3 Leaching Characteristic of Potentially Toxic Metals of Artificial Soil
3 Leaching Characteristic of Potentially Toxic Metals of Artificial Soil
3 Leaching Characteristic of Potentially Toxic Metals of Artificial Soil
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Article history: Landscaping of municipal sludge is a good choice to solve the sludge disposal problem, and EDTA
Received 19 August 2020 treatment can effectively promote the uptake of heavy metals (HMs) by plants, but the heavy metal
Received in revised form leaching process and its main control factors are still poorly understood during the sludge landscaping
8 October 2020
disposal. In this study, the migration behavior of HMs in artificial soil made from municipal sludge
Accepted 11 October 2020
Available online xxx
compost (MSC) were investigated using soil column experiments. After six leaching events for a total of
one year’s rainfall, the average reduction percentage of total phosphorus, total nitrogen, organic matter in
Handling Editor: Willie Peijnenburg the MSC artificial soil were 13.4%, 10.1%, and 7.8%, respectively, while those of copper, lead, zinc, cad-
mium, nickel were 12.9%, 8.37%, 11.5%, 5.94%, and 10.7%, respectively. Treating ethylenediaminetetra-
Keywords: acetic acid (EDTA) to the MSC artificial soil further enhanced the leach index of HMs to different degrees.
Heavy metal HM concentration in leachate were increased with peak times postponed. Though EDTA treatment
Soil column experiment increased HM concentrations in subsoil, it did not change their water washing efficiency. The retention of
Leaching index HMs in subsoil was related to properties of local soil and its interaction with leachate. The potential
Water washing efficiency
ecological risk was of quite strong risk category in the MSC artificial soil and rapidly decreased from
Municipal sludge waste
moderate to slight risk in subsoil. Cadmium was the main contribution accounting for 46%e93% of
ecological risk. For landscaping applications, the composition of MSC artificial soil and local soil, as well
as the capacity of the surrounding water, needs to be considered.
© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
0045-6535/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article as: F. Li, L. Shao, Y. Chen et al., Leaching characteristic of potentially toxic metals of artificial soil made from municipal
sludge compost, Chemosphere, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.128632
F. Li, L. Shao, Y. Chen et al. Chemosphere xxx (xxxx) xxx
China in 2013 (Zhang et al., 2018a). It is urgent to have a safe, other factors. If EDTA is applied to activate heavy metals in soil, its
economic, and efficient treatment and/or disposal of municipal concentration is also an important factor. SOM and EDTA often have
sludge. Compared with the high cost of incineration and the limited the opposite effect. SOM has a positive effect in the contribution of
resources occupying of landfill, (Liu et al., 2014; Feng et al., 2015; the accumulation of heavy metals in soil (Aissaoui and Barkat,
Yang et al., 2015; Zhang et al., 2017), landscaping of sludge is more 2020). Pb and Cd were reported to be bound to the sludge five
economic and environmental friendly, and make the most of the and eight times more strongly as compared to soil, respectively, due
nutrients in sludge for plant growing (Fytili and Zabaniotou, 2008; to the high amount of SOM (Souza et al., 2019). However, EDTA
Han et al., 2019; Yuan et al., 2019). The use of stable sewage sludge application enhances the mobility of heavy metals, for example, it
as a fertilizer can also regulate the physical, chemical and biological increased the concentrations of Cd and Pb by 109% and 101% in
properties of the soil (Pathak et al., 2009) and provide better plant leachates (Gul et al., 2019). These factors make the leaching
growth (Tsakou et al., 2001; Singh and Agrawal, 2007) and behavior of heavy metals more complicated and difficult to predict.
ecosystem services (Tang et al., 2019). In this paper, a column leaching study, coupled with local
Pollutants in sludge, especially heavy metals, have become a key deposition simulation, was conducted to investigate the leaching
factor limiting sludge land use (Fang et al., 2016; Liu, 2016). How- behaviors of heavy metals from artificial soil made from municipal
ever, if sewage sludge was applied in landscaping, heavy metals in sludge compost (MSC). Untreated sludge was from industrial and
the sludge could be effectively blocked from the food chain, residential area but there was no hazardous sludge. After the
avoiding direct threats to human and animal health (Grispen et al., applying different dose of EDTA. Artificial soil was different from
2006). Landscaping plant usually have high biomass yields, but ordinary soil, as characterized as high organic matter content, high
generally have very low bioconcentration factor values (Shang CEC, high pH value and other characteristics after composted and
et al., 2020). Applying chelating reagents, such as ethyl- mixed. The attenuation and migration characteristics of heavy
enediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), hedta-EDTA, and other organic metals in soil, as well as growth and decline of heavy metals in
acids can remarkably increase the mobility of metals and thus leachate were systematically studied, and the potential environ-
enhance plants extractive ability (Turgut et al., 2004). The addition mental risks were evaluated.
of EDTA enhanced the bio-concentration factor of Cu, Zn, Ni, Cd, and
Pb of Italian ryegrass, which were 1.9, 1.6, 4.1, 2.7 and 4.8 times that 2. Materials and method
of the control group (Li et al., 2020), while applying of
11 mmol kg1 oxalic acid had increased the biomass of Sedum and 2.1. Materials
improved its remediation efficiency of Cd from soils of low-level Cd
contamination (Hou et al., 2019). However, excessive EDTA could The experimental artificial soil was taken from Ningbo High-
inhibit plant growth (Li et al., 2020), due to its toxicity to plants and tech Zone Pure Energy Saving Technology Co., Ltd., which was
soil microorganisms, as well as its degradation (Evangelou et al., mixed with rice husk (2e4%), straw (2e4%), and lime (5e10%) after
2007). municipal sludge was aerobic composted, and can be used as soil
The combination of sludge landscaping and chelating reagent directly. The local soil was obtained from the campus of Zhejiang
assisting provides a promising sludge disposal method at present. University of technology, which is belong to fluvo-aquic soil with a
However, the prerequisite is accurate understanding heavy metal pH of 6.65, SOM of 9.32 g kg1, total phosphorus (TP) 1.07 g kg1,
leaching behavior, which is complex and metal-specific (Firdaus e and total nitrogen (TN) 1.38 g kg1 (Table 1). The physicochemical
et al., 2017). It was reported, applying sludge significantly properties of artificial soil include pH 7.98, 234 g kg1 SOM,
increased the concentration of heavy metals in the soil, and 14.9 g kg1 TP, and 11.7 g kg1 TN (Table 1). The contents of heavy
resulting in high Ni concentration of 180 mg L1 in the leachate, metals in the two soils were also listed in Table 1, together with the
which greatly exceeded the Spanish drinking water index of standard values to be followed (GB/T23486-2009 of Disposal of
20 mg L1 (Toribio and Romanya, 2006). Heavy metal leaching was sludge from municipal wastewater treatment plantdQuality of
rapid, the peak loads were general occurred in first three leaching sludge used in gardens or parks).
events (Liu et al., 2018). However different heavy metals had quite
various migration capacities in the sludge (Fang et al., 2016). For
example, Pb was much easier leaching from slags than Cu (Potysz 2.2. Design of leaching experiment
et al., 2019).
In addition, the leaching rates of heavy metals are also affected Soil column. The leaching experimental equipment is shown in
by soil organic matter (SOM), soil pH, cation exchange capacity, and Fig. 1. The main part is composed of soil column, peristaltic pump,
liquid supply tank and filtrate collection barrel. The soil column was
Table 1
Physical and chemical properties of local soil and artificial soil made from municipal sludge compost.
Index Local soil Artificial soil Sludge landscaping standard Pollutants limits for the land
(GB/T23486 e 2009) application of sewage sludge
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F. Li, L. Shao, Y. Chen et al. Chemosphere xxx (xxxx) xxx
RI is the comprehensive potential ecological hazard index; Eri is 3.2. Heavy metals in soil profiles
the potential ecological index of a single heavy metal i; C i is the
measured concentration of heavy metal i, Tri is the toxicity response The contents of five heavy metals in soil profile of each column
coefficient of heavy metal i, which were defined for Cu]Pb ¼ 5, were presented in Fig. 2 d e h. In control column, after six leaching
Zn ¼ 1, Cd ¼ 30, and Ni ¼ 6 (Suresha et al., 2012); n is the number of events for a total of one year’s rainfall, the average contents of Cu,
heavy metal elements; Cri is the reference ratio of heavy metal i, this Pb, Zn, Cd, and Ni in the artificial soil layers of control column were
paper adopts the second level standard of Environmental quality 42.4, 206, 1220, 8.20, and 132 mg kg1, which were decreased by
standard for soils GB 15618-1995 (Huang et al., 2018). The clas- 12.9%, 8.37%,11.5%, 5.94%, and 10.7%, respectively, compared with
sification was defined as slight, moderate, strong, quite strong, and the initial values of artificial soil in Table 1 and the grey line in Fig. 2.
extremely strong, when Eri was <30, 30e60, 60e120, 120e240, and In soil column profiles, heavy metal contents decreased from top to
>240, and RI was <60, 60e120, 120e240, 240e480, and >480. bottom. Compared with the top layer, the decrease percentages of
heavy metal contents in each soil layer ranged in 2.5%e36.5%,1.3%e
91.6%, 0.70%e94.7%, 0.48%e99.0%, and 4.2%e81.3% for Cu, Pb, Zn,
2.5. Quality control Cd, and Ni, respectively. There were obvious differences in migra-
tion rates between heavy metals (Zhang et al., 2018b).
Milli-Q water was used for all solution preparation in the Compared with the control column, the concentration of the
experiment, and all reagents were of analytical grade. All glassware above five heavy metals at artificial soil layer in EDTA treated col-
and plastic containers were washed and soaked in 10% (v/v) HNO3 umn decreased by 3.8%e14%, 3.3%e19.4%, 2.2%e33.5%, 2.4%e20.8%,
for at least 24 h prior to use, thoroughly washed with tap water, and 5.2%e25.9%, respectively. As a result, the concentration of heavy
then rinsed three times with Milli-Q water. In terms of quality metals in the lower layer of local soil increased by e 0.5%e
control, the blank experiment and parallel experiment were con- 21.1%, 9.9%e81.7%, 10.2%e136.1%, 26.3%e126.6%, and 4.3%e
ducted. The blank values were low and acceptable, and all parallel 86.4%, respectively, relative to the control group. The promotion
experiments were performed in triplicate, and the results were effect of EDTA on heavy metals leaching was obviously. In general,
expressed as their respective average values. EDTA could increase the solubility of heavy metals in soil (Gul et al.,
Certified soil reference of GBW07403 and plant reference of 2019), made heavy metals migrate down with acid rain, and the
GBW07605 obtained from the China National Center for Standard higher the EDTA concentration, the more amount of leached
Reference Materials were used as the accuracy quality control, and metals.
the relative standard deviations of the five metals were less than However, the leaching behaviors of heavy metals were quite
10%. different among elements. Leaching index (LI) of heavy metals,
calculated with Eq. (1), were listed in Table 2. The loss rates of heavy
3. Results and discussion metals expressed as LI ranged in 5.9%e12.9% and followed the order
of Cu > Zn > Ni > Pb > Cd in control column, but ranged in 10.4%e
3.1. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and organic matter in soil profiles 33.6% and followed the order of Zn > Ni > Cu > Pb > Cd in EDTA
treated columns. It was partially consistent with the order of
The contents of total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), and Cd > Zn > Ni in a calcareous soil (Jalali and Latifi, 2018), and the
SOM were showed in Fig. 2a e c. In control column, after six order of Cd > Cu > Zn > Pb in polluted soil after applying EDTA
leaching events for a total of one year’s rainfall, the average con- 5.0 mmol kg1 (Chen et al., 2004), except Cd. Another research
tents of TN, TP, and SOM in artificial soil were 10.5, 12.9, indicated Pb was the most mobile element leaching from slags of a
215 mg kg1, decreased by 10.1%, 13.4%, and 7.8% comparing with historical copper smelting, which was exposed to Acidithiobacillus
the initial values in Table 1 (expressed as the grey dotted lines in thiooxidans mimicked the extremely acidic conditions (Potysz et al.,
Fig. 2), respectively, indicating a retention capacity order of 2019). The high pH value of 7.98 in artificial soil was a major reason
TP < TN < SOM. It was reported that compost could efficiently for the lowest leaching capacity of Cd. It had been reported that Cd
enhance soil cation exchange capacity and water holding capacity, release rates were very low at pH > 5 (Strobel et al., 2001). However,
reduced the potential leaching of nutrients (Cao et al., 2018). when EDTA dosage increased from 0 to 5 mmol kg1, LI value of Cd
Compared artificial soil treated with 1, 3, 5 mmol kg1 EDTA was growing fastest with an increase of 3.5 times, followed by Ni
with the control column, the mean loss percentage of TN increased and Zn with increases of 3.1 and 2.9 times, and the least ones were
by 9.2%, 18.7%, and 27.4%, that of TP increased by 6.0%, 18.6%, and Pb and Cu with increases 2.8 and 1.9 times, respectively. These
28.4%, and that of SOM increased by 2.3%, 7.6%, and 16.1%, respec- phenomena indicated that the promoting effect of EDTA on the
tively, increasing as treated EDTA dosage increased. It had been leaching rate of heavy metals depends on the properties of soil and
reported that EDTA leaching promoted the loss of soil total P, the nature of heavy metals.
however it increased the content of SOM and total Kjeldahl N of In order to study the rule of leaching and migration of heavy
agricultural soil (Hu et al., 2014). Differences should be due to metal elements in soil column, the water washing coefficient
different soil properties and leaching methods. In each column (WWC) of heavy metals, calculated with Eq. (2) were listed in
profile, all data points of each item formed decay lines from the top Table 3. A high WWC value corresponded to strong leaching and
down. The steep drops at 20-cm depth were attributed to the migration ability of heavy metal elements between soil layers. The
boundaries between artificial soil and local soil. The leaching loss in average WWC values were 63.3% for Cu, 55.7% for Pb, 54.1% for Zn,
the upper artificial soil caused increases in concentrations of TN, TP 53.5% for Ni, and 52.5% for Cd. A conclusion could be drawn by from
and SOM. Compare with the initial values of local soil, TN increased the data bars in Table 3 that with the increase of soil depth, the
by 3.6%e43.5% (Fig. 2a), TP increased by 23.4%e407.5% (Fig. 2b), and leaching mobility of each heavy metals at the lower layer of local
SOM increased by 5.4%e74.3% (Fig. 2c) in subsoil of the columns. soil in columns decreased gradually, which was due to the decrease
For EDTA treated columns, TN increased by 4.6%e166.0%, TP of heavy metal contents in layers of soil columns from top to bot-
increased by 44.5%e88.8%, and SOM increased by 4.5%e268%, tom. The subsoil had a certain retention effect on heavy metal
compared with the control column. At the bottom of columns, the leaching, mainly including the adsorption of soil colloid and a series
contents of TN, TP, and SOM decreased to close to the initial values of reactions (neutralization, sedimentation, complexation, etc.)
before leaching. (Johnson et al., 1996; Ong et al., 2018). However, the WWC values of
F. Li, L. Shao, Y. Chen et al. Chemosphere xxx (xxxx) xxx
Fig. 2. Total nitrogen (a), total phosphorus (b), contents of soil organic matter (c) and heavy metals (deh) in soil column after annual rain leaching.
Table 2
Classification standard in E and Ri grading standards.
Ecological risk level Slight Moderate Strong Quite strong Extremely strong
different soil columns with the same metal at the same soil depth layer for each element, which mostly appeared at depth of 50 cm,
had no obvious change rule, which indicated that EDTA had little and was 30 cm for Cd and Ni. SPSS 16.0 software was performed to
effect on the retention behavior of heavy metals in the subsoil. analyze partial correlations under soil depth control, and it was
Fig. 2 d e g showed that there was a second peak in the local soil found that most heavy metals were significantly correlated with
F. Li, L. Shao, Y. Chen et al. Chemosphere xxx (xxxx) xxx
Table 3
Leaching index and water washing coefficient of heavy metals of artificial soil columns.
25 cm 30 cm 40 cm 50 cm 60 cm 70 cm
*LI means leaching index, and WWC means water washing coefficient of heavy metals. CK, A, B, and C represent artificial soil is treated with 0, 1, 3, and 5 mmol kg1 EDTA,
TN, TP and SOM (Table 4). In the leaching process of artificial soil each leaching event were shown in Fig. 3, as well as pH of the
column, P was easily released during the decomposition of SOM, leachates. In the control column, pH decreased from 7.23 in the first
and then migrated down and adsorbed by soil sorption sites in the leaching to 7.08 in the sixth leaching, with an average of 7.16, and
lower layer (Moortel et al., 2012). This was very consistent with our the variation in pH was relative stable. When EDTA was added into
results in Fig. 3. Compared with SOM and N, P contents in the lower the artificial soil, pH decreased to 6.56, 6.32, and 5.74 in the first
local soil was more similar to those in the upper artificial soil (Fig. 3 leaching as EDTA doses was 1, 3, and 5 mmol kg1, respectively.
a, b, and c), and the maximum concentration occurred at the soil After that pH increased gradually as leaching times increased. By
column depth of 50 cm. Some heavy metal elements migrate and the 6th leaching, and the final values were relatively close, an
precipitate or accumulate together with P, because Phosphatic clay varied between 6.89e6.64.
has high affinity for Pb in the presence of humus soil, followed by In the control column, their concentrations in the leachate
Cu, Zn and Mn (Chaturvedi et al., 2007). Our research indicated that ranged in 0.012e0.033 mg L1 for Cu, 0.090e0.242 mg L1 for Pb,
Cu, Pb and Zn transported down in the column, with the maximum 0.018e0.460 mg L1 for Zn, 0.002e0.005 mg L1 for Cd, and
concentrations appeared near 50 cm depth, which was highly 0.004e0.089 mg L1 for Ni. According to standard of the fifth type
consistent with the former research. On the other hand, SOM and N of water, which is mainly applicable to agricultural water areas and
contents in subsoil decrease rapidly with the increase of depth, general landscape waters of the Surface Water quality Standard of
which was consistent with the changes of Cd and Ni contents, China, the standard values are 1, 0.1, 2, and 0.01 mg L1 for Cu, Pb,
which reached their maximum values at a depth of 30 cm. Zn, and Cd, respectively. The value of Ni was 0.610 mg L1 recom-
mended by the National water quality standard e Human health
standard table which was formulated with reference to the U.S.
3.3. Concentration of heavy metals in leachate
environmental protection agency. The maximum heavy metals
concentrations in the leachate were 0.03, 2.42, 0.23, 0.50, and 0.15
We measured the concentration of heavy metals in the leach-
times the above standard values, respectively. However, most
ates, which simply and directly reflected the migration ability of
heavy metal concentrations usually peaked at the second or third
heavy metals in the soil column, therefore we did not carry out
morphological analysis of heavy metals in the artificial soil. The leaching event, and then decreased, which was similar to the re-
ported (Liu et al., 2018).
concentration of heavy metals in the leachate from soil columns at
EDTA can be used as an auxiliary reagent to increase the content
Table 4 of water-soluble heavy metals in soil to improve the phytor-
Partial correlation analysis between heavy metals and soil composition in leaching emediation efficiency (Turgut et al., 2004), however it remarkably
soil columns. increased the concentrations of heavy metals in leachates. With the
Cu Zn Pb Cd Ni TN TP SOM increase of EDTA concentration, the promoting effect was more
obvious. The ratios of maximum to the standards of heavy metals in
Cu 1
Zn 0.769** 1 column A, B and C increased by 0.07e6.5, 0.15e7.7, and 0.26e9.0
Pb 0.667** 0.691** 1 times, respectively. The heavy metal concentration peaks in
Cd 0.529** 0.534** 0.368 1 leachate appeared at the fourth or fifth leaching events. This change
Ni 0.619** 0.408* 0.598** 0.774** 1 was not consistent with the change in pH. When EDTA is used to
TN 0.760** 0.738** 0.557** 0.876** 0.807** 1
TP 0.708** 0.779** 0.837** 0.442* 0.596** 0.662** 1
treat artificial soil, the selected concentration should be considered
SOM 0.705** 0.600** 0.278 0.849** 0.694** 0.896** 0.416* 1 according to the dilution capacity of the surrounding water envi-
ronment, and ecological risk assessment based on local conditions
**,*mean significant correlations at p < 0.01 and p < 0.05, respectively, with soil
depth as control variable. is needed.
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The potential ecological risk (Eri ) of Cu, Zn, Pb and Ni, calculated
using Eq. (3), ranged from 0.27 to 13.3 (Table 5), falling into the
category of slight risk according to the recommend values (Table 2).
However, those of Cd ranged from 4.0 to 313, in which, values in
Cd 0e20 cm artificial soil were all greater than 120, reaching the quite
strong risk category. When the soil depth reached 40e50 cm, the
risk of Cd decreased to the slight risk. Though Cd is the high water
5 mmol kg1 EDTA
solubility and fluidity (Hassan and Aarts, 2011), the LI value was the
lowest among the five heavy metals both in EDTA treated or un-
treated artificial soil, due to the high contents of N and SOM (Jalali
and Latifi, 2018) and high soil pH (Strobel et al., 2001), which
allowed its risk to decrease rapidly in the subsoil of the columns.
*Values in red, purple, and yellow shades indicate quite strong, strong, and moderate risk, and the left without shades indicate slight risk, which have been defined in Table 2.
Cd, the potential ecological risks were much higher in the upper
layer of artificial soil than the lowers. Cd was also classified under
2020), and the canopy interception effect can reduce runoff (Tao
et al., 2020), which will further reduce potential ecological risk.
However, this is not the focus of this work and will not be discussed
4. Conclusion
in land use. After six leaching events for a total of one year’s rainfall,
1 mmol kg1 EDTA
the average percentage reduction of Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, Ni were in 12.9%,
8.37%, 11.5%, 5.94%, and 10.7%, respectively. The maximum heavy
local soil and its retention to N and P. The potential ecological risk of
Potential ecological risk index form for heavy metals.
artificial soil made from municipal sludge compost and the lower
F. Li, L. Shao, Y. Chen et al. Chemosphere xxx (xxxx) xxx
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