Theme-Based Meghalaya Chief Minister Solar Mission
Tourist Circuits in the country and there are 08 projects of
• Meghalaya Chief Minister Conrad K Sangma unveiled solar
identified thematic circuits in Uttar Pradesh.
mission with the aim of achieving an installed power capacity
of 200-300 MW.
Sub-Mission on Agricultural Mechanization Scheme
• The state government had committed to investing
(SMAM) approximately Rs 100 crore annually over the next five years.
• Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare launched SMAM
in 2014-15. Vishwakarma Yojana
• Under it, subsidy is provided for purchase of various types of • Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the Vishwakarma
agricultural equipment and machinery to the extent of 40-50% Yojana with an allocation of Rs 13,000-15,000 crore for people
for States other than NER (North Eastern Region) States and for belonging to Other Backward Castes (OBC).
NER States it is 100% limited to Rs.1.25 lakhs per beneficiary. • The scheme will be launched on September 17 (Vishwakarma
YSR Kalyanamasthu, Shaadi Tohfa schemes
Abua Awas Yojna
• Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy
disbursed Rs 142 crore financial assistance to 18,883 newly • Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren announced the
married eligible couples under YSR Kalyanamasthu and YSR launch of 'Abua Awas Yojna' at a cost of Rs 15,000 crore to
Shaadi Tohfa schemes. build homes for the needy in the next two years.
• The schemes which offers financial assistance between Rs • Each house will have three rooms.
40,000 and Rs 1.5 lakh under various categories.
‘Gramin Mitra’ scheme
Indira Gandhi smartphone scheme • “Gramin Mitra” was launched by Goa government to provide
doorstep delivery of government services across the state and
• Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot distributed
promote digital empowerment in rural areas.
smartphones among women under a new scheme. • The scheme will bridge the digital divide and promote digital
• The devices were handed over to the beneficiaries of the Indira empowerment in the rural parts of the state.
Gandhi smartphone scheme at the Birla auditorium. • Goa – Panaji (Capital)– Pramod Sawant (CM) – PS Sreedharan
Pillai (Governor) – Konkani (Language)
Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMMY)
• Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu are the top three states PM-eBus Sewa Scheme
with the highest number of beneficiaries of Pradhan Mantri • The union cabinet approved ‘PM-eBus Sewa’ for augmenting
Jan Dhan Yojana (PMMY) in 2022-23. city bus operation under which will spent ₹57,613 crores on
• During 2022-23, a total of 6.23 crore Jan Dhan accounts were 10,000 e-buses will be deployed across cities in the country and
opened. will support bus operations for 10 years.
• The scheme will cover cities with 3 lakhs and above
'YSR Sunna Vaddi' scheme population.
• Out of ₹57,613 crores, ₹20,000 crores will be provided by the
• Under the 'YSR Sunna Vaddi' scheme Chief Minister of Andhra
Central government.
Pradesh Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy had disbursed interest
reimbursement money into the bank accounts of more than 1 Vidhayak Ksetra Vikas Nidhi Yojana
crore eligible women.
• Himachal Pradesh state government has decided to relax the
• These women belong to more than nine lakh self-help groups
provisions of the Vidhayak Ksetra Vikas Nidhi Yojana (VKVNY)
(SHGs) who repaid their loans on time, resulting in the state
during the financial year 2023-24 by including protection works
government, which bore the interest burden to pay Rs 13,054
of retaining walls/breast walls and channelisation of nullahs
crore in total as a reward. under it.

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PM Vishwakarma scheme • Union Bank of India has identified eight troubled accounts
• The Union Cabinet approved the PM Vishwakarma scheme worth Rs 3,000 crore to be sold to the national bad bank NARCL
this fiscal.
with an outlay of Rs. 13,000 crores for five years.
• The lender has more than doubled its net income at Rs 3,236
• The scheme will benefit about three million families of
crore in the June 2023 quarter on improved asset quality and
traditional artisans and craftspeople, including weavers,
goldsmiths, blacksmiths, laundry workers, and barbers.
• The government will provide credit support of up to Rs. 1 lakh PFC to lend Rs 2.37 lakh crores to 20 clean energy
(first tranche) and Rs. 2 lakh (second tranche) at an interest projects
rate of 5 per cent.
• Power Finance Corporation (PFC) has entered into loan
Bhagwan Birsa Munda Road Scheme agreements worth more than Rs 2.37 lakh crore with 20
• The Maharashtra Cabinet announced the implementation of
• These firms include Adani Group, Greenco, ReNew Power,
Bhagwan Birsa Munda Road Scheme that aims to enhance Continuum, Avaada, JBM Auto, Rajasthan Renewable Energy
road connectivity in tribal areas of the 17 districts of the state. and Megha Engineering & Infrastructure, among others.
• The scheme aims to connect remote tribal areas to the main
roads. Bajaj Finserv AMC launches first equity scheme in
flexi-cap category
Research-linked-incentive (RLI) scheme
• Bajaj Finserv Asset Management has launched its first equity
• The Centre has rolled out a Rs 5,000 crore research-linked- scheme in the flexi-cap category, where a fund manager can
incentive (RLI) scheme for pharmaceuticals and med-tech choose to invest in companies across the market capitalisation
sector to strengthen the research infra in the country and spectrum.
promote more industry-academia linkages for research and
development (R&D). DPIIT holds Logistics Data Bank Project Meeting to
• The government feels that with the right growth enablers, the review performance
Indian pharma industry can touch a 5 per cent share of the
• The Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade
global market by 2030 from the 3.4 per cent now.
(DPIIT) held a Logistics Data Bank Project (LDB) Meeting to
• The scheme has two components; the first being strengthening review the measures taken by Port Authorities to improve port
the research infrastructure by setting up Centres of Excellence performance.
at National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research
(NIPERs). Banks write off over ₹2.09 lakh crore bad loans in
FY23, ₹10.57 lakh crore written off in the last five
Chhattisgarh Chief Minister transfered Rs 2,000 years
crores to beneficiaries of Various Scheme
• Banks in India wrote off bad loans totaling more than ₹2.09
• Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel transferred Rs 2,055.6 crore lakh crore during the FY23, according to information obtained
into the accounts of beneficiaries as part of the Rajiv Gandhi through Right to Information (RTI) queries.
Kisan Nyay Yojana (RGKNY) and other schemes. • This brings the total loan write-offs by the banking sector to a
• Around Rs 1,810 crore was transferred as the second significant ₹10.57 lakh crore in the past five years.
instalment under the RGKNY; Rs 168.63 crore under the Rajiv • Loan write-offs by banks increased to ₹209,144 crore during
Gandhi Bhumihin Krishi Majdoor Nyay Yojana (RGBKMNY); Rs FY23, compared to ₹174,966 crore in FY22 and ₹202,781 crore
66.21 crore to the Rajiv Yuva Mitan clubs; Rs 9.65 crore to the in FY21.
beneficiaries of the Godhan Nyay Yojana; and Rs 1.11 crore
under the Mukhmantri Parab Samman Nidhi Yojana. Indian Bank Launches ‘Resources Acquisition
‘Savera Yojna’ by Ghaziabad Police
• Indian Bank, the country's 7th largest Public Sector Bank, takes
• Ghaziabad Police launched the ‘Savera Yojna’, an initiative of a significant strategic step towards reinforcing its Deposit
the Uttar Pradesh Police, to provide security and quick police Business Portfolio with the introduction of a Dedicated
assistance to senior citizens in case of any emergency. Business Unit Concept, ‘Resources Acquisition Centre’ (RAC).
• People over 60 age who are registered under the scheme can • The inaugural ceremony of the first Resources Acquisition
avail of the service. Centre took place in Mumbai (Southern).

PhonePe to enable users to pay tax directly on app

BANKING AND FINANCE • Fintech major PhonePe has launched the ‘Income Tax
Payment’ feature on its application to enable taxpayers such as
individuals and businesses to pay self-assessment and advance
Karnataka Bank hosts fintech partnership
tax directly from within the PhonePe app.
programme in Bengaluru • Users can now pay taxes with their credit card or over UPI.
• Karnataka Bank hosted the first edition of ‘KBL - FinOne’, a
fintech partnership event, in Bengaluru with the objective of NARCL acquired Rs 21K crore of bad loans in Q4FY23
forging collaborations to develop innovative business models, • The National Asset Reconstruction Company Limited (NARCL)
providing seamless banking experience and offering a has acquired stressed loans from three companies aggregating
complete product suite. Rs. 21,349 crore in the fourth quarter of FY23.
• The stressed assets were acquired from Jaypee Infratech, SSA
Union Bank to sell 8 NPA accounts worth Rs 3,000 International and Helios PhotoVoltaic.
crores to NARCL

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Banks recovered Rs 10 lakh crore in last nine • Canara Bank topped the list of public sector banks with the
financial years highest lending to corporations and PSUs of States and Union
Territories for the fifth year in a row.
• Scheduled Commercial banks have recovered around Rs 10
lakh crore during the last nine financial years. • Canara Bank led the lending to government-backed entities,
with a total disbursement of ₹187,813 crore in FY23.
• As per the Central Repository of Information on Large Credits
(CRILC) data, the total funded-amount outstanding of • Lending in the recently concluded fiscal was 11 per cent higher
scheduled commercial banks (SCBs) to corporate company than the ₹1,69,532 crore the state-run bank lent to
borrowers, classified as non-performing assets (NPA) and government entities.
having an outstanding amount of Rs 1,000 crore or more, was
Union Bank of India joins forces with IBM to
Rs 1,03,975 crore as of March 2023.
spearhead comprehensive digital transformation
Swiggy launches co-branded card with HDFC Bank • Union Bank of India, a prominent public sector bank, is taking
• Food delivery platform Swiggy has launched a co-branded bold strides towards a future-ready and customer-centric
credit card with HDFC Bank, adding on to the larger trend of approach through its ambitious Digital Transformation
ecommerce platforms launching co-branded cards. initiative.
• Swiggy’s co-branded credit card will be hosted on Mastercard’s • In a strategic move to revolutionize the banking landscape, the
payment network. bank has forged a partnership with M/s IBM India Pvt Ltd, a
renowned technology system integrator, to co-create a cutting-
Federal Bank launches NR savings accounts for NRI edge Digital Business Platform.
IRDAI's State Insurance Plan
• Federal Bank, on the occasion of the start of the FIFA Women’s
World Cup, has announced the launch of an exclusive NR • Max Life Insurance Company Ltd. has been appointed as the
savings account scheme, specifically curated for NRI women. “Lead Insurer” for the State of Uttar Pradesh by the Insurance
Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI).
• This scheme, named NRE Eve+, is designed to cater to the
unique financial needs of NRI women, offering a range of • Liberty General Insurance, one of the leading non-life
benefits tailored to enhance the financial journey of NRI insurance companies in India, has been appointed as the "Lead
women. Insurer" for Delhi by the Insurance Regulatory and
Development Authority of India (IRDAI).
RBI imposes curbs on Bengaluru-based National Co-
ADB, India sign $295 million loan to upgrade state
operative Bank, caps withdrawal at Rs 50,000
highways in Bihar
• The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has imposed certain
restrictions on Bengaluru-based ailing The National Co- • The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Government of
operative Bank Ltd and capped deposit withdrawal at Rs India signed agreement for a $295 million loan to upgrade
50,000 per account. around 265 kilometer state highways with climate and disaster
resilient design, and road safety elements in the state of Bihar.
SIDBI constitutes advisory committee on NBFCs
ADB, India sign $200 million loan for expanding
• Sivasubramanian Ramann, CMD, SIDBI, said multiple-level urban services in Rajasthan
interventions by the DFI in this regard are expected to
culminate in enhancing the level of corporate governance in • The Government of India and Asian Development Bank (ADB)
the smaller NBFC segment, accelerate the access of such NBFCs signed a $200 million loan as additional financing for the
to institutional credit at competitive rates, and mainstreaming ongoing Rajasthan Secondary Towns Development Sector
of a larger number of NBFCs, resulting in channelising higher Project to expand water supply and sanitation systems and
credit in the MSME space. enhance urban resilience and heritage living in selected towns.

RBI Includes ‘NongHyup Bank’ In The List Of LIC's new plan Jeevan Kiran offers life cover with
Scheduled Banks Under Schedule II of RBI Act, 1934 premium return
• In the exercise of the powers conferred under section 42 of the • Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) has introduced a new
Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934, the RBI has directed the life insurance plan called 'LIC Jeevan Kiran', which offers both
inclusion of the NongHyup Bank in the list of Scheduled Banks. life cover and return of premium.
• The plan caters to 18 to 65-year-old subscribers.
Razorpay launches account for Indian exporters,
offers savings on overseas bank transfers UCO Bank opens 4 special rupee vostro accounts,
gets RBI nod for 8 more
• Fintech company Razorpay announced the launch of its
MoneySaver Export Account to offer up to 50 per cent savings • State-owned UCO Bank has opened four special rupee vostro
on international bank transfers for Indian exporters. accounts with Russian banks.
• The company will help small and mid-size exporters open an • The bank has also received permission from the Reserve Bank
account in a country of their choice and receive payments of India (RBI) for opening eight more accounts.
locally via Razorpay's platform, hence avoiding chargebacks
and transfer costs. RBI’s Digital Payments Index jumps to 395.57 in
• The initiative allows exporters to receive international bank March from 377.46 in Sept
transfers from 160 countries. • The Reserve Bank of India’s Digital Payments Index, a measure
of the extent of digitisation of payments across the country,
Canara Bank, major lender to State PSUs and rose to 395.57 in March 2023 from 377.46 in September 2022
corporations for fifth year in a row and 349.30 in March 2022.

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Dvara KGFS, HDFC Bank in co-lending pact to support • The move may impact the overseas work commitments of
micro businesses in rural India these four state-run energy majors, prompting efforts by them
to secure an extension from RBI, which has imposed a late
• Dvara KGFS, a Chennai-based NBFC, has entered into a co-
submission fee of ₹500 crores each on the four firms.
lending partnership with HDFC Bank to provide capital to micro
• State Bank of India (SBI) is the authorized dealer (AD) bank for
business units operating primarily in the unorganised sector.
these public sector undertakings’ (PSUs’) foreign transactions.
• Dvara KGFS is a rural-focused non-banking lender.
• It launched an enterprise loan vertical in 2020, focussing on India card payments market to surpass $728 billion
grocery, dairy, and agri value chains. in 2027, forecasts GlobalData
15th Finance Commission allocated Rs 1,28,122.40 • India’s card payments market is expected to almost triple from
crores to SDRF for 2021-26 $262.1 billion in 2022 to $728.2 billion in 2027, driven by rising
consumer spending, says GlobalData, a data and analytics
• 15th Finance Commission has allocated a total corpus of Rs company.
1,28,122.40 crore to the State Disaster Response Force (SDRF) • GlobalData’s Payment Cards Analytics reveals that card
in all States for the Award Period (2021-22 to 2025-2026), payments value in India registered a strong growth of 26.2% in
Union Minister for State (Home Affairs) Nityanand Rai. 2022, supported by the improving economic conditions.

India's fiscal deficit for Q1 reaches 25.3% of annual IndiaFirst Life Insurance launches new G.O.L.D. plan
• IndiaFirst Life Insurance Company has launched a non-linked
• The central government’s fiscal deficit increased to 25.3 per and non-participating product Guarantee of Life Dreams
cent or Rs 4.5 lakh crore for the first quarter of the current (G.O.L.D.) Plan, that offers policyholders regular long-term
financial year 2023-24. income.
• The fiscal deficit in the corresponding period last year was 21.2 • The premium paying terms range between 6, 8, and 10 years
per cent of the budget estimates. for policy terms of 30 years and 40 years.
• The starting premium is as low as ₹4,176 per month and offers
UPI transaction value up 4% in July; inches closer to the choice to pay annually or in instalments.
10 billion in volume
• After a marginal dip in last month, transactions under the NABARD sanctions Rs 1,974 crore to Rajasthan
Unified Payment Interface (UPI) touched a new high of Rs • NABARD has sanctioned Rs 1,974.07 crore to the Rajasthan
15.34 trillion in the month of July, up 4 per cent from Rs 14.75 government under the Rural Infrastructure Development
trillion in June 2023. Fund (RIDF) for 2023-24.
• In terms of volume too, transactions saw a 7 per cent increase • NABARD Rajasthan Chief General Manager Dr Rajiv Siwach said
from 9.34 billion in June to 9.96 billion in July. Rs 930.44 crore has been sanctioned for three rural drinking
water supply projects in Ajmer, Jalore, and Kota districts.
Fintech company CRED launches RuPay credit card -
based UPI payments IndusInd Bank partners with Tiger Fintech (A Bajaj
Capital Group Company) to launch a co-branded
• Prominent fintech firm CRED introduced RuPay credit card-
based Unified Payments Interface (UPI) payments for its credit card
members, in collaboration with the National Payments • IndusInd Bank and Tiger Fintech - a Bajaj Capital Group
Corporation of India (NPCI). company, announced the launch of the IndusInd Bank Tiger
• The company now supports RuPay credit cards issued by banks Credit Card, a co-branded credit card powered by Visa.
including HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, Yes Bank, Axis Bank, BOB • The credit card comes with a host of attractive benefits
Financial Solutions, Canara Bank, Indian Bank, Kotak including a carefully crafted 'Magnificent Rewards Program'
Mahindra Bank, Punjab National Bank, and Union Bank. where customers earn up-to 6X accelerated rewards.

Punjab, Mizoram among states most stressed Axis Bank partners with Kiwi to bolster 'Credit on
fiscally UPI' accessibility on RuPay credit cards
• Most of the states in India are deeply in debt and seem far from • Axis Bank, one of the largest private sector banks in India
being able to meet the target of reducing their debt to 20% of partners with Kiwi, the revolutionary credit on UPI platform to
state GDP by the next financial year. bolster 'Credit on UPI' accessibility on RuPay credit cards.
• An analysis of the latest numbers from the government reveals • The partnership enables Kiwi users to seamlessly access the
that only four states and union territories out of the 31 in India RuPay lifetime free virtual Axis Bank KWIK credit card through
have debt levels below 20% of their Gross State Domestic the app.
Product the sum of all goods and services purchased in the
state. Net collections under small savings schemes dip for
first time in 11 years
RBI fines 4 PSUs for late reporting of overseas • Net collections under small savings schemes such as National
investments Savings Certificate (NSC) and Public Provident Fund (PPF)
• The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has imposed late submission dipped for the first time in 11 years in the last fiscal year (FY23).
fees (LSF) of ₹2,000 crores on ONGC Videsh Ltd (OVL), Indian • Net small savings collections (deposits minus withdrawals by
Oil Corp. Ltd, GAIL (India) Ltd, and Oil India Ltd for delayed the subscribers) in FY23 stood at Rs 3.04 trillion, witnessing a
reporting of their overseas investments. decline of 8.5 per cent from Rs 3.33 trillion in FY22.

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Bajaj Finance partners with new partner ICICI SBI Card enables RuPay credit cards on UPI
Lombard General Insurance to offer motor insurance • SBI Card and National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI)
policies have announced the linking of SBI credit card on RuPay
• Bajaj Finance has partnered with ICICI Lombard General platform with UPI starting from August 10, 2023.
Insurance along with other partners to provide car and two- • Customers of SBI Card will be able to use their credit cards
wheeler insurance plans on the platform Bajaj Finance issued by RuPay to conduct UPI transactions.
Insurance Mall.
PSBs, top private banks collected over Rs 35,000
• These policies can be bought instantly on the platform through
crore in penalties since 2018
an all-digital and seamless customer experience journey.
• Public sector banks and five major private sector banks,
Banks write off Rs 14.56 lakh crore NPAs in last nine including Axis Bank, HDFC Bank, IndusInd Bank, ICICI Bank and
financial years IDBI Bank, collected over Rs 35,000 crore in charges since 2018
on account of non-maintenance of minimum balance,
• Banks have written off bad loans worth Rs 14.56 lakh crore in additional ATM transactions and SMS Services.
the last nine financial years starting 2014-15. • These banks collected over Rs 21,000 crore on account of non-
• Out of the total Rs 14,56,226 crore, written off loans of large maintenance of minimum balance, while over Rs 8,000 crore
industries and services stood at Rs 7,40,968 crore. was generated due to additional ATM transactions, and SMS
services added over Rs 6,000 crore.
Star Health and Allied Insurance enters into
bancassurance tie-up with Standard Chartered Bank Unclaimed deposits of Rs 48,461 crore transferred to
• Star Health and Allied Insurance announced its collaboration Depositor Education & Awareness Fund
with Standard Chartered Bank to enhance its distribution • Unclaimed deposits worth Rs 48,461.44 crore pertaining to
network. 16,79,32,112 accounts have been transferred by the banks to
• After this collaboration, Star Health will make its health Depositor Education & Awareness Fund.
insurance products readily accessible to customers via • Ministry of Corporate Affairs has informed that the amount
Standard Chartered Bank's extensive distribution network. lying with Investor Education and Protection Fund, as on March
31, 2023, is Rs 5,714.51 crore.
General insurers' premium grew by 18.3% in July to
Rs 23,259 crore Airtel Payments Bank launches r-PVC-based eco-
friendly debit card
• General insurance companies in India witnessed an 18.3 per
cent increase in premiums in July, amounting to Rs 23,259 • Airtel Payments Bank announced the launch of an eco-friendly
crore. debit card for its customers with savings bank accounts,
• In the first four months of the current financial year, these firms underlining the company's 'commitment to sustainability and
saw a growth of 17 per cent, collecting premiums totalling Rs promoting eco-friendly practices within the financial sector.'
80,177 crore. • The company will manufacture these debit cards from r-PVC
(recycled polyvinyl chloride) material, which it claims to be
Postal Life Insurance (PLI) Launches Direct Incentive eco-friendly.
Disbursement for Sales Force: A Transformational
AU Small Finance Bank launches 24x7 video banking
Step service
• Postal Life Insurance (PLI), a distinguished name in the • AU Small Finance Bank (AU SFB) launched 24x7 video banking
insurance sector since 1884, is taking a momentous leap service.
forward in its customer-centric approach. • The bank claims to be the pioneer in India to introduce video
• Recognising the pivotal role of its sales force, the PLI is proud assisted branch-like experience, delivering a seamless banking
to introduce the pilot program for “Direct Incentive experience at customers' fingertips, regardless of time or
Disbursement” in the Delhi and Uttarakhand Circles. location (seven days a week).

RBI imposes monetary penalty on 4 co-operative India Exim Bank launches subsidiary for trade
banks for rule violations financing in GIFT City
• The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) imposed Rs 1.50 lakh each on • Launching trade financing activities at GIFT City in Gujarat,
Vita Urban Co-operative Bank and Shri Vinayak Sahakari Bank, India Exim Bank (Export Import Bank of India) inaugurated its
Rs 1 lakh on Shreeji Bhatia Cooperative Bank, and Rs 20,000 on subsidiary, Exim Finserve IFSC Pvt Ltd.
Mizoram Urban Cooperative Development Bank. • The new entity will initially begin providing factoring services
to Indian exporters.
Highlights of RBI monetary policy • India Exim Bank (Export Import Bank of India) inaugurated its
• RBI to ensure greater transparency in interest rate reset of subsidiary Exim Finserve IFSC Pvt Ltd as it launched the trade
EMI-based floating interest loans. financing activities at GIFT City in Gandhinagar.
• Borrowers to get options of switching to fixed rate loans or
Odisha govt roped in Bandhan Bank for tourism
foreclosure of loans.
department's payment solutions
• RBI proposes use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in UPI payments.
• Near Field Communication (NFC) technology to be used in • Bandhan Bank announced a partnership with the Odisha
offline payments in UPI-Lite. government to ramp up the state tourism department's
• Proposes to enhance transactions limits for small value digital payment solutions.
payments to Rs 500 from Rs 200 in UPI Lite. • The bank has provided Point of Sale (PoS) machines to
facilitate card payments by tourists.

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A workshop for Insurance Companies and Third - • The startup cells have been set up in Ahmedabad, Bengaluru,
Party Administrators (TPAs) Coimbatore, Chennai, New Delhi, Gurgaon, Guwahati,
Hyderabad, Kanpur and Mumbai.
• The National Health Authority (NHA) and IRDAI (Insurance
Regulatory and Development Authority of India) jointly
IndusInd Bank Launched Multi-Branded Credit Card
organized an exclusive three-day Accelerator Workshop to help
in Partnership with Qatar Airways and British
insurance companies complete their Ayushman Bharat Digital
Mission (ABDM) integration and to facilitate adoption of Airways
Health Claims Exchange (HCX) specifications and e-Claim • IndusInd Bank in partnership with British Airways Executive
standards for insurance companies and Third-Party Club and Qatar Airways Privilege Club has launched a first-of-
Administrators (TPAs) in New Delhi. its-kind multi-branded credit card - 'IndusInd Bank Avios Visa
• About 150 professionals representing 29 insurance companies Infinite Credit Card' for all customers.
and 16 TPAs participated in the workshop. • The credit card aims to offer best-in-class rewards and benefits
to customers, across travel, wellness and lifestyle experiences.
UPI Chalega • The card is available in a sleek 'metal card' variant, tailored to
• The National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) has meet the needs of our valued customers.
introduced the third edition of its UPI Safety Awareness
campaign, titled "UPI Chalega." Axis Bank launched two products with RBI
• NPCI aims to foster the adoption of UPI as a secure, Innovation Hub to extend lending
convenient, and instantaneous mode of payment.
• Axis Bank announced the launch of two lending products
powered by the Public Tech Platform for Frictionless Credit
RBI selected McKinsey, Accenture to use AI, ML to
(PTPFC), introduced by the Reserve Bank Innovation Hub
improve regulatory supervision
• RBI has selected McKinsey and Accenture to develop systems • Both products will be offered in a completely digital manner
using artificial intelligence and machine learning for its and require no submission of documents by customers.
supervisory functions.
• RBI is looking to artificial intelligence, and machine learning to Light Microfinance had partnered with IppoPay to
analyse its huge database and improve regulatory supervision offer digital loans to MSMEs
over banks, NBFCs.
• Light Microfinance had partnered Chennai-based fintech firm
Pension Fund Regulatory and Development IppoPay to power digital lending to micro, small and medium
Authority integrates National Pension System enterprises (MSMEs) in rural and semi-urban micro-markets of
statement with consolidated account statement Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Karnataka.
• They will offer payments solutions to about 400,000
• Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority merchants.
(PFRDA) in coordination with capital market regulator SEBI has
enabled the National Pension System (NPS) subscribers to Digit Insurance partnered with Vetina to offer pet
view their pension fund corpus along with their demat
insurance plan for dogs
securities and MF holdings under a single consolidated account
statement (CAS). • Go Digit General Insurance, a digital full stack insurer, has
• This functionality that will benefit over 1.35 crore NPS partnered with Vetina Healthcare LLP, an animal healthcare
subscribers, is expected to provide a simplified and secured solutions provider, to extend pet insurance coverage for dogs.
way to stay informed on NPS investments through CAS. • They will extend 4 distinct coverages like dog’s vet expenses,
specific illnesses, critical illnesses and any third-party liability to
Asian Development Bank approved $40.5 million Vetina family members.
loan for integrated early childhood development
programme in Meghalaya Lawrencedale Agro Processing India (LEAF) & Andhra
• Asian Development Bank (ADB) had approved a $40.5-million Pradesh State Co-operative Bank Ltd (APCOB) tied
loan for integrated early childhood development (ECD) and up to support marginalised farmers
maternal mental health programme in Meghalaya. • Ooty-based agri-technology company Lawrencedale Agro
• The state government is contributing $15.27 million to the Processing India (LEAF) had joined hands with Andhra Pradesh
project. State Co-operative Bank Ltd (APCOB) to promote sustainable
livelihoods for marginalised farmers in Andhra Pradesh.
RBI imposed monetary penalty on four co -operative • Besides helping farmers assess soil health, decide on the right
banks inputs, and improve the carbon content of soil through
• The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) imposed a penalty of Rs 2.50 scientific regenerative farming techniques, LEAF works with
lakh on Nabapalli Co-operative Bank and Rs 1 lakh on Bally Co- farmers to prepare an appropriate financial mechanism plan.
operative Bank.
• The penalty on Aska Cooperative Bank was Rs 50,000 and on Reserve Bank of India will Reset Floating Rate Loans
Baroda Gujarat Gramin Bank was Rs 5 lakh. • Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has announced a transparent
framework will be introduced to reset interest rates on
In 10 Cities Indian Bank had opened specialised floating-interest loans such as home loans.
startup cells • All regulated entities will implement a proper conduct
• Indian Bank had set up 10 startup cells across different centres framework to address the issues faced by borrowers and
in the country commemorating the bank's 117th Foundation detailed guidelines in this regard will be issued shortly.
Day to serve its specialised banking requirements.

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RBI will launch pilot on Public Tech Platform for • This follows findings that many REs are using penal rates of
frictionless credit interest, over and above the applicable interest rates, in case
of defaults/non-compliance by the borrower with the terms
• The Public Tech Platform for frictionless credit is an end-to-
on which credit facilities were sanctioned.
end digital platform that has been developed by the Reserve
Bank Innovation Hub, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the
Competition Commission of India slapped ₹40 lakhs
Reserve bank of India.
penalty on Axis Bank
• The platform will also have an open architecture, open
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), and standards, to • Competition Commission of India (CCI) has imposed a penalty
which all financial sector players can connect in a ‘plug and of ₹40 lakhs on Axis Bank for its failure to notify the
play’ model. competition watchdog on its 9.91 percent stake buy in CSC e-
Reserve Bank of India launched Unclaimed Deposits • No notice was given to CCI on the Axis-CSC e-Governance
Gateway to Access Information portal for searching acquisition, which was closed on November 23, 2020, despite
unclaimed deposits across multiple banks the Competition law requirement that any person or
• The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) launched a centralised Web enterprise who or which proposes to enter into a combination
portal, UDGAM (Unclaimed Deposits Gateway to Access should give notice to the Commission.
Information), for members of the public to make it easier to
search their unclaimed deposits across multiple banks at one Canara Bank introduced UPI interoperable digital
place. rupee mobile app
• UDGAM, which was launched by RBI Governor Shaktikanta • Canara Bank launched the UPI Interoperable Digital Rupee
Das, will aid users in identifying their unclaimed deposits and mobile application as a part of the Reserve Bank of India’s
accounts and enable them to either claim the deposit amount Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) pilot project.
or make their deposit accounts operational at their respective • It is the first bank in both the public and commercial sectors to
banks. offer this feature via its CBDC mobile app called the Canara
Digital Rupee app.
Karnataka Vikas Grameena Bank launched banking
services on WhatsApp Indian Bank extended on-line locker pact execution
• Karnataka Vikas Grameena Bank (KVGB) Chairman, Shreekant through NeSL’s DDE Platform
M Bhandiwad launched WhatsApp banking services in
• Indian Bank became the First Public Sector Bank to extend
facility of execution of on-line locker agreement through Digital
• The WhatsApp banking channel would enable customers to
Document Execution (DDE) Platform of National E-
seamlessly connect with the bank on the social media
Governance Services Limited (NeSL).
platform, and effortlessly avail of a host of banking services.
• On-line locker agreement, which is available round the clock
Canara Bank launched Canara Jeevan Dhara savings will enhance customer convenience and will reduce the turn-
bank account for pensioners around time of the agreement execution.
• DDE is a fully automated contract execution platform with
• Canara Bank has introduced Canara Jeevan Dhara, a special paperless e-stamp and electronic signature (e-Sign) facility.
savings bank account for pensioners, and prospective
pensioners. Power Finance Corporation (PFC) signed $1.28
• All the employees who retired on a voluntary basis or normal million loan pact with Japan Bank for International
retirements are also eligible.
Cooperation (JBIC) for waste-to-energy project in
• The bank offers two variants depending on the pension credit.
Diamonds account is for up to Rs 50,000 and Platinum account
is for above Rs 50,000. • State-owned Power Finance Corporation (PFC) has signed a
loan agreement with Japan Bank for International
DBS Bank and Infor Nexus™ launch pre-shipment Cooperation (JBIC) for JPY 1.85 billion or $1.28 million for a
financial solution for small and medium-sized waste-to-energy project in Karnataka.
enterprises (SME) • The agreement was signed under the long-term facility of JPY
• DBS Bank has partnered with Infor Nexus™ and have launched 30 billion provided by JBIC to PFC.
a pre-shipment financing solution for small and medium-sized `
enterprises (SME) suppliers in the former's supply chain
• This solution utilises historical data from the Infor Nexus™ BUSINESS AND ECONOMY
platform to provide data-based lending solutions that help
suppliers meet their working capital requirements.
NCLT approves ₹1,814-crore resolution plan for
RBI issued fresh guidelines asking banks, NBFCs not Lavasa; Darwin Platform winning bidder
to levy penal interest on borrowers in case of • The National Company Law Tribunal has approved a ₹1,814-
default crore resolution plan for the private hill station Lavasa, nearly
• Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued fresh guidelines to the five years after the initiation of the insolvency resolution
Regulated Entities (REs) such as commercial and other banks, process.
Non-Banking Finance Companies (NBFCs) and other lenders to • Darwin Platform Infrastructure Ltd (DPIL) has emerged as the
ensure reasonableness and transparency in disclosure of penal winning bidder for Lavasa Corporation Ltd, which is primarily
interest. into the business of the development of the private hill station
by the same name in Pune.

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Centre ratifies 8.15% EPF interest for 2022-23 Government extended deadline of IT hardware
• The Central government has ratified the Employees’ Provident products PLI scheme till August 30
Fund Organisation’s (EPFO) decision of March 28 to set the • The government extended the deadline to apply for benefits
interest rate at 8.15 per cent for 2022-23 in respect of the under the production-linked incentive scheme for IT hardware
provident fund accumulations in members accounts. products such as laptops, tablets, all-in-one PCs, servers, and
• This would now lead to distribution of more than ₹90,000 crore edge computing devices till August 30.
in the five crore members’ accounts on the total principal • The modified IT hardware PLI scheme offers incentives of up to
9 per cent on incremental sales of locally manufactured IT
amount of about ₹11 lakh crore, which was ₹77,424.84 crore
products to attract investments in the sector.
and ₹9.56 lakh crore respectively in the FY 2021-22.
LIC Mutual Fund completes merger of IDBI Mutual
Govt halts supply of subsidised rice for ethanol,
Fund schemes
assessing impact on EBP
• LIC Mutual Fund (LIC MF) has completed the takeover of
• The Indian government has stopped releasing subsidised rice schemes of IDBI Mutual Fund.
for the production of ethanol after it banned the export of non- • The move is in line with LIC MF's aim to strengthen and diversify
basmati white rice. its product offerings, expand footprint and grow its assets
under management (AUM) to emerge as a leading fund house
IMF raises India's FY24 GDP growth forecast by 20 in the country.
basis points to 6.1%
28% GST on online gaming to be implemented from
• The International Monetary Fund (IMF) raised the FY24
October 1
economic growth forecast for India by 20 basis points to 6.1
per cent, citing the country’s stronger-than-expected growth • Softening its stance, the Goods and Services Tax (GST) Council
momentum in the March quarter of FY23. decided to implement a 28 per cent tax on electronic gaming,
casinos, and horse racing, but this would be applied on the
India set to be third-largest economy by FY28: SBI initial amount paid upon entry, and not on the total value of
each bet placed.
• India will become the third largest economy by FY28, two years Government restricts imports of laptops, tablets to
earlier than projected, said SBI Research economists. boost domestic manufacturing
• India will surpass Japan and Germany at the current growth • The Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) put under
rate and account for a 4% share of global GDP. restricted category the import of laptops, tablets, personal
computers, ultrasmall form factor computers and servers with
India's GDP to reach $6 trillion by 2030: Standard "immediate effect".
Chartered Research • This would mean traders will have to seek a licence from the
government for such imports.
• India's GDP will nearly double in the next seven years to $6
trillion, and per capita income will increase to $4,000 by 2030, Indian economy may grow by average 6.7% till FY31,
Standard Chartered Bank Research. says S&P Global
• India's GDP currently stands at about $3.5 trillion and per
• Expressing confidence in the medium-term growth potential of
capita income at $2,450 during CY 2022.
the Indian economy, S&P Global projected an average annual
growth of 6.7 per cent from the fiscal year 2023-24 (FY24) to
IoTechWorld Avigation gets DGCA certification for
FY31, with capital accumulation as the main driver of this
new agri-drone model growth.
• Agri-drone maker IoTechWorld Avigation has received • In a report titled ‘Look Forward: India’s Moment’, S&P
certificate from Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) predicted that India’s gross domestic product (GDP) would
for its new indigenous product 'AGRIBOT A6' which is more nearly double to $6.7 trillion by FY31 from $3.4 trillion in FY23.
advanced and compact than previous model.
World rice price index jumps to near 12-year high in
• Gurugram-based IoTechWorld said its indigenously designed
July, says FAO
and manufactured 'AGRIBOT A6' drone has received the 'Type
Certificate' from the DGCA. • The price of rice has seen sharp increase in recent months,
reaching its highest level in nearly 12 years.
GST collections in July rise 11 pc to Rs 1.65 lakh crore • The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
(FAO) said that the FAO All Rice Price Index rose 2.8 per cent in
• The Goods and Services Tax (GST) revenue collected in the July from a month ago, to an average of 129.7 points.
month of July 2023 was worth Rs 165,105 crore.
• The GST revenues generated in July 2023 were 11 per cent India can achieve $5-trn economy target within 18
higher than it was registered in the same month last year. months: NaBFID chairman
• During the annual Maharashtra Green Infrastructure Conclave
India's core sector output expands to 5-month high 2023 K V Kamath, chairman of the National Bank for Financing
at 8.2% in June Infrastructure and Development (NaBFID), expressed his
• Output of eight key infrastructure sectors known as the core confidence in India’s potential to achieve the $5-trillion
sector expanded to a five-month high of 8.2 per cent in June. economy target within 18 months.
• This is due to a high base effect and positive growth in seven of • Between 2003 and 2008, we doubled our growth, which was
the eight sectors. the fastest growth till now.

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Meesho becomes first horizontal e-commerce • Imports in July 2023 declined 17 per cent to $52.92 billion
company to attain profitability narrowing the trade deficit to $20.67 billion from $25.43
billion in July 2022.
• Meesho, backed by SoftBank, has announced it is the first
horizontal e-commerce firm in India to reach profitability.
SBI predicted massive jump in India's per capita
Finance Ministry imposes anti-dumping duty on income by FY47
optical fibre imports from China, Korea, Indonesia • The per capita income of Indians is expected to increase from
• The Finance Ministry has imposed a definitive anti-dumping Rs 2 lakh in FY23 to Rs 14.9 lakh in FY47 (from $2,500 in FY23
duty on certain optical fibre imports from China, South Korea to $12,400 in FY47).
and Indonesia to give some relief to the domestic optical fibre • It further added that the weighted mean income of Rs 4.4 lakh
industry reeling under the adverse impact of low-price and low- in Assessment Year 2014 (AY), has now increased to Rs 13 lakh.
quality imports. • As of now, 13.6 per cent of taxpayers have left the lower
• The anti-dumping duty ranges from $122 per kfkm to $857.23 income strata and migrated upwards, as compared to AY12.
per kfkm, with the commodity being traded in fkm (fibre
kilometres). Retail inflation soars to 15-months high
• The Consumer Price Index (CPI) based inflation rate jumped to
Toy exports up 60% to $326 million from FY19 -FY23 7.44 per cent year-on-year (Y-o-Y) in July from 4.87 per cent in
• India's toy exports increased 60 per cent from $203.46 million June.
in 2018-19 to $325.72 million in 2022-23. • Retail inflation also breached the Reserve Bank of India’s upper
• Import on the other hand dipped 57 per cent from $371.69 tolerance level of 6 per cent for the first time in five months.
million in 2018-19 to $158.70 million in 2022-23.
Wipro launched GenAI centre of excellence in
Indian Institute of Spices Research ties up with Tata collaboration with Institute of Technology Delhi
Trusts to improve spice value chain
• IT giant Wipro has inaugurated a new centre of excellence
• ICAR-Indian Institute of Spices Research, Kozhikode, and Tata (CoE) focused on generative artificial intelligence (GenAI), in
Trusts have entered into a contract to carry out pan-India collaboration with the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)
action research project on the improvement of spice value
chains with special focus on ginger and turmeric.
• This partnership aligns with Wipro's pledge to invest $1 billion
• The project will be implemented across 10 States Uttar
in propelling AI-led innovation, forming part of the Wipro ai360
Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Odisha, Andhra
Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Assam, Mizoram and Nagaland.

Centre picks TCS to transform e-Marketplace By 2026 India’s digital economy will contribute 20%
platform to GDP

• Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) announced that it has been • Union Minister of State for Electronics and Information
chosen as a strategic partner to transform the Government e- Technology, Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Rajeev
Marketplace (GeM) by bringing in more transparency and Chandrasekhar told that India’s digital economy has been
efficiency into the public procurement process. seeing accelerated growth and is expected to account for 20%
• This is the second government project the software exporter of the country’s GDP by 2026.
has bagged since winning the BSNL contract earlier this year. • Our digital economy was 4.5% of the GDP in 2014 and now it is
Gross Direct tax collections rise 16 % in this financial
year Carborundum Universal Limited and ideaForge
• The gross direct tax collection has registered growth of around Technology will jointly build cutting-edge drones
16 per cent to 6 lakh 53 thousand crore rupees and Net direct • Cutting-edge material sciences firm, Carborundum Universal
tax collection stands at 5 lakh 84 thousand crore rupees, which Limited (CUMI), has entered into a technology partnership
is over 17 per cent higher than corresponding period last year. with private sector drone maker, ideaForge Technology.
• This collection is over 32 per cent of the total Budget estimates • They will develop nanomaterial-reinforced products that make
of Direct Taxes for 2023-24. drones – or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) – lighter,
stronger and more durable.
Wholesale inflation is (-) 1.36 % in July
• The wholesale price based inflation remained in the negative Moody's affirms India's Baa3 rating
territory for the fourth straight month in July at (-)1.36% on • Moody’s Investors Service has affirmed India’s long-term local
easing prices of fuel, even though food articles turned costlier. and foreign-currency issuer ratings at Baa3 and retained a
• The wholesale price index (WPI) based inflation rate has been stable outlook.
in the negative since April and was (-)4.12% in June.
• Baa3 lowest rating of investment grade Moody's Long-term
Corporate Obligation Rating.
India’s goods exports decline for the sixth month in
July by 15.8% to $32.25 billion
Crisil Forecasted 6% GDP Growth for India in FY24
• India’s goods exports fell 15.88 per cent (year-on-year) to
• Crisil forecasted India’s gross domestic product (GDP) growth
$32.25 billion in July, posting a decline for the sixth straight
to reach 6% in the fiscal year 2024.

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Icra maintained India’s GDP at 6% for FY24 • Indradhanush Gas Grid Limited (IGGL) and GAIL India have
• India's economic growth will accelerate to 8.5% in the April- signed an interconnection agreement to connect the North
June period of the current fiscal from the 6.1% growth rate East Gas Grid (NEGG) of IGGL with the Barauni Guwahati
witnessed in the preceding January-March quarter, Icra Pipeline (BGPL) of GAIL.
Ratings and maintained her 6% real GDP growth estimate for • The Ministry of Education and Skill Development &
FY24. Entrepreneurship signed 106 Memorandum of Understanding
(MoUs) with various esteemed organizations and institutions,
on the occasion of the Akhil Bhartiya Shiksha Samagam 2023
AG R EE M EN TS AN D M O US S I GN E D and the 3rd anniversary of the National Education Policy.
• As part of a slew of projects launched by the Tamil Nadu State
• An MoU has been signed between the Ministry of Culture and government, the Environment department signed a
Canara Bank for disbursal of financial assistance to the selected
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the United
beneficiaries under the “Scheme for Financial Assistance for
Kingdom to set up a botanical garden in Chengalpattu in
Veteran Artists” earlier known as “Scheme for Pension and
partnership with the Kew Gardens, London.
Medical Aid to Artists”.
• Tamil Nadu (TN) signed an agreement with Taiwan’s Foxconn,
• ACME Group has signed a Memorandum of Understanding
(MoU) with State-run REC amounting to over ₹21,000 crore of the world’s largest electronics manufacturer, to build a mobile
loans for setting up various power- green ammonia and component manufacturing facility in the Kancheepuram
pumped hydro projects. district at a proposed investment of Rs 1,600 crore, likely
employing 6,000 people.
• The Food Safety & Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) and
AOAC INTERNATIONAL (AOAC) have signed a Memorandum of • Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) and the Centre
Understanding (MoU) to collaborate and enhance the food for Development of Telematics (C-DoT) have signed a
safety analytical ecosystem in India. memorandum of understanding (MoU) to establish mechanism
• Electric commercial vehicles manufacturer PMI Electro of technical and institutional cooperation in
Mobility has signed an agreement with public-sector telecommunications.
enterprise REC Limited to provide finance for its commercial • Reliance Industries and Brookfield Asset Management have
EVs. signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to explore
• IDBI Bank signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) opportunities to manufacture equipment for renewable
with commercial vehicle maker Ashok Leyland for a channel energy and decarbonisation in Australia.
financing partnership of its dealers. The MoU is for • NHPC Limited and Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation
collaboration to provide personalized financial solutions of India (ALIMCO) have signed a Memorandum of
specifically designed for dealers by the partnering entities. Understanding, under which NHPC will provide CSR support for
• The Punjab government signed a Memorandum of distribution of aids and assistive devices to around 1,000
Understanding with British Council Education India to start an Divyangjans (Persons with Disabilities) in the vicinity of NHPC
English language training course for government college Projects located in North and North Eastern states.
• The Indian Railways Institute of Signal Engineering and
• Walmart and Flipkart announced the signing of a Telecommunications (IRISET) under the Ministry of Railways,
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Telangana and the Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras)
government to create an ecosystem to aid capacity building for
have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to
MSMEs in the state.
establish the India 5G Test bed.
• The Odisha government signed an agreement with the
• The AIIMS Delhi has signed an agreement with the Indian
University of California, Berkeley, in the US for cooperation in
Renewable Energy Development Agency Limited (IREDA) to
research, impact assessment of schemes and exchange of
academic publication. initiate the technical assessment of the hospital campus for
converting it into one which is powered by solar energy.
• In order to foster collaboration in the field of AI and Emerging
Technologies, ‘India AI’ – an IBD under Digital India • For the first time ever, Subroto Mukherjee Sports Education
Corporation and Meta, India have signed an MoU. Society (SMSES) signed MoU with the All India Football
Federation (AIFF) to promote football at the grassroots level.
• Meity of the Republic of India and the Ministry of Information
and Communication Technology (MICT) of the Papua New • IIM Ahmedabad’s CIIE.CO and SIDBI have partnered to
Guinea signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on establish a pre-seed fund, especially for deep-tech start-ups.
sharing INDIA STACK i.e., successful digital solutions The MoU signed between the two organisations laid the
implemented at population scale in New Delhi. foundation for the fund with a total corpus of ₹40 crore,
• Five Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) were signed equally contributed by both SIDBI and CIIE.CO.
between India & LAO PDR (Laos) for the implementation of • Bureau of Indian Standards, the National Standards Body of
five Quick Impact Projects (QIPs) in the fields of education, India signed Memorandum of Understandings (MoUs) with 35
health, water facility and IT. prestigious institutions across the country for fostering
• Thyssenkrupp Marine Systems (TMS), the Germany-based collaboration in standardization and conformity assessment.
leading naval company, has signed a Memorandum of • Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) announced that it has
Understanding (MoU) with Indian defence PSU Mazagon Dock signed an MoU with Greenstat Hydrogen India Pvt. Ltd. for
Shipbuilders Limited (MDL) for the overhaul and “potential collaboration opportunities in Green Hydrogen and
modernisation of submarine INS Shankush to extend its
derivatives in the Hydrogen Value Chain.”
operational capability.

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• The Indian embassy in Kathmandu and the Ministry of Federal
Affairs and General Administration of Nepal signed four SUMMIT AND CONFERENCE
Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) to undertake the
developmental projects, which will be built under the grant
• The first Global DPI Summit was organised by Ministry of
assistance of India.
Electronics and IT (MeitY) in Pune, Maharashtra.
• Amazon India has signed a Memorandum of Understanding
(MoU) with the Entrepreneurship Development Institute of • The Union Minister for Jal Shakti, Shri Gajendra Singh
India (EDII) and the Cottage and Rural Industries Department, Shekhawat inaugurated a two-day National Conference on
Government of Gujarat, to help drive e-commerce exports Rural WASH Partners' Forum (RWPF) at Vigyan Bhawan in
from the state. New Delhi, to celebrate 1st anniversary of formation of RWPF.
• The Retailers Association of India (RAI) signed a Memorandum • The theme of the conference is ‘Accelerating Progress towards
of Understanding (MoU) with the Facilitating MSMEs Tamil a Swachh Sujal Bharat’.
Nadu (FaMeTN).
• The Global Food Regulators Summit was inaugurated by Dr.
• The Bharti Institute of Public Policy of the Indian School of Mansukh Mandaviya, Union Minister for Health and Family
Business (ISB) signed an MoU with the Goa government to Welfare.
commence a knowledge partnership, with focus on evidence-
based policy formulation and impact in the State. • Shri Jyotiraditya M Scindia, Minister of Civil Aviation and Steel
inaugurated 5th Helicopter & Small Aircraft Summit (Heli
• UNDP Indonesia and India’s eGov Foundation have signed an
MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) to tackle the critical Summit 2023)in Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh jointly organized
challenge of infectious medical waste management in by the Ministry of Civil Aviation, in association with the
Indonesia. Government of Madhya Pradesh, Pawan Hans Ltd., and the
Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
• SJVN Ltd has signed two Memorandums of Understanding
(MoUs) with Oil & Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) and (FICCI).
Sambhar Salts Limited (SSL), a subsidiary of Hindustan Salts • UAE Minister for Foreign Trade Dr Thani Al Zeyoudi has been
Limited for development of solar parks and projects. elected as the chair of the World Trade Organisation’s 13th
• Arunachal Pradesh government allotted 12 hydropower Ministerial Conference that will be held in Abu Dhabi in
projects to three Central Government PSUs by signing a February 2024.
Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with them at State • The Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers in association with the
Banquet Hall in Itanagar. Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
• The Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) (FICCI) is organizing the 3rd edition of the Summit on “Global
signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Delhi Chemicals and Petrochemicals Manufacturing Hubs in India”
Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) for providing QR code-based (GCPMH 2023) at New Delhi.
DMRC tickets through the IRCTC platform.
• Minister of State for Health Dr. Bharati Pravin Pawar
• Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) Delhi’s
inaugurated a national conference on “Moving India would
Innovation and Incubation Centre (IIITD-IC), has signed a
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with YES BANK. host the fifth World Coffee Conference (WCC) for the first time
in Asia from September 25 to 28 in Bengaluru.
• A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between the
Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO), • India to participate in a two-day conference on Ukraine’s
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of the peace plan that will take place in the coastal city of Jeddah.
Republic of India and Ministry of Health, Government of the • Minister of State for Electronics and Information Technology
Republic of Suriname on cooperation in the field of Medical Rajeev Chandrasekhar Virtually addressed the first India-
Product Regulation. Japan Skill Connect Conference held in Tokyo at the Indian
• A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Cooperation in Embassy, he highlighted the ongoing transformative shifts in
Sports was signed between the Ministry of Youth Affairs and the global landscape due to digitization and technology.
Sports and the Department of Health and Aged Care of the
• Minister of State for Health and Family Welfare, Dr Bharati
Government of Australia.
Pawar inaugurated the Fourth National Conference of ERMED
• The Goa government has signed a memorandum of
Consortium under Empowering Libraries for Digital Health
understanding (MoU) with CSC eGovernance Services India
Transformation in New Delhi and also launched ERMED Access
Limited to facilitate the implementation of various e-
governance initiatives and services across rural areas of the Booklet and Newsletter by National Medical Library.
coastal state. • MSME Development Forum organized 9th India International
• India and Trinidad and Tobago have signed a Memorandum of MSME Expo & Summit 2023 at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi and
Understanding (MoU) on sharing INDIA STACK a collection of was inaugurated by Lieutenant Governor Shri Manoj Sinha of
open APIs and digital public goods that aim to facilitate Jammu and Kashmir.
identity, data, and payment services on a large scale. • Union Minister of State for Health and Family Welfare, Dr
• Nepal government planned to increase the export of electricity Bharati Pravin Pawar inaugurated the National Conference on
to neighbouring India from 450 MW to 10,000 MW in the next The Electronic Resources in Medicine (ERMED) Consortium:
10 years. Empowering Libraries for Digital Health Transformation at
• NHPC Limited, India’s premier hydropower company, has National Media Library in New Delhi.
signed an MoU with RITES, a Miniratna Schedule 'A' Central
• Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla inaugurated the ninth India
Public Sector Undertaking under the Ministry of Railways, for
Region Conference of the Commonwealth Parliamentary
construction of railway siding at Pasighat, Arunachal Pradesh,
Association in Rajasthan's Udaipur.
for NHPC’s 2,880 MW Dibang Multi-Purpose Project.

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Arjun Ram Meghwal launches virtual portal of Mera
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Gaon Meri Dharohar at Qutub Minar
• The Union Minister of State for Culture, Law & Justice, and
ISRO, Navy conduct harbour recovery trials for Parliamentary Affairs Shri Arjun Ram Meghwal, launched the
Gaganyaan human spaceflight mission virtual portal of Mera Gaon Meri Dharohar at Qutub Minar
• Recovery trial operations of the Gaganyaan mission has premises in New Delhi.
entered into the second phase with the commencement of
harbour trials at the Naval Dockyard, Visakhapatnam. J’khand CM launches mobile app to track elephant
• Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and Indian Navy movement in Jharkhand
jointly carried out the trials on July 20 with the ship identified • Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren launched a mobile
for the recovery operations during the first Development application-based elephant movement tracking system on the
Mission of the Test Vehicle. occasion of the 74th Van Mahotsav in Ranchi to reduce
human-elephant conflicts in the state.
TRAI imposes penalty of Rs 35 crores on telcos for
violating pesky call, sms norms ISRO launches PSLV-C56 carrying 7 satellites from
• Telecom regulator Trai has imposed a penalty of Rs 34.99 crore Sriharikota
on service providers for failing to curb pesky calls and sms on
• The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has launched
their network.
C56 (PSLV-C56) with seven co-passenger satellites from Satish
• Telecom operators have disconnected 15,382 and 32,032
connections during the calendar year- 2021 and 2022, Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) SHAR, Sriharikota.
respectively, for violating Telecom Commercial • In addition to this, there are six co-passenger customer
Communication Customers Preference Regulation (TCCCPR), satellites also belonging to Singapore.
2018. • All satellites would be injected into a 535 km circular with 5
orbital inclination.
Online portal launched to report violati on of ban on
e-cigarettes Centre Launches ULLAS Mobile Application To
• Despite the ban imposed by the Union government in 2019, e- Facilitate Widespread Access To Basic Literacy
cigarettes continue to be sold on e-commerce sites, even to • ULLAS (Understanding Lifelong Learning for All in Society)
children below 18, warn experts working in the area of tobacco mobile application was launched at the Bharat Mandapam in
control. Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, to facilitate widespread access to
• Now to curb this, the Health Ministry has launched an online basic literacy.
portal to facilitate reporting of violations under the Prohibition • On the sidelines, the Union Education Minister Dharmendra
of Electronic Cigarettes (Production, Manufacture, Import, Pradhan launched the logo, slogan 'Jan Jan Sakshar' and the
Export, Transport, Sale, Distribution, Storage and mobile application of ULLAS: Nav Bharat Saksharta Karyakram
Advertisement) Act (PECA). at the Bharat Mandapam.
• The portal, www.violation-reporting.in, will allow faster action
against any reported violations. MASI Portal for Monitoring CHILD CARE HOMES
Twitter blue bird has flown as Musk says X logo is • National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR)
here has developed an application ‘MASI’ - Monitoring App for
Seamless Inspection for real time monitoring of the Child Care
• After 17 years with an iconic blue bird that came to symbolize
Institutions (CCIs) and their inspection mechanism across the
the broadcasting of ideas to the world, billionaire Elon Musk
renamed Twitter as X and unveiled a new logo, marking a focus
on building an "everything app."
DGT partners with Amazon Web Services to upskill
Airtel becomes first ICT provider to link over 20 students on new technologies
million IoT devices • The Directorate General of Training (DGT) will collaborate with
• Bharti Airtel become the first Information and Amazon Web Services (AWS) India to upskill students in cloud
Communications Technology (ICT) service provider in India to computing, data annotation, artificial intelligence (AI) and
connect over 20 million devices through its Internet of Things machine learning.
(IoT) solutions. • AWS India, a subsidiary of Amazon that provides scalable and
• These devices range from ordinary household objects such as affordable cloud computing solutions, will offer free self-paced
Wi-Fi routers, smartwatches and bluetooth devices, smart online learning programs on emerging technologies.
fridges and LEDs, to RFID tags and sophisticated industrial
tools. IIT Guwahati researchers develop 3D printed cost -
effective device for rapid diagnosis of UTI
AMD to invest Rs 3,300 crore in India in five years
• Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IIT Guwahati)
• High performance adaptive computing major AMD announced Research team led by Dr. Partho Sarathi Gooh Pattader have
an investment of USD 400 million (about Rs 3,300 crore) in developed a fast, accurate, and reliable device to detect
India over five years, and opening of a 500,000-square-foot specific bacteria that cause Urinary Tract infection (UTI).
R&D campus in Bengaluru, which it said is its largest in the
• The estimated cost of manufacturing the device is Rs 608 while
testing a single sample will cost Rs. 8 only.

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Google News adds Gujarati and Punjabi, now James Webb telescope unfolds hypnotic eye of a
supports 10 regional languages dying star
• Google India has announced two significant developments • The Ring Nebula, also called Messier 57, is a cloud of gas and
that work in the way of supporting the Indian language news dust shed from a dying star about 2,600 light-years away in the
ecosystem and expanding the Indian language web. constellation Lyra.
• This mesmerizing, glowing eye imaged by the James Webb
• Firstly, Google News will now include two more Indian
Space Telescope.
languages: Gujarati and Punjabi, bringing the total number of
supported languages to ten in India. Government to launch e-CARe portal for seamless
transfer of bodies of Indians abroad
Study In India portal launched for international
• The Central government will launch e-CARe (e-clearance for
after life remains) portal to facilitate fast transfer of mortal
• The government launched the Study In India (SII) portal, a one remains of Indian nationals who die abroad, Union Health
stop platform to simplify the journey of international students Minister Mansukh Mandaviya.
in India. • The government will depute a nodal officers from Airport
• The portal was launched by Union External Affairs Minister S Health Organization who will be monitoring the portal 24x7.
Jaishankar and Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan.
IISc team makes indigenous industrial-grade
NHAI launches app for complaint redressal and autopilot system for drones
FASTAG recharge • Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Laboratory (AIRL) at the
Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore has made a
• The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) has launched significant achievement in the field of unmanned aerial
'Rajmargyatra,' a citizen-centric unified mobile application. systems.
• This app offers travelers with information on Indian National • The team at AIRL, led by Professor Suresh Sundaram, Associate
Highways while also ushering a complaint redressal system. Professor at the Department of Aerospace Engineering, has
successfully developed an indigenous industrial-grade
SpaceX launches communications satellite autopilot system for drones.
• SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket launched the Intelsat G-37
Tata Play adds 3rd Made-in-India satellite to its fleet
communications satellite from Cape Canaveral Space Force
Station in Florida. • Tata Play will commence the use of the GSAT-24 satellite,
which is now in its orbital position.
• This marks the sixth launch for this particular Falcon 9 first-
• Tata Play had collaborated with NewSpace India Limited (NSIL)
stage booster, which also flew the Crew-5 astronaut mission to
for the launch of the satellite.
the International Space Station.
Russia’s first moon-landing spacecraft
ISRO transfers satellite bus technology to private
• First moon-landing spacecraft was launched by Russia in 47
years in a bid to be the first nation to make a soft landing on
• ISRO has transferred the IMS-1 Satellite Bus Technology to the lunar south pole, a region believed to hold coveted pockets
Alpha Design Technologies Pvt. Ltd in a step towards of water ice.
enhancing private industry participation in the country's space • In 1976 Russia launched first spacecraft to Moon.
• New Space India Limited (NSIL), the commercial arm of ISRO,
Sun - Aditya-L1
facilitated the technology transfer through an agreement • The first space-based Indian observatory to study the Sun -
signed during an event held at the NSIL headquarters. Aditya-L1, is getting ready for its launch next month.
• ADTL is one of the two private players identified to receive the • The satellite was developed at U R Rao Satellite Centre
transfer of this technology through Interest Exploratory Note Bengaluru, has arrived at its spaceport in Sriharikota in Andhra
(IEN) published by NSIL.
Telangana State Road Transport Corporation
Union Minister Amit Shah launches digital portal of
(TSRTC) will launch bus tracking app Gamyam
Central Registrar of Cooperative Societies in Pune
• The Telangana State Road Transport Corporation (TSRTC) will
• Union Minister of Cooperation Amit Shah launched the digital launch its live bus tracking app.
portal of the Central Registrar of Cooperative Societies in Pune. • The app - now called TSRTC Gamyam - has been live for the
• The digital portal would be useful in promoting cooperative- past couple of months as part of a pilot project.
based economic progress, as well as strengthening the
cooperative movement in the country. Maya OS
• Ministry of Defence has announced that it will replace
Airtel launches India's first 5G wireless Wi -Fi 'Airtel Microsoft Windows with an indigenously developed operating
Xstream AirFiber' system called Maya OS on all its computers by the end of this
• Bharti Airtel announced the launch of Airtel Xstream AirFiber,
• Maya OS is based on Ubuntu, a popular Linux distribution.
India's first 5G wireless Wi-Fi service designed to provide • It has been developed by a team of experts from the Defence
internet to areas without fibre-based internet connections. Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), the Centre
• This new offering will provide fixed wireless access (FWA) to for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), and the
homes lacking fixed line internet. National Informatics Centre (NIC).

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Union Health launched Digital portals for healthcare • Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (PNGRB) has
• Union Health and Family Welfare Minister Mansukh collaborated with the World Bank to prepare a roadmap for
Mandaviya launched the ‘The Advantage Health Care India – hydrogen blending in natural gas and their transmission
One Stop Digital Portal For Patient’ and ‘Workforce Mobility’ through gas pipelines in the country.
at One Earth One Health Advantage Healthcare India event at • Adani Energy Solutions Limited (AESL) has achieved financial
Gandhinagar, Gujarat. closure for its USD 1 billion green high voltage direct current
(HVDC) link project, that will increase renewable energy supply
Indian Space Research Organisation Conducted to Mumbai.
Drogue Parachute Deployment Tests for Gaganyaan
• Energy solution provider Apraava Energy has inked initial pacts
with state-owned firms REC Ltd and Power Finance
• Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC)/ Indian Space Research Corporation (PFC) to get finance of Rs 9,120 crore for funding
Organisation (ISRO), successfully conducted a series of Drogue its wind, transmission, and advanced metering projects in the
Parachute Deployment Tests at the Rail Track Rocket Sled country.
(RTRS) facility of the Terminal Ballistics Research Laboratory,
Chandigarh. • Tata Power announced a Rs 13,000 crore investment for
• The tests were conducted in collaboration with Aerial Delivery setting up two pumped hydro storage projects (PSPs) in
Research and Development Establishment (ADRDE)/ Defence Maharashtra.
Research and Development Organisation (DRDO). • India's greenhouse emissions rate dropped by a faster-than-
expected 33% in 14 years as renewable energy generation rose
Central Water Commission launched FloodWatch and forest cover increased.
mobile app • Adani Green is targeting to set up 45 gigawatts (GW) of
• The Chairman of Central Water Commission Kushvinder renewable energy capacity by 2030.
Vohra launched the FloodWatch mobile app in New Delhi • Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam (SJVN Ltd) has inked two pacts with
• The app has been launched for real time flood forecast
Punjab State Power Corporation Ltd (PSPCL) to supply 1,200
situations across the country and aims to disseminate
MW of solar power from its projects, Punjab Chief Minister
information related to the flood situation and forecasts up to
Bhagwant Mann.
seven days on a real-time basis.
• Coal Ministry PSUs are diversifying revenue streams by adding
coal-based power capacity of 6,640 megawatts (MW), for
NATURE which an investment of more than ₹60,300 crores has been

• India’s tiger population increased to 3,682 in 2022, up from

2,967 in 2018. This also indicates significant growth over the ACQUISITIONS AND MERGERS
last decade; there were 2,226 tigers reported in 2014, up from
1,706 in 2010. In 2022, the maximum number of tigers, 785,
were reported to be in Madhya Pradesh, followed by • Bandhan Financial Holdings (BFHL) has entered into an
Karnataka (563), Uttarakhand (560), and Maharashtra (444). agreement to acquire the entire stake of Aegon and Bennett,
• A groundbreaking discovery in the world of paleontology has Coleman & Co. Ltd (BCCL) in Aegon Life Insurance.
shed enough light on an extinct whale species- Perucetus • Diversified business conglomerate Mahindra and Mahindra
colossus, believed to be the largest mammal ever to have lived (M&M) has picked up a 3.53 per cent stake in private sector
on Earth. lender RBL Bank for Rs. 417 crores.
• The Competition Commission of India (CCI) approves the
proposed combination involving acquisition of shareholding up
POWER to 59.38% of Unichem Laboratories Limited by Ipca
Laboratories Limited.
• Gurgaon-based ReNew has signed a 50:50 joint venture with • Walmart has bought stake in one of India's most popular e-
Gentari, a green energy company of Malaysian energy major commerce firm, Flipkart. The company has paid $1.4 billion to
Petronas. buy out hedge fund Tiger Global's investment in e-commerce
• Hartek Solar, part of the Chandigarh-based Hartek group, has firm.
bagged a Rs 80-crore contract to build a 22 MW floating solar
• The Reserve Bank of India has sanctioned the Scheme of
plant on the reservoir of the Bhakra Nangal dam.
Amalgamation of The Navanirman Co-operative Urban Bank
• Tata Power Renewable Energy Limited (TPREL), a subsidiary of Ltd with Rajadhani Co-op. Urban Bank Ltd.
Tata Power, has inked two significant Power Purchase
Agreements (PPAs) with Maharashtra State Electricity • Vijay Shekhar Sharma, founder and chief executive officer
Distribution Company Limited (MSEDCL) for the (CEO) of Paytm's parent One97 Communications, has agreed to
commissioning of two solar power projects. purchase a 10.3 per cent stake in the fintech firm from Antfin
(Netherlands) Holding BV.
• GE Power India has bagged an order worth Rs 440 crore from
Gujarat State Electricity Corporation Ltd. • The West Asian-based sovereign investment fund, Qatar
• NLC India Ltd is planning to set up a 2,400 MW coal-based plant Investment Authority, acquired a 2.7 per cent stake in Adani
in Odisha. This is a pithead thermal plant near Talabira coal Green Energy (AGEL) for Rs 3,920 crore via block deals.
mines of NLC with a project cost of Rs 19,422 crores. • Ananya Birla’s Svatantra Microfin Private Ltd (Svatantra), has
• NLC India Ltd has entered into a joint venture with the UP entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Chaitanya India
government to set up a thermal power plant at a cost of Rs Fin Credit Private Ltd (Chaitanya), a wholly owned subsidiary
19,406 crore at Ghatampur near Kanpur in Uttar Pradesh. of Navi Group (Navi) for a Rs 1,479 crore.

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• Axis Bank will raise its stake in insurer Max Life Insurance to • Based on the recommendation of the Nomination and
16.2% from 9.99% by infusing ₹16.12 billion ($194.6 million). Remuneration Committee, the Board considered and
• Promoter JSW Investments Pvt. pared a 1.27% stake in JSW unanimously approved the re-appointment of Mr. TV
Energy Ltd. for Rs 717 crore through open market transactions. Narendran as the Chief Executive Officer and Managing
Director of the Company for a further period of five years
• The Competition Commission of India (CCI) approves effective September 19, 2023 through September 18, 2028.
acquisition of 30% of stake of IBS Software Pte Limited (Target)
from Techware Singapore Holdings Pte. Ltd., a portfolio • Special Secretary (Ministry of External Affairs) Prabhat Kumar
has been appointed as India's next High Commissioner to South
company of Blackstone Inc. (Seller) by Pelipper HoldCo SARL
• The Government of India has given Additional charge of the
• Jewellery maker Titan announced increasing stake in its
post of Managing Director, National Agricultural Cooperative
subsidiary and new-age jewellery brand CaratLane to 98.28%
Marketing Federation of India Ltd. (NAFED) under Department
by acquiring an additional 27.18% share for ₹4,621 crores.
of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare to 2005-batch IAS officer
• Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) has acquired 6.66% stake in Ritesh Chauhan of Himachal Pradesh cadre for three months
Jio Financial Services, the demerged non-banking financial w.e.f. 01.05.2023 or till the appointment of regular incumbent
services unit of the Mukesh Ambani-led Reliance group. or until further orders, whichever is the earliest.
• Jim Skea of the United Kingdom is the newly elected Chair of
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
APPOINTMENTS • India's Permanent Representative to the UN, Ambassador
Ruchira Kamboj, has assumed the chairship of the 62nd
• Sat Pal Bhanoo, Additional Zonal Manager (in-charge) of the Session of the Commission for Social Development, the first
Life Insurance Corporation of India’s zonal office in Bhopal, has time in nearly 50 years the country has held this position within
been appointed as the insurance behemoth’s managing the UN agency.
director. • Pedro Sanchez formally named caretaker Prime Minister of an
• Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL) announced that Ministry of interim government that will remain in place until Spain
Defence, Department of Defence Production, Government of resolves the political uncertainty that emerged from
India vide its Office Memorandum, conveyed the approval of inconclusive elections.
the Competent Authority for the appointment of A. • Indian-American policy expert Nisha Biswal is confirmed by the
Madhavarao Director as Chairman and Managing Director on Senate to serve as the Deputy Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of
the Board of the company with effective from the date of his a US finance agency.
assumption of charge of the post till the date of his • Former director-in-charge of the National Institute of
superannuation. Technology, Tiruchi G. Kannabiran has been appointed as the
• Indian auto major Tata Motors wholly-owned subsidiary new director of the National Assessment and Accreditation
Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) Automotive PLC, UK, has appointed Council (NAAC) for five years.
Adrian Mardell as chief executive officer for a three-year • Indian IT services company Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)
term. executive vice president and chief technology officer Ananth
• Namgya C Khampa, India's High Commissioner to Kenya, has Krishnan is set to retire in October.
been concurrently accredited as India's next Ambassador to • Shivendra Nath has been appointed as the Chairman and
Somalia. Managing Director (CMD) of Engineering Projects (India) Ltd.,
• Sandeep Chakravorty, an Indian Foreign Service (IFS) Officer of a public sector undertaking (PSU) under the Ministry of Heavy
the 1996 batch, has been appointed as India's next Ambassador Industries and Public Enterprises.
to Indonesia. • Maj Gen Amita Rani assumed the appointment of Addl
• President Joe Biden nominated Admiral Lisa Franchetti to lead Director General, Military Nursing Service (MNS).
the Navy, an historic step that would break a gender barrier in • Vice Admiral Rajesh Pendharkar, AVSM, VSM assumed charge
the U.S. military by making her the first woman to command as the Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief (FOC-in-C), Eastern
the service and to become a member of the Joint Chiefs of Naval Command(ENC) at an impressive Ceremonial Parade
Staff. held at the Naval Base.
• Shah Rukh Khan was appointed as ICC World Cup 2023 brand • Quantum Ecosystems Technology Council of India (QETCI)
ambassador. announced that scientist and defence expert Dr. Vijay Kumar
• Justice Alok Aradhe has taken oath as the Chief Justice of Sarawat has been appointed as the chairman of its governing
Telangana High Court at a ceremonial programme held at Raj board.
Bhavan in Hyderabad. • Equifax Credit Information Services Pvt Limited has named
• Justice Subhasis Talapatra has been appointed as the Chief Aditya B. Chatterjee as its Managing Director.
Justice of the Orissa High Court. • Out of nine Nominated Members of Parliament (NMPs), 3
• Justice Sunita Agarwal has been appointed as the Chief Justice Indian-origin Singaporeans have been made members for
parliament in Singapore. Of the nine Nominated Members of
of the Gujarat High Court.
Parliament, Raj Joshua Thomas, an Indian-origin lawyer is
• Justice Ashish Jitendra Desai has been appointed as the Chief ready to serve for second term in Singapore parliament. Two
Justice of the Kerala High Court. other Indian origin NMPs are Parekh Nimil Rajnikant, CEO of
• Justice Devendra Kumar Upadhyaya of Allahabad High Court acquisition firm Pegasus Asia and Chandradas Usha Ranee, an
appointed as Chief Justice of Bombay High Court. art historian and co-founder of Plural Art magazine.

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• Cabinet Secretary Rajiv Gauba given one-year extension, • Ministry of Education formed a high level 19-member
beyond August 30, 2023, in service by the government. committee named The National Syllabus and Teaching
• SC appoints former Delhi HC judge Justice Jayant Nath as Learning Material Committee (NSTC).
interim chairperson of power regulator DERC. • Leading diversified professional services and investment
• Royal Challengers Bangalore appointed the vastly experienced management firm Colliers announced that Badal Yagnik has
Andy Flower as their head coach, officially ending the term of been appointed as Chief Executive Officer, India.
Mike Hesson and Sanjay Bangar. • Parminder Chopra became the first woman to lead Power
Finance Corporation Limited (PFC) as Chairman and Managing
• Lt Governor Tamilisai Soundararajan has designated P.
Director (CMD).
Jawahar as the Puducherry Chief Electoral Officer cum
Development Commissioner. • The Reserve Bank of India has approved the appointment of P.
R. Seshadri as the Managing Director and Chief Executive
• Qualcomm Incorporated announced the appointment of Savi
Officer of South Indian Bank by replacing Murali
Soin as senior vice president and president of Qualcomm India. Ramakrishnan.
• Shohini Sinha, an Indian-American, known for her work on • Abhijit Chakravorty has taken charge as the new Managing
counter-terrorism investigations, has been named the special Director and Chief Executive Officer, of SBI Card by replacing
agent in charge of the FBI's field office in Salt Lake City in the Rama Mohan Rao Amara.
US state of Utah.
• Faiz Ahmed Kidwai 1996 batch IAS officer of Madhya Pradesh
• Axis Mutual Fund has appointed Shreyas Devalkar as the new cadre, who is the Additional Secretary in the Department of
Head of Equities. Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, has been retrospectively
• IRS officer Sanjay Kumar Agarwal has taken charge as the appointed to the additional role of Chief Executive Officer
Chairman of the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CEO) at the National Rainfed Area Authority (NRAA).
(CBIC). • The Ministry of Finance had appointed Kamlesh Chandra
• Cambodia's King Norodom Sihamoni has appointed former Varshney and Amarjeet Singh as full-time members of
Prime minister Hun Sen's son Hun Manet as the new prime Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) for 3 years.
minister of the country. • Neelkanth Mishra has reportedly been appointed by the Union
• Indian IT services company Tech Mahindra announced that government as the part-time chairperson of the Unique
Atul Soneja, former CitiusTech and Infosys veteran, would be Identification Authority of India (UIDAI).
joining the company as its Chief Operating Officer (COO). • The anti-corruption crusader Bernardo Arévalo was elected
• Justice Subhasis Talapatra took oath as the 33rd Chief Justice president of Guatemala.
of the Orissa High Court.
• Tesla has appointed Indian-origin Vaibhav Taneja as its Chief
Financial Officer (CFO), as the organization plans to make India
its next key source of a new supplier ecosystem.
• The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet (ACC) has Teen Gukesh D overtakes idol Viswanathan Anand to
approved the proposal of the Ministry of Petroleum and become India's highest FIDE rankings player
Natural Gas for re-employment on a contract basis of Shri • Teen chess champion Gukesh D ended Grandmaster
Shrikant Madhav Vaidya, chairman, Indian Oil Corporation Ltd Viswanathan Anand's 37-year reign as India's highest-ranking
for a period of one year beyond the date of his superannuation chess player in the live world (FIDE) rankings.
i.e. w.e.f 01.09.2023 till 31.08.2024, or till the appointment of • With this, Gukesh replaced his idol to move up to World No. 9
regular incumbent to the post, or until further orders, in the classic open category, while the five-time World
whichever is the earliest. Champion slipped to the 10th spot.
• The government has extended the tenure of Prem Sagar
Mishra as Chairman-cum-Managing Director (CMD) of South HDFC Bank's Sashidhar Jagdishan is highest paid
Eastern Coal Fields (SECL) till January 31, 2025. bank CEO in FY23
• Raman Sukumar, an authority on the Asian elephant, has been • Sashidhar Jagdishan, HDFC Bank's Managing Director and Chief
elected a vice-chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Executive, has emerged as the highest-paid bank chief
Change (IPCC) during the recent election held at the United executive in FY23, with a significant increase of more than 62%
Nations Environment Programme headquarters in Nairobi. in his remuneration in fiscal year 2023, reaching ₹10.55 crore.
• Amitabh Chaudhry of Axis Bank was the second highest-paid
• Veteran sports journalist Rajaraman was appointed by the
bank CEO, with ₹9.75 crore as payout in FY23 and followed by
Indian Olympic Association (IOA) as the contingents press
Sandeep Bakhshi of ICICI Bank, who drew ₹9.60 crore for the
attache for the upcoming Asian Games 2023 in Hangzhou,
fiscal year.
• Parimatch had appointed West Indies cricketer Nicholas Telangana bags first place in India in recovery of
Pooran as its brand ambassador. lost, stolen mobile phones using CEIR portal
• The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India • Telangana state has secured the first position in the country in
(IRDAI) has given its official approval for the appointment of recovery of lost and stolen mobile devices using Central
Amit Jhingran as the managing director & CEO of SBI Life Equipment Identity Register (CEIR) portal.
Insurance Company. • With 5,038 mobile devices recovered and a recovery rate of
• Pakistani senator Anwar-ul-Haq Kakar has been named as 67.98 per cent, Telangana stands first in the list of recovery of
caretaker prime minister until the next general elections. lost and stolen mobile devices using CEIR portal, followed by
Karnataka (54.20 per cent) and Andhra Pradesh (50.90 per
• Government has appointed R Doraiswamy as the managing
director of Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC).

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Niti Aayog’s Delta ranking Forward Monthly Report for States/UTs’, which provides a
detailed overview of status of e-service delivery across
• Under Aspirational Districts Programme Haryana Nuh district
had climbed to 2nd spot from 30th spot in Niti Aayog’s Delta States/UTs.
ranking. • The July monthly report presents the status of e-services,
• The district ranked first in the parameters of agriculture and mandatory e-services (as per NeSDA 2021) and highlights the
water resources and second in health and nutrition best practices, across States/UTs.
Report by GlobalData, a London-based leading data
Internet Resilience Index (IRI) and analytics company
• Internet Resilience Index was released by global non-profit • Card payments in India are likely to hit the Rs 27.9 trillion mark
organisation Internet Society. in 2023, up 28.6 per cent year-on-year (YoY), suggests a recent
• India's security is ranked above average, attributed to having report by GlobalData, a London-based leading data and
the highest IPv6 (the newest Internet Protocol to analytics company.
accommodate growing networks) adoption globally.
• According to the four pillars that make up the IRI, India scores
31 per cent in infrastructure, 40 per cent in performance, 66 AWARDS AND RECOGNITIONS
per cent in security, and 35 per cent in market readiness.
Rank Country Percentage
• The Ministry of Coal has been awarded in “Best Engagement”
1 Bhutan 58%
2 Bangladesh 51% category, Coal India Limited (CIL) has been awarded “Rising
3 Maldives 50% Star” and NLC India Limited has been awarded in the “Timely
4 Sri Lanka 47% Payments” category.
5 Nepal 43% • The Union Minister for Information and Broadcasting, Shri
6 India 43% Anurag Thakur conferred the 8th and 9th National Community
Radio Awards. For the 9th National Community Radio Awards
FIH Men's Hockey World Rankings a total of 12 Awards in 4 Categories are being given.
1. Netherland (European Hockey Federation) – 3095.90 points • iEnergizer, a leading global provider of Business Process
2. Belgium (European Hockey Federation) - 2917.87 points
Outsourcing solutions, is thrilled to announce its remarkable
3. India (Asian Hockey Federation) - 2771.35 points
achievement in being honoured with the esteemed award for
Affordability Index by Knight Frank "Operational Excellence & Quality in BPO Industry" at
National Awards' 10th Edition.
• According to the Affordability Index released by real estate
consultancy Knight Frank, In first six months of 2023 • The Maharashtra government has decided to confer the first
Ahmedabad (EMI to Income ratio 23%) is the most affordable 'Udyog Ratna' award on veteran industrialist and chairman
city in India was followed by Pune and Kolkata (26%). emeritus of Tata Sons, Ratan Tata.
• Four Indian young leaders are among 50 social entrepreneurs,
India ranked 11th position in global direct selling environmental champions, innovators, and human rights
ranking activists from across the Commonwealth shortlisted for this
• India has moved up to 11th position in the ranking of top year's Youth Awards.
markets of direct sellers, with retail sales of USD 3.23 billion • The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi was conferred with
(around Rs 26,852 crore) in 2022, global industry body World
Lokmanya Tilak National Award in Pune, Maharashtra.
Federation of Direct Selling Association (WFDSA).
• Indian direct selling has registered a growth of 5.4 per cent
over 2021 retail sales.
REPORTS • Book: Memories Never Die/Author: Dr. APJM Nasima
Maraikayar and scientist Dr. Y. S. Rajan/Publisher: Prabhat
Report by ICRA on domestic pharma Prakashan Pvt. Ltd./Released by: Union Minister Amit Shah
• Book: Kargil: Ek Yatri Ki Jubani/Author: Shri Rishi
• Credit rating agency ICRA has projected steady growth for the
Indian pharmaceutical industry, despite headwinds and Raj/Publisher: Prabhat Prakashan/Released by: Minister of
regulatory challenges. According to the report, the revenues of State for Defence Ajay Bhatt
ICRA’s sample set of 25 Indian companies (which account for • Book: How Prime Ministers Decide/Author: Neerja
60 per cent of the overall domestic pharma industry) are Chaudhary/Publisher: Aleph
expected to grow by 7-9 per cent in FY24, following a YoY
• Book: Busted: Debunking Management Myths with Logic,
growth of 10 per cent in FY23.
Experience and Curiosity by Ashok Soota and Peter de
5th Edition of the ‘NeSDA – Way Forward Monthly Jager/Author: Ashok Soota/Co-Author: Sandhya
Report for States/UTs’ Mendonca/Publisher: HarperCollins India

• Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances • Book: 'Drunk on Love: The Life, Vision and Songs of
(DARPG) has released the fifth edition of ‘National e- Kabir'/Author: Vipul Rikhi/Publisher: HarperCollins
Governance Service Delivery Assessment (NeSDA) Way

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• Tony Bennett, the smooth American singer who had an Indian team won bronze in Asian Surfing
enduring hit with "I Left My Heart in San Francisco" and Championship
remained perpetually cool enough to win over younger • The India surf team, participating for the first time, in the Asian
generations of fans well into the 21st century, has died at the championship has bagged the bronze medal.
age of 96. • The Asian Surfing Championship was held at Thulusdhoo Island
in Maldives, which saw participation from 18 countries.
• Veteran Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) leader Madan
Das Devi who had served as the joint secretary of the outfit, AIFF introduces U-20 national championship for men
passed away at 81.
• The All India Football Federation (AIFF), after consultations
• Former Australia and New South Wales wicketkeeper Brian with its competition committee, has decided to introduce an U-
Taber has died at the age of 83. 20 national championship for men.
• Former England striker and the first British £1m footballer, Geza Hetenyi Memorial: Praggnanandhaa wins title,
Trevor Francis, has sadly passed away at the age of 69. reaches 31 in live World rankings
• BJP MLA from Dhupguri, Bishnu Pada Roy passed away at 61 • Precisely a week after breaching the coveted 2700-mark in live
• Veteran Marathi actor Jayant Savarkar, known for his work in rating, R. Praggnanandhaa won the Geza Hetenyi Memorial
Marathi and Hindi cinema, passed away at 87 in Maharashtra’s chess title in Budapest.
Thane district. • With a gain of 17.30 points, Praggnanandhaa’s live rating has
moved to 2707.30 and placed him at a career-high ranking of
• Former Kerala speaker and senior Congress leader Vakkom 31.
Purushothaman passed away at 95.
Satwiksairaj Rankireddy-Chirag Shetty lift Korea
• Noted Marathi poet and lyricist Namdeo Dhondo Mahanor, a
Open Badminton men’s doubles title
Padma Shri recipient and popularly known as Na Dho Mahanor
passed away at 81. • Asian Champions Satwiksairaj Rankireddy and Chirag Shetty
continued their winning streak by lifting the Korea Open
• The Padma Bhushan awardee and IAS officer of the Gujarat Badminton men's doubles title in Yeosu.
cadre, 1960 batch, N Vittal passed awayat 85.
• Renowned folk singer and balladeer Gaddar (Gummadi Vittal Formula 1 Hungarian Grand Prix
Rao), who was popularly known for his revolutionary songs Pos. Driver Team Country
during the 1980s and later during the Telangana statehood Max Verstappen (7th
1 Red Bull Dutch
Straight Win)
agitation, passed away at 77.
2 Lando NORRIS McLaren UK
• Hari Narke, an academic known for his work on Jyotirao Phule 3 Sergio PÉREZ Red Bull Mexico
and B R Ambedkar and the vice-president of Samata Parishad,
passed away at 70. Union Minister Anurag Thakur felicitates Fit India
Quiz 2022 State round winners
• Popular Malayalam filmmaker Siddique passed away at 68.
• Union Minister for Youth Affairs and Sports Anurag Singh
• Renowned American filmmaker William Friedkin, known for Thakur felicitated Fit India Quiz 2022 State round winners in
directing iconic movies like "The Exorcist" and "The French Mumbai.
Connection," has passed away at the age of 87. • ₹3.25 crore rupees will be given out as cash award to schools
and students under the quiz.
• P Jayarama Bhat (72), former Chairman of Karnataka Bank Ltd,
passed away. ISSF Junior Shooting World Championship
• Renowned nuclear physicist Bikash Sinha passed away at 78. • India's Kamaljeet clinched Gold Medal in Men’s individual 50
• Renowned Nuclear physicist Bikash Sinha, a former director of metre Pistol Event at ISSF Junior Shooting World Championship
the Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (SINP) and the Variable 2023 at Changwon Shooting Range, Korea.
Energy Cyclotron Centre (VECC) passed away at 78. • India went in with a strong contingent of 90 shooters in the
tournament and bagged 17 medals including 6 Golds, 6 Silvers
• Manchanahalli Rangaswamy Satyanarayana Rao, popularly and 5 Bronzes.
known as MRS Rao, an eminent Indian scientist and Padma Shri
awardee passed away 75. Lahiru Thirimanne announces retirement from
international cricket
• Eminent Telugu, Sanskrit writer, scholar and academician
Kandlakunta Alaha Singaracharyulu passed away at 93. • Sri Lanka batter Lahiru Thirimanne has announced his
retirement from international cricket after a 13-year career.
• Former Indian football team captain Mohammed Habib, who
played a crucial role in India’s bronze medal-winning campaign SAI to provide financial assistance to 4 fencers for
at the 1970 Asian Games in Bangkok passed away at 74. upcoming World University Games
• Dr V S Arunachalam, founder chairman of Bengaluru based • The Sports Authority of India will financially support four
think tank Center for Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP), fencers for their participation in the upcoming World
passed away at 87. University Games in Chengdu, China.

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• The four fencers from the SAI National Centres of Excellence Aditya Samant becomes India’s 83rd Grandmaster at
are Abhay Krishna Shinde (NCOE Patiala and TOPS Athlete), Biel Master Tournament
Durgesh Milind Jahagirdar (NCOE Aurangabad and Khelo India
• Aditya Samant became India’s 83rd Grandmaster after
Athlete) and Tannu Gulia and Shiksha Ballouria (NCOE
earning his third GM norm at the Master Tournament (MTO)
in the Biel International Chess Festival, Biel/Bienne,
India finish 2nd on medals tally at ISSF World Switzerland.
Championship in South Korea • Aditya is the third Indian to achieve their final GM norm at the
Biel Chess tournament.
• India finished 2nd on the medals tally at the recently
concluded ISSF Junior Shooting World Championships 2023 in Belgian Grand Prix
Changwon, South Korea. Pos. Driver Team Country
• Indian shooters bagged 17 medals, which include 6 Gold, 6 Max Verstappen (8th Straight
Silver, and 5 Bronze. 1 Red Bull Dutch
2 Sergio Pérez Red Bull Mexico
NADA has launched Anti-Doping helpline number for
3 Charles Leclerc Ferrari Monaco
athletes to provide information about Anti-Doping
rules and guidelines Asian Youth (boys and girls) and Junior (men and
• National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA) has launched an Anti- women) Weightlifting Championships
Doping helpline number for the athletes and athlete support • India's Sanapathi Guru Naidu and M Tomchou Meetei claimed
personnel to provide information about Anti-Doping rules and silver and bronze medals respectively in 55kg men's youth
guidelines. category in the Asian Youth (boys and girls) and Junior (men
and women) Weightlifting Championships.
Hockey India announces 20-member junior men’s
team for 4 Nations Tournament in Germany Sri Lanka Athletics National Championships
• Hockey India announced the 20-member Indian junior men's • Indian contingent finished their Sri Lanka Athletics National
hockey team that will participate in the 4 Nations Tournament Championships at Sugathadasa Stadium in Colombo with 14
from August 18 to 22 at Dusseldorf, Germany. medals including nine gold, four silvers and a bronze.
• India will play against England, Spain, and hosts Germany in
the tournament, which will be part of the team's preparations Handball Association of India recognised as National
for the all-important FIH Hockey Men's Junior World Cup 2023, Sports Federation
scheduled to be played in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from
• The Union Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports has decided to
December 5 to 16.
recognise the Handball Association of India (HAI) as National
Sports Federation (NSF) for the promotion and regulation of
Sumit Nagal Wins Tampere Open 2023, His Fourth
the sport in the country with immediate effect.
ATP Challenger Title
• President: Digvijay Singh Chautala; Secretary-general: A. Jagan
• Sumit Nagal clinched ATP Challenger men's singles title Mohan Rao; Treasurer: Tejraj Singh.
defeating Czech Republic's Dalibor Svrcina and winning the
final of Tampere Open 2023 in Finland. 2023 Japan Open
• It was the Indian tennis player's fourth ATP Challenger Tour • The 2023 Japan Open (officially known as the Daihatsu Japan
title. Open 2023) was a badminton tournament which took place at
Yoyogi National Gymnasium in Tokyo, Japan.
Union Sports Minister Anurag Singh Thakur
Category Winner Runner
inaugurates Asian Youth and Junior Weightlifting
Men’s Viktor Axelsen Jonatan Christie
Single Denmark Indonesia
• Union Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports Shri Anurag Singh Women’s An Se Young He Bing Jiao
Thakur inaugurated the Asian Youth and Junior Weightlifting Single South Korea China
Championships 2023, which is being held in India for the first Lee Yang & Wang Chi TakuroHoki& Yugo
time at Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida. Men
Lin Kobayashi
Chinese Taipei Japan
Tamil Nadu CM Stalin inaugurates eco -friendly Kim So Yeong& Kong
hockey turf Women Chen Qing &Jia Yi Fan
Hee Yong
Doubles China
• Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin inaugurated the first-of- South Korea
its-kind eco-friendly Poligras Paris GT zero turf at the Mayor Dechapol
Yuta Watanabe & Arisa
Radhakrishnan Stadium, Chennai. Mixed Puavaranukroh&
Doubles Sapsiree Taerattanachai
FISU Summer World University Games in Chengdu, Thailand
World University Games in Chengdu, China
• India opened its account at the FISU Summer World University
Games with three gold medals on the opening day of the • India won 26 medals - 11 gold, five silver and 10 bronze - at
medal events in Chengdu, China. the FISU World University Games 2023 in Chengdu to finished
• India secured a total of seven medals on day 2, with shooters seventh the World University Games 2023 medals table.
clinching a Gold, Silver and Bronze each. • China topped the table with 178 medals, including 103 gold.

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Stuart Broad announced retirement • The funding will cover the 20-member team's
Boarding/Lodging costs, airfare, visa costs and Out of Pocket
• Stuart Christopher John Broad, MBE is a former English
Allowance (OPA) among other expenditures.
cricketer who played Test cricket for the England cricket team
and was One Day and Twenty20 International captain
Neeraj Chopra to lead 28-member Indian team in
announced his retirement following the Ashes finale at The
Oval. World Athletics Championships
• Olympic champion javelin thrower Neeraj Chopra will once
World Archery Championships in Berlin again headline India's campaign in the World Athletics
• In Archery, the Indian women’s team created history when the Championships in Budapest, Hungary, as the country will field
trio of V. Jyothi Surekha, Aditi Swami, and Parneet Kaur a 28-member team in the showpiece.
clinched their first-ever gold medal over top-ranked Mexico in
the compound women’s team final in the World Archery Hockey India congratulates Krishan B Pathak on
Championships in Berlin. completing 100 international matches
• This is the first time Indian archers became world champions • Hockey India congratulated Indian Men's Hockey Team
after the country made its World Archery Championships debut
goalkeeper Krishan B Pathak for earning his 100th
in Punta Ala (Italy) in 1981.
international cap.
Second edition of Inter-Ministry Bar & Bench • The goalkeeper, who hails from Kapurthala, Punjab, achieved
the feat during India's fourth match of the Asian Champions
Badminton Championship
Trophy Chennai 2023 against Korea at the iconic Mayor
• Ministry of Law and Justice organised the second edition of Radhakrishnan Stadium.
the Inter-Ministry Bar & Bench Badminton Championship at
the Thyagaraj Sports Complex. 2023 World Archery Championships, Berlin
• The event was inaugurated by Union Minister of Law and
Rank Nation Gold Silver Bronze Total
Justice Arjun Ram Meghwal.
1 India 3 0 1 4
Alex Hales retires from international cricket 2 Republic of Korea 2 0 1 3
Germany 1 1 0 2
• England cricketer Alex Hales has announced retirement from
3 Poland 1 1 0 2
international Cricket.
Türkiye 1 1 0 2
• The powerful top-order player represented England in 156
matches across all three international formats Tests, one-day 69th edition of Nehru Trophy Boat Race
internationals and T20 internationals.
• The 69th edition of Nehru Trophy Boat Race held at the
Prarthana Thombare clinches women's double s title picturesque Punnamada Lake in Alappuzha district, Kerala.
in Barcelona, Spain • The boat race, held every year on the second Saturday of
• Prarthana Thombare has clinched the doubles title at the
women's tennis hardcourt event in Barcelona, Spain.
Asian hockey Championship trophy
• The Asian Games bronze medallist, combined with Russian
Anastasia Tikhonova, edged out France’s Estelle Cascino and • The seventh edition of the Men's Asian Champions Trophy
Latvia’s Diana Marcinkevica in Final. was held at Mayor Radhakrishnan Stadium, Chennai.
• The 7th edition trophy was won by India against Malaysia.
Aditi Swami becomes 1st Indian to clinch individual • India Previously won in 2011, 2016 & 2018.
World Title at World Archery Championships
• Aditi Swami created history by becoming the first-ever Indian Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports funds 34 Indian
to clinch the individual World Title at the World Archery Shooters for ISSF Shooting World Championships
Championships final in Berlin. • Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports (MYAS) is funding the
• Less than two months after clinching the junior world title, 17- participation of the Indian contingent for the upcoming ISSF
year-old Aditi, became the senior world champion when she World Championships in Baku, Azerbaijan where a total of 34
defeated Andrea Becerra of Mexico, in the summit clash of the Indian shooters, including 17 men and 17 women would be
compound women's event. participating.
132nd Durand Cup in Kokrajhar, Assam England bowler Steven Finn announced his
• The 132nd edition of Durand Cup kicked off in Kokrajhar, retirement
• Former England fast bowler Steven Finn retired from all form
• The tournament is organised by the Armed Forces and
of cricket.
supported by the Government of Assam.
• Finn took 125 wickets in 36 Test appearances for England at an
Ministry of Youth Affairs, Sports to fund 20 -member average of 30.4 between 2010 and 2016.
Indian Judo team for World Cadet Championship
ICC Player of the Month for July 2023
• Sports Authority of India (SAI) under the Ministry of Youth
Affairs and Sports (MYAS) is set to fund the participation of the • Women – Ashleigh Gardner (Australia) 2nd time in a row & 4th
Indian Cadet Judo Team in the upcoming Judo World Cadet time
Championship to be held in Zagreb, Croatia. • Men – Chris Woakes (England)

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Wahab Riaz announced retirement from National Flag Adoption Day
international cricket • Every year, National Flag Adoption Day is celebrated in India
• Pakistani pace bowler Wahab Riaz announced his retirement on July 22.
from international cricket. • The day is observed to commemorate the Constituent
• He picked up 237 wickets in 154 internationals, including three Assembly’s adoption of the tricolour in its current form in 1947.
five-wicket hauls.
• The Constituent Assembly on July 22, 1947, approved this flag,
Dutee Chand banned for four years for failing dope which was also called the Swaraj flag.
National Broadcasting Day 2023
• Indian athlete Dutee Chand has been banned for four years by
National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA) for failing two out-of- • National Broadcasting Day in India is marked on July 23 as
competition dope tests for selective androgen receptor symbolic of the Radio Club of Bombay (established by some
modulators (SARMs) in December 2022. businessmen) making the first-ever broadcast in the country in
June 1923.
World Wrestling Championships in Jordan
• Indian grappler Priya Malik won Gold medal by beating Laura Parents’ Day 2023
Celine Kuehn of Germany at the 2023 U20 World Wrestling • Parents’ Day honours the real heroes of our respective
Championships in Jordan. ordinary lives.
• She became just the second woman wrestler from India to be • Each year, it is celebrated on the fourth Sunday in July.
crowned U20 world championship.
• This year, the day is being celebrated on July 23.
India clinch mixed team air pistol gold in ISSF World • The celebration finds its origin 29 years ago in 1994.
Championship at Baku, Azerbaijan
International Self Care Day
• Shooters Esha Singh and Shiva Narwal brought cheers to the
India camp, clinching the 10m air pistol mixed team gold by • Every year, International Self Care Day is celebrated on July 24.
defeating Ilayda Tarhan and Yusuf Dikec of Turkey in the final • Theme - “Resilience, adaptability and thriving in adversity”.
of the ISSF World Championship at Baku, Azerbaijan.
Income Tax Day 2023
FIFA Women's World Cup 2023
• The Income Tax Department of India will observe Income Tax
• The FIFA Women's World Cup 2023 was hosted by Australia Day or 'Aaykar Diwas' on July 24, 2023 to commemorate the
and New Zealand, making it the first edition to be held in the introduction of provision of income tax in the country.
Southern Hemisphere, the first Women's World Cup to be
• This year observes 164th edition.
hosted by two countries.
• Winner: Spain/Runner: England • ‘Aaykar Diwas’ was celebrated for the first time on July 24,
2010, to mark 150 years of income tax in India

World Drowning Prevention Day 2023

• World Drowning Prevention Day is annually observed on July
International Moon Day 2023
• World Drowning Prevention Day, declared in April 2021 by
• The General Assembly declared International Moon Day, a General Assembly resolution A/RES/75/273.
United Nations-designated international day to be observed
• Theme – “Anyone can drown, no one should”
annually on 20 July, in its resolution 76/76 on “International
cooperation in the peaceful uses of outer space” in 2021.
World IVF Day 2023
World Brain Day 2023 • World IVF Day, which is observed on July 25 every year.
• World Brain Day is celebrated globally on July 22nd every year. • On this day in 1978, Louise Brown became the first baby born
• The World Federation of Neurology (WFN) was founded on using the IVF technique.
July 22, 1957.
• Theme - "Brain Health and Disability: Leave No One Behind." International Day for the Conservation of the
Mangrove Ecosystem 2023
National Mango Day 2023
• The International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove
• The National Day of the Mango is celebrated every year on July Ecosystem is celebrated every year on 26 July.
• This International Day was adopted by the General Conference
• The National Horticulture Board of India came up with the idea
for the International Mango Festival in 1987 as a way to of the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
honour the adored mango. (UNESCO) in 2015.

Pi Approximation Day 2023 Kargil Vijay Diwas 2023

• Pi Approximation Day is celebrated on July 22 every year. • Kargil Vijay Diwas is celebrated on July 26 every year in honour
• There is an interesting fact why Pi Approximation Day is of the soldiers who fought in the Kargil War in 1999.
celebrated on this date. When placed in the date/month • On July 26, it was declared that "Operation Vijay'’ was
format, July 22 looks like 22/7 - this is an approximate value of successful, and the Indian forces had defected to the Pakistani
Pi. soldiers.

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CRPF Foundation Day 2023 • It was celebrated by the Yorkshire Ridings Society in 1975,
initially in Beverley, as "a protest movement against the local
• The Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) Foundation Day is
government re-organisation of 1974".
celebrated on July 27 every year to commemorate the
formation of the central force on this day in 1939.
World Breastfeeding Week
• CRPF has grown into India’s largest CAPF and functions under
the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA). • World Breastfeeding Week (WBW) is an annual celebration
which is held every year from 1 to 7 August in more than 120
World hepatitis day 2023 countries.
• World Hepatitis Day, observed on July 28 every year. • World Breastfeeding Week was first celebrated in 1992 by
• Hepatitis affects hundreds of millions of people worldwide, WABA.
causing acute and chronic disease and killing close to 1.34 • Theme - "Let's make breastfeeding and work, work!"
million people every year.
• The World Hepatitis Alliance, established in 2007, organized Cloves Syndrome Awareness Day
the first community-driven World Hepatitis Day in 2008. • Cloves Syndrome Awareness Day is every year on August 3.
• Theme - 'One Life, One Liver' • So, in 2010 CLOVES Syndrome Community (CSC) established
Cloves Syndrome Awareness Day.
World nature conservation day 2023
• World Nature Conservation Day is observed on July 28. International Beer Day
• Theme - 'Forests and Livelihoods: Sustaining People and • International Beer Day is a celebration on the first Friday of
Planet' every August founded in 2007 in Santa Cruz, California by Jesse
• International Tiger Day Avshalomov.
• Global Tiger Day, often called International Tiger Day, is an • This year the day falls on August 4.
annual celebration to raise awareness for tiger conservation,
held annually on 29 July. Hiroshima Day
• It was created in 2010 at the Saint Petersburg Tiger Summit in
Russia. • On August 6, 1945, during World War II, a U.S. B-29
Superfortress Enola Gay dropped an atomic bomb code-
World Day against Trafficking in Persons 2023 named “Little Boy” on Hiroshima, Japan, resulting in an
estimated 140,000 deaths. This year marks 77th anniversary.
• World Day Against Trafficking in Persons is observed on July
30 every year to raise awareness about the trends in human
National Handloom Day
trafficking identified by the United Nations Office on Drugs
and Crime (UNODC). • National Handloom Day is observed on August 7.
• The day was first observed in 2014. • National Handloom Day was established by the current Indian
• Theme - "Reach every victim of trafficking, leave no one government in 2015.
behind" • Theme - "Handlooms for Sustainable Fashion"

World Ranger Day Quit India Movement

• World Ranger Day, celebrated on July 31. • The Quit India Movement, also known as the Bharat Chhodo
• The day was first observed in 2007. Andolan, was a movement launched at the Bombay session of
• Theme - “30 by 30,” the All India Congress Committee by Mahatma Gandhi on 9
August 1942, during World War II, demanding an end to British
Muslim Women Rights Day rule in India.
• The Muslim Women Rights Day is observed across the country • This observes 81st anniversary.
on August 1, to celebrate the enactment of the Muslim
Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Act, 2019 which International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples
prohibits the practice of Triple talaq in India. • The International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples is
• The first Muslim Women Rights Day was observed on 1 August observed on 9 August each year to raise awareness and protect
2020 across the country. the rights of the world's indigenous population.
• In December 1992 the General Assembly of the United Nations
World Wide Web Day
adopted a resolution to make 1993 the International Year of
• World Wide Web Day is celebrated on August 1 every year. the World's Indigenous Peoples.
• The day is observed to commemorate the World Wide Web • Theme - Indigenous Youth as Agents of Change for Self-
(www) and its impact on the world. determination.
World Lung Cancer Day Nagasaki Day 2023
• World Lung Cancer Day is annually observed on August 1 has
• Japan's Nagasaki marked the 78th anniversary of the US
been declared as for every year.
atomic bombing.
• The Day is observed since 2012.
• On August 9, 1945, the United States dropped the second
Yorkshire Day nuclear bomb named 'Fat-man' on the southern Japanese city.
• Japan – Tokyo (Capital) – Japanese yen (Currency) – Naruhito
• Yorkshire Day is a yearly celebration on August 1 to promote
(Emperor) - Fumio Kishida (Prime Minister) - Japanese
the historic county of Yorkshire, England.

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World Lion Day 2023 World Photography Day 2023
• World Lion Day is observed on August 10 each year. • World Photography Day is annually celebrated on August 19.
• World Lion Day was first established in 2013. • In August 19, 2010, when Australian photographers Korske
Ara and Tim Harvey launched the initiative.
World Biofuel Day 2023
• World Biofuel Day is observed every year on August 10. World Water Week 2023
• This year theme is not announced. • World Water Week is a global event held from August 20 to 24
• 2022 Theme - “Biofuels for Sustainability and Rural Income” at the Waterfront Congress Center.
• The event was organised by the Stockholm International
World Steelpan Day 2023 Water Institute every year since 1991.
• World Steelpan Day is annually observed on August 11. • Theme - Seeds of Change: Innovative Solutions for a Water-
• World Steelpan Day was observed by United Nation General Wise World
• The day was first observed in 2023.
International Youth Day
• International Youth Day is annually observed on August 12.
Spacetech startup Pixxel to make satellites for
• The day was created by United Nations. First observed in 2000.
Indian Air Force
• Theme - Green Skills for Youth: Towards a Sustainable World
• Spacetech startup Pixxel, which closed a round of funding led
World Elephant Day by Google last month is set to manufacture miniaturised multi-
• World Elephant Day is annually observed on August 12. payload satellites for the Indian Air Force.
• The day dedicated to the preservation and protection of the • The contract is a result of a multi-crore grant from the
world's elephants. Innovations for Defence Excellence (iDEX), a flagship scheme
under the Indian Ministry of Defence.
World Organ Donation Day 2023 • iDEX runs such grants under a programme called SPARK.
• World Organ Donation Day is annually observed on August 13.
First Aadhaar enrolment centre for Indian Army via
• The day was celebrated by the World Health Organization
(WHO) and the International Society for Organ Donation
Army Postal Service inaugurated in Delhi
(ISOD). The day was first observed in 2005. • The first Permanent Aadhaar Enrolment Centre (PAEC) for
• Theme - Step up to volunteer; need more organ donors to fill Indian Army has been inaugurated in New Delhi.
the lacunae • The PAEC will facilitate Aadhaar-related services (enrolment
and updation) for tri-services personnel (Defence and civil)
International Lefthanders Day and their dependents through their Field Post Offices (FPO) in
• International Left Handers Day is annually observed on August 48 identified locations in the country.
• The day was first observed in 1976 by Dean R. Campbell, Indian Army dedicates Amrit Sarovar in Arunachal
founder of Lefthanders International. Pradesh's Tenga Valley
• Theme - Left-Handers in Sports • The Indian Army, in collaboration with the District
Administration, West Kameng District, inaugurated the Amrit
Partition Horrors Remembrance Day Sarovar at Tenga Valley, Arunachal Pradesh, as part of the
• Partition Horrors Remembrance Day is an annual national government's Mission Amrit Sarovar initiative.
memorial day observed on 14 August in India, commemorating • The Amrit Sarovar project, aligned with the guidelines of the
the victims and sufferings of people during the 1947 partition Government of India, focuses on rainwater harvesting and
of India. community empowerment.
• The partition had left 10 to 20 million people displaced and left
2 hundred thousand to 2 million dead. INS ‘Khanjar,’ indigenous Khukri class Missile
• The day was first observed by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Corvette reaches Trincomalee
Modi in 2021.
• Indian Naval Ship ‘Khanjar,’ an indigenous Khukri class Missile
Parsi New Year 2023 Corvette reached Trincomalee as part of a three-day visit.
• The Commanding Officer of the INS Khanjar met Commander
• Parsi New Year, also known as Navroz or Nowruz. of Eastern Naval Area of Sri Lanka to enhance professional ties.
• This day marks the beginning of the Zoroastrian calendar.
• This year, the Parsi New Year falls on Wednesday, August 16. IAF Receives Spike NLOS Anti-tank Missiles From
Israel To Conduct Trials
World humanitarian day 2023
• In a major boost to India’s missile capabilities, the Indian Air
• World Humanitarian Day is annually observed on August 19 in
Force has received the Israeli Spike Non-Line Of Sight (NLOS)
a bid to save and protect lives around the world.
anti-tank guided missiles.
• United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution
• It is a fire-and-forget anti-tank missile which can hit targets up
designating 19 August as World Humanitarian Day to honour
to 30 km away.
the memory of those who lost their lives in the Baghdad
bombings in 2008. • Manufactured by Israel’s defence major Rafael, the Spike
• Theme - No matter what missiles can be fired from the ground or even from helicopters.

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Dhaksha bags ₹165-crore orders for drones to away from the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in Eastern Ladakh
Defence, agri sectors located at an altitude of 19,400 feet.
• The approximately coast of the project will be Rs 520 crore.
• Dhaksha Unmanned Systems, an arm of Coromandel
International, has bagged two orders for 600 drones with an Indian Air Force will hold multi-national exercise
aggregate value of ₹165 crore.
'Tarang Shakti' in next year
• The drone company bagged an order for 200 medium-altitude
logistics drones and accessories to the Indian Army. • The Indian Air Force is preparing to conduct a multi-national
• It also won a contract for 400 drones from the agri inputs exercise Tarang Shakti that aims to bring together air forces of
cooperative IFFCO for the supply of input-spraying drones. several countries in next year.
• India has participated in many such exercises including the
Indian Navy's Guided Destroyer INS Chennai French Orion exercise held at the Mon De Marsan air base in
Fortifies Naval Ties With Saudi Arabia France.

• Indian Navy's indigenously designed and constructed guided President launched indigenously built warship
missile destroyer INS Chennai Mission Deployed in the Red Sea Vindhyagiri
Undertook Passage Exercise (Passex) with Royal Saudi Naval
Ship HMS Al Jubail. • President Droupadi Murmu launched the ship 'Vindhyagiri', a
• Conducted off Jeddah, SaudiArabia the ‘Passex’ include tactical Project 17A Frigate at the dock on the banks of the river
manoeuvres, seamanship evolutions and common drills. Hooghly in Kolkata.
• The ship was built by Garden Reach Ship-builders and
India, Japan, US, Australia hold first Malabar naval Engineers (GRSE).
exercise off Australia
India handed over Indian Navy Dornier aircraft to Sri
• India, Japan, the United States and Australia will hold the Lanka Air Force
Malabar navy exercise off the coast of Sydney, the first time
the war games previously held in the Indian Ocean have taken • The Indian Navy Dornier aircraft was handed over to the Sri
place in Australia. Lanka Air Force (SLAF) by the Indian High Commissioner to Sri
• United States and India held the first Malabar Exercise in 1992 Lanka, Gopal Baglay to Sagala Ratnayaka, the Chief of Staff and
at the end of the Cold War. Senior Adviser to the President on National Security of Sri Lanka
during a ceremony held at SLAF Base Katunayake, Western
• Australia participated for the first time in 2007.
Province of Sri Lanka.
INS Visakhapatnam and INS Trikand arrive at Dubai
27th edition of multilateral naval exercise Malabar
for a bilateral exercise with UAE Navy
• Two Indian Navy ships, INS Visakhapatnam and INS Trikand,
• The 27th edition of the multilateral naval exercise Malabar
arrived at Port Rashid in Dubai for a bilateral exercise with the
2023 concluded in Sydney, Australia.
UAE Navy.
• Indian Navy was represented by indigenously built Destroyer
• The exercise, aims to share best practices and increase
INS Kolkata, Frigate INS Sahyadri, and P8I Maritime Patrol
synergies between the two navies.
INS Visakhapatnam and INS Deepak visited Bahrain
INS Sunayna entered port of Durban, South Africa
• Indian naval ships INS Visakhapatnam and INS Deepak port call
• INS Sunayna undertook passage exercise with South African
in Bahrain, further strengthening the ties between the two
Navy Ship SAS King Sekhukhune I off Durban.
• The ship was received by Cdr Kenneth Singh officiating Flag
• Rear Admiral Vineet S McCarty, the Flag Officer Commanding
Officer Commanding Naval Base Durban and HCI Pretoria
the Western Fleet of the Indian Navy, led the delegation to
Bahrain's Crown Prince and Prime Minister of Bahrain Salman
bin Hamad Al Khalifa in the capital city of Manama.
India’s first long-range revolver Prabal was launched
Boeing started production of Indian Army's Apache • India’s first long-range revolver, ‘Prabal’, manufactured by
choppers state-owned enterprise Advanced Weapons and Equipment
India (AWEIL), was launched at the Small Arms Factory (SAF),
• Boeing started production of the Apache choppers and will
Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh.
deliver six AH-64E Apaches to the Indian Army by 2024.
• This weapon is light weight, attractive and costs half the price
• The AH-64 Apache is one of the world's most advanced multi-
of other revolvers available in this category.
role combat helicopters and is flown by the U.S. Army.
• It is the first in the country that has side wing cylinder, which
Border Roads Organisation commenced construction makes trigger pull easy.
of world's highest motorable road in Eastern Ladakh • Made with metal injection mould technology, ‘Prabal’ weighs
700 grams (without cartridges) and its barrel length is 76 mm,
• Border Roads Organisation (BRO) has commenced the while its overall length is 177.6 mm.
construction of the 64 km world's highest motorable road that
connect Likaru to Fukche which is situated three kilometre

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