Features: HX711: 24-Bit Delta Sigma ADC Interface For Weight Scale
Features: HX711: 24-Bit Delta Sigma ADC Interface For Weight Scale
Features: HX711: 24-Bit Delta Sigma ADC Interface For Weight Scale
HX711: 24-bit Delta Sigma ADC interface for weight scale
Implements software interface for HX711 ADC
Interfaces single HX711 sensor board
Uses interrupt or polling methods
Has selectable ADC gain
General description
The HX711(*) component implements software interface to HX711 24-bit analog- to-digital
converter by AVIA Semiconductor, designed for weigh scales and industrial control applications
[1]. Using this component in conjunction with external HX711 ADC, PSoC can detect small DC
signals in the range of 20 mV, 40 mV or 80 mV at 10 Hz or 80 Hz sampling rate. Component
consume little to none hardware resources, and spares few clocks (0.01%). Multiple instances
of the component can run asynchronously in the project.
Hereafter referred to as “ADC”
Input-output connections
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PSoC Creator Component datasheet HX711: 24-bit Delta Sigma ADC interface
ADC_offset (int32)
Offset value to be subtracted from the ADC raw count reading. This offset can be used to tare
weight scale or for zeroing ADC input offset. Default offset value is 0. The value can be changed
during the run-time. Its value will be automatically subtracted from all consequent ADC raw
count readings. See Application Programming interface section for details.
Component was intentionally compiled using Creator 4.0 for compatibility with older versions.
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HX711: 24-bit Delta Sigma ADC interface PSoC Component datasheet
Some restrictions apply on PSoC4 chips. See Pins Assignment section for details.
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PSoC Creator Component datasheet HX711: 24-bit Delta Sigma ADC interface
Function Description
ADC_Start() Initialize and start ADC
ADC_Stop() Stop ADC
ADC_GetResult32() Read ADC data
ADC_Count_to_mV() Converts ADC counts to mV
ADC_SetOffset() Set ADC tare offset
Variable Description
ADC_DataReady Flag signaling that data is ready for reading
ADC_Count ADC counts (last read value)
ADC_Gain ADC PGA gain
ADC_Offset ADC tare offset
void ADC_Start()
Description: Initializes component and starts ADC conversion. Note that Delta Sigma ADC
conversion needs priming, and first four ADC readings after the start (400ms at
10 Hz) are usually containing errors and must be discarded.
Parameters: none
void ADC_Stop()
Description: Stops ADC conversion and puts it into low-current (sleep) mode.
Parameters: none
int32 ADC_GetResult32()
Description: Reads ADC count. This function should be called after ADC signals the data is
ready for reading. Reading ADC data clears ADC data buffer; it should be
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HX711: 24-bit Delta Sigma ADC interface PSoC Component datasheet
performed only once after the ADC data is ready. The ADC offset value is
subtracted from ADC raw count reading before returning the result.
Parameters: none
uint8 ADC_DataReady
Description: Flag indicating that ADC data are ready for reading. Read-only.
This flag is available only when polling method is selected. Check this flag in the
main() loop to detect when ADC data is ready for reading. The flag is latching –
no ADC sampling occurs until the flag is cleared. The flag will reset automatically
upon ADC reading.
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PSoC Creator Component datasheet HX711: 24-bit Delta Sigma ADC interface
int32 ADC_Count
Description: This variable retains ADC count obtained by last call of GetResult32(). Read-only.
uint8 ADC_Gain
Description: Returns current ADC gain. Read-only.
int32 ADC_Offset
Description: Returns current ADC offset. Read-only.
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HX711: 24-bit Delta Sigma ADC interface PSoC Component datasheet
Functional Description
The HX711(*) is a precision 24-bit analog- to-digital converter (ADC) designed for weigh scales
and industrial control applications to interface directly with a bridge sensor [1]. It has ADC,
oscillator, bandgap reference and power supply regulator integrated into the single chip. The
input multiplexer selects either Channel A or B differential input to the low-noise
programmable gain amplifier (PGA). Channel A can be programmed with a gain of 128 or 64,
corresponding to a full-scale differential input voltage of ±20mV or ±40mV respectively, when a
5V supply is connected to AVDD analog power supply pin. Channel B has a fixed gain of 32. On-
chip power supply regulator eliminates the need for an external supply regulator to provide
analog power for the ADC and the sensor. The HX711 is typically available in form of integrated
PCB assembly, which includes a transistor for voltage regulation and passive RC network for
low-pass filtering the ADC inputs. The weight sensors (load cell) come in various shapes and are
can be rated from 0.1 kg to over 1000 kg full scale.
Figure 1. Typical 4-wire load cell (left) and low-cost HX711 PCB assembly (right)
Connection diagram of HX711 is shown on Figure 2. For operation it needs only power (Vcc),
and two wires for communicating with MCU: DOUT (data) and SCK (clock).
Figure 2. HX711 standard wiring diagram. The LPFs and rate selection resistor are not shown.
Manuf. by AVIA Semiconductor
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PSoC Creator Component datasheet HX711: 24-bit Delta Sigma ADC interface
The 2-wire communication algorithm
Component uses 2-wire communication to read ADC data and to set ADC gain [1], implemented
entirely in software code. Such approach saves PSoC valuable hardware resources, but is
limited to low sampling rates due to the CPU involvement. Fortunately, it is totally sufficient for
HX711, operating at low rates (10/80 Hz). The 2-wire communication uses a data pin (SDAT) and
a clock pin (SCLK) to clock-in serial data into 24-bit shift-in buffer [1]. It takes 24 clocks to read
the data and extra 1 to 3 clocks to set next ADC gain after each data reading (*):
In the polling mode the DataReady flag is parsed in the main loop. This flag is automatically
cleared upon reading the ADC data. For the interrupt mode implementation see demo project
provided. Main loop code:
Timing diagram for ADC single reading cycle is shown on Figure 3. Single ADC conversion period
takes processor 9approx. 600 clocks (13 us at 48 MHz BUS_CLK). See Performance section for
Actual code is optimized for performance and may differ from the one shown.
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HX711: 24-bit Delta Sigma ADC interface PSoC Component datasheet
The HX711 has three available ADC input scales: 20 mV, 40 mV and 80 mV (Table 1). When
ADC gain is set to 64 or 128, the ADC samples input A. When the ADC gain is 32, the ADC
samples input B.
Table 1. ADC input channel and full scale vs gain.
ADC gain ADC input ADC full scale, mV
128 A 20
64 A 40
32 B 80
ADC sampling rate (10/80 Hz) is controlled by the state of the RATE Pin 15. Default rate is 10 Hz.
Selecting 80 Hz requires moving a zero-ohm resistor on the PCB assembly (Figure 4).
Figure 4. Left: HX711 chip pinout. Right: ADC input channel selection using zero-ohm resistor.
Red – selected input is A (default), Blue – selected input is B.
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PSoC Creator Component datasheet HX711: 24-bit Delta Sigma ADC interface
Pins configuration
To communicate with HX711 board, the component utilizes buried pins. By default, the SCLK
pin is automatically configured for strong drive, and SDAT pin is configured for high impedance
digital; the only job left to user is to assign pins in the Pin Configuration window.
HX711 pins configuration is shown on Figure 5. The pins selection is arbitrary; they can be
assigned to any available pins / ports. On PSoC4 certain limitations apply for pins selection in
the interrupt mode due to the specific implementation of the component, which involves
hardware connection of the SDAT pin to the external interrupt though the logic NOT element
(due to reversed ADC logic). In this case the selection of the SDAT pin is limited to the Ports 0 to
3 (other PSoC4 ports do not support hardware connection).
Figure 5. Pins configuration: (a)- component appearance on schematic, (b)- pins assignment. The
off-chip annotation component is provided merely for illustration purpose; its presence
on the schematic does not affect operation of the component.
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HX711: 24-bit Delta Sigma ADC interface PSoC Component datasheet
Component was tested using PSoC5LP (CY8KIT-059) and PSoC4200 (CY8CKIT-042 Pioneer Kit).
The component doesn’t use UDB, performing all operation entirely by CPU. PSoC5 ADC reading
cycle consumes about 600 clocks, making total CPU load very small (0.01%). Typical results for
PSoC5LP and PSoC4 are presented below.
Table 2. Typical CPU clocks consumption by single ADC reading for PSoC5 and PSoC4.
Option PSoC5 PSoC4
debug(*) 580 1850
release(†) 580 1050
data collected in debug mode with compiler optimization turned off, BUS_CLK=24 MHz
data collected in release mode with compiler optimization set to speed, BUS_CLK=24 MHz
Component resources consumption is provided below. The component doesn’t use UDB
12datapath. Component does not have built-in DMA capabilities.
Table 3. PSoC5 and PSoc4 resources consumption.
Resource Polling mode Interrupt mode
interrupts 0 1
PLD macrocells 0 1
Component Changes
Version Description of changes Reason for changes/impact
0.0 Version 0.0 is the first beta release
0.0.b Updated datasheet Rev. A incorrectly described gain and clock setting
1. HX711 datasheet,
2. HX711 MH boards with potential PCB error,
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PSoC Creator Component datasheet HX711: 24-bit Delta Sigma ADC interface
Appendix 1
Basic example using the component
Several demo projects provided, showing component use with PSoC4 and PSoC5. Basic example
using PSoC4 Pioneer Board (CY8CKIT-042) is shown on Figures 6. The component is configured
for polling method, and HX711 is sampling the input A at 10 Hz (default settings). A 1kg-rated
load cell was attached to the HX711 board as shown on Figure 7.
Figure 6. PSoC4 demo schematic. The HX711_1 annotation component and Load Cell resistor
bridge are optional off-chip components added for illustration purpose.
Figure 7. HX711 ADC board connection to the PSoC4 Pioneer Board (CY8CKIT-042) using KIT-042
annotation stub .
KIT-042: Annotation component for CY8CKIT-042 Pioneer Kit, https://community.cypress.com/thread/48742
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HX711: 24-bit Delta Sigma ADC interface PSoC Component datasheet
Figure 8. Data conditioning and plotting using MedianFilter and SerialPlot components.
The ADC data are streamed to the SerialPlot charting software(*) or a text terminal using UART
communication through USB-UART bridge, built into the KitProg. For that purpose, the PSoC4
UART_Tx output (Pin 0.5) is wired to the PSoC5 USB-UART_Rx (Pin 12.6), which appears on the
host computer as a COM port (Figure 7). Custom SerialPlot(†) component handles interface
between PSoC and charting software. Prior to output, the raw data from the ADC are
conditioned using the MedianFilter component(‡). The length of the filter (19 data points) is
causing small (1 sec) delay response, but effectively removes spurious artefacts due to the
weight loading procedure, while also reducing statistical noise.
Figure 9. ADC response to 2.5 g weight (1-cent coin). Load cell is rated 1 kg, ADC gain is 128.
Red line – ADC raw data, blue line – median filter output.
SerialPlot – Realtime Plotting Software for UART/Serial Port, https://hasanyavuz.ozderya.net/?p=244
SerialPlot: interface to real-time data charts, https://community.cypress.com/thread/52310
MedianFilter: sliding window median filter component, https://community.cypress.com/thread/52512
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PSoC Creator Component datasheet HX711: 24-bit Delta Sigma ADC interface
Project demonstrates a “Tare” option for zeroing the output of the scale. It uses custom
debouncing component ButtonSw32(*) to detect onboard button press events, and applies
compensation offset using component build-in API. Estimated sensitivity of the scale using 1 kg
load cell is approx. 920 counts/g, with short-term accuracy of about 27 mg (after the median
Figure 11. Load scale tare (zero) using a switch button. Button press event is marked by the
ButtonSw32: button switch debouncer component, https://community.cypress.com/thread/36769
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HX711: 24-bit Delta Sigma ADC interface PSoC Component datasheet
Appendix 2
Off-chip annotation components
Figure 12. HX711 off-chip annotation components: left – full featured; right - compact.
Figure 13. Schematic example for HX711 and CY8CKIT-059 using PSoC Annotation library .
PSoC Annotation Library v1.0, https://community.cypress.com/thread/48049
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PSoC Creator Component datasheet HX711: 24-bit Delta Sigma ADC interface
Appendix 3
Known HX711 PCB design issue
The HX711 PCB assemblies are available from various sources and have some design variations.
Many of the low-cost versions share the same defective PCB layout [2], where the E- terminal
to the bridge is not physically connected to the ground and floats at about 0.6V. As a result, the
bridge excitation pin E+ is not regulated and floats at about 4.9-5V (Vdd). Simple repair solution
is to solder a shorting wire between the E- terminal and GND as shown on the Figure 12 (left).
Alternative solution, which requires some soldering skills, is to short E- terminal and the bottom
ground plane as shown of Figure 12 (right). When the E- terminal is properly grounded, the E+
voltage stabilizes at about 4.3V.
Figure 14. Options for repair HX711 PCB board: left – the E- terminal connected to GNP pin using wire; right –
the E- terminal connected directly to the ground plane with a solder blob.
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