Hansen Wright 1992

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Federal Reserve Bank

of Minneapolis

Spring 1992

The Labor Market

in Real Business Cycle
Theory (p. 2)
Gary D. Hansen
Randall Wright

the National Bank Note
Paradox (p. 13)
Bruce Champ
Neil Wallace
Warren E. Weber
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

Quarterly Review
Vol. 16, NO. 2 ISSN 0271-5287

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Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Quarterly Review Spring 1992

The Labor Market in Real Business Cycle Theory*

Gary D. Hansen Randall Wright

Professor of Economics Senior Economist
University of California, Research Department
Los Angeles Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
and Professor of Economics
University of Pennsylvania

The basic objective of the real business cycle research pro- then present a baseline real business cycle model (essentially,
gram is to use the neoclassical growth model to interpret ob- the divisible labor model in Hansen 1985) and compare its
served patterns of fluctuations in overall economic activity. If predictions with the facts. We then consider four extensions
we take a simple version of the model, calibrate it to be con- of the baseline model that are meant to capture features of the
sistent with long-run growth facts, and subject it to random world from which this model abstracts. Each of these exten-
technology shocks calibrated to observed Solow residuals, the sions has been discussed in the literature. However, we an-
model displays short-run cyclical behavior that is qualitatively alyze them in a unified framework with common functional
and quantitatively similar to that displayed by actual econo- forms, parameter values, and so on, so that they can be more
mies along many important dimensions. For example, the easily compared and evaluated in terms of how they affect the
model predicts that consumption will be less than half as vol- model's ability to explain the facts.
atile as output, that investment will be about three times as The standard real business cycle model relies exclusively
volatile as output, and that consumption, investment, and em- on a single technology shock to generate fluctuations, so the
ployment will be strongly positively correlated with output, fact that hours worked vary more than productivity implies
just as in the postwar U.S. time series.1 In this sense, the real that the short-run labor supply elasticity must be large. The
business cycle approach can be thought of as providing a first extension of the model we consider is to recognize that
benchmark for the study of aggregate fluctuations. utility may depend not only on leisure today but also on past
In this paper, we analyze the implications of real business leisure; this possibility leads us to introduce nonseparablepref-
cycle theory for the labor market. In particular, we focus on
two facts about U.S. time series: the fact that hours worked
fluctuate considerably more than productivity and the fact that
the correlation between hours worked and productivity is close *This paper is also available in Spanish in Cuadernos Economicos de ICE, a quar-
to zero.2 These facts and the failure of simple real business cy- terly publication of the Ministerio de Economfa y Hacienda. The paper appears here
with the permission of that publication's editor, Manuel Santos.
cle models to account for them have received considerable at- 'These properties are also observed in other countries and time periods. See Kyd-
tention in the literature. [See, for example, the extended dis- land and Prescott 1990 for an extended discussion of the postwar U.S. data, and see
cussion by Christiano and Eichenbaum (1992) and the refer- Blackburn and Ravn 1991 or Backus and Kehoe, forthcoming, for descriptions of other
countries and time periods.
ences they provide.] Here we first document the facts. We 2
Although we concentrate mainly on these cyclical facts, we also mention an im-
portant long-run growth fact that is relevant for much of our discussion: total hours
The Editorial Board for this paper was V. V. Chari, Preston J. Miller, worked per capita do not display trend growth despite large secular increases in average
Richard Rogerson, and Kathleen S. Rolfe. productivity and real wages.

Gary D. Hansen, Randall Wright
Real Business Cycle Theory

erences, as in Kydland and Prescott 1982.3 This extension of versus productivity closer to that found in the data.
the baseline model has the effect of increasing the relevant The final extension we consider is to introduce household
elasticity, by making households more willing to substitute lei- production as in Benhabib, Rogerson, and Wright 1991. The
sure in one period for leisure in another period in response to basic idea is to recognize that agents derive utility from home-
short-run productivity changes. At the same time, with these produced as well as market-produced consumption goods and
preferences, households do not increase their work hours in derive disutility from working in the home as well as in the
response to permanent productivity growth. Thus, the non- market. In this version of the model, individuals, by working
separable leisure model generates an increased standard devia- less at home, can increase hours of market work without re-
tion of hours worked relative to productivity without violating ducing leisure as much. Therefore, the addition of household
the long-run growth fact that hours worked per capita have production increases the short-run labor supply elasticity and
not increased over long periods despite large increases in pro- the standard deviation of hours relative to productivity. Fur-
ductivity. thermore, to the extent that shocks to household production
The second extension of the baseline real business cycle are less than perfectly correlated with shocks to market pro-
model we consider is to assume that labor is indivisible, so duction, individuals will have an incentive to substitute be-
that workers can work either a fixed number of hours or not tween home and market activity at a point in time. This is in
at all, as in Hansen 1985. In this version of the model, all vari- addition to the standard incentive to substitute between market
ation in the labor input must come about by changes in the activity at different dates. Therefore, home production shocks,
number of employed workers, which is the opposite of the like government spending shocks, shift the labor supply curve
standard model, where all variation comes about by changes and can generate a pattern of hours versus productivity closer
in hours per worker. Although the data display variation along to that found in the data.
both margins, the indivisible labor model is perhaps a better Our basicfindingis that each of these four extensions to the
abstraction, since the majority of the variance in the labor in- baseline real business cycle model improves its performance
put in the United States can be attributed to changes in the quantitatively, even though the extensions work through very
number of employed workers. In the equilibrium of the indi- different economic channels. As will be seen, some of the
visible labor model, individual workers are allocated to jobs resulting models seem to do better than others along certain
randomly, and this turns out to imply that the aggregate econ- dimensions, and some depend more sensitively than others on
omy displays a large labor supply elasticity even though indi- parameter values. Our goal here is not to suggest that one of
vidual hours do not respond at all to productivity or wage these models is best for all purposes; which is best for any
changes for continuously employed workers. The large aggre- particular application will depend on the context. Rather, we
gate labor supply elasticity leads to an increased standard de- simply want to illustrate here how incorporating certain natural
viation of hours relative to productivity, as compared to the features into the standard real business cycle model affects its
baseline model. ability to capture some key aspects of labor market behavior.
Neither nonseparable utility nor indivisible labor changes
The Facts
the result that the real business cycle model implies a large
In this section, we document the relevant business cycle facts.
positive correlation between hours and productivity while the
We consider several measures of hours worked and produc-
data display a near-zero correlation. This result arises because
tivity and two sample periods (since some of the measures are
the model is driven by a single shock to the aggregate pro-
available only for a shorter period). As in Prescott 1986, we
duction function, which can be interpreted as shifting the
define the business cycle as fluctuations around some slowly
labor demand curve along a stable labor supply curve and in-
moving trend. For any given data series, we first take loga-
ducing a very tight positive relationship between hours and
rithms and then use the Hodrick-Prescott filter (as described
productivity. Hence, the next extension we consider is to in-
in Prescott 1986) to remove the trend.
troduce government spending shocks, as in Christiano and
Table 1 contains some summary statistics for quarterly
Eichenbaum 1992. If public consumption is an imperfect sub-
U.S. data that are computed from deviations constructed in
stitute for private consumption, then an increase in govern-
this manner. The sample period is from 1955:3 to 1988:2.
ment spending has a negative wealth effect on individuals,
The variables are y = output, c = consumption (nondurables
which induces them to work more if leisure is a normal good.
plus services), i = fixed investment, h - hours worked, and w
Therefore, government spending shocks can be interpreted as
shifting the labor supply curve along the labor demand curve.
Depending on the size of and the response to the two shocks, 3
Note that these preferences are nonseparable between leisure in different periods;
with this extension the model can generate a pattern of hours they may or may not be separable between leisure and consumption in a given period.

Tables 1 and 2
Cyclical Properties of U.S. Time Series

Table 1 1955:3-1988:2

Variable % S.D. Variable vs. Output Hours vs. Productivity

Data Series* J Cj/Oy cor (j,y) ohlow cor (h,w)

Output y 1.74 1.00 1.00

Consumption c .84 .48 .75 — —

Investment i 5.48 3.16 .90 — —

Labor Market:
1. Household Survey
(All Industries)
Hours Worked h 1.42 .82 .87 1.64 .10
Productivity w .87 .50 .58
2. Establishment Survey
(Nonag. Industries)
Hours Worked h 1.63 .94 .88 1.95 -.13
Productivity w .84 .48 .36
3. Nonag. Industries
From Household Survey
Hours Worked h 1.75 1.01 .76 1.44 -.35
Productivity w 1.21 .70 .34
4. Efficiency Units
From Hansen 1991
Hours Worked h 1.66 .96 .74 1.37 -.30
Productivity w 1.22 .70 .41

Table 2 1947:1-1991:3

Variable %sD Variable vs. Output Hours vs. Productivity

Data Series* j cy a/oy c o r a h l c w coi(h,w)

Output y 1.92 1.00 1.00 — —

Consumption c .86 .45 .71 — —
Investment /' 5.33 2.78 .73 — —
Labor Market:
1. Household Survey
(All Industries)
Hours Worked h 1.50 .78 .82 1.37 .07
Productivity w 1.10 .57 .63
2. Establishment Survey
(Nonag. Industries)
Hours Worked h 1.84 .96 .90 2.15 -.14
Productivity w .86 .45 .31

*AII series are quarterly, are in 1982 dollars, and have been logged and detrended with the Hodrick-Prescott filter. The output series, y, is the gross national product; c is
consumption of nondurables and services; and /'is fixed investment. Productivity is w= ylh.
Sources: Citicorp's Citibase data bank and Hansen 1991

Gary D. Hansen, Randall Wright
Real Business Cycle Theory

= average productivity (output divided by hours worked).4 For (1) U= E^J'u(c„lt)

each variable j, we report the following statistics: the (percent)
standard deviation a ; , the standard deviation relative to that of where E denotes the expectation and (3 the discount factor,
output Cj/Cy, and the correlation with output cor(j,y). We also with (3 g (0,1). The household has one unit of time each pe-
report the relative standard deviation of hours to that of pro- riod to divide between leisure and hours of work:
ductivity o h /o w and the correlation between hours and pro-
ductivity cor (h,w). (2) lt + ht= 1.
We present statistics for four measures of h and w. Hours
series 1 is total hours worked as recorded in the household The model has a representative firm with a constant
survey and covers all industries. Hours series 2 is total hours returns-to-scale Cobb-Douglas production function that uses
worked as recorded in the establishment survey and covers capital kt and labor hours ht to produce output yt:
only nonagricultural industries. These two hours series could
differ for two reasons: they are from different sources, and (3) yt =f(zt,kt,ht) = exp(zt)keth)~e
they cover different industries.5 To facilitate comparison, we
also report, in hours series 3, hours worked as recorded in the where 0 is the capital share parameter and zt is a stochastic
household survey but only for nonagricultural industries. Fi- term representing random technological progress. In general,
nally, hours series 4 is a measure of hours worked in efficien- we would assume that zt = zt + zt, where z is a constant yield-
cy units.6 ing exogenous deterministic growth and zt evolves according
The reason for the choice of 1955:3-1988:2 as the sample to the process
period is that hours series 3 and 4 are only available for this
period. However, the other series are available for 1947:1- (4) z,+1 = pz , + £,
1991:3, and Table 2 reports statistics from this longer period
for the available variables. where p e (0,1) and e, is independent and normally distrib-
Both Table 1 and Table 2 display the standard business cy- uted with mean zero and standard deviation a e . However, in
cle facts. All variables are positively correlated with output. this paper, we abstract from exogenous growth by setting z =
Output is more variable than consumption and less variable 0.7 Capital evolves according to the law of motion
than investment. Hours are slightly less variable than or about
as variable as output, with o h /o y ranging between 0.78 and (5) kt+l = (l-8)&, + it
1.01, depending on the hours series and the period. Overall,
all variables are more volatile in the longer period, but the rel- where 8 is the depreciation rate and it investment. Finally, the
ative volatilities of the variables are about the same in the two economy must satisfy the resource constraint
periods. (An exception is investment, which looks somewhat
less volatile relative to output in the longer period.) (6) c , + /, = >>,.
We want to emphasize two things. First, hours fluctuate
more than productivity, with the magnitude of Ch/aw ranging We are interested in the competitive equilibrium of this
between 1.37 and 2.15, depending on the series and the pe- economy. Since externalities or other distortions are not part
riod. Second, the correlation between hours and productivity of this model (or the other models that we consider), the com-
is near zero or slightly negative, with cor(h,w) ranging be-
tween -0.35 and 0.10, depending on the series and the period.
Chart 1 shows the scatter plot of h versus w from hours series 4
We use the letter w because average productivity is proportional to marginal pro-
1 for the longer sample period. (Plots from the other hours se- ductivity (given our functional forms), which equals the real wage rate in our models.
ries look similar.) The establishment series is derived from payroll data and measures hours paid for,
while the household series is taken from a survey of workers that attempts to measure
hours actually worked. These two measures could differ, for example, because some
The Standard Model workers may be on sick leave or vacation but still get paid. The household series is a
better measure of the labor input, in principle, but because it is based on a survey of
In this section, we present a standard real business cycle mod- workers rather than payroll records, it is probably less accurate.
el and investigate its implications for the facts just described. Efficiency units are constructed from hours series 3 by disaggregating individuals
The model has a large number of homogeneous house- into age and sex groups and weighting the hours of each group by its relative hourly
holds. The representative household has preferences defined earnings; see Hansen 1991 for details.
Adding exogenous growth does not affect any of the statistics we report (as long
over stochastic sequences of consumption ct and leisure /,, de- as the parameters are recalibrated appropriately) given the way we filter the data; there-
scribed by the utility function fore, we set z = 0 in order to simplify the presentation. See Hansen 1989.

petitive equilibrium is efficient. Hence, we can determine the Parameter values are calibrated as follows. The discount
equilibrium allocation by solving the social planner's problem factor is set to (3 = 0.99 so as to imply a reasonable steady-
of maximizing the representative agent's expected utility sub- state real interest rate of 1 percent per period (where a period
ject to feasibility constraints. That problem in this case is to is one quarter). The capital share parameter is set to 0 = 0.36
maximize U subject to equations (2)-(6) and some initial con- to match the average fraction of total income going to capital
ditions (k0,z0). The solution can be represented as a pair of sta- in the U.S. economy. The depreciation rate is set to 8 = 0.025,
tionary decision rules for hours and investment, ht = h*(kt,zt) which (given the above-mentioned values for p and 0) implies
and it = i*(kt,zt), that determine these two variables as func- a realistic steady-state ratio of capital to output of about 10
tions of the current capital stock and technology shock. The and a ratio of investment to output of 0.26. The parameter A
other variables, such as consumption and output, can be de- in the utility function (9) is chosen so that the steady-state lev-
termined from the decision rules using the constraints, while el of hours worked is exactly h = 1/3, which matches the frac-
prices can be determined from the relevant marginal condi- tion of discretionary time spent in market work found in time-
tions. use studies (for example, Juster and Stafford 1991). Finally,
Standard numerical techniques are used to analyze the the parameter p in (4) is set to p = 0.95, and the standard
model. We choose functional forms and parameter values and deviation of 8 is set to o e = 0.007, which are approximately
substitute the constraint ct + it = f(zt,kt,ht) into the instanta- the values settled on by Prescott (1986).
neous return function u to reduce the problem to one of maxi- We focus on the following statistics generated by our arti-
mizing an objective function subject to linear constraints. Then ficial economy: the standard deviation of output; the standard
we approximate the return function with a quadratic return deviations of consumption, investment, and hours relative to
function by taking a Taylor's series expansion around the de- the standard deviation of output; the ratio of the standard de-
terministic steady state. The resulting linear-quadratic problem viation of hours to the standard deviation of productivity; and
can be easily solved for optimal linear decision rules, ht = the correlation between hours and productivity. The results are
h(kt,zt) and it = i(krzt); see Hansen and Prescott 1991 for shown in Table 3, along with the values for the same statistics
details. Using these decision rules, we simulate the model, from our longer sample from the U.S. economy (from Table
take logarithms of the artificially generated data, apply the 2). We emphasize the following discrepancies between the
Hodrick-Prescott filter, and compute statistics on the devia- simulated and actual data. First, the model has a predicted
tions (exactly as we did to the actual time series). We run 100 standard deviation of output which is considerably less than
simulations of 179 periods (the number of quarters in our the same statistic for the U.S. economy in either period. Sec-
longer data set) and report the means of the statistics across ond, the model predicts that c h /c w is less than one, while it is
these simulations. greater than one in the data. Third, the correlation between
Preferences are specified so that the model is able to cap- hours and productivity in the model is far too high.
ture the long-run growth fact that per-capita hours worked dis- The result that output is not as volatile in the model econ-
play no trend despite large increases in productivity and real omy as in the actual economy is not too surprising, since the
wages. When preferences are time separable, capturing this model relies exclusively on a single technology shock, while
fact requires that the instantaneous utility function satisfy the actual economy is likely to be subject to other sources of
uncertainty as well. The result that in the model hours worked
(7) u(c,l) = log(c) + v(/) do not fluctuate enough relative to productivity reflects the
fact that agents in the model are simply not sufficiently will-
or ing to substitute leisure in one period for leisure in other pe-
riods. Finally, the result that hours and productivity are too
(8) u(c,l) = c°v(/)/a

where a is a nonzero parameter and v(/) is an increasing and

concave function. (See King, Plosser, and Rebelo 1987, for Other specifications can generate a greater short-run response of hours worked to
productivity shocks; but while this is desirable from the point of view of explaining cy-
example.) Intuitively, the growth facts imply that the wealth clical observations, it is inconsistent with the growth facts. For example, the utility func-
and substitution effects of long-run changes in productivity tion used in Greenwood, Hercowitz, and Huffman 1988, u(c,l) = v(c+Al), has a zero
cancel, so the net effect is that hours worked do not change.8 wealth effect and hence a large labor supply elasticity, but implies that hours worked
increase over time with productivity growth. This specification is consistent with bal-
We consider only preferences that satisfy (7) or (8); in fact, anced growth if we assume the parameter A grows at the same average rate as technolo-
for convenience, we assume that gy. Although such an assumption may seem contrived, it can be justified as the reduced
form of a model with home production in which the home and market technologies ad-
vance at the same rate on average, as shown in Greenwood, Rogerson, and Wright
(9) u(c,l) = log(c) + Alog(/). 1992.

Gary D. Hansen, Randall Wright
Real Business Cycle Theory

Table 3
Cyclical Properties of U.S. and Model-Generated Time Series

% S.D. Variable vs. Output

Hours vs. Productivity
of Output Consumption Investment Hours Productivity
Type of Data or Model ac/ay Gj/Oy C h /G y %/oy cor (h,w)

U.S. Time Series*

Output 1-92 .45 2.78 — —

Hours Worked:
1. Household Survey — — — .78 .57 1.37 .07
(All Industries)
— — .96 .45 2.15 -.14
2. Establishment Survey
(Nonag. Industries)

Standard 1-30 .31 3.15 .49 .53 .94 .93

Nonseparable Leisure 1.51 .29 3.23 .65 .40 1.63 .80

Indivisible Labor 1.73 .29 3.25 .76 .29 2.63 .76
Government Spending 1.24 .54 3.08 .55 .61 .90 .49
Home Production 1.71 .51 2.73 .75 .39 1.92 .49

*U.S. data here are the same as those in Table 2; they are for the longer time period: 1947:1-1991:3.
"The standard deviations and correlations computed from the models' artificial data are the sample means of statistics computed for each of 100 simulations. Each simulation has
179 periods, the number of quarters in the U.S. data.
Source: Citicorp's Citibase data bank

highly correlated in the model reflects the fact that the only our purposes is that, if leisure in one period is a relatively
impulse driving the system is the aggregate technology shock. good substitute for leisure in nearby periods, then agents will
Chart 2 depicts the scatter plot between h and w generated be more willing to substitute intertemporally, and this increas-
by the model. Heuristically, Chart 2 displays a stable labor es the short-run labor supply elasticity.
supply curve traced out by a labor demand curve shifting over Assume that the instantaneous utility function is u(ct,Lt) =
time in response to technology shocks. This picture obviously log(c,) + A\og(L(), where Lt is given by
differs from that in Chart 1.
(10) = £ > , / , - ,
Nonseparable Leisure
Following Kydland and Prescott (1982), we now attempt to and impose the restriction that the coefficients al sum to one.
incorporate the idea that instantaneous utility might depend not If we also impose the restriction that
just on current leisure, but rather on a weighted average of
current and past leisure. Hotz, Kydland, and Sedlacek (1988) (11) ai+l = (l-ri)^
find evidence in the panel data that this idea is empirically
plausible. One interpretation they discuss concerns the fact for i = 1,2,..., so that the contribution of past leisure to Lt de-
that individuals need to spend time doing household chores, cays geometrically at rate r|, then the two parameters a0 and
making repairs, and so on, but after doing so they can neglect T| determine all of the coefficients in (10). Since L t , and not
these things for a while and spend more time working in the simply l t , now provides utility, individuals are more willing to
market until the results of their home work depreciate. The intertemporally substitute by working more in some periods
important impact of a nonseparable utility specification for and less in others. (At the same time, in a deterministic steady

Charts 1 - 5
Hours Worked vs. Productivity in the Data and the Models
Percentage Deviations From Trend

Chart 1 The U.S. Data, 1947:1-1991:3

Based on the Household Survey
Prod. 4 | 1


•4 -2 0 2 4 Hours

Chart 2 The Standard Model Chart 3 The Nonseparable Leisure Model

Prod. 4 Prod. 4

2 2

0 0

-2 -2

-4 4 Hours -4 -2 4 Hours

Chart 4 The Government Spending Model

Without Technology Shocks . . . Chart 5 . . And With Technology Shocks
Prod. 4 Prod. 4

• *


_J I I I I L_
-4 -2 0 2 4 Hours -4 -2 0 2 4 Hours

Source of basic data: Citicorp's Citibase data bank

Gary D. Hansen, Randall Wright
Real Business Cycle Theory

state or along a deterministic balanced growth path, this mod- where ct is total per-capita consumption. When u(c,l) = log(c)
el delivers the correct prediction concerning the effect of pro- + Alog(/), the solution can be shown to imply that ch = c0t =
ductivity growth on hours worked.) c 10
The equilibrium can again be found as the solution to a so- Therefore, in the case under consideration, expected utility
cial planner's problem, which in this case maximizes U sub- can be written
ject to (2)-(6), (10)—(11), and initial conditions.9 The parame-
ter values we use for the preference structure are a0 = 0.35 (14) Eu(ct,lt) = \og(ct) + ntA\og(l-h) = \og(ct) - BHt
and r| = 0.10, which are the values implied by the estimates
in Hotz, Kydland, and Sedlacek 1988; other parameter values where B = -Alog(l-h)/h > 0 and, as defined above, Ht is
are the same as in the preceding section. hours worked per capita. Therefore, the indivisible labor mod-
The results are in Table 3. Notice that output is more vol- el is equivalent to a divisible labor model with preferences de-
atile here than in the standard model, with o v increasing from scribed by
1.30 to 1.51. Also, the standard deviation of hours worked rel-
ative to that of productivity has increased considerably, to (15) U = EY^Ju(c,Ht)
o h /c w = 1.63, and the correlation between hours and produc-
tivity has decreased somewhat to 0.80. Chart 3 depicts the where u(ct //,) = log(c,) - BHr Based on this equivalence, we
scatter plot of h versus w generated by this model. Although can solve the indivisible labor model as if it were a divisible
these points trace out a labor supply curve that is flatter than labor model with a different instantaneous utility function, by
the one in Chart 2, the model still does not generate the cloud maximizing U subject to (2)-(6) and initial conditions.11
in Chart 1. We conclude that introducing nonseparable leisure Two features of the indivisible labor economy bear men-
improves things in terms of oh/cw, but does little for cor(h,w). tion. First, as discussed earlier, fluctuations in the labor input
come about byfluctuationsin employment rather than fluctua-
Indivisible Labor tions in hours per employed worker. This is the opposite of
We now take up the indivisible labor model of Hansen (1985), the standard model and is perhaps preferable, since the major-
in which individuals are constrained to work either zero or ity of the variance in total hours worked in the U.S. data is ac-
h hours in each period, where 0 < h < 1. Adding this con- counted for by variance in the number of workers.12 Second,
straint is meant to capture the idea that the production process the indivisible labor model generates a large intertemporal
has important nonconvexities or fixed costs that may make substitution effect for the representative agent because instan-
varying the number of employed workers more efficient than taneous utility, u(cfi\ is linear in H, and therefore the indif-
varying hours per worker. As originally shown by Rogerson ference curves between leisure in any two periods are linear.
(1984,1988), in the equilibrium of this model, individuals will This is true despite the fact that hours worked are constant for
be randomly assigned to employment or unemployment each a continuously employed worker.
period, with consumption insurance against the possibility of Return to Table 3 for the results of our simulations of this
unemployment. Thus, this model generates fluctuations in the model.13 The indivisible labor model is considerably more
number of employed workers over the cycle. As we shall see, volatile than the standard model, with Gv increasing from 1.30
it also has the feature that the elasticity of total hours worked to 1.73. Also, o h /a w has increased from 0.94 to 2.63, actually
increases relative to the standard model.
Let Kt be the probability that a given agent is employed in
period t, so that Ht = nth is per-capita hours worked if we as- 9
For the solution techniques that we use, this problem is expressed as a dynamic
sume a large number of ex ante identical agents. Also, let c0t program. The stock of accumulated past leisure is defined to be Xt, and we write
L, = a0lt + Tl(l-ao)X,
denote the consumption of an unemployed agent and clt the
Xt+l = (1-T1)X, + /,.
consumption of an employed agent. As part of the dynamic These equations replace (10) and (11) in the recursive formulation.
social planning problem, nt, c0r and cu are chosen to maxi- 10
This implication follows from the fact that u is separable in c and I and does not
mize hold for general utility functions; see Rogerson and Wright 1988.
Since the solution to the planner's problem in the indivisible labor model involves
random employment, we need to use some type of lottery or sunspot equilibrium con-
(12) Eu(ct,lt) = ntu(clt,\-h) + (l-7c,)w(c0rl) cept to support it as a decentralized equilibrium; see Shell and Wright, forthcoming.
See Hansen 1985 for the U.S. data. Note, however, that European data display
greater variance in hours per worker than in the number of workers; see Wright 1991,
in each period, subject to the following constraint: p. 17.
The new parameter B is calibrated so that steady-state hours are again equal to
(13) Ktclt + (1-71,)c0, = C, 1/3; the other parameters are the same as in the standard model.

somewhat high when compared to the U.S. data. Of course, tively. (In addition, the average of gjyt in our sample, which
this model is extreme in the sense that all fluctuations in the is 0.22, is used to calibrate g.)
labor input result from changes in the number of employed For the results, turn again to Table 3. The government
workers, and models in which both the number of employed spending model actually behaves very much like the standard
workers and the number of hours per worker vary fall some- model, except that the correlation between hours and produc-
where between the standard divisible labor model and the in- tivity decreases to cor(h,w) = 0.49, which is better than the
divisible labor model with respect to this statistic. (See Kyd- previous models although still somewhat larger than the U.S.
land and Prescott 1991 or Cho and Cooley 1989, for exam- data. Chart 4 displays the scatter plot generated by the model
ple.) Finally, the model implies that cor(h,w) = 0.76, slightly with only government spending shocks (that is, with the vari-
lower than the models discussed above but still too high. For ance in the technology shock set to Ge = 0), and Chart 5 dis-
the sake of brevity, the scatter plot between h and w is omit- plays the scatter plot for the model with both shocks. These
ted; for the record, it looks similar to the one in Chart 3, al- charts illustrate the intuition behind the results: technology
though the indivisible labor model displays a little more vari- shocks shift labor demand and trace out the labor supply
ation in hours worked. curve, government shocks shift labor supply and trace out the
labor demand curve, and both shocks together generate a com-
Government Spending bination of these two effects. The net results will be somewhat
We now introduce stochastic government spending, as in sensitive to the size of and the response to the two shocks;
Christiano and Eichenbaum 1992. (That paper also provides however, for the estimated parameter values, this model gen-
motivation and references to related work.) erates a scatter plot that is closer to the data than does the
Assume that government spending, gt, is governed by standard model.15

(16) log(g/+1) = (\-X)\og(g) + X\og(gt) + ]it Home Production

We now consider the household production model analyzed
where X e (0,1) and p, is independent and normally distribut- in Benhabib, Rogerson, and Wright 1991. (That paper also
ed with mean zero and standard deviation Furthermore, as provides motivation and references to related work.)
in Christiano and Eichenbaum 1992, assume that jj, is inde- Instantaneous utility is still written w(c,/)=log(c)+i41og(/),
pendent of the technology shock. Also assume that govern- but now consumption and leisure have a different interpreta-
ment spending is financed by lump-sum taxation and that it tion. We assume that
enters neither the utility function nor the production function.14
Then the equilibrium allocation for the model can be found by (18) ct=[aceMt + (l-a)ceHt]l/e
solving the planner's problem of maximizing U subject to
(16), (2)-{5), and, instead of (6), the new resource constraint (19) l = \-hMt-hHt

(17) ct + it + gt = yr
A generalization is to assume that instantaneous utility can be written u(C,l),
An increase in gt is a pure drain on output here. Since lei- where C = C(c,g) depends on private consumption and government spending. The spe-
cial case where C = c is the one we consider here, while the case where C = c + g can
sure is a normal good, the negative wealth effect of an in- be interpreted as the standard model, since then increases in g can be exactly offset by
crease in gt induces households to work more. Intuitively, reductions in c and the other variables will not change. Therefore, the model with C =
shocks to gt shift the labor supply curve along the demand c + g generates exactly the same values of all variables, except that c + g replaces c.
The assumption that c and g are perfect substitutes implies that they are perfectly nega-
curve at the same time that technology shocks shift the labor tively correlated, however. A potentially interesting generalization would be to assume
demand curve along the supply curve. This first effect pro- that
duces a negative relationship between hours and productivity, C(c,g) = [ac* + (l-a)g<p]1/<p
while the second effect produces a positive relationship. The where 1/(1—cp) is the elasticity of substitution.
The size of the wealth effect depends on the extent to which public consumption
net effect on the correlation between hours and productivity and private consumption are substitutes. For example, if they were perfect substitutes,
in the model depends on the size of the gt shocks and on the then a unit increase in g would simply crowd out a unit of c with no effect on hours
implied wealth effect, which depends, among other things, on worked or any of the other endogenous variables. We follow Christiano and Eich-
enbaum 1992 in considering the extreme case where g does not enter utility at all. Also,
the parameter X in the law of motion for gt (because tempo- the results depend on the (counterfactual) assumption that the shocks to government
rary shocks have a smaller wealth effect than permanent spending and technology are statistically independent. Finally, theresultsdepend on the
shocks). Hence, the calibration of this law of motion is crit- estimates of the parameters in the law of motion (16). The estimates in the text are from
the period 1947:1-1991:3 and are close to the values used in Christiano and Eichen-
ical. An ordinary least squares regression based on equation baum 1992. Estimates from our shorter sample period, 1955:3-1988:2, imply a higher
(16) yields estimates for X and o p of 0.96 and 0.021, respec- X of 0.98 and a lower om of 0.012, which in simulations yield cor(/z,w) = 0.65.

Gary D. Hansen, Randall Wright
Real Business Cycle Theory

where cMt is consumption of a market-produced good, cHt is oh/aw = 1.92. And cor{h,w) has decreased to 0.49, the same
consumption of a home-produced good, hMt is hours worked as in the model with government spending.17
in the market sector, and hHt is hours worked in the home, all The intuition behind these results is that agents substitute
in period t. Notice that the two types of work are assumed to in and out of market activity more in the home production
be perfect substitutes, while the two consumption goods are model than in the standard model because they can use non-
combined by an aggregator that implies a constant elasticity market activity as a buffer. The degree to which agents do
of substitution equal to 1/(1-e). this depends on their willingness to substitute cM for cH, as
This model has two technologies, one for market produc- measured by e, and on their incentive to move production
tion and one for home production: between the two sectors, as measured by y (Lower values of
y entail more frequent divergence between zM and zH and,
(20) f(zMt,kMt,hMt) = exp (zMt)keMthlJ hence, more frequent opportunities to specialize over time.)
Note that some aspects of the results do not actually depend
on home production being stochastic.18 However, the correla-
(21) g(zHt ,kHt ,hHt) - exp (zjk^h^
tion between productivity and market hours does depend crit-
ically on the size of the home technology shock, exactly as it
where 0 and r| are the capital share parameters. The two tech-
depends on the size of the second shock in the government
nology shocks follow the processes
spending model. We omit the home production model's scat-
ter plot between h and w, but it looks similar to that of the
(22) zMt+l = p zMt + eMt
model with government shocks.
(23) zHt+l = p zHt + eHt Conclusion
We have presented several extensions to the standard real
where the two innovations are normally distributed with stan- business cycle model and analyzed the extent to which they
dard deviations a M and a H , have a contemporaneous correla- help account for the U.S. business cycle facts, especially those
tion y = cor(eM, ,EH[), and are independent over time. In each facts concerning hours and productivity. Introducing nonsepa-
period, a capital constraint holds: kMt + kHt = kt, where total rable leisure, indivisible labor, or home production increases
capital evolves according to kt+l = (1 S)kt + ir Finally, the the elasticity of hours worked with respect to short-run pro-
constraints ductivity changes. Introducing a second shock, either to gov-
ernment spending or to the home production function, reduces
(24) cMt + it =f(zMt,kMt,hMt) the correlation between hours worked and productivity.19
Note that our goal has not been to convince you that any
(25) cHt = g(zHt,kHt,hHt) of these models is unequivocally to be preferred. Our goal has
been simply to explain some commonly used real business cy-
imply that all new capital is produced in the market sector. cle models and compare their implications for the basic labor
The parameters p, 9, 8, and p are set to the values used in market facts.
the previous sections. The two utility parameters A and a are
set to deliver steady-state values of hM = 0.33 and hH = 0.28,
as found in the time-use studies (Juster and Stafford 1991),
and the capital share parameter in the household sector is set The two parameters 6 and rj can be calibrated to match the observed average lev-
els of market capital (producer durables and nonresidential structures) and home capital
to rj = 0.08, implying a steady-state ratio of cH/cM of approxi- (consumer durables and residential structures) in the U.S. economy. This requires a low-
mately 1/4.16 The variances of the two shocks are assumed to er value for 0 and a higher value for T| than used here, as discussed in Greenwood, Rog-
erson, and Wright 1992.
be the same: c H = o M = 0.007. The parameter e, which deter- 17
The exact results are somewhat sensitive to changes in the parameters e and y,
mines the elasticity of substitution between cM and cH, and y, for reasons discussed in the next paragraph.
which is the correlation between em and eH, are set to the 18
Even if the variance of the shock to the home technology is set to zero, shocks
benchmark values used in Benhabib, Rogerson, and Wright to the market technology will still inducerelativeproductivity differentials across sec-
tors. And even if the two shocks are perfectly correlated and of the same magnitude,
1991: e = 0.8 and y = 2/3. agents will still have an incentive to switch between sectors over time because capital
The results are at the bottom of Table 3. In the home pro- is produced exclusively in the market. It is these effects that are behind the increase in
duction model, output is more volatile than in the standard the labor supply elasticity.
model and about as volatile as in the indivisible labor model. Other models can be constructed by combining the extensions considered here.
Other extensions not considered here can also affect the implications of the model for
The standard deviation of hours relative to productivity has the labor market facts, including distorting taxation as in Braun 1990 or McGrattan
increased considerably compared to the standard model, to 1991 and nominal contracting as in Cho and Cooley 1990.


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