24jun2011 Minutes of The Meeting
24jun2011 Minutes of The Meeting
24jun2011 Minutes of The Meeting
College of Nursing
Attendees: CLC: Marc Ian Crisostomo - Governor Ian Escarcha Alona Domingo Catherine Joy Valeda Germiline Fei San Pedro Juan Rolando Dizon Gian Carlo Quilantang Ophelia Umayam Shannie Sobrepea Gerwin Padilla Kathrine Simeon
Daisy Ann Juan Ressie Roca Nichelle Anne Maghinang Marvin Nicoo Garcia Nursing Representative Carmelli Rivera Vice President
I. Introduction The meeting was presided by Marc Ian Crisostomo, who called the meeting to order at 5:07 PM and, welcomed the officers, representatives of minor organizations in the College of Nursing, Mr. Darren Gonzales - SSC Consultant and Mrs. Rizza Abinsay - CLC adviser. It was opened by the governors greetings.
1. The Governor assigned each minor organization to the following committees: SFP: Impulse: RCY: SINAG: Usherette and Stage Design committee Stage Design committee Food and Registration committee Intermission and Doxology
The Governor decided to spread the CLC officers to be the head of each committee. The CLC officers were all in-charge of after care and the program of the said party. The Governor asked for the directories of the Minor Organizations final officers. 2. The Governor asked the manpower of SSC through Mr. Darren Gonzales and SSC representatives of the meeting. 3. The Governor asked the attendees that having an acquaintance party should have a benefit to others. Attendees suggested the following and voted: GK: TELON: 9 votes 2 votes
Student Assistants: 8 votes The decision was reached to GK beneficiaries. 4. The budget for acquaintance is almost Php110, 000. The Governor suggested an allotted budget for GK beneficiaries and voted. Php10, 000: 0 vote Php20, 000: 12 votes Php30, 000: 6 votes
The decision was reached; the budget for the beneficiaries is Php20, 000. 5. The attendees started to decide the acquaintance party attire, date, venue and time. They suggested some and voted. ATTIRE: Candy type Hawaiian K-Pop style Smart/Casual The decision was reached; the attire is Smart/Casual with 9 votes. Date: Time: Venue: 15 July 2011 6:00PM 12:00MN; 6:00PM 7:00PM Registration University Gymnasium
6. The attendees decided that the food that the participants of the said party will be finger-foods such as chips, popcorn, etc. There will be NO DINNER. The attendees decided that there should be a stub per kinds of finger-foods. 7. The CLC officers should decide if there will be a presidential table for the university president and guests. They should follow the traditional acquaintance party program proper. 8. The attendees decided that there will be an intermission number of first year students because this is for them to be acquainted. They decided for the coordinators of the College of Nursing should have also an intermission number. The Governor should ask for the permission of the coordinators for the intermission number.
9. The attendees decided that there will be an ACQUAINTANCE PASS for the security. STRICTLY NO OUTSIDERS ALLOWED. 10. The Governor should meet the block presidents for the clarifications of the acquaintance party.
GK San Isidro
The Governor discussed that there will be a Medical Mission in GK San Isidro on 9 July 2011. All CLC officers are required. There will be a BP MARATHON and BLOOD TYPING. The assembly time is 6:30AM and at 7:00AM departure time.
CBL Signing
The Governor read the CBL, and officers agreed and signed the CBL.
IV. Close The Governor, Marc Ian Crisostomo, thanked all attendees for their participation and adjourned the meeting at 6:52 PM.
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Noted by: