G09 Into Lit NL SE Curriculum Map Final

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Curriculum Map

Into Literature Grade 9 Curriculum Map

Unit 1: Finding Common Ground Unit 1: 9.L.CSE.1, 9.L.CSE.2, 9.L.KL.3,

9.L.VAU.4.a–b, 9.L.VAU.4.d, 9.L.VAU.5,
Essential Question: How can we come 9.L.VAU.6, 9.RL.KID.2, 9.RL.KID.3, 9.RI.KID.3,
together despite our differences? 9.RI.CS.4, 9.RL.CS.5, 9.RI.CS.5, 9.RI.CS.6,
9.RI.IKI.7, 9.RI.IKI.9, 9.RL.RRTC.10,
Unit 1 Academic Vocabulary: enforce, entity, 9.RI.RRTC.10, 9.SL.CC.1, 9.SL.CC.2, 9.SL.PKI.4,
internal, presume, resolve 9.SL.PKI.5, 9.W.TTP.1a, 9.W.TTP.2.c,
9.L.VAU.6 9.W.TTP.3.a–g, 9.W.PDW.4, 9.W.PDW.5,
9.W.RBPK.7, 9.W.RBPK.8, 9.W.RW.10
Selection/Feature Get Ready skills Respond: Critical Language
Title Research/Create Vocabulary Conventions
Notice & Note Reading Model: Big Questions, Contrasts and Contradictions, Word Gaps
READING MODEL Analyze Research discordant, Noun Clauses
ARGUMENT Arguments 9.W.RBPK.7 pluralistic, 9.L.CSE.1
A Quilt of a 9.RI.IKI.8 interwoven,
Country Create and diversity
by Anna Quindlen Evaluate Discuss
Author’s Claim 9.W.TTP.2, Patterns of
9.RI.CS.5 9.SL.CC.1 Word Changes
-Compare 9.L.VAU.4.b
Research with a
-Discuss with a
Small Group
MENTOR TEXT Analyze Purpose Research rehabilitation, Active and
PERSONAL ESSAY and Message 9.W.RBPK.8 counterparts, Passive Voice
Unusual 9.RI.CS.6 stereotype, 9.L.KL.3
Normality Create and naïve
by Ishmael Beah Analyze Voice Present
and Tone 9.W.TTP.2.c, Denotative and
9.RI.CS.4 9.SL.PKI.4 Connotative
-Write a Meanings
Summarizing 9.L.VAU.5
-Debate with a
Small Group

Into Literature Grade 9 SE Curriculum Map 1

SHORT STORY Analyze Setting Research distend, Prepositional
Once Upon a and Theme 9.W.RBPK.7 intention, Phrases
Time 9.RL.KID.2, audacious, 9.L.CSE.1
by Nadine 9.RL.KID.3 Create and intrusion,
Gordimer Present serrated
Analyze Plot: 9.W.TTP.3.a,
Subplots 9.SL.PKI.5 Words from
9.RL.CS.5 -Write a Fairy Latin
Tale 9.L.VAU.4.d
-Present to the
POEM Analyze Graphic Research NA NA
The Vietnam Wall Elements 9.W.RBPK.7
by Alberto Rios 9.RL.CS.5
Create and
Analyze Present
Figurative 9.SL.PKI.4,
Language 9.SL.PKI.5
9.RL.CS.4 -Create an
Imagery Board
-Present Your
Compare Across Genres
SPEECH Analyze Purpose Research conceive, Parallel Structure
The Gettysburg and Audience 9.W.RBPK.7 detract, resolve, 9.L.CSE.1
Address 9.RI.CS.6 perish
Create and
by Abraham
Analyze Present Multiple-
Lincoln Rhetorical 9.W.TTP.1.a, Meaning Words
Devices 9.SL.PKI.4 9.L.VAU.4.a
9.RI.CS.4, -Deliver an Oral
9.RI.CS.5 Presentation
-Discuss with a
Small Group
FILM CLIP Analyze Digital Research NA NA
from Saving Lincoln Texts 9.RI.KID.3, 9.W.RBPK.7
Create and
Analyze Special Present
Effects 9.RI.IKI.7 9.W.PDW.4,
-Review the Film
-Hold a Panel

Into Literature Grade 9 SE Curriculum Map 2

Collaborate & Compare
Compare Across Genres 9.RI.IKI.9
Discuss and Present 9.SL.CC.1, 9.SL.PKI.4

Independent Reading 9.RL.RRTC.10, 9.RI.RRTC.10, 9.SL.CC.1

Unit 1 Task
• Write a Personal Essay 9.W.TTP.3.a–g, 9.W.PDW.4, 9.W.PDW.5, 9.L.CSE.1, 9.L.CSE.2

Unit 2: The Struggle for Freedom Unit 2: 9.L.CSE.1, 9.L.CSE.2, 9.L.KL.3,

9.L.VAU.4.b–c, 9.L.VAU.5, 9.L.VAU.6,
Essential Question: How do people find 9.RI.KID.1, 9.RL.KID.2, 9.RI.KID.3, 9.RL.CS.4,
freedom in the midst of oppression?
9.RI.CS.4, 9.RL.CS.5, 9.RI.CS.5, 9.RI.CS.6,
Unit 2 Academic Vocabulary: decline, enable, 9.RI.IKI.7, 9.RI.IKI.8, 9.RL.RRTC.10,
impost, integrate, reveal 9.RI.RRTC.10, 9.SL.CC.1, 9.SL.CC.2,
9.L.VAU.6 9.SL.PKI.4, 9.SL.PKI.5, 9.SL.PKI.6, 9.RI.IKI.7,
9.RI.IKI.9, 9.W.TTP.1a, 9.W.TTP.1d,
9.W.TTP..2a–g, 9.W.PDW.4, 9.W.PDW.5,
9.W.RBPK.7, 9.W.RBPK.8, 9.W.RBPK.9,

Selection/Feature Get Ready skills Respond: Critical Language

Title Research/Create Vocabulary Conventions
Notice & Note Reading Model: Big Questions, Extreme or Absolute Language, Quoted Words
READING MODEL Analyze Research default, Repetition and
SPEECH Arguments 9.W.RBPK.7, desolate, Parallelism
I Have a Dream 9.RI.IKI.8 9.W.RBPK.9 degenerate, 9.L.CSE.1
by Martin Luther Analyze Create and redemptive
King Jr. Rhetorical Discuss
Devices 9.W.PDW.4, Antonyms
9.RI.CS.4, 9.SL.CC.1 9.L.VAU.5
9.RI.CS.6 -Write a
-Discuss with a
Small Group
PODCAST Analyze a Research NA NA
Podcast 9.W.RBPK.7
Into Literature Grade 9 SE Curriculum Map 3
from Interview 9.RI.KID.3,
with John Lewis 9.SL.CC.2 Create and
Analyze 9.SL.CC.1,
by National Public Author’s 9.SL.CC.2,
Radio Purpose 9.SL.PKI.5
9.RI.CS.6 -Create a
-Discuss with a
Small Group
MENTOR TEXT Analyze Text Research simulate, Pronoun-
HISTORY WRITING Structure 9.W.RBPK.7 assess, Antecedent
from Hidden 9.RI.CS.5 maneuver, Agreement
Figures Create and analytical 9.L.CSE.1
by Margot Lee Make Discuss
Shetterly Predictions 9.W.TTP.2.a, Reference
9.RI.KID.1 9.W.TTP.2.c–d, Sources
9.SL.CC.1 9.L.VAU.4.c
-Write a Blog
-Discuss with a
Small Group
SHORT STORY Analyze Literary Research irreproachable, Colons and
The Censors Devices 9.W.RBPK.7, staidness, Semicolons
by Luisa 9.RL.CS.5 9.W.RBPK.9 negligence, 9.L.CSE.2
Valenzuela subversive
Analyze Setting Create and
and Theme Discuss Suffixes That
9.RL.KID.2 9.W.PDW.4, Form Nouns
9.SL.CC.1 9.L.VAU.4.b
-Write a Letter
-Discuss with
Your Class
POEM Analyze Poetic Research NA NA
Booker T. and Elements 9.W.RBPK.7
W.E.B 9.L.VAU.5,
by Dudley Randall 9.RL.CS.4 Create and
Analyze Poetic 9.W.RBPK.9,
Language 9.SL.CC.1,
9.RL.CS.4 9.SL.PKI.4
-Assess the
-Conduct a
Into Literature Grade 9 SE Curriculum Map 4
Compare Across Genres
MEMOIR Analyze Research Irrelevant, Verb Tense
from Reading Rhetorical 9.W.RBPK.8 allocating, 9.L.KL.3
Lolita in Tehran Devices segregate,
9.RI.KID.3, Create and convert
9.RI.CS.4 Present
by Azar Nafisi 9.SL.PKI.5, Denotative and
Analyze Setting 9.SL.PKI.4 Connotative
and Purpose -Create a Podcast Meanings
9.RI.CS.6 -Present to a 9.L.VAU.5
Small Group
GRAPHIC Analyze Research NA NA
MEMOIR Multimodal Texts 9.W.RBPK.7
from Persepolis 2: 9.RI.CS.6
The Story of a Create and
Return Evaluate Print Discuss
by Marjane Satrapi and Graphic Essay
Features 9.W.TTP.1.a,
9.RI.CS.5 9.W.TTP.1.d,
-Write an
-Share and
Discuss Opinions
Collaborate & Compare
Compare Across Genres 9.RI.IKI.7, 9.RI.IKI.9
Collaborate and Present 9.SL.CC.2, 9.SL.PKI.5

Independent Reading 9.RL.RRTC.10, 9.RI.RRTC.10, 9.SL.CC.1

Unit 2 Tasks
• Write a Research Report 9.W.TTP.2.a–g, 9.W.RBPK.7, 9.W.RBPK.8, 9.W.RBPK.9,
9.W.PDW.5, 9.L.CSE.1
• Create a Podcast 9.SL.PKI.4, 9.SL.PKI.5, 9.SL.PKI.6

Unit 3: The Bonds Between Us Unit 3: 9.L.CSE.1, 9.L.CSE.2, 9.L.VAU.4.a,

9.L.VAU.4.c–d, 9.L.VAU.6, 9.RL.KID.1,
Essential Question: How do we form and 9.RL.KID.2, 9.RI.KID.2, 9.RL.KID.3, 9.RI.KID.3,
maintain our connections with others? 9.RL.CS.4, 9.RL.CS.5, 9.RI.CS.6, 9.RI.IKI.7,
Unit 3 Academic Vocabulary: capacity, confer, 9.RI.IKI.8, 9.RL.RRTC.10, 9.RI.RRTC.10,
emerge, generate, trace 9.SL.CC.1, 9.SL.CC.3, 9.SL.PKI.4, 9.SL.PKI.5,
9.L.VAU.6 9.SL.PKI.6, 9.W.TTP.1.a, 9.W.TTP.2.a,

Into Literature Grade 9 SE Curriculum Map 5

9.W.TTP.2.c, 9.W.TTP.2.e, 9.W.TTP.3.a–g,
9.W.PDW.4, 9.W.PDW.5, 9.W.RBPK.7

Selection/Feature Get Ready skills Respond: Critical Language

Title Research/Create Vocabulary Conventions
Notice & Note Reading Model: Again and Again, Aha Moment, Words of the Wiser
READING MODEL Analyze Setting Research lozenge, loiter, Verb Phrases
SHORT STORY and Theme 9.W.RBPK.7 emanate, 9.L.CSE.1
The Grasshopper 9.RL.KID.2 sheepish,
and the Bell Create and discernable
Cricket Make Inferences Discuss
by Yasunari about Theme 9.W.TTP.2.a, Context Clues
Kawabata 9.RL.KID.1 9.SL.CC.1 9.L.VAU.4.a
-Write an
Informal Letter
-Discuss with a
Small Group
SCIENCE WRITING Monitor Research empathy, Colons
Monkey See, Comprehension 9.W.RBPK.7 synchronization, 9.L.CSE.2
Monkey Do, 9.RI.KID.2 contagion,
Monkey Connect Create and cognition,
Analyze Author’s Debate implication
by Frans de Waal Claim 9.RI.IKI.8 9.W.TTP.1.a,
9.SL.CC.3, Words from
9.SL.PKI.4 Greek
-Take a Position 9.L.VAU.4.d
-Participate in a
INFORMATIONAL Summarize and Research validate, assess, Adjective and
TEXT Paraphrase 9.W.RBPK.7 derive Adverb Phrases
With Friends Like Texts 9.L.CSE.1
These... 9.RI.KID.2 Create and Print and Digital
by Dorothy Rowe Present Resources
Evaluate Details -Write a Personal 9.L.VAU.4.c
9.RI.KID.3 Essay
-Present a Scene

Into Literature Grade 9 SE Curriculum Map 6

PUBLIC SERVICE Analyze Media Research NA NA
AmeriCorps 9.RI.CS.6,
NCCC: Be the 9.RI.IKI.7 Create and
Greater Good Present
by The 9.W.TTP.2.e,
Corporation for 9.SL.PKI.4,
National and 9.SL.PKI.5
Community -Create a Public
Service Service
-Present a Public
Compare Themes
MENTOR TEXT Analyze Plot Research knack, skeptic, Active and
SHORT STORY 9.RL.CS.5 9.W.RBPK.7 scam, insistent Passive Voice
Loser 9.L.KL.3
by Aimee Bender Analyze Create and Context Clues
Characterization Present 9.L.VAU.4.a
9.RL.KID.3 9.W.TTP.2.a,
-Discuss with a
Small Group
POEM Analyze Diction Research NA NA
At Dusk and Syntax 9.W.RBPK.7
by Natasha 9.RL.CS.4
Trethewey Create and
Create Mental Present
Images 9.SL.PKI.6,
9.RL.CS.4 9.SL.CC.1
-Present an Oral
-Discuss with a
Small Group
Collaborate & Compare
Compare Themes 9.RL.KID.2, 9.RL.IKI.7
Collaborate and Present 9.SL.CC.1, 9.SL.PKI.4

Independent Reading 9.RL.RRTC.10, 9.RI.RRTC.10, 9.SL.CC.1

Unit 3 Task
• Write a Short Story 9.W.TTP.3.a–g, 9.W.PDW.4, 9.W.PDW.5, 9.L.CSE.2
Into Literature Grade 9 SE Curriculum Map 7
Unit 4: Sweet Sorrow Unit 4: 9.L.CSE.1, 9.L.CSE.2, 9.L.KL.3,
9.L.VAU.4.a, 9.L.VAU.6, 9.RL.KID.1,
Essential Question: How can love bring both 9.RL.KID.3, 9.RI.KID.3, 9.RL.CS.4, 9.RL.CS.5,
joy and pain? 9.RI.CS.5, 9.RL.CS.6, 9.RI.CS.6, 9.RL.IKI.7,
Unit 4 Academic Vocabulary: attribute, 9.RL.IKI.9, 9.RL.RRTC.10, 9.RI.RRTC.10,
commit, expose, initiate, underlie 9.SL.CC.1, 9.SL.CC.2, 9.SL.PKI.4, 9.SL.PKI.5,
9.L.VAU.6 9.SL.PKI.6, 9.W.TTP.2.a–g, 9.W.PDW.4,
9.W.PDW.5, 9.W.RBPK.7, 9.W.RBPK.9,

Selection/Feature Get Ready skills Respond: Critical Language

Title Research/Create Vocabulary Conventions
Notice & Note Reading Model: Big Questions, Numbers and Stats, Word Gaps
READING MODEL Analyze Text Research seductive, Sentence
PERSONAL ESSAY Meaning 9.W.RBPK.7 demented, Variety
The Price of 9.RI.KID.2, hordes, 9.L.KL.3
Freedom 9.RI.KID.3 Create and sabotage,
by Noreen Riols Discuss infiltration,
Create Mental 9.W.RW.10, decoy, adulate,
Images 9.SL.CC.1 annihilate
9.RI.CS.1 -Write a
Professional Foreign Words
Letter 9.L.VAU.4.a
-Discuss with a
Small Group
MENTOR TEXT Analyze Research intangible, Participial
ESSAY Informational 9.W.RBPK.7 guise, Phrases
Love’s Vocabulary Text increment, 9.L.CSE.1
from A Natural 9.RI.KID.3 Create and supple,
History of Love Present gradation
by Diane Generate 9.SL.CC.1,
Ackerman Questions 9.SL.PKI.4 Synonyms
9.RI.KID.1 -Discuss the 9.L.VAU.4.a
Into Literature Grade 9 SE Curriculum Map 8
-Present in a
Panel Discussion
POEM AND VIDEO Analyze Research NA NA
My Shakespeare Multimodal 9.W.RBPK.7
by Kate Tempest Texts
9.RL.IKI.7, Create and
9.SL.CC.2 Present
-Write a Poem
-Produce a Video
Shakespearean Drama
DRAMA Analyze Literary Research Shakespeare’s Parallel
The Tragedy of Devices 9.W.RBPK.7 Language Structure
Romeo and Juliet 9.RL.KID.3 9.RL.CS.4 9.L.CSE.1
by William Create and
Shakespeare Analyze Parallel Present
Plots 9.RL.CS.5 -Discussion

Create and

Create and
-Write a Journal

-Present to a

Create and
-Participate in a

Create and
Into Literature Grade 9 SE Curriculum Map 9
-Write a Eulogy
-Discuss with a
Small Group
Compare Poems
SONNET Analyze Poetry Research NA NA
Having It Both 9.W.RBPK.7
Ways 9.RL.CS.5
by Elizabeth Create and
Jennings Connect Ideas Discuss
9.RL.IKI.9 9.SL.CC.1,
Superheart -Discuss the
by Marion Shore Poems
-Create a Visual

Collaborate & Compare

Compare Poems 9.RL.IKI.7, 9.RL.IKI.9
Collaborate and Present 9.SL.CC.1, 9.SL.PKI.6, 9.W.RW.10

Independent Reading 9.RL.RRTC.10, 9.RI.RRTC.10, 9.SL.CC.1

Unit 4 Task
• Write a Literary Analysis 9.W.TTP.2.a–g, 9.W.PDW.4, 9.W.PDW.5, 9.W.PDW.4,
9.W.RBPK.9, 9.L.CSE.2

Unit 5: A Matter of Life or Death Unit 5: 9.L.CSE.1, 9.L.CSE.2, 9.L.VAU.4.a–c,

9.L.VAU.5, 9.L.VAU.6, 9.RI.KID.1, 9.RL.KID.2,
Essential Question: What does it take to 9.RL.CS.4, 9.RL.CS.5, 9.RL.CS.6, 9.RI.IKI.8,
survive in a crisis? 9.RL.RRTC.10, 9.RI.RRTC.10, 9.SL.CC.1,
Unit 5 Academic Vocabulary: dimension, 9.SL.CC.3, 9.SL.PKI.4, 9.W.TTP.1.a–f,
external, statistic, sustain, utilize 9.W.TTP.2.c–d, 9.W.PDW.5, 9.W.RBPK.7,
9.L.VAU.6 9.W.RBPK.8, 9.W.RBPK.9, 9.W.RW.10

Selection/Feature Get Ready skills Respond: Critical Language

Title Research/Create Vocabulary Conventions
Notice & Note Reading Model: Memory Moment, Again and Again, Contrasts and

Into Literature Grade 9 SE Curriculum Map 10

READING MODEL Analyze Plot Research encroach, Relative Clauses
SHORT STORY 9.RL.CS.5 9.W.RBPK.8 extricate, 9.L.CSE.1
The Leap constrict,
Make Create and comply,
by Louise Erdrich Inferences Discuss tentative
9.RL.KID.2 9.W.TTP.2.c–d,
9.SL.CC.1 Prefixes
-Write a 9.L.VAU.4.b
-Discuss with a
MENTOR TEXT Analyze Research laud, transfix, Commas
ARGUMENT Arguments 9.W.RBPK.7 consume, 9.L.CSE.2
Is Survival Selfish? 9.RI.IKI.8 berate, edict
Create and
by Lane Wallace Analyze Discuss Synonyms
Rhetorical 9.W.RBPK.9, 9.L.VAU.5
Devices 9.SL.CC.1
9.RI.CS.6 -Prepare for

-Class Discussion
POEM Analyze Poetic Research NA NA
The End and the Language 9.W.RBPK.7,
Beginning 9.RL.CS.4, 9.W.RBPK.9
by Wisława 9.L.VAU.5
Szymborska Create and
Analyze Poetic Present
Structure 9.W.RW.10,
9.RL.CS.6, 9.SL.CC.1,
9.L.KL.3 9.SL.PKI.4
-Write Photo
-Share with a
Compare Memoirs

Into Literature Grade 9 SE Curriculum Map 11

MEMOIR Analyze Memoirs Research emaciated, Clauses
from Night 9.RI.CS.6 9.W.RBPK. decisive, 9.L.CSE.1
by Elie Wiesel execute, din,
Analyze Word Create and reprieve,
MEMOIR Choice Discuss isolation,
from The Pianist 9.RI.CS.4 9.W.RW.10, conscientiously,
by Władysław 9.SL.CC.1 deprecating,
Szpilman -Write an naïve
-Discuss with a Multiple-
Small Group Meaning Words
Research 9.L.VAU.4.a,
Collaborate & Compare
Compare Memoirs 9.RI.IKI.9
Collaborate and Present 9.SL.PKI.4

Independent Reading 9.RL.RRTC.10, 9.RI.RRTC.10, 9.SL.CC.1

Unit 5 Tasks
• Write an Argument 9.W.TTP.1.a–f, 9.W.PDW.5, 9.W.RBPK.9, 9.W.RW.10, 9.L.CSE.1
• Present and Respond to an Argument 9.SL.CC.3, 9.SL.PKI.4

Unit 6: Heroes and Quests Unit 6: 9.L.CSE.1, 9.L.CSE.2, 9.L.KL.3,

9.L.VAU.4.a, 9.L.VAU.4.d, 9.L.VAU.6,
Essential Question: What drives us to take on 9.RL.KID.3, 9.RL.CS.4, 9.RI.CS.5, 9.RI.CS.6,
a challenge?
9.RI.IKI.8, 9.RL.IKI.9, 9.RI.IKI.9, 9.RL.RRTC.10,
9.RI.RRTC.10, 9.SL.CC.1, 9.SL.PKI.4,
Unit 6 Academic Vocabulary: motivate,
objective, pursuit, subsequent, undertake 9.SL.PKI.5, 9.SL.PKI.6, 9.W.TTP.2.a–f,
9.L.VAU.6 9.W.TTP.3.a, 9.W.PDW.4, 9.W.PDW.5,
9.W.RBPK.7, 9.W.RBPK.8

Selection/Feature Get Ready skills Respond: Critical Language

Title Research/Create Vocabulary Conventions
Notice & Note Reading Model: Tough Questions, Again and Again, Contrasts and
The Epic

Into Literature Grade 9 SE Curriculum Map 12

READING MODEL Epic Heroes Research Words from Absolute
EPIC POEM 9.RL.KID.3 9.W.RBPK.7 Latin Phrases
from the Odyssey: 9.L.VAU.4.d 9.L.CSE.1
Book 1: A Epic Poetry Create and
Goddess 9.RL.CS.4, Present
Intervenes 9.RL.CS.5 9.W.TTP.3.a,
Book 9: New 9.SL.PKI.5
Coasts and -Write a
Poseidon’s Son Narrative
Book 12: Sea -Deliver a
Perils and Presentation
by Homer,
translated by
Robert Fitzgerald

MENTOR TEXT Make Research innovation, GPS, Using

INFORMATIONAL Predictions 9.W.RBPK.8 artifact, Appositives
TEXT 9.RI.KID.1, infrared, Effectively
Archaeology’s 9.RI.KID.2 Create and forensic analysis 9.L.KL.3
Tech Revolution Discover
Since Indiana Analyze 9.SL.PKI.5, Using
Jones Technical Texts 9.RI.KID.2, References
by Jeremy Hsu 9.RI.IKI.8 9.W.PDW.4 9.L.VAU.4.c
-Present a
-Write a
Compare Theme and Main Idea
TRAVEL WRITING Analyze Travel Research circuitously, Sentence Variety
from The Cruelest Writing 9.W.RBPK.7 disingenuous, 9.L.KL.3
Journey: 600 9.RI.KID.2, integrity,
Miles to Timbuktu 9.RI.CS.6 Create and Give embark,
by Kira Salak Instructions stagnant
Evaluate Graphic 9.W.TTP.2.e–f,
Features 9.SL.PKI.4 Foreign Words
9.RI.CS.5 -Create Directions 9.L.VAU.4.a
-Give Directions
POEM Analyze Research NA NA
The Journey Language 9.W.RBPK.8
Into Literature Grade 9 SE Curriculum Map 13
by Mary Oliver 9.RL.CS.4
Create and
Make Discuss
Connections 9.SL.PKI.5,
9.RL.IKI.9 9.SL.PKI.6
-Create a Visual
-Discuss Visuals
and Theme
Collaborate & Compare
Compare Theme and Main Idea 9.RI.IKI.7
Collaborate and Present 9.SL.CC.1

Independent Reading 9.RL.RRTC.10, 9.RI.RRTC.10, 9.SL.CC.1

Unit 6 Tasks
• Write an Explanatory Essay 9.W.TTP.2.a–f, 9.W.PDW.5, 9.L.CSE.2
• Participate in a Collaborative Discussion 9.SL.CC.1

Into Literature Grade 9 SE Curriculum Map 14

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