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I’m Jenny, Bowen Therapist and
educator, and I specialise in
continued education for Bowen
Therapy. I also speak, present
and teach about Bowen
sometimes in different
languages. I discovered the
Bowen Technique in 2004 during
my studies in Remedial Massage
Therapy and eventually
dedicated myself to Bowen
Do you want to be a better,
which has also taken me around
knowledgeable Bowen
the world! Since then, I've
endeavoured to understand
Bowen and the body and share
I would like to share with you
with everyone. This is the result.
some really valuable content that
will set you on the path of being
Let me begin by asking you
a knowledgeable, credible and
something: Have you ever felt
advanced soft tissue clinician of
something’s missing in your level
the Bowen Technique.
of understanding of the Bowen
I call it 'the Fundamental 3'
Technique and soft tissue
(things you must know).


Wherever you are in your Bowen But, this Report goes further.
learning journey–whether you’re These 3 things will add value to
a beginner or an experienced the Technique and credibility to
practitioner, maybe even a you and your practice.
teacher, or you are thinking You see, as you build knowledge,
about learning Bowen, (smart you build credibility.
choice!) – this is definitely for As you build credibility, you build
you. If you’re going to build your clinical practice.
credibility as a knowledgeable As your clinical practice grows
and above average practitioner, and you help more people, your
you really need to know these 3 credibility keeps growing.
things about Bowen Therapy and ...and you keep helping more and
the body. more people. You build more
knowledge again, and so on it

TECHNIQUE goes. It’s the only merry-go-

round you want to stay on. The

IS NOT flow never stops as you keep

building knowledge. Check it out

ENOUGH below:

You’re at an advantage already.

You’re working with a remarkable
technique. (Or you’re about to
anyway if you have yet to learn
it!) However, just technique is
not enough. Not enough for you,
your career or your patients.
To stand out in your industry and
community; to have authority in
your work among your peers and
patients, requires more than
technique alone. That’s not to say
that you didn’t acquire
knowledge in your hands-on


Without further ado, I invite you
to get comfortable, remove any
distractions and prepare to soak
up the next 20+ pages where I
share the Fundamental 3:

What you really must know as a

Bowen Therapist if you’re to build
a solid foundation of knowledge,
understanding and credibility.
Let’s begin:




Ubiquitous essentially means:

To an extent, the Technique’s
present everywhere.
approach itself could be said to
Healing with the Bowen
be ubiquitous given that the
Technique is ubiquitous! How
practitioner works on multiple
so? Meaning, the healing effect
regions across the body despite
is present everywhere; it spreads
the specificity and location of the
throughout the connective tissue;
it spreads across the body.
To begin with, this is because
What about the soft tissues we
Bowen Therapy essentially treats
work on? Fascial tissue is
the body, not the pathology or
certainly ubiquitous. It’s
symptoms; it has a whole-body


Fascia is the connective tissue, The fascial system houses and
sometimes called the 3- communicates the healing
dimensional web matrix, that’s signals and substances
just under the skin (epidermis & everywhere (required and
dermis) and extends throughout prioritised by the body). It’s a
the entire body like a massive fluid, tissue web-matrix that
pervasive web matrix. connects and communicates with
It’s made of fibres, cells, water every system of the body. There
and a gel-like substance. is no separation.
It’s filled with nerves, vessels and All other body systems:
lymph. It forms our shape and is
a vehicle for communication in
the body. It’s a sensory organ
and in fact, the largest. Finally,
fascial tissue is responsive to
force; not only the innate internal
forces in tissue, but also your
hands’ force!

That fascia is ubiquitous is
perhaps already familiar to you.
The thing is, not only is fascia
present everywhere in the body,
it is the one and only system that
touches all other systems of the

Fascial System


Think about it! The fascial system You can think of your fascia
(or connective tissue system) being continuous inside your
touches the digestive system, the body, weaving in, out, through
endocrine system, the nervous and around every single
system, the circulatory system, structure. A web of gluey and
lymphatic system, the fluid-y tissue that goes in and
musculoskeletal system–yes, all around your blood vessels,
systems. nerves, organs, muscles and
even inside your cells.
Via the skin & fascia, you are
YOU ARE influencing in some way, large or
small, the health of the entire
TOUCHING body. You touch one part, the
body as a whole responds.

In other words–and this is where

it gets super important for you–
when you therapeutically palpate
the soft tissues of your clients,
you are (indirectly) touching
nerves, lymph, viscera, muscle,
blood and receptors...You’re
touching everything, in a sense.
You are influencing all processes
to some extent because of the
pervasiveness and
interconnectedness of fascia with

It is important to note here that connective tissue in its clinical definition, includes bone, blood and
even lymph. Though in context with Bowen Therapy, I’m only referring to the soft fibrous
collagenous tissue broadly called ‘fascia’ in the field of manual and movement therapy.


The implications for this is big.
Take a moment to really absorb
this and the implications of your
skilled hands applying force on
the ubiquitous fascia, which is,
remember: mechanoresponsive.
It does not matter that the Bowen
moves are small, sparse and
brief. They are stimulatory.
This innervated living tissue
called fascia that’s everywhere;
that invests in, connects,
separates and permeates every
Here is another way to illustrate
minuscule part of the body, is
the ubiquitousness of fascia and
connecting every part with every
consequently, the Bowen
other part within the body.
Imagine your fascia is a full body
A FULL- head-to-toe knitted jumpsuit
with its tensional weave
BODY extending deep into the body
and covering and permeating
KNITTED everything. Imagine now that

JUMPSUIT someone
from one
the knitted
What would that do to the rest of
Fascia is one-fabric really, and the jumpsuit? Remember, fascia
holds our shape including all our is connected to everything...
fluids. By the way, imagery in How would your knitted jumpsuit
healing is powerful, but only if be distorted with that bunch of
you have clarity in what you are knitted fabric (or soft tissue!)
visualising! This is best achieved pulled up from one shoulder?
through knowledge, naturally. And let’s say it stayed like that
for quite some time?!


It’s easy for patients and
practitioners to doubt,
underestimate or even dismiss
the body-wide healing Bowen
Therapy facilitates. . This is true
especially for new patients. They
are often unaware of the depth
of healing that is possible.
Well, the fascia-jumpsuit is now For the most part this is because
distorted across the whole body, the Technique uses minimal
not just at the shoulder. This touch on the body and is
body-wide effect of tissue moderately gentle–at least in
dysfunction is evident with scars, comparison with heavier
injury, adhesions and fibrosis. therapies.
For chronic and for more severe
dysfunctions, this may create
musculoskeletal compensatory SMALL
function, lymph
nerve irritation to name a few. It REACH A
can disrupt the entire organism
from functioning optimally. TIPPING POINT
That bunched-up section of the However, it is because of–not
knitted jumpsuit (our analogy for despite–its minimalist approach
adhered fascia) becomes like a that whole-body healing is
knotted-up messy weave, achieved so well beyond the
disrupting fluid, lymph and blood small surface area of tissue
flow; nutrients and electric palpated. Small changes (that is
signals to flow freely in the body. to say: small Bowen moves) on
They all run through the multiple regions eventually reach
ubiquitous connective tissue. a tipping point. The body as an
You affect one part, it affects the integrated whole, then adjusts
whole ‘jumpsuit’, and body. and finds its balance.


In other words, your brief, soft You will better understand the
torqueing of myofascial tissue (or remarkable results your patient
called rolling motions or experiences; results that are
stretches) stimulates, hydrates additional, and over and above
and electrifies tissue across the the primary concern, because
fascia continuum! [’ll get to the Bowen Therapy is also
electric part later!] ubiquitous in the healing effect –
The body is guided to auto- healing spreads everywhere.
regulate. Eventually, in its own
time, the body will intelligently BOWEN
prioritise, adjust and heal itself.
The flow-on effect or therapeutic
consequence is improving UBIQUITOUS IN
and/or healing several ‘dis-

Can you (re)appreciate the

ubiquitous fascia and ubiquitous
Bowen effect on the body?
Acknowledging the
interconnectedness of fasciawith
every part of the body due to its
ubiquitous feature, will open the
door to understanding how and
why you have so much influence
on the health of your patient’s
entire body–even perhaps the pH
of the body! You will be able to
elegantly articulate and utilise
the Technique with conviction,
knowledge and confidence.


Think about the Neck Sequence
of moves on the posterior
cervical tissues. Visualise (or,
actually do it!) right now your
hands applying a couple of
Bowen manoeuvres here.

Consider that you are, through

your hands’ forces
(mechanostimulation) influencing
the nervous system, blood flow,
transportation of nutrients to
cells, lymph flow and interstitial
flow; and at this location at the
base of the neck, probably even
stimulating the cerebrospinal

It’s really no wonder that for

some practitioners, even a short
15minute session with a few
moves on specific areas (after
discerning optimum approach), When people ask you about
can still have a dramatic effect. Bowen, what could you say that
And I’m not talking about just a demonstrates knowledge,
local effect, but a global effect. authority and credibility?
That is: ubiquitous! Well, here’s a good summary I
feel you’ll find really useful. It’s
simple yet not too basic; detailed
yet not over complex.
It also empowers the patient.
Here it is with accompanying
comments to further explain.


“Bowen Therapy works on the 1.Tells them what you touch;

skin and underlying tissues1 of 2.Refers to whole-body
which permeate the whole body, treatment/healing;
including organs,2 and influences 3.Covers all aspects of the
pain, mobility, lymph flow, blood patients’ potential problems;
flow and nerves, glands, muscles 4.A little reminder and education
and joints.3 By stimulating the about fascia;
body-wide tissues,4 the body will 5.Emphasises the holistic
respond, remember its self- approach and reminds patient
healing capacity5 and will adjust their body is designed to heal.
itself accordingly.6 Also serves as placebo, or mind-
body influence;
No single symptom is addressed 6.Takes the responsibility off you
– but rather, the entire body will to ‘fix’ and focuses on auto-
be considered and respond7 as it regulation;
moves towards its natural state 7.Prepares and educates them
of balance (or homeostasis). for a holistic response;
Consequently, many health 8.Tells them it’s the body’s
problems can be improved and overall return to balance that
resolved."8 heals symptoms and/or dis-

As you can see, this summary

also aims to educate the patient
and helps to foster a deeper PATIENT
connection. The more the UNDERSTANDS,
patient understands, the more
empowered he/she feels about
his/her body, about Bowen EMPOWERED
Therapy and healing in general.
They feel positive and safe with
you as an articulate and ABOUT HIS/HER
knowledgeable therapist. BODY


Feel free to modify the above NO.2
summary to suit you so you feel
comfortable, confident, and THE ELECTRIC
Of course, you can
‘body-wide’ tissues
with the word of today: HIGHWAY
'ubiquitous'! Though that might
depend on the level of
sophistication in the patient- IF YOU WANT TO
therapist dialogue! As we FIND THE SECRETS
proceed to the next part, I'd like
to express a special thank you: I
give enormous gratitude to all THINK IN TERMS
the fascia researchers and OF ENERGY,
physicians who have shared their FREQUENCY AND
knowledge and findings on the
subject and making it accessible.
My own acquired knowledge and ~ NIKOLA TESLA
wisdom is a combination and
compacting of their studies and It might be surprising that I’ve
my own journey in theory and in begun with this simple yet
practice. Let’s go to Number 2! profound quote by Nikola Tesla.
You may be thinking: “But he’s
talking about energy and the
planet, isn’t he? Surely not
Bowen Therapy! I mean, c’mon!”
And my answer is with the
question: Are we not part of the
Universe itself?

And so, I invite you to adjust your

perception and read it in this


"If you want to find the secrets of Electrocardiograms test the
the body and its mechanisms, electricity in your heart and an
think in terms of energy, electroencephalogram tests the
frequency and vibration.” electricity in your brain. Our
bodies truly are electric and
In fact, I believe Tesla was though this is not a complete
referring also to the body and secret, it is not given as much
health. He had a healing machine importance as it should – well at
based on electromagnetic least not in the field of manual
frequencies after-all... therapy.

What I’m highlighting is that your Efficient cell to cell

body is electric! Energy and communication is imperative for
electric charges are flowing the continual self-regulation of
continuously through your body, the body. Each part of the body
within every cell, and optimum needs to know what the other
health is based on this. What’s parts are doing, secreting,
more, electric charges are within building, restoring, fighting,
fascial tissue of which you repairing, suiciding (apoptosis)
palpate. Fascia is conductive! and so on.

HEALING IS In other words, there’s a

continual, extraordinary
VOLTAGE. orchestration of various cell
~ JERALD L. processes; an exchange of
information and of substances in
our body’s tissues, and in and
through our cells – to maintain a
We’re made of trillions of cells.
healthy state of balance
Dr Tennant sees health and
(homeostasis) in the body.
disease from the perspective of
low or high voltage in the body. It
may seem radical to many, but
it’s not an abstract concept at all.
Think about this:


One superpower mechanism of Allow me to further emphasise:
communication between cells You have direct access to
and the body is via the electric influence and guide this electric
impulses that flow in the body. superhighway of information to
More specifically, and relevant to run smoothly. You have access
you: they flow through our through fascia!
crystalline, collagenous fascial
tissues. (A little hint there as to
why fascia has electric ...THE ELECTRIC
properties). This
electromechanical process that
is the
involves electric charges + IN YOUR
tension in our ubiquitous fascial
tissues. This is called
piezoelectricity. Fascia is TO TENSION.

A healing dialogue between cells

and the electric impulses is
occurring in your body as we
speak, induced through tension.

The electromechanical
processes are akin to an electric
superhighway in your body. As I
just said: where all the action is
happening is in your fluid, liquid
crystalline connective tissue


You see, the electric This is done via your therapeutic
superhighway responds to touch on the innervated, electric
tensions. and mechanoresponsive soft
Pressure/tension/forces, or tissue.
mechanical stimuli basically
induce voltage. This voltage THE MORE
communicates to trillions of cells
in the body to keep the ‘wheels
turning’; for balance in function TISSUES ARE,
and physiology.
Despite the extraordinary CONDUCTIVE
capacity of our bodies to self-
regulate, due to the When you apply your skill with
environmental (toxicity), your hands to stretch-compress
chemical, emotional and physical tissue (ie: the Bowen rolling
stressors we are exposed to daily motions or ‘muscle challenge’)
– dis-ease can manifest. Our over myofascial structures, you
bodies become compromised in are providing mechanical stimuli
some way, and need some help that is ‘read’ by the cells and
to guide back to health and provokes a whole chain of
wellbeing. If we can provide the actions in the body, notably – the
flow of electric charges!
if we can provide the right
conditions of the body (through Did you know that the more
touch, nutrition, sunlight, hydrated the fascial tissues are,
grounding, exercise and the more electrically conductive
mindfulness), the body itself can tissues are? Hence, function
prevent, protect, improve and better? Hence, communicate
heal disease, naturally. And that better? Hence, keep fascia
is fundamentally your job as a healthy? Hence, maintain total
Bowen Therapist – to help create body health?
the environment for self-healing!


In your Bowen training, you
would have learnt that the
Bowen Technique is based on
the influences of a few healing
modalities: osteopathy,
chiropractic, massage and
oriental medicine.

Another way to appreciate the

electric nature of fascia and your
mechanical stimuli with Bowen
Therapy is to look at oriental
medicine, or specifically,

It is well known that many of the Through the stimulation of the

Bowen points stimulated meridian points (with Bowen,
correlate with the ancient using fingers rather than needles
Chinese meridian lines. of course), you are influencing–
what I like to call–the electric
Acupuncture works through our superhighway that flows through
own electric properties of our the connective tissues,
bodies and modifying the energy transporting information and
flow of the meridians to promote healing to the entire body.
healthy flow of Qi or life force
energy. Qi corresponds to the
concept of electricity, and the
meridians correspond to the
electric circuits!


In my own practice, during the Your hands’ forces are creating
waiting periods between tension in the tissue environment
manoeuvres, I will often visualise which stimulates the release of
the healing electric small small electric charges
charges in fascia lighting up and (electromechanical stimulation).
flowing freely throughout the
body. This is a bit like having a What else? You are pushing the
bird’s eye view of a magnificent electrically charged water
city illuminated from the maze of around causing more healing
lit-up roads and highways. voltage in the cell matrix. What
Let’s try exactly that now and else? Well, you’re improving
together! Even better is to do this communication between cells
when you are literally, physically and body. You’re setting up the
with your patient in a body to better self-heal.

Visualise yourself applying some

Bowen manoeuvres along the
lumbosacral paraspinal tissues.
I’ve chosen this region as it is a
broad area and there is a rich
plexus of nerves here. As you
sense your hands stretching the
skin along the key points, think
about what you are inducing

THE Finally, let’s not forget Qi energy!
ELECTRICALLY You are also encouraging the
electric flow of Qi (life force)
CHARGED WATER throughout the body.


Now visualise the electric In summary, your brief soft tactile
currents moving easily stimuli, through the language of
throughout tissue; an the cell (tension) is stimulating
uninterrupted flow of many the repair and restoration of
electric superhighways injured or dysfunctional tissue via
transporting tensional and the electric superhighway, which
biochemical information, and is coursing through the fascial
inducing healing processes in the system.
body. For added effect, you
might want to visualise the fascia
I hope that was a fun exercise for
cells (fibroblasts) lighting up as
you! Embodying this knowledge
you make the rolling motions,
adds depth to your work, and
knowing that these healing
elevates your credibility and
impulses travel to distant parts of
confidence as a Bowen
the body. If this is new to you,
practitioner – one who doesn’t
I’ve written 2 great articles about
just go through the motions, but
Bowen and the fascia-making
really gets what’s going on!
cells called fibroblasts. Check it
Ready for number 3? Let’s
out here.
continue on!


I recently heard a natural health
physician refer to the immune
system as our body’s health
system. This makes better sense
because that’s what its role truly
is. The health system carries out
its constant task to keep the
body healthy. Inflammation is THE HEALTH
therefore a therapeutic response
of the health system. It’s an
important component of the SYSTEM IS
immune system–or better called:
the health system–created to
protect the body from infection, CONNECTIVE
injury and disease.
The health system (or the Now, why would we want to
immune system) is housed in the manage a response that is
connective tissue! The same essentially therapeutic and
connective tissue (fascia) that is healing? The simple answer is
everywhere in the body; the soft that inflammation can get out of
tissues of which you stimulate control and this leads to
with your hands. problems. Simply: the state of
Indeed, one of the most potent disease.
direct effects of the application Stopping inflammation with
of Bowen Therapy is in managing drugs, for example, is also not
the health (immune) response the solution. To stop the very
called inflammation. thing that the body has initiated
in order to heal, lacks common
sense and goes against the
body’s innate wisdom.


The great thing about Bowen Your Bowen work can speed up–
Therapy is that it doesn’t aim to and consequently magnify–
suppress inflammation. Bowen inflammatory responses, and/or
promotes balance in the body so reduce excess or prolonged
it controls the inflammatory inflammation; Bowen will overall
process as is necessary and improve the natural healing
appropriate. process with less pain, less
irritation, and in less time.

BOWEN Bowen Therapy is a powerful

THERAPY IS AN anti-inflammatory technique
mostly due to the minimal touch
ANTI-CHRONIC- and remarkable impact on the

INFLAMMATORY autonomic nervous system in

lowering the stress response.
TECHNIQUE Actually, it would be more
correct to say: “Bowen Therapy is
In other words, Bowen Therapy an anti-chronic-inflammatory
will support rather than suppress technique.”
the process; it will assist the
body to keep inflammation under The small brief manoeuvres on
control until it resolves skin and fascia stretch and
(inflammation response compress the tissues, but do it
completes its job). minimally and intermittently. This
is important! This intermittent
Bowen Therapy typically stretching of tissue has an anti-
accelerates healing processes inflammatory effect. This is
(I’m sure you’ve seen this in your science. Bowen Therapy will
patients!), which is why there induce (or reduce, depending on
may be a brief period of what’s needed) healing
intensified ‘healing symptoms’. substances in tissue that support
That’s right! the healing process. The gentle
motions promote rather than
aggravate healing processes.


When there is a soft tissue injury This is always greatly
to any degree, the healing appreciated by clients, especially
inflammatory processes will take the sports people who are keen
effect. The immune cells (or to return to their training asap!
health cells!) detect any
inflammation; they alert other What about the inflammation
cells to the site and secrete that is not kept under control and
substances to start the does not stop, but floods the
inflammatory process in the tissues and body with pro-
connective tissues such as inflammatory substances? This is
cleaning out damaged tissues. chronic inflammation. In fact, it’s
(All the action is in the fascial believed that the root of all
tissues you touch and stimulate!) diseases is from excess/chronic
Heat and swelling around the inflammation in the body.
injury happens for a short time
until the ‘resolution’ stage (IE: job
done!). At least that’s what one
would hope for.

It’s widely known that Bowen is

well indicated for immediate
palpation on acute soft tissue
injuries of which will have a
period of acute inflammation. As
we know, this is a completely
normal response. Chronic inflammation is
practically an epidemic in today’s
During these Bowen sessions, modern world of increasing
the natural inflammatory process toxicity, synthetic foods, stress,
tends to resolve quicker and less exposure to artificial light, and
painfully. Which means that the non-native electromagnetic
patient can mobilise the area radiation. All of these elements
earlier and thus speed up healing play havoc on the body and the
even further. health (immune) system.


Chronic inflammation, as with
acute inflammation, responds
exceptionally well to Bowen
Therapy. However, the former is
usually ignored and undetected.

Many people have inflammation

inside their body but don’t know
it. It is 'silent'. They can’t see it
like they would with a sprained
ankle. They may have developed
a health condition that seems
unrelated to inflammation. They
may feel certain symptoms, but
inflammation itself is not visible
to them. And so, it is often
ignored and thus not given the Now, I’m not suggesting that you
right guidance to heal. diagnose conditions unless you
are qualified to do so. Nor am I
Take chronic fatigue or simply suggesting that you conclude the
chronic tiredness as an example. above symptoms are caused by
Most people are so used to excess inflammation in the body–
feeling tired or in discomfort, that although this is quite likely.
they resign to it being a normal
state. It is not normal. Your Bowen Therapy can really have a
clients may inform you of their dramatic effect for patients with
foggy brain, fatigue, systemic inflammation and
discomfort/pain, immobility, low achieve very positive results
mood, depression and general improving symptoms.
lack of vitality. (By the way, these
are often the early signs of
chronic inflammation).


What I am proposing
observe closely and take note of
is to
these symptoms that clearly BODY IS AN
demonstrate imbalance in the
body – including the likelihood of ACIDIC BODY
the presence of inflammation.
These subtle yet detailed Adding nutrition, sunlight and
observations can help steer your exercise recommendations
clients' healing towards greater would undoubtedly optimise
success. They will surely be their progress. Regardless of
impressed, full of gratitude and whether you refer them onto a
most of all – empowered, whilst naturopath, fitness coach, yoga
you share your knowledge and classes, or offer exercise tips–
understanding of the body and this kind of care, attention and
health with them. knowledge builds trust, rapport
An inflamed body is an acidic and of course helps their
body, and can be a recipe for progress
more serious problems in the
future unless it’s addressed early.
That’s the beauty of being able to
offer Bowen Therapy to your
patients for healing and for
prevention and maintenance!

Having regular Bowen sessions

maintains the health (and pH
balance!) of fascial tissues and
consequently the (immune)
health system functioning well.
Even though Bowen can achieve
a lot within just a few sessions,
an integrated holistic approach
would be even better for
inflammatory conditions.


If you feel comfortable to do so, Knowing when and what to
you could suggest simple yet affirm, how to explain and what
transformative lifestyle changes, to say, requires extra knowledge
such as more sunlight and nature beyond the status quo. Consider
walks, meditation, and an anti- the patient who comes in with,
inflammatory dietary change of let’s say, fibromyalgia. You could
simply reducing sugars. What I easily check the training manual
like to inspire in them is to do is for the protocols that would be
gentle stretching outside. It indicated for fibromyalgia, right?
doesn’t have to be complex at You would carry out all the
all. necessary assessments and
clinical observations, yes? Pretty
good. This is efficient and
organised. This is a good start.
However, having the knowledge
about inflammation and the
impact Bowen Therapy has–that
fibromyalgia is essentially about

Stretching is super anti-

inflammatory! When tissues are
stretched, passively or actively,
inflammation is reduced/better
managed. Acknowledging and
understanding one of the biggest
inflammation in the body –
contributors to disease–
changes the consultation. Now
inflammation–and the impact of
you can articulate yourself
Bowen Therapy, can really
differently with your patient. You
change your practice.
speak with confidence in what
Reassurance of the clients’
your objective is and how you
improvement, albeit small,,
can help them and their
affirms health rather than
inflammatory condition.


You get a broader picture of their And there you have it! The 3
situation and acknowledge the Things You Must Know as a
myriad of symptoms they may Bowen Therapist. These
feel and be able to pay close fundamental 3 pillars of wisdom
attention to those. You also are the foundation of building
understand the depth of power in credibility, knowledge and a
those little brief manoeuvres you great clinic with wonderful
make; moves which stretch results. Everything else can be
tissue and reduce inflammation built upon from here on.
in the body, thus shift the body
into a less acidic state as well!
You understand that an
integrated approach will be
especially helpful to them and
their condition, acknowledging
the chemical and emotional
stressors too. Your treatment
plans become grounded in
knowledge and understanding,
greatly benefiting the patient and In health, healing and learning,
placing your credibility high. Jenny

Chronic Inflammation is more

P.S.: I’ll be sharing more content
prevalent now than ever before.
with you, so keep your eye on
Thankfully gentle manual
your inbox!
therapies such as Bowen
Therapy has many features with
the right dosage of touch to give
tremendous and lasting results.
Inflammation is paradoxically
both a disease (when chronic)
and a healing response that @JENNYELENIHEALTH
deserves much attention and COURSES.JENNYELENIHEALTH.COM
understanding for the Bowen JENNYELENIHEALTH.COM
Therapist, indeed!


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