2022 CTEPflashpyro
2022 CTEPflashpyro
2022 CTEPflashpyro
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To assuage global consumer demand for energy, there is a need for increased biofuel production. Flash pyrolysis is an
important technique for biomass conversion into eco-friendly biofuels. This review discusses the research progress and key
findings made over the years on the flash pyrolysis of biomass. Flash pyrolysis oil yields can be as high as 60–75 wt% at
optimised conditions. For the process to be effective, temperature, heating rate and residence time would be within the range
of 450–600 °C, 103 − 104 °C/s and < 1 s. Flash pyrolysis oil is characterised by high water content (usually > 15 wt%). The
main pyrolysis products of lignin part biomass are phenols. The phenolic part includes phenols, hydroxylphenols, meoth-
oxyphenols, dimethoxyphenols. Flash pyrolysis products of biomass (as with other pyrolysis types) must be upgraded before
use. They are unstable, re-polymerised and are not miscible with hydrocarbons. The future of the technology is promising as
products obtained can serve as better feedstock for other re-refining processes (compared to other pyrolysis process types).
Furthermore, it is faster and can handle higher feedstock volumes at similar reactor volumes and process intricacies. Due to
the advantages of product yield, it is an important technology that should be explored for energy conversion of biomass and
can also serve as a solid waste management technique.
Graphical abstract
* Joshua O. Ighalo With concerns over energy shortage and the rapid increase
[email protected] in global demand, renewable energy sources have been
* Chinenye Adaobi Igwegbe considered a key option to substitute conventional fossil
[email protected] fuels (Umenweke et al. 2021). Due to their widespread
Extended author information available on the last page of the article distribution and low cost, renewable fuels are being
J. O. Ighalo et al.
Flash pyrolysis of biomass: a review of recent advances
number of published works of literature on the subject which time of material and level of oxygen influence the product
has necessitated the need for our study. This review is aimed yield. In general, the size of the feed particles affects the
at discussing the progress that has been made over the years yield of the pyrolysis product. The useful size of feed par-
on the flash pyrolysis of biomass. ticles may vary depending on the type of biomass and type
of pyrolyser. Bio-oil yield increases significantly and the
gas fraction and char decrease at small increments in the
Flash pyrolysis feedstock and product yield size particles (Sowmya Dhanalakshmi and Madhu 2021).
Large sizes of particles in the range of 1.0 mm decrease the
In this section, the yield of the flash pyrolysis process is bio-oil yield. Heating of materials can be done uniformly
discussed. Bio-oil derived from pyrolysis can be upgraded when the particle size is small but in flash pyrolysis done
in large power plants where they can be converted to olefins, in tubular transport, much larger particle sizes can be used
aromatics or heat and power with adequate acid catalysts as a result of the process being limited by the rate of heat
(Amutio et al. 2012a). Particularly, pyrolysis liquids are used supply to the reactor rather than the rate of heat absorp-
in fuel applications and for district heating applications in tion by the pyrolysing biomass (Acikgoz and Kockar 2007;
some countries. Other applications have been studied but Sowmya Dhanalakshmi and Madhu 2021). In the experiment
have not reached commercial scale yet. The solid char can carried out by Sowmya Dhanalakshmi and Madhu (2021),
be used in the form of briquettes as fuel. It can also be used the effect of gas flow rate on product yield was reported.
in purification processes when upgraded to activated carbon, Gas flow rates amplify the movement of the biomass parti-
and the obtained pyrolysis gas derived contains sufficient cle inside the reactors. Sowmya Dhanalakshmi and Madhu
energy for supplying the energy requirements of a pyrolysis (2021) reported that a maximum yield of bio-oil, char and
plant (Acikgoz and Kockar 2007). Under the same experi- gas fractions was attained at the range of 1.25 < 2.25 m3/hr
mental conditions, the different feedstock can yield product flow rates. The shorter residence time was also recorded to
distribution. This is due to the intrinsic effect of the differ- lead to lower prospects of secondary tar cracking.
ences in cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin content of the Product yields of several raw materials at varying tem-
biomass. Cellulose and hemicellulose are more susceptible peratures are presented in Table 1. Temperature has a high
to thermal breakdown compared to lignin which requires effect on the product yields and the quantity of product
higher temperatures (Burhenne et al. 2013). Several factors yields differs with changes in temperatures. The primary
like particle sizes, temperature, gas flow rates, the residence function of temperature is to supply adequate heat for the
J. O. Ighalo et al.
Flash pyrolysis of biomass: a review of recent advances
Fig. 2 Effect of temperature on components of pyrolysis gas produced from(a) rice husk and (b) sawdust, reproduced from Sun et al. (2010).
J. O. Ighalo et al.
Flash pyrolysis of biomass: a review of recent advances
pyrolysis process; this trend is reported by Xu et al. (2011). effective to prevent the breakage of biomass bonds. As for
In other words, a short vapour residence time becomes linseed, its high volatile content of 77% as compared to the
attractive minimum heat energy requirement is needed; how- fixed carbon content of 10.7% presents a low resistance to
ever, it is important to highlight that increased residence heat and mass transfer which results in a continuous increase
time facilitates the formation of gaseous components that in bio-oil yield although an increase in distance between
provides recycled heat to the reactor for self-sustainable biomass surface and centre is recorded.
flash pyrolysis process. Nonetheless, the challenge of energy
consumption that is increased through longer residence time Sweep gas flow rate
is not ameliorated through the availability of more gaseous
products as anticipated (Xu et al. 2011). Hence, the assertion The flow rate of sweep gas influences the product yield of
that short residence time and high bed temperatures facilitate flash pyrolysis through its effect on biomass particle motion
optimum flash pyrolysis stands. (Amutio et al. 2012a). This influence has been inves-
tigated by several authors at varying flow rates and con-
Particle size stant temperature and particle size. Effect of flow rates of
1.25, 1.75, 2.0 and 2.4 m3/h on flash pyrolysis of cotton
The effect of particle size (which is influenced by the nature shell was investigated by Madhu et al. (2016) and results
of biomass and design of pyrolyser) on flash pyrolysis is showed that an increase in sweep gas flow rate from 1.25
based on dynamics of mass and heat transfer restrictions to 1.75 m3/h increased bio-oil yield from 36.8 to 51.2 wt%
(Madhu et al. 2016). Herein, variations in the particle size while a decrease in gas yield from 47.66 to 30.43 wt% and
influence the ease of heat transfer to the biomass compo- a limited increase in char production was witnessed. Fur-
nents facilitating their breakage into different products. This ther increase in gas flow rate above 1.75 m3/h resulted in a
is reported by Madhu et al. (2016) in their study on the effect decrease in bio-oil yield; herein, the maximum bio-oil yield
of particle size on flash pyrolysis of cotton shell; a maxi- of 51.25 wt% was obtained at 1.75 m3/h. This same trend is
mum bio-oil yield of 51.25 wt% at 1 mm and constant sweep reported by Sowmya Dhanalakshmi and Madhu (2021). The
gas flow rate was reported while a consequent decrease in authors reported that an increase in gas flow rate from 1.25
product yield at 1.25 mm particle size followed. This trend to 2.0 m3/h resulted in a corresponding increase in bio-oil
can be attributed to the resistance to mass and heat transfer yield from 40.6 to 49.5 wt% while a decrease in gas yield
facilitated by the increased distance between biomass mate- from 34.9 to 25.5 wt% was recorded. In these conditions, a
rial surface and its centre which makes it difficult to break less increase from 24.5 to 28.5 wt% was recorded for char
biomass bonds and create more product yields (in this case production. This trend which is common in the literature
bio-oil); this increased resistance to heat transfer results is attributed to conditions of fluidisation, vapour residence
in increased formation of char and decrease in the volatile time and characteristics of heat transfer (Madhu et al. 2016).
matter (Mani et al. 2010). From another perspective, a suf- Herein, an increase in the flow rate of sweep gas facilitates
ficiently small particle size facilitates the uniform transfer vigorous movement of biomass particles which results in an
of heat to biomass materials resulting in optimum produc- active transfer of heat energy and the consequent production
tion of bio-oil yield (Koçkar et al. 2000) and high formation of volatile matter. However, this volatile matter production
of non-condensable gaseous components (maximum gas and cracking of intermediates and tar are short-lived due to
yield of 40.03 wt% was obtainable at 0.6 mm (Madhu et al. the short residence time that accompanies flash pyrolysis
2016)). reaction.
The relationship between a decrease in particle size and
an increase in yield of bio-oil and gas is challenged by the Reactor configuration
research of Madhu et al. (2016) and Acikgoz and Kockar
(2007); herein, these authors reported an increase in bio-oil The configuration and design of a reactor influence the
and gas component yield as particle size increased for cot- mechanisms of flash pyrolysis (Amutio et al. 2012b); this
ton shell and linseed flash pyrolysis. An increase in particle is evident through the effect of reactor configuration on
size from 0.6 to 1.25 mm resulted in an increase in bio-oil particle motion and sweep gas flow rate. Due to the vari-
yield from 31.42 to 41.25 wt%. The same trend is reported ability of reactor configuration on flash, fast or slow pyroly-
by Acikgoz and Kockar (2007); in their report, an increase sis as the case may be, different types of designs and con-
in bio-oil yield from 63 to 68.8 wt% was recorded when figurations have been studied in literature. These include
particle size increased from 0.6 to 1.8 mm; in fact, the high- ablative (cyclonic and rotating) (Lédé et al. 2007), auger
est bio-oil yield was recorded when particles are ˃1.8 mm. (Ingram et al. 2008), vacuum (Das et al. 2004), transport
This trend can be attributed to the fact that at particle sizes and circulating fluidised reactor (Oasmaa et al. 2003) and
of 0.6 to 1 mm, heat and mass transfer resistance is not as fluidised reactors (Heo et al. 2010). Amongst these different
J. O. Ighalo et al.
configurations, a conical spouted bed reactor (CSBR) shown is not significant unlike in the case of product composition
in Fig. 4 which is a variation of fluidised reactors has been and characteristics (Amutio et al. 2012b). Also, the allow-
identified to be suitable for flash pyrolysis of biomass (Amu- ance afforded by CSBR configuration ensures variability of
tio et al. 2012b). The components of the unit include (1) sweep gas flow rate which facilitates short residence time
solid feeding device, (2) gas feeding device, (3) pyrolysis and optimum production of bio-oil yields. In addition, CSBR
reactor, (4) a device for retaining the fine particles from the configuration allows for continuous flash pyrolysis process
stream of volatile products, (5) liquid collection section and showings applicability for large scale biomass pyrolysis.
(6) a system for gaseous product analysis. The suitability of Furthermore, the design of CSBR configuration allows
CSBR is based on its ability to facilitate cyclic movement for vacuum condition sustainability (a factor influenced by
of different size of particles and sticky solids with irregular low reactor volume–bed mass ratio (Amutio et al. 2012b)
texture and wide size distribution without segregation and which facilitates limited mass flow rate of sweep gas result-
aggregation challenges. This cyclic particle motion is usually ing in less heating requirements and overall improvement
vigorous resulting in a high rate of heat and mass transfer in the energy efficiency of the flash pyrolysis process. At
and high heat flux consequently enhancing the breakage of this vacuum condition, secondary cracking of product yields
biomass bonds for the production of product yields of inter- to produce non-condensable gaseous components is limited
est; herein, the maximum bio-oil yield of 71 wt% at 400 °C due to fast desorption and removal of products from the
has been reported for flash pyrolysis of biomass using CSBR reaction chamber by the vacuum force; also, limited sec-
(Amutio et al. 2012b). However, it is important to highlight ondary cracking of intermediates results in the formation
some authors’ results show that the effect on bio-oil yield of high-quality char with increases surface area (Darmstadt
Fig. 4 Schematic of the conical spouted bed reactor (CSBR) (Amutio et al. 2012b).
Flash pyrolysis of biomass: a review of recent advances
et al. 2001). The design of CSBR also allows for the inte- product of interest (Wang et al. 2006). Due to the varia-
gration of the oxidative pyrolysis process which allows for tion in the chemical configuration of different biomass,
an efficient heating process and potential for overheating the requirement in the type of catalyst to catalyse the
heating. Through this medium, integration of auto thermal pyrolysis process in different biomass would vary (Uzun
heating regime can be implemented in flash pyrolysis with and Sarioğlu 2009). There are two major ways catalysts
its antecedent merits such as less operating cost, integra- may be used during the pyrolysis process. In method one,
tion of energy and improved feasibility of scale-up of the the catalyst could be introduced directly to the biomass
process. Also, the design of CSBR allows for avoidance of before the process kicks off whereas, in method two, a
the hotspots facilitated by non-uniform combustion of the catalyst bed could be connected for the passage of the
reactor bed due to cyclic movement of biomass particles. evolved gases. The two methods were compared by Uzun
This consequently results in a high rate of heat transfer and and Sarioğlu (2009) to catalyse the pyrolysis of corn stalks
isothermal conditions of the bed reactor (Carmo Freitas et al. with the aid of three different catalysts. Findings revealed
2011). The peculiarities of reactor types for biomass pyroly- that the liquid and solid yields were favoured using method
sis are given in Table 3. one than using method two for the three catalysts and the
same biomass under study. In the same vein, oil yield was
Heating rate more for the un-catalysed process than for the catalysed
process. This shows that the presence of catalysts does
The heating rate describes the pace at which the system tem- not necessarily increase the yield of the bio-oil (Uzun
perature rises with time till the peak process temperature is and Sarioğlu 2009). A similar observation was obtained
attained. Heating rate is the basis on which, the pyrolysis by Zhang et al. (2009) where the presence of the catalyst
process was classified into slow, fast and flash pyrolysis. The (HZSM-5 zeolite) increased the yield of water, coke and
effect of the heating rate on the pyrolysis process is generally non-condensable gases and decreased the liquid and char
well understood. Faster heating rates favour the evolution yield for the pyrolysis of Corncob.
of fluid (liquid and gaseous) products compared to the solid
product. Guida and Hannioui (2017) observed a significant
decrease in residual char yield and an increase in the fluid
products with increasing heating rates. More fluid products Properties of flash pyrolysis products
are generated from the primary reactions at higher heating
rates because there is fast depolymerisation of the biomass Flash pyrolysis products can be grouped into three fractions;
(Varma and Mondal 2017). For experimental studies on flash gas, liquid and solid fraction or char (Alvarez et al. 2015;
pyrolysis, the effect of heating rate has not been evaluated by Makibar et al. 2015). The flash pyrolysis product derived
varying the parameter. This is not surprising as the experi- from agricultural waste biomass differs from other biomass.
ments were conducted at a very high flash rate and would Although the differences are visible in the entire product
be difficult to vary within the threshold of < 1 s heating rate. yield, it is most significant in the bio-oil content. The gas
fraction comprises inorganic compounds and small amounts
Catalyst of hydrocarbons, the bio-oil is made up of a complex mix-
ture of oxygenated compounds and water while the solid
To optimise the pyrolysis process, the use of catalysts may fraction (char) is the fraction that cannot be devolatilised
come in handy, especially in the selectivity of the desired (Ighalo et al. 2021).
Table 4 Comparison of the bio–oil properties from flash pyrolysis
Biomass Temp (°C) Water content Phenols C H N O S H/C Calorific value References
(wt%) (MJ/kg)
Linseed 550 15.2 – 75.5 10.76 3.16 10.80 – 1.72 9.377 Acikgoz and Kockar (2007)
Sewage sludge 500 22.95 – – – 5.0
Pinewood waste 500 35.3 0.14 42.9 8.0 0.2 48.9 – – 15.4 Amutio et al. (2011)
Pinewood sawdust 500 36.7 16.49 41.6 8.1 0.2 50 0.002 – 14.6 Amutio et al. (2012b)
Woody biomass 500 5.8 – 75.5 7.6 – 16.4 – – 36.1 Imran et al. (2014)
H–ZSM5 catalysed biomass 500 55 3.2 47.2 4.9 46.8 – – 20.7 Imran et al. (2016)
Cotton shell 450 18 – 38.14 11.24 0.94 49.57 0.11 3.511 19.32 Madhu et al. (2016)
Populous nigra sawdust 455 22.9 – 37.5 8.1 54.4 – – 17.4 Makibar et al. (2015)
Chlorella vulgaris 800 16.59 2.78 – – – –– – – – Maliutina et al. (2017)
Palm kernel shell 600 31.26 2.18 – – – – – – – Maliutina et al. (2017)
Activated sludge 500 10.3 68.4 8.7 9.8 10.3 2.7 1.53 – Pokorna et al. (2009)
Dewatered digested sludge 500 – 73.4 9.5 8.0 6.7 2.4 1.56 20.3 Pokorna et al. (2009)
Dried activated sludge 500 17.0 58.8 8.8 8.3 20.7 3.4 1.79 – Pokorna et al. (2009)
Wood bark 450 – – 48.82 9.1 0.84 41.01 0.21 2.223 22.7 Sowmya Dhanalakshmi and
Madhu (2021)
Beech wood – 21.40 36.26 – – – 38.40 – – – Stephanidis et al. (2011)
Soybean 9.9 – 60.6 8.4 6.5 24.5 – 1.7 27.5 Urban et al. (2017)
Broom species 500 34.0 12.7 – – – – – – – Amutio et al. (2013)
Acacia dealbata 500 40.0 13.3 – – – – – – – Amutio et al. (2013)
Pterospartum tridentatum 500 39.0 18.8 – – – – – – – Amutio et al. (2013)
J. O. Ighalo et al.
Flash pyrolysis of biomass: a review of recent advances
Linseed 550 62.53 1.20 4.88 30.60 – 0.23 – 5.622 Acikgoz and Kockar (2007)
Sewage sludge 500 18.5 1.0 2.7 7.3 1.2 0.6 69.3 5.300 Alvarez et al. (2015)
Pine waste 500 84.5 2.8 0.1 12.6 – – 3.2 28.20 Amutio et al. (2011)
Pinewood sawdust 500 82.7 2.9 0.1 11.4 – – 2.9 30.40 Amutio et al. (2012b)
Populous Nigra sawdust 455 86 – – – – – – – Makibar et al. (2015)
Activated sludge 500 27.5 2.0 4.4 16.4 1.1 0.87 57.9 9.600 Pokorna et al. (2009)
Dewatered digested sludge 500 15.6 1.4 1.7 14.6 1.5 1.08 75.1 5.000 Pokorna et al. (2009)
Dried activated sludge 500 29.2 1.8 4.1 14.4 3.2 0.74 58.1 10.60 Pokorna et al. (2009)
Woody bark 450 41.51 7.30 5.41 45.36 0.42 2.096 6.12 – Sowmya Dhanalakshmi and
Madhu (2021)
Broom species 500 71.0 2.1 1.1 23.4 – – 2.4 24.8 Amutio et al. (2013)
Acacia dealbata 500 76.3 2.2 1.3 15.8 – – 4.3 27.5 Amutio et al. (2013)
Pterospartum tridentatum 500 83.8 2.4 1.0 7.1 – – 5.8 31.2 Amutio et al. (2013)
J. O. Ighalo et al.
and Pterospartum tridentatum (Amutio et al. 2013) have before it is vented, supplying additional energy to the pyroly-
high carbon contents and hence the high calorific values, sis process (Amutio et al. 2013).
especially the char obtained from Pterospartum triden-
tatum. It is remarkable to note that the char obtained from
the broom species has the lowest ash content compared to Future outlook and prospects of flash
other biomass. pyrolysis of biomass
Flash pyrolysis of biomass: a review of recent advances
physiochemical properties, they are a potential source for much different for slow and fast pyrolysis. Flash pyrolysis
biofuels production. The production of bio-oil being one oil is characterised by high water content (usually > 15 wt%).
of the key constituents in the production of biofuel will be The oil higher heating value was widely varying between
made faster through the process of flash pyrolysis to meet 15–36 MJ/kg. The future of flash pyrolysis is a promising
the consumption demand and the process costs less. Flash one as it gives higher quality products that served as better
pyrolysis of biomass, therefore, is a viable method for bio- feedstock for other re-refining processes compared to other
fuel production and should be further explored in future pyrolysis process types. Furthermore, flash pyrolysis is faster
researches as bio-fuels are a substitute for fossil-based crude and can handle higher feedstock volumes at similar reac-
oils as flash pyrolysis portends for more bio-based diesel tor volumes and process intricacies. Flash pyrolysis should
production in the least possible time with other derivatives. be auscultated and propagated by researchers in green
There are various trends and emerging technologies energy because its primary product is liquid bio-oil while
of pyrolysis such as microwave pyrolysis, solar pyrolysis, other pyrolysis processes produce more solid and gaseous
plasma pyrolysis, hydrogen pyrolysis and co-pyrolysis of products.
biomass with synthetic polymers and sewage. Amongst all
these, flash pyrolysis should be auscultated and propagated Acknowledgements We acknowledge the researchers in the research
area who have published important papers over time to advance
by researchers in the production process of green energy knowledge.
because its primary product is liquid bio-oil. Other pyrolysis
processes produce more solid and gaseous products while Funding There was no external funding for the study.
flash pyrolysis gives predominantly liquid products (bio-oil)
which can be easily stored and transported. Although there Data Availability The manuscript has no associated dataset.
are a few limitations of the flash pyrolysis process such as
the high oxygen content of biofuels (Adeniyi et al. 2019). Declarations
Flash pyrolysis has been shown to afford high yields of bio-
oils with low resulting water content and conversion efficien- Conflict of interest The authors declare that there are no conflicts of
cies of up to 70 wt%. Further research can be done where
technologies are employed in designing the flash pyroly- Ethical Approval This article does not contain any studies involving
sis process to reduce the oxygen content of the bio-oils to human or animal subjects.
enable a more varied usage. This is so that it can be a vital
source for a wide range of organic compounds and specialty
chemicals. References
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mass should be optimised to enable it to be used in already Acikgoz C, Kockar O (2007) Flash pyrolysis of linseed (Linum usitatis-
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other emerging technologies such as microwave pyrolysis, chemical conversion processes for environmental waste manage-
solar pyrolysis, plasma pyrolysis for high-quality biofuels. ment. In: Hussain CM (ed) Handbook of Environmental Materials
Although different trends of pyrolysis are still developing, Management. Springer, Switzerland
flash pyrolysis can also find better applications when com- Adeniyi AG, Otoikhian KS, Ighalo JO (2019) Steam Reforming of
Biomass Pyrolysis Oil: A Review. Int J Chem React Eng. https://
bined with new technologies e.g., hydrogen production via doi.org/10.1515/ijcre-2018-032817
in-line biomass pyrolysis (Ighalo and Adeniyi 2021). Adeniyi AG, Ighalo JO, Adeoye AS, Abdulazeez DE (2020) Numerical
Investigation of the Effects of Temperature and Biomass Density
On the Products Evolution from Wood Pyrolysis Acta Technica
Corviniensis - Bulletin of. Engineering 13:73–77
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1 4
Department of Chemical Engineering, Nnamdi Azikiwe Department of Pure and Industrial Chemistry, Nnamdi
University, P. M. B. 5025, Awka, Nigeria Azikiwe University, P. M. B. 5025, Awka, Nigeria
2 5
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Ilorin, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Benin,
P. M. B. 1515, Ilorin, Nigeria P. M. B. 1154, Benin, Nigeria
TegaFej Consulting Services, Rivers State, Port Harcourt,