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African Journal of Business Management Vol. 4(5), pp.

729-738, May 2010

Available online at http://www.academicjournals.org/AJBM
ISSN 1993-8233 © 2010 Academic Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Obstacles to the growth of new SMEs in South Africa: A

principal component analysis approach
Fatoki Olawale* and David Garwe
Department of Business Management, University of Fort Hare, South Africa.
Accepted 17 February, 2010

The paper investigated the obstacles to the growth of new SMEs in South Africa using the principal
component approach. New SMEs are seen as a significant component of the solution to South Africa’s
development issues. However, most new SMEs do not grow; their failure rate in South Africa (75%) is one
of the highest in the world. The objective of the study was to investigate the internal and external
environmental obstacles to the growth of new SMEs. As a new business develops, it exists and survives in
an environment characterized by both internal and external factors which impact negatively on the new
business’ survival. Thirty variables were identified as obstacles. The principal component analysis with
varimax rotation was used to reduce the variables to five clusters. The most important obstacle was termed
Financial which is largely an internal factor. The other obstacles respectively as determined by the PCA
were Economic (external), Markets (external) Management (internal) and Infrastructure (external).

Key words: New SMEs, growth, principal component analysis.


Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are increasingly innovative activity of entrepreneurs feeds a creative
seen as playing an important role in the economies of ‘‘destruction process’’ by causing constant disturbances
many countries. Thus, governments throughout the world to an economic system in equilibrium, creating opportu-
focus on the development of the SME sector to promote nities for economic rent. New SMEs introduce new
economic growth. In South Africa, SMEs contribute 56% products and develop new technologies. As an important
of private sector employment and 36% of the gross source of innovation, new firms bring competitive
domestic product (Ntsika, 2002). South Africa suffers pressure to bear on established firms. According to Maas
from high unemployment with an official estimate of and Herrington (2006) new SMEs are seen as a
approximately 24.5% of the economically active popula- significant component of the solution to South Africa’s
tion unemployed (Statistics South Africa, Quarterly development issues. The creation and sustainability of
Labour Force Survey, 2009). One of the best ways to new SMEs are vital to the economic prosperity of South
address unemployment is to leverage the employment Africa. Without the creation of new SMEs, South Africa
creation potential of small businesses and to promote risks economic stagnation. Given the failure of the formal
small business development (FinMark Trust, 2006). and public sector to absorb the growing number of job
Gree and Thurnik (2003) argued that the contribution of seekers in South Africa, increasing attention has focused
the SME sector cannot be sustained without the creation on entrepreneurship and new firm creation and its
of new SMEs. Schumpeter (1934) as cited in Wong et al. potential for contributing to economic growth and job
(2005) was one of the earliest economists to argue for creation (Herrington et al., 2009).
new firm creation. According to Schumpeter, new firms are Maas and Herrington (2006) observe that the creation
the vital force behind the progress of capitalism. The of a new firm is a two-stage process. The first phase is
the start-up phase, a three month period during which
individuals identify the products or services that the firm
will trade in, access resources and put in place the
*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]. Tel: 00927 necessary infrastructure such as staff. The next phase, a
040-602-2248. Fax: 00927 040 602-2249. period of 3 - 42 months, is when the business begins to
Abbreviations: SMEs, Small and medium enterprises; PCA, trade and compete with other firms in the market place.
principal component analysis. Therefore, a new SME can be described as an SME that
730 Afr. J. Bus. Manage.

Table 1. Schedule of size standards for the definition of SMEs in South Africa.

Type of firm Employees Turnover Balance sheet

Small 1-49 Maximum R13m Maximum R5m
Medium 51-200 Maximum R51m Maximum R19m
Source: Government Gazette of the Republic of South Africa (2003).

has been in existence for less than forty-two months. size and growth. Sales may also be considered a precise
Once a firm has successfully existed for more than 42 indicator of how a firm is competing relative to their
months, it becomes an established firm. In addition, a market (Barringer et al., 2005). According to Churchill
new SME in South Africa must meet the qualitative and and Lewis (1983) as a new small firm starts and develops,
quantitative definitions of a SME as prescribed by the it moves through some growth stages, each with its own
National Small Business Act. distinctive characteristics. Churchill and Lewis (1983)
The National Small Business Act of South Africa of identified five stages of growth: existence, survival,
1996, as amended in 2003, describes an SME as “a success, take-off and resource maturity. In each stage of
separate and distinct entity including cooperative development a different set of factors is critical to the
enterprises and non-governmental organizations firm's survival and success. The Churchill Lewis model
managed by one owner or more, including its branches or gives an insight into the dynamics of SME growth,
subsidiaries if any is predominantly carried out in any including the distinguishing characteristics, problems and
sector or sub-sector of the economy mentioned in the requirements of growing SMEs and explains business
schedule of size standards and can be classified as a growth processes amongst SMEs. The precise moment
SME by satisfying the criteria mentioned in the schedule in time in which a start-up venture becomes a new
of size standards” (Government Gazette of the Republic business has not yet been theoretically determined.
of South Africa, 2003). The quantitative definition of However, the idea of business survival could be equated
SMEs in South Africa is expressed in Table 1. with a firm that has fully completed the transaction to
However, despite the noted contributions of new SMEs, stage-two organization in the five stages of small
their failure rate in South Africa is one of the highest in business growth. The real issue in new firm growth is that
the world. About 75% of new SMEs in South Africa do not most new SMEs in South Africa do not move from the
become established firms. According to Von Broembsen first stage (existence) to other stages such as survival,
et al. (2005) the probability of a new SME surviving success, take off and resource maturity.
beyond 42 months is less likely in South Africa than in
any other GEM sampled country. This implies that new
SMEs will not be able to fulfill their developmental roles in EMPIRICAL LITERATURE
South Africa. The focus of this study therefore is to
investigate the obstacles to the growth of new SMEs in In South Africa, Berry et al. (2002) argued that new SMEs
South Africa. This study used the principal component are unlikely to be a panacea for South Africa’s economic
analysis (PCA) approach. PCA is often used to group problems and they query the degree to which SMEs fulfill
together variables that are highly correlated into principal all the government prescribed roles. Despite the best
components and as a result, bring a simplification to effort of the South African government, new SMEs have
analysis. Five variables emerged as the dominant factors achieved limited growth. The Accelerated and Shared
that cause new SMEs to fail at their early stages. PCA Growth Initiative South Africa (2009) indicates that on
brought out five factors for analysis. average a growth rate of 5% between 2004 and 2014 is
needed to achieve the social objective of the government
and expects SMEs to contribute significantly to the
THEORIES OF GROWTH expected growth rate. However, new SMEs do not
always contribute towards the promotion of economic
There are many different definitions of business growth growth. Although SMEs exhibit higher growth rates in
and ways of measuring this growth. Business growth is percentage terms, most new small firms do not grow at
typically defined and measured, using absolute or relative all as they are established as last resort (necessity)
changes in sales, assets, employment, productivity, rather than first choice (opportunity).
profits and profit margins. Sales data are usually readily
available and business owners themselves attach high
importance to sales as an indicator of business perfor- The business environment
mance. In addition, sales growth is also easier to
measure compared with some other indices and is much According to Delmar and Wiklund (2008) the business
more likely to be recorded. Sales are a good indicator of environment has a significant impact on the growth of
Olawale and Garwe 731

new small enterprises. Smit et al. (2007) define a education and training has reduced management
business environment as all those factors or variables, capacity in new firms in South Africa. This is one of the
both inside and outside the organization that may reasons for the low level of entrepreneurial creation and
influence the continued and successful existence of the the high failure rate of new ventures.
organization. Beck and Demirguc-Kunt (2006) argued
that for new SMEs to grow, it is important to strengthen Location and networking: Location has impacts on the
not only the internal business environment but also the market potential and growth opportunities of new firms.
external environment. Changes in the business environ- Geographical proximity to either critical buyers or
ment have either a negative or positive effect on the suppliers produces a form of enhanced environmental
growth or failure of SMEs in much of Africa (World Bank, scanning that enables new firms to more easily identify
2006). This business environment can be divided into the and exploit growth opportunities in the market. This
internal and external environment. impact on the market prospect of new firms (Dahl and
Sorenson, 2007). Networking is very important to SMEs
both new and established and can positively impact on
Internal environment their performance and access to finance. Okten and Osili
(2004) found that the formation of networks helps
These are factors in a firm’s environment that are largely
entrepreneurs to tap resources in external environment
controllable by the firm. The internal environment
successfully. Shane and Cable (2002) agreed that
includes factors such as finance (especially internal
networking can be used to reduce information asymmetry
finance such as owner’s equity contribution and
in creditor/debtor relationships. In addition, networks
collateral), managerial competency of the owner, location,
increase a firm's legitimacy, which in turn positively
investment in information technology, cost of production
influences the firm's access to external financing. Ngoc et
and networking (Cassar, 2004; Barbosa and Moraes,
al. (2009) point out that in the absence of effective market
institutions; networks play an important role in spreading
Access to finance: All businesses require financial knowledge about a firm's existence and its practices.
resources in order to start trading and to fund growth. Networks also help a firm learn appropriate behavior and
Lack of access or availability can be a constraint on therefore obtain needed support from key stakeholders
business growth (Cassar, 2004). Whether business and the general public. This suggests that networking can
owners can access adequate and appropriate finance to positively impact on the growth of new SMEs.
grow is a particular concern for policymakers. New SMEs
can be financed from founders’ own wealth and/or by Investment in information technology and cost of
accessing external sources of finance, whether from production: Investment in technology and keeping up
‘informal’ sources such as family and friends, or from with information technology is increasingly important to all
‘formal’, market-based sources such as banks, venture firms. Technology plays a crucial role in the development
capitalists and private equity firms. Once businesses are of new SMEs. Technology not only helps in evolving a
trading, further development can be financed using multi-pronged strategy but also in maximising business
retained profits. According to Herrington et al. (2009) opportunities. IT is perceived as essential to achieve
access to finance is a major problem for the South sales. The use of technology involves cost. Computer
African entrepreneur. Lack of financial support is the hardware and software need to be bought and installed.
second most reported contributor to low new firm creation New SMEs without access to capital may find it difficult to
and failure, after education and training in South Africa. purchase necessary technology (Phillips and Wade,
Stilglitz and Weiss (1981) termed the lack of finance as 2008). Smallbone et al. (2003) found that, the cost of
the finance gap. FinMark Trust (2006) finds that only 2% production can affect the growth of new SMEs. Rising
of new SMEs in South Africa are able to access bank cost of inputs in South Africa especially the cost of
loans. Foxcroft et al. (2002) find that 75% of applications electricity and petroleum can constrain growth. Close
for bank credit by new SMEs in South Africa are rejected. monitoring of costs of production is necessary in order to
This suggests that new SMEs without finance may not be reduce wastage and determine the most efficient means
able to survive and grow. of production.

Management skills: Managerial competencies are sets

of knowledge, skills, behaviors and attitudes that External environment
contribute to personal effectiveness (Hellriegel et al.,
2008). Managerial competencies are very important to Beck (2007) argued that the performance of new SMEs
the survival and growth of new SMEs. Martin and Staines can be influenced by both firm-specific (internal factors)
(2008) found that lack of managerial experience and and systemic factors (external factors). Systemic factors
skills are the main reasons why new firms fail. In South or state variables include factors such as the contractual
Africa, Herrington and Wood (2003) point out that lack of and informational frameworks, macroeconomic
732 Afr. J. Bus. Manage.

environment, social factors (crime, corruption and ethics) investments in security measures to eliminate or mini-
technology and the regulatory environment. These state mize the likelihood of crime. According to Transparency
variables are largely uncontrollable by new SMEs. International (2008), corruption both in the public and
private establishments is growing in South Africa. The
Economic variables and markets: Economic factors corruption perception index (CPI) published annually by
have a direct impact on the potential attractiveness of Transparency International ranks South Africa in the 43rd
various strategies and consumption patterns in the with a CPI of 5.1. Gaviria (2002) argued that the reason
economy and have significant and unequal effects on why SMEs engage in corruption is often linked to
organizations in different industries and in different problems with regulatory compliance and bureaucracy.
locations. Economic variables include the fiscal and SMEs lack the bargaining power and the influence to
monetary policies of the government, inflation, interest oppose requests for unofficial payments and similar
rates and foreign exchange rates. These variables solicitations. The World Bank (2005) found that about
influence the demand for goods and services and hence 70% of SMEs perceive corruption as an impediment to
the growth of new SMEs (Ehlers and Lazenby, 2007). their business compared to approximately 60% for large
South Africa’s current economic environment is charac- firms.
terized not only by high interest rates but also by low Labour, infrastructure and regulations: New SMEs
growth rates (low consumption) high inflation rates and require access to a pool of suitably-skilled and suitably-
declining exchange rates. In addition, the country is motivated labour in order to sustain growth. Mahadea
officially in economic recession for the first time in (2008) finds that it is difficult and expensive for SMEs to
seventeen years due mainly to the global economic hire skilled labour in South Africa. Labour can only be
meltdown. Consumption and confidence have fallen with hired at a cost and within the confines of the labour
a lot of firms showing reduced sales. Unemployment is regulations such as the Employment and Minimum Wage
high. All these factors can affect sales, revenues and Regulations. The quality of infrastructure can affect the
market potential of new SMEs (The Economist, 2009). growth prospects of new SMEs especially in developing
The extent of competition and potential competition also countries such as South Africa. Many developing coun-
impact on the market potential and growth opportunities tries suffer from deplorable state of basic infrastructure
of new SMEs. Potential entrants are entrants that enter like transportation, telecommunication and electricity.
an industry for the first time and offer a substitute product Electricity supply in South Africa does not meet the
or service to a particular sector. The potential competitor demand leading to power cuts which can affect the
is very important in competitive industry analysis. To production and turnover of new SMEs (Kalra, 2009). In
survive and achieve success, new firms need to addition, the cost of regulation may impact on the growth
understand the dynamics of competition in their industry of new SMEs. New SMEs have to obtain registration
and develop skills and competencies that give them a licences and pay taxes (Hashi, 2001). Most, new SMEs
competitive advantage. Therefore, managers of new also perceive that they do not get enough support from
firms have to scan and interpret environmental changes the government. According to Maas and Herrington
(especially the extent of present or future competition) to (2006) most new SMEs in South Africa are not aware of
maintain their firms’ viability and performance (Zahra et government efforts to assist them such as Khula Finance
al., 2002). Enterprise (Khula) and Small Business Development
Agency (SEDA).
Crime and corruption: The United Nations Office of
Drugs and Crime (2007) points out South Africa has the
dubious distinction of being amongst the world’s five RESEARCH OBJECTIVES
most-murderous nations. Brown (2001) points out that
To evaluate the internal environmental factors that are
business is the largest organized group suffering from
obstacles to the growth of new SMEs in South Africa
crime and violence. The effect of crime on business in
(internal factors focused on by this study are access to
South Africa is not only alarming but also growing.
finance, management skills, networking, investment in
According to the South African Police Service Crime
information technology and cost of production ). To
Statistics (2009) while the incidences of virtually all major
evaluate the external environmental factors that are
categories of crime has fallen during the past year,
obstacles to the growth of new SMEs in South Africa
business related crime is on the increase. Most of these
(external factors focused on are economic environment,
robberies were on small business premises. A survey
markets, infrastructure, crime, corruption, labour and
sponsored by Standard Bank and Fujistu Siemens
Computers (2009) finds that owners of SMEs are not
aggressively pursuing avenues to grow their market
shares and stay ahead of competitors. Rather they are RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
focusing on operational matters because of the high
crime rate. Furthermore, crime increases expenditures or This study consists of two basic components as part of the research
Olawale and Garwe 733

methodology. It consists of a literature review and an empirical variance accounted for by each principal component (PC)
study. The empirical approach consists of primary research and and whether the component can be meaningfully
collection of data through the use of questionnaires. Self-
administered questionnaires were delivered to respondents who
interpreted. Varimax rotation was used to transform the
completed them and the interviewer collected them at an appointed components into factors that were more clearly
time. Three sources of registered new SMEs covering East London, interpretable. To facilitate an easier interpretation of
King Williams Town and Queenstown (Eastern Cape Province), principal components, factor rotation methods were
were used to determine the population of 361. These were; The developed. This research study uses varimax orthogonal
Small Enterprise Development Agency (SEDA), The Enterprise rotation method developed by Kaiser (1958). Principal
Directory sponsored by Department of Trade and Industry and
Bordei-kei Chamber of Business. Raosoft Sample Size calculator
components with Eigen values greater than one are
was used to determine the sample size taking into consideration the usually retained. According to Leech et al. (2005) the
population size, the margin of error and the confidence level. It is in assumptions for principal component analysis include:
light of these considerations, Raosoft provided a sample size of 187.
The instrument used in this study is the questionnaire. The
Sample size: A sample of 100 subjects is acceptable;
questionnaire comprised structured questions which made it easy
for the respondents to indicate their views. The use of five-point Normality: Principal component analysis is robust to the
Likert scale questions enabled respondents to indicate their opinion assumption of normality. The normality of the data was
on various factors of the business environment that impact on the assumed by using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (signifi-
growth of new SMEs. Reliability and validity are undoubtedly the cance value was greater than 0.05). Sampling adequacy:
hallmarks of good measurements and the keys to assessing the Bartlett’s test of sphericity and the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin
trustworthiness of any research study. First the questionnaire was
pre-tested in a pilot study. In addition, the reliability of the study was
(KMO) measure the sampling adequacy and can be used
ensured by using the Cronbach’s alpha. to determine the factorability of the matrix as a whole. If
Bartlett’s test of sphericity is large and significant and if
the KMO is greater than 0.6 then factorability is assumed.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) measure of sampling
adequacy is an index used to examine the
According to Allison (2001) a missing value may appropriateness of factor analysis. High values (between
represent or is a product of an unknown value. There 0.5 and 1.0) indicate factor analysis is appropriate (Leech
were only three cases of missing values and pairwise et al., 2005).
deletion method under SPSS was used. This study used To ensure the use of principal component analysis, the
the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to determine the normality Barlett Test of Sphericity (BTS) and Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin
of the data because the sample size was more than 100. (KMO) test of appropriateness were carried out
The normality of the data could be assumed because the accordingly (Table 3). The results (the BTS at 498.065
significance value was greater than .05. and the level of significance at P = 0.000) indicated that
Table 2 depicts the mean ranking of obstacles the data were appropriate for the purpose of principal
perceived by new SMEs as inhibiting their growth. The component analysis. The result of the KMO measure of
results of Table 2 shows that variables related to finance, sampling adequacy was 0.780 which indicates that there
crime and markets are highly ranked by new SMEs as are sufficient items for each factor. The two tests support
growth inhibitors. Variables related to infrastructures such the appropriateness of the principal component analysis
as poor roads, poor water supply and poor telecommu- technique.
nications are lowly ranked as growth inhibitors. Table 4 shows that five components with Eigen values
greater than one account for 79.556% of the total
variance. According to the rules of principal component
Principal component analysis analysis only factors that have Eigen values greater than
one should be retained.
The large number of internal and external variables According to Table 5, the first component has an Eigen
related to the obstacles to the growth of new SMEs made value of 20.225 and percentage of variance of 45.966%.
data analysis more difficult and complicated. The The component consists of ten items. The items included
principal component analysis is often used to overcome in this component include lack of access to finance
this obstacle by grouping together variables that are (0.920). This is the item with the highest factor loading.
highly correlated into principal components and as a Other items include lack of collateral 0.901; crime, 0.877,
result, bring a simplification to analysis. According to lack of owners equity contribution 0.651; bad credit
Leech et al. (2005) the principal components analysis is a record 0.606; insufficient government support, 0.601,
data reduction technique used to reduce a large number inadequate market research, 0.589, high production costs
of variables to a smaller set of underlying factors that 0.581 and corruption 0.563. Cronbach’s alpha for this
summarize the essential information contained in the component yielded a value of 0.817 indicating the
variables. The decision about which principal reliability of the cluster. Component one is labeled
components to retain depends on the percentage of the “Financial”. Financial component is largely internal to the
variance accounted for the variable, the absolute business. Although crime and corruption are external
734 Afr. J. Bus. Manage.

Table 2. Mean ranking of perceived obstacles to the growth of new SMEs.

Rank Perceived obstacle Mean Standard deviation Skewness Kurtosis

1. Lack of access to finance 4.78 1.66 0.126 0.250
2. Lack of collateral 4.52 1.94 0.182 0.432
3. Insufficient owners equity contribution 4.37 1.67 0.111 0.134
4. Crime 4.35 1.91 0.184 0.385
5. Insufficient government support 4.24 1.81 0.156 0.543
6. High interest rate 4.20 1.69 0.201 0.333
7 Inadequate demand 4.15 1.96 0.232 0.182
8 Inadequate market research 4.15 1.67 0.177 0.216
9 Location of the business 4.13 1.67 0.401 0.129
10 High competition 4.12 1.91 0.189 0.331
11 Bad credit record 3.75 1.83 0.307 0.121
12 High production costs 3.47 1.89 0.540 0.165
13 Lack of information technology 3.41 1.63 0.344 0.211
14 High transport costs 3.39 1.63 0.620 0.207
15 High taxes and other tariffs 3.20 1.58 0.442 0.201
16 Recession in the economy 3.09 1.63 0.234 0.500
17 Lack of experience relevant to the venture 3.02 1.58 0.267 0.305
18 Founder not familiar with market/industry 2.94 1.63 0.178 0.461
19 Lack of networking 2.76 .56 0.286 0.295
20 Lack of business skills 2.76 1.27 0.180 0.265
21 Shortage of skilled labour 2.68 1.89 0.199 0.146
22 Costs of registration and licenses 2.21 1.77 0.231 0.103
23 High inflation rate 2.07 1.93 0.204 0.152
24 High foreign exchange rate 2.01 1.68 0.109 0.327
25 Poor electricity supply 2.01 0.67 0.20.5 0.213
26 Lack of training 1.78 0.60 0.272 0.140
27 Corruption 1.77 1.25 0.280 0.147
28 Poor roads 1.75 1.32 0.136 0.100
29 Poor water supply 1.42 0.75 0.182 0.333
30 Poor telecommunication 1.40 1.49 0.441 0.393
Source: Data analysis for the study.

Table 3. KMO and Bartlett’s test for obstacles to the growth of new SMEs.

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy (KM O) 0.780

Bartlett’s test of sphericity Approx. (Chi-square) 498.065
Df 231
Sign. 0.000
Source: Data analysis for the study.

factors, however, the negative effects of crime such as (0.917), high taxes (0.872) and recession in the economy
increased costs of security, replacement and repair costs (0.834); high inflation rate 0.822 and high exchange rate.
impact internally on the finances of the business. Cronbach’s alpha for this component yielded a value of
Furthermore, incidences of crime can affect the sales of a 0.804 indicating the reliability of the cluster. This
firm which results with negative impact on finance. component is labeled “Economic”. The cluster is external,
The second component has an Eigen value of 8.432 systemic and largely uncontrollable by new SMEs. The
and percentage of variance of 19.164%. The component third component has an Eigen value of 2.356 and
consists of six items. These items are: high interest rate percentage variance of 5.355%. This component consists
Olawale and Garwe 735

Table 4. Total variance explained.

Component Initial Eigen values Extraction sums of squared loading Rotation sums of squared loadings
% of Cumulative % of Cumulative % of Cumulative
Total variance % Total variance Total %
(%) variance
1 20.225 45.966 45.966 20.225 45.966 45.966 12.142 24.784 27.596
2 8.432 19.164 65.129 8.432 19.164 65.129 8.759 19.907 47.503
3 2.356 5.355 70.485 2.356 5.355 70.485 6.126 13.923 61.426
4 2.156 4.900 75.385 2.156 4.900 75.385 4.566 10.377 71.803
5 1.835 4.171 79.556 1.835 4.171 79.556 2.989 6.753 78.556
7 0.895 1.688 84.230
8 0.779 1.498 85.728
9 0.701 1.323 87.051
10 0.653 1.232 88.283
11 0.601 1.134 89.417
12 0.552 1.041 90.458
13 0.492 0.928 91.386
14 0.452 0.853 92.239
15 0.401 0.757 92.996
16 0.369 0.696 93.692
17 0.301 0.568 94.260
18 0.215 0.406 94.666
19 0.198 0.373 95.039
20 0.182 0.343 95.382
21 0.173 0.326 97.708
22 0.167 0.313 97.021
23 0.161 0.304 96.325
24 0.157 0.297 97.167
25 0.152 0.287 98.612
26 0.107 0.186 98.996
27 0.101 0.165 99.107
28 3.988E.02 7.401E.02 99.364
29 3.652E.02 7.111E.02 99.651
30 3.397E.02 6.543E.02 100.00
Extraction method: Principal component analysis.

of four items. Inadequate dem and location of the 4.171%. This component consists of five items. The items
business high competition and high transport costs. are; poor electricity supply 0.779, lack of personal
Cronbach’s alpha for this component yielded a value of transport 0.625, poor roads 0.514, poor water supply
0.734 indicating the reliability of the cluster. The 0.494 and poor telecommunication 0.437. Cronbach’s
component is labeled as “Market”. The component is alpha for this component yielded a value of 0.758 indi-
largely external to the firm. cating the reliability of the component. The component is
The fourth component has an Eigen value of 2.156 and labeled “Infrastructure” are largely external to a firm.
percentage of variance 4.9%. This component consists of Table 6 shows that the most important obstacle to the
five items and is largely internal to the firm. The growth of new SMEs is finance which is an internal factor.
component includes lack of experience with the highest This is followed by economic and market which are
factor loading of 0.865. Other items in the component external factors. Another internal factor which is an
include founder is not familiar with market/industry obstacle to the growth of new SMEs is management. The
(0.832), lack of networking 0.811; lack of business skills least important factor is infrastructure which is an external
0.638, shortage of skilled labour and lack of training, component.
0.514. Cronbach’s alpha for this component yielded a
value of 0.797 indicating the reliability of the cluster. The
component is labeled “Management”. The fifth compo-
nent with Eigen value of 1.835 accounts for a variance of In order to overcome environmental challenges that
736 Afr. J. Bus. Manage.

Table 5. Rotated component matrix.

Component 1 2 3 4 5
Lack of access to finance 0.920
Lack of collateral 0.901
Crime 0.877
Lack of owners equity contribution 0.651
Bad credit record 0.606
Insufficient government support 0.601
High production costs 0.581
Inadequate market research 0.565
Lack of information technology 0.543
Corruption 0.523
High interest rate 0.917
High taxes and other tariffs 0.872
Recession in the economy 0.834
High inflation rate 0.822
High exchange rate 0.752
Location of the business 0.652
Inadequate demand 0.822
High competition 0.745
High transport cost 0.695
Inadequate market research 0.667
Lack of experience relevant to the venture 0.865
Founder is not familiar with the market/industry 0.832
Lack of networking 0.801
Lack of business skills 0.638
Shortage of skilled labour
Lack of training relevant to the venture 0.514
Poor electricity supply 0.779
Lack of personal transport 0.625
Poor roads 0.514
Poor water supply 0.494
Poor telecommunication 0.437
Cronbach’s alpha 0.817 0.804 0.734 0.797 0.758
Extraction Method: Principal component analysis. Rotation method: Varimax with Kaiser normalization.

Table 6. Comparison of components. with finance and training such as SEDA should be
rigorously marketed to create awareness. Concessional
Component Internal/external loans for SMEs should have low interest rates in order to
Financial Internal ease the loan burden on the emerging ventures.
Economic External Thorough market research is needed to ensure that there
Market External is adequate demand for the products or services being
Management Internal offered by emerging SMEs. Strategic planning to
Infrastructure External determine the nature of competition and how to position
the business is needed. Choice of the business location
needs to be considered carefully in order to minimize
distribution costs, meet demand and beat competition.
constrain SMEs from achieving growth, the following There is also need to choose the product or service that
recommendations are suggested: New SMEs should be appeals to customers in order to fully satisfy customer
able to produce business plans that forecast cash flow needs. Good customer care and efficient service are the
requirements, have an operational plan and demonstrate hallmark of customer retention. Pricing decisions have to
viability and sustainability in order to secure debt finance. be considered carefully in order to beat completion as
Government support agencies that can help new SMEs well as achieve lucrative profit margins. Provide
Olawale and Garwe 737

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